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MiCOM S1 Studio Release note #1

1. RELEASE V3.4.0 This release provides a full installation of Schneider Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V3.4.0. - It replaces all previous versions of MiCOM S1 Studio. 2. HOW TO INSTALL This installation - is to be downloaded to your hard disk for later installation by running the .exe file - is providing an installation shield for a most convenient upgrade of your S1 Studio - requires MiCOM S1 Studio to be closed before upgrading - does not require an existing version of MiCOM S1 Studio to be uninstalled first - retains all existing systems (or projects) - retains all installed data models (it moves them to a new installation folder) - has no impact on program settings or installation specifics - does not require any conversion of existing files - can be run multiple times

3. NEW FEATURES Schneider Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V3.4.0 provides the following enhancements to MiCOM S1 Studio V3.2.1: Cybersecurity: Support for the optional cybersecurity (NERC CIP compliance) in MiCOM Px40 IEDs. Locking of Studio, when an editor application is launched, is now optional: Option for each editor (e.g. PSL Editor, IED Configurator) to disable locking of the main Studio application when the editor is launched. Go to Options -> Preferences > Editors.

Branded to Schneider Electric: MiCOM S1 Studio re-branded to Schneider Electric. Minor enhancements: Other minor enhancements to improve Design.

4. BUG FIXES The new Schneider Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V3.4.0 provides the following bug fixes to MiCOM S1 Studio V3.2.1 (or any previous releases): Runtime error while extracting DNP3 file from P145: DNP3 file extraction now works. Error during sending settings file to P142: Sending the previously extracted settings file now works. Event and Disturbance folders present in all Px20 devices: Now Event and Disturbance folders are only shown when the Px20 device supports them. Sending menu text file gives C32CS error (Px40): Sending MiCOM Px40 device text files to a device works regardless of serial connection. Send PSL file to all groups gives error (Px40): Send to all groups functions correctly. Rename 'Setting Event' to 'Standard Event' (Px40/K/L): Event type renamed for clarity. DMM - V3.2.0 DMA files not compatible with Studio V3.1.1: Created DMA files are compatible with earlier versions of Studio. Minor bug fixes: Other minor corrections.

Schneider Electric Protection & Contrle

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MS1 Studio #1.revA

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