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n crder fcr ycur benefit tc be paid, we need tc verify ycur identity. 0hccse either / cr B belcw.
PersonaI !D documentation

A - Dne of the foIIowin documents:
/ certified ccpy cf ycur current Driver's Licence shcwing a cIear and IeibIe
phctcgraph, ycur current address and signature
/ certified ccpy cf ycur current passpcrt shcwing a cIear and IeibIe
phctcgraph and signature
ExampIes of required !D
B - Two documents required:
/ certified ccpy cf DNE cf the fcllcwing dccuments.
Birth 0ertificate cr Birth Extract
0itizenship 0ertificate issued by the 0cmmcnwealth cf /ustralia
Ycur current Fensicn 0ard issued by 0entrelink that entitles ycu tc financial
benefits, and shcws ycur current address as held cn ycur /USfund acccunt
PLU5 cne cf the fcllcwing dccuments.
/ current letter frcm 0entrelink regarding a 0cvernment /ssistance Fayment
that shcws ycur current address as held cn ycur /USfund acccunt
Nctice issued by 0cmmcnwealth, State cr Lccal 0cvernment within the
past 12 mcnths that shcws ycur current address. Fcr example. / Nctice
cf /ssessment frcm the /ustralian Tax 0ffice cr a Rates Nctice frcm Lccal
What is a certified document!
/ certified dccument is a phctcccpy cf the criginal dccument, which has been
signed by an authcrised perscn cr anycne whc can witness a Statutcry Declaraticn
verifying that they have sighted the criginal dccument.
PIease do not send the oriinaIs of any document.
Mr Jchn 0itizen
12 0itizen Street
0itizenville \0 3199
D!E O| B|R!H
PIease turn over
Mr Jchn 0itizen
12 0itizen Street
0itizenville \0 3199
Reference Nc. 00001234
18 June 2012
Dear Mr 0itizen
ndustry Fund nvestments Ltd (F), /BN 17 00o 883 227, /FSL 229 881 the Trustee cf /USfund, is whclly cwned by ndustry Fund Services Limited, /BN 54 007 01o 195,
/FSL 232514. /

Who can certify my documents for me!
The easiest cpticn is usually tc gc tc ycur lccal pcst cffice cr pclice staticn. Hcwever, any cf the fcllcwing pecple are alsc
authcrised tc certify dccuments.
/ finance ccmpany cfficer with five cr mcre years cf
ccntinucus service (with cne cr mcre finance ccmpanies)
/n cfficer with, cr authcrised representative cf, a hclder
cf an /ustralian Financial Services Licence, having five
cr mcre years ccntinucus service with cne cr mcre
/ Nctary Fublic 0fficer
/ Teacher
/ registered Medical Fractiticner
/ Fharmacist
/ Bank Branch Manager
/ Justice cf the Feace
/ Judge cf a 0curt
/ Magistrate
/ perscn enrclled cn the rcll cf a State cr Territcry
Supreme 0curt cr the High 0curt cf /ustralia, as a legal
/n /ustralian 0cnsular 0fficer cr an /ustralian
Diplcmatic 0fficer
What if my name has recentIy chaned or ! am sinin on behaIf of another person!
Ycu'll need tc prcve the link between ycu and the cther perscn, cr ycur name change. Ycu can use cne cf the dccuments
belcw as well as ycur cther certified D (such as a Driver's Licence cr passpcrt).
Chane of name
Marriage 0ertificate
Deed Fcll cr 0hange cf Name 0ertificate frcm the registry cf Births,
Deaths and Marriages in ycur state
!f you are sinin on behaIf of another person
0uardianship papers
Fcwer cf /ttcrney
Fcwer cf /ttcrney
This pcwer cf attcrney is made cn the 12th day
cf July 2012 by Jchn 0itizen ("the principal")
cf 12 0itizen Street, 0itizenville \0 3199.
appcint Jane 0itizen cf 12 0itizen Street,
0itizenville \0 3199 tc be my attcrney. My
attcrney may exercise the authcrity ccnferred

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