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Blog posts. January 20-30, 2013. Environmental science, biology. Archiv. JAN 30 Germany.Citation of: Ostroumov S.A.

Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow. (1986) 176 p. Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology. Moscow. 1990. 288 p. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Heidelberg, Berlin, London, New York. (1991) 272 p. ISBN 3-540-52096-1; ISBN 0-387-520961. Germany.Citation of:

Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow. (1986) 176 p. Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology. Moscow. 1990. 288 p. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Heidelberg, Berlin, London, New York. (1991) 272 p. ISBN 3-540-52096-1; ISBN 0-387-52096-1. ** These books were cited in:

Lock- und Fraabwehr Stoffe speziell bei Pflanzen Kurzbersicht August 2011 Bernt-Dieter Huismans ** About the author who cited:

Dr. med. Bernt - Dieter Huismans Am Haldenberg 24 74564 Crailsheim


Lock- und FraabwehrStoffe speziell bei Pflanzen Kurzbersicht August 2011 Bernt-Dieter HuismansWirkgruppen von Lock- und Fraabwehr- Stoffen hherer Pflanzen Terpenweg Phenolweg StickstoffAntimikrobiell, Aromatisch, oft farbig Oft angenehm duftend, auch abstoend, bitter, einige giftig, allergen Stickstoff Schwefel- Weg Halogenweg Peptidweg F, Cl Br, J Viele giftig, abstoend, bitter, scharf, einige halluzinogen Abwehr von Feinden Signal- bermittlung 2 Antibiotika, Toxine,

Neuropeptide, Chelatoren und Fraabwehr- Stoffe hherer Pflanzen, Terpenweg Tomaten, Ingwer Pastinaken Selleriestengel Durian Omega 3 Fettsuren Juvenilhormone Ecdysone ---------------------- Ketone (2-Undecanone) Omega 3 Curcubitacine (Curcubitaceae) Fettsuren Cineol Artemisinin Curcubitacine (Curcubitaceae) strogene (Palmen) Saponine (viele) Herzglykoside (Asclepiadaceae, Apocyanaceae) Monoterpenlactone (Catalpa, Cineol) Sesquiterpenlactone (Artemisinin, Asteraceae) Oft angenehm duftend, auch abstoend, bitter, einige giftig, allergen 3Lock- und Fraabwehr- Stoffe hherer Pflanzen, Phenolweg

Methylenblau (Rember ) Polyphenole, grner Tee Taxifolin, Resveratrol Schwarznuss Kondensierte Tannine (viele) Tetracycline, Makrolide Antimikrobiell, Schwarznuss Gingko, Katzenkralle Mangobltter Tannine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cave Pi-Elektronen-Last Reduziertes Hydroxystilben = Diaethylstilbstrol Gymnospermen und Farne ------------------------------------ Angiospermen Ellagsuren Flavonoide (Fabaceae) Toxische Flavone (viele) Antimikrobiell, Aromatisch, oft farbig 4Interaktion an Ribosomen durch Makrolide und Tetrazykline Prokaryoten (Bakterien und Archaeen) Ribosom Untereinheit 70 S 50 S Interaktion durch Makrolide u. Lincosamide

Eukaryoten (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze, Protozoen) 5 30 S Interaktion durch Tetrazykline u. Glycycycline Ribosom Untereinheit 80 S 60 S 40 SLock- und Fraabwehr- Stoffe hherer Pflanzen, Stickstoff- und Sulfat- Weg Dimethylaminophenol, Amylnitrit gg. HCN (Blausure) Dopadura C 100/25 mg retard Atropinum sulf. Cx Cyanogene (Adlerfarn) ---------------------------- Isochinolinalkaloide (Ranunculaceae etc.) verholzte Freie Aminosuren Viele giftig, abstoend, bitter, scharf, einige Kchensenf Kohl Sauerkraut Amanita phalloides D4 fl. DHU perlingual ------------------------------------------------------------Thioesterwelt (Komplementkaskade) Freie Aminosuren (Fabaceae) Senfle (Brassicaceae)

krautige Steroidalkaloide (Solanum) Phyrrolizidinalkaloide ( (Fabaceae, Asteraceae) bitter, scharf, einige halluzinogen 6Lock- und Fraabwehr- Stoffe hherer Pflanzen, Halogenweg Vancomycin Chinolon Antibiotika: Laevofloxazin Ciprofloxazin Fluconazol Methylhalogenide bei Wald- und Grasbrnden -bromid: in Kohl, Raps, Brokkoli, weien Rben, Nadelbumen -chlorid: immergrne Bume, in Kartoffeln Fluoressigsure einige Pflanzen in Australien und im sdlichen Afrika F, Cl Br, J MMS (E926) 2x 6 Tropf./d Dioxin im sdlichen Afrika Wachtumshormone und Pheromone Bohnen, Erbsen, Hlsenfrchten 2,4 bzw. 2,6 Dichlorphenol: weiblichen Zecken, Schimmelpilze, Kchenschaben, Termiten, Pfeilgiftfrsche Jod Schilddrsen-Hormon

Chlor HCl, in Leucozyten: Chloride+Myeloperoxydase Bromester im Liquor Abwehr von Feinden Signal- bermittlung 7Lock- und Fraabwehr- Stoffe hherer Pflanzen, Peptidweg Alle zyklischen Peptide sind Betalaktame homodetische Peptide, bei Antibiotika Toxine homodetische Peptide, bei denen die Aminosuren ber Amid-Bindungen verknpft sind heterodetische Peptide, bei denen auch Ester-Bindungen, Disulfid - Brcken o.a. Bindungen im Ring vorkommen Neuropeptide wie das Oxytocin oder Vasopressin Eisen-Chelatoren wie Ferrichrome oder Albomycine 8Interaktion am Quorum sensing durch Makrolide und Betalaktame Bakterien sprechen untereinander das Bakterien Esperanto Quorum sensing Interaktion am Quorum sensing durch O N

H O O 9 Betalaktam Energielieferant: Guanosinphosphat Quorum quenching Interaktion am Quorum sensing durch Makrolide und BetalaktameWirkgruppen der Therapie Antibiotika, Antimykotika, Antiinflammatorisch wirkende Medikamente und Antischmerzmittel Immunstimulierer und Stimmungsaufheller Stoffwechsel-Entgifter und Schlafbegnstiger Wasserregulierer, Mund- und Darmpflege und Insekten-Repellentien 10Antibiotika, Antimykotika, Schmerz Kapuzinerkresse Meerrettich Kchen-Zwiebel Knoblauch, Brlauch Katzenkralle Ungesttigte Fettsuren Saurer Ph-Wert (Ph3 oder Ph5) Teufelskralle Weihrauch Unverbindliche Muster Katzenkralle (Samento) Salbei Jiaogulan Artemisinin

Chinin (Hydroxychloroquin) Weihrauch Weidenrindenextrakt Eisenhut Paprika (Lidocain) 11Immunstimulierer, Stimmungsaufheller Cistus Jiaogulan Katzenkralle (Samento) Japanischer Knterich Johanneskraut Mnchspfeffer Wilde Mhre Vogelmiere Unverbindliche Muster Japanischer Knterich Andrographus spinacolata Smilex Eleutherokokkwurzel (Inosiplex) Vogelmiere Lwenzahn Brennessel Giersch L-Tryptophan 12Stoffwechsel-Entgifter, Schlaf-Begnstiger Mariendistel

Brennnessel Giersch Brlauch Cistus Walnuss Solidago Katzengarmander Unverbindliche Muster Brlauch Calendula Hauhechel Goldrute Glaskraut Katzengarmander Gelber Salbei Chlorella Baldrian, Mohn L- Tryptophan 13Wasserregulierer, Mund-Darmpflege, Insektenrepellentien Flssigkeit (Wasser) Lactulose Magnesiumsulfat Topinambur Vogelmiere Meisterwurz Brwurz Unverbindliche Muster Niembauml

Eugenol (Clove Oil) Nelkenl Kapok (Matratzenfllstoff) Ocker Erden (Hautschutz) Brwurz Blutwurz Kmmel Heilerde, Tierkohle (Adsorbentien) Flohsamen Weizenkleie 14Literatur 1. Ehrlich P.R. , Raven P.H. Butterflies and plants: A study in coevolution. Evolution 18: 586-608 (1964) 2. Schubert R. Lehrbuch der kologie . Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena 1984 3. Gker M. Was ist Koevolution? (2003) 4. Vernadsky V.I. The Biosphere. (first ed.1929) Springer Verlag New York ,Inc. (1997) ISBN 0-387-98268X 5. Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow. (1986) 176 p. 6. Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology. Moscow. 1990. 288 p. 7. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Heidelberg, Berlin, London, New York. (1991) 272 p. ISBN 3-540-52096-1; ISBN 0-387-52096-1. 8. Harborne JB kologische Biochemie. Eine Einfhrung. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford (1995) ISBN 3 (1995) ISBN 3--86025 86025--245 245--33 9. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homopathika. Gustav Fischer. Stuttgart, Jena, New York. (1995) ISBN 3-437-00775-0 10. Stammel HJ. Die Apotheke Manitous. Das medizinische Wissen der Indianer und ihre Heilpflanzen. Wunderlich.

Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Reinbeck bei Hamburg (1986) ISBN 3 8052 0406 X 11. Lynn Sagan (1967). On the origin of mitosing cells. In: J. Theoretical Biology. Bd. 14, Nr. 3, S. 255-274. 12. Margulis L., Asikainen CA., Krumbein WE. Chimeras and Consciousness. Evolution of the Sensory Self. MIT Press. Cambridge Massachusetts, London, England. (2011). ISBN 978-0-262-01539-4 13. Margulis L., Sagan D. Acquiring Genomes. A Theory of the Origins of Species. Basic Books. 2002 ISBN 0-465-04391-7 14. Huismans BD. Diskussionsbeitrag zur antimikrobiellen Therapie bei Patienten mit chronischer LymeBorreliose und anderen chronischen Infektionskrankheiten. Grin Verlag 2007 15. Huismans BD. 5. Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik. Das Phanes Sound Theorem. 16. Dynamik bei Immun Defizienz und Infektion mit Borrelien und Ko Infekten 15Disclaimer Nach dem Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung fr Links", Landgericht (LG) Hamburg ergeht folgende Erklrung: Der Autor distanziert sich vorsorglich ausdrcklich von allen Inhalten der verlinkten externen Internetseiten und macht sich diese Inhalte nicht zu eigen. Diese Erklrung gilt fr alle angebrachten Links. Nutzungsbedingungen und Haftungsausschluss Der Der Beitrag Beitrag kann kann einen einen Besuch Besuch beim beim Arzt Arzt keinesfalls keinesfalls ersetzen ersetzen.. Der Der Beitrag Beitrag wurde mit der grten Sorgfalt erstellt. Fr die Genauigkeit oder Richtigkeit der mitgeteilten Informationen kann der Autor die Verantwortung dennoch nicht bernehmen. Unter keinen Umstnden ist der Verfasser des Beitrags fr irgendwelche Verluste und Schden haftbar zu machen, die dem Nutzer dadurch entstehen knnen, dass er auf eine Information vertraut, die er im Rahmen der Nutzung des Beitrags erhalten hat. Dr. med. Bernt - Dieter Huismans Am Haldenberg 24 74564 Crailsheim 16

30th January Dr Green : nature conservation biochemical ecology Germany citation

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Explanation, features, book: 'Biological Effects of Surfactants'. A unique book; lots of new relevant information; absolutely new insight into environmental science, and ecotoxicology; many new efficient methods of bioassay / testing chemicals, esp. surface-active substances and detergents. environmental science, ecotoxicology; methods, bioassay, testing,surface-active substances, detergents. Explanation, features, book: 'Biological Effects of Surfactants'.

A unique book. Lots of new relevant information on environmental toxicity of surfactants. Surfactants are the main component of detergents, shampoos, washing liquids. Absolutely new insight into environmental science, and ecotoxicology. Many new efficient methods for bioassay / testing chemicals. New information on bioassay / testing surface-active substances and detergents, as well as some pesticides. These new methods work also with testing other synthetic and natural chemicals. Using these methods, the author demonstrated toxicity of many chemicals, namely, surface active agents (surfactants) and detergents. The author discovered new toxic effects on many species of organisms. These organisms were bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, flagellates (euglens, Euglena), higher plants, invertebrate animals.

The author discovered new phytotoxic effects on many species of higher plants. The higher plants included, for instance, the plants with the Latin names Fagopyrum esculentum, Lepidium sativum, Sinapis alba, Oryza sativa. The author studied many others higer plants as well.

The experiments demonstrated toxic effects on aquatic mollusks. The experiments were conducted on bivalve freshwater and marine mollusks, mussels and oysters, with the Latin names Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea gigas. The species of marine mollusks, - mussels and oysters, - are important to aquaculture /aqua-farming).

Also, the author discovered new toxic effects of surfactants on leeches (the Latin name Hirudo medicinalis). These experiments are important to advance methods and fundamental concepts of testing chemicals, xenobiotics, and chemical pollutants. The author demonstrated environmental hazards from low concentrations of these chemicals (xenobiotics, pollutants).

The book was bought by libraries of many universities of Europe, U.S.A., Canada, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The libraries of Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,California Institute of Technology, Cambridge University, and Oxford University acquired this book. The main conclusions of the book were supported in other publications. Some of these publications are mentioned below. Relevant comments and information see here: ** Ecology; Environment; Biology; Water Quality. Key relevant publications. Authored and co-authored by Dr. S. A. Ostroumov; [The list of references is in English; one of drafts D:\2011\List.Blog.Posts\] S.A.Ostroumov = S.A.O. [condensed name, initials only]

1. [studying, eutrophication, algal blooms, water, self-purification, water quality, ecosystem function ] Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia. 2002, vol. 469, p. 117-129;;

the following publications were authored by the same author, Dr. S.A.O. [the condensed name]:

2. [multi-functional, role, biodiversity, aquatic, organisms, processes, water, purification, selfpurification, ecosystem function, water quality, new concepts ] Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks.Hydrobiologia. 2002. V. 469 (1-3): 203-204.;

3. [Studying, effects, surfactants, surface-active substances, detergents, invertebrate organisms, suspension filtering, water filtering, filter-feeders, mollusks, bivalves, oysters,] Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves // Hydrobiologia. 2003. 500: 341-344 [including effects of synthetic surfactants TDTMA and SDS on bivalves, oysters Crassostrea gigas].;;

4. [Studying, effects, surfactants, surface-active substances, detergents, invertebrate organisms, suspension filtering, water filtering, filter-feeders, mollusks, bivalves, Inhibition, marine mussels, suspension feeding, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental toxicology, Atlantic Ocean] S.A.Ostroumov, Widdows J. Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Hydrobiologia. 2006. 556 (1): 381 386.;;;

5. [ role, biodiversity, aquatic, organisms, biological, community, processes, water, purification, selfpurification, ecosystem function, surfactants, surface-active substances, detergents, invertebrate organisms, suspension filtering, water filtering, filter-feeders, mollusks, bivalves, Inhibition, marine mussels, suspension feeding, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental toxicology, ] S. A. Ostroumov. Biocontrol [= biological regulation] of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.-Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 80 (13): 27542761.

6. [Studying, effects, surfactants, surface-active substances, detergents, freshwater, marine invertebrate organisms, suspension filtering, water filtering, filter-feeders, mollusks, bivalves, new terminology, ] Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders // Hydrobiologia. 2005. 542(1): 275 286. text:; the author proposed new terminology: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality;

7. [multi-functional, role, biodiversity, aquatic, organisms, processes, water, purification, selfpurification, ecosystem function, water quality, new concepts ] On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems . - Russian Journal of Ecology, 2005. 36 ( 6): 414-420.;;

8. [freshwater, marine ecosystem, water quality, Studying, effects, surfactants, surface-active substances, detergents, invertebrate animals, organisms, suspension filtering, water filtering, filterfeeders, mollusks, bivalves, oysters,] Suspension-feeders as factors influencing water quality in aquatic ecosystems. In: The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems, R.F. Dame, S. Olenin (Editors), Springer, Dordrecht, 2004. pages 147-164.

9. [biological mechanisms, biological community, oceans, seas, estuaries, multi-functional, role, biodiversity, aquatic, organisms, processes, water, purification, self-purification, ecosystem function, water quality, new concepts, hydrobiology, ecology] Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water self-purification in marine and estuarine systems: elements of a qualitative theory // International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography. 2006. 1 (1) 111-118. [ISSN 0973-2667].;

10. [aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental, toxicology, hazards, pollution, freshwater, marine ecosystem, water quality, testing, bioassay, effects, surfactants, surface-active substances, detergents, invertebrate animals, organisms, suspension filtering, water filtering, filter-feeders, mollusks, bivalves, oysters,] The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification. - Water Resources. 2004. 31 ( 5): 502-510. In English:; DOI 10.1023/B:WARE.0000041919.77628.8d. [Longterm studies of the biological effect of surfactants, including the effect surfactants exert on filter feeders, are reviewed. The role of filter feeders in the functioning of freshwater and marine ecosystems is analyzed. New aspects in the assessment of environmental hazard due to the impact of chemical pollutants, including surfactants and detergents, are established]. In Russian:;

11. [surface tension, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental, toxicology, hazards, pollution, surfactants, surface-active substances, purification, reabilitation, phytoremediation, phytotechnology, water quality, water treatment, vegetation, macrophytes, higher plants] E.V. Lazareva, S.A. Ostroumov. Accelerated Decrease in Surfactant Concentration in the Water of a Microcosm in the Presence of Plants [vegetation]: Innovations for Phytotechnology: ** To sum up, the book was a success. FAQ on features of the book:

**Why it matters. FAQ on #innovative publications. #Environmental_science. New facts on #environmental_hazards.


Some web-sites for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.; see:;;

Relevant publications of the same author:;;

A web-page for this book see on Facebook:

30th January Dr Green : bioassay surface-active substances environmental science testing ecotoxicology; methods detergents.

1 JAN 30 Armenian. () , , , , , ecotoxicology, . (, ), SAOstroumov, .

Armenian. 23 - . : Armenian. () , , , , , ecotoxicology, . (, ), SAOstroumov, . : :;; :;; (in Rus EN); (in Rus EN); (in RUS); (in RUS); ** Citation dissertations - , , , : ** Inhibitory - eutrophication, algal Blooms, PURIFICATION SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 117-129


Polyfunctional : conceptualizations SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 203-204


Ostroumov SA bioremediation : towards a view.-Rivista di Biologia. 1998, 91 (2) 221-232 () PMID: 9857844 [PubMed ] Filtering BIOREMEDIATION : SA Ostroumov




, : .. Yablokov, SA Ostroumov , :


- feeders SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 542 (1), 275-286


An : bioreactor PURIFICATION function.-Doklady , 2000. Vol. 374, 514-516 P. SA Ostroumov Doklady 374, 514-516




- biotic : SA Ostroumov Doklady 396 (1), 206-211


induced SURFACTANTS mollusc (Narushenije filtracii dvustvorchatymi molluskami vozdejstvijem poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv dvukh klassov) SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Doklady Akademii Nauk 362, 574-576


Inhibitory Trophic Webs SA Ostroumov Doklady 377 (1), 139-141


SA Ostroumov ,


Biologicheskie effekty poverkhnostnoaktivnykh veshchestv V svyazi s antropogennymi vozdeistviyami biosferu SA Ostroumov SURFACTANTS ...


Vvedenie V biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu ( ), Mosk

SA Ostroumov Gos.


SURFACTANTS SA Ostroumov, J Widdows Hydrobiologia 556 (1), 381-386


SURFACTANTS Filter bivalves SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 500 (1), 341-344


biota: towards SA Ostroumov RIVISTA DI BIOLOGIA FORUM 96 (1), 159-169


Synecological eutrophication (Sinekologicheskie osnovy resheniya problemy evtrofirovaniya) SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 381, 709-712


anionic surfactant, dodecyl , mussels Mytilus edulis , . SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F VESTN. MOSK. (BIOL.), 30-36


, .. Yablokov, SA Ostroumov : Heidelberg Berlin London: New York


PURIFICATION SA Ostroumov 32 (3), 305-313


Biota SA Ostroumov Dokl. Akad. Nauk 371 (6), 844-846


Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (tetradetziltrimetilammonij bromid) NV Kartasheva, SA Ostroumov Toxicological Bulletin (Toksikologicheskii ) 5 - , 30-32


biota SA Ostroumov Russian Journal 36 (6), 414-420


, feeders SA Ostroumov -Feeders , 147-164


bioreactor: : SA Ostroumov Rivista di Biologia / Forum 97 (1), 67-78


http://scipeople. com/uploads/materials/4389/3RivistaBio96Priorities2. rtf SA Ostroumov, S DODSON, D Hamilton, S Peterson, RG Wetzel Journal: Rivista di Biologia / Forum 96, 327-332




SURFACTANTS SA Ostroumov Khimiya i tekhnologiya vody. Kiev 13 (3), 270-283


Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv organizmy SA Ostroumov MAX


nonionic surfactant diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. N Fisher, M-Maertts Uehnte, SA Ostroumov Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. Seriya biologicheskaya / ...


Vvedenie V problemy biokhimicheskoi ekologii ( ) MM Telitchenko, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press,


CU, Zn, CD, PB Ceratophyllum demersum: phytoremediation SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova Doklady 428 (1), 444-447


macrophyte Potamogeton crispus dodecyl EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov Bulletin 62 (4), 176-179


Biotic ecotechnologies SA Ostroumov Ecologica 15 (50), 15-21


: SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 382, 138-141


amphiphilic filter-feeders (Vozdeistvie amfifil'nykh veshchestv morskikh gidrobiontov-filtratorov) SA Ostroumov Dokl. Akad. Nauk 378 (2), 283-285


SA Ostroumov Ecol. , , 6, 28-33


biogeocenotic - feeders SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 383 (5), 710-713



MAX Press,


SURFACTANTS biosphere SA Ostroumov MAX Press,


surfactant : phytotechnology EV Lazareva, SA Ostroumov Doklady 425 (1), 180-182


Biomachinery estuarine SA Ostroumov Journal oceanography 1 (1)


: SA Ostroumov Doklady 382 (1), 18-21


Amphiphilic inhibits molluscs phytoplankton SA Ostroumov . Seriya ( ...


SA Ostroumov, VD Fedorov Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya biolgiya. , 24-32


xenobiotics SA Ostroumov 2, 27-34


Vvedenie V biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu SA Ostroumov . Izd-vo MGU


Urovni okhranyzhivoi prirody ( ) .. Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press,


Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody ( ) .. Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Nauka


Okhrana zhivoi prirody: problemy i perspektivy .. Yablokov, SA Ostroumov ), Lespromizdat


On biosphere: dodecylsulfate (SDS) on-planktonic filter feeders IM Vorozhun, SA Ostroumov Doklady 425 (1), 133-134


On hydrobiology: chemomediators SA Ostroumov 1 (2), 238-244


- PURIFICATION SA Ostroumov 1 (1), 147-152


anionic surfactant algae angiosperms (Vozdejstvije anionnogo deterghenta zelenuju vodorosl'i prorostki nekotorykh pokrytosemennykh rastenij) SV Goryunova, SA Ostroumov (Biologicheskie Nauki) 7, 84-86


The macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes au nanoparticles SA Ostroumov Kolesov Doklady 431 (1), 124-127


Phytoremediation perchlorate Myriophyllum aquaticum SA Ostroumov, D Yifru, V Nzengung, S McCutcheon , , . M.: MAX Press 11


Ya, Hermatypic corals : 2. Gulf Tonkin Y Latypov, .. Khodakovskaya, ON Selivanova, GG Zhigadlova, AP kasatkina, ... Biol. Morya 29 (4), 225-235


: REMEDIATION SA Ostroumov Doklady 385 (1), 377-379


biogeocenosis SA Ostroumov Doklady 383 (1), 141-143


Ionogenic Surfactant Cyanobacteria J WATERBURY, SA Ostroumov -New York 63 (2), 140-142


Conservacin de la naturaleza Viva: Problemas y perspectivas .. I A blokov, SA Ostroumov Vneshtorgizdat


` polyfunctional ]. SA Ostroumov, LN Vorob'ev Nauchnye doklady vysshe shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki, 22






, SA Ostroumov Ecologica 16 (54), 25-32


-feeders biomachinery

SA Ostroumov Internationale Vereinigung Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie ...


: Uncouplers of Pelagial-Benthal COUPLING SA Ostroumov Doklady 383 (1), 127-130


biogeocenotic - feeders SA Ostroumov Doklady 383 (1), 147-150


The synecological eutrophication SA Ostroumov Doklady 381 (1), 559-562


amphiphilic SA Ostroumov Doklady 378 (1), 248-250


An amphiphilic inhibits the phytoplankton SA Ostroumov Bulletin 28 (1), 95-102


biomachinery bioremediation : time bomb SA Ostroumov Limnology oceanography: , 134


mussels inhibited SURFACTANTS SA Ostroumov ASLO, 1-5


The sulphonol alga Dunaliella asymmetrica Fagopyrum esculentum SA Ostroumov, EB Borisova, Li Lenova, VN Maksimov Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal / Hydrobiological . Kiev 26 (2), 96-98


biodegradation anionic SURFACTANTS biotests. SA Ostroumov, LS Samojlenko Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. . Seriya 7: Filosofiya, 74-78


Ostroumov SA-, Kotelevtsev SV nanomaterials environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, 61, 3-10. SA Ostroumov Ecologica 18 (61), 3-10




cationic surfactant mussels : SA Ostroumov, J Widdows C / C OF MOSKOVSKII ...


cationic amphiphilic rotifers SA Ostroumov, N Walz, R Rusche

Doklady 390 (1), 252-255


Unio tumidusto Mixed Synecological summation SA Ostroumov Doklady 380 (1), 492-495


synergism synecological summation SA Ostroumov Doklady 380 (1), 499-501


mollusks biogeochemical C, N, P, si, SA Ostroumov Kolesnikov Doklady 379 (1), 378-381


unicellular plankton SA Ostroumov Doklady 379 (1), 341-343


induced SURFACTANTS Mytilus edulis SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F DOKLADY SECTION C / C OF DOKLADY-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR 362 ...


Mytilus edulis , seawater anionic surfactant SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, FJ C / C OF MOSKOVSKII ...


Fagopyrum esculentum MOENCH SURFACTANTS SA Ostroumov Semykina C / C OF EKOLOGIIA 24 386-386


Bioassay SURFACTANTS substrate rhizoderm SA Ostroumov, VN Maksimov 18


Biotesting surfactant (sulphonol) toxicity - SA Ostroumov, AE Golovko Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal / Hydrobiological . Kiev 28 (3), 72-75


- quaternary AMMONIA SA Ostroumov 18


Problems xenobiotics. SA Ostroumov Bulletin 45 (2), 26-32


- quaternary AMMONIA compounds., (, ISSN 0097-8078), 1992, . 18 (2) p. 171-175. ** / / . 1991 2. . 112-116. SA Ostroumov


-XXI . S Ostroumov


Elodea canadensis CuO nanoparticles ME Johnson, SA Ostroumov, JF Tyson, B Xing Russian Journal 81 (13), 2688-2693


BioControl biota PURIFICATION SA Ostroumov Russian Journal 80 (13), 2754-2761


biodetritus SA Ostroumov Kolesov 3 (4), 369-373


SA Ostroumov ( ), Kolesov. The Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes au nanoparticles : Water.-Doklady , 2010, Vol. 431, 124-127. S Ostroumov Doklady 431, 124-127


nanoparticles . Ceratophyllum demersum SA Ostroumov Kolesov Ecologica 17 (57), 3-6


. immobilization nanoparticles SA Ostroumov Doklady 425 (1), 133-134




** 30th January Dr Green : ecotoxicology

0 Add a comment JAN

30 Norway. Bibliografi (valgt). kologi, Milj, konservering, biologi, Vann Quality Improvement, kotoksikologi, naturressurser brekraft. Listen over publikasjoner (artikler, bker) av Dr. SAOstroumov, Fulbright Award mottaker; Moscow State University: Norway. 23-siders liste. Datamaskin oversettelse fra engelsk: Norway. Bibliografi (valgt). kologi, Milj, konservering, biologi, Vann Quality Improvement, kotoksikologi, naturressurser brekraft. Listen over publikasjoner (artikler, bker) av Dr. SAOstroumov, Fulbright Award mottaker; Moscow State University

For flere detaljer, se de engelske listene over bibliografi:;;

Tilgjengeligheten av enkelte av disse publikasjonene p nettet, p engelsk:;;; (p russisk og engelsk); (p russisk og engelsk); (p russisk);; (p russisk); ** Henvisningen i avhandlinger ved universiteter i USA, Storbritannia, Russland, Australia og andre land. ** Hemmende analyse av top-down kontroll: nye nkler til studere eutrofiering, algeoppblomstring og vann self-rensing SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 117-129


Polyfunksjonelle rolle av biologisk mangfold i prosesser som frer til rensing av vann: nvrende konseptualiseringer og avsluttende bemerkninger SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 203-204


publisert: Ostroumov SA Biologisk filtrering og kologiske maskiner for self-rensing og bioremediering i akvatiske kosystemer: mot en helhetlig view.-Rivista di Biologia. 1998; 91 (2): 221-232 (publisert) PMID: 9857844 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE] BIOLOGISKE filtrering og KOLOGISKE maskiner for selv-rensing og bioremediering i akvatiske kosystemer: MOT et helhetssyn. SA Ostroumov


Biologiske virkninger av overflateaktive SA Ostroumov CRC


Bevaring av levende natur og ressurser: problemer, trender, og prospekter. AV Jablokov, SA Ostroumov Bevaring av levende natur og ressurser: problemer, trender, og prospekter.


Noen aspekter av vann filtrering aktivitet av filteret feeders

SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 542 (1), 275-286


Et akvatisk kosystem: en storstilt diversifisert bioreaktor med en vann selvrenselse funksjon.-Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, 514-516 P. SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 374, 514-516


Konseptet av akvatisk biota som en labil og srbar komponent i vann selv-rensing system SA Ostroumov DOKLADY Biologi DEL C / C OF DOKLADY-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR 372 ...


P biotiske selv-rensing av akvatiske kosystemer: elementer av teorien SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 396 (1), 206-211


Filtrering hemming forrsaket av to klasser av syntetiske tensider i muslingen bltdyr (Narushenije filtracii dvustvorchatymi molluskami pod vozdejstvijem poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv dvukh klassov) SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Staff Doklady Akademii 362 Nauk, 574-576


Hemmende Analyse av regulatoriske Interactions i trofiske Webs SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 377 (1), 139-141


Introduksjon til biokjemisk kologi SA Ostroumov Moscow University, Moskva


Biologicheskie effekty poverkhnostnoaktivnykh veshchestv v svyazi s antropogennymi vozdeistviyami na biosferu SA Ostroumov Biologiske effekter av tensider som er relatert til den menneskeskapte Impact on ...


Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu (Introduksjon til Biochemical Ecology), Moskva: Mosk SA Ostroumov Gos. Univ.


Hemming av blskjell suspensjon fring av tensider av tre klasser SA Ostroumov, J Widdows

Hydrobiologia 556 (1), 381-386


Studerer effekter av enkelte tensider og rengjringsmidler p filter-fring skjell SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 500 (1), 341-344


Menneskeskapte effekter p biota: Mot et nytt system av prinsipper og kriterier for analyse av kologiske farer SA Ostroumov Rivista DI BIOLOGIA BIOLOGY FORUM 96 (1), 159-169


Synecological grunnlag for lsning av problemet med eutrofiering (Sinekologicheskie osnovy resheniya problemy evtrofirovaniya) SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 381, 709-712


Inhibering ved anionisk overflateaktivt middel, natriumdodecylsulfat, av evnen blskjell Mytilus edulis filtrere og rense sjvann. SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Staff VESTN. Mosk. UNIV. (BIOL.), 30-36


Bevaring av levende natur og ressurser: Problemer, Trender AV Jablokov, SA Ostroumov Prospekter. Heidelberg Berlin London New York


P noen problemer med opprettholde vannkvalitet og selv-rensing SA Ostroumov Vannressurser 32 (3), 305-313


Kriterier for miljfare Menneskeskapt effekt p biota: Sk etter et system SA Ostroumov Dokl. AKAD. Nauk 371 (6), 844-846


Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (tetradetziltrimetilammonij bromid) NV Kartasheva, SA Ostroumov Toksikologisk Bulletin (Toksikologicheskii Vestnik) 5, 30-32


P multifunksjonelle rolle biota i selv-rensing av akvatiske kosystemer SA Ostroumov Russisk Journal of Ecology 36 (6), 414-420


Suspensjon-feeders som faktorer som pvirker vannkvaliteten i akvatiske kosystemer SA Ostroumov Den sammenlignende roller Suspensjon-Feeders i kosystemer, 147-164


Akvatiske kosystem som en bioreaktor: vannrensing og noen andre funksjoner SA Ostroumov Rivista di Biologia / biologi Forum 97 (1), 67-78


Mellomlang sikt og lang sikt prioriteringer i kologiske studier. http://scipeople. com/uploads/materials/4389/3RivistaBio96Priorities2. rtf SA Ostroumov, S Dodson, D Hamilton, S Peterson, RG Wetzel Journal Article: Rivista di Biologia / biologi 96 Forum, 327-332


Kriterier for kologiske farer som skyldes menneskeskapte effekter p biota: sker etter et system SA Ostroumov DOKLADY Biologi DEL C / C OF DOKLADY-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR 371 ...


Biologiske aktiviteten av vann med overflateaktive SA Ostroumov

Khimiya i TEKHNOLOGIYA vody. Kiev 13 (3), 270-283


Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy SA Ostroumov MAX Press


Effekt av havforurensning med en ionisk overflateaktivt p marine kiselalgen Thalassiosira pseudonana. N Fisher, M Maertts-Uehnte, SA Ostroumov Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. Seriya biologicheskaya / Proceedings of ...


Vvedenie v problemy biokhimicheskoi ekologii (Introduksjon til problemet med Biochemical Ecology) MM Telitchenko, SA Ostroumov NAUKA Press, Moskva


Redusere de mlbare konsentrasjoner av Cu, Zn, Cd, og Pb i vannet av de eksperimentelle systemer som inneholder Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potensielle SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova Doklady biologi 428 (1), 444-447


Toleranse for en vannlevende macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. til natriumdodecylsulfat EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 62 (4), 176-179


Biotiske selv-rensing av akvatiske kosystemer: fra teori til miljteknologier SA Ostroumov Ecologica 15 (50), 15-21


Biodiversitet beskyttelse og vannkvalitet: rolle tilbakemeldinger i kosystemer SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii 382 Nauk, 138-141


Effekter av amfifile kjemikalier p marine organismer i filteret matere (Vozdeistvie amfifil'nykh veshchestv na morskikh gidrobiontov-filtratorov) SA Ostroumov Dokl. AKAD. Nauk 378 (2), 283-285


Utvikling av grunnleggende begreper i akvatiske og generell kologi: fra akvatiske og kologisk forskning til sknader som er relevante for brekraft SA Ostroumov Ecol. Studier, Problemer, lsninger 6, 28-33


System av prinsipper for beskytte biogeocenotic funksjon og biologisk mangfold av filteret feeders SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 383 (5), 710-713


Biologiske effekter av tensider p organismer SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moskva


Biologiske virkninger av overflateaktive stoffer i forbindelse med den menneskeskapte tyngre biosfren SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moskva


Akselerert nedgang i konsentrasjon av overflateaktivt middel i vannet i en mikroorganisme i nrvr av planter: innovasjoner for phytotechnology EV Lazareva, SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 180-182


Biomachinery for opprettholde vannkvaliteten og naturlig vann selvrenselse i marine og estuarine systemer: elementer av en kvalitativ teori SA Ostroumov International Journal of Oceans og oseanografi 1 (1)


Biodiversitet beskyttelse og vannkvalitet: rolle tilbakemeldinger i kosystemer SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 382 (1), 18-21


Amfifil kjemiske hemmer evnen bltdyr filtrere vann og for fjerne cellene av planteplankton SA Ostroumov Izvestia RAN. Seriya Biology (Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences ...


De viktigste komponentene i selv-rensing av kosystemene og det er mulig verdifall som flge av kjemisk forurensning SA Ostroumov, VD Fedorov Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya biolgiya. Moskva, 24-32


Noen aspekter av beregningen av biologisk aktivitet av xenobiotics SA Ostroumov Bulletin of Moscow 2 University, 27-34


Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu SA Ostroumov M.: Izd-vo MGU


Urovni okhranyzhivoi prirody (Niver av beskyttelse av levende dyr) AV Jablokov, SA Ostroumov NAUKA Press, Moskva


Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody (Levels of Nature Conservation) AV Jablokov, SA Ostroumov Moskva: NAUKA


Okhrana zhivoi prirody: problemy i perspektivy AV Jablokov, SA Ostroumov Bevaring av levende natur: Problemer og prospekter), Moskva: Lespromizdat


P studere farene ved forurensning av biosfren: Effekter av natriumdodecylsulfat (SDS) p planktoniske filter-feeders

IM Vorozhun, SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 133-134


P begrepene biokjemisk kologi og Hydrobiology: kologiske chemomediators SA Ostroumov Moderne Problemer med Ecology 1 (2), 238-244


Grunnleggende i molekylr-kologiske mekanisme av vannkvalitet dannelse og vann self-rensing SA Ostroumov Moderne Problemer med Ecology 1 (1), 147-152


Virkninger av en anionisk overflateaktivt p grnne alger og planter av noen angiosperms (Vozdejstvije anionnogo deterghenta na zelenuju vodorosl'i prorostki nekotorykh pokrytosemennykh rastenij) SV Goryunova, SA Ostroumov Biological Sciences (Biologicheskie Nauki) 7, 84-86


Akvatiske macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanopartikler etter deres tillegg til vann SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Doklady Biological Sciences 431 (1), 124-127


Phytoremediation av perklorat hjelp vannplante Myriophyllum aquaticum SA Ostroumov, D Yifru, V Nzengung, S McCutcheon kologiske studier, farer lsning. M.: MAX Trykk 11


Ya., Hermatypic Korallrevene i Vietnam. 2. Gulf of Tonkin Y Latypov, AV Khodakovskaya, ON Selivanova, GG Zhigadlova, AP Kasatkina, AS ... Biol. Morya 29 (4), 225-235


Identifisering av en ny type kologisk fare for kjemikalier: hemming av prosesser for kologisk utbedring SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 385 (1), 377-379


Nye definisjoner av begreper og vilkr kosystem og biogeocenosis SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 141-143


Effekt av ikke-Ionogenic Surfactant p Cyanobakterier J Waterbury, SA Ostroumov Mikrobiologi-New York 63 (2), 140-142


Conservacin de la naturaleza Viva: problemas y perspectivas AV I A blokov, SA Ostroumov Vneshtorgizdat


Membranpotensialet som en mulig polyfunksjonelt regulator av aktiviteten av membran proteiner]. SA Ostroumov, LN Vorob'ev Nauchnye doklady vysshe shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki, 22


SNIZhENIE IZMERYaEMYKh KONTsENTRATsII Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb B Vode EKSPERIMENTAL'NYKh SISTEM S Ceratophyllum DEMERSUM: POTENTsIAL FITOREMEDIATsII SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova Doklady Akademii Nauk 428 (2), 282-285




Mot den generelle teorien for kosystembasert avhang kontroll av vannkvalitet SA Ostroumov Ecologica 16 (54), 25-32


Filter-feeders som en del av kologisk biomachinery rense vann SA Ostroumov Internationale Vereinigung pels Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie ...


En ny type Effekt av potensielt farlige stoffer: Uncouplers av pelagialen-Benthal Coupling SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 127-130


System av prinsipper for bevaring av biogeocenotic funksjon og det biologiske mangfoldet i filteret feeders SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 147-150


Den synecological tilnrming til problemet med overgjdsling SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 381 (1), 559-562


Effekt av amfifile kjemikalier p filter-fring marine organismer SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 378 (1), 248-250


En amfifilisk stoffet hemmer mollusk kapasitet til filtrere ut planteplankton celler fra vann SA Ostroumov Biologi Bulletin 28 (1), 95-102


Integritet tilnrming til kologisk biomachinery for selv-rensing og bioremediering i akvatiske kosystemer: stoppe en kologisk tidsinnstilt bombe SA Ostroumov Limnologi og oseanografi: Navigere inn i neste rhundre, 134


Evnen av blskjell filtrere og rense sjvann hemmes av overflateaktive SA Ostroumov ASLO, 1-5


Effekten av sulphonol p kultur algen Dunaliella asymmetrica og p Fagopyrum esculentum seedlings SA Ostroumov, EB Borisova, LI Lenova, VN Maksimov

Gidrobiologicheskij Zhurnal / Hydrobiological journal. Kiev 26 (2), 96-98


Vurdering av effektiviteten av biologisk nedbrytning av anioniske tensider av biotests. SA Ostroumov, LS Samojlenko Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 7: Filosofiya, 74-78


Ostroumov SA, Kotelevtsev SV Toxicology av nanomaterialer og environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, issue 61, 3-10 pp.. SA Ostroumov Ecologica 18 (61), 3-10


VODNYI MAKROFIT Ceratophyllum DEMERSUM IMMOBILIZUET Au POSLE DOBAVLENIYa V VODU NANOChASTITs SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Doklady Akademii Nauk 431 (4), 566-569


Effekt av kationisk overflateaktivt p blskjell: Hemming av vannfiltrering SA Ostroumov, J Widdows Moscow University Biologi BULLETIN C / C OF Vestnik-Moskovskii ...


Virkning av et kationisk amfifil compound p rotatorier SA Ostroumov, N Walz, R Rusche Doklady Biological Sciences 390 (1), 252-255


Svar av Unio tumidusto Mixed kjemiske preparater og faren for Synecological oppsummering av Menneskeskapte Effects SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 380 (1), 492-495


Faren for en to-niv synergism av synecological summering av menneskeskapte effekter SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 380 (1), 499-501


Pellets av enkelte bltdyr i biogeokjemiske strmmer av C, N, P, Si og Al SA Ostroumov, MP Kolesnikov Doklady Biological Sciences 379 (1), 378-381


Ubalanse faktorer som gir kontroll over encellede plankton populasjoner utsatt for menneskeskapte pvirkning SA Ostroumov

Doklady Biological Sciences 379 (1), 341-343


Filtrering hemming forrsaket av to klasser av syntetiske tensider i muslingen mollusk Mytilus edulis SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Staff DOKLADY Biologi DEL C / C OF DOKLADY-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR 362 ...


Hemming av evne musling Mytilus edulis filtrere og rense sjvann ved et anionisk overflateaktivt SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, FJ Staff Moscow University Biologi BULLETIN C / C OF Vestnik-Moskovskii ...


Reaksjon av Fagopyrum esculentum Moench til Forurensning av vandig medium med Polymer Surfactants SA Ostroumov, NA Semykina RUSSIAN JOURNAL of Ecology C / C p 24 EKOLOGIIA, 386-386


Bioassay av tensider basert p avbrudd av frplante vedlegg til underlaget og rhizoderm root hr dannes SA Ostroumov, VN Maksimov Biologi bulletin av Academy of Sciences i Sovjetunionen 18


Biotesting av surfactant (sulphonol) toksisitet med ris seedlings som en test-objekt SA Ostroumov, AE Golovko Gidrobiologicheskij Zhurnal / Hydrobiological journal. Kiev 28 (3), 72-75


Response av test-organismer til vannforurensning med kvartre ammoniakk forbindelser SA Ostroumov Vannressurser 18


Problemer med vurdering av biologisk aktivitet av xenobiotics. SA Ostroumov Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 45 (2), 26-32


Response av test-organismer til vannforurensning med kvartre ammoniakk compounds.-Water Resources (USA, ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, 18 v. (2) p. 171-175. ** - / / . 1991. 2. . 112-116. SA Ostroumov Vassdrags


- XXI . mer S Ostroumov


Studie av interaksjoner mellom Elodea canadensis og CuO nanopartikler ME Johnson, SA Ostroumov, JF Tyson, B Xing Russisk Journal of General Chemistry 81 (13), 2688-2693


Biocontrol av vannkvalitet: Multifunksjonell rolle biota i vann self-rensing SA Ostroumov Russisk Journal of General Chemistry 80 (13), 2754-2761


Rollen biodetritus i akkumulering av elementer i akvatiske kosystemer SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Moderne Problemer med Ecology 3 (4), 369-373


SA Ostroumov ( ), GM Kolesov. Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au Nanopartikler etter deres Tillegg til Water.-Doklady Biological Sciences, 2010, vol. 431, s. 124-127. mer S Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 431, 124-127


Interaksjon av nanopartikler av gull med vannplante: Binding til Ceratophyllum demersum

SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Ecologica 17 (57), 3-6


Studerer skjebne miljgifter i miljet: Bindende og immobilisering av nanopartikler og kjemiske elementer SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 133-134




** 30th January Dr Green : biologi kotoksikologi konservering Norway Vann Quality Improvement kologi Milj naturressurser brekraft

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Bibliographie (Auswahl). kologie, Umwelt und Naturschutz, Biologie, Water Quality Improvement, kotoxikologie, natrliche Ressourcen Nachhaltigkeit. Die Liste der Publikationen (Artikel, Bcher) von Dr. SAOstroumov, Fulbright Preistrger; Moscow State University: German. 23-seitige Liste. Computer bersetzung aus dem Englischen:

Bibliographie (Auswahl). kologie, Umwelt und Naturschutz, Biologie, Water Quality Improvement, kotoxikologie, natrliche Ressourcen Nachhaltigkeit. Die Liste der Publikationen (Artikel, Bcher) von Dr. SAOstroumov, Fulbright Preistrger; Moscow State University:

Fr weitere Einzelheiten siehe die englischen Listen der Bibliographie:;;

Verfgbarkeit einiger dieser Publikationen online in englischer Sprache:;;; (in russischer und in englischer Sprache); (in russischer und in englischer Sprache); (in Russisch);; (in Russisch); ** Citation in Dissertationen an Universitten der USA, Grobritannien, Russland, Australien und anderen Lndern. ** Inhibitory Analyse der Top-down-Steuerung: neue Schlssel zu studieren Eutrophierung, Algenblten und Wasser Selbstreinigung SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 117-129


Polyfunktionellen Rolle der Biodiversitt in Prozesse, die zur Wasseraufbereitung: aktuelle Konzeptualisierungen und Schlussbemerkungen

SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 203-204


verffentlicht: Ostroumov SA biologische Filterung und kologischen Maschinen fr die Selbst-Reinigung und Sanierung in aquatischen kosystemen: hin zu einem ganzheitlichen view.-Rivista di Biologia. 1998; 91 (2): 221-232 (verffentlicht) PMID: 9857844 biologische Filterung UND KOLOGIE MASCHINEN FR Selbst-Reinigung und Sanierung in aquatischen kosystemen [fr MEDLINE PubMed-indiziert]: AUF DEM WEG einer ganzheitlichen Sicht. SA Ostroumov


Biologische Wirkungen von oberflchenaktiven SA Ostroumov CRC


Erhaltung der lebenden Natur und Ressourcen: Probleme, Trends und Perspektiven. AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Erhaltung der lebenden Natur und Ressourcen: Probleme, Trends und Perspektiven.


Einige Aspekte der Wasser-Filter-Aktivitt Filtrierer SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 542 (1), 275-286


Eine aquatische kosystem: eine gro angelegte diversifizierten Bioreaktor mit einem Wasser-SelbstReinigung-Funktion ist-Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, S. 514-516 SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 374, 514-516


Das Konzept von aquatischen Biota als labil und anfllig Bestandteil des Wasserkreislaufs SelbstReinigung-System SA Ostroumov Doklady BIOLOGISCHE WISSENSCHAFTEN ABSCHNITT C / C OF Doklady-AKADEMIIA Nauk SSSR 372 ...


Auf der biotischen Selbstreinigung der aquatischen kosysteme: Elemente der Theorie SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 396 (1), 206-211


Filtration Hemmung durch zwei Klassen von synthetischen Tenside in der Muschelart (Narushenije filtracii dvustvorchatymi molluskami pod vozdejstvijem poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv dvukh klassov) induziert SA erodiert, P Donkin, F Staff Doklady Akademii Nauk 362, 574-576


Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 377 (1), 139-141


Einfhrung in die biochemischen kologie SA Ostroumov Universitt Moskau, Moskau


Biologicheskie effekty poverkhnostnoaktivnykh veshchestv v svyazi s antropogennymi vozdeistviyami na biosferu SA Ostroumov Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden, wie der anthropogene Einfluss auf Verwandte ...


Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu (Einfhrung in Biochemical Ecology), Moskau: Mosk SA Ostroumov Gos. Univ


Die Hemmung der Muschel Flugfrderung durch Tenside aus drei Klassen SA erodiert, J Widdows Hydrobiologia 556 (1), 381-386


Studieren Auswirkungen einiger Tenside und Reinigungsmittel auf Filter-Ftterung Muscheln SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 500 (1), 341-344


Anthropogenen Auswirkungen auf die Flora und Fauna: hin zu einem neuen System von Prinzipien und Kriterien zur Analyse der kologischen Gefahren SA Ostroumov Rivista DI BIOLOGIA BIOLOGY FORUM 96 (1), 159-169


Synkologische Grundlage fr die Lsung des Problems der Eutrophierung (Sinekologicheskie osnovy resheniya problemy evtrofirovaniya) SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 381, 709-712


Hemmung durch die Aniontensid, Natriumdodecylsulfat, der Fhigkeit von Muscheln Mytilus edulis zu filtern und zu reinigen Meerwasser. SA erodiert, P Donkin, F Staff VESTN. Mosk. UNIV. (Biol.), 30-36


Erhaltung der lebenden Natur und Ressourcen: Probleme, Trends

AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Prospects. Heidelberg Berlin London New York


In einigen Fragen der Aufrechterhaltung der Wasserqualitt und Selbst-Reinigung SA Ostroumov Wasserressourcen 32 (3), 305-313


Kriterien der Umweltgefahr von anthropogenen Auswirkungen auf die Biota: Suche nach einem System SA Ostroumov Dokl. AKAD. Nauk 371 (6), 844-846


Tetradecyltrimethylammoniumbromid (tetradetziltrimetilammonij Bromid) NV Kartasheva, SA Ostroumov Toxikologische Bulletin (Toksikologicheskii Vestnik) 5, 30-32


Auf der multifunktionalen Rolle der Biota in der Selbstreinigung der aquatischen kosysteme SA Ostroumov Russian Journal of Ecology 36 (6), 414-420


Suspension-Feeder als Einflussfaktoren Wasserqualitt in aquatischen kosystemen SA Ostroumov Die Vergleichende Rollen der Suspension-Feeder kosysteme, 147-164


Aquatische kosystem als Bioreaktor: Wasseraufbereitung und einige andere Funktionen SA Ostroumov Rivista di Biologia / Biologie Forum 97 (1), 67-78


Mittel-und langfristigen Prioritten in kologischen Studien. http://scipeople. com/uploads/materials/4389/3RivistaBio96Priorities2. rtf SA erodiert, S Dodson, D Hamilton, S Peterson, RG Wetzel Journal Article: Rivista di Biologia / Biologie Forum 96, 327-332


Kriterien des kologischen Gefahren durch anthropogene Auswirkungen auf die Flora und Fauna: Die Suche nach einem System SA Ostroumov Doklady BIOLOGISCHE WISSENSCHAFTEN ABSCHNITT C / C OF Doklady-AKADEMIIA Nauk SSSR 371 ...


Biologische Aktivitt der Gewsser mit Tensiden SA Ostroumov Khimiya i TEKHNOLOGIYA vody. Kiew 13 (3), 270-283


Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy SA Ostroumov MAX Press


Wirkung von Meeresverschmutzung mit einem nichtionischen Tensid auf die Meeresumwelt Kieselalgen Thalassiosira pseudonana. N Fisher, M Maertts-Uehnte, SA Ostroumov Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. Seriya biologicheskaya / Proceedings of ...


Vvedenie v problemy biokhimicheskoi ekologii (Einfhrung in das Problem der Biochemische kologie) MM Telitchenko, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press, Moskau


Verringern der messbaren Konzentrationen von Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb und im Wasser der experimentellen Systemen mit Ceratophyllum demersum: Das Potential Phytoremediation SA erodiert, TV Shestakova Doklady biologischen Wissenschaften 428 (1), 444-447


Toleranz eines aquatischen Makrophyten Potamogeton crispus L. Natriumdodecylsulfat EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov Moskauer Universitt Biological Sciences Bulletin 62 (4), 176-179


Biotic Selbstreinigung von aquatischen kosystemen: von der Theorie zur Umwelttechnologie SA Ostroumov Ecologica 15 (50), 15-21


Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt und der Wasserqualitt: Die Rolle der Rckmeldungen in kosystemen SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 382, 138-141


Auswirkungen von amphiphilen Chemikalien auf marine Organismen Filtrierer (Vozdeistvie amfifil'nykh veshchestv na morskikh gidrobiontov-filtratorov) SA Ostroumov Dokl. AKAD. Nauk 378 (2), 283-285


Entwicklung grundlegender Konzepte in aquatischen und allgemeine kologie: von aquatischen und kologische Forschung zu Anwendungen zur Nachhaltigkeit SA Ostroumov Ecol. Studien, Probleme, Lsungen, 6, 28-33


System von Prinzipien zum Schutz der biogeocenotic Funktion und Artenvielfalt Filtrierer SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 383 (5), 710-713


Biologische Effekte von Tensiden auf Organismen SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moskau


Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden im Zusammenhang mit der anthropogenen Auswirkungen auf die Biosphre SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moskau


Beschleunigten Rckgang in Tensid-Konzentration im Wasser eines Mikrokosmos in Gegenwart von Pflanzen: Innovationen fr Phytotechnologie EV Lazareva, SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 180-182


Biomachinery fr die Aufrechterhaltung der Wasserqualitt und natrliche Wasser Selbstreinigung in Meeres-und Mndungs-Systeme: Elemente einer qualitativen Theorie SA Ostroumov International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 1 (1)


Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt und Qualitt des Wassers: die Rolle der Rckmeldungen in kosystemen SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 382 (1), 18-21


Amphiphile chemische hemmt die Fhigkeit von Weichtieren, um Wasser zu filtern und um die Zellen zu entfernen, von Phytoplankton SA Ostroumov Iswestija RAN. Seriya Biology (Bulletin der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ...


Die wichtigsten Komponenten der Selbstreinigung von kosystemen und deren mgliche Wertminderung infolge der chemischen Verschmutzung SA erodiert, VD Fedorov Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya biolgiya. Moskau, 24-32


Einige Aspekte der Schtzung der biologischen Aktivitt von Xenobiotika SA Ostroumov Bulletin der Moskauer Universitt 2, 27-34


Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu SA Ostroumov M.: Izd-vo MGU


Urovni okhranyzhivoi prirody (Levels des Schutzes von Living Nature) AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press, Moskau


Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody (Levels of Nature Conservation) AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Moskau: Nauka


Ochrana zhivoi prirody: problemy i Perspektivy AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Conservation of Living Nature: Probleme und Perspektiven), Moskau: Lespromizdat


Bei der Untersuchung der Gefahren der Verschmutzung der Biosphre: Auswirkungen von Natriumdodecylsulfat (SDS) auf planktonischen Filtrierer

IM Vorozhun, SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 133-134


Auf den Konzepten von biochemischen kologie und Hydrologie: kologische Chemomediatoren SA Ostroumov Aktuelle Probleme der kologie 1 (2), 238-244


Grundlagen der molekularen kologischen Mechanismus der Wasserqualitt Bildung und Wasser Selbstreinigung SA Ostroumov Aktuelle Probleme der kologie 1 (1), 147-152


Wirkungen eines anionischen Tensids auf Grnalgen und Keimlinge einiger Angiospermen (Vozdejstvije anionnogo deterghenta na zelenuju vodorosl'i prorostki nekotorykh pokrytosemennykh rastenij) SV Goryunova, SA Ostroumov Biological Sciences (Biologicheskie Nauki) 7, 84-86


Die aquatische Makrophyten Ceratophyllum demersum immobilisiert Au Nanopartikel nach ihrer Zugabe zu Wasser SA erodiert, GM Kolesov Doklady Biological Sciences 431 (1), 124-127


Phytoremediation von Perchlorat mit Wasserpflanze Myriophyllum aquaticum SA erodiert, D Yifru, V Nzengung, S McCutcheon Ecological Studies, Gefahren, Solution. M.: MAX Press 11


Ya., Riffbildenden Korallen und Riffe von Vietnam. 2. Golf von Tonkin Y Latypov, AV Khodakovskaya, ON Selivanova, GG Zhigadlova, AP Kasatkina, AS ... Biol. Morya 29 (4), 225-235


Identifizierung einer neuen Art von kologischen Gefahren von Chemikalien: Hemmung der Prozesse der kologischen Sanierung SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 385 (1), 377-379


Neue Definitionen der Begriffe und Konzepte kosystem und biogeocenosis SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 141-143


Wirkung von nichtionogenes Tensid an Cyanobakterien J Waterbury, SA Ostroumov

Mikrobiologie-New York 63 (2), 140-142


Conservacin de la naturaleza viva: Problemas y Perspectivas AV I A blokov, SA Ostroumov Vneshtorgizdat


Membranpotential als mgliche polyfunktionellen Regulator der Aktivitt von Membranproteinen]. SA erodiert, LN Vorob'ev Nauchnye Doklady vysshe shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki, 22


SNIZhENIE IZMERYaEMYKh KONTsENTRATsII Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb B VODE EKSPERIMENTAL'NYKh SISTEM S Ceratophyllum demersum: POTENTsIAL FITOREMEDIATsII SA erodiert, TV Shestakova Doklady Akademii Nauk 428 (2), 282-285




Gegen die allgemeine Theorie der kosystem-hing Kontrolle der Wasserqualitt SA Ostroumov Ecologica 16 (54), 25-32


Filtrierer als Teil des kologischen biomachinery um Wasser zu reinigen SA Ostroumov Internationale Vereinigung fr Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie ...


Ein neuer Typ von Effekt potenziell gefhrlicher Stoffe: Entkoppler der Pelagial-Benthal Coupling SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 127-130


System von Prinzipien fr die Erhaltung des biogeocenotic Funktion und die Biodiversitt der Filtrierer SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 147-150


Die synkologische Herangehensweise an das Problem der Eutrophierung SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 381 (1), 559-562


Wirkung von amphiphilen Chemikalien auf Filter-Ftterung mariner Organismen SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 378 (1), 248-250


Ein amphiphilen Substanz hemmt das Weichtier Kapazitt herausfiltern Phytoplanktonzellen aus dem Wasser SA Ostroumov Biology Bulletin 28 (1), 95-102


Integrity-Ansatz zur kologischen biomachinery fr Selbst-Reinigung und Sanierung in aquatischen kosystemen: Stoppen eines kologische Zeitbombe SA Ostroumov Limnologie und Ozeanographie: Navigieren in das nchste Jahrhundert, 134


Die Fhigkeit von Muscheln zu filtern und reinigen das Meerwasser wird durch Tenside gesperrt SA Ostroumov ASLO, 1-5


Die Wirkung von sulphonol auf die Kultur der Alge Dunaliella asymmetrica und Fagopyrum esculentum Keimlinge

SA erodiert, EB Borisova, LI Lenova, VN Maksimov Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal / Hydrobiologische Zeitschrift. Kiew 26 (2), 96-98


Beurteilung der Effizienz des biologischen Abbaus von anionischen Tenside durch Biotests. SA erodiert, LS Samojlenko Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 7: Filosofiya, 74-78


Ostroumov SA, Kotelevtsev SV Toxikologie von Nanomaterialien und environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, issue 61, pp 3-10. SA Ostroumov Ecologica 18 (61), 3-10


VODNYI MAKROFIT Ceratophyllum demersum IMMOBILIZUET Au posle DOBAVLENIYa V vodu NANOChASTITs SA erodiert, GM Kolesov Doklady Akademii Nauk 431 (4), 566-569


Wirkung von kationischen Tensids auf Muscheln: Inhibition der Wasserfiltration SA erodiert, J Widdows Moskauer Universitt BIOLOGISCHE WISSENSCHAFTEN BULLETIN C / C OF VESTNIK-MOSKOVSKII ...


Wirkung eines kationischen amphiphilen Verbindung auf Rdertierchen SA erodiert, N Walz, R Rusche Doklady Biological Sciences 390 (1), 252-255


Antworten der Unio tumidusto Mixed Chemical Vorbereitungen und die Gefahr von synkologische Summation der anthropogenen Effekte SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 380 (1), 492-495


Die Gefahr einer Zwei-Ebenen-Synergismus synkologische Summation der anthropogenen Effekte SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 380 (1), 499-501


Pellets von einigen Mollusken in den biogeochemischen fliet aus C, N, P, Si und Al SA erodiert, MP Kolesnikov Doklady Biological Sciences 379 (1), 378-381


Imbalance von Faktoren eine Steuerung der einzelligen Plankton Populationen ausgesetzt anthropogenen Auswirkungen

SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 379 (1), 341-343


Filtration Hemmung durch zwei Klassen von synthetischen Tenside in der zweischaligen Muschel Mytilus edulis induzierte SA erodiert, P Donkin, F Staff Doklady BIOLOGISCHE WISSENSCHAFTEN ABSCHNITT C / C OF Doklady-AKADEMIIA Nauk SSSR 362 ...


Hemmung der Fhigkeit der Muschel Mytilus edulis zu filtern und zu reinigen Meerwasser durch ein anionisches Tensid SA erodiert, P Donkin, FJ Staff Moskauer Universitt BIOLOGISCHE WISSENSCHAFTEN BULLETIN C / C OF VESTNIK-MOSKOVSKII ...


Reaktion von Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, um Verschmutzung der wssrigen Medium mit polymeren Tenside SA erodiert, NA Semykina RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF KOLOGIE C / C OF EKOLOGIIA 24, 386-386


Bioassay von Tensiden auf die Unterbrechung des Smlings Befestigung an dem Substrat und rhizoderm Wurzel Haarbildung basierend SA erodiert, VN Maksimov Biology Bulletin der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR 18


Biotestverfahren Tensid (sulphonol) Toxizitt bei Reispflanzen als Test-Objekt SA erodiert, AE Golovko Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal / Hydrobiologische Zeitschrift. Kiew 28 (3), 72-75


Antwort von Testorganismen fr den Gewsserschutz mit quaternren Ammonium-Verbindungen SA Ostroumov Wasserressourcen 18


Probleme der Bewertung der biologischen Aktivitt von Xenobiotika. SA Ostroumov Moskauer Universitt Biological Sciences Bulletin 45 (2), 26-32


Antwort von Test-Organismen Wasserverschmutzung mit quaternrem Ammoniak compounds.-Water Resources (USA; ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, v. 18 (2) p. 171-175. ** - / / . 1991. 2. . 112-116. SA Ostroumov Water Resources


- XXI . mehr S Ostroumov


Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Elodea canadensis und CuO-Nanopartikel ME Johnson, SA erodiert, JF Tyson, B Xing Russian Journal of General Chemistry 81 (13), 2688-2693


Biocontrol der Wasserqualitt: Multifunktionale Rolle von Biota in Wasser Selbstreinigung SA Ostroumov Russian Journal of General Chemistry 80 (13), 2754-2761


Die Rolle der biodetritus in Ansammlung von Elementen in aquatischen kosystemen SA erodiert, GM Kolesov Aktuelle Probleme der kologie 3 (4), 369-373


SA Ostroumov ( ), GM Kolesov. Das Aquatic Makrophyten Ceratophyllum demersum bewegungsunfhig Au Nanopartikel nach Zugabe zu Wasser.-Doklady Biological Sciences, 2010, Vol. 431, S. 124-127. mehr S Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 431, 124-127


Wechselwirkungen von Nanopartikeln aus Gold mit Wasserpflanzen: Binden an Ceratophyllum demersum SA erodiert, GM Kolesov Ecologica 17 (57), 3-6


Studieren das Schicksal von Schadstoffen in der Umwelt: Binding und Immobilisierung von Nanopartikeln und chemische Elemente SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 133-134




** 30th January Dr Green : kotoxikologie kologie Umwelt und Naturschutz natrliche Ressourcen Nachhaltigkeit water quality improvement biologie


30 Bibliographie (slectionn). Ecologie, Environnement, Conservation, Biologie, amlioration de la qualit de l'eau. La liste des publications (articles, livres) du Dr S.A. Ostroumov, rcipiendaire du prix Fulbright; Moscow State University:

23-page de la liste. Traduction assiste par ordinateur de l'anglais: Bibliographie (slectionn). Ecologie, Environnement, Conservation, Biologie, amlioration de la qualit de l'eau, l'cotoxicologie, la durabilit des ressources naturelles. La liste des publications (articles, livres) du Dr SAOstroumov, rcipiendaire du prix Fulbright; Moscow State University:

Pour plus de dtails, voir les listes anglaises de bibliographie:;;

La disponibilit de certaines de ces publications en ligne, en anglais:;;; (en russe et en anglais); (en russe et en anglais); (en russe);; (en russe); ** Citation de thses dans les universits des Etats-Unis, Royaume-Uni, la Russie, l'Australie et d'autres pays. ** Analyse inhibiteur de contrle descendant: nouvelles cls pour tudier l'eutrophisation, la prolifration d'algues et d'auto-puration de l'eau SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 117-129


Rle multifonctionnel de la biodiversit dans les processus conduisant la purification de l'eau: les conceptualisations actuelles et observations finales SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 203-204


publi: Ostroumov SA biologique de filtrage et de machines cologiques pour l'auto-purification et la bioremdiation dans les cosystmes aquatiques: vers une approche holistique view.-Rivista di Biologia. 1998; 91 (2): 221-232 (publi) PMID: 9857844 [PubMed index pour MEDLINE] FILTRAGE BIOLOGIQUE ET MACHINES COLOGIQUE POUR auto-purification et BIORESTAURATION dans les cosystmes aquatiques: VERS UNE VUE GLOBALE. SA Ostroumov


Les effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs SA Ostroumov CRC


Conservation de la nature vivante et de ressources: problmes, tendances et perspectives. AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Conservation de la nature vivante et de ressources: problmes, tendances et perspectives.


Certains aspects de l'activit de l'eau de filtrage des filtreurs SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 542 (1), 275-286


Un cosystme aquatique: un bioracteur grande chelle diversifie avec de l'eau auto-puration des sciences Foncti.-Doklady biologique, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516 SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 374, 514-516


Le concept du biote aquatique en tant que composante instable et vulnrable de l'eau du systme d'auto-puration SA Ostroumov Doklady SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES SECTION C / C DE Doklady-AKADEMIIA 372 Nauk SSSR ...


Sur le biotiques auto-puration des cosystmes aquatiques: les lments de la thorie SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 396 (1), 206-211


Inhibition de filtration induite par deux classes de tensioactifs synthtiques dans le mollusque bivalve (Narushenije filtracii dvustvorchatymi molluskami pod vozdejstvijem poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv dvukh klassov) SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, le personnel F

Doklady Akademii Nauk 362, 574-576


Analyse d'inhibition des interactions rglementaires dans les rseaux trophiques SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 377 (1), 139-141


Introduction l'cologie biochimique SA Ostroumov L'Universit de Moscou, Moscou


Biologicheskie effekty poverkhnostnoaktivnykh veshchestv v svyazi s antropogennymi vozdeistviyami na biosferu SA Ostroumov Effets biologiques des tensioactifs comme lis l'impact anthropique sur ...


Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu (Introduction l'cologie biochimique), Moscou: Mosk SA Ostroumov Gos. Univ


Inhibition de l'alimentation de suspension de moules par des tensioactifs de trois classes SA Ostroumov, J Widdows Hydrobiologia 556 (1), 381-386


tude des effets de certains agents de surface et dtergents sur bivalves filtreurs SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 500 (1), 341-344


Effets anthropiques sur le biote: vers un nouveau systme de principes et de critres pour l'analyse des risques cologiques SA Ostroumov Rivista di BIOLOGIA BIOLOGIE DU FORUM 96 (1), 159-169


Syncologique fondation pour la solution du problme de l'eutrophisation (Sinekologicheskie osnovy resheniya problemy evtrofirovaniya) SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 381, 709-712


L'inhibition par le tensioactif anionique sulfate, le sodium dodcyl, de la capacit de moules Mytilus edulis pour filtrer et purifier l'eau de mer. SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, le personnel F Vestn. Mosk. UNIV. (Biol.), 30-36


Conservation de la Nature et des Ressources Living: problmes, tendances AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Perspectives. Heidelberg Berlin Londres New York


Sur certaines questions de maintien de la qualit de l'eau et de l'auto-puration SA Ostroumov Les ressources en eau 32 (3), 305-313


Critres du danger pour l'environnement de l'impact anthropique sur le biote: Recherche pour un systme SA Ostroumov Dokl. Akad. Nauk 371 (6), 844-846


Le bromure de ttradcyltrimthylammonium (tetradetziltrimetilammonij bromid) NV Kartasheva, SA Ostroumov Bulletin toxicologique (Toksikologicheskii Vestnik) 5, 30-32


Sur le rle multifonctionnel du biote dans l'auto-puration des cosystmes aquatiques

SA Ostroumov Russian Journal de l'Ecologie 36 (6), 414-420


Suspensivores comme facteurs influenant la qualit de l'eau dans les cosystmes aquatiques SA Ostroumov Les rles comparatifs des suspensivores dans les cosystmes, 147-164


L'cosystme aquatique dans un bioracteur: purification de l'eau et d'autres fonctions SA Ostroumov Rivista di Biologia / Biologie Forum 97 (1), 67-78


Priorits moyen terme et long terme dans les tudes cologiques. http://scipeople. com/uploads/materials/4389/3RivistaBio96Priorities2. rtf SA Ostroumov, S Dodson, D Hamilton, S Peterson, RG Wetzel Journal Article: Rivista di Biologia / Biologie Forum 96, 327-332


Critres de risques cologiques dus aux effets anthropogniques sur le biote: recherche d'un systme SA Ostroumov Doklady SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES SECTION C / C DE Doklady-AKADEMIIA Nauk SSSR 371 ...


L'activit biologique des eaux contenant des tensioactifs SA Ostroumov Khimiya i TEKHNOLOGIYA vody. Kiev 13 (3), 270-283


Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy SA Ostroumov MAX presse


Effet de la pollution marine d'un agent tensio-actif non ionique sur la diatome marine pseudonana Thalassiosira. N Fisher, M Maertts-Uehnte, SA Ostroumov Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. Seriya biologicheskaya / Actes du ...


Vvedenie v problemy biokhimicheskoi ekologii (Introduction au problme de l'Ecologie biochimique) MM Telitchenko, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press, Moscow


La diminution des concentrations mesurables de Cu, Zn, Cd et Pb dans l'eau des systmes exprimentaux contenant Ceratophyllum demersum: Le potentiel de phytoremdiation SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova

Doklady sciences biologiques 428 (1), 444-447


Tolrance d'une macrophytes aquatiques Potamogeton crispus L. de dodcyl sulfate de sodium EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov Universit de Moscou sciences biologiques du Bulletin 62 (4), 176-179


Biotique d'auto-puration des cosystmes aquatiques: de la thorie cotechnologies SA Ostroumov Ecologica 15 (50), 15-21


Protection de la biodiversit et de la qualit de l'eau: le rle des rtroactions dans les cosystmes SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 382, 138-141


Effets des produits chimiques sur les organismes marins amphiphiles filtreurs (Vozdeistvie amfifil'nykh veshchestv na morskikh gidrobiontov-filtratorov) SA Ostroumov Dokl. Akad. Nauk 378 (2), 283-285


Dvelopper des concepts fondamentaux en cologie aquatique et gnrale de la recherche: aquatique et cologique pour des applications relatives la durabilit SA Ostroumov Ecol. tudes, problmes, solutions 6, 28-33


Systme de principes pour la protection de la fonction biogeocenotic et la biodiversit des organismes filtreurs SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 383 (5), 710-713


Les effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs sur les organismes SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moscow


Les effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs en rapport avec l'impact anthropique sur la biosphre SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moscow


Diminution acclre de la concentration en tensioactif dans l'eau d'un microcosme de la prsence de plantes: des innovations pour phytotechnologie EV Lazareva, SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 425 (1), 180-182


Biomachinery pour le maintien de la qualit de l'eau et de l'eau naturelle d'auto-puration dans les systmes marins et estuariens: lments d'une thorie qualitative SA Ostroumov Revue internationale des ocans et de l'ocanographie 1 (1)


Protection de la biodiversit et de la qualit de l'eau: le rle des rtroactions dans les cosystmes SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 382 (1), 18-21


Chimique amphiphile inhibe la capacit des mollusques pour filtrer l'eau et liminer les cellules de phytoplancton SA Ostroumov Izvestia RAN. Seriya Biologie (Bulletin de l'Acadmie russe des Sciences ...


Les lments les plus importants de l'auto-puration des cosystmes et de sa dprciation possible en raison de la pollution chimique SA Ostroumov, VD Fedorov Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya biolgiya. Moscou, 24-32


Certains aspects de l'estimation de l'activit biologique des xnobiotiques SA Ostroumov Bulletin de l'Universit de Moscou 2, 27-34


Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu SA Ostroumov M.: Izd-vo MGU


Urovni okhranyzhivoi prirody (Niveaux de la protection de la Nature Vivante) AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press, Moscow


Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody (niveaux de Conservation de la Nature) AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Moscou: Nauka


Okhrana zhivoi prirody: problemy i perspektivy AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Conservation de la Nature vivante: problmes et perspectives), Moscou: Lespromizdat


En tudiant les dangers de la pollution de la biosphre: Effets de dodcyl sulfate de sodium (SDS) sur planctoniques filtreurs IM Vorozhun, SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 425 (1), 133-134


Sur les concepts de l'cologie et de l'hydrobiologie biochimique: chemomediators cologiques SA Ostroumov Problmes contemporains de l'Ecologie 1 (2), 238-244


Les bases du mcanisme molculaire de la formation de qualit cologique de l'eau et de l'autopuration de l'eau SA Ostroumov Problmes contemporains de l'Ecologie 1 (1), 147-152


Effets d'un agent tensio-actif anionique sur les algues vertes et les plants de certaines angiospermes (Vozdejstvije anionnogo deterghenta na zelenuju vodorosl'i prorostki nekotorykh pokrytosemennykh rastenij) SV Goryunova, SA Ostroumov Sciences biologiques (Biologicheskie Nauki) 7, 84-86


Le aquatiques macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum immobilise nanoparticules Au aprs leur addition l'eau

SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Doklady sciences biologiques 431 (1), 124-127


La phytoremdiation de perchlorate utilisant une plante aquatique Myriophyllum aquaticum SA Ostroumov, D Yifru, V Nzengung, S McCutcheon Des tudes cologiques, les dangers, la solution. M.: MAX presse 11


Ya., Les coraux et les rcifs hermatypiques du Vietnam. 2. Golfe du Tonkin Y Latypov, AV Khodakovskaya, ON Selivanova, GG Zhigadlova, AP Kasatkina, AS ... Biol. Morya 29 (4), 225-235


Identification d'un nouveau type de risque cologique des substances chimiques: l'inhibition des processus de l'assainissement cologique SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 385 (1), 377-379


De nouvelles dfinitions des concepts et des termes et des cosystmes biogeocenosis SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 383 (1), 141-143


Effet de l'agent tensio-actif non ionique sur les cyanobactries J Waterbury, SA Ostroumov Microbiologie-New York 63 (2), 140-142


Conservacin de la Naturaleza viva: Problemas y perspectivas AV I A Blokov, SA Ostroumov Vneshtorgizdat


Potentiel de membrane en tant que rgulateur polyfonctionnel possible de l'activit des protines membranaires]. SA Ostroumov, LN Vorob'ev Doklady Nauchnye vysshe shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki, 22


SNIZhENIE IZMERYaEMYKh KONTsENTRATsII Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb B Vode EKSPERIMENTAL'NYKh SISTEM S Ceratophyllum demersum: POTENTsIAL FITOREMEDIATsII SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova Doklady Akademii Nauk 428 (2), 282-285



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Vers la thorie gnrale de l'cosystme dpendait de contrle de la qualit de l'eau SA Ostroumov Ecologica 16 (54), 25-32


Filtreurs dans le cadre de biomachinery cologique pour purifier l'eau SA Ostroumov Internationale Vereinigung fr Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie ...


Un nouveau type d'effet de substances potentiellement dangereuses: dcouplants de couplage benthique-plagique SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 383 (1), 127-130


Systme de principes pour la conservation de la fonction biogeocenotic et la biodiversit des organismes filtreurs SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 383 (1), 147-150


L'approche syncologique au problme de l'eutrophisation SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 381 (1), 559-562


Effets des produits chimiques sur amphiphiles filtre d'alimentation organismes marins SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 378 (1), 248-250


Une substance amphiphile inhibe la capacit des mollusques pour filtrer les cellules phytoplanctoniques de l'eau SA Ostroumov Bulletin de biologie 28 (1), 95-102


Intgrit approche oriente vers biomachinery cologique pour l'auto-purification et la bioremdiation dans les cosystmes aquatiques: l'arrt d'une bombe retardement cologique SA Ostroumov Limnologie et ocanographie: Navigation dans le XXIe sicle, 134


La capacit des moules pour filtrer et purifier l'eau de mer est inhibe par des agents tensioactifs SA Ostroumov

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L'effet de sulphonol sur la culture d'algue Dunaliella asymmetrica et sur les semis esculentum Fagopyrum SA Ostroumov, EB Borisova, LI Lenova, VN Maksimov Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal / hydrobiologique journal. Kiev 26 (2), 96-98


valuation de l'efficacit de la biodgradation des tensioactifs anioniques par biotests. SA Ostroumov, LS Samojlenko Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 7: Filosofiya, 74-78


Ostroumov SA, SV Kotelevtsev toxicologie des nanomatriaux et environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, numro 61, pp 3-10. SA Ostroumov Ecologica 18 (61), 3-10


VODNYI MAKROFIT Ceratophyllum demersum IMMOBILIZUET Au Posle DOBAVLENIYa V vodu NANOChASTITs SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Doklady Akademii 431 Nauk (4), 566-569


Effet de l'agent tensio-actif cationique sur les moules: Inhibition de la filtration de l'eau SA Ostroumov, J Widdows Universit de Moscou SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES BULLETIN C / C DE Vestnik-MOSKOVSKII ...


Effet d'un compos amphiphile cationique sur des rotifres SA Ostroumov, N Walz, R Rusche Doklady sciences biologiques 390 (1), 252-255


Les rponses des prparations chimiques tumidusto Unio mixtes et des dangers de la sommation des effets anthropiques syncologiques SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 380 (1), 492-495


Le risque d'une synergie deux niveaux de sommation syncologique des effets anthropiques SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 380 (1), 499-501


Granuls de certains mollusques dans les flux biogochimiques de C, N, P, Si, Al et SA Ostroumov, dput Kolesnikov Doklady sciences biologiques 379 (1), 378-381


Dsquilibre des facteurs assurant le contrle des populations de plancton unicellulaire exposs aux impacts anthropiques SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 379 (1), 341-343


Inhibition de filtration induite par deux classes de tensioactifs synthtiques dans le edulis mollusques bivalves Mytilus SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, le personnel F Doklady SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES SECTION C / C DE Doklady-AKADEMIIA Nauk SSSR 362 ...


L'inhibition de la capacit de la moule Mytilus edulis filtrer et purifier l'eau de mer par un agent tensioactif anionique SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, FJ personnel Universit de Moscou SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES BULLETIN C / C DE Vestnik-MOSKOVSKII ...


Raction de Fagopyrum esculentum Moench la pollution du milieu aqueux avec des tensioactifs polymres SA Ostroumov, NA Semykina JOURNAL RUSSE DE L'COLOGIE C / C DE EKOLOGIIA 24, 386-386


Bioessai de tensioactifs sur la base de la perturbation du semis fixation sur le substrat et la formation de racine des cheveux rhizoderm SA Ostroumov, VN Maksimov Bulletin de biologie de l'Acadmie des Sciences de l'URSS 18


Biotesting de tensioactif (sulphonol) toxicit sur les plants de riz comme un objet d'essai SA Ostroumov, AE Golovko Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal / hydrobiologique journal. Kiev 28 (3), 72-75


Rponse de tests les organismes la pollution de l'eau avec des composs d'ammonium quaternaire SA Ostroumov Les ressources en eau 18


Problmes d'valuation de l'activit biologique des xnobiotiques. SA Ostroumov Universit de Moscou sciences biologiques du Bulletin 45 (2), 26-32


Rponse de tests les organismes la pollution de l'eau avec l'ammoniac quaternaire compounds.Ressources en eau (Etats-Unis, ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, c 18 (2) p. 171-175. ** / / . 1991. 2. . 112-116.

SA Ostroumov Ressources en eau


- XXI . plus S Ostroumov


Etude des interactions entre Elodea canadensis et des nanoparticules de CuO ME Johnson, SA Ostroumov, JF Tyson, B Xing Russian Journal of General Chemistry 81 (13), 2688-2693


Lutte biologique contre la qualit de l'eau: le rle multifonctionnel de l'biote dans l'eau auto-puration SA Ostroumov Russian Journal of General Chemistry 80 (13), 2754-2761


Le rle de biodetritus dans l'accumulation d'lments dans les cosystmes aquatiques SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Problmes contemporains de l'cologie 3 (4), 369-373


SA Ostroumov ( ), GM Kolesov. Le aquatiques macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilise nanoparticules Au aprs leur ajout l'eau-Doklady sciences biologiques, 2010, vol. 431, pp 124-127. plus S Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 431, 124-127


Interaction des nanoparticules d'or avec des plantes aquatiques: Reliure Ceratophyllum demersum SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Ecologica 17 (57), 3-6


L'tude du devenir des polluants dans l'environnement: lments de liaison et d'immobilisation des nanoparticules et chimiques SA Ostroumov Doklady sciences biologiques 425 (1), 133-134




** 30th January Dr Green

: conservation bibliographie la qualit de l'eau Ecologie environnement amlioration biologie

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Publication. Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Freshwater bivalves. Freshwater mussels. Effects of pollutants /xenobiotics exemplified by surfactants / detergents. Inhibition of water filtration rate. New facts, new ideas, innovative analysis. Identification of a new type of man-made impact. Publication. Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Freshwater bivalves. Freshwater mussels. Effects of pollutants /xenobiotics exemplified by surfactants / detergents. Inhibition of water filtration rate. New facts, new ideas, innovative analysis. Identification of a new type of man-made impact.


Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects Authors SA Ostroumov Publication date 2001/9/1 Journal name Doklady Biological Sciences Volume 380 Issue 1 Pages 492-495 Publisher

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Description RESPONSES OF UNIO TUMIDUS TO MIXED CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS 493 density of the experimental sample (in the presence of SWM) was significantly (187.8%) higher than this value in the control. The filtration-induced decrease in the optical density (0.716 units of optical density) during 70 min of incubation was (0.7160.242= 0.474 units of optical density) and (0.7160.566= 0.150 units of optical density) in the control and experimental samples, respectively. Therefore, the rate of the filtration-induced decrease in the optical ... Total citations Cited by 1

Scholar articles Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects SA Ostroumov - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001 Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 7 versions

** 30th January Dr Green

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Publication.Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification Publication. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification

[PDF] from Title Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification Authors SA Ostroumov Publication date 2010/12/1 Journal name Russian Journal of General Chemistry Volume 80 Issue 13 Pages 2754-2761 Publisher MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Description Abstract The experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the fundamental elements of the qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systematized form. The theory covers water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory is supported by the results of the author's experimental studies of the effects exerted by some chemical pollutants including synthetic surfactants, detergents, and other xenobiotics onaquatic organisms. The theory provides a basis for remediation of ...

Scholar articles Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification

SA Ostroumov - Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010 Related articles - All 8 versions 30th January Dr Green

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Publication. Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles. Publication.

Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles.**

Title Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles Authors ME Johnson, SA Ostroumov, JF Tyson, B Xing Publication date 2011/12/1 Journal name Russian Journal of General Chemistry Volume 81 Issue 13 Pages 2688-2693 Publisher MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Description

Abstract Copper is one of the key heavy metals that pollute environment and constitute a serious threat to the health of humans and ecosystems. Copper may enter the aquatic environment in both soluble and nanoparticle form. It was previously found in a series of studies that nanoparticles, including those of several metal oxides, exercise both negative and positive effects on the higher plants which makes necessary further research on the interaction between metal oxide nanoparticles and plants. Interactions between aquatic ... Scholar articles Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles ME Johnson, SA Ostroumov, JF Tyson, B Xing - Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2011 Related articles - All 5 versions 30th January Dr Green : nanoparticles CuO Elodea canadensis

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Publication. Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds. key words: Water pollution; Quaternary ammonium compounds; Testing; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicity; Pollution de l'eau; Compose d'ammonium quaternaire; Testage; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicite; Polucion del agua; Compuestos amonicos cuaternarios; Ensayo; Fagopyrum esculentum; Fitotoxicidad Publication. Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds. key words: Water pollution; Quaternary ammonium compounds; Testing; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicity; Pollution de l'eau; Compose d'ammonium quaternaire; Testage; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicite; Polucion del agua; Compuestos amonicos cuaternarios; Ensayo; Fagopyrum esculentum; Fitotoxicidad ** Go to AGRIS search Try it!

Water resources (Jan 1992)

Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds Ostroumov, S.A. (Moscow State University)


Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds Authors SA Ostroumov Publication date 1992/1 Journal name Water resources Volume 18 Description Go to AGRIS search. Try it! Water resources (Jan 1992). Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds. Ostroumov, SA (Moscow State University). Date of publication, Jan 1992. AGRIS Categories, ...

** Date of publication AGRIS Categories Jan 1992 Miscellaneous plant disorders; Pollution

AGROVOC English terms Water pollution; Quaternary ammonium compounds; Testing; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicity AGROVOC French terms Pollution de l'eau; Compose d'ammonium quaternaire; Testage; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicite AGROVOC Spanish terms Polucion del agua; Compuestos amonicos cuaternarios; Ensayo; Fagopyrum esculentum; Fitotoxicidad Language Russian

Notes references. Translated from : Vodnye Resursy, v. 18 (2), March-April, 1991, p.112-116. (GB746.V55) Journal Title ISSN Water resources


Volume/Issue v. 18(2) p. 171-175 Source:

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Title Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds.-Water Resources (USA; ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, v. 18 (2) p. 171-175.** - // . 1991. 2. . 112-116. Authors SA Ostroumov Publication date 2012/2/26 Journal name Water Resources Description Abstract - // . 1991. 2. . 112-116. 6 . . 17 . ISSN: 0321-0596.

- () - (). ... Scholar articles Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds.-Water Resources (USA; ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, v. 18 (2) p. 171-175.** - // . 1991. 2. . 112-116. SA Ostroumov - Water Resources, 2012 All 2 versions

** ** 30th January Dr Green : Water pollution; Quaternary ammonium compounds; Testing; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicity; Pollution de l'eau; Compose d'ammonium quaternaire; Testage; Phytotoxicite; Polucion del agua;

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Brazil. Useful publication. Ba, Cd, Pb, Sr, V and Sb were found in higher concentrations in seafood than in either sea or river fish, while As concentrations were higher in both seafood and sea fish than in river fish. On the other hand, Hg levels were higher in river and sea fish. Concentrations of the essential chemical elements Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn and Mo were significantly higher in seafood compared with both sorts of fish except for Se, whose levels were similar in seafood and sea fish. Brazil. Useful publication. Ba, Cd, Pb, Sr, V and Sb were found in higher concentrations in seafood than in either sea or river fish, while As concentrations were higher in both seafood and sea fish than in river fish. On the other hand, Hg levels were higher in river and sea fish. Concentrations of the essential chemical elements Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn and Mo were significantly higher in seafood compared with both sorts of fish except for Se, whose levels were similar in seafood and sea fish. **

FNS> Vol.3 No.9, September 2012 OPEN ACCESS Evaluation by ICP-MS of Essential, Nonessential and Toxic Elements in Brazilian Fish and Seafood Samples PDF (Size:190KB) PP. 1252-1260 DOI: 10.4236/fns.2012.39165 Author(s) Denise Grotto, Bruno Lemos Batista, Maria Fernanda Hornos Carneiro, Fernando Barbosa Jr.

Bruno Batista:

ABSTRACT Fish is considered one of the healthiest foods due to the high levels of several important cardioprotective compounds such as long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. However, due to widespread environmental pollution, high levels of contaminants may also be present in fish and seafood samples, which may counteract the beneficial effects of consumption of this food. With this in mind, the aims of this study were: 1) to examine both toxic and essential chemical elements in seafood and river and sea fish samples sold in different Brazilian regions by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS); 2) to estimate the daily intake of these chemical elements by Brazilians. The toxic elements Ba, Cd, Pb, Sr, V and Sb were found in higher concentrations in seafood than in either sea or river fish, while As concentrations were higher in both seafood and sea fish than in river fish. On the other hand, Hg levels were higher in river and sea fish. Concentrations of the essential chemical elements Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn and Mo were significantly higher in seafood compared with both sorts of fish except for Se, whose levels were similar in seafood and sea fish. Daily intake of all chemical elements was estimated on the basis of a calculation of the amount of fish consumed by Brazilian households (mean fish and seafood consumption of 11.0 g/person/day). The amount of toxic element in fish and seafood did not represent a risk for the Brazilian people. Moreover, fish and seafood seem to be a good source of selenium. KEYWORDS River Fish; Sea Fish; Seafood; Toxic Elements; Essential Elements; Estimated Daily Intake; ICP-MS

Cite this paper

D. Grotto, B. Batista, M. Carneiro and F. Barbosa Jr., "Evaluation by ICP-MS of Essential, Nonessential and Toxic Elements in Brazilian Fish and Seafood Samples," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 9, 2012, pp. 1252-1260. doi: 10.4236/fns.2012.39165.

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** 30th January Dr Green : heavy metals River Fish; Sea Fish; Seafood; Toxic Elements; Essential Elements; Estimated Daily Intake; ICP-MS

0 Add a comment JAN 30 Citation in dissertations. Citation of publications of Moscow State University. Examples. Citation in dissertations at universities of the U.S.A., UK, Russia, Australia and other countries. Citation, dissertations, publications, S.A.Ostroumov, ecology, environment, biology, aquatic ecosystems, , ,

Citation in dissertations. Citation of publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, Moscow State University. Examples. Citation in dissertations at universities of the U.S.A., U.K., Russia, Australia and other countries. ** U.K., University of Cambridge:; At the University of Cambridge. McIvor, A.L. (2004) Freshwater mussels as biofilters. PhD thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.; The papers that were cited: (1) Ostroumov, S. A. 2001. An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water. Biology Bulletin 28, 95-102. Full text see online free:; (2) Ostroumov, S. A. 2002. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. Hydrobiologia 469, 203-204. Full text see online free:; ** Citation in the U.S.A. Western Kentucky University. Cited paper: Ostroumov, S.A. 2005. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia 542: 275286. It was cited in: Yates, J. M., "Influences of a Cladophora Bloom on the Diets of Amblema plicata and Elliptio dilatata in the Upper Green River, Kentucky" (2012). ** Australia. The paper was cited: "water filtering activity of filter-feeders". #Aquatic #freshwater safety, #sustainability **new citation. Notification from Internet: in Australia (The University of Western Australia), the paper of Moscow University was cited recently: The Moscow University paper that was cited: "Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders" (author: S.A.Ostroumov, Moscow University) ** [PDF]

African American Parents' Experiences in Their Children's Health Care Encounters RD Green - 2012 -

Abstract Persistent disparities in African American child health may be the result of the intersection of many social determinants of health and other factors, such as health care relationships. A review of the literature revealed a gap in understanding of African ... Related articles Cite This article was cited: New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis ** . , , , . , - , ; . . ** : (Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt) ** ( ; ) ** (, , ) ... .. - ** (, ) ... .. . ** KEY WORDS: Citation, dissertations, publications, S.A.Ostroumov, ecology, environment, biology, aquatic ecosystems, , ,

30th January Dr Green : publications biology S.A.Ostroumov ecology dissertations citation environment aquatic ecosystems

1 JAN 30 Ecology, Water quality, Environment, Conservation, Biology. Information on publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov Moscow State University Ecology, Water quality, Environment, Conservation, Biology. Information on publications of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, Fulbright Award recipient; Moscow State University : Availability of some of these publications online: (in Russian and in English) (in Russian and in English) (in Rus) (in Rus)

Citation in dissertations at universities of the U.S.A., U.K., Russia, Australia and other countries. **

Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 117-129 2002 Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 469 (1), 203-204 2002 published: Ostroumov SA Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view.-Rivista di Biologia. 1998; 91 (2): 221232.(published) PMID: 9857844 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE] BIOLOGICAL FILTERING AND ECOLOGICAL MACHINERY FOR SELF-PURIFICATION AND BIOREMEDIATION IN AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS: TOWARDS A HOLISTIC VIEW SA Ostroumov 1998 Biological effects of surfactants SA Ostroumov CRC Press; see comments on the book: 2005 Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects. AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects. 1991 Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders SA Ostroumov

Hydrobiologia 542 (1), 275-286; Full text free: 2005 An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function.Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516 SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 374, 514-516, 2000 The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system SA Ostroumov DOKLADY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

2000 On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 396 (1), 206-211 DOI: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12;

2004 Filtration inhibition induced by two classes of synthetic surfactants in the bivalve mollusc (Narushenije filtracii dvustvorchatymi molluskami pod vozdejstvijem poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv dvukh klassov) SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Staff Doklady Akademii Nauk 362, 574-576 1998 Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 377 (1), 139-141; full text:;

2001 Introduction to biochemical ecology SA Ostroumov Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986; see:; Also, very important comments on the book were published in the English article, full text free: 1986 Biologicheskie effekty poverkhnostnoaktivnykh veshchestv v svyazi s antropogennymi vozdeistviyami na biosferu SA Ostroumov Biological Effects of Surfactants as Related to the Anthropogenic Impact on ... 2000 Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu (Introduction to Biochemical Ecology), Moscow: Mosk SA Ostroumov Moscow University Press, 1986. see: Also, very important comments on the book were published in the English article, full text free:

1986 Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes SA Ostroumov, J Widdows Hydrobiologia 556 (1), 381-386 2006 Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves SA Ostroumov Hydrobiologia 500 (1), 341-344; a very detailed abstract see:

A closely related paper, full text see: 2003 Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards SA Ostroumov RIVISTA DI BIOLOGIA / BIOLOGY FORUM 96 (1), 159-169 full text free see: 2003 Synecological foundation for the solution of the problem of eutrophication (Sinekologicheskie osnovy resheniya problemy evtrofirovaniya) SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 381, 709-712 Full text free: 2001 Inhibition by the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, of the ability of mussels Mytilus edulis to filter and purify sea water. SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Staff VESTN. MOSK. UNIV.(BIOL.), 30-36 1997 Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Prospects. Heidelberg Berlin London New York 1991 On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification SA Ostroumov Water Resources 32 (3), 305-313; Full text: 2005 Criteria of the Environmental Hazard of Anthropogenic Impact on Biota: Search for a System

SA Ostroumov Dokl. Akad. Nauk 371 (6), 844-846; full text:;; 2000 Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (tetradetziltrimetilammonij bromid) NV Kartasheva, SA Ostroumov Toxicological Bulletin (Toksikologicheskii Vestnik) 5, 30-32 1998 On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems SA Ostroumov Russian Journal of Ecology 36 (6), 414-420 2005 Suspension-feeders as factors influencing water quality in aquatic ecosystems SA Ostroumov The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems, 147-164 2005 Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions SA Ostroumov Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 97 (1), 67-78 2004 Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. http://scipeople. com/uploads/materials/4389/3RivistaBio96Priorities2. rtf SA Ostroumov, S Dodson, D Hamilton, S Peterson, RG Wetzel Journal Article: Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 96, 327-332; full text: 2003 Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system SA Ostroumov DOKLADY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, (2000) 371: 204-206. 2000

Biological activity of waters containing surfactants SA Ostroumov Khimiya i tekhnologiya vody. Kiev (1991) 13 (3): 270-283; [translation of the title into English: Chemistry and Technology of Water; published in city of Kiev] 1991 Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy (Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms) SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moscow, 2001, 334 p. 2001 Effect of marine pollution with a nonionic surfactant on the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. N Fisher, M Maertts-Uehnte, SA Ostroumov Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. Seriya biologicheskaya/Proceedings of ... English edition: Effects of aquatic pollution by a non-ionogenic surfactant on the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISSN 1062-3590, Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing). 1996. Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 76-79 [Co-authors: Fisher N., Maertz-Wente M., S.A.Ostroumov].

Russian edition: Effect of marine pollution with a nonionic surfactant on the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. - Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. Seriya biologicheskaya/Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Biological Series [IZV. RAN (BIOL.)]. no. 1, pp. 91-95. 1996. 1996 Vvedenie v problemy biokhimicheskoi ekologii (Introduction to the Problem of Biochemical Ecology) MM Telitchenko, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press, Moscow, 1990. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology: Biotechnology, Agriculture, Environment. 1990. Nauka Press, Moscow. 288 p., [Co-authors: Telitchenko M.M., S.A.Ostroumov.] In Russian. ISBN 5-02-004062-2.;;; 1990 Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova

Doklady biological sciences 2009; 428 (1): 444-447; full text free:; 2009 Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 2007, 62 (4): 176-179. DOI 10.3103/S0096392507040074; 2007 Biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: from the theory to ecotechnologies SA Ostroumov Ecologica 15 (50), 15-21 2007 Biodiversity protection and water quality: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 382, 138-141; DOI: 10.1023/A:1014465220673; full text free:; 2002 Effects of amphiphilic chemicals on marine organisms filter-feeders (Vozdeistvie amfifil'nykh veshchestv na morskikh gidrobiontov-filtratorov) SA Ostroumov Dokl. Akad. Nauk (2001) 378 (2): 283-285 (in Russian); English edition: Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Vol. 378, p. 248250.full text free:; 2001 Developing fundamental concepts in aquatic and general ecology: from aquatic and ecological research to applications relevant to sustainability SA Ostroumov Ecol. Studies, Problems, Solutions 6, 28-33 2003

System of principles for protecting the biogeocenotic function and biodiversity of filter-feeders SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 383 (5), 710-713 (in Russian) English edition: System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2002; 383:147-150; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015398125876;

2002 Biological effects of surfactants on organisms SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moscow 2001 Biological effects of surfactants in connection with the anthropogenic impact on the biosphere SA Ostroumov MAX Press, Moscow 2000 Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence of plants: innovations for phytotechnology EV Lazareva, SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 180-182; Full text free: 2009 Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water self-purification in marine and estuarine systems: elements of a qualitative theory SA Ostroumov International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 2006, 1 (1): 111-118; full text free: 2006 Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 382 (1), 18-21; Full text free:

2002 Amphiphilic chemical inhibits the ability of molluscs to filter water and to remove the cells of phytoplankton SA Ostroumov Izvestia RAN. Seriya Biology (Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences ... English edition: An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water. Biology Bulletin, 2001, Volume 28, Number 1, p. 95-102.;; 2001 The most important components of self-purification of ecosystems and its possible impairment as a result of chemical pollution SA Ostroumov, VD Fedorov Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya biolgiya. Moscow, 24-32 1999 Some aspects of the estimation of biological activity of xenobiotics SA Ostroumov Bulletin of Moscow University 2, 27-34 1990 Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu

SA Ostroumov M.: Izd-vo MGU 1986 Urovni okhranyzhivoi prirody (Levels of the Protection of Living Nature) AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Nauka Press, Moscow 1985 Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody (Levels of Nature Conservation) AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Moscow: Nauka 1985 Okhrana zhivoi prirody: problemy i perspektivy AV Yablokov, SA Ostroumov Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects), Moscow: Lespromizdat 1983 On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: Effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders IM Vorozhun, SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 133-134; Vorozhun I. M., S. A. Ostroumov. On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009, Vol. 425, pp. 133134. DOI: 10.1134/S0012496609020136; [key words: zooplankton, Daphnia magna, detergent, SDS]; full text: 2009 On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators SA Ostroumov Contemporary Problems of Ecology 1 (2), 238-244; Full text free: Comments see here:

2008 Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification SA Ostroumov Contemporary Problems of Ecology 1 (1), 147-152; Full text free:;

2008 Effects of an anionic surfactant on green algae and seedlings of some angiosperms (Vozdejstvije anionnogo deterghenta na zelenuju vodorosl'i prorostki nekotorykh pokrytosemennykh rastenij) SV Goryunova, SA Ostroumov Biological Sciences (Biologicheskie Nauki) 7, 84-86 1986 The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Doklady Biological Sciences 431 (1), 124-127; Full text:

2010 Phytoremediation of perchlorate using aquatic plant Myriophyllum aquaticum SA Ostroumov, D Yifru, V Nzengung, S McCutcheon Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solution. M.: MAX Press 11 2006 Ya., Hermatypic corals and reefs of Vietnam. 2. Gulf of Tonkin Y Latypov, AV Khodakovskaya, ON Selivanova, GG Zhigadlova, AP Kasatkina, AS ... Biol. Morya 29 (4), 225-235 2003

Identification of a new type of ecological hazard of chemicals: inhibition of processes of ecological remediation SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 385 (1), 377-379; Full text: 2002 New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 2002 383 (1), 141-143; full text:

2002 Effect of Non-Ionogenic Surfactant on Cyanobacteria J Waterbury, SA Ostroumov Microbiology-New York 63 (2), 140-142 1994 Conservacin de la naturaleza viva: Problemas y perspectivas AV IAblokov, SA Ostroumov Vneshtorgizdat 1989 Membrane potential as a possible polyfunctional regulator of the activity of membrane proteins]. SA Ostroumov, LN Vorob'ev Nauchnye doklady vysshe shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki, 22 1976 SNIZhENIE IZMERYaEMYKh KONTsENTRATsII Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb B VODE EKSPERIMENTAL'NYKh SISTEM S CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM: POTENTsIAL FITOREMEDIATsII

Snizhenie izmeryaemykh kontsentratsii Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb b vode eksperimental'nykh sistem s Ceratophyllum demersum: potentsial fitoremediatsii SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova Doklady Akademii Nauk 428 (2), 282-285 Full text (in Russian):;


Uskorenie snizheniya kontsentratsii poverkhnostno-aktivnogo veshchestva v vode mikrokosma v prisutstvii rastenii: innovatsii dlya fitotekhnologii


2009 Towards the general theory of ecosystem-depended control of water quality SA Ostroumov Ecologica 16 (54), 25-32 2009 Filter-feeders as part of ecological biomachinery to purify water SA Ostroumov Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie ...

2005 A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of PelagialBenthal Coupling SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002, 383 (1): 127-130; Full English text free:

Text in Russian:

2002 System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (1), 147-150 2002 The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 381 (1), 559-562 2001 Effect of amphiphilic chemicals on filter-feeding marine organisms SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 378 (1), 248-250 2001 An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water SA Ostroumov

Biology Bulletin 28 (1), 95-102 2001 Integrity-oriented approach to ecological biomachinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: stopping an ecological time bomb SA Ostroumov Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century, 134 1999 The ability of mussels to filter and purify the sea water is inhibited by surfactants SA Ostroumov ASLO, 1-5 1999 The effect of sulphonol on the culture of alga Dunaliella asymmetrica and on Fagopyrum esculentum seedlings SA Ostroumov, EB Borisova, LI Lenova, VN Maksimov Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal/Hydrobiological journal. Kiev 26 (2), 96-98 1990 Assessment of efficiency of biodegradation of anionic surfactants by biotests. SA Ostroumov, LS Samojlenko Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 7: Filosofiya, 74-78 1990 Ostroumov SA, Kotelevtsev SV Toxicology of nanomaterials and environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, issue 61, pp. 3-10. SA Ostroumov Ecologica 18 (61), 3-10 2011 VODNYI MAKROFIT CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM IMMOBILIZUET Au POSLE DOBAVLENIYa V VODU NANOChASTITs SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Doklady Akademii Nauk 431 (4), 566-569 2010

Effect of cationic surfactant on mussels: Inhibition of water filtration SA Ostroumov, J Widdows MOSCOW UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BULLETIN C/C OF VESTNIK-MOSKOVSKII ... 2004 Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers SA Ostroumov, N Walz, R Rusche Doklady Biological Sciences 2003. 390 (1), 252-255 doi:10.1023/A:1024417903077 Full text in English free: 2003 Responses of Unio tumidusto Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 380 (1), 492-495 DOI: 10.1023/A:1012344026176; Full English text free: 2001

The hazard of a two-level synergism of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 380 (1), 499-501; Full English text free: 2001 Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al SA Ostroumov, MP Kolesnikov Doklady Biological Sciences 379 (1), 378-381; DOI 10.1023/A:1011620817764; Full English text free:


Imbalance of factors providing control of unicellular plankton populations exposed to anthropogenic impact SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 379 (1), 341-343 2001 Filtration inhibition induced by two classes of synthetic surfactants in the bivalve mollusk Mytilus edulis SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, F Staff DOKLADY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SECTION C/C OF DOKLADY-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR 362 ... 1998 Inhibition of the ability of the mussel Mytilus edulis to filter and purify seawater by an anionic surfactant SA Ostroumov, P Donkin, FJ Staff MOSCOW UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BULLETIN C/C OF VESTNIK-MOSKOVSKII ... 1997 Reaction of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench to Pollution of Aqueous Medium with Polymeric Surfactants SA Ostroumov, NA Semykina RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY (published in English) [The Russian edition entitled EKOLOGIIA] 24, 386-386 1993 Bioassay of surfactants based on the disruption of seedling attachment to the substrate and rhizoderm root hair formation SA Ostroumov, VN Maksimov Biology bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 18 1992 Biotesting of surfactant(sulphonol) toxicity using rice seedlings as a test-object SA Ostroumov, AE Golovko Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal/Hydrobiological journal. Kiev 28 (3), 72-75 1992 Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds SA Ostroumo

Water resources English and Russian texts of the abstract: 1992 Problems of assessment of biological activity of xenobiotics. SA Ostroumov Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 45 (2), 26-32 1990 Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds.-Water Resources (USA; ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, v. 18 (2) p. 171-175.** - // . 1991. 2. . 112-116. SA Ostroumov Water Resources 2012 XXI . more S Ostroumov 2012 Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles ME Johnson, SA Ostroumov, JF Tyson, B Xing Russian Journal of General Chemistry 81 (13), 2688-2693 2011 Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification SA Ostroumov Russian Journal of General Chemistry 80 (13), 2754-2761; Full English text free: 2010 The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Contemporary Problems of Ecology 3 (4), 369-373; 2010 SA Ostroumov ( ), GM Kolesov. The Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles after Their Addition to Water.-Doklady Biological Sciences, 2010, Vol. 431, pp. 124127. more S Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 431, 124-127 2010 Interaction of nanoparticles of gold with aquatic plant: Binding to Ceratophyllum demersum SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov Ecologica 17 (57), 3-6 2010 Studying the fate of pollutants in the environment: Binding and immobilization of nanoparticles and chemical elements SA Ostroumov Doklady Biological Sciences 425 (1), 133-134 2009 K IZUChENIYu OPASNOSTI ZAGRYaZNENIYa BIOSFERY: VOZDEISTVIE DODETsILSUL'FATA NATRIYa NA PLANKTONNYKh FIL'TRATOROV IM Vorozhun, SA Ostroumov Doklady Akademii Nauk 425 (2), 271-272 2009 **

30th January Dr Green : publications conservation biology online water quality S.A.Ostroumov ecology environment AVAILABILITY

2 JAN 30 Citation. Articles on fundamental and applied ecology. Interactions between chemicals (pollutants, xenobiotics) and biota. Ecotoxicology. Ecological mechanisms of water purification, improving water quality. Surfactants, detergents, environmental science, aquatic ecosystems, water safety, selfpurification, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, ecosystem health, anthropogenic effects Citation. Articles on fundamental and applied ecology. Interactions between chemicals (pollutants, xenobiotics) and biota. Ecotoxicology. Ecological mechanisms of water purification, improving water quality. Surfactants, detergents, environmental science, aquatic ecosystems, water safety, selfpurification, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, ecosystem health, anthropogenic effects, ** 41 articles on environmental sciences, and citation of these articles; citation in the U.S.A., Russia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, China, Argentina, Philippines, and other countries; selected examples Selected articles, environmental science. Websites... 41 Articles, citation, environmental science, links, selected, websites Citation of: New definitions of the concepts and t...biogeocenosis, citation, concepts,definitions, ecosystem, modern, new, terminology, terms Key publications on innovations in environmental s...citation, ecology, environmental science, INNOVATIONS, Internet, key publications, links, web-sites Citation of: Biological filtering and ecological m...Biological filtering and ecological machinery for selfpurification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems Citation of: Criteria of ecological hazards due to...Criteria of Ecological Hazards Due to Anthropogenic Effects on the Biota: Searching for a System Citation of: An amphiphilic substance inhibits the...amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water, surfactant Citation of: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity i...Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks Citation of: Inhibitory analysis of top-down contr...algal blooms, and water self-purification,citation, Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication Citation of: Anthropogenic effects on the biota: t...Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards, citation

Citation of: Medium-term and long-term priorities ...Citation of, Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies Citation of : Studying effects of some surfactants...citation, Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves Citation of: Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: wa... Selected articles,their citation.Environmental sci...aquatic ecosystems, aquatic organisms,ecology, environmental science, purification, water filtration, water quality Citation of: Some aspects of water filtering activ...citation, Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders Citation of: On the multifunctional role of the bi...cited, On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems Citation of: Inhibition of mussel suspension feedi...cited, Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes, Ostroumov S.A., Widdows J. ** MORE ABOUT CITATION OF THESE AND RELATED PUBLICATIONS:

** #America, #Europe #Asia, #Australia, biology, #citation, #cited, #ecology, #environmental_science, #Africa, **

** KEY WORDS: Citation, Articles, fundamental, applied, ecology, Interactions, chemicals, pollutants, xenobiotics, biota, Ecotoxicology, Ecological mechanisms, water purification, improving, water quality, surfactants, detergents, environmental science, aquatic ecosystems, water safety, self-purification, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, ecosystem health, anthropogenic effects, 30th January Dr Green : suspension feeders surfactants water quality self-purification filter-feeders environmental science detergents water safety ecosystem health aquatic ecosystems anthropogenic effects


30 Updated : these blog posts were updated. Topics: ecology, environment, citation... : , , , , , , , updated Updated : these blog posts were updated. Topics: ecology, environment, citation... : , , , , , , , updated **

Ecology, Environment, Conservation, Biology. publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, Fulbright Award recipient; Moscow State University :


Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves

** Citation of: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders **

Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification **

Short list, updated. The best scientific publications, achievements in 21st and 20th centuries, in environmental sciences (including earth science, aquatic science), and biology - selected.

** U.S.A., U.K. cited Moscow. American, British scientists cited Moscow University. Environmental Science. **

, . , , , , , . . . **

-. ... ... .. . . - . - ( ). . . , , :

** **

key words: , , , , , , , updated 30th January Dr Green : updated ecology

1 JAN 29

Most popular on Internet. Environmental science, water, citation. Most popular on Internet. Environmental science, water, citation

Most popular at the moment: ** Citation. Worldwide. List of some institutions tha... 04 . 2013 ., : 2 4 New Citation in U.S.A. Cited paper: Some aspects o... 29 . 2013 ., : 2 3 Updtd 1/29/13.Scientists of these institutions (wo... 18 . 2012 ., : 3 2 New ideas on criteria for identification and asses... 13 . 2013 ., 1 2 , ., , ,... 28 . 2013 ., 1 2 All continents except South Pole cited these publi... 03 . 2013 . 2 Priority No.1 requirement in protecting water qual... 28 . 2013 . 1 , , . ... 28 . 2013 ., 1

1 Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellu... 28 . 2013 . 1 . . ... 28 . 2013 . 1

** Most popular during the previous 24 h: . , ... 28 . 2013 . 16 , ., , ,... 28 . 2013 ., 1 14 Nanomaterials, nanoparticles. Citation of a paper ... 21 . 2012 ., 1 10 New Citation in U.S.A. Cited paper: Some aspects o... 29 . 2013 ., : 2 9 , , . ... 28 . 2013 ., 1 9 New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosyste... 02 . 2013 ., 1 8 Priority No.1 requirement in protecting water qual...

28 . 2013 . 7 Ostroumov S.A. Biological filters are an important... 14 . 2012 . 7 Clear Water Fundamentals: theory, practical recomm... 28 . 2013 ., 1 6 Explanation.Journal Article: Imbalance of Factors ... 28 . 2013 ., 1 6

** Most popular during the week: FAQ in French. le livre: S.A.Ostroumov. Effets bio... 26 . 2013 ., 1 20 17 victories in the battle against deterioration o... 26 . 2013 ., 1 20 , ., , ,... 28 . 2013 ., 1 18 31 Top Springer Publications (selected bibliograph... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 18 Priority No.1 requirement in protecting water qual... 28 . 2013 . 16

. , ... 28 . 2013 . 16 contributions to fundamental, applied issues of ec... 20 . 2013 ., : 4 15 ., ... 27 . 2012 ., : 5 15 " ". ... 03 2012 . 13 Citation of A.Humboldt and other scientists, think... 24 . 2013 ., 1

** 29th January Dr Green : environmental science ecology citation Most popular water Internet

1 JAN 29 New Citation in U.S.A. Cited paper: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia 542: 275286. Ostroumov, S.A. It was cited in: Yates, J. M., "Influences of a Cladophora Bloom on the Diets of Amblema Plicata and Elliptio Dilatata in the Upper Green River, Kentucky" (2012). Citation. U.S.A. Western Kentucky University, Cited paper: 2005. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia 542: 275286. It was cited in: Yates, J. M., "Influences of a Cladophora Bloom on the Diets of Amblema plicata and Elliptio dilatata in the Upper Green River, Kentucky" (2012).


Notification from Internet: Citation. JM Yates - 2012

[PDF] Influences of a< i> Cladophora</i> Bloom on the Diets of< i> Amblema Plicata</i> and< i> Elliptio Dilatata</i> in the Upper Green River, Kentucky

Abstract. Freshwater mussels are the most imperiled group of freshwater invertebrates

globally. Recent research suggests a better understanding of mussel feeding ecology may

facilitate and improve conservation efforts. The use of stable isotopes is becoming an ... ** ... College, and an USDA-NRCS Cooperative Agreement # 69-5C16-4-220 grant awarded to SA Grubbs. I would like to thank Dr. Monte McGregor (Center for Mollusk Conservation,

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2005. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia, 542: 275286. Full text free:


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**Western Kentucky University, U.S.A. TopSCHOLAR Masters Theses & Specialist Projects Graduate Studies and Research 12-1-2012

Influences of a Cladophora Bloom on the Diets of

Amblema Plicata and Elliptio Dilatata in the Upper

Green River, Kentucky.

Jennifer Maria Yates. Western Kentucky University,

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Recommended Citation: Yates, Jennifer Maria, "Influences of a Cladophora Bloom on the Diets of Amblema Plicata and Elliptio Dilatata in the Upper Green River, Kentucky" (2012). Masters Theses & Specialist Projects. Paper 1221. ** Citation: Mussels assimilate only part of the organic matter they consume (Ostroumov, 2005). The consumed materials that arent assimilated, however, are not lost from the food web to respiration or burial. Instead, they are deposited on surface sediments in the form of feces or pseudofeces (Strayer et al., 1999). Thus, part of what mussels ingest is not of direct use to them but can reenter the ecosystem (Ostroumov, 2005). Both 5 suspension feeders and deposit feeders benefit from this cycling of matter (Howard & Cuffey, 2006). The excretory waste products of mussels, or biodeposits, are... ** Cited the paper: Ostroumov, S.A. 2005. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia 542: 275286. Full text online free [ more than 2,300 views /reads online ] : **


Citation of some of publications, ecology, environmental science, water quality, ecosystem-dependent water quality improvement:

** Australia #citation: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders#Aquatic_ecology, #marine_biology ** Italy. itation of paper on: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders #Aquatic_ecology #marine_biology ** Citation of: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders ** 29th January Dr Green : Ostroumov S.A river freshwater Elliptio Dilatata Cladophora Kentucky citation Bloom Amblema Plicata mussels

2 JAN 29 Explanation.Journal Article: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact. Explanation of what is innovative. Author: S. A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient; Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Volume 379, Numbers 16, Pages 341-343. ecotoxicology, new environmental hazards, water filtering, filter-feeders

Explanation. Journal Article entitled: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control ofUnicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact. Explanation of what is innovative. Author: S. A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient; Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Volume 379, Numbers 1-6, Pages 341-343. **

KEY WORDS: plankton, balance, regulation, aquatic ecosystem, marine ecology, freshwater, bivalve mollusks, mussels, oysters, shellfish, anthropogenic, pollution, surfactants, detergents, toxicity, ecotoxicology, new environmental hazards, water filtering, filter-feeders ** WHAT IS INNOVATIVE in this paper? What is the FIRST and NEW: 1. The first in-depth ANALYSIS BOTH EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL- OF THE TOTAL SUM OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC FACTORS THAT CONTROL THE BALANCE OF PLANKTON (including phytoplankton) populations in freshwater and marine environments. This control of the balance is a key to environmental safety and sustainability of water sources. 2. A NEW QUANTITATIVE PARAMETER AND FORMULA WAS SUGGESTED and measured in this paper: the efficiency of cell elimination from water by filter-feeders, ECE. 3. NEW EXPERIMENTAL DATA on environmental hazards from seven kinds of the commercially available laundry detergents to aquatic invertebrates (filter-feeders, bivalves). These detergents slowed down (inhibited) the rate of water filtration by the mollusks. As a result, the elimination (removal) of plankton cells from water decreased. The inhibition of water filtration was discovered in the following experiments: the following laundry detergents inhibited water filtration by freshwater and marine mollusks mentioned below (at the concentrations of the chemical, mg/l, in the brackets): (1) Detergent OMO, freshwater mollusk Unio tumidus, (50); (2) Detergent Losk-Universal, marine mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis, (7); (3) Detergent Tide-Lemon, marine mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis, (50); (4) Detergent IXI, marine mollusk M. galloprovincialis, (10); (5) Detergent Deni-Automat, marine mollusk Crassostrea gigas, (30); (6) Detergent Lanza, marine mollusk Crassostrea gigas, (20); (7) Detergent Vesna-Delikat, marine mollusk Crassostrea gigas, (1); The tables in the paper, with the innovative data: Factors of regulation of unicellular plankton abundance (Tab.1); effects of surfactants and detergents on phytoplankton abundance (Tab.2);7 detergents inhibit filtration of 3 species of marine and freshwater mollusks (Tab.3); Mytilus galloprovincialis eliminates from water the cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and algae Pavlova lutheri = M. lutheri as a result of filtration (comparing the 2 processes at the same time, Tab. 4).

The cells of S. cerevisiae were used just as a model of suspended particles. The choice of this species was done only on the basis of convenience in conducting the experiment. In a special experiment it wasshown that the kinetics of removal of the cells of S. cerevisiae from water coincides with the kineticts of removal of phytoplankton cells. DETAILED ABSTRACT:;

FULL TEXT of the paper free:; Text of the paper (without tables) with an addendum: ** MORE INFO ON THE MOST INNOVATIVE PAPERS IN ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: 15 Innovations, Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish ** Results of interdisciplinary studies: #ecology, #environmental studies, #hydrobiology #water: 17 #innovations. ** 63 #publications. #Environmental_science, #ecology, comments, #web-sites, #links. discoveries, #water_safety, ** 25 papers #Environmental science short comments, #web-sites. environmental safety #ecology ecosystems, #water quality ** EVIDENCE OF MERIT, APPROVAL, INTEREST. CITATION: ** Citation. Worldwide. List of some institutions that cited the scientist of Moscow University, Fulbright Award winner ** America, Europe, #Asia, #Australia, Africa, #biology, #citation, #cited, #ecology, #environmental_science: ** 41 articles on environmental sciences, and citation of these articles; citation in the U.S.A., Russia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, China, Argentina, Philippines, and other countries; selected examples

29th January Dr Green : shellfish surfactants marine ecology anthropogenic freshwater bivalve mollusks detergents plankton Aquatic ecosystem balance toxicity mussels oysters regulation pollution

1 JAN 29 3 papers. Environmental science. Simple explanation of what is new. Ecology, water, environment, safety, sustainability.

3 papers. Environmental science. With very simple explanation of what is new.Ecology, water, environment, safety, sustainability.

** A new type of negative effects of chemical pollutants on aquatic (marine) organisms was discovered in this paper. It was found in the experiments described in the paper that the chemicals pollutants (synthetic surfactants, or surface-active substances) slowed down water filtration by marine mollusks who got their food and oxygen as a result of water filtration. Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Vol. 378, p. 248250. ** new hazard of water pollution: imbalance of plankton. A discovery of new negative effects of chemical pollution of water with synthetic surfactants. These chemicals produce an imbalance in natural regulation of plankton populations in aquatic ecosystem. As a result, under conditions of chemical pollution with surfactants, the abundance of plankton increases. Journal Article entitled: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact Author: Moscow State University; Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Volume 379, Numbers 1-6, Pages 341-343.; ** A new modernized definition of the term 'ecosystem' New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. S.A.Ostroumov. Dokl Biol Sci 2002. v.383, p. 141-143. Cited the new definition of Ecosystem. P.H. Longstaff, N. J. Armstrong, K. Perrin, Whitney May Parker, M.A. Hidek. Building Resilient Communities: A Preliminary Framework for Assessment. - HOMELAND SECURITY AFFAIRS, VOL VI, NO. 3 ( 2010) p. 1-23; ** MORE INFO ON THE MOST INNOVATIVE PAPERS IN ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: 15 Innovations, Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish ** Results of interdisciplinary studies: #ecology, #environmental studies, #hydrobiology #water: 17 #innovations. ** 63 #publications. #Environmental_science, #ecology, comments, #web-sites, #links. discoveries, #water_safety, ** 25 papers #Environmental science short comments, #web-sites. environmental safety #ecology ecosystems, #water quality **

29th January Dr Green : sustainability. Papers new environmental science ecology safety water environment

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JAN 29 . . Ukraine. . ... . . . . , , , , , , . , , ... . . ... . . . . , , , , , , . , , ... ** 627770

, . - *+ / . . . - . : , 2000. - 116 . - ( "Ecological Studies, Hazards and Solutions" ; . 2). - .: . 75-83.

** 635938

, . - *+ / . .. - . : , 2001. - 333 . - ( "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions" ; .4). - .: . 322-333.

** . , . , , , , , . . . ** 29th January Dr Green :

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, . *+ : / . . , . . ; . . . . - . : , 1983. - 269 . - . . 50

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0 Add a comment JAN 29

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, , . " . . . ". . .., . ** ** 577.1 -79

, . . *+ / . . . - . : *. .+, 1986. - 176 . - . . 577.1 ** : 1 (1)

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. ., - - 2001 (Ecological studies, hazards, solutions. . 4) NLR 2002-3/12218; . 266614 NLR 2002-3/12218; . 266615

- 4 - 2003 (Ecological studies, hazards and solutions. Vol. 6) NLR 2003-3/22593; . 551968 NLR 2003-3/22593; . 551969

-5 - 2004 (Ecological Studies, Hazards and Solutions. Vol. 7) NLR 2005-3/2976; . 854463 NLR 2005-3/2976; . 854464

-6 - 2004 (Ecological studies, hazards, solutions. Vol. 10) NLR 2005-3/5461; . 871469

. ., - 2004 (Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. Vol. 9) NLR 2005-4/23299; . 930006 NLR 2005-4/23299; . 930007

. ., , - 2005 (. . . . 1) NLR 2005-4/24962; . 949946 NLR 2005-4/24962; . 949947

. ., - 2006 (. . . . 4) NLR 2006-4/21016; . 2205118

- 7 - 2006 (Ecological studies, hazards and solutions. vol. 11) NLR 2006-3/29117; . 2290322


. ., . * + - 2007 (. . . . 6) NLR 2007-6/1628; . 2549066 NLR 2007-6/1628; . 2549067


.., . , . -, - 1990 NLR 90-5/5003


.., - 1986 NLR 85-5/7798


.., : - 1983 NLR 84-3/3536


.., - 1985 ( " ") NLR 85-3/13323


, , - 8 - 2007 ( , , . . 12) NLR 2008-3/6109; . 2619424


. .. - 2008 : - - NLR 2008-2/455; . 2753923 NLR 2008-2/455; . 2753924


. ., - 2008 (. . . . 9) NLR 2009-3/6167; . 2864638 NLR 2009-3/6167; . 2864639


: . 10- ( ) , , -10, 29 2008 ., - 2009 (Ecological studies, hazards and solutions. vol. 14) NLR 2009-4/14277; . 3020182 NLR 2009-4/14277; . 3020183


. ., - .. - 2009 (. . . . 10) NLR 2010-4/3097; . 3115412 NLR 2010-4/3097; . 3115413


.., : - 1979 ( , , . "". 11) NLR 80-4/9762


. ., - - 2011 (: Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. . 17) NLR 2011-6/1071; . 3488052 NLR 2011-6/1071; . 3488053

29th January Dr Green :

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29th January Dr Green

0 Add a comment JAN 29 770 views, one day of 28.01.2013. Environmental science, water quality, ecology. Availability of these scientific publications in libraries including libraries of Russia, territory of Soviet Union. Availability of the publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov in libraries of St.Petersburg. , . . 770 views, one day of 28.01.2013. Environmental science, water quality, ecology. Availability of these scientific publications in libraries including libraries of Russia, territory of Soviet Union. Availability of the publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov in libraries of St.Petersburg. , . . ** Priority No.1 requirement in protecting water qual...

28 . 2013 . 10 -. ... ... ... 08 . 2012 . 6 ., ... 27 . 2012 ., : 5 5 , : . ... 28 . 2013 ., 1 5 In short, FAQ on the paper entitled: BIOTIC SELF-P... 24 . 2012 . 5 Fundamentals: theory, water self-purification. Ba... 02 . 2012 . 4 Japanese,17 innovative publications(Environment Sc... 09 . 2012 ., : 3 4 Big impact. Internet: 2.2K READS and views. Innova... 09 . 2012 ., 1 4 Clear Water Fundamentals: theory, practical recomm... 28 . 2013 ., 1 4 Secrets of ecology of clean water. aquatic, ecosys... 20 . 2012 ., 1 4


29th January Dr Green : publications LIBRARIES water quality S.A.Ostroumov environmental science ecology scientific blog posts AVAILABILITY

1 JAN 28 Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact. New experimental data on environmental hazards from seven kinds of the commercially available laundry detergents to aquatic invertebrates (filter-feeders, bivalves). These detergents slowed down (inhibited) the rate of water filtration by the mollusks. As a result, the elimination (removal) of plankton cells from water decreased. The inhibition of water filtration was discovered. bivalves, mussels, oysters, shellfish,

Journal Article entitled: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact Author: S. A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University; Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Volume 379, Numbers 1-6, Pages 341-343.

What is innovative in this paper? What is FIRST and NEW: 1. The first in-depth analysis both experimental and theoretical- of the total sum of natural and anthropogenic factors that control the balance of plankton (including phytoplankton) populations in freshwater and marine environments. This control of the balance is a key to environmental safety and sustainability of water sources. 2. A new quantitative parameter and formula was suggested and measured in this paper: the efficiency of cell elimination from water by filter-feeders, ECE. 3. New experimental data on environmental hazards from seven kinds of the commercially available laundry detergents to aquatic invertebrates (filter-feeders, bivalves). These detergents slowed down (inhibited) the rate of water filtration by the mollusks. As a result, the elimination (removal) of plankton cells from water decreased. The inhibition of water filtration was discovered in the following experiments (at the concentrations of the chemical, mg/l, in brackets):

(1) Detergent OMO, freshwater mollusk Unio tumidus, (50); (2) Detergent Losk-Universal, marine mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis, (7); (3) Detergent Tide-Lemon, marine mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis, (50); (4) Detergent IXI, marine mollusk M. galloprovincialis, (10); (5) Detergent Deni-Automat, marine mollusk Crassostrea gigas, (30); (6) Detergent Lanza, marine mollusk Crassostrea gigas, (20); (7) Detergent Vesna-Delikat, marine mollusk Crassostrea gigas, (1); The tables in the paper, with the innovative data: Factors of regulation of unicellular plankton abundance (Tab.1); effects of surfactants and detergents on phytoplankton abundance (Tab.2);7 detergents inhibit filtration of 3 species of marine and freshwater mollusks (Tab.3); Mytilus galloprovincialis eliminates from water the cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and algae Pavlova lutheri = M. lutheri as a result of filtration (comparing the 2 processes at the same time, Tab. 4).

DETAILED ABSTRACT:; FULL TEXT of the paper free:; Text of the paper (without tables) with an addendum: 28th January Dr Green : Crassostrea gigas shellfish oysters Laundry detergents ecotoxicology Unio tumidus water filtration Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels

0 Add a comment JAN 28 , . , , , . , : .

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28th January Dr Green :

1 JAN 28 Clear Water Fundamentals: theory, practical recommendations, water self-purification. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. In order to protect water quality, we need to protect the biodiversity of aquatic organisms and the biological community of the water bodies and streams.

Clear Water Fundamentals: theory, practical recommendations, water self-purification. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. ** Practical recommendation and conclusions from this and other articles of this author:

1. In order to protect water quality, we need to protect the biodiversity of aquatic organisms and the biological community of the water bodies and streams.

2. If we ignore Recommendation 1, we will finally decrease the efficiency of the main function of aquatic ecosystem, the funciton of water self-purification.

3. Because of item 2, we are at risk of an inevitable decrease in water quality in the surface aqatic ecosystems that we use as sources of our water supply.

4. To eliminate the risk mentioned above, it is absolutely urgent to implement Recommendation 1.

The scientific rationale for these recommendations:

Paper: Title: Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water selfpurification.

Author: Ostroumov S. A. Source: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2008, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 147-152; DOI: 10.1134/S1995425508010177; Published: FEB 2008; Full text free: 8Z3g6MjE4MWFkMTc4NTZhZTY2Zg

The reference in a traditional form: Ostroumov S. A. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. - CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2008, 1 (1): 147-152. ** Relevant publications:

Environmental science, education: **In short, FAQ on the paper entitled: BIOTIC SELF-PURIFICATION OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS; ** FAQ: Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. ** In user-friendly, reader-friendly format, on innovations, discoveries, breakthroughs, findings in areas of ecology, environment, water safety: Blog post titles, key words, web addresses of the sites: ** new facts, new ideas: ecology, environment: 1,200 words: **

Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders ** Recent web-sites: new and updated: 1500 words, 5 pages. bivalves, aquatic, ecosystems, functions, functioning: ** S. A. Ostroumov. Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 80, No. 13, 2010, p. 27542761. **

17 clear intellectual victories in the battle against deterioration of the biosphere and environment, in the battle against a catastrophic decrease in water quality in freshwater and marine ecosystems, in water bodies and streams.


15 Innovations, Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement.

English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish ** Citation in USA, #UK, #Germany, France, #Japan, #China, #Ecology, #Environmental science, #Water quality improvement. ** Innovations in environmental science and toxicology, water quality: **

Amazing grace: natures ecological machine to treat water, to purify water. #Water quality, #ecology, #sustainability, ** why #water_quality goes down rapidly. chemical #pollution #eutrophication #algal_blooms #water_safety #sustainability, ** Ostroumov S.A. Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere // Science in Russia. 2009. No. 2, p. 30-36. ** ** Evidence of merit, recognition, positive interest of experts worldwide: CITATION: ** citation of these publications on #environment, #ecology, biology: citation in America, Europe, Asia, Australia: ** AWARD: The author of this innovation and publications is a Fulbright Award recipient.

** key words: Fundamentals, theory, water self-purification, molecular-ecological, mechanism, water quality, formation, water bodies, streams, aquatic ecosystem, water safety, 28th January Dr Green : sustainability theory water quality practical recommendations safety water self-purification

JAN 28 Priority No.1 requirement in protecting water quality, water safety, sustainability; environmental safety of water supply. Innovative approach.

Priority No.1 requirement in protecting water quality, water safety, sustainability; environmental safety of water supply. Innovative approach. See the blog post: Fundamentals: theory, water self-purification. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. ** Practical recommendation and conclusions from this and other articles of this author:

1. In order to protect water quality, we need to protect the biodiversity of aquatic organisms and the biological community of the water bodies and streams.

2. If we ignore the recommendation 1, we will finally decrease the efficiency of the main function of aquatic ecosystem, the funciton of water self-purification.

3. Because of the item 2, we are at risk of an inevitable decrease in water quality in the surface aqatic ecosystems that we use as sources of our water supply.

4. To eliminate the risk mentioned above, it is absolutely urgent to implement Recommendation 1.

The scientific rationale for these recommendations:

Paper: Title: Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water selfpurification.

Author: Ostroumov S. A. Source: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2008, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 147-152; DOI: 10.1134/S1995425508010177; Published: FEB 2008; Full text free: 8Z3g6MjE4MWFkMTc4NTZhZTY2Zg

The reference in a traditional form: Ostroumov S. A. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. - CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2008, 1 (1): 147-152. ** Relevant publications:

Water safety and water sustainability. New scientific theory of water self-purification. How to maintain and protect water quality. Safety of water supply. See more detail: In English:

** Environmental science, education: **In short, FAQ on the paper entitled: BIOTIC SELF-PURIFICATION OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS; **FAQ: Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. **

In user-friendly, reader-friendly format, on innovations, discoveries, breakthroughs, findings in areas of ecology, environment, water safety: Blog post titles, key words, web addresses of the sites: **

new facts, new ideas: ecology, environment: 1,200 words: **Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders ** Recent web-sites: new and updated: 1500 words, 5 pages. bivalves, aquatic, ecosystems, functions, functioning: ** S. A. Ostroumov. Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 80, No. 13, 2010, p. 27542761. ** Evidence of merit, recognition, positive interest of experts worldwide: CITATION: ** citation of these publications on #environment, #ecology, biology: #citation in #America, Europe, Asia, Australia: ** AWARD: The author of this innovation and publications is a Fulbright Award recipient.

Key words: Fundamentals, theory, water self-purification, molecular-ecological, mechanism, water quality, formation, water bodies, streams, aquatic ecosystem, water safety, 28th January Dr Green : sustainability; environmental safety protecting water supply water quality water safety innovative

0 Add a comment JAN 27 Aktualisiert FAQ (Hufig gestellte Fragen) auf dem Buch. S.A.Ostroumov. Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden, Herausgeber: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA: Wie das Buch und relevanten Unterlagen ber Detergenzien und Tenside verwenden. Computer translation from English into German:

Aktualisiert FAQ (Hufig gestellte Fragen) auf dem Buch. S.A.Ostroumov. Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden, Herausgeber: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA: Wie das Buch und relevanten Unterlagen ber Detergenzien und Tenside verwenden. Book. Referenz-und DOI. Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden Ein Buch ber Tenside und Reinigungsmittel (mit dem Titel: Biological Effects of Surfactants, Herausgeber:. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis USA) verffentlicht wurde, finden Sie unter: Buch ber Umwelttoxikologie. Titel: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Inhalt: biologische Wirkung von Waschmitteln auf Mikroorganismen, Pflanzen, wirbellosen Tieren. New Gefahren von Chemikalien. **

Kommentare, FAQ in Englisch, Deutsch, Franzsisch, Spanisch, Chinesisch, Japanisch, Hebrisch, Schwedisch, Norwegisch, Arabisch ** Schlsselwrter, kurze Liste: Buch, Umweltwissenschaften, kotoxikologie, Bioassay, biologische Effekte, Tensiden, Muscheln, Austern, Pflanzen, Setzlinge, Algen, Blutegel, Weichtiere, prosthecobacteria, Beurteilung, Gefahren, Sicherheit, Nachhaltigkeit, Wasserqualitt, Biosphre, Hydrosphre, neue Methoden, SAOstroumov, FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN AUF DEM BUCH UND WIE es zu benutzen.

Frage: Wo kann ich mehr ber dieses Buch lesen kann? Ist vorgesehen, zustzliche Informationen online zur Verfgung? Antwort: Web-Sites / links auf das Buch, Auszug aus book.Biological Effects of Surfactants. Autor Dr.SAOstroumov, Moscow University (kotoxikologie von Waschmitteln, New Methods, Bioassay, Hazard Assessment) Abstrakt, Inhaltsverzeichnis:;

Frage: Was sind die Tenside? Antwort: Die Tenside sind eine sehr wichtige Klasse von Chemikalien. Die Molekle bestehen aus zwei Teilen Tenside. Ein Teil (des Molekls) bevorzugt Wasser als ihre Umgebung. Ein weiterer Teil lieber nicht-wssrigen Umgebung. Als Folge, bilden diese Molekle Schume.

Frage: Gibt es eine andere Bezeichnung fr Tenside? Antwort: Ja, ist das ein anderer Name oberflchenaktiven Substanzen (auch Tenside). Dieser Name ist wegen Verhalten dieser Molekle in Wasser verwendet. Sie absorbieren auf harten Oberflchen im Wasser. Zum Beispiel absorbieren sie auf den Oberflchen der Behlter mit dem Wasser. Wenn es eine Suspension von Teilchen in dem Wasser, diese Molekle auf der Oberflche dieser Teilchen zu absorbieren. Diese Absorption auf den Oberflchen ist wichtig. Diese Absorption ist ein Teil des Mechanismus zum Waschen von Fhigkeiten von Tensiden. Deshalb ist Tenside die zentrale Komponente von Waschmitteln, Shampoo und Geschirrspler wahing Flssigkeiten sind.

Frage: Was soll 'Biologische Effekte "im Titel dieses Buches bedeuten? Antwort: Es bedeutet, dass einige neue umweltfreundliche schlechte Auswirkungen. Diese Effekte wurden durch den Autor des Buches entdeckt. Er entdeckte diese negativen Auswirkungen in seinen Experimenten mit Tensiden und verschiedenen Organismen. Er testete Tenside mit vielen Arten von Lebewesen, icluding Bakterien, Algen, hheren Pflanzen und wirbellosen Tieren.

Frage: warum hat er verwenden, so viele Organismen in die Prfung der Chemikalien?

Antwort: Dieser Ansatz generiert sehr wertvolle Daten. Wissenschaftlich, ist es wichtig, die Fakten haben zu Toxizitt der gleichen chemischen verschiedenen Organismen vergleichen. Darber hinaus ist es wichtig, neue Alternativen zu Tierversuchen finden.

Frage: Ich Bioassay Chemikalien. Wie kann ich das Buch? Antwort: Sie werden einige neue Methoden zu tun Bioassay (Kapitel 2) und wie man sie (Kapitel 3, 4, 5 ...) gelten zu finden.

Frage: Ich bin beteiligt Beurteilung Umweltrisiken von Chemikalien, Schadstoffe und Xenobiotika. Finde ich ntzliche Dinge in dem Buch? Antwort: Ja, es gibt zwei ntzliche Dinge fr Sie. Zunchst werden Sie zustzliche Kriterien fr die Beurteilung biologischen Wirkungen von Chemikalien, die einige wichtige neue Aspekte des Umweltschutzes Gefahren und Risiken zu sehen hilft, zu finden. Zweitens finden Sie neue Informationen, die zu sehen Umweltrisiken von synthetischen Tensiden und Waschmitteln fhrt.

Frage: Wenn ich studieren und lehren die Fragen von organischen Chemikalien, die Schadstoffe und Xenobiotika sind, wie kann ich das Buch? Antwort: in dem Buch, werden Sie eine neue Ergnzung der Liste der gefhrlichen organischen Chemikalien, die die Umwelt verschmutzen, und neue experimentelle Daten zur Untersttzung der Zugabe dieser Chemikalien auf der Liste zu finden.

Frage: Ist das Buch relevant fr alle Fragen der Wasserqualitt? Antwort: Ja, tragen die Chemikalien, die in den Versuchen, die in dem Buch beschrieben wurden getestet wurden Wasserverschmutzung.

Frage: Ich studiere und lehre Pflanzenwissenschaften. Ist das Buch von Nutzen fr mich und meine Studenten und Mitarbeitern? Antwort: Ja, enthlt das Buch einige neue Methoden der Bioassay der Phytotoxizitt und viele neue Beispiele der Entdeckung und quantitative Untersuchungen der Phytotoxizitt. Ein Beispiel fr eine sehr effiziente Methode ist die Verwendung Pflanzenkeimlingen als Test-Organismen.

Frage: Wenn eine Person in der Aquakultur beteiligt ist, wird er feststellen, etwas Sinnvolles in dem Buch? Antwort: Ja, diese Person wird einige neue Informationen in dem Buch zu finden. In den Kapiteln 3 -6 stellt der Autor seine neue Ergebnisse - Informationen ber die wichtigsten Arten von Muscheln, die in

der Aquakultur zum Einsatz. Diese Arten sind essbar Mollusken hohen Nhrwert - marine Muscheln und Austern.

Frage: Ist das Buch enthlt keine neuen Innovationen in der Grundlagenforschung? Antwort: Ja, es gibt mehrere solche Innovationen. ZB ist die Basis fr eine neue fundamentale Paradigma auf Stabilitt und Nachhaltigkeit in kosystemen erstellt - wie von aquatischen kosystemen veranschaulicht.

Frage: Ich habe meine Forschung auf wirbellose Tiere. Auch, ich unterrichte Kurse Zoologie und TierWissenschaft. Ist das Buch enthlt einige neue Informationen in diesen Bereichen? Antwort: Ja, enthlt das Buch neue Daten, die vom Autor auf mehreren Tierarten gewonnen wurden: wirbellosen Wassertieren (Mollusken und Blutegel). Einzigartige neue Informationen prsentiert: wie einige Xenobiotika negativen Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten, Ftterung und andere Funktionen von wirbellosen Tieren zu produzieren.

Frage: Mein Bereich von Interesse ist Gewsserkologie, sowohl S-und Meereskologie. In diesen Bereichen gibt es etwas Neues und relevant in diesem Buch? Antwort: Ja, enthlt das Buch einige neue Daten, die erhalten werden, wenn der Autor forschte an Sund Meerestiere wurden. Wie fr die marine System studiert, hat der Autor einige seiner Projekte in Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK), einige Universitten an der Ostkste der USA, und auf dem Schwarzen Meer.

Frage: Was ist die Meinung der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft ber das Buch? Antwort: Es gibt eine Reihe von verffentlichten Rezensionen und Bewertungen von diesem Buch, wie auch andere Bcher desselben Autors. Die Liste dieser Bewertungen finden Sie unter:; all diese Kritiken und Bewertungen sind positiv. ber das Buch erhielt einen Kommentar von Jorge Gutierrez (UNRC): "amazing, danke".

Frage: Warum die chemische Tetradecyltrimethylammoniumbromid (TDTMA) wurde in dem Buch untersucht? Antwort: Diese Chemikalie wurde als typisches Beispiel einer sehr breiten und wichtige Klasse von Tensiden, nmlich die kationischen Tenside (kationogene Tenside) untersucht. Vor den Arbeiten der auhtor des Buches wurde die kotoxikologie von dieser Klasse von Tensiden nicht im Detail untersucht.

Eines der einzigartigen Leistungen der Autor des Buches testete diese Chemikalie (als Vertreter der Klasse der kationische Tenside). Die Prfung verwendet eine breite Vielfalt von Test-Organismen, wie Bakterien, Algen, Pflanzen und Wirbellose (beide Muscheln und Anneliden).

Frage: Warum die chemische SDS wurde in dem Buch untersucht? Antwort: Die chemische SDS Natriumdodecylsulfat. Es ist ein typisches Beispiel fr eine sehr wichtige Klasse von Tensiden, nmlich Aniontenside. Die anionischen Tenside sind um uns herum. Diese Klasse von Tensiden ist in Waschmitteln, in Shampoo, sogar in Zahnpasta. Eine wichtige Errungenschaft der Autor des Buches testete diese Chemikalie mit vielen Test-Organismen. Die Vielfalt der Testorganismen enthalten Pflanzen (beide Algen und hheren Pflanzen) und wirbellose Tiere (sowohl S-und Meerwasser Mollusken). In seinen Experimenten mit all diesen Organismen, entdeckte der Autor und neue Gefahren durch SDS gekennzeichnet.

Frage: Gibt es eine kurze Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Entdeckungen gemacht sowohl im Buch als auch in anderen Publikationen des gleichen Autors? Antwort: Ja, das ist die prgnante Zusammenfassung verfgbar online kostenlos:; Weitere Informationen ber das Buch, einschlielich, wie man an einigen Seiten des Buches zu sehen, und wie es zu bestellen: ** Top Universitten: Caltech, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, MIT Alle 5 Top-Universitten: "Biological Effects of Surfactants". ** 27th January Dr Green : Beurteilung Tensiden bioassay Muscheln Austern Setzlinge prosthecobacteria Weichtiere kotoxikologie biologische Effekte Blutegel Algen Pflanzen

1 JAN 27 FAQ in French. le livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, Editeur: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA: comment utiliser le livre et les documents pertinents sur les dtergents et tensioactifs.

FAQ in French. le livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, Editeur: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, U.S.A.: comment utiliser le livre et les documents pertinents sur les dtergents et tensioactifs. The book is in English. The title in original: Biological Effects of Surfactants. **

Mise jour FAQ (Foire aux questions) sur le livre. Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, Editeur: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA: comment utiliser le livre et les documents pertinents sur les dtergents et tensioactifs. FAQ in English:

Livre. Rfrence et de DOI. Effets biologiques des tensioactifs Un livre sur les tensioactifs et dtergents (intitul: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, diteur:. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis USA) a t publi, voir: livre sur la toxicologie environnementale. Intitul: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs.

Contenu: effets biologiques des dtergents sur les micro-organismes, les plantes, les animaux invertbrs. De nouveaux risques de produits chimiques.

Commentaires FAQ, en anglais, allemand, franais, espagnol, chinois, japonais, hbreu, sudois, norvgien, arabe: ** mots cls, courte liste: Livre, sciences de l'environnement, cotoxicologie, essai biologique, biologiques, les effets, les tensioactifs, dtergents, moules, hutres, des plantes, les semis, les algues, les sangsues, les mollusques, les prosthecobacteria, l'valuation des risques, la scurit, la durabilit, la qualit de l'eau, biosphre, l'hydrosphre, de nouvelles, de mthodes,


Question: O puis-je en savoir plus sur ce livre? Quelques informations supplmentaires disponibles en ligne? Rponse: Sites Web / liens sur le livre, Rsum des effets book.Biological des surfactants. Auteur : l'Universit de Moscou (cotoxicologie des dtergents, de nouvelles mthodes, essais biologiques, valuation des risques) Rsum, table des matires:;

Question: quels sont les agents tensio-actifs? Rponse: Les agents tensioactifs sont une classe trs importante de produits chimiques. Les molcules de tensio-actifs ont deux parties. Une partie (de la molcule) prfre l'eau en tant que son environnement. Une autre partie prfre non aqueux environs. En consquence, ces molcules forment des mousses.

Question: y at-il un autre nom pour les tensioactifs? Rponse: Oui, le nom est une autre des substances tensioactives (aussi, agents tensio-actifs). Ce nom est utilis en raison du comportement de ces molcules dans l'eau. Ils absorbent sur des surfaces dures dans l'eau. Par exemple, ils absorbent sur les surfaces des rcipients avec de l'eau. S'il existe une suspension de certaines particules dans l'eau, ces molcules absorbent sur la surface de ces particules. Cette absorption sur les surfaces est importante. Cette absorption est une partie du mcanisme de lavage capacits des agents tensio-actifs. C'est pourquoi tensioactifs sont l'lment cl de dtergents lessive, shampoing, et lave-wahing liquides.

Question: qu'est-ce que Effets biologiques signifie dans le titre de ce livre? Rponse: Cela signifie quelques nouveaux effets cologiques ngatifs. Ces effets ont t dcouverts par l'auteur du livre. Il a dcouvert ces effets ngatifs dans ses expriences avec des tensioactifs et des organismes divers. Il a test tensioactifs avec de nombreuses espces d'organismes vivants, icluding bactries, algues, plantes suprieures, et les animaux invertbrs.

Question: pourquoi at-il tant de recourir des organismes tester les produits chimiques?

Rponse: Cette approche a gnr des donnes trs prcieuses. Scientifiquement, il est important d'avoir les faits pour comparer la toxicit de la substance chimique mme divers organismes. En outre, il est important de trouver de nouvelles alternatives l'exprimentation animale.

Question: Je chimiques de dosage biologique. Comment puis-je utiliser ce livre? Rponse: Vous trouverez quelques nouvelles mthodes pour faire des essais biologiques (chapitre 2) et comment les appliquer (chapitres 3, 4, 5 ...).

Question: Je suis impliqu dans l'valuation des risques environnementaux des produits chimiques, des polluants et des xnobiotiques. Puis-je trouver des choses utiles dans le livre? Rponse: oui, il ya deux choses utiles pour vous. Tout d'abord, vous trouverez d'autres critres pour valuer les effets biologiques des produits chimiques, ce qui permet de voir certains aspects importants de nouveaux dangers et les risques environnementaux. Deuximement, vous trouverez de nouvelles informations qui conduit voir les risques environnementaux parmi les tensioactifs synthtiques et des dtergents.

Question: Si je tudier et d'enseigner les questions de produits chimiques organiques qui sont des polluants et des xnobiotiques, comment puis-je utiliser ce livre? Rponse: dans le livre, vous trouverez un nouvel ajout la liste des produits chimiques dangereux organiques qui polluent l'environnement, et de nouvelles donnes exprimentales l'appui de l'ajout de ces produits chimiques la liste.

Question: Le livre est pertinent pour tous les problmes de qualit de l'eau? Rponse: Oui, les produits chimiques qui ont t tests dans les expriences qui ont t dcrits dans le livre contribuent la pollution de l'eau.

Question: J'ai tudier et enseigner les sciences vgtales. Le livre est d'usage pour moi et mes tudiants et collgues de travail? Rponse: Oui, le livre contient de nouvelles mthodes de dosage biologique de phytotoxicit, et de nombreux exemples de nouvelles dcouvertes et des tudes quantitatives de phytotoxicit. Un exemple d'une mthode trs efficace est d'utiliser plants que des tests les organismes.

Question: Si une personne est implique dans l'aquaculture, il va trouver quelque chose d'utile dans le livre?

Rponse: Oui, cette personne trouvera de nouvelles informations dans le livre. Dans les chapitres 3 -6, l'auteur prsente ses nouveaux rsultats - informations sur les espces les plus importantes de bivalves qui sont utiliss dans l'aquaculture. Ces espces sont des mollusques comestibles de valeur alimentaire leve - les moules et les hutres marines.

Question: Est-ce que le livre contient aucune nouvelles innovations dans la science fondamentale? Rponse: Oui, il ya plusieurs de ces innovations. Par exemple, une base est cre pour un nouveau paradigme fondamental de la stabilit et de la durabilit des cosystmes - comme en tmoigne les cosystmes aquatiques.

Question: Je fais mes recherches sur les invertbrs. Aussi, je donne des cours sur la zoologie et la zootechnie. Est-ce que le livre contient de nouvelles informations dans ces domaines? Rponse: oui, le livre comprend de nouvelles donnes qui ont t obtenues par l'auteur sur plusieurs espces animales: les invertbrs aquatiques (mollusques et les sangsues). Unique nouveaux renseignements sont prsents: la manire dont certains xnobiotiques produire des effets ngatifs sur le comportement, l'alimentation et d'autres fonctions d'invertbrs.

Question: Mon domaine d'intrt est l'cologie aquatique, l'eau douce et l'cologie marine. Dans ces domaines, y at-il quelque chose de nouveau et pertinent dans ce livre? Rponse: oui, le livre contient de nouvelles donnes qui ont t obtenues lorsque l'auteur a men ses recherches sur les espces d'eau douce et marins. En ce qui concerne le systme de marine tudie, l'auteur fait une partie de ses projets au Laboratoire marin de Plymouth (Royaume-Uni), certaines universits de la cte Est des Etats-Unis, et sur la mer Noire.

Question: Quel est l'avis de la communaut scientifique au sujet du livre? Rponse: Il ya un certain nombre de revues publies et des valuations de ce livre, ainsi que d'autres livres du mme auteur. La liste de ces avis est disponible l'adresse:; l'ensemble de ces examens et valuations sont positives. propos de ce livre, un commentaire reu de Jorge Gutierrez (UNRC): incroyable, merci.

Question: Pourquoi le bromure de ttradcyltrimthylammonium chimique (TDTMA) a t tudie dans le livre? Rponse: ce produit chimique a t tudie comme un exemple typique d'une classe trs large et importante de tensioactifs, savoir les tensioactifs cationiques (tensioactifs cationognes). Avant les

travaux de la auhtor du livre, l'cotoxicologie de cette classe d'agents tensio-actifs n'a pas t tudie en dtail. L'une des ralisations uniques de l'auteur du livre a t de tester ce produit chimique (en tant que reprsentant de la classe de tensioactifs cationiques). Le test utilis une grande diversit de tests les organismes, notamment les bactries, les algues, les plantes et les invertbrs (mollusques bivalves et des annlides les deux).

Question: Pourquoi la SDD chimique a t tudie dans le livre? Rponse: La SDD chimique est dodcyl sulfate de sodium. Il s'agit d'un exemple typique d'une classe trs importante de tensioactifs, savoir, les tensioactifs anioniques. Les tensioactifs anioniques sont autour de nous. Cette classe de tensioactifs est prsent dans les dtergents lessive, dans le shampooing, mme dans le dentifrice. Une ralisation importante de l'auteur de ce livre a t de tester ce produit chimique avec de nombreux essais-organismes. La diversit des tests les organismes inclus vgtaux (algues et plantes suprieures) et les invertbrs (mollusques d'eau douce et marins). Dans ses expriences avec tous ces organismes, l'auteur a dcouvert et caractris de nouveaux dangers de la SDD.

Question: Y at-il un rsum concis des principales dcouvertes faites la fois dans le livre et dans d'autres publications lies par le mme auteur? Rponse: Oui, le rsum concis est disponible gratuitement en ligne:; Plus d'informations sur le livre, y compris la faon de regarder quelques pages du livre, et comment le commander: ** Universits: Caltech, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, MIT Les 5 meilleures universits: Effets biologiques des Tensio-actifs '. ** En portugais. Brsil. Citation. Cit publications de l'Universit de Moscou. Cit: le livre: Effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs. ** Cit en Hongrie. Citation. Livres (Acadmie des Sciences de Russie, Moscou Universit) sur la conservation, les effets biologiques des tensioactifs ** FAQ2. Allemand. Traduit de l'anglais vers l'allemand par un ordinateur. bersetzung aus dem Englischen. Hufig gestellte Fragen, Teil 2: Auf das Buch mit dem Titel "Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden [und Waschmittel]" (en anglais dition originale: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs), Verffentlicht von CRC Press, USA http://www.scribd .com/doc/46334046

** Sudois. Traduction informatique de l'anglais vers sudois; partie FAQ 2: sur le livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, CRC Press. versttning frn franska jusqu' svenska. Vanliga frgor, del 2: P bok med titeln "biologiska effekterna av [tensider och rengringsmedel] publicerad av CRC Press, USA ** FAQ2. Norvgienne. Traduit de l'anglais vers le norvgien;; partie FAQ 2, sur le livre intitul Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs (CRC Press, USA); Oversettelse fra Fransk. Ofte stilte sprsml, del 2: P bok med tittelen "Biologiske Effets & pdaliers av Overflateaktive [og Vaskemidler], utgitt av CRC Press, ** FAQ2. Finlandais. Traduit de l'anglais vers le finnois, le cadre FAQ 2, sur Effets biologiques des tensioactifs de l'ouvrage; Knns englanti. Usein kysyttyj kysymyksi, osa 2: Kirjaan nimelt "Biologiset vaikutukset pinta [ja pesuaineet] ** Belgique, Pays-Bas cits, par exemple: effets biologiques des livres tensioactifs, auteur SAOstroumov biological.html ** L'Amrique du Sud. Citation. Cit livre: Effets biologiques des surfactants. Le biologiste (Lima, Prou). en espagnol. ** Brsil. Sciences de l'environnement. Citation du livre de l'auteur l'Universit de Moscou. Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. ** FAQ sur le livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. ** Foire aux questions, partie 2. A propos du livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis: ** Chapter3.Page1.Free: page 1 du chapitre 3 du livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, CRC Press 2006; Imprimer ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-7; ** En japonais. A propos du livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. Commentaires: traduction japonaise;

** Commentaires en chinois. Traduction informatique en chinois, sur Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs de l'ouvrage [et] dtergents ** Commentaires propos de la Turquie: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs 'du livre ** Livre Utile (domaines: cologie, environnement, eau, prvention de la pollution), intitul: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. ISBN: 0849325269; CRC Press; ** in.Arabic. Titre anglais du livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. CRC Press. [Sur le livre:] Pourquoi ce livre est important pour les pays qui parlent l'arabe: ** Des questions poses FAQ.Part.2.Frequently, partie 2. Sur le livre, les effets biologiques des surfactants: ** A propos du livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, Londres, New York. 2006. 279 p., [Livre a t publi la fin de 2005, le droit d'auteur 2006]. ** Livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. Citation d'informations pour certaines parties de l'ouvrage, les pages web, DOI: ** Mots cls chinois, pour le livre: Effets biologiques des surfactants ** Avis publis de la livre en anglais: Effets biologiques des surfactants ; **

Pourquoi les publications sur les effets biologiques des tensioactifs et dtergents sont innovantes: ** Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs (article bref) (Book Review) -. Dtails - Version Trove ** LIVRE: Effets biologiques des tensioactifs (2006) CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, Londres, New York: MOTS CLS: nouvelles donnes exprimentales, chronique, essais biologiques, de nouvelles mthodes, des substances tensio-actifs, tensio-actif anionique, effets toxiques, l'cotoxicologie, la phytotoxicit, non-ioniques, tensioactifs cologiques, la dure moyenne apparente, des agents tensioactifs synthtiques, milieu aquatique, l'activit de filtration, des objets aquatiques , le potentiel de risque cologique, le sarrasin, le semis, bromure de ttradcyltrimthylammonium, les bivalves, les moules, les hutres, le plancton, Mytilus edulis, Hirudo medicinalis, des dtergents, des milieux aquatiques, la pollution, tensioactif, le Triton X-100, d'algues, la suspension, la science des plantes, russe Fdration, de la mer Noire, Moscow State University, Grande-Bretagne, la Moskova, Agence de protection de l'environnement, d'examen, de la pollution de l'Acadmie russe des sciences, Union sovitique, Ressources mondiales, de la mer Caspienne, la baie de Chesapeake, fleuve de la Glatt, le taux de filtration, ** valuation positive. Les principales innovations (sciences de l'environnement): avis, l'valuation positive des scientifiques indpendants et d'experts internationaux: sur les publications et les principales innovations apportes l'Universit de Moscou , qui est l'auteur et co-auteur des livres: Introduction l'cologie biochimique; Conservation de la Nature vivante; Effets biologiques des tensioactifs; ** Les faits pertinents qui soutiennent les conclusions des travaux sont prsents dans le livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs. ** , Hong Kong a achet les bibliothques Effets biologiques des Tensio-actifs 'le livre crit par un scientifique Universit de Moscou, **

Rservez Effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs, S.Ostroumov, dans les bibliothques des Etats-Unis, le Canada, la France, l'Australie ... ** Effets biologiques des surfactants livre: ** Belgique, Pays-Bas cits. Les effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs. Exemple. ** Rservez Effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs. Dans les bibliothques des Etats-Unis, le Canada, la France, l'Australie, dans d'autres pays. ** Mots cls corenne, le livre: Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs, les risques environnementaux de dtergents: ** , coren Mots-cls, pour le livre: Effets biologiques des surfactants ** japonais, mots-cls, pour le livre: Effets biologiques des tensioactifs ** chinois, mots-cls, pour le livre: Effets biologiques des tensioactifs ** livre, les risques environnementaux de dtergents: Effets biologiques des surfactants: Bibliothque nationale de l'Australie, des bibliothques: Harvard, MIT, Canada, Europe, Asie: -risques-of.html ** Avis publis du livre: Effets SA agents de surface, sur les organismes (2001) ** Mots cls chinois, pour le livre: Effets biologiques des surfactants **

Avis publis de la livre en anglais: Effets biologiques des surfactants **; Quelques autres publications pertinentes du mme auteur, en ligne gratuit, voir:; Mots-cls: Polluants, cotoxicologie, environnement, dveloppement durable, cologie, effets, tensioactif, dtergents, aquatiques, la pollution, la phytotechnie, la phytoremdiation, chimico-biotiques interactions, de l'eau, de la qualit, essais biologiques, les macrophytes, les plantes, ngatif, dodcyl sulfate de sodium, SDS; inhibe, la filtration , l'activit, de mollusques, d'eau douce, Unio, tumidus, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, hutres, Crassostrea, gigas, malacologie, hydrobiologie, inhibitrice, l'analyse, la rglementation, les interactions trophiques, bandes, ttradcyltrimthylammonium, le bromure, TDTMA, synthtique, le contrle, le plancton, les moules , l'eutrophisation, cationiques, taux, mineurs, marins, bivalves, l'enlvement, les cellules, les algues, Monochrysis, lutheri, l'identification, nouveau, nature, cologique, risque, les produits chimiques, l'inhibition, cologique, assainissement, cotechnologie, durable, les ressources, l'amlioration, l'valuation , la biosphre, l'hydrosphre, de l'innovation, des nouvelles, de la conceptualisation, les concepts, les rsultats, les ralisations, livre, sciences de l'environnement, biologiques, des plantes, les semis, les sangsues, prosthecobacteria, l'valuation des risques, la scurit, la qualit de l'eau, des mthodes,

** 27th January Dr Green : USA FAQ CRC Press S.A.Ostroumov French Taylor and Francis Effets biologiques des tensio-actifs

1 JAN 27 29 pages. Sum of many blog posts. Environmental Science. English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese and other languages. 29 pages. Sum of many blog posts. Environmental Science. English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese and other languages


These publications are essential to the continuing growth of knowledge in the number one priority areas of environmental, biological and aquatic science, in ecology and scientific basis of biodiversity protection throughout the world. **

29 p. Useful materials online. 29 pages. ** Citation of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Examples of the citation of the book: ** Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB), two common quaternary ammonium compounds, cause genotoxic effects in F Ferk, M Mik, C Hoelzl, M Uhl, M Fuerhacker - , 2007 - Oxford Univ Press Abstract Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are cationic surfactants that are widely used as disinfectants. In the present study, we tested two important representatives, namely, benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB) in ... Cited by 22 Related articles BL Direct All 9 versions Cite **

Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) ZV Markina - Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2010 - Springer Abstract This study deals with the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)(0.1, 1, and 10 mg/l) on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina Teod.(Chlorophyta). The effects of SDS increase with increasing concentration. At 10 mg/l, ... Cited by 4 Related articles All 6 versions Cite

** Self-stratifying antimicrobial polyurethane coatings MB Yagci, S Bolca, JPA Heuts, W Ming - Progress in Organic Coatings, 2011 - Elsevier In this work antimicrobial polyurethane coatings were prepared aiming at self-stratification. A hydroxyl end-capped liquid oligoester consisting of three equimolar diacids and an excess of 1, 4-butanediol has been synthesized by a condensation reaction. A set of quaternary ... Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions Cite Adsorbent biopolymers from tannin extracts for water treatment J Snchez-Martn, J Beltrn-Heredia - Chemical Engineering , 2011 - Elsevier Up to four tannin extracts from different natural vegetal sources were gelified with formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The feasible combinations were tested in the removal of Zn2+, methylene blue (MB) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in aqueous ... Cited by 4 Related articles All 5 versions Cite [PDF] *PDF+ 80- . - , 2007 - , , . , , ... Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions Cite More ** Adsorbent derived from Pinus pinaster tannin for cationic surfactant removal J Snchez-Martn, J Beltrn-Heredia - Journal of Wood , 2012 - Taylor & Francis Abstract Pinus tannin gel (PTG) has proven to be an effective adsorbent for removing various cationic pollutants including heavy metals, dyes, and surfactants. The form of obtaining these condensed tannins from Pinus pinaster bark was conventional aqueous ... Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions Cite

** *CITATION+ - : , 2009 - , . ( ... Cited by 2 Related articles All 2 versions Cite ** [CITATION] Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges. E Olkowska, Polkowska, J Namienik - Chemical reviews, 2011 - 1. Chem Rev. 2011 Sep 14;111(9):5667-700. Epub 2011 Jul 11. Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges. Olkowska E, Polkowska , Namienik J. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdaosk University of Technology (GUT), ul. ... Cited by 1 Related articles All 3 versions Cite ** Optimum coagulant from Acacia mearnsii de Wild for wastewater treatment J SnchezMartn, J BeltrnHeredia - Chemical , 2011 - Wiley Online Library Abstract A novel coagulant agent from Acacia mearnsii de Wild tannin extract was characterized for removal of the anthraquinonic colorant Alizarin Violet 3R and the anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. This coagulant is the result of a previous ... Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions Cite ** Nanosized Photocatalysts in Environmental Remediation JP Wilcoxon, BL Abrams - Nanotechnology - Wiley Online Library Modern industrial economies have developed approaches to manufacturing, utilization and disposal of chemical and biochemical products which have inflicted considerable damage on our air and water environments. As such, advances in technology, medicine, mining, ... Cited by 2 Related articles Cite

** [RTF] Kapitsa AP (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences) Formulation of fundamental principles for foundation of the theory of the apparatus of the biosphere.- AP Kapitsa - The goal of this publication is to comment on development of some fundamental concepts and principles that lay ground and create foundation of a new theory of ecological biomachinery which simultaneously is a theory of apparatus of the biosphere. Related articles All 4 versions Cite More ARCHITECTURE AND MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES A Rjoub, W Al-Azhari - ARCHITECTURE, 2011 - Abstract Mafraq Governorate contains many types of architectural heritage resources that belong to different historical eras and civilizations, which requires great efforts to conserve it. The documentation considered as one of the most important processes that maintain the ... Related articles All 2 versions Cite More Performance and characterization of a new tannin-based coagulant J Beltrn-Heredia, J Snchez-Martn - Applied Water , 2012 - Springer Abstract Diethanolamine and formaldehyde were employed to cationize tannins from black wattle. This novel coagulant called CDF was functionally characterized in removing sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (anionic surfactant) and Palatine Fast Black WAN (azoic dye). ... University of Extremadura, 06071, Badajoz, Spain Related articles All 6 versions Cite ** Selected Biomarkers; In Vivo And In Situ Applications K Yaqin - 2008 - Selected biomarkers, cholinesterase (ChE) and phagocytic activities from blue mussels, Mytilus edulis have been used to detect the effects of neuroimmunotoxicity of

organophophate (OP) pesticide, dimethoate. The serial dilutions of dimethoate ... Related articles Cite ** *PDF+ - ( , - Architecture, 2011 - . , ... Related articles All 4 versions Cite ** 1. JAN 26

Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,

Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, ** see more detail here:

The citation was made in in the publication: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Available online 16 January 2013 In Press, Corrected Proof Note to users

Reliability of color measurements for monitoring pigment content in a biofilm-forming cyanobacterium o D. Vzquez-Nion,

o P. Sanmartn,

o B. Silva,

o B. Prieto, , o Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain 3 hours ago Dr Green : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Moscow University citation S. A.Ostroumov

0 Add a comment 2. JAN 26

Innovations: Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish

Innovations, Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish ** A fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria: identification and assessing environmental hazards: chemical pollutants, toxicants. This paper explains: why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes.

First paper in which it was clearly proved that: the synthetic chemical (exemplified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS), when it pollutes water, produces dangerous effects. These dangerous effects are on: (1) marine mussels (Latin name: [Mytilus edulis]), and (2) phytoplankton.

A short list: the most important physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification.

New fresh insight: ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton; how ecosystem functions toward water self-purification.

New concepts and terminology, in the area: ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of invertebrate organisms.

Inhibition of mollusks (mussel) suspension feeding. Inhibitors: the chemicals: surfactants of three classes. Marine mollusks ( mussels), Latin name: Mytilus. Location: Atlantic Ocean. Ecotoxicology of the chemicals: cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents.

New aspects of water quality formation. Water quality control in ecosystems. Natural freshwater and marine ecosystems. New facts: negative effects of chemical pollutants (e.g., synthetic surfactants and detergents) on aquatic organisms. Negative effects on invertebrate organisms that filter water.

First paper: concentrations: the rare chemical elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus, in an aquatic system.

Modern comments: innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators).

Innovative theory: ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water. Freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovative and multifaceted concepts: almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean.

Detailed analysis, discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.

New facts: detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms. New inhibitory effects of the chemicals: surfactants TDTMA and SDS. Inhibition of water filtering activity of the marine mollusks:

oysters, Latin name: [Crassostrea gigas].

First and unique paper. Authors - an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries. A short list of research priorities: ecology and environmental sciences.

Fundamentally new solution to the problem: selecting criteria: identification, and assessing environmental hazards: chemical pollutants, toxicants.

** in Japanese:

SDS 1[] 2






- 3

** Chinese traditional:

SDS 1[






- 3

* Chinese, simplified:

SDS 1[ 2





- 3

Une solution radicalement nouvelle au problme de la slection de critres: l'identification et l'valuation des dangers pour l'environnement: polluants chimiques, les substances toxiques. Ce document explique: pourquoi le moment accept un ensemble de critres est non-efficace et conduit des erreurs.

Premier document dans lequel il a t clairement dmontr que:

la synthse chimique (illustr par le dodcylsulfate de sodium tensioactif, SDS), quand il pollue l'eau, produit des effets dangereux. Ces effets dangereux sont: (1) moules marines (nom latin: [Mytilus edulis]), et (2) le phytoplancton.

Une courte liste: la plus importante physiques, chimiques et biologiques de l'eau auto-puration.

Nouveau regard neuf: mcanismes cologiques de l'eutrophisation et augmentation anormale du phytoplancton; comment cosystme fonctions l'gard d'auto-puration de l'eau.

De nouveaux concepts et de la terminologie, dans la rgion: fiscale cologique, rparation cologique de qualit de l'eau: l'cologie et les sciences de la limnologie et ocanographie biologique. Certains aspects de l'activit de l'eau de filtrage des organismes invertbrs.

Inhibition de l'alimentation mollusques en suspension (moules). Inhibiteurs: les produits chimiques: agents tensio-actifs de trois catgories. Marine mollusques (moules), le nom latin: Mytilus. Lieu: Ocan Atlantique. cotoxicologie des produits chimiques: dtergents cationiques, anioniques et non ionognes.

Nouveaux aspects de la formation de qualit de l'eau. Contrle de la qualit de l'eau dans les cosystmes. Naturel d'eau douce et les cosystmes marins. Des faits nouveaux: les effets ngatifs des polluants chimiques (par exemple, des agents tensioactifs synthtiques, dtergents) sur les organismes aquatiques. Les effets ngatifs sur les organismes invertbrs qui filtrent l'eau.

Premier papier: concentrations: les lments chimiques rares (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) dans les dtritus biologique, dans un systme aquatique.

Commentaires et modernes: innovantes termes scientifiques (cologiques, chemomediators chemoregulators cologiques).

Thorie novatrice: mcanismes cologiques de l'auto-puration de l'eau. cosystmes d'eau douce et marins.

Des concepts novateurs et multiples facettes: presque tous les organismes aquatiques fonctionner ensemble pour rendre l'eau claire et propre.

Une analyse dtaille, la dcouverte et l'innovation: un nouvel aspect du fonctionnement de l'cosystme.

Des faits nouveaux: dtergents ralentir la filtration de l'eau par les organismes aquatiques. Nouveaux effets inhibiteurs des produits chimiques: tensioactifs TDTMA et du SDS. L'inhibition de l'activit de l'eau de filtrage des mollusques marins: hutres, nom latin: [Crassostrea gigas].

Premier papier et unique. Auteurs - une quipe internationale d'experts, des scientifiques de 3 pays. Une courte liste de priorits de recherche: sciences de l'cologie et de l'environnement.

Fondamentalement nouvelle solution au problme: la slection de critres: l'identification et l'valuation des risques environnementaux: polluants chimiques, les substances toxiques.

** in German:

Eine grundlegend neue Lsung fr das Problem der Auswahl von Kriterien: Identifizierung und Beurteilung Umweltgefahren: chemische Schadstoffe, Gifte. Dieses Papier erklrt, warum die derzeit von Kriterien akzeptiert gesetzt ist nicht effizient und fhrt zu Fehlern.

Erste Papier, in dem es klar bewiesen, dass: das synthetische chemische (exemplifiziert durch das Tensid Natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS), wenn es Wasser belastet, erzeugt gefhrliche Wirkungen. Diese gefhrlichen Wirkungen sind am: (1) marine Muscheln (lateinischer Name: [Mytilus edulis]), und (2) Phytoplankton.

Eine kurze Liste: die wichtigsten physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Prozesse des WasserSelbst-Reinigung.

New frischen Einblick: kologische Mechanismen der Eutrophierung und ungewhnlicher Anstieg der Phytoplankton; Wie kosystemfunktionen gegenber Wasser Selbstreinigung.

Neue Konzepte und Terminologie in der Umgebung: kologie und Wissenschaft der Limnologie und biologische Ozeanographie: kosteuer, kologische Reparatur der Wasserqualitt. Einige Aspekte der Wasser-Filter-Aktivitt von wirbellosen Organismen.

Die Hemmung der Weichtiere (Muscheln) die Aussetzung der Ftterung. Hemmer: die Chemikalien: Tenside aus drei Klassen. Marine Weichtiere (Muscheln), lateinischer Name: Mytilus. Ort: Atlantic Ocean. kotoxikologie der Chemikalien: kationische, anionische und nicht-ionogene Detergentien.

Neue Aspekte der Wasserqualitt Bildung. Kontrolle der Wasserqualitt in kosystemen. Natrliche Swasser-und Meereskosysteme. Neue Tatsachen: negative Auswirkungen chemischer Schadstoffe (zB synthetische Tenside und Waschmittel) auf Wasserorganismen. Negative Auswirkungen auf wirbellose Organismen, die Wasser filtern.

Erste Papier: Konzentrationen: die seltenen chemischen Elemente (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biologischen Detritus in einem aquatischen System.

Moderne Kommentare: innovative wissenschaftliche Begriffe (kologische Chemomediatoren, kologische chemoregulators).

Innovative Theorie: kologischen Mechanismen der Selbstreinigung des Wassers. Swasser-und Meereskosysteme.

Innovative und vielseitige Konzepte: fast alle aquatischen Organismen zusammen funktionieren dazu bei, dass Wasser klar und sauber.

Detaillierte Analyse, Entdeckung und Innovation: ein neuer Aspekt in der Funktionsweise des kosystems.

Neue Tatsachen: Detergenzien verlangsamen die Filtration von Wasser durch aquatische Organismen. New hemmende Wirkung der Chemikalien: Tenside TDTMA und SDS. Die Hemmung der Wasser-Filter-Aktivitt der marine Mollusken: Austern, lateinischer Name: [Crassostrea gigas].

Erste und einzige Papier. Autoren - ein internationales Team von Experten, Wissenschaftlern von 3 Lndern. Eine kurze Liste der Forschungsschwerpunkte: kologie und Umweltwissenschaften.

Grundlegend neue Lsung fr das Problem: Auswahl von Kriterien: Identifizierung und Beurteilung Umweltgefahren: chemische Schadstoffe, Gifte.

** in Dutch:

Een fundamenteel nieuwe oplossing voor het probleem van het selecteren van criteria: identificatie en evaluatie van gevaren voor het milieu: chemische stoffen, giftige stoffen. Dit document legt uit: waarom de huidige geaccepteerde set van criteria is niet efficint en leidt tot fouten.

Eerste artikel waarin werd duidelijk aangetoond dat: de synthetische chemische (gellustreerd door de oppervlakte-actieve natriumdodecylsulfaat, SDS), wanneer het water vervuilt, produceert gevaarlijke gevolgen. Deze gevaarlijke effecten zijn op: (1) mosselen marine (Latijnse naam: [Mytilus edulis]), en (2) fytoplankton.

Een korte lijst: de belangrijkste fysische, chemische en biologische processen van het water zelfzuivering.

Nieuw nieuw inzicht: ecologische mechanismen van eutrofiring en abnormale toename van fytoplankton; hoe ecosysteemfuncties in de richting van het water zelf-zuivering.

Nieuwe concepten en terminologie, in de omgeving: ecologie, en de wetenschap van limnologie en biologische oceanografie: ecologische belasting, ecologische herstel van de waterkwaliteit.

Sommige aspecten van het water filteren activiteit van ongewervelde organismen.

Remming van weekdieren (mosselen) schorsing voeding. Remmers: de chemicalin: oppervlakte van drie klassen. Marine weekdieren (mosselen), Latijnse naam: Mytilus. Woonplaats: Atlantische Oceaan. Ecotoxicologie van de chemicalin: kationogene, anionogene en niet-ionogene detergentia.

Nieuwe aspecten van de waterkwaliteit formatie. Water kwaliteitscontrole in ecosystemen. Natuurlijke zoetwater-en mariene ecosystemen. Nieuwe feiten: negatieve effecten van chemische stoffen (bijvoorbeeld synthetische oppervlakteactieve stoffen en detergentia) op het water levende organismen. Negatieve effecten op ongewervelde organismen die water filtreren.

Eerste papier: concentraties: de zeldzame chemische elementen (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biologische detritus, in een aquatisch systeem.

Modern comments: innovatieve wetenschappelijke termen (ecologische chemomediators, ecologische chemoregulators).

Innovatieve theorie: ecologische mechanismen van zelf-zuivering van water. Zoetwater-en mariene ecosystemen.

Innovatief en veelzijdig concepten: bijna alle levende organismen werken samen in de richting van het maken van water helder en schoon.

Gedetailleerde analyse, ontdekking en innovatie: een nieuw aspect van het functioneren van het ecosysteem.

Nieuwe feiten: wasmiddelen vertragen de filtratie van het water door het water levende organismen. Nieuwe remmende effecten van de stoffen: oppervlakteactieve stoffen TDTMA en SDS. Remming van het water filteren activiteit van het mariene weekdieren: oesters, Latijnse naam: [Crassostrea gigas].

Eerste en unieke papier. Auteurs - een internationaal team van experts, wetenschappers van 3 landen. Een korte lijst van onderzoeksprioriteiten: ecologie en milieuwetenschappen.

Fundamenteel nieuwe oplossing voor het probleem: het selecteren van criteria: identificatie en evaluatie van gevaren voor het milieu: chemische stoffen, giftige stoffen.


in Swedish:

En helt ny lsning p problemet med att vlja kriterier: identifiering och bedmning miljrisker: kemiska froreningar, gifter.

Denna uppsats frklarar: varfr den nuvarande accepterade uppsttning kriterier r icke-effektiv och leder till misstag.

Frsta papper dr det klart bevisat att: den syntetiska kemiska (exemplifierat av det ytaktiva natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS), nr den frorenar vatten, ger farliga effekter. Dessa farliga effekter p: (1) marin musslor (Latinskt namn: [Mytilus edulis]), och (2) vxtplankton.

En kort lista: den viktigaste fysiska, kemiska och biologiska processer i vatten sjlvrening.

Nya frscha insikt: ekologiska mekanismer fr vergdning och onormal kning vxtplankton, hur ekosystemet fungerar mot vatten sjlvrening.

Nya koncept och terminologi, i omrdet: ekologi och vetenskap limnologi och biologisk oceanografi: ekologisk skatt, ekologisk reparation av vattenkvaliteten. Vissa aspekter av vatten filtrering aktivitet ryggradslsa organismer.

Hmning av bltdjur (musslor) fjdring utfodring. Hmmare: kemikalier: ytaktiva tre klasser. Marin mollusker (musslor), latinska namn: Mytilus. Plats: Atlanten. Ekotoxikologi av kemikalier: katjoniska, anjoniska och icke-jonogen detergenter.

Nya aspekter av vattenkvaliteten bildas. Vatten kvalitetskontroll i ekosystemen. Naturlig stvatten och marina ekosystem. Nya fakta: negativa effekter av kemiska froreningar (t.ex. syntetiska tensider och rengringsmedel) p vattenlevande organismer. Negativa effekter p ryggradslsa organismer som filtrerar vatten.

Frsta papper: koncentrationer: de sllsynta kemiska element (CE, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) i biologisk slam, i ett vatten-system.

Moderna kommentarer: innovativa vetenskapliga termer (ekologiska chemomediators, ekologiska chemoregulators).

Innovativ teori: ekologiska mekanismer fr sjlvrening av vatten. Stvatten och marina ekosystem.

Innovativa och mngfacetterade begrepp: nstan alla vattenlevande organismer fungerar tillsammans mot att gra vattnet klart och rent.

Detaljerad analys, upptckt och innovation: en ny aspekt av hur ekosystemet.

Nya fakta: detergenter bromsa filtrering av vattnet genom vattenlevande organismer. Nya hmmande effekter av kemikalier:

tensider TDTMA och SDS. Hmning av vatten filtrering aktivitet av de marina bltdjur: ostron, Latinskt namn: [Crassostrea gigas].

Frsta och unika papper. Frfattare - ett internationellt team av experter, forskare p 3 lnder. En kort lista ver forskningsprioriteringar: ekologi och miljvetenskap.

I grunden ny lsning p problemet: att vlja kriterier: identifiering och bedmning av miljrisker: kemiska froreningar, gifter.

** in Danish:

En fundamentalt ny lsning p problemet med at vlge kriterier: identifikation og vurdering af miljrisici: kemiske stoffer, giftstoffer. Dette dokument forklarer: hvorfor den aktuelt accepteret st af kriterier er ikke-effektiv og frer til fejl.

Frste papir, hvor det blev klart bevist, at: det syntetiske kemiske (eksemplificeret ved det overfladeaktive middel natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS), hvor det forurener vandet, frembringer farlige virkninger. Disse farlige virkninger er p: (1) marine muslinger (latinsk navn: [Mytilus edulis]), og (2) planteplankton.

En kort liste: den vigtigste fysiske, kemiske og biologiske processer af vand selv-rensning.

Ny frisk indsigt: kologiske mekanismer eutrofiering og unormal stigning i planteplankton; hvor kosystemfunktioner mod vand selv-rensning.

Nye koncepter og terminologi, i omrdet: kologi og videnskab af Limnology og biologisk oceanografi: kologisk skat, kologisk reparation af vandkvaliteten. Nogle aspekter af vand filtrering aktivitet af hvirvellse organismer.

Inhibering af blddyr (mussel) suspension fodring. Inhibitorer: de kemikalier: overfladeaktive midler af tre klasser. Marine blddyr (muslinger), latinske navn: Mytilus. Beliggenhed: Atlanterhavet. kotoksikologi af kemikalierne: kationiske, anioniske og ikke-ionogene detergenter.

Nye aspekter af vandkvaliteten dannelse. Vand kvalitetskontrol i kosystemer. Naturlig ferskvands-og marine kosystemer. Nye fakta: negative virkninger af kemiske stoffer (f.eks syntetiske overfladeaktive stoffer og rengringsmidler) p vandlevende organismer. Negative virkninger p hvirvellse organismer der filtrerer vand.

Frste papir: koncentrationer: de sjldne grundstoffer (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) i biologisk efterladenskaber, i et akvatisk system.

Moderne kommentarer:

innovative videnskabelige termer (kologiske chemomediators, kologiske chemoregulators).

Innovativ teori: kologiske mekanismer selv-rensning af vand. Ferskvands-og marine kosystemer.

Innovative og mangesidede begreber: nsten alle vandorganismer fungere sammen mod at gre vandet klart og rent.

Detaljeret analyse, opdagelse og innovation: et nyt aspekt af, hvordan kosystemet.

Nye fakta: detergenter bremse filtrering af vand ved vandorganismer. Nye inhiberende virkninger af kemikalier: overfladeaktive TDTMA og SDS. Hmning af vand filtrering aktivitet af de marine blddyr: sters, latinsk navn: [Crassostrea gigas].

Frste og unikke papir. Forfattere - et internationalt team af eksperter, forskere p 3 lande. En kort liste over forskningsprioriteter: kologi og miljvidenskab.

Fundamentalt ny lsning p problemet: udvlgelse kriterier: identifikation, og vurdere miljrisici: kemiske stoffer, giftstoffer.

** : environmental science environmental toxicology water quality improvement. INNOVATIONS

JAN 25

In Japanese, on the book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources : Problems, Trends, and Prospects In Japanese, on the book:

4. JAN 25

Citation Updated. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa. USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, China, India, and many other countries cited these innovative publications. Ecology, Environmental science, Water quality improvement. Citation Updated. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa. USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, China, India, and many other countries cited these innovative publications. Ecology, Environmental science, Water quality improvement. See:

All continents cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology: Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe **

in French: Citation. Amrique du Nord, Amrique du Sud, Europe, Asie, Australie, Afrique. Etats-Unis, Canada, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, France, Pays-Bas, la Suisse, la Belgique, la Sude, le Japon, la Chine, l'Inde et plusieurs autres pays ont cit ces publications innovantes. L'cologie, les sciences de l'environnement, amlioration de la qualit de l'eau.

Voir: Tous les continents ont cit ces publications sur l'environnement, l'cologie, la biologie: Amrique, Europe, Asie, Australie, Afrique: ** in German: Citation. Nordamerika, Sdamerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika. USA, Kanada, Grobritannien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Schweiz, Belgien, Schweden, Japan, China, Indien und vielen anderen Lndern zitiert diese innovative Publikationen. kologie, Umwelt und Wissenschaft, Verbesserung der Wasserqualitt.

siehe auch: Alle Kontinente zitiert diese Verffentlichungen auf die Umwelt, kologie, Biologie: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika: ** in Dutch: Citation. Noord-Amerika, Zuid-Amerika, Europa, Azi, Australi, Afrika. VS, Canada, Groot-Brittanni, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Nederland, Zwitserland, Belgi, Zweden, Japan, China, India en vele andere landen aangehaald deze innovatieve publicaties. Ecologie, milieu-wetenschap, verbetering van de waterkwaliteit.

zie: Alle continenten aangehaald deze publicaties over milieu, ecologie, biologie: Amerika, Europa, Azi, Australi, Afrika:

** in Swedish: Citation. Nordamerika, Sydamerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika. USA, Kanada, Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrike, Nederlnderna, Schweiz, Belgien, Sverige, Japan, Kina, Indien och mnga andra lnder som anges dessa innovativa publikationer. Ekologi, miljvetenskap, Vatten kvalitetsfrbttring.

se: Alla kontinenter citerade dessa publikationer om milj, ekologi, biologi: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika: ** in Chinese (simplified): **

in Chinese (traditional): **

in Japanese: **

: Canada Sweden ecology water quality improvement Netherlands Switzerland France USA UK Chinaenvironmental science citation Germany Japan

JAN 25

Updated FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book. S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis, USA: how to use the book and relevant papers on detergents and surfactants

Updated FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book. S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis, USA: how to use the book and relevant papers on detergents and surfactants.

Book. Reference and DOI. Biological Effects of Surfactants A book on surfactants and detergents (entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis. USA) was published, see: book on environmental toxicology. Entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Content: biological effects of detergents on microorganisms, plants, invertebrate animals. New hazards of chemicals.

Comments, FAQ in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, Norwegian, Arabic ** key words: Book, environmental science, ecotoxicology, bioassay, biological, effects, surfactants, detergents, mussels, oysters, plant, seedlings, algae, leeches, mollusks, prosthecobacteria, assessment, hazards, safety, sustainability, water quality, biosphere, hydrosphere, new, methods, S.A.Ostroumov, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON THE BOOK AND HOW TO USE IT. Question: Where I can read more about this book? Is some additional information available online? Answer: Web-sites / links on the book, Abstract of book.Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author Dr.S.A.Ostroumov, Moscow University (Ecotoxicology of Detergents, New Methods, Bioassay, Hazard Assessment) **; Question: I bioassay chemicals. How can I use the book? Answer: You will find some new methods for doing bioassay (Chapter 2) and how to apply them (Chapters 3, 4, 5). Question: I am involved in assessing environmental risk from chemicals, pollutants and xenobiotics. Can I find useful things in the book?

Answer: yes, there are two useful things for you. First, you will find additional criteria for assessing biological effects of chemicals, which helps to see some important new aspects of environmental hazards and risks. Second, you will find new information that leads to seeing environmental risk from synthetic surfactants and detergents. Question: If I study and teach the issues of organic chemicals which are pollutants and xenobiotics, how can I use the book? Answer: in the book, you will find a new addition to the list of hazardous organic chemicals that pollute the environment, and new experimental data in support of adding those chemicals to the list. Question: Is the book relevant to some issues of water quality? Answer: Yes, the chemicals that were analyzed in the book contribute to water pollution. Question: I study and teach plant sciences. Is the book of use to me and my students and co-workers? Answer: Yes, the book contains some new methods of bioassay of phytotoxicity, and many new examples of discovery and quantitative studies of phytotoxicity. An example of a very efficient method is using plant seedlings as test-organisms. Question: If a person is involved in aquaculture, will he find something useful in the book? Answer: Yes, this person will find some new information in the book. In chapters 3 -6, the author presents his new results - information about most important species of bivalves that are being used in aquaculture. These species are edible mollusks of high dietary value - marine mussels and oysters. Question: Are there any new innovations in fundamental science? Answer: Yes, there are several such innovations. E.g., a basis is created for a new fundamental paradigm on stability and sustainability in ecosystems - as exemplified by aquatic ecosystems. Question: I do my research on invertebrates. Also, I teach courses on zoology and animal science. Does the book contain some new information in those areas? Answer: yes, the book includes new data that were obtained by the author on several animal species: aquatic invertebrates (mollusks and leeches). Unique new information is presented: how some xenobiotics produce negative effects on behavior, feeding and other functions of invertebrates. Question: My area aquatic ecology, both freshwater and marine science. In those fields, is there something new and relevant in this book? Answer: yes, the book contains some new data that were obtained when the author conducted his research on freshwater and marine species. As for the marine system studied, the author did some of his projects at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (U.K.), some universities on the Eastern coast of the U.S.A., and on the Black Sea. Question: What is the opinion of the scientific community about the book? Answer: There is a number of published reviews and evaluations of this book, as well as other books by the same author. The list of those reviews is available at:;

all of those reviews and evaluations are positive. About the book, a comment received from Jorge Gutierrez (UNRC): amazing, thanks. Question: Is there a concise summary of the main discoveries made both in the book and in other related publications by the same author? Answer: Yes, the concise summary is available online free:; More info about the book, including how to look at some pages of the book, and how to order it: ** Top universities: Caltech, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, M.I.T. All 5 top universities: 'Biological Effects of Surfactants'. ** In Portuguese. Brazil. Citation. Cited Moscow University publications. Cited: the book: Biological effects of surfactants. ** Cited in Hungary. Citation. Books (Russian Academy Sciences; Moscow University) on: Conservation; Biological Effects of Surfactants ** FAQ2. German. Translated from English into German by a computer. bersetzung aus dem Englischen. Hufig gestellte Fragen, Teil 2: Auf das Buch mit dem Titel "Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden [und Waschmittel+ (in original English edition: Biological Effects of Surfactants), Verffentlicht von CRC Press, U.S.A. ** Swedish. Computer Translation from English to Swedish; FAQ part 2: on the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, CRC Press. versttning frn engelska till svenska. Vanliga frgor, del 2: P bok med titeln "biologiska effekterna av [tensider och rengringsmedel]", publicerad av CRC Press, U.S.A. ** FAQ2. Norwegian. Translated from English to Norwegian;; FAQ part 2, on the book entitled Biological Effects of Surfactants (CRC Press, U.S.A.); Oversettelse fra engelsk. Ofte stilte sprsml, del 2: P bok med tittelen "Biologiske effekter av Overflateaktive [og Vaskemidler] ', utgitt av CRC Press, ** FAQ2. Finnish. Translated from English to Finnish; FAQ part 2, on the book Biological Effects of Surfactants; Knns Englanti. Usein kysyttyj kysymyksi, osa 2: Kirjaan nimelt "Biologiset vaikutukset pinta [ja pesuaineet]", **

Belgium, Netherlands cited, example: book Biological effects of surfactants, author S.A.Ostroumov ** South America. Citation. Cited book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. The Biologist (Lima, Peru). in Spanish. ** Brazil. Environmental Science. Citation of the Book of the Author at Moscow University. Biological Effects of Surfactants.

** FAQ on the book: S. A. Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants. ** Frequently asked questions, part 2. About the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press, Taylor &Francis: ** Chapter3.Page1.Free: page 1 of Chapter 3 of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, S . A . Ostroumov; CRC Press 2006; Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-7; ** In Japanese. About the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. [Dr. S.A. Ostroumov]. Comments: Japanese translation; ** Comments in Chinese. Computer Translation to Chinese; on the book Biological Effects of Surfactants [and detergents] ** Comments in Turkish: About the book Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Useful Book (areas: Ecology, Environment, Water, Preventing Pollution) entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author: Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; ISBN: 0849325269; CRC Press;

** in.Arabic. English title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. [ on the book:] Why this book is important to the countries that speak Arabic: ** FAQ.Part.2.Frequently asked questions, part 2. On the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants: ** About the book : Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p., [Book was published at the end of 2005, Copyright of 2006]. ** Book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Citation information for some parts of the book, web-pages, DOI: ** Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Published reviews of the English book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants ** ** Why the publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov on biological effects of surfactants and detergents are innovative **Biological Effects of Surfactants.(Brief Article)(Book Review) - Version details - Trove ** BOOK: Dr. Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006) CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York: KEY WORDS: new experimental data, review, bioassay, new methods, surface active substances, anionic surfactant, toxic effects, ecotoxicology, phytotoxicity, non-ionogenic surfactants, ecological, apparent average length, synthetic surfactants, aquatic medium, filtration activity, aquatic objects, potential ecological hazard, buckwheat, seedlings, tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, bivalves, mussels, oysters, plankton, Mytilus edulis, Hirudo medicinalis, detergents, aquatic media, pollution, surfactant, triton X-100, algal, suspension, plant science, Russian Federation, Black Sea, Moscow State University,

Great Britain, Moskva River, Environmental Protection Agency, Review, Pollution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Soviet Union, World Resources, Caspian Sea, Chesapeake Bay, Glatt River, filtration rate, ** Positive Evaluation. Key innovations (environmental science): opinion, POSITIVE EVALUATION of independent international scientists and experts: on publications and main innovations made at Moscow University by Dr. S.Ostroumov, who is the author and co-author of the books: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Conservation of Living Nature; Biological Effects of Surfactants; ** ** Relevant facts that support the conclusions of the papers are presented in book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. ** ** , Hong Kong libraries bought the book Biological Effects of Surfactants authored by a Moscow University scientist, ** Book Biological effects of surfactants, S.Ostroumov, in libraries of USA, Canada, France, Australia ... ** book Biological Effects of Surfactants: ** ** Belgium, Netherlands cited. Biological effects of surfactants. Example. ** Book Biological effects of surfactants. In libraries of the U.S.A., Canada, France, Australia, other countries.

** Korean Key words, book: Biological Effects of Surfactants; environmental hazards of detergents: ** , Korean Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** , Japanese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** book,environmental hazards of detergents: Biological Effects of Surfactants: National Library of Australia, libraries:Harvard, MIT, Canada, Europe, Asia: ** Published reviews of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) ** Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Published reviews of the English book: Biological Effects of Surfactants **; Some other relevant publications by the same author, online free, see:; Keywords: Pollutants, ecotoxicology, environment, sustainability, ecology, effects, surfactant, detergents, aquatic, pollution, phytotechnology, phytoremediation, chemico-biotic interactions, water, quality, bioassay,

macrophytes, plants, negative, sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS; inhibited, filtration, activity, mollusks, freshwater, Unio, tumidus, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, oysters, Crassostrea, gigas, malacological, hydrobiological, Inhibitory, analysis, regulatory, interactions, trophic, webs, tetradecyltrimethylammonium, bromide, TDTMA, synthetic, control, plankton, mussels, eutrophication, cationic, rate, juveniles, marine, bivalves, removal, cells, algae, Monochrysis, lutheri, identification, new, type, ecological, hazard, chemicals, inhibition, ecological, remediation, shoots, ecotechnology, sustainable, resources, improvement, assessment, biosphere, hydrosphere, innovation, news, conceptualization, concepts, results, achievements, Book, environmental science, biological, plant, seedlings, leeches, prosthecobacteria, assessment, hazards, safety, water quality, methods, : bioassay Biological surfactants leeches ecotoxicology detergents mussels effects prosthecobacteriaoysters seedlings algae environmental science mollusks plant

6. JAN 25

Citation of A.Humboldt and other scientists, thinkers of Germany, France, Russia, Britain, et al., in one publication on development of science. Darwin C., Goethe J. w., Haeckel E., Humboldt A., Lamarck J. B., Lorentz K. Z., Liebig, L. von., Tinbergen N., Malthus T. S., Citation of A.Humboldt and other prominent scientists, thinkers of Germany, France, Russia, Britain, et al., in one publication on development of science. ** Alexander von Humboldt **

** more info see here: These scientists and thinkers were cited recently together in one paper, including Charles Darwin, Johann Goethe and others: ** Among the authors that were cited:

Darwin C., Goethe J. w., Haeckel E.,

Humboldt A.,

Lamarck J. B.,

Lorentz K. Z.,

Liebig, L. von.,

Tinbergen N., Malthus T. S., **

See: In this paper, the full list of cited authors: Antipa Gr., 1892. Studii asupra pescriilor sistematice n apele Romne. Bucureti. Antipa Gr., 1910. Regiunea inundabil a Dunrii. Starea ei actual i mijloacele de a o pune n valoare. Edit. Inst. de Arte Graf. Carol. Antipa Gr., 1912. cercetri hidrobiologice n romnia i importana lor tiinific i economic. Analele Acad. Rom., Bucureti; 38, p. 1 46.

Antipa Gr., 1933. La biosociologie et la bioeconomie de la mer Noire. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad Roum., 15,p. 195 207. Antipa Gr., 1935. Lorganisation genrale de la vie colective des organismes lt du mecanisme de la production dans la biosphere. Etudes et resherches, Acad. Roum. Bucureti, 6, p. 1 84. Antipa Gr., 1940. Marea Neagr. Oceanografia, bionomia i biologia general. Acad. Rom., Publ. Fond. V. Adamachi, 10, 55, 313 pp.

Baer, Karl von, 1864. Reden und kleinere Aufstze St.Petersburg.

Barbier M., 1976. Introduction a lecologie chimique. Maison, Paris.

Bertalanffy, L. von, 1970. An online of general system theory. Brit. J. Philos. Sci, 1. Bertalanffy, L. von, 1968. General systems theory. George Braziller, New York.

Biologhiceskii Slovari, 1986. izd. Soviet enikl, Moskva.

Buffon G. L. L., 1979. Histoire naturrelle generale et particuliere. Paris

Constantinescu N. N., 1993.

Principiul ecologic n tiina economic. Edit. Acad. Rom., Bucureti, 28 pp. Constantinescu N. N., 1976. Economia proteciei mediului. Bucureti.

Cuvier G., 1798 1805. Leon de lanatomie compare. Paris.

Darwin Ch., 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preseservation of favored races in the struggle for life. John Murray, London.

Dediu I., 1995. Planul Naional Strategic de Aciuni pentru Protec ia Mediului pn n 2020. Edit. Uniun. Scriit., Chiinu. Dediu I., 2007. Tratat de Ecologie Teoretic. Acad. Na. De t. Ecol., Edit. Phoenix, Chiinu, 558 pp. Dediu I., 2008. Valenele, dimensiunile i reperele ecologice ale dezvoltrii durabile: un studiu critic de sintez. Noosfera, 1, Chiinu, p. 5 12. Dediu I., 2009. Ecologia i Economia dou tiine complementare. Prolegomenele bioeconomiei. Noosfera, nr. 2, Chiinu, p. 4 -12.

Frisch K., 1967. The Dance Language and orientation of Bees. Harward University Press, Massachusetts.

Geoffroy Saint Hilaire I., 1854, 1859. Histoire naturale generale des regnes organiques, Principialment tudiee chez lhomme et les animaux. t. i ii, Paris.

Goethe J. w., 1790. Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklaren. Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, Gotha.

Georgescu Roegen N., 1971. The Enthropy Law an the Economics Process. Georgescu Roegen N., 1995. La decroissance Enthropy Ecology Economy. Sant de Terre. Paris.

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Humboldt A., 1805. Essai san la geographie de plantes. Paris. Humboldt A., 1845 1862. Cosmos. Vol. 1- 5, Berlin.

Lamarck J. B., 1802. Hidrologie. Paris. Lamarck J. B., 1809. Phylosaphie zooloque. Paris.

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Liebig, L. von., 1840. Chemisty in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Taylor and Walton, London (4 th ed. in 1847).

Lyell Ch., 1830 1834. Principles of Geology.

Malthus T. S., 1798. An Essay on the Principle of Population. Johnson, London.

Mbius K., 1877. Die Auster and die Austernwirtschaft. Parey, Berlin.

Ochser P. H., 1959. The word Ecology Science, V. 129, 3355.

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Rozenberg Gh. S., 2004. Liki ekologhii. Toliatti. 224 pp.

Tinbergen N., 1953. Social Behaviour in Animals. Methuen, London.

Uschman G., 1970. Opredelenie Enstrou Haeckelem poniatia Ekologia. in: Ocerki po istorii ekologhii. Izd. Nauka, Moskva, p. 11 21.

Volterra V., 1931. Leon s... la theorie de la lutte pour la vie. Masson, Paris.

Wallace A. R., 1859. On the tendency of various to depart identifinitely from original type. London.

Weisman A., 1892. Das Keimplasma Line Theory der Vererbung. Jena. Weisman A., 1913. Vortrge ber Deszendenz theorie. Bd. 1, 2. Jena.

Whittaker R. H., 1970. The biochemical ecology of higher plants. Chemical Ecology. Eds. Sondheimer, E. , and Simeone, J. B., New York. **

: Britain France Germany citation A.Humboldt Russia scientists

JAN 25

Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto. Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto. Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain

more detail:

Notification from Google:

The citation was made in in the publication: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Available online 16 January 2013 In Press, Corrected Proof Note to users

Reliability of color measurements for monitoring pigment content in a biofilm-forming cyanobacterium D. Vzquez-Nion,

P. Sanmartn,

B. Silva,

B. Prieto, ,

Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain



** 27th January Dr Green : German environmental science French Japanese Chinese English

1 JAN 27 Environmental science.Most often read publications in English and Russian. Sites most often viewed/read, Internet service 'Scribd'. Water quality, phytoremediation, Ceratophyllum demersum, filter-feeders, invertebrates, environmental toxicology, detergents, heavy metals, Au, nanoparticles, Self-Purification Environmental science. Publications in English and Russian.

Sites most often viewed/read, Internet service 'Scribd'.

These publications are essential to the continuing growth of knowledge in the number one priority areas of environmental, biological and aquatic science, in ecology and scientific basis of biodiversity protection throughout the world.

** Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential. . 2. : - . . ... 2008. Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. - Hydrobiologia, 2005, 542: 275286 [invertebrates, environmental toxicology of detergents] The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water. S. A. Ostroumov. On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification. - Water Resources, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 305313 [Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 337346]

** Internet publications:

17 victories in the battle against deterioration of the biosphere and environment, in the battle against a catastrophic decrease in water quality in freshwater and marine ecosystems, in water bodies and streams. See more detail: with comments in English,German, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian


132,000 reads of these and other related materials on innovations, discoveries: environment, ecology, conservation; discoveries of a Moscow University ecologist, biologist: ** Citation World-wide more than 600 papers, institut... 05 2012 ., 1 271 31 Top Springer Publications (selected bibliograph... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 202 fundamental principles, key roles: biodiversity of... 18 . 2012 ., 1 130 Innovative book on anthropogenic (man-made) impact... 01 2012 ., : 4 106 36 innovations, chemico-biotic interactions in bio... 15 . 2012 . 104 Recent web-sites: new and updated: 1500 words, 5 p... 23 . 2012 ., 1 94 , Hong Kong libraries bought the book Biologica... 30 2012 ., : 2 89 18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, envi... 01 . 2013 ., 1 88

World-wide and international citing of publication... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 88 Revolution, discoveries, 18 innovations in ecology... 05 2012 . 84 ** Most popular during the recent month: 31 Top Springer Publications (selected bibliograph... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 99 18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, envi... 01 . 2013 ., 1 88 International Water Association (IWA) cited the pu... 29 . 2012 ., 1 82 41 articles on environmental sciences, and citatio... 29 . 2012 ., : 2 72 Scientists of these institutions (worldwide, more ... 18 . 2012 ., : 3 58 31 selected References, environmental science inno... 23 . 2012 ., : 3 56 best publications, environmental science, ecology:... 02 . 2013 ., : 2 52

17 Results of interdisciplinary studies: ecology, ... 11 . 2013 ., : 3 50 Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Thalassiosira p... 10 . 2012 ., : 2 47 Revolution in ecology, water safety. improving wat... 06 . 2013 . 41

**Water quality, phytoremediation, Ceratophyllum demersum, filter-feeders, invertebrates, environmental toxicology, detergents, heavy metals, Au, nanoparticles, Self-Purification 27th January Dr Green : heavy metals nanoparticles Ceratophyllum demersum self-purification filter-feeders detergents Au invertebrates environmental toxicology

2 JAN 26 17 victories in the battle against deterioration of the biosphere and environment, in the battle against a catastrophic decrease in water quality in freshwater and marine ecosystems, in water bodies and streams. See more detail: with comments in English,German, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian 17 clear intellectual victories in the battle against deterioration of the biosphere and environment, in the battle against a catastrophic decrease in water quality in freshwater and marine ecosystems, in water bodies and streams. See more detail: with comments in English:

17 Results of interdisciplinary studies: ecology, environmental studies, hydrobiology: 17 innovations with references. ** These publications are essential to the continuing growth of knowledge in the number one priority areas of environmental, biological and aquatic science, in ecology and scientific basis of biodiversity protection throughout the world.

**updated: 17 innovations, 17 selected publications: ecology, clean water, environment science. ** 17 top-priority papers.Environmental science, ecol...environmental, Global change prevention, INNOVATIONS, pollution control, safety, sustainability, water:

Comments in German, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian: computer translation: **

Comments in German, computer translation: 17 Innovationen: kologie, sauberes Wasser, Umwelt Wissenschaft. Ausgewhlte Publikationen. Volltexte online

** Japanese,17 innovative publications(Environment Science), list in Japanese. 1717

In Japanese. 17 KEYSA

In Japanese. 17 innovations. 17

** 17 innovations, Chinese (s). In Chinese. 17 ** In French. 17 innovations, 17 publications slectionnes: l'cologie, l'eau potable, des sciences environnement. Choisies parmi les publications. Les textes intgraux en ligne gratuitement. Eau douce, marins, les cosystmes aquatiques, la qualit de l'eau, l'environnement, la scurit, la durabilit, les rivires, les ruisseaux, la mer, l'estuaire, la fonction des cosystmes, de la purification, de la toxicologie, contrle de la pollution, les risques, les tensioactifs, dtergents, essai biologique, par l'homme d'impact, d'origine anthropique, l'auto de purification, bibliographie,

In French. Les rsultats des tudes interdisciplinaires: l'cologie, les tudes environnementales, l'hydrobiologie: 17 innovations avec des rfrences. ** in Swedish. Resultat av tvrvetenskapliga studier: ekologi, miljstudier, hydrobiologi: 17 innovationer med referenser. ** in Dutch.17 innovations. Resultaten van interdisciplinaire studies: ecologie, milieukunde, hydrobiologie: 17 innovaties met referenties. ** In Ukrainian.17 innovations. : , , : 17 . ** In Italian. Risultati degli studi interdisciplinari: ecologia, studi ambientali, idrobiologia: 17 innovazioni con riferimenti. **

Citation in: USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan, China, #Ecology, #Environmental science, #Water quality improvement. ** key words: water bodies, streams, water quality, improvement, protection, English, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian,

26th January Dr Green : Swedish improvement streams Ukrainian Chinese English Dutch German Italian water quality protection French water bodies Japanese

1 JAN 26 Citation of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. environmental toxicology, detergents, surface active substances Citation of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. environmental toxicology, detergents, surface active substances ** About the book:

Examples of the citation of the book:

** Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB), two common quaternary ammonium compounds, cause genotoxic effects in F Ferk, M Mik, C Hoelzl, M Uhl, M Fuerhacker - , 2007 - Oxford Univ Press

Abstract: Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are cationic surfactants that are widely

used as disinfectants. In the present study, we tested two important representatives, namely,

benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB) in ... Cited by 22 Related articles BL Direct All 9 versions Cite

Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria 1Department of Botany, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia 2Federal Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria 3University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria 4University of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Vienna, Austria 5German Environmental Protection Agency, Bad Elster, Germany **

Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta)

ZV Markina - Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2010 - Springer

Abstract: This study deals with the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (0.1, 1, and 10

mg/l) on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina

Teod.(Chlorophyta). The effects of SDS increase with increasing concentration. At 10 mg/l, ...

Cited by 4 Related articles All 6 versions Cite **

Self-stratifying antimicrobial polyurethane coatings

MB Yagci, S Bolca, JPA Heuts, W Ming - Progress in Organic Coatings, 2011 - Elsevier

In this work antimicrobial polyurethane coatings were prepared aiming at self-stratification. A

hydroxyl end-capped liquid oligoester consisting of three equimolar diacids and an excess

of 1, 4-butanediol has been synthesized by a condensation reaction. A set of quaternary ...

Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions Cite

a Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

b Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMET), Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, B-9000, Ghent, Belgium c Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

** Adsorbent biopolymers from tannin extracts for water treatment J Snchez-Martn, J Beltrn-Heredia - Chemical Engineering , 2011 - Elsevier

Up to four tannin extracts from different natural vegetal sources were gelified with

formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The feasible combinations were tested in the removal of

Zn2+, methylene blue (MB) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in aqueous ...

Cited by 4 Related articles All 5 versions Cite

** [PDF]

*PDF+ 80- . - , 2007 -

, ,

. ,

, ...

Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions Cite



Adsorbent derived from Pinus pinaster tannin for cationic surfactant removal

J Snchez-Martn, J Beltrn-Heredia - Journal of Wood , 2012 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract Pinus tannin gel (PTG) has proven to be an effective adsorbent for removing

various cationic pollutants including heavy metals, dyes, and surfactants. The form of

obtaining these condensed tannins from Pinus pinaster bark was conventional aqueous ...

Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions Cite



- : , 2009 -

Abstract. . , . ( ...

Cited by 2 Related articles All 2 versions Cite

Institute of Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


[CITATION] Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges.

E Olkowska, Polkowska, J Namienik - Chemical reviews, 2011 -

1. Chem Rev. 2011 Sep 14;111(9):5667-700. Epub 2011 Jul 11. Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges. Olkowska E, Polkowska , Namienik J. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdaosk University of Technology (GUT), ul. ...

Cited by 1 Related articles All 3 versions Cite

Chem Rev. 2011 Sep 14;111(9):5667-5700. doi: 10.1021/cr100107g. Epub 2011 Jul 11.

Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges.

Olkowska E, Polkowska , Namienik J.

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdaosk University of Technology (GUT), ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdaosk, Poland.


Optimum coagulant from Acacia mearnsii de Wild for wastewater treatment

J SnchezMartn, J BeltrnHeredia - Chemical , 2011 - Wiley Online Library

Abstract A novel coagulant agent from Acacia mearnsii de Wild tannin extract was characterized for removal of the anthraquinonic colorant Alizarin Violet 3R and the anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. This coagulant is the result of a previous ...

Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions Cite


Nanosized Photocatalysts in Environmental Remediation

JP Wilcoxon, BL Abrams - Nanotechnology - Wiley Online Library

Modern industrial economies have developed approaches to manufacturing, utilization and disposal of chemical and biochemical products which have inflicted considerable damage on our air and water environments. As such, advances in technology, medicine, mining, ...

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** [RTF] Kapitsa AP (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences) Formulation of fundamental principles for foundation of the theory of the apparatus of the biosphere.-

AP Kapitsa -

The goal of this publication is to comment on development of some fundamental concepts and principles that lay ground and create foundation of a new theory of ecological biomachinery which simultaneously is a theory of apparatus of the biosphere.

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A Rjoub, W Al-Azhari - ARCHITECTURE, 2011 -

Abstract Mafraq Governorate contains many types of architectural heritage resources that belong to different historical eras and civilizations, which requires great efforts to conserve it. The documentation considered as one of the most important processes that maintain the ...

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Performance and characterization of a new tannin-based coagulant

J Beltrn-Heredia, J Snchez-Martn - Applied Water , 2012 - Springer

Abstract Diethanolamine and formaldehyde were employed to cationize tannins from black wattle. This novel coagulant called CDF was functionally characterized in removing sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (anionic surfactant) and Palatine Fast Black WAN (azoic dye). ...

University of Extremadura, 06071, Badajoz, Spain

Related articles All 6 versions Cite


Selected Biomarkers; In Vivo And In Situ Applications

K Yaqin - 2008 -

Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor - Indonesia

Selected biomarkers, cholinesterase (ChE) and phagocytic activities from blue mussels, Mytilus edulis have been used to detect the effects of neuroimmunotoxicity of organophophate (OP) pesticide, dimethoate. The serial dilutions of dimethoate ...

Related articles Cite


[PDF] - ( ,

- Architecture, 2011 -

. , ...

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Brazil. The book was cited in the paper: M.Passerini, J. Tundisi et al. (3rd Latino Americano Congress on Ecology. 2009, 10-13 September; Proceedings, p. 1-3) Federal University of Sao Carlos; International Institute of Ecology, Sao Carlos; Lotus Quimica Ambiental, Sao Paulo; Brazil;

In Portuguese. Brazil. Citation. Cited Moscow University publications. Cited: the book: Biological effects of surfactants.


Hungary. Cited in Hungary. Citation. Books (Russian Academy Sciences; Moscow University) on: Conservation; Biological Effects of Surfactants


South America. Citation. Cited book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. The Biologist (Lima, Peru). in Spanish.


U.S.A., Canada, France, Australia, other countries. Book Biological effects of surfactants. In libraries of the U.S.A., Canada, France, Australia, other countries. Citation in catalogs. ** Taiwan. , , Taiwan libraries bought the book Biological Effects of Surfactants authored by a Moscow University environmental scientist, a Fulbright Awardee Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. Citation in catalogs.

The book was acquired by the National Taiwan University Library and the libraries of two other universities of Taiwan. ** Citation of the book Biological Effects of Surfactants in Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland (the list was in an arbitrary order), examples: ** ** ADDENDUM.

Mechanisms of toxicity of surfactants.

These mechanisms involve biomembranes.

Example of relevant data from literature:

Effects of anionic surfactants on hamster small intestinal membrane structure and function: relationship to surface activity. GW Gullikson, WS Cline, V Lorenzsonn, L Benz - , 1977 - ... The relationship of the surface properties of a group of anionic surfactants to their effects ... The relative effects on water transport were paralleled by their abilities to lyse the erythrocyte ... These two biological effects were related to the surface properties of the agents, as determined ... Cited by 85 Related articles All 3 versions Cite More **

26th January Dr Green : Biological Effects of Surfactants detergents surface active substances environmental toxicology citation book

0 Add a comment JAN 26 Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,

Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,

** see more detail here:

The citation was made in in the publication:

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Available online 16 January 2013 In Press, Corrected Proof Note to users

Reliability of color measurements for monitoring pigment content in a biofilm-forming cyanobacterium D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto, , Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain 26th January Dr Green : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Moscow University citation S. A.Ostroumov

0 Add a comment JAN 26 15 Innovations: Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish 15 Innovations, Environmental science, environmental toxicology, water quality improvement. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish ** 1. A fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria: identification and assessing environmental hazards: chemical pollutants, toxicants. This paper explains: why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes. 2. First paper in which it was clearly proved that: the synthetic chemical (exemplified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS), when it pollutes water, produces dangerous effects. These dangerous effects are on: (1) marine mussels (Latin name: [Mytilus edulis]), and (2) phytoplankton. 3. A short list: the most important physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification. 4. New fresh insight: ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton; how ecosystem functions toward water self-purification. 5. New concepts and terminology, in the area: ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of invertebrate organisms. 6. Inhibition of mollusks (mussel) suspension feeding. Inhibitors: the chemicals: surfactants of three classes. Marine mollusks ( mussels), Latin name: Mytilus. Location: Atlantic Ocean. Ecotoxicology of the chemicals: cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents. 7.

New aspects of water quality formation. Water quality control in ecosystems. Natural freshwater and marine ecosystems. New facts: negative effects of chemical pollutants (e.g., synthetic surfactants and detergents) on aquatic organisms. Negative effects on invertebrate organisms that filter water. 8. First paper: concentrations: the rare chemical elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus, in an aquatic system. 9. Modern comments: innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators). 10. Innovative theory: ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water. Freshwater and marine ecosystems. 11. Innovative and multifaceted concepts: almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean. 12. Detailed analysis, discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem. 13. New facts: detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms. New inhibitory effects of the chemicals: surfactants TDTMA and SDS. Inhibition of water filtering activity of the marine mollusks:

oysters, Latin name: [Crassostrea gigas]. 14. First and unique paper. Authors - an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries. A short list of research priorities: ecology and environmental sciences. 15. Fundamentally new solution to the problem: selecting criteria: identification, and assessing environmental hazards: chemical pollutants, toxicants.

** in Japanese:

SDS 1[] 2






- 3

** Useful bibliography: environmental science, water ecology. Computer translation of the comments into Chinese: ** Chinese traditional:

SDS 1[ 2





- 3

* Chinese, simplified:

SDS 1[ 2





- 3

Une solution radicalement nouvelle au problme de la slection de critres: l'identification et l'valuation des dangers pour l'environnement: polluants chimiques, les substances toxiques. Ce document explique: pourquoi le moment accept un ensemble de critres est non-efficace et conduit des erreurs.

Premier document dans lequel il a t clairement dmontr que: la synthse chimique (illustr par le dodcylsulfate de sodium tensioactif, SDS), quand il pollue l'eau, produit des effets dangereux. Ces effets dangereux sont: (1) moules marines (nom latin: [Mytilus edulis]), et (2) le phytoplancton.

Une courte liste: la plus importante physiques, chimiques et biologiques de l'eau auto-puration.

Nouveau regard neuf: mcanismes cologiques de l'eutrophisation et augmentation anormale du phytoplancton; comment cosystme fonctions l'gard d'auto-puration de l'eau.

De nouveaux concepts et de la terminologie, dans la rgion: fiscale cologique, rparation cologique de qualit de l'eau: l'cologie et les sciences de la limnologie et ocanographie biologique. Certains aspects de l'activit de l'eau de filtrage des organismes invertbrs.

Inhibition de l'alimentation mollusques en suspension (moules). Inhibiteurs: les produits chimiques: agents tensio-actifs de trois catgories. Marine mollusques (moules), le nom latin: Mytilus. Lieu: Ocan Atlantique. cotoxicologie des produits chimiques: dtergents cationiques, anioniques et non ionognes.

Nouveaux aspects de la formation de qualit de l'eau. Contrle de la qualit de l'eau dans les cosystmes. Naturel d'eau douce et les cosystmes marins. Des faits nouveaux: les effets ngatifs des

polluants chimiques (par exemple, des agents tensioactifs synthtiques, dtergents) sur les organismes aquatiques. Les effets ngatifs sur les organismes invertbrs qui filtrent l'eau.

Premier papier: concentrations: les lments chimiques rares (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) dans les dtritus biologique, dans un systme aquatique.

Commentaires et modernes: innovantes termes scientifiques (cologiques, chemomediators chemoregulators cologiques).

Thorie novatrice: mcanismes cologiques de l'auto-puration de l'eau. cosystmes d'eau douce et marins.

Des concepts novateurs et multiples facettes: presque tous les organismes aquatiques fonctionner ensemble pour rendre l'eau claire et propre.

Une analyse dtaille, la dcouverte et l'innovation: un nouvel aspect du fonctionnement de l'cosystme.

Des faits nouveaux: dtergents ralentir la filtration de l'eau par les organismes aquatiques. Nouveaux effets inhibiteurs des produits chimiques: tensioactifs TDTMA et du SDS. L'inhibition de l'activit de l'eau de filtrage des mollusques marins:

hutres, nom latin: [Crassostrea gigas].

Premier papier et unique. Auteurs - une quipe internationale d'experts, des scientifiques de 3 pays. Une courte liste de priorits de recherche: sciences de l'cologie et de l'environnement.

Fondamentalement nouvelle solution au problme: la slection de critres: l'identification et l'valuation des risques environnementaux: polluants chimiques, les substances toxiques.

** in German:

Eine grundlegend neue Lsung fr das Problem der Auswahl von Kriterien: Identifizierung und Beurteilung Umweltgefahren: chemische Schadstoffe, Gifte. Dieses Papier erklrt, warum die derzeit von Kriterien akzeptiert gesetzt ist nicht effizient und fhrt zu Fehlern.

Erste Papier, in dem es klar bewiesen, dass: das synthetische chemische (exemplifiziert durch das Tensid Natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS), wenn es Wasser belastet, erzeugt gefhrliche Wirkungen. Diese gefhrlichen Wirkungen sind am: (1) marine Muscheln (lateinischer Name: [Mytilus edulis]), und (2) Phytoplankton.

Eine kurze Liste: die wichtigsten physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Prozesse des WasserSelbst-Reinigung.

New frischen Einblick: kologische Mechanismen der Eutrophierung und ungewhnlicher Anstieg der Phytoplankton; Wie kosystemfunktionen gegenber Wasser Selbstreinigung.

Neue Konzepte und Terminologie in der Umgebung: kologie und Wissenschaft der Limnologie und biologische Ozeanographie: kosteuer, kologische Reparatur der Wasserqualitt. Einige Aspekte der Wasser-Filter-Aktivitt von wirbellosen Organismen.

Die Hemmung der Weichtiere (Muscheln) die Aussetzung der Ftterung. Hemmer: die Chemikalien: Tenside aus drei Klassen. Marine Weichtiere (Muscheln), lateinischer Name: Mytilus. Ort: Atlantic Ocean. kotoxikologie der Chemikalien: kationische, anionische und nicht-ionogene Detergentien.

Neue Aspekte der Wasserqualitt Bildung. Kontrolle der Wasserqualitt in kosystemen. Natrliche Swasser-und Meereskosysteme. Neue Tatsachen: negative Auswirkungen chemischer Schadstoffe (zB synthetische Tenside und Waschmittel) auf Wasserorganismen. Negative Auswirkungen auf wirbellose Organismen, die Wasser filtern.

Erste Papier: Konzentrationen: die seltenen chemischen Elemente (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biologischen Detritus in einem aquatischen System.

Moderne Kommentare:

innovative wissenschaftliche Begriffe (kologische Chemomediatoren, kologische chemoregulators).

Innovative Theorie: kologischen Mechanismen der Selbstreinigung des Wassers. Swasser-und Meereskosysteme.

Innovative und vielseitige Konzepte: fast alle aquatischen Organismen zusammen funktionieren dazu bei, dass Wasser klar und sauber.

Detaillierte Analyse, Entdeckung und Innovation: ein neuer Aspekt in der Funktionsweise des kosystems.

Neue Tatsachen: Detergenzien verlangsamen die Filtration von Wasser durch aquatische Organismen. New hemmende Wirkung der Chemikalien: Tenside TDTMA und SDS. Die Hemmung der Wasser-Filter-Aktivitt der marine Mollusken: Austern, lateinischer Name: [Crassostrea gigas].

Erste und einzige Papier. Autoren - ein internationales Team von Experten, Wissenschaftlern von 3 Lndern. Eine kurze Liste der Forschungsschwerpunkte: kologie und Umweltwissenschaften.

Grundlegend neue Lsung fr das Problem: Auswahl von Kriterien: Identifizierung und Beurteilung Umweltgefahren:

chemische Schadstoffe, Gifte.

** in Dutch:

Een fundamenteel nieuwe oplossing voor het probleem van het selecteren van criteria: identificatie en evaluatie van gevaren voor het milieu: chemische stoffen, giftige stoffen. Dit document legt uit: waarom de huidige geaccepteerde set van criteria is niet efficint en leidt tot fouten.

Eerste artikel waarin werd duidelijk aangetoond dat: de synthetische chemische (gellustreerd door de oppervlakte-actieve natriumdodecylsulfaat, SDS), wanneer het water vervuilt, produceert gevaarlijke gevolgen. Deze gevaarlijke effecten zijn op: (1) mosselen marine (Latijnse naam: [Mytilus edulis]), en (2) fytoplankton.

Een korte lijst: de belangrijkste fysische, chemische en biologische processen van het water zelfzuivering.

Nieuw nieuw inzicht: ecologische mechanismen van eutrofiring en abnormale toename van fytoplankton; hoe ecosysteemfuncties in de richting van het water zelf-zuivering.

Nieuwe concepten en terminologie, in de omgeving:

ecologie, en de wetenschap van limnologie en biologische oceanografie: ecologische belasting, ecologische herstel van de waterkwaliteit. Sommige aspecten van het water filteren activiteit van ongewervelde organismen.

Remming van weekdieren (mosselen) schorsing voeding. Remmers: de chemicalin: oppervlakte van drie klassen. Marine weekdieren (mosselen), Latijnse naam: Mytilus. Woonplaats: Atlantische Oceaan. Ecotoxicologie van de chemicalin: kationogene, anionogene en niet-ionogene detergentia.

Nieuwe aspecten van de waterkwaliteit formatie. Water kwaliteitscontrole in ecosystemen. Natuurlijke zoetwater-en mariene ecosystemen. Nieuwe feiten: negatieve effecten van chemische stoffen (bijvoorbeeld synthetische oppervlakteactieve stoffen en detergentia) op het water levende organismen. Negatieve effecten op ongewervelde organismen die water filtreren.

Eerste papier: concentraties: de zeldzame chemische elementen (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biologische detritus, in een aquatisch systeem.

Modern comments: innovatieve wetenschappelijke termen (ecologische chemomediators, ecologische chemoregulators).

Innovatieve theorie: ecologische mechanismen van zelf-zuivering van water. Zoetwater-en mariene ecosystemen.

Innovatief en veelzijdig concepten:

bijna alle levende organismen werken samen in de richting van het maken van water helder en schoon.

Gedetailleerde analyse, ontdekking en innovatie: een nieuw aspect van het functioneren van het ecosysteem.

Nieuwe feiten: wasmiddelen vertragen de filtratie van het water door het water levende organismen. Nieuwe remmende effecten van de stoffen: oppervlakteactieve stoffen TDTMA en SDS. Remming van het water filteren activiteit van het mariene weekdieren: oesters, Latijnse naam: [Crassostrea gigas].

Eerste en unieke papier. Auteurs - een internationaal team van experts, wetenschappers van 3 landen. Een korte lijst van onderzoeksprioriteiten: ecologie en milieuwetenschappen.

Fundamenteel nieuwe oplossing voor het probleem: het selecteren van criteria: identificatie en evaluatie van gevaren voor het milieu: chemische stoffen, giftige stoffen.


in Swedish:

En helt ny lsning p problemet med att vlja kriterier: identifiering och bedmning miljrisker: kemiska froreningar, gifter. Denna uppsats frklarar: varfr den nuvarande accepterade uppsttning kriterier r icke-effektiv och leder till misstag.

Frsta papper dr det klart bevisat att: den syntetiska kemiska (exemplifierat av det ytaktiva natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS), nr den frorenar vatten, ger farliga effekter. Dessa farliga effekter p: (1) marin musslor (Latinskt namn: [Mytilus edulis]), och (2) vxtplankton.

En kort lista: den viktigaste fysiska, kemiska och biologiska processer i vatten sjlvrening.

Nya frscha insikt: ekologiska mekanismer fr vergdning och onormal kning vxtplankton, hur ekosystemet fungerar mot vatten sjlvrening.

Nya koncept och terminologi, i omrdet: ekologi och vetenskap limnologi och biologisk oceanografi: ekologisk skatt, ekologisk reparation av vattenkvaliteten. Vissa aspekter av vatten filtrering aktivitet ryggradslsa organismer.

Hmning av bltdjur (musslor) fjdring utfodring. Hmmare: kemikalier: ytaktiva tre klasser.

Marin mollusker (musslor), latinska namn: Mytilus. Plats: Atlanten. Ekotoxikologi av kemikalier: katjoniska, anjoniska och icke-jonogen detergenter.

Nya aspekter av vattenkvaliteten bildas. Vatten kvalitetskontroll i ekosystemen. Naturlig stvatten och marina ekosystem. Nya fakta: negativa effekter av kemiska froreningar (t.ex. syntetiska tensider och rengringsmedel) p vattenlevande organismer. Negativa effekter p ryggradslsa organismer som filtrerar vatten.

Frsta papper: koncentrationer: de sllsynta kemiska element (CE, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) i biologisk slam, i ett vatten-system.

Moderna kommentarer: innovativa vetenskapliga termer (ekologiska chemomediators, ekologiska chemoregulators).

Innovativ teori: ekologiska mekanismer fr sjlvrening av vatten. Stvatten och marina ekosystem.

Innovativa och mngfacetterade begrepp: nstan alla vattenlevande organismer fungerar tillsammans mot att gra vattnet klart och rent.

Detaljerad analys, upptckt och innovation: en ny aspekt av hur ekosystemet.

Nya fakta: detergenter bromsa filtrering av vattnet genom vattenlevande organismer. Nya hmmande effekter av kemikalier: tensider TDTMA och SDS. Hmning av vatten filtrering aktivitet av de marina bltdjur: ostron, Latinskt namn: [Crassostrea gigas].

Frsta och unika papper. Frfattare - ett internationellt team av experter, forskare p 3 lnder. En kort lista ver forskningsprioriteringar: ekologi och miljvetenskap.

I grunden ny lsning p problemet: att vlja kriterier: identifiering och bedmning av miljrisker: kemiska froreningar, gifter.

** in Danish:

En fundamentalt ny lsning p problemet med at vlge kriterier: identifikation og vurdering af miljrisici: kemiske stoffer, giftstoffer. Dette dokument forklarer: hvorfor den aktuelt accepteret st af kriterier er ikke-effektiv og frer til fejl.

Frste papir, hvor det blev klart bevist, at: det syntetiske kemiske (eksemplificeret ved det overfladeaktive middel natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS), hvor det forurener vandet, frembringer farlige virkninger. Disse farlige virkninger er p: (1) marine muslinger (latinsk navn: [Mytilus edulis]), og (2) planteplankton.

En kort liste: den vigtigste fysiske, kemiske og biologiske processer af vand selv-rensning.

Ny frisk indsigt: kologiske mekanismer eutrofiering og unormal stigning i planteplankton; hvor kosystemfunktioner mod vand selv-rensning.

Nye koncepter og terminologi, i omrdet: kologi og videnskab af Limnology og biologisk oceanografi: kologisk skat, kologisk reparation af vandkvaliteten. Nogle aspekter af vand filtrering aktivitet af hvirvellse organismer.

Inhibering af blddyr (mussel) suspension fodring. Inhibitorer: de kemikalier: overfladeaktive midler af tre klasser. Marine blddyr (muslinger), latinske navn: Mytilus. Beliggenhed: Atlanterhavet. kotoksikologi af kemikalierne: kationiske, anioniske og ikke-ionogene detergenter.

Nye aspekter af vandkvaliteten dannelse. Vand kvalitetskontrol i kosystemer. Naturlig ferskvands-og marine kosystemer. Nye fakta: negative virkninger af kemiske stoffer (f.eks syntetiske overfladeaktive stoffer og rengringsmidler) p vandlevende organismer. Negative virkninger p hvirvellse organismer der filtrerer vand.

Frste papir: koncentrationer: de sjldne grundstoffer (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) i biologisk efterladenskaber, i et akvatisk system.

Moderne kommentarer: innovative videnskabelige termer (kologiske chemomediators, kologiske chemoregulators).

Innovativ teori: kologiske mekanismer selv-rensning af vand. Ferskvands-og marine kosystemer.

Innovative og mangesidede begreber: nsten alle vandorganismer fungere sammen mod at gre vandet klart og rent.

Detaljeret analyse, opdagelse og innovation: et nyt aspekt af, hvordan kosystemet.

Nye fakta: detergenter bremse filtrering af vand ved vandorganismer. Nye inhiberende virkninger af kemikalier: overfladeaktive TDTMA og SDS. Hmning af vand filtrering aktivitet af de marine blddyr: sters, latinsk navn: [Crassostrea gigas].

Frste og unikke papir. Forfattere - et internationalt team af eksperter, forskere p 3 lande. En kort liste over forskningsprioriteter: kologi og miljvidenskab.

Fundamentalt ny lsning p problemet: udvlgelse kriterier: identifikation, og vurdere miljrisici:

kemiske stoffer, giftstoffer.


26th January Dr Green : environmental science environmental toxicology water quality improvement. INNOVATIONS

1 JAN 25 Citation Updated. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa. USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, China, India, and many other countries cited these innovative publications. Ecology, Environmental science, Water quality improvement. Citation Updated. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa. USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, China, India, and many other countries cited these innovative publications. Ecology, Environmental science, Water quality improvement. See:

All continents cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology: Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe ** in French: Citation. Amrique du Nord, Amrique du Sud, Europe, Asie, Australie, Afrique. Etats-Unis, Canada, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, France, Pays-Bas, la Suisse, la Belgique, la Sude, le Japon, la Chine, l'Inde et plusieurs autres pays ont cit ces publications innovantes. L'cologie, les sciences de l'environnement, amlioration de la qualit de l'eau.

Voir: Tous les continents ont cit ces publications sur l'environnement, l'cologie, la biologie: Amrique, Europe, Asie, Australie, Afrique: ** in German: Citation. Nordamerika, Sdamerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika. USA, Kanada, Grobritannien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Schweiz, Belgien, Schweden, Japan, China, Indien und vielen anderen Lndern zitiert diese innovative Publikationen. kologie, Umwelt und Wissenschaft, Verbesserung der Wasserqualitt.

siehe auch: Alle Kontinente zitiert diese Verffentlichungen auf die Umwelt, kologie, Biologie: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika: ** in Dutch: Citation. Noord-Amerika, Zuid-Amerika, Europa, Azi, Australi, Afrika. VS, Canada, Groot-Brittanni, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Nederland, Zwitserland, Belgi, Zweden, Japan, China, India en vele andere landen aangehaald deze innovatieve publicaties. Ecologie, milieu-wetenschap, verbetering van de waterkwaliteit.

zie: Alle continenten aangehaald deze publicaties over milieu, ecologie, biologie: Amerika, Europa, Azi, Australi, Afrika: ** in Swedish: Citation. Nordamerika, Sydamerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika. USA, Kanada, Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrike, Nederlnderna, Schweiz, Belgien, Sverige, Japan, Kina, Indien och mnga andra lnder som anges dessa innovativa publikationer. Ekologi, miljvetenskap, Vatten kvalitetsfrbttring.

se: Alla kontinenter citerade dessa publikationer om milj, ekologi, biologi: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien, Afrika: ** in Chinese (simplified): **

in Chinese (traditional): **

in Japanese: **

25th January Dr Green : Canada Sweden ecology water quality improvement Netherlands Switzerland France USA UK China environmental science citation Germany Japan

1 JAN 25 Updated FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book. S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis, USA: how to use the book and relevant papers on detergents and surfactants

Updated FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book. S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis, USA: how to use the book and relevant papers on detergents and surfactants. Book. Reference and DOI. Biological Effects of Surfactants A book on surfactants and detergents (entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis. USA) was published, see:

book on environmental toxicology. Entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Content: biological effects of detergents on microorganisms, plants, invertebrate animals. New hazards of chemicals.

Comments, FAQ in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, Norwegian, Arabic ** key words, short list: Book, environmental science, ecotoxicology, bioassay, biological, effects, surfactants, detergents, mussels, oysters, plant, seedlings, algae, leeches, mollusks, prosthecobacteria, assessment, hazards, safety, sustainability, water quality, biosphere, hydrosphere, new, methods, S.A.Ostroumov, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON THE BOOK AND HOW TO USE IT.

Question: Where I can read more about this book? Is some additional information available online? Answer: Web-sites / links on the book, Abstract of book.Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author Dr.S.A.Ostroumov, Moscow University (Ecotoxicology of Detergents, New Methods, Bioassay, Hazard Assessment) Abstract, table of content:;

Question: what are the surfactants? Answer: The surfactants are a very important class of chemicals. The molecules of surfactants have two parts. One part (of the molecule) prefers water as its surroundings. Another part prefers non-aqueous surroundings. As a result, these molecules form foams.

Question: is there another name for surfactants? Answer: Yes, the another name is surface-active substances (also, surface-active agents). This name is used because of behavior of these molecules in water. They absorb on hard surfaces in the water. For instance, they absorb on the surfaces of the containers with the water. If there is a suspension of some particles in the water, these molecules absorb on the surface of these particles. This absorption on the surfaces is important. This absorption is a part of mechanism of washing abilities of surfactants. That is why surfactants are the key component of laundry detergents, shampoo, and dish-wahing liquids.

Question: what do 'Biological effects' mean in the title of this book? Answer: It means some new environmentally bad effects. These effects were discovered by the author of the book. He discovered these negative effects in his experiments with surfactants and various organisms. He tested surfactants with many species of living organisms, icluding bacteria, algae, higher plants, and invertebrate animals.

Question: why did he use so many organisms in testing the chemicals? Answer: This approach generated very valuable data. Scientifically, it is important to have the facts to compare toxicity of the same chemical to various organisms. Moreover, it is important to find new alternatives to animal testing.

Question: I bioassay chemicals. How can I use the book? Answer: You will find some new methods for doing bioassay (Chapter 2) and how to apply them (Chapters 3, 4, 5).

Question: I am involved in assessing environmental risk from chemicals, pollutants and xenobiotics. Can I find useful things in the book? Answer: yes, there are two useful things for you. First, you will find additional criteria for assessing biological effects of chemicals, which helps to see some important new aspects of environmental hazards and risks. Second, you will find new information that leads to seeing environmental risk from synthetic surfactants and detergents.

Question: If I study and teach the issues of organic chemicals which are pollutants and xenobiotics, how can I use the book? Answer: in the book, you will find a new addition to the list of hazardous organic chemicals that pollute the environment, and new experimental data in support of adding those chemicals to the list.

Question: Is the book relevant to any issues of water quality? Answer: Yes, the chemicals that were tested in the experiments which were described in the book contribute to water pollution.

Question: I study and teach plant sciences. Is the book of use to me and my students and co-workers? Answer: Yes, the book contains some new methods of bioassay of phytotoxicity, and many new examples of discovery and quantitative studies of phytotoxicity. An example of a very efficient method is using plant seedlings as test-organisms.

Question: If a person is involved in aquaculture, will he find something useful in the book? Answer: Yes, this person will find some new information in the book. In chapters 3 -6, the author presents his new results - information about most important species of bivalves that are being used in aquaculture. These species are edible mollusks of high dietary value - marine mussels and oysters.

Question: Does the book contain any new innovations in fundamental science? Answer: Yes, there are several such innovations. E.g., a basis is created for a new fundamental paradigm on stability and sustainability in ecosystems - as exemplified by aquatic ecosystems.

Question: I do my research on invertebrates. Also, I teach courses on zoology and animal science. Does the book contain some new information in those areas? Answer: yes, the book includes new data that were obtained by the author on several animal species: aquatic invertebrates (mollusks and leeches). Unique new information is presented: how some xenobiotics produce negative effects on behavior, feeding and other functions of invertebrates.

Question: My area of interest is aquatic ecology, both freshwater and marine ecology. In those fields, is there something new and relevant in this book? Answer: yes, the book contains some new data that were obtained when the author conducted his research on freshwater and marine species. As for the marine system studied, the author did some of his projects at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (U.K.), some universities on the Eastern coast of the U.S.A., and on the Black Sea.

Question: What is the opinion of the scientific community about the book? Answer: There is a number of published reviews and evaluations of this book, as well as other books by the same author. The list of those reviews is available at:; all of those reviews and evaluations are positive. About the book, a comment received from Jorge Gutierrez (UNRC): amazing, thanks.

Question: Why the chemical tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA) was studied in the book? Answer: this chemical was studied as a typical example of a very broad and important class of surfactants, namely, the cationic surfactants (cationogenic surfactants). Prior to the works of the auhtor of the book, the ecotoxicology of this class of surfactants was not studied in detail. One of unique achievements of the author of the book was testing this chemical (as a representative of the class of cationic surfactants). The testing used a broad diversity of test-organisms, including bacteria, algae, plants, and invertebrates (both bivalves and annelids).

Question: Why the chemical SDS was studied in the book? Answer: The chemical SDS is sodium dodecyl sulphate. It is a typical example of a very important class of surfactants, namely, anionic surfactants. The anionic surfactants are around us. This class of surfactants is present in laundry detergents, in shampoo, even in toothpaste. An important achievement of the author of the book was testing this chemical with many test-organisms. The diversity of test-organisms included plants (both algae and higher plants) and invertebrates (both freshwater and marine mollusks). In his experiments with all of these organisms, the author discovered and characterized new hazards from SDS.

Question: Is there a concise summary of the main discoveries made both in the book and in other related publications by the same author? Answer: Yes, the concise summary is available online free:; More info about the book, including how to look at some pages of the book, and how to order it: ** Top universities: Caltech, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, M.I.T. All 5 top universities: 'Biological Effects of Surfactants'. ** In Portuguese. Brazil. Citation. Cited Moscow University publications. Cited: the book: Biological effects of surfactants. **

Cited in Hungary. Citation. Books (Russian Academy Sciences; Moscow University) on: Conservation; Biological Effects of Surfactants ** FAQ2. German. Translated from English into German by a computer. bersetzung aus dem Englischen. Hufig gestellte Fragen, Teil 2: Auf das Buch mit dem Titel "Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden [und Waschmittel+ (in original English edition: Biological Effects of Surfactants), Verffentlicht von CRC Press, U.S.A. ** Swedish. Computer Translation from English to Swedish; FAQ part 2: on the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, CRC Press. versttning frn engelska till svenska. Vanliga frgor, del 2: P bok med titeln "biologiska effekterna av [tensider och rengringsmedel]", publicerad av CRC Press, U.S.A. ** FAQ2. Norwegian. Translated from English to Norwegian;; FAQ part 2, on the book entitled Biological Effects of Surfactants (CRC Press, U.S.A.); Oversettelse fra engelsk. Ofte stilte sprsml, del 2: P bok med tittelen "Biologiske effekter av Overflateaktive [og Vaskemidler] ', utgitt av CRC Press, ** FAQ2. Finnish. Translated from English to Finnish; FAQ part 2, on the book Biological Effects of Surfactants; Knns Englanti. Usein kysyttyj kysymyksi, osa 2: Kirjaan nimelt "Biologiset vaikutukset pinta [ja pesuaineet]", ** Belgium, Netherlands cited, example: book Biological effects of surfactants, author S.A.Ostroumov ** South America. Citation. Cited book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. The Biologist (Lima, Peru). in Spanish. ** Brazil. Environmental Science. Citation of the Book of the Author at Moscow University. Biological Effects of Surfactants. ** FAQ on the book: S. A. Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants. **

Frequently asked questions, part 2. About the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press, Taylor &Francis: ** Chapter3.Page1.Free: page 1 of Chapter 3 of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, S . A . Ostroumov; CRC Press 2006; Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-7; ** In Japanese. About the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. [Dr. S.A. Ostroumov]. Comments: Japanese translation; ** Comments in Chinese. Computer Translation to Chinese; on the book Biological Effects of Surfactants [and detergents] ** Comments in Turkish: About the book Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Useful Book (areas: Ecology, Environment, Water, Preventing Pollution) entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author: Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; ISBN: 0849325269; CRC Press; ** in.Arabic. English title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. [ on the book:] Why this book is important to the countries that speak Arabic: ** FAQ.Part.2.Frequently asked questions, part 2. On the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants: ** About the book : Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p., [Book was published at the end of 2005, Copyright of 2006]. ** Book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Citation information for some parts of the book, web-pages, DOI:

** Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Published reviews of the English book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Why the publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov on biological effects of surfactants and detergents are innovative: ** Biological Effects of Surfactants.(Brief Article)(Book Review) - Version details - Trove ** BOOK: Dr. Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006) CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York: KEY WORDS: new experimental data, review, bioassay, new methods, surface active substances, anionic surfactant, toxic effects, ecotoxicology, phytotoxicity, non-ionogenic surfactants, ecological, apparent average length, synthetic surfactants, aquatic medium, filtration activity, aquatic objects, potential ecological hazard, buckwheat, seedlings, tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, bivalves, mussels, oysters, plankton, Mytilus edulis, Hirudo medicinalis, detergents, aquatic media, pollution, surfactant, triton X-100, algal, suspension, plant science, Russian Federation, Black Sea, Moscow State University, Great Britain, Moskva River, Environmental Protection Agency, Review, Pollution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Soviet Union, World Resources, Caspian Sea, Chesapeake Bay, Glatt River, filtration rate, ** Positive Evaluation. Key innovations (environmental science): opinion, POSITIVE EVALUATION of independent international scientists and experts: on publications and main innovations made at Moscow University by Dr. S.Ostroumov, who is the author and co-author of the books: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Conservation of Living Nature; Biological Effects of Surfactants; ** Relevant facts that support the conclusions of the papers are presented in book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. **

, Hong Kong libraries bought the book Biological Effects of Surfactants authored by a Moscow University scientist, ** Book Biological effects of surfactants, S.Ostroumov, in libraries of USA, Canada, France, Australia ... ** book Biological Effects of Surfactants: ** Belgium, Netherlands cited. Biological effects of surfactants. Example. ** Book Biological effects of surfactants. In libraries of the U.S.A., Canada, France, Australia, other countries. ** Korean Key words, book: Biological Effects of Surfactants; environmental hazards of detergents: ** , Korean Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** , Japanese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** book,environmental hazards of detergents: Biological Effects of Surfactants: National Library of Australia, libraries:Harvard, MIT, Canada, Europe, Asia: **

Published reviews of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) ** Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Published reviews of the English book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants **; Some other relevant publications by the same author, online free, see:; Keywords: Pollutants, ecotoxicology, environment, sustainability, ecology, effects, surfactant, detergents, aquatic, pollution, phytotechnology, phytoremediation, chemico-biotic interactions, water, quality, bioassay, macrophytes, plants, negative, sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS; inhibited, filtration, activity, mollusks, freshwater, Unio, tumidus, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, oysters, Crassostrea, gigas, malacological, hydrobiological, Inhibitory, analysis, regulatory, interactions, trophic, webs, tetradecyltrimethylammonium, bromide, TDTMA, synthetic, control, plankton, mussels, eutrophication, cationic, rate, juveniles, marine, bivalves, removal, cells, algae, Monochrysis, lutheri, identification, new, type, ecological, hazard, chemicals, inhibition, ecological, remediation, ecotechnology, sustainable, resources, improvement, assessment, biosphere, hydrosphere, innovation, news, conceptualization, concepts, results, achievements, Book, environmental science, biological, plant, seedlings, leeches, prosthecobacteria, assessment, hazards, safety, water quality, methods, S.A.Ostroumov,

25th January Dr Green : bioassay Biological surfactants leeches ecotoxicology detergents mussels effects prosthecobacteria oysters seedlings algae environmental science mollusks plant

1 JAN 25

Citation of A.Humboldt and other scientists, thinkers of Germany, France, Russia, Britain, et al., in one publication on development of science. Darwin C., Goethe J. w., Haeckel E., Humboldt A., Lamarck J. B., Lorentz K. Z., Liebig, L. von., Tinbergen N., Malthus T. S., Citation of A.Humboldt and other prominent scientists, thinkers of Germany, France, Russia, Britain, et al., in one publication on development of science. ** Alexander von Humboldt **

** more info see here:

These scientists and thinkers were cited recently together in one paper, including Charles Darwin, Johann Goethe and others: ** Among the authors that were cited: Darwin C., Goethe J. w., Haeckel E.,

Humboldt A.,

Lamarck J. B.,

Lorentz K. Z.,

Liebig, L. von.,

Tinbergen N., Malthus T. S., **

See: In this paper, the full list of cited authors:

Antipa Gr., 1892. Studii asupra pescriilor sistematice n apele Romne. Bucureti. Antipa Gr., 1910. Regiunea inundabil a Dunrii. Starea ei actual i mijloacele de a o pune n valoare. Edit. Inst. de Arte Graf. Carol. Antipa Gr., 1912. cercetri hidrobiologice n romnia i importana lor tiinific i economic. Analele Acad. Rom., Bucureti; 38, p. 1 46. Antipa Gr., 1933. La biosociologie et la bioeconomie de la mer Noire. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad Roum., 15,p. 195 207. Antipa Gr., 1935. Lorganisation genrale de la vie colective des organismes lt du mecanisme de la production dans la biosphere. Etudes et resherches, Acad. Roum. Bucureti, 6, p. 1 84. Antipa Gr., 1940. Marea Neagr. Oceanografia, bionomia i biologia general. Acad. Rom., Publ. Fond. V. Adamachi, 10, 55, 313 pp.

Baer, Karl von, 1864. Reden und kleinere Aufstze St.Petersburg.

Barbier M., 1976. Introduction a lecologie chimique. Maison, Paris.

Bertalanffy, L. von, 1970. An online of general system theory. Brit. J. Philos. Sci, 1. Bertalanffy, L. von, 1968. General systems theory. George Braziller, New York.

Biologhiceskii Slovari, 1986. izd. Soviet enikl, Moskva.

Buffon G. L. L., 1979. Histoire naturrelle generale et particuliere. Paris

Constantinescu N. N., 1993. Principiul ecologic n tiina economic. Edit. Acad. Rom., Bucureti, 28 pp. Constantinescu N. N., 1976. Economia proteciei mediului. Bucureti.

Cuvier G., 1798 1805. Leon de lanatomie compare. Paris.

Darwin Ch., 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preseservation of favored races in the struggle for life.

John Murray, London.

Dediu I., 1995. Planul Naional Strategic de Aciuni pentru Protec ia Mediului pn n 2020. Edit. Uniun. Scriit., Chiinu. Dediu I., 2007. Tratat de Ecologie Teoretic. Acad. Na. De t. Ecol., Edit. Phoenix, Chiinu, 558 pp. Dediu I., 2008. Valenele, dimensiunile i reperele ecologice ale dezvoltrii durabile: un studiu critic de sintez. Noosfera, 1, Chiinu, p. 5 12. Dediu I., 2009. Ecologia i Economia dou tiine complementare. Prolegomenele bioeconomiei. Noosfera, nr. 2, Chiinu, p. 4 -12.

Frisch K., 1967. The Dance Language and orientation of Bees. Harward University Press, Massachusetts.

Geoffroy Saint Hilaire I., 1854, 1859. Histoire naturale generale des regnes organiques, Principialment tudiee chez lhomme et les animaux. t. i ii, Paris.

Goethe J. w., 1790. Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklaren. Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, Gotha.

Georgescu Roegen N., 1971. The Enthropy Law an the Economics Process. Georgescu Roegen N., 1995. La decroissance Enthropy Ecology Economy. Sant de Terre. Paris.

Haeckel E., 1866. Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. Bd. I. Allgemeine Anatomie der Organismen. Bd. Algemeine Entwickgelungsgeschichte der Organismen. Berlin.

Harborn J. B., 1977. Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry. London.

Humboldt A., 1805. Essai san la geographie de plantes. Paris. Humboldt A., 1845 1862. Cosmos. Vol. 1- 5, Berlin.

Lamarck J. B., 1802. Hidrologie. Paris. Lamarck J. B., 1809. Phylosaphie zooloque. Paris. Lamarck J. B., 1815 1822. Histoire naturelle des animauk san vertebres. Paris.

Leontiev w., 1977. Environmental and the Economic structure an input output Approach. Review of Economics and Statistics, 5, p. 262 271.

Lorentz K. Z., 1965. The Evolution and Modification of Behaviour.

Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Liebig, L. von., 1840. Chemisty in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Taylor and Walton, London (4 th ed. in 1847).

Lyell Ch., 1830 1834. Principles of Geology.

Malthus T. S., 1798. An Essay on the Principle of Population. Johnson, London.

Mbius K., 1877. Die Auster and die Austernwirtschaft. Parey, Berlin.

Ochser P. H., 1959. The word Ecology Science, V. 129, 3355.

Ostroumov S. A., 1986. Vvedenie v biolohimiceskuiu ekologhiu. Izd. Moskov. Univ., Moskva.[book: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow University Press, Moscow]

Rozenberg Gh. S., 2004. Liki ekologhii. Toliatti. 224 pp.

Tinbergen N., 1953. Social Behaviour in Animals. Methuen, London.

Uschman G., 1970. Opredelenie Enstrou Haeckelem poniatia Ekologia. in: Ocerki po istorii ekologhii. Izd. Nauka, Moskva, p. 11 21.

Volterra V., 1931. Leon s... la theorie de la lutte pour la vie. Masson, Paris.

Wallace A. R., 1859. On the tendency of various to depart identifinitely from original type. London.

Weisman A., 1892. Das Keimplasma Line Theory der Vererbung. Jena. Weisman A., 1913. Vortrge ber Deszendenz theorie. Bd. 1, 2. Jena.

Whittaker R. H., 1970. The biochemical ecology of higher plants. Chemical Ecology. Eds. Sondheimer, E. , and Simeone, J. B., New York. **

25th January Dr Green : Britain France Germany citation A.Humboldt Russia scientists

1 JAN 25

Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto. Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist, Dr. S. A.Ostroumov. D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto. Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain

more detail:

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The citation was made in in the publication:

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Available online 16 January 2013 In Press, Corrected Proof Note to users

Reliability of color measurements for monitoring pigment content in a biofilm-forming cyanobacterium D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto, , Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain

** 25th January Dr Green

0 Add a comment JAN 25 India. Banaras Hindu University cited research at Moscow State University in ecology, environmental science. Citation. India. Banaras Hindu University cited research at Moscow State University in ecology, environmental science. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India

See here: ** Indian Institute of Technology, (Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India); and Banaras Hindu University, (Varanasi-221005, India) cited Moscow University research in ecology, environmental science. ** India. Banaras Hindu University cited research at Moscow State University in ecology, environmental science. More detail see here:

India. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology. Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India; Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India **

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** ( . , )

, ,

, 110016,

), 25th January Dr Green : sustainability India ecology water safety Banaras Hindu University water self-purification Moscow State University

0 Add a comment JAN 25 Indian Institute of Technology, (Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India); and Banaras Hindu University, (Varanasi-221005, India) cited Moscow University research in ecology, environmental science.

Indian Institute of Technology, (Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India); and Banaras Hindu University, (Varanasi-221005, India) cited Moscow University research in ecology, environmental science. ** More detail see here:

India. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology. Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India; Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) was ranked 2nd in India Today's India's Top 50 Universities of 2012; Among BHU's administrators was Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who went on to become the President of India.


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** ( . , )

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, 110016,







Banaras Hindu University:



President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee addressing at the Special Convocation of Banaras Hindu University

** Indias Vice-President, Shree Abdul Hamid Ansari addressing 93rd Convocation at Banaras Hindu University. Photo-




25th January Dr Green : sustainability research S.A.Ostroumov Moscow University ecology citation water safety water self-purification

2 JAN 24 Ostroumov S.A. Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals. In: Biological Effects of Surfactants and the Biosphere. Moscow. MAX Press

Publication: Ostroumov S.A. Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals. In: Biological Effects of Surfactants and the Biosphere. Moscow. MAX Press, 2000, p. 84-113. ** More detailed relevant, related book:

Harvard University, M.I.T. read the book: 'Biological Effects of Surfactants'. Revolutionary innovations in environmental toxicology of detergents, new insight into environmental hazards from pollution. This book is in the libraries of these and other top universities, in major national libraries including Library of Congress, British Librarary, and many others.


The text of the publication 'Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants...' :

Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals - ecological and biospheric importance: new priorities and the new facet of bio-chemical ecology (on the basis of the authors studies)

S. A. Ostroumov Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

1overvew.doc There is no arguing against facts and experiments. Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

1. Synoptic review of selected background literature

In analyses of environmental problems and priorities (Yablokov, Ostroumov, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1988; 1989 a,b; 1990, 1991; Jablokov, Ostroumov, 1991; Fedorov, Ostroumov, 1984; Ostroumov, 1980, 1981, 1984 a,b, 1986 a,b,c,d; 1989; Ostroumov, Krassov, 1986) the importance of environmental pollution of the biosphere was emphasized. The role of synthetic surfactants as environmental pollutants has been studied mainly on the basis of data on bacteria (e.g., Stavskaya et al., 1988) and on some algae and invertebrates (Mozhaev, 1976; Lewis, 1991a,b). Many authors considered their role far beneath that of priority pollutants, such as heavy metals and pesticides (e.g., Wilson, Fraser, 1977; Moore, Ramamoorthy, 1984; Maki, Bishop, 1985; Rand, Petrocelli, 1985). We analyzed the number of scholarly publications on the biological effects and the ecological role of synthetic surfactants on the basis of materials published in the abstract journal, Referativny Zhurnal (Moscow, VINITI, ISSN 02202-4233). The average monthly number of publications on synthetic surfactants was 9 times less than those on pesticides, and 16 times less than those on heavy metals (1995-1997). The total annual production and consumption of surfactants (including soap) was above 15 million metric tons worldwide (Berth, Jeschke, 1989), which included 8.9 million metric tons of soap and 7 million tons of other surfactants. By the end of the 1980s, in the U.S.A., Western Europe and Japan the annual production of soap was 1.57 million metric tons and of the other surfactants 5.3 million tons. In Russia, according to various estimates, the discharge of surfactants to aquatic bodies is at least 4-12 thousand metric tons annually. The average efficiency of the removal of surfactants from the sewage water treated at water treatment facilities is circa 48-80% (Boichenko, Grigoriev, 1991); that of some types of surfactants is as low as 40% (Zhmur, 1997). At winter time the efficiency was reported to be only circa 20% (Boichenko, Grigoriev, 1991).

The mechanisms of the action of surfactants on organisms were studied. Surfactants are considered membranotropic agents (e.g., Stavskaya et al., 1988; Ostroumov, 1991 a, b). The importance of the hazards from disturbing biomembranes was additionally substantiated by studies of the roles of biomembranes, membraneous structures/organelles and some associated functional activities; those were studied in the earlier works in which we were involved (Ostroumov et al., 1973; 1974; 1975 a,b; 1979 a, b; Drachev et al., 1974 a, b, c; 1976; Skulachev et al., 1974; Barsky et al., 1975 a, b; Ostroumov, 1974; 1975; 1977; 1979; 1986 e, f, g; Ostroumov, Vorobiev, 1976; 1978). In the current study, we focus on organismal and ecological, rather than molecular, aspects of the biological effects of surfactants.

Science moves, but slowly slowly, creeping on from point to point. Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)

2. Methods, organisms, materials used

To reach adequate general conclusions, we have used a broad spectrum of freshwater and marine species, ranging from bacteria to higher invertebrates. The typical and representative species included: 1. Autotrophs, e.g., the cyanobacteria Synechococcus, diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Brb, vascular plants Pistia stratiotes L., Elodea canadensis Michx., Sinapis alba L., Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, Oryza sativa L., Lepidium sativum L., Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, and Triticum aestivum L. 2. Heterotrophs, e.g., the bacteria Hyphomonas, gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis, freshwater bivalves Unio tumidus, marine bivalves Mytilus edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and annelid Hirudo medicinalis. A new method for quantitative data analysis and the juxtaposition of the results of assessing biological activities has been developed (Ostroumov, 1990 a, 1991 a,b). New variants of methods for characterizing filtration rates by benthic invertebrates were also proposed and successfully used. The main substances, the biological effects of which were analysed, included representatives of all main classes of synthetic surfactants: 1. Anionic surfactants: sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), and sulfonol; 2. Non-ionic surfactant: a representative of alkylphenols, Triton X100 (TX100, TX); 3. Cationic surfactants: representatives of quarternary ammonium compounds, e.g., dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, and tetradecyltrymethylammonium bromide (TDTMA). 4. High-molecular weight surfactants: e.g., SHMA. In addition, a number of industrial detergents that contain surfactants as part of the mixture were studied. Those included, e.g., Tide, Losk, Kristall, Bio-S. Also, some products were investigated which were being used as body-care products. To make comparisons, we also studied the bioeffects of pesticides, e.g., DNOC and lontrel.

Clear the air! Clean the sky! Wash the wind! T.S.Eliot (1888-1965)

3.Biological effects of anionic surfactants

We studied the biological effects of SDS representing the class of alkylsulphates. The latter are produced and used in large quantities. Thus, only in the U.S.A. are over 136 000 metric tons of alkylsulphates consumed annually (Fendinger et al., 1994). The annual production of alkylsulphates in the USA, Europe and Japan amounted to 370 thousand metric tons by the end of the 1980s. In experiments with algae, it was shown that both SDS and sulfonol were capable of inhibiting their growth (Goryunova, Ostroumov, 1986; Ostroumov, 1990 a; 1991 b). In the experiments with aquatic macrophytes and plant seedlings the following was shown. Sulfonol at the concentrations of 0.06-0.12 mL/L impaired the growth and development of Pistia stratiotes (Ostroumov, 1990 b). Sulfonol at the concentrations of 0.05-0.25 microliters/mL and above inhibited the growth of Fagopyrum esculentum and several other species. For F. esculentum, EC50 was found 0.6 microliters/mL. SDS inhibited the elongation of plant seedlings at concentrations of 1 mg/mL and above. Plant seedlings (Sinapis alba, Lepidium sativum, F. esculentum) were successfully used as a bioassay to confirm the efficiency of removing sulfonol from polluted water. The removal was carried out by the biotechnological method of applying the bioreactor with immobilized bacteria Pseudomonas mendocina 2S (Ostroumov, Samoilenko, 1990). Anionic surfactants were also efficient as chemical agents affecting invertebrates. In the experiments with bivalves, SDS inhibited water filtering by Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. During the 30-min period after starting the exposure to SDS, at a concentration of 1 mg/L SDS inhibited the filtration rate of M. edulis by 22.8 %, at 2 mg/L by 44.7 %, at 4 mg/L by 76.8 %, and at 5 mg/L by 95.7 %. The quantity of algal cells remaining in the water column following the period of water filtering by mussels was influenced by SDS more drastically than the filtration rate. Thus, the inhibition of the filtration rate induced by SDS (1 mg/L) led to a 2.71-fold difference between the concentrations of cells of Isochrysis galbana in the experimental and control sets of beakers, after an incubation period of 90 min. For additional data on the biological effects of some anionic surfactants (SDS and sulfonol) see in (Goryunova, Ostroumov, 1986; Maximov, Nagel, Ostroumov, 1986 a; Maximov et al., 1988 a,b; Ostroumov, Samoilenko, 1990; Ostroumov, 1991 b; 1998; Ostroumov, Donkin, 1997; Ostroumov et al., 1997 a,b; 1998; see Table A.1).

Now, what I want is, Facts Facts alone are wanted in life. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

4.Biological effects of nonionic surfactants

These were studied using Triton X100 (TX100, TX) as the representative example of alkylphenol ethoxylates. In the late 1980s, the total annual production and use of alkylphenol ethoxylates in the U.S.A., Europe and Japan was 380 thousand metric tons, which was more than the production of such important surfactants as alkyl sulphates (370 thousand metric tons), alkyl ether sulphates (250 thousand tons), and alkane sulphonates (80 thousand tons). We have studied the effects of TX100 on some heterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria, diatoms, euglens, plant seedlings, and bivalves. In the bacteria Hyphomonas sp. MHS-3 and VP-6, TX100 produced mild inhibiting effects. The inhibition of the growth of the cultures of Hyphomonas VP-6 was ca. 21, 34, and 62 % (relative to the control of 100%) at concentrations of TX100 of 5, 10, and 50 mg/L, respectively (day 6). The response of the marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus (strains 7805 and 8103, WHOI collection) to the presence of TX100 in the growth medium was positive (a stimulatory effect) at a TX100 concentration of 0.5 mg/L. At the higher concentration of 5 mg/L, the responses depended on the specific strain of Synechococcus. The growth of the strain Synechococcus 7805 was inhibited, but the growth of the strain Synechococcus 8103 was stimulated by 50.3-50.5 % (day 13). The growth of the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana was inhibited at concentrations of TX100 0.1 mg/L and above. The specific growth rate was inhibited, and the time it takes for the culture to reach its maximum density increased (Fisher, Maertz-Wente, Ostroumov, 1996). The elongation of plant seedlings was strongly inhibited by TX100 at appropriate concentrations. Thus, the elongation of the seedlings of Fagopyrum esculentum was inhibited by TX100 at concentrations of 0.06 microliters/mL and above. EC50 (21-26 hrs.) was estimated to be 0.36 microliters/mL. EC50 (21-26 hrs. from germination; 0-5 hrs. after starting the exposure to TX100) was estimated to be 0.36 microliters/mL. EC50 (26-43 hrs. from germination; 5-17 hrs. after starting the exposure to TX100) was estimated to be 0.14 microliters/mL. Along with the inhibition of the elongation rate, we have discovered a new type of biological effect at lower concentrations of TX100: the impairment of the development of the root hairs (Ostroumov, Maximov, 1991). At these TX100 concentrations, which did not produce any significant inhibition of the root elongation, the total disappearance of the root hairs in several plant species (F. esculentum and Triticum aestivum) was discovered (Ostroumov, Maximov, 1991). In our experiments with bivalves, TX100 decreased their filtration rate. Thus, the filtration rate of the freshwater bivalve, Unio tumidus (wet weight with shells 16.7-25.3 g) was inhibited, and was 32.5% compared to the control group (100%). The removal of Synechocystis 6803 (courtesy of Dr. N. N. Kolotilova) from the water during the filtration process was measured in this experiment. In the marive bivalves, Mytilus edulis, TX100 was also a potent inhibitor. The filtration rate during 30 min after starting the exposure to TX100, compared to the control, was 77.25% at a concentration of TX100 1 mg/L; 39.42% at 2 mg/L; 14.24% at 4 mg/L (at 16 C). The differences between experimental and control beakers were statistically significant (the significance level >99.9%). The efficiency of removing algal cells from the water column (measured as the difference between the cells concentrations in the experimental and control beakers) was even more pronounced than the effect on the filtration rate (Ostroumov et al., 1997 a,b; 1998).

Comparing the sensitivities of organisms to TX100, the following sequence is produced (from the highest sensitivity to the lowest): the filtration efficiency of M. edulis; the filtration efficiency of Unio tumidus; the growth of Hyphomonas; the growth of plant seedlings. Our data and those from literature attest to the higher sensitivity of the filtration rate of bivalves than the growth of prokaryotes. This difference in sensitivities to the same xenobiotic (exemplified by TX100), especially the imbalance in the responses of filter-feeders (mussels) and their potential food objects (phyto- and bacterioplankton), has important ecological consequences. For more details on the biological effects of TX100, see: Maximov, Nagel, Ostroumov, 1986 (F. esculentum); Ostroumov, 1991 b; 1998; 1999 d (Lepidium sativum); Ostroumov, Maertz-Wente, 1991a, b (Thalassiosira pseudonana); Waterbury, Ostroumov, 1994 (Synechococcus sp.); Fisher et al., 1996 (Thalassiosira pseudonana); Ostroumov et al., 1998; Ostroumov, Maximov, 1988 (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, Triticum aestivum L.); Weiner, Ostroumov, 1998; Ostroumov, Fedorov, 1999; Table A.2).

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? T.S.Eliot (1888-1965)

5.Biological effects of cationic surfactants

The biological effects of cationic surfactants were studied using some quarternary ammonium compounds (QAC). These chemicals are the most important group of cationic surfactants. We have studied the effects of several alkylammonium xenobiotics on some bacteria (Weiner, Ostroumov, 1999), cyanobacteria (e.g., Ostroumov et al., 1999), plants (e.g., Ostroumov, Maximov, 1988; Ostroumov, Tretyakova, 1990; Ostroumov, 1999 d), annelids (e.g., Ostroumov, 1991 a), rotifers (e.g., Kartasheva, Ostroumov, 1998); gastropods (e.g., Ostroumov, 2000 a; Ostroumov, Kolesnikov, 2000; Ostroumov, Kolesnikov, in press), and bivalves (e.g., the effects tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide on Mytilus galloprovincialis - see in [Ostroumov, Toxicological Bulletin. 2000 b. No 3. P. 34-35]). In experiments with marine heterotrophic bacteria Hyphomonas, the cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (M.m. 308.3) produced inhibitory effects on the growth of cultures of Hyphomonas MHS-3. The inhibition was 18-31.3 % (hours 19-43) at a concentration of 5

mg/L and 96.3-99 % (over the same time period) at a higher concentration of 10 mg/L. Later (at hour 96), the degree of inhibition decreased to 12.5% at 5 mg/L and 51.9% at 10 mg/L. The cationic surfactant, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA), produced a pronounced inhibition in the elongation rate of plant seedlings. E.g., using the seedlings of F. esculentum, we have shown that the average length was 65.3 % relative to the control group (100%) at a concentration of TDTMA of 50 mg/L after an incubation period of 53 h, and 44.1% after a period of 69 h (Ostroumov, Tretyakova, 1990). The inhibitory effect of TDTMA was stronger than that of SDS. Both lethal and sublethal effects of TDTMA were found using leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) as the testorganism (Ostroumov, 1991 a). We have found some ecologically important effects relevant to the feeding activity of molluscs. We have studied representatives of two major taxons, gastropods (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Lymnaea stagnalis) and bivalves (Anisomyaria, Mytilus edulis, M. galloprovincialis; Eulamellibranchia, Unio tumidus, U. pictorum). Observing the feeding patterns of L. stagnalis, we discovered a decrease in its feeding activity under the effect of TDTMA. Moreover, at the same concentrations of 2 mg/L, the production of pellets per 1 g of the wet weight of molluscs of this species decreased by 41.7% (over an incubation period of 72 h). When the food was leaves of Nuphar lutea, the content of C in the pellets was 69.74%; N, 2.3-2.9%; P, 0.4-0.5%; Si, 1.1-1.9%, Al 0.054-0.059% (the help of Dr. M.P.Kolesnikov is acknowledged). The filtering activity of bivalves (M. galloprovincialis) was also inhibited by TDTMA Ostroumov, 2000 b). The inhibition of feeding activity of both gastropods and bivalves is important in terms of ecological and biogeochemical consequences. The pellets of animals of both taxons contribute to the mass transfer in the ecosystems and the system of processes leading to water purification in aquatic bodies. E.g., using our data on the L. stagnalis biomass density in natural ecosystems, we have calculated that the total transfer of elements to the bottom sediments of the ecosystems may be as high as (mg per square m, per the 4-months period of time): C, 14931; N, 606; P, 107; Si, 370. Analogous numbers for pellets generated by the community of freshwater bivalves (Unio tumidus, U. pictorum, Crassiana crassa, Anodonta cygnea) were: C, 55324; N, 2349; P, 336; Si, 981 (based on analytical measurements of Dr. M. P. Kolesnikov). Therefore the inhibitory effects of xenobiotics (such as those demonstrated with TDTMA) on the feeeding activity and the mass transfer through ecosystems are of significance to biogeochemistry and self-purification of aquatic bodies. More detail on the biological effects of cationic surfactants is available in: Ostroumov, 1991 (the effects of TDTMA on Hirudo medicinalis and F. esculentum); 1998; 1999; Ostroumov et al., 1999 a,b,c (the effects of TDTMA on Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl., Synechocystis sp., Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb., Brachionus angularis Gosse); Ostroumov, Maximov, 1988 (the effects of ethonium on Chlorella vulgaris and Monochrysis lutheri); Ostroumov, Tretyakova, 1990 (the effects of TDTMA on Nostoc muscorum Ag., Bracteacoccus minor (Chodat) Petrova, soil cyanobacteria, soil green algae, soil diatoms, and F. esculentum); Kartasheva, Ostroumov, 1998 (the effects of TDTMA on Brachionus angularis Gosse); Ostroumov, Kolotilova, 1998 (the effects of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803); Weiner, Ostroumov, 1999 (the effects of dodecyltrimethylammonium

bromide on Hyphomonas sp. MHS-3); Ostroumov, 2000 a (the effects of TDTMA on Lymnaea stagnalis); see Table A.3.

Ignorance is not innocence but sin. Robert Browning (1812-1889)

6.Biological effects of detergents and other industrially produced mixtures containing surfactants

Industry produces a wide range of products including surfactants as part of their content. Synthetic detergents are made up of up to 20% of surfactants. Some body care products contain up to 40% surfactants. Annual consumption of detergents and other wash products containing surfactants in the U.S.A. is over 25 kg, in Western Europe - over 15 kg per person (Ostroumov, Khoroshilov, 1992). We have studied the effects on organisms of various industrial output that contain surfactants, including such products as Kristall (Ostroumov, 1991; Ostroumov, Wasternak, 1991; Ostroumov et al., 1998), BioS (Wasternak, Ostroumov, 1990), Tide, Losk, Lotos, Kashtan, Verbena, Vilva (Ostroumov, Khoroshilov, 1992), and some others. Our studies have shown that they produce some important inhibitory effects on a variety of organisms: inhibition of the growth of the euglens (Euglena gracilis Klebs), inhibition of the elongation of the plant seedlings (Oryza sativa L., F. esculentum Moench), and inhibition of the water filtration by the bivalve molluscs (Mytilus galloprovincialis). The chemicals that inhibited the water filtration and clearance by M. galloprovincialis: Chemicals Concentrations, mg/L, and temperature Tide-Lemon 33 (25.2 C) Losk-Universal 7 (27.8 C)

Lotos-Extra 25 (21.6 C) Avon Herbal Care 5 (25.7 C)

The summary of our studies on the effects of detergents and other chemicals that contain surfactants is given in Table A.4. To compare the biological effects of surfactants and other chemicals, we have studied the biological effects of some pesticides, including DNOC (Maximov et al., 1988 a) and Lontrel (Ostroumov, Pavlova, 1988; Kartsev et al., 1990).

I am I plus my surroundings and if I do not preserve the latter, I do not preserve myself. Jos Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

1. General discussion and conclusions: inferences for the concepts of ecological hazards of man-made impact and self-purification as a microbiospheric process

Our data revealed some new facts on various biological effects of surfactants and detergents. The effects mainly included: (1) the inhibition of growth of cultures and organisms (later that kind of effects is labeled as i); (2) lethal effects and increases in mortality, labeled as m; (3) sublethal effects (s); (4) behavioral responses (b). In short, the total broad spectrum of the new data obtained by the author covered the following:

Groups of organisms Types of biological effects Heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria i, m Diatoms, green algae, and euglens i, m Vascular plants i, m Annelids b, s, m Gastropods b, s Bivalves

b, s

Which of the organisms showed themselves to be more sensitive? Less sensitive? Among the most sensitive systems/tests were diatoms, some cyanobacteria, behavioral responses in annelids, and filtration (changes in filtration/clearance rates by bivalves). Among the relatively more resistant organisms were some vascular plants. Virtually all the studied species are involved in the system of ecological and biochemical processes leading to water purification in ecosystems. Therefore the surfactant- and detergent-induced impairments of functions of those organisms contribute to the potential ecological hazards arizing from possible disturbances in the biomachinery of water purification (Ostroumov, 1998; 1999 a, b, c; 2000 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h). The broad and diverse spectrum of effects and responses induced by the xenobiotics under study has prompted us to develop a new concept of the analysis of environmental hazards from chemicals (contaminants, xenobiotics). This concept includes the analysis of the four levels of biotic impairments and disturbances (also relevant are the analyses offered by Yablokov, Ostroumov, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1989 a,b; 1990, 1991; and by Ostroumov, 1980, 1981, 1984 a,b; 1986 a,b,c,d; 1989; Ostroumov, Krassov, 1986; Telitchenko, Ostroumov, 1990): 1. Disturbances at the level of individual/populational responses; these include toxic (esp. lethal), genotoxic, developmental, and behavioral effects. 2. Disturbances at the aggregated responses level; entire groups of organisms are involved (e.g., primary or secondary production en bloc; chlorophyll and oxygen concentrations in water; total biomass of zoobenthos or phytobenthos; BOD; etc). 3. Disturbances at the level of the integrity and stability of ecosystems. These include plankton-benthic (pelagial-benthal) coupling; water filtration; water self-purification; information channels and information transductions in ecosystems; etc. 4. Disturbances at the level of the contributions of ecosystems into biospheric processes. These include changes in the biogeochemical fluxes of elements (e.g., C, N, P, S, Si), matter as a whole, and energy. Our new data on biological effects of surfactants and detergents provide vital examples of the impairments at each of the four types. Before drawing final conclusions, it should be noted that the problem of setting optimal priorities is of key importance in environmental policy. We discussed the problem of environmental priorities in some publications (e.g., Yablokov, Ostroumov, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1989 a,b; 1990, 1991; Fedorov, Ostroumov, 1984; Ostroumov, 1980, 1981, 1984 a,b; 1986 a,b,c,d; 1989, 1990; Ostroumov, Krassov, 1986; Telitchenko, Ostroumov, 1990). The cost of solving environmental problems is so high that any change in priorities translates into the reallocation of billions of dollars. Thus, we can measure pollution abatement expenditures by using new capital business expenditures for pollution abatement by selected U.S. industries. The following data were published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, in: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1989 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1989). The percent of total capital outlays by total nonfarm business (pollution abatement expenditures) in the 1980s was 1.7-2.9%, amounting to over 7.7-9.1 billion dollars annually. Annually public and private institutions in the United States are spending more than $90 billion for

pollution abatement and control. During only eight years in the 1980s (1980-1987), did the cumulative U.S. spending on pollution control and abatement exceed one-half trillion dollars. Most experts predict that this high level of spending will prevail in the future (Rosenbaum, 1991). These not insignificant funds are allocated to specific programs according to principles and approaches that are based on a certain vision of priorities. Our data and the data-based concepts (Ostroumov, 1998; Ostroumov, Fedorov, 1999; Ostroumov et al., 1997; 1998 a, b) contribute to setting more optimal and adequate hierarchy of priorities.

Our results provide the basis for some generalizations and suggestions: 1. Traditionally it is the lethal effects and determination of LD50 and LC50 that are considered the solid basis and pillar for ecological/environmental hazards assessments. We recommend improving the system of priorities in the areas of environment hazard evaluations and decrease of man-made impact. We recommend ascribing higher priorities to the sublethal consequences of human impact including the sublethal effects of xenobiotics and contaminants - higher priorities than were ascribed before. Our system of criteria and priorities was given in (Ostroumov, 2000 c, Doklady Biological Sciences [English translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk]. Vol. 371: 204-206). 2. It is general knowledge and popular belief that the overwhelming and prevailing responsibility for water self-purification lies with bacteria. By changing and expanding the scope of relevant priorities, we advance the broader vision and concept of aquatic biota (the biota in toto, not only microbiota as has been tacitly emphasized before) as the driving force, the vitally important and pollution-susceptible core component of the biomachinery of water purification in ecosystems (Ostroumov, 1998; 2000 d). It is the non-bacterial component of the biomachinery that is relatively more vulnerable to aquatic pollution than the component represented by heterotrophic bacteria (Ostroumov, 1999 a, b [the presentation and abstracts at the ASLO Meeting, 1999]; Ostroumov, 2000 e [the presentation at the ASLO 2000 Meeting]; Ostroumov, Fedorov, 1999). 3. It is a firmly established practice to consider pesticides, some aromatic and halogenated organic chemicals, heavy metals, and some other chemicals as the top-priority pollutants which became the nobility in environmental science, with the tacit assumption that the other chemicals belong to the lower caste. We propose viewing surfactants and detergents from a new perspective that is developed by the combination of our new data and concepts. From our perspective, surfactants and detergents as a whole also comprise a formidable class of environmental pollutants that must be ascribed a higher priority than has been previously thought. 4. It is aquatic resources and aquatic bodies that are the prerequisites for sustainable development. We would like to stress the importance of the potential of ecosystems to purify water as an additional and essential prerequisite for the sustainable use of aquatic resources, and therefore a necessary precondition for sustainable development. Those aspects of biological effects of contaminants posing a threat to the self-purification potential of ecosystems are of greater importance than was earlier assumed. We predict that new examples of the effects of chemicals on organisms constituting threats to the self-purification potential will come to light in the future. 5. The new data on biological phenomena that result from interactions between surfactants and organisms exemplify a segment of development of an important discipline, bio-chemical ecology, which

includes the study of chemico-biological interactions and their ecological and environmental roles (Ostroumov, 1984 a, 1986 a, 1998, 1999 e, 2000 d; Telitchenko, Ostroumov, 1991).

The line of our reasoning is based on our new experimental data and is in accord with a vision of the environment as the biosphere in which the living organisms are the most decisive and active factor for key processes. Many an ecological process comprises, in essence, a contribution to biogenic *i.e. driven by organisms, or initiated and caused by organisms the comment by S.O.] migration of atoms in the biosphere (Vernadsky, 1965). As for the practical side of science, we consider our studies as a contribution to better understanding of the most important prerequisites for the sustainability of aquatic resources and the biosphere. Sustainable development depends on a multitude of factors, including availability of freshwater as an important resource (Ostroumov, 1999 f, Water selfpurification in ecosystems...). These new data on the biological effects of surfactants, a concept of aquatic biota as the vulnerable biomachinery to purify water, the conception of four levels of man-made impairments and disturbances in living systems, and the suggestions concerning better priorities in assessing environmental hazards (see above) constitute our responses to the challenges of the new millenium. For also knowledge itself is power (Francis Bacon 1561-1626; Meditationes Sacrae, 1597).

Table A.1. Some data on the effects of anionic surfactants on organisms Organisms References: Authors Refs: Year References: Details Various species of bacteria Stavskaya et al. 1988 Book: Microbiological Purification of Water Scenedesmus quadricauda Goryunova, Ostroumov 1986 Biol. Sciences, 7:84

Scenedesmus quadricauda Maximov, Nagel, Kovaleva, Ostroumov 1988 Water Resources, 1: 165 Scenedesmus quadricauda Telitchenko, Ostroumov 1990 Book: Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology Sinapis alba Nagel, Ostroumov, Maximov 1987 Biol. Sciences, 12:81 Sinapis alba Maximov, Nagel, Ostroumov 1988 Hydrobiol. Journal, 24(4): 54 Fagopyrum esculentum Nagel, Ostroumov, Maximov 1987 Biol. Sciences, 12:81 Fagopyrum esculentum, Sinapis alba, Lepidium sativum Ostroumov, Samoilenko 1990 Bulletin of Moscow University (Vestnik MGU), 3:74 Oryza sativa Ostroumov 1990

Bull. of Mosc. Univ. 2:27 Oryza sativa Ostroumov 1991 Chemistry and Technology of Water 13 (3): 270 Oryza sativa Ostroumov, Golovko 1992 Hydrob. J., 28(3): 72 Pistia stratiotes Ostroumov 1990 Ecological and Technological Aspects of Detoxification, p.12 Mytilus edulis Donkin, Ostroumov 1997 Toxicological Bulletin (Tox. Vestnik) 3:37 Mytilus edulis Ostroumov, Donkin, Staff 1997 Bull. of Mosc. Univ., 3:30 M. galloprovincialis Ostroumov In press New data Lymnaea stagnalis

Ostroumov In press New data Cyprinus carpio Ostroumov, Kaplan, Kovaleva, Maximov 1988 Ecotoxicology and Nature Conservation, p. 133

Table A.2. Some data on the effects of non-ionic surfactants on organisms Organisms References: Authors References: Year References: Details Hyphomonas MHS-3 Weiner, Ostroumov 1998 Tox. Bull., 4: 42 Hyphomonas VP-6 Ostroumov 2000 DAN, 372: 279 Synechococcus Waterbury, Ostroumov 1994 Microbiology, 63: 259

Thalassiosira pseudonana Ostroumov, Maertz-Wente, 1991 First Int. Ocean Pollut. Symp., p. 27 Thalassiosira pseudonana Ostroumov, Maertz-Wente, 1991 ASC, 201st Nat.Meet. 31(1): 18 Thalassiosira pseudonana Fisher, Maertz-Wente, Ostroumov 1996 Biology Bull. (Izvestia) 1:91 Fagopyrum esculentum Maximov, Nagel, Ostroumov 1986 Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Ecosystem Modeling, 9: 87 Lepidium sativum Ostroumov, Samoilenko 1999 Tox. Bull., 4: 41 Triticum aestivum Ostroumov, Maximov 1988 Ecotoxicology and Nature Conservation, p. 133 Camelina sativa Ostroumov, Maximov 1988 Ecotoxicology and Nature Conservation, p. 133

Camelina sativa Ostroumov 1990 Bull. of Mosc. Univ., 2:27 Mytilus edulis Ostroumov 1998 Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum, 91:247; new data Mytilus edulis Ostroumov, Donkin, Staff 1998 DAN, 262: 574; New data Unio tumidus Ostroumov 2000 Food Industry Thresh. Third Millenium 2(5): 254; also, new data Unio sp. Ostroumov In press New data

Table A.3. Some data on the effects of cationic surfactants on organisms Organisms References: Authors

Refs: Year References: Details Various species of bacteria Stavskaya et al. 1988 Book: Microbiological Purification of Water Hyphomonas MHS-3 Weiner, Ostroumov 1999 Tox.Bull. 4: 40 Nostoc muscorum, soil cyanobacteria, soil green and diatom algae Ostroumov, Tretyakova 1990 Ecology, 2: 43 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Ostroumov, Kolotilova 1998 Tox.Bull., 5:30 Spirulina platensis Ostroumov, Kraevsky, Lyamin 1999 Tox.Bull., 1:35

Monochrysis lutheri, Chlorella vulgaris Ostroumov, Maximov 1988 Ecology, 6:57 Thalassiosira pseudonana Fisher, Maertz-Wente, Ostroumov 1996 Biology Bull. (Izvestia) 1:91 Euglena gracilis Ostroumov 1991 Chemistry and Techn. of Water, 13 (3): 270 Fagopyrum esculentum Ostroumov, Tretyakova 1990 Ecology, 2: 43 F. esculentum Ostroumov 1991 Water Res. 2:112 Cucumis sativus Kartzev,Ostroumov, Pavlova 1990 Allelopathy and Plant Productivity, p. 124 Brachionus angularis Kartasheva, Ostroumov 1998 Tox.Bull., 5:30

B. angularis; S. quadricauda, Synechocystis 6803, S. platensis Ostroumov, Kolotilova, Piskunkova, Kartasheva, Lyamin, Kraevsky 1999 Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms, p.45 Brachionus plicatilis Kartasheva, Ostroumov 2000 Food Industry Thresh. Third Millenium 2(5): 248 Hirudo medicinalis Ostroumov 1991 Water Res. 2:112 Mytilus galloprovincialis Ostroumov 2000 Tox. Bull., 3:34; also, new data Unio sp. Ostroumov 2000 New data Lymnaea stagnalis Ostroumov 2000 Tox. Bull., 1: 42; also, new data Lymnaea stagnalis

Ostroumov In press New data

Table A.4. Some data on the effects on organisms of some detergents and other chemical products that contain surfactants Organisms References: Authors Refs: Year References: Details Rhodospirillum rubrum Ostroumov, Golovko, Khoroshilov 1990 Ecol. and Technol. Aspects of Detox., P.14 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Ostroumov, Kolotilova

2000 Tox. Bull., 2:31; new data Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Kolotilova, Ostroumov


Probl. of Ecology and Physiology of Microorganisms, p.66; also, new data Olisthodiscus luteus Ostroumov, Golovko, Khoroshilov 1990 Ecol. and Technol. Aspects of Detox., P.14 Euglena gracilis Wasternack, Ostroumov 1990 Hydrobiol. J., 26(6):78 Euglena gracilis Ostroumov, Wasternack 1991 Bull. Mosc. Univ., 2:67 Euglena gracilis Ostroumov, Halama, Blazej, Legotsky, Slugen 1998 Tox. Bull., 5: 29 Oryza sativa Telitchenko, Ostroumov 1990 Book: Introduction to Problems of Biochem. Ecology Fagopyrum esculentum Ostroumov 1991 Chem.Techn.Water, 13(3): 270 Fagopyrum esculentum, Oryza sativa

Ostroumov, Khoroshilov 1992 Biology Bull. (Izvestia), 3:452 Mytilus galloprovincialis Ostroumov 2000 Food Industry Thresh. Third Millenium, 2(5): 248; new data Unio sp. Ostroumov 2000 also, in press New data Lymnaea stagnalis Ostroumov In press New data

Acknowledgements The author thanks Prof. V. D. Fedorov and many colleagues (Department of Hydrobiolgy, Faculty of Biology, Moscow University; Russian Academy of Sciences; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography; and other institutions) for encouragement. This work was supported by the MacArthur Foundation (Research and Writing Initiative of the Program on Global Security and Sustainability), Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation (Grant No. 1306/1999), EERO, and IBG. The scientific conferences and seminars organized by ASLO, Moscow University, Russian Academy of Sciences, SETAC, ECOTOX, WHOI, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, SUNY, Columbia University, University of Maryland, TNO, UFZ, Institute of Freshwater Ecology (Berlin) and some other national and international institutions were instrumental in better viewing important scientific problems. The author is grateful to Prof. N. Fisher, Prof. R. Weiner, Prof. J. Waterbury, Prof. J. Widdows, and Dr. P. Donkin for providing laboratory space and facilities for doing research; Prof. R. Wetzel, Prof. Rita Colwell, Prof. G. Likens and Academicians (Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Prof. M. E. Vinogradov, Prof. D. S. Pavlov, Prof. M. V. Ivanov, Prof. V. N. Bolshakov, Prof. G. V. Dobrovolsky, Prof. G. A. Zavarzin, Prof. A. F.Alimov, Prof. A. V. Tsyban, Prof. A. V. Yablokov, Prof. D. A. Krivolutsky, Prof. V. V. Malakhov, Prof. E. A. Kriksunov, and Prof. V. M. Zakharov for

advice; Prof. Dr. Ch.Steinberg, Prof. Dr. N.Walz, Prof. Curtis J. Richardson, Prof. S. M. Adams, Prof. N. M. van Straalen, Prof. R. Newell, Dr. Rita Triebskorn, Prof. B.A. Kurlyandsky, Prof. V.S. Petrosyan, Dr. S. McCutcheon, Dr. T. Feijtel, Dr. P. J. van den Brink, Dr. E. Kristensen, and Dr. M. Scholten for discussions; Prof. D. Page, Dr. M. Marcus, Ms. N. E. Zourabova, Dr. N. N. Kolotilova, and Dr. M. P. Kolesnikov for help. The author thanks Professor P. J. Wangersky, Dr. M. Caldwell, and Ms. E. Schuster for valuable comments and help in editing the text. The publication was sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation.

Previous publication of the series Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions (Vol. 1, 1999): Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms (Proceedings of the international conference, 19-20 April 1999, Moscow)

Bibliography (some of the authors publications, starting with the books, followed by the papers, in chronological order; to save space, only the selected authors publications are included; the other part of bibliography and full references to the other publications are to be found in Ostroumov, 1991 b; Ostroumov et al., 1997 a; Ostroumov, 1998, 2000 c,d; Ostroumov, Fedorov, 1999)

Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of the Animal World. Znanie press, Moscow, 1979. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Nature Conservation: Problems and Prospects. M., Lesprom press, 1983. 272 p. Conservation Biology: An Evolutionary-Ecological Perspective (Ed. M. Soule, B. Wilcox) 1980, 395 pages. (Translated from English into Russian by S.A.Ostroumov). Russian edition: 1983, 430 pages. Fedorov V.D., Ostroumov S.A. Ecology, Biocoenology and Nature Conservation. Moscow University press. 1984. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Levels of Living Nature Conservation. 1985. Nauka Press. 176 p. Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Bio-Chemical Ecology. 1986. Moscow University press. 176 p. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. 1991. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest. 271 p. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservacion de la Naturaleza Viva (in Spanish). 1989 a. Vneshtorgizdat Press. 238 p.

Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Opaznavate na Zhivata Priroda (Conservation of Living Nature). Zemizdat press. Sofia. 1989 b. (in Bulgarian). Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A.. Introduction to Problems of Bio-chemical Ecology: Biotechnology, Agriculture, Environment. 1990. Nauka press, Moscow. 288 p. Ostroumov S.A. Uvod v Biokhimichna Ekologia (Introduction to Biochemical Ecology). Nauka i izkusstvo press. Sofia. 1990. 155 p. (in Bulgarian). Jablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Ochrana Zive Prirody. Praha. Academia. 1991. 345 p. (in Czech). Ostroumov S.A., Samuilov V.D., Skulachev V. P. Transhydrogenase-induced responses of carotenoids, bacteriochlorophyll and penetrating ions in Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. FEBS Letters. 1973, 31: 27-30. Drachev L.A., Jasaitis A.A., Kaulen A.D., Kondrashin A.A., Liberman E.A., Nemecek I.B., Ostroumov S.A., Semenov A.Y., Skulachev V.P. Direct measurement of electric current generation by cytochrome oxidase, H-ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin. Nature. 1974 a, 249: 321-324. Drachev L.A., Kaulen A.D., Ostroumov S.A., Skulachev V.P. Electrogenesis by bacteriorhodopsin incorporated in a planar phospholipid membrane. FEBS Letters. 1974 b, 39: 43-45. Ostroumov S.A. Isolation and properties of the bacteriorhodopsin generator of the transmembrane gradient of H+ electrochemical potential. Abstracts of the scientific presentations at the 3th Meeting of the All-Union Biochemical Society. Zinatne press, Riga, 1974, Vol. 2, p. 114. Skulachev V.P., Drachev L.A., Kaulen A.D., Nemecek I.B., Ostroumov S.A., Semenov A. Yu.. Voltmetermeasured electric generation by cytochrome oxidase, H+-ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin. Abstracts 9th Meet. Fed. Europ. Biochem.Soc., Budapest, 1974. p. 221. Ostroumov S.A., Samuilov V.D., Skulachev V.P. Membrane potential induced by the transhydrogenase reaction in the chromatophores. Biological Sciences. 1974. No. 2. p. 92-95. Drachev L.A., Kaulen A.D., Kondrashin A.A., Liberman E.A., Nemecek I.B., Ostroumov S.A., Semenov A.Y., Skulachev V.P., Jasaitis A.A. Generation of electric current by cytochromoxidase, H-ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin. DAN (Reports to the Academy of Sciences). 1974 c, 2: 481-484. Barsky E.L., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A., Ostroumov S.A., Samuilov V.D., Skulachev V. P. A study on the membrane potential and pH gradient in chromatophores and intact cells of photosynthetic bacteria. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1975 a, 387: 388-395. Barsky E.L., Drachev L.A., Ostroumov S.A., Samuilov V.D., Skulachev V.P. Direct measurement of the generation of electric current by lipoprotein complexes. Bioorganic Chemistry. 1975 b, 1: 113-126. Ostroumov S.A. Biological oxidation. Large Russian Encyclopedia. 1975 a. Vol. 18, p.343-345. Ostroumov S.A. Oxidative phosphorylation. Large Russian Encyclopedia. 1975 b. Vol. 18, p.346. Drachev L.A., Frolov V.N., Kaulen A.D., Liberman E.A., Ostroumov S.A., Plakunova V.G., Semenov A.Y., Skulachev V.P. Reconstitution of biological molecular generators of electric current: bacteriorhodopsin. J. Biol. Chem. 1976, 251: 7059-7065.

Ostroumov S.A., Vorobiev L.N. Membrane potential as a potential polyfunctional regulator of activities of membrane proteins. Biological Sciences. 1976. 7: 22-26. Ostroumov S.A. Participation of chloroplasts and mitochondria in virus reproduction and the evolution of the eukaryotic cell. J. theor. Biol. 1977, 67: 287-297. Ostroumov S.A., Vorobiev L.N. Membrane potential and surface charge densities as possible generalized regulators of membrane protein activities. J. theor. Biol. 1978, 75: 289-297. Ostroumov S.A., Vorobiev L.N. Membrane potential and surface charge densities as possible generalized regulators of membrane protein activities // Journ. Theor. Biol. 1978. V. 75. P. 289-297. Ostroumov S.A., Jasaitis A.A., Samuilov V.D. Electrochemical proton gradient across the membranes of photophosphorylating bacteria. Biomembranes (Ed. L. Manson) 1979 a, 10: 209-234. Ostroumov S.A. Origin of the eukaryotic cell and energy-transforming organells. Journal of General Biology. 1979. 40 (2): 202-208. Ostroumov S., Samuilov V.D., Jasaitis A.A. Electrochemical gradient of H-ions across the membranes of bacteria. Usp. Sovrem. Biol. (Advances of Modern Biology), 1979 b, 87: 155-169. Ostroumov S.A.World Conservation Strategy. Nature. (Priroda). 1980, 12: 40-41. Ostroumov S.A. Nature conservation. Veterinary Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Moscow. 1981. p. 416. Foreword. In: Man and the Biosphere. Man-made effects on the animal world. Moscow: The Central Library of Academy of Sciences. Under the aegis of UNESCO-MAB (Man and the Biosphere Program). Issues: 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989. Ostroumov S.A. Biochemistry and Environmental Conservation: in Search for Regulators. Man and Nature, 1984 a, 4: 11-69. Ostroumov S.A. Problems of conservation of ecosystems: a conceptual analysis. Man and Nature, 1984 b, 5: 3-15. Nagel H., Ostroumov S.A. Bioassay of solutions of anionic surfactants. In: Problems of modern biology. Proceedings of the 17th conference of young scientists of Moscow University (Faculty of Biology), Moscow, 22-25 April, 1986 / Moscow University.- Moscow, 1986. - Part.3. Dep. in VINITI 15.09.86, 6662-B, P. 146-150. Maximov V.N., Nagel H., Ostroumov S.A. Studies of responses of seedlings of Fagopyrum esculentum to pollution of aquatic medium by detergents. In: Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Ecosystem Modeling. 1986, 9: 87-97. Ostroumov S.A. Pollution of the biosphere. In: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biology, 1986 b, p. 205--206. Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of nature [and biodiversity]. In: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biology. 1986 c, p. 437-438. Goryunova S.V., Ostroumov S.A. Effects of an anionic detergent on green alga and some angiosperms. Biological Sciences. 1986, No.7: 84-86

Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of [biodiversity, ecosystems and] nature. In: Encyclopedia of Forest. 1986 d. Vol. 2. p. 183-185. Ostroumov S.A. Biological oxidation. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biology. Moscow. 1986 e. p. 419-420. Ostroumov S.A. Chemiosmotic hypothesis. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biology. Moscow. 1986 f. p. 685. Ostroumov S.A. Oxidative phosphorylation. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biology. Moscow. 1986 g. p. 420421. Ostroumov S.A., Krassov O.I. Nature conservation. Forest Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, Moscow. 1986. p. 183185. Ivanov I.G., Kartzev V.G., Kovaleva T.N., Ostroumov S.A., Pavlova I.A., Dulov L.E. Bioassay of several xenobiotics and diagnostics of their effects on hydrobionts and other organisms. In: Problems of modern biology. Proceedings of the 18th conference of young scientists of Moscow University (Faculty of Biology), Moscow, 1987/ Moscow University.- Moscow, 1987. - Part.1. Dep. in VINITI 14.09.87, N 6662B, P. 207-208. Nagel H., Ostroumov S.A., Maximov V.N. Inhibition of elongation of seedlings under the effect of sodium dodecylsulphate. Biological Sciences. 1987, No.12: 81-84. Ostroumov S.A., Novikov A.I., Pavlova I.A., Golovko A.E. Improving methods of assessment of ecological hazards of chemicals polluting the hydrosphere. Man in the biosphere. Proceedings of the conference 14-16 December 1988. Moscow, Center of Ecological Projects, 1988, p. 124. Maximov V.N., Nagel H., Ostroumov S.A. Biotesting waters containing a surfactant (sulfonol) and DNOC. Hydrobiological Journal, 1988 a. 24 (4): 54-55. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Omul si Natura: de la probleme la solutii (Man and Nature. From problems towards solutions. In Romanian). In: B. Stugren (Ed.). Ocrotirea Naturii. Dacia press. ClujNapoca, Romania, 1988. p. 65-80. Maximov V.N., Nagel H., Kovaleva T.N., Ostroumov S.A. Biotesting of water polluted by sulfonol. Water Resources. 1988 b. 1: 165-168. Ostroumov S.A., Maximov V.N. Degradation of algae under the water pollution by ethonium. Ecology. 1988. No. 6: 57-58. Ostroumov S.A., Maximov V.N., Disturbance of the onthogenesis of Camelina sativa and Triticum aestivum under the effect of a surfactant. In: Ecotoxicology and Nature Conservation. Riga. 1988. p.133. Ostroumov S.A., Kaplan A.Y., Kovaleva T.N., Maximov V.N. Studies of aspects of ecotoxicology of an anionic surfactant sulfonol on plants and other organisms. In: Ecotoxicology and Nature Conservation. Riga. 1988. p.134. Ostroumov S.A., Pavlova I.A. Assessment of the biological activity of the pesticide lontrel using plant species. In: Chemistry and Technology of Piridine-Containing Pesticides. Vol.2. Chernogolovka, 1988. p.107. Ostroumov S.A. Chemical pollution of the environment and carcinogenesis. Problems of Environment and Natural Resources. 1989, 8: 12-20.

Kartsev V.G., Ostroumov S.A., Pavlova I.A. Usage of Cucumis sativus and other species to bio-assay chemicals. In: Allelopathy and Plant Productivity. 1990. p.124-128. Ostroumov S.A. Assessment of biological activity of xenobiotics. Bulletin of Moscow University, Ser. Biology. 1990 a, No. 2: 27-34. Ostroumov S.A. Bioassay of solutions of xenobiotics using pistia. Ecological and technological aspects of detoxification of industrial wastes of the industry of polymers. Proceedings of the conference 15-17 February 1990, Donetzk. Minkhimnefteprom USSR. Cherkassy. 1990 b, p. 12-13. Ostroumov S.A. Borisova E.V., Lenova L.I., Maximov V.N. Effects of sulfonol on Dunaliella asymmetrica and on Fagopyrum esculentum. Hydrobiological Journal. 1990 a. 26: 96-98. Ostroumov S.A., Golovko A.E., Khoroshilov V.S. Biotesting surfactants and compound products containing surfactants. In: Methods of Ecological Regulation. Section 3. Problems of assessment of manmade effects on ecosystems. Kharkov. 1990 b, p.139. Ostroumov S.A., Golovko A.E., Khoroshilov V.S. Biodiagnostics and bioassay of polluted waters and xenobiotics: in search of non-traditional test species and methods. Ecological and technological aspects of detoxification of industrial wastes of the industry of polymers. Proceedings of the conference 15-17 February 1990, Donetzk. Minkhimnefteprom USSR. Cherkassy. 1990 c, p. 14-15. Ostroumov S.A. Samoilenko L.S. Assessment of efficiency of biotechnological destruction of anionic surfactant. Bulletin of Moscow University (Vestnik MGU), Ser. Biology. 1990, No.3: 74-78. Ostroumov S.A., Semykina N.A. 1990. Ecological and technological aspects of detoxification of industrial wastes of the industry of polymers. Proceedings of the conference 15-17 February 1990, Donetzk. Minkhimnefteprom USSR. Cherkassy. p. 13-14. Ostroumov S.A., Tretyakova A. Effects of environmental pollution by a cationic surfactant on soil algae and plant seedlings. Ecology. 1990. No.2: 43-46. Wasternack C., Ostroumov S.A. Effects of water pollution by the detergent Bio-S on euglens. Hydrobiological Journal. 1990. Vol. 26. No.6, p.78-79. Ostroumov S.A. Responses of test-organisms to a quaternary ammonium compound. Water Resources. 1991 a. 2: 112-116. Ostroumov S.A. Biological activity of waters polluted by surfactants. Chemistry and Technology of Water. 1991 b. Vol. 13, No. 3: 270-283. Ostroumov S.A. Ecologically significant biologically-active substances and methodological aspects of the analysis of the biological activity of pollutants. Advances in Chemistry (Uspekhi Khimii). 1991 c. 60: (3) 554-555. Ostroumov S.A., Maertz-Wente M. Effects of water contamination by the non-ionogenic surfactant on marine diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana. Abstracts of the First International Ocean Pollution Symposium. 1991 a. University of Puerto Rico, p. 27. Ostroumov S.A., Maertz-Wente M. Effects of the non-ionogenic surfactant on marine diatoms. American Chemical Society. Division of Environmental Chemistry. Papers presented at the 201st National Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 1991 b. Vol.31, No.1: 18-19.

Ostroumov S.A., Maximov V.N. Biotesting of solutions of surfactants. Biology Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1991. No. 4: 571-575. Ostroumov S.A., Semykina N.A. Responses of macrophytes to water pollution by a high molecular weight surfactant. Ecology. 1991. No. 4: 85-87. Ostroumov S.A., Wasternack C. Responses of photoorganotrophically grown flagellates to water pollution by the detergent Kristall. Bulletin of MoscowUniversity. Ser. Biology. 1991, No. 2: 67 - 69. Ostroumov S.A. Nontraditional nonanimal approaches to the ecotoxicology of xenobiotics. Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society. 1992. 203: 302-ENVR, Part 1. Apr. 5 1992. Ostroumov S.A., Golovko A.E. Biotesting the toxicity of a surfactant (sulfonol) using the seedlings of rice. Hydrobiol. Journal. 1992, Vol. 28, No. 3: 72-74. Ostroumov S.A., Khoroshilov V.S. Biological activity of waters polluted with a liquid detergent. Biology Bulletin of Russian Acad. of Sci. (Izvestia RAN, Ser. Biol.). 1992. No.3: 452-458. Ostroumov S.A., Samoilenko L.S. Studies on some aspects of ecotoxicology and biochemical ecology of surfactants. Abstracts of the 9th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium (Leeds, UK). 1993, p.66. Ostroumov S.A., Semykina N.A. Responses of Fagopyrum esculentum to water pollution by a high molecular weight surfactant. Ecology. 1993. No.6: 50-55. Ostroumov S.A. Ecotoxicology and the biological activity of surfactants. Third European Conference on Ecotoxicology (Zurich, August 28-31, 1994). Abstracts. 1994. Abstract No. 6.26, p.141. Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of ecotoxicology and biochemical ecology of surfactants. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Ecology (21-26 August 1994, Manchester), 1994. p.127. Waterbury J., Ostroumov S.A. Effects of a non-ionic surfactant on marine cyanobacteria. Microbiology, 1994, 63: 259-263. Fisher N., Maertz-Wente M., Ostroumov S.A. Effects of a non-ionic surfactant on marine diatoms. Biology Bulletin of Russian Acad. Sci. 1996. No. 1, p.91-95. Donkin, Peter, and Ostroumov, S.A. 1997. Ecological hazard from sodium dodecylsulphate [the effects on bivalves]. Toxicological Bulletin. 3: 37. Ostroumov, S.A., and Donkin, Peter. Effects of contaminating aquatic environment with surfactants on the biological mechanisms of the removal of the particles of phytoplankton from the water column [by invertebrates] with possible consequences for the optical parameters of the aquatic ecosystem. In: Physical Problems of Ecology. Moscow. 1997. Part 2. pp. 71-72. Ostroumov S.A., Donkin P., Staff F. Effects of surfactants on mussels Mytilus edulis. Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. Biology. 1997. No. 3. p. 30 - 36. Kartasheva N.V., Ostroumov S.A. Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide [the biological effects on rotifers Brachionus angularis]. Toxicological Bulletin. 1998. No.5. p. 30-32.

Ostroumov S.A. Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view. Rivista di Biologia/ Biology Forum. 1998. 91: 247-258. Ostroumov S.A., Donkin P., Staff F., Biofiltering and self-purification of water by aquatic ecosystems and its impairment under effect of anthropogenic stress: importance to ecological evaluation of industrial projects and ecological monitoring // ECWATECH-98. Water: Ecology and Technology. Third International Congress (Moscow, May 25-30, 1998). Moscow: SIBICO International Ltd, 1998 a, P. 72. Ostroumov S.A., Donkin P., Staff F. Filtration inhibition induced by two classes of synthetic surfactants in the bivalve mollusc. Doklady Akademii Nauk, (DAN) 1998 b. Vol. 362: 574-576. Ostroumov S.A., Halama D., Blazej A., Legotsky I., Slugen D. Synthetic detergents Kristall and LotosAutomat [New data on the biological effects on Euglena gracilis Klebs]. Toxicological Bulletin. 1998 c. No. 5, p. 29-30. Ostroumov S.A., Kolotilova N.N. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide [New data on the biological effects on Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803]. Toxicological Bulletin. 1998. No.5, p. 30. Weiner, Ronald, and Ostroumov, S.A. New data on the biological effects of the surfactant Triton X-100: the inhibition of the growth of Hyphomonas MHS-3. Toxicological Bulletin. 1998. No. 4. p. 42-43. McCutcheon S.C., Ostroumov S.A. Investigation of biological activity and transformation of organic chemicals by green plants and algae. In: Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms. 1999. Dialogue-MGU press. P.10. Ostroumov S.A. Integrity-oriented approach to ecological biomachinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: stopping an ecological time bomb. Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century. February 1-5, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico. ASLO, Waco, TX. 1999 a. P. 134. Ostroumov S.A. The ability of mussels to filter and purify the sea water is inhibited by surfactants. Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century. February 1-5, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico. ASLO, Waco, TX. 1999 b. P. 134. Ostroumov S.A. Surfactants and marine pollution: another environmental hazard of the third millenium. 1999. PACON. (International Congress on Oceanography, June 23-25, 1999). 1999 c. P. 24. Ostroumov S.A. Triton X-100 *new biological effects on Lepidium sativum+. 1999 d. Toxicol. Bulletin. . 4. P. 41. Ostroumov S.A. Biological effects of surfactants in the context of man-made interventions into the environment: a concept of a system for criteria of environental hazard. In: Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms. 1999 e. Dialogue-MGU Press. P.43. Ostroumov S.A. Water self-purification in ecosystems and sustainable development. In: Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms. 1999 f. Dialogue-MGU Press. P.14. Ostroumov S.A. Biological processes of water self-purification: importance and vulnerability. In: Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms. 1999 g. Dialogue-MGU Press. P.13.

Ostroumov S.A. Experimental rationale for a new discipline and area in ecology, bio-chemical ecology of bioremediation and self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. In: Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms. 1999 e. Dialogue-MGU Press. P.44. Ostroumov S.A., Kolotilova N.N., Piskunkova N.F., Kartasheva N.V., Lyamin M.Y., Kraevsky V.M. Effects of a cationogenic surfactant on freshwater unicellular cyanobacteria, green algae, and rotifers. In: Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms. 1999. Dialogue-MGU Press. P.45-46. Ostroumov S.A., Kolotilova N.N., Piskunkova N.F., Lyamin M.Y., Kraevsky V.M. A study on the effects of synthetic surfactants on Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta [the effects of CTAB on Synechocystis; TDTMA on Scenedesmus quadricauda etc]. Algologia. Vol. 9 (2): 105-106. Ostroumov S. A., Kraevsky V.M., Lyamin M.Y. Dodecyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide [new biological effects on Spirulina platensis]. Toxicol. Bulletin. 1999. No. 1, P. 35-36. Vinogradov, M.E., Steinberg, C., Wetzel, R.G., Ostroumov, S.A. et al. (Editors) Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. Vol. 1. Weiner R., Ostroumov S. A. Quarternary ammonium compound dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide [new biological effects of DDTMA on marine organisms Hyphomonas MHS-3]. 1999. Toxicol. Bulletin. No. 4, P. 40-41. Kartasheva N.V., Ostroumov S.A. A study on the ability of a surfactant to inhibit the water filtering activity of rotifers. In: Food Industry on the Threshold of the Third Millenium. Vol. 2, Issue 5. Moscow, 2000, P. 245-247. Kolotilova N.N., Ostroumov S.A. Growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 under the effect of the composite product which contains a surfactant. In: Problems of Ecology and Physiology of Microorganisms. Moscow. Dialogue-MGU Press. 2000. P. 66. Ostroumov S.A. Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide [effects on the feeding activity of Lymnaea stagnalis]. Toxicological Bulletin. 2000 a. No.1., p. 42-43. Ostroumov S.A Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide [effects on Mytilus galloprovincialis]. Toxicological Bulletin. 2000 b. No 3. P. 34-35. Ostroumov S.A. Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. DAN (Doklady Akademii Nauk). 2000 c, P. 844-846 in the Russian edition. (English translation of the journal: Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 371, P. 204-206) Ostroumov S.A. Concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the system for water self-purification. DAN Doklady Biological Sciences (Doklady Akademii Nauk). 2000 d. Vol. 372. No.2., P. 279-282 in the Russian edition. Ostroumov S.A., Kolesnikov M.P. Biocatalysis of the matter transfer in a microcosm is inhibited by a contaminant: an effect on Lymnaea stagnalis. DAN Doklady Biological Sciences (Doklady Akademii Nauk). 2000. Vol. 373. No.2., P.278-280 in the Russian edition. Ostroumov S.A. Aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale, diversified bioreactor with the function of water selfpurification. DAN Doklady Biological Sciences (Doklady Akademii Nauk). 2000. Vol. 374. No.3, P.427429 in the Russian edition.

Ostroumov S.A. Inhibitory analysis of the regulatory interactions in food webs. DAN. 2000, vol. 375. no. 6, pp. 847-849 in the Russian edition. Alexeev A.P., Ananiev V.I., Artyukhin E.N., ...Dubinina V.G., ...Nemova N.N., ... Ostroumov S.A. et al. (26 coauthors in toto). Conservation, reproduction and sustainable use of biological resources of the hydrosphere. Moscow. 2001. 128 p.

Ostroumov S.A. Ecological processes and ecosystems: functioning towards water purification. Aquatic Sciences Meeting: Research Across Boundaries. June 5-9, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark. ASLO, Waco, TX. 2000 e (Abstract ss25-01). Ostroumov S.A. Inhibitory effects of surfactants on water filtration by Unio tumidus, Unio pictorum, and Mytilus galloprovincialis. Aquatic Sciences Meeting: Research Across Boundaries. June 5-9, 2000 f, Copenhagen, Denmark. ASLO, Waco, TX. 2000 (Abstract ss25-p02). Ostroumov S.A. Surfactant-containing preparations inhibit water clearance rate by Mytilus galloprovincialis. In: Food Industry on the Threshold of the Third Millenium. Vol. 2, Issue 5. Moscow, 2000 g, P. 248-251. Ostroumov S.A. The effects of surfactants on the rate of removal of cells of unicellular organisms from water by unionids. In: Food Industry on the Threshold of the Third Millenium. Vol. 2, Issue 5. Moscow, 2000 h, P. 251-254. Ostroumov S.A., Kolesnikov M.P. Participation of molluscs in the biogeochemical fluxes of C, N, P, Si and Al in aquatic ecosystems and the effects of a xenobiotic. In: Food Industry on the Threshold of the Third Millenium. Vol. 2, Issue 5. Moscow, 2000, P. 254-256. Ostroumov S.A., Kolotilova N.N. Detergent (Tide-Lemon) [effects on cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803]. Toxicological Bulletin. 2000. No. 2. P. 31-32. Ostroumov S.A., McCutcheon S. Defining a modern interface between water quality engineering and aquatic ecosystems research. Aquatic Sciences Meeting: Research Across Boundaries. June 5-9, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark. ASLO, Waco, TX. 2000 (Abstract ss25-07). Ostroumov S.A., Revkova N.V. Growth of green microalgae in cultures limited by phosphorus and the concept of cell quota. In: Problems of Ecology and Physiology of Microorganisms. Moscow. DialogueMGU Press. 2000. P.87.

Ostroumov S.A., Kolotilova N.N. Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms-2. .: MAX-Press. 2000, p. 60. Ostroumov, S.A. Principles for analyzing environmental hazards of anthropogenous effects including effects of chemical pollution: a concept and new data. Vestnik MGU 2000 no. 4, pp.27-34.

. ., . . // -2. .: . 2000. . 60.

24th January Dr Green : prokaryotes surfactants detergents algae toxicity flagellates higher plants animals

0 Add a comment JAN 23 The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Full text is made available online.

The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Full text of the paper is made available online free. ** S. A. Ostroumov Ostroumov S. A. The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 380, 2001, pp. 499501.

full text is available : ** key words, tags: innovations, new, approach, hazard, assessment, man-made, impact, environmental, science, toxicology, safety, water, aquatic, ecosystem, tropic chain, pollution, detergents, surfactant

23rd January Dr Green : surfactant tropic chain aquatic environmental detergents ecosystem hazard approach safety man-made assessment impact toxicology new water INNOVATIONS science pollution

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** .. : , // . 2009. .6, .31-38.

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23rd January Dr Green :

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Environmental and biosciences, at PubMed, updated list of selected innovative papers


63 steps to a new ecology. Updated to 66.


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Published Reviews and Evaluations (of the books, Moscow State University):


Evaluation. A scientist of Russian Academy of Sciences: Evaluation of a researcher at Moscow University


** ** , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 23rd January Dr Green :

0 Add a comment JAN 22 Innovations in environmental science and toxicology, water quality, Innovations in environmental science and toxicology, water quality: **

A fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants. The paper explains why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes.

First paper in which it was clearly proved that the synthetic chemical (exemplified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS), when it pollutes water, produces dangerous effects on both marine mussels (Mytilus edulis) and phytoplankton

A short list of the most important physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification.

New fresh insight into ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton and how ecosystem runs water self-purification.

New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.

Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus, Atlantic Ocean; ecotoxicology of cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents

New aspects of water quality formation and water quality control in natural freshwater and marine ecosystems; new facts on negative effects of chemical pollutants (e.g., synthetic surfactants and detergents) on aquatic organisms, especially filter-feeders.

First paper to report concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system.

Modern comments on innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators).

Innovative theory of ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean.

Detailed analysis of the discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.

New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms; new inhibitory effects of surfactants TDTMA and SDS on water filtering activity of the marine mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas.

First and unique paper in which an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries formulated a short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences.

Fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants.

** 22nd January Dr Green : water quality environmental toxicology INNOVATIONS science

3 JAN 22 Spain; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, citation of Moscow University research. Spain; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, citation of Moscow University research.

On the university: It is one of the oldest extant universities in the world. It was originally founded in 1495 when Lope Gmez de Marzoa created the School of Grammar there. It was fully confirmed as a university in 1501 when Pope Julius II issued a papal bull to prove its authenticity. The university ranks 5th in Spain's best universities ranking by Complutense University of Madrid and IAIF and 4th amongst public universitites. The university has over 42,000 students. See more detail on the citation here:

Spain: new citation of Moscow University research in ecology and environmental science.




** Tags: Environmental science, ecology, cyanobacteria, pollution, Moscow University, citation, Spain, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 22nd January Dr Green : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela cyanobacteria environmental science Moscow University ecology citation Spain pollution

1 JAN 22 new citation of a Moscow University ecologist in the publication: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. Available online; 16 January 2013; In Press, Corrected Proof . Reliability of color measurements for monitoring pigment content in a biofilm-forming cyanobacterium. D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto, Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Notification from Google: Spain: new citation of a Moscow University ecologist.

The citation was made in in the publication:

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Available online 16 January 2013 In Press, Corrected Proof Note to users

Reliability of color measurements for monitoring pigment content in a biofilm-forming cyanobacterium D. Vzquez-Nion, P. Sanmartn, B. Silva, B. Prieto, , Departamento Edafologa y Qumica Agrcola, Facultad Farmacia, Campus Vida, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Corua, Spain




in this paper the authors cited the article:

Ostroumov, 2003 Publications of this author see: 132,000 reads of these and other related materials on innovations, discoveries: environment, ecology, conservation; research results of a Moscow University ecologist, biologist, Dr S. Ostroumov: **

** Environment, ecology: 18 innovations, other files online. Innovative conceptualization: ecosystems; water quality et al. ** 18 KEY INNOVATIONS: Dramatic, exciting, startling, revolutionary DISCOVERIES: ecology, environmental sciences, biology. ** 41 articles on #environmental_sciences, #citation in U.S.A., France, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, other countries; ** 31 Top Springer Publications selected bibliography: #life_science #ecology #environmental_science Articles. **

31 selected References, #environmental_science #innovations #environment #ecology #ecosystem #water #science

** 22nd January Dr Green : discoveries: environment ecology INNOVATIONS conservation; International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

0 Add a comment JAN 22 USA: U.S. libraries, articles of Russian Fulbright Award winner, environmental toxicology, new hazard assessment, new methods for biotesting, aqua-farming, water quality improvement, nanomaterials, discoveries, innovations; results of reasearch at Moscow University, as well as in the U.S.A., U.K. Publications authored by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov are available at some of U.S. libraries

In U.S. libraries, papers, books of a Russian Fulbright Award winner, environmental toxicology, new hazard assessment, new methods for biotesting, aqua-farming, water quality improvement, nanomaterials, discoveries, innovations; results of research at Moscow University, as well as in the U.S.A., U.K.

Publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University) are available at some of U.S. libraries:; Environmental Sciences, Plant Sciences, Aquaculture, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Biology: these papers, books are available at: **

U.S.A. Library of Congress. Topics: environmental science, ecology, scientific basis of nature conservation, a new science of biochemical ecology.


Available in the U.S.A., Canada. Key innovative books, papers: ecology, environmental science.


Many countries acquired the books of Dr. S.A.O. Large table.


USA, Canada, UK, Australia et al.: #universities, acquired books on #environment science by S.A.Ostroumov. Ranking:


Libraries of U.K. and U.S.A. acquired these books (ecology, environment, biotechnology, conservation, biology),

** libraries acquired these books-USA, Canada, France,Japan,China,Belgium,Switzerland, England, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark,Australia- ** U.S. universities, libraries acquired books:environment,ecology,conservation: Caltech, Harvard, M.I.T. ** Book: Conservation of living nature and resources: by: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov: in libraries: USA, Canada, France,Germany, **

National Agricultural Library, USDA, U.S.A. (United States of America), 10301 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, Md. 20705; Contact:; Email:; URL:;

SEE THE LIST OF THE PAPERS available at NAL BELOW: **Effects of the synthetic surfactants and chemical mixtures on marine mollusks used in aquaculture / - , // (ISSN 0131-6184) 2009, No. 3; 9294. (in Russian); KEY WORDS: TDTMA, SDS, Crassostrea gigas, effects, detergents, surfactants, C. gigas, Mytilus, Galloprovicialis, edulis, bivalves, water quality, bioassay; AGRIS Categories: Aquaculture production and management; AGROVOC English terms: Oysters; Mussels; Aquaculture; Surfactants; Environmental impact; Filtration; Russian federation; AGROVOC French terms: Huitre; Moule; Aquaculture; Surfactant; Impact sur l'environnement; Filtration; Federation de russie; AGROVOC Spanish terms: Ostra; Mejillon; Acuicultura; Surfactantes; Impacto ambiental; Filtracion; Federacion de rusia;

** Ostroumov S.A., Maksimov V.N. Bioassay of surfactants based on the disruption of seedling attachment to the substrate and rhizoderm root hair formation // Biology Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (May 1992); (ISSN 0098-2164) Vol. 18(4) p. 383-386; Translated from: Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia Biologicheskaia, (4), 1991, p. 571-575.; Key words: bioassay, plant seedlings, surfactants, detergents, pollutants, hazard assessment, new methods, phytotoxicity, ecotoxicology; AGRIS Categories: Pollution; Plant ecology; AGROVOC English terms: Fagopyrum esculentum; Brassica alba; Triticum aestivum; Indicator plants; Root hairs; Seedlings; Surface active agents; Bioassays; Pollution; AGROVOC French terms: Fagopyrum esculentum; Brassica alba; Triticum aestivum; Plante indicatrice; Poil absorbant; Plantule; Surfactant; Dosage biologique; Pollution; AGROVOC Spanish terms: Fagopyrum esculentum; Brassica alba; Triticum aestivum; Plantas indicadoras; Pelos radicales; Plantulas; Surfactantes; Ensayo biologico; Polucion; ** Ostroumov, S.A.; Wasternack, K. Response of photo-organotrophously growing green flagellates to water pollution by the detergent preparation "Kristall" // Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin (1991) [ISSN 0096-3925] Vol. 46(2), p. 66-67. Translated from: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Biologiia, v. 46 (2), 1991, p. 67-68.; KEY WORDS: bioassay, surfactants, detergents, pollutants, hazard assessment, new methods, phytotoxicity, ecotoxicology, euglens, Euglena; AGRIS Categories: Pollution; Plant ecology; AGROVOC English terms: Indicator plants; Mastigophora; Water pollution; Surface active agents; AGROVOC French terms: Plante indicatrice; Pollution de l'eau; Surfactant; AGROVOC Spanish terms: Plantas indicadoras; Polucion del agua; Surfactantes; ** Ostroumov, S.A. (Moscow State University) Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds // Water Resources (1992) [ISSN 0097-8078] Vol. 18(2) p. 171-175; Translated from : Vodnye Resursy, v. 18 (2), March-April, 1991, p.112-116.; KEY WORDS: water quality, bioassay, plant seedlings, cationic, surfactants, detergents, pollutants, hazard assessment, new methods, phytotoxicity, ecotoxicology, leeches, Hirudo medicinalis, behavior, sublethal; AGRIS Categories: Miscellaneous plant disorders; Pollution; AGROVOC English terms: Water pollution; Quaternary ammonium compounds; Testing; Fagopyrum esculentum; Phytotoxicity; AGROVOC French terms: Pollution de l'eau; Compose d'ammonium quaternaire; Testage; Phytotoxicite; AGROVOC Spanish terms: Polucion del agua; Compuestos amonicos cuaternarios; Ensayo; Fitotoxicidad; ** Ostroumov, S.A. Problems of assessment of biological activity of xenobiotics // Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin (1990) (ISSN 0096-3925) Vol. 45(2), p. 26-32; Translated from: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Biologiia, v. 45 (2), 1990, p. 27-34. KEY WORDS: Plant seedlings, surfactants,

detergents, pollutants, hazard assessment, new methods, bioassay, phytotoxicity, ecotoxicology; AGRIS Categories: Plant physiology and biochemistry; Protection of plants - General aspects; Pollution ; AGROVOC English terms: Pesticides; Pollutants; Water pollution; Bioassays; Indicator plants; Germination; AGROVOC French terms: Pesticide; Polluant; Pollution de l'eau; Dosage biologique; Plante indicatrice; Germination; AGROVOC Spanish terms: Plaguicidas; Contaminantes; Polucion del agua; Ensayo biologico; Plantas indicadoras; Germinacion ** Ostroumov, S.A.,[ M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian Federation). Faculty of Biology]; Kolesov, G.M.,[ Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Federation). V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry] Interaction of nanoparticles of gold with aquatic plant: Binding to Ceratophyllum demersum // Ecologica (2010) [ISSN 0354-3285] Vol. 17(57) p. 3-6. Abstract : This is the first time it was shown that the nanoparticles of gold (Au) in substantial amount bind to the living biomass of the aquatic plant (macrophyte), Ceratophyllum demersum. The concentrations of gold were measured in the samples of the phytomass using neutron activation analysis (NAA). As a result of the binding and/or immobilization of the nanoparticles, the amount of gold in the samples of the phytomass increased manifold above the background level of gold in the plant tissues. The increase was by two orders of magnitude. The new data added some new information to the modern vision of the multifunctional role of the biota in the migration of elements in aquatic ecosystems [9, 10]. Also, the result added new information to the studies of interactions of gold with organisms [17-23] that may contribute to new biotechnologies. Key words: nanoparticles, nanomaterials, fate in environment, aquatic systems, aquatic plants, macrophytes; neutron activation analysis (NAA); environmental chemistry; AGRIS Categories Plant physiology and biochemistry; Aquatic ecology; AGROVOC English terms: Ceratophyllaceae; Aquatic plants; Gold; Biomass; Plant tissues; Tissue analysis; Chemical composition; Aquatic communities; Aquatic environment; AGROVOC French terms: Ceratophyllaceae; Plante aquatique; Or; Biomasse; Tissu vagatal; Analyse de tissus; Composition chimique; Communauta aquatique; Milieu aquatique; AGROVOC Spanish terms: Ceratophyllaceae; Plantas acuaiticas; Oro; Biomasa; Tejidos vegetales; Anailisis de tejidos; Composician quimica; Comunidades acuaiticas; Ambiente acuaitico; **

** More: book: Biological effects of surfactants Ostroumov, Serge A. NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) ** Book:

Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. another variant of spelling of the names of the authors:

Iablokov, A. V., Ostroumov S.A. NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) ** One of the journals with publications of this author:

** Database Name:Article Citation Database Search Request: Keyword Anywhere = CAIN739180111 Search Results: Displaying 1 of 1 entries

On the similarity of mitochondria, chloroplasts and prokaryots.


On the similarity of mitochondria, chloroplasts and prokaryots. Ostroumov, S.A. Priroda Moscow Mar 1973, 3

Author(s): Found In:

p. 21-29. **

Database Name:Article Citation Database Search Request: Keyword Anywhere = IND81048977 Search Results: Displaying 1 of 1 entries

"World strategy of nature conservation".


"World strategy of nature conservation". Ostroumov, S.A. Priroda. Priroda (Moskva) Dec 1980. (12)

Author(s): Found In: p. 40-41.

Location: Call Number:

Microforms (NON-CIRCULATING) 410 P933

Status: Available Cancellation Notice: Holdings: None


Location: Call Number:

Stacks 410 P933

Status: Available Cancellation Notice: Holdings: (1914) None

(1915:1 - 2001:12) (2002:1 - 12) Holdings Notes:Missing:v 1992 #11;v 1994 #1. Missing: 1999(2) Microfilm holdings: Vol. 32, no. 1 (1943); no. 2 (1978); master copy and user copy Notes: sta Related Issue Record: # [ 1 ] Title Long Dates

Priroda. Dec 1980. (12) 1980-12

Original language: Russian ** ** Database Name:Article Citation Database Search Request: Keyword Anywhere = IND92030958 Search Results: Displaying 1 of 1 entries

Assessment of biotechnological destruction of anionic surface-active...

Title: Assessment of biotechnological destruction of anionic surface-active substances using biotesting. Author(s): Ostroumov, S.A.

Samoilenko, L.S. Found In: p. 72-76. Moscow University biological sciences bulletin. Moscow Univ Biol Sci Bull 1990. v. 45 (3)

Location: Call Number:

Current Licensed Electronic Resource QH301.M6

Status: No information available Cancellation Notice: None

Location: Call Number:

Stacks QH301.M6

Status: Available Cancellation Notice: Holdings: None

vol. 29, no. 1 - vol. 65, no. 4 (1974 - 2010)

Holdings Notes:Missing: Vol 43 #3 1988;v. 53 #3, 1998;v. 55 #4, 2000 Notes: STA/STA Related Issue Record: # [ 1 ] Title Long Dates

Moscow University biological sciences bulletin. 1990. v. 45 (3) 1990

English Translation from original language, Russian **

** Database Name:Article Citation Database Search Request: Keyword Anywhere = IND79078328 Search Results: Displaying 1 of 1 entries

Origin of eukaryotic cell and energy-transforming organelles.


Origin of eukaryotic cell and energy-transforming organelles. Ostroumov, S.A. Zhurnal obshchei biologii. Zh Obshch Biol Mar/Apr 1979. v. 40 (2)

Author(s): Found In: p. 202-208.

Location: Call Number:

Stacks 442.8 Z6

Status: Available Cancellation Notice: Holdings: None

vol. 36 - vol. 59 (1975 - 1998)

vol. 60, no. 4-6 (1999) vol. 61, no. 1 - vol. 63, no. 6 (2000 - 2002) vol. 64, no. 1-3,5-6 (2003) vol. 66, no. 1-3 (2004) Holdings Notes:MISSING: Vol 39 #6; 44 #1,5; 45 #1,5; 48 #1-6; 49 #4-5; 55 #1; 56 #4 Notes: STA

Location: Call Number:

Stacks 442.8 Z6

Status: No information available Cancellation Notice: Holdings: None

vol. 49, no. 1-6

Related Issue Record: # [ 1 ] Title Long Dates 1979-03

Zhurnal obshchei biologii Mar/Apr 1979. v. 40 (2)

Original language: Russian **


More examples of institutions which acquired the publications

(including books) of this author in their libraries:

Harvard University:

** **




Citation in the U.S.A.:

** U.S.A., U.K. cited Moscow University research results.

American, British scientists cited Moscow University publications.

Environmental Science.

** U.S.A.: A new citation of a Russian ecologist (Moscow University) ** ** U.S.A., Syracuse University. Citation of a Moscow University paper. ** U.S. EPA database: research results of Moscow University: **

Independent evaluations, evidence of merit, success, achievement, and recognition: posts, sites, materials available online: works on Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences; summary of innovations in the publications authored by a Fulbright Awardee at Moscow University; World-wide and international citing of the publications in USA, Canada, Germany, France, UK, other countries: **

citation of publications authored by Dr. S.A. O., examples, citation in USA, Germany, France, Switzerland, etc. **

Other examples of publications of this author:

** Environment, ecology: 18 innovations, other files online. Innovative conceptualization: ecosystems; water quality et al. **18 KEY INNOVATIONS: Dramatic, exciting, startling, revolutionary DISCOVERIES: ecology, environmental sciences, biology. ** 41 articles on #environmental_sciences, #citation in U.S.A., France, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, other countries; ** 31 Top Springer Publications selected bibliography: #life_science #ecology #environmental_science Articles. ** 31 selected References, #environmental_science #innovations #environment #ecology #ecosystem #water #science ** 25 Number-one priority papers. Environmental safety, Ecology. **

22nd January Dr Green : new methods for biotesting toxicology discoveries new hazard assessment aqua-farming water quality improvement INNOVATIONS nanomaterials

4 JAN 22 132,000 reads of these and other related materials: innovations, discoveries, environment, ecology, conservation, 132,000 reads of these and other related materials on innovations, discoveries: environment, ecology, conservation; discoveries of a Moscow University ecologist, biologist, Dr S. Ostroumov: ** Citation World-wide more than 600 papers, institut... 05 2012 ., 1 271 31 Top Springer Publications (selected bibliograph... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 202 fundamental principles, key roles: biodiversity of... 18 . 2012 ., 1 130 Innovative book on anthropogenic (man-made) impact... 01 2012 ., : 4 106

36 innovations, chemico-biotic interactions in bio... 15 . 2012 . 104 Recent web-sites: new and updated: 1500 words, 5 p... 23 . 2012 ., 1 94 , Hong Kong libraries bought the book Biologica... 30 2012 ., : 2 89 18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, envi... 01 . 2013 ., 1 88 World-wide and international citing of publication... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 88 Revolution, discoveries, 18 innovations in ecology... 05 2012 . 84 ** Most popular during the recent month: 31 Top Springer Publications (selected bibliograph... 22 . 2012 ., : 2 99 18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, envi... 01 . 2013 ., 1 88 International Water Association (IWA) cited the pu... 29 . 2012 ., 1 82

41 articles on environmental sciences, and citatio... 29 . 2012 ., : 2 72 Scientists of these institutions (worldwide, more ... 18 . 2012 ., : 3 58 31 selected References, environmental science inno... 23 . 2012 ., : 3 56 best publications, environmental science, ecology:... 02 . 2013 ., : 2 52 17 Results of interdisciplinary studies: ecology, ... 11 . 2013 ., : 3 50 Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Thalassiosira p... 10 . 2012 ., : 2 47 Revolution in ecology, water safety. improving wat... 06 . 2013 . 41

22nd January Dr Green : conservation discoveries ecology INNOVATIONS environment

1 JAN 21

These publications cited papers and books authored and coauthored by S. A. Ostroumov These publications cited papers and books authored and coauthored by S. A. Ostroumov

, ... ...These publications cited papers and books authored and coauthored by S.A.Ostroumov (updated July 20, 2010)

.., .., .., .. . . .: . 1994. - 334 .

Abakumov V.A. Development of some concepts and issues of ecology and hydrobiology. Ecol. Studies, Haz., Sol., 2006, v. 11, p. 34-38.

Abakumov V.A. Innovative approaches to remediation and restoration of polluted aquatic systems. Water: Technology and Ecology. 2007. No. 4. p. 69-73.

Abakumov V.A. New achievements in the studies of aquatic ecosystems and organisms: the concept of ecological repair. - Water: Technology and Ecology. 2007. No. 2. p.70-71.

Abakumov V.A. New advances in remediation and restoration of polluted aquatic systems. Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007, No. 2 (4), 98-100.

Abakumov V.A. New concept in the development of the theory of water self-purification: ecological repair. Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007, No. 2 (4), 45-46.

Aizdaicher N. A., Zh. V. Markina. Toxic effects of detergents on the alga Plagioselmis prolonga (Cryptophyta) // Russian Journal of Marine Biology [MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, distributed by Springer ISSN1063-0740 (Print) 1608-3377 (Online)] Vol. 32, No. 1. 2006. P. 45-49.

Ali, A.M.M. 2007. Water quality enhancement in Sloterbinnenpolder (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) by adopting ecological engineering approaches. M.Sc.Thesis EC 07.17. UNESCO-IHE (Institute for Water Education). 92 p.

Beacham W., C. J. Moseley. Beacham's Guide to Environmental Issues & Sources. Washington: Beacham Publishing, 1993. 3335 p. [ISBN: 0933833318].

Botirov E.X., A.A. Drenin, A.V. Makarova. Khimicheskoe issledovanie flavonoidov lekarstvennykh i pishchevykh rastenij. - Khimiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya. 2006. 1. p. 4548 *= .., .. , .. . . - . 2006. 1. . 4548].

Braginskij L.P., L.A. Sirenko. Vsestoronnij analiz toksikologicheskoj opasnosti poverxnostno - aktivnykh veshchestv dlya gidrobiontov. - Gidrobiologicheskij zhurnal. 2003, Vol. 39, 3, p. 115 - 118. *= .., .. . - . - . 2003, . 39, 3, . 115 118+. *Citing: " " (.: , 2001)+.

Brooks, B.W., Riley, T.M., Taylor, R.D. Water quality of effluent-dominated ecosystems: Ecotoxicological, hydrological, and management considerations. - Hydrobiologia, 2006, 556 (1), pp. 365-379.

Bussell, J. A., E. A. Gidman, D. R. Caustonb, D.Gwynn-Jones, S. K. Malham, M. L.M. Jones, B. Reynolds and R.Seed. Changes in the immune response and metabolic fingerprint of the mussel, Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus) in response to lowered salinity and physical stress .- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2008, Volume 358, Issue 1, Pages 78-85 [Citing: 2005 S.A. Ostroumov, Some aspects of water filtering ...][doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2008.01.018]

Carr G. M. Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health. United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Monitoring System/Water Programme. 2006. 122 p. (ISBN 92-95039-10-6). [Citing: On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. - Russian Journal of Ecology. 2005. 36: 452-459]. [http://www.gemswater.orghttp://www.gemstat.orgtel;]

Chatzinikolaou Y., Ioannou A., Lazaridou M. Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river. Desalination. 2010 (1 January) Volume 250, Issue 1, Pages 118-129.

Dafforn, K.A., Glasby, T.M., Johnston, E.L. Links between estuarine condition and spatial distributions of marine invaders // Diversity and Distributions 2009, v. 15 (5), pp. 807-821.

Danilov-Danilyan V. I., M. V. Bolgov, V. G. Dubinina, V. S. Kovalevskii, A. G. Kocharyan and N. M. Novikova. Assessment of admissible runoff withdrawals in small river basins: Methodological principles // Water Resources (MAIK Nauka/ Interperiodica, distributed by Springer). 2006, Vol. 33, No. 2. P.205218. (Original Russian Text: V.I. Danilov-Danilyan, M.V. Bolgov, V.G. Dubinina, V.S. Kovalevskii, A.G. Kocharyan, N.M. Novikova, 2006, published in Vodnye Resursy 2006, Vol. 33, No. 2, p. 224238).

Dobrovolsky G.V. About development of some concepts of the teaching on the biosphere (the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book 'Biosphere' by V.I.Vernadsky). Water: Technology and Ecology. 2007. No. 1, p. 63-68. [Citing the concepts and terms: ecological chemoregulators, ecological chemomediators, the biosphere as ecological-biochemical continuum; types of migration of the matter in the biosphere, including the stochastic, vectorial, cyclic, and acyclic types of migration].

Dobrovolsky G.V. On the 80th anniversary of the book 'The Biosphere' by V.I.Vernadsky. Developing some important parts of the teaching on the biosphere. Ecological Chemistry (Ekologicheskaya Khimiya). 2007, v.16(3), p.135143. [Citing the following concepts: ecological chemoregulators and ecological chemomediators, ecological-biochemical continuum of the biosphere, new definitions of ecosystem and biogenocoenosis, the new typology of migration of matter in the biosphere etc.].

Dobrovolsky G.V., G.S.Rozenberg, I.K. Toderas (Editors). Discovery of a New Type of Hazardous Anthropogenic Impact in Ecology of Animals and the Biosphere: Inhibition of the Filtration Activity of Bivalves by Surfactants. 2nd edition. Moscow. MAX Press. 2008. 108 p.

Dolgonosov B.M., Gubernatorova, T.N. A nonlinear model of contaminant transformations in an aquatic environment, 2005, Water Resources, 32 (3), pp. 291-304 [MAIK Nauka/ Interperiodica distributed by Springer. ISSN 0097-8078 (Print) 1608-344X (Online)+; Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 322336.

Dolgonosov B.M., Gubernatorova, T.N. Kinetics of the enzymatic decomposition of macromolecules with a fractal structure. - Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 41 (6), pp. 868-877.

Dyozhkin V.V, L.V.Popova, -Ekologicheskaya etika i biologicheskoe prirodopol'zovanie.- -Elektronnyj zhurnal BioDat. *= ., .., .- BioDat., 14 July 2008 *Citing: ..., ...+

Ermakov V. V., Tjutikov S.F. Geohimicheskaja ekologija zhivotnyh. M.: Nauka, 2008. *= . ., . . . .: , 2008+;

Fauvet, G., Claret, C., Marmonier, P. Influence of benthic and interstitial processes on nutrient changes along a regulated reach of a large river (Rhne River, France). -Hydrobiologia 2001, 445, pp. 121-131.

Fedorov V.D. Letter to the Editor. - Environment Ecology and Safety of Life Activity, 2007. No.5. p.86.

Fedorov V.D. The new in studying aquatic ecosystems. - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions" 2007, v. 12, p.112-113.

Ferk F., Misik M., Hoelzl C., Uhl M., Fuerhacker M., Grillitsch B., Parzefall W., Nersesyan A., Micieta K., Grummt T., Ehrlich V., Knasmller S. Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB), two common quaternary ammonium compounds, cause genotoxic effects in mammalian and plant cells at environmentally relevant concentrations // Mutagenesis. 2007 22(6): 363370.

Filippenko, V. N. Gravi- and chemotropisms of the primary maize roots when affected by lead and cadmium.- Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2001, Vol. 48; Part 1, p. 12-18. [Nauka/ Interperiodica Publishing, USA, ISSN 1021-4437] (translated from: Fiziologiia Rastenii).

Fisenko A. I. A new long-term on site clean-up approach applied to non-point sources of pollution // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2004, Vol. 156, No. 1-4, p. 1-27.

Fuchedzhi O. A., S. A. Konnova, A. S. Boiko, V. V. Ignatov. Rol' polisakharidov rdesta pronzennolistnogo v formirovanii ego bakterial'nogo okruzheniya. - Mikrobiologiya - 2008, Vol. 77, No. 1, P. 96-102. [MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" Russian Academy of Science].

Gaidin A. M. Formirovanie khimicheskogo sostava vody pri zatoplenii sernykh kar'erov. -Geoekologiya. Inzhenernaya geologiya. Gidrogeologiya.Geokriologiya - 2008, No. 2, P. 118-123.

Gifford, S., Dunstan, R.H., O'Connor, W., Koller, C.E., MacFarlane, G.R. Aquatic zooremediation: deploying animals to remediate contaminated aquatic environments. - 2007 Trends in Biotechnology 25 (2), pp. 60-65.

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Prof. Gusev .V. (Head of Department, and Dean, School of Biology, Moscow University) // Plant Physiology. V. 35. No. 2, p.412 - 413;

Prof. Dubinin N.P. (Full Member, Acad.Sci.) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci. Biological series). 1988, No. 1. p. 799 - 800;

Prof. B. Stugren. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology by S.A. Ostroumov // Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Biologia. 1987. No. 2. P. 96 97 (in English);

Dr. E. Symonides // Wiadomosci Ecologiczne, V. 33. No. 2. P. 199-201. (in Polish);

[On the book ] - J. General Biology (Moscow, in Russ.). 1989. V. 50. No. 3, p. 429.

. . , . " " . , ( . ), .;; 22.2.2010.

.. . // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.15, 44-46.

* + - . . (). 298 . :

Moldova: ;;


. .. . - .: - , 1986. - 176

. ( 121).

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; - 1988 - - ;

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Feromon: spravochnik; A Skirkeviius - 1988 - of Zoology and Parasitology of the

:( ); GV Dobrovolski, ED Nikitin, VA Kovda - 1990 ;

; *DOC+ - ; , . - , , . , , ...;

; - - , 1988 ;

- , 1989 ;

, ; , - . . 16, , 2005;

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- : Serratula coronata , , - , 2009 -; , (Serratula coronata) 20 , Spodoptera littoralis, ...

; ,; Page 1.

. .. ________2007. ...;

Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. ; , , - , 2007 -; () Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. , . ...

( ); , - . , 2006 - ; , . ...;

; , - , 1986 - - .;

ND- ; , , , - , 2007 -; 3, 6- NAD- Methylococcus capsulatus ( ). 10-6 10-2 Mg ...;

INTRODUCERE; ASP DE; ANALIZ -; Page 1. III Cuprins PREFA INTRODUCERE 1 Capitolul I. PROBLEME DE PROTECIE A MEDIULUI AMBIANT 5 1.1.Biosfera i originea vieii pe Pmnt 5 1.2.Echilibrul energetic i material al biosferei 9 1.3.Aciunea antropic asupra mediului ambiant 15 ...;

; , - , 2007 - ; . . ...;

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- . Geraniaceae ; , , , 2004 -

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Toderas I., Kriksunov E.A., Rozenberg G.S., Ermakov V. V. - Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Life Sciences). 2009. No.1 (307). P.180184. Bibliogr. 25 refs. ISSN 1857-064X. In English. Cited 19 publications by S.A.O.

About the publications Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology ( ; ) 2009. No.1 (9). 150-152.

Using the book Introduction to Biochemical Ecology in education, some examples:

Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), () Moscow, Russia;

Samara State University, . , Samara, Russia;

Irkutsk State University , . , Irkutsk, Russia;

Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala, . . Grodno, Belarus;

University of Georgia, Georgia;

Belarusian State University, . , Minsk, Belarus;

Krivorozhsky State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, , , Krivoi Rog, Ukraine;

Department of Physical and Chemical Biology and Biotechnology, Moscow Fizico-Technical Institute , - , , Moscow, Russia;

Voronezh, Lyceum number 4; courses for students in grade 9: Biochemical ecology , 4; 9 : , Voronezh, Russia;

The Polish edition of the book Introduction to Biochemical Ecology * Ostroumow S. A. Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej. (=Introduction to Biochemical Ecology) Warszawa: Wydaw. Naukowe PWN [= PWN Press], 1992. 205 pages; translated from Russian by Dr. J. Kurylowicz = t. z jz. ros. Jerzy Kuryowicz; Author: (Ostroumov S.A., Sergei, Sergey Ostroumov): ISBN-13: 9788301104542. ISBN-10: 8301104546]. is used in Polish universities . On the basis of this book, the new lecture course Biochemical Ecology, Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, and some others were created and introduced in the universities:

The Technical University of Lodz (Politechnika dzka);

The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce;

University of Wrocaw;

University in Bialymstok (Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku);

University in Opole (Wydzia Przyrodniczo Techniczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego);

Akademia im. Jana Dugosza, Instytut Chemii i Ochrony rodowiska, Czstochowa;

Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego, Warsaw;

(1986) (, ) , , , : ( 18.07.2010) .

(1986) ( ),; BA%D0%B8%D0%B5+%D1%85%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B0% D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8B&cd=15&hl=ru&ct=clnk ( 18.07.2010) .

The reference to the book:

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.. . // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.15, 44-46.

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- , ; , , - Bioindikatsiia , 1999 - ;

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, , - , 2009 -; , (Serratula coronata) 20 , Spodoptera littoralis, ..;

; . 2008. 3. . 200 210 .. , .. , .. , .. , 2008. 582.091:574.24. ;

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Toderas I., Kriksunov E.A., Rozenberg G.S., Ermakov V. V. - Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Life Sciences). 2009. No.1 (307). P.180184. Bibliogr. 25 refs. ISSN 1857-064X. In English. Cited 19 publications by S.A.O.

About the publications Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology ( ; ) 2009. No.1 (9). 150-152.

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Azbest, dziki swoim waciwociom izolacyjnym, od niepamitnych czasw suy jako materia

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lub nie- zniszczalny *14, 16, 17+. W czasach staroytnych uywano go do wyrobu knotw ...;


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Hartshorn G. S. A Russian "Silent Spring".- BioScience, 1992, Vol. 42, No. 7, p. 559-560. *BioScience is published by: American Institute of Biological Sciences+ *on the book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects by A. V. Yablokov; S. A. Ostroumov+. *Gary S. Hartshorn, World Wildlife Fund Washington, DC 20037];

Book review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems Trends and Prospects, by A. V. Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. - Biological Conservation. 1993, Vol. 63, Issue 3, P. 271 [doi:10.1016/00063207(93)90728-J];

Dokumentation Natur und Landschaft (DNL) (Germany), 32 (1992) 1 (in German);

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A new long-term on site clean-up approach applied to non-point sources of pollution

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Abstract. A new long-term approach to the cleaning-up of streams directly on site is

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CLIMATE CHANGE, AGRICULTURE AND WETLANDS IN EASTERN EUROPE: VULNERABILITY, ADAPTATION AND POLICY. O GROZEV, C ROSENZWEIG - Climatic Change, 36, 1997 -; Abstract. Naturally-occurring wetlands perform such functions as flood control, pollution filtration, nutrient recycling, sediment accretion, groundwater recharge and water supply, erosion control, and plant and wildlife preservation. A large concentration of wetlands is located in ...

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.. . // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.15, 44-46.

Toderas I., Kriksunov E.A., Rozenberg G.S., Ermakov V. V. - Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Life Sciences). 2009. No.1 (307). P.180184. Bibliogr. 25 refs. ISSN 1857-064X. In English. Cited 19 publications by S.A.O.

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Cited the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms. MAX Press, Moscow. 2001. 334 p., fig, tab. Bibliogr.: pp. 264-304 (716 refs.) ISBN 5-317-00323-7.

Prof. Yakovlev S.V. (Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences) // Vestnik of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. v.72, No.11, p. 1038-1039. [Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov, Biologicheskie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organismy (The Impact of Surface Active Substances upon the Organisms: The Biological Effects). Author of the review: Academician, Prof. S.V.Yakovlev (Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, VODGEO Institute)].

Prof. Vasiliev .F. (Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences) // Vestnik of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2002, v.2, No.3, p. 65.

Prof. Braginsky L.P., Sirenko L.A. // Hydrobiological Journal. 2003, v. 39, No. 3, p. 115-118.

Prof. Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences) // Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii (Advances of Modern Biology). 2003. No. 6. p. 618-619.

.. ( ), .. , . // . . (Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii; ISSN 1857-064X) 2007, 2 (302), . 169-172.

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About the publications Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology ( ; ) 2009. No.1 (9). 150-152.

Markina Zh. V. Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) // Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2010, Volume 36, Number 3, .191-194. (in Eng.) : Maximov, VN, Nagel, H., Kovaleva, TN, and Ostroumov, SA, Biological Testing of Waters Contaminated with Sulphonol, Vodnye resursy, 1988, no. 1, pp. ...;

Ostroumov, SA, Biological Effect of Surfactants, Boca Raton; London: CRC Press; Taylor and Francis, 2006, 279 p.; .. (Ostroumov, SA), 2001.

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* - +: . . .: . 2005. VI + 36 c. ... 2,25. -. .. , . .. , . .. . .: : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) ; 6) ; 7) ; 8) Environmental Problems and Sustainability: New Course and Curriculum ( ). (2006).

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Longo C., G. Corriero, M. Licciano, L. Stabili. Bacterial accumulation by the Demospongiae Hymeniacidon perlevis: A tool for the bioremediation of polluted seawater. - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2010 (in press). cited: [Ostroumov, 2005], [Ostroumov and Widdows, 2006];

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, (S. A. Ostroumov, New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis Doklady Biological Sciences 383 (2002): 141143. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 383, no. 4 (2002): 571573),

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Community Resilience: A function of resources and adaptability. WHITE PAPER

Patricia H. Longstaff, Nicholas J. Armstrong, Keli A. Perrin, Whitney May Parker, Matthew Hidek


.. // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.15, p.36-37.

.. . // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.15, p.70-71.

Toderas I., Kriksunov E.A., Rozenberg G., Ermakov V. V. Scientific activity of S.A.Ostroumov, Doctor in Biology. - Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Life Sciences = . ). 2009. No.1 (307). P.180-184. Bibliogr. 25 refs. ISSN 1857-064X. In English. Cited 19 publications by S.A.O.

.. . .: : - (. .. , .. , .. ). : -, 2008, 108 p., ISBN 978-5-317-02370-6. // . 2009. .79. No.8. .749-750. [ = Fedonkin M.A. Review of the book: Discovery of a New Type of Hazardous Anthropogenic Impact in Ecology of Animals and the Biosphere: Inhibition of the Filtration Activity of Bivalves by Surfactants. Editors G.V. Dobrovolsky, G.S.Rozenberg, I.K. Toderas. 2nd edition. Moscow. MAX Press. 2008. 108 p. ISBN 978-5-317-02370-6 // Vestnik RAN. 2009. v.79. No.8. p.749-750].

.. // . 2010, 1, .29 - 40. .: ... , 2001,.381: 709-712.

.. . ( ) . 2007. 186 . . ISBN 978-5-903709-01-4.

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.. (.-. ) // , 2008, 3 (7) , .155-156. . 12 . * 10 ... .. - . +.

.. (.-. ) // : . 2009. 1. . 7274. * , . Elodea canadensis Mchk., Potamogeton crispus L., Najas guadelupensis L., Fontinalis antipyretica L., Salvinia natans L., Salvinia auriculata Aubl.+ : , , , , - , , Elodea canadensis, Potamogeton crispus, Najas guadelupensis, Fontinalis antipyretica, Salvinia natans, Salvinia auriculata].

Markina Zh. V. Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) // Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2010, Volume 36, Number 3, .191-194. (in Eng.) : Maximov, VN, Nagel, H., Kovaleva, TN, and Ostroumov, SA, Biological Testing of Waters Contaminated with Sulphonol, Vodnye resursy, 1988, no. 1, pp. ...; Ostroumov, SA, Biological Effect of Surfactants, Boca Raton; London: CRC Press; Taylor and Francis, 2006, 279 p.; .. (Ostroumov, SA), 2001.

... .

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17.72010; .: ..

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. 2005. . 168-172.

.. . . 2007.

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Examples of publications that cited the paper: Biological filtering and ecological machinery for selfpurification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view.

S.A. Ostroumov - Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum, 1998:

Influence of benthic and interstitial processes on nutrient changes along a regulated reach of a large river (Rhone River, France);

G. Fauvet, C. Claret, P. Marmonier - Hydrobiologia, 2001 Springer;

Guillaume Fauvet1, , Ccile Claret2 & Pierre Marmonier3 1Universit de Savoie, GRETI,

F-73376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France E-mail: 2Department of

Limnology, EAWAG/ETH, berlandstr. 133, CH-8600 Dbendorf, Switzerland 3Universit ...;

Reduction of fecal coliform levels in two created wetlands at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park;

T.D. Hinds Jr, R.R. Brown, E.H. Burns Jr - 2004 -

Terry D. Hinds, Jr., Rachel R. Brown, and Eugene H. Burns, Jr.* ... Department of Natural

Sciences, Shawnee State University, Portsmouth OH 45662 ...

*Corresponding author Eugene H. Burns, Jr., Dept. of Natural Sciences, Shawnee State ... [PDF]

Examples of publications that cited the paper: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders; S.A. Ostroumov - Hydrobiologia, 2005 - Springer ; see: [DOC]:

Caryn C. Vaughn, S. Jerrine Nichols, Daniel E. Spooner (2008) Community and foodweb ecology of freshwater mussels. Journal of the North American Benthological Society: Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 409-423.

Caryn C. Vaughn 1a, S. Jerrine Nichols 2b, and Daniel E. Spooner 3c

a Oklahoma Biological Survey, Department of Zoology, and Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 USA;

b US Geological Survey, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 USA;

c Oklahoma Biological Survey and Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 USA;

Diversity and Distributions (A Journal of Conservation Biogeography);

Volume 15 Issue 5, Pages 807 821;

Links between estuarine condition and spatial distributions of marine invaders.

Katherine A. Dafforn 1*, Tim M. Glasby 2 and Emma L. Johnston 1

1 Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia ; 2 New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Port Stephens Fisheries Centre, Locked Bag 1, Nelson Bay, NSW 2315, Australia;

Correspondence to *Katherine A. Dafforn, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.


Margherita Licciano, Antonio Terlizzi, Adriana Giangrande, Rosa Anna

Cavallo, Loredana Stabili. Filter-feeder macroinvertebrates as key players in culturable bacteria biodiversity control: a case of study with Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae). -

Marine Environmental Research. Volume 64, Issue 4, October 2007, Pages 504-513;

DOI : 10.1016/j.marenvres.2007.04.004; df;

Improving Lagoon Water Quality through Mussel Stock Enhancement: A Case Study of the UCSB Campus Lagoon.

A. Griffin, D. Klaus, A. Pappas - Restoration Ecology, 2006 -; see: [DOC] 21st January Dr Green : .. S.A.Ostroumov citation

0 Add a comment JAN 21 Citation. Shortlist of some of papers that cited Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow State University), Fulbright Award winner **

Citation. Shortlist of some of papers that cited Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University), Fulbright Award winner; Some references are given with fragments of abstracts; Internet service: Academic ; by March 23, 2012; D:\ \Cited my publications\Shortlist of some of papers that cited Dr.docx Pictures of covers of some of the journals that cited his publications see at:

Citations (examples): Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functionsA problem oriented conceptual approach Christine Poulard, Michel Lafont, Anna Lenar-Matyas, Marta apuszek (France, Poland) We formulated five proposals to improve specifications of flood hazard reduction projects and five proposals to preserve the river ecosystem functions, based on literature and authors experience. Starting from these, we established a conceptual approach using the notion of riverscape, with related function richness and bioassessment tools. We defined four riverscape types based on the gradient of artificialness, from type ... Journal: Ecological Engineering - ECOL ENG , vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 69-77, 2010 **

Paralytic shellfish toxin concentration and cell density changes in Pyrodinium bahamense Noctiluca scintillans feeding experiments Rhodora V. Azanza, Lourdes J. Cruz, Flerida A. Cario, Alelea G. Blanco, Vito M. Butardo Jr. University of the Philippines Diliman For the first time the potential of Noctiluca scintillans, a non-toxic mixotrophic dinoflagellate, in bioconverting and/or excreting saxitoxin has been illustrated, thus contributing to the limited knowledge on the aspects of toxin pathways in the food chain/web and predator-prey preferences. Noctiluca growth rate increased with higher Pyrodinium concentration but the ratio of Noctiluca to Pyrodinium should ... Cited: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying... Journal: Toxicon , vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1017-1023, 2010 **

Bacterial accumulation by the Demospongiae Hymeniacidon perlevis: A tool for the bioremediation of polluted seawater C. Longo, G. Corriero, M. Licciano, L. Stabili Sponges can filter large amounts of water, which exerts an important grazing impact on free bacteria, an important component of the diet of sponges. We examined the accumulation of bacteria in the Demospongiae (Hymeniacidon perlevis). Analyses were performed on homogenates from unstarved and starved sponges in seawater from their sampling site (the Ionian Sea). Culturable heterotrophic bacteria (22C), total culturable ... Journal: Marine Pollution Bulletin - MAR POLLUT BULL , vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 1182-1187, 2010 ** First insights into the biochemistry of Sabella spallanzanii (Annelida: Polychaeta) mucus: a potentially unexplored resource for applicative purposes Loredana Stabili, Roberto Schirosi, Angela Di Benedetto, Alessandro Merendino, Luciano Villanova, Adriana Giangrande Journal: Journal of The Marine Biological Association of The United Kingdom - J MAR BIOL ASSN UK , vol. 90, no. 05, pp. 1-10, 2010 ** Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river Yorgos Chatzinikolaou, Alexis Ioannou, Maria Lazaridou In order to find the segments of Pinios River which lack the retention capacity of the BOD and nutrient input, the difference of the estimated input and output pollution loads was compared at upstream and

downstream clustered areas of a total of 73 segments. Catchment areas ranged from 1 to 11,300km2. Emissions were always higher than the actual transport, ... Journal: Desalination , vol. 250, no. 1, pp. 118-129, 2010 ** Bioremediation of bacteria in aquaculture waste using the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii Loredana Stabili, Roberto Schirosi, Margherita Licciano, Emanuela Mola, Adriana Giangrande Journal: New Biotechnology , vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 774-781, 2010 ** Effects of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate and sodium dodecyl sulfate on the Mytilus galloprovincialis biomarker system Bo Liu, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song, Fei Yang The effects of in vivo exposure of Mytilus galloprovincialis to two anionic surfactants (SDBS and SDS) on the molecular biomarker system were studied. After continuous exposure for 72 days, activities/levels of GST, GPx and GSH were significantly higher than in corresponding control groups following exposure to 3.000mg/L SDS and SDBS. Activities of SOD and CAT were significantly ... Journal: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety - ECOTOXICOL ENVIRON SAFETY , vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 835-841, 2010 ** Impact of Dam Construction on Water Quality and Water Self-Purification Capacity of the Lancang River, China GuoLiang Wei, ZhiFeng Yang, BaoShan Cui, Bing Li, He Chen, JunHong Bai, ShiKui Dong Along with the sequent completion of Manwan and Dachaoshan Dam, the river continuum of the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River was separated into three types of segments: reservoir, belowdam segment and downstream flowing segment. The long-term series of water quality and river flow data over 20 years were analyzed in order to study the impact of ... Journal: Water Resources Management - WATER RESOUR MANAG , vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1763-1780, 2009 ** Estimation of critical nutrient amounts based on inputoutput analysis in an agriculture watershed of eastern China

DingJiang Chen, Jun Lu, YeNa Shen, Randy A. Dahlgren, ShuQuan Jin The concept of critical nutrient amounts (CNA) for a watershed was developed to address eutrophication in surface waters from diffuse (non-point) source pollution. CNA is defined as the maximum allowable applied or generated amount (AGA) of a nutrient from natural and human sources

that can be emitted and still allow compliance with water quality standards. The CNA calculation method ... Journal: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment - AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON , vol. 134, no. 3, pp. 159-167, 2009 ** Links between estuarine condition and spatial distributions of marine invaders

Katherine A. Dafforn, Tim M. Glasby, Emma L. Johnston Journal: Diversity and Distributions - DIVERS DISTRIB , vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 807-821, 2009 ** Artificial neural network modelling of concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in a non-point source polluted river in Zhejiang Province, southeast China

Dingjiang Chen, Jun Lu, Yena Shen Journal: Hydrological Processes - HYDROL PROCESS , pp. n/a-n/a, 2009 ** Assessment of ecosystem health of tropical shallow waterbodies in eastern India using turbulence model

N. R. Samal, A. Mazumdar, K. D. Johnk, F. Peeters (Germany, India) In the present study, a numerical model of the hydrodynamic and thermal structure of artificial shallow lakes in eastern India has been developed as a tool to assess the ecological water quality, driven by the meteorological forcings. Tt allows quantification of the vertical mixing processes that govern not only the thermal structure but also nutrient exchanges and the distribution of ... Journal: Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management , vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 215-225, 2009 ** Community and foodweb ecology of freshwater mussels

Caryn C. Vaughn, S. Jerrine Nichols, Daniel E. Spooner (U.S.A.) Freshwater mussel (Superfamily Unionoidea) communities are important components of food webs, and they link and influence multiple trophic levels. Mussels filter food from both the water column and sediment with ciliated gills. Differences in cilia structure and arrangement might allow mussel species to

partition food resources. Mussels are omnivores that feed across trophic levels on bacteria, algae, detritus, zooplankton, and ... Journal: Journal of The North American Benthological Society - J N AMER BENTHOL SOC , vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 409-423, 2008 ** Evaluation of microbiological accumulation capability of the commercial sponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae)

Loredana Stabili, Margherita Licciano, Caterina Longo, Giuseppe Corriero, Maria Mercurio (Italy) This study was carried out to evaluate the microbiological accumulation capability of the demosponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica. Six microbiological parameters were researched in two sampling periods in the water and in reared sponge samples coming from sites with different degrees of microbial contamination: an off-shore fish farm displaced off the Apulian coast (Southern Adriatic Sea) and a no-... Journal: Water Research - WATER RES , vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 2499-2506, 2008 ** Filter-feeder macroinvertebrates as key players in culturable bacteria biodiversity control: A case of study with Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae)

Margherita Licciano, Antonio Terlizzi, Adriana Giangrande, Rosa Anna Cavallo, Loredana Stabili (Italy) The present study investigates the effect of the filtering activity of Sabella spallanzanii on the culturable heterotrophic bacterial community through the comparison of the bacterial diversity in transplanted polychaetes and the surrounding seawater. For isolation of culturable heterotrophic bacteria, seawater samples as well as polychaete homogenates were plated in triplicates onto Bacto Marine Agar 2216 (Difco). All the colonies grown ... Journal: Marine Environmental Research - MAR ENVIRON RES , vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 504-513, 2007 ** Kinetics of the enzymatic decomposition of macromolecules with a fractal structure

B. M. Dolgonosov, T. N. Gubernatorova Mechanisms of enzymatic decomposition of an organic substance consisting of fractal macromolecules of different sizes are studied. A kinetic decomposition equation in which the reaction rate coefficient depends on the characteristic of the fractal structure is formulated. The solution for a fraction of macromolecules of the same size and for a mixture of macromolecules of different sizes is analyzed. It ...

Journal: Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering - THEOR FOUND CHEM ENGINEERING , vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 868-877, 2007 ** Aquatic zooremediation: deploying animals to remediate contaminated aquatic environments

Scott Gifford, R. Hugh Dunstan, Wayne OConnor, Claudia E. Koller, Geoff R. MacFarlane Journal: Trends in Biotechnology - TRENDS BIOTECH , vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 60-65, 2007 ** Benzo[ a]pyrene up-regulates the expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and multixenobiotic resistance polyglycoprotein (P-gp) in Baltic Sea blue mussels ( Mytilus edulis L.)

Andreas Prevodnik, Karl Lilja, Tomas Bollner The expression of protein biomarkers in Baltic Sea blue mussels was analyzed after three days exposure to low (2.8 g/animal/day), intermediate (28 g/animal/day), or high (280 g/animal/day) nominal doses of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Significant expression changes were found in the animals exposed to the low dose, the lowest reported dose for DNA adduct formation in ... Journal: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-toxicology & Pharmacology - COMP BIOCHEM PHYSIOL PT C , vol. 145, no. 2, pp. 265-274, 2007

** Brooks B.W., Riley T.M., Taylor R.D. Water Quality of Effluent-dominated Ecosystems: Ecotoxicological, Hydrological, and Management Considerations // Hydrobiologia , vol. 556, no. 1, pp. 365-379, 2006. More detail:

Water Quality of Effluent-dominated Ecosystems: Ecotoxicological, Hydrological, and Management Considerations

Bryan W. Brooks, Timothy M. Riley, Ritchie D. Taylor (U.S.A.) In arid and semi-arid regions of the southwestern United States and other parts of the world, flows of historically ephemeral streams are now perennially dominated by municipal and/or industrial effluent discharges, particularly in urbanized watersheds. Because effluent-dominated and dependent water

bodies have previously received limited scientific study, we reviewed select contemporary topics associated with water quality of ... Journal: Hydrobiologia , vol. 556, no. 1, pp. 365-379, 2006 ** Filtering activity of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) on bacterioplankton: Implications for bioremediation of polluted seawater

Loredana Stabili, Margherita Licciano, Adriana Giangrande, Caterina Longo, Maria Mercurio, Carlotta Nonnis Marzano, Giuseppe Corriero (Italy) A study on the filtering activity has been carried out on reared specimens of the demosponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica coming from an off-shore farm displaced off the Apulian coast (Ionian Sea). The experience was carried out under laboratory conditions, by using natural seawater collected from the sponge environment. The study demonstrates a high efficiency of the sponge in ... Journal: Water Research - WATER RES , vol. 40, no. 16, pp. 3083-3090, 2006 ** Estimation of the natural purification rate of a eutrophic lake after pollutant removal

Jian-Guo Jiang, Yun-Fen Shen Pollution resulting from increased human activities is threatening Lake Donghu, its effects being characterized by serious eutrophication. A steady increase of phosphorus loading is the most important factor of the lake eutrophication. Pollution external control projects are being implemented and will be accomplished before the year 2010. In order to predict the restoration rate by the lake's self-purification ... Journal: Ecological Engineering - ECOL ENG , vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 166-173, 2006 ** Studies on the biofiltration capacity of Gracilariopsis longissima: From microscale to macroscale

Ignacio Hernndez, Abraham Prez-Pastor, Juan J. Vergara, J. Francisco Martnez-Aragn, M. ngeles Fernndez-Engo, J. Lucas Prez-Llorns (Spain)

The potential of the red agarophyte Gracilariopsis longissima (red alga) as biofilter for phosphate and ammonium in effluents outflowing intensive marine fish cultures was assessed at different scales. Previous studies showed that both laboratory (microscale level) and outdoor cultivation (mesoscale

level) were feasible, with a maximum sustainable yield of 270 g fresh wt m2 day1 approximately, at a biomass higher than that ... Journal: Aquaculture , vol. 252, no. 1, pp. 43-53, 2006 ** Aquatic zooremediation: deploying animals to remediate contaminated aquatic environments

Scott Gifford, R. Hugh Dunstan, Wayne O'Connor, Claudia E. Koller, Geoff R. MacFarlane Published in 2006. ** Integrated outdoor culture of two estuarine macroalgae as biofilters for dissolved nutrients from Sparus auratus waste waters Ignacio Hernndez, M. Angeles Fernndez-Engo, J. Lucas Prez-Llorns, Juan J. Vergara An integrated outdoor cultivation of two macroalgal species: Ulva rotundata (Chlorophyta) and Gracilariopsis longissima (Rhodophyta) was designed. The macroalgae were cultured in effluents from an intensive marine culture (growout phase) of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata. The biomass evolution of the algal tanks followed a logistic curve, where the approach to the maximum stocking density of seaweeds was governed by thalli ... Journal: Journal of Applied Phycology - J APPL PHYCOL , vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 557-567, 2005; ** Ecological drivers of the Ediacaran-Cambrian diversification of Metazoa Douglas H. Erwin, Sarah Tweedt (U.S.A.) Organismal modifications to their physical and chemical environment play a significant role in structuring many modern ecosystems, and experimental evidence suggests that such behavior can increase diversity. Despite the important role such activities play in connecting ecology and evolution, less is known of the macroevolutionary impact of such influences, especially their role during major evolutionary transitions. The Ediacaran-Cambrian diversification ... ** Effects of Contamination by Heavy Metals and Eutrophication on Zooplankton, and Their Possible Effects on the Trophic Webs of Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystems Ana Mara Gagneten (Argentina) In this chapter, the combined effects of eutrophication and of heavy metal contamination on the zooplankton community of a freshwater ecosystem are analyzed. Through biomonitoring, it was possible to study zooplanktonic attributes as indicators of environmental stress: species richness,

species diversity, equity, and biomass. These attributes allowed the detection of structural and functional changes. There was an inverse relationship between ... ** J. Beltran-Heredia, J. Sanchez-Martn, C. Gomez-Munoz. (University of Extremadura, 06071 Badajoz, Spain) Performance and characterization of a new tannin-based coagulant. Journal (open access): Applied Water Science, 2012. This article of Spanish scientists cited the book: S.A. Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants. ** Cited the book Biological Effects of Surfactants: ** M.B. Yagci, S. Bolca, J.P.A. Heuts, W. Ming, G. de With. Self-stratifying antimicrobial polyurethane coatings. - Progress in Organic Coatings. 2011. In press;doi:10.1016/j.porgcoat.2011.04.021. M.B. Yagci a, S. Bolca b, J.P.A. Heuts c, W. Ming a, G. de With a,a Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology,5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands; b Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMET), Faculty of BioscienceEngineering, Ghent University, B9000, Ghent, Belgium;c Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MBEindhoven, The Netherlands;; ** J. Snchez-Martn, J. Beltrn-Heredia, P. Gibello-Prez. Adsorbent biopolymers from tannin extracts for water treatment. - Chemical Engineering Journal, 168 (2011) 1241-1247. journal homepage:; Department of Chemical Engineering and Physical Chemistry, University of Extremadura, Avda. de Elvas, s/n, 06071, Badajoz, Spain;

** F. Ferk, M. Misk1, C. Hoelzl, M. Uhl2, M. Fuerhacker3, B. Grillitsch4, W. Parzefall, A. Nersesyan, K. Micieta1, T. Grummt5, V. Ehrlich and S. Knasmller*; - Author Affiliations: Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria;1Department of Botany, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia;2Federal Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria;3University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria;4University of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Vienna, Austria;5German Environmental Protection Agency, Bad Elster, Germany;The Biologist (Lima, Peru) 2010, 8:43-53. ISSN 1816-0719. **

EFECTO DE UNDETERGENTE BIODEGRADABLE EN AGUA EN LA REPRODUCCIN DE DAPHNIA MAGNA [=EFFECT OF A BIODEGRADABLE DETERGENT IN WATER ON DAPHNIA MAGNA REPRODUCTION] Castiglioni, M.1,2 & Collins, P.1,2; 1 Escuela Superior de Sanidad- FBCB- UNL. Cuidad Universitaria Pje El Pozo s/n, 3000 Santa Fe , Argentina. 2Instituto Nacional de Limnologa- CONICET-UNL. Cuidad Universitaria Pje El Pozo s/n, 3000Santa Fe, Argentina. ** J. Saudi Chem. Soc., Vol. 12, No. 4; pp. 489-514 (2008); SURFACTANTS PART 1: OVERVIEW ON THEIR PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. Hamad A. Al-Lohedan* and Fawzia F.Al-Blewi Department of Chemistry, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh-11451, SaudiArabia; ** Wilcoxon, J. P. and Abrams, B. L. 2010. Nanosized Photocatalysts in Environmental Remediation. Nanotechnology. 51124. Wilcoxon, J. P.1 and Abrams, B. L. 2 Author Information:1 University of Birmingham, Nanophysics Research Laboratory, Birmingham, UnitedKingdom;2 Danish Technical University, Department of Physics Nano DTU Center for Integrated Nanoparticle Functionality (CINF), Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; Publisher: Wiley-VCH; Published Online: 15 JUL 2010; DOI: 10.1002/9783527628155.nanotech012; Copyright 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

** Chem Rev. (Chemical Reviews) 2011; 111(9): 5667-5700. Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges. Olkowska E, Polkowska Z., Namiesnik J. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland.; ** List of more than 300 institutions worldwide, the scientists of which cited the publications of Dr. S.A.O.:; Other examples of international citation of publications of Dr. S.A.O.:;

** More about this author: The key sites organized according to the six sections:

1. AWARDS, HONORS: Awards, Certification of quality of scientific results of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: diplomas, certificates, medals:;

2. DISCOVERIES: **EXAMPLES OF The key discoveries and innovations that were made by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, and the scientific questions that were answered in his publications:; **Discoveries (the data are presented as a table): ** list of sites in various languages; list of one-line titles of INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, environmental sciences, biology.

3. PUBLICATIONS: **Annotated English bibliography: In the form of a list; Environmental Science, Ecology. Dr. S.O. with comments:; ** Key annotated bibliography on the most important issues of ecology, environment (the innovations) with short comments on what is new, in the form of a simple table, which is easy to read and understand and use:; **Annotated bibliography in several languages, including: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Nederlandse, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Moldovan, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian:; **Most cited publications: **Most viewed materials: ** Key papers: ** This book was acquired by the key world libraries cover picture, abstract, list of the reviews of the books (favorable): **

More bibliography:; Bibliography of Dr. S.A.O. At the service: 136 results; Bibliography of Dr. S.A.O. According to Internet service; Bibliography. Publications of Dr. S.A. O.: Preview of first 2 pages. The list of publications according to the Internet service; Preview of the first pages (page 1 and page 2) of each publication is available free at:; This is a list of some of the publications authored, co-authored by Dr. S.A. O. according to the internet service AuthorMapper,; Bibliography. HathiTrust Digital Library. Books authored, coauthored by Dr. S.A.O.: HathiTrust Digital Library is a digital preservation repository and highly functional access platform. It provides long-term preservation and access services; Papers of Russian scientists (Moscow State University) cited in Australia (examples).; Gabriel, Gateway to Europe's National Libraries. Books and some other publications by Dr. S. O.: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Iceland, Italy, Serbia, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, UK

Pictures of the covers of the Books authored and co-authored by Dr. S. O.:; Publications indexed: Web of Science:; At Academic:; Table in Russian: various sites with bibliography of scientific publications of Dr. S.A.O.;

4. CITATION & INDEXING: ** Scholars of these over 300 institutions (worldwide) have cited the publications (biology, ecology, environment) authored by Dr. Sergei A. O.:; **Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Biology, updated; Citation of Dr. S.A. O.s works in the U.S.A. **World-wide citing Dr. S.O.:; **In Russian:; Citation of the books in Russian ( ; ) .

** Citation. The book 'Biological Effects of Surfactants' was cited by scientists of Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland and other countries: ** Publications indexed: Web of Science.;

5. COMMENTS, EVALUATIONS, REVIEWS: **Evidence of merit:; **Reviews, evaluations of the publications of Dr. S.A. O. Diplomas, certificates. Language: English:; **Reviews, evaluations; language: mainly Russian:;

6. AVAILABILITY IN LIBRARIES WORLDWIDE: **Books, other works in University of California, other U.S. and key world schools:; **The U.S.A., Harvard University, and some other institutions:; **The U.S.A., Library of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):; **COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE: Availability of the books authored by Dr. S.A.O.: The libraries of a number of countries worldwide acquired the books, have the publications (ecology, environment, biology) by Dr. S. O.: Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences in the libraries of Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Africa: Denmark, USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, Japan, China, Korea, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and others:; **Papers available in U.S. libraries. Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Aquatic Sciences, Biology. Authored, co-authored by Dr. S.A.O.:; ** Publications (books, papers) available in U.S. Library: National Agricultural Library (NAL) of USDA. In Catalog: Agricola;


**Some of Dr. S. O.s scientific results were used in lectures delivered to university students in the U.S.A., Germany, Netherlands, and other countries. More detail on how Dr. S. O.s publications are being used to modernize education: **;

Key words: Citation, citing, ecosystem health, environmental safety, ecosystem services, water quality, hazard assessment, pollution control, sustainability, aquatic, marine, freshwater, ecology, environmental sciences, self-purification, water, purification, biological, surface active agents, toxicology, fundamentals, new technology, Russia, Moscow State University,

** 21st January Dr Green : sustainability pollution control ecosystem services aquatic freshwater ecology Citing environmental safety hazard assessment water quality marine citation ecosystem health

2 JAN 20 contributions to fundamental, applied issues of ecology including aquatic ecology and ecology of water quality

Contributions to fundamental and applied issues of ecology including aquatic ecology, and ecology of water quality. Full texts of innovative papers of Dr. S. Ostroumov, Fulbright Awardee, online. Concise comments: what is new. Citation in 60 countries: ** Ostroumov S. A. Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 80, No. 13, pp. 27542761.;; DOI: 10.1134/S1070363210130086; Innovative conceptualization of ecosystems biomachinery (a new scientific term that was proposed by the author; it means ecological mechanisms that include biological communities and biodiversity) which improves water quality. The innovative experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the fundamental elements of the new qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systematized form. The theory covers water self-purification in

freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory is supported by the results of the authors experimental studies of the effects exerted by some chemical pollutants including synthetic surfactants, detergents, and other xenobiotics on aquatic organisms. The new fundamental conceptualization provides a basis for remediation of polluted aquatic ecosystems including purification of water bodies and streams, and briefly present the qualitative theory of the self-purification mechanism of aquatic ecosystems, phytoremediation and other types of technologies. ** Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. Toxicology of nanomaterials and environment. Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, issue 61, pp. 3-10;;; ** Ostroumov S.A. Some issues of chemico-biotic interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere / series: Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. Volume 17. Moscow, MAX Press, 2011. 20 p. ISBN 978-5-317-03710-9.;; a new contribution to the science of the biosphere. This is a new conceptualization. The author made a suggestion to identify a new type of matter in the biosphere. The author called this new type of matter ex-living matter (ELM). The author discusses his new experiments (together with his co-authors). These experiments provided the basis for this new conceptualization. ** Ostroumov S.A. Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere // Science in Russia. 2009. 2. P. 30-36. *The journal Science in Russia is published by the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences, both in English and in Russian; Nauka Publishers, Moscow; ISSN 0869-7078., Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium.] ** Ostroumov S. A. Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2000; 371: 204-206.;; the paper formulated a new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants; the paper explains why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes; Doklady Biological Sciences: ISSN PRINT: 0012-4966. ISSN ONLINE: 1608-3105/. Why this paper is useful:; ** Ostroumov S. A. An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516.;; the paper gave a new insight into the core functions and identity of ecosystem as a bioreactor to maintain water quality; ** The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286

289.; the paper discovered the role aquatic organisms as a part of the mechanism of ecosystem service to improve water quality; ** S. A. Ostroumov and M. P. Kolesnikov. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 373, 2000, pp. 397399.; Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 373, No. 2, 2000, pp. 278280. The new authors experiments discovered that the biota-driven fluxes of the matter and chemical elements in a model ecosystem were decreased by a chemical pollutant exemplified by a synthetic surfactant. ** Ostroumov S. A. The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, v.381, No.1-6; pp.559-562.; The paper discovered new mechanisms triggering eutrophication and as a result, a new solution to the problem of eutrophication. ** Ostroumov S. A., M. P. Kolesnikov. Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, v.379, p.378-381. PMID: 12918380;;;; new quantitative data on how aquatic mollusks drive fluxes of the chemical elements. ** Ostroumov S.A. New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis; [Doklady Biological Sciences (2002, v.383, No.1-6; pp.141-143)].; ** Ostroumov S.A. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory; Doklady Biological Sciences, v.396, No.1-6; pp.206-211.; ** Ostroumov S.A. Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, v.377, No.1-6; pp.139-141. ** Ostroumov S.A. Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms. Doklady Biological Sciences; 2001, v.378, No.1-6; pp.248-250.;; **

Ostroumov S. A. The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Doklady Biological Sciences 2001, v.380, No.1-6; pp.499-501.; ** Ostroumov S.A., N. Walz; R. Rusche. Effect of a Cationic Amphiphilic Compound on Rotifers. Doklady Biological Sciences, v.390, No.1-6; pp.252-255.; ** Ostroumov S.A. Biodiversity Protection and Quality of Water: The Role of Feedbacks in Ecosystems. Doklady Biological Sciences, v.382, No.1-6; pp.18-21.; ** Ostroumov S.A. A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial Benthal Coupling. Doklady Biological Sciences 2002. v.383, No.1-6; pp.127-130.; ** Ostroumov S.A. System of Principles for Conservation of the Biogeocenotic Function and the Biodiversity of Filter-Feeders. Doklady Biological Sciences 2002. v.383, No.1-6; pp.147-150.;;; ** Ostroumov S. A. Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, v.379, No.1-6; pp.341-343.;;http://www.citeulike.or g/blog/ATP/17623; ** Ostroumov S.A. Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Doklady Biological Sciences, v.380, No.1-6; pp.492495.;; [freshwater bivalve mollusk, freshwater mussels, effects of detergent] ** Lazareva E. V.; Ostroumov S.A. Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology.- [Doklady Biological Sciences (v.425, No.1; pp.180-182)].; in Rus.:;; [phytoremediation, organic pollutant]

** Vorozhun I. M., S. A. Ostroumov. On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009, Vol. 425, pp. 133134. Tables. Bibliogr. 15 refs.; ISSN 0012-4966. DOI: 10.1134/S0012496609020136;; Full text:;; [Daphnia magna] ** Ostroumov S. A. Identification of a new type of ecological hazard of chemicals: inhibition of processes of ecological remediation. Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002. 385: 377-379. In Eng.; ISSN 0012-4966. DOI 10.1023/A:1019929305267;; Full text:;; ** Ostroumov S. A. An Amphiphilic Substance Inhibits the Mollusk Capacity to Filter out Phytoplankton Cells from Water; [Biology Bulletin (v.28, No.1; pp.95-102)].;; The effect of synthetic anionic surface active substance (SAS) sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, 4 mg/l) on the kinetics of water filtration by mussel Mytilus edulis was studied. A suspension of algae Isochrysis galbana was added to the vessel with the mussels, and their filtration activity was measured by counting the concentration of the algae cells in the experimental vessels. Algae concentration was measured every 30 min for an hour and a half. The inhibiting effect on the mollusk filtration rate (FR) was qualitatively described. After the first 30 min filtration at 4 mg/l initial SDS concentration, the cell density was 322% of the control. The inhibiting effect was observed later as well. Due to FR inhibition in the vessels with the above specified initial SDS concentration, the algae cell density was 6.4 and 14.7 times that of the control after 1 and 1.5 h, respectively. Thus, SAS SDS can decrease the natural capacity of aquatic ecosystems for self-purification and disturb other aspects of ecosystem functioning through inhibiting the filtration activity of mussels. The obtained data are discussed in the context of environment and hydrosphere protection from pollution. ** Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2000; 371:2 04-206.;; [New solution to the eternal problem of criteria of ecohazards of chemicals]; ** Ostroumov S. A. An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516.; New facet of the essence and identity of ecosystem: it has attributes of a bioreactor;; **

Ostroumov S.A. Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. Riv Biol. 2004, 97(1):67-78. PMID: 15648211 [PubMed indexed]; ** Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S.I., Hamilton D., Peterson S.A., Wetzel R.G. Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. Riv Biol. 2003, 96(2):327-32. PMID: 14595906 [PubMed] [Priorities in ecology and environmental sciences, formulated by an international team of scientists from Russia, U.S.A., and Australia; R. Wetzel was cited by 5101 authors (20 April, 2012);; ; ** Ostroumov S.A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.- Riv Biol (Rivista di Biologia) 2003, 96(1):159-169. Review. PMID: 12852181 [PubMed indexed;; New criteria in order to answer the question: is a given chemical substance hazardous to environment or not? ** Ostroumov S.A. [An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter phytoplankton cells from water]. Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol. 2001. (1):108-116. Russian. PMID: 11236572 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ** Ostroumov S.A. Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view. Riv Biol. 1998; 91(2):221-232. PMID: 9857844; PubMed indexed; ** Ostroumov S.A. Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia. 2002, vol. 469, p. 117-129;;; ** Ostroumov S.A. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks.- Hydrobiologia. 2002. V. 469 (1-3): 203-204.; [multi-functional role of aquatic organisms] ** Ostroumov S.A. Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves Hydrobiologia. 2003. Vol. 500. P.341-344 [including effects of organic pollutants, surfactants TDTMA and SDS on oysters Crassostrea gigas].

** Ostroumov S.A., Widdows J. Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Hydrobiologia. 2006. Vol. 556, No.1. P. 381 386.;; [John Widdows was cited by 2753 authors, by April 20, 2012] ** Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. [; ] ** Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders // Hydrobiologia. 2005. Vol. 542, No. 1. P. 275 286. text: new terms: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; ** Ostroumov S. A. On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems . Russian Journal of Ecology, 2005. Vol. 36, No. 6, P. 414-420.;; ** Ostroumov S.A. Suspension-feeders as factors influencing water quality in aquatic ecosystems. In: The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems, R.F. Dame, S. Olenin (Eds), Springer, Dordrecht, 2004. pp. 147-164. ** Ostroumov S.A. Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water self-purification in marine and estuarine systems: elements of a qualitative theory // International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography. 2006. Volume 1, No.1. p.111-118. [ISSN 0973-2667].; [new conceptualization and terminology: biomachinery] ** Ostroumov S.A. The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water selfpurification. Water Resources. 2004. Volume 31, Number 5, p. 502-510.; DOI 10.1023/B:WARE.0000041919.77628.8d. [Longterm studies of the biological effect of surfactants, including the effect surfactants exert on filter feeders, are reviewed. The role of filter feeders in the functioning of freshwater and marine ecosystems is analyzed. New aspects in the assessment of environmental hazard due to the impact of chemical pollutants, including surfactants and detergents, are established]. In Russian:; ** Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants (in English). CRC Press. Taylor& Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.,; ** Ostroumov S. A. On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification.- Water Resources, 2005. Volume 32, Number 3, p. 305-313. [Generalizations presented in this paper represent, in systematized form, the basic elements of the qualitative theory of water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Recommendations are given for maintaining water quality and sustainable development of water resources. Results of experimental studies of the effect exerted by the surfactant Triton X-100 and the OMO synthetic detergent on mollusks Unio tumidus]. ISSN 0097-8078 (Print) 1608-344X (Online). DOI 10.1007/s11268-005-0039-7. ** Yablokov A.V., S.A.Ostroumov. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects. Berlin, New York et al. Springer. 1991. 272 p. Index of Authors: p. 249-251. Subject Index: p. 253-271. ISBN 3-540-52096-1; ISBN 0-387-52096-1. One of the authors of published reviews of the book called it Russian Silent Spring. One of the first books that created the fundamentals of conservation biology. This work examines the problems arising from the deterioration of the environment. The book covers the issues of conservation and biodiversity protection at the main levels of life systems. The levels considered in the book are: the molecular-genetic, the ontogenetic, the species-population and the ecosystem levels. The book offers suggestions concerning changes in practice in agriculture, industry, recreation etc. in all sectors of society life and functioning. On the book:; ** The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286 289.; Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 372, No. 2, 2000, pp. 279282. Original Russian Text Copyright 2000 by Ostroumov. Self-purication of water is a complex process. This process includes physical, chemical, and biological components. The vulnerability of different components of the water self-purication system to anthropogenic factors is as yet insufciently understood. The goal of this work was to review the literature and the authors own unpublished experimental ndings. The topic of the review is a potential vulnerability of the biotic component of the water self-purication system to chemical pollutants. A new role of biota as a core, labile, vulnerable part of ecosystem. Ecological mechanisms to improve, upgrade water quality:; ** S. A. Ostroumov and M. P. Kolesnikov. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 373, 2000,

pp. 397399.; Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 373, No. 2, 2000, pp. 278280. [Lymnaea stagnalis] ** S.A.Ostroumov. The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects // Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, vol.380, p.499-501; (Rus. P. 847); two-level synergism;; ** New fundamental concepts were formulated in the concept: 1) a two-level synergism; 2) synecological summation of man-made effects. The first data on discovery that chemical pollutants (detergents and surfactants) decreased the filtration rate by the mass freshwater bivalve mollusks, namely, freshwater mussels Unio tumidus. A new type of anthropogenic effects on ecosystem was identified. The author proposed to give the name synecological summation to this new type of anthropogenic impact. In the paper: S.A.Ostroumov. Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, vol.380. p. 492495;;; Danbio51.2001v380.E.U.tumidus; ** The first measurements of the contribution of the pellets of aquatic mollusks to the biogeochemical flows of the chemical elements C, N, P, Si, and Al. S. A. Ostroumov, M. P. Kolesnikov. Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, v.379, p.378-381;;;; * Danbio42.2001v379.E.pellets ** This paper reports the first experiments that discovered the new negative effects of organic pollutants detergents and surfactants on functioning of marine bivalve mollusks. The first data on how the detergents and surfactants slow down (inhibit) water filtration by bivalve mollusks, mussels and oysters. These bivalve mollusks are of huge importance to aquaculture (aqua-farming). Ostroumov S. A. Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, v.378, No.1-6; pp.248-250.;;

** Other lists of references with short annotations, comments on what is really new:

** Environment, ecology: 18 innovations, other files online. Innovative conceptualization: ecosystems; water quality et al. **18 KEY INNOVATIONS: Dramatic, exciting, startling, revolutionary DISCOVERIES: ecology, environmental sciences, biology. ** 41 articles on #environmental_sciences, #citation in U.S.A., France, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, other countries; ** 31 Top Springer Publications selected bibliography: life_science #ecology #environmental_science Articles. ** 31 selected References, environmental_science #innovations #environment #ecology #ecosystem #water #science

** Citation in many countries: Citation of: a scientist at Moscow State University, Fulbright Award winner, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. ** Shortlist of papers that cited Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow State University); with fragments of abstracts;Environmental Sciences, Biology, Ecology, Water Quality. Internet service: Academic. ** Some relevant blog posts, sites, publications in Russian:

" ". " "?

** : : **

. . Key Bibliography as a Table with comments, selected. . , , . . ** 20th January Dr Green : water quality discoveries ecology aquatic ecology INNOVATIONS fundamental and applied issues

4 JAN 20 in Chinese, (simplified) Citation S.A.Ostroumov in Chinese, (simplified) SAOstroumov * A. Ostroumov 1;; 3;; 6;; 2,000; * environmental_science * 2002 * 41 41; ; * * U.S.A.SAOstroumovMVLomonosov * ROLherbivorabivalvos nativosexticosreservorio implicancias EN LAStcnicasbiomanipulacin AutorMarroni Mazzeo2 Resumen ...

* SA Ostroumov - 3662005414-420;; [PDF] Enseignementsretourspertuis ouverts1905NOS jours PoulardJP Royet RatomskiA LenarMatyras; * Ostroumov SA - 3662005 414-420; K.N.B.S. Bhadauria 74/201063-69 * * * * Ostroumov SA RSML * * A. L.R.A. - 2012 *

[Ostroumov SA] [TXT] BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISISNATUUR deur STEPHANUS PHILIPPUS TREURNICHTvoorgelluidensvereistes ETPLITT 12/citation-of-publications-of-following.html BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISISNATUUR * * * * * AVYablokovSAOstroumov * * Universityhttp :/ /

* * * * .... * Jablokov AVOstroumov SA1991 852U301 - Biosozolgia * * / * / * * * H +-ATP * * A.YablokovS.Ostroumov * * ... * * *

M.HartyCIEE * AV Ostroumov 1989SAVIVA TABASCO * A.V.S.A. Ostroumov ProblemasPerspectivas * * * * Ostroumov SA * *; ROLherbivorabivalvos nativosexticosreservorioimplicancias EN LAStcnicasbiomanipulacin S.M.

* * * Ukraine.Cited * * * // * * Bahria RivistaBiologia Biologia rivista 961159-169.http :/ / * * * Japan.Japanese editors.Citation * * * * * CITATION * *

A.V.YablokovS.A.Ostroumov * * SAOstroumov * *

* > 600; *; * *

* SA OstroumovU. K. * S.Ostroumov * SA Ostroumov * * 307TOTO SA Ostroumov * IWA Moscow_University * 600 SAOstroumov; * * * * 200 ... .. - * gueldenstaedti - gueldenstaedti * * * SAOstroumov

U.K. U.S.A. * 20th January Dr Green : environmental_science

0 Add a comment JAN 20 In Chinese (traditional) S.A. Ostroumov In Chinese (traditional) S.A.Ostroumov * A. Ostroumov 1;; 3;; 6;; 2,000; * environmental_science * 2002 * 41 41; ; * * U.S.A.SAOstroumovMVLomonosov * ROLherbivorabivalvos nativosexticosreservorio implicancias EN LAStcnicasbiomanipulacin AutorMarroni Mazzeo2 Resumen ...

* SA Ostroumov - 3662005414-420;; [PDF] Enseignementsretourspertuis ouverts1905NOS jours PoulardJP Royet RatomskiA LenarMatyras; * Ostroumov SA - 3662005 414-420; K.N.B.S. Bhadauria 74/201063-69 * * * * Ostroumov SA RSML * * A. L.R.A. - 2012 * [Ostroumov SA] [TXT] BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISISNATUUR deur STEPHANUS PHILIPPUS TREURNICHTvoorgelluidensvereistes ETPLITT 12/citation-of-publications-of-following.html

BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISISNATUUR * * * * * AVYablokovSAOstroumov * * Universityhttp :/ / * * * * .... * Jablokov AVOstroumov SA1991 852U301 - Biosozolgia * * / * / * * * H +-ATP * * A.YablokovS.Ostroumov * * ... * * * M.HartyCIEE * AV Ostroumov 1989SAVIVA TABASCO * A.V.S.A. Ostroumov ProblemasPerspectivas * * * * Ostroumov SA * *; ROLherbivorabivalvos nativosexticosreservorioimplicancias EN LAStcnicasbiomanipulacin S.M. * * * Ukraine.Cited * * * // * * Bahria RivistaBiologia Biologia rivista 961159-169.http :/ / * * *

Japan.Japanese editors.Citation * * * * * CITATION * * A.V.YablokovS.A.Ostroumov * *

SAOstroumov * *

* > 600; *; * * * SA OstroumovU. K. *

S.Ostroumov * SA Ostroumov * * 307TOTO SA Ostroumov * IWA Moscow_University * 600 SAOstroumov; * * * * 200 ... .. - * gueldenstaedti - gueldenstaedti * * * SAOstroumov


U.S.A. 20th January Dr Green : environmental_science

0 Add a comment JAN 20 In Japanese. S.A. Ostroumov In Japanese. SAOstroumov 2013120

** A. 7; 2 DISCOVERIES34 CITATION; 5; 617; 2000 ** environmental_science **

CITATION ** 41 41; ** ; ** U.S.A.SAOstroumov MVLomonosov ** ROLherbivorabivalvos nativos Yexticosreservorio implicanciastcnicasbiomanipulacin MarroniMazzeo2 Resumen ... ** SA

- Vol 3662005414420;; [PDF] Enseignementsretours D'ouverts1905NOS jours CP RoyetJ RatomskiLenar-Matyras; ** SA - Vol 366 2005414420; K.N. MehtaB.S. Bhadauria 74/2010 6369 ** ** " " ** "" ' " '' ** SA RSML ** ** L. StabiliA. TerlizziR.A. - 2012 ** [SA] [TXT] BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISISNATUUR deur TREURNICHTvoorgelluidensvereistes ... ETP D 12/citation-of-publications-of-following.html

BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISISNATUUR ** ** ** ** ** AVYablokovSAOstroumov ** h ttp:// ** Universityhttp :/ / ** ** ** ** .... "" ** Jablokov AVSA1991 Pavol852U301 - Biosozolgia ** ** / ** /

** ** ** H +-ATPase ** ; ** MITA.YablokovS.Ostroumov M.I.T. ** ** ... ** **

** M.HartyCIEE ** AV SA 1989 Conservacinnaturaleza DE ** A.V.S.A. Conservacin Naturaleza Problemas Y Perspectivas ** ** ** ** SA ** **;

ROLherbivorabivalvos nativos Yexticosreservorio implicanciastcnicasbiomanipulacin S.M. ** ** ** Ukraine.Cited ** ** ** // ** ** Bahria Rivista Biologia RivistaBiologia961159-169.http :/ /

** ** Environm ** Japan.Japaneseeditors.Citation ** ** ** ** ; ** CITATION **

Environm ** A.V.YablokovS.A.Ostroumov ** ** SAOstroumov html ** **

** > 600; **

" "; ** FAQ ** ** SA U.K. ** ** SA ** ** 307SA **

IWAMoscow_University ** 600 SAOstroumov; ** ** ** ; ** 200 ... .. -

** gueldenstaedti - gueldenstaedti ** ** ** SAOstroumov

U. K. U.S.A. ** 20th January Dr Green : In Japanese. SAOstroumov

0 Add a comment JAN 20 In Portuguese. Lista de alguns posts sobre a citao de publicaes de um cientista da Universidade de Moscou, Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, vencedor do Prmio Fulbright. In Portuguese. Lista de alguns posts sobre a citao de publicaes de um cientista da Universidade de Moscou, Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, vencedor do Prmio Fulbright. 2013/01/20. Traduo computador. (Para alm destas, ver tambm a citao em russo, ucraniano e em dissertaes em lngua russa) ** Citao de: um cientista da Universidade Estadual de Moscou, vencedor do Prmio Fulbright, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Em Ingls: Sobre os resultados de seu trabalho, atividade profissional, e publicaes: Em Ingls (em sete sees: 1 prmios, honras; duas descobertas; trs publicaes; quatro citao; 5 COMENTRIOS, avaliaes, exames, seis disponibilidade em bibliotecas; 7 EDUCAO):; 2000 l na Internet; Em russo: ** Citao no frica, Amrica, sia, Austrlia, biologia, # citao, # citados, # ecologia, # environmental_science, Europa. ** MAIS INFORMAES SOBRE CITAO: A Universidade de Western Australia: citao do artigo da Universidade de Moscou, citado recentemente. Alguns aspectos da atividade de gua de filtragem de filtradores: ** 41 artigos sobre cincias ambientais e de citaes desses artigos nos EUA, Frana, Rssia, Itlia, China, Japo e outros pases, exemplos selecionados 41 artigos sobre cincias ambientais e de citaes desses artigos; citao no EUA, Rssia, Alemanha, Itlia, Holanda, Japo, China, Argentina, Filipinas e outros pases; exemplos selecionados ** Citao: Agncia Ambiental Alemanha; Ambiente Agncia ustria citado livro sobre toxicologia # ambiental, Surfactantes **

U.S.A. Biblioteca do Congresso. Citao no catlogo. Livros por Dr. SAOstroumov, MVLomonosov Universidade Estatal de Moscou, um vencedor do Prmio Fulbright, nas colees de bibliotecas. Tpicos: cincias ambientais, ecologia, base cientfica da conservao da natureza, estabelecendo uma nova cincia da ecologia bioqumica. ** Citao na Amrica do Sul. Citao. Uruguai. Universidad de la Republica do Uruguai. Citados: Moscou pesquisador da Universidade, um vencedor do Prmio Fulbright. Dissertao intitulada: Rol de la herbivora de bivalvos Nativos y exticos en un reservorio Somero del Uruguay: implicancias en las Tcnicas de biomanipulacin. Autor: Mara Soledad Marroni Plata; Diretor: Nstor Mazzeo; Co-Diretor: Carlos Iglesias Pgina 2. Resumen ... ** Citao na Frana: a Frana. Citao de investigao da Universidade de Moscou em segurana da gua, sustentabilidade, auto-purificao de gua, ecologia. Artigo cientfico e sua citao: Referncia: SA Ostroumov. Sobre o papel multifuncional da Biota na auto-purificao de Ecossistemas Aquticos. - Jornal russo de Ecologia, vol. 36, n 6, 2005, pp 414-420.;; [PDF] Enseignements de retours d'experincias de barragens ouverts um Pertuis, de 1905, um jours N s C Poulard, P Royet, J Ratomski, A Lenar-Matyras (Frana, Polnia); ** Citao na ndia. Citao de investigao da Universidade de Moscou em segurana da gua, sustentabilidade, auto-purificao de gua, ecologia. Artigo cientfico e sua citao: Referncia, o papel que foi citado: SA Ostroumov. Sobre o papel multifuncional da Biota na auto-purificao de Ecossistemas Aquticos. - Jornal russo de Ecologia, vol. 36, n 6, 2005, pp 414-420.; O jornal indiano que citada Universidade de Moscou:

K.N. Mehta, B.S. Bhadauria. Modelagem do papel das flutuaes no volume de auto-purificao de corpos de gua naturais. Asian Journal of gua, Meio Ambiente e Poluio. Volume 7, Nmero 4/2010. Pginas 63-69. ** Citao: Universidade de Tecnologia de Eindhoven (Holanda), Universidade de Ghent (Blgica), et al. citou o livro, Efeitos Biolgicos da Surfactantes ** Citao de "Efeitos Biolgicos de surfactantes" o livro em Holanda, Blgica, Espanha, ustria, Eslovquia, Alemanha, Argentina, Arbia Saudita, Dinamarca, Reino Unido, Polnia (a lista foi em uma ordem arbitrria), exemplos: ** Armnia. Citao. O jornal armnio intitulado "Jornal Biolgica da Armnia" (em lngua armnia) citou o papel "Sobre o papel polifuncionais da biota em auto-purificao dos ecossistemas aquticos" (em russo). . () ' '. . ** Armnia. Biblioteca. Este livro foi citado no catlogo da biblioteca cientfica republicano mdico da Armnia: Ostroumov Introduo Ecologia SA Bioqumica, Moscow University Press, Moscou (em russo). , . . : , RSML: biblioteca cientfica mdica Republicano da Armnia. . ** Citao na Rssia, Ucrnia, Bielorrssia, Estnia, Litunia, Armnia, Cazaquisto. As publicaes foram citados em catlogos de bibliotecas. , : , , , , , ,

** Citao na Itlia. . , . Esgoto expostos invertebrados marinhos: as taxas de sobrevivncia e acumulao microbiolgica. L. Stabili, A. Terlizzi, R.A. Cavallo. - Pesquisa em Cincia e Poluio Ambiental, 2012: ** frica do Sul: citao das publicaes do cientista seguinte: [Ostroumov SA] [txt] BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE Ontwikkeling PT DIE Krisis em Die Natuur Deur Stephanus Philippus TREURNICHT voorgel luidens vereistes morrer ... ETP D Litt 12/citation-of-publications-offollowing.html , BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE Ontwikkeling PT DIE KRISIS em Die Natuur (Em Portugus): ** ** Citao em: EUROPA: citao de publicaes da Universidade de Moscou: exemplos, citao nos EUA, Alemanha, Frana, Sua, etc ** Mundial, citando internacional de publicaes da Universidade de Moscou (Moscow). nos EUA, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Sucia, Frana, ** Citao. Rssia, Itlia, China, Polnia, Ucrnia. Citado obras na Universidade de Moscou. , :

Reino Unido. Citao de obras de ecologista da Universidade de Moscou ** Citao na Repblica Checa. Livro de Moscou ambientalistas, AVYablokov, SAOstroumov, Academia Russa de Cincias, Universidade Estadual de Moscou: ** Polnia. Citao de um ambientalista russo (Universidade de Moscou): ** Ucrnia: uma outra citao de um ecologista russo (ganhador do Prmio Fulbright), Moscou Estado Universityhttp :/ / ** Citao na Alemanha dos resultados da investigao da Universidade de Moscou, rea: estudos ambientais, ecologia, biologia. Exemplos. ** Citao na Frana dos resultados da investigao da Universidade de Moscou, rea: estudos ambientais, ecologia, biologia. Exemplos. ** Reino Unido: citao de obras de Moscow University no Reino Unido (em cincias do ambiente), exemplos: ** Citado na Bulgria: livros de ecologistas da Universidade de Moscou, da Academia Russa de Cincias: .., ... . . , . " ": ** Citado na Eslovquia. Livro de ecologistas da Universidade de Moscou e da Academia de Cincias da Rssia.

Jablokov AV, Ostroumov SA, 1991: proteo da vida selvagem. problemas e perspectivas. Academia, Praga. Pavol Elias, PhD. Programa do curso 852U301 - Biosozolgia (Proteco da biodiversidade): ** Na Dinamarca. Publicaes inovadoras foram citados. Moscou ecologia Universidade: ** Citao. Citado na Hungria, sites hngaros / links, idioma hngaro: ** Na Holanda. Publicaes inovadoras foram citados. Sites holandeses / ligaes. Moscou ecologia Universidade ** Romnia. Citao. Citados: Universidade de Moscou pesquisa, publicaes: cincias ambientais, ecologia bioqumica, a qualidade da gua. Citado na Romnia, publicaes, Universidade Estadual de Moscou. ** Moldova. Citados: Universidade de Moscou pesquisa, publicaes: cincias ambientais, ecologia bioqumica, a qualidade da gua. ** Finlndia. Citao. Citado cientistas Universidade de Moscou. elctrico oxidase, a corrente do citocromo, H +-ATPase e bacteriorodopsina: ** Citado na Hungria. Citao. Livros (Academia Russa de Cincias, Universidade de Moscou) sobre: Conservao; Efeitos Biolgicos da Surfactantes ** AMRICA DO NORTE:

MIT. Citao de: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov, Moscou. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.I.T.: ** EUA citao de pesquisa de russos, Universidade de Moscou, rea: estudos ambientais, ecologia, biologia. Exemplos. ** Mundial, citando internacional de publicaes da Universidade de Moscou (Moscow). nos EUA, ... Alemanha, Reino Unido, Sucia, Frana, ** Citao nos EUA. Meio Ambiente, Biologia, ecologia. ** Canad: citao de obras de Moscou University, no Canad e em outros pases (em cincias do ambiente), exemplos ** M.Harty (CIEE Estao de Pesquisa de Bonaire, Caribe Holands): citao (Universidade de Moscou) do papel. ** Mxico. Citao de ecologistas de Moscou. Citados: o livro: Yablokov, AV; Ostroumov, SA 1989. Conservacin de la naturaleza viva. O livro foi usado em educao ambiental na universidade: UNIVERSIDAD JUREZ Autnoma de TABASCO ** Amrica Latina. Cuba. Citao de: A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov. Conservacin de la Naturaleza. Problemas y Perspectivas. ** AMRICA DO SUL:

Brasil. Cincias Ambientais. Citao do Livro de Autor na Universidade de Moscou. Efeitos biolgicos dos tensioactivos. ** Em Portugus. Brasil. Citao. Citado Universidade de Moscou publicaes. Citados: o livro: Efeitos biolgicos de surfactantes. ** Argentina. Citao de pesquisa que foi realizado na Universidade de Moscou. Ecologia, cincia ambiental. ** Sul Amrica. Citao. Citado livro: Efeitos Ostroumov SA biolgicos de surfactantes. O bilogo (Lima, Peru). em espanhol. ** Citao ** na Amrica do Sul.; Citao no Uruguai. Universidad de la Republica do Uruguai. Citados: Moscou pesquisador da Universidade, um vencedor do Prmio Fulbright. em: Rol de la herbivora de bivalvos Nativos y exticos en un reservorio Somero del Uruguay: implicancias en las Tcnicas de biomanipulacin. Maria S.M. Plata. ** SIA: China. Citao de pesquisa que foi realizado na Universidade de Moscou. Qualidade da gua: **: Kuwait, e Reino Unido. Citao de obras de ecologista da Universidade de Moscou: ** Citao. Rssia, Itlia, China, Polnia, Ukraine.Cited obras na Universidade de Moscou. , : ** Arbia Saudita. Citao de pesquisa na Universidade de Moscou. Exemplo: citao do livro

** Citando: publicaes da Universidade de Moscou em EUA, Alemanha, Frana, Itlia, Holanda, Austrlia, Japo, China ** Citado no Japo e / ou em japons. Sites japoneses / ligaes. Um vencedor do Prmio Fulbright, cientista da Universidade de Moscou. ** Universidades, Paquisto; King Abdul Aziz University, da Arbia Saudita: citado cincia em Moscou. Citao ** Citao. . Bahria Universidade Karachi; Federal Urdu Universidade de Artes, Cincia e Tecnologia, no Paquisto. , Rivista di Biologia: efeitos antrpicos sobre a biota: rumo a um novo sistema de princpios e critrios de anlise de riscos ecolgicos. Rivista di Biologia, 96 (1): 159-169.http :/ / ** Citao na sia, Sci Ambiental., Exemplos. As publicaes de um ambientalista da Universidade de Moscou foram citados ** Citao na China, Environm. Sci. As publicaes cientficas de um ambientalista da Universidade de Moscou foram citados, ** Editors.Citation Japan.Japanese de um ecologista da Universidade de Moscou, um Fulbright Awardee ** Armnia. Citao. . () . . ** FRICA: frica do Sul: a citao da Universidade de Moscou publicaes em conservao da natureza, cincias ambientais. Citao ** AUSTRLIA: Citando: publicaes de autoria de Universidade de Moscou em EUA, Alemanha, Frana, Itlia, Holanda, Austrlia, Japo, China ** A Universidade de Western Australia: citao do artigo da Universidade de Moscou, citado recentemente, o documento intitulado: Alguns aspectos da atividade de filtragem de gua de filtradores ** CITAO MUNDIAL: ** Publicaes. Sucesso em Pesquisa da Universidade de Moscou. Environm. cincia, ecologia, biologia, alguns exemplos. Parecer sobre e classificao de algumas obras: comentrios de especialistas em todo o mundo, de citaes de literatura cientfica. ** Livro: Conservao da Natureza Vida e Recursos. A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. Anotao, Resenhas, citao em todo o mundo. ** Citaes das publicaes da Universidade de Moscou. ** Parecer sobre e classificao de obras Dr. SAOstroumov da (Universidade de Moscou): comentrios de especialistas, de citao na literatura cientfica mundial: . html ** Citao na universidade associadas sites. Inovaes da Fulbright Awardee citados: sites associados com universidades ** Citado em bibliotecas-associados sites: Livros, publicaes de autoria de ecologistas da Universidade de Moscou, exemplos:

Palavras-chave: cincias ambientais, ecologia, biologia, biblioteca, sites, citado, publicaes, Universidade de Moscou, Harvard, Oxford, o Congresso, MIT, EUA, Canad, Frana, Holanda, Noruega, Sucia, Finlndia, Sua, Dinamarca, Alemanha, Islndia , Itlia, Eslovquia, Reino Unido, Finlndia, Polnia, Hungria, Srvia, Turquia, Austrlia, ** > 600 papis, as instituies citadas Fulbright vencedor do Prmio: citao em EUA, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Japo, China, outros pases:; ** Avaliao opinio, de um usurio de Internet independente: em "citao de uma universidade de Moscou ecologista, um premiado Fulbright"; ** Citao, FAQ: bioefeitos livro de surfactantes, papis: a cincia ambiental, qualidade da gua, auto-purificao de gua ** Citao das publicaes sobre cincias ambientais, a pesquisa na Universidade de Moscou. ** Mundial, citando internacional de publicaes do Dr. SA Ostroumov (Moscou). nos EUA, Alemanha, U. K., Sucia, Frana, ** citando: publicaes de autoria do Dr. S.Ostroumov nos EUA, Alemanha, Frana, Itlia, Holanda, Austrlia, Japo, China ** Resumo Citao: Exemplos de sites e jornais, onde as publicaes de uma Awardee Fulbright Dr. SA Ostroumov, Universidade Estadual de Moscou, foram citados. Cincias ambientais, ecologia, segurana, gua, toxicologia. Dinamarca, EUA, Canad, Frana, Sua, Japo, China, Coria, Blgica, Repblica Checa, Alemanha, Islndia, Israel, Itlia, Espanha, Mxico, Eslovquia, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Sucia, Noruega, Finlndia, Polnia, Hungria, Srvia, Estnia, Litunia, Turquia, Austrlia, Nova Zelndia, Holanda, Cingapura, frica do Sul, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Rssia, Ucrnia, Bielorrssia, Eslovnia, Bulgria, Catar, Malsia, Indonsia, Egito, Qunia, em outros pases:

** Citao. Mundial. Lista de algumas instituies que citados o cientista da Universidade de Moscou, Prmio Fulbright vencedor ** Os cientistas dessas instituies (a nvel mundial, mais de 307 instituies em toto) citaram as publicaes (biologia, ecologia, meio ambiente) de autoria do Dr. Ostroumov SA, Universidade de Moscou ** International # gua # Association (IWA) citou a publicao de # # # Moscow_University citao ** Em todo o mundo mais de 600 jornais, instituies citadas descobertas em livros, artigos sobre meio ambiente, ecologia de vencedor do Prmio Fulbright na Universidade de Moscou. Internacional citao de publicaes do Dr. SAOstroumov: citao em EUA, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Holanda, Sucia, Japo, China, outros pases:; ** bibliotecas em todo o mundo adquiriu esses livros e tm estas publicaes (Ecologia, meio ambiente, biologia): ** Rssia. Estas publicaes deste autor so mencionados, citado no catlogo da biblioteca central russo. Biblioteca Pblica do Estado russo, ou Biblioteca de Lenin. , , ( ) . . ** Citao de livros sobre ecologia bioqumica, em dissertaes muitos, em russo. ( ; ) ** Citaes em mais de 200 dissertaes, em russo. (, , ) ... .. - ** Citao numa dissertao sobre Acipenser gueldenstaedti (efeitos de metal-orgnico qumicos txicos, produtos qumicos orgnicos de estanho), em russo. : (Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt) ** Citao nos materiais educativos em muitas universidades na Rssia, Polnia, Bielorrssia, Ucrnia e outros pases. Modernizao da educao universitria ambiental. Actualizao e modernizao da educao em cincia ambiental e ecologia: usando conceitos interdisciplinares. Aplicao mundial de inovaes em publicaes de Moscow State University, exemplos. ** ** Lista de pases que citadas as publicaes, obras de Dr. SAOstroumov:

Argentina, Armnia, Bielorrssia, Blgica, Brasil, Bulgria, Canad, China,

Cuba, Repblica Checa, Dinamarca, Egito, Estnia, Finlndia, France, Alemanha, Grcia, Hong Kong, Hungria, Islndia, Indonsia, Irlanda, Israel, Itlia, Japan, Cazaquisto, Qunia, Coria, Kuwait, Litunia, Malsia, Mxico, Moldvia, Nepal, Holanda, Nova Zelndia, Nigria,

Noruega, Peru, Polnia, Qatar, Romnia. Rssia, Srvia, Cingapura, Eslovquia, Eslovnia, frica do Sul, Espanha, Sucia, Sua, Taiwan, Turquia, U. K., Ucrnia, Reino Unido, Uruguai, U.S.A. ** 20th January Dr Green : environmental_science Universidade de Moscou ecologia Citao publicaes

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in Spanish. Lista de algunas entradas del blog de la citacin de las publicaciones de un cientfico de la Universidad de Mosc, el Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, ganador Fulbright Award. in Spanish. Lista de algunas entradas del blog de la citacin de las publicaciones de un cientfico de la Universidad de Mosc, el Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, ganador Fulbright Award. 20.01.2013 Computer translation from English. (Adems de stos, vase tambin la cita en ucraniano ruso, y en las disertaciones en idioma ruso) ** Cita de: un cientfico de la Universidad Estatal de Mosc, ganador Premio Fulbright, el Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. En Ingls: Acerca de los resultados de su trabajo, la actividad profesional, y publicaciones: En Ingls (en siete secciones: 1 premios, honores, 2, 3 DESCUBRIMIENTOS publicaciones; CITAS 4, 5 COMENTARIOS, evaluaciones, estudios, 6 DISPONIBILIDAD EN BIBLIOTECAS, 7 EDUCACIN):; 2.000 lecturas en Internet; En ruso: ** Cita en frica, Amrica, Asia, Australia, la biologa, la cita, citado, ecologa, #environmental_science, Europa. ** MS INFORMACIN SOBRE LA CITACIN: La Universidad de Australia Occidental: citacin del papel de la Universidad de Mosc, citado recientemente. Algunos aspectos de la actividad de filtrado de agua de filtradores: ** 41 artculos sobre ciencias ambientales y las citas de estos artculos en EE.UU., Francia, Rusia, Italia, China, Japn y otros pases; ejemplos seleccionados 41 artculos sobre ciencias ambientales y las citas de estos artculos; citacin en los EE.UU., Rusia, Alemania, Italia, Pases Bajos, Japn, China, Argentina, Filipinas y otros pases; ejemplos seleccionados

** Citacin: Agencia de Medio Ambiente de Alemania, Austria Environment Agency citado libro sobre toxicologa # ambiental, surfactantes ** U.S.A. Biblioteca del Congreso. Cita en el catlogo. Libros por el Dr. SAOstroumov, MVLomonosov Universidad Estatal de Mosc, un ganador del Premio Fulbright, en las colecciones de la biblioteca. Temas: ciencia del medio ambiente, la ecologa, la base cientfica de la conservacin de la naturaleza, estableciendo una nueva ciencia de la ecologa bioqumica. ** Cita en Amrica del Sur. Citation. Uruguay. Universidad de la Repblica Uruguay. Citado: investigador de la Universidad de Mosc, ganador del Premio Fulbright. Tesis titulada: Rol de la herbivora de bivalvos Nativos y Exticos En Un reservorio somero del Uruguay: implicancias en las Tcnicas de biomanipulacin. Autor: Mara Soledad Marroni Plata; Director: Nstor Mazzeo, Co-Director: Carlos Iglesias Pgina 2. Resumen ... ** Cita en Francia: Francia. Citacin de investigacin de la Universidad de Mosc en la seguridad del agua, la sostenibilidad, la auto-purificacin del agua, la ecologa. Trabajo cientfico y su cita: Referencia: SA Ostroumov. Sobre el papel multifuncional de la Biota en la autodepuracin de los Ecosistemas Acuticos. - Revista de Ecologa de Rusia, vol. 36, N 6, 2005, pp 414-420.;; [PDF] Enseignements de retours d'experiencias de presas ouverts Pertuis, de 1905 jours nep Poulard C, P Royet, J Ratomski, A Lenar-Matyras (Francia, Polonia); ** Cita en la India. Citacin de investigacin de la Universidad de Mosc en la seguridad del agua, la sostenibilidad, la auto-purificacin del agua, la ecologa. Trabajo cientfico y su cita: Referencia, el documento que se cita: SA Ostroumov.

Sobre el papel multifuncional de la Biota en la autodepuracin de los Ecosistemas Acuticos. - Revista de Ecologa de Rusia, vol. 36, N 6, 2005, pp 414-420.; El documento de la India que cit la Universidad de Mosc: K.N. Mehta, B.S. Bhadauria. Modelizacin de la funcin de las fluctuaciones en el volumen en autopurificacin de cuerpos de agua naturales. Asian Journal of Agua, Medio Ambiente y Contaminacin. Volumen 7, nmero 4/2010. Pginas 63-69. ** Cita: Universidad Tecnolgica de Eindhoven (Pases Bajos), Universidad de Gante (Blgica), et al. cit los libros, los efectos biolgicos de Surfactants ** La cita de 'Efectos biolgicos de surfactantes' El libro en Holanda, Blgica, Espaa, Austria, Eslovaquia, Alemania, Argentina, Arabia Saudita, Dinamarca, Reino Unido, Polonia (la lista se encontraba en un orden arbitrario), ejemplos: ** Armenia. Citation. La revista armenia titulado 'Diario Biolgica de Armenia (en armenio) cit el diario' El papel de la biota polifuncional en la auto-purificacin de los ecosistemas acuticos "(en ruso). . () ' '. . ** Armenia. Biblioteca. Este libro fue citado en el catlogo de la biblioteca cientfica mdica Republicano de Armenia: Ostroumov SA Introduccin a la Ecologa de Bioqumica, Universidad de Mosc, Mosc (en ruso). , . . : , RSML: Republicano biblioteca cientfica mdica de Armenia. . **

Cita en Rusia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Estonia, Lituania, Armenia, Kazajstn. Las publicaciones han sido citadas en los catlogos de bibliotecas. , : , , , , , , ** Cita en Italia. . , . Expuestos de aguas residuales invertebrados marinos: las tasas de supervivencia y la acumulacin microbiolgica. STABILI L., A. Terlizzi, R. A. Cavallo. - Investigacin de Ciencias del Medio Ambiente y la Contaminacin de 2012: ** Sudfrica: citacin de las publicaciones de los cientficos siguiente: [Ostroumov SA] [TXT] BESKOUINGS Oor VOLHOUBARE Ontwikkeling ES DADO en Die Krisis Natuur Deur Stephanus Filipo TREURNICHT voorgel luidens mueren vereistes ... ETP D Litt 12/citation-of-publications-offollowing.html , BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE Ontwikkeling EN DIE DIE IN KRISIS Natuur (En Afrikaans): ** ** Cita en: EUROPA: citacin de las publicaciones de la Universidad de Mosc: ejemplos, cita en EE.UU., Alemania, Francia, Suiza, etc ** A nivel mundial, citando internacional de publicaciones de la Universidad de Mosc (Mosc). en EE.UU., Alemania, Reino Unido, Suecia, Francia, **

Citation. Rusia, Italia, China, Polonia, Ucrania. Citado trabaja en la Universidad de Mosc. , : Reino Unido. Citacin de obras de ecologista de la Universidad de Mosc ** Cita en la Repblica Checa. Libro de los ambientalistas Mosc, AVYablokov, SAOstroumov, Academia Rusa de Ciencias, Universidad Estatal de Mosc: ** Polonia. Cita de un ecologista ruso (Universidad de Mosc): ** Ucrania: otra cita de un eclogo ruso (receptor Fulbright Award), Mosc Universityhttp :/ / ** Cita en Alemania de los resultados de investigacin de la Universidad de Mosc, superficie: los estudios ambientales, ecologa, biologa. Ejemplos. ** Cita en Francia de los resultados de investigacin de la Universidad de Mosc, superficie: los estudios ambientales, ecologa, biologa. Ejemplos. ** Reino Unido: Cita de obras de la Universidad de Mosc en el Reino Unido (en ciencias del medio ambiente), ejemplos: ** Citado en Bulgaria: los libros de los eclogos de la Universidad de Mosc, Academia Rusa de Ciencias: .., ... . . , . " ":

** Citado en Eslovaquia. Libro de los eclogos de la Universidad de Mosc y la Academia Rusa de Ciencias. Jablokov AV, Ostroumov SA, 1991: La proteccin de la vida silvestre. problemas y perspectivas. Academia de Praga. Pavol Elias, PhD. Curso plan de estudios 852U301 - Biosozolgia (proteccin de la biodiversidad): ** En Dinamarca. Publicaciones innovadoras fueron citados. Universidad de Mosc ecologa: ** Citation. Citado en Hungra, los sitios web de Hungra / enlaces, idioma hngaro: ** En los Pases Bajos. Publicaciones innovadoras fueron citados. Pginas web holandesas / enlaces. Universidad de Mosc ecologa ** Rumania. Citation. Citado: Universidad de Mosc la investigacin, las publicaciones: la ciencia del medio ambiente, la ecologa bioqumica, la calidad del agua. Citado en Rumania, publicaciones, Universidad Estatal de Mosc. ** Moldova. Citado: Universidad de Mosc la investigacin, las publicaciones: la ciencia del medio ambiente, la ecologa bioqumica, la calidad del agua. ** Finlandia. Citation. Citado cientficos de la Universidad de Mosc. elctrico actual oxidasa, citocromo, H +-ATPasa y bacteriorodopsina: ** Citado en Hungra. Citation. Libros (Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, la Universidad de Mosc) sobre: Conservacin; Efectos Biolgicos de Surfactants:

** AMRICA DEL NORTE: MIT. Cita de: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov, Mosc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.I.T.: ** EE.UU. cita de la investigacin de los rusos, la Universidad de Mosc, superficie: los estudios ambientales, ecologa, biologa. Ejemplos. ** A nivel mundial, citando internacional de publicaciones de la Universidad de Mosc (Mosc). en EE.UU., ... Alemania, Reino Unido, Suecia, Francia, ** Cita en EE.UU.. Medio Ambiente, Ecologa, Biologa. ** Canad: Cita de obras de la Universidad de Mosc en Canad y en otros pases (en ciencias del medio ambiente), ejemplos ** M.Harty (CIEE Research Station Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean): cita (Universidad de Mosc) del papel. ** Mxico. La cita de los ecologistas de Mosc. Citado: el libro: Yablokov, AV; Ostroumov, SA 1989. Conservacin de la Naturaleza viva. El libro fue utilizado en la educacin ambiental en la universidad: Universidad Jurez Autnoma de Tabasco ** Amrica Latina. Cuba. Cita de: A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov. Conservacin de la Naturaleza. Problemas y Perspectivas.

** AMRICA DEL SUR: Brasil. Ciencias Ambientales. Cita del Libro de Autor en la Universidad de Mosc. Efectos biolgicos de los agentes tensioactivos. ** En portugus. Brasil. Citation. Citado Mosc publicaciones de la Universidad. Citado: el libro: Efectos biolgicos de tensioactivos. ** Argentina. Cita de la investigacin que se llev a cabo en la Universidad de Mosc. Ecologa, ciencias del medio ambiente. ** Amrica del Sur. Citation. Citado libro: Ostroumov Efectos Biolgicos SA de tensioactivos. El Bilogo (Lima, Per). en espaol. ** Cita ** en Amrica del Sur.; Cita en Uruguay. Universidad de la Repblica Uruguay. Citado: investigador de la Universidad de Mosc, ganador del Premio Fulbright. en: Rol de la herbivora de bivalvos Nativos y Exticos En Un reservorio somero del Uruguay: implicancias en las Tcnicas de biomanipulacin. Maria S. M. Plata. ** ASIA: China. Cita de la investigacin que se llev a cabo en la Universidad de Mosc. Calidad del agua: **: Kuwait y el Reino Unido. Citacin de obras de ecologista de la Universidad de Mosc: **

Citation. Rusia, Italia, China, Polonia, Ukraine.Cited obras en la Universidad de Mosc. , : ** Arabia Saud. Cita de la investigacin en la Universidad de Mosc. Ejemplo: Cita del libro ** Citando a: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Mosc en EE.UU., Alemania, Francia, Italia, Pases Bajos, Australia, Japn, China ** Citado en Japn y / o en japons. Sitios web japoneses / enlaces. Un ganador del Premio Fulbright, cientfico de la Universidad de Mosc. ** Universidades, Pakistn; King Abdul Aziz University, Arabia Saudita cit: la ciencia en Mosc. Cita ** Citation. . Bahria Universidad de Karachi; Federal Urdu Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Tecnologa, Pakistn. , Rivista di Biologia: Los efectos antropognicos sobre la biota: hacia un nuevo sistema de principios y criterios para el anlisis de los riesgos ecolgicos. Rivista di Biologia, 96 (1): 159-169.http :/ / ** Cita en Asia, Medio Ambiente Ciencia., Ejemplos. Las publicaciones de un ecologista de la Universidad de Mosc fueron citados ** Cita en China, Environm. Sci. Las publicaciones cientficas de un ecologista de la Universidad de Mosc fueron citados, ** Japan.Japanese editors.Citation de un eclogo de la Universidad de Mosc, un Fulbright Adjudicatario ** Armenia. Citation. . () . . ** AFRICA: Sudfrica: citacin de las publicaciones de la Universidad de Mosc en conservacin de la naturaleza, ciencias ambientales. Citacin ** AUSTRALIA: Citando: publicaciones escritas por la Universidad de Mosc en EE.UU., Alemania, Francia, Italia, Pases Bajos, Australia, Japn, China ** La Universidad de Australia Occidental: citacin del papel de la Universidad de Mosc, citado recientemente, el documento titulado: Algunos aspectos de la actividad de filtrado de agua de filtradores ** MENCIN EN TODO EL MUNDO: ** Publicaciones. El xito en la investigacin en la Universidad de Mosc. Environm. la ciencia, la ecologa, la biologa, algunos ejemplos. Dictamen sobre y clasificacin de algunas obras: comentarios de expertos, citas en la literatura cientfica mundial. ** Libro: Conservacin de la Naturaleza y de los Recursos Vivir. A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. Comentarios, reseas, citas en todo el mundo. ** Las citas de las publicaciones de la Universidad de Mosc. ** Dictamen sobre la clasificacin de las obras y el Dr. SAOstroumov de (Universidad de Mosc): comentarios de expertos, citas en la literatura cientfica mundial: . html

** Cita en la universidad asociada a los sitios. Las innovaciones de Fulbright Adjudicatario citados: sitios asociados con universidades ** Citado en bibliotecas asociadas a sitios: Libros, publicaciones escritas por eclogos de la Universidad de Mosc, por ejemplo:

Palabras clave: ciencia del medio ambiente, la ecologa, la biologa, la biblioteca, los sitios, antes, las publicaciones, la Universidad de Mosc, Harvard, Oxford, el Congreso, el MIT, EE.UU., Canad, Francia, Pases Bajos, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Suiza, Dinamarca, Alemania, Islandia , Italia, Eslovaquia, Reino Unido, Finlandia, Polonia, Hungra, Serbia, Turqua, Australia, ** > 600 papeles, instituciones citadas ganador Fulbright Award: cita en EE.UU., Alemania, Reino Unido, Japn, China, otros pases:; ** Conclusiones, la evaluacin de un usuario de Internet independiente: en "Cita de un ecologista Universidad de Mosc, una Adjudicatario Fulbright"; ** Citation, Preguntas frecuentes: efectos biolgicos del libro de documentos: surfactantes, ciencias ambientales, calidad del agua, el agua de auto-purificacin ** La citacin de las publicaciones en ciencias del medio ambiente, la investigacin en la Universidad de Mosc. ** A nivel mundial, citando internacional de las publicaciones del Dr. SA Ostroumov (Mosc). en EE.UU., Alemania, U. K., Suecia, Francia, **

citando: publicaciones escritos por el Dr. S.Ostroumov en EE.UU., Alemania, Francia, Italia, Pases Bajos, Australia, Japn, China, ** Resumen debera citarse como: Ejemplos de sitios y documentos, donde las publicaciones de una Fulbright Adjudicatario Dr. SA Ostroumov, Universidad Estatal de Mosc, fueron citados. Ciencias ambientales, ecologa, seguridad en el agua, la toxicologa. Dinamarca, EE.UU., Canad, Francia, Suiza, Japn, China, Corea, Blgica, Repblica Checa, Alemania, Islandia, Israel, Italia, Espaa, Mxico, Eslovaquia, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia, Polonia, Hungra, Serbia, Eslovenia, Estonia, Lituania, Turqua, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Pases Bajos, Singapur, frica del Sur, Taiwn, Hong Kong, Rusia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Eslovenia, Bulgaria, Qatar, Malasia, Indonesia, Egipto, Kenya, en otros pases: ** Citation. Worldwide. Lista de algunas instituciones que citan el cientfico de la Universidad de Mosc, ganador del Premio Fulbright ** Los cientficos de estas instituciones (a nivel mundial, ms de 307 instituciones en su totalidad) han citado las publicaciones (biologa, ecologa, medio ambiente) Autor: Dr. SA Ostroumov, la Universidad de Mosc ** International # Agua # Association (IWA) cit la publicacin de # # # Moscow_University citacin ** Mundiales ms de 600 trabajos, las instituciones citadas descubrimientos en libros, artculos sobre el medio ambiente, la ecologa del ganador del Premio Fulbright en la Universidad de Mosc. Internacional de la citacin de las publicaciones del Dr. SAOstroumov: cita en EE.UU., Alemania, Reino Unido, Pases Bajos, Suecia, Japn, China, otros pases:; ** bibliotecas de todo el mundo adquiri estos libros y que estas publicaciones (Ecologa, medio ambiente, biologa): **

Rusia. Estas publicaciones de este autor se mencionan, citada en el catlogo de la biblioteca central ruso. Biblioteca Estatal de Rusia, o de la Biblioteca Lenin. , , ( ) . . ** Cita de libros sobre ecologa bioqumica, en muchas disertaciones, en ruso. ( ; ) ** Las citas de ms de 200 disertaciones, en ruso. (, , ) ... .. - ** Cita en una disertacin sobre Acipenser gueldenstaedti (efectos de metal-orgnico qumico txico, orgnicos de estao-qumicos), en ruso. : (Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt) ** Cita en los materiales educativos en muchas universidades de Rusia, Polonia, Bielorrusia, Ucrania y otros pases. La modernizacin de la enseanza universitaria del medio ambiente. Actualizacin y modernizacin de la educacin en ciencias del medio ambiente y la ecologa: el uso de conceptos interdisciplinarios. Aplicacin a nivel mundial de las innovaciones en las publicaciones de la Universidad Estatal de Mosc, ejemplos. ** ** Lista de pases que citan las publicaciones, las obras del Dr. SAOstroumov:

Argentina, Armenia, Bielorrusia, Blgica, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canad, China, Cuba, Repblica Checa, Dinamarca, Egipto, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Grecia, Hong Kong, Hungra, Islandia, Indonesia, Irlanda, Israel, Italia, Japn, Kazajstn, Kenya, Corea,

Kuwait, Lituania, Malasia, Mxico, Moldova, Nepal, Pases Bajos, Nueva Zelanda, Nigeria, Noruega, Per, Polonia, Qatar, Rumania. Rusia, Serbia, Singapur, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Sudfrica, Espaa, Suecia, Suiza, Taiwn, Turqua, U. K., Ucrania, Reino Unido, Uruguay,

U.S.A. ** 20th January Dr Green : environmental_science Universidad de Mosc publicaciones citacin ecologa citado

0 Add a comment JAN 20 .. - .. Useful bibliography in Russian and English, with abstracts.Ecology, environmental science, ecotoxicology, organized in tables ..

- .. , 2009, -.




1. . . 4

2. ....37

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... - ... , 2009

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. . , . 1985-2009 . : 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. -. 5. . 6. .

S.A.Ostroumov. Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere by V.I.Vernadsky. Moscow, 2009. MAX Press.

Abstract. The brochure is a material for the lectures and scientific presentations. The purpose of this work - to summarize and systematize the publications of the author which are related to the topic of the lecture. In brief, it contains the results of the author's works in the period 1985-2009. Results and bibliography are summarized in the tables: 1. Accumulation of elements in organisms and their role in biogeochemical fluxes of elements; 2. effects of xenobiotics and pollutants on higher plants; 3. The impact of chemicals on algae; 4. The impact of xenobiotics on molluscs and some plankton organisms which are filter feeders; 5. Investigations of the role of aquatic plants in relation to phytotechnologies and phytoremediation; 6. Some conceptual developments of fundamentals of general ecology and the state of the biosphere.

Key words: ecotoxicology, ecobiotechnology, biochemistry, physiology, microorganisms, accumulation of elements, biogeochemical fluxes, effects of xenobiotics and pollutants, higher plants; algae; bivalves, molluscs, plankton, filter feeders, suspension feeders, macrophytes, phytotechnology, phytoremediation, surfactants, detergents, water quality, bioassays, plant seedlings, toxic effects, ecosystems, ecological chemoregulators, biogeochemisty

: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - , , , , , , , , , , ( ); (); ; 50 - , 50%; ; - () - ; - ; - ; SDS - ; - ( ); 100 - 100 ( ); ;

... - ... , 2009

S.A.Ostroumov. Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere by V.I.Vernadsky. Moscow, 2009

, -2009 (- . .. , 26 30 2009 , ), .

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.. , , 80 . . . .

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( ); (); ; 50 - , 50%; ; - () ; - ; - ; SDS - ; - ( ); 100 - 100 ( ); ;

^ 1. . .

In this experimental philosophy, propositions are deduced from the phenomena

^ Isaac Newton. The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Phylosophy. 1726.

, .. : , , , , (*9+, . 216)

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, , , *56-57, 68-69+. , ( ) , *33-40, 43-45, 64, 65+. . .. , , .

^ 1.1.

. (1870-1953). .

.. : , (, 1965, .297). . , , .

( , , ) .


. 1. . , ...

* - () (Lymnaea stagnalis ) . Nuphar lutea , : C, 69.74%; N, 2.3-2.9%; P, 0.4-0.5%; Si, 1.1-1.7%; Al, 0.054-0.059%. (Unio tumidus 63.21%, U. pictorum 27.36 %, Crassiana crassa 7.55 %

Anodonta cygnea 1.89 %) : (64.3%), N (2.73%), P (0.39%), Si (1.14%), Al (0.071%). . 2 /, 1-2 /, Tide-Lemon 75 /: Lymnaea stagnalis .+. C, N, P, Si, Al. // . 2001. . 379. 3. . 426-429. . 12 . *: ..O., ..+.

[Elemental composition (C, N, P, Si, Al) of pellets formed by mollusks Lymnaea stagnalis feeding on the leaves of Nuphar lutea and Taraxacum officinale; amount (wet weight, dry weight) of pellets formed by L. stagnalis feeding on the leaves of N. lutea and T.officinale; transfer of matter and chemical elements (C, N, P, Si, Al) with pellets of freshwater bivalves (unionidsUnio sp., etc.) per unit biomass of mollusks and per unit area of the ecosystem of the river; transfer of matter and chemical elements (C, N, P, Si, Al) with pellets of L. stagnalis per unit biomass of mollusks and per unit area of the ecosystem of the pond. Synthetic surfactants D 2 mg/l, SDS 1-2 mg/l, detergent Tide-Lemon 75 mg/l inhibited the trophic activity of L. stagnalis.Percents of food assimilability of taxons of invertebrates, from Rotatoria (48-80) to Diptera (1-31)]. DOI 10.1023/A:1011620817764. Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001. Vol. 379, P. 378-381. Bibliogr. 12. (Translated from: DAN 2001. Vol. 379. No. 3. P. 426-429). ISSN 0012-4966. [In collaboration: S.A.O., Kolesnikov M.P.]

*. , . . +. Biogeochemical role of bivalves: transfer of chemical elements with pellets // Ecol. Studies, Problems, Solutions, 2003, vol. 6. P.16-17 *: Kolesnikov M.P., S.A.O.+.

* - (, ) (Lymnaea stagnalis ) . , L. stagnalis 4-7 ( ) 1 72 . Nuphar lutea , : C, 69,74%; N, 2,32,9%; P, 0,4-0,5%; Si, 1,1-1,7%; Al, 0,054-0,059%. 2 / () L. stagnalis 27,970,9%. 1 L. stagnalis 41,7% ( 72 ). (Unio tumidus 63,21%, U. pictorum27,36 %, Crassiana crassa 7,55 % Anodonta cygnea 1,89 %) : (64,3%), N (2,73%), P (0,39%), Si (1,14%), Al (0,071%). . +.

..O. (C, N, P, Si, Al) : // . C. 16. . 2003 1. .15-24. . . . . 59 . *: ..O., ..+.

* , , : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) , ; 6) , . +. ..O. . Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, . 77-79, . . 5 . *: ..O., .., .., .., .., ..+;

* , . , ]. ..O. : . Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, . 79-83, . . 6 . *: ..O., .., .., .., .., .., . .+;

Role of molluscs in water self-purification and the interactions between molluscs and elements, including metals Studying the role of molluscs in water self-purification and the interactions between molluscs and elements, including metals, in aquatic environments. ESHS, 2007, vol. 12, p. 29-32. Bibliogr. 9 refs. [In collaboration: S.A.O., Zubcov E.I., Toderash I.K., Biletchi L.I., Bogonina Z.S., Breahn A., Klyushnikov V.Yu., Kolesnikov M.P., Krupina M.V., Makarov A.S., Munjiu O.V., Railean N., Subernetkii I.V.]

Dreissena polymorpha Dreissena polymorpha . ESHS, 2007, vol. 12, p. 51-53. *: .., .., .., ..O., .., ..+

* Unio pictorum 3,5 . 13 +.

..O. . ESHS, 2007, vol. 12, p.78-81, . . 2 .

, , . . // . . 2007, 2, . 102-114, ISSN 1857-064X. *: .., ..., .., .., .., . ., .., .., .., .., ..+.

Unio pictorum 181.2 /, 160.0 /. ( ) . . - = . 5, 2007, .79 80. 2 . . 6 . *: C..., .., .. , .. +.

// : . 2007. 3. c. 68-77. . 3. . 41 . . . . . . 95. *C: ..., ..+ *=Studying the interaction between cadmium and aquatic molluscs in connection with ecological monitoring. Water: Technology and Ecology. 2007. No. 3. p. 68-77. Tables, Bibliogr. 41 refs. (in Rus.) Abstracts in Eng. and Rus. p. 95].

// : . 2007. 4, . 54-68. ISSN 1993-8764 *: C..., .., .., .., ..+.

Unio pictorum Unio pictorum. ESHS, 2007, vol. 12, p. 101-102. . . 5 . *: .., ...+.

Unio pictorum .., .., .. : Unio pictorum - // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: ., . 26-30. . 3 .

.., .., .., .. Unio pictorum, Anodonta, Viviparus viviparus // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 31-34.

.., .. : , , // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 35-40. . 40 .

( ) .., .., .. ( -) // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 42-43. .3 .


.., .., .. : Unio - // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 47-53. . 3 .

Cd, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn, Pb Mytilus galloprovincialis (Metals in the sheels of Mytilus galloprovincialis) .., .., .. Cd, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn, Pb Mytilus galloprovincialis (Metals in the sheels of Mytilus galloprovincialis) // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 54-56. . 4 .

.., .., .., .., .. ( ) // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 63-64.

.., .., .., .., .., .. // . / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 64-66.

: Dreissena polymorpha .., .., .., .., .., .. : Dreissena polymorpha // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 67-68.

Viviparus viviparus: .., .., .. Viviparus viviparus: - // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. 2009. v. 13, p. 113-117. [= Ostroumov S.A., Kolesov G.M., Sapozhnikov D.Yu. The content of chemical elements in the shells of molluscs Viviparus viviparus: a study by the method of neutron activation analysis // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. 2009. v. 13, p. 113-117].

. Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb . Ceratophyllum demersum. , . (. . -. . 16. . 2007. 4. .3942). Changes in the concentrations of heavy metals in the water of experimental systems were studied. Using the method of inversion voltamperometry, the concentrations of the heavy metals Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb were measured in the water of the experimental microcosms. Aquatic macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum were incubated in the microcosms. The measured concentrations of all four heavy metals

decreased in the microcosms with the macrophytes much faster than in the control microcosms without any aquatic plants. The new results complement the previous data on the phytoremediation potential of aquatic plants (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series 16. Biology. 2007. 4. .39 42)]. .., .., .., .., .., .. , . // . 2009. No. 2. . 58 67. ., . 17 . *=Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V., Kotelevtsev S.V., Solomonova E.A., Golovnya E.G., Poklonov V.A. Presence of the macrophytes in aquatic system accelerated a decrease in concentrations of copper, lead and other heavy metals in water. // Water Sector of Russia: Problems, Technologies, Management (=Vodnoe Khozyaistvo Rossii). 2009. No. 2. p. 58 - 67. Bibliogr. 17 refs.

Cystoseira crinita . : Fe > Zn > Mn > Cr > As > Cu > Pb > Cd > Co. (, 2004, .396. .136-141; , No. 6, 2005, . 452459)].

.., .. (As, , Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr) : - () // . 2009. 9, .42-45.

1.2. .

Cause and Effect, the Chancellors of God.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1892). Self-Reliance, 1841

1. .

2. .

3. ( , , ).

- () . ( ) . , . *51+, *33, 66+.

. . , .

. 2. .

* : Scenedesmus quadricauda, , . 1000 / ( ) Scenedesmus quadricauda. 10 / 100 / S. quadricauda. S. quadricauda 1+.

// . . . . 7. 1986. .84-86. 2 . . . . . 8 . *: .., ..O.+

, Fagopyrum esculentum. Fagopyrum esculentum // . .: , 1986. . 9. .87-97. 7 . *: .., ., ..O.+.

* : SDS 1 / (=1 /) Fagopyrum esculentum 74 . 0,1 / 24-37%] // . . . . 1987. 12. . 81 - 84. . . . . . . 13 . *: ., ..O., ..+.

* : Sinapis alba - 50 40-50 0.29-0.35 /; 50-64 , 0.21-0.29 /; 64-74 , 0.19-0.29 /. Scenedesmus quadricauda - 50 0-50 0.05 /; 50-74 50 0.05 0.1 /+. , // . 1. 1988. .165-168. . . 13 . *: .., ., .., ..O.+

* : Sinapis alba L. . 50 0,9 / 40 0,33 / 74 . (, 40% ) . 50 1,5 2 / 48-72 +. , () // . . 1988. . 24, 4. .54-55. . . . . 6 . *: .., ., ..O.+

: - 100 Camelina sativa Triticum aestivum

Camelina sativa Triticum aestivum - // . . 1988. .133-134. *: ..O., ..+.

// . . 1988. .134-136. *: ..O., .., .., ..+.

: ( ) - // - . 2. , 1988. .107. *: ..O., ..+.

Pseudomonas mendocina; Fagopyrum esculentum, Lepidium sativum, Sinapis alba. . . .: Assessment of biotechnological destruction of anionic surface-active substances using biotests // Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. Vol.45. No.3. P.72-76. [In collaboration: S.A.O., Samoilenko L.S.] (Publisher: Allerton Press, Inc.; ISSN 0096-3925). ..O. // -, 16. . 1990. 3. . 74-78. ., 5 . . . . 8 . *: ..O., .. *= Ostroumov, S. A. and L. S. Samoilenko (1990). Assessment of the efficiency of biotechnological destruction of anionic surfactant using biological tests. - Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Seriya XVI Biologiya (3): 74-78].

*. . (100, Camelina sativa) . , , " ", , , +. ..O. // -, 16. . 1990. 2. .27-34. . . . . 17 .

[An analysis is presented of several problems in the bioassay of xenobiotics and pollutants. The author's and co-workers' data on bio-testing of surface-active substances and pesticides are reviewed, and new methods or modifications of methods that use plant seedlings are discussed. A new statistical approach to the comparison of data on the assessment of biological activities of xenobiotics and pollutants is proposed]. Problems of assessment of biological activity of xenobiotics. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, v. 45 (2): p. 26-32; 1990. Tab. Bibliogr. 17 refs. New York, N.Y.: Allerton Press Inc. (ISSN 00963925; NAL Call. No.: QH301.M6). Translated from: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Biologiia, v. 45 (2), 1990, p. 27-34. (QH301.M58). On the list of Bibliographies in the Quick Bibliography series of the National Agricultural Library (NAL, U.S.A.);

* Cucumis sativus, Fagopyrum esculentum, +. Cucumis sativus // . , . 1990. .124-129, . . 11 . *: .., ..O., ..+.

: 0.001 % (=10 /) ( ) Dunaliella asymmetrica . 0.005 % (= 50 /) D. asymmetrica . 0.001% Fagopyrum esculentum. Dunaliella asymmetrica Fagopyrum esculentum // . . 1990. . 26. 2. .96-98. 2 . . . . 9 . *: ..O., .., .., ..+.

* : 4 / Nostoc muscorum, Bracteacoccus minor. 50 / - . 50 250 / F. esculentum+. . .: Effect of environmental pollution with a cationic surface-active substance on algae and Fagopyrum esculentum sprouts. Soviet Journal of Ecology. 1990. Vol. 21. No.2. p. 79-81. [in collaboration: S.A.O., Tretyakova A.N.]. Fagopyrum esculentum // . 1990. 2. .43-46. 3 . . . . . 10 . *: ..O., ..+. *= Ostroumov, S. A. and A. N. Tretyakova (1990). Effect of environmental pollution with a cationic surfactant on some algae and Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. sprouts // Ekologiya (2): 43-46].

* - - Oryza sativa+. *: ..O., ..+. // . 1991. 4. . 83-85, . . 8 .

* Hirudo medicinalis ( - -), Fagopyrum esculentum ( )+. ..O. - // . 1991. 2. . 112-116. 6 . . 17 .

* +. ..O. , // . 1991. . 13. 3. . 270-283. 9 . . . . . 83 .

. .: Bioassay of surfactants based on the disruption of seedling attachment to the substrate and rhizoderm root hair formation.- Biology Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (USA; ISSN 0098-2164) 1992, v. 18(4) p. 383-386; Bibl.15 refs. Co-Authors: Ostroumov, S.A.; Maksimov, V.N.; *: ..O., ..+. // , . . 1991. 4. . 571 - 575, . . . . . 15 . * = Ostroumov, S. A. and V. N. Maksimov (1991). A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the development of root hairs by the rhizodermis. // Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Biologicheskaya (4): 571-575].

* "" Fagopyrum esculentum Oryza sativa. "" 0.25 / F. esculentum, O. sativa 22-75%]. *: ..O., ..+. , // . , . . 1992. 3. C. 452-458. 8 . . . . 33 .

: . *: ..O., ..+. - () - // . . 1992. . 28. 3. C.72-75.

, () . 50 3.3 / 90 , - 62 . *: ..O., ..+. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench // . 1993. 6. C.50-55. 4 . . . . 21 .

* Lepidiumsativum L+. ..O. -100 // . 1999. 4. C.41.

* () (Elodea canadensisMchk., Potamogeton crispus L., Najas guadelupensis L.). . : ...Ecol. Stud. Haz. Sol. 2006, .11, c. 72-74. E. canadensis 4 / (8 0.5 /, 18 .) 83 / (10 8.3 / 19 .). N. guadelupensis 120 / ( 168 )+. : . . 2006. 3. . 45-49. . 2, . . .77. . 12 . *: ..O., ..+

* Elodea canadensis Mchk. ( - Hydrocharitaceae),Potamogeton crispus L. ( Potamogetonaceae), Najas guadelupensis L. (c - Najadaceae), Fontinalis antipyretica L. ( -Fontinalaceae). , - Salvinia natans L.,Salvinia auriculata Aubl. ( c Salviniaceae)].

. . 2006. 6. .32-39, . . 11 . *: .., ..O.+.

* () ^ Elodea canadensis Mchk., Potamogeton crispusL., Najas guadelupensis L., Fontinalis antipyretica L., Salvinia natans L.,Salvinia auriculata Aubl. N. guadelupensis 195 145 1 +. . - . 2006. 6. . 63-68. . 5. . 22 . . . *: ..O., ..+.

* . , Elodea canadensis,Potamogeton crispus, Najasguadelupensis ( 120 / 168 ) . . - +. ..O. (, , ) . - : . 2007. 2. . 49-69. . 53 .

: // , (2007), 5 (), C.20-22 *.: .. ., .. +

, 0,06 / -, ( ) 4 .

In the aquatic medium containing the laundry detergent Aist-Universal 0.06 mg / ml, the new parameter, the average arbitrary length of seedlings decreased by the factor of 4]. -: Fagopyrum esculentum. - . 2007, 5 . 42-43. . 5 ., . *: ..., ..+

[Synthetic detergents Aist-Universal: effects on seed germination and seedling elongation of buckwheat ^Fagopyrum esculentum. Toksikologicheskiy Vestnik. 2007, 5, p. 42-43. [coauthors: S.A.O., Solomonova E.A.]

* () Elodea canadensis Mchk., Potamogeton crispus L., Najas guadelupensis L., Fontinalis antipyretica L., Salvinia natans L., Salvinia auriculata Aubl. , . . , , +. // . 2008. 4. . 21 26. . . .: . 26. .: . ., . . ISSN 0869-7922

Potamogeton crispus .. , .. . - Potamogeton crispus L. // . 2008. 3-4. .14-18. 3 . . 23 .

. () . . (, ) . , 1 3 : 0,5, 0,8, 1,7, 8,3, 16,7, 50,0 100,0 . , . ( ) 200 ( 0,5 100 /), 53 ( 372 7 ). . . . ., . . Najas guadelupensis L. // . 2009. 2. .32-35. . 10 .

. Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb

. Ceratophyllum demersum. , . (. . -. . 16. . 2007. 4. .3942). Changes in the concentrations of heavy metals in the water of experimental systems were studied. Using the method of inversion voltamperometry, the concentrations of the heavy metals Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb were measured in the water of the experimental microcosms. Aquatic macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum were incubated in the microcosms. The measured concentrations of all four heavy metals decreased in the microcosms with the macrophytes much faster than in the control microcosms without any aquatic plants. The new results complement the previous data on the phytoremediation potential of aquatic plants (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series 16. Biology. 2007. 4. .39 42)]. .., .., .., .., .., .. , . // . 2009. No. 2. . 58 67. ., . 17 . *Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V., Kotelevtsev S.V., Solomonova E.A., Golovnya E.G., Poklonov V.A. Presence of the macrophytes in aquatic system accelerated a decrease in concentrations of copper, lead and other heavy metals in water. // Water Sector of Russia: Problems, Technologies, Management (=Vodnoe Khozyaistvo Rossii). 2009. No. 2. p. 58 - 67. Bibliogr. 17 refs.

(). (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) () Elodea canadensis. Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu . Elodea canadensis. , . , (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) Elodea canadensis , , .., .., .., .., .., .. : (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) . // 2009, 18(2): .111-119. . 39 .. *=Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V., Shestakova T.V., Kolotilova N.N., Poklonov V.A., Solomonova E.A. The new on phytoremediation potential: acceleration in the decrease in the concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) in water in the presence of elodea]. [].

.., .. Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb Ceratophyllum demersum: // . 2009. .428. 2. . 282-285.

. 3. (). .

* 1000 / ( ) Scenedesmus quadricauda. 10 / 100 / S. quadricauda. S. quadricauda 1+. // . . . . 7. 1986. .84-86. 2 . . . . . 8 . *: .., ..O.+

, 67 / Chlorella vulgaris Monochrysis lutheri 20-23 . // . 1988. 6. .57-58. *: ..O., ..+.

0.001 % (=10 /) ( ) Dunaliella asymmetrica . 0.005 % (= 50 /) D. asymmetrica . 0.001% Fagopyrum esculentum. Dunaliella asymmetrica Fagopyrum esculentum // . . 1990. . 26. 2. .96-98. 2 . . . . 9 . *: ..O., .., .., ..+.

* , 4 / Nostoc muscorum, Bracteacoccus minor. 50 /

- . 50 250 / F. esculentum+. Fagopyrum esculentum // . 1990. 2. .43-46. 3 . . . . . 10 . *: ..O., ..+. *= Ostroumov, S. A. and A. N. Tret'yakova (1990). Effect of environmental pollution with a cationic surfactant on some algae and Fagopyrum esculentumMoench. sprouts. Ekologiya (2): 43-46+. . .: Effect of environmental pollution with a cationic surface-active substance on algae and Fagopyrum esculentum sprouts. Soviet Journal of Ecology. 1990. Vol. 21. No.2. p. 79-81. [in collaboration: S.A.O., Tretyakova A.N.].

* , CMC - 0.5 / Euglena gracilis; 0.01 0.1 / +. - // . 1990. . 26. 6. .78-79. . . . . 9 . *: ., ..O.+.

, . -100 0.1 1 / Thalassiosirapseudonana (Hustelt) Hasle et Heimdal , . 10% 100 0.1 / 40% 1 /. 100 , , 100 . Thalassiosirapseudonana // . . 1996. 1. C.91-95. 3 . . . . . 29 . *: ., ., ..O.+. . .

. -100 Synechococcus -. 100 5 / Synechococcus WH 7805 SynechococcusWH 8103. 100 0.5 / . - // . 1994. . 63. . 2. C.259-263. . . . . 21 . *: . (Waterbury J.B.), ..O.+.

Euglena gracilisKlebs. "": - 20-300 / Euglena gracilis Klebs. "-" - 20 / , - 100-300 / . () - // . 1998. 5. C.29-30. . . 3 . *: ..O., ., ., ., .+.

* Synechococcus sp. PCC 6803. - 0,2 / 33%, - 0,4 / 50%+. (, , -Cetrimide) // . 1998. 5. C.30. . . 1 . *: ..O., ..+.

* Spirulina platensis. 0.5 2.5 / +. () // . 1999. 1. C.35-36. *: ..O., .., ..+.

* . 0.5-0.6 / Scenedesmusquadricauda. 0.6 / Synechocystissp.; 33.7% 66.7% 0.5% 4.5%, +. - Cyanophyta Chlorophyta // . 1999. .9. 2. C.105-106. *: ..O., .., . ., .., ..+.

( ) // , 1999. 3. - . 27-29. *: . ., ..O.+.

* : , Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803+.

Tide-Lemon // . 2000. 2. .31-32 *: ..O., ..+.

- - // -2. .: . 2000. C.60. *: ..., ..+.

, .

, Hyphomonas MHS-3 ( // . 1999. 4. C.40-41. *: ., ..O.+). , : 5 / 30% 19 , 20%. 96 50 ( ) 10 /. , , -100. 100 50 / Hyphomonas MHS-3 50%, - 510 / 20% ( ., ..O. -100 // . 1998. 4. C.42-43).

Hirudo medicinalis. , , ( - // . 1991. 2. . 112-116). .

( , ) . .

. 4.

: : (, SDS 0.5-4 / 30-60 ), 100 (Triton X-100 4 / 60-120 ) Isochrysisgalbana Mytilus edulis.SDS 1, 2, 4 / 30-90 I. galbana . ..O., ., . - // . 1998. . 362. 4. C.574-576.

: (SDS) 1 / (35-95 , 16) M.edulis Isochrysis galbana . , 95 , . Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view // Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 1998. V. 91(2). P.221-232

* 0.5 / Brachionus angularis Gosse Chlorella sp.+. // . 1998. 5. C.30-32. . . 4 . *: .., ..O.+.

* Lymnaea stagnalis+. .: 2 / Lymnaea stagnalis 65.5 % ( ). ..O. () // . 2000. 1. .42-43 . 3 .

. : 100 0.5 / (90 , 16) M.edulis Isochrysis galbana . , , 100.

Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards // Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2003. vol. 96, no.1, p. 159-170.

: 1 / M. lutheri M. galloprovincialis. TX100 5 / U. tumidus, 1-2 / U. pictorum, 0.5 / Brachionus angularis, B. plicatilis. ..O. // , 2000, . 375, 6. .847-849

: 1 / Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam., Monochrysis lutheri. ..O. // . 2000. 3. .34 -35.

: M. galloprovincialis ( 27.8 ). 20 / 19-54 .; 7 / 9-49 . ..O. - // . . 2001. 3. .40-41.

: Fairy 2 / M. galloprovincialis ( 2-23 , 22.5 ). ..O. // . 2001. .381 5. C.709-712

: IXI 20 / M. galloprovincialis, "-" 30 / Crassostrea gigas. (. 3). ..O. : // . 2002. .382. 1. C.138-141

LanzaAutomat 20 / Crassostrea gigas ( 4-35 , 23.4C). " ".

..O. : // . 2002. . 385. 4. C. 571-573.

: " " . " " 0.5 / ( ) M.galloprovincialis Monochrysis lutheri . (700 ) 12 . ..O. " " Mytilus galloprovincialis. . 2006. 3. .42-43.

: ( ) . S.A.O., J. Widdows. Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Hydrobiologia. 2006. V. 556, No. 1. P.381 386.

* Mytilus galloprovincialis - 25 50 /, Tide-Lemon 33 43 /; , .. +. ..O. "-" "Tide-Lemon" // . 2000. 4. .35-37.

* Uniotumidus Philipsson 1788+. OMO // . 2000. 5. .43-44. *: ..O., ..+.

, , , , Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Co, (). Na3VO4 12 H2O . ..O. - . . . . 2006. 6. . 699-706, . . . . . 29 .

* , Mytilus galloprovincialis ( , ) 70 1.25 1 (. ) 0.28 1 . , , , (HgSO4 10 /), +. ^ Mytilus galloprovincialis . . Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, . 83-85, . . 1 . *: ..., ..+

* SnCl2 2H2O 5 15 / + SnCl2 2H2O, 130 / . SnCl2 2H2O - +; Sn Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, . 113 - 117. : 1. Sn: . 2. Sn: . .

Cd . (0.5 /) M.galloprovincialis Saccharomyces cerevisiae - (OD 550 ; 10 ); . ..O. : // . 2004. 6. . 36-37

* 0.5 / Brachionus calyciflorus Nannochloropsislimnetica (Eustigmatophyceae 1.5-6 )+. // () 2003. . 390. 3. .423-426, . . 15 . *: ..O., ., .+. .. . . .:

[surfactant TDTMA 0.5 mg l-1, turbidostat; the culture of rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus feeding on algaeNannochloropsis limnetica]. Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2003. Vol. 390. 252255, tab. Bibliogr. 15 refs; in Eng.; ISSN 0012-4966. DOI 10.1023/A:1024417903077. [In collaboration: S.A.O., Walz N., Rusche R.].

2 / Lymnaea stagnalis 65.5 % ( ). ..O. () // . 2000. 1. .42-43 * Lymnaea stagnalis+. . 3 .

* Crassostrea gigas; Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lanza-Automat () // . . 2002. 4. C.48-49. *: ..O., .., .., .., . ., .., .., .., ..+.+.

K2TiF6 (89.3 /, 21, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 660 ) . ( ) 21 730%. ..O. * ^ Mytilus galloprovincialis+. . 2007, 3, . 39-40. . 6 ., .

- () - Daphnia magna.

. . , .. : Daphnia magna // . 2008, .17, 4, . 215-217.

, - () - Daphnia magna. 3 (0.1 10 /) Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. , ( ). , . . ., .. : // . 2009, . 425, No. 2, . 271272. . . 15 .

, () - Daphnia magna.

It was discovered that sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) had an inhibitory effect on the filtration activity of the common species of filter- feeders Daphnia magna]. . ., .. : // . 2009. 1. .46-48. . 14 . *Vorozhun I.M., Ostroumov S.A. Sodium dodecyl sulphate: impact on Daphnia / / Toksikologicheskiy Vestnik. 2009. No. 1. p. 46-48. Bibliogr. 14 refs.]

.. // / . .., .., .. 2008. .: , . 44-46 . 2 .

* Crassostrea gigas; Saccharomyces cerevisiae+. Lanza-Automat () // . . 2002. 4. C.48-49. *: ..O., .., .., .., . ., .., .., .., ..+.

[Effects of TDTMA and SDS onCrassostrea gigas; also, effects of detergents on C. gigas and M. galloprovicialis]. ..O. - , // . 2009. 3. .92-94. . 3. . 20 refs. *= Effects of the synthetic surfactants and chemical mixtures on marine mollusks used in aquaculture]. Fisheries Management. 2009. No. 3. p.92-94. Tabl. 3.

20th January Dr Green : Bibliography with abstracts ecotoxicology Russian environmental science ecology English

0 Add a comment JAN

20 These countries cited publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov (ecology, environment) **

Who cited. Citing Authors: Citation of works authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: citing authors - scientists, professors, experts (U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Australia, China, India, and other countries):

** List of countries that cited papers and books (Environment, Ecology, Conservation) written by Dr. S.A.O., Moscow State University, Fulbright Award winner: Argentina. Armenia Belarus, Belgium, Brazil. Bulgaria, Canada China, Cuba. Czech Republic. Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,

Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Romania. Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia,

South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, U. K., Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay. USA,

** 20th January Dr Green : publications Dr. S.A.Ostroumov ecology countries cited environment

0 Add a comment JAN 20 Citation of: Moscow University, Fulbright Award winner, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. About results of his work, professional activity, and publications Citation of: a scientist at Moscow State University, Fulbright Award winner, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. In English: About results of his work, professional activity, and publications: In English (1 AWARDS, HONORS; 2 DISCOVERIES; 3 PUBLICATIONS; 4 CITATION; 5 COMMENTS, EVALUATIONS, REVIEWS; 6 AVAILABILITY IN LIBRARIES; 7 EDUCATION):; 2,000 reads on Internet; In Russian:

** Who cited. Citing Authors: Citation of works authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: citing authors - scientists, professors, experts (the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Australia, China, India, and other countries): ** Citation in Africa, America, Asia, Australia, biology, #citation, #cited, #ecology, #environmental_science, Europe. ** MORE INFORMATION ON CITATION: The University of Western Australia: citation of the paper of Moscow University; cited recently. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders:


41 articles on environmental sciences, and citation of these articles in U.S.A., France, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, and other countries; selected examples 41 articles on environmental sciences, and citation of these articles; citation in the U.S.A., Russia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, China, Argentina, Philippines, and other countries; selected examples: ** Citation: Environment Agency Germany; Environment Agency Austria cited book on #environmental toxicology, Surfactants ** U.S.A. Library of Congress. Citation in catalog. Books by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, a Fulbright Award winner, at the library collections. Topics: environmental science, ecology, scientific basis of nature conservation, establishing a new science of biochemical ecology.

** Citation in South America. Citation. Uruguay. Universidad de la Republica Uruguay. Cited: Moscow University researcher, a Fulbright Award winner. Dissertation titled: Rol de la herbivora de bivalvos nativos y exticos en un reservorio somero del Uruguay: implicancias en las tcnicas de biomanipulacin. Autor: Mara Soledad Marroni Plata; Director: Nstor Mazzeo; Co-Director: Carlos Iglesias Page 2. Resumen ... ** Citation in France: France. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology. Scientific paper and its citation: Reference: S. A. Ostroumov. On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. - Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2005, pp. 414420.;; [PDF] Enseignements de retours d'expriences de barrages pertuis ouverts, de 1905 nos jours C Poulard, P Royet, J Ratomski, A Lenar-Matyras (France, Poland); ** Citation in India. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water selfpurification, ecology. Scientific paper and its citation: Reference, the paper which was cited: S. A. Ostroumov. On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. - Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2005, pp. 414420.; The Indian paper that cited Moscow University: K.N. Mehta, B.S. Bhadauria. Modelling the Role of Fluctuations in Volume on Self-purification of Natural Water Bodies. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution. Volume 7, Number 4 / 2010. Pages 63-69. **

Citation: Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Ghent University (Belgium), et al. cited the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants ** Citation of the book Biological Effects of Surfactants in Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland (the list is in an arbitrary order), examples: ** Armenia. Citation. The Armenian journal entitled 'Biological Journal of Armenia' (in Armenian language) cited the paper 'On polyfunctional role of biota in self-purification of aquatic ecosystems' (in Russian). . () ' '. . ** Armenia. Library. This book was cited in catalog of Republican scientific medical library of Armenia: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow University Press, Moscow (in Russian). , . . : , RSML: Republican scientific medical library of Armenia. . ** Citation in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Armenia, Kazakhstan. The publications were cited in catalogs of libraries. , : , , , , , , ** Citation in Italy. Citation of the research at Moscow University in the paper (example): Sewage-exposed marine invertebrates: survival rates and microbiological accumulation. L. Stabili, A. Terlizzi, R.A. Cavallo. - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2012:

** South Africa: citation of the publications of the following scientist: [ Ostroumov S.A. ] [TXT] BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISIS IN DIE NATUUR deur STEPHANUS PHILIPPUS TREURNICHT voorgel luidens die vereistes ETP D LITT , BESKOUINGS OOR VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING EN DIE KRISIS IN DIE NATUUR (In Afrikaans): ** ** Citation in: EUROPE: citation of publications of Moscow University: examples, citation in U.S.A., Germany, France, Switzerland, etc. ** World-wide, international citing of publications of Moscow University (Moscow). in U.S.A., Germany, U. K., Sweden, France, ** Citation. Russia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine. Cited works at Moscow University. ,: ** United Kingdom. Citation of works of ecologist at Moscow University: ** Citation in Czech Republic. Book of Moscow environmentalists, A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University: **

Poland. Citation of a Russian ecologist (Moscow University): ** Ukraine: another citation of a Russian ecologist (Fulbright Award recipient), Moscow State University: **

Western Ukraine: Ternopol. Medical University. Cited the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. ** Citation in Germany of research results of Moscow University, area: environmental studies, ecology, biology. Examples. ** Citation in France of research results of Moscow University, area: environmental studies, ecology, biology. Examples. ** U.K.: Citation of works of Moscow University in U.K. (on environmental science), examples: ** Cited in Bulgaria: books of ecologists of Moscow University, Russian Academy of Sciences: .., ... . . , . . : ** Cited in Slovakia. Book of ecologists of Moscow University and Russian Academy of Sciences. Jablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A., 1991: Protection of wildlife. problems and prospects. Academia, Prague. Pavol Elias, PhD. Course syllabus 852U301 - Biosozolgia (Protection of biodiversity): ** Denmark. Innovative publications were cited. Moscow University ecology: ** Citation. Cited in Hungary, Hungarian websites/ links, Hungarian language: ** Netherlands. Innovative publications were cited. Dutch websites / links. Moscow University ecology ** Romania. Citation. Cited: Moscow University research, publications: environmental science, biochemical ecology, water quality. Cited in Romania, publications, Moscow State University. ** Moldova. Cited: Moscow University research, publications: environmental science, biochemical ecology, water quality. ** Finland. Citation. Cited Moscow University scientists. electric current, cytochrome oxidase, H+-ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin: ** Cited in Hungary. Citation. Books (Russian Academy Sciences; Moscow University) on: Conservation; Biological Effects of Surfactants: ** NORTH AMERICA: MIT. Citation of: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov, Moscow. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.I.T.: ** U.S.A. Citation of research of Russians, Moscow University, area: environmental studies, ecology, biology. Examples. ** World-wide, international citing of publications of Moscow University (Moscow). in USA,... Germany, U. K., Sweden, France,

** Citation in USA. Environment, Ecology, Biology. ** Canada: Citation of works of Moscow University in Canada and other countries (on environmental science), examples: ** M.Harty (CIEE Research Station Bonaire, Dutch Carribean): citation (Moscow University) paper. ** Mexico. Citation of Moscow ecologists. Cited: the book: Yablokov, A.V.; Ostroumov, S.A. 1989. Conservacin de la naturaleza viva. The book was used in environmental education in the university: UNIVERSIDAD JUREZ AUTNOMA DE TABASCO ** Latin America. Cuba. Citation of: A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov. Conservacin de la Naturaleza. Problemas y Perspectivas. ** SOUTH AMERICA: Brazil. Environmental Science. Citation of Book of Author at Moscow University. Biological Effects of Surfactants. ** In Portuguese. Brazil. Citation. Cited Moscow University publications. Cited: the book: Biological effects of surfactants. ** Argentina. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Ecology, environmental science. ** South America. Citation. Cited book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. The Biologist (Lima, Peru). in Spanish.

** **Citation in South America.;

** Citation in Uruguay. Universidad de la Republica Uruguay. Cited: Moscow University researcher, a Fulbright Award winner.

in: Rol de la herbivora de bivalvos nativos y exticos en un reservorio somero del Uruguay: implicancias en las tcnicas de biomanipulacin. Maria S.M. Plata. ** ASIA: China. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality: ** Kuwait, and United Kingdom. Citation of works of ecologist at Moscow University: ** Citation. Russia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine.Cited works at Moscow University. ,: ** Saudi Arabia. Citation of research at Moscow University. Example: Citation of the book ** Citing: publications from Moscow University in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China ** Cited in Japan and/or in Japanese. Japanese websites / links. A Fulbright Award winner, scientist from Moscow University.

** Universities, Pakistan; King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia: cited science at Moscow. Citation ** Citation in Pakistan of Moscow University research. Bahria University Karachi; Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Pakistan. The following paper was cited: Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. Rivista di Biologia, 96(1): 159-169. ** Citation in Asia, Environmental Sci., examples. The publications of an ecologist of Moscow University were cited: ** Citation in China, Environm. Sci. The scientific publications of an environmentalist of Moscow University were cited, ** Japan.Japanese editors.Citation of a Moscow University ecologist, a Fulbright Awardee ** Armenia. Citation. . () . . ** AFRICA: South Africa: citation of Moscow University publications in nature conservation, environmental science. Citation ** AUSTRALIA: Citing: publications authored by Moscow University in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China **

The University of Western Australia: citation of the paper of Moscow University; cited recently, the paper entitled: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders ** CITATION WORLDWIDE: ** Publications. Success in Research at Moscow University. Environm. science, ecology, biology, some examples. Opinion on and rating of some works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature worldwide. ** Book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources. A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. Annotation, Reviews,Citation worldwide. ** Citations of the publications from Moscow University. ** Opinion on and rating of Dr. S.A.Ostroumovs works (Moscow University): comments of experts, citation in scientific literature worldwide: ** Citation at university-associated sites. Innovations of Fulbright Awardee cited: sites associated with universities ** Cited at libraries-associated sites: Books, publications authored by ecologists of Moscow University, examples:

Key words: environmental science, ecology, biology, library, sites, cited, publications, Moscow University, Harvard, Oxford, Congress, MIT, USA, Canada, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Australia, **

> 600 papers, institutions cited Fulbright Award winner: citation in USA, Germany, U. K., Japan, China, other countries:; ** Opinion, evaluation of an independent Internet user: on "Citation of a Moscow University ecologist, a Fulbright Awardee"; **

Citation, FAQ: book bioeffects of surfactants, papers: environmental science, water quality, water selfpurification


Citation of the publications on environmental sciences, research at Moscow University.;


World-wide,international citing of publications of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow). in USA, Germany,U. K., Sweden, France, ** citing: publications authored by Dr. S.Ostroumov in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China: **

Citation summary: EXAMPLES of sites, and papers, where the publications of a Fulbright Awardee Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University, were cited. Environmental science, ecology, water safety, toxicology. Denmark, U.S.A., Canada, France, Switzerland, Japan, China, Korea, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Estonia, Lithuania, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Kenya, other countries:

** Citation. Worldwide. List of some institutions that cited the scientist of Moscow University, Fulbright Award winner


Scientists of these institutions (worldwide, more than 307 institutions in toto) have cited the publications (biology, ecology, environment) authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, Moscow University ** International #Water #Association (IWA) cited the #publication of #Moscow_University #citation ** World-wide more than 600 papers, institutions cited discoveries in books, articles on environment, ecology of Fulbright Award winner at Moscow University. International citing of publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov: citation in USA, Germany, U. K., Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, China, other countries:; ** libraries worldwide acquired these books and have these publications (ecology, environment, biology): ** Russia. These publications of this author are mentioned, cited in catalogue of the central Russian library. Russian State Library, or Lenin Library. , , ( ) . . **

Citation of books on biochemical ecology, in many dissertations, in Russian. ( ; ) : ** Citations in more than 200 dissertations, in Russian. (, , ) ... .. - :

** Citation in a dissertation on Acipenser gueldenstaedti (effects of metal-organic toxic chemical, tinorganic chemicals), in Russian. : (Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt) ** Citation in educational materials in many universities in Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and other countries. Modernizing environmental university education. Up-dating and modernizing education in environmental science and ecology: using interdisciplinary concepts. Worldwide application of innovations in publications of Moscow State University, examples. **

** Citation of individual concrete publications #ecology #aquatic #ecosystems marine #freshwater #environmental #water quality self-purification surfactants

** List of the countries that cited the publications, works of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov:

Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan,

Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Romania. Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, U. K., Ukraine,

United Kingdom, Uruguay, U.S.A. **

20th January Dr Green : Fulbright award winner citation Sergei A. Ostroumov Moscow State University

2 JAN 20 useful web-pages: ecology, environment, science, education Welcome: **

useful link: a new Facebook internet page on ecology, all are welcome to look at:

** ** 20th January Dr Green : Useful ecology environment science web-pages Education

0 Add a comment JAN 20 France. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology.

France. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology.

Scientific paper and its citation: Reference: On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. - Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2005, pp. 414420. S. A. Ostroumov Citation in France: ** ** [PDF] Enseignements de retours d'expriences de barrages pertuis ouverts, de 1905 nos jours

C Poulard, P Royet, J Ratomski, A Lenar-Matyras - 2008 - Le principe du barrage pertuis ouvert, appel parfois barrage sec ou retenue sche, est simple: il s' agit de barrer un thalweg en laissant l'eau un passage restreint pour limiter le dbit en cas de crue (figure 1). Ce thalweg, chemin emprunt par les eaux de ... ** Abstract This paper aims at sharing feedback about dry dams. These structures are efficient to mitigate floods, while little disruption of the continuity of the main channel and its flows

outside the flood periods. Five sets of dams are presented here. They were selected so as ... ** ** Another French publication that cited this paper of the Moscow University scientist: Ecological Engineering Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 6977

Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functionsA problem oriented conceptual approach ** ** Christine Poularda, , , Michel Lafontb, Anna Lenar-Matyasc, Marta apuszekc a Cemagref, UR HHLY, 3 bis quai Chauveau - CP 220, F-69336 Lyon, France b Cemagref, UR MALY, 3 bis quai Chauveau - CP 220, F-69336 Lyon, France c UPK, Technical University of Cracow, IIGW, Warszawska 24, PL-31-155 Krakow, Poland

20th January Dr Green : sustainability France research S.A.Ostroumov Moscow University ecology citation water safety water self-purification

0 Add a comment JAN 20

India. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology. Scientific paper and its citation: Reference, the paper which was cited: On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. - Russian Journal of Ecology. The Indian paper that cited Moscow University: K.N. Mehta, B.S. Bhadauria. Modelling the Role of Fluctuations in Volume on Self-purification of Natural Water Bodies. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution

India. Citation of Moscow University research in water safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecology. Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India; Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India ** Scientific paper and its citation: Reference, the paper which was cited: On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. - Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2005, pp. 414420. S. A. Ostroumov

The Indian paper that cited Moscow University: K.N. Mehta, B.S. Bhadauria. Modelling the Role of Fluctuations in Volume on Self-purification of Natural Water Bodies. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution. Volume 7, Number 4 / 2010. Pages 63-69.


Modelling the Role of Fluctuations in Volume on Self-purification of Natural Water Bodies Journal Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution

Publisher IOS Press ISSN 0972-9860 (Print) 1875-8568 (Online) Subject Environmental Science and Resources Conservation and Recycling Issue Volume 7, Number 4 / 2010 Pages 63-69 Subject Group Environmental & Energy Sciences Publisher's Copyright Statement Add to marked items Add to shopping cart Add to saved items Recommend this article

PDF (780.5 KB)HTML Authors: K.N. Mehta1, B.S. Bhadauria2 1Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India 2DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India Abstract We present a simple mathematical model for examining the role of seasonal fluctuations of volume on self-purification of natural water bodies such as a lake ecosystem. The evolution of self-purification

process, activated by natural mechanisms of flushing by clean water and degradation of pollutants by aeration, is influenced by a number of parameters depending on lake-specific characteristics. These parameters have been identified in the formulation of the model. The model consists of an initial value problem which has been solved analytically. Numerical results are presented graphically to highlight the effect of these parameters on clean-up time corresponding to all pollution levels. Results for a few simpler situations derived as particular cases from the general solution are also included and discussed. Keywords: Natural water bodies, volume fluctuations, pollution level, self-purification, clean-up time ** More information on citation of this paper of the Moscow University scientist: **

20th January Dr Green : Natural water bodies self-purification S.A.Ostroumov clean-up time volume fluctuations citation pollution level

0 Add a comment JAN 19 USA Library of Congress. Books by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, a Fulbright Award winner, at the library collections. Topics: environmental science, ecology, scientific basis of nature conservation, establishing a new science of biochemical ecology. USA Library of Congress. Books by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, a Fulbright Award winner, at the library collections. Topics: environmental science, ecology, scientific basis of nature conservation, establishing a new science of biochemical ecology. ** # Name Heading Name: First Author Full Title with author/co-authors Date

[ 1 ] Ostroumov, Serge Andreevich IAblokov, A. V. (Alekse Vladimirovich) Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects / A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov. 1991

ACCESS: Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms

CALL NUMBER: QH75 .I15 1991 [ 2 ] Ostroumov, Serge Andreevich IAblokov, A. V. (Alekse Vladimirovich) Okhrana zhivotnogo mira--problemy i perspektivy / A. V. IAblokov, S. A. Ostroumov. 1979

ACCESS: Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms

CALL NUMBER: QH301 .N62 1979, vyp. 11 [ 3 ] Ostroumov, Serge Andreevich Ostroumov, Serge Andreevich. Biological effects of surfactants / S.A. Ostroumov. 2006

SELECT TITLE FOR HOLDINGS INFORMATION [ 4 ] Ostroumov, Serge Andreevich Telitchenko, M. M. Vvedenie v problemy biokhimichesko kologii : biotekhnologiia, selskoe khoziastvo, okhrana sredy / M.M. Telitchenko, S.A. Ostroumov ; otvetstvenny redaktor V.N. Bolshakov.1990

ACCESS: Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms

CALL NUMBER: QH345 .T47 1990 ** Library of Congress: the power of the U.S.A. begins here:

** 19th January Dr Green : USA nature conservation biochemical ecology S.A.Ostroumov environmental science ecology Library of Congress

1 JAN 19 In Libraries of many countries: innovative books, papers on environmental science, ecology, conservation. Authored: a Fulbright Award winner, Moscow University, with coauthors of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laureates of international and national awards. Libraries: USA (Library of Congress, Harvard University, M.I.T., Caltech), England (Oxford, Cambridge), Canada, Australia, France, Japan, China, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden,

In Libraries of many countries: innovative books, papers on environmental science, ecology, conservation. Authored: a Fulbright Award winner, Moscow University, with coauthors of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laureates of international and national awards. Libraries: USA (Library of Congress, Harvard University, M.I.T., Caltech), England (Oxford, Cambridge), Canada, Australia, France, Japan, China, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, et al. ** Many countries acquired the books of S.A.O. Large table. ** #USA, Canada, #UK, Australia et al.: #universities, acquired books on #environment science by S.A.Ostroumov. Ranking: ** Publications of this scientist were acquired and are being used in the top universities including Harvard University, M.I.T., Caltech, Oxford, Cambridge universities. Authored by a Fulbright Award winner, Dr. S.A.Ostroumov; ** libraries worldwide acquired these books and have these publications (ecology, environment, biology): ** ** Best libraries acquired these books-USA, Canada, France,Japan,China,Belgium,Switzerland, England, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark,Australia- ** U.S. universities, libraries acquired books, Fulbright Award: environment,ecology,conservation: Caltech, Harvard, M.I.T. **** Acquired Books: Environment, Ecology. USA, Canada, France, Japan, China, Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany ** Libraries, universities worldwide acquired the books of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (topics: environment, ecology, conservation) ** U.S.A.: All top universities, libraries acquired the books of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov on environment, ecology, conservation: ** Libraries, universities worldwide acquired the books of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (topics: environment, ecology, conservation)

** Sweden. National Library of Sweden (Stockholm), and Karlstads universitetsbibliotek (Karlstad University Library) book 'Biological Effects of Surfactants' was acquired by these libraries in Sweden: **

Japan. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO - ONE OF 10 TOP WORLD UNIVERSITIES IN NATURAL SCIENCES: the library acquired the book entitled 'Conservation of Living Nature and Resources'; topic: environmental, biodiversity protection.

** The power and authority of the U.S.A. begins here: The Library of Congress, U.S.A.:

** Library of Congress. USA Members of Congress Room:

** USA Massachusetts Cambridge Harvard University Library:

19th January Dr Green : conservation USA LIBRARIES Harvard ecology books Library of Congress papers on environmental science

1 JAN 19 Most popular blog posts, recently, 18 January. Chemical pollution, environmental science, water qulaity, citation, top universities acquired these publications, surfactants, detergents. USA Russia Germany India Ukraine France United Kingdom Japan Nigeria China Most popular blog posts, recently, 18 January. Chemical pollution, environmental science, water qulaity, citation, top universities acquired these publications, surfactants, detergents. USA Russia

Germany India Ukraine France United Kingdom Japan Nigeria China ** synthetic chemical (surfactant sodium dodecylsulfa... 17 . 2013 ., 1 14 New happening. Environmental science, ecology, env... 17 . 2013 ., 1 11 Top 20 U.S. universities acquired these key publi... 18 . 2013 ., 1 10 ... 18 . 2013 ., 1 8 Top 12 universities in natural sciences. All acqui... 18 . 2013 ., : 2 7 World top 10 universities. All acquired these key ... 18 . 2013 ., 1 6 Water safety and water sustainability. New scienti...

14 . 2013 ., 1 5 Best libraries- USA, Canada, France, Japan, China... 12 . 2012 ., : 2 4 -. ... ... ... 08 . 2012 . 3 36 articles. Bibliography. Ecology, environmental ... 27 . 2012 ., : 3 3

** Countries most active in reading these blog posts:

USA Russia Germany India Ukraine France United Kingdom Japan Nigeria China ** Blog posts most often read during the recent month: 31 Top Springer Publications (selected bibliograph... 22 . 2012 ., : 2

100 18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, envi... 01 . 2013 ., 1 87 International Water Association (IWA) cited the pu... 29 . 2012 ., 1 82 41 articles on environmental sciences, and citatio... 29 . 2012 ., : 2 67 Scientists of these institutions (worldwide, more ... 18 . 2012 ., : 3 59 31 selected References, environmental science inno... 23 . 2012 ., : 3 54 17 Results of interdisciplinary studies: ecology, ... 11 . 2013 ., : 3 50 best publications, environmental science, ecology:... 02 . 2013 ., : 2 50 Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Thalassiosira p... 10 . 2012 ., : 2 48 Revolution in ecology, water safety. improving wat... 06 . 2013 . 41


19th January Dr Green : publications surfactants environmental science detergents water qulaity chemical pollution acquired citation top universities

1 JAN 19 Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects

On the book entitled: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects

D:\2011\List.Blog.Posts\ A. V. Yablokov, S. A. Ostroumov; Springer-Verlag (1991) ISBN-10: 0387520961; ISBN-13: 978-0387520964; 24.8 x 16.5 x 2.5 cm; Bibliographic information: Title Authors Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects Alekse Vladimirovich IAblokov, Serge Andreevich Ostroumov

Edition illustrated Publisher Original from Digitized ISBN Springer-Verlag, 1991 the University of California Jul 1, 2009

3540520961, 9783540520962

Length 271 pages Subjects

Science Life Sciences Biology General Biodiversity conservation; Biological diversity conservation; Conservation of natural resources; Environmental protection; Extinct animals; Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection; Nature / Wildlife; Nature conservation; Pollution; Science / Environmental Science; Science / Life Sciences / Biological Diversity; Science / Life Sciences / Biology / General; Science / Life Sciences / Ecology Wildlife conservation;;; ABSTRACT: The book is the first systematic formulation of the scientific basis of biodiversity protection, conservation of nature, biological resources. This work examines the problems arising from the deterioration of the environment and covers the issues of conservation and biodiversity protection at the molecular-genetic, the ontogenetic, the species-population and the ecosystem levels. The book offers suggestions concerning changes in practice in agriculture, industry, recreation etc. in all sectors of society life and functioning. The deterioration of the environment has become one of the most serious problems of the twentieth century. The 12 chapters in this book: (1) the dangerous extent of human impact on the biosphere; (2)molecular genetic level; (3) problems at the ontogenetic level; (4) problems at the species-population level; (5) problems at the ecosystem level; (6) economic problems; (7) organizational and legal problems of the protection of living nature; (8) problems of prognostication; (9) protection of living nature and its connection with other global problems; (10) need for ecologization of society's activities; (11) ways of preserving living nature; and (12) scientific foundations and theory of living nature protection within the system of biological science. The book provides many innovations. The authors of the book analyzed the problems of conservation and suggested ways of helping to solve them. The book got excellent evaluations in many published reviews. Among the published reviews are the following: Goldsmith F. B. Review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources by A. V. Yablokov; S. A.

Ostroumov. - The Journal of Ecology, 1992. Vol. 80, No. 1, p. 186-187 (in English); Hartshorn G. S. A Russian "Silent Spring". - BioScience, 1992, Vol. 42, No. 7, p. 559-560. [BioScience is published by: American Institute of Biological Sciences] [on the book: Conservation of Living Nature andResources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects by A. V. Yablokov; S. A. Ostroumov]. [Gary S. Hartshorn,World Wildlife Fund Washington, DC 20037] (in English); Book review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems Trends and Prospects, by A. V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. - Biological Conservation. 1993, Vol. 63, Issue 3, P. 271 [doi:10.1016/0006-3207(93)90728-J]; Dokumentation Natur und Landschaft (DNL) (Germany), 32 (1992) 1 (in German); Revista Espanola de Fisiologia (Spain) 48 (1992) 1 (in Spanish); Alauda (France) 61 (1993) 1 (in French); Mammalia (France) 57 (1993) 2, p. 304; Common terms and phrases from the book: 1,2-dichloroethane, acid, rains, agriculture, air, pollution, algae, American, mink, amphibians, Amur, tiger, animals, annually, anthropogenic, antibiotics, aquaculture, aquatic, ecosystems, Arabian, oryx, atrazine, Australia, aye-aye, bacteria, bioaccumulation, biodegradation, biomagnification, biomass, biosphere, biotransformation, birds, breeding, Bryophyta, captivity, carcinogenic, cells, chemical, chlorophyll, chloroplasts, compounds, concentration, conservation, countries, dangerous, decrease, deer, desertification, destruction, Dinoseb, disappearance, ecological, economic, ecosystems, effects, endangered, endemic, environment, environmental, enzymes, eutrophication, example, extermination, extinction, factors, fallow, deer, fauna, fish, flora, forest, fungi, genetic, global, habitats, heavy, metals, hectare, herbicides, However, hunting, important, inbreeding, depression, increase, induced, industrial, inhibit, insecticides, introduced, species, invertebrates, Iriomote, cat, islands, IUCN, Kazakhstan, land, lipids, living, nature, Madagascar, mammal, species, mammals, metabolism, methylmercury, microorganisms, million, mollusks, Moscow, mutagenic, natural, environment, natural, resources, nature, protection, nuclear, winter, number, species, ontogenesis, organisms, organochlorine, compounds, Ostroumov, Pere, David's, deer, pesticides, phytoplankton, plant, higher plants, species, plasmids, Pleistocene, pollutants, polybrominated, biphenyls, polycultures, population, preservation, problems, production, prokaryotes, protection, of, living, Przewalski's, wild, horse, radionuclides, rare, species, Red Data book, redox, regions, reptiles, result, rodents, roe, deer, several, Sinapis, alba, soil, specimens, springbuck, subspecies, surfactants, Sweden, taxons, teratogenic, territories, Thus, total, number, toxic, trophic, chains, tropical, forests, tropical, moist, forest, tundra, Ungulata, urban, USSR, V.I. Vernadsky, vascular, plant, vegetation, vertebrates, wetlands, wild, wildlife, willow, grouse, World, Ocean, xenobiotics, Yablokov, Ostroumov; **

This book is the library of University of Tokyo: 8374&start=1&srmode=0 **

About Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: (the coauthor of this book): profile in English:; profile in Russian:; also:; other books and book chapters by the same author: **book: The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Advanced Research Workshop on The Comparative Roles of ... Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences) [Hardcover]; Richard F. Dame (Editor), Sergej Olenin (Editor); [= rd_s=lpo-top-stripe1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=3540520961&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1HPYHNHW2XNWK3EQW7 WH]; EXAMPLES OF CITATION: ** Citation the book Yablokov, Ostroumov: Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects. ** Book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources. A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. Annotation, Reviews, Citation worldwide. ** EXAMPLES OF LIBRARIES WORLDWIDE THAT ACQUIRED THIS BOOK: Conservation of living nature and resources: Yablokov A.V.; Ostroumov S.A. Book Availability: Netherlands, Germany, U.S.A., Australia, Africa, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Book: Conservation of living nature and resources: by: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov: in libraries: USA, Canada, France,Germany, Tokyo acquired book Conservation of Living Nature: THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO - ONE OF 10 TOP WORLD UNIVERSITIES IN NATURAL SCIENCES: **

MORE ABOUT THIS BOOK: Conservation of living nature and resources: probl...and prospects, Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, nature protection, TRENDS ** Book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources. A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. Annotation, Reviews, Citation worldwide. ** Book: Conservation of living nature and resources: by: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov: in libraries: USA, Canada, France,Germany, ** Innovations: Positive Evaluation. Key innovations (environmental science): opinion, POSITIVE EVALUATION of independent international scientists and experts: on publications and main innovations made at Moscow University by Dr. S.Ostroumov, who is the author and co-author of the books: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Conservation of Living Nature; Biological Effects of Surfactants; ** Innovative book A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov 'Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends,and Prospects' ** First monograph and multi-aspect review on conservation biology: Conservation of living nature and resources. ** book: Aquatic Biodiversity II: The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems (Developments in Hydrobiology) [Paperback]H. Segers (Editor), K. Martens (Editor); [= rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-

1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=3540520961&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1HPYHNHW2XNWK3EQW7 WH]; See the chapter in this book: Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. In: Segers H., Martens K. (Eds.) The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems. Aquatic Biodiversity II. (Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, vol. 542, 2005). Series: Developments in Hydrobiology, vol. 180. (series editor: K.Martens) Springer. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 2005. P. 275-286. Bibliogr. 63 refs. Tables. ISBN 14020-2951-9. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4111-X_26. ** Biological Effects of Surfactants Bibliographic information

Title Biological effects of surfactants Author Serge Andreevich Ostroumov Edition illustrated Publisher CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006 ISBN 0849325269, 9780849325267 Length 279 pages Subjects Science Chemistry General Aquatic ecology Medical / Toxicology Science / Chemistry / General Science / Life Sciences / Ecology

Surface active agents Surface active agents - Physiological effect Surface active agents/ Physiological effect Technology & Engineering / Environmental / General Technology & Engineering / General comments at:; ** Yablokov A.V., S.A.Ostroumov. Nature Conservation: Problems and Prospects. Moscow, Lesprom Press, 1983. 272 p., fig., tab. Bibliogr.: pp. 263-267. [In Russian]. ** Some examples of citation of the book Conservation of Living Nature:;;

English and Russian versions of the book are being used as part of educational programs in the universities (examples): M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; Ivanovo State University; Ural State University; Ulyanovsk State University; Krasnoyarsk State University; Stavropol State University; Tyumen State University; Rostov State Pedagogical University; Kazan State Agricultural University; Rostov State University; Bukovyna State Medical University; Southern Federal University; The Georgievsk Branch of Russian State Humanitarian University;

University of Malaysia; This book is the library of University of Tokyo: 8374&start=1&srmode=0 **

Additional information on other publications by Dr. S.A.O.:; Main Discoveries; Lists of relevant publications online free ecology, environment, biology, biogeochemistry, water quality; 19th January Dr Green : nature conservation Conservation of living nature and resources: problems and prospects TRENDS book

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