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NAME: _____________________________

LEVEL: _____ GROUP: _____

PUT THESE SENTENCES INTO THE PASIVE VOICE: 12345They killed a lot of people during the war. A nurse looked after the baby for two years. You can do the exam in half an hour. They gave a watch to John for his good work. They believe that the boy is the murderer. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

PUT THE APPROPRIATE PREPOSITION 1- They have been playing football __________ two hours, exactly __________ 9 o'clock. 2- In some countries you can't enter __________ a visa. 3- I couldn't see the fil very well because I had a big boy __________ me at the cinema. 4- I've received a letter __________ Peter. There is also a photo __________ him. 5- Switzerland lies __________ three countries, France, Italy and Germany. 6- He is thinking __________ buying a new house __________ his family. 7- They were sitting __________ each other, talking face __________ face. 8- I usually work __________ 7 a.m. __________ two p.m. 9- Go __________ this street and then turn right __________ the second street. 10- I live __________ the sea, only a few kilometres. I usually go there __________ foot. 11- He always listens ________ music ________ his bedrroom, lying __________ his bed. 12- The men are __________ the bus stop, waiting __________ the bus. 13- I want to write a novel __________ my family. I'll send a copy ________ my friends. 14- I always have a shower __________ going to work. 15- I don't go ________ the beach ________ Sundays. It's always full ________ people. PUT THE INFINITIVE WITH OR WITHOUT "TO" OR THE GERUND 1- Peter enjoys __________ to London when he is on holiday. (TO GO) 2- The exam is very easy. Don't let the students __________. (TO COPY) 3- Can he ________? Yes, he can. He sings beautifully. (TO SING) 3- He has decided __________ a new house. (TO BUY) 4- You mustn't __________ in the hospital. It's forbidden. (TO SMOKE) 5- The teacher made the students __________ after the class. (TO STAY) 6- Would you mind __________ the window, please? It's a bit cold. (TO CLOSE) 7- I want him __________ French. Not only English is important. (TO STUDY) 8- She is tired of __________ so many hours a day. It's exhausting. (TO WORK) 9- I remember __________ my brother to the cinema when we were children. (TO TAKE) 10- I'd rather __________ at home because I'm not very well today. (TO STAY) 11- It's no use __________ quietly. The teacher always hears you. (TO TALK) 12- We saw the boy __________ a game of football. It was exciting. (TO PLAY) 13- I have __________ hard to pass my exams. (TO STUDY) 14- He gave up __________ when he was 18. (TO SMOKE) 15- Don't forget __________ the windows before __________. (TO CLOSE) (TO LEAVE)

PUT THESE SENTENCES INTO REPORTED SPEECH 1- I will show you my new car, Peter said to Susan.

2- Where are my books? John said to Susan.

3- Come here next week, the man said to the woman.

4- Did you buy bread yesterday?

5- Let's go to the beach, John said.

PUT THE ADJECTIVES IN THE APPROPRIATE FORM: COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE 1- That girl isnt ____________________ than you. (YOUNG) 2- Is that bar ____________________ as this one? (BEAUTIFUL) 3- That book is ____________________ that I have ever read. (INTERESTING) 4- It was the _______________ watch _______________ all the ones there. (CHEAP) 5- She is ____________________ girl in our classroom. (CLEVER) 6- My sister isnt much ____________________ me. (SHORT) 7- Peter and John are sixteen. John is ____________________ Peter. (OLD) 8- This is the _______________ film _______________ I have ever seen. (BAD) 9- Boys are usually ____________________ than girls. (STRONG) 10- Peter is as ____________________ his brother. (INTELLIGENT) PUT THE VERBS IN THE PARENTHESES IN THE APPROPRIATE TENSE 1- __________ you ever __________ to London? (TO BE) 2- I __________ usually __________ to the cinema on week days. (NOT TO GO) 3- __________ he __________ to school yesterday? (TO COME) 4- I ____________________ him since last summer. (NOT TO SEE) 5- We ____________________ an exam next year to enter the University. (TO HAVE) 6- It ____________________ all yesterday afternoon. (TO RAIN) 7- John __________ just __________ from London. (TO ARRIVE) 8- Weve planned our holidays. We ____________________ to Egypt. (TO TRAVEL) 9- _________________ to people when you are in the library. It is forbidden. (TO TALK) 10- When we arrived the film ____________________ already. (TO FINISH)

CONDIRTIONAL SENTENCES: PUT THE VERBS IN THE APPROPRIATE TENSE AND FORM 1- If you study hard you ____________________ all your exams. (TO PASS) 2- I would have invited you to my birthday party if you ____________________ here. (TO BE) 3- If you ____________________ to London you would see the Big Ben. 4- I wouldn't do that if I ____________________ you. (TO BE) 5- If someone hasn't got any money at all he/she ____________________ buy anything. (CAN) (TO GO)

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE APPROPRIATE RELATIVE PRONOUNS 1- I know a man __________ has got 10 children. He has got a very large family. 2- That is the book __________ I read the other day. 3- The king, __________ is the most important person in the country, came here yesterday. 4- The boy __________ parents died last year is in my classroom. 5- The house, in __________ lived for ten years, now belongs to one of my friends.

MODAL VERBS 1- _______________ I go to the cinema with my friends, mum? 2- It is forbidden to smoke here. You _______________ smoke in here. 3- Let me give you some good advice. You _______________ study harder. It's your future. 4- My car broke down yesterday so I _______________ take a taxi to go to work. 5- _______________ we go lo London next summer? It's a great idea. 6- _______________ you swim? No, I _______________. 7- You _______________ go to school on Sundays. The school is closed. 8- It is possible that Peter comes tomorrow to the party. He _______________ come soon. 9- He _______________ ill because he hasn't come to work today. 10- _______________ you drive last year? No, I _______________ but I _______________ now. CHOOSE WHICH OF THE WORDS OR PHRASES FITS BEST IN THE SPACE IN EACH SENTENCE: 1- Do you __________ to go to the party? 2- We always __________ the milk in the fridge. 3- I must __________ you about my new friends. 4- Hes been ill and must __________ his strength. 5- They __________ to know how it all happened. 6- He ____ the keys from the 2 floor to the street. 8- I ________ the train. I had to wait for the next. 9- He wants to __________ a party for his friend.


7- It doesnt __________ if you cant come tomorrow. MATTER - MIND - OBJECT

10- The nurse __________ the doctor with his patients. ASSISTED - ATTEMPTED - ATTENDED

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