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If there is one thought, one BELIEF that does more to heal not only our bodies but our very LIVES, it is this belief that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG. Why? The reason why this one belief is so profoundly effective is that it UNMASKS and CHANGES the following CORE BELIEF, on which most people today base all OTHER beliefs: the belief that DUALITY, rather than UNITY, rules life. By BELIEVING in duality as the bedrock of Truth, the following beliefs are AUTOMATICALLY generated and supported: beliefs in LIMITATION, COMPETITION, and SEPARATION. From these emerge beliefs that Life is a struggle of opposing forces (good and evil, male and female, winners and losers, have and have-nots.) With the above phalanx of beliefs firmly ensconced in the subconscious, the mind then begins to automatically OUTPICTURE a self-fulfilling prophecy based on these beliefs, and soon Life itself becomes a self-evident justification of every one of them. This is the condition in which most people in our modern world live today. Now what does this DO to you when these beliefs, with their core, supporting belief, rule your life? It makes you FEARFUL, ANXIOUS, on GUARD, SUSPICIOUS, sceptical and defensive, in the extreme. It is this reason why a group of modern human beings have difficulty entering upon a social occasion without a specific task or focus which keeps them on good behaviour, without the lubrication of alcohol or drugs. It is also this reason why men traditionally have refused to acknowledge their feelings, and women their power, and why so many turn their bodies over to a doctor to look after, rather than taking responsibility for their own health. How do we turn this around, and begin to FEEL SAFE in a World which PERPETUATES, through commemorative services, such things atrocities as 911, and both World Wars, rather than dismissing them, and thereby keeps the fear of their reoccurrence fresh in our minds? We do it through believing that all dualities are simply INTEGRAL AND NECESSARY PARTS of a GREATER WHOLE, and by embracing this WHOLE, and not the WAR between its PARTS. It is said that no problem can be solved on the level at which it is created. Like a pyramid whose capstone is the integration into a single whole of the opposites of its base, we

must BECOME, through our beliefs, the INTEGRATION of dark and light, male and female, self and others. We must embrace that and those which we currently see as bad or evil, as simply part of a necessary PROCESS through which consciousness is passing, and allow even THESE things to play their parts. We do this through CATCHING ourselves every single time we think,THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. Try to monitor yourself for a single hour and watch your self do the following: CRITICIZE, BLAME, DEFEND, ATTACK. Is this not the common pattern? WHAT IF, however, you thoughtHmmm, this may LOOK like a PROBLEM, but it is really part of an emerging SOLUTION, which itself is not even a solution, but rather a movement from awareness of PERFECTION to awareness of GREATER perfection and integration. Life is DOING this because it NEEDS to do it. My body is DOING this because it NEEDS to do it; my feelings are DOING this because they NEED to do this. He or she is DOING this because they NEED to do it. In short, what if you ALLOWED all to simply UNFOLD, just as it is? Can you IMAGINE the peace? This ALLOWING is what drinks and drugs provide, albeit temporarily, and why people crave them. How about if you had it PERMANENTLY.and ON DEMAND? How about if, when your body got sick, you didnt panic, and call the DOCTOR to fix you, but instead realized that THE BODY IS THE DOCTOR, and is in the process of TAKING the very medicine it has PRESCRIBED for itself (i.e. fever, etc.) Instead of seeking to REPRESS these symptoms, how about if we LISTENED to them and TRUSTED them, LISTENED to the body and heard what IT was ASKING for, instead of what someone else in a white coat TOLD us it SHOULD ask for? How about if, when we felt FEAR, if we saw it as a MESSENGER, letting us know about unhealthy BELIEFS we were holding onto? What would I have to BELIEVE to FEEL like this? Well, you would have to believe that SOMETHING IS WRONG, or you wouldnt FEEL fear. This is why, when we go to an AUTHORITY figure like a doctor, and he tells us he has it all under control, just take 3 of these every 3 hours, we RELAX. This is why when the GOVERNMENT tells us we have won the war, beat the recession, or bombed the terrorists back into the Stone Age, we RELAX. momentarily until the NEXT threat arises (and you can bet they make SURE it does!) We currently are like kings who do not want to be informed of bad news. Imagine a ruler ONLY listening to information from all his many informants throughout the

kingdom, which did not upset him. Oh, I dont want to feel that symptom; where are my pills? Oh, I dont BOTHER with emotions; they are too upsetting! The very things which could act as REVELATIONS of what is really GOING ON in our BEING, we mask, ignore, or try to fix quickly so they will shut up and leave us alone. With us it is a perpetual hockey game, and we are on the edge of our seats RESISTING everything we perceive the OTHER guys to be doing. If you are not with us, you are against us, said Bush (from a prepared speech.) Well, when you judge, criticize and blame the very Life you live, for continually making MISTAKES (which of course, YOU can spot, no problem, but IT is too STUPID to see, so YOU need to get out there and FIX ) when you do THIS, you are CREATING bad guys at every turn, and your life turns into CONTINUAL WARFARE. It is all onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war. Hockey at least is better, for we KNOW it is only a game. How about if we saw them there TERRORISTS and UNBELIEVERS as just the other team, or members of the opposition? How about if we saw those delivering our karmic lessons to us as COURIERS whose help we had enlisted before ENTERING this Earth game? ONE reality, not TWO. One Reality, USING both SIDES for an end TRANSCENDING AND INCLUDING both? (Thank you for the phrase, Ken Wilber!) How about if we BYPASSED all these authorities and made our own BEING the authority, which is ALWAYS IN CONTROL because there is nothing outside of it to interfere with it? WHOAH! What do you MEAN, there is nothing outside of MY BEING? Well, Einstein said that Reality is an illusion; albeit a persistent one, and Bashar says that all INITIATION involves REALIZING that the CONTEXT you thought you lived IN, is really YOURSELF. Quantum physics confirms that this is a HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE, where every PART is a fractal of the WHOLE. Cutting edge experiments have shown that what we see OUT THERE is simply our own EXPECTATIONS and BELIEFS, projected into a form tangible to the senses of the body. In short, we live WITHIN OUR OWN MINDS, just as we do in a dream. Eastern philosophy has predated Einsteins observation by calling all we experience, a form of MAYA, or illusion (albeit a persistent one!) WELLLL then if this is MY dream, I am damn well going to call the shots! How about you? I am going to BELIEVE that NOTHING IS EVER WRONG, for Life/Nature (of which I am a holographic fractal) wastes nothing and does nothing unnecessary. Therefore, all that comes about in my experience

IS NECESSARY and I can STOP criticizing, blaming, secondguessing and judging, everyone and everything around me, including my body and the feelings which arise within me. You say you have heard this before. Well yes, but have you PRACTICED this? Have you actually DECIDED to take the LEAP, and BELIEVE it? In one fell swoop, you can cut to the very CRUX of ALL your tension, worry and anxiety? But what if I am WRONG, you say. What if there really IS something wrong, and I need to FIX it before it gets even MORE out of control? The answer is that something is wrong only if YOU BELIEVE it is wrong. Then it is, for your belief becomes a selffulfilling prophecy. The OPPOSITE is also true. If there is only ONE force in existence which is an INTEGRATION of all DUALITIES, and if you yourself are in INSEPARABLE PART of this force or energy, then you can TRUST YOURSELF for the first time, and stop looking OUT THERE for AUTHORITIES to protect you. Your BEING is its OWN PERFECT protection. As we move past yet another 911 commemoration, it is my hope for each of you that the REALIZATION and PRACTICE of what is said above will become YOUR reality, if you so CHOOSE it. If not NO WORRIES ANYWAY! HaHa!

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