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Week 19, Day 1: Monday, 11 May 2009

1 Samuel 15, 16

What was God’s command to Saul? (15:3)

What did Saul actually do? (15:9)

What grieved the Lord? (15:11) How did Samuel feel?

To whom did Saul build a monument to honor? (15:12)

What did Saul convince himself that he had done? (15:13)

How did Saul justify his disobedience? (15:15)

What does the Lord desire? (15:22)

What is the equivalent of divination and idolatry (15:23)

Is there a point of no return with sin? (15:26)

Does God change His mind? (15:29)

How did Samuel feel about Saul? (15:35)

How does the Lord judge people differently than people do? (16:7)

Ironically, who was chosen to comfort Saul? (16:21)

Proverbs 11

What is required to gain wisdom? (11:2)

Can the unfaithful control their evil desires? (11:6)

What does a man of understanding know how to do? (11:12)

Do you reap what you sow? (11:18, 27)

1 Corinthians 3

In what ways were the Corinthians remaining as spiritual infants? (3:3)

Who enables spiritual growth, and what role do we play? (3:6-9)

What foundation have you built your life upon? (3:11-15)

How do many deceive themselves? (3:18)

Week 19, Day 2: Tuesday, 12 May 2009

1 Samuel 17, 18

How heavy was Goliath’s coat? (17:5)

How heavy was Goliath’s spear tip? (17:7)

What did David’s oldest brother think of him? (17:28)

What gave David the faith to face Goliath? (17:37, 45, 46)

Why was David so successful? (18:14)

Proverbs 12

Whoever hates ________ is stupid. (12:1)

Who finds favor from the Lord. (12:2)

What did Saul discover? (12:7)

How does God feel about lying? (12:17, 19, and 22)

1 Corinthians 4

What are Christians entrusted with? (4:1)

What is required of Christians (4:2)

How can Paul’s conscious be clear while not being innocent? (4:4)

What will God expose behind the behavior of all men? (4:5)

Are we any better than any other sinner? (4:7)

What example did the Apostles set for us? (4:11-13)

Does experiencing the power of our faith require action on our part? (4:20)

Week 19, Day 3: Wednesday, 13 May 2009

1 Samuel 19, 20

What oath did Saul make? (19:6) How much did Saul fear the Lord? (19:10)

What did David allow in his house? (19:13)

How badly can jealously cause you to sin? (19; review Genesis 4:1-8)

Proverbs 13

Can your mouth ruin you? (13:3)

What do the righteous hate? What do fools hate? (13:5, 19)

Does pride stand in the way of wisdom? (13:10)

What sort of life do the unfaithful live? (13:15)

Is discipline a sign of love? (13:24)

1 Corinthians 5

How are we to handle sin within the church, and how is that different from how we
handle sin from unbelievers? (5)

Week 19, Day 4: Thursday, 14 May 2009

1 Samuel 21, 22

God does not condone lying. To whom is David lying? ( 21:1-3)

Does he condone deceiving an enemy? (21:12-15)

How does being outside a relationship with God affect your personal relationships?

Was Saul God-centered for self-centered? (22:8)

Was there a consequences of David’s deception of the priest? (22:17)

How much disdain did Saul develop towards the things of God? (22:17-19)

Proverbs 14

What do youth often lack? (7:7)

What can protect the youth? (7:1-5)

1 Corinthians 6

How are we to handle disputes within the church differently than the outside world
does? (6)

What is better than defending your rights with believers in front of unbelievers?

Who will not inherit the kingdom of God? (6:9, 10)

How are we to handle sexual temptation? (6:18)

What makes sexual sin different? (6:18)

Who does your life and body belong to? (6:19)

Week 19, Day 5: Friday, 15 May 2009

1 Samuel 23, 24

Could have David’s decisions led to his death? Who did David go to for guidance on
which choice to make? (23:11-13)

Can you expect people to remain faithful to you during times of trouble? (23:23:5
and 23:23:12)

Who did Saul call on for blessing? (23:21) Is he in the position to do so?

Who did David rely on to defend him? (24:12) Remember this verse when you read
chapters 25 and 26.

What was distracting the King of Israel from protecting the Jews from the Philistines?

Proverbs 15
Does God want your sacrifices or your obedience? (15:8) Compare with 1 Sam

How many times has Proverbs spoken of the temper and anger? (15:18)

Who tears down a proud man’s house? (15:25)

Compare v15:33 with Proverbs 11:2.

1 Corinthians 7

Who does your body belong to? (7:4)

What counts? (7:19)

What does God want you to do with your life? (7:20, 24)

Why does Paul caution single Christians to consider staying single? (7:28)

Week 19, Day 6: Saturday, 16 May 2009

1 Samuel 25, 26

What sin does Abigail warn David against and save him from? (1Sam 25:26, 31, 33)
Compare to 1Sam 24:12. Do you defend yourself or trust in the Lord?

Did God deal with Nabal? (1Sam 25:37)

What happened with Saul’s daughter promised to David? (25:44)

What did David believe about God’s Ways? (26:22-24)

Proverbs 16

Does man always see his own folly? (16:2)

How do v16:3 and v16:4 go together?

How does 16:6 relate to Proverbs 3:3 and 14:22?

What is the best way to deal with your enemies? (16:7)

Who is really in control of your life? (16:9, 33)

Compare 16:18 with Proverbs 15:33.

What comes out of your mouth reflects what is in your ______. (16:23)

Proverbs 14:12, 16:25 and 16:31 reveal what about how to live?

Compare 16:30 with 6:13, and 10:10.

Psalm 55

Are you the first person to suffer greatly and fear? (55)

Does God hear your cries for help? (55:16-19)

When you cannot trust even your best friend, who can you trust in? (55:22)

Week 19, Day 7: Sunday, 17 May 2009

1 Samuel 27, 28

With an inability to hear God’s Word, where did Saul go for answers? (28:7)
Compare with Leviticus 19:31.

What answer did Saul receive? (28:16, 17)

Proverbs 17

Compare 17:9 with Proverbs 10:12.

Fools are characterized by what? (17:10, 16)

Who promotes love? (17:9)

How are we to handle disagreements? (17:14)

What are two examples of how not to handle disagreements? (17:19)

Psalms 56, 57

People attack you in their _________. (56:2)

What does God give you to encourage you? (56:4)

Why are under vows to God? (56:12)

Will God fulfill His Purpose for you? (57:2)

Compare 57:3 with Proverbs 3:3, 14:22, 16:6, and 20:28)

Compare 57:6 with Proverbs 26:27

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