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Exam preparation strategies 1

Hanoi University

English Department



Lecturer: Hoang Thanh Lien

Students: Dao Thuy Hang

Tran Thi Thuy

Class: 6A-06

November, 2008
Exam preparation strategies 2


Outline ………………………………………………………………………………2



Materials and methods……………………………………………….........................5


Methods used by Hanoi University students to prepare for the exams…………...6

Effectiveness of methods……………………………………………………….....9

Ways to improve preparation…………………………………………………….10



Exam preparation strategies 3


1. Research question: How do Hanoi University students prepare for their exams?

2. Tool: a questionnaire with nine questions was divided into three parts which aims

to investigate:

-Part 1: Different strategies used to prepare for the exams

-Part 2: Students’ evaluation of the effectiveness of their preparation

-Part 3: Students’ opinions about how to make their exam preparation more effective

3. Subjects: 30 students at Hanoi University

4. Findings

a, Different ways used to prepare for the exams: five main aspects:

- Time to start preparing for the exams

- Materials used to prepare for exams

- Attendance in class

- Focused academic areas

- Studying in groups

b, Effectiveness of preparation

- Most of the students admitted that their exam preparation ways were not effective

- Main reason: poor time management skill

c, Ways to make exam preparation more effective

- Set a study plan

- Study hard from the beginning of the term

- Use summary notes when revising

- Improve test-taking strategies

- Spend time relaxing

- Stay healthy
Exam preparation strategies 4


Exam is one part of student’s life which they usually concern about. This study was

conducted to investigate the exam preparation strategies used by students at Hanoi

University. To collect the data, a bilingual questionnaire was employed. Thirty students

from different faculties of Hanoi University were chosen as the participants of this study.

The result shows that most of the students had the habit of preparing for the exams. A

variety of strategies were used such as attending class regularly, revising previous tests,

studying in group, etc. However, when being asked about the effectiveness of their

strategies, the majority of students admitted that their preparation was not good enough.

This was mainly caused by the poor time management skill. To improve their exam

preparation, setting a study plan, studying from the beginning of the term, using note

when revising, managing time to relax and staying healthy were considered as some

good tips. It is suggested that each student find his or her own way to prepare effectively

for the exams so that they can get better results.

Exam preparation strategies 5




“A walk into an exam room can be a frightening journey into the unknown” (Pauk,

1997, p.311). Exam is an inevitable part of students’ life and it can help to evaluate the

studying progress of students. Practically, students are usually in the fear of not doing the

tests well when they are taking it. However, a strong preparation will make this fear

evaporate. As a result, students will become more confident and get better results in the

exams. A student who has a strong preparation deserves to gain a success in his or her

academic field. Therefore, preparation is the key factor to gain success in the exams. In

this project, exam preparation strategies used by Hanoi University students were

explored. The purpose is to investigate different ways which Hanoi University students

used to prepare for their exams as well as their evaluation of the effectiveness of their

exam preparation and the ways to make the exam preparation better.
Exam preparation strategies 6


To collect the data, a questionnaire with nine questions was employed. It includes

three main parts (see Appendix). The first part is to gain information on different ways

used by Hanoi University students. The second part attempts to find out how effective

they felt about their exam preparation. The third one is to ask for students’ opinion about

how to make their exam preparation more effective.

Before the survey was administered, the questionnaire was tested by a group of ten

students at Hanoi University. After piloting, questions 8 and 9 were changed from open-

ended questions into multiple-choice questions. One of the reasons leading to this change

is that participants were not willing to answer the open-ended questions as it took longer

time to complete them. In addition, it is easier to analyze the data, so changing the type

of these two questions is really necessary. Besides, the pilot also showed that the

questionnaire in English was too demanding for the students who are studying other

languages. Therefore, a bilingual version English-Vietnamese was processed and the

students were required to answer in English or Vietnamese.

The survey was carried out in April, 2008. The subjects of the study were 30 students

at Hanoi University. They were all selected on voluntary basis. All the participants were

given the bilingual version of questionnaire and asked to complete it within 20 minutes.

All the questionnaires were collected afterwards.

Exam preparation strategies 7


After a survey was conducted at Hanoi University, some findings have been

discovered. The results will be displayed in three main parts:

-Part 1: Different strategies used to prepare for the exams

-Part 2: Students’ evaluation of the effectiveness of their preparation

-Part 3: Students’ opinions about how to make their exam preparation more effective

Exam preparation strategies used by Hanoi University students

The first part of the questionnaire looks into five main aspects of the preparation:

exam preparation time, class attendance, focused academic areas, exam materials, and

group study.

The information gleaned from the questionnaire reveals that students at Hanoi

University used different ways to prepare for their exams. The first question was to ask

for the frequency of Hanoi University students in preparing for the exams. Two thirds of

the students said that they frequently prepared for the exams. It means that the majority

of students were aware of the importance of exam preparation and had the habit of

preparing for the exams. With preparation, they will be more confident; therefore, they

can get better results in the exams. As Ikangaa emphasized, “The will to win is nothing

without the will to prepare” (as cited in Pauk, 1997, p.311). Among these students, 63%

were of the opinion that they started to revise one week before the exams. Only 13%

started to prepare for the exams from the beginning of the term, which was congruent

with the finding in “Exam preparation tips” (2008). In this study, it was stated that by

studying early and reviewing the materials after each class, students would have a better

opportunity to absorb the information and it would be a lot easier to put information all

together for the exams when it came.

Exam preparation strategies 8

To prepare for the exams, more than half of students (54%) stated that they often

attended classes before the exams and no one said they never did that. These figures

show that many students realized that attending the classes before the exams played an

important role in exam preparation. As McWhorter (2000) stated in his study that it was

a mistake if the students cut class to spend time on studying. Class attendance before the

exams is really necessary because during the classes, the teachers may give students a

brief review of the materials to be covered or offer last minute-review suggestions which

may provide clues about the on-going exam.

When being asked about which academic areas to focus on when revising, over half

of students (53%) admitted that they only focused on weak areas. The number of

students choosing strong areas is zero. In fact, to gain the best result, both strengths and

weaknesses need focusing. If only weak areas are concentrated on, some parts of strong

areas will not be paid enough attention to. Therefore, mistakes will happen beyond the

expectation. It is also confirmed in McWhorter’s study (2000) that both parts students

felt confident and parts they felt worried should be taken care of.

Table 1: Exam materials used for learning for the exam in percentage term

Materials Textbooks Previous tests Teachers’ handouts Other related sources

Reponses (%) 63% 20% 57% 67%

Another aspect of exam preparation strategies which was looked into is exam

materials. As illustrated in table 1, text books and other related sources were chosen by

the majority of students (63% and 67%). It is inferred that the majority of students

regarded reference materials as an effective one for them to enhance their knowledge.

These materials are really useful because they provide students with basic information

that can appear in the test. On the contrary, only 20% of students selected previous test.
Exam preparation strategies 9

However, this figure shows a different attitude with Cottrell’s findings. “Past papers are

your best resource” (Cottrell, 2003, p.256). Sharing the same idea with Cottrell, Carter,

Bishop & Kravits (1998) also stated that studying the old tests could help you learn what

type and level of questions to expect. Therefore, students will have more information

about what they will have to do for their coming exams.

When being asked about studying in group, the majority of students (87%) admitted

that they had a poor habit or even were not in the habit of studying in group when

preparing for the exams. Only 13 % reported they were in this habit. In fact, group study

is one of many important parts of students’ study at universities. Interviews with college

students at Harvard University- the leading university with excellent students revealed

that nearly every senior who had been part of study group considered this experience to

be crucial to his or her academic progress and success (Gardner & Jewler, 1997). When

studying in group, the students can share their idea of one subject, learn about different

approaches to reach solutions and learn from another. Moreover, it not only enhances the

enthusiasm and friendship among students but also maintains their motivation to study.

With all the exam preparation strategies mentioned above, students were asked to give

their evaluation for the effectiveness of their preparation.

Students’ evaluation of effectiveness of their exam preparation

Figure 1: Students’ evaluation of effectiveness of their exam preparation


Exam preparation strategies 10

Figure 1 shows that most of the students supposed that their exam preparation was not

effective (70%). This ratio makes up nearly three quarters of the total. Only 30 % of the

students reported that they were satisfied with their preparation strategies. Seventy

percent of the students who said their preparation was not effective were asked to clarify

the reasons for their ineffective preparation.

Table 2: Reasons for ineffective preparation

Reasons Responses (%)

1 Do not know how to manage time effectively 65%
2 Do not have enough sources for revision 13%
3 Do not know what to revise 20%
4 Can not concentrate on revising 23%

The reasons, as indicated above, are various but the main one is time management (65%)

which is considered as “a key to successful test preparation” (Ellis, 1998, p.148). Since

the majority of the students started to prepare for the exams late, they did not have

enough time to cover all the materials needed. Moreover, they did not have a clear

schedule showing what, when, how much they would have to study each day. As a result,

their preparation was not up to their expectation.

Ways to make exam preparation better

Table 3: Ways to make exam preparation more effective

Methods Responses (%)

Exam preparation strategies 11

1 Set a study plan 62%

2 Study hard from the beginning of the term 63%
3 Use the summary notes when revising 53%
4 Improve skills of doing the exams 65%
5 Manage the time to relax 60%
6 Stay healthy 64%

As it can be seen from the table above, there are many tips which can help the

students improve their exam preparation. 65% of the students agreed that it was

remarkably crucial to improve the skills of doing exams. This idea is similar with a

research by Ellis (1998), which showed that improving the test-taking strategies was

“one of the most effective ways to prepare for a test” (p.150). In addition, many students

regarded studying hard from the beginning of the term (63%) and setting a study plan

(62%) as useful tips which helped them cover all the materials needed. Besides, from

this table, it can be inferred that preparing academically is as important as preparing

physically. Only good knowledge is not enough to get success because “you won’t do

your best when you are studying or taking a test if you are fighting off the urge to nap,

feeling bad from a hangover or coming down with a cold” (Santrock & Halonen, 1999,

p.114). Apart from some tips recommended above, there are still many other ways that

help students prepare better for the exams. Different ways will be suitable for different

students with his or her own studying style. Therefore, it is absolutely important for

students to find out their own ways to prepare for the exam effectively.


In brief, this small-scale investigation shows various strategies used to prepare for the

exams by Hanoi University students. The majority of the students had the habit of

preparing for the exams; however, most of them were not satisfied with their exam

preparation. To improve their preparation, many ways are suggested and all of these

ways were supposed to be effective by most of the students. Nevertheless, each student
Exam preparation strategies 12

has their own suitable strategies for their exam taking. Therefore, this research suggests

students find their own strategies to prepare for the exams effectively because

preparation is the best way for students to achieve a good exam result. Without sufficient

exam preparation, students can not get the result as they expect. A shiny “A” would be a

powerful reward for strong test preparation habits (Santrock & Halonen, 1999, p.176).

Word count: 2020


Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Karavits, S.L. (1998). Keys to Effective Learning. New

Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Cottrell, S. (2003). The Study Skills Handbook (2nd ed.). Hampshire: Palgrave


Ellis, D. (1998). Becoming a Master Student (8th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Exam preparation strategies 13


Exam Preparation Tips. Retrieved March, 13th, 2008 from

Gardner, J.N., & Jewler, A.J. (2000). Your College Experience Strategies For Success

(4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

McWhorter, K.L. (2000). Study and Critical Thinking Skills in College (4th ed.).

Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Pauk, W. (1997). How to Study in College (6th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin


Santrock, J., & Halonen, J.S. (1999). Your Guide to College Success Strategies for

Achieving Your Goals. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.



This questionnaire is being conducted to investigate the ways which students in Hanoi

University use to prepare for their written exams. Please, take a few minutes to answer

the questions. All the individual answers are entirely anonymous, so please answer the

questions as honestly as possible. Thank you so much for your help!

Exam preparation strategies 14

(Nghiên cứu này được tiến hành nhằm tìm hiểu các phương pháp chuẩn bị cho các kì

thi viết của sinh viên trường đại học Hà Nội. Xin các bạn vui lòng dành ít phút trả lời các

câu hỏi. Tất cả các thông tin cá nhân đều được giữ bí mật, vì vậy các bạn hãy trả lời câu

hỏi theo đúng suy nghĩ của mình. Xin chân thành cảm ơn các bạn.)

Part 1: Ways to prepare for written exams (Phương pháp chuẩn bị cho các kì thi


1. How often do you prepare for the exams? (Bạn có thường xuyên chuẩn bị cho kì thi


A. Very often (Rất thường xuyên)

B. Often (Thường xuyên)

C. Sometimes (Thỉnh thoảng)

D. Never (Không bao giờ)

2. When do you prepare for the exams? (Khi nào thì bạn bắt đầu chuẩn bị cho kì thi?)

A. From the beginning of the term (Từ lúc bắt đầu học kì)

B. About one week before the exams (Khoảng một tuần trước kì thi)

C. One day before the exams (Một ngày trước kì thi)

D. Others (please identify)

(Ý kiến khác, xin nói rõ):……………………………………………...

3. How often do you attend classes before the exam? (Bạn có thường đến lớp những

ngày gần kì thi không?)

A. Very often (Rất thường xuyên)

B. Often (Thường xuyên)

C. Sometimes (Thỉnh thoảng)

D. Never (Không bao giờ)

Exam preparation strategies 15

4. Which academic areas do you focus on when you prepare for the exams? (Bạn thường

tập trung nhiều vào phần nào khi ôn thi?)

A. Weak areas (Những phần bạn còn yếu)

B. Strong areas (Những phần bạn có thế mạnh)

C. Both (Cả hai)

D. Do not know (Bạn không biết)

5. Which of the following materials do you use to prepare for your exams? (you can

choose more than one way)

(Bạn thường dùng các tài liệu nào sau đây làm tài liệu ôn thi? Bạn có thể chọn nhiều đáp

A. Your text books (Giáo trình)

B. Previous tests (Các đề thi của năm trước)

C. Teachers’ hand outs (Các tài liệu của giáo viên phát)

D. Other related sources (Các tài liệu tham khảo có liên quan)

6. How often do you study in group to prepare for the exams? (Bạn có thường xuyên học

nhóm khi ôn thi không?)

A. Very often (Rất thường xuyên)

B. Often (Thường xuyên)

C. Sometimes (Thỉnh thoảng)

D. Never (Không bao giờ)

Part 2: Effectiveness of the preparation (Hiệu quả của việc chuẩn bị)

7. Do you think that your preparation for the exams is effective? (Bạn có nghĩ rằng

phương pháp ôn thi của mình hiệu quả không?)

A. Yes  go to question 9 (Có-Chuyển sang câu 9)

B. No  continue question 8 and 9 (Không-Tiếp tục câu 8 và 9)

Exam preparation strategies 16

8. Why do you think that your preparation is not effective? (Tại sao bạn cho rằng phương

pháp ôn thi của mình chưa hiệu quả?)

A. Do not know how to manage the time effectively (Không biết cách quản lý thời

gian hợp lý)

B. Sources of review are not enough (Nguồn tài liệu ôn thi không đủ)

C. Do not know what to revise (Bạn không biết phải ôn phần nào)

D. Can not concentrate on revising (Không thể tập trung ôn tập)

E. Others (please identify)

(Nguyên nhân khác, xin nói rõ):………………………………………………

Part 3: How to improve the preparation (Nâng cao hiệu quả của việc ôn thi như thế


9. What do you think you should do to make your preparation for the exams better?

(Bạn cho rằng cần làm gì để nâng cao hiệu quả của việc ôn thi?)

A. Set a study plan (Đặt kế hoạch học tập)

B. Study hard from the beginning of the term. (Học tập chăm chỉ ngay từ đầu học kì)

C. Use the summary notes when revising. (Tóm tắt lại các nội dung quan trọng trong

khi ôn)

D. Improve the skills for doing the exams. (Luyện tập các kĩ năng làm bài thi)

E. Manage the time to relax. (Sắp xếp thời gian thư giãn)

F. Take care of your health. (Chăm sóc sức khỏe của bạn)

G. Do not need to improve because your preparation is effective enough. (Không cần

làm gì vì sự chuẩn bị của bạn đã hiệu quả)

H. Others (please identify)

(Cách khác, xin nói rõ):…………………………………………………………...

Thank you for your help!

Exam preparation strategies 17

(Xin chân thành cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ của bạn!)

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