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Rural Tourism




Rural Tourism


Turismul rural n Moldova se

dezvolt cu o vitez fulgertoare i n fiecare an apar noi
i noi gospodrii, gata pentru
a primi oaspei. Acest lucru
se datoreaz faptului c Moldova a reuit s-i pstreze
ntreaga comoar a culturii,
a tradiiilor i a obiceiurilor
Complexele turistice rurale
sunt, n principiu, gospodrii
organizate pe baza unor case
steti obinuite. Casa poate
fi veche, ns musafirilor li se
ofer toate comoditile: du,
grup sanitar, nclzire, mobil
confortabil. Toate eforturile gazdelor sunt ndreptate
spre a familiariza oaspeii cu
viaa poporului moldovean,
astfel nct acetia s triasc
la sat, dar, n acelai timp, s
nu simt nici un disconfort.
Musafirilor li se ofer, n principal, bucate din buctria
naional, pregtite din legume, fructe, carne, lactate, pe
care ranii nii le produc n
gospodriile lor.
De regul, gospodriile sunt
amplasate pe malurile apelor, deci exist i posibilitatea

Rural tourism in Moldova sees

its brisk unfolding, with new
households ready to receive
tourists established year by
year. All this is possible first of
all because Moldova has managed to preserve its originality and peculiar life-style able
to exteriorize its rich culture,
customs and rites of the nations residing in this country.
Rural tourism complexes
are mainly represented by
households run on the basis
of ordinary peasant houses.
Despite the seemingly obsoleteness of a house, visitors
are sure to enjoy all necessary
facilities: heating, comfortable furniture, sanitary appliances. Landlords are going to
pay all efforts for their guests
to get familiar with the lifestyle of Moldovan nationals,
to lead a country life without
the slightest inconvenience.
Therefore, houses are connected to Internet, telephone
communications and satellite TV everything modern
people are so accustomed to.
Guests are mainly served
dishes of national cuisine using mainly foodstuffs grown

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de a pescui, de a face plimbri cu barca, de a nota

i a face bi de soare. Pe
lng distraciile acvatice
se propun i plimbri pe
cai sau cu cruele, cu bicicleta i pe jos, excursii la
obiecte de atracie turistic, programe culturale. n
complexele turistice se organizeaz picnicuri la natur, care este excepional
de frumoas n Moldova,
evenimente n mas (srbtori, conferine, prnzuri). O astfel de gospodrie poate fi vizitat i fr a
rmne pe noapte.
Oricine vine n Moldova
observ ospitalitatea neobinuit, receptivitatea
i buntatea populaiei
btinae. Vi se va vorbi
n limba dumneavoastr,
vi se vor nchina vinuri de
excepie, vei fi servii cu
mmlig cu tocan, cu
srmlue, vi se va povesti
despre viaa la sat i istoria locurilor, vi se va cnta
i vi se va dansa... o astfel
de primire nu se uit, i
este puin probabil c vei
mai gsi ceva asemntor
n alte ri!

and bred by peasants within

their households: vegetable,
fruit, dairy, meat.
As a rule, households are located onto shores of water
pools and therefore one may
go fishing, rowing a boat,
swimming or sunbathing as a
most pleasant pastime. Apart
of water recreation facilities,
guests are offered to ride
horses or to be driven in wagons (caruta), go sightseeing
local places of interest, hike or
ride a bicycle, admire a folklore performance. Tourism
complexes offer their guests
barbeque parties in the open
air and the possibility to admire the divine Moldovan
nature, also organise group
events (celebrations, conferences, dinners). The tourists
can also choose to pay a day
visit to such households without a night stop.
Every visitor who encounters
Moldova shell undoubtedly
mark the generosity and hospitality of our nationals, their
sincerity and kindness. Therefore you will be talked to in
common language, you will
consume divine wine, you will
be treated with mamaliga (national dish of maize) with fried
pork and cabbage rolls, you
will hear stories about the history of one or another place,
you will be entertained with
national songs and music...
Similar receptions are unforgettable! It is unlikely to encounter similar attitude in any
other country of the globe!

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Pensiunea agroturistica, Satul Butuceni
Pensiunea este situat ntr-un loc pitoresc, care te ncnt cu peisajele ce se
deschid naintea ochilor. Este o localitate
cu dealuri stncoase i lunci de un verde crud, iar rul Rut pare a sta la straja
linitii i pcii de aici. Doar la Agropensiunea Butuceni avei inedita ocazie s v
ntoarcei n timpurile strmoilor, prin
obiectele pstrate n expoziia pensiunii, i s admirai gospodriile rneti


Agrotouristic Pension, ButuceniI Village

The house is situated in a picturesque
place which shall rejoice your eyes with
a beautiful landscape. Its a hilled rocky
locality of virgin green and the Reut River
that will guard your peace with quietness.
Only at the boarding-house Butuceni
you have the marvelous occasion to look
back at the life of our ancestors through
the things exhibited in our exposition
and especially you can see the restored
peasant housekeeping.



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Casa din Lunca

Pensiune, Satul Trebujeni

Gospodria familiei Benzin este situat n satul

Trebujeni, raionul Orhei, la o distan de 55 km
de Chiinu, n apropierea Muzeului n aer liber
Orheiul Vechi.
Servicii: trei mese pe zi, 3 camere duble, sal de
conferin, grtar, terase, bazin, TV, grdin etc.
Odihn/divertisment: excursii la Complexul
muzeistic Orheiul Vechi, pescuit, plimbri pe
cai, plimbri cu barca. Familiarizarea cu satul
moldovenesc, cu lucrul pe ogoare, la prisac,
cu activitile gospodreti obinuite: mulgerea
oilor i vacilor, hrnirea psrilor, participarea la
pregtirea bucatelor tradiionale moldoveneti.


Pension, Trebujeni Village

Benzin family farm is situated in the village of

Trebujeni of Orhei district, 55 km distance from
Chisinau near the Orhei-Vechi an open-air
museum. Services: three meals a day, doublerooms, conference hall, 2 terraces, swimmingpool, TV, garden, grill.
Entertainments: tours to the open-air museum,
fishing, horse-riding, boating. Familiarization
with the Moldavian village, the work on the agricultural land and the apiary, other farm works:
milking of sheep, cows, feeding of poultry, participation in the cooking of Moldavian dishes.

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Pensiunea Turistica, Satul Lalova

Pensiunea familiei Hanganu este amplasat
n preajma complexelor rupestre ipova i
Saharna, pe malul rului Nistru, la 100 km
de oraul Chiinu, n satul Lalova, raionul
Rezina. Recreare/ timp liber: plimbare cu
barca, vntoare n pdurea din apropiere,
pescuit sportiv, saun cu lemne, degustare
produse apicole, program folcloric (grup
local), vizitare ateliere meteugreti, parapantism cu/fr instruire, excursie la mnstirea ipova, cu crua/sania sau barca,
excursie la mnstirea Saharna cu barca etc.


Agrotouristic Pension, Lalova Village

Hanganu family farm is situated on the bank
of the Nistru River near to the cliff monasteries of Tipova and Saharna, in village of
Lalova of Rezina region, 100 km northward
from Chisinau.
Entertainments: visits to popular craftsmen,
paragliding courses, trips to Tipova and Saharna, folklore performances, horse-riding,
visiting a bee-yard, hunting, fishing etc.


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Complex Turistic, Oraul Vadul Lui Vod

Complexul hotelier de vacanta ODISEU este
dotat cu tot necesarul pentru gazduirea, organizarea seminarelor, treningurilor, meselor
rotunde si odihnei diverselor grupuri, atit din
tara noastra, cit si de peste hotare.
In cele 72 de camere duble si in 8 apartamente (de lux) incluse in 12 vile situate intr-o
zona impadurita in apropierea riului Nistru
veti gasi tot comfortul necesar, caldura si calitatea unei odihne placute.


Touristic Complex, Vadul Lui Voda City

We offer our guests excursions to wine cellars with wine tasting, monasteries, river trips
along Nistru. The wineries, as those located in
Cricova, Romanesti, Cojusna and Milestii Mici,
are well known all over the world as producers of quality wines. In the rocky hills above
the Nistru and Prut rivers are many cave monasteries. Tipova is considered the largest monastic cave complex, not only in Moldova, but
in the whole southeastern Europe.
If you want to mix pleasure with business we
can set up meetings with the representatives
of the Moldavian business circles or other different business meetings.


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La Plopi
Pensiune Turistic, Satul Mgdceti
Pensiunea La Plopi dispune de:
- Sala mare de ceremonii (de la 120 - 350
- Sala mic de ceremonii (pn la 70 persoane)
- Restaurant
- Bar
- Teras
- Hotel
- Parcare

La Plopi
Tourist Pension, Magdacesti Village
La Plopi has:
- a large hall for ceremonies (for 120-350
- a small ceremony room (up to 70 people)
- restaurant
- bar
- terrace
- hotel
- parking place

La Plopi
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Pensiune Turistic, Satul Tohatin

Pensiunea turistic este amplasat la 3 km
de capital, n satul Tohatin, pe traseul Chiinu-Vadul lui Vod, ntr-un mediu pitoresc,
cu spaii bine dotate.
Faciliti i dotri: pensiune complet, 11
dormitoare confortabile, un minihotel n stil
european cu 7 camere, 4 csue de lemn n
stil naional, lac cu pete, piscin outdoor,
piscin indoor, saun, cram, sal de banchete (de vara) cu o capacitate de 150-200
de persoane, teras cu o capacitate de 40 de
persoane, sal de conferine cu o capacitate
de 100-150 de persoane.


Tourist Boarding House, Tohatin Village

The tourist boarding house La Hanul lui
Vasile is situated in the immediate proximity
of the city of Chisinau, in the settlement of
Tohatin, just 3 km away from the capital on
the route Chisinau-Vadul lui Voda.
Services: three meals a day, apartments, a
mini-hotel in European style (7 apartments),
4 wooden houses in national style, a pond for
fishing, 2 swimming-pools (outdoor and inside), sauna, a crama (wine cell), banquet summer hall for 150-200 persons, terrace for 40
persons, conference hall for 100-150 persons.


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Pensiune Turistic, Oraul tefan Voda

Hotelul Marion este situat chiar la intrarea n oraul tefan Vod, in vecinatate cu parcul i restaurantul Casa Sarbatorii. Nu departe, la 3 km de Hotel se
afla o frumoasa pdure cu diverse cpecii de pasari si animale, care prezint un
interes pentru amatorii de vntoare.
Aproape de hotel se afl si Asociatia de
Vntoare i Pescuit.

Tourist Boarding House, Stefan Voda City
The Marion hotel is situated at the
Stefan Voda city entrance near a green
park and nice restaurant Casa Sarbatorii. Not very far, at the distance of 3
km from the Hotel Marion lays a beautiful forest with birds and wildlife that
presents an interest for hunting enthusiasts. Close to the Hotel there is the cty
Hunting and Fishing Association.


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Pensiune Agroturistic, Satul Costeti
Pensiunea turistic se afl la o distan de 18
km de Chiinu. Este situat pe un povrni
de deal cu un peisaj frumos, pitoresc.
La pensiunea noastr turitii au posibilitatea
s practice pescuitul, iar petele prins poate
fi pregtit la grtar, prjit sau folosit pentru
prepararea supei de pete.

Agrotouristic Boarding House, Costeti Village
The boarding house is at a distance of 18 km
from Chisinau. It is situated on a steep hill
surrounded by a beautiful, scenic landscape.
At our pension, the tourists can go fishing
and the fish thus caught can be grilled, roasted or used to cook fish soup.

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Primele obiecte artistice din ceramic dateaz din neolitic. Aceste articole au forme
mari i ornamente deosebite, elementele
principale fiind spiralele i buclele, exprimate n diferite tipuri de lucrri de ceramic ale
meterilor din Moldova. Pe lng vasele de
lut trebuie menionate micile obiecte artistice figurinele bogat colorate care servesc ca
elemente de decor.

First ceramic objects of art date back from the
Neolithic. These articles have large shapes
and special ornaments, spirals and loops are
main elements, expressed in different types
of ceramic works by the masters of Moldova.
Besides those small vessels of clay, small art
objects worth to be mentioned - colourful
figurines that serve as decorations.


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Prelucrarea artistic a lemnului

Prelucrarea artistic a lemnului este una dintre cele mai vechi ocupaii ale moldovenilor.
Artitii contemporani sunt atrai de bogia
procedeelor de sculptare i claritatea constructiv, motenite de la predecesori. Condiiile istorice, legtura strns a poporului
cu natura, pdurea, codrii, care sunt fraii
oamenilor, explic nflorirea acestei ramuri a
artei populare.

Decorative woodworking is one of the oldest
occupations of Moldovans. Contemporary
artists are attracted by the richness of carving processes, clarity of design, inherited
from predecessors. Historical conditions, the
populations close connection to nature, forest, codrii (oak forests), which are brothers
to individuals, can explain the flourishing of
this branch of folk art.


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Spturile arheologice de pe teritoriul Moldovei au artat c esutul este o ocupaie
foarte veche. Ornamentele de pe suprafeele
esturilor sunt determinate de funcia i poziia lor n ncpere sau n via. n ansamblul
articolelor esute predomin elementele geometrice; plantele antropomorfe i animorfe
sunt ntr-un numr mai mic. Ornamentul ntlnit pe toate tipurile de esturi de ln i
bumbac este pomul vieii. Gama cromatic a
articolelor esute const din cteva culori de
baz i multe nuane.

The archaeological excavations on the territory of Moldova have shown that the tissue is
a very old occupation. Forms and fabric trim
surfaces are determined by their usage and
positioning in the room or in life. In all articles
prevail woven geometric elements, anthropomorphic and animorphic plants are in a lower
number. The ornament found on all kinds of
wool and cotton fabrics is the tree of life. The
chromatic range of woven articles consists of
several basic colours and a lot of shades.

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Prelucrarea artistic a PIETREI

De-a lungul istoriei, n centrele de prelucrare
artistic a pietrei, meterii confecionau diverse obiecte, tind i mpodobind materialul
potrivit tehnicilor i regulilor transmise din
generaie n generaiei. Astzi pot fi ntlnii
meteri care execut cu miestrie elemente
arhitecturale, pietre funerare, monumente, balustrade, bnci, cruci i troie. Inspir admiraie
casele din Orhei, construite n prima jumtate
a secolului al XX-lea, ale cror terase sunt nfrumuseate cu stlpi de piatr, frumos ncrustai.

Art of stone
Throughout history, in centers for decorative
stone, craftsmen made a variety of objects,
cutting into and ornamenting materials according to techniques and rules passed down
from generation to generation. Today, craftsmen can be found performing with mastery
architectural elements, tombstones, monuments, railings, benches, crosses and trinities.
In Orhei city one can admire houses built in
the first half of the twentieth century, whose
terraces are embellished with beautifully
carved stone pillars.

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Republica Moldova

The Republic of Moldova

Este o ar mic, cu populaie dens. E situat

n Sud-Estul Europei.
Suprafaa - 33,8 mii km2. La nord, la est i la
sud se nvecineaz cu Ucraina, iar la vest - cu
Romnia. Teritoriul R. Moldova are o ntindere
de la nord la sud de 350 de km, iar de la vest
la est - 150 km.
Populaia - circa 3,5 milioane de oameni.
Capitala - Chiinu, (peste 800 mii de locuitori.)
Valuta naional - leul (1 dolar SUA - aproximativ 11 lei), 1 leu este echivalent cu 100 de
bani (monede).
Limba de stat - moldoveneasca (romn). Limba de comunicare dintre reprezentanii etniilor - rusa, n unele regiuni - gguza, ucraineana, bulgara.
Zona-Internet - .md; Codul telefonic - 373;
Religia - 98,5% din populaie sunt cretiniortodoci.
Republica Moldova i-a proclamat independena la 27 august 1991.

Is a small, densely populated country in

South- Eastern Europe.
The area - 33.8 thousand km2 Moldova
neighbors Ukraine to the north, east and
south, and Romania to the west. Moldovas
territory is 350 km long from the north to the
south and 150 km from the west to the east.
Population - about 3.5 mln. people Capital Chisinau, (over 800 thousand residents.)
National currency - Leu (1 USD = about 11
MDL), 1 leu equals to 100 bani (coins).
The state language - Moldovan (Romanian),
the inter-ethnic language of communication
- Russian, in some regions Gagauzian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian .
Internet zone - .md Telephone code - 373
Religion - Orthodoxy - 98.5% of population.
The Republic of Moldova proclaimed its independence on August 27, 1991.

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27 1991 .

Turism Rural = Rural Tourism = / Agenia Turismului.

Ch. : S. n., 2011 (Tipografia-Sirius SRL). 32 p.
Tit., text paral.: lb. rom., engl., rus. 2000 ex.
ISBN 978-9975-57-003-9.
T 95
Agenia Turismului a Republicii Moldova, 2011
Fotografii i concepia grafic Grigorii & Alexandr Kornienko
Traducerea Diana Croitoru, Valentina Popa

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