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What you can expect from this book.

Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Andre, I am 32 years old, I work with business innovation, I have a post graduation degree and have a rushing routine. I imagine that most readers are not so different as well, perhaps in different life times, but with one thing in common: whether in the major urban centers or in rural areas, the pace is no longer the same. Nowadays, to greet another person with Im in a rush is the new okay. Although socially acceptable, this pace is unacceptable to our body and mind. It is because, as a result of this state of rush, comes the fatigue, anxiety, panic syndrome, depression, attention disorders and stress. These are some of the major evils of modern era whose technological evolution on health sector only softens but does not eliminate the evil. And worse, this number will increase: the World Health Organization says that depression will be the most common disease in the world in 2030. So who can help me? This is the question. When the body and the mind manifest those things, its a sign (as well as the fever for flu) that your body is reacting to some situation. And in these cases the mind suffers, and the body pays the price, you have to reflect and understand why the hell this is happening. And this is not easy because you will begin to reflect over issues and establish connections that never passed through your mind. Serious.

Ive been affected (and sometimes it come back again) by some of these modern ills (mainly anxiety) and Im learning, slowly to cope better with these problems, and Im gradually understanding that there is no remedy or magic activity that solves it, but in fact, to have a new perspective to live day by day. And what I have learned - both from what I have studied or felt in the skin - I would like to share with people because I believe in doing good to others: I have already created a site called Rock Treatment (a music lyrics site divided by states of mind or emotions) and a simple guide to solve problems (you find it on And now, after having studied a little more and learned many things, I decided to compile some thoughts and share with people who need or are interested in the subject. You can read just as a story, as a fiction, as a blog, as you wish. Can be in the order proposed, can be in the order you want or can be just an article. I was inspired on the internet, in TV series, films, documentaries, even bar conversations, so dont expect footnotes, references or academic preciousness. Tips and keywords are in the texts for you to search as you prefer. My big question, the subtitle of the book change the perspective and enjoy life, refers to the manner in which Eastern culture (dont know enough about the oriental one, ok?) forged us on its values, behaviors and ways of thinking. The cool thing is that a lot of people are trying to innovate in many diverse areas, such as education, communication, health, urban mobility, etc. However, we look so much for other things that we forget about us. And there are few people who are trying to innovate in their own way of being, thinking and acting in the world today. And in my opinion, this makes all the difference. That is why this book is divided into three parts. First, it is an invitation to Discover something that, I believe you must today, imagine that it has always been so. In the second chapter, Understand, the idea is to establish a connection between the discoveries and you, today. And the third chapter, Exercise, after discovering and understanding, brings tips and thoughts for you to exercise this new perspective in your daily life. Thank you for your attention and happy reading! I hope you enjoy it and contribute to your life.

PART 1_DISCOVER People who lived before their grandparents About the man and the wolf (and its not Twilight, ok?) The unreachable butterfly Big head, but with blinkers The 300 years of fame 6 8 10 12 14

PART 2_UNDERSTAND The man: social, but inmate. The rock that cooperates with the volcano which cooperates with us Our offspring are more beloved than other animals The outsourcing of the soul The body was made to feel Our mind: with great power comes great responsibility

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PART 3_EXERCISE Although disconnected, we are converging more and more 30 You dont know, but you live in the autopilot mode 32 If on autopilot we tried to avoid the bad stuff, with the presence, we value the good 34 Because when was the last thing that you did something for the first time is a great clich 36 If time is the new currency, the presence in the now is the new gold 38 Have your own force field for stress of urban routine 40 The balloon of the evolution of consciousness 42


People who lived before their grandparents.

The meteors that ended the dinosaurs occurred 65 million years ago. At 60 million years ago appeared the first primates that would come to be the monkeys. Now, faster: 200 thousand years ago Homo sapiens appeared in Africa and at 50 thousand arrived in Europe. And now I quote to you the oldest sculpture in Europe, dating back to 25 thousand years before Christ, found in Austria in 1908, called Paleolithic Venus. I believe that you should be thinking: Hummm, she should be a playmate of that time. Should pose in PaleoBoy. But what about her face? Naughty, the face without highlight should be some fetish of that class. There it is. The representation of women at the time, had nothing of our current conception of woman, femininity and beauty. In this case, the face is not taken as important. On the other hand, the parts of the body, to ensure the reproduction, were highlighted and valued. This intrigued, at that time, anthropologists, sociologists and other studious. To try to get a sense, they created a scenario in which people lived in groups, but without demarcation of territories or people. Procreation was a natural act, only the mother could determine who was the son for its various partners and the father (while hunting and planted), had only the role of the sower.

This sculpture still gave out to a lot of discussion because about 50 years before Darwin had written the Origin of the Species and this new discovery helped try to further understand our condition and context in the past. This time was called by some thinkers (and in this case, I refer whom I read more, Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana), as Matriarchy. I think this term is misunderstood in present times, and then Ill use it just to ensure the fluidity of thoughts and your future polarization with patriarchy which I will mention. Anyway, the great thing at that time is there was no concept of property. In other words, no one has home, there were no housing estates to ensure space, there was no sewer and water pipes to ensure sanitation. All this to say, if there is no delimitation of territory means that, everything is your house, right ? An interesting quote from the recent book Present Shock, by Douglas Rushkoff, is that, at this time, we were unable to even distinguish ourselves from nature, animals and others. Of course, as if there were mirrors at the time :). More, your daily pressure was only to ensure the next meal and not die: there are no pressure to succeed or progressing because simply the concept of future had not yet been invented and they lived the present, harmonically. Its super difficult to abstract the thought of private property, but at that time, said that the man lived in harmony with the animals, nature, and lived in a holistic (integrated to environment and themselves), if only by innocence or ignorance. Important: the word holistic is not bullshitting to fill the page. Holistic means with the whole and portrays a human integration with the environment (flora and fauna), your body, mind and soul. And I will hit this key to make tangible and didactic this thought for you. And yes, as of the title, there were many people who lived before their grandparents in a very different way you are accustomed to. Things were not always as today, and probably will not continue this way. To discover and accept the impermanence of things and people is our first challenge.

About the man and the wolf (and its not Twilight, ok?).
Twenty five thousand years ago, the man would hunt the cattle and, of course, divide the cattle with the starving wolf and also with the Earth, because the decomposition of animal would turn compost and establish a cycle. However, when humans began to domesticate animals and learn farming, he began to feel empowered, accumulating possessions and, consequently, being afraid of losing those possessions. Then, the man laid siege to people, plants and animals in its territory. In this new context, the wolf could not feed and die. It was the first indication of disintegration with the environment. From there, the man took the initiative, by physical strength and fitness for hunting, to protect their families and turned his wife and children in the same possessions. It was the start of the called Patriarchy, from Greek pater + archein (government of the patriarch or father). As we have seen that the patriarch defined their spaces and possessions, it is natural that from this word derive the concepts of homeland and country. This is the model of social organization that hosts us today, based on hierarchy, on the domination of nature for the accumulation of goods, in war and competition as values, linear thought and relations of authority, obedience and control: we have the owner of the house, the boss, the ruler.

In this rhythm, catching the mythological hook before the introduction of the patriarchal system, which in the theological representation was guided by male gods in heaven, the old Europe was dominated by the Goddesses that, by parthenogenesis (give birth without sex) gave birth to nothing more than the universe. Gaia for the Greeks, the Ceres to the Romans, Isis to the Egyptians, and so on. And importantly, they represented, mainly the land or the ground. Is the natural and organic cycle: to perish, to be absorbed into the Earth to create new lives in a cycle. However, with the beginning of the Patriarchy, the possession and the fear of loss, the mythologies were rewritten. The goddesses were fought in these new stories, by the Titans, and the male gods assumed the power, as the Greek example of Zeus. And more than assume power, the representativeness of the gods men is related to the heavens, as opposed to the Earth-facing Matriarchy. Therefore, transfers from Earth to heaven the relationship with the gods. In Ancient Greece, who lived this transition, the two types of rituals were accepted. The patriarchal rituals were carried out up to heaven-I give so that you leave. Already the matriarchal were performed down to Earth I give so that you give me. This is gorgeous and beautiful to speak, but lets understand why this really counts? The Patriarchy (such as people live to this day) was the speech of the gods. And as they would not be able to justify a god among mortals because the issues were handled in the fist at that time and put up there at the top, away from our ability to touch them. The curious thing is that we did not live always so: in the evolutions big picture, it only has about three thousand years. In this case, in this short time we already have three great truths rooted in our being: 1) we need to possess things to be happy and secure (including people), 2) the response to certain property issues is through the war, competition and, most notably, 3) the transfer of the gods to the heavens distanced himself from our belief that we are more than we are one and complete. Well said, literally, raised the bar of the challenge to be up to the heavens. But this is not true and we will see that throughout this book. So, if the man was integrated with everything, to separate themselves from wolves, began their process of disintegration with the environment (flora and fauna).

The unreachable butterfly.

If wars were the inevitable consequences of a possessive relationship with things, the effervescent Greek culture in antiquity still cultivated very rich stories. One is the myth of Psyche, that has two meanings. Has all his beautiful story with Eros, but the first meaning that we are dealing with here is their origin. This word means, in Greek, blow. It was the breath of life, therefore, meaning soul. This was understood as the principle of life. The word Psychology itself derives from it. A second meaning of the Greek word psyche is butterfly. The Psyche of Mythology was represented by a female figure with butterfly wings. This symbolized the soul because, when the person died, his soul took the form of a butterfly and flew. There are those who justify the analogy with the butterfly for his mutations: since the successive changes of the skin of the caterpillar and the butterfly transformation, leaving the earthly body, literally. However, as we talk about myths, we know that they are easily interpretable in different directions. In this case, we should remember that this myth was already in the service of a thought turned to the heavens (to the male gods, for Zeus). Therefore, your concept of impermanence and awareness of a cycle gave space, over the years, to a Kingdom of heaven that took advantage of the ignorance of people to make butterflies, before part of our lives, as unreachable in the heavens.

So if the wars brought insecurity and fear, wars, famine and the plague added, brought a complete loss of faith in yourself and in others. The Middle Ages in an Europe without hope, set for once the distance of man and his soul, promoting an outsourcing of the soul to a divine power. It means, the soul could only be accessed by means of a God. That is why, for example, in the Catholic Church the Pope is called the Pontiff, which means bridge-builder- bridges between men and the gods. If in Ancient Greece, we started to separate ourselves from the environment, in the Middle Ages, in addition to the environment, we parted entirely from our souls. The butterfly has become unreachable.

Big head, but with blinkers.

For each action there is a reaction. If the Middle Ages tried to outsource solutions for a divine entity, the Enlightenment came to do the man the great center through the rational knowledge. In this way, we gain a big head, but with blinkers (that thing that arises in the horses head to force him to look only at the front). So for people dont get lost, its first movement began in the 16th century, still referring to in Europe. To clarify the rational knowledge, before, we have to explain what is knowledge. Knowledge is from where derives the word science, conscience, aware, or simply know. The science that studies the science is called epistemology (from the Greek episteme, knowledge and logos, study of). The crazy is that, until the Enlightenment, the way of knowing it was not always so and, yes, as other things, is also changing. The first forms of knowledge were oral and justified by myths, stories invented and passed in generations. It rained a lot? Oh, its because the Kraken. . Not to get in this speculative hyping in Ancient Greece began to work with concepts of logic and reason. That is, someone should have seen a real Kraken and a rainy season and seek this logical connection.

More than that, in the Enlightenment the Frenchman Ren Descartes wanted to go one step further, streamlining the most of that knowledge. How he did it? With the principles of objectivity, stability and simplicity. In other words, Descartes put the Kraken in a controlled environment, set a goal of research and analyzed the simple reaction of Kraken within that context (I cant imagine the Kraken in a lab, perhaps in some kind of CERN). Ok, forcing the imagination, he would pass a battery of tests to see if their presence would raise the local humidity and, therefore, rationally, would result in the phenomenon of rain. This seems to be insane. But quoting a study object, insert it into a stable and controlled environment and analyze it just under the assumptions listed doesnt look like your final project conducted at the University? Yes, this model of rational knowledge of half a Millennium ago is still our contemporary way of constructing knowledge. It is clear that this form of science secured many progresses. It secured a big head and our life were conditioned only to learn, as Descartes himself said: I think, therefore I am. However, give us blinkers that, with many reductionism of phenomena, prevented to see and consider other elements that Systemic Thinking is helping us to understand. For example, in quantum physics, the atom is a frequency or matter? How an observer can observe the atom without interfering in its trajectory and speed? Impossible, as several theories from Descartes are being questioned today and put to the test. But the great information here is that, if we split ourselves from the environment and soul in times past, now we also separates the mind and body. The body is relegated to a scientific object, man is a perfect calculation, as Da Vinci shows us with the Vitruvian man. So perfect, but with blinkers.

The 300 years of fame.

At the end of the 18th century, Industrial Revolution started in England. This Revolution took England to be the worlds largest economy and made the United States and Europe the great global powers. Despite this economic domination has a date to finish, its impact on Western culture, already disconnected from the environment, soul, body and mind, was huge. As for the dated domination, according to the British publication The Economist, in the last one thousand years, the Asian economic power has always been more than 50% of the world, just reducing this percentage in the Industrial Revolution. According to the publication, by 2025, Asia will ensure over 50% of world share of money, leaving North America and Europe with only 20% of the global economy. For those who began talking about 25 thousand years ago, theoretically, 300 years is bare nothing. However, the impact of this Revolution in the West redefined a lot of things. The social organization, at the time that preceded the Industrial Revolution in Europe was quite clear. The noble keeps the power because they were ... noble, and the peasants were there, taking care of the field and the merchants traded.

So far so good, but the big point is that, depending on a number of factors (the victories of war, discovery of raw materials, technological developments, among others), along with the liberal thought and Protestantism, helped to incorporate the idea of the material progress of the society. This set of situations allowed the first major movement of social escalation in the history of the world that was not caused by wars. That is, the social organization and, therefore, the relations were re-signified: in this model, it was possible to a bourgeois take the place of an aristocrat, having better economic performance. Just Imagine: If you make more money, you will take the place of another. And economic policy rewards it and religion endorses. Lets work!. It means, anyone, even being small, can destroy the competitor and be greater than him. With this liberal and Protestant thought of the British public schools were set up, previously not public, but were called so because accepts aristocrats and burgeois. According to the article Olympism from sports psychologist Katia Rubio, they were far from the major centers and, during the weekends, students went to neighbor villages and just played. These games involved balls with the hands, balls with their feet... and then that began to be born football and rugby. On the rhythm of Liberalism and Protestantism, the relationship of any (team), even smallest ones (in titles or staff), can destroy the competition (win) and be greater than him (champion). I introduce you the two most famous sports in the world, that sharpen the rivalry and hatred between opponents-twisted, violent and unnecessary deaths. The big question here is not to judge if the model is right or wrong (even because I love football and support Grmio of Porto Alegre), but make it clear that this model had stimulated a new way of people to relate. The freedom of the State to the people let then free to produce and market, but also encouraged the competition in a way never seen before in history. The Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, historian and educator, creator of the International Olympic Committee - the father of the modern Olympic Games, tried, through this new sport boom at the 19th century, recreate all the Greek thought. However, his phrase the important thing is to compete was never understood as meaning the Greeks. The concept of competition was related to the overrun of the athlete and not the overcoming of the adversary. In Ancient Greece, it was common for the winner to thank the contestants for the opportunity to evolve and vice versa. The 300 years of economic fame are ending in Europe. But his legacy to the Western social organizations, added to the concern with the mind, the separation of the soul from the environment, are putting the man in a crisis of values.


The man: social, but inmate.

As much as we have seen how we are fragmented from our minds, our body, our soul, from the environment and against the other, despite the causes that seems to make sense, we fail to realize this fragmentation. Because since I was born it was so. And my father and the father of my father also thought so - you can say that, and makes perfect sense. We became easily accustomed with some context that has been taught and we were comfortable, is a nice shortcut to save brain synapses, without question a lot. Anyway, in practical terms, we are the product of all these fragmentations and say that, although there is no right or wrong, the way we live today is the farthest from a holistic look. And yes, today we are living in a way based on aggressive competition that rewards the domination and the consequent submission of another. Man is a social animal, but is increasingly reclusive in their condos and, therefore, increasingly distant from himself, of his essence. I believe that this prison is one of the causes of these evils. I myself have tried to make this move and, yes, I have had good results.

The more I know myself, the more I try to connect and bring that more holistic point-of-view to my life, the more I think it has helped me to become a better person. And as a good optimist, the next pages will have a little as this may be understandable-and without ado - for each of the discoveries made previously.

The rock that cooperates with the volcano which cooperates with us.
The man had his last big evolutionary step 50 thousand years ago. Imagine how much stuff in history has happened in 2013 years. Now, practically, multiply those 2 thousand years by 25. Yes, this is the story that happened with our ancestors. A lot has changed: the body has adapted and qualified, the brain grew and, in the wake, also grew the questions to find out what was going on around them. The more they understood what was happening, the greater was his development and greater was their sense of empowerment in relation to the environment (flora and fauna) and in relation with each other. So, this vision that we are the greatest in the Earth, put us far from an integrated vision and made us see the planet just like another consumable good. Natural resources are coming to terminate? So lets find another planet to parasitize, as if it were as simple as catching a plane and cross a continent. But it is not, I do not believe that our great-grandchildren will live in another planet. So, its time to look at our planet and see that it is, as well as our body sometimes, showing signs of trouble. However, it has a chain that is not limited to linear thinking and see the Earth as a single body that remains alive: self-regulated where rocks, volcanoes and even we have job descriptions to make the system work.

It is the recent Gaia theory, created by the British scientist James Lovelock in 1972. In his study, in comparison with the atmosphere of other planets, a recognition that the whole being (alive or not-alive) on Earth has an active role in the maintenance of conditions for their existence. A good example is the cycle of carbon dioxide (CO2). The volcanoes of the Earth have spewed CO2 for millions of years and are responsible for heating up the Earth, so the Earth need to ship it from the atmosphere, or would be too hot to live. Technically, we know that plants and animals are able to recycle a lot of CO2 and oxygen in photosynthesis, respiration and decomposition. But it is not enough. Enters the rock. It begins to erode and its erosion is absorbed by algae that produce shells. When the algae die, their shells are going to the bottom of the sea, forming limestone sediments that merge, forming huge and thick layers of sediment. And when these sediments give a messy in tectonics plates, earthquakes or might be ... volcanoes may erupt once again spewing CO2 into a feedback cycle. If we think well, the volcano expels a thing and is fed by ... the rock. And in the process, we are also active performing gas exchange, the same that will be eroded by rocks and expelled by the volcano. It is an involuntary cooperation process that makes the planet be like it is. More than that: under this optics, which is rock, pure and simple ? What is volcano only? What is only the man? I find this story and this theory this extremely interesting because, regardless of whether or not global warming is happening, the Earth, as a living organism, is showing signs (as well as our body when with flu). The big question behind all of this is that yes, the place is not the environment in which man lives, and yes, we are part of something bigger, the organism Earth: where the volcano cooperates with the rock that cooperates with us. Do not think that we, the Eastern, will embrace this idea because our essence is explorative and domineering. But I have a theory: the Patriarchy made us fight with the neighbor. Solved that and attached to the neighbor, argue about a city with another. Solved that and joined the cities, had a fight with another country. With globalization, the internet and the empowerment of people, we can possible term the phase of Eurasia, Oceania and Lestasia of George Orwell. And the enemy is out of this planet. Thats why the man will come together and make best use of the environment. Imagine when we lose the first Miss Universe contest?

Our offspring are more beloved than other animals.

The Live Science site made an election of the worlds cutest animals: won the clouded leopard, the polar bear and the gentoo Penguin. They are cute, but only establish a relationship with the family (mother, father and brothers) in illustrations created by people because, in real life, the offspring grows fast and is already one of the group, without love relations and, worse, violence on the group dynamics of dominance and submission. With the human being is different. In the evolution of man, monkey transition to become bipedal, the woman would not be able to ensure the 21 months of gestation, that would be ideal for the child become able to survive. This would configure two problems: a danger to the mothers metabolism and an obstetric dilemma due to birth weight of the child . There is that okay. According to the biologist Humberto Maturana, technically, our babies are premature and totally dependent on other people. That is why, if real in nature, the necessary coupling (where beings engage in ecosystems as a guarantee of survival), for man, there are also the spontaneous coupling. More than ensure the survival, there are dynamic and reciprocal unjustifiable fittings and free even after birth and, for the most part, lasting a lifetime. This is the phenomenon of neoteny (from Greek, neo - new and tenia - extend), to extend the relationship with the new being for something that transcends survival,

is a free and clean feeling. As said the conversations designer, Luiz Algarra, in a course I attended, if you ask why a mother love her son, there will not be a rational response, is almost instinctive, natural. In humans, love is a biological phenomenon: we rely on love in all ages and not just from parents, but of other people. And the extended love is the clear concept of socialization. It was not the survival of the fittest that secured the life, but cooperation and coexistence. The hominids were humans as more shared the results of hunting and their affections. How said that African proverb If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with other people. If competition is arm yourself (Machiavelli-Before anything, arm yourself), cooperation is disarm (Maturana-Without love we are not social beings.). Thats why recently it turned out that the same area in the brain that accuses pain is the same as accusing the social rejection, nature is wise. More than believe that we should work together and consider each other, in the program presented by American actor Morgan Freeman, one of interviewed physicists argues that, each day, we conducted exchanges of 10 million atoms of our bodies with others and with the environment. That is, what we are? Who am I? Who are you? How can I ensure that I am I? We will cooperate with the other? Or rather, we are all of us. To not cooperate with the other is to not cooperate with ourselves.

The outsourcing of the soul.

The outsourcing strategy, it means, to outsource some activities that theoretically the person should do, help people and companies focus on their main activities. And within that Cartesian and simplifying thought that rules us, we decided to focus in mind and do outsourcing of the soul. By this way, we could focus on work and reserve a few minutes in the day or a day of the week to establish a link with the soul which, according to religion, will keep our essence alive - even after death - to decide its fate guided by the actions in life. Therefore, it is good to behave. Its nice to fear the rules laid down by religion. In summary: it is good to do what the Religion says. The Crusades were a great example of this. The Catholic Church had a clear strategic role around the 10th century in putting together and serve the interests of European conquest of territories. With the promise of heaven, the Church not only recruited good warriors, but also a bunch of starving people, elders and teens were seduced by the shortcut to heaven, with the condition of kill some Muslims and conquer territories.

Ok. The outsourcing of the soul was (and is) a tool of domination and control. But what is it? How can I see it? Do you take Kirlian pictures? I repeat: I am an atheist, I do not know how to see souls and maybe we can even see something more (we know that our eyes have a range of color lower than the potential), but the concept of soul I like most is that we are, first of all, energy. Simple as that. Energy as well as the animals, the trees, the stone or the garbage itself, without judgment of good or bad, just energy. It means, I think in the soul as a reminder that we are not just body and mind. We are not here just to accumulate knowledge and possessions, to survive and procreate. Sounds simple because its really simple, but its hard to assimilate: we want visual elements, to see energy fields, watch the fireworks or supernatural shows of soul, but in fact the soul is the essence of every one of us that transcends our knowledge and our body. To close, citing a post of the site 9gag, you dont have a soul, you are a soul and you have a body. In other words, our thinking, focused on mind and ruled by the patriarchal model always think of accumulation, possessions, but if we have something is the body that makes tangible our presence and allows us, ahnn, to live here. If in the body (and mind) is the limitation, in the soul we find the motivation: swimmers without arms, people with Down syndrome making movies or even Stephen Hawking, are clear examples of the purpose. Body is our avatar. And the soul is our essence to remember that we are more than we think we are. In the future, we will be able to do the outsourcing of the main functions of the body, but the soul is going to be more difficult.

The body was made to feel.

We are far from the environment, the others and the soul. It even has a certain logic, right? But now I would like to say that we are also away from our body. I Explain. As a child, one of the ways to evolve and understand us in the world, before studying philosophy or whatever, is gaining awareness of the body. It learns to run, jump, somersault, kick the ball. However, in parallel, we have parents who regulate this understanding of the body always focusing on the worst and tragic. Be careful, you gonna get hurt!, Look at that horrible thing, you scraped your arm in the tree!. The consequence is that we become oriented to avoid the pain. And with that extremely reactive thought, we make the body consciousness something bad. Or worse, on the assumption of anthroposophy that well-being is the homeostasis (the body in balance), nowadays, we are aware only of the body in negative, in the so-called evil (back pain, headache, etc.). So the question: it was worthy to block body awareness if awareness today just happens by the negative? We make us insensitive to the good things and sensitive to bad things, a lot of it guided by the rules of relationships and market: Be strong, not weak and vulnerable. For us, the body consciousness is a taboo. Even in sex there is a genitalization just because we do not know how to turn on and feel the other parts of the body.

Anyway, this lack of conscience only makes us deal with the body in a functional, objective and practical way, because we still disbelieve that there is an integration and a relationship between body and mind (and soul, and environment and others). For example: our latest genetic evolution put us to run (spend a lot of energy) and feed with minimal (store enough energy). Today, we do exactly... the contrary: do not move and eat a lot. All this started because we are victims of a very poor physical education classes in schools, based on competition with winners, and losers humiliated, we grew frustrated and do things without a real purpose: I need to lose weight or I need to get more beautiful. Today we have the understanding that the main physical ailments-such as heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS - are gaining effective treatments that guarantee a cure. However, another lesson that nature and the environment gives us are the psychosomatic reactions. Psycho is the mind, the psyche, and Soma is the body. What affects the mind, attacks the body. And vice versa. Once again, we are fragmented. If we are a soul that has a body, we should recall that it was done just to be felt. Touch, see, feel. Body is pleased, but the Middle Ages makes this a villain, the Enlightenment shunned them to mind and our parents limited our corporal consciousness, but it is never too late to feel yourself.

Our mind: with great power comes great responsibility.

Meet Phillippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, Swiss physician and alchemist who lived in 16th century and adopted the stage name of Paracelsus. He is the author of the phrase, in 1538, Dosis sola facit venenum. It means, only the dose makes the poison (or remedy). Thats why all this talk started in the Enlightenment of focus on man, extreme appreciation of the mind through the simplification, stabilization and objectification of phenomena around us, then, understand them, was for a few centuries remedy, but now is poison. With the separation of the environment, the others and the body (psychology, for example, is just beginning to think treatments using the body and which go beyond the rational mind, as breathing), we created a super intelligent big head. However, as well as the linear thought himself sabotaged Physics with quantum physics, we are now living the phenomenon of our own mind sabotaging our thinking separately, big head with psychosomatic illnesses. No matter where you live, you have heard of (or have lived or are living) with some psychosomatic illness. The terms are together in the word just because it cannot be separated. This thought, in spite of Aristotle had already warned in Ancient Greece, only at the beginning of the 20 century, when started to reconsider the linear thinking and begin to discuss the systemic thinking, that drives to deal with

the influence of the mind on the body and vice versa. However, the focus in mind was so strong over the last few centuries that blinded us to the psychosomatic diseases that, in the coming decades, will be the largest incidence worldwide. If by one hand we are able to overcome diseases that affect primarily the body, such as heart disease, AIDS, etc., we are floundering in the water not to be drowned in this universe thus far misunderstood of the psychosomatic illnesses, such as depression, stress and anxiety, because we could not see exactly the correlation between mind and body. Imagine you 18 years old, full of life, of gas, studying for the test that will take you to College, taking another important step in your life. Your body is 100%, your mind is on top with lots of study and a certain pressure (by family members who expect their approval in somewhere cool place, and your colleagues, who have managed to entered before, giving the impression that you had lost a year because they are a step ahead). So youre in a bar with your friends to unwind and relax and your heart starts to beat faster, your sight starts to get cloudy, you start getting sick, your body does not respond to your movements and, to top it off, the feeling that youll simply die at that moment is a chance as well. This was my first panic crisis. My mind was so stubborn to pass the entrance exam that any diversion of route was liable to punishment. My mind sabotaging my body. Yes, when approved at the entrance exam, as if by magic, everything went away. But to understand exactly the reason and what the hell was happening to me, it took a good few years of self-examination. Good to see at the beginning of the century some started talking about psychosomatic reactions, otherwise probably I would end up making a heart surgery and would not solve the real problem. With great power, comes great responsibility, but the mind cannot be the main responsible for everything. The good side of the holism is that it helps to reduce the full weight of our overloaded head.


Although disconnected, we are converging more and more.

Although we are, today, only a big head, we are increasingly wanting to connect us with the mind, with the body, with others and with the environment. And the technology is doing its part. The man in his natural state, took about 200 thousand years to complete his latest evolutionary process. If the technology, by its side, guided the stressing way the man handles your routine, is also creating tools to seek this reconnection between body, soul, mind, each other and the environment. The technology deconstructed our routine because we are lost if there are no tasks in the schedule, because we decided to open emails at 4 a.m. after a bad dream and because the goddamn notebook led doesnt stop blinking during the early hours ;). On the other hand, at the same time, technology is increasingly humanized and under service to facilitate people lives. We are at a click from people, products, services, our gadgets and even our plants; there is already an app for that. And there is more. On the body, we are increasingly filled with technology that, from one side monitor our health and, on the other, encourage the practice of sports, our body aware-

ness, and Im even learning meditation breathing techniques with one of these applications. Speaking about mind, the older ones may not understand, but a digital smiley, today, in the overwhelming and stressful urban routine, has nearly the value of a physical hug. Alone, we have access to a world of information, good and bad things. For example, with Skype, I can see my girlfriend from any city that I am. And speaking of other people, I realize a clear truce movement and of cooperation with the next. I believe that we are coming into a stage of saturation of the competition because, through collaboration, we are being more successful both in interpersonal relationships and in business innovation projects. For example, you can think of an idea with 3 friends, but if you share it with, you know, 30 people, it will grow at a frightening speed and much stronger than you could imagine. Close to each other and compete time and time again, surprisingly, is losing the game. And it is not in this field that you want to play, right? Talking about field, I remembered the environment. This is perhaps the most glaring factor that made us want to reconnect, due to the stress in big cities and the search for moments of peace close to nature or re-staging scenes from when we were younger, or to keep an environment that has long been degraded. For example, I cant stand the mosquitoes in So Paulo, I must be in the restaurants route of Mosquitos Restaurant Week. And it is the environmental imbalance of the Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. We ended up with their natural victims and now we are them, unfortunately. Theres no point getting angry with the mosquitoes, because if we get rid of them, something even worse will come. This is the rule of nature, we must coexist organically. Speaking of co-existence and assuming the statement of 9gag (yes, I carefully choose my references and I dont care), if we are a soul that has a body, what is the problem to give a little blood to the mosquito if it is only fulfilling its role to survive, and, in addition, mosquitoes larva feed on organic particles that are suspended in rivers and lakes? In their absence, the water of these places could get rotten faster. Yes, Im naturally optimistic, Monty Python fan and always try to see the bright side of life. Do not think of you, dont think linearly, think on the whole, think systemically. The linear thinking stops us in front of an obstacle because the line is straight. Do not be satisfied with the same response. With the complex thought there is never pessimism, because there are always other factors and paths. And you innovate :).

You dont know, but you live in the autopilot mode.

When I say that I am optimistic because we can think and do things differently is not because someone will come back from heaven. It is because the answer lies in ourselves: just need to change our perspective on things, about the routine. For example, you can change a lot just coming off the autopilot. How so? Lets go in two parts, as we were taught to do and as we deal. To talk as we have been taught, remember (or imagine) one of those guys unprepared, that suddenly, puft!, assumed the post of chief. To feel comfortable in their positions, ensuring their role and importance in the company and gaining confidence, what do they do? The basics, and are looks strongly not to spoil everything. It is natural. You and I already did or will do this. However, our parents and our social organization, in this analogy, also looks a lot like the unprepared chief. Do you know why? Because they always think dont screw it up. As mentioned in previous chapters, we are traumatized in feel the body because our parents, teachers, etc. always associated the body consciousness to a fatality. This explain why we have this relationship of pleasure concentrated on genitals, and body awareness is a taboo. And in the urban routine, we think the same thing, dont screw it up.

Thats why we give relevance and value of bad, but small, facts as much larger than the good, but small, ones. Thats how an autopilot works: has to run like that, if something goes wrong, ops... No autopilot was prized by some glorious act only an human being can do. Thats why we need to leave the autopilot mode. And it begins, ironically, since your wake up. The alarm clock rings, coffee, bath, work, transit, dining, bath and ... the alarm clock rings. The routine is so. To reach the end of the line, to start all over again. What is the result? It is when we are asked: how was your day? Rush. And this response escapes the pattern if you experience small bad situations or great good situations. For example, the day was ok, the every days rush, but an idiot closed me in traffic and somebody knocked my coffee, staining all my clothes. Remember that you reported your latest, humm, 12 hours, and you theoretically lived on autopilot, but gained consciousness in 2 times. However, small bad situations. In a simple calculation, in the last 12 hours, there were 2 bad things outside the normality. And the only good situations are highlighted when they are big, huge. In other words, a promotion, a wedding request or even your team win the Championship. Make the calculation now: how many times are you promoted, start a date or your team wins Championships? And how many times you are stuck in traffic or you have the clothes stained by coffee or any other kind of food? In overall, at the end of the week, you still dont know why you are stressed? Reflect, we live a false concept of well-being, because welfare is the body in balance and we think this is enough. However, being in balance is to assume the autopilot and just try to avoid the worst, but not pursuit the best. And the best is not to have 3 jobs to ensure 3 promotions or have a harem to keep 5 girlfriends or even buy all the uniforms of Arab Championship teams. Is simply adopt a more optimistic view of life. And it can be applied now, simply swapping the lens of your routine. Appreciate the small, but good moments: today was great, we had a relaxed lunch, performed a lot at work and not waste a lot of time in traffic. Treasure the time with friends, working lunch, happy hour, or even the moments of peace, alone. Substitute the autopilot by presence.

If on autopilot we tried to avoid the bad stuff, with the presence, we value the good.
As the world has its peculiarities, the British industrial revolution defined in whole world, the hours we work, we sleep and we should dedicate to leisure. And regardless of the continent, we have a common behavior pattern of worker Friday. To illustrate this guy, in Brazil, there is a beer brand that said today is Friday, give me a beer... and so on. This analogy is a great insight that talks with thousands of Brazilians and workers around the world. However, if we think ahead and better understand the context of the urban routine, these guys are exactly those of the autopilot, which survive from Monday to Friday and at the end of the day, allow themselves to escape from that reality full of stress, problems, and everything else. It is as if it was (and is) a reality accepted and, if there werent so many errors or problems during the week, so lets celebrate! Naturally most of these people, around the world, without the stratum of the class or type of work, are stagnant in your routines based by preventing error and probably will not innovate or try to see different things. And the urban routine is relentless, even the creative economy can be a hostage of this and, sooner or later, will acknowledge fatigue, stress, depression and, of course, wont know why. And thats where I go back to the idea of creating an awareness to see the positive and enhance even the simplest things. In other words, to turn off the autopilot and be present. For example, there is a topic on Fast Company that speaks about Life of Pi hit movie whose story was plagiarized from Gaucho writer Moacyr Scliar. This history shows how a boy, lost in the Pacific Ocean for more than 200 days, hungry, desperate, without family and still sharing a boat with a tiger, decides to see his situation

the other way. In the end, Pi asks a question valid for all of us and our urban routines: what kind of story we prefer to count when asked how was your day? It is important to make it clear that, when I speak about autopilot, is not a key that turns our brain on or off. This form of thinking and acting is already so ingrained in us which, for the most part, is not at all easy to deconstruct. I m always on beta in this. That is why, on this same subject of FC, a parallel was drawn between three ways of dealing with a time of adversity: first, unloading the anger; second, doing nothing and third, looking for a meaning. The curious thing is that, in the research, the act of unloading the anger (hitting a punching bag-what I like to do- do not solve nothing and only makes you even worse). The second, doing nothing, does not solve the problem, but at least not made it worse. And the third, in which people goes out of automatic and tried to understand and take any lesson of what happened, found a meaning in adversity, and feel better in time, throughout the study period, were less often visiting the doctor than the others. Now, if Im closed in traffic I will have to keep trying to understand the positive side of this fact for me to feel better and go less to the doctor? Exactly. Youre just thinking linearly, trying to cross the obstacle. But the good side and the possible measures may be adopting other alternatives to the car. You can go by public transport, or rather, bicycle or even on foot, thus living the environment, exercising and enjoying the scenery. And how simply be optimistic and try to see the good side? In the same matter of (awesome) Fast Company, two groups of people were put in a situation of stress. Optimistic people faced as a challenge and were up from adversity; pessimistic people, who saw the activity as a threat, weakened against the situation. In any case, be optimistic is not a gift, but a form of exercise everyday: in the survey, most resilient people have experienced the same levels of frustration and stress than the others, but recovered faster. I myself, as I write, was a little anxious for a few days from now, travel 10 + 6 hours. But, in fact, I realized with the text itself that I was feeling threatened. The mere fact of writing and reflect already helped me. How do you see yourself in face of adversities? Challenges or threats?

Because when was the last thing that you did something for the first time is a great clich.
Generation X loves to criticize Gen Y, the millennials. Instead of criticizing, they should learn. Im a hybrid, a little more X than Y, but Im trying to update my mental firmware to evolve with this guys. It is a fact that our generation X, born in the early 1960 until about 1980, has always been very full of stereotypes: you are a skater, then you should listen to punk rock, must have skate clothes, and under any circumstances, cannot use a hip hop clothing because it is not part of the tribe dress code. Tribe is a great word because this behavior is really outdated. Generation Y, born between the 1980s and the early 2000s, deconstructed completely this tribal way of thinking. Instead of choosing one thing OR another, this generation allowed himself to be one thing AND another. Thus, this generation can transit in various territories, in various ways of being, that is, to live all the possibilities. And they have the rights and the great good fortune to have grown up in an era that we have no great wars and social dysfunction. So we have only positive points: democracy, technology, purchasing power, access and a somewhat more peaceful relation compared to past generations.

That is why that image, shared abundantly over the internet, which was the last time you did something for the first time, is a delightful clich. Walls, taboos, orthodoxies, absolute truths, all felt. Thats why, regardless of generation, we have the opportunity to experience different things and choose different paths, without stop being who we are or who we want to be. Only things dont need to be as linear as well. It makes no more sense to think of a vertical and linear. You dont need to study the basics, go to College, work, graduate, be promoted, marry, have children, etc. Everything is option, everything is possible. The world is a constant ball in the center of the field, on which the play is about to begin. Dont think in reverse if your decision doesnt work , think it was a great learning and try to scoop as much of the experience. There is not only one path, there are dozens, hundreds, thousands of ways. And the examples of success are out there. People who neither finished College and have enterprise, and are now millionaires; people who changed their career even in older age and were super successful, and people like you and me who are always evaluating whether the path is right and whether it is worth continuing. At the beginning may seem stressful, but the truth is that its extremely liberating. One of the formulas to deal with the urban routine is exactly deconstruct it. When was the last time you did something for the first time? And dont wait until Friday. The weekend is more a schedule imposed. Have to happen when comes the will to, in the better way, without so much programming, allowing you be able to reconcile your responsibilities with these (first of many) times that you set aside for you. This is quality of life. This is find loopholes of pleasure in the urban routine. If you are eager for the end of the day, complaining that is near Monday, keeps standing by to arrive Friday, you are a person who needs to learn from generation Y and simply deconstruct your routine to live your life and be happier. Reflect: when was the last time you did something for the first time?

If time is the new currency, the presence in the now is the new gold.
Nowadays, regardless of how much income we earn, we are always with a list of activities on the day that is, for the most part, divided into periods of hours. And, of course, as all programming, there is always some possible disruption some urgency at work or at home. That is why, nowadays, rather than time is money, the new reality is that money is time. Our routines are so busy with traffic, stress, workload, work home, that we could not find time for our own activities. That is why, if the time is the new currency, the presence in the present is the new gold. Simple as that. In daily life, we are tired, unmotivated and stressed and, as safety valve, we were hoping to survive until the end of the week to vent, then it makes sense to get rid of the prison that set up the days of the week. Think well, 5 of 7 days, means 86% of your week. Do you want to continue to endure 86% to vent in 14% of the whole week? But, as said Douglas Rushkoff, in his book Present Shock, if the 20th century turned to the future, the 21st century will come back to the present. The present, the now, worth gold, believe me. It is extremely difficult, nowadays,

be present. Is how to play the game of life in hard level. You are at works lunch. You are actually having lunch and chatting with your colleagues or are thinking of all the things that should make early in the afternoon? You are with your kids at the end of the day. Are you really enjoying that moment with who you like or are thinking about all the stress you have in the next morning? You are in bed with the person that you like. Youre really feeling horny or want to scratch another activity in your agenda to prepare the bags for another business trip? The vast majority of people, and even many who claim to be able to cope with the urban routine, are hostages of this way of thinking and acting. We are hardly present in the present. Seems simple, but according to an oriental thought, we suffer from depression for thinking in the past and anxiety by thinking and living in the future. How twitted the Swiss philosopher Alain de Botton, a milestone in history: the first person who felt that he or she had many things going on. We think so much on what has happened in the past and what may happen in the future, that we forget to enjoy the present. Im not saying to appreciate the fact of being beggars and enjoy each alms offered, I think natural the man aiming for something, but it doesnt make sense to believe that happiness and that the activity will be completed only when achieving some specific goal. We need to find pleasure in every moment of life and value them to feel satisfied with that. Previous generations might have thought in the future to ensure the survival of their own. But nowadays, frankly, economic crisis aside, you do not need this. Make the most of your now, now.

Have your own force field for stress of urban routine.

Regardless of religions, I do Buddhist meditations in So Paulo. In one of the monks speeches (which was in suit and tie, making an amazing deconstruction of the ritual) he spoke meditation, the return to yourself, makes us to be less vulnerable to everyday situations. This sentence tagged me a lot. Suddenly, I saw the analogy and I it find extremely true. If you ride a motorcycle, your face is the windshield. If you dont meditate (or exercises another form of self-knowledge in their own way), in any situation of stress, your mind is the windshield. That is, with meditation and self-awareness, you create a force field that prevents the little things of everyday reach you. It is not easy to think, but it is extremely easy to implement. You will see that even the most stressful things will be treated in a clearer manner, smoother, more serene, more certain and less exhausting when viewed from outside. When I speak in force field I dont want to create more separation. The force field element is a valid analogy to show that, yes, we can transcend the stress of everyday life, but the real achievement is at an integration of things.

And this integration starts on each one, starts on you, when you are safe and integrated with the environment, with your body, with your mind, your soul. This is the challenge (and not a threat) that stays for you. I am not going to tell you to be happy because it would be clich and is fake, but feel your body, feel your life, feel your presence in the world and increase your ability to react positively to an adversity, taking an apprenticeship and a meaning from the things that happens to you on a daily basis. If the helmet is to avoid the impact from an accident on a highway, meditation is to avoid the impact of any gossip of the urban routine. This is a force field extremely useful for everyday because it puts us in a real place, more realistic than the little things spoken by small people.

The balloon of the evolution of consciousness (or the balloon of detachment).

Despite questioning all this outsourcing of the soul and look at the sky, the analogy that I have used to understand me and try to be a better person, is of the balloon. In this balloon analogy, imagine those hot air balloons that we see in Turkey, but the great function of this analogy is not to rise to the heavens, in any way. The great value of this exercise is to translate the detachment. And what better analogy to translate detachment, that drop those sandbags that holds us (or fix) to the ground? Thats okay. The smaller our conscience, more stuck to the downside of routine and, therefore, more vulnerable to small things. There is a viral image going on internet: small minds discuss people; average minds talk about things and great minds talk about ideas. And the sum of these contents inspired me to perform the following exercise. The first sand bag (not necessarily has sequence, ok?), is the one the vast majority of people in the major urban centers are hostages of the routine: both care about the opinions of others and suffer issues imposed by society (weight loss, sexual power, physical beauty, etc.). And because we are hostages, this means that we

are vulnerable to these issues. That is why we need to drop the bag of sand, that is, we need to get rid of these issues. The sand bag two, when we started to get distance of the small things of people in everyday life, and start to gain more awareness of ourselves. And its in this moment that we can allow us to carry out a physical activity, to meditate, to seek out situations and moments that we feel our body and realize the unification between it and our mind. Disaffect of the concept of fragmentation that holds us and prevents us from evolving. In other words, know yourself better. The sand bag three is the consciousness of the environment: fauna, flora. This comes from the understanding of the role of every being on Earth: as we have seen, it makes no sense to kill a mosquito and even the erupting volcano has a large role in the life cycle of the planet as a whole. This can be done by being close to nature when possible, close to the animals and understanding that even insects have a role on Earth. Disaffect from a fragmented vision and domineering in the middle and feel an integral part of the medium. The fourth sand bag, finally, is the understanding that we are all one. Is the understanding that we are energy, which we are fully integrated and are part of the environment. This is, perhaps, the most difficult to let go, but the consciousness of integration and unity completely changes our view of the world and how we see ourselves. I have a symbol of oneness at the door of my house and every time I go out the door, I remember that we are all one. How we do this? Exercising compassion, forgiveness, trying to see a problem or situation from someone elses perspective, etc. And the coolest thing is more prisoners and more hostages of the urban routine we are more vulnerable to, for example, a gossip, which - just between us - is too small, dont you agree? That is why, with the exercise of detachment and the expansion of consciousness, we are lighter, stronger, more prepared to cope - not in a military way, but in a collaborative and evolutionary way - with the urban routine. Well, that was my point-of-view shared with you, the reader - by free will, with humility and dedicating hours of study - of how I think all answers are within us and how we can expand our consciousness and deal increasingly with the urban routine and stress. From now on, to question everything you read and reflect how you may exercise these ideas for your daily life, your way. Appreciate the nature, question life and seek harmony.

The end.
Imagination, research, writing, edition and review: Andre Torales. Contacts: . + Thanks: my family (Fred, Angela, Fabio and Dalva), my girlfriend Vanessa and my colleagues and friends. In particular, concerning this book, for the learning and exchange with Mara Liguori, Daniel Kano, Diego Carneiro, Nathalia Iervolino and Rita Almeida. Illustration: Daniel Kano (

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