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Energy Efficiency Course at UNI Homework Number 2 Prof. Pritpal Singh Due Date and Time: 6:00 p.m.

Thursday June 27th, 2013

Elaborado por Oscar Danilo Prez Parrales

1. a) A three-phase transformer is delta-wound on the primary and wyewound on the secondary. The primary voltage is 480Vrms. Calculate the phase-to-phase and line-to-neutral voltages for a 2:1 turns ratio.
DATOS Voltaje en el primario = 480Vrms Relacin de vueltas = 2:1 Voltaje en Secundario = (480 x 1) / 2 = 240Vrms SOLUCIN Voltaje de Linea Neutro = 240Vrms Voltaje de Fase-Fase = VLINEA/ 3 = 240/ 3 = 415.69Vrms

b) For a balanced three-phase load with line-to-neutral current = 20A rms, determine the VA rating. VA rating = VLINEA * 20 Arms * 3 = 240V * 20 Arms * 3 = 8,313.84 VA

c) Determine the power for the following three power factors: (i) 0.9, (ii) 0.7 and (iii) 0.5 Potencia = VA * P.F. * 3

= 8,313.84 VA * 0.9 * 3 = = 8,313.84 VA * 0.7 * 3 =

Para un factor de potencia de 0.9: VA * P.F. * 3 12,959.99396 Watts Para un factor de potencia de 0.7: VA * P.F. * 3 10,079.9953 Watts

Para un factor de potencia de 0.5: VA * P.F. * 3 7,199.9966 Watts

= 8,313.84 VA * 0.5 * 3 =

2. a) A 30 hp motor is operating at load.

DATOS Tabla 4.1 HP Range mar-30 % a 1/2 Carga 83.3 3/4 Carga 85.8 Carga Completa 86.2 P.F. a 1/2 Carga 70.1 3/4 Carga 79.2 Carga Completa 83.5 Potencia = 30 hp Eficiencia (%) = 83.3% P.F. =70.1% Potencia en Watts = hp * 0.746 = 30 hp * 0.746 = 22.38 Watts kVA Req. = (22.38 Watts ( P.F.) = 22.38 Watts (83.3% * 70.1%) = 38.33 kVA

b) The load on the motor is now increased to full load. Determine the kVA requirements under these conditions. Potencia = 30 hp Eficiencia (%) = 86.2% P.F. =83.5% Potencia en Watts = HP * 0.746 = 30 HP * 0.746 = 22.38 Watts kVA Req. = (22.38 Watts ( P.F.) = 22.38 Watts (86.2% * 83.5%) = 31.093 kVA

3. Read the attached document titled Energy Efficient Motor Systems and answer the following questions: a) If a 75 hp motor is operating 7,000 hrs/yr. and electricity costs 11/kWh, should the motor be replaced or rewound.

Para una potencoa de 75 hp, trabajando por 7,000 horas al ao y con un costo de la energa de $0.11/kWh, el grfico anterior de Reemplazo de motores nos indica que debe ser reemplazado.

b) Induction motors are often the cause of poor power factor. Yet, induction motors need some reactive power to operate. Why? Describe three ways in which the power factor of an induction motor may be improved. La necesitan porque la potencia reactiva es la que crea el campo magntico en el motor. Tres formas en las que el factor de potencia de un motor de induccin puede ser mejorado: 1)Instalar bancos de capacitores para disminuir las cargas de potencia reactiva. 2)Minimizando el tiempo de operacin del motor cuando tenga poca carga.

3)Asegurndonos proporcionar una fuente con correcto balance del voltaje y fase

c) Describe three enhancements that make high efficiency motors operate more efficiently than standard motors.

1) El uso de ms cobre en vez de acero laminado de mas alta calidad elctrica. La principal mejora viene del uso de mas y/o mejores materiales activos tales como la jaula de ardilla rotores de cobre fundido a presin, que ltimamente han alcanzado niveles de desarrollo comercializables. 2)Diseos de la barra del rotor con menores prdidas. 3)Optimizar los mtodos y tcnicas de produccin que reduzcan las prdidas.

d) Describe three opportunities for improvements in efficiency of motor systems. 1) Modulacin de la velocidad 2) Actualizacin del equipamiento. 3) Dimensionamiento correcto del sistema. 4) Aplicacin reforzador del voltaje. Ademas la eficiencia de estos motores trifasicos puede ser mejorada optimizando los materiales y los valores paramtricos. De esta manera, si se realizan estas mejoras, cualquier motor garantizar ahorrar el equivalente a la compra de varios motores nuevos a lo largo de su vida til.

4. A motor with power factor 0.6 draws 4200W of real power at 240V from a 10kVA transformer. Suppose a second motor is needed and it too draws 4200W. With both motors on line, the transformer will be overloaded unless a power factor correction can be made.

a) What power factor would be needed to be able to continue to use the same kVA transformer?

La potencia ser = 4,200W + 4,200W = 8,400W La potencia aparente del motor = 10,000kVA

El factor de potencia = Potencia Real / Potencia Aparente = 8,400 / 10,000 = 0.84

b) How many kVAR would need to be added to provide the needed power factor?

kVAR necesarios = V * I * Sen =

= ArcCos (FP ) = ArcCos (0.84) = 32.86 = 0.5735rad kVAR = 10,000 * Sen(0.5735) = 5,425.75 VAR = 5.43 kVAR

c) How much capacitance would be needed to provide the kVAR correction?

1 = acos(.6) = 0.9273 = 53.1 --Angulo del pf actual 1 = acos(.84) = 0.5735 =32.86-- Angulo del pf esperado

tan(1) =1.33 tan(2) = 0.65

KVAC = Potencia activa (tan(1)- tan(2)) = 8,400 * (1.33 0.65) / 1000 = 5.770 kVAR

Usando los datos de la tabla 4.2 del libro , encontramos el valor de capacitor que se requiere para mejorar el factor de potencia. En este caso, debemos multiplicar por 0.688, entonces:

KVAC = 0.688 * 8.4 = 5.779

5. a) Suppose a utility charges its large industrial customers $0.04/kWh for kWh of energy plus $7/mo. per peak kVA (demand charge). Peak kVA means the highest power level

drawn by the load during the month. If a customer uses an average of 750kVA during a 720-hr. month, with a 1000-kVA peak, what would be their monthly bill if their power factor is 0.8?

Precio de la energa = 0.04 US/Kwh Costo de la Demanda = 7 US/KVA Energa consumida = 750 KVA Horas de uso = 720 hr/mo Pico de demanda = 1000 KVA Factor de Potencia = 0.8

Potencia Real = Energa consumida * PF = 600 KW Energia usada = Potencia real * Horas de uso = 432,000 KWh Costo de la Energa = Energa usada / Precio de la energa = 17,280 US$

Demanda = 1000 KVA Costo de la demanda = Demanda * costo de demanda = 7,000 US$ Costo mensual = Costo de demanda * Costo de energa = 24,280 US$

b) How much money would they save by if their real power remains the same but their PF is corrected to 1.0?

Precio de la energa = 0.04 US/Kwh Costo de la demanda = 7 US/KCA Energa consumida = 750 KCA Horas de usio = 720 jr/mo Pico de demanda = 1000 KVA

Factor de potencia = 1 Potencia Real = 600 KW Energa usada = Potencia Real * Horas de uso = 432,000 KWh Costo de la energa = Energa usada * precio de la energa = 17,280 US$

Asumiendo que la demanda ser afectada con el nuevo factor de potencia, se reducir el nivel de demanda. El nuevo pico de demanda ser de 750 KVA

Demand = (750/1000)*1000 Cost of demand = Demanda * costo de la demanda = 5250 Costo mensual = Costo de demanda + costo de energa = 22530

El ahorro ser de 24280 22530 = 1750

6. a) A room is to be lighted so that the general lighting in the work areas located at 5 feet below the ceiling is at an intensity of 30 footcandle. The area of the room is 400 square feet . You have a choice of three types of lamps to use: (i) (ii) (iii) 100W incandescent bulbs 19W fluorescent tubes 44W fluorescent circline bulbs

Using the information in Table 4-3 (Handbook of Energy Engineering) and equation 4-6, and using your own assumptions regarding lamp and ballast depreciation, room color (for the coefficient of utilization), determine the number of lamps of each type that would be needed for lighting the room.

DATOS Altura = 5 pies Area = 400 pie cuadrados F1 = 30 pie-candela

L2 = 0.94 Informacin de lmparas Lamp type / Values 100 W (incandescent) 19 W (fluorescent tube) 44 W (fluorescent circline) L1 0.95 0.8 0.84 Lumens 1750 850 1750 Cu 0.71 0.71 0.81

El nmero de lamparas es dada por la formula:

Tipo de lampara 100 W (incandescente) 19 W (tubo fluorescente) 44 W (tubo fluorescente)

No. de lamps 10.82 26.44 10.72

Redonde ado a: 12 28 12

b) If the room is to be lit for 8 hours/day for 20 days/mo. and the cost of electricity is $0.09/kWh, what is the electricity cost of each option in $/mo.

Tipo de lampara

potencia/la mp ada hrs/dia


No lamps. * Potencia 100 W (incandescente) 19 W (tubo fluorescente) 44 W (fluorescente circline) 100 13 36 1200 364 432 8 8 8 20 20 20

KWh/me costo de s KWh Potencia usada *dia/mes *horas/di a /1000 192 58.24 69.12 0.09 0.09 0.09

Costo de la electricidad

KWh/Mo* Costo de KWh 17.28 5.2416 6.2208 US$/m o US$/m o US$/m o

c) In the room you would like to have good color rendering and a high color temperature. Given these considerations and the other information above, which lighting option would you choose from the three choices given in part a). Explain your answer. (Also, assume that the cost of 100W incandescent bulbs is $0.50, the cost of 19W fluorescent tubes is $2.00 and the cost of 44W fluorescent circline bulbs is $5.00. Tipo de lampara Precio US$ Costo energia/mes Costo energa/ao Costo de Energa/mes *12 17.28 5.2416 6.2208 Por ao 207.36 62.8992 74.6496

100 W (incandescente) 19 W (fluorescente) 44 W (fluorescente circline) Tasa de descuento PVF (12%,1)

0.50 2.00 5.00 12% 0.8929



cin 100W 19W 100W 44W 44W 19W

14 4.46 13 2.71 1 1.75 3.00 .49 4.50 .99 1.50 .48

127 113 7

With the actual escalation of fuel, and mainly because Nicaragua depends of derivates of petroleum for production of electricity, I will use the 19 W fluorescent tube.

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