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/t^^^'.^'-r^r I r v q r 2001 4 under registrationnumber 6024) rr I r 20th u t r I September uEH.qr Malawi vrdrawr u on r | .

l r r r u v r p u , a L E u in



2010 MKOOO lncome Dividends lnterest gh / (bss) Value onEuityhvestnnb Fair Totalincome Totalexpenses Profi t / (loss)beforetaxation Income lax expense Profit/ (loss)fot fte year Totalcomprehensive income attributable to equityholders of the company Number of shares in issue perstlare Baic and dlubdeamin$s ffambah) 149,168 2009 MKOOO 115,U2 1,425 (319,810) Operating activities received Dividends lnteresl received Operating expenditure Taxes.paid Cash flowsfrom operaling activfies Investing activites Purchase ofshares Cash flows frominvesting activities Financing activities paid Dividends ilows Cash from linancing activities Netinfieasein cashandcashequivalents atbeginnirig Cash andcash equivalents 0fyear at endoi year Cash andcashequivalents

u)10 MK(n}

2009 MKOOO


15,6ts 1A5S (32,513) 136,65 (2,115) 133,CiO 133,970

{fr4 31 (30,60e) --@;lq n57) (233,30e)


l45F& 120,985. 3#7 1,425 l4s,4t0 1441:0 (3110e) (32,880). 11830t 8S,530 (149f4) (8'se8) l$Jn 80,e42 {14114} (5,5t4 (14114) t5,s27J t55S) (65,2s) 24;?20 51tr23 75,44i!

r35,000 99 m10 MK',000

135,000 (i73)

2009 tutK000 2,510,91r


Asseb Equity investments lncomenotes current assets Other and cash equivalents Cash Tiltalassets Equity andliabilities


STATEMENT OFCHANGES INEQUTIY Share Retained Total Share Capibl .Piemium Earnings MK()M MK()OO MKOOO MKffi Balance at1October2009 z7w 169,550 2,353,4202,525,670

7,580 4,462 76,443 51,723 2,624,652 2,566,697

Equrty capital Share Sharspremium Hetained eamings Totalequity Liabilities Deferred taxliabllity Provision forwithholding tax lncometax liabilities Cunent Totalliabilities equity Tolat andliabilities

47W 169,ss0 4417,190 4*g,M 4"856 4!F 4351 25,509 35212

2,7W 169,550 2,353,420 2,525,670 17378 323 3,961 19,36s 41,027

paid Divid6nds income Tohlcomprehensive Balance at30September 201 0


1A9,550 2,s89,440 a417,190

retained earnings is not Outof thereported MK2,336,507,000 available fordistribution.

report Auditor's auditor, TheCompany's KPMG, from hasissued anunqualified onthefinancial statements fortheyearended 30th September 2010 which the opinion results have been summary extracted. Overview of results investment performance underlying Strong hasseen increase in dividend income from Kl15.8 million to K149.1 has a 29% million. Expenditure by6.2% grew increased slightly which is below inflation rate. Fund value which compares {avourably Domestic theannual by2.5% with theMalawi period. index which declined by 1%over share thecorresponding / Dividends r pershare (2009:22 per Aninterim dividend of 25tambala waspaid tambaia). TheDirectors recommend in Jdne 2010 a final dividend of 45tambala (2009:27 payable fordeclaralion general share tambala) atthelorthcoming meeting on31st December 2010 ic shareholders regisiered in the annual register company's on17th December 2010. from 20thDecember Theregiste{ of members willbeclosed 2010 to 21siDecember 2010. Annual General Meeting pmon16th general place The annual meeting will ofthecompany take Hotel, Blantyre at 2:30 December at Ryalls 2010. were The financial statemenis were signeci approved byiheBoard of Directors on 1i November 2010 and 0nitsbehalf by:
D. J. Kamwaza Chairmai - ln'resior relations website R. E. Mdeza Direetor

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