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Les livres de poche de lAcadmie de droit international de La Haye The Pocketbooks of the Hague Academy of International Law


de lAcadmie de droit international de La Haye comptera plus de trois cent cinquante volumes, ce qui en fait aujourdhui la plus grande encyclopdie de droit international public et priv. Par ses cours et leur publication, lAcadmie remplit sa mission de diffusion de la connaissance du droit international ainsi que de promotion de la recherche dans cette discipline, et pour lui permettre datteindre cet objectif elle dispose aussi de nombreux ouvrages dautres sries, comme celle contenant les actes des colloques internationaux organiss par lAcadmie, ou la srie Les livres de droit de lAcadmie, sous le couvert de laquelle sont publis le fruit des tudes entreprises dans le cadre de son Centre de recherche. La cration, en 2008, du Recueil des cours lectronique au sein duquel lensemble des cours a t numris va dans le mme sens. Tous ces ouvrages sont revtus de la clbre reliure vert et or, inchange depuis 1923, date du dbut des activits de lAcadmie. La perfection formelle de cette ralisation a toutefois un cot qui rend ces ouvrages difficilement accessibles aux tudiants. Cest donc en pensant avant tout eux que lAcadmie a dcid de publier chaque anne un ou deux cours de la session de droit international public et de la session de droit international priv en format de poche et, par consquent, un prix extrmement rduit. Avec cette nouvelle ralisation lAcadmie a le souci de faire prdominer sur toute autre considration une logique de diffusion et de promotion du droit international aussi larges que possible. Il sagit de fournir un appui celles et ceux qui, aujourdhui, lui portent intrt pour en tre demain les acteurs ou les rformateurs, en leur offrant un accs facile des uvres crites par des spcialistes minents. Elle espre que cette nouvelle collection offrira galement ceux qui ont assist une session dt lexcellente occasion de retrouver le texte et de se remmorer le contexte dun cours quils ont aim pouvoir suivre. Yves DAUDET,
professeur mrite de lUniversit Paris I (Panthon-Sorbonne), Secrtaire gnral de lAcadmie de droit international de La Haye

N 2012, le Recueil des cours

2012, the Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law will comprise more than 350 volumes, which together constitute the most extensive encyclopedia of public and private international law. Through these courses and their publication, the Academy fulfils its mission of disseminating knowledge of international law and of promoting research in this discipline, and for this purpose mention must also be made of the publications in other series, such as the publication of papers from international workshops organized by the Academy, or the series known as the Law Books of the Academy, which reproduces the work performed at the Academys Centre for Research. The creation this year of the Electronic Collected Courses, where all the courses have been made available in digital format, pursues the same aims.

All these books are bound in the very familiar green and gold covers, which have remained unchanged since the very beginning of the Academys activity, in 1923. The impeccable presentation of these publications does however come at a cost, which means that they are not easily accessible for students. It was therefore particularly with students in mind that the Academy decided to publish each year in paperback form and thus at an extremely low price one or two courses from a public international law session and from a private international law session. The Academys main concern in pursuing this scheme is to ensure the widest possible dissemination and promotion of international law, over and above any other consideration. Its aim is to provide support to those who have an interest in international law today and who tomorrow will practise or reform it, by allowing them easy access to works written by distinguished specialists. The Academy also hopes that this new collection will give those who have attended a summer session an excellent opportunity to obtain the text and to recall the context of a course that they enjoyed attending. Yves DAUDET,
Professor Emeritus at the University Paris I (Panthon-Sorbonne), Secretary-General of the Hague Academy of International Law

Derniers livres parus Last Published Books


Michael Bogdan

Private International Law as Component of the Law of the Forum

Private International Law as Component of the Law of the Forum
General Course



ISBN : 978-90-04-22634-0 2012 360 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

In spite of the undoubtedly great and rising importance of the international legislative co-operation regarding private international law, it must be remembered that no successful unification or harmonization of conflict rules has ever taken place on the universal level, and that the conflict rules stemming from international legislative co-operation between a limited number of countries give rise to the same problems as non-harmonized rules, whenever they have to be used in relation to countries not participating in the legislative co-operation in question. This book will therefore focus on the last-mentioned problems and refrain from dealing with the particular issues arising from international legislative co-operation in the field of private international law. One of the principal aims of Michael Bogdan is to demonstrate the relationship between the national rules of private international law and the rest of the legal system of the forum country, in the first place its substantive private law and its law of civil procedure, as well as to illustrate the impact of the forum countrys general ethical and other values on its private international law.


Guiguo Wang

Radiating Impact of WTO on Its Members Legal System : The Chinese Perspective
Radiating Impact of WTO on Its Members Legal System: The Chinese Perspective


ISBN : 978-90-04-21854-3 2011 110 x 180 mm 18.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) resulted from globalization, through which national law provisions are internationalized and international norms are domesticated. The WTO does not permit reservation by its members who are obliged to ensure the compliance of their laws, policies and other measures. Once a member is found to have violated its obligations, it must rectify the non-compliance measures to avoid retaliation. The quasiautomatic approval procedure of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body has proved to be effective in ensuring the compliance by members and consistency of interpretation of the WTO Agreement. As the multilateral trade institution covers a wide range of sectors from trade in goods and services, and intellectual property to investment and the measures of the members include laws and regulations, administrative decisions and judicial rulings, the impacts of the WTO on the members legal systems are hugely profound and long lasting. In some cases, for the purpose of joining the WTO, the legal systems of the members concerned have been through significant changes.


Jos E. Alvarez

The Public International Law Regime Governing International Investment

The Public International Law Regime Governing International Investment


ISBN : 978-90-04-18682-8 2011 504 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

This monograph considers the ramifications of the legal regime that governs transborder capital flows. This regime consists principally of a network of some 3,000 investment treaties, as well as a growing body of arbitral decisions. Professor Alvarez contends that the contemporary international investment regime should no longer be described as a species of territorial empire imposed by rich capital exporters on capital importers. He examines the evolution of investment treaties and investor-State jurisprudence constante and identifies the connections between these and general trends within public international law, including the increased resort to treaties (treatification), growing risks to the laws consistency (fragmentation), and the proliferation of forms of international adjudication (judicialization). Professor Alvarez also considers whether the regimes efforts to balance the needs of nonState investors and sovereigns ought to be characterized as global administrative law, as a form of constitutionalization, or as an increasingly human-rights-centred enterprise.


Daniel Threr

International Humanitarian Law : Theory, Practice, Context

International Humanitarian Law : Theory, Practice, Context



ISBN : 978-90-04-17910-3 2011 504 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

This book is about international humanitarian law or as it is also called the law of armed conflict or law of war. It emerged from a series of lectures delivered at the Hague Academy of International Law. Daniel Threr deals with war and the means by which international law attempts to contain and, as it were, humanize organized violence. But the ambitions of the author go beyond the battlefield. The book explores the many complex ways in which law functions to regulate warfare, in theory and in practice. The author looks into treaties and other sources of international law, but he also tries to step outside the boundaries of black-letter law to deal broadly with such matters as the influence of culture in shaping the norms on war, the institutions that develop those norms and work for their universal acceptance, the networks of humanitarian actors in this area and the legal procedures in which the law of war and its various institutions are embedded. The book demonstrates that even wars are, in various ways, conducted in the shadow of the law.




Andreas Bucher

La dimension sociale du droit international priv

La dimension sociale du droit international priv
Cours gnral


ISBN : 978-90-04-20917-6 2011 552 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

Ce cours apporte la cohrence au pluralisme des mthodes, dans une perspective qui tient compte des intrts de la socit. Les rgles de conflit de lois sont prsentes dans une nouvelle structure, exhaustive, permettant de dfinir la place des rgles unilatrales et bilatrales et des lois de police et dy intgrer le droit de lUnion europenne. On distinguera ainsi entre les rgles attributives, matrielles et rceptives de conflit de lois. Le lecteur emportera le message que les mcanismes , la proximit , l harmonie des solutions , la coopration et tant dautres techniques en droit international priv doivent tre remplies dune ide de justice sans laquelle elles nont pas de mrite. Cette justice met en valeur lidentit et la protection de la personne travers les ordres juridiques. Le regard sur cette ide sera le meilleur guide dans ltude des rgles et des mthodes du droit international priv.


Publis depuis 2008 Published since 2008

Emmanuel Gaillard

Aspects philosophiques du droit de larbitrage international

Aspects philosophiques du droit de larbitrage international



ISBN : 978-90-04-17148-0 2008 252 pages 110 x 180 mm 15.

Le droit de larbitrage, plus encore que le droit international priv, se prte une rflexion de philosophie du droit. Les notions, essentiellement philosophiques, de volont et de libert sont au cur de la matire. La libert des parties de prfrer aux juridictions tatiques une forme prive de rglement des diffrends, de choisir leur juge, de forger la procdure qui leur parat la plus approprie, de dterminer les rgles de droit applicables au diffrend, quitte ce quil sagisse de normes autres que celles dun systme juridique donn, la libert des arbitres de se prononcer sur leur propre comptence, de fixer le droulement de la procdure et, dans le silence des parties, de choisir les normes applicables au fond du litige, soulvent autant de questions de lgitimit. Le prsent ouvrage sattache identifier les postulats philosophiques qui sous-tendent la matire, montrer leur profonde cohrence et les consquences pratiques qui en dcoulent dans la rsolution des grands contentieux du commerce international.


Nico J. Schrijver

The Evolution of Sustainable Development in International Law : Inception, Meaning and Status

The Evolution of Sustainable Development in International Law : Inception, Meaning and Status
ISBN : 978-90-04-17407-8 2008 276 pages 110 x 180 mm 15.


In a remarkably short time sustainable development has become firmly established in international law. The World Commission on Environment and Development concisely defined this concept as : development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This definition combines inter-generational equity with an awareness of the finite capacity of the earth and its natural resources. This book brings together a collection of lectures given at the Hague Academy of International Law. The aim of the book is threefold : firstly, to review the genesis, clarify the meaning and assess the status of sustainable development within international law ; secondly, to examine the legal principles that have emerged in the pursuit of sustainable development ; and finally, to assess to what extent the current state of law demonstrates a balance between and integration of all relevant fields of international law as urged by the Rio, Johannesburg and World Summit documents.


Campbell McLachlan

Lis Pendens in International Litigation

Lis Pendens in International Litigation



ISBN : 978-90-04-17909-7 2009 492 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

What legal principles apply when courts in different jurisdictions are simultaneously seised with the same dispute ? This question of international lis pendens has long been controversial. But it has taken on new and urgent importance in our age. Globalization has driven an unprecedented rise in forum shopping between national courts and a proliferation of new international tribunals. Problems of litispendence have spawned some of the most dramatic litigation of modern times from anti-suit injunction battles in commercial disputes, to the appeals of prisoners on death row to international human rights tribunals. The way we respond to this challenge has profound theoretical implications for the interaction of legal systems in todays pluralistic world. In this wide-ranging survey, McLachlan analyses the problems of parallel litigation in private and public international law and international arbitration. He argues that we need to develop a more sophisticated set of rules of conflict of litigation, guided by a cosmopolitan conception of the rule of law.


Emmanuel Decaux

Les formes contemporaines de lesclavage

Les formes contemporaines de lesclavage



ISBN : 978-90-04-17908-0 2009 268 pages 110 x 180 mm 15.

Depuis prs de deux sicles, la question de lesclavage et de la traite ngrire est au cur des relations internationales. Du Congrs de Vienne de 1815 qui dnonce un commerce rpugnant aux principes dhumanit et de morale universelle jusqu la Cour internationale de Justice qui voque en 1970 les principes et [l]es rgles concernant les droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine, y compris la protection contre la pratique de lesclavage comme source dobligations erga omnes, le droit international contemporain est caractris par la construction progressive dun rgime international relevant de la notion de jus cogens. Alors que de nombreux travaux rcents voquent lesclavage sous langle historique ou dans une perspective contemporaine, cet ouvrage prsente loriginalit de sinscrire dans une perspective juridique de longue dure, au carrefour des sources formelles et matrielles du droit international public, tout en lclairant des dbats les plus actuels sur les responsabilits historiques en la matire.


Drio Moura Vicente

La proprit intellectuelle en droit international priv

La proprit intellectuelle en droit international priv



ISBN : 978-90-04-17907-3 2009 516 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

En dpit des efforts entrepris au long du sicle dernier en vue de lharmonisation et de lunification internationales des lgislations concernant la proprit intellectuelle, des divergences significatives subsistent entre les systmes juridiques nationaux dans ce domaine. Lidal dune protection universelle de contenu unitaire tant dans une large mesure inachev, la tutelle internationale de la proprit intellectuelle se fonde encore sur les principes de lindpendance des droits et de la territorialit. Lvolution contemporaine du droit de la proprit intellectuelle dmontre toutefois une tendance trs nette dans le sens dun dpassement de la stricte territorialit qui le caractrisait. Cette volution est demande par les besoins de fonctionnement des conomies modernes, dans lesquelles lexploitation des biens intellectuels se fait de plus en plus lchelle mondiale. Plutt quune unification des rgimes juridiques nationaux en matire de proprit intellectuelle, il faut assurer une coordination de ces rgimes par le biais de rgles de conflits de lois et de juridictions. Tel est le dfi fondamental que le droit international priv doit relever en cette matire.

Sergio M. Carbone

Conflits de lois en droit maritime

Conflits de lois en droit maritime



ISBN : 978-90-04-18688-0 2010 312 pages 110 x 180 mm 15.

La doctrine et la jurisprudence la plus rcente relvent de plus en plus les limites de lutilisation de la nationalit du navire dans la solution des conflits de loi et limportance du droit uniforme. En ce qui concerne les conflits de lois relatifs aux transports maritimes de marchandise, il est tenu compte des diffrences des solutions adoptes propos des charterparties, des transports tramps et des transports maritimes de ligne documents par un connaissement. Sagissant du contrat de travail maritime, sont mis en vidence laffaiblissement du rle de la nationalit du navire et limportance croissante de la ngociation collective internationale. A propos de la responsabilit extracontractuelle, cest la lex damni qui sapplique, sauf lorsquil sagit dvnements ayant lieu bord du navire. De cette analyse, enfin, il ressort que la tendance linternationalisation du droit maritime et la fonction rsiduelle confie la loi du pavillon dans la solution des conflits de lois sont confirmes.


Katharina Boele-Woelki

Unifying and Harmonizing Substantive Law and the Role of Conflict of Laws

Unifying and Harmonizing Substantive Law and the Role of Conflict of Laws
ISBN : 978-90-04-18683-5 2010 288 pages 110 x 180 mm 15.


Traditionally, conflict of law rules designate only national substantive law as the applicable law. Many unifying and harmonizing substantive law instruments of both States and non-State organizations, however, are designed specifically for application to cross-border relationships. Achieving this objective is, generally, hindered by conflict of law rules. The requirements which non-national law needs to fulfil in order to be accepted as the law governing a cross-border relationship deserve clarification. Not only uniform law, such as the CISG and the envisaged European substantive law instrument for the law of obligations, but, particularly, instruments which are aimed at harmonizing substantive law, challenge the established systems of conflict of laws. In seeking a positive approach towards the application of a law other than national law various aspects need to be considered : (1) is the decision taken by a court or an arbitral tribunal ; (2) what field of law (contract/delict/tort or family relationships) is involved ; and (3) the objective or subjective (choice by the parties) designation of the applicable law.


Onuma Yasuaki
EUROPE Far West ? OR Center of the Globe ? EAST ASIA Far East ? OR Middle Kingdom ?

A Transcivilizational Perspective on International Law

A Transcivilizational Perspective on International Law



ISBN : 978-90-04-18689-7 2010 492 pages 110 x 180 mm 18.

The twenty-first century will witness conflicts which may destabilize the international order. These conflicts are likely to arise between emerging Asian States such as China and India whose material power is growing, and the Western nations who wield significant ideational power. A West-centric international society will change to a multipolar and multi-civilizational global society. This structural change includes, and further needs, changes of understandings and perceptions of the world, including of international law. The perspectives from which we see, understand, appreciate and assess international law must change. We need to interpret international law not only from a prevalent State-centric international perspective and West-centric transnational perspective. Onuma argues that we must grasp international law from what he calls a transcivilizational perspective as well. By adopting such three-layered perspectives, international law is shown to be functioning as a tool of politics yet constrained by cultural and civilizational factors.


Informations gnrales General Information

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The Pocketbooks of the Academy may be obtained from certain bookstores and certain distributors. Consult your bookstore or write to the Academy : They can also be bought from the online book-shops : to find them on the Internet, you can use as key-words the authors name, the title of the book or, simply, the ISBN of the book you wish to buy. The prices in this catalogue are given free of taxes and are indicatory only.


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Acadmie de droit international de La Haye Hague Academy of International Law

Palais de la Paix Carnegieplein 2 2517 KJ La Haye Pays-Bas Tl. (+3170) 302 42 42 Fax (+3170) 302 41 53 Peace Palace Carnegieplein 2 2517 KJ The Hague The Netherlands Tel. (+3170) 302 42 42 Fax (+3170) 302 41 53

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