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[Capstan Latin American Division] Forwarding Agent:
Terrance Cusack 711 Woodland

Field Address:

Jim and Ethel Gaither


Eufaula, Oklahoma 74432

Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A.

As you read this a mission has either been

saved or lost. I would like to take this time to

three weeks to do this. If by February 16th we have not received the needed papers, we will begin

bring you up to date and present the state of the

mission. First of all we are facing some very

selling what we have to raise the money for our

return tickets and to ship our things back.
The financial situat'on is also very grave and may force us to return. To make the new corporation we have to pay some expenses and will have to work to get the papers through the Ecuadorian government. It will mean a trip to

serious problems which affect the ongoing of the work. The two greatest problems are legality and
financial. Both of these have been brought about

by past problems, decisions and world conditions. The legal situation is that at the present time the mission "CLAD" is not legally recognized by the Ecuadorian government. If you remember, we were betrayed by a missionary family and a board
that "fired" us. At the time we did have all things

Quito, a stay in a hotel, meals, filing fees and

lawyer fees. It is money needed that we do not at present have. In fact this past receipt from the States was $650.00. Not enough to cover our salaries let alone enough to cover our expenses. When we paid all our current bills from that money
we were left with less than $150.00 to live on for
the rest of the month. We have visited churches

ready to gain legal status. After that betrayal we had to begin again. Time was of the essence as we
had to be with some mission to maintain our visas.

Capstan, Inc. in Checotah, Oklahoma, with the help of Robert Small, agreed to be our legal umbrella.
We have since learned that the Ecuadorian

government requires that the mission we work for be incorporated for the purpose of teaching
religion and establishing churches, to grant us the missionary visas. Since Capstan, Inc. is not established for that purpose, it means we must

and written letters to try and increase our base. It has not produced enough fruit. In the paper Today it said that inflation in Ecuador for 1980 was
15%. Based on $1,500.00 income, it means we

re-form a mission for that purpose. We called the U.S. to talk to Bill Price, a past President of the old board, if he would be willing to form a board and corporation for the required purpose. He agreed
and has started the procedures. We have asked other men whom we have known for many years to
serve with him. In fact, one of these men visited in
Ecuador and has seen the work first hand. All of this work must be finished and in our

would have needed to raise $225.00 just to keep the same buying power. We did not increase that much. So we are really losing ground financially.
There is much that can be done here, but we need

the finances to work the programs. It has not been forth coming. As far as we can tell our trip back to the States in April last year did not produce much fruit. At least not enough. So again a decision must be made concerning the ongoing of the work. We
have decided that if by February 16th there is not enough regular support to allow us to work

hands in time enough to file it and renew our visas prior to their expiration which is March 12, 1981. If
this cannot be done in time we have to sell out and close down the work. We have decided to allow

properly we will return to the U.S.

To keep us here the very minimum that we need is $600.00. This is a monthly figure not a
one-time thing.



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If we stay it will take a miracle from God. Ethel

and I both believe that we serve a God who does


We did things a little differently this year for

Christmas. Since mission funds as well as our

and can perform miracles. However, it may well be

that we have done all we can do here and it is time to return. We have learned many things that we can use in a located ministry. So we have

personal funds are at rock bottom we had to make

do with what we had. I made 8 bean bags and

decided that if the legality or financial situation

cannot be worked out we will return to the U.S.
and look for some other way that we can serve our

crocheted 6 little lady bug toys for the babies. The ladies of the church took up the slack by making more bean bags and some rag dolls. The Vasquez's brought some candy, we provided pop corn and

Christ. Since we do speak Spanish we are hoping that we can find some way to use that gift. We will

Angelica and her children provided some cookies

and a "Twinkie" style cake. (Angelica has a second

be looking for your help in that we can find the

right place in which to serve.

job with "Ina Cake" and was able to buy these

cakes very cheaply.) I was not able to make any gingerbread men this year because a 'bug' got hold of me and took Christmas to rear its ugly head. I had worked 2 straight days, all day long, on the back drops (scenery) for the puppet stage that

It is our prayer that the churches will continue to support us until we find that place of service. Another help would be in helping us find a pickup truck with an overhead camper that we can buy to live in until something is worked out. This would give us a home and transportation together. We would like to find one that is in as good of condition as possible for the least amount of money. Our present thinking is maybe we could locate in the Los Angeles area where there are many churches to serve and a large Spanish speaking community.
Dear Jim and Ethel,

Angelica, Kati and Carlite used to present the

Nativity story using the puppets given us to use here plus some others I had made (an innkeeper, angel and 4 wisemen). I didn't get to participate myself but Jim said everything went great. We had one lady who bought about 2 dozen little plastic dolls and dressed them. Another

bought some little balls. These people give out of their poverty because they love Jesus and want to
share Him with others.









Ecuador! Here's my gift/pledge:

What about you? How far does your love for

Jesus reach? Next door? The next town? State?

I will increase my monthly support to $ I am sending you an emergency gift to help cover the mission's legal expenses. $

Country? How far down in your pockets are you willing to dig so that someone less fortunate than yourself can have a few moments of happiness? Last year we asked for anyone who would like, to
share with these at Christmas time. Would you believe we received not one reply! I just wonder what excuse will be given on Judgement Day. Until next time.. .1 love you.




Mail to: Terrance Cusack, F.A.

711 Woodland cEufaula, OK 74432

ioApril, 1981



Forwarding Agent:
Terrance Cusack 711 Woodland

Field Address: Jim and Ethel Gaither Cassilla7460

Eufaula, Oklahoma74432

Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A.


this trend will continue as we prepare to begin anew.

When Christ died on the cross, I am sure that for the disciples it must have been their darkest hour.

Fourthly, we have a tremendous new Board with

which to work. All the Board members are not only

As they walked away, their minds must have been confused as they tried to think about the future. "What will we do, for our leader, our hope, our whole
future died on the cross with Him." But as I have

deeply involved in the Lord's work in their local congregations, but also serving the Lord in other areas as well. Through this newsletter we will
introduce you to them in the future.

preached so many times, their problem was that this

happened on Friday, and Sunday was yet to come. For with Sunday, a new hope and a new future was
born with the ressurection of Christ.

Through these pages, in the months to come, I am sure you will be excited by what you see. There are so many things here that tell us we are In the right place at the right time. Piease continue to pray
for us and this work. BUILDING FOR THE LORD

I feel that in some ways this is a parallel with our work. For many months we have been working on a Friday with our hopes and dreams dying as we saw
the events around us. First we could not renew our

The congregation here In Guayaquil has just completed building a small place of worship. It Is a
room addition built on to the home of one of our
members. It was constructed from bamboo and

visas, and at the same time the finances slowed down. It just seemed to us that at every corner it
became worse. So we too, were living in our Friday. But at last, Sunday has come with It's renewed hope! Let me share with you some of the things that have happened. First of all, we have renewed our visas for one

more year. I have worked from time to time with the

American school here In Guayaquil. This past year I have been helping with the yearbook and teaching photography. It has paid us dividends, for when the
Director of the school found I was unable to stay due to our visas, he offered to renew my visa through the school. Thus, both Ethel's visa and mine have been renewed for one year. Secondly, the new mission papers arrived from our newly formed Board in the U.S. One problem we were having was that the mission we now work with was not legal in Ecuador. We needed to form a new mission which stated what we would be doing in Ecuador. Capstan, Inc., of course, was formed to work in the U.S. We took the papers to Quito and our lawyer assures us that in a short time we will have our legal status.

wood. To Ethel and I, the most wonderful part of all is that the congregation paid for all the cost! They asked nothing from anyone else. They have truly given from their poverty. The church has suffered a split, but it is still working and looking to the future. Praise the Lord! With troubles comes strength and patience, as the book of James teaches us, and
these folks will be better able to serve after

completing this project.


One of the hardest things that we do here Is our hospital work with the large "free" hospital In
Guayaquil. This hospital Is not like our clean and efficient hospitals that we have in the U.S. In fact, some of the things that you see there are almost unbelievable. After visiting the hospital many times Ethel and I have come home with tears In our eyes. Let me tell you a story of a young girl with whom we are now working. Four weeks ago, while we were holding service, a young girl came In and asked If at the end of the service we would come to her house and pray for her

Thirdly, the finances for the last two months have increased considerably. We are praying that

sister who was very III. At the close of our services,

It Is worth it for us to be in Ecuador? We believe


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that even if we did nothing but our hospital work, that the answer would still be a resounding Yes! Three times in one way or another, this same thing has happened. We are grateful that God allows us to be here and to be used by Him.

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several of us went over to visit. There on the floor on

-^-dirtynFMittresslay^^ayounggirl After _Jhe Introduction, we began to talk to Mariana de Jesus Chelen. She was sixteen years old, had a one-yearold baby which the father had abandoned, and was so frail looking that she appeared to be about sixty years of age. The medical problem was that she fell from a window some 13 or 14 months ago and Injured her leg. Her mother looked for a year to find someone who could help her. The problem was that she looked among the witches and quacks to find her cure. So for one year she lay on her mattress

As Spring comes for all of you in the States, bringing with it the joyous thoughts of "new beginnings", "new life," we here are also having "new beginnings." As with trees, grass and shrubs, the basis for new life was there all during the long, hard Winter. Then comes Spring and from these things which appeared "dead" comes new life. This is what is happening now with the work here in Ecuador. After a long, hard Winter of problems ^nd trials, during which the work appeared sometimes to be alTbut dead (or perhaps we areTust" impatient), now Spring is coming and with the
Spring, "new life."

Last week we attended the long awaited wedding of some very dear Ecuadorian friends. As 1 thought of the new life together that they are beginning, the
parallel thought came that the mission, too, Is
beginning a new life.

The day of the wedding, we had Just returned from Quito, having spent five very productive days
with our lawyer and making some new contacts there as well. We had been able to put the new corporation papers before the government for recog nition of CLAD Christian Mission as a legal entity. By the time we left Quito, there were only two more steps to go towards finalizing this recognition. One, all the papers we had received from the States were, of course, in English and these had to be translated Into Spanish. Then, they would be ready to go to the Ministry. Praise the Lord!! When this is all done, then we can expect to receive permission to put Into effect all the programs we have been proposing for
so-long- (the orphanage,school, clinic, vo^techschool, etc.). Also, due to that wedding, we have made some

with no real help. The doctors explained that during the onset of the Injury infection set in, In the bone
marrow, and finally turned to cancer. When we saw

her for the first time her leg was four times larger
than the uninjured one. With much talk and persuasion on our part we convinced her to enter the hospital. Yesterday they removed that cancerous

During our first conversation with Mariana we assured her of the reality of God and that He loved her. We explained that we had faith and trust In Him

and that we believed He heard our prayers. We were going to pray for her and trust thatnSod would' bless. Then It was up to us to do our part. We gave
her a Bible and talked often with her about God and

His kingdom. The day before her surgery she

assured me that she had real trust in God and that

very valuable new contacts here in Guayaquil.

During the course of normal conversation the theme turned quite naturally to our religious beliefs. The whys and wherefore. This particular gentleman indicated he was very interested in learning more about how we belive and why. (He Is very Catholic, right now.) This man owns the largest road-building company In the country!
You can see, I'm sure that God still has this work

she only wanted to serve Him. Yesterday as I visited

her in the recovery room, again she said she knew God would take care of her. From witchcraft to God, what a road to travel for one so young.
What will happen now, I do not know; but I do trust In the living God and know He will do what Is
best for Mariana. The road ahead will be hard as she

tries to adjust with only one leg. We are hoping that with our connections with SERLI, a group that helps the crippled and mentally retarded, that we can get her an artificial leg. It will take much time and prayer for her to learn to use that leg. She will need your prayers. Also pray for us as we work with her In
these difficult times.

In His hands and that He is still opening doors. He doesn't Intend for us to start all over again with new concepts, but to bring to "new life" the plans so carefully laid before. He opens the doors, and with the help of His people, we step through. God bless you. I love you!



Forwarding Agent:
Terrance Cusack 711 Woodland

Field Address: Jim and Ethel Gaither Cassilla 6860

Eufaula, Oklahoma 74432

Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A.


I am always amazed at the ways and places that you can witness for Christ. Ethel and I were invited to a birthday party for Larry Wilson, a member of the church. At Ecuadorian parties it is customary for the men to gather in one place and the women in another, but this time we were all together. Larry had received a new book and I was sitting by myself looking at the book when I heard several people calling my name. I went over to see what they wanted and they asked if I would mind answering a few questions. I replied affirmatively and I was offered a seat in the middle of this large group of people. One man, Don Gustavo, laid out the premise for the previous conversation and then asked my opinion. The premise was this: If God is a God of love, why does He chastise people and allow them to suffer? As I began to explain my views, I noticed that everyone was extremely quiet and attentive. As time went on, I was asked many questions by many

we did spiritually, but we will trust God to continue blessing her young life. We are planning to travel that way as soon as we can, and hope to visit with her. Please pray for Mariana and her family.

We are praising God for the wonderful way He is blessing through the finances. I am sure that you know that for a long while we suffered with not enough income to even pay our bills. But we are now seeing enough coming in that we can now keep the bills paid and still have some extra to work with. How grateful we are to all of you for your help and
concern for this work.

With the blessings we have received, we are now planning for the future of this work. Ethel and I are
more convinced than ever that we need to work

people. It was a time when I could present many

views on the Bible, the Church, it's leadership and our position as restorationists. What an opportunity as many of the group asked specific questions and listened carefully to the answers. I am not sure that I can say that anyone will be converted from this conversation, but I do know that this is my task for Christ. I do not convert or save people, this God does through many ways. But mine is to present the Christ and His kingdom to the world. Even at a birthday party!

through an orphanage, school, clinic and other programs such as these. If we are going to do more than superficial work, we will have to work through these kinds of programs. This will require that we increase our support. With God's help and the help of His people, we are planning to start the orphanage here in Guayaquil the first part of 1982. Before that time we will have to raise at least $1,500 more per month. How? I am not sure, but we are trusting that God will provide this for us through His people. In the next two months, we are going to have to make some
decisions based on our financial situation. We need

your help now to help us raise these funds. We can not come back to do it, so will have to depend on you all. What will happen if we do not raise the funds
needed? Ethel and I have both decided that if we

Several people have written and asked about

Mariana de Jesus, the young girl that lost her leg to

cancer. At this time she has left the hospital and returned to her home at Machala. This is a city some

100 kilometers from Guayaquil. As the family is extremely poor, they could not afford to stay any
longer in Guayaquil for they had no work here and were staying with an Aunt who had to feed all of

cannot raise the needed funds, then perhaps it would be best to return to the States. We cannot go on forever just getting by. Many miracles hav? been done for this work, and right now we are praying for another one: finances. We have asked God many times to show us if He wants us to stay. We are putting the fleece out in the way of finances and are asking, "God, if you want us to stay, provide the funds we need." If they don't come, we will assume
that God wants us to return and let someone else

them. When she left, Mariana was still having some

problems with healing at the wound site, but at that time had no Infection. Again, I do not know all that

handle the work in Ecuador. We have fought many hard battles to keep the work here going, and would

pdtsanbay uojpajJOQ ssdjppv

366.52% and in the same period the buying power of the Sucre (Ecuadorian currency) has lost 70% of it's
value. That means to do what we did when we arrived six years ago, we would have to have four times what
we did then. As it is, we are at about the same level.
What are we to do?

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From the Forwarding Agent Income for June, 1981 Disbursements, June 1981 Stateside expenses... $ 221.31 Sent to the field 1,511.00
Total disbursements


$ 168.89

Total, June, 1981

hate to see it necessary to return to the States. But

we must have the finances with which to work.

Please pray about this and us, and then see what you can do to help.

As we talk about finances, I would like to quote from a large news article that appeared recently. The title reads "The Cost of Living in Guayaquil Arrives at a Prohibitive Level". Among other things, It says that the cost of living in the last ten years has risen

Please make note of the new Post Office box number for the mission in Ecuador. You can address us at Casilla 6860, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South

America. Please continue to send all funds and gifts

to our forwarding agent, Terrance Cusack, 711 Woodland, Eufaula, OK 74426. Make your checks
payable to: C.L.A.D. Christian Mission.


Help establish a Christian Orphanage for homeless and

abandoned children


Jim and Ethel Gaither, Missionaries

Dear Jim and Ethel:

We are excited about the future of C.L.A.D. CHRISTIAN MISSION in

Ecuador. We would like to have a part in your work. Following are the ways
we wish to help: Enclosed is my monthly pledge of $ Enclosed is my monthly pledge for the orphanage of $


n Enclosed Is a gift to help with the legal costs of setting up the orphanage. Iwill present your plans for the orphanage to ourchurch/group in hopes of helping you
raise the needed support.

"Train up a child In the way he should go: and when he is old, he

will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

P Please send me a display and slide program for my presentation on: AlternateDate:
Name Address

Jim and Ethel Gaither raise funds for the new

orphanage to be



established in Guayaquil
in 1982!

Make all checks payable to: C.L.A.D. CHRISTIAN MISSION. Send with coupon to:
Terrance Cusack, F.A. 711 Woodland Eufaula, OK 74432 (918) 689-2261


5 Am



Forwarding Agent:
Terrance Cusack 161 Sherman St. Field Address: Jim and Ethei Gaither Cassilla6860

Wabash, IN 46992

Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A.


Throughout our newsletters for the past two years there has been running a thread of doubt as to whether we would stay or go home. The reasons for
those doubts were many, as we went through some

very serious problems. We are happy to report and we praise our wonderful God for the answer, Yes, we are going to stay. This is tempered, of course, with
what is said in James, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that" (NIV, James 4:15). We are redoubling our efforts and refusing to look back. We will go on to do great things for God. For those who are praying for us and supporting us during the dark hours, we give you thanks. Your prayers and ours have been answered. Praise be to
our God who answers and cares.

Today I have on my desk a letter from a preacher friend in Napa, California. A part of it reads, "Can you not do what you can with what He's given you, and hope toward the day you can do more? The kingdom needs you there, man! (and woman) Just look at what you've come through. How can you then say, 'Alright, God, give us more or we quit.' " We will not quit, we will stay and work if God will grant us life. No more talk of quitting; from now on our eyes will be on Jesus and we know He will give us what we need. In your next service please praise God
for us.

Our visiting group: left end, Leo and Dixie Oliver with their daughter-in-law and daughter; center, Don and Alda Groom; right, Bob and Norma Small, our Ecuadorian guide, and Jim and Ethel Gaither.

want to miss a

moment of time as there was so

much we wanted them to do and see.

The next day we visited SERLI where we teach (school for crippled children) and they had a chance
to talk to the Social Director who is a member of the


church, and one of the Doctors. They also met the

Director of the school. Then in the afternoon we took

What a thrill we have had this past month! Eight people from the State of Oklahoma came to spend

eleven wonderful days with us here. Let me share

that time with you.

They arrived August 20th at 6 p.m. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Small, Checotah, OK; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oliver, Tulsa, OK, with their daughter Alice and daughter-in-law Leslie; and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Groom from Oklahoma City. With that many in the party, we sure had to fight a lot of bags through customs and into Larry Wilson's truck. Larry and his wife are members of the church. We settled them in to the hotel and- shared a supper together. At the supper we finalized what we were

a party of them to the large hospital, Vernaza, where we also do part of our work. That evening we shared a meal together with some members of the church. The next day we went to the coast, exchanged money and made arrangements for our trip to the Amazon. At evening time we visited in the home of Larry and Irene Wilson. The next day, Sunday, we made arrangements to
be in church and also had other members of the church to the house to meet and talk with our

guests. Church service proved to be something elsel Unknown to us, the area had planned a religious festival to a Saint and had a large block party. They had music and loudspeakers right In the doorway of
the church. What an introduction our visitors had to

going to do for the next 11 days together. We didn't

our services! Needless to say, with all this and the

hundreds of people milling around, It was very

difficult to be spiritual. After our services, we went to the airport and caught a plane to Quito. The next morning we were to leave for the jungle. We awoke at 5 a.m. and prepared to leave. We boarded a little two engine prop airplane run by the military, and flew to the jungle. There we boarded a boat and spent the next four days exploring the jungles of Ecuador. While on this trip we were able
to meet and talk with the missionaries that are


working In this part of Ecuador. Friday found us tired, bug-bitten and yet rested by our trip. Saturday we left for the Indian markets and the woodcarving center of Ecuador. We crossed

We saw...

the equator twice on that trip. That evening found us

back in Quito.

It was at this time we had a meeting and discussed all we had seen, and our work here In Ecuador. We asked for their advice and help. Each one offered special thinking with their expertise. We had two preachers, one now heading up a
State-side mission, the other one a business executive. There was also a very well known and respected lawyer and a Doctor of Medicine. What a

blessing that meeting was for Ethel and I. God gave us exactly what we needed for the work here, sound advice from people who have been working many years with missions all over the world. We are already putting their advice to work. Praise God! Sunday we flew back to Guayaquil (a 30-minute trip) for services. That evening we watched our guests depart with sadness. By 2:30 a.m., we arrived at our house, tired but refreshed. What a blessing those people were to us. How can we ever thank them for what they did. Not only did they help us spiritually, but they payed all the expenses for us. Ethel and I did all these things, and it cost us nothing. How can we say thank you for all that?! To God be the glory!

Left, the Roman Ca tholic saint, whose cele

bration disturbed our

services! Below, some of our group visited before

services in front of the

home where the congre gation meets.

The answer to that question, I suppose, can lead to hours of deep discussion, but I would like to present an answer with an actual event. When we
arrived on the boat to travel down the Napo river, we

were held up until we could receive clearance from the military. As we waited, Ethel wandered 6ff to explore the boat. A little while later I too, went exploring and came upon Ethel talking very seriously
to two men. Because Ethel's voice carries well, I

could hear what she was saying. She was explaining

to these men what she believed about God's word. It

seems that these two men were jewish and were

raised in that faith. They had come to Ecuador to spend a month to see this great country. Ethel and (Continued on page 4)

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The equator

Above, Dixie shares with some of the children at

SERLI, the school for handicapped children. Left Norma (Dr. Sneed), Jim, Leo and Don visit with a doctor and patient at the hospital in Guayaquil.

Left, Jim and Don visit the wool fair. Be low, the Flotel (floating hotel) we stayed In on part of our trip.

Above, llamas at one of the haciendas where we stopped for lunch. Right, Bob inspects one of the spears removed from the body of one of the five missionaries l<illed by Auca Indians years


pe^sanbatj uoipajjoQ sssjppv

started a new job there. Debbie's three sisters live In

Wabash and her parents live nearby. The job will involve somewhat' shorter hours, so there will be more time to devote to the Gaither accounts, to
T08V7 OW 'NlldOr
Bible and medical studies.


I'm happy to announce that the Gaither's have received several new families that have committed

3B3110D 31B1Q

themselves to monthly support, and things seem to

be looking up.

I want to continue to ask people to send their



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contributions to my address now: Terrence Cusack, F.A.

161 Sherman Street Wabash, IN 46992

aovisod s'n



-aui 'NVlSdVO


Please do not send checks for CLAD to Carol

Gamel, as she has to forward them to us, and it Is time consuming for all. Also, since Jim's legal

status changed, so has the name of the mission. It Is

now CLAD Christian Mission.

"The foof says in his heart, There Is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one

I want to thank everyone for the prayerful support

and the warm letters that you direct to Jim and

who does good." (Psalms 14:1 NIV) This scripture was brought to mind very force fully during our trip through the Amazon jungle.
Only a fool would be unable to see the hand of God

Ethel. Living In a foreign country can be a lonely

experience, and I'm sure It is a great source of encouragement for the Galthers to know that people think of them. They love you all.
In Christ, Terry Cusack

in the marvelous array of plant and animal life there. Who but He, could fashion so many different varieties of butterflies? Who but He, could have the intelligence to fashion certain plants to capture and hold the life-giving water they need? Who but He,
could know the needs of the millions of insects and

August, 1981

small plants on the jungle floor and protect them by

providing food and shelter from other insects and

Income Disbursements

$2,440.16 1,580.08
$ 860.08

larger plants? It was, for me at least, a very awesome

time, our walk through the jungle. Even though we knew that there might be poison plants, insects or animals close by and even though
we had been told that some of the Auca Indians were

The reason for the large amount left at the end of the month is that an early withdrawal of cash was
made for Bob and Norma Small to hand deliver to the

Gaithers. I usually wire money to the Gaithers about

six to seven days later, and another $800+ came in the last few clays, of. the month. . - - _ - --

very unhappy with the "white men" intruding into their lands, still, I felt no fear. Only awe and wonder

at the things I was" seeing. I only wish that ail my

family and friends could have the chance to


experience this same feeling. God is always near, but during the times some of us dropped back from the main body of walkers (including our guide) and everything became very quiet, I became even more aware of God's presence. The whole trip was unspeakably exciting, but that trip through the jungle on foot will live forever in my memory as the highlight of the whole. Praise be
to the God who created it all!

(Continued from page 2)

those men spent the better part of two hours

discussing the Bible. Then throughout the trip, we

had many opportunities to discuss our faith and

work with them. When they left, they thanked Ethel

for sharing so much with them. They also promised to send a gift to help with our work. This was the

start of many conversations with different people on

Until next time, I love you!


that trip. When we docked, a young single lady

wanted to correspond with us and learn more about


our faith and work. She is a dental hygienist and said that if we ever need one in our work, she would like to come and help. While on vacation, traveling down

Dear Friends,

the Napo river, Ethel was a missionary doing

mission work. Are you a missionary doing mission
work where you are?

A lot has changed since my last letter to you. My wife and I have moved to Wabash, Indiana, and I've

November, 1981


Forwarding Agent:
Terrance Cusack 161 Sherman St. Field Address: Jim and Ethel Gaither Cassilla 6860

Wabash, IN 46992 Phone: (219) 563-7915

Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A.

Phone: 389-828


We have recently been able to find a new

building which is adequate to housethefollowing things: church services, Sunday School, mid week services, office and a place for Ethel and Ito
live. We will have this for the same amount of rent

hospital, as I was able to be at his side along with the mother. Ethel remained out in the lobby to comfort the rest of the family. The doctor had given him an injection prior to our arrival, and he
told me that all we could do was wait and see what

happened with the medicine.

For better than two hours we waited and

that we were paying for just our house and office. The front room and dining room area will be arranged to seat the congregation, and it is large enough to seat up to 60 people for services, with
another room dedicated to a nursery. We will also have it arranged for up to four classrooms for our Sunday School. It is situated on a heavily used street and is very visible. All of these things combined will mean that we can now increase our work as we have a place in which to do it. We hope to have everything ready to go by the first Sunday in November. We praise our wonderful God for His provisions and watch care. As this end of the work progresses, we will certainly keep you informed.

prayed. Eventually the medicine began to work

and Pedro slowly regained feeling in his legs. As he did, he was in great pain, but the doctors said he would live. Later that evening we took him home. I returned a few hours later to give him
another injection of the medicine; we found him

much improved and able to sleep.

When Ethel and I returned home it was in the

wee hours of the morning. We said a prayer of thanks for what God had done for us that day, and
asked that He bless this mother who has

so many problems. Through it all she kept saying,

"as God wills, so let it be". What faith for one with

so many problems! Please pray for her and her family. God will know who you are talking about.

I would like to share with you a day that Ethel and I recently spent, to point out a need for your prayers. A lady of the congregation recently had her 14-year-old daughter run off with a sailor, and she is now living with his family in the worst and poorest section of Guayaquil. Since running off, she has suffered many health problems and complications. The mother had been trying to convince her daughter to return home. Since the father is working out of the country, the full task has fallen to the mother. She had no help, so she asked Ethel and I if we would go with her to talk to the girl to see if she would return home.

While on atrip, recently, we stopped to eat at a

restaurant. We parked the mission car where we

could watch it while we ate, however, the Jeep has

a rear door, and thieves were able to enter

through it without us seeing. They took our suit case with our clothes, another bag with our
toiletry articles and medicine, two coats and our camera bag. The camera bag contained all our photographic equipment, valued at more than

$1,000. We also had packed our binoculars in the

bag and they were worth over $100.

We called the police, but they were unable to recover our things. They think they have the thief,

We spent the better part of three hours talking

and reasoning with the young girl to no avail. She was determined to stay. When we had almost arrived back to the mother's home, two members of her family hailed down our car and told us that her son, Pedro, had been taken to the hospital dying from ingesting poisonous seeds. When we arrived at the hospital he was really in bad shape. We were grateful for my connection with the

but of course he denies knowing anything about

our stolen items. The loss of the cameras, lenses and filters will be greatly felt, as we use these con

stantly in our work. Please pray that we might either be able to recover them, orthat they might
be replaced.

May I also use this to remind you that Jesus

said wearenottohaveourtreasures stored where thieves can break in, but to store our treasures in

pe^sanbatj uoipajjoQ ssajppv

real service for him. We are not real sure just yet where his place is, but we are trying to help him increase his Bible knowledge. We are confident that when God is ready, He will open a door for Maximo. Please pray for these two men as they
search for their place of service.

Not long ago I was reading an article in Horizons and one of the closing phrases caught

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my eye. "Time is of the essence" It said. We have used this same phrase in much of our corre spondence with the supporters of the work here in


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heaven where thieves cannot enter. Where are your treasures stored?

Ecuador. But I wonder just how much attention is given to the reasons behind such a phrase. We all, as Christians, have a big job to do. Evangelize the world! But how much time do we have left for us to accomplish this task? Of course, none of us can say. We can only guess, but to know for sure, none of us can. Tomorrow may be
too late.

Recently we have been thrilled by two young men who are attending our services, Pedro and Maximo. Pedro attends services every Sunday and reads our scripture for us. He has expressed a desire to serve the Lord in a fuller way. We hope to be talking with him about attending a Bible college if he goes to the States. At the present time he is applying for a visa as he wants to live in
the U.S.

Also, many times, missionaries must make far reaching decisions within a certain time limit. Many times these decisions must wait on infor mation from the States. When they wait and wait, and still the expected information does not arrive, then they truly can write back to whomever and say "Time is of the essence!" Someday, tomor
row will be too late for these decisions too.

Maximo, the second young man, does not have an education and can barely read or write, but he, too, wants to serve God in a fuller way. We are working with Maximo, trying to find a place of

I guess what I am trying to get to is this: Please! When a question (or support) is asked by a missionary, don't put off your reply one way or the other until it becomes necessary for them to write
"Time is of the essence."

I love you,

Dear Jim and Ethel:


We would like to help out In your ministry to the Lord in Ecuador, by doing
the following: We would like to increase our mnothly giving to $ We would like to contribute $ to help replace your stolen camera equipment.
We would like to contribute $_
in Ecuador.

. to help buy Bibles for distribution

Jim and Ethel will be spend ing Christmas in their beloved Ecuador again. You can help make this a special Christmas by doing one or both of the following things:

Send a Christmas Greeting in

card and letter to their Ecuador address. Be sure to mail Air IVIail

We would like to contribute $. Jor you to buy Christmas gifts for the Ecuadorian Sunday School children.

We would like to make a presentation about your ministry in Ecuador to our church or group. Please send us a display and slide set for use on the following date:


State Zip Please send your contribution and this coupon to:

or it may get there in time for Easter next year! Send a special monetary gift (through the forwarding agent, of course) to help Jim and Ethel buy the traditional Christmas gifts for the children who will attend the Christmas program. Many of these children will be
introduced for the first time to

Terrance Cusack, F.A.

161 Sherman St. Wabash, IN 46992

the real nneaning of Christmas!

December, 1981


Forwarding Agent:
Terrance Cusack 161 Sherman St. Field Address;

Jim and Ethel Gaither Cassilla 6860

Wabash, IN 46992

Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A.

Phone: 389-828

Phone: (219) 563-7915

'commented, "Then you are not Catholic?" To

Recently in one of my classes at SERLI, some of the
children asked me

which I responded and tried to explain we are

simply Christians. She then asked if we believed

in "Saints". I always carry a little New Testament

with me, so I began to show herthe scriptures that

used the word saint and then asked her to whom

how we greeted one another during the

Christmas Season. I told them that in the

was the word saint directed: to a living group

collectively called the church, or did the Bible use the word as the Roman Catholic church teaches

U.S. we usually say "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". As I tried to explain the words we used, I thought about the word happy as we
use it with new year.

about saints. Her surprise was in her eyes and

answer. "No, It must refer to Christians in

general!" i am positive that this made an impres

sion on her and will help influence her thinking.

This scene is repeated every time we go to SERLI.

What do we mean when we say this? I believe

the intent is that the person to whom we are giving the greeting might have a happy new year. Is it
possible to give this greeting in light of all the problems we face in our world? Yes, Ithink so, not because there will be no problems, but from the
factthat happiness comes from within and not the things we are surrounded with. We who are

We are presently needing a lot of Bibles. At the

end of ourschool year I would liketo give to each student that we are teaching, agift of God's Word.

Graduation here will be in late January. At that

time we will need 175 Bibles If we are to makethis

Christians, can certainly say we will have a happy

new year becuase our God is still in control. I say
to you all, have a happy New Year, for God is still

presentation. We could use about 50 Bibles per

month in our Hospital program also. At the present time we have no Bibles at all to give away, and no funds with which to buy them.

In command of Hisworld. He has not relinquished

any part of His sovereignty. When we think of this coming year let us remember that we are children of the Heavenly Father and He cares for us. He adopted us intoHis family, not to forsake us but to

If you would like to help, please send any

funds toour forwarding agent with instructions to
put it in the Bible Fund. Do not send Bibles to us

here in Ecuador. We can purchase them in

country for about $4.00 for a whole Bible. That way we can have them all the same kind and that

care for us and watch over us. The scriptures say, "Come near to God and He willcome near to you."
(James 4:8 NIV) Since that is true, then the nearer we are to God, the happier will be our New Year. With this, then, I say:
Have a Happy New Year
from Jim and Ethel Gaither!

makes it easier for teaching purposes. This would make a good project for a Sunday School class or

other groups such as Ladies and Men's meetings,

camps, etc.

Jim's Reflections on MISSION GIVING


Since this will be the first of many, I would like

to take this article to lay the foundation for what i
mean when i say "missions". Too many times when we use a word we think

I think all Christians dream or perhaps hope,

that someone will ask them about their faith.

Recently I was sitting in the patio at SERLI wait

ing for Ethel to finish her class. As is customary, I

was surrounded by young people asking many questions. One young lady In the fifth grade

it means to others what it means to us. This is not

always true. A good example might be the term

"Jesus Christ".To melt means the divineand only

son of God, holy ana my Savior. To others, the

pajssnbay uojpajjoQ ssajppv

benefit to our churchs. I will even recommend that




every church should support some Bible college, as well as at least one student, or at least a part of his/her tuition. By my definition, they are not a
part of my mission giving, but certainly a part of my giving. Why do I think this important? Because we become very much a part of what benefits us, but we have a tendency to ignore the things we don't

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have benefits from. I know a man who is very involved in supporting his alma mater and spends much energy in trying to raise support for her, yet has no regard at all for anything outside himself. In our next article I will try to touch the Biblical
areas that deal with giving outside of one's self.

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term might mean only a good man who lived and died, but not divine, nor in any sense, a savior.
For me, the term mission means the task we

I would like to ask you all to pray for a young

man by the name of Maximo. Maximo attended

have of going to the world outside of ourselves. To give, then, to this w/ork I must give not to myself or to what benefits me, but to extend myself into other areas. For instance, I cannot give to the local congregation as a mission gift, as I will reap
benefits from it. I can extend this out to include

our services for a long time, and was very prompt. He never seemed to want to miss one Sunday with

God's people. He was making great progress in

spite of many handicaps. For one thing, he was unable to read or write much beyond his own
name. He also is on the lowest social level we have

any area that benefits me, such as a Christian

service camp. I am In no way saying that our

camps should not be supported, as I believethem to be one of the most important tools given to the local congregations. I fully recommend that our camps be supported. I am saying, however, that to methey are not under mission giving, as I will reap much benefit from them. Nor will I include giving to our Bible Colleges for the same reason. They benefit me greatly. They will always be a great
Dear Jim and Ethel:

here in Guayaquil. But nevertheless, he loved his Lord and did what he could to help. Then some weeks ago, Maximo stopped meon the street and told me he was moving and changing jobs. At that time he made an appoint ment to meet with me as to where I could pick him up to take him to church. We have not heard from him since. I do not know where his family lives, or even who they are. I can think of no way to find him to see what happened. I can only pray. Please help me do this.
.x* .'K'' ,w .x** ''X'p ''X*. 'vw

If SO, please help us keep our records up to date with the minimum amount of cost. By sending us your address cor
rection on a 130 post card, you will save us 25C, plus you will be able to continue receiving your mail without interruption. If you have an address change or correction, please send itto: CLAD, c/o Capstan, Inc., Rt. 2, Box LH32, Checotah, Oklaho
ma 74426.

We would like to help out in your ministry to the Lord in Ecuador, by doing the following: We would like to increase our monthly giving to $ to help replace your stolen camera We would like to contribute $
We would like to contribute $_ . in Ecuador.

to help buy Bibles for distribution

We would like to contribute $_

.to purchase Bibles for yourgradu-

ating students. We would like to make a presentation about your ministry in Ecuador to our church or group. Please send us a display and slide set for use on the following date;




Zip Please send your contribution and this coupon to:


Thank You!

Terrance Cusack, F.A.

161 Sherman St. Wabash, IN 46992

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