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Heterojunction:-Interface between layers or regions of the two

dissimilar semiconductors.
Semiconducting materials with unequal bandgaps.

S1 S2
To engineer the electronic bands in solid state devices like
semiconductor lasers, solar cells and transistors
Arrangement of the heterojunctions forms the
About III- Nitride Materials:-
Higher Mechanical and thermal stability
Can Operate in Higher temperature region.
Large piezoelectric constant.
High electron mobility of GaN used to fabricate high
power transistor based on AlGaN/ GaN

Key for Choosing Gallium Nitride

Pure, clear wafers of this material are the key to

blue and ultraviolet semiconductor lasers for
next-generation DVDs
Quantum heterostructure:-
Heterostructure with size restricting also the movements of the
charge carriers is restricted and forcing them into a quantum
According to the confinement direction of electrons materials can be
devided as follows.

(a)Bulk Material (b)Quantum well

(c)Quantum wire (d) Quantum dot

Why Quantum Well, Wire and Dot structure is advantageous?

High Radiative Efficiency:-

Small Volume
High Carrier Concentration
Low Thresholds Current:
Small volume
Carrier density for population Inversion

How the Quantum Structures are made?

Using Heterojunctions.
Heterojunction utilization at the side
where quantun confinment is need to be AlGaN



Kronig-Penny Model

Has an analytical solution hence provide simple calculation.

The KP model is a strongly simplified one-dimensional quantum
mechanical model of a crystal.

According to Schrodinger equation


Solutions for eqn. (1) and (2) are

Here A,B,C and D are the constants and can be determined

by the boundary conditions as,
At x=0
=A+B=C+D and

At x=a

These equations have solutions if A,B,C and vanishes or if

This equation was introduced by the Kronig-penny first to solve for

the allowed energies
Occupation factor for Quantum Wire:-

Occupation Factor:-
Availability of the particle in
Decrease in occupation factor
means increase in tunneling from
active region to barrier region.
Eigen energy is inversely
proportional to active region.
Hence lower Eigen energy
means more active region and
more active region is capable of
consisting more electrons.
Scattering rate:-
Possibility of the electron to be tunneled down to barrier
Variation of scattering rate w.r.t. to different angle made
by electron moment with the direction of electron
Maximum scattering upto angle 20 due to higher
probability of electron in quantum region.
x 10 Further as angle theta increases possibility of direct
tunneling of electron from the active region. Yields that
2.5 electron escapes from the active region by lowering the
scattering rate.
scattering rate, 1/tau (s-1 degree-1)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
angle, theta (degree) Z
Probability density and structure of square quantum wire:-
Peak=13.42 Dimensions=6X6 (nm)
Quantum Wire:-
Movement along the z axis
and confinement by the x
and y axis.

Quantum square wire:-

Lengths of confinement axis
are same i.e. x and y are
same in magnitude.

Contour Graphs:- A
contour graph is a two-
dimensional representation
of a surface graph.
Peak= 14.92 Dimensions=7X7 (nm)

Probability density :-
Probability density is the
probability of finding a wave
packet in a given region of
phase space.
Tells about the finding
electron in the structure of

Colors from faint(Blue) to

dark represents the
possibilities of confinment.
Peak= 16.3
Factors affecting on peak
density in wire region.
Enhanced electron
concentration in active
region.(due to increased area
of active region).
Peak density is at the
middle of the active region
indicating the more stability.

The contour images shows the

spread in the square form.
Peak= 17.4 Dimensions=9X9(nm)

Blue peaks risen from the

bottom of the graph tells
losses in the structure.
These indicates the loss of
electron in the form of
tunneling towards the
barrier region from active

Factors affecting losses

Active area region
Electron eigen energy
Peak= 18.41 Dimensions=10X10(nm)

Using analogy if ohm’s law

justification for nature of the
increasing peak density:-

According to Ohm’s law,

So, as area increases

resistance decreases
which increases the
Square wire width along X and Y direction vs peak amplitude of
probability density:-

As the dimension of the

wire goes on increasing
value of peak density
Increasing the wire
dimension means area of
active region increases.
More active region
suggest that its capability
of consisting more
electrons with increasing
the peak density.
FWHM for square quantum wire:-

Tells about the confinement and looses in active region.

If FWHM is greater than that of the device dimension, then
losses increases.
Probability density and structure of rectangular
quantum wire:- Peak= 15.7 Dimensions=6X10(nm)

Quantum rectangle wire:-

Lengths of confinement axis are
not same i.e. x and y are not same
in magnitude.

The surface image of probability

clearly shows the distribution of
electron in a rectangular manner.
The intensity spread in image
figure has been highlighted by the
rectangular border which shows a
clearer picture of spread of electron
in active region.
Peak= 16.63 Dimensions=7X10 (nm)

Increasing wire dimension

means increasing active
As active region again goes
on increasing means Eigen
energy of the electron
And confinement increases.

Spread in Y direction is due

to the increased dimension in
Y direction.
Peak= 17.38 Dimensions=8X10 (nm)

As dimensions are increased

bluish lower peaks suppressed
means minimizes the losses , it
is due to the increase in the
active region by decreasing the
Eigen energy which minimizes
possibility of tunneling of
Peak= 17.94
According to Ohm’s law,

So, as area increases

resistance decreases
which increases the
Peak amplitude of probability density
vs x distance

Peak density increases
as x distance increases
Active region area
Eigen energy
FWHM for rectangular quantum wire:-

Again in the rectangular

quantum wire FWHM
increases as the
dimension increases.
Probability density with varying mole fraction:-
Mole fraction=0.25 Peak value= 21.67

Mole fraction:-
Indicating the How much
Aluminum is available in the

Mole fraction=0.20 Peak value= Peak=20.97

M.F.=0.15 P.V.= 20.01 M.F.=0.10 P.V.= 18.41

M.F.=0.05 P.V.= 15.08

Mole fraction vs peak amplitude of
probability density

As Al percentage decreases

Band offset decrease
Electron flow to GaN decreases
Number of electrons be confined
 Probability Density dependence on the Dimensions
Dimensions decides the active region area.
 Capability of confining electrons increases.

Losses depends on the dimensions

Again dimensions decides active region
More Active region
Lesser Eigen energy
Less losses

Probability Density dependence on the Mole fraction.

More mole fraction
More band offset
More electron transfer from barrier region to wire region
So more electrons for confinement
Future Scope:-
To analyze the other particles(photons,phonons etc)
effects in quantum wire structure
To analyze bias condition on quantum wire structure.
To analyze the piezo-electric effect on quantum wire
To solve poisson’s-schrodinger self consistent equation
for carrier concentration and optical gain.
To analyze electron confinement in circular shape wire.
To compare confinement efficiency and dimension in all
three structures and suggest suitable structure and
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.”
:- Einstein

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