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LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this topic, students should be able to: (a) Explain the structure of water molecule. (b) Describe the properties of water and its importance: universal solvent, low viscosity, specific heat capacity, high latent heat of vaporization, high surface tension, and maximum density at 4C.

1.2 Carbohydrates

(a) Describe various forms and classes of carbohydrates such as monosaccharide, disaccharides and polysaccharides . (b) Describe the formation and breakdown of maltose. (c) Describe the structures and functions of starch, glycogen and cellulose.

1.3 Lipids

(a) State the types of lipid such as fat and oil, phospholipids and steroids. (b) Describe the structure of fatty acids and glycerols. (c) Describe the formation and breakdown of triglycerides.

1.4 Proteins

Describe the basic structure and classes of amino acids: (a) Explain how amino acids are grouped. (b) Describe the formation and breakdown of dipeptide. (c) Explain primary 10, secondary 20, tertiary 30 and quaternary 40 level of proteins and the types of bond involved. (d) Explain the effect pH and temperature on the structure of protein. (e) Classify the proteins according to their structure. (f) Explain the effects of pH and temperature on the structure of protein.


LEARNING OUTCOMES (a) Describe the structures of nucleotide as the basic composition of nucleic acid (DNA and RNA). (b) Describe the structures of DNA based on the Watson and Crick Model. (c) State the types and function of RNA . (d) State the differences of DNA and RNA.

1.5 Nucleic acids

2.0 CELL STRUCTURES & FUNCTIONS 2.1 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

(a) State cell theory. (b) Describe the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. (c) Compare the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

2.2 Structure and functions: cell membrane and organelles.

(a) Illustrate the detailed structures of typical plant and animal cells. (b) Describe the structure of the plasma membrane and the functions of each of its components. (c) Describe the structure and functions of the following organelles: i. nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, lysosome, ribosome, mitochondria, chloroplast, centriole.

2.3 Cells are grouped into tissues.

Describe the following types of cells and tissues: i. Animal cells & tissues: Epithelial cells (simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, stratified squamous), nerve cell (motor neuron), muscle cells (smooth, striated and cardiac muscle), connective tissues (compact bone, hyaline cartilage and blood) ii. Plant cells and tissues: Meristem, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem.

TOPIC/SUBTOPIC 2.4 Cell Transport

LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the various transport mechanisms across the membrane i. Passive Transport: -Simple diffusion -Facilitated diffusion -Osmosis ii. Active Transport: -Sodium-Potassium Pump - Bulk Transport Endocytosis Exocytosis

At the end of this topic, students should be able to: 3.0 CELL DIVISION 3.1 The concept of cell division 3.2 The cell cycle 3.3 Mitosis Explain cell division. State the importance of cell division in living organisms. Explain the stages in cell cycle. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Describe the four stages of the mitotic cell division. Explain the behavior of the chromosomes at each stage. Describe briefly the cytokinesis process. Compare the cell division in animal and plant. State the significance of mitosis.

3.4 Meiosis

Explain and compare the processes in meiosis I and meiosis II. (a) Explain the position and changes of the chromosomes at each stage. (b) Define chromatid, synapsis, bivalent, tetrad, chiasma, crossing over and centromere. (c) State the significance of meiosis. (d) Compare meiosis and mitosis.

4.0 GENETIC INHERITANCE 4.1 Mendelian genetics: monohybrid and dihybrid.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Define terminologies used in genetic inheritance. State the characteristics of Mendels pea plants. Explain the Mendels experiments on monohybrid cross. State Mendels first law(Law of segregation). Calculate the phenotypic ratio (3:1) and genotypic ration(1:2:1) in F2 generation. Calculate the phenotypic ratio (1:1) and genotypic ratio (1:1) of test cross. Explain the Mendels experiments on dihybrid cross.


LEARNING OUTCOMES (h) State Mendels second law(Law of independent assortment) (i) Calculate phenotypic ratio (9:3:3:1) up to the F2 generation using Punnett square. (j) Calculate the phenotypic ratio of test cross (1:1:1:1).

4.2 Deviations from Mendelian inheritance. 4.2.1 Codominant alleles. 4.2.2 Incomplete dominant alleles 4.2.3 Multiple alleles 4.2.4 Linked genes

(a) (b)

Explain codominant alleles. Calculate phenotypic and genotypic ratios (1:2:1).

(a) Explain incomplete dominant alleles. (b) Calculate phenotypic ratio (1:2:1) and genotypic ratio. Explain multiple alleles (a) Explain linked genes (b) Describe the effects of linked genes with crossing over on the dihybrid test cross ratio. Explain sex-linked genes.

4.2.5 Sex linked genes Explain polygenes/polygenic inheritance. 4.2.6 Polygenes/ polygenic inheritance. 4.3 Genetic mapping 5.0 POPULATION GENETICS 5.1 Gene pool concept (a) (b) Calculate the genetic distance (map unit) between genes using the given recombination data. Determine the position or order of genes along a chromosome based on recombination data.

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

(a) Explain population genetics, gene pool, allele frequencies and genetic equilibrium. (a) State the Hardy-Weinberg Law (b) Explain five assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg Law for genetic equilibrium: i. Large population size ii. Random fertilization iii. No mutation iv. No migration v. No natural selection (c) Calculate allele and genotype frequencies.

5.2 Hardy-Weinberg Law


LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this topic, students should be able to: (a) State the concept of Central Dogma (b) Explain DNA as the carrier of genetic information (c) Explain the concept of one gene one polypeptide (a) Describe semi-conservative replication of DNA (b) Explain the mechanism of DNA replication and the enzymes involved.

6.2 DNA replication

6.3 Protein synthesis: transcription and translation.

(a) Overview the roles of transcription and translation in the flow of genetic information (b) Explain transcription (c) Describe the stages involved: I. Initiation II. Elongation III. Termination (d) State the formation of mRNA strand from 5 to 3 (e) Describe the relationship between base sequences in codons with specific amino acids using genetic code table. (f) Explain translation in protein synthesis. (g) Describe the stages involved in translation: I. initiation II. elongation (codon recognition, peptide bond formation and translocation) III. Termination

6.4 Gene regulation and expression-lac operon

(a) Explain the concept of operon and gene regulation (b) Describe the components of lac operon and their functions in E.coli. Describe the mechanism of the operon in the absence and presence of lactose. At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

7.0 MUTATION 7.1 Mutation classification and types (a) Explain mutation (b) Classify mutation: I. Gene/point mutation II. Chromosomal mutation (c) State types of mutation:


LEARNING OUTCOMES Spontaneous mutation (e.g. non-disjunction) Induced mutation (e.g. exposure to mutagens)

(d) Define mutagen (e) State types of mutagen: I. Physical (e.g. UV rays and gamma rays) II. Chemical (e.g. colchicines and ethidium bromide) 7.2 Gene mutation (a) (b) Explain gene/point mutation. Classify gene mutation: I. Base substitution II. Base insertion III. Base deletion IV. Base inversion (c) Describe base substitution as point mutation (e.g. sickle cell anaemia). (d) Explain frameshift mutation. (e) Describe base insertion as a frameshift mutation (f) Describe base deletion as a frameshift mutation.

7.3 Chromosomal mutation

(a) (b)

Explain chromosomal mutation Classify chromosomal mutation. I. Chromosomal aberration II. Chromosomal number alteration

(c) (d)

Explain chromosomal aberration (structural changes) State and describe types of chromosomal aberration: i. Translocation ii. Deletion (segmental deletion) iii. Inversion iv. Duplication (e) Explain alteration of chromosome number (f) State the types of the alteration: I. Aneuploidy II. Euploidy/polyploidy (g) (h) Explain aneuploidy. Explain autosomal abnormalities and their effects: I. Monosomy (monosomy 21) II. Trisomy (Down syndrome/trisomy 21)


LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain sex chromosomal abnormalities. I. Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) II. Turner syndrome (45, XO) Explain euploidy/polyploidy I. Autopolyploidy II. allopolyploidy


8.0 RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY 8.1 Recombinant DNA Technology

(a) Define recombinant DNA technology (b) State the tools used in recombinant DNA technology: target DNA ( gene of interest), restriction enzymes, DNA cloning vector, host cell and modifying enzymes. (c) Explain restriction enzyme and examples of enzymes that produce sticky ends ( EcoRI: G AATTC) AND BLUNT ENDS ( SmaI: CCC GGG) (d) List and explain the types of cloning vectors: i. Plasmid (pUC18) ii. Bacteriophage ( 2001) iii. Cosmid (sCOS-1) iv. YAC- Yeast artificial chromosome (pYAC) (e) Describe the characteristics of cloning vector. (f) Describe host cell (bacteria) and its characteristics. (g) Define modifying enzyme and its function (e.g. DNA ligase, Taq polymerase ). (a) Describe the steps in gene cloning by using plasmids as the vector.

8.2 Methods in Gene Cloning

(b) Explain PCR (Polymerase Chan Reactions). Briefly explain and give examples of Recombinant DNA Technology application such as in:

8.3 Application of Recombinant DNA Technology

i. ii. iii.

Agriculture Production of insulin Environment

9.0 REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 9.1 Asexual reproduction in plants and animals

At the end of this topic, students should be able to: Explain the following terms and give examples of each: I. Parthenogenesis II.Sporulation III.Budding

TOPIC/SUBTOPIC IV.Binary fission V.Regeneration VI.Vegetative propagation in plant 9.2 Sexual reproduction in flowering plants (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)


Overview a typical life cycle of flowering plants Describe general structures and functions of reproductive organs in flowering plants. Describe the development of a pollen grain and formation of male gamete. Describe the development of ovule, embryo sac and formation of female gamete. Describe the process of pollination. Explain double fertilization in the formation of seed

9.3 Human reproductive system

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (a)

9.4 fertilization and foetal development.

Describe the structure of spermatozoa. Explain the role of hormones in spermatogenesis. Describe and explain the stages of spermatogenesis. Describe the structure of the secondary oocyte Describe and explain the stages of oogenesis Describe female reproductive cycle (ovarian and uterine/mentrual cycle). Explain the role of hormones in both cycles. Explain stages that leads to fertilization: I. Capacitation II. Acrosomal reaction III. Fusion of sperm head membrane and oocyte IV. Cortical reaction.

(b)Explain embryogenesis and developmental stages from zygote to the formation of morula, blastocyst and gastrula through cleavage. (c)Explain organogenesis from germ layers to the formation of organs. (d)State the foetal growth development: 1st , 2nd ,and 3rd trimester (a) Explain the role of hormones during pregnancy. I. Progesterone II. Estrogen III. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) (b) Explain the role of hormones during parturition/birth process. I. Progesterone II. Estrogen III. Oxytocin IV. Prostaglandin

9.5 Roles of hormones


LEARNING OUTCOMES (c) Explain the role of hormones during lactation. I. Oxytocin II. Prolactin

10.0 GROWTH 10.1 Growth phases (a) Define growth (b) State 3 phases of ondividual growth: II. Cell division III. Cell enlargement IV. Cell differentiation Explain how growth is measured (a) Explain sigmoid growth curve (organism and population) (b) Explain human growth curve (a)Explain limited growth curve (annual plants) and unlimited growth curve (perennial plants) (b)Explain isometric growth (fish) and allometric growth (human organs). (c)Explain intermittent growth curve (arthopods). (a) Describe absolute growth curve. (b) Describe absolute growth rate curve.

10.2 Measurement of growth 10.3 Growth patterns

10.4 Growth rate

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