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Pediculosis Capi.s (Head lice) Lice infec.on transmi8ed by direct contact with
infected persons or indirect contact with contaminated objects Lice can live on a human host consuming scalp blood and lay eggs

Lice can live o of human for 48 hours without blood Nits (eggs) capable of hatching for 10 days

Nits are visible on hair shaGs close to scalp usually behind ears and at nape of neck, dicult to remove

Clinical Manifesta.ons

Once hatch crawling causes intense pruri.s (itchy scalp)

Management -three goals

1. Kill the ac,ve lice using pediculicide OTC products (Kwell, Nix, Rid) Kwell is neurotoxic for infants RID is safe and, must treat hair again 1 to 2 weeks aGer treatment NIX kills head lice and eggs with 1 treatment, may have residual ac.vity for 10 days

Management - three goals

2. Remove nits Inspect childs hair with ne-toothed comb Comb nits out when hair is wet (apply vinegar water mixture prior to combing)

Management-three goals
3. Prevent spread or recurrence Treat environmental objects Examine and treat family members Vacuum carpets Check child for reinfesta.on 7 to 10 days aGer treatment Wash all bedding, hats in hot water and high dryer se\ng No.fy school if reoccurs

Mite infec.on-burrow under skin Spread by skin to skin contact Female mite burrows under skin and lays egg Hatch in 3-5 days and cause severe intense itching Secondary infec.ons (impe.go, celluli.s) common

Clinical Manifesta.ons
Intense, severe pruri.s esp. at night Papular-vesicluar rash mainly in wrists, ngers, elbows, axilla and groin May see a faint burrow pa8ern

Elimite- prescrip.on Applica.on applies neck to toe and must remain on for 8-12 hours Family members even if asymptoma.c and day .me contacts should be treated Wash all bedding, clothing in hot water similar to that for pediculosis


Common Types of Tinea Infec.on

Tinea capi.s (scalp) Tinea cruris (groin, bu8ocks, and scrotum) Tinea corporis (trunk, face, Tinea pedis (feet)

Tinea Capi.s
Erythema papular rash of scalp Patches of alopecia Treated with topical and oral an.fungals

Tinea Corporis
Single circular 1 scaly plaques Erythema to pale pink/ white Topical an.fungals, con.nue to treat one week aGer rash gone

Tinea Cruis
Warm moist environment promotes fungal growth Common in adolescent male Topical an.fungal Loose clothing

Tinea Pedis
Sweaty feet promotes growth Barefoot in common wet areas (pools,lockeroom) Topical an.fungal Fresh socks, toss old shoes

Nursing Considera.ons All Tinea Infec.ons

All members of the family and household pets should be assessed for fungal lesions Person-to-person transmission is cause Treat all asymptoma.c family members for recurrence Good hygiene helps in preven.on Dont share towels, clothing, hats, etc

Intes.nal worms- live in rectum of humans Female worms leave rectum at night to lay eggs on surrounding skin Eggs can survive in bedding and clothing for 2 weeks Spread by eggs Medicines kill worms - curable

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