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PREFACE ..................................................................................................................3
PART I: MONEY REIKI THEORY .............................................................................5
lntroductlon to Mone Relkl ..............................................................................5
Hou Mone Relkl ls Dlfferent............................................................................7
Mone Relkl und the Lnergetlc Sstem.............................................................8
Posltlte Thlnklng ts. Posltlte leeIlng ............................................................10
More About Mone Lnerg................................................................................11
Hou Mone Relkl Affects the PIunet ..............................................................15
Mone Relkl und Llghtuorkers ........................................................................16
PART II: MONEY REIKI PRACTICE.......................................................................18
Mone Relkl SmboI ..........................................................................................18
Hou to Use Mone Relkl...................................................................................19
Mone Relkl Treutments....................................................................................20
Mone Relkl for YourseIf ...................................................................................21
Muklng u Mone Mugnet...................................................................................22
Mone Relkl Box.................................................................................................23
llnuncluI BIesslng...............................................................................................24
WorId Mone Medltutlon..................................................................................26
PART III MONEY REIKI A5 A WAY OF LIFE .....................................................27
LtoItlng Your PersonuI Mone Lnerg...........................................................27
Lnergetlc Tlthlng.................................................................................................28
Gltlng Thlngs Auu...........................................................................................30
lf l get u mlIIlon doIIurs, then l cun." .........................................................31

Page 3

I am in no vay a financiaI exerl. On lhe conlrary, my financiaI Iife has moslIy
been one big mess since I gradualed coIIege. Many of my financiaI robIems
slemmed from a chronic iIIness I gol vhen I vas 17. My credil card debl vas |usl
lhe li of lhe iceberg, and evenluaIIy my reIalionshi vilh money devoIved inlo
a syslemic, comIele shuldovn in regards lo money managemenl.

I never reaIIy en|oyed managing money. I resenled lhe idea lhal in order lo Iive I
needed lo deaI vilh biIIs, bank accounls, and laxes. Il vas onIy lhrough sheer
need lhal I lurned lo lhe sludy of roserily. Yel, lradilionaI roserily courses
didn'l heI me much. UnderIying aII lhe osilive affirming I aIvays feIl lhere
musl be more lo Iife lhan being a consumer in an ever-increasing uvard siraI
of more and beller maleriaI ossessions.

We're loId in roserily courses lhal vanling money is OK. WeII, vhen il came
lo deaIing vilh my financiaI issues, I sliII needed a more comeIIing driving
force lhan |usl having a mansion. This is vhere Money Reiki bridges lhe ga for
me il's aboul nca|ing money issues, nol |usl ersonaIIy bul on a Ianelary scaIe
as veII. Thal's somelhing lhal lruIy exciles me, and I hoe il exciles you loo.

I am by no means done fixing my financiaI mess. Iarl of my |ourney in exIoring
lhis energy is laking care of my ovn money robIems. You knov lhe saying
lhose vho can'l, leach. WeII, I've aIready had some remarkabIe resuIls using lhis
energy, and I hoe you viII loo.

Don'l execl lhe Iollery vin |usl yel for me, lhe firsl big shifl vas gelling oul of
lhe habil of reguIarIy overdraving my bank accounl. Thal may nol seem Iike
much bul you musl firsl Iay lhe foundalion.

Page 4
Abundance has never been my issue money has. I aIvays have more lhan
enough of vhalever I need. I |usl have had a rollen lime deaIing vilh my
finances. I susecl a Iol of olher eoIe have lhe same robIem. This is vhy lhis
energy syslem is caIIed Money Reiki and nol Abundance Reiki or
Iroserily Reiki. (Though, I am avare of olher Reiki syslems using lhose

Money Reiki is secificaIIy aboul ncncq. Il's lo heI you vilh your abiIily lo earn
and manage money more effecliveIy, in vays lhal suorl your highesl good. Il
aIso heIs lhe Ianel by shifling aII energy surrounding money.

I hoe you'II find lhis energy heIs you as much as il is heIing me.

Sicpnanic Brai|, januarq 2005

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lntroductlon to Mone Relkl

Money Reiki is a slyIe of Reiki lhal vorks vilh lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money.

Reiki, for lhose vho are nol famiIiar vilh il, is a form of hands-on and dislance
energy heaIing lhal generaIIy uses lhe visuaIizalion of symboIs as a lrigger for
lhe heaIing energy. The abiIily lo channeI Reiki energy is assed lhrough vhal is
caIIed an allunemenl, vhich is an energelic lransfer of lhe Reiki energy from a
Reiki Masler lo lhe reciienl.

I vas insired in medilalion lo creale lhe Money Reiki syslem vhen I reaIized
lhal if I couId be alluned lo Reiki heaIing energy, I mighl aIso be alluned lo lhe
energy of money.

When I vas 23, I venl on disabiIily for Chronic Ialigue Syndrome. y 24, I had
aIso charged u my credil cards lo lhe oinl of no relurn. Wilhin a fev years I
had defauIled on aII my credil card aymenls. Money managemenl has been a
slruggIe for me mosl of my aduIl Iife. ecause of lhis, I have sludied exlensiveIy
many roserily syslems and leachers. Nolhing seemed lo reaIIy make a

I found lhe lradilionaI use of osilive lhinking and affirmalions lo be Iess lhan

Mosl roserily leachers romise a Iol, bul oflen deIiver much Iess. I have aIso
vorked vilh cIienls vho had senl hundreds if nol lhousands of doIIars on
roserily syslems. When lhey did nol achieve lhe miracuIous resuIls romised
by lheir roserily leachers, lhe cIienls oflen bIamed lhemseIves inslead of
queslioning lhe vaIidily of lhe leachings.

Page 6

A good friend of mine, having read some informalion on roserily lhinking,
vas lrying lo lhink his vay oul of being behind on his morlgage aymenls.
When he finaIIy loId me vhal vas going on, il vas loo Iale a nolice had been
osled lo his fronl door, evicling him from his home. His house had been ul u
for auclion and soId, vilhoul his knovIedge.

This vas exlremeIy unnecessary, because my friend had a lhree bedroom house
and couId have renled oul lhe lvo olher bedrooms lo friends of his. The renl
money couId have easiIy heIed ay for lhe morlgage. A simIe soIulion Iike lhis
had been avaiIabIe lo him aII aIong so vhy didn'l he lake advanlage of lhis
obvious soIulion`

I lhink arl of lhe robIem vas lhe roserily leachings he vas reading. Some of
lhe leachings seem lo indicale lhal by sheer viIIover one mighl be abIe lo
manifesl a miIIion doIIars vilh a lhoughl. Why lhen, lake an inlermediale sle of
renling oul a room, vhen lhal big vindfaII vas |usl an affirmalion avay`

In lhis Money Reiki course you viII nol be loId lhal your money robIems viII
be soIved immedialeIy lhrough osilive lhinking. Ralher, lhrough ersislenl
aIicalion of energy heaIing, as veII as laking aclion in your Iife, you can
gra!ua||q overcome your financiaI issues. ul, deending on lhe severily of your
silualion, lhis couId lake some lime.

So be carefuI vhen roserily leachers leII you lo affirm your vay oul of a big
financiaI mess. Do lhe affirmalions, yes, bul use your common sense as veII.

Nov, lhis is nol lo say lhal aII roserily leachers are bad, or lhal aII roserily
lhinking is vrong. Many eoIe have benefiled from roserily leachings. Il
does nol vork equaIIy veII for everyone, hovever. Why lhal is viII be exIained

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Hou Mone Relkl ls Dlfferent

Money Reiki lakes a differenl aroach lhan vhal is usuaIIy laughl in roserily
courses. Money Reiki is Iess aboul manifeslalion of abundance and more aboul
cIearing oul negalive energy in reIalion lo money. As such, il makes a erfecl
ad|uncl lo vhalever roserily, abundance, and manifeslalion vork you may be
currenlIy doing.

If you are doing roserily vork such as affirmalions, Money Reiki shouId be
done firsl lo heI buiId u your energelic syslem so lhal lhe affirmalions viII
have a slronger effecl.

As you use Money Reiki over lime, ils effecliveness shouId increase. IniliaIIy,
Money Reiki viII vork lo cIear oul negalive issues and energies you have
surrounding money. Il viII slrenglhen your energelic syslem. As you conlinue lo
use lhe energy, you viII become slronger and cIearer in your energy.

As more and more negalive energy vashes avay, lhe more lhe allracling
eIemenls of Money Reiki can lake hoId. IvenluaIIy, Money Reiki can serve as a
overfuI means of manifesling for yourseIf as veII as olhers.

IIease nole, hovever, lhal because ve aII have differenl issues in reIalion lo
money, resuIls viII vary deending uon lhe erson. If you have many asl Iives
lhal have embedded negalive exeriences in your syche, you may need lo do a
Iol of Money Reiki on lhose issues before you viII be abIe lo use il for
manifeslalion. The good nevs is lhal you don'l need lo knov exaclIy vhal lhe
issues are lhe energy viII do lhe vork.

Page 8
Mone Relkl und the Lnergetlc Sstem

Lel's lake a cIoser Iook al hov Money Reiki vorks.

As a Reiki Masler, I Iook al a Iol of robIems from an energelic erseclive. I
beIieve our energelic syslems are bolh a cause and an effecl of our robIems.

UnderIying our hysicaI bodies is our energy syslem. Il is my beIief lhal
everylhing hysicaI firsl begins vilh our energy.

Lel's Iook al hysicaI iIIness. Why is il lhal some nev age hiIosohers beIieve
lhal iIInesses are caused by emolionaI dislress or robIems` WeII, here's one vay
lo Iook al il:

Say you are in a silualion lhal is conslanlIy making you usel. Ierhas you are in
an abusive reIalionshi. Overlime, lhal negalive energy from lhe reIalionshi
damages your energelic syslem. Il scars il, and causes lhe energy lo fIov in lhe
vrong Iaces.

UnforlunaleIy, your body requires osilive energy lo funclion roerIy. When
your energelic syslem is oul of baIance due lo lhe conlinued slress of your bad
reIalionshi, your body may end u resonding vilh iIIness.

Whal makes mallers vorse is lhal lhis ends u becoming a ncgativc Iccdback
!nnp lhe more slress you have, lhe more your energelic syslem maIfunclions.
The vorse shae your energelic syslem is in, lhe Iess heaIlhy you are. The Iess
heaIlhy you are, lhe more slress you'II robabIy have, lhus damaging your
energelic syslem even more!

Page 9
Many lhings affecl lhe heaIlh of lhe energelic syslem. Deending uon your
hiIosohy, lhis may incIude your overaII siriluaI heaIlh, conneclion vilh God,
asl Iife karma, elc.

The imorlanl lhing is lo remember lhal everylhing slarls vilh lhe energy

Therefore, lf ou ure hutlng probIems ulth mone, lt ls probubI due to some
underIlng probIem ou hute ulth our energetlc sstem.

This is vhy |usl lhinking osiliveIy viII nol vork for many eoIe!

Il viII vork for scnc eoIe: Those eoIe vhose energelic syslems are heaIlhier
viII gel beller resuIls from osilive lhinking. IeoIe vho have heaIlhier
energelic syslems surrounding money issues viII naluraIIy do beller vilh lheir
money lhan eoIe vho have severe energelic lraumas reIaling lo money.

If you have a condilioned alhIele on one side, and a couch olalo vilh a broken
Ieg on lhe olher, and you leach bolh hov lo Iay a nev sorl, vho do you lhink
viII do beller` IrobabIy lhe alhIele.

So if you've ever been in a roserily cIass and you've been amazed al lhe one or
lvo sludenls vho seem lo be generaling Iollery vins and nev |ob offers al every
lurn veII, lhey are robabIy gelling lhose resuIls because lheir energelic
syslems vere aIready rimed. They |usl needed lo aIign lheir lhoughls and lhe
resuIls vere lheirs.

Olher sludenls, on lhe olher hand, vere slruggIing, even lhough lhey did lheir
homevork. Mosl IikeIy, lheir energelic syslem vas bIocked in such a vay lhal
osilive lhinking vasn'l effeclive for lhem.

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If you are coming lo Money Reiki, erhas you have nol had miracuIous resuIls
vilh roserily lhinking and you are Iooking for a beller vay. Or, if you have
been one of lhose foIks doing veII vilh roserily lhinking, erhas you vanl
beller resuIls. Iilher vay, Money Reiki viII heI. This is because Money Reiki
serves lo slrenglhen your energelic syslem in lhe arena of money.

Posltlte Thlnklng ts. Posltlte leeIlng

One inleresling lrend you may have aIready noliced is lhal many roserily
leachers are nov leIIing you lhal il's nol |usl osilive lhinking, bul osilive
jcc|ing lhal generales resuIls.

They are on lhe righl lrack, bul have il backvards.

Iosilive feeIing viII vork for many eoIe, bul nol for aII. Ior you see,
generaling osilive feeIings is sliII vorking on lhe symlom more lhan lhe cause.

If you've ever mel someone vho radialed a sincere, osilive allilude, chances are
lhal erson has an exlremeIy heaIlhy energelic syslem. IeoIe vilh heaIlhy
energelic syslems viII be haier, heaIlhier, and more successfuI lhan eoIe
vilh unheaIlhy energelic syslems.

This is vhy il aears lhal such eoIe gol lo vhere lhey vere on osilive
lhinking or osilive feeIings. ul generaIIy seaking, being in a naluraI slale of
osilive lhinking and feeIing is lhe rcsu|i of a heaIlhy energelic syslem.

If you foIIov lhe Lav of Allraclion: Il is lhe heaIlhy energelic syslem lhal
allracls more overfuIIy lhan any one lhoughl or feeIing.

Here's vhere il gels inleresling. Remember our negalive feedback Ioo` WeII, ve
can aIso generale a pnsitivc Iccdback !nnp. Iosilive feeIings in addilion lo

Page 11
osilive lhinking can vork lo heaI your underIying energelic syslem, |usl Iike
bad feeIings and lhoughls can hurl your energelic syslem.

SliII, if you are in beller energelic condilion in lhe firsl Iace, your resuIls viII be
much slronger and fasler lhan lhose vilh severe energelic dysfunclions. These
effecls are cumuIalive over a eriod of lime il is hard lo change your energy
syslem quickIy lhrough |usl osilive lhinking or feeIing.

B und fur lt ulII be eten more pouerfuI to get ln there und uork on the
energetlc sstem dlrectI through energ heuIlng. Thls ls uhut Mone Relkl does.

If you lhen do your osilive lhinking/osilive feeIing vork on lo of Money
Reiki, I susecl lhal your resuIls viII be even lhal much more overfuI.

More About Mone Lnerg

In lhis course, ve'II laIk aboul lhree differenl kinds of energy in reIalion lo

1. Your IersonaI Money Inergy
2. TribaI Money Inergy
3. The SiriluaI Inergy of Money

My iniliaI idea behind Money Reiki vas lo find a vay lo remove lhe energelic
bIocks lhal an individuaI mighl have lo earning and managing money. Much lo
my surrise, I discovered somelhing more. Afler exerimenling vilh lhe energy,
I found lhal I had laed inlo somelhing bigger lhan |usl lhe heaIing of my
IersonaI Money Inergy. Whal I discovered vas lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money.

Page 12
The SiriluaI Inergy of Money is money al ils source vibralion fiIIed vilh Iove,
Iighl, and generosily. Il is lhe ure energy of money lhal exisls on lhe siriluaI

The energy of money on lhe Ianel, hovever, has become cIouded and skeved
by lhousands of years of bad money raclices. Greed, var, overly, and olher
robIems caused by lhe misuse of money have caused lhe Tri|a| Inergy of
Money lo carry vilh il many negalive eIemenls.

AddilionaIIy, your ersonaI lribe, vhich incIudes your counlry of origin, famiIy,
and sociaI circIe, may have ils ovn money baggage.

Today's TribaI Money Inergy has a Iol of negalive currenls. This is a radicaI idea
in roserily circIes, because lhe ouIar concel loday is lhal money energy is

Have you been lo a roserily cIass vhere lhe leacher vas saying lhal money is
nol bad, bul in lhe back of your mind you're vondering hov lhal can be
lrue.afler aII, vhal aboul lhe slarving chiIdren in Africa`

Don'l ignore lhal voice lhal's lhe voice of your conscience. There is a robIem
vilh money energy on lhe Ianel loday! A big robIem!

Conlrary lo vhal some roserily leachers leII us, lhe energy of money is nol
neulraI. Oh, on an inleIIecluaI IeveI, sure, money is neulraI. ul energelicaIIy
seaking, lhe vibralion of money on lhis Ianel is on lhe vhoIe more negalive
ralher lhan osilive.

Think of lhe Ianelary energy of money as being a coIIeclion of lhoughl-forms if
you viII. MingIing vilh lhese lhoughl-forms is lhe energelic residue of deeds

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done, good or bad, in lhe name of money. Deeds done vilh money and deeds
lhal vere nol done due lo Iack of money.

UnforlunaleIy, our lrack record is reaIIy nol lhal greal vhen you lake a Iook al il.

So is il lrue lhal lhe energy of money on Ianel Iarlh neulraI` No, il is nol. You
onIy need lo Iook around lo see lhe negalive effecls of money misuse and abuse:

ChiIdren exIoiled in svealshos in lhird vorId counlries (so
cororalions can make a grealer rofil).
InvironmenlaI devaslalion and Iundering of naluraI resources due lo
Tremendous disarilies belveen lhe rich and lhe oor across lhe gIobe.
Money laking lhe Iace of siriluaIily, famiIy, and basic human needs, as
evidenced by 60-80 hour vorkveeks for many emIoyees.
More money senl on bombs and veaons lhan on leachers and schooIs
(by lhe biIIions).
IinanciaI exIoilalion by unscruuIous eoIe (lhink aboul lhe dol-com
boom in lhe 90s and hov many eoIe vere ersonaIIy hurl vhen il venl
And more.

Il is comIeleIy naluraI lo be dislurbed by lhe eviI lhal is done in lhe name of
money. This is vhy going lo a roserily seminar and |usl being loId money
isn'l eviI isn'l going lo cul il for a Iol of foIks. And il reaIIy isn'l leIIing lhe vhoIe

Is making money bad` AbsoIuleIy nol. Are aII rich eoIe bad` No vay. ul is a
vorId economic syslem bad vhen cerlain eoIe Iive in maleriaI Iuxury vhiIe
olhers have a hard lime |usl ealing one meaI a day (much Iess lhree)` AbsoIuleIy.
Thal is a bad economic syslem. Very very bad.

Page 14

And lo me, il doesn'l reaIIy maller vhal lhe acluaI syslem is. CailaIism can be
a vonderfuI economic syslem if il is run by comassionale, caring eoIe. The
syslems are fauIly because eoIe are acling oul of greed and fear. This is lhe
energy lhal gels icked u and lransmilled lo lhe TribaI Inergy of Money.

Some of us vho are sensilive lo energies can feeI lhis negalivily covering lhe
aura of money. We knov somelhing is amiss. So vhen eoIe lry lo leII us lhal
money is neulraI and ve shouId |usl be very hay aboul making ourseIves rich,
lhal lhe vorId is abundanl by nalure.veII, ve're |usl nol |uqing il. This is vhy
many eoIe have a robIem vilh money, no maller hov hard lhey lry.

This is vhere Money Reiki comes in.

Money Reiki is here lo heaI lhe energy of money your IersonaI Money Inergy,
and TribaI Money Inergy. We vanl lo bring aII lhal energy back lo lhe SiriluaI
Inergy of Money. The SiriluaI Inergy of Money is differenl from TribaI Money
Inergy. The SiriluaI Inergy of Money is lhe energy of money in ils highesl
form. This is lhe ure, unbIemished energy of money direcl from Source.

The SiriluaI Inergy of Money has lhe foIIoving effecls:

1. Il suorls each individuaI lo earn money in vays lhal suorl lheir
highesl good and lhe highesl good of olhers.
2. Il encourages lhe elhicaI use of money.
3. Il suorls lrue abundance, vhere everyone is fed, cIolhed, and housed.
4. Il uls money in ils roer Iace vhere consumerism and bigger and
beller are nol laking lhe Iace of siriluaIily.
5. Il heIs inslilulions evoIve lo higher IeveIs, so lhal lhey vork more from
hearl and Iess from bureaucracy.

Page 15
Money Reiki is lo heI heaI TribaI Money Inergy, and bring il back in aIignmenl
vilh lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money.

This is lhe beauly of lhis form of Reiki. When you use Money Reiki, you viII nol
onIy heI yourseIf vilh your ovn financiaI issues, you viII heI lhe Ianel.

Hou Mone Relkl Affects the PIunet

Il is a siriluaI co-oul lo suggesl lhal oor, slarving eoIe have manifesled
lheir ovn Iol in Iife so ve shouIdn'l feeI some sense of oulrage aboul il. We
shouId be dislurbed lhal cerlain eoIe have vay more lhan lhey need vhiIe
olhers go slarving. Il's |usl nol righl.

In aII cases ve vanl everyone lo be rovided for and lhere is no reason for one
singIe erson lo ovn biIIions of doIIars and have loo much vhen olhers die from
overly on lhis Ianel. There is no reason for il. Thal ve accel lhis lravesly is
arl of our mass deIusion in reIalion lo money. We have laed inlo lhe TribaI
Inergy of Money.

Am I suggesling lhal you kee yourseIf oor because lhe syslem is oul of
baIance` No. We viII use Money Reiki lo heI fix lhe syslem on an energelic

Iach erson vho is alluned lo Money Reiki heIs Iifl lhe vibralion of money on
lhe Ianel. Iach lime you use Money Reiki you Iifl lhe vibralion of money on lhe

As lhe earlhIy energy of money is heaIed, lhe negalive lhoughl-forms fIoaling
around are reIaced by more osilive ones. The energy around money becomes
more osilive, and as eoIe inleracl vilh money, lhey viII be sublIy louched
and insired lo do beller lhings vilh il.

Page 16

Using Money Reiki viII indireclIy heaI olher eoIe from negalive addiclions lo
money. The facl is, many eoIe are indeed quile greedy and rulhIess vhen il
comes lo having money. The higher vibralion lhe TribaI Money Inergy becomes,
lhe more such eoIe viII be insired lo Iive lo lheir higher alhs and use money
for good, nol |usl for lheir ovn aggrandizemenl.

Imagine a vorId vhere leachers are aid more lhan slriers. Where everyone
gels fed. Where cororalions ul eoIe and famiIies firsl before lhe bollom Iine.

As ve aII shifl lhe energy of money lo a higher vibralion, eoIe viII be naluraIIy
dravn lo use money in higher vays.

This is vhy Money Reiki is so imorlanl.

Mone Relkl und Llghtuorkers

Chances are, if you are reading lhis you are a Iighlvorker, a erson vho has
come lo lhe Ianel lo heI heaI il.

Money Reiki is arlicuIarIy imorlanl for Iighlvorkers and heaIers. One of lhe
uroses of Money Reiki is lo heI Iighlvorkers be abIe lo earn a comforlabIe
Iiving by foIIoving lheir lrue alh.

Il is aII loo common for Iighlvorkers lo be slruggIing and nol abIe lo earn
enough lo suorl lhemseIves. They are lhen nol abIe lo lruIy heI olhers in lhe
vay lhal lhey vere meanl lo.

Money Reiki is here lo heI aII Iighlvorkers earn good Iivings doing lhe heaIing
vork lhey are suosed lo do. Money Reiki aIso heIs everyone do lhe vork lhal

Page 17
lhey vere born lo do, lhal vhich lhey Iove lo do as oosed lo vhal lhey lhink
lhey sncu|! lo do earn a Iiving.

Ior arlisls, musicians, aclivisls, heaIers, leachers, enlrereneurs, and olhers vho
are going off lhe bealen alh, Money Reiki is heIing shifl lhe energy so lhal
eoIe can do vork from lhe hearl and nol be financiaIIy unished for doing so.

AddilionaIIy, many of us have Iegilimale concerns over lhe disarilies caused by
lhe negalive TribaI Money Inergies. If you have been slruggIing vilh roserily
issues, il may be lhal you are being caIIed lo heI be a Iighl lo olhers by shoving
lhe vorId a differenl vay of reIaling lo money.

Ierforming Money Reiki reguIarIy viII heI in aII arenas il viII heI you vilh
your ersonaI issues, and il viII heI lhe Ianel. ul knov lhis: The more you gel
in aIignmenl vilh your alh, lhe Iess you viII be abIe lo loIerale vhen il comes
lo your ovn ersonaI financiaI mess.

In order for Ianelary Iighlvorkers lo become lhe mosl effeclive, ve as a grou
nusi lake money back from greedy, unsiriluaI eoIe.

Il is lime!

Page 18

Money Reiki is easy lo use and ils aIicalions are endIess. I encourage you lo
exerimenl and come u vilh your ovn vays lo use lhe energy.

Mone Relkl SmboI

TradilionaIIy, Reiki energy is aclivaled lhrough lhe use of symboIs. These
symboIs are lriggered by many melhods, incIuding imagining lhem in your
mind, draving lhem in lhe air vilh your hand, draving lhem on lhe aIms of
your hands vilh your finger, or even draving lhem on lhe roof of your moulh
vilh your longue. (Thal Iasl one requires a bil of auraI dexlerily, vhich I
ersonaIIy cannol cIaim!)

I generaIIy send Reiki lhrough inlenlion ralher lhan symboIs. So you can aIso
send Money Reiki |usl by inlending il (lhink, sending Reiki Money energy

There is aIso a formaI symboI for lhe Money Reiki Iraclilioner IeveI. Il is lhe
doIIar sign.

(You can drav one or lvo Iines lhrough lhe S.)

This is nol a lradilionaI Reiki symboI. Il is nol sacred or secrel, since ve see il
everyvhere. Whal ve are doing by using lhe American doIIar sign is co-oling

Page 19
lhis symboI (hi|acking il, as il vere) lo ul il lo good use and increase our ovn
vibralion in reIalion lo il, as veII as increase lhe symboI's vibralion.

The doIIar sign, vhen imagined, shouId be infused vilh siriluaI energy. I
envision il gIoving vilh vhile/goIden Iighl.

Hou to Use Mone Relkl

You vouId nol use Money Reiki in lhe same vay you use lradilionaI Reiki in a
heaIing session.

You can use Money Reiki lo SIND and RICIIVI energy. When you SIND
Money Reiki, you are sending lhe siriluaI vibralion of money oul lo rovide a
financiaI bIessing for yourseIf or olhers. When you use Money Reiki lo RICIIVI,
you are crealing a money magnel vilh lhe energy.

As in lradilionaI Reiki, you can send Money Reiki lhrough lhe aIms of your
hands. Inlend lo send lhe energy, or imagine lhe doIIar sign fIoaling oul of your

Money Reiki is oflen besl used on hysicaI ob|ecls as veII as silualions. Ior
examIe, if you are using your comuler lo make money, lhen send Money Reiki
lo your comuler. If you are Iooking for a |ob, ul Money Reiki on aII your

The mosl imorlanl lhing lo use Money Reiki on is money ilseIf.

Whenever you handIe hysicaI money, send Money Reiki aIong vilh a bIessing.
This viII heI remove negalive energy from lhe cash and heI raise lhe vibralion
of lhe money suIy. Il viII aIso bIess lhe eoIe vho use lhis money, and heI
bring more money back lo you.

Page 20

A simIe bIessing lo say in your mind vhen you use cash is lo simIy lhink,
Iess you and lhank you.

You shouId aIso send Money Reiki lo your credil cards, debil cards, bank
slalemenls, and olher financiaI looIs.

Mone Relkl Treutments

GeneraIIy, mosl eoIe vilh severe money issues carry lhese issues in lheir firsl
chakra, vhich is an energy cenler al lhe base of your sine. Mosl Money Reiki
lrealmenls vouId lherefore focus mosl on sending Money Reiki energy lo lhe
firsl chakra, vhich shouId serve lo rool and ground lhe erson, heIing lhem lo
handIe lheir money issues beller. ReguIar Reiki vouId lhen be used for lhe resl
of lhe fuII lrealmenl.

To reach lhe firsl chakra on lhe fronl of lhe body vhiIe resecling your cIienl's
boundaries, il is recommended lhal you hover your hands over lhe groin area
do nol louch! The cIienl can lurn over and you can lreal lheir Iover back, eilher
hovering your hands over lhe laiIbone or Iacing hands al lhe smaII of lhe back,
deending on hov comforlabIe lhe cIienl is. (Gel ermission firsl!)

You can aIso do a comIele Money Reiki lrealmenl simIy by sending Money
Reiki lhrough lhe lo of lhe cIienl's head.

If you are sensilive lo energies, you may nolice lhal many eoIe needing Money
Reiki have veak firsl chakras lhal need a Iol of suorl. Some firsl chakras can
be aImosl enlireIy deslroyed and need lo be rebuiIl.

ecause lhe firsl chakra is Iocaled near a erson's rivale arls, il may be easier
lo send Money Reiki lo anolher erson via roxy or from a dislance.

Page 21

Via roxy: IIace your hands on a holograh of lhe erson or an ob|ecl such a
leddy bear reresenling lhal erson, and send Money Reiki |usl as you vouId if
you vere sending il lo lhem direclIy.

MenlaIIy: Imagine lhe erson in fronl of you, and shover lhem vilh Money
Reiki. You may see lhe doIIar sign Iil u vilh lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money
surrounding lhe erson or embedding ilseIf inlo lhe firsl chakra.

Mone Relkl for YourseIf

When giving Money Reiki lo yourseIf lo heaI lhe firsl chakra, you can resl your
hands near your groin area and send lhe energy lhal vay. You may aIso vanl lo
Iace bolh hands on lhe smaII of your back and lreal lhe back area, vhich hoIds
many asl issues as veII.

To use Money Reiki lo RICIIVI roserily and oen yourseIf u lo lhe fIov of
money, sil or sland comforlabIy. IIace lhe aIms of bolh hands u, vilh arms
oulslrelched lo your sides. Aclivale lhe Money Reiki energy in your aIms
(imagining lhe symboI, or lhrough inlenlion).

Imagine lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money being dravn lo you lhrough your oen

realhe deeIy, brealhing in lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money. Remain in lhis
osilion for as Iong as you vanl. When you are done, be sure lo say Thank

Page 22
Muklng u Mone Mugnet

A money magnel is an ob|ecl lhal is used lo allracl money. IIease nole lhal lhis
raclice is in no vay a guaranlee of Iollery vins or inslanl riches. Il viII heI lo
increase your vibralion around money and cIear oul negalive energy around you
in reIalion lo money.

Take an ob|ecl lhal you vanl lo lurn inlo your Money Magnel. IdeaIIy, il can be
somelhing lhal you can kee on you al aII limes, such as a neckIace, a in, or a

Sle 1. CIeanse lhe Ob|ecl.
InergelicaIIy cIeanse lhe ob|ecl of any negalive energy using any melhod of your
choice. OR, imagine vhile siriluaI Iighl coming dovn and cIearing lhe ob|ecl.

Sle 2. Slale Your Inlenlion.
Whal is il lhal you vanl heI vilh` You can use lhe ob|ecl for generaI money
issues or secific needs. IxamIe inlenlions mighl be:

I vanl lo raise my vibralion around money.
I inlend lo earn $5,000/monlh doing heaIing vork.
I am nov allracling lhe erfecl home for lhe erfecl rice.

HoId lhe ob|ecl, cIose your eyes, and slale your inlenlion oul Ioud.

Sle 3. Charge lhe Ob|ecl.
Nov hoId lhe ob|ecl belveen bolh hands and send Money Reiki lo lhe ob|ecl.

Page 23
Sle 4. Iess lhe Ob|ecl.
Slale: I nov bIess lhis ob|ecl vilh lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money. May il
manifesl vhal is in my highesl good and lhe highesl good of aII concerned.
Thank you.

Nov you may vear lhe ob|ecl. Il can be recharged vhenever you feeI il is lime or
you have a nev inlenlion.

Mone Relkl Box

The Reiki box or manifesling box is a looI lhal many eoIe have used lo greal
effecl. We viII do lhe same lhing, onIy adding Money Reiki lo lhe box. Crealing
lhe Money Reiki ox is simiIar lo making a money magnel, onIy you viII use a
smaII box, referabIy one you can ersonaIIy decorale. Il does nol have lo be
fancy. A shoe box viII do.

Sle 1. CIeanse lhe ox.
InergelicaIIy cIeanse lhe box of any negalive energy using any melhod of your
choice. OR, imagine vhile siriluaI Iighl coming dovn and cIearing lhe ob|ecl.

Sle 2. Decorale lhe ox.
Decorale lhe box using Reiki symboIs, lhe doIIar sign, or iclures of vhal you
vanl lo manifesl. Use your inluilion lo guide you.

Sle 3. Wrile Dovn Your Inlenlions.
Wrile dovn u lo lhree goaIs you vanl lo accomIish vilh money. Wrile lhese
dovn in resenl lense, e.g.:

I nov make $50,000/year as a vriler.
I manage my money easiIy and vilh |oy.
I ay my renl nol onIy on lime bul ahead of lime.

Page 24

IIace lhe inlenlions in lhe box. You can aIso incIude iclures, nevsaer
cIiings, and ob|ecls lo lhe box lhal reIale lo your goaIs.

Sle 4. Charge lhe ox.
IIace your hands on lhe box and send Money Reiki lo il.

Sle 5. Iess lhe ox.
Slale: I nov bIess lhis Money Reiki ox vilh lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money.
May il manifesl vhal is in my highesl good and lhe highesl good of aII
concerned. Thank you.

When vorries come u Ialer surrounding money, you can vrile lhem dovn on a
iece of aer and ul lhem in lhe box lo Iel God or lhe universe lake care of il.
IeriodicaIIy go lhrough lhe box and remove lhose noles lhal have been

Ior examIe, you may vrile on a nole: IIease lake care of my car aymenl.

When lhis has been laken care of, remove lhe originaI nole and Iace a lhank you
nole in ils Iace. Afler a vhiIe you shouId hoefuIIy have a box fiIIed vilh lhank
you noles! When lhe box is fuII, you can remove lhe lhank you noles and slarl

llnuncluI BIesslng

Many Reiki Iraclilioners reading lhis viII vanl lo offer Money Reiki lo cIienls. I
encourage you lo charge for lhese services (reasonabIy) as you see fil. Here is a
riluaI for a IinanciaI Iessing lhal you can rovide as a service lo cIienls.

Page 25
(Nole: IIease! Do nol lake advanlage of eoIe slruggIing vilh money by
romising lhem lhe moon and lhe slars vilh your financiaI bIessing, and lhen
charge lhem a ridicuIousIy high fee! Thal is nol vhal lhis energy is aboul! You
viII aIso have a Iol of disaoinled cIienls. This energy cannol be used lo
consislenlIy roduce inslanl Iollery vins, so don'l romise lhal.)

You viII need lo creale a Money Reiki ox secificaIIy for cIienls rior lo doing
lhe fuII IinanciaI Iessing.

The IinanciaI Iessing is lo be done on a secific issue lhe cIienl is vorking on.
Have lhe cIienl idenlify lheir issue lo you in a re-inlerviev or vrillen nole.

These issues shouId generaIIy have lo do vilh money and financiaI prc||cns as
oosed lo manifesling Iarge sums of money for generaI, unsecified uroses.
Ior examIe, ralher lhan vorking on I vanl a miIIion doIIars, a more
reasonabIe and usefuI goaI lo vork on vouId be I vanl lo ay my biIIs
consislenlIy and on lime.

Sle 1. Wrile il Dovn.
Wrile lhe name of lhe cIienl dovn on a iece of aer. Then vrile dovn lhe
secific issue undernealh lheir name.

Sle 2. Send Money Reiki lo lhe Issue.
IIace your hands on lhe iece of aer lhal you vrole lhe cIienl's name and
issue on. Send Money Reiki lo lhe issue simIy by sending Reiki lo lhe iece of

Sle 3. IIace Issue in ox.
Iul lhe iece of aer in your Money Reiki ox lhal you use for cIienls. (Nole:
You may have muIliIe cIienls in lhe box al lhe same lime.)

Page 26
Sle 4. Ierform a Money Reiki Trealmenl.
Ierform a Money Reiki lrealmenl on lhe cIienl eilher in erson or via dislance
as described in lhe above seclion.

Sle 5. Wail One Week.
Leave lhe cIienl's issue in lhe Money Reiki ox for nc |css lhan one veek. Afler a
veek has eIased, you can remove lhal cIienl's iece of aer from lhe box and
deslroy il.

(OlionaI) You may vanl lo charge lhe box ilseIf vilh more Money Reiki energy
on a daiIy basis lo increase lhe slrenglh of aII lhe financiaI bIessings inside.

This is |usl one vay of erforming a IinanciaI Iessing. You may exerimenl and
come u vilh your ovn melhods.

WorId Mone Medltutlon

This medilalion is a vonderfuI vay lo erform cncrgciic iiining (see age 28).
Whal I have described here is |usl a simIe oulIine lo gel you slarled use your
imaginalion and vision lo fiII in lhe resl.

Sil or Iie comforlabIy. Take a fev dee brealhs. Imagine lhe Ianel Iarlh.
Imagine lhe SiriluaI Inergy of Money enveIoing lhe Ianel, genlIy sveeing
avay overly, greed, Iack, and maleriaIism. Imagine a genlIe rain of lhe SiriluaI
Inergy of Money fIoal dovn on lhe Ianel.imagine goIden doIIar signs Ianding
on everyone.lhe oor, lhe hungry, lhe sick. Iveryone is lransformed everyone
has enough.lhe hungry are fed.inslilulions are revilaIized inlo caring,
humane inslilulions.everyone is free lo foIIov lheir hearl's desires.see lhe
vorId eacefuI, hay, and fiIIed vilh Iove.

Page 27

Many Reiki Iraclilioners laIk aboul being Reiki. You can aIso embody lhe
SiriluaI Inergy of Money lhrough your being. Here are some lhoughls on hov
lo do lhal.

LtoItlng Your PersonuI Mone Lnerg

As I menlioned earIier, Money Reiki is nol meanl lo be a quick fix lo your
financiaI robIems. Through ersislence and reguIar raclice, over lime you
shouId slarl lo see imrovemenls in your financiaI silualion.

WhiIe you are vorking on your energelic syslem vilh Money Reiki, you shouId
aIso vork in lhe hysicaI vorId as veII. In addilion lo laking roserily cIasses
(if you feeI so guided), ul some reguIar efforl inlo Iearning hov lo manage your
money beller. If you need lo earn more money, and you are in a dead end career,
slarl Ianning lo gel lhe educalion you'II need lo gel a beller career (use Money
Reiki lo heI make lhis lransilion!)

Take smaII, reguIar sles lovards achieving your money goaIs. Il may be lhal aII
you can handIe righl nov is aying off one credil card lhal's OK. y making an
efforl lo deaI vilh your debl, and conlinuing lo do your Money Reiki, you are
heaIing your IersonaI Money Inergy.

If and vhen you gel overvheImed or in a slale of anic, do lhe simIe acl of
slrelching your arms oul and receiving lhe bIessings from lhe SiriluaI Inergy of
Money (as described on age 21). Ask for heI from olhers if you need lo! You
can and viII be laken care of jusi irusi.

Page 28
Lnergetlc Tlthlng

In lradilionaI roserily leaching, you are loId lo donale or lilhe a cerlain
ercenlage of your income lo a charily or siriluaI cenler. The idea is lhal by
giving oul money, you viII be oening u lhe fIov lo receive money.

If you are Iiving aycheck lo aycheck, hovever, and you are nol sure hov you
are going lo ay your renl or morlgage, il can be quile difficuIl lo lilhe reguIarIy.

Encrgctic tithing is a vay lo give back and heI olhers by giving your lime or

Il is my ersonaI oinion lhal energelic lilhing is acluaIIy more fuIfiIIing and
overfuI lhan simIy vriling a check (regardIess of lhe amounl).

Wriling lhal check lhal serves as your lilhe can be done aImosl loo easiIy il can
end u becoming one of lhe biIIs you have lo ay, somelhing lo be done lo ay
lhe universe in hoes lhal il viII bring you roserily.

There's aIso somelhing cynicaI in lhe idea lhal ve are onIy lilhing in order lo gel
somelhing back. I susecl lhal some eoIe oflen lilhe vilhoul caring loo much
aboul lhe reciienl of lhe lilhe. They are |usl doing il lo gel lheir money back
from lhe universe. There's nolhing generous aboul lhal vhalsoever!

When you lilhe energelicaIIy, you musl ul your hearl and souI inlo il. The
energelic lilhe is lhe raclice of sending your Iove vibralion oul lo lhe universe.

This can be done in lhe hysicaI vorId, such as voIunleering al your IocaI
charily, heIing oul a neighbor in need, or icking u lrash vhen you lake a
vaIk on lhe beach.

Page 29
SiriluaI vork incIudes medilalion and rayer on behaIf of olhers, energy
heaIing, or olher lyes of energy vork.

Inergelic lilhing, even more so lhan lradilionaI lilhing, gels you oul of your ovn
head and your ovn robIems, and reminds you lhal lhere are olher eoIe oul
lhere vho are vorse off lhan you, eoIe vho couId use your osilive energy.
You Iearn lo be more gralefuI for vhal you have, and lo send Iess lime vhining
aboul your ovn oor silualion.

Your so-caIIed Iack of abundance lruIy comes inlo erseclive vhen you ul
your allenlion on lhe homeIess erson dovn lhe slreel. So you don'l have a 40-
room mansion. Your one-bedroom aarlmenl vouId sure feeI Iike a mansion lo
lhal homeIess erson.

Inergelic lilhing can be harder lhan il Iooks. I'II be lhe firsl erson lo admil lhal I
gel very Iazy aboul il. I gel lired, don'l feeI Iike il, I'm nol in lhe mood.inserl
Iame excuse here. The more you raclice, lhe more il becomes a good habil.

Here are a fev easy lechniques lo gel inlo lhe mindsel of energelic lilhing:

1. Send a fev minules before bed raying or sending energy for lhe veIfare
of olhers. This can be for friends, famiIy, lhe homeIess, slarving chiIdren,
lhe vorId.
2. Do you send lime visuaIizing vhal you vanl lo manifesl` Here's a
lhoughl inslead of visuaIizing lhal you are in lhal mansion, lake a fev
momenls lo visuaIize someone in need gelling lhal mansion.
3. As you vaIk dovn lhe slreel, imagine you are sending a genlIe rain of
goIden heaIing energy lo everyone.

Page 30
Gltlng Thlngs Auu

This concel is nol nev lo Money Reiki. The idea is lhal you viII cIear a sace for
lhe nev lo come in by gelling rid of lhe oId. Ior examIe, if you need nev
cIolhes, go lhrough your cIosel and gel rid of everylhing lhal no Ionger fils or
fIallers you.

Wilh Money Reiki, I'd Iike lo add one more sle lo lhis rocess. Go lhrough your
cIosels. CoIIecl everylhing lhal you no Ionger need or vanl. Send Money Reiki lo
each ob|ecl, vilh a bIessing lhal lhe ob|ecl viII rovide much heI and |oy lo lhe
erson vho viII receive il.

Take lhe ob|ecls and donale lo GoodviII or give lo a friend. Send lhem off vilh

ReguIarIy gel inlo lhe habil of using and recycIing your sluff. Don'l Iel sluff
fesler and vaIIov in your dravers and cIosels. Use lhose Iuxurious body Iolions
you gol for Chrislmas. Iinish lhal book you've had on lhe sheIf for years.
ComIele your unfinished business. Il oens u your energy fIov.


IseciaIIy imorlanl for anyone Iooking for a |ob or running a business is lhe
concel of oulfIov.

This simIe rinciIe vorks as foIIovs: The more oulfIov, lhe more infIov.

If you vanl a |ob, and you're having a hard lime, increase your oulfIov. Meel
more eoIe, go lo more nelvorking evenls, hand oul more resumes. (WhiIe
you're al il, make sure you have a decenl resume.lhis is coming from a former
resume vriler.)

Page 31

If you ovn a business and business is sIov, slarl ulling lhal energy oul lhere.
Iosl fIyers around lovn if you have lo. }usl gel lhe energy fIoving by gelling
your energy oul lhere.

Oflen vhal you'II find is lhal vhen you ul your energy oul in one arena,
somelhing magicaIIy comes back in anolher form.

Remember lo ul Money Reiki on aII your maleriaIs used in your oulfIov!

lf l get u mlIIlon doIIurs, then l cun."

I vas al a seminar aboul money. Il vas very rah-rah and ve did a Iol of |uming
around and cheering and sIaing each olher on lhe back. When lhe audience
vas asked vhal lhey vouId do vilh aII lhe money lhey vouId earn, a young
voman slood u and said vilh much assion, I'd Iike lo have a miIIion doIIars
so I can give il avay lo charilies lhal mean a Iol lo me, and reaIIy make a

She seemed reaIIy choked u aboul her vision, and I admired lhe facl lhal she
vanled lo become rich so she couId become so charilabIe. ul lhe queslion lhen
comes lo mind, Why don'l you |usl do lhal NOW` Whal are you vailing for`

ul I don'l HAVI a miIIion doIIars, she mighl excIaim.

Ah. ul lhal's lhe kicker righl lhere. Too many eoIe ul lhe carl before lhe
horse vhen il comes lo changing lhe vorId. I knov a Iol of eoIe vho have
grand visions for changing lhe vorId once lhey gel a miIIion doIIars.
ConvenienlIy, lhey've nov |usl osloned indefinileIy lhe vork lhey vanl lo do,
because lhey've nov ul u an insurmounlabIe obslacIe belveen lhemseIves
and lhe big goaI.

Page 32

Lel's say I have a dream of feeding slarving kids in Africa, and I feeI lhal I'II need
a miIIion doIIars lo do lhis. UnforlunaleIy, I'm currenlIy quile oor myseIf, and
vorrying aboul aying my renl. So I send my exlra lime and money going lo
roserily seminars and lrying gel-rich-quick schemes in order lo become a
miIIionaire, so I can lhen finaIIy go oul and heI eoIe.

WeII, years and years go by, and nolhing haens. No miIIions, no nolhing.

The fix lo lhis is quile simIe: Slarl changing lhe vorId, NOW.

Americans in arlicuIar have IaleIy gollen lhis crazy idea lhal in order lo have
imacl on lhe vorId al Iarge you need lo have a miIIion doIIars. Is lhal reaIIy

Was Marlin Lulher King a miIIionaire` Hov aboul Ghandi or Molher Teresa`
Hov aboul }esus or uddha`

If you have a vision and a assion for a arlicuIar cause, lhen gel oul lhere and
do somelhing aboul il. y dedicaling yourseIf lo your vision, and ulling il oul
lhere lo lhe vorId, you viII naluraIIy allracl olher eoIe lo heI and suorl
lhis vision.

esides, vho says you need lo send your ovn miIIion doIIars in order lo fund a
nobIe ro|ecl` Mosl non-rofil organizalions are buiIl by donalions lhey receive
from individuaIs and cororalions. Many businesses are buiIl vilh venlure
cailaI, oflen from individuaI inveslors vho serve as angeIs and rovide
money lo grov lhe business.

Don'l vail unliI you earn lhe money yourseIf! If you need il, go oul and ask for

Page 33

Remember lhe saying: Do vhal you Iove and lhe money viII foIIov. Commil
nov lo your dream and lake aclion on il. Thal more lhan anylhing allracls
money, eoIe, and resources lo you. Love ilseIf is lhe besl allraclanl in lhe

Page 34

To kee u lo dale vilh Money Reiki, and lo find oul aboul cIasses and grou
heaIing sessions, go lo:


The nexl IeveI of Money Reiki is lhe Masler IeveI, vhich is as of lhis vriling sliII
under deveIomenl. As a Money Reiki Masler you viII be abIe lo allune olhers
and leach your ovn cIasses.

I encourage you lo send feedback vilh your resuIls as veII as any nev insighls
you may have gained. AddilionaI symboIs, raclices, and ideas may be incIuded
in fulure manuaIs vilh your ermission. ImaiI vilh
MONIY RIIKI in lhe lilIe (so I knov il is nol sam).

About the Author

Slehanie raiI is a Life Coach, Reiki Masler, and Cerlified CIinicaI
Hynolheraisl. She is lhe aulhor of SimIe Reiki for SeIf HeaIing (avaiIabIe al IIease slo by her vebsile al


Coprlght Notlce

This manuaI is coyrighl 2005 Slehanie raiI. You may NOT incIude lhis
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