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November 5 1979

Dear* Christian "Friends,.

During our eleven in Chile Judy and I h^ve be^h in- 'ih,e
light of the Church of Christ missibnaiy movement both there "and here in
the United vSt?)tes

Otir tssks have includedt Church establishment, .leadership. traiiTing.,... missionary recrui^tihg ^nd-local church mission'a^ progrym p^Sam^^ Starting ^bout two yenrs ^go I beg-n fainting on ? regul-^r b-"sis. This ye-^r as result of -dvice- given to;me "by fellow miss.ion-''i*ies ^^nd my doctor I c?> the USA to h-^ve further tests taken regarding this malfune. tion. The rese-rch in C-lifornir showed th-t the problem w-s being onusod
The doctors recommended for me to ch-^nee

by emotion-1 '>nd nervous stress.

my r'Ctivities for ? time

travelling,, ect, forced me to spend'-m-r\y hoiirs Wpy from the f-mily, ' It is my desire to be f.ble to spend more time with my f-mily md to strengthen my
my schedule,- ^

rj.jthe'-liiiaistry'in Chile w^s time^c'ohsumlrig, Pi^e-ching, .ie-ching,."-...

,; ' -

m^rri;rf.g^.1t|,s. wzth

both of which I feel I h-^ve"neglected Wause of

- ^ '

Judy and the children will join rtw-in SWh Jose about Nov- 20, This will allow me^ both change my activities as rGcomnended by the.doctors and to
bo^-Wit^; the: faiidly,-. -.o- "v..- v . . ... ,

^ Mthough my medic-l testing is finished, Judy =>nd 1 h.-^vo mpde the aef?:k^lon1x^.,4^^rdn?t.e^.^^ Chile' hd move to. Spn.Jose, C--lifornia..

V/G have presented our resignation to the Church of Christ {Heath. Ohio) elders .nnd it wall bo effectivo gs of December 31 1975
I would like to make two requests of the-churchesi
i 5

To create a re-establishment fund.

aries do nor do we want to until later next yoar to tell of our decision.
over the p^-st eleven .ye^-rs Cf^n be r>s strong now ps ever
This fund will be used to;
confidence cre-ted

We hpve never taken a missionaiy furlough of one year ^s most mission,


'''O -M ?//

(a) Pay shipping of personal items from Chilo to USA.. Cb; Be used for four months' s-^l-^iy until wo got jobs.
(.nor does the doctor advise it),

of a nightly speaking schedule to report to all of the churches

(c) Pay the deposit fees and advance rent necessary to secure

U^ortunately I can not physically withstand the rigors


(d) Buy basic appliances and furniture to sot up housekeeping., 1^000 (e) Buy a used car (We will leave our car in Chilo with ftoger Kinseyi.OOO
Total for re-establishment $ 1^.000

Ministry Contributionst

Ray Linn advised me some time /igo that if I planned to lonvo Chile

I needed to train someone to tnke my pl^ce, A person who I foel represents my concern for church growth, my love for Chilopns and generally speaking, my way of working has corg^leted one and s half ye?irs of missionary service

in Chilaij; Hi.s is Kpgor. Kinsey. .He is married to Kathy'and has two children,/; r. K;is.. sppjisorihg /chor'ch is' '^he-Ba.faoi- Ghristdan Church,. ..


50 Los Hanchitos itoad, "SWn tiVfaeiV" CA''94^^;-^:-.

-r r/

' ,, , ,

, OnQ- ho^it^^QjnjJa, pur rosig^ as missionflries is thkt the" chiircli' work in th6,.i^^ suppprfth.^t we inr'e-vnblo to give through

yoxir contributions.'

depriTfed^ofy tho^,funds, that it received from you through us.

irork"Would suffer'a Serious set-back-if it ^re

'to Roger and -Kathy Kinsey.r ,

fdr^the C:^il-nn-.wDrk,be..'tr^i^^

'.rit' i3, ray -request, tha"^ the '^ssionary-rrranSy thgt-you ?>ro now giving


be-sctavelj^.dnypived In.prpmotii^. thnt work;"'or our doctrin.ql beliefs.

7/Ouj^ intorestihaa, mt; waihed regarcllhg' the Chilean outreach^ - We;win


It iS'also my desire to state th^t there is ho 'change'in r0T^Va&

'V .

Although I will not bo going into a .prAohl^

ministry we will continue to b<p. a-ctiv? in evangelism.

v" ' ^.'Jn.'the pot to^ distant future -^e will prdbfibiy onbe ag^in be cpnsi^Biv
ingi A-field, o'f f\^-.time..Christian service/; ' '

Thank you for yo\ar interest, your prayers and your-finanHnlrsypport., INCA Empjre Chiiiitian Mission .
UtiM, Ohio

n V A3"' 110?5 Mt. Vernon Rd.; N.E.


Brother in Christ; -

Utko CS"'* f

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v., .^ IfeCh. of Chris
Non-profit Org.
* {.'. I

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Ozark Bible College Libraiy"

N. Main




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