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No matter how caught up in the daily life dramas about us we get, in the back of our minds we are always aware that there is something we came here to do. Understanding this something, is what gives our life long-term meaning and significance, and continually neglecting to deal with it is what creates a nagging sense of emptiness and incompletion as we move through the cycles of existence in the world. Many havent the slightest clue as to why they are here, and see the hassles of daily life simply as an unavoidable annoyance that comes through living with others. Jean Paul Sartre expressed this dim outlook on life with his comment that Hell is OTHER PEOPLE, which nicely summarizes the emotionally alienated existential attitude many in our world walk around embracing. However, by USING this daily-life discord as a LEARNING tool, we can start to enjoy ALL of life, and, in the process, do what we came here to do, which is to BALANCE OUR KARMA ON THE PHYSICAL PLANE. Life is structured in such a way that all individualized units of consciousness are endowed with FREE WILL within certain parameters of the overall Cosmic Order. This Order Itself is designed to be self-sustaining and internally selfrebalancing, and the way that this is accomplished is through the law of Cause and Effect, or KARMA, as this operates in all the arenas governed by free-will expression. Where there is no free will, or where the individual will is in complete accord with the will of the Divine Order, there can BE no karma created, for the Universal Balance is never disturbed. What does karma actually LOOK like, while you are carrying it around in your aura and manifesting it as various forms of physical limitation or disease in your physical body? The following picture is derived from the material received by Ashayana Deane by her Galactic Teachers ,who, like Seth, Abraham, Bashar, and our own Planetary Ascended Masters, form part of the spiritual hierarchy of the Galaxy. (See Ashayana Deanes Voyagers I and II books, and the Azurite Press website.) When beings existing at a higher level of conscious awareness look at us, we do not look solid, but rather, like fields of stars, or cloud nebulae, composed of a vast field of minute points of light, with certain areas (the chakras)

appearing like spiral galaxies, and glowing with various degrees of luminescence. KARMA is seen as crystalline structures of FROZEN LIGHT, of various shapes and sizes, which they term MIASMS. Within these fields of frozen light, the minute sub-atomic particles comprising them exhibit a pattern of REVERSE ROTATION compared to normal particles. This is what causes these areas of light to freeze, as it is much like the back wheels of your car were spinning in a direction opposite the front wheels, denying the possibility of any MOVEMENT. The Universe works on the principles of love, harmony, perpetual motion and a free flow of energy between all parts of existence. When individualized units of free will expression choose thoughts, attitudes and actions which run COUNTER to the laws of Universal Harmony, this is ALLOWED, within limits, but CREATES what we call KARMA in the life experience of these units of consciousness. What this does is to impede the flow of the Universal Life Force into the individualized field of manifestation, hence cutting it off, to some degree, from the Source of All That Is. The question then, is HOW TO REVERSE this process literally, and so to again allow for a proper flow of the life currents in our daily life, and with them, health, harmony, energy, and all that we consider worth living for. Almost every system out there prescribes its own remedy. For those who ignore ALL systems, and simply refuse to think about it, the remedy we could call that of THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS, comes AUTOMATICALLY into play, as Universal Energy seeks automatically to rebalance itself and all that COMPRISES it (i.e. you and me, along with everyone and everything else.) With THIS remedy, one-by-one, situations arise in daily life which offer a chance to CHOOSE AGAIN, in the very same sort of situation when one chose previously, to go AGAINST the Law of Love and Harmony. The story of SCROOGE is a perfect example of this, and it happens all the time. This method takes a LONG TIME, though, for, one-by-one, individuals and situations closely CORRESPONDING to the VIBRATION of those individuals and situations involved in the previous choices (not necessarily the SAME people or physical places) have to be INTEGRATED into the daily life-script of the individual in question. These are hard for Life to set up, in a linear space-time continuum, and if the individual has not changed much since the last time this stuff came up, he or she spirals unconsciously right into the same old behaviour AGAIN, exhibiting the same old negative REACTION PATTERN, thereby digging him or herself even DEEPER into the karmic hole. It is

these people that gave rise to the early Buddhist view of life as an endless cycling on the wheel of karma. The method of CONSCIOUS ASCENSION, however, which is what 2012 is all about, is a method fully supported and encouraged by all the energies of the Universe, and MINIMIZES the time this dissolving of karma takes place in the individual life. All genuine spiritual Teachings on the Planet are aspects of this method, and it is simply a matter of personal preference of which one suits you at any given time. I have, in the last 40 or so years, tried a great many of them, and will explain briefly the general CATEGORIES of them, and then cut to the chase, stating in my own opinion, which CATEGORY works best, easiest and fastest. After that, WITHIN the category, it is a matter of brand preference, really. The category I will first describe is one in which AUTHORITIES OUTSIDE OF ONESELF are chosen to worship and follow. This, of course, comprises most of the Western religions, and has been exploited to the full by the Illuminati throughout the ages. (If you dont know what the ILLUMINATI are, do yourself a favour and watch a few Youtube videos: David Icke, Stewart Swerdlow, etc. etc. etc. there are dozens. After this, if you still believe in the MASS MEDIA version of the news, or support policies urging THE NEW WORLD ORDER, or such things as the International banking system, the war machine or basically anything in the world where money and power are concentrated, I will be surprised.) The best this category can do for you is to prevent you from doing karma-generating things, purely out of FEAR (the wrath of God, going to Hell, etc.) and to engender in you a quality you will find displayed to the max in your dog: DEVOTION. Devotion is better applied to your friends and family than to authority figures who you think might save you, for they will no more save you than you can save your own dog. As the Buddha Himself said, each must work out his or her OWN karma; no one is going to do it for you, for no one CREATED it for you (which brings us to the concept of believing in VICTIMIZATION, which we will deal with later.) Once one comes to the idea of being ones OWN authority, one stumbles upon the truth that Jesus enunciated, but the Illuminati did their best to bury, along WITH him, and that is that THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN you therefore, AS I AM, SO SHALL YE BE. if you do the WORK, dude! (quote slightly modified!) With this change of perspective, one comes to the categories embracing much of the karmic therapy traditions out there, from regression therapy to Dianetics to Native

American spirit walks, and on and on. Here, you focus on past life scenarios, and VISUALIZE actually REVERSING the reaction pattern you once believe you displayed. This can be done quickly, and on your OWN time schedule, for you dont need to wait for life to set them up for you, and can be a very effective healing method. However, you need a good regressionist or some past-life recall of your own to get this working for you. An even more DIRECT method can be working with the finer energies of your various bodies DIRECTLY, and thus reversing the particle spin and breaking up the frozen light crystals through steeping them in PURE ENERGY of the RIGHT kind. Reiki attempts to move in this direction, but usually only gets as deep as the etheric, and possibly the astral bodies, while leaving the concrete mental, causal, buddhic and higher levels untouched. Ashayana Deanes Galactic Teachers address these HIGHER bodies in THEIR direct energy work and visualizations, and claim that following THESE practices can clear all karma in a SINGLE LIFETIME. I believe it, but I also believe that to DO this work, one MUST be highly clairvoyant and not only SEE, but FEEL and be fully in TOUCH with the energies called into play. Mere visualizing, in my opinion, wont do it. I pictured, for years, the kundalini rising and the chakras opening, with just about no results. When this HAPPENED for real, (to the limited degree I now know) it was a whole different ballgame, and I didnt get it through THAT type of visualizing, but through the meditation I recently sent out (BELIEVING IS SEEING MEDITATION), coupled with the dailylife work I will explain below. NOW I actually CAN move these energies around and manipulate them the way Ashayanas Teachers describe, but only in a very limited area, so her work is still out of my league for the major clearing involved. What I have found to be the BEST (for me) method is what I would call DAILY LIFE BELIEF THERAPY. This starts at the TOP of the karma-creating pyramid (for beliefs actually CREATE the sound and light keylontic codes she talks about, which eventually manifest as DNA sequences all the way down the body-chain (atmic-buddhic-causal-lower mental-astraletheric-physical.) DNA has its correspondence IN EVERY DIMENSION of our being, just like every physical person exists also etherically, astrally, and so on,) and DOES determine what we are able to EXPERIENCE while IN the various vehicles. (Theosophy and Djwhal Kuhl referred to this DNA at various levels as PERMANENT ATOMS, and said that these were the carriers of the KARMIC IMPRINT of each body, thus

determining the nature of its experience.) DNA, however, as quantum physics has shown, and as Seth has argued, CAN BE CHANGED and IS being changed on an ongoing basis. Embrace the RIGHT beliefs, and the creative sound matrix within you will bring forth light radiations which themselves will reverse the particle spin in these frozen areas, and DISSOLVE these miasmas. This DOES take time, but it will work AUTOMATICALLY, and you dont need to be a psychic LASER TECHNICIAN like Ashayana to do it correctly. But, you ask, How do I know WHICH beliefs got me INTO this mess, and CREATED these karmic blocks in my system? Heres how: you use the SAME life-directed process as THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS does, allowing LIFE to dish up these karmic opportunities FOR you. But how will I KNOW it is HAPPENING and what PARTICULAR belief is involved? you ask? BY HOW ANNOYING IT IS! The more annoying, the BETTER, for it is a BIGGER opportunity! Now, instead of trying to square each single past karmic blunder, instance-by instance, you rebalance AN ENTIRE TYPE in one fell swoop, thus affecting the karmic blockage of this type from MULTIPLE lifetimes ALL AT ONCE, for every single karmic blunder of this TYPE was created by a NEGATIVE reaction pattern arising from a BELIEF which ran counter to the way life actually WORKS.




This is your key to FIXING this PARTICULAR karmic problem. The WRONG BELIEF (one which runs COUNTER to what LIFE believes (as exemplified and manifested in a COSMIC LAW governing JUST THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE, and every OTHER related instance of its TYPE) the wrong belief RIGHT HERE will create an INSTANT crystallization, and FREEZE a portion of your auric field, thus manifesting as a BLOCKAGE to some of

the free flow of the Life Force within you. You may feel it afterwards as a slight depression or listlessness, an unaccountable fatigue, or perhaps a headache, but after you have a blow-up at work or with your partner, this frozen light crystallization is what is bringing on these symptoms. The opposite is also true: Finding a HIGHER REACTION PATTERN (i.e. FORGIVENESS based on a HIGHER BELIEF) will create a feeling of lightness, elation or energy in your body. Eckhart Tolle recommends this to couples who fight, but who also who study his stuff together. Once they both BELIEVE in the PAIN BODY, half the battle is won, for RECOGNIZING a flare-up as COMING from its need to feed creates a DETACHMENT, and thus one so BELIEVING can eventually FREE oneself from this Gollum-like creature within. Once you have identified the FAULTY belief at work in making you feel so AWFUL, you ask, as Abraham suggests, what belief would give you some RELIEF. Now you cant just CATAPULT, in one spring, right to the top of the belief pyramid; you need to work your way up. Believing you are rich when you are flat broke, just wont work, but maybe believing that things are bound to CHANGE, will give the relief needed. You go from there, step by step, but ULTIMATELY you need to come to what LIFE ITSELF believes, in this area, and this is the belief in INFINITE AND ETERNAL SUPPLY, or THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE. (The Illuminati CRINGE when you start to consider this, for THEY promote the mass belief of SHORTAGE in every area they can, especially that of MONEY.. and encourage you to the complementary beliefs that go WITH a belief in shortage: VICTIMHOOD, COMPETITION, HAVES AND HAVE-NOTS, EACH MAN FOR HIMSELF, DOG-EAT-DOG WORLD, and so on, so they can DIVIDE AND CONQUER, as they have done for centuries. They absolutely HATE talk of 2012, and all this Create Your Own Reality stuff and sincerely hope you will pride yourself on your skeptical mind, believing that things like The Secret are just a scam and that extraterrestrials (like Bashar) and channelled Beings (like Seth and Abraham) are things no really educated person would even BEGIN to take seriously (and they control the post-modern, materialistic, proof-based thinking of the universities to make sure you DONT by the time you graduate.)

So, to summarize: When something in life pushes your buttons, ask:


crystals, and free up the trapped light fields.

As an example of how this can work for an individual, every single Billy Talent episode of being buggered by a priest during midnight mass and rusting in the rain ever afterwards, could be WIPED OUT, karmically, by his embracing of a SINGLE BELIEF: THERE ARE NO VICTIMS. This would FOREVER clear all the crystals of frozen light trapped in his aura by RESENTMENT over the years. Here is where I would recommend Seth, Abraham and Bashar for a re-read, or a first read, if youve never gotten around to them, for you cant get any better advice on Belief Therapy. I particularly like Bashars idea that, when something annoying comes up, think, Im not sure exactly HOW, this is going to turn out really great, as it sure LOOKS like hell, but I am definitely going with the BELIEF that it will. (Beliefs are SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECIESdid you KNOW that? The Illuminati sure do, and this is HOW they CONTROL you, by getting you to believe you need AUTHORITIES i.e. THEM!) I can assure you that this works, as does the belief, I always get what I want. If I dont have it YET, it is just so that when I DO get it, I will APPRECIATE it even more and it will MEAN even more to me than if I got it right away. In short, you need to learn to THINK the way your SOUL thinks, for this is how LIFE thinks. How life thinks is summarized in the LAWS of life, such as the LAW OF ONE, the Law of Love, the Law of Harmony, etc. but just SAYING these over and over does nothing. You need to understand them IN THE PARTICULAR, in the APPLICATION, in daily life CONFLICT, when they come up as OPTIONS for a REACTION PATTERN. When you think someone is LESSERin ANY WAY.. you are VIOLATING the Law of One. When you send forth DISCORD for ANY REASON in ANY FORM you are violating

the LAW OF HARMONY, and so on. Simply watch when you get ANNOYED and an opportunity is on your plate. I would strongly suggest that you help yourself out and READ UP on these Laws of Life, for THIS AINT SIMPLE! I have been reading this stuff for more than 40 years, and have a fair grasp of how life works, but whenever something like Ashayana Deanes Teachings come along, I jump at the chance to get into them, for the explanations are so SATISFYING to my type of mind, which tends to be very SCIENTIFIC. Those with a POETIC or MYSTICAL bent would do better with something along the lines of Ken Careys Third Millennium or Starseed Transmissions, but youre not going to get this stuff INITIALLY off just your own bat, and it takes TIME before you can actually tap DIRECTLY into the Kingdom WITHIN, so why not get some help in understanding the ins and out of the MECHANICS of the existence you are a part of, even as it would help you to know more about the mechanics of the car you drive or the computer you are now using. You are stuck here anyway, and, as Simon, in Lord of the Flies said, What else is there to do? if your life is feeling empty and unfulfilled from all this UNBALANCED KARMA your soul keeps urging you to rebalance, THROUGH THE ANNOYANCES OF DAILY LIFE. Get BELIEVING!...and, uh,good luck with them crystals, eh? Have fun!

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