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The Seed of Abraham UK

For the Gentile seeking his Hebraic heritage and the Jew searching for the Messiah of Israel . Manchester UK









14 And after Yohanan was delivered up, came to Galil, proclaiming the Good News 15 of the reign of Elohim, and saying, The time has been filled,and the reign of Elohim has

come near.Repent, and believe in the Good News. (Mark. 1:14-16)


came to deliver the good news of The Kingdom of YHVH

This good news or gospel is YHVH s offer of reconciliation to us. For many people this offer of reconciliation has been reduced to a formula of mental assent (a creed) or the praying of a prayer. For those of you reading this who have yet to believe the good news that YESHUA brought to man, I

urge you to consider these words carefully, and for any of you who have prayed a prayer and believe that was all thats required to be a Follower of YESHUA , I also urge you to read this article with prayer and consideration.

We live in times of commercialism and commodification anything and everything is product, we have been fashioned in to consumers of items, ideas and concepts. We seek buy it now pay later quick fix cures on easy affordable terms. There are a hundred and one denominations offering a hundred and one gospels, the gospel of grace, the gospel of salvation, the gospel of prosperity, the gospel of suffering, the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is much denominational confusion, with each faction lifting a perspective above the other in their understanding of YESHUA s message. I want to take you back to the Word of YAHVEH today,and pray that we would lay down our cultural and denominational goggles, and ask YESHUA to open our spiritual eyes to see the Good News afresh. To do this we look at the first things of YESHUA s ministry and make them our first things. In our opening scripture we see that after Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist)was imprisoned YESHUA began His public ministry. The time has been filled,and the reign of Elohim has come near By this YESHUA meant that the appointed time for sending the Messiah had arrived, by His earthly ministry commencing, the time when He returns for a 1000 yr reign as King of Kings, Lord of Lords was at hand-meaning drawing nearer. YESHUA then call us to do 2 things, these 2 things are the TRUE GOSPEL REPENT (TESHUVAH-Heb. METANOIA-Grk.) The term REPENT is one which you may not have heard of or you may have a flawed understanding of, in denominational Christianity the method of repentance -prayer has become the means of repentance . Its enough to say a prayer, ask forgiveness and say Im letting the Lord deal with it in His time whilst continuing to sin. This was never the TESHUVAH or RETURN that YESHUA spoke of.


1) 2)

To return to GOD, to turn back to and obey. To return with contrition 3) To return with an active change, behaviour. 4) To return to after, or to avert, punishment

METANOIA 1) change in ones way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual

conversion. 2) 3) a complete change of heart Change ones mind.

Repentance means to turn from your SIN and turn-return to Elohim/God- YAHVEH . Now, to many SIN is an old-fashioned word which denotes moral evil, but with todays relativist system of morals (do what you like as long as you dont harm anyone) it can difficult to pin down a clear definition of sin. Lets go to scripture:

Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. (1 Yochanan. 3:4)

Sin is living with-out the Law/Torah, to live a Torah-less life, to transgress or break the commandments YAHVEH has laid out in THE TORAH (Law of Moses-1st 5 books) and to transgress or break the commandments in TORAH (Teaching BER-HAZ/GEN-REV).Sin is not founded on our estimation of the good/bad intent of an action. It is YAHVEH s universal absolute standard based on THE TORAH and HIS TORAH!

If you life is not based on this standard then you are continuing in SIN , REPENT! DO TESHUVAH! This transgression of the teaching of YAHVEH brings us under the Law, meaning we face the righteous judgement of YAHVEH for breaking His TORAH . Scripture tells us:
23 For the wages of sin is death, (Romiyim.6:23)

My Senior Elder and Mentor Avram Yehoshua has this to say: Man was created in the image of YAHVEH to live in fellowship with GOD , but Adam, the first man, sinned by disobeying YAHVEH and fell out of fellowship.20 This effected his nature and the nature of all his descendants.21 With disobedience to YAHVEH came sin, sickness, death and slavery to Satan. Man could not change his own nature nor leave Satans Kingdom. Man needed a Savior-Redeemer, one who would make a way for him to be redeemed from Satans Kingdom and transformed into the nature of GOD for full fellowship, union and oneness with GOD . This reality of slavery to Satan is clearly pictured in the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob being slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt. There was no way for them to become a free people in their own nation except that YAHVEH would intervene.

So pivotal to our re-turn is the understanding that we were created for fellowship with GOD and through Adams sin- transgression of TORAH- we have inherited this sin nature, which has cause us to have fallen out of fellowship. We come before YAHVEH with a dread awareness of our situation, knowing that we have lived a life contradictory to the guidance of The Source of All Life-The Creator of Heaven and Earth who breathes life into us every minute of every day. With an awareness that we have walked a path of our own desire and choosing and lived a life of rebellion and sin. We admit our way is crooked, and we ask for forgiveness of these acts and His mercy to allow us to begin to live a life pleasing to Him . However, we must realise we stand before YAHVEH helpless and hopeless in our own strength or efforts, we require a Saviour/Redeemer, to make a way for our redemption and transformation. YESHUA has this to say:

said to him, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father

except through Me. (Yochanan.14:6) This leads us onto the next step: BELIEVE (AMAN Heb. PISTEUO Grk.) Here we see YESHUA re-iterating this TRUTH, we require a Saviour/Redeemer to make a way. And YESHUA is declaring He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.YAHVEH also promised Israel a Messiah, a Savior. YESHUA was sent by His Father to redeem Israel from slavery to sin and the Kingdom of Satan.17 YESHUA calls us to AMAN : 1) to have faith in, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in of the thing believed. 1a) to credit, have confidence 1b) in a moral or religious reference 2) by implication, to commit or entrust, i.e. to entrust your spiritual well-being to YESHUA 2a) to make a commitment (to trust) 2b) to put in trust with or place confidence in PISTEUO 1. to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in A. of the thing believed i. to credit, have confidence B. in a moral or religious reference i. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul ii. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith,mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith 2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity A. to be intrusted with a thing

We are called to place our trust in the sufficiency of the sacrifice YAHVEH provided in YESHUA , we look to YESHUA as THE WAY to ELOHIM, and we follow the example He set by living a LIFE based on the commandments of YAHVEH . Although I have provided a lot of detail above the gospel could easily be explained in a sentence: REPENT, STOP SINNING,TURN BACK TO YAHVEH, FOR THE KINGDOM IS COMING,BELIEVE YESHUAS SUFFICIENT SACRIFICE AND FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE. This is the only game in town, you have a choice today do you hear this and obey or do you ignore it and refuse. On the DAY OF YAHVEH EVERY human being who has ever lived will be judged according to their response to this message. I urge you to make the right decision See, I have set before you today life and good, and death and evil,16 in that I am commanding you today to love your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to guard His commands, and your Elohim shall His laws, and His right-rulings. And you shall live and increase, and bless you in the land which you go to possess. (Debarim/Deut 30:15) Every thought deed and action we commit and omit boils down to this do we relent or repent, do we choose life or death, evil or good, do we follow YESHUA or do we follow Satan. I urge you to choose life today, to love YAHVEH your Elohim, accept and follow YESHUA and learn and walk in TORAH. Back to Home If you have made the decision to heed the Good News to REPENT and BELIEVE, please email us on , we would love to pray for you and provide teaching materials to help you in your TESHUVAH!! BShem YESHUA

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Washed by the Word or Waterboarded

Posted on July 12, 2013

A few thoughts on a subject Im still learning (painful and tough as it seems!!)

qinah: ardor, zeal, jealousy Original Word: Part of Speech: Noun Feminine Transliteration: qinah Phonetic Spelling: (kin-aw) Short Definition: jealousy chen: favor, grace Original Word: Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Transliteration: chen Phonetic Spelling: (khane) Short Definition: favor Zeal is necessary, zeal is evidence of a passion for YHVH. I have no problem with zeal, its the grace that evades me at timesA word of correction in season, delivered with zeal in grace can be a cool drink of water. The thirsty can drink deep as you pour it in a fashion and manner enabling them to drink of the Living Water.

A word of correction delivered in zeal without grace is akin to waterboarding:

The captive feels the relentless torrent of our rapidfire delivery, we pump it out, but- without grace- the Living Water does little to quench the thirst. And the recipient gags, chokes and struggles, and the Water ends up spilt on the floor, to soak into the dust. In haste to share my understanding I have definitely had my fair share of dishing out the latter, as well as being blessed to have been used in doing the former. Its my heart for the waterboarding to be WHOLLY replaced by pouring the Living Water in my dealings with others!! So if this sounds familiar to any of you, join me in my prayer today: Precious YHVH, May your Ruach be the guide in all we say and do this day. Forgive us of the times when our qinah ardour, passion and zeal becomes the driver and not the engine of our interactions. We ask for your chen,favour,grace to steer us through our day. May we be lead by your Ruach and your Word: As we preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

I thank you that you take us,rough hewn rocks, and turn us into smooth stones. Help us to allow the Living Water to wash us smooth this day.. In Yeshuas NameOmein

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