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Ghost Recon Game Editor Help Last updated 09/13/01 IMPORTANT NOTICE The Ghost Recon Game Editor

is an *unsupported* tool. There is no official technical support available. The user community is the best place to seek further help. VIEWS The upper-left pane is the Minimap view... Provides overview of the loaded map Red box indicates visible area for plan and game views The lower-left pane is the Palette view... Holds lists of available objects sorted by type The upper-middle pane is the Plan view... Top-down 2D view with obstacle map Displays placed objects as icons Selected object appears in yellow brackets The lower-middle pane is the Game view... 3D Engine rendering of map The upper-right pane is the Database view... A hierarchy of all objects in the current mission The lower-right pane is the Properties view... Shows settings for the selected object CONTROLS <Delete> will remove the selected object from the mission --Minimap view-Click to reposition the camera for the Plan and Game views --Palette view-Double-click to add an object to the mission (unless the object requires a posit ion) --Plan view-<Page Up> will zoom in <Page Down> will zoom out Numpad -/+ will change levels Hold <Ctrl> and cursor will change to crosshairs if valid position for object pl acement <Ctrl>+click to place an object in the mission of the type selected in the Palet te view Click an icon to select the placed object Double click to reposition Game view camera Drag icons to reposition Click and drag right mouse button to scroll map Hold <Shift> and click to set orientation for actors, vehicles, insertion zones, indicated with yellow brackets

etc. Hold <Shift> to edit subpoints for a selected path or sound object Click + icons to insert subpoints Click icons to remove subpoints Click with cursor as crosshairs to append a subpoint Drag object subpoints by first selecting the object icon --Game view-Hold left mouse button for mouselook <q>, <w>, <e>, <a>, <s>, <d> to move the camera Hold <Shift> to double movement rate --Database view-Select object to find in Plan and Game views (if placed) Drag and drop objects and subtrees (for instance, shuffle actors between teams) Drag and drop plan steps to reorder --Properties view-Use type-dependent controls to edit selected object MENUS File menu Igor primarily works with mission files (*.mis). These are the files managed in the File menu. User mods can be created and activated with the Mods dialog. Edit menu The undo feature tracks all changes to the loaded mission file. The undo buff er is cleared when you save the mission. Map, mission, and briefing properties are also available from the Edit menu. View menu These toggles can be used to filter the display of objects and map information . Script menu The import and export options are for working with game type files (*.gtf). E ach of these files contains a stand-alone script. Use the Edit option to access the script editor. Tools menu These editors can be used to tweak many game parameters. Many of them are not directly related to mission creation. The command map generator constructs a r ough backdrop image for new maps. Help menu These documents are a starting point for learning how to modify and extend Gho st Recon.

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