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A Sustainable World In Our Lifetime

Ryan Allis


Half Harvard MBA Half Tech Entrepreneur

Can We Create a Sustainable World in Our Lifetime?

The Story of Humans

13.8 Billion Years Ago

4.6 Billion Years Ago

200,000 Years Ago

10,000 Years Ago

5,000 Years Ago

500 Years Ago

Then something amazing happened

Human Population

It took us 200,000 years reach 1 billion people.

And then just 200 years to go from 1 billion to 7 billion.

The Industrial Age

The Information Age

So how are humans doing?

Health, Education, Economics & Environment

Lets Look at:


Global Life Expectancy

63 70
11% Higher



Global Infant Mortality

1980 2012

7.6% 3.7%
51% Decline


Global Literacy Rate

1980 2012



20% Higher

Global Internet Access

1980 2012

0% 34%
Innitely Higher


Global Per Person Income

1980 2012

$5911 $10070
70% Higher

Global % in Extreme Poverty

1980 2012

42.6% 16.9%
60% Lower


CO2 PPM in Atmosphere

1980 2012



19% Higher

Temperature Change (C)

1980 2012

+0.23 +0.57
0.34C Higher

So What If We Gave Our Parents a Report Card?

Our Parents Report Card

(1980-2012) !

Can We Be Sustainable & Prosperous?

A Denition of Sustainable

Sustain-able (adj).

Abundant Clean Energy

Prosperity for Everyone

A Sustainable World

In Our Lifetime

This is Our Generations Moonshot

5 Things You Can Do

1. Invest in companies solving big problems

2. Build your own company and solve a big problem

Fields Needing Great Entrepreneurs


3. Change Policy in Your Country

Policies You Can Help Change

1. 2. 3. 4. Stop Subsidizing Fossil Fuel Use Invest $$$ in Renewables Research Charge CO2 Polluters for the Cost of Cleanup Divest from Fossil Fuel Stocks

4. Go see the world for yourself

5. Teach Empathy for All

For Further Reading


Launching April 2014

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