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Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and

Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2011 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Transfer Capability Computations Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network under Deregulated Power System
1 1

K.Suneeta, 2J.Amarnath, 2S.Kamakshaiah

C.V.S.R College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India J.N.T.U.H College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-85, India Corresponding Author: K.Suneeta ___________________________________________________________________________

Abstract The main aim of this paper is to determine to analyze the electrical transfer capability among different electricity markets using repeated power flow technique. Instead of minimizing the total cost in the conventional problem, in the paper, the transfer capability between two markets or two electricity supply and generation areas is maximized. To reduce the time required to compute transfer capabilities and also in order to take advantages of the superior speed of artificial neural network (A ) over conventional methods, the radial basis function network (RBF )-based approach also has been proposed in this paper. Artificial neural networks have been able to capture this nonlinearity and give good approximation of the relationship. For complete analysis, transfer capability is computed using the proposed algorithms of repeated power flow module under various operational conditions. This data is then used to train artificial neural networks to provide real term evaluation on transfer capability of that particular power system. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is investigated on a three area IEEE 30 bus system with a comprehensive set of operational limits and controls. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: deregulation, transfer capability, repeated power flow (RPF), radial basis neural network(RBFN). __________________________________________________________________________________________ I TRODUCTIO Electric utilities around the world are confronted with and algorithms [Yan Ou et al 2002, Ejebe et al 1998] restructuring, deregulation and privatization. In the for computing total transfer capability (TTC). The environment of open transmission access [William et repeated power flow (RPF) method is used in this al, Abdel et al 2001], transmission networks tend to work to calculate the transfer capabilities between be more heavily loaded and transmission service different areas of the power system. becomes one of the most critical elements. Power system transfer capability indicates how much inter The conditions on the interconnected network area power transfers can be increased without continuously vary in real time [Sauer et al 1997]. compromising system security [Ian Dobson et al Therefore, the transfer capability of the network will 2001]. For both planning and operation of the bulk also vary from one instant to the next. For this power market, accurately identifying this capability reason, transfer capability calculations may need to provides vital information. It is important for be updated periodically for application in the planners to know the system bottlenecks and it is also operation of the network. In addition, depending on important for system operators not to implement actual network conditions, transfer capabilities can transfers which exceed the calculated transfer often be higher or lower than those determined in the capability. Estimates of transfer capabilities must be off-line studies. As these are playing an important updated regularly as to avoid the combined effect of role in both planning and operation of the bulk power power transfers from causing an undue risk of system market [Ian Dobson et al 2001], there is a much need overloads, equipment damage, or blackouts. for fast and accurate calculation of the transfer However, being overly conservative over the capabilities. However, as the time taken by these estimates of transfer capability will unnecessarily traditional optimization methods are quite significant, limit the power transfers and would prove to be these methods may not be suitable for online costly and an inefficient use of the network. application. To reduce the time required to compute transfer capabilities and also in order to take Due to deregulation, power transfers are increasing advantage of the superior speed of artificial neural both in amount and in variety. However, this is network (ANN) over conventional methods, the necessary as the market for electric power becomes radial basis function network (RBFN) based more competitive. Improving accuracy and approach also has been developed in this work. effectiveness of transfer capability computations for Based on the proposed RPF formulation for all areas of power systems would prove a very strong calculating power transfer capability and the strong economic incentive. There are a number of methods generalizing ability of the artificial neural network,

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) the proposed RBF model can compute multi-area transfer capabilities quickly for a given power system status. TRA SFER CAPABILITY Transfer capability is the measure of the ability of interconnected electric systems to reliably move or transfer power from one area to another over all transmission lines (or paths) between those areas under specified system conditions. The units of transfer capability are in terms of electric power, generally expressed in megawatts (MW). In this context, area may be an individual electric system, power pool, control area, sub-region, or a portion of any of these. Transfer capability is also directional in nature. That is, the transfer capability from Area 1 to Area 2 is not generally equal to the transfer capability from Area B to Area A. Transfer capability can be represented in several ways, among which the available transfer capability (ATC) and the total transfer capability (TTC) are the two most widely used ones. Total Transfer Capability (TTC) is the largest value of electric power that can be transferred over the interconnected transmission network in a reliable manner without violation of specified constraints [MATLAB Version 5.3 el at 1997]. Total transfer capability (TTC) is the key component for calculating Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is the measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for future commercial activity over and above already committed uses [Ian Dobson et al 2001]. Mathematically, ATC is defined as the total transfer capability (TTC) less the transmission reliability margin (TRM), less the sum of existing transmission commitments and the capacity benefit margin (CBM). In other words, ATC can be expressed as: ATC = TTC TRM CBM (if there is no existing transmission commitment) Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) is defined as that amount of transmission transfer capability necessary to ensure that the interconnected transmission network is secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in system conditions. Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) is defined as that amount of transmission transfer capability reserved by load serving entities to ensure access to generation from interconnected systems to meet generation reliability requirements. Individual systems, power pools, sub-regions, and regions should identify their TRM and CBM procedures used to establish such transmission transfer capability margins as necessary. TRM and CBM should be developed and applied as separate and independent components of transfer

capability margin. The specific methodologies for determining and identifying necessary margins may vary among regions, sub-regions, power pools, individual systems, and load serving entities. However, these methodologies must be well documented and consistently applied. This work addresses the calculation of TTC as the basis of ATC evaluation. LIMITS TO TRA SFER CAPABILITY The ability of interconnected transmission networks to reliably transfer electric power may be limited by the physical and electrical characteristics of the systems including any one or more of the following. Thermal Limits Thermal limits establish the maximum amount of electrical current that a transmission line or electrical facility can conduct over a specified time period before it sustains permanent damage by overheating or before it violates public safety requirements. Voltage Limits System voltages and changes in voltages must be maintained within the range of acceptable minimum and maximum limits. For example, minimum voltage limits can establish the maximum amount of electric power that can be transferred without causing damage to the electric system or customer facilities. A widespread collapse of system voltage can result in a blackout of portions or the entire interconnected network. Stability Limits The transmission network must be capable of surviving disturbances through the transient and dynamic time periods (from milliseconds to several minutes, respectively) following the disturbance. All generators connected to ac interconnected transmission systems operate in synchronism with each other at the same frequency. Immediately following a system disturbance, generators begin to oscillate relative to each other, causing fluctuations in system frequency, line loadings, and system voltages. For the system to be stable, the oscillations must diminish as the electric systems attain a new, stable operating point. If a new, stable operating point is not quickly established, the generators will likely lose synchronism with one another, and all or a portion of the interconnected electric systems may become unstable. The results of generator instability may damage equipment and cause uncontrolled, widespread interruption of electric supply to customers. The major points to be considered while calculating the transfer capability are briefly outlined below: System Conditions Base system conditions are identified and modelled for the period being analyzed, including projected customer demands, generation dispatch, system configuration, and base scheduled transfers. As system conditions change, the base system conditions

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) under which TTC is calculated may also need to be modified. Critical Contingencies During transfer capability studies, many generation and transmission system contingencies throughout the network are evaluated to determine which facility outages are most restrictive to the transfer being analyzed. The types of contingencies evaluated are consistent with individual system, power pool, subregional, and Regional planning criteria or guides. The evaluation process should include a variety of system operating conditions because as those conditions vary, the most critical system contingencies and their resulting limiting system elements could also vary. System Limits As discussed earlier, the transfer capability of the transmission network may be limited by the physical and electrical characteristics of the systems including thermal, voltage, and stability considerations. Once the critical contingencies are identified, their impact on the network must be evaluated to determine the most restrictive of those limitations. Therefore, the TTC becomes: TTC = Minimum of {Thermal Limit, Voltage Limit, Stability Limit} As system operating conditions vary, the most restrictive limit on TTC may move from one facility or system limit to another. starting at the base case transfer until the first security violation is encountered. The real power transfer at the first security violation is the total transfer capability. The objective is to determine the maximum real power transfers from sending areas to receiving area through the transfer path. During a transfer capability calculation, many assumptions [Shaaban et al 2000] may arise that would affect the outcome. The main assumptions used in this study are as follows: The base case power flow of the system is feasible and corresponds to a stable operating point. The load and generation patterns vary very slowly so that the system transient stability is not jeopardized. The system has sufficient damping to keep within steady state stability limit. Bus voltage limits are reached before the system reaches the nose point and loses voltage stability. Therefore, at this stage only the thermal limits and voltage limits will be taken into consideration together with generator active and reactive power limits. The power flow solution is the most common and important tool in power system analysis, which is also known as the Load Flow solution. It is used for planning and controlling a system when system is assumed to be in balanced condition and single-phase analysis. It determines the voltage magnitudes and phase angle of voltages at each bus and active and reactive power flow in each line. The four quantities associated with each bus are voltage magnitude, voltage phase angle, real power injection and reactive power injection. The Newton-Raphson equations are cast in natural power system form solving for voltage magnitude and angle, given real and reactive power injections and it is used in the calculation of transfer capability [Wood et al 1996,Rao et al 1996]. The mathematical formulation can be expressed as follows [Yan Ou et al 2002]: Subject to Power Flow Equations:



R Receiving area; S Sending area; E External area transfer path Fig.1 A simple interconnected power system PROBLEM FORMULATIO S Referring to Fig.1, a simple interconnected power system can be divided into three kinds of areas: receiving area, sending areas and external areas. Area can be defined in an arbitrary fashion. It may be an individual electric system, power pool, control area, sub-regions, etc which consist of a set of buses. The transfer between two areas is the sum of the real powers flowing on all the lines which directly connect one area to the other area. A base case transfer (existing transmission commitments) is determined. The transfer is then gradually increased

Pi =

j =1
n j =1

| V j | Yij | cos ( ij i + j )

(1) (2)

Q i = | V i | V j | Y ij | sin ( ij i + j )

And Operational constraints

P g min P g P g max Q g min Q g Q g max S ij S ij



(4) (5)

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

i min

i max

(6) (7)

The objective function to be optimize

m R ,k R


The control variables in the above formulation are generator real and reactive power outputs, generator voltage settings, phase shifter angles, transformer taps and switching capacitors or reactors. The dependent variables in the formulation are slack bus (swing bus) active and reactive power injections, regulated bus (generator bus) reactive power injection and voltage angle. Equality and Inequality Constraints The equality constraints in the problem formulation reflect the physics of the power system as well as the desired voltage set points throughout the system. The physics of the power system are enforced through the power flow equations which require that the net injection of real and reactive power at each bus sum to zero. The inequality constraints reflect the limits on physical devices in the power system as well as the limits created to ensure system security. Physical devices that require enforcement of limits include generators, tap changing Transformers, and phase shifting transformers. This section will lay out the necessary inequality constraints needed for the proposed repeated power flow, implemented in this thesis. Generators have maximum and minimum output powers and reactive power which add inequality constraints.

METHODOLOGY In this work, it is proposed to utilize the repeated power flow (RPF) method [Yan Ou et al 2002] for the calculation of transfer capabilities due to the ease of implementation. This method involves the solution of a base case, which is the initial system conditions, and then increasing the transfer. After each increase, another load flow is solved and the security constraints tested. The computational procedure of this approach is as follows: i. Establish and solve for a base case ii. Select a t transfer case iii. Solve for the transfer case iv. Increase step size if transfer is successful v. Decrease step size if transfer is unsuccessful vi. Repeat the procedure until minimum step size reached The flow chart of the proposed method for the calculation of transfer capability is given in Fig. 2. To explain this properly, a few terms need to be clarified. Firstly, look at the term, base case. This refers to the original system configuration before any transfers have been considered. In this stage, assumptions are made about the system which will impact on the final answer. In the base case, the system operating conditions must be within safe limits, otherwise there will be no available transfer capability for the system. To specify the base case, data is given regarding the generator status, line flow limits and bus voltage limits. The term transfer refers to the actual changing of generator outputs from the base case. For the case of this thesis, the following convention is used. A transfer of x MW from generator at bus A to generator at B is given by decreasing the generator real power output at bus A and increasing the generator real power output at bus B by x MW. With this convention is the assumption that the slack bus will pick up any losses that may occur due to the new state of system. Therefore, to solve for the transfer requires the performing of a transfer as described above and then solving a power flow for the given configuration. The next step is to perform the power flow simulation and check it against the given security constraints. These constraints can take on many forms. They might be line flow power limits, bus voltage magnitude and angle limits or generator capacity limits. As well as these, a minimum step size is also required. The step size is the difference between the previous transfer and the current transfer. It starts off at a set size, and the transfer is increased by this


g g

min min


g g

max g max

For the maintenance of system security, power systems have transmission line as well as transformer MVA ratings. These ratings may come from thermal rating (current ratings) of conductors, or they may be set to a level due to system stability concerns. The determination of these MVA ratings will not be of concern in this work. It is assumed that they are given. Regardless, these MVA ratings will result in another inequality constraint.


ij max

To maintain the quality of electrical service and system security, bus voltages usually have maximum and minimum magnitudes. These limits again require the addition of inequality constraints.

V i min V i V i max
All the equality and inequality constraints considered in this work are given in the above problem formulation.

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) amount until the power flow simulation results in the breaking of a constraint.
Select transfer case and Variable to be changed

Step increase variable

Check if Limits are Violated


Step back and increase Variable with smaller steps

basis function network (RBFN) is shown in Fig.5.5. The RBFN model in its most basic form consists of three layers: the input layer, hidden layer and output layer [Simon Haykin et al 1999]. The nodes within each layer are fully connected to the previous layer. The input variables are assigned to each node in the input layer and are passed directly to the hidden layer without weights. The hidden nodes (units) contain the radial basis functions, and are analogous to the sigmoid function commonly used in the BPFN. The output layer supplies the response of the network to the activation patterns applied to the input layer. The transformation from the input space to the hidden unit space is non-linear, where as the transformation from the hidden unit space to the output space is linear. During training, all of the input variables are fed to hidden layer directly without any weight and only the weights between hidden and output layers have to be modified using error signal. Thus, it requires less training time in comparison to BPFN model. The RBFN finds the design of neural network as a curve-fitting (approximation) problem in a highdimensional space that provides the best fit to the training data. The hidden units provide a set of functions that constitute an arbitrary basis for the input patterns when they are expanded into the hidden-unit space. These functions are called radial basis functions. The structural model of RBFN is shown in Fig.3 the hidden layer is comprised of Gaussian interpolating functions while the output layer is linear. It is based on a radial decomposition of the input space [Yan Ou et al 2002]. The spread constant for the hidden neurons was set to 0.115. The number of neurons in the hidden layer was progressively increased one step at a time by using a constructive algorithm that automatically chooses the appropriate center of the radial-basis functions. The maximum number of hidden neurons was set as a design parameter (from 25 to 100). Although the classical RBFN scheme produces good results, the choice of number of hidden units, the number of input sets and the parameters of the network are varied by trial and error.

eck if limits are Violated



No Transfer capability


Fig.2 Flow chart for calculation of transfer capability

Once a constraint has been reached, the step size is reduced and thus the transfer is reduced as well. A new load flow is calculated and the security constraints are again checked. This continues until the step size reaches the preset minimum step size. At this stage, the amount of power which was transferred at the last successful load flow is the transfer capacity of the given buses. The final constraint to be broken is called the binding limit of the system To incorporate power system areas into this equation requires the modification of all generator real power outputs within the specified areas. For example, a transfer from area A to area B requires the reduction of all generator real power outputs from area A and the increase of all generator real power outputs for area B. The proposed method of this work has been examined on a three area 30-bus system. Ann Based Transfer Capability Calculation The RBFN is a special class of multi layer feed forward networks, and the construction of a radial


Input Layer


Hidden layer of Radial basis


Fig. 3 Architecture of Radial Basis Function Network

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) For RBFN, there are three different learning algorithms depending on how the centers of the basis functions are specified [Jain et al 2003,Reface et al 1999]. In the first method, the samples in the training set are selected as the centers. The linear weights in the output layers are calculated by minimizing the error between the targets and actual outputs of the network. The second training algorithm estimates appropriate locations for the centers of the radial basis functions in the hidden layer using K-means clustering algorithm, then completes the design of the network by estimating the linear weights of the output layer. The third algorithm is an errorcorrection learning process. To minimize the error between the targets and the actual responses, the linear weights and positions of centers and the width of the units are adapted using a gradient-descent procedure. The sequence of the major steps of gradient learning algorithm for RBFN is as follows. 1) Weight Initialization 2) Weights in the output layer are initialized to small random values. 3) Weights in the hidden layer are determined by the K-means clustering algorithm. It provides a simple mechanism for minimizing the sum of squared errors with k clusters, with each cluster consisting of a set of N samples x1, x2, .,xN that are similar to each other. The algorithm proceeds as follows: 1) A set of clusters {y1, y2,,yk } are arbitrarily chosen. 2) Assign the N samples to k clusters using the minimum Euclidean distance rule: if X belongs to cluster l (b) The activation level Oj of an output j is determined by (4) O j = W ji O i Weight Learning: Clustering algorithm is used in the hidden layer -- Adjust weights by (5) W ji ( t + 1 ) = W ji ( t ) + W ji Where Wji(t) is the weight from hidden unit i to output unit j at time t and Wji is the weight adjustment. -The weight change is computed by (6) W = ji j O i Where is a trail independent learning rate and j is the error at unit j;


Where Tj is the desired (target) output activation and Oj is the actual output activation at output unit j. -- Repeat iterations until convergence. IMPLEME TATIO OF RBF From the problem, we can see that transfer capability is a complex nonlinear function of customer demand, system topology and generation availability. In this work an RBF neural network approach to solve the transfer capability problem is developed in the MATLAB environment. Essentially, the development of the methodology comprises of two steps. A suitably chosen RBFN structure is to be trained first with a set of training data (input: loading pattern, output: optimal transfer capability pattern), with the help of a suitable training algorithm. The training data would be obtained from the proposed repeated power flow algorithm. Considering the size of the training set we have, the function newrb in MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox [MATLAB Version 5.3 et al 1997] was adopted. This function iteratively creates a radial basis network, one neuron at a time. The center weight of the neuron is one sample in the training set. Neurons are added to the network until the sum-squared error falls beneath an error goal. In our application, Gaussian functions were utilized as the radial basis functions for the hidden layer neurons. After all the parameters were determined, the networks were trained and tested. Once the ANN is trained, with sufficiently large number of training data, the ANN learns the implicit correlation between the loading patterns and the transfer capability patterns. Next, the new loading patterns (which have not been used to train the ANN) would be fed to the network and the network would provide the optimal transfer capability pattern at its output within a very short span.

X Yl < X Y j



3) Compute new cluster prototypes so as to minimize the cost function 2 (2) J = X Y

i i

4) If any cluster prototype changes, return to step 2; otherwise, stop. (i) Calculation of Activation Function (a) The activation level Oj of hidden unit j is calculated by
O (X W j) (X W j) = exp 2

2 j


Where X the input vector Wj the weight vector associated with hidden unit j (i.e., the centre of Gaussian function) 2 normalization factor


Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Generation of Training Patterns The accuracy of the neural network model depends on the data presented to it during training. A good collection of the training data, i.e., data which is welldistributed, sufficient, and accurately measuredsimulated, is the basic requirement to obtain an accurate model. In this work, it is generated a number of input-output patterns at different loading conditions. The different loading conditions in the system are achieved by varying the active and reactive power loads in the system within a certain range with respect to the base operating condition. In this work the active and reactive power loads are varied, with uniform power factor, in such a way that the new load condition always remains within a range of 60 120% of the base operating condition of the system under consideration. The inputs to the proposed RBFN are the real and reactive power demands of the system. The outputs are the transfer capability between two areas, and the voltage magnitudes and voltage angles in those areas. The input-output patterns for training the proposed ANN are generated from the proposed repeated power flow algorithm. The data used for training the ANN is normalized. The input-output patterns used for training the ANN is given in the next chapter. Summary of RBF Learning Algorithm Step 1: Calculate the centres and their widths using input data set. Step 2: Calculate the output of the basis function (hidden layer) Step 3: update the weight Step 4: Repeat 2-3 for each pattern in the input data set. Step 5: Repeat 2-4 until the cost function is acceptably small, training stops, or some other terminating condition occurs. Transfer Capability Calculations Using Repeated Power Flow Method The Repeated Power Flow (RPF) method, which repeatedly solves power flow equations at a succession of points along the specified load/generation increment, is used in this paper for TTC calculation. The algorithm of the repeated power flow method is given above, using this; a transfer capability program is developed in MATLAB environment. The transfer capabilities between the system areas, for different load conditions (60 120%of the base operating condition of the system), have been computed by applying this transfer capability program. The simulation results for base operating conditions are given in Table 1. The voltage magnitude and the voltage angles at different buses for the areas under consideration also have been calculated by performing the proposed

transfer capability program. The procedure is repeated for different load operating conditions. Table 1 Transfer Capabilities for a base operating condition Areas Transfer capability(MW) From area 1 to area 2 6.0000 From area 1 to area 3 From area 2 to area 3 From area 2 to area 1 From area 3 to area 1 From area 3 to area 2 54.8338 24.0050 19.0300 18.4520 6.0000

Radial Basis Function eural etwork Based Transfer Capability Computations In this paper, the radial basis function network (RBFN) model, discussed in the previously, is utilized for calculating the total transfer capabilities between the different system areas. The two areas considered here are area 2 and area 3. Transfer capability from area 2 to area 3 has been computed using the proposed approach. The input-output patterns for training the proposed ANN are generated from the proposed repeated power flow algorithm. The inputs to the proposed RBFN are the real and reactive power demands of the system. The outputs are the transfer capability between two areas, and the voltage magnitudes and voltage angles in those areas. In this paper, it is generated a number of input-output patterns at different loading conditions. The different loading conditions in the system are achieved by varying the active and reactive power loads in the system within a certain range with respect to the base operating condition. The data used for training the ANN is normalized. The number of epochs taken for training the system is 17 for achieving the error goal of 10-6 with a spread constant of 0.114. The simulation of was carried out in MATLAB. The convergence of the RBFN is shown in Fig.4 Table 2 shows the comparison of transfer capabilities from area 2 to area 3 obtained with RBFN method against the RPF method for different load operating conditions. Table 3 shows the comparison of the voltage magnitudes, voltage angles of area 2 obtained with RBFN method against conventional methods for the transfer capability case of area 2 to area 3 for 85% base operating condition. The relative error is defined as follow.
relative error = o

ti ti


Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Where ti is the exact value from repeated power flow solutions and oi is the output of RBF Neural network Table 3 Area 2 Bus Voltage Magnitudes Voltage Angles:-Comparison of RPF method and RBFN method (85%Base operating condition)
Bus o. Bus Voltage Magnitudes (p.u.) RPF Metho d 0.9762 1.0000 0.9591 0.9665 0.9639
0.9671 0.9436 0.9400 0.9463 1.0000

12 13 14 15 16

RBF Metho d 0.9762 1.0000 0.9591 0.9665 0.9639

0.9671 0.9437 0.9400 0.9463 1.0000

Relativ e Error (%)

Bus Voltage Angles (degree) RPF Metho d -0.5207 2.5210 -1.3006 -1.2197 -1.2920
-1.5508 -2.2742 -2.5863 -2.3640 -0.3131

Relative Error (%)

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000

RBF Metho d -0.5250 2.5167 -1.3052 -1.2243 -1.2973

-1.5570 -2.0932 -2.5917 -2.3693 -0.3177

0.825 0.170 0.353 0.377 0.410 0.399 0.010 0.208 0.224 1.469

Fig. 4 Convergence of the RBFN to the performance goal of 1e-6 The computation time requirement of the RBFN is small as compared to the conventional RPF method and is given in the table 4. The simulation of both these was carried out in MATLAB on the Pentium 4 machine with 2.0GHz clock. Table 2 Transfer capability from area 2 to area 3: Comparison of RPF method and RBFN method
Load condition Transfer capability(MW) Relative Error

17 18 19 20 23

Table 4 Comparison of Computation time: RPF Method versus RBFN Method

Method RPF Method RBFN Method Computation Time (ms) 425 90

RPF Method 85% 92.5% 97.5% 105% 115% 117% 119% 28.9047 26.4881 24.8286 22.3429 18.9771 18.2932 17.6094

RBF Method 28.9124 26.4783 24.8290 22.3431 18.9743 18.2929 17.6096 0.0266% 0.0369% 0.0016% 0.0002% 0.0147% 0.0016% 0.0013%

5 4
Voltage Angle (degree)


3 2 1

Voltage angle

10 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30

2 1 0 12 1 2 3

1 2

Bus Numbers

Fig.6. Area 3 Bus Voltage Angles Comparison of RPF and RBFN method (85%Base operating condition)

15 16




20 23

Bus Number
Fig.5 Area 2 Bus Voltage Angles Comparison of RPF and RBFN method (85%Base operating condition)

CO CLUSIO The significant contributions of this paper are: Development of Repeated Power Flow (RPF) algorithm for the computation of Transfer capabilities between system areas. Application of Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFN) for fast calculation of total transfer capabilities.


Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (3): 473-481 (ISSN: 2141-7016) The results obtained with RBFN based approach are practically matching with those obtained with the conventional RPF method. Further RBFN is observed to give significant reduction in computation time, thus making it a potential candidate for online application. REFERE CES William W. Hogan, and John F. Kennedy (2001): Electricity Market Restructuring: Reforms after Reforms, 20th Annual Conference Center for Research in Regulated Industries. T.K. Abdel-Galil, E.F.E1-Saadany, and M.M.A. Salama (2001):Effect of New Deregulation Policy on Power Quality Monitoring and Mitigation Techniques, IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference (TD01), 28 October-2 November 2001, Atlanta, USA. Ian Dobson, Scott Greene, Rajesh Rajaraman, Christopher L. Demarco Fernando L. Alvarado, Mevludin Glavic, Jianfeng Zhang, Ray Zimmerman (2001): Electric Power Transfer Capability: Concepts, Applications, Sensitivity and Uncertainty, PSERC Publication 01-34. Yan Ou, and Chanan Singh (2002): Assessment of Available Transfer Capability and Margins, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.17, No.2, pp. 463-468. G.C. Ejebe, J. Tong, J.G. Waight, J.G. Frame, X.Wang, W.F. Tinney (1998),Available Transfer Capability Calculations, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.13, No.4, pp.1521-1527. P.W.Sauer (1997): Technical Challenges of Computing Available Transfer Capability (ATC) in Electric Power Systems, Proc. of 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol.5. V. Ajjarapu and C. Chrity (1992): The Continuation Power Flow: A Tool for Steady State Voltage Stability Analysis, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.7, No.1, pp.416-423. A.J. Wood and B.F. Woolenberg (1996): Power Generation, Operation, and Control, John Wiley and sons, 2nd edition. Simon Haykin (1999): NEURAL NETWORKS, Prentice Hall International, 2nd edition. X. Luo, A.D. Patton, and C. Singh (2000): Real Power transfer capability calculations using multilayer feed-forward neural networks," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 903-908. T. Jain, L. Srivastava, and S.N. Singh (2003): Fast Voltage Contingency Screening Using Radial Basis Neural Network, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 1359-1366. J.A. Reface, M. Mohendes, and H. Maghrabi (1999) Radial Basis Function Networks For Contingency Analysis of Bulk Power Systems, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.14, No.2, pp. 772-778. MATLAB Version 5.3, Mathwork Corporation, 1997. M. Shaaban, Y.X. Ni, and F.F. Wu (2000): Transfer Capability Computations in Deregulated Power Systems, Proc. of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. S.S. Rao (1996): Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, John & sons, 3rd edition. SYMBOLS at bus i Sijmax-Maximum allowed apparent power flow Pr -The interchange real power sending areas to receiving areas K-Bus not in receiving area m- Bus in receiving area Pkm-Tie line real power flow (from bus k sending areas to bus m in receiving area) R -Set of buses in receiving area -Set of all the buses Yij -Magnitude of ijth element of Admittance of matrix Y ij- Angle of ijth element of Admiittance of matrix Y Vi - Magnitude of voltage at bus i i -Voltage angle at bus i Pg- Real power output of generator Qg - Reactive power output of generator Pi - Net real power at bus i Qi -Net reactive power at bus i Sij-Apparent power flow of transmission line Pgmin-Minimum real power output of generator Pgmax-Maximum real power output of generator Qgmin-Minimum reactive power output of generator Qgmax-Maximum reactive power output of generator Vimin,-Minimum of voltage magnitude at bus i Vimax -Maximum of voltage magnitude


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