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Sasha Patrick Bus 139 Assignment 3 Outline: I) This is the era of social media a) New Rule about social

ocial media b) Monitor social media access c) Nearly three-quarters of all Fortune 500 companies are now active on Twitter  hootsuite d) Ways of improving the company bottom line e) Better communication with customers and employees II) Great communication tool (Main Idea) a) Create events, post new updates on products, get feed back b) Allows the customers to interact on their time i. Helps the company understand customers wants and needs c) Burden can be dispersed among the team d) New way of success (You Attitude) i. Twitter is short and appeals to a demographic we need 1. Stress free: quick communication a. Replacing email blast with social media will free up time to work on additional projects 2. Reach your customers instantly a. Easy to spread the word by customers sharing information on the social media III) Gathering data to increase sales a) Instantly figure needs for the company i. Through the data I gather information to approach and successfully add a new client to the company ii. Brian Solis says learn more about what your customers and prospects are saying, looking for and sharing. iii. The new client, has brought a customer base that has allow our company to be different than our competitors b) New customer base will have a significant impact on profit c) Social media to communicate with young and trendy new base customers d) Data shows positive and negative reactions for solving any problems IV) Allow social media a) Communication and feedback with the customer b) Staff support company efforts with social media c) Set up social media team

Persuasive Business Email Assignment Success of this company is upmost importance to me. This is the era of social media, the new rule in the office on the usage of social media within the office is concerning to me. Regulation and monitoring of social media access will help the company go forward rather than a total shut down. As noted by Hoot Suite, Nearly three-quarters of all Fortune 500 companies are now active on Twitter There are surprising ways to improving the bottom line, which will unfold as we delve into strategized social media. Increasing communication between customers and employees will have positive outcomes. Social media is the main communication platform of this generation. In social media you can create events and advertise through the different medias to get a great response. Also, post updates on the events or products and get feedback from customers and employees. Customer can interact with the company on their time; we receive data on their wants and needs. Because social media is mobile the work burden can be dispersed among our employees. This will allow upper management to supervise and direct how our company will move forward in conjunction with the team. Increasing sales through data gathering is fast with social media. I was able to gain a new client for the company from the information of the data that I collected for my social contacts. This new client has brought a customer base, which will allow our company to be different from our competitors. The expert, Brian Solis says to, Learn more about what you customers and prospects are saying, looking for and sharing. Social media will help communicate with our new base customers, which is young and trendy and will have significant impact on profit. Because we will have positive and negative data, we can quickly solve problems and take advantage of the positive feedback. Please allow mediated social media because it is a necessary tool for our company. One of the many benefits will be greater communication with our customer as in an interactive platform of what our company is doing and how the customers react. Feedback from the customer is in a timely manner, which allows business decisions to be made in a accurately. Our staff will energetically support company efforts with social media. We can set up a team to make a comprehensive social media system.

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