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COPY GRAYS HARBOR MILITARY MOVEMENT OPERATIONAL PERIOD DATE: MAY 5, 2007 TIME: 0700 TO 0700 APD 00321 Page 1 of APD 00322 ICS 202 - Incident Action Plan (IAP) - Incident Objectives 'neident Namo: Grays Harbor Military Movement Date: 05.05.07 Time: 0700 MissionlCase Number 07.1103 Operational Period 0700 -0700 | Sew Cl Oe ale Raa 2) Sefety of al stat and etizen nthe City of Aberceen, 2) Protect all peopl inthe City of Aoerdnon 3) Protecton of propery nthe Cy of Aberdeen 4) Movement of raf inte City of Aberdeen 8) Peaceful and lawful denenstiaton inthe iy of Aberdeen, 8) Maintain oterin the Ciy of Aberdecn 7) Protec government equient rom damage | 8) Ensure fee passage of government eaunoent WesheaRGH we ys eR a Caen a | Sewray Mest cloudy, it a high ea 52. Sout southwest wind sound 911 99h Sager SOV WGI ee z Ri See attached Sate Work Pracices Document | Atachments (Check Attache): ' [2 Communications Plan (incident Map 1 Medical Pian {2 DivisiontSroup Assignments TH Organization List 1 Tratie Pian Prepared By (Planning Section Chief) Capiain Green ‘Approved By (Incident Commander): Chel Torgenson APD 00323

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