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War Crimes!

Prologue: There is a Civil War that is still ongoing in America. The prime combatant is the national Republican party, that has now seized control of America: Because of citizen complacency and peer pressure, whose populations are now intensely brainwashed for citizen acceptance of the royalty of special individuals who spout republican policies - that are now above law; that have respect only for fraternal corporations. Obviously those of us individuals that seek the Civil Rights promised us, have now replaced the American Indian's status; [who owned this great continent by 900 years of squatter rights] and is simply ignored by imperialists. The goal and modus operandi of this Constitutional violator is the maintenance, and improvement of Status Quo for greater displays of wealth by increasing the circulation of capitol. Now it is basically an illusion of a bankrupt nation clinging onto the illusion of financial power. Debt is now far greater than the capability of this great Nation to fulfill its obligations, and this now makes America ripe for the next in line Super Power (with a more stable economy), to take it over. Anyone supporting conservatism and contentment, must be destroyed! Why am I now a criminal? Because I am a notorious polymath, and thus very dangerously resistive toward propaganda and lies; so all liabilities are now deflected onto me, to make me an example. Done for discredit and fabricating an example that is visual; with all my claims negated by authoritarians. This gives all the preferred criminals now a license to be blameless on open-season mayhem against me, (police included - with a license to kill as proven by the Waco incident)! This inversion of liability makes me the responsible party for all road accidents, as if I am the maestro conducting modern mayhem i.e. if I happen to ride my bicycle upon cherished roads that officials believe they own, and have the authority to pup-up into their personal toll road. Here is now some of the modern technology employed by officials; that is controlled and endorsed by the American Republican party to maintain prejudice, and pecking order, against the modest honest conservatives, and the majority of us truly loyal American citizens.* Done in order to destroy innovation, and improvement of society by small inexpensive changes to status quo - that honestly have now become necessary. *To demonstrate Republican power and authority, this is some of its foundation: Then the punishment for the mass murderer Henry Frick? On December 5, 1899, Frick resigned from the board of Carnegie Steel. Carnegie remained unsatisfied. He wanted Frick's stock, and threatened to force Frick to sell it at far below market value. Frick sued. After a brief court fight, the men settled. Frick walked away with pockets bulging. Just a sample of Republican justice? Theatrics are now employed by nasty public officials to cover up their viscousness. Smiles and respectful talk is now used to conceal the nasty criminal intent implied. Calm sweet talk, and night stick usage makes wearing a protective recording device useless. Human wolves now have license to eat unaware human lambs - who are deaf to common sense. All because of this simulated politeness. Insane manipulated statistics are acceptable? Bike riders on toll service roads are dangerous because some criminal drivers hit up to 85 mph on them? Regardless of the fact that adult accidents by touring cyclists are minuscule. So where do Republican authorities gain their supportive statistics? From all the city casualties of teenagers that ride with attitude, and never tour by bike transportation! They ride in urban traffic that is not properly regulated for the majority, but set up for high performance sports cars instead. The 52% majority of elderly citizens must drive armored vehicles for protection from the

minority of street criminals. Carrollton's engineering department refuses to accept their obligations, and permit politics to mandate engineering; just like the police department's obstructions to administer State and Constitutional law! This is the definition of tyranny! Mitigation, common sense along with fundamental laws primarily concerned with civil rights; that are not ipso facto organized, are now totally ignored by the (illegal) minor courts. Pop-up municipal ordinances are in violation to ipso facto law - are now in vogue, and treated as long standing laws to illustrate a victims ignorance! While simultaneously shoring up criminal allegiance, and the support of law officers now forced to do stupid things. [Another example of MK ultra's effective means to gain control and confessions - similar to water boarding, just gentler and less obnoxious] Oh, and if you are an elderly senior Citizen in municipal court, bring medication with you because prosecution (that is typically illegal unless your jurisdiction is volunteered), will be delayed to insure hypoglycemia - because prosecutor and judge are double-teaming adversaries against you (truly they are just municipal employees) concerned with a financial win; rather than justice of any kind. How do we the people fight this ridiculous oppression by criminals in office? Stop donating! And develop a sincere enjoyment of necessities, rather then be hypnotized by prosperity. Don't drool over the latest gimmick, especially if you have not mastered the last craze! Accept Mohandis Gandhi philosophy as individuals. Accept Bernoulli principles for rush hour traffic to get the most number of molecules (in human comprehended vehicles) down a expressway (pipeline) in the least amount of time. This means if everyone drives at 30 to 45 mph instead of racing madly for 'openings', only to have a more aggressive driver slow you down generating standing waves, and accidents; that a Q of just 25 mph improves, and thus reduces pipe oscillations, for much more consistent (well regulated) travel. Stop permitting government to control lives, and learn to act responsibly as an individual instead of a robot. Use your mind and self educate, instead of lingering on academia, that is government censored. If something sounds too good to be true, but is not logical, it probably is just another lie, and one has to be adult, and brave enough to counter it. Return traffic court to civil law, resurrect the 5th circuit court by citizen petitions. If officials in a civil courtroom are armed, so is the rest of everyone - per our original 2nd amendment! Basically, the Bailiff should be a (unarmed) skilled bouncer, big burly and kind - but forceful and not fat and lazy, dedicated to the honor of the legal system instead of an illegal employee of a corporation; while not depending on the gun to enforce 'his' authority. And then no one is selectively armed in a courtroom of law, judge included. Either everyone is with a gun, or no one with one; puts a big check on slimy imperialistic haughtiness that is now a cowardly popular concept for minor (zero tolerance) misdemeanors. Criminal court is is for equity situations, and should be separated from civil court. This is the kind of legal universe our Constitution intended/demanded; while crooked attorneys have manipulated minor court actions for advantaging their wins instead. Case law should have no bearing in civil court actions. As it is, court recordings now are in black and white! Defendant's statements are blacked out, whereas (stupid/illegal) prosecution's statements are whited out, and/or corrected! Obviously the standard for the Republican Party is the appearance of their rules [Instead of law]. If stopped for riding a bike on the street*, do not sign the ticket, but refuse it! (politely). Ride off, and if chased; ignore. If stopped dial 911 claiming assault by officer - which should detain the officer's request for backup; while you are continuously heading for your destination (in spurts). If group riding and pulled over; everyone take off in different directions (with reassemble points ahead). Signing a ticket is a criminal action to prove you are a responsible citizen surrendering your

jurisdiction to a corporation, meaning you recognize that you are guilty to an officers claim, and must responsibly prove otherwise; according to their rules i.e. without regard to America's prime laws. *Carrollton TX new ipso facto [general] Military and ungrounded rules; disputing State law: Illegal use of Roadway. [That my terrified attorney backed down from, because the only way to handle it is my way. One cannot support stupidity generated because of a financial leash - being a chain for an attorney's security! Unfortunately; oath of fraternity now comes before an honorable oath of office!] L' 'bl 7-6-2013

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