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"Emperor Lucifer, master of all the revolted Spirits, I entreat thee to favor me in the adjuration which I address to thy mighty minister LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE, being desirous to make a pact with him. I beg thee also, O Prince Beelzebuth, to protect me in my undertaking. O Count Astarot! be propitious to me, and grant that tonight the great Lucifuge may appear to me under a human form, free from, evil smell, that he may accord me, in virtue of the pact that I propose to enter into, for all the riches that I may need." -The Grand Grimoire

In addition to the All-Seeing Eye, Satanic Illuminati Magick is symbolized by the Five-Pointed Star of the Freemasons who continued the Baphometic Rites of the Heretical Knights Templars. Historical records strongly suggest that the Templars used the Five-Pointed Star to symbolize the Greater Kabbalistic Mysteries because of their intimate association with Oriental Wisdom. This rather misleading term is still a very important part of the western mystery tradition. It is the reason the Illuminati called their Memphis Rite-inspired Templar movement Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)that is, Order of the Oriental Templars. One should never take the secret agenda of the O.T.O. for granted. The record books of history strongly suggest that O.T.O. is part of a real Illuminati conspiracy to place Gnostic Catholic priest on the throne of the Vatican. This is something that almost happened in the early 1900s. In the early 1900s, Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro almost became the Pope. This mysterious Italian cardinal not only was a Memphis Rite Freemason of the highest degree, but he was also a very distinguished member of Papus' Gnostic Catholic Church and O.T.O. According to Leo Zagami, a charismatic Memphis Rite Freemason of the highest degree, the Italian branch of the O.T.O. currently plays a major role in the Global Criminal Network controlled by the Black Nobility and the Illuminati. Leo Zagami is also very correct when he says that in it highest degree the European O.T.O. has its initiates make pacts with the Devil (Baphomet). Anyone who thinks the real O.T.O. is a white light organization like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is very deluded. Like the Bavarian Illuminati movement from which it evolved, European O.T.O. has always been very anti-Christian or Satanic. Many people do not realize that the European O.T.O., which has absolutely nothing to do with the Caliphate O.T.O., is a prominet part of the Global Criminal Network founded by the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. The records indicate that it was the Hispano-Moorish Black Nobility that created the Italian Mafia, and the European O.T.O. adheres in every way to the principles of the Mafia, which behind closed doors has intimates ties to the Jesuits, the P2 Lodge, and the Satanic Knights of Malta. There is no form of international crime in which the European O.T.O. does not play a major role. In fact, the European O.T.O. has Illuminati cells all over the Caribbean, South America, and Mexico. These Illuminati cells function as very powerful drug cartels that specialize in ritual murder in honor of the Prince of Darkness. In some places in Latin America, drug cartels with direct and indirect ties to the Satanic Illuminati are part of the Afro-Cuban religion called Palo Mayombe. A very sinister branch of the European O.T.O. in Mexico is a powerful drug cartel that has secret dealings with the Illuminati Vatican, the Satanic Knights of Malta, the Bilderberg Group, and the hidden or occult side of the Obama Adminstration. Even the mainstream media reports that the Mexican Knights Templar have blood pacts, and this fact reflects their connection

to the Devil, the Holy Grail, and the Illuminati. In The Knights Templar: Mexico's Newest Drug Cartel, Monica Villamizar declares: "The cartel is like a secret society. The Mexican Templars have an initiation ritual, which apparently includes dressing up like knights from the Middle Ages, and performing blood pacts." As is to be expected, the European O.T.O., and all of its Illuminati cells in the Americas that function as powerful drug cartels, are covered in great secrecy. To take Masonic initiation into the European O.T.O. and then turn around and reveal its satanic ceremonies to the public is to be ritualistically murdered according to the magical teachings of an old Masonic tradition supposedly dating back to the Knights Templar and the Inquisition era. The secret blood rites of the European O.T.O. bring to life the diabolical essence of the Oriental Wisdom perfected in 1700s by the shadowy Adam Weisphaut. But what really is the Oriental Wisdom symbolized by the FivePointed Star ceremonial magicians of the highest order believe has the power to turn men and women who come from Medieval Templar Bloodlines into bona fide Illuminati? For the record, Oriental Wisdom is what the Masonic Illuminati intiates who possess O.T.O. degrees call Moorish Science. Contrary to popular belief and urban legend, the most advanced form of Moorish Science has absolutely nothing to do with the quasi-Islamic teachings of Noble Drew Ali. In the eyes of Masonic Illuminati initiates, Noble Drew Ali made the mistake of confusing the light seen by all neophytes with the light of the magus who is a high priest and prophet of the New World Order or NWO. No initiate who is part of the real Illuminati conspiracy recognizes Noble Drew Ali as a prophet of Moorish Science. Within the secret societies of the Illuminati, the modern prophet of Moorish Science is Paschal Beverly Randolph. Many of the Illuminati practices of the European O.T.O. derive from Randolph, but are used in a very diabolical way. The most esoteric form of Moorish Science is based on the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy. This is because the Satanic Illuminati System founded by Adam Weisphaut taught the Practical Kabbalah or necromnacy in the higher Masonic degrees. Adam Weishphaut taught his initiates how to achieve the highest illumination or Gnosis by making blood pacts with the Devil and 72 Goetia demons. The way I am describing the Illuminati Order is not that much different than the how the it was viewed by the Masons and Rosicrucians founded the New World Order. Even President George Washington said the Illuminati Order is based on something very diabolical, meaning its initiates venerated Lucifer and Satan within the Mafia System or Global Criminal Network founded by the Hispano-Moorish Black Nobility. In 1778, President George Washington said the following in an attempt to cover up the true intentions of Mason and Moors working in the interest of the New World Order or NWO: "It is not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, one is no more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or the pernicous principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation)." The diabolical orientation of the Weisphaut's Illuminati system can be attributed to the higher degrees Freemasonry. In Behold A Pale Horse, William Cooper informs: "In 1826 an America Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled Illustrations of Freemasonry. One of the secrets he revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer." The mystery of the Five-Pointed Star is what connects the Illuminati and the European O.T.O. to the Moors who specialize in blood pacts with the Satan and the 72 Goetia demon. Moorish demonologists in medieval Europe and the early Americas validate many conspiracy theories about the leaders of the New World Order or NWO being agents of the Prince of Darkness. The Moorish contribution of the New World Order or NWO and the real Illuminati conspiracy has been noted a writer. In The Masons and the Moors, Mehmet Sabbehaddin reminds: "The Kingdom of Morocco under the leadership of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, known as King Mohammed III,

was the first country to recognized the United States of America as an independent nation in 1777. This historic act by the North African Muslim kingdom highlights the relationship then existing between America's Masonic leaders and the Moors." It is not a concidence that around the same time Moors recognized the supremacy of the New World Order or NWO, the Bavarian Illuminati movement was gaining great popularity in the Masonic lodges of Europe and the Americas. According to Robert Anton Wilson's The Illuminatus! Triology, Adam Weisphaut and George Washington are the same person. Wilson's interpretation of the early development of the Illuminati is the main reason numerous conspiracy theorists maintain that the diabolical headquaters of the Illuminati is the New World Order, which in 2012 A.D. was placed in the hands of President Barack Obama, a real Moor and member of the Black Nobility that created the Global Criminal Network. President Barack Obama brings things full circle because there is evidence in the Library of Congress strongly suggesting that Illuminated Moors from Morocco, West Africa and Europe were the visionary leaders of the Continental Congress. These Illuminated Moors assisted in the writing of the US Constitution, and they are responsible for the Masonic layout of Washington, DC. The Moors who engineered the New World Order or NWO have to be the reason occult writers say that the Bavarian Illuminati movement acknowledges Mohammed as one of its founders. This Mohammed does not seem to be the prophet who wrote the Holy Koran. In addition to the Luciferian and Satanic implications that surround the name, the Mohammed that the Black Nobility, the Illuminati and the European O.T.O. claim as a member of their secret societies may be the King of Morocco, who in 1777 sanctioned the supremacy of the New World or NWO, the diabolical corporation commonly referred to as the United States of America. The flag of the King of Morocco is the same Five-Pointed Star used in ceremonial magic and the Gnawa rites brougth into Morocco by West Africans claiming descent from Satan and the Jinn. The role King of Morocco played in the early development of the New World Order or NWO is why the FivePointed Star is used by the Masonic Illuminati to symbolize the nationality and special constitutional rights of people who come from the Ethiopian bloodlines of the medieval Christian Devil envisioned as the Dragon and Conquering Moor. The notion that North African Muslims are the only Moors who played a part in the birth of the New World Order or NWO is very incorrect. Moors from Islamic West Africa also played a part the Illuminati Agenda that resulted in the creation of the New World Order or NWO. This can be said because the Moorish Empire that had its headquarters in Morocco included large portion of Islamic West Africa. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey writes: "These Moors clearly knew diplomatic law, as well as the political conditions in which they lived. They evidently understood that the newly established U.S. government held treaties and diplomatic relations with the Moorish Empire. The boundaries of the Empire had extended far beyond those of the present-day North African state of Morocco. Moorish Imperial political authority once went as far south as the Niger River, encompassing Gao and Jenne, and almost reaching to the Volta River... Morocco's political and territorial authority had even included Timbuctoo, following the famed cities conquest by al-Mansour in 1591." Timbuktu is an important part of the hidden history of the Illuminati and the New World Order or NWO. Records in the library of Timbuktu speak of Moor from Islamic West Africa colonizing America in 1310. These Moors founded a magical civilization and system of government called al-Maurika, which was modelled after al-Andalus under the rule of the West African Almoravid and Almohade dynasties. This Arabic term means "land of the Moors," and it is the origin of the term America. The Freemasons and Illuminati established diplomatic relations with Moors because West Africans established a Moorish Empire in pre-Columbian America. This Moorish Empire may be the reason the first design of the Great Seal of the America displayed the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati hovering over the step-praymid of the West African and Mesoamerican mysteries. A 19th century writer who was a member of the Masonic Lodge reveals that the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati is part of the West African mystery schools that in Europe evolved into the Knights

Templar and the Freemasons. In Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man, Albert Churchward states: "All the people of Bavili, Bini, and Yoruba possess the same. One of their sacred symbols is the triangle, resting on a Crown, with the All Seeing Eye in the center, and feathers on the outside of the triangle, representing the Rays of Light or Delta. In the center of the triangle is a piece of looking-glass, or something bright to represent Light"The Light of the World." Churchward also shows in his book that the signs and symbols of the Ancient African Freemasonry can be found amongst the Native American tribes that throughout the medieval era had extensive contact with Moors from West Africa and Europe. Apparently, the most esoteric side of the New World Order or NWO is of pre-Columbian Moorish-American origin. For those who are able to read between the lines, even the Gnostic Templar Tradition speaks of this reality. According to some occult writers, the medieval Templars popularized in Europe the mysteries of Atlantis, a Moorish civilization that existed in West Africa and the Americas. There is very convincing evidence showing that Illuminated Moors were well established in America before the arrival of Columbus. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey writes: "The research of the New Zealander Barry Fell illustrates several examples of cultural similarities between the African and American continents. He refers to an unsual similarity between the homes of the southwest people and those of the Berbers of Morocco's Atlas Mountains. Fell also suggets a connection between the Habbe people of Mali, who he describes as 'black people,' and some southwest American Indians. The West African Habbe live within the boundaries of the Old Moorish Empire." Almost every category of academia proves that al-Maurika, the first New World Order or NWO, is just as much a reality as the West African occupation of al-Andalus. In Early America Revisited, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima declares: "I have presented evidence in a dozen categories to establish that there were Africans in America before Columbus. If European or Asiatic visitors were involved, one of two categories of evidence would have been considered enough. I have, over the last twenty-one years, presented a dozen European witnesses, including Columbus himself, in addition to metallurgial evidence, linguistic evidence, botanical evidence, cartographic evidence, sketetal evidence, epigraphic evidence, skeletal evidence, epigraphic evidence (i.e. a script used in a region from which the humans attached to the skeletons came) oceanographic evidence (marine conveyor belts), nativigational evidence (ancient boats tested in our time on those currents of belts), iconographic evidence (about half a hundred surviving sculptures and paintings with identifiable racial markers), African oral evidence supported by identical Arab documentary evidence. The evidence does not relate to disconnected events or widely disconnected phases of time. It would be difficult to find any historical event that goes back to 1319 that presents us with evidence in all of these diverse categories." Uncovering the hidden history of the western world is a very important discipline within Moorish Science. However, there is another discipline within Moorish Science that is of even greater importance. This discipline is purely diabolical, and it is only for people who belong to the Global Criminal Network of the Illuminati and the Caribbean and Hispanic branches of the European O.T.O. that often manifest drug cartels with secret ties to the Satanic Knights of Malta, the P2 Lodge, and the CIA. To comprehend Moorish Science of the Illuminati and O.T.O., one must first realize that the Five-Pointed Star is used as a symbol of nationality because this is the sigil that King Solomon used to summon Satan and 72 Goetia demons in order to build the Masonic Temple. An occult writer reminds us that the Solomonic Tradition, which is the basis of the most advanced form of Moorish Science, is Luciferian and Satanic. In Dragon Legacy, De Vere states: "The Rose represents therefore the magical mentrual flow of Solomon's beloved, whilst the name Sharon or Sarah means princess. The Rose of Sharon is therefore the Royal Blood, the Sang Real; and the San Graal, the Holy Grail or rosi-crucis... Like doves, roses are sacred to Venus who as Ishtar and Lucifer, the bright and morning star, is the bringer of light and enlightenment. Venus' emerald Jewel, the hermetic table of destiny... is called the Jewel in Satan's crown."

To achieve illumination from making a blood pact with Satan and 72 Goetia demons is to manifest the brilliance of the Ras, and comprhend the most advance Moorish Science teaching. The Ras is a divine king and magus from the bloodline of King Solomon. From one of the experts we learns that Ras is the origin of Necromantic Rose Crose Rite of the medieval Templars who paved the way for the diabolical rise of the Freemasons and Illuminati. In Anacalypsis, Godfrey Higgins informs: "The head, or seat of wisdom, was ras; the head ruler was the same: so that the seat of the ras was the sofa or divan, sop-aia, place of wisdom...The word is the divan in eastern countries, used soely by the Ras or prince or divine incarnation of wisdom...The way in which we have found the words Ras and Sophia used as a title of honor for the kings of Persia and Abyssinia is very curious, and I think it will not be though surprising if the same system be found carried a little farther. Adonis, as I have shown, has the meaning of Wisdom...From this comes the title of the Dons of Spain and Portugal, of the Welsh Adon for 'Lord" and the title of O'Conner Don of Ireland. The Rossi, or Rosy-crucians, with their embematic red cross and red rose, probably came from the fable of Adonis (who was the Sun, whom we have seen so often crucified) being changed into a red rose by Venus. Rus in Irish signifies a tree, knowledge, science: this is the Hebrew Ras." Ras signifies alchemical redness of the Rosy Cross that materializes the Jewish and Islamic demons. These demons are the primieval ancestors of the Moors. The Ethiopian bloodline of the Ras or Rosicrucian is the reason the Five-Pointed Star is used by Moors to denote a Luciferian and Satanic nationality tracecable to the astro-shamanic system of ceremonial magic invented by King Solomon. Significantly, the medieval Celtic tribes that claimed to descend from Moors and King Solomon were identified as the Red People, and the swarthy members of these Celtic tribes were customarily referred to as "devils." In Ancient and Modern Britons, David Mac Ritchie reveals: "Whether regarded as 'gipsies' or as members of various Pictish races those Islemen whom we have just been looking at must have been Faws or Painted Men. So great was the race-mixture in that archipelago that there must have been every variety of painted and tattoed men among them: ruddled, like the Galloway chief, woad-stained, like the archaic Green-Man, tattoed, like the famous Donald Breace, and other 'iron-graved' Moors; or painted of various colors, like the Faws Proper. Probably an investigation of ancient chronicles (with this object in view) would result in discovering numberless instances of this. The fact that one division of the Dubh Galls became known as the seed of Ruaidhri, Rothri, Roderick, Ruari, or Rory, whose name signified, alternatively, 'The Chief of the Tawny or Red People, and 'The Tawny or Red Chief, renders it likely that this tribe of swarthy 'devils' (as the Gaelic poem politely calls them, used to smear themselves over with iron ore, as in the historical cases already cited." Moorish Science is always something very diabolical, and this is why it is symbolized by the FivePointed Star, the favorite kabbalistic sigil of Masonic Illuminati initiates who reign supreme within the Global Criminal Network maintained by European O.T.O. temples, existing as aspects of the Satanic Knights of Malta and the infamous P2 Lodge. And the most esoteric form of Moorish Science originates within the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. The Moorish Science of the Black Nobility is about acquiring wealth by any means necessary and practicing a very sophisticated type of Solomonic Black Magick that alchemically turns the adepts of the Rosy Cross into cannibals, zombies, vampire, and werewolves. Moorish Science is symbolized by the Five-Pointed Star because real Moors are ceremonial magicians who make blood pacts with the Devil so they can function within the Global Criminal Network as Illuminati. The Global Criminal Network founded is why the Five-Pointed Star symbolizes nationality and the divine right to rule of those who descend from the Merovingians. The number five is a very important part of the Merovingian Gnosis that directly relates to the real Illuminati conspiracy. In the magical worldview of the Merovingians, five is the number of the Quinotaure, a mythological creature with all the attributes of Set-Typhon, the prototype of the Judeo-Christian Devil. In Outer

Gateways, Kenneth Grant explains: "Merovee, the first king of the Merovingian dynasty, was sired by an unidentified marine creature, known to the mythographers as a Quinotaure. The number five is the number of the Old Ones, thus Merovee's blood was inflused with the current of a nonhuman life-force... According to Maspero, Typhon was designated Lord of the Sea. It is a strong point in favor of the extraterrestrials thesis that the monarch who initiated the Merovingian bloodline was said to have been sired by a creature of the deep." There is also good reason to believe that the number five was important to the first Merovingian Princes because they were ceremonial magicians and Ethiopian Jews who directly descended from King Solomon. In The Columbus Conspiracy, Michael Bradley informs: "Around the year 500 A.D. the Merovingian dynasty of France unaccountably adopted two symbols that could be related to the Holy Grail tale. First, they adopted the familiar fleur-de-lis, or lily, of France. What most people do not know, however, is that this lily was a highly stylized depiction of the real flower and the fleur-de-lis is identical with stylized lilies depicted on Hebrew coinage from the time of King David. Readers familiar with the Bible will know that Jewish love-poetry from the time of Kings Solomon and David made frequent allusions to lilies. This flower was so prominent in Hebrew literature of the time that coins depicted it... Merovingian legends insist that, about the year 500 A.D. if not a little before, their lineage was enhanced by union with a sea creature which brought knowledge and wisdom. This sea creature was apparently represented by the toads or frogs on Merovingian flags. Now, it is merely a matter of linguistic fact that Mary means 'of the sea.' Further, there are traditons that Mary Magdalene was a descendant of Solomon and a member of the lost Benjamite Tribe of Israel... One thing is abosultely certain. Starting about 500 A.D., the Merovingian dynasty of France claimed to be Jewish... These princes and princess, in their turn, married into noble and royal family lines of the time. This fact has prompted on respected French historian to state that the foundation of France's nobility is actually Jewish." Something else to note is that Mero is a Celtic term that denotes an ancient African Moor who was a Noble and Freemason. The crowned and conquering Mero, Moro, or Moor, is why the FivePointed Star called Solomon's Seal shows up in the magical traditions of Celtic tribes claiming descent from Ethiopians and King Solomon. In Ancient and Modern Britons, David Mac Ritchie delcares: "And, whatever the fact may be worth, the emblem known as Solomon's Seal has been found by Scottish antiquaries upon many a sculptured stone." Mac Ritchie also suggests that Solomon's Seal speaks of a Moorish presence in medieval Scotland and Ireland based on a powerful system of ceremonial magic popularized by Celtic Druids with a dark skin complexion. The records show that Moors were still the leaders of many Celtic tribes throughout the so-called Age of Discovery. Many 17th century pirates who smuggled silver and gold were Scottish Freemasons from Celtic tribes founded and ruled by European Black Moors who claimed descent from King Solomon. Apparently, the Celtic branch of the Black Nobility played a major role in the development of the Global Criminal Network that is the basis of Capitalism, the New World Order or NWO, and the real Illuminati conspiracy. Thus, one cannot claim to be a Moor and use the Five-Pointed Star as a symbol of Black Celtic Blood and nationality without at the same time claiming descent from the Merovingians, the Plantagenet Dynasty, the Black Nobility, King Solomon, Satan, Annunaki, and 72 Goetia demons. That the Five-Pointed Star relates to the ceremonial magic of King Solomon has been noted time and time again by the experts. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey conveys: "The flag of present day Morocco also provides a strange and intriguing connection between King Solomon of the ancient Israelites and the Moorish/Moroccan people. The Moroccan flag is a green five-pointed star upon a red background. Ottfried Neubecker, author of 'A Guide to Heraldry,' and a member of the Governing Board of the International Academy of Heraldry, specifically identifies the green five-pointed star as Solomon's Seal." To add, in Islam and the West, Anwar Chenje states: "Solomon, who rode the clouds and ruled over Spirit, man, birds, beast, and devils, had particular

interest for the Morsicos, who had a great propensity for magic and superstitions." There is evidence indicating that Solomonic Black Magick were brought into medieval Spain and Portugal by Moorish demonologists. In the introduction to the Samuel Weiser edition of Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon, the current head of the Caliphate O.T.O. writes: "Solomonic magical works exist in Hebrew but are of uncertain date and provenance... Solomon and his seal are also mentioned in the Picatrix (Gayat al-Hakim), an Arabic work on astrological and talismanic magic that was translated into Spanish and Latin in early medieval Spain, where this magical tradition entered Europe." The great importance the Goetia Flag of the Moors play is the European occult traditions that are the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy has been noted by another insightful writer. For example, in The Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker states: "Solomon's legendary wisdom brought him almost as much reverence from medieval occultists as Thoth-Hermes Trismegistus, a god of magic. Several grimoires purported to have been written by his hand; The Key of Solomon was one of the most popular. Magic signs like the pentacle and hexagram were often called Solomon's Seal... Thus wizards invoked Solomon's help in calling up demons for magical purposes. Significantly, the Picatrix, and Goetia-derived grimoires in general, show up in European magical culture when Spain and Portugal are under the rule of West Africans that claimed direct decent from the extraterrestrial civilizations of Egypt and Sumer. That West Africans ruled medieval Spain has been observed by the experts. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey asserts: "Historians such as Joseph O' Callaghan and Anwar Chejne tell us that few Arabs (Alaraves) resided with the country...Africans (Moors, Berbers) were politically dominant, as well as ruling most of the state. Following the eleventh century entry of the Almoravids and the coming of the Almohades in the twelfth century, the Africanity of Iberia became even more pronounced. Interestingly enough, it was also under the control of these two dynasties that more African peoples from the western Sudanic kingdoms of Mali, Songhay, Ghana and Senegal would enter and al-Andalus would experience its greatest intellectual flowering." Another scholar says that the last two dynasties to rule Spain had their headquaters Islamic West Africa. This same scholar also informs us that the West African presence in Spain was still visible when Elmina Castle was built by the Portuguese and Spanish members of the Black Nobility who became Knights Templar. In African Glory, J.C. de Graft-Johnson informs: "The Almohade Empire was also an Empire of the Two Shores, extending, like that of the Almoravids, from the Senegal River in West Africa to the Ebro in Spain...Moslem rule in Spain lasted from 711 to 1248 and lingered on until 1492, when Granada fell, and when Columbus discovered America. It is interesting to observe that there were some Africans still ruling Spain when Elmina Castle in the Gold Coast was being built." When the West African Almohade dynasty was defeated by the Vatican, Moors with knowledge of brand ceremonial magic represented by Solomon's Seal retreated to numerous places in Africa, where they gave birth to a Creole culture based on Andalusian traditions. These traditions survive in the Americas within the Hispano-Moorish religion called Palo Mayombe, which is a very important aspect of the Global Criminal Network commonly referred to as the real Illuminati conspiracy. What was just said is only appreciated when one takes into account the fact that the Portuguese Knights Templar have left behind very detailed reports of Moorish communities that once existed in all the African lands they discovered and conquered in the name of the Black Nobility and the Holy Grail. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey writes: "When speaking of the Moors of Zambezi, Angola, and Kilwa, Barbosa informs us, there are some fair and some black, they are finely clad. The towns of Mombasa, Mogaishu, Mafia, Malindi, Zanzibar and Pemba are specifically described by Duarte as Moorish towns and occupied by Moors. Duarte said that sometimes the Moors were Arabic-speakers and Muslims, but other times neither... The early Portuguese accounts and descriptions noted above also

indicate the Portuguese awareness that Moors were found throughout the world and not just in Muslim northwest Africa or Andalusia." Synchronistic occurrences climaxing in 2012 A.D., the Year of the Dragon on the West African and Mayan Venus calendars, leads one to the very strong impression that the reason a magical revival is taking place at this time in western history is based on the fact that President Barack Obama is the most distinguished member of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. As the most distinguished member of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati, President Barack Obama is the leader of the Global Criminal Network. The Barack Obama Illuminati Connection states: "Many of the Obama Illuminati connections have to do with powerful, elitist organizations which so many of his cabinet long to... The more you study the Illuminati Obama connection, the easier it is to see how he has a unique part to play in bringing about the New World Order which has been in development for the past number of decades." There is another way of looking at the Obama Illuminati connection that pertains to the diabolical side of Moorish Science that structures the Global Criminal Network presided over by the Black Nobility. President Barack Obama was chosen by secret societies founded by the Black Nobility to materialize the Freemasonic-based Moorish Science vision of the founding fathers of diabolical corporation called the United States of America. Now that President Barack Obama has caused medieval Moorish history to repeat itself, the entire truth about the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati must be brought into the Light of a New Aeon so that it can be covered in an even greater darkness. The type of Moorish Science (ceremonial magic) practiced within secret societies founded by the Black Nobility is based on the Luciferian doctrine of the Kemetic Rosicrucians. History indicates the Rosicrucian Order is been based on Moorish Sciencethat is, kabbalistic mystery of the FivePointed Star, the Goetia Flag Andalusian Moors used to make blood pacts with the biblical demons who are none other than the Annunaki of the ancient African-Sumerian mystery schools. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey informs: "The German thinker Christian Rosenkreutz is credited with having revived or established the Rosicrucian Order in Europe, sometime before the 16th century. The Order is esoterically affiliated with the Freemasonic Tradition. According to Rosicrucian sources, Rosenkreutz is reported to have studied in Fez, Morocco with Muslim Sufis. There it is said that he learned to govern unseen forces of nature and acquire access to the realm of the angels. According to Peter Tompkins, a historian of esotericism, Rosenkruetz wanted all of Europe to benefit from his acquired African knowledge and Rosenkreutz specifcally listed Thotmes III as his personal inspiration... An official publication of the Rosicrucian society in the Americas (AMORC) traces Rosicrucian origins back to Akhenaton... The publication states that the Rosicrucian Order was essentially one of the mystery schools of the secret wisdom in ancient Egypt during the 18th Dynasty of Akhenaton's reign... Amazingly, a primary motif of the Rosicrucians is the Seal of Solomon, which is also reflected in the Moroccan flag." Kemetic Rosicrucian adepts employ the Solomon's Seal because their Necromantic Rose Croix Rite materializes 72 demons of Goetia. This demonic rite is purely alchemical, and is very similar to the one described in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin. The demonic rite, which activates the Holy Grail Blood of Christ (Tiphareth), takes place inside the Freemasonic vault of the Rosy Cross, The Dark Chamber of alchemical redness or pure hellfire. Even within the Rosicrucian worldview of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Freemasonic vault of the Rosy Cross is based on Moorish Science concepts that are very Luciferian and Satanic (qliphothic). In Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, Kenneth Grant reveals: "The image of the Beast, Dragon, or sevenheaded Serpent, formed the basal design on the Floor of the Vault of the Adepts in the Golden Dawn. To each head was assigned a name of the qliphotic or demonic force, the number of which is eleven." Aleister Crowley's holy book, which is full of kabbalistic/Moorish Science cyphers used in the ceremonial magic of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati, correlates the Qliphoth to alchemical redness and the Goetia Flag of the Andalusian Moors who founded the Rosicrucian

Order. Liber AL states: "My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing." According to a secret teaching of Moorish Science inspired by P.B. Randolph's Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, the Freemasonic vault of the Rosy Cross is derived from the Koubba Shrine of the Islamic West Africa. Some Koubba Shrines even have the Mystic Red Rose of the Rosicrucians on their ceilings. Koubba Shrines are based on ancient Bantu-Egyptian mysteries that Gerald Massey and Albert Churchward tell us are the orgin of the Masonic Lodge that is the favorite playground of Illuminati agents. Koubba Shrines account for the Egyptian symbolism found in Rosicrucian doctrines dramatized in the rituals of Freemasonry. It was the West African Almoravids who brought the concept of the Koubba Shrine into al-Andalus. The West African Almoravids were Marabouts who revived ancient Egyptian Freemasonry. And the Solomonic bloodlines of these Marabouts helped to develop the concept that Black Europeans who descend from master exorcist Jesus Christ, the reincarnated King Solomon, have great magical powers or Baraka. Scholars say that Jesus Christ is a very important part of Sufism, which in Islamic West Africa is customarily referred to as Maraboutism. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey states: "Interestingly enough, Dahiru Yahya, a specialist in the history of the Moorish Empire, informs us that in the Sufi cosmology Jesus plays a huge role in Man's progress upon the earth. Sufis maintain that Jesus is supposed to return to earth in the last days in order to assist humanity." How one writer in particular describes the Koubba Shrines of Morocco and Islamic West Africa is very informative. In Soul of Africa: Magical Rites and Traditions, the editors state: "To achieve this [illumination/gnosis] they would often withdraw to live as hermit or retreat to the isolation of a monastery, a community of the like-minded. Prominent marabouts are often revered as saints after their death and sometimes become guardians of villages and cities, even of entire regions. Their graves, with their characteristic chalk-white domes, become the focus of shrines... It is believed that a marabout's power (baraka) still works through their descendants, so that they are often asked for help and advice." The mystic dome of the Koubba Shrine replicates the dome of the Temple of Solomon in which Knights Templar and Freemasons practice type of ceremonial magic that involves making blood pacts with Satan and 72 Goetia demons. That the Temple of Solomon is derived from Arabic and African sources has been noted by one of the experts, In The Sufis, Idries Shah states: "That the Templars were thinking in terms of the Sufi, and not the Solomonic, Temple in Jerusalem, and its building, is strongly suggested by one important fact. Temple churches which they erected, such as one in London, were modeled upon the Temple as found by the Crusaders, not upon any earlier building. This Temple was none other than the octagonal Dome of the Rock, built in the seventh century on a Sufi mathematical design, and restored in 913." According to the medieval legends, the Rosicrucian temple of the Holy Grail contained octogonal symbolism. In Legend of the Middle Ages, Nararated with Special Reference to Literature, Helen Adeline Guerber relates: "The temple [of the Holy Grail] itself was one hundred fathoms in diameter. Around it were seventy-two chapels of an octagonal shape...the vaulting was of blue sapphire... Upon the inside of the cupola surmounting the temple, the sun and the moon were represented in diamonds and topazes, and shed light as of day even in the darkness of the night. The windows were of crystal, beryl, and other transparent stones. The floor was of translucent crystal, under which all the fishes of the sea were carved out of onyx, just like life. The towers were of precious stones inlaid with gold; their roogs of gold and bue enamel. Upon every toweer there was a crystal cross, and upon it a golden eagle with expanded wings, which, at a distance, appeared to be flying. At the summit of the main tower was an immense carbuncle, which served like a star, to guide the Templars thither at night. In the center of the building, under the dome, was a minature representation of the whole, and in this the holy vessel was kept."

A Marabout is a Hermit. The degree of the Hermit relates to mystical isolation, which raises the Rosicrucian to the level of Tiphareth, the Solar Throne of the Holy Grail, the spiritual essence of the Black Nobility. Marabouts inspired the Tarot card called the Hermit. In the classical Tarot, the cloaked Hermit holds the magic lantern, which relates to the Islamic and Jewish rites of the Holy Grail. The cloak that the Hermit wears is the ritual attire of the Marabout. And Marabouts are the reason the Hermit is a very important mystical concept in medieval Grail legends featuring Christianized black men from royal bloodlines. These Christianized black men were the first great Rosicrucians. There is good reason to believe that the legendary Christian Rosenkreutz learned ceremonial magic from the Andalusian Moors who practiced a Christianized form of Maraboutism. Recall that Christian Rosenkreutz allegedly studied ceremonial magic in Fez. The most popular legend regarding the origin of Rosicrucian doctrine points us in the direction of the type of Moorish Science that is behind the real Illuminati conspiracy. According to 1734 edition of The Constitution of the Freemasons, Rosicrucian elements in Scottish Rite Freemasonry orginate in Fez, and this Moroccan city is described in this official text as being aligned to the West African mystery schools that revived the rituals of the ancient Egyptians. In the 1400s and 1500s, Fez was a Moroccan city with a very large Hispano-Moorish community that placed great emphasis on Solomon's Seal as a symbol of nationality. Since late medieval times, Fez has had Christianized Koubba Shrines with the same motifs found in Rosicrucian lore. A very close examination of the facts leads one to the very strong impression that the legends that speak of Christian Rosenkreutz being preserved in his Freemasonic vault is nothing more than a Europeanized interpretation of the Christianized Marabout whose mummification corpse was worshipped as a saint radiating the Baraka of Jesus' holy bloodline. In addition to the legendary Christian Rosenkruetz, Kemetic Rosicrucian adepts with ties to various elitist organizations, praise the ancestral spirit of Akhenaton. This aspect of the Rosicrucianism is covered in great msytery. In other words, Akhenanton is a very important part of the real Illuminati conspiracy that climaxes within the Obama Administration. According to Laurence Gardner, author of Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Akhenaton was the first to bring Royal Blood of the Dragon Kings into Europe. Gardner postulates that Akhenaton and the prophet Moses are one and the same. This is plausible since the Holy Koran describes Moses as a Black African, and the story of Moses is derived from ancient Black African myths about the birth messianic kings who come from ancient alien or extraterrestrial bloodlines. J.A. Rogers provides evidence strongly suggesting that Akhenaton was of pure Ethiopian Bantu stock. In World's Greatest Men of Color, J.A. Rogers declares: "Judged by prevailing standards, Akhenanton was not handsome. His skull, which has been preserved, is what some scientists call that of a typical Negro. The jaw is exceedingly prognathous. His lips... are so thick that they seem swollen. His father Amenophis was Negroid, and his mother Tiyi a full-blooded African. That his wife Nefertiti was a Negro cannot be denied." President Barack Obama, a man whose paternal side of the family comes from the same part of Africa as many African-Egyptian pharaohs, is believed in Kemetic Rosicrucian circles in to be a "clone" or genetic replication of Akhenaton. This Rosicrucian/Moorish Science teaching, which is an important part of the real Illuminati conspiracy, is why President Barack Obama has been chosen to put a magical seal on the New World Order or NWO. In 2012 A.D. the chapter in American history that features Moors and the Illuminati started to repeat itself. This is why President Barack Obama is sitting on the throne of the New World Order or NWO. President Barack Obama is not the first Moorish-American to hold this lofty position. The Continental Congrees was run by Moors. And a few of the royal governors of the 13 Colonies were Moors. There is even a concrete record of "African-Americans" with the surnames Moore, More and Morrison who were members of the Illuminized Masonic lodges and wealthy slave owners. This is not to mention that fact that the founder fathers of America had a Moor named Benjamin Banneker design Washington, DC according to the secrets of Egyptian Freemasonry. If

Benjamin Banneker had not been a Moor and a Mason of the highest degree, he would have not possessed the technical skills needed to design the headquarters of the New World Order or NWO. According to conspiracy theorists, Benjamin Banneker was often referred to as Prince Hall, the founder of the Prince Hall Freemasons. Perhaps illustrious Benjamin Banneker was referred to as the Prince Hall because he was a British Moor (Black Nobility), Knights Templar and Rosicrucian from one of the bloodlines of the Grail. Unpublished records in the Masonic library say that the first Prince Hall Freemasons were Kabbalists and Rosicrucians who practiced ceremonial magicthat is, the only Real Moorish Science current. Many have forgotten that Prince Hall is a magical title within Illuminized Masonic lodges, and this title denotes Christ consciousness and Black Nobility. The concept of the "Prince" is derived from the medieval Rosicrucian mysticism and magic, the basis of Grail lore. Prince Hall is the Adeptus Minor and the Master Masonthat is, the Black Prince of Tiphareth, the Solar Throne of the Holy Grail. Insigtful occult writers are aware of the very special relationship that exists between the Master Mason and Tiphareth. In Hermetic Qabbalistic Theurgy and Its Symbolic Influence on the Western Mind, Osamni Rodriguez states: "The theurgist working through the Self or Ruach Ha Qodesh represented by the Sephira Tiphareth in the Master Mason degree, may reach a full comprehension from the ray of light received from the supernal soul triad known as Yechidah, Chiah, and Neshamah." Curiously, the first Prince Hall Freemasons were free black men. Only at a later date does this very mysterious branch of Freemasonry become part of the culture of black men whose heritage begins with slavery. Apparently, what Prince Hall Freemasonry was in the beginning is not what it is today. Of all the branches of Freemasonry that could mentioned, modern Prince Hall Freemasonry is probably the most mundane, with little to no connection to the Illuminati and the Global Criminal Network. Its member have more the mentality of a college fraternity than a secret society where ceremonial magic is actively being practiced. Back in the good old days, one of the prerequisites for being a Free and Accepted Mason was that the candidate had to be born free and very westernized. The majority of the black men in 18th century America who were born free and held status within western society were Moors who were exempt from slavery because they either came from Holy Grail Bloodlines or because they were legally recognized as honoray citizens of Morocco. Significantly, less than a hundred years before Benjamin Banneker designed the headquarters of the New World Order or NWO (New Egypt), and Prince Hall Freemasonry came into existence, there is a concrete record of free black migrated to America from the British Isles. In Africa's Gift to America, J.A. Rogers writes: "Strong documentary proof that the first Africans in America were not slaves and that chattel slavery of them did not start until about 1659 or 1682 is given by competent researchers, four of whom are J.H. Russell, M.P. Andrews, Mary Standard and Helen Catterall...Some of these Negroes were from Englanf itself. There were tens of thousands of Negroes there then. One such was Benjamin Lewis. Catterall names others." The free black men who became the first Prince Hall Freemasons, and played a part in the formation of the New World Order or NWO, may have been Moors with a medieval Irish associated with the Rosicrucian Order and the Holy Grail. This can be suggested because Prince Hall obtained his Masonic charter from the Irishmen. According to David Mac Ritchie, in the 1700s there were Moors living in Ireland who were customarily referred to as the "Black Irish." In early American society, these "Black Irish" were called "Smoked Irish" because their skin was just as dark as indigenous Black Africans. Moors are the reason the Irish Masonic lodges of Prince Hall's day preserved a very pure form of Kemetic Rosicrucian Thought traceable to the medieval Templars. In Black Thorn Manifesto, Hakim Bey asserts: "When the Temple was suppressed by Rome and its leaders burned at the stake, Ireland provided refuge for man incognito Templars. According to The Temple and the Lodge, these Templars later reorganized as a rouge Irish branch of Freemasonry, which (in the early 18th century) would resist amalgamation with the London Grand Lodge. The Islamic connection is quite clear; both in the Templar and Rosicrucian

traditions, but the Irish may have inherited an even earlier link." Perhaps the medieval Irish Masonic lodges noted by Hakim Bey may have had some sort of connection to Black Freemasons in London. In Who Are These Prince Hall Freemasons, Allen E. Roberts states: "As far as I can determine there have been Black Freemasons since 1365 when a code of Mason Regulations was drawn up in Guildhall, London. We don't know when the term 'free mason' was first applied, but we know that it was applied to early-operative masons to differentiate them from other craftsman. The 'free' was added because these craftsmen were allowed to travel from place to place to seek employment in their important trade. There may have been Black men among them. Shortly after the Grand Lodge system that we know today was established in 1717, Masonic lodges were formed throughout the world. Many of them were organized in countries with predominately Black populutions." Significantly, Black Freemason show up in London shortly after the Knights Templar moved their Rosicrucian Order. This chapter in European esotericism is very significant because both documented history and Grail lore indicate that some Knights Templar were black men. A powerful branch of the Rosicrucian Order is said to have flourished in Medieval Scotland, and black men who were Knights Templar definitely had something to do with this. In Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster writes: "...according to a Masonic tradition, an alliance definitely took place between the Templars and the Masonic guilds at this period. During the proceedings taken against the Order of the Temple in France it is said that Pierre d'Aumont and seven other Knights escaped to Scotland in the guide of working Masons and landed in the Island of Mull. Robert Bruce then took them under his protection, and seven years later they fought under his standard at Bannockburn against Edward II, who had suppressed their Order in England. After this battle... Robert Bruce is said to have instituted the Royal Order of H.R.M. (Heredom) and the Knights of the R.S.Y.C.S." Sir Douglas the Black was one the Knights Templar who helped Robert the Bruce form his Royal Rosicrucian Order. The records say that Sir Douglas was styled "the Black" because he was a black man with Holy Grail Blood and a very diabolical disposition. In Ancient and Modern Britons, David Mac Ritchie relates: "... the good Sir James, the most loyal of all Bruces knighthood... he came of the race that boasted its ancient, aboriginal blood, and that bore a surname which signified a black man... Wherever you encounter the The Black Douglas in history or tradition you will find the he is a black man." Mac Ritchie is not the only European historian who says that the Holy Grail Bloodline of the Templar and Rosicrucian Sir Douglas the Black is traceable to an ancient Scottish clan founded by black men. Renowned writers on heraldry say exactly the same thing. In Heraldry, J.A. Ringrose reminds: "About the year 700 in the reign of Salvathius, King of Scots, Donald Bane of the Western Isles having invaded Scotland and routed the royal army, a man of rank and figure came seasonably with his followers to the king's assistance. He renewed the battle and obtained a complete victory over the invader. The king being anxious to see the man who had done him such a signal service, he was pointed out by his colour, or complexion in Gaelic languagesholtodu-glasbehold the black of swarthy-coloured man." Even at a much later date there are reports of black communities in Scotland. These black communities probably account for Rosicrucian elements found in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. In Nature Knowns No Color-Line, J.A. Rogers relates: "Mac Ritchie adds that the legends and history of the Scottish Highlands are both witnesses to the existence of a purely black people there. Boswell and Dr. Johnson saw descendants of these black people when they visited Scotland. In his Journey to the Hebrides, September 1, 1773, Boswell wrote of one clan, the McCraes, "some were as black and wild in their appearance as any American savages, whatsover." Martin who had visited these Western Islands eighty years before Boswell said of the people of Jura, 'black of complexion,' of Islay, 'generally black; and of Arran, 'generally brown and some of a black complexion.' The use of 'brown' for some shows very clearly that when he said

'black' he meant black. Also, Robert Knox, in 1850 mentions a small colony of mulattos living at Minch Moor, Scotland, the offspring of Negroes and white women." The type of Moorish Science that is the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy not for everbody. It is only for the Reptilians, the Children of Nommo or Annunaki, black and white people who are Rh negative, which in many instances is a recessive genetic trait manifesting itself in the form of superior intellect, originality, artistic creativity, acute psychic awareness, and a great propensity for the type of medieval black magic. Rh negative men and women are the offspring of the European grail families that can legitimately claim direct descent from the Royal House of David and the priestly clan of the master exorcist Jesus Christ. Contrary to popular belief, Rh negative blood is not Aryan or Nordic. Rh negative blood originates in the Highlands of Bantu-speaking Ethiopia. The Rh negative blood produced the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Solomonic Temple of the Freemasons. Scholars maintain that the Rh negative blood originates amongst the Basque of Ancient Spain. The ancestors of the Basque migrated to Spain from northwest Africa, where one finds a high concentration of Rh negative blood. Basque are related to the Celts the Romans classified as "Ethiopians" and "Moors." Anthropologists classify the blue-eyed Berbers and Moors of northwest Africa as Celts. The unsolved mystery of the Basque suggests that this classification is appropiate. In Sex and Race Vol. I, J.A. Rogers informs: "Southern Spain and Portugal are in reality Negroid lands...The oldest race of the peninsula are the Basque, 'the mystery of Europe,' who have a language of their own and claim to be 'pure.' Some Basque have a certain type of Negroid face, and it is not improbable that such are the descendants of the Negro aborigines just mentioned." This is not to mention the fact that Spain was a part of the Ancient Ethiopian Bantu Empire. In Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History, Reverend Sterling Means asserts: "The original name of Spain was known as Iberian Ethiopia... It would be logical for a historian to believe that the Iberian Ethiopian was from an Ancient African Race that came across from Western Africa. The Roman history Tacitus describes these Iberians as black skin, curly headed people. There is also a tribe in Ethiopia today know as Gallas which bear almost the same name as Gaul." According to David Mac Ritchie, the ancient Gauls were a black-skinned people identified as "Ethiopian." Gual may relate to Senegal, the homeland of the West African Almoravids. Scholars say that in remote times Senegal was populated by Ethiopians who practiced Judaism. The Senegalese and the Guals could easily be related. According to the Moorish Science Mythos that are the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy, the Annunaki or 72 Goetia demons are the primeval ancestors of black and white people who are Rh negative. Ancient Alien DNA is activated with the vessel of kabbalistic black magic that in medieval Europe came to be known as the Holy Grail and Jewel of Lucifer. To be Rh negative is to be a keeper of the Holy Grail once guarded by the Gnostic Christian Warriors who secretly worshiped Satan as the Black Man of the Witch's Sabbath. Satan in the form of the Black Man of the Witch's Sabbath is the dark egregor Moorish Science Mythos that is the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy. Satan is the reason the Ancient Alien DNA of the Moabite Moors is symbolized by the Five-Pointed Star King Solomon used to summon 72 Goetia demons, and build the Masonic Temple that housed the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. That a black-faced Satan is the bloodthirsty and baneful god of the Moorish tribes of West Africa has been duly noted by scholars. In Golden Age of the Moor, Dona Reynolds writes: "In the writings of Ibn Khaldun, the veiled Lamtuna Berbers, who were and are Tuareg, are called Magians worshipping fire...The Beja were in the time of Maqrisi still adoring the Pure Fire which the Arabs called Sheitan (Satan). Sheitan is Arabic and related to the word 'Sati' in Amharic Ethiopian and meaning fire...Yaqu'ubi states that the Beja area of Baglin (Bakhoras or Faras) was an area of many large towns: the inhabitants of which resemble Magians believing in the dual principles of good and evil." There is evidence indicating that West African Berbers brought a very demonic intepretation of Moorish Science into medieval Spain.

In A History of Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul relates: "During this very same period, a strange cult had arisen in Morocco, crossed the Straits into Andalusia, and was activelyif secretly followed in centers of Arab civilization with cosmopolitan populations. The latter consisted of Arabized Jews, Christian scholars and wandering ascetics who travelled from one country to another in search of knowledge... The devotees of this cult met on Thursday nights, were initiated by having a wound infliected somewhere on the body (which left a scar), and believed that they could raise magical power by dancing in or around a circle. Some of them claimed that they at times carried out religious services which involved the saying of the Moslem prayers backwards, and invoking el Aswad (the Black Man) to help them." Satan is the oldest African deity. In Outer Gateways, Kenneth Grant declares: "Satan: The name derives from African roots, 'sut' meaning 'black,' and 'an,' 'a dog,' 'jackal' (and where the type is registered farther north, 'a wolf'). The Dark God of Egypt, twin of the bright Horus, was known as Set or Sut, the word blackness, whence our word 'soot.' Set-An, or Set-Anubis, was the earliest form of Set-Horus, the god of the Double Star, Sothis or Sirius, the Dog-Star." What Grant conveys relates to the 72 Goetia demons that are none other than Annunaki. Note that the 72 Goetia demons are commonly referred to as the "howlers." This way of viewing the 72 Goetia demons is what links them Set or Satan. According to Grant: "The borderland or desert is the place of the howling jackal, a totem of Set...Set's connection with the Outside is indicated in a statue of him, now in Copenhagen, which has been transmogrified into an image of Khnum, the divine potter or maker of men." According to ancient Islamic tradition, Set or Satan is the master blacksmith who invented the sacred iron pot or witch's cauldron. Significantly, this a similar type teaching can be found in medieval Grail legends that feature Merlin the Magician. In Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker says: "Old Welsh traditions called Merlin a wild man of the woods with prophetic or shamanic skills... Christian writers however made Merlin a child of the powers of Hell. According to Robert de Borron, Merlin was deliberately conceived to become the Anti-Christ; he was fathered on a virgin by a devil... Merlin was also an artisan and a smith. He forged King Arthur's magic armor and a wonderful cup identified with the Holy Grail." Merlin is a title used by medieval ceremonial magicians who brought the spring rains with the Morris dance, which is its original form included shamanic drumming, spirit possession, healing, and prophecy. Numerous scholars concur that the Morris dance originates in Africa. In Golden Age of the Moor, Edward Scobie writes: "In Britain, for instance, the Morris-dance, England's national dance which has been performed every May-day for centuries, was originally a dance performed by the Moors. It is of African origin, and was introduced in England before William the Conqueror in 1066." Significantly, May-day ceremonies that feature a fertility dance very similar to the Morris can be found in Islamic West Africa and pre-Columbian Mexico. Scholars reveal that the conical hat worn by the Merlin was worn by Moors. In They Came Before Columbus, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima conveys: "Another notable correspondence between the cultures of Mexico and Mali may be found in the priestly cap of the Magi. This is a conical hat with a neck-flap which was a dictinctive headgear of kings and priests in ancient Persia. It was passed on from Persia to the Arabs and perpetuaed among the magicians of West Africa... Leo Weiner has traced the Arabic name for this starred hat through the Mande language, and the same name for that hat is found in Mexico." According to David Mac Ritchie, Merlin was a ceremonial magician who learned occult mysteries from Druids likened to "Persians" and "Ethiopians." These "Persians" and "Ethiopians" were probably West Africans who absorbed many of the shamanic traditions of the Middle East, the Moabite Moors. One must never lose sight of the fact that Merlin is a Moorish Science concept connected to the legend of King Arthur. Apparently, in the original Grail legends, King Arthur and his 12 Knights were Moors. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie states: "The Welsh tales, it has been said, are full of black giants, against who the Arthurian warriors fought. An inference from this is

that Arthur's followers were white. Because the blackness of their foes would not have been particularized, had they been of the same hue themselves. Now, the Arthur of history is said to have been himself of swarthy, Silurian blood: but the Arthur of romance has never been wholly identified with him and indeed he is altogether difficult to localize in time and place." According to the experts, the historical King Arthur is believe to have reigned in 6th century Ireland. According to Mac Ritchie, Dublin, the capital of Ireland, means "land of the black people." In the late 1800s, the renowned British ethnologist John Beddoe taught that the Irish decend from ancient African conquerors, and recent discoveries in genetic prove that his racially motivated theories are very correct. Amazingly, in 6th century Ireland there are reports of a powerful Celtic kingdom populated by black people. In African Presence in Early Europe, Don Luke writes: "From Geoffrey we learn of Gormund, an African King, who ruled over Ireland during the Anglo-Saxon period in England. According to English history, Gormund was invited to England by the Saxons in order to help them oust an unpopular ruler and subdue a rebellious population. Could Gormund and the large population of Africans under his rule, as mentioned in the account, have been sixth-century figures? This seems likely. Could he and the other have been indigenous, or might they have been recent arrivals from Africa? Future research may provide answers to these questions. On the other hand, there is no question as to the presence of African types as residents in the British Isles throughout recorded history." There is more to Merlin than meets the eye at first glance. Merlin relates to the Merovingian Princes. Apparently, Merovingian Princes were ceremonial magicians very similar to the Moors who in the month of May assumed the god-form of the Merlin so that torrential rain fell and the crops grew. In Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Michael Baigent states: "And whatever the historical actuality behind the legend, the Merovingin dynasty continued to be mantled in an aura of magic, sorcery, and the supernatural. According to tradition, Merovingian monarchs were occult adepts, initiates in arcane sciences, practitioners of esoteric artsworthy rivals of Merlin, their fabulous near-contemporary. They were often called the sorcerer-kings... By virtue of some property in their blood they could allegedly heal by laying on of hands; according to one account the tassels at the fringes of their robes were deemed to possess miraculous curative powers. They were said to be capable of clairvoyant or telepathic communication with beasts and with the natural world around them and to wear powerful magical necklaces." Michael Bradley provides convincing evidence in The Columbus Conspiracy suggesting that the British Merlin cult was transferred to France when Arthur's kingdom started to crumbled. The connection the Merlin cult had to the Merovingian Dynasty even has the full support of linguistics. Significantly, in ancient Celtic folklore "Mer" or "Mero" denotes a "Moor," a master blacksmith and high-degree Freemason. In "A Book of the Beginnings," Gerald Massey informs: "The Marmor was a style of high nobility among the Gael; he was a great officer of justice... The Mere is the Mayor, and there is an English Mer, who is a bailiff or superintendent, prefect, overseer, or governor...The Mer was not only an overseer and superintendent, but an architect...And we are told by the Barddas that Morien lifted the stone of the Kettai. Morien is said to have been the architect of Stonehenge...Now, as a Negro is still known as a Morien in English, may not this indicate that Morien belong to the black race, Kushite builders." The African origin of the Morien that was the first great Moor or Merlin is very evident. The 14th century Dutch poem entitled Morien says the following about the Knight that is credited with building Stonehenge: "He was all black, even as I tell ye: his head, his body, and his hands were all black, saving only his teeth. His shield and his armour were even those of a Moor, and black as a raven." Even the medieval writers who are responsibe for many Grail legends say that Stonehenge was built by the Ancient Black Africans who were the first great Freemasons of the western world. In African Presence in Early Europe, Don Luke conveys:"Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Medieval Historian and Father of Arthurian Romance, informs us that an old English tradition says that the huge slabs of stone which were used in the construction of Stonehenge were

brought from Africa by giants. Giraldi Cambrensis, another medieval writer, tells us the same thing." In medieval European folklore, West African Saracens are depicted as black giants from the Ethiopian Bantu bloodlines of Lucifer, Satan and Belzeebub. The Sultan of Babylon, a medieval magical text that can be linked to the Holy Grail, says the following about the black giants who dominated the medieval world: "This Astrogot (Alagolfare) of Ethiopia, he was a King of great strength. There was none such in Europe. So strong and so long in length... he was a devil's son of Bezelbubb's line." The black giants who built Stonehenge were none other than the Nephilim, and this is why Stonehenge replicated the megalith stone structures of the ancient Hebrew Israelites who were of pure Ethiopian Bantu stock. In Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man, Albert Churchward states: "Stonehenge may be said to be analogous to one of these temples: its stones are arranged in the same manner as were those of the Israelites and its magnitude and rude grandeur proclaim that the people who raised the ponderous blocks of stone here, as well as in other parts of Britain, were both learned and powerful." Nephilim and Canaanites are one and the same. The renowned Senegalese historian Cheikh Anta Diop informs us in The African Origin of Civilization that the Canaanites were the descendants of Ham. It has also been suggested by one of the experts that Canaanite descendants in Ancient West Africa colonized the British Isles, and this chapter in black history probably has something to do with the building of Stonehenge. In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers: "Now, according to this same source, the eldest son Canaan was Sidon, the ancestors of the Phoenicians and the founder of the great cities of Sidon and Tyre. The Phoenicians were the greatest explorers and merchants of antiquity. They circumnavigated Africa, colonized Britain, and worked the tin mines there; and founded Carthage and a colony or two in West Africa." Equally forth coming is the fact that the Nephilim can be linked to the Merovingian Mythos. In "Kenneth Grant and the Merovingian Mythos," Vadge Moore states: "Set was the Black God. He was known as 'he who is below.' He was banished to the Underworld by his twin Horus for killing Osiris. The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the forbidden arts... Nephilim have been identified with the father of the Merovingians. Set was generally considered to be a vile, vicious god baneful to men... he may have been considered baneful to some races, but not the race of the Grail." Whichever way one chooses to look at the matter Satan is the basis of real Moorish Science because Satan is the first deity of what Gerald Massey called Inner Africa. In Gerald Massey's Lectures, Massey writes: "The Hebrew Devil, or Satan, means the opponent or adversary, and the first great natural adversary recognized by primitive man was Darknesssimply darkness, the constant and eternal enemy of the lightthat is, the power of darkness was literal before it became metaphorical, moral, or spiritual... the dark power is primary in all oldest traditions and cults of the human race. Hence sacrifice was first offered to the powers of darkness... All was dark at first within the mind; and the All was darkness that created dread without... the primitive man visibly emerges from the shadow of darkness as deeply impressed and indelibly dyed in mind as was his body with its natural darkness. The black man without was Negroid within, as his reflection remains in the mirror of mythology." Ancient African Satanism was transmitted to Europe, where it gave rise to the Gnostic doctrines that correlate a black-faced Jesus to the serpent that tempted Eve. The Afro-Satanic (or Typhonian) current found in Gnostic doctrines that are the basis of Grail lore and the magical worldview of the Knight Templar is a fact that has been commented on by historians. In The Discovery of the Nag Hammadi Texts, Jean Doresse writers: "In the Gnostic myths which transform the God of Genesis into an evil god, and similarly turn various other values of Biblical doctrine upside down, this Seththe enemy of the chief Egyptian godsacquires a definite position. One may even wonder whether, perchance, if some of these myths did not bring him into

such contact with his homonym, Seth the son of Adam, as to create some confusion between them. That is not impossible; we shall find later some curious traces of a cult of this Seth-Typhon presiding over Judeo-Gnostic rituals in which Adam plays the leading part. That this cult came to be actually codified is attested by the existence of Egyptian figurines of the god Seth, cast in bronze, which are perfectly appropriate to it." In the Grail lore of the Knights Templars who worshiped the Devil as the Black Man of the Witch's Sabbath/Luciferian Gnostic Catholic Mass (Baphomet), and systematically paved the way for the rise Freemasons and Illuminati, Jesus and Satan are believed to possess the same magical blood because of what the Gnostic Christians taught about Seth. In a remarkalbe book entiteled Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ, Tau Malachi explains: "While Lord Yeshua rarely speaks of himself as the 'Son of God,' he often refers to himself as the son of the human one (Adam). In so doing he calls himself the great Seth, for according to the Scriptures, after Cain slew Abel and was exiled, God blessed Adam and Eve with another son, called Seth, who is said to be the image and likeness of Adam. The name Seth is significant because it is composed of the last two letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet, Shin and Tau. Shin, as we known from our previous discussion, is the letter representing the Holy Spirit... it represents the fiery intelligence. Tau is the cross and represents completion... Seth literally means the light of the cross." One thing that this very unique liber is meant to bring to the forefront is that the Gnostic Christian serpent who turns men and women from Holy Grail Bloodlines into Illuminati agents of the highest degree is preserved nowhere else in the western world but in the Red Voodoo Sects of Haiti, which in Eastern Cuba evolved into the Masonic Illuminati branch of Palo Mayombe called Kimbiza con Bizango and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. What I am revealing as an Illuminati agent is the reason the Kimbiza pots of Palo Haitiano (Haitian Palo) contain a cross symbolizing the blood of Jesus, and are classified as Jewish in honor of their connection to Satan. That the Gnostic Christian serpent which turns Rh negative people into Illuminati survives in the Red Voodoo Sects has been noted by a very popular writer on the Haitian Masonic mysteries. In Secrets of Voodoo, Milo Riguad reveals: "Voodoo initiates call those who have abandoned the tradition cabrit thomazos (also known as Congos and Ibos enchanined). They are member of the so-called 'red' or 'criminal' sects who shed human blood for sacrificial offerings... The expression cabrit thomazo refers to the 'impure' Voodooist because of the serpent of the Afro-Judaic temple that is known as Asch, Ast, or Ast-Hom. Ast Hom is believed by tradionalists to be variation of Thom-As, a later African expression signifying the musical atmosphere of the oum'phor." The cosmic black blood of Jesus and Satan is the birthright of the Illuminati agents who reign supreme within the Global Criminal. This black cosmic blood, which is mystically seal inside the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar, is not human. It is Reptilian! It is the demonic essence of the ancient aliens, extraterrestrials or Annunaki the ceremonial magicians who are behind the real Illuminati conspiracy call 72 Goetia demons, which are defined by the Five-Pointed Star of ancient Moorish nationality. The blood of the Grail gives the Illuminati agents who descend from medieval Moors that ability to can access to the alternate reality described by visionary quantum physcists. For people who outwardly appear human, but do not belong to any of the branches of the human race breed to be slaves and food for the Illuminati, the proper application of the dark side of the Law of Attraction consists in turning the triangle used to summon the 72 Goetia demons into the rotating black hole of quantum mechanics. When the rotating black hole is generated with the infernal triangle of classical ceremonial magic, necromancy, or Moorish Science, Masonic Illuminati signs and symbols skillfully imposed on all mundane realities assist in the alchemical transformation of the material plane into the wavefunction, the superposition of limitless possibilities, poetically expressed in all the dark myth cycles of the world that feature Multidimensional Superbeings. This is how the black magicians who know the hermetic secret of the Magick Link, or dark side of the Law of Attraction, reign supreme in this world and the next as mighty Archons commonly referred to as Illuminati agents. The ceremonial magic developed within the Bantu Mystery Schools is the key to time travel and

shape shifting. This ancient alien or extraterrestrial technology survives in the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe in the form of the Flying Nganga of the cannibals, zombies, vampires, and werewolves who are the Black Nobility leaders of the Global Criminal Network and the Secret Police of New World Order or NWO. The mystery of nganga, which is really the mystery of the Holy Grail, is only know by the mayomberos who are an integral part of the real Illuminati conspiracy. These mayomberos realize that NGANGA is derived from the Egyptian word ANKH. Both Bantu words symbolize the kabbalistic mysteries of the rotating black hole and the shamanic crossing from one dimension to another. In Congo Cosmology, this shamanic crossing is symbolized by the Kalunga Line. Contained within the concept of the Kalunga Line is the concept of the nganga and ankh. To safely cross the Kalunga Line, the Bantu shaman must first take initiation. According to a renowned Bantu elder, nganga means to be initiated. In Self-Healing Power and Therapy, Bunseki Fu-Kiau teaches: "Ghanda ('to be initiated') is to join the circle of nganga ('masters') and become, onself,nganga, a doer." Another writer shows that ankh has the same meaning as nganga. In "A Book of the Beginnings," Gerald Massey states: "The Ankh, as an Egyptian symbol of oath and covenant, is represented by our Hank, noose, or a knot." Significantly, a "knot" is a very important in the Bantu traditions that deal with nganga or nkisi. Bunseki Fu-Kiau declares: "The word kanga is a verb 'to tie up,' usually with a string. Kanga is coding, hiding, neutralizing, preventing, protecting, and immunizing as well. When the futu, the container, is filled with the nkisi, its content, its maker ties it up to hide the secret power of his making." The concept of magically tying a "knot" with a "string" relates to quantum physics and the mystery of the rotating black hole that produces the Illuminati agent who can time travel and shap shift. In Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, John Major Jenkins explains: "In Mesoamerican ideas about world Creation, cosmogenesis takes place via a kind of weaving process. Reality is thus undergirded by a system of threadlike links. In other words, space-time itself is woven together in ways that human beings, stuck within the three-dimensional space-time 'fabric' of observable reality, cannot readily perceive. This philosophical model developed by Mesoamerican thinkers is actually extremely progressive, for modern physicists also describe a network of threadlike links between distant places, wormholes in space-time that tunnel through a higher dimension." A types of incontestable evidence gathered by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and Dr. Leo Weiner indicate that what Mesoamerican shamans knew about the rotating black hole was obtained from the West African Moors who mystery tradition is almost identical to that of the Bantu scientists of the Nile Valley and Congo Basins. Also, nganga and ankh signify the magic circle and the number zero. According to Kenneth Grant, zero represents the Eye of Set, the Eye in the Triangle, the AllSeeing Eye of the Illuminati, which leads to the realm of the Qliphoth the alternate reality mayomberos call Infierno Mundo (Hellfire World). Also, the letter O in Hebrew is Ayin, which means "an eye." As a leader of the European O.T.O. Aleister Crowley taught that Ayin is the eye of Satan envisioned as Baphomet. The Knights Templars worshiped Baphomet as the mummufied black head of a Moor who in life was illuminated. This black head is why Moors appear on the magical shields of royal families with a connection to the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion. This black head is also why Freemason venerate the Devil in their higher degrees. Whichever way on chooses to view the matter, Ayin is the eye of the Moor who becomes an Illuminati agent of the highest degree after making a blood pact with the Devil and 72 Goetia demons. In Palo Haitiano (Haitian Palo), this Devil is none other than the one-eyed Lukankazi that gives the unbaptized or Jewish mayombero, the Illuminati agent of the highest degree, the magical power to take the qunatum leap and function within the rotating black hole or Kabbalistic Abyss as a cannibal, zombie, vampire, and werewolf. The mayombero who has made a blood pact with a devil with all the attributes of the medieval Moor, places his unbaptized or Jewish nganga in a Goetic triangle, created with three large mbeles (machetes), the decayed head of a murder or suicide victim, and the decayed heads of a black dog and a black cat. After the mayombero creates the Goetic triangle, which also happens to be the star-gate or All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati, he is able to take the quantum leap into the rotating black hole. The quantum leap that

can only be taken by Illuminati agents who have been initiated at the highest level into the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe has been described a very insightful writer on the dark side of Afro-Caribbean shamanism. In Vodou Quantum Leap, Dr. Reginald Crosley declares: "Having made the quantum jump through the ambiguity barrier, the Zandorist [Luciferian] in his composite state with the vodoun [Goetia demon] is a new entity in itself, a wave function presented as a coherent superposition of all possibilites. What are those possibilities? The power of ubiquity or being everywhere and nowhere at the same time, time travel in the past and in the future, teletransportation, levitation, the power of telepathy and telekinesis, the power of visibility and invisibility, the power of materialization and dematerialization, the power of metamorphosis or avatars, the power of healing, the power of invulnerability, the power of death and resuscitation, and the power of possession or channeling over other individuals, animals, or objects... The collapse (or materialization) of the wave function into a chosen actualization makes virtual all other possibilitiesalthough in ordinary circumstances all other virtualities should have vanishedbut being in a black hole dimension, a world of singularities, the new entity keeps the virtual states of coherent superposition and can move from one actualization to the next, ad infinitum. However, when it exists out of the rotating wormhole into ordinary reality, the Zandoric wave function collapses into the ordinary material world and the other virtualities vanish." What Crosley so eloquently describes is the black magick David Icke says in his conspiritorial writings is in the hands of the Masonic Illuminati initiates who descend from the Ancient Aliens or Reptilians. Like in the Luciferian and Satanic rituals of Obeah, Voodoo, and Palo Mayombe, Icke's most compelling theory is essentially that by living as cannibals Masonic Illuminati initiates gain access to dimensions outside the circles of time. In Children of the Matrix, Icke explains: "The rituals conducted by the Illuminati-controlled secret societies, like the Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, etc., are one way this is done...These rituals, especially the more advanced ones, are designed to create a vibrational environment in which the fouth-dimensional reptilians [Goetia demons] can possess the body. As the initiate progresses through the levels, he undergoes even more powerful rituals directed by the Black Arts, which, step by step, give the fourth-dimensional entity more power over the person's thought and emotional processes until the reptilian is in complete control." Icke is correct when he links the Christian Devil to the Ancient Aliens or Reptilians who are the ancestors of the Illuminati agents who take the quantum leap into the abyss and mystically fly around the world at night in Flying Ngangas or orgone-generated UFOs. According to Icke: "The depiction of the Devil is very like the descriptions of the reptilian royalty known as the Draco and in the Biblical text the Devil/Satan is clearly said to have been reptilian." Icke is also very correct when he says that Reptilians have extraterrestrial bloodlines Illuminati agents connect to bloodline of Jesus and all the other great prophets of the Book. Significantly, similar concepts can be found in West Africa. The legend of Olokun is a very good example. In ancient West African cosmology, Olokun is a Reptilian who "fell" from the starry abyss when the earth was nothing but a swampy planet identicald to the planet that exists in the Sirius Star System. The myths of the Edo say that Olokun and left on earth a royal bloodline. For the Edo, Olokun has many of the attributes of Obatala, the Yoruba divinity that descends from heaven and creates man out of clay, and who in Brazil and Cuba is correlated to Jesus Christ. Myths about Obalata and Olokun obviously evolved from ancient African Judaism, the source of Grail lore, the Knights Templar, Freemasons, and Illuminati. During Ifa divination, Olokun speaks through a sign called Otura. In addition to being the sign of Olokun, Otura is the sign of Jesus Christ and people who were born to rule the earth as Illuminati because they come from the extraterrestrial bloodlines of the prophets and messiahs. In Otura, and many other Ifa signs, Olokun has a very close relationship Shango. Shango has all the attributes of the Dragon Kings that appear in the medieval European chroniciles as black warriors. Cheikh Anta Diops says that Shango was an ancient Ethiopian king.

This explains why Shango's primary symbol is the Six-Pointed Star used to represent the Royal House of David. In several Ifa signs Shango is even described as medieval king and a Moor whose mission was to revolutionize the world with the fiery essence of a Messianic Islam. Like Olokun, the priestly clan of Shango can be linked to the Holy Grail Bloodlines, which the medievals writers say originate in Africa. Thus, it is not far-fetched in anyway to suggest that Shango priests contributed to the development of Grail lore. And West African Myths about Olokun are reminiscent of the Merovingian Mythos conspiracy theorists tell us has something to do with the Illuminati and the New World Order or NWO. Perhaps this impression is the reason Merovingian Princes are not only believed by the experts to have been Ethiopian Jews, but are said to have been the magical offspring of a Nommo-like creature. Like in the West African mysteries, the blood of this Nommo-like creature, which the Merovingians called the Quinotaure, has something to do with the bloodline of Jesus Christ. The Gnostics even depicted a blackskinned Jesus as a Nommo. To the Gnostics, Jesus was viewed as the Fish-Man and Savior of the World, and this is precisely how the Nommo are viewed in West African mysteries, which in medieval Europe evolved into Grail lore. Furthermore, the Gnostic Jesus whose Ancient Alien DNA is mystically sealed inside the Holy Grail has something to do the Sirius Star System, the homeland of the Nommo. Something else to observe is that the Edo tribe that for centuries has claimed divine descent from Olokun had at a very early date extensive and sustained contact with Black Portuguese Knights Templars who were in possession of the Holy Grail or Jewel of Lucifer. For those who know how to read between the lines, this chapter in sacred black history has been commented on by one of the experts. In Olookun: owner of the Rivers and the Seas, John Mason informs: "Edo tradition maintains that in the earliest times they were governed by rulers who carried the title Ogiso (Sky King). During the period when these kings ruled, the Edo kingdom was known as Igodomigodo. Owodo was the last of the Ogiso. His reign was characterized by Egharevba as, 'a long course of misrule, failure and anxiety...' Owodo was tricked and misled by his evil senior wife into banishing his only son and heir to the throne, Prince Ekaladeran, who was innocent. Prince Ekaladeran with his wife, mother and close relatives wandered in the forest for some time before he founded the river-port town of Ughoton (or Gwatto), just within the barrier of coastal mangrove swamp. Ughoton's prosperity especially in the 1500s was due in large part to European merchants [Knights Templar] who stopped there to obtain chili peppers, ivory tusks, and eventually slaves in exchange for imported cloth, coral beads, cowries, brass rods, and eventually guns. The town became very prosperous and Ekaladeran attributed this prosperity to Olokun heeding his pleas for salvation and prosperity. Ekaladeran ordered that a temple be built where Olokun would be worshipped by everyone in the town." Perhaps Black Templars (that is, Dons or Dragons) from the Port-of-the-Grail (Portugal) helped to revive the ancient Olokun cult, which is in reality a continuation of the Annunaki Tradition. This impression is supported by the fact that there is an Olokun-like deity in the Gnostic Christian cosmology of the sea-faring Black Templars. To the sea-faring Black Templars, Olokun was John the Baptist. A connection can be made between John the Baptist and Olokun becasue the Black Templars correlated John the Baptist to Oannes, a Babylonian deity with all the attributes of the Nommo and Annunaki. The great importance Black Templars from the Port-of-the-Grail placed on Oannes envisioned as John the Baptist is reflected on royal shields containing aquatic green dragons, reminiscent of the magical frogs on the flags of the Merovingian Princes. In Revelation of the Holy Grail, Chevalier Emerys relates: "Some have suggested that this god-man was later symbolized by John the Baptist in Christian tradition. There are several key points to support this hypothesis; namely that Oannes came to land and baptized people with water and anointed leaders as priest-kings. One of the most important dates in the Templar tradition was Saint John's Day, June 24, near the Summer Solstice...the feast day predates John the Baptist, as it was the feast of Oannes. The Christian Church adopted John the Baptist (or Joannes as he was called), as the patron saint to fill the date of celebration of Oannes the ancient Babylonian god-king." Significantly, Saint John's Day is observed in Haiti by Masonic lodges that have either a direct or

indirect connection to Grail lore, the Knights Templar, and the Priory of Sion. Most occult scholars connect Haiti's Saint John's Day celebrations to the Martinists. However, the Martinists of 18th century Haiti may have merely continued and slightly reformed a Gnostic Christian tradition brought to Haiti by the Knights Templars. The Masonic Palo Tradition still reflects this chapter in early Caribbean history. In the Masonic branch of Palo Mayombe called Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje John the Baptist and Olokun are correlated to a very mysterious prenda called Guanindoki. According to the Black Cuban elders of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, Guanindoki is a Palo pot that materializes the spirits of mariners. In life these mariners were Moors and Knights Templar. Also, Gunanidoki is a term suggesting mariners venerated in Palo Mayombe are the elevated spirits of the Knights Templar who colonized the Caribbean before the arrival of Columbus. Guanindoki breaks down into Guanin and Ndoki. Ndoki denotes a man or woman who has made a blood pact with the Devil, and lives a cannibal, zombie, vampire, and werewolf. And the first part of this undefined Palo Congo term denotes the pre-Columbian Moors who hailed from the part of Islamic West Africa that in the early 1400s were under the rule of Rosicrucians and Knights Templars from the Port-of-the-Grail. In African Presence in Early Europe, Harold G. Lawrence writes: "The black men who brought those golden spear points to Hispaniola were the Mandinga... Father Roman (Roman Pane), one of the first twelve missionaries to visit the Americas after Columbus' 'discovery,' states that the African gold merchants who came to Hispaniola were called the Black Guanini. Rafinesque asserts that Gunani implies the Golden Tribe, or, in other words, black merchants who trafficked in gold. The significance in West Africa, as we have seen, is the same." The golden spears Moorish West Africans brought to the pre-Columbian Americas are almost identical to the Sacred Lance of the Knights Templar who colonized West Africa in the early 1400s. This Sacred Lance is commonly referred to as the Spear of Destiny. The Sacred Lance displayed in the Imperial Treasury at Holfburg Palace in Vienna, Austria has gold around the lower part of the tip of the point." One can attribute the Sacred Lance, a very important part of medieval Grail lore, to the Moors because the Moors who conquered Spain and southern France are the West African Saracens who initiated the Knights Templar into the Solomonic mysteries. According to Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley's most gifted apprentice, the European O.T.O. revives the African-Sumerian Tradition. This Tradition can be linked to the Moors who claimed descent from al-Shaitan (Satan). Grant maintains that Aiwaz, the messenger of New Aeon of SetHorus, is an aspect of al-Shaitan. Grant insights take on even greater significance when one is aware that Aiwaz is a Jinn that is worshiped in Islamized spirits almost identical to what in the West Indies is called Obeah and Palo Mayombe. And recall that medieval Templars venerated John the Baptist as Oannes. Oannes is what ancient West Africans called Nommo and the Sumerians called Enki. Biblical scholars say that Enki and Satan are one and the same. Oannes, Enki and Nommo also bring to mind Eliphaz Levi's the Reptilian depiction of Baphomet. Levi's Baphomet also contains the Five-Pointed Star, and this is because Baphomet is the ancient ancestor of the Moabite Moors. Baphomet's Reptilian characteristics, which bring to mind Oannes, is why he is honored by Illuminati agents who are high-degree Freemasons and Rosicrucians. Albert Pike says that Freemasons revere Baphomet, and the importance John the Baptist or Oannes plays in the magical worldview the Freemasons inherited from the Templars and Martinists has already been noted. Also, Oannes is Anu, a Bantu god featured in Sumerian legends about Annunaki, ancient aliens, or extraterrestrials. Amazingly, in Central Africa, the magical birthplace of Palo Mayombe, there is a Bantu tribe called the Anu that claims descent from the stars. The Sumerian and Egyptian term Anu relates to Antu that is, the origin of Bantu, the Rh negative Ancient Black Africans who are the offspring of extraterrestrials. In very remote times, the Anu tribe migrated to the Congo Basin from East Africa, where we encounter Bantu tribes with stellar rites based on memory of the time when the Ancient Ethiopian Bantu Empire compassed all of Sumeria and Egypt. In Song of the Stars, Credo Mutwa states: "In Africa we have a tribe that has been in existence since the days of ancient Sumeria. They are the very remarkable people of Kenya called the Massai...Now, the

Massai told me a very strange story when I was living amongst them in Kenya many years ago. They told me they worship God under the name Enki Enkay Urungai. Now, I understand that Enki, a god of the sky, was also worshipped in Sumeria, long before even Babylon was built. The Massai were also given the task of looking after cattle many centuries ago by a wise man from the stars called Uru-Wantayi...I must tell you that the word Wontay is ancient Egyptian, and Ur, the name of an ancient city of the Chaldeans, or Sumerians." Another occult writer reminds us that Enki is Samael and Satan, the heart and soul of Moorish Science and the real Illuminati conspiracy. In The Dragon Legacy, Prince Nicholas De Vere states: "There the two gods were named Enki (Samael) and Enil (Jehovah). The war between them arose first as a dispute over seniority. They were sons of one father, Anu...Enki was the younger son of Anu's senior wife, Antu [that is, Bantu!]...In Annunaki culture the female was the source of sovereignty and by right Enki or Samael (Satan) was therefore the rightful heir to his father, Anu, King of Annunaki." The way Anu and Oannes have been described by one of the experts is very insightful. In Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Drusilla Dunjee Houston writes: "Bel (Nimrod), god of the Chaldeans and later Babylonians, saw the fruitfulness of the land. He sent to them from the sea, a fearful fish... The fish taught men langauge, science, the harvesting of seeds and fruits and rules for the boundaries of lands. They gave them the mode of building temples and cities, art, writing, and all that pertains to the civilization of men. We learn from the Babylonian inscriptions that Anu, the Babylonian god, was also the fish-god Oannes. This Anu was the king of the lower world." Scholars concur that the Bantu tribe called the Anu is the tribe of the Jews, Arabs, and Moors whose blood is mystically sealed inside the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. Anu is the origin of Rh negative blood, and this Bantu tribe is the reason this blood type relates to Annunaki and 72 Goetia demons. When the branch human species that is incapable of satanic illumination or Gnosis is nearly extinct, people who are Rh negative will take the Next Step in the evolution. This Next Step deals with communing with Annunaki envisioned as 72 Goetia demons. After experimenting with 72 Goetia demons Aleister Crowley said something very profound. In Magick in Theory and Practice, Crowley declares: "My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher and superior quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such beings." Making a blood pact with Satan and 72 Goetia demons is the most powerful black magic spell in the world. Without this black spell there is no real Moorish Science, and the Illuminati and the Global Criminal Network have no reason to exist, and commit all types of murders based on Masonic symbolism and ritual. The bokors and mayomberos (Illuminati agents) who believe in "all red everything" call the most powerful black magic spell in the world Pacto con Diablo (Pact with the Devil), the cannibal spell, and the baka spell. To appreciate the most powerful black magic spell in the world, the power seeker must first gain knowledge of the Bantu demon called baka. In the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe, an evil baka spirit is the mad hungry ghost of a Congolese cannibal, zombie, vampire, and werewolf. Baka is an ancient Jewish mystery connected to the legend about King Solomon sealing 72 Goetia demons in a pot or bottle. King Solomon built the Masonic Temple so have total command of 72 demons. A special room within the Masonic Temple constructed by King Solomon held the Ark of the Covenant, and this is where blood pacts were made with Satan and 72 Goetia demons. Even the word 'ark' means "to bind." It is the 72 Goetia demons or Annunaki that the ceremonial magician binds with the blood of Jesus, which in reality is the Jewish blood of King Solomon and the blood of the ancient Bantu-EgyptianSumerian priesthood revived in the New Aeon by Illuminati agents of the highest degree. In A Book of the Beginnings, Gerald Massey declares: "To 'clear onself by an oath was a recognized form of speech with the Egyptians, and a mode of coventing. The word 'ark,' for oath, means to bind." And another one of the experts says that the type of Haitian Voodoo that is the

basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy and the Global Criminal Network is derived from Solomonic/Masonic interpretation of baka. In "Secrets of Voodoo," Milo Riguad declares: "The Voodoo baka, for the person knowing how to prepare or employ one, represents all the legions of angels and demons over which King Solomon had power, according to the Voodoo tradition. Solomon was the perfect initiate, the representative of the Temple. Thus, because he had in his possession a magic figure which embraced all esoteric signs, he made use of both angels and demons as he desired." What one finds in Haitian Voodoo one also finds in Jamaican Obeah. Like Haitian Voodoo, Jamaican and Trinidadian has been associated with the Masonic Lodge for as long as can be remembered. In fact, Jamaican Freemasonry begins with an Illuminati agent and Moor named Stephen Morin. Even the high and mighty Marcus Garvey was part of a Jamaican Masonic tradition rooted in Hispano-Moorish Maroon culture and Obeah. In many pictures, Marcus Garvey can be seen dressed like a high-degree Freemason and Moor. Some people believe that Garvey developed his version of Black Nationalism within a secret society based on the Caribbean Templar movement, which is an indispensiable part of the early development of the real Illuminati conspiracy and the Global Criminal Network. The neophyte Noble Drew Ali formulated his concept of Moorish Science from the Masonic Templar-inspired teachings of Marcus Garvey. In the eyes of Illuminati agents of the highest degree, Jamaican Obeah is pure Moorish Science, and this way of viewing Obeah is why the many Black Cubans have the very curious habit of saying that unbaptized or Jewish Palo Mayombe is a form of Obeah. Since early colonial times, Jamacain obeah men have dressed like Andalusian Moors, they have called their necromantic black magic "Science," and have proudly claimed to be "Scientific People" who know how to take the quantum leap into the rotating black hole or Kabbalistic Abyss. In Central Africa in the Caribbean, Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis informs: "In Jamaica, the Koongo were also known to be 'scientific people.' Many tales are told of how the old Africans could make drums beat by themselves, or rather, by unseen spiritual forces...This type of feat is called sala bilongo, glossed as working Obeah." When a Jamaican obeah man speaks of "Science," we know that he is referring to Practical Kabbalah or Moorish Science. Significantly, the old Africans noted by Dr. Warner-Lewis appear in the 18th century Jamaican records as "Santons" and "Mohammedans," two terms customarily used to denote an Andalusian Moor who specialized in a Luciferian and Satanic system of ceremonial magic akin to Obeah and Palo Mayombe. According to Martin Plessner, a renowned Orientalist from Germany, the Moorish use of the term "Science" originates within the Goetia Magick of medieval Spain. Thus, real Moorish Science is Voodoo, Obeah and Palo Mayombe, the branches of ceremonial magic the Illuminati agent uses to dominate the world in the name of the Prince of Darkness. In Jamaican Maroon culture Moorish Science was often referred to as Sala Bilongo, which in Cuba is called Sala Mayombe. Bilongo is Ki-kongo for "sacred medicine," and "Sala" is derived from Sala Maleko, the Moorish greeting of the obeah men who in the time of the Bucaneers played a major role in the development of the Global Criminal Community. In The Muslims Maroons and the Bucra Massa in Jamaica, Dr. Sultana Afroz states: "Oral tradition suggests that the historical Maroons of Moore Town adopted the universal Islamic aadaab (etiquette) of greeting and meeting... The universal Islamic greeting As-Salaamu-Alaikum, meaning 'peace be upon you,' still continues as the official Council greeting among the Council members in Moore Town. The present Maroon Councillors are unaware of the significance of the greeting in Islam and consider it as a traditional greeting adopted by the historical Maroons and therefore is to be adhered to with respect. The existence of such an Islamic tradition, which is confined to the Muslims, leaves no room for further argument on the authenticity of the Islamic heritage of the historical Maroon leadership in Moore Town, including Nanny under whose directives the Maroon Council was formed for the community." Obeah men in Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana who say that red duppies are the 72 Goetia demons. The way obeah men view red duppies is not surprising given the fact that the Lesser

Key of Solomon specifically says that some of the most powerful Goetia demons have total control over Africans. Like the Illuminati agents who belong to the Masonic-based Red Voodoo sects, obeah men speak of having a Black Mass in honor of the red duppies. In rural Jamaica, a Black Mass in honor of the red duppies takes place under the Ceiba, the most sacred tree of Palo Mayombe. At midnight, at the trunk and roots of the Ceiba, the obeah man sacrifices a black cat and summons Sasabonsam, the hellish leader of all red duppies. Sasabonsam is depicted as a hairy black man dressed in all red with horns and sharp vampire teeth. In the higher degrees of Moorish Science, Sasabonsam is referred to by Illuminati agents as Baphomet. Significantly, Sasabonsam has all the outstanding attributes of the medieval Christian concept of a black-faced Satan. Since Sasabonsam originates in the vampire cults of Ghana, West Africa, one can readily assume these cults were transmitted to medieval Spain. This illuminated line of reasoning is supported by the fact that Ghana was part of the Almoravid Dynasty. It is in the time of the Almoravid Dynasty that we come across many accounts of Satan as the Black Man who presided over a Black Mass, which included demon possession, shape shifting or lycanthropy, sex magick, the sacrifice small white children over a witch's cauldron, and eating human flesh as part of a very Satanic interpretation of the Catholic concept of the Eurcharist. There is no esoteric side to the Global Criminal Network without the medieval Black Mass that survives in the Caribbean. The Black Mass that the Jamaican obeah men and mayomberos inherited from his medieval Black European ancestors is based on the Moorish Science of the 72 Goetia demons. What I am revealing about the Black Mass is based on the hermetic knowledge I have acquired as an Illuminati agent of the highest degree. Even though I am the Illuminati agent who was chosen to revive purest and most demonic form of Moorish Science, I am not the first to declare that the Black Mass is based on Solomonic Black Magick. The truth about the Black Mass is partially known to the leaders of the European dragon orders conspiracy theorists often link to the Illuminati. In Dragon Legacy, Prince Nicholas De Vere maintains: "Anyone with average intelligence can interpret the Black Mass properly. Prior to the attaching of the Church's 'satanic' during the medieval periodand it decadence and misuse by outsiders throughout the Renaissance and post-Reformation erasit was one of the most profound and poetic family rituals ever conceived. Its hermetic and alchemical symbolism delved deep into the Kabbala and High Magic...The Black Mass had its roots in the ancient alchemical lore of Solomon and was simply a memento of the teachings long past and an aide memoire for future generations, a mnemonic which was intended to remind those to come from whence the power and wisdom derives." The Black Mass, which is the most intense dramatization of the Gnostic Catholic Mass of the European O.T.O., is actually a direct continution of the Witch's Sabbath presided over by the Black Man, styled as such because of his mastery over all things qliphotic or necromantic, and because his skin was almost as black as the iron pot that held the satanic powers of the night. Silly white occultists with an out-dated racialist agenda have tried to deny the Africanity of the Black Man who was praised as the Lord of the Witch's Sabbath. Be this as it may, the records strongly suggests that the Black Man of the Witch's Sabbath was a Europeanized African Mage with very advanced knowledge of Solomonic Black Magick and the 72 Goetia demons. In Passion and Resurrection of the Moorish Hiram, Amen A. El conveys: "In Northern Scotland, 1662, one Isobel Gowdie testified before the local parson and sheriff of Auldeanne that the Devil was a very cold, large black man who baptized her and one Janet Breadheid in a Christian Church." There are also very colorful accounts of the Black Man that date back to the 1300s, the exact time when the Heretical Knights Templar were burned at the stake for venerating the Black Man of the Witch's Sabbath as Baphomet. In "Secret Societies," Arkon Daraul states: "In 1324, the trial of Lady Kyteler in Ireland brough up allegations that she was a witch; that she sacrificed a red cock to one Robin, who was called an Ethiopian; and that she carried out rituals at a crossroad...The use of the name Robin and Robinet and other variations is more than once found in European witchcraft cases. The appearance of the Black Man is not uncommon."

Crossroad rituals are every important in Obeah, the Red Voodoo Sects, and Palo Mayombe. One even finds in the Red Voodoo Sects a black man with devilish horns that is very similar to the Black Man of the medieval witch cults. This is horned black figure of Caribbean folklore is none other than the Dragon King of the medieval Black European mysteries that paved the way for the rise of the real Illuminati conspiracy. In Guineas Other Suns, Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis states: "The dragon or devil band presents a fascinating synthesis of African and European elements...The dragonalso called 'beast' (echoes of Revelations)appears to derive from European folklore...But the relationship between the dragon and its attendants bears comparision with the interplay between certain destructively inclined West African masquerades and their retainers...The masquerade performance is thus a miming of the contest between the mask and his attendants, in this case, the dragon and the imps." The West African masquerades that Dr. Warner-Lewis informs us have something to do with the Real Dragon Legacy were brought into medieval Europe by Moorish demonologists. These magical masquerades, which in West Africa are called Egungun, appear to be the origin of the witch cults, and the Grail lore that is the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy. This supposition could easily explain why documented history indicates that during the medieval era the "harlequin" or "joker" was customarily depicted as a "Moor" who was an avatar of the Devil. Also, the harlequin of medieval Europe was depicted as a Moor because he was a Wodaabe man. Within the ancestral traditions of the Fulani, a Wodaabe is a painted Moor who specializes in a form of herbal witchcraft very similar to Palo Mayombe. In Peoples on the Move, David J. Phillips explains: "The Wodaable are renowned for their wide-ranging nomadism, their immortality, and the practice of witchcraft and supernatural medicine. Thier magical talismans and other magical arts have given them a reputation far beyond their area...Wodaabe are the Fulani who have been least influenced by Islam and follow their own traditional religion." In ancient and medieval times, Wodaabe men migrated to the British Isles, where they helped to develop Druidism, the Celtic mystery religion that has much in common with Obeah and Palo Mayombe. Wodaabe men account for all the descriptions of the painted black-skinned Celts who are specifically referred to in old British history books as Moors. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie says: "Now, when Claudian wrote, and for a long time after, Maurus signified a great deal more than a native of Mauritania... Any Latin dictionaryany old one, at leastwill tell you that maurus is 'a Moor,' a 'Blackamore,' or 'a tawny-Moor.' And Shakespeare uses the word 'Moor" as a synonym for 'Negro'... A complementary witness with Maurus is gorm, found attached to the name of Highland (and other) chiefs and kings. This word is given in Gaelic dictionaries as signifying 'blue, of whatever shade; also green, as grass.' And this recalls the facy that the indigenous tribes described by Caesar were styled both Virides (green) and Caerulei (blue), from the woad with which they stained their bodies, the color of which may come under either of these headings. Accordingly, when one looks again into the Gaelic dictionary, one finds gorman is woad. Plainly, therefore, a man who is titled gorm is a woad-stained man. Now, although in the Gaelic of Scotland a Negro is known as duine dubh, a black man, he is known in the Gaelic of Ireland as duine gorm, a blue, green, or woad-stained man." Wodaabe men and Egungun priests in medieval Europe are the origin of the Tarot card called the The Fool. In The Book of Thoth, Aleister Crowley states: "In the medieval pack, the title of the card is Le Mat, adapted from the Italian Matto, madman or fool... If one assumes that the Tarot is of Egyptian origin, one may suppose that Mat (this card being the key card of the whole pack) really stands for Maut..." There is a lot to what Crowley says! In medieval Europe, under the rule of the Almoravids and Almohades, West African holy men, Marabouts or fakirs were called "madmen" and "fools." These holy man came into medieval Spain from the same part of Islamic West Africa that is the origin of Egungun. Significantly, in the West African Egungun tradition an Islamic ancestral spirit is called a Maat, the original named of the first and most important Major Arcana! In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey informs: "There is additional evidence of Kemetic-Moroccan connections when we note the work of English explorer James Grey Jackson. In his commentary on Morocco, Jackson's historical log refers to 'Maat' as

the Moorish term for a deceased person, thereby suggesting a linguistic origin or link with Kemet." Even the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court cannot help but admit the truth when talking about the Black Man of the Witch's Sabbath customarily referred as the Coal Black Man because of the great importance red hot coals play in the type of Moorish Science rooted in the Devil. In Dragon Legacy, Prince Nicholas De Vere declares: "With regard to the Coal Black Man, some scholars have linked him with the Morris and both with some ferility ritual originating in Africa, based on the supposition that Morris was originally spelt Moorish." What De Vere tell us compliments the insights of talented African-centered scholars. In Golden Age of the Moor, James E. Brunson and Runoko Rashidi write: "During the Middle Ages, because of his dark complexion and Islamic faith, the Moor became in Europe a symbol of guile, evil and hate. In medieval literature demonic figures were commonly depicted with black faces. Among Satan's titles in medieval folklore were: Black Knight, Black Man, Black Ethiopian, and Big Negro...In the Poema de Fernan Gonzalez, the devils and Moors are equally described as carbonientosliterally the coal-face ones." According to the renowned Sufi master Idries Shah, the Coal Black Man founded the first Masonic lodges. In The Sufis, Shah declares: "Freemasons are in some Arabic dictionaries called charcoal burners or Coalmen...Scotland seems to be not a mistake, as has been thought, but a code name for Spain. This is borne out by the fact that Freemasons also state that early lodges were founded in Scotland, and they speak of Scottish Rites." Freemasons and Illuminati agents possessing Masonic degrees speak of Scottish Rites because the Coal Black Man appears in medieval Scottish folklore. We also know that when the Knights Templar were being persecuted by the Vatican for worshipping the Coal Black Man envisioned as Satan or Baphomet, they took refuge in places in Scotland that were almost entirely Moorish. In the 1300s, the royal leader of the Scottish Templars was John de Richemund. The records strongly suggest that John de Richemund was a Coal Black Man. This Knights Templar may have been related to the Moorish dukes and earls that descended from the West African rulers of the Richmond Castle in Yorkshire. Wherever we encounter a Coal Black Man or blacksmith, we are looking at the mighty Moor who specialized in making blood pacts with 72 Goetia demons. In Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul reminds: "In Morocco to this day blacksmiths are considered to be great sorcerers; and in the Middle East in general it is the Moor who is always a magician. Other writers say that the blacksmith archetype is connected to making a pact with the Devil. In "The Smith and the Devil," George Monbiot asserts: "There are stories of smiths using their powers to benign ends... But these tales are far outnumbered by those which equate the smith with evil. Several tell of smiths entering into a pact with the Devil to get fire and the means to melting metal; indeed it is arguable that the medieval vision of Hell represents the smith in his forge." Blacksmiths are the reason why Freemasons are not only referred to as Mystical Builders, but also honor in their higher degrees the fallen angel Lucifer as the "Light of the World" (Grand Illuminati). Significantly, the "Light of the World" is an magical epithet often used to describe Moors. The great importance the fallen angel Lucifer serves within the Freemasonic worldview has been noted by a popular writer on the occult. In the introduction to Charles G. Addison's The History of the Knight Templar, David Childress states: "The Masons and Templars, it is said, worship the Angel Lucifer, whom Jehovah banished from Heaven... Lucifer is the same god as the Greek Prometheus, the bringer of God's Fire to mankind. For this act, giving man fire, Prometheus was banished from heaven, as was Lucifer... Lucifer, like Prometheus, was the god of hard work, the patron of those who were builders." In Islamic West Africa one encounters cosmogonic myths that speak of a Luciferian gods that descended to earth from depths of dark stellar space to give mankind God's Fire and the abililty to smelt iron. Without the European blacksmiths who were Moorish demonologists, there would no real Illuminati conspiracy and New World Order or NWO. Things take on even more significance when we refer to what a renowned African-American historian says about the origin of the Coal Black Man or blacksmith. In Introduction to African Civilization, John G. Jackson

informs: "Professor Franz Boas, the Nestor of American anthropology, was firmly convinced of the priority of Africa in iron culture...At the time of the great African discoveries toward the end of the past century, the trade of the blacksmith was found all over Africa, from north to south and from east to west... That iron tools were used by the ancient Egyptians in building the Great Pyramind is stated as a fact by Herodotus... The followers of Horus were called Blacksmiths, because they possessed iron implements." The last point made by Mr. Jackson needs to be elucidated. According to Gerald Massey and Kenneth Grant, the original followers of Horus were Bantu high priests of Set or Satan. In other words, the popular notion that to be a master blacksmith has to first make a blood pact with the Prince of Darkness is traceable to the Bantu mystery schools of ancient Ethiopia and Egypt. Further, the Black Coal Man aspect of Moorish Science survives in the Bantu-inspired mystery religion called Palo Mayombe. In Palo Mayombe: Garden of Blood and Bones, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold writes: "He [Lucifer] is thus celebrated by placing his fundamento [Holy Grail] into a hole in the earth on burning coals in a ring of fire where his Tata then walks on fire and hot coals and manifest his presence." Other writers also say that in Palo Mayombe coal and gunpowder are associated with the kabbalistic black magic of the Devil. In Afro-Cuban Religions, Miguel Barnet says: "Mayombe or Palo Monte is one of the most widely known and popular rites. It is said to be used for evil; that is, it is Jewish... It is also said to resemble weeds and is associated with the dead. People use it when they wish to dabble in evil. Coal and gunpowder are used in bad works that are performed on Tuesdays, as that is the day of the Devil." Tuesdays are when Palo Judio (Jewish Palo) ceremonies take place because in medieval Europe Tuesday was the day of the Devil imaged as the master blacksmith and Moor. This is not to mention the fact that David Mac Ritchie tells us that it was the mighty Dragon King or Moor who brought gunpowder into medieval Europe. In Ancient and Modern Britons, David Mac Ritchie maintains: "Whatever obscurity may hang over the early history of gunpowder (says a recent authority), it seems most probably that its employment as a propelling agent originated among the Moors or Saracens whose civilization for several centuries contrasted forcibly with the intellectual darkness of Christendom." It has also been noted that in medieval Europe gunpowder was associated with the Devil envisioned as a blackened man or Moor. In Gunpowder, Jack Kelly informs: "Early in its history, gunpowder was labeled the Devil's distillate. Onlookers were terrified by its flash and boom. Its fabricators were secretive, blackened men, daredevils whose arcane work was subject to disastrous accidents. One of gunpowder's ingredients, brimstone, was the burning stone always associated with Satan." Thanks to the Moorish demonologists who laid the foundation for the real Illuminati conspiracy, gunpowder and circus magic go hand in hand. A vague memory of medieval Moorish demonologists is the reason modern stage magicians make things "appear" and "disappear" in clouds of sulphurous smoke. Using gunpowder and red hot coals to summon Satan and the 72 Goetia demons are a very important part of the medieval Moorish Science. Also, medieval Moorish Science is why in Palo Mayombe coal and gunpowder rituals always contain the Hispano-Moorish greeting "sala maleko." In addition to this Moorish greeting, the Black Cuban Mayombero even calls gunpowder "fula." Curiously, Fula or Fulani is one of the tribes of the West African Moors that in the time of Columbus penetrated deep into the Congo Basin in order to trade slaves to the Knights Templar. One can assume that the Fula or Fulani are the primary reason gunpowder is called "fula" by mayomberos. Mayomberos probably call gunpowder "fula" in honor Wodaabe men or Painted Black Moors who played a major part in the development of the dark side of Afro-Caribbean shamanism. Gunpowder is the reason the Black Knights of medieval European folklore are referred to as "Devils" and "Dragons" that blow fire and brimstone from their mouths. The Black Knights are portrayed in medieval European folklore strongly suggest that they were the first great Luciferians

and Satanists of the western world. That medieval Black Knights or Dragon Kings were literally black-skinned men with very diabolical dispositions is a fact that has been noted by David Mac Ritchie. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie writes: "... we have before us undeniable evidencehistorical and ethnologicalof the immemorial presence of the blacks in this country...T he black giants of the Welsh, and other tales, are hateful and horrid. The Welsh Black Oppressor, and the Black Knight of Lancashire are fierce tyrants, the cruel foes of all white people... At a later date, when the whites were gaining the ascendancy, and the blacks were cut up into straggling bands, or lurking, like the Black Morrow of Galloway, in solitary dens and forest-shades, out of which they issued by night, intent on murder and rapineeven at this stage of their history, the blacks were the dreaded enemies of the whites." In other places in his remarkable book about the Moorish origin of medieval European culture, Mac Ritchie provides more evidence regarding the first master minds of the real Illuminati Conspiracy. Mac Ritchie informs: "There people are remembered in Gaelic records as Black Lochlinners (Black Scandinavians), Dubh Galls, or Dubh Gennti (Black Foreigners or Black People), and also as Black Danars... The cruelty of the Danes is painted in the strongest colors by our most ancient historians... All the towns through which they passed exhibited the most deplorable scenes of misery and desolation... old men lying with their throats cut... the streets cover with the bodies of young men and children, without heads and arms, and of matrons and virgins, who had first been publically dishonored, and then put to death. It is said to have been the common practice among these barbarous pagans to tear infants of the English from the breats of their mothers, toss them up into the air, and catch them on the point of their spears as they were falling...Truly a race of Black OppressorsBlack Knights, holding the people in vassalage, and using them with great severity." The infernal spirits of the medieval Black Knights survives in Palo Mayombe. Also, I am not the first advanced practitioner of Palo Mayombe to link medieval Black Knights to Palo Mayombe. In Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold says: "Zarabanda is syncretised with St. Peter and St. Nobert in Kimbiza and in many other ramas [Palo Mayombe lineages] with St. Michael the Archangel...St. Nobert is a knight akin to St. George and St. Jacque. It is the idea of the knight on the track of the stellar fields that replicates the essence of Zarabanda...The connection between the blacksmith and the knight is made evident in Zarabanda." Frisvold's insightful words become more relevant when one recalls that Zarabanda was a violent dance of the West African Moors who conquered Spain and penetrated as far north as the British Isles. In "A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English language," Walter Skeat states: "Sarabanda, a dance of Moorish origin." To add, in The Encyclopedia Britannica Vol. 7, Hugh Chisholm shares: "It (the Bolero) is remarkable for the free use made in it of the arms, and is said to derive from the ancient Zarabanda, a violent and licentious dance, which has entirely disappeared, and with which the Saraband has practically nothing in common." Zarabanda is the witch's cauldron mayomberos use to make blood pacts with Satan Kadiempembe. Since Zarabanda is both a Black Knight and cauldron, he can be linked to the Holy Grail and the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines. This is the only way of viewing the matter because scholars say the Holy Grail is derived from Moors who invaded Spain. In The Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker shares: "This myth wasn't heard in Europe until the 12th century. The real origins of the Holy Grail were not Christian but pagan. The Grail was first Christianized in Spain from a sacred tradition of the Moors." Walker's insights shed light on the main reason Black Knights are featured in medieval Grail legends. In Nature Knows No Color-Line, J.A. Roger informs: "Again in the Romance of Morien one of the King Arthur legends, Sir Morien (that is, Moor) is described as 'all black his head, his body and his hands were all black, saving only his teeth,'... One of the Knights of King Arthur who is also mentioned as black is Sir Palamedes, who was Moorish or a Saracen. Morien and Palamedes represent Moors, who were converted to Christianity and joined in the fight against Islam." Another writer reminds us that Parzifal, the most important medieval Grail legend, features black

people. In Problems in Studying the Role of Blacks in Europe, Allison Blakely says: "Other imagery concerning blacks drawn more from the historical experience than from imagination might be cited from epics, legends, and literature. An illustrative medieval literary work is Wolfram von Eschenbach's 'Parzifal,' drawn from the legend of King Arthur and his court... images of blacks in the story are at times positive and at other negative, and sometimes noble, at other ridiculous." Mac Ritchie provides even more evidence showing that black men are featured in medieval Grail legends. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie shares: "The Welsh traditions bear similar testimony. The hero Peredur, Son of Evrawc, discovers a company of bald, swarthy youths, sitting at the hall-door of a black giant, playing chess. This giant is styled the Black Oppressor... While sitting in a tent of the Empress of Cristinobly the Great, Peredur held a black man enter, with a goblet full of wine, and shortly after, there entered a black man of larger stature than the other, with a wild beast's claw in his hand, wrought into the form of a goblet and filled with wine. At another time, when he and other Round Table knights were in Arthurs hall at Caerlleon, they saw a black, curly-headed maiden enter. Her aspect is characterized as rough and hideous. Blacker was her face and her two hands than the blackest iron covered with pitch." Black Knights described as "Devils" "Dragons," "Black Danes" and "Moors" were the keepers of the Holy Grail because they were in possession of cauldrons containing bloodthirsty bakas. Bakas are the Bantu infernal ancestors of Celtic people described in British history books as black men and women. The first inhabitants of the British Isles were Bantu high priests from the same part of Central Africa that is the birthplace of Palo Mayombe. This chapter in ancient Black European history has been commented on by the experts. In Celtic Myth and Legend, Charles Squire says that the first race of the British Isles was "short, swarthy, dark-haired, dark-eyed, and long-skulled; its language belonged to the class of Hamitic... and it seems to have come originally from some part of...Eastern, Northern, or Central Africa." In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers declares: "Were the first Britons, Negroes? There is considerable evidence that they might have been. Grimaldi relics have been dug up in England. Very ancient huts, strikingly like those of Africa and the South Seas have been unearthed at Glastonbury. Ring money of the kind used by the Negroes of the Sudan to pay tribute to the Pharaohs, and which is still being hammered out by African goldsmiths, has also been found. Blue beads of 1500 to 1200 B.C., that are common in the Egyptian ruins, have been found in considerable number in the Stonehenge district... As regards color, Tacitus, Roman historian of 80 A.D., distinctly mentions the dark complexion and the unusually curly hair of the Silures, or Black Celts, who occupied England together with a fair-skinned, fair-haired people." Ancient African huts dug up in Glastonbury relate to Grail lore. Grail legends from Glastonbury feature the witch's cauldron of Bran, an immortal black giant in Welsh tales that can be linked to Grail lore. In The Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Walker writes: "Joseph then traveled to England with a group of pilgrims, built the temple of the Grail at Glastonbury, and installed the Round Table for the rite of the holy super. Among his followers was Bron, the Rich Fisher, directly stolen from pagan myths of Bran the Blessed, Welsh god of the sacred cauldron." What has been said about the Welsh tales that speak of Bran and his witch's cauldron is very revealing. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie writes: "Kynon, the son of Clydno, encountered another of those black people, a black giant with an iron cluband such giants swarm throughout the Welsh tales. 'The Mabinogion (says Mr. Sikes)...are full of black men, usually giants, always terrible to encounter.' And they are all extremely ugly." As has already been stated, evil baka spirits are the equivalent to the 72 Goetia demons, and evil baka spirits are the dwarves that appear in medieval European legends. Celtic and Norse myths indicate that some dwarves come from Africa. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie states: "In Welsh tradition (says Wirt Sikes) the Bwbach is usually brown...and the Coblynau are black or copper-colored in face as well as dress. And the Gwrachwhich word translates to 'hag' or

'witch'he states that she is the Welshand phoneticalspelling of what in the Scottish Highlands is Abhach Dubh. And the English Abhach Dubh is the Black Dwarf." To add, in African Presence in Early Europe, Don Luke relates: "The Dark Elves and Black Dwarves reside in the mounds, and the dark caves in the earth. Their realm is known as Svarlheim, the black community. In the Prose Edda, we are told that Dark Elves dwell in the earth and are 'blacker than pitch'... Squire reveals to us that... the Aryan Celts always feared the weird magical rites of the Dark Dwarves of the British Isles." Significantly, nfumbi, the Palo Mayombe term to denote a devilish dwarf, is believed by scholars to originate in Islamic West Africa, the homeland of the Painted Moors or Wobaabe men with a Jinn-based system of kabbalistic black magic akin to Obeah and Palo Mayombe. In Cuban Festivals, Dr. David H. Brown relates: "Meanwhile, the pan-Caribbean term jumbie arguably descends from the Bantu-wide lexicon related to spirits of the dead, such as kiyumba, which means a spirit-embodying skull relics, and nfumbi, which means dead spirit, in the Afro-Cuban Palo Monte tradition... In the Caribbean, as early as 1781, Sir William Young observed a Christimas stilt dancing figure on St. Vincent called Mumbo Jumbo, and asserted that the term was derived from Mumbo Jumbo of the Mendengoes... Bettelheim provisionally suggests that a variation on a Mande term joined the African masquerade practice of stilt-dancing in the Caribbea, resulting in numerous variations, among them moko jumbie, moco jumbie, moka jumbie, moco jumbo, and simply jumby." Significantly, nfumbi/jumbie spirits often appear as Black Indians for reasons that have never been adequately explained. In Palo Mayombe, there is even an entire class of Black Indian nfumbi called Yamboaki. Contrary to the popular belief of Palo Mayombe scholars, Yamboaki is not a term created by Cubans. This magical term is of West African origin. Boaki is a surname that shows up in Islamic West Africa amongst the Wodaabe and other ethnic groups with ancient Jewish and Moorish origins. Also, Moorish clan names for Black Indians in South America and the Caribbean suggest that Wodaabe men from Africa and Europe were living in the America before Columbus. From South America, Wodaabe men (or Painted Black Celts) migrated to Central America and the Caribbean, where they helped to develop the cannibalistic branches of Voodoo and Palo Mayombe that contain numerous Carib Indian elements. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey informs: "Jules Cauvet, a French linguist, showed that several American Indian names were also found among the Moors of northwest Africa... Some of the American Indian names that Cauvet argued had African (Moorish) origins were: Atlantes [Atlantis], Baquetias (ancient Bacouates), Bucoyas (Bokkoya of the Rif in the Maghrib), Guisnais (Gueznaia of the Rif), Gualis, Chorti (Chorta), Guamares (Ghomares), Guanchas (Guanches of the Canary Islands), and Huares (Hoouara of Morocco... A Sudanese ethnic tribal name: Marabitine, was also found to compare with Marabitinas and Maravittinas of Portuguese Guiana (now Brazil), the Marabi-os of Nicaragua, and the Maravigene of Venezuela. It is highly significant that ethnic names and national designations like Marabitine, Marabitinas, Marabi-os and Maravittnas would appear among American Indian peoples. All such names are clearly derivations of Marabit and Marabout which definitely relate to Africa's Muslims." That Marabout-derived clan names show up amongst the natives of both Islamic West Africa and Central America is highly significant. All West Africans know that Wodaabe men are recognized as very powerful Marabouts, and many of their shamanic beliefs and practices are identical to the Hispano-Moorish elements found in Obeah and Palo Mayombe. Wodaabe men have preserved the dark ancestral rites practice by all Moorish tribes prior to their conversion to Sunni Islam. And these dark ancestral rites are why the Wodaabe and the Taureg still paint themselves like the legendary Black Celts many writers believe colonized Ancient America. Apparently, the Islamized West Africans who danced the jumbie on the Island of Saint Vincent in the 1700s continued the pre-Columbian Moorish-American tradition of the Wodaabe men. In The Human Species, Quatrefages conveys: "When the Europeans landed on this latter island [Saint Vincent], they found there two populations, or better two disticnt races. One part of the islanders had the ordinary reddish-yellow complexion; the others were Blacks... They [Black Caribs] could very well

be the descendants of the Africans who were conveyed to St. Vincent by the currents and the winds, such as was in the case of those who landed towards the motuh of the Orinoco, in Brazil, in Florida, and at the Isthmus of Darien. They might even be the descendants of those black men who during the time of Columbus were from time to time making incursions to Haiti, well before slavery had brought Negroes to America." There is very convincing linguistic evidence showing that Black Caribs originate in the same part of West Africa that some scholars believe is the origin of the Wodaabe men and the Palo Mayombe term fumbi/jumbie. In African presence in Early America, Harold G. Lawerence explains: "The Black Caribs of Saint Vincent and the islands of the Lesser Antilles also represent a pre-Columbian Mandinga element. Their proper names Califurnam and Garif are Mandinga variants of the Arabic Khalifatu-n-Nabi, which in Mande becomes Kalifa-nami and can be shortened to Kalifa, or Karifa, or the Black Carib Garif. This Muslim title can be explained by the fact that some Black Carib traditions point to Islamic origin. One of these traditions relates that when the Spaniards arrived at Saint Vincent they found there a wooly-haired people who were 'Mohammedans,' and whose langage was presumably Arabic. Carib dietary habits tend to support this tradition; it was only in recent times that the Caribs added pork, a major Islamic taboo, to their diet." Equally forthcoming is the fact that bloodthirsty Black Caribs played a very important role in the development of the Red Voodoo Sects, which in Eastern Cuba evolved into Palo Mayombe. In Divine Horsemen Maya Deren reveals: "The characteristic appellation of the Petro deities is GeRouge, red eyes: the Caribs are described as painting themselves with strange devices, particularly staining their eyes and eyebrows to give a terrifying appearance. The Caribs women were distinguished for wearing leg-bands fastened just below the knee: the Petro deities tie a band or handkerchief in the same place on the leg, as well as on the upper arm. The Caribs, it will be recalled, were cannibalistic; their agrarian rites were extremely violent and bloody... In modern Haiti, the baka are man-eating animals; they have the red-eyes of the Petro deities." Something else to duly note is that in the Haitian Black Magick, a baka or Ndoki Malo is commonly referred to as a djab spirit. Scholars as well as advanced practitioners lead one to the very strong impression that djab is a Luciferian and Satanic concept. In "Vodou Quantum Leap," Dr. Reginald Crosley writes: "Haitians in general don't like to talk about those demonic vodouns...The practice of the dark arts requires a special initiation and it is a very mysterious, occult type of undertaking... It is very startling to see that Lucifer does not occupy the high ranking position that he has in the Judeo-Christian alternate reality. He is just one of the 'diab' or demons... Loa Krabinay is a fiendish shadow entity that provokes very violent composite connection...He fits very well the description of the biblical Lucifer who is the enemy of God, and as such, avoids even mentioning the name of the Almighty, wants to keep his distance, although he recognizes God as his creator but did not ask to be created." An excellent description of how an evil baka spirit functions within the lives Illuminati agents can be found in the writings of Alfred Mextraux. In Voodoo in Haiti, Metraux reveals: "If we are to believe what we hear in the country districts, the clientele of the bokor seems to be made up of people ambitious or desperate to grow rich at whatever price... The possession of a hot point is only obtained at great risk. Once you are committed to him, a baka never lets you go. Always thirsting for human blood, a baka keeps asking, every time it opens its mouth, for fresh victims. Nothing can bend its will. Sooner or later it ends by killing its partner who, tired of giving it human beings, tries to get out of his commitment." Baka originates amongst the ancient Ethiopian Bantu tribes that are the very beginning of Solomonic Black Magick. In Secrets of Voodoo,, Milo Riguad states: "The Voodooist does not exaggerate, then, when he claims that for himself alone the baka synthesizes the entire ritual and religious consitution and all the magic practices of Voodoo. All the mysteries are found in its clever composition. It is simultaneously a magic charm, protection, sacrifice, and performance; a

terrestrial soul, a celestail soul, a cult, atheism, a magic weapon, threat, and danger, a magic prohibition, sacrificial victim; the concept of divinity, demonism, riches, catastrophe, health, sickness, life and death. The Voodoo baka has an importance in magic of such a kind that every great initiate in the cult realizes that it may perfecttly represent all possible and imaginable practices of the cult as well as of Voodoo magic. However, it would be wrong to believe that the baka principle, in magic as in religion, is limited to Voodoo alone. Persistent research reveals it everywhere, though under different names. In the learned magic of the Egyptian temples Osiris, as the mystery who guides the souls of the dead, personifies it, played the same part that Ra Nibbho plays in Voodoo magic, since in Egypt the baka has a double function which, for those who understand its employment, is not one of disagreement or occult discord, but rather of harmony, happy union, practical coalescence, and success in magic." From Bantu-speaking Ethiopia and Egypt, the mystery of the baka was transmitted to Islamic West Africa, where it gave rise to the Egungun cults, which in 19th century Cuban played are major part in the development of modern Palo Mayombe and the cult of Centella Ndoki (Mama Wanga Kiribama). The connection the Bantu-Egyptian concept of baka has to Egungun appears in the writings of one of the experts. In Religion of the Yorubas,, J. Oluminde Lucas states: "The Egungun cult is therefore the survival, in practical form, of the fusion of the Ancient Egyptian beliefs that after death righteous persons become luminous spirits (Khu) and that their Kas (soul bodies) are capable of moving about and of assuming human form." Significantly, the number of Egungun is nine. This is the number of the sphere on the Tree of Life called Yesod, which opens the door to the Qliphoth, the origin of the Judeo-Christian concept of Hell. Kenneth Grant connects the luminous orbs or UFOs of the Illuminati agents to ancient aliens and the Qliphoth. In Outer Gateways,, Grant conveys: "In parenthesis, the Tree of Life, with its glowing globes, comprehends schematically to the variety of space capsules and their respective kalas. When a star is sighted in the sky the radiance seen by the human eye is not of our time, and the star itself may have ceased to shine long aeons since. Similarly, the flying lightsthe subject of innumerable sightings since Hiroshimaare raditations from the lenticular energy-spectres of long dead beings that existed in remote galaxies. They are the 'dead' in Amenta, the Shining Ones. They form the world of shells known in ancient lore as the Qliphoth." Palo Mayombe is a continuation of the baka rites created by the Ethiopian Bantu tribes, which in the time of Moses were forced to retreat to the Congo Basin and southern Africa. This mysterious chapter in black history is why in the unbaptized or Jewish branch of Palo Mayombe called Lemba and Lembankita a prenda or witch's cauldron is called "nganga mose," which means "nganga of Moses." One should keep in mind that Moses was a master kabbalist and prophet of pure Ethiopian Bantu stock. In Sex and Race Vol. I, J.A Rogers writes: "Moses himself was black. In all likelihood he was the son of the Pharaoh's own daughter, which would account for his adoption and rearing for the throne. The story of his finding in the bullrushes is so identical with that told about Sargon, King of Babylon, who preceded him, that to some it seems doubtful. Moreover, this finding a child in the water is an old African tradition. When Jehovah wished to give Moses a sign, so runs the famous legend, he told him to put his hand into his bosom. The hand came out white, proving that it could not have been white before. The miracle lay in turning a black skin white, and turning it to black again. Hence the perfect logic of the Mohammedan belief that Moses was a Negro." Other popular writers say that Moses was Akhenaton, the ancient African-Egyptian ruler who in the eyes of the Kemetic Rosicrucians and Illuminati agents has reincarnated as President Barack Obama: the Black Nobility leader of the New World Order and the Global Criminal Network. In Conspiracy Encyclopedia,, Thom Burnett states: "Some, including the controversial author Laurence Gardner in 'Genesis of the Grail Kings,' claim Moses was the pharoah Akhenaten, who angered Egyptian religious authorities by closing down the temples and building new ones devoted to a vague, faceless, omniscient god called Aten." Aten relates to Ancient Alien DNA, the true origin of the bloodlines of the Holy Grail in possession of Illuminati agents of the highest degree. According to Kenneth Grant, Aten symbolizes Ancient Alien DNA. In Outer Gateways,,

Grant declares: "According to Massey, Aten was a very early name of Horus as god of the dual Horizon...Aten [was] imaged by the winged disk of the Divine Son, divine because of the nonhuman parentage on the father's side, being the seed of the woman without human intervention." And the great importance Akhenaton continues to play within the Kemetic Rosicrucian worldview of Illuminati agents has been duly noted by current Grand Master of AMORC. In "Rosicrucian Reflections," Christian Bernard states: Concerning its traditional aspect, AMORC does indeed place its origins in the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt... According to hat we know, some pharaohs were involved in them, and were even sometimes at the head of them. This was the case notably with Amenhotep IV, known more widely by the name Akhnaton, who as the first to make monotheism a state religion." That Akhenaton is known Amenhotep is relevant to students of Grail lore. The renowned Senegalese historian Cheikh Anta Diop reveals in The African Origin of Civilization, that the cult of Amen-Ra speard all the way to Islamic West Africa. According to Kenneth Grant, Amen-Ra is a manifestation of Set-Typhon, the prototype of the Judeo-Christian Devil. Significantly, in the Islamic West African country where the mysteries of Amen-Ra has been preserved one encounters Moorish tribes claiming descent from the prophet Moses. This is the same Islamic West African country that in the medieval era played a very important part in the Moorish invasion Spain. Even though the AMORC says nothing mentions none of this in its pamphlets and books, West African Moors claiming descent from Moses (Akhenaton) account for the birth Grail lore and the first Rosicrucian doctrines. In addition to the bio-genetic encoding of the Illuminati agent and Black Nobility leader President Barack Obama, the spiritual essence of Akhenaton/Moses survives in the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. Some people in the Palo community may find this very hard to believe, but the truth is apparent to the Illuminati agents who pledge their allegiance to the fallen angel Lucifer and 72 Goetia demons. In the unbaptized or Jewish branch of Black Cuban Palo Mayombe called Lemba and Lembankita, nganga mose materializes the dark ancestral energy of Satan Kadiempembe. Perhaps this Palo Mayombe teaching derives either directly or indirectly from the fact that the prophet Mose was a Bantu priest of Jehovah. A very insightful writer on the mysteries says that in very ancient times Jehovah was correlated to Set-Typhon, the Judeo-Christian prototype of the Devil that is an indispensible part of Grail lore and the real Illuminati conspiracy. In A Book of the Beginnings, Gerald Massey explains: "The Hebrew writers are constantly complaining of the tendency of Israel to revert to the grosser, earliest type of deity, in Sut-Typhon, who is recognized by the monuments as the great divinity of the Syrian land. In two different accounts of the same transaction, it is written, in the one: 'the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah:' in the other: 'Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel.' But there is no real discrepancy. The first form of Jehovah was the feminine Typhon, the later personification of all evil; and if a male divinity be meant, the earliest masculine deity of the Jews was Sut, the son of Typhon, the Lord as the Sabean Baal or Bar-Sutekh." With a properly prepared nganga mose a mayombero with knowledge of ceremonial magic can materialize 72 Goetia demons, and achieve the illumination needed to dominate the four elemental powers symbolized by the Moorish flag. The nganga mose probably entered Palo Mayombe via Petro-Lemba sects of Haiti containing the same kabbalistic elements found in Solomonic Black Magick. Amazingly, the record books of history strongly suggests that kabbalistic elements found in Haitian and Cuban Lemba traditions are of Portuguese Knights Templar origin. In Africa: The History of a Continent, John Iliffe reveals: "Lemba healers used drums and bracelets marked with cowrie shells. They controlled markets, adjudicated disputes, and policed a trading system traversing political borders across half of Equatorial Africa. The cult disappeared early in the twentieth century, along with the slave trade, but like the consequences of that trade, it survived in the Caribbean. Lemba illustrated the capacity of privileged Africans to create or adapt institutions in order to survive the slave trade. Successful Igbo traders formed similar assoications while the Order of Christ, originally a Portuguese Chivalric body, took Lemba's place in Angola."

The Illuminati agents from the Red Voodoo Sects acknowledge the great importance Moses plays in the kabbalistic mysteries. In Secrets of Voodoo,, the Illuminized Freemason and Martinist Milo Riguad informs: "The oum'phor is the temple of Voodoo. It closely resembles the design used by Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant and the tabernacle as described in Exodus... In the Voodoo tradition, Moses was initiated into Voodoo and perfected his knowledge as a student of the Black Midianite teacher Ra-Gu-El Pethro (Jethro)." Significantly, the Jamaican Obeah sects that helped to develop some branches of modern Palo Mayombe preserve a similiar kabbalistic teaching of Congo origin. In the Jamaican Obeah, Moses is viewed as the first great obeah man to master very aspect of the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy. The magick wand of the Jamaican obeah man is even referred to as the "Staff of Moses" for reasons that relate to a Black Hebrew Israelite presence in early Jamaican folklore. The same magick wand can be found throughout the Caribbean, where it is associated with a Christianized form of Congolese necromancy and the militant powers of the fallen angel Lucifer. In "Central Africa in the Caribbean," Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis informs: "This outlaw dimension to the Trinidad stick-fighter is ably portrayed in the fact that in the old days when the weapons broke in the hands of the great stickmen they reverted to butting each other like oxen until they fell bleeding and exhausted or were pacified. In this aspect, the stick-fighter consciously identified himself with the power of the Devil, a sentiment expressed in a prayer when the Grenadian stickman placed his stick on a grave and said: 'Lucifer, O Lucifer Devil, defend me, help me'... This demonic self-identification occurs in lines of songs..." In the barrios of Cuba, one finds a stick fighting tradition connected to Palo Mayombe. Curiously, "palero" literally means "stickman," and the master palero or mayombero is believed by the old Black Cubans of West Indian descent to be the fallen angel Lucifer. And the Sacred Lance of the Grail was used as a weapon by the medieval Templars who were burn at the stake for worshiping the Devil as the Black Man. This is not to mention the fact the Sacred Lance of the Grail has something to do with necromancy just like the magic staff of Obeah and Palo Mayombe. In The Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Walker declares: "...Lancelot became a Lord of Death..." It should be noted the Lancelot appears in Grail legends that feature black men, and he may have been a black men himself. According to Mac Ritchie, all the Knights of the Round Table were Christianized Moors. Some forms of Kimbiza with very diabolical overtones are classified as Lemba. Contrary to popular belief, this way of viewing Lemba does not orginate in Cuba. The Luciferian and Satanic elements found in the Lemba rite of the mayombero is of Haitian and Central African origins. That Lemba rites in both Central Africa and the Caribbean are very demonic has been noted by one of the experts. In "Vodou Quantum Leap," Crosley declares: "... the influence of the Kongo has been the interwoven of the demonic, nefarious, dark magic into a Dahomeyan infrastrcuture. In northern regions of Haiti, the Petro pantheon is designated by the Kongo word Lemba, which means to appease. Thus, in Africa as well as Haiti, their rituals are performed with the purpose of appeasing those dangerous dark matter entities." There is even a record from the 1500s of a Haitian bokor named Captain Lemba. Perhaps Captain Lemba was a mariner, a Congolese Templar (Kimbiza priest) who absorbed many of the mysteries of the Lemba secret society. Since there is no concrete record of Captain Lemba having come to the West Indies as a trans-Atlantic slave, one can assume that he came to the West Indies as a Congolese Templar. Significantly, the Lemba tribe of Angola and southern Africa has claimed for over 2000 years to perpetuate the kabbalistic teachings of the priestly clan of Moses. Genetic testing confirms this extraordinary claim. To be even more specific, the Lemba tribe of Angola and southern Africa preserves one of the purest strains of the Cohen Gene, which not only produced the prophet Moses, but also King Solomon and the master exorcist Jesus Christ. If Jesus' cosmic blood is the blood of the Grail then this blood has to be just as Bantu as the blood in the cauldron used in the necromantic rituals of the mayombero. "A God's Black Prophets," Dr. Wesley Muhammad writes:

"Genetics also corroborates this data and confirms that Jesus, as a Hebrew, must have been black. The African origin of the ancient Hebrews was noted often by the Classical authors and is now confirmed by genetic data, particularly that related to the so-called Cohen Gene or, properly, the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH)... purest surviving remnant of the Children of Israel identified by CMH tests is the tribe of Black Jews in India, the Bene Israel and the Black Jews of Cochin, who show genetic affinity not only to Ethiopians and Yemenies, but also to the tribe of Black Jews in South Africa, the Lemba, whose relation to the ancient Hebrews has also been confirmed by the presence of high frequencies of the CMH... Thus, genetic confirms that the ancient Hebrew were black." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks to Congolese Templars (Kimbiza-Mayombe priests), making a blood pact with the fallen angel Lucifer (Lukankazi) and an evil baka spirit (Ndoki Malo) is a Gnostic Catholic endeavor. The popular belief amongst fanatical Hispanic initiates with no connection to the real Illuminati conspiracy is that Catholic elements are found in Palo Mayombe because of slavery. Documented African Congo history proves that what many uneducated Hispanics believe about the Catholic elements found Palo Mayombe is not based on the truth. Long before white Spaniards in Cuba converted their African slaves to Roman Catholicism, the most Africancentered and diabolical forms of Palo Mayombe contained the Catholic elements created the Heretical Knights Templar who specialized in using the cosmic blood of Jesus to make pacts with Satan and 72 Goetia demons. In Central Africa and the Caribbean, Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis states: One of the indices of the Catholic background to Caribbean Koongo expressions is the choice of the patron saint in Cuba's Las Lajas Congo community. The choice of this saint represents a transposition of the cult of Saint Anthony of Padua in Koongo itself, the saint having been adopted as patron saint of Koongo from the mid-seventeenth century." The importance Saint Anthony of Padua played in the Gnostic Catholic and Rosicrucian rites of the Portuguese Templar Order (Covento de Cristo) is paramount. The sea-faring Templars venerated Saint Anthony of Padua as the Saint Christ of the Good Voyage (Santo Cristo Buen Viaje). This is why in Black Cuban Kimbiza the deity Lucero Mundo is correlated to Saint Anthony. Not only does Lucero Mundo mean Illuminati (Alumbrado), but the primary sigil of this Palo deity is a variation of the sigil used by sea-faring Templars. The Haitian and Jamaican mayomberos who are Illuminati agents of the highest degree realize that the Gnostic Catholic rituals of the Knights Templar that colonized Haiti as early as the time of Columbus are the reason both Jesus and Satan are very important in Palo Mayombe. And scholars have repeatedly noted the great importance inverted Catholic theology (Satanism) plays in the theurgical methods of the Red Voodoo Sects, the origin of branch of Palo Mayombe called Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. In Secrets of Voodoo,, Milo Rigaud declares: "Members of these sects have become ritual destroyers through a false concept of crucifixion. They believe that Legba, the Voodoo Jesus, died upon the arbre sec (the center-post or the cross) in order to serve as an edible human sacrifice... The Voodoo tradition accuses the red sect of having put Jesus to death as a human sacrifice." In "Vodou Quantum Leap," Dr. Reginald Crosley asserts: "The host is used for wanga or nkisi, or is used in a blasphemous way by the Zandoric group." The intimate association Moorish demonologists once had to the dark side of the Vatican is why Catholic iconography and Catholic masses for the infernal spirits of the dead are an integral part of Palo Mayombe. The influence Moorish demonologists had on the dark side of the Vatican is why Black Cuban Mayomberos venerate the fallen angel Lucifer with an inverted crucifix, and the Hispano-Moorish phase "sala maleko" to summon the infernal spirits of the dead. There is good reason to believe that medieval Black European occultists, who spiritually opposed the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition with a form Solomonic Black magick very similar to Obeah and Palo Mayombe, were the first people to turn Catholic crosses upside down, make kabbalistic blood

pacts with the Christian Devil, and greet this Christian Devil like a Moor. This very curious way of greeting the Christian Devil directly relates to the form Moorish Science perpetuated in the modern era by Rosicrucians, Templars, Freemasons and Illuminati connected to the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. Only Illuminati agents of the highest degree realize why the dark ancestral egregor of the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe is envisioned as both Christian Devil and a Moor. Illuminati agents are making nothing up when maintain that the Christian Devil is the key to the most advance form of Moorish Science. Medieval European history speaks of this reality. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie writes: "Another memory of this period is the word Mahoun or Mahound. It is stated to have been a form of Mahomet; and to have been latterly transferred to the Devil all over the western world... In short, Mahoun was only an equivalent of Saracen." What Mac Ritchie tells us sheds light on what other insightful writers say about the origin of Baphomet, which is another way of identfying the infamous Mahoun or Mahomet. In The Sufis, the renowned Sufi master Idries Shah asserts: "Baphomet is none other than the symbol of the complete man. The black head, or Negro head, or Turk's head which appears in heraldry and in English country-inn signs is a crusader substitute for this kind of knowledge." Another one of the experts tells us that the prophet Mohamet was just as dark as the Moors who blended the Jewish Kabbalah with a black messianic interpretation of Sunni Islam. In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers informs: "Mohamet, himself, was to all accounts a Negro. A contemporary of his describes him as large-mouthed, bluish-colored, with hair that was neither straight not curly... Bluish, also, happens to be the precise color of certain very Negroid natives of the Sudan. Mohamet's mother was also African." Apparently, in the eyes of the Moors and Knight Templar, Mohamet symbolized all the ancient black men who made kabbalistic blood pacts with Satan in order to achieve highest Gnosis. Idries Shah explains: "For Ibn El-Arabi, as for all Sufis, Mohammeds represents the Perfected Man. At the same time, it is necessary to know is meant by 'Mohammed' in this context... There are two versions of Mohammedthe name who lived in Medina, and the eternal Mohammed. It is this latter one of whom he speaks. This Mohammed is identified with all the prophets, including Jesus." One should keep in mind that the royal bloodline of Jesus, Moses, Solomon, etc. is an African bloodline of Typhonian origin. This African bloodline is the Rh negative bloodline of the Holy Grail or Jewel of Lucifer, preserved throughout the ages in the Hispano-Moorish religion called Palo Mayombe, Kimbiza, and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. Another recognizable influence on Palo Mayombe traceable to the medieval Moorish demonologists is the very clever use of the magically charged bones of unbaptized or antiChristian murders and suicide victims to make very powerful nkisi with almost all the attributes of the Holy Grail of the Heretical Knights Templar. Since the most traditional type of Palo Judio (Jewish Palo) uses "sinful" human bones to make fetishes or nkisi, this occult practice must originate amongst the Black Satanists and Black Luciferians that terrorized medieval Europe. My very unique way of viewing Palo Judio practices is supported by the fact that using the bones of very evil people never baptized by the Catholic Church derives from Luciferian grimoires believed to have been either written or inspired by the Moorish demonologists. What other logical explanation is there? Prior to the arrival of the Portuguese Knights Templar, Congolese witchcraft did not contain the magical elements of inverted Catholic theology. It is also interesting to note that William Shakespeare's play Macbeth features a witch's cauldron in which is placed the decayed body parts of people never baptized by the Catholic Church. Like the witch's cauldron in Palo Mayombe, the cauldron in Shakespeare's play is used to summon the infernal spirits of the dead. Also, the witch's cauldron in Shakespeare's play could easily be derived from type of Moorish Science perpetuated in the shadows by Illuminati agents. According to the David Mac Ritchie, the historical Macbeth was a Moor. Insighful British writers even postulate that Shakespeare was a tawny Moor and Rosicrucian with knowledge of the Luciferian

grimoires that can be attributed to Moorish demonologists. Significantly, medieval European recipes for black magic and witchcraft require that the criminalminded necromancer obtain the stolen body parts of white people, preferably whites who committed suicide or died by fire. Amazingly, this Moorish Science practice survives in unbaptized or Jewish Palo Mayombe. In Santeria, Migene Gonzalez-Wippler states: "The mayombero waits until the moon is propitious, and then he goes to a cemetery with an assistant. Once there, he sprinkles rum in the form of a cross over a pre-chosen grave. The grave is opened, and the head, toes, fingers, ribs, and tibias of the corpse are removed. The mayombero usually knows the identity of the cadaver, which is known as kiyumba. They are usually recent graves, as the mayombero insists on having a head in which the brian is still present, however decayed. He believes that the brain of the kiyumba can think and thus act better. The choice of kiyumbas is those belonging to very violent persons, especially those of criminals and of the insane, for the purposes of the mayombero are generally to commit acts of death and destruction. The bodies of white persons are also greatly favored, as the mayombero believes that the brain of the mundele (white person) is easier to influence than that of a black man and that it will follow instructions better." Medieval Moorish demonologists materialized the Christian Devil by making an evil charm or wanga with the head of a black cat. The black cat is used in the High Kabbalistic Magic of the Luciferian grimoires because in medieval European folklore the black cat is one of the most powerful totems of Prince of Darkness. In The Encyclopedia of Women Myths and Secrets, Walker states: "Along with the owl, the bat, and the wolf, the animal most commonly associated with witches was the cat... Inquisitor Nicholas Remy said all cats were demons. In 1382, Lombard witches were said to worship the Devil as a cat." In "A History of Secret Societies," Arkon Daraul declares: In 1450, a tract entitled Errores Gazariorioum gives a sketch of what were reputed to be the rites of the Sabbat of the witches in France... The Devil appears in the form of an imperfect man or animal, and not infrequently as a black cat." It is not a concidence that using the head of a black cat to materialize demonic energy is a Moorish Science practice survives in Palo Mayombe. In Santeria, Gonzalez-Wippler writes: "Perhpas the most evil of all the ngangas is the infernal ndoki, which is prepared by boiling a black cat alive, after torturing the animal for some time. After the cat has boiled a while, it is removed from the pot and from its carcass the mayombero removes a few bones, which he adds to seven phalenges from the little fingers of seven corpses and graveyard dust from seven graves. All these ingredients are placed in the cauldron with garlic and pepper. The mayombero sprinkles rum over the cauldron and blows the smoke of a cigar into its nauseous contents. He take the cauldron to the woods, where it remains overnight. It is then ready to work. This ferocious nganga is an attribute of the Devil and is used exclusively ot kill and destroy in the most-hair-raising ways." To add, in Palo Mayombe: Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold shares: "Lukankazi is an nkisi that has been syncretised with the Devil, and in the same vein he is celebrated on Holy Friday, the day when Jesus gave up his spirit and left a vacuum of power to be taken by his spiritual adversary... This is recounted in the record of one of his ceremonies by Natalia Bolivar Arostegui. She tells of a ceremony where you go to the cemetery on a moonless night, and after lighting a black candle in your left hand call Lukankazi by his name at the central cross, and ask him to guide you to the proper tomb. Here you exhume the corpse and kill a black cat on it, this is the beginning of forming a pact. The cat will then be cut into pieces and buried at different locations in the cemetery, and something is taken from where the parts are buried. The head and slivers of the fur are kept in a vase filled with honey, bay laurel, and all parts of the Ceiba. The corpse is then put back together with the vessel and it is anointed with dry white wine." The Picatrix is a mysterious book of Solomonic Black Magick (Goetia) that gains popularity in Europe when Spain is under the rule of West Africans. To effectively practice the magic of the

Picatrix the sorcerer must have knowledge of the 28 mansions of the moon. Apparently, this too survives in Palo Mayombe. In Santeria, Gonzalez-Wippler states: "Under no circumstances must any serious work in witchcraft be undertaken during the waning period of the moon. In this respect, Kongo witchcraft does not differ from European witchcraft, which hinges strongly on the influence of the moon...The waning moon is known as ochukwa aro. She is very much feared by the mayomberos, for she is believed to be associated with iku (death)." There is something else that directly connections unbaptized or Jewish Palo Mayombe to the Goetia Tradition of the medieval Moorish demonologists who infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church. In the magical worldview of the mayombero who makes a kabbalistic blood pact with the Christian Devil and the Congolese forces of the night (baka, nkita, ndoki), all unbaptized or Jewish spirits are citizens of Infierno Mundo (Hellfire World). Infierno Mundo indicates that the spirits of the mayombero are localized in the same alternate reality as the 72 Goetia demons. In medieval Christian theology hell or purgatory is populated by Jewish demons with black skin and horrific Negroid faces and reptilian bodies. These are the infernal ancestors of the Illuminati who walk the earth with the Gnostic Christian blood of the Grail. In Saracens, Demons and Jews, Debra Higgs Strickland relates: "Black men or black boys involved with or representing demons also feature in medieval exempla, in which the Devil is fond of disguising himself as an Ethiopian in order to menace the faithful... Ethiopian and demons are more dramatically allied in pictorial works of art." To add, in Encyclopedia of Woman's Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker relates: "Judeo-Christian tradition populated hell with all the biblical baalim, even those who had been identified with Yahweh himself: Behemoth, Leviathan, Baal-Peor, Baal-Zebub, Baal-Rimmon, Belial, Asmodeus, Molech, Lucifer, and Satan... There was a curious medieval passion for classifying and naming all the demons. Sorcery required knowledge of their names and titles. An exorcist could do nothing until he learned the names of the demons dealt with." Another thing indicating Palo Mayombe continues the Luciferian and Satanic traditions invented by the Moorish demonologists is the handwritten books of black magic spells called the libretos. The libreto of the mayombero is where one finds the ingredients needed to perform most powerful black magic spell in the world. Signficantly, there are pages from libretos in the library of Havana dating back to the 1600s and 1700s. These libretos are said to have been written by Portuguese and Spanish-speaking mayomberos from Loango, Angola. Records clearly show that in the 1600s and 1700s Loango was dominated by Andalusian Moors and Jews whose expertise was the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy. For those who have eyes, a Congocentric interpretation of Solomonic Black Magick is the basis of the first Afro-Cuban libretos. We know this to be true because many Palo Mayombe sigils in the old libretos called firmas or patipembas contain the Masonic square and compass, the Templar skull and bones, the Rosicrucian symbol for the Holy Grail, and pentagrams and hexagrams. If the first Cuban libretos were based on books of black spells originating in Loango, the Rosicrucians, Knights Templar and heretical Catholic priests had something to do with their penmanship. The official records indicate that it was the Portuguese Knights Templar introduced Angolans to books and writing. In fact, King Alfonso I of Congo, the founder of the Kimbiza Mystery Tradition, popularized the reading and writing of European languages amongst the Bantu nobles who converted to Gnostic Christianity (Templarism), and paid tribute to the King of the Port-of-theGrail. Also, King Alfonso was a Templar himself, and this is why his royal shield displays a Portuguese Knight of the Grail. In Astonishment and Power, Wyatt Mac Gaffey states: "Kongo's most famous king, Alfonso I Mvemba Nzinga (1506-43), learned Portuguese, corresponded with his Portuguese counterpart, studied theological texts, and was praised for his erudition. He sent some of his young relatives to Portugal, where one became a bishop and another became a professor of humanities. During this period, the Kongo nobility became closely involved with the beginnings of the Atlantic slave trade, from which they derived wealth, power, and desirable foreign goods." King Alfonso is not the only person in early Angolan history who was a Knights Templar with intimate ties to Kimbiza priests and European aristocracy.

Significantly, in Angola in the 1600s an unbaptized Marrano (or Moorish Kabbalist) is described as a Knights Templar from the Port-of-the-Grail (Portugal). In The Slave Trade, Hugh Thomas states: "In 1600s Gomes Reinel died, and the contract for trading slaves was transferred to Joao Rodrigues Countinho, who was the governer of Angola, and extended to 1609...This new aristocrat was a knight in Henry the Navigator's Order of Christ...He was one of the few major Portuguese slave dealers of this era who were not conversos, and several of his brothers and sisters were monks and nuns." Angolans were in the 17th century Caribbean practicing the Kimbiza and Mayombe rites. Contrary to popular belief, the Angolans who ended up in the Caribbean in the 1600s were not "savages" with no exposure to westernized esoteric traditions founded by Andalusian Moors. Those who research the matter are bound to discover that many Angolans in the 17th century Caribbean spoke numerous European languages, dressed just like European aristocracy, were very active in commerce, and played a very significant role in the development of the Global Criminal Network that evolved into the New World Order and the real Illuminati conspiracy. What I am revealing is the reason there is a concrete record of educated Angolans in the early Caribbean who probably wrote libretos in the style of the Luciferian grimoires of medieval Europe. In Central Africa in the Caribbean, Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis informs: "In the sequel to the British seizure of Jamaica from the Spanish in 1655, an Angolan attempting to negotiate terms of capitulation...was strangled by guerilla forces of a Spanish faction opposed to surrender. This Angolan was an educated man, literate, fluent in several languages, knowlegeable in astronomy, an excellent sugar technician, and a good adminstrator." One should keep in mind that in 17th century Angola educated Bantus were not just Moorish exiles who upon becoming Knights Templar converted to Gnostic Christianity. Angolans were also very powerful Black Jews with knowledge of the Practical Kabbalah or necromancer perfected by medieval Moorish demonologists. In From Babylon to Timbuktu, Rudolph R. Windsor states: "Many Black Jews were established inland and along the coast of Angola, the Congo, and Gabon. Friedrich Ratzel writers that the tribes on the Loango Coast and the Cabinda north of the Congo River were once Christianized. Ratzel observed a ceremony of baptism followed by circumcision. However, these tribes were Jewish in origin...Godbey wrote concerning the Mavumbu [Mayombe] Jews on the Loango Coast: 'It seems that the Mavumbu may be the remnant of a much more numerous Judaism that as vigorously assailed by Portuguese missionaries'... Whenever the Jews ere in Spain, Portugal, or their colonial possessions, they disguised themselves as Christians in outward form, but practiced Judaism in secret. Many of these new Christians knew Christian rites better than the old white Christians." There are literally hundreds of terms in the Palo Congo lexicon that are distinctly HispanoMoorish, and directly relate to the Practical Kabbalah transmitted to Angola in the time of the Inqusition. I will provide a few examples. In Cuba, traditional Mayombe practices are called Palo Monte. Palo Monte means "sticks of the mountains." Amazingly, Palo is a term traceable to the mountains of West African-ruled Andalusia, and Mayombe is the name of a tribe of Andalusian Jews. The Andalusian Jews, who in Angola called themselves Mayombe, were kabbalists and blacksmiths. Recall that West African blacksmiths in medieval Spain invented the iron cauldron that came to be known as Holy Grail and prenda (jewel). According to the Cuban historian Lydia Cabrera, the "Portuguese" were the first to call the iron cauldron of the infamous mayombero a prenda. One can assume that these "Portuguese" were Sephardic Jews with very intimate ties to Moorish demonologists. The same "Portuguese" who were the first to call the sacred pot of the Mayombe rite a prenda were also the first to call the rituals and spells of Mayombe by the very curious term Palo. Contrary to popular, Cubans are not the first to use this term to describe the traditions of the mountains. Palo is a term that originates in Andalusia. In Andalusia, Palo was a term customarily used to describe Moorish musical styles popularized by the peasants of the Pyreness Mountains. What numerous scholars say about the history of the Pyreness Mountains definitely helps us to

identify the bloodlines of the peasants who were the first to use the term Palo. In an extraordinary book entitled Golden Age of Moor, Edward Scobie declares: "... Portugal is in reality a Negroid land, and that when Napoleon explained that 'Africa begins at the Pyrenees,' he meant every word that he uttered." Some of the first Knights Templar came from the Pyrenees Mountains, and this explains why black men are featured in important Grail legends. The founders of the Gnostic Templar Order claimed descent from black men living in the Pyrenees. In The Sufis, Idries Shah reminds: "It may be noted that the shield of Hugues de Payen, the founder (with Bisol de St. Omer) of the Templars in 1118 A.D., carried three black human headsthe heads of knowledge." According to several accounts, Hugues de Payen was very swarthy, which strongly suggests he was a black men from one of the royal European bloodlines of the Illuminati. The is probably true of Bisol de St Omer as well. It is not unreasonable to assume that Omer is a variation of Omar, a very popular Moorish name in Islamic West Africa. Jacque de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Gnostic Templar Order before it was forced underground by the Vatican, may have possessed some Moorish blood. Within the Moorish Science of the Illuminati agents, Molay is a variation of Muley. In medieval Moorish traditions greatly revered Knights Templar, "Muley" meant "noble" or "lord." And Muley directly relates to Maley, a term used to identify a Moorish kabbalist. Significantly, Maley is a Palo Congo term also found in the Bantu mystery schools in Brazil that contain Moorish elements. Abraca Mundo is a Palo Congo term associated with Zarabanda, the diabolical blacksmith. This term connects Zarabanda's mysteries to the western mystery tradition. Abraca is derived from Abracadabra. According to the experts, Abracadabra is a kabbalistic formula used by medieval Jews and Moors, and the old Black Cubans says that Zarabanda Abraca Mundo is an unbaptized or Jewish mystery. Another term associated with Zarabanda is Rabbana, which means evil sorcerer and blacksmith. Rabbana also means evil sorcerer and blacksmith in the medieval Moorish Science tradition that produced the Rosicrucians, Templars, Freemasons, and Illuminati. In A History of Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul states: "I as to be given the sanctity that night, and to join the band of the elect who would spread joy throughout the orld, those of use who are companions of the Rabbana (our Lord) exemplified by the blacksmith. In Morocco to this day blacksmiths are considered to be great sorcerers; and in the Middle East in general it is the Moor who is always a magician." The Rabbana noted by Arkon Daraul is the same Rabbana venerated by the Black Cuban Mayombero because Zarabanda is a Moorish Science term that originates in medieval Europe. According to the experts, in medieval Spain Zarabanda was a violent danced of the Moors. Also, in Panama in the 1500s the Zarabanda danced was associated with the Devil and Native Americans. Columbus and a handful of other early European explorers say that some Native Americans in 16th century Panama were Moors from Islamized Jewish tribes that still exist in the northern part of western Africa. It is also interesting to observe that in Palo Mayombe the deity and dance called Zarabanda is customarily associated with Native Americans possessing a very diabolical disposition. There is another very misunderstood term in the Palo Congo lexicon that originates within the mystery schools of Moorish Spain. Unbaptized or Jewish (Judio) is a term indicating the Mayombe rites of Haiti and Cuba are derived from the kabbalistic teachings of medieval Moorish demonologists who wrote Luciferian grimoires and infiltrated the Catholic Church. What writers have said regarding this aspect of the Palo Congo worldview is interesting though very incomplete. In Santeria, Gonzalez-Wippler states: "To the practitioners of Palo who... are steeped in Catholic tradition, anyone or anything that is not baptized is evil and does not belong to God. Because the ceremony of baptism utilizes holy water for the rejection of the Devil, everything that is sprinkled with this liquid is considered by paleros to be baptized and purified. Evil spirits are believed to be frightened away and burned by the touch of holy water." Gonzalez-Wippler's insights directly relate to medieval European myths about vampires who

abhor the sight of Christian crosses and holy water. Inquisition records depict medieval European vampires or shape shifters as rebellious Moors and Jews. Esu Osanyin, Anthony Ferreira reminds: "During the dark days of the Inquisition, specially the witch hunt period from 1320 to 1468, the Church justified its actions from the Summa Theologica. Witches were seen as being capable of riding at night (vadunct de nocte), disguised as animals... Jews and Moors became the first scapegoats of the Church... In the Iberian Peninsula, the male counterpart of the witch is called lopisomens (sing. lobisomen, from the Latin lupus=homine). They are known to be capable of transforming into animals." Dr. Ivan Van Sertima shows in They Came Before Columbus that a werewolf cult existed in the same part of West Africa that colonized Spain under the magical commands of the Almoravids and Almohades. And the reason the infernal spirits of European Moors and Jews abhor Christian crosses and holy water is that these are the religious tools used by the Inquisition to torture and kill black people forced to live as fugitives. The infernal spirits of heretical Moors and Jews account for how some unbaptized or Jewish Palo Mayombe shrines respond to all things Catholic and pro-white European. In Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold states: "Either by their blackened skin or blackened with disease, these were denizens of the evil night. As such the denomination of unholy prendas being Jewish could be traced back to these dramatic transformations on the Iberian Peninsula, and thus became equated with witchcraft in its worse sense." There is a very African-centered and esoteric interpretation to the Palo Congo term unbaptized or Jewish never explored by scholars and practitioners. To fully appreciate this term, one must turn his or her undivided attention towards other mystery traditions in the West Indies that are not only very Congocentric, but also very Satanic and Luciferian. Amazingly, Trindadian Obeah is commonly referred to as unbaptized and Jewish black magic that involves making blood pacts with the Devil and the Dead. In Spirit, Blood and Drums, James T. Houk states: "Worshippers consider the Kabbalah powers to be amoral and unconcerned with human affairs. Even those who work with these entities often refer to them as wicked, evil, and demonic." Not only is Obeah viewed as kabbalistic black magic on many Caribbean islands, but in the Black Cuban community many Palo Mayombe beliefs and practices classified as unbaptized or Jewish are commonly referred to as Obeah, and this is mainly because of Jamaican Criollo immigrants. The chances are great that Jamaican Criollo immigrants in 19th century Eastern Cuban were the offspring of Angolan Jews with very intimate ties to the Practical Kabbalah, the Grail lore of the Portuguese Knights Templar. In Valley of the Dry Bones, Rudolph R. Windsor relates: "King John II of Portugal deported many of his Judeans to West Africa (Angola), and many settled in the West Indies. John Bigelow, who went to Jamaica in 1850, saw the offspring of these Judeans and said that they were black." Also, the idiomatic use of the term Obeah to denote Palo Judio (Jewish Palo) is so pervasive in some Cuban barrios that it has even found its way into print. In Cuban Festivals, Judith Bettleheim shares: "There was already growing opposition to Batista, and Don Macana was a mayombero (a practitioner of the religion of Palo Mayombe or Palo Monte; an obeah man) with a militant work tradition." Unbaptized or Jewish is a magical term used to describe the dark ancestral rites of West Indians is because the Jewish Kabbalists of the medieval Spain and Portugal are the originators of the most diabolical form of necromancy the world has ever seen. In Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, Netsa H. Webster maintains: "Indeed Eliphaz Levi, who certainly cannot be accused of Anti-Semitism, declares that the Jews, the most faithful trustees of the secret Cabbala, were always the real masters of magic in the Middle Ages, and suggests that Gilles de Rais took his monstrous recipes for using the blood of murdered children from some of those old Hebrew grimoires (books on magic)... This charge of black magic recurs all through the history of Europe from the earliest times. The Jews were accused of poisoning wells, or practicing ritual murder, or using stolen church property for purposes of must be admitted that they laid themselves open to suspicion by their real addiction to the magical arts."

Many modern occult books lead readers to believe that the Jewish kabbalists who played a major role in the development of the mysteries of the Knights Templars, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and Illuminati were white men. Nothing could be further from the truth. Records clearly show that 500 years ago many European Jews were blacks. In Nature Know No Color-Line, J.A. Rogers reminds: "Waitz, says, 'An interesting gradation of all shades down to the black is exhibited by the Jews.' Especially dark were the Jews of Spain and Portugal. The Portuguese Jews were 'very dark,' says Prichard...So dark were the Jews, especially of Portugal and Southern Spain that many whites believed all Jews were black or dark." The renowned Jamaican historian also reminds us that Jews in the early Americas were were indistinguishable from African-Americans and West Indians. In Sex and Race Vol. 1, Rogers declares: "The Negro strain is apparent among a considerable number of American Jews. Some Jewish women go to Negro hari-dressing parlors to have their hair straightened. The Island of Jamaica has a considerable number of mulatto Jews, also." In spite of all the evidence, some people in the American Palo community maintain that the term Jewish is not to be taken literally, and that traditional African Congo retentions in Cuba have absolutely nothing to do with any form of Judaism. For instance, in Jewish and Christian in Palo, Eoghan Ballard states: "The association of one type of Palo as 'Jewish' in contrast to 'Christian' is unfortunately a very negative one generally, and it does not refer to Judaism per se... It is worth noting that few Paleros who are Endoqui refer to it using the European terms, but rather prefer the African ones. Also, there are Paleros who work with both sets of symbolism and methods. And, i hasten to reiterate, while Palo Endoqui, aka Palo Judio, is not Christian in its orientation, you will find nothing relating to Judaism in it either." Even though Palo Mayombe has nothing in common with the monotheistic worldview espoused by Hassidic Jews, this does not mean that Palo Mayombe is not firmly planted in an ancient African form of Judaism. For those who have eyes, the most important taboos and customs of the mayombero are the same as those of the Jews. A menstruating woman cannot into a Palo Mayombe temple. The black magic of the Palo Mayombe temple also is the same as Judaism. Mayomberos trap evil baka spirits in a special bottle or pot just like in the legend that is the basis of Solomonic Black Magick. The secret societies of Angola and Zaire practiced circumcision. Scholars agree that these secret societies are the origin of many Palo Mayombe beliefs and practices. Lukankazi has all the attributes of Set-Typhon, the original god of the Jews. There are even some Palo Mayombe lineages devoted to Lukankazi that prohibit the eating of pork. In all forms of Palo Mayombe homosexuality is a deadly sin. There is more than enough evidence proving that when old Black Cubans described a ritual object or fetish as "Jewish" they were saying that it was owned and operated by an African Jew who was a master kabbalist. Scholars speak of the African Jews who are the founders of the Mayombe rite that involves making blood pacts with Satan and 72 Goetia demons. In Hebrewisms of West Africa, Joseph J. Williams writes: "Friedich Ratzel, too, refers to the Mavumba [Mayombe], renowed as potters and smiths, to who some assign a Jewish origin, and probably with reason, in this instance, the Jewish influence to the Portuguese Jews who at their expulsion from Europe were forcibly colonized as St. Thomas." Another writer provides even more information indicating that are a very large portion of the Congo Basin was populated by Andalusian Jews who practiced the Kabbalah from a traditional African perspective. From Babylon to Timbuktu, Rudolph R. Windsor informs: "In the country called Gabon near the Congo, there were Black Jews known as the Bavumba; some writers call them by various names such as Mavambo, Ma-Yomba, Mayumba [Mayombe] and Mavumba. Abbe Proyart, a French writer, says that these Jews held the coast of Loango between the Congo River and Rio Muni in Gabon. In 1776, their country began about sixty miles from the coast and extended north from the Congo about two hundred miles. In appearance, these Black Jews are hardly indistinguishable from the other Africans. It has been reported that these Jews practice

some divination and magic like the native Africans." Modern Palo Mayombe beliefs and practices developed in Cuba in the 1800s after the arrival of thousands of Angolans, probably via Criollo communities in Haiti and Jamaica founded by Black Nobility leaders, the Maroons and Buccaneers that greatly prospered within the Global Criminal Network because of their association with the Gnostic Templar Order. Some Angolans of the 19th century Buccaneer and Maroon culture had to have been the direct descendants of the medieval Portuguese Jews who converted to Gnostic Christianity in order to live as Rosicrucians and Knights Templar. One of the leaders of a Palo Mayombe fraternity in 19th century Havana even had name Monfundi Siliman. The last name of this king of Palo Mayombe is obviously a variation of Solomon. Curiously, Monfundi Siliman was a contemporary with Angelo Solimon, a prestigous Angolan-European who appears in occult history as member of a branch Freemasony with ties to the Illuminati. Also, there is evidence suggesting that Monfundi Siliman as working in the interest of Grail families that can be linked to the real Illuminati conspiracy. In Santeria Enthroned, Dr. David H. Brown states: "On a Sunday afternoon in the summer of 1808, Monfundi Siliman, the Congo king of a Havana religious fraternity (cabildo), addressed a gathering of Africans concerning news brought by an arriving Spanish fleet. Napoleon Bonaparte's invading armies had been driven back by fierce Spanish resistance in southern Spain... A historically conscious participant in a global struggle for the New World, Siliman officially identified himself as a passionate royal subject, the servant of a vast, divinely sanctioned chain of authority called the Bourbon Empire...which seemed threatened ith extinction by Napoleon and his godless armies." Like the Royal House of Plantagenet, some rulers from the Bourbon Empire descend black men. These black men were probably Knights Templar in possession of the Holy Grail that survives in the Hispano-Moorish religion called Palo Mayombe. Some occult writers say that the Bourbon Empire revived the Merovingian Dynasty. And it should come as no surprise that a Congolese leader of a Palo Mayombe fraternity in 19th century Cuba would take great pride in associating himself with the royal European bloodlines of the Holy Grail. As early as the time of King Alfonso I of Congo, the founder of Kimbiza, Bantu nobles ruled as Rosicrucians and Knights Templar paying tribute to the King of the Port-of-the-Grail (Portugal). Hispanics in the American Palo community probably will try to say that there is no way on earth Monfundi Siliman could have been a Jewish kabbalist claiming descent from King Solomon. But regardless of what anyone tries to say, there is more than enough evidence suggesting that Monfundi possessed a Jewish surname because he was the descendant of the Christianized Jewish exiles from medieval Spain and Portugal who specialized in Solomonic Black Magick of the Rosicrucians and Knights Templars. In From Babylon to Timbuktu, Rudolph R. Windsor says: "When David Livingstone was in Africa, he discovered a settlement of educated blacks about the year 1847; they were located inland about two hundred miles from the Loanda Coast, and were known as the Jews of Angola. These Black Jews were active in commerce, eager to learn, and possessed much knowledge of Portuguese history and law. In their commercial enterprises, these Jews penetrated inland hundreds of miles from the coast and were known also as clerks and writers. Livinstone considered these Jews to be deportess from Portugal.". The Jewish origin of the Mayombe tribe that perfected the Solomonic Black Magick of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje explains why Nzambi or Sambia, the Bantu concept of God Almighty, is distinctly Jewish with Gnostic Christian overtones. In Hebrewisms of West Africa, Joseph J. Williams asserts: "We have a truly remarkable confirmation of the plausibility of our theory in various names for the Supreme Being to be found among the Pagan tribes of Africa. Thus, the Reverend Sogismond W. Koelle, writing in 1853, published a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrase in more than one hundred distinct African languages... As regards the strictly Pagan tribes, however, there is a great variety of form. For frequently, instead of naming the Supreme Being directly, they refer to Him by one or other of His attributes, as, for

example, over widely separated districts, where there exist an indication of a possible derivation from the Yahweh of the Hebrews, making due allowance for consonants that are commonly interchangeable, such as M and W. Thus, in the Cameroons we find Nzamba, Nzambe, Monyama, and Nyama. In French Equatorial Africa, Anyambe and Nyama. Further south in Belgian Congo, Nzambu, Ndzambi, Ndsambe, Ndzama, and Ndsambi. While further south in Angola, we find Nsambi Ntsambi and Ndzambi...Wherefore, we conclude, that, the Supreme Being not only of the Ashanti and allied tribes, but most probably of the whole of Negro Land as well, is not the God of the Christians which, at a comparatively recent date, was superimposed on the various tribal beliefs by ministers of the Gospel: but, the Yahweh of the Hebrews, and that too of the Hebrews of pre-exile times, that either supplanted the previous concept of divinity in the African mind, or else clarified and defined the original monotheistic idea." In Cuban Kimbiza, Nzambi or Sambia is represented by a Rosicrucian symbol used to represent the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. Significantly, the Palo Congo sigil for Sambia is a luminous Christian cross inside of a holy cup or chalice. One can maintain that Sambia relates to the Holy Grail because of what is known about the Royal Congos (Kimbiza priests) who became Knights Templar. A book entitled Treatise on Slavery, says the following regarding the Royal Congo connection to the Portuguese Knights Templar: "A very important Portuguese military/religious order, founded in 1319. By extending membership to the Congo nobility, the Portuguese recognized the legitimacy of Congo ideas of nobility, and the Christianity of the Congo elite." Equally forthcoming is the fact that contained in the Kimbiza term Congo Real (Royal Congo) is the concept of the Sangreal that has the power to turn men into divine kings, archons, or Illuminati. The way Sangreal has been described by one of the experts sheds light on the Royal Congo element that survives in Masonic branch of Palo Mayombe called Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. In The Columbus Conspiracy, Michael Bradley writes: "In actual pronunciation, however, the troubadours' San Graal approximates closely the medieval and modern French Sang Real. This means Blood Royal and a bit more. The French 'Real' has the same meaning as the English word real, but more strongly. Real means 'genuine,' the 'real thing,' and the French word has the same meaning with much more emphasis. Real Blood was Royal Blood of the Elite that represented genuine, worthwhile humanity. The reason that this Royal Blood was more valuable, more 'genuine and held greater potential for full human progress or evolution was that royality had been created by divine dispensation, divine guidance, divine choice, and even divine intervetion." Jewish installation rites activate the Sangreal. Like the Masonic Kimbiza ceremony invented by the Royal Congos who were Portuguese Knights Templar and Rosicrucians, Jewish installation rites are of Bantu origin. The 19th century British Freemason and Illuminati agent Albert Churchward alludes to this thoughout "The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race," and he even says in his book that many Masonic degrees originate in the secret societies of the Bantu high priests. And Churchward is not the only insightful writer to say that Bantu mystery schools are the origin of the Jewish installation rites. In Introduction to African Civilization, John G. Jackson reveals: "In the Central African region... divine kingship is widely prevalent... Dr. Raphael Patai, Director of the Israeli Institute of Folklore and Ethnology, in his "Hebrew Installation Rites"... shows that, of twenty-seven coronation rites in the African systems investigated by Irstam, no less than twenty-one are found in Old Testament accounts of the coronation of the kings of Israel and Judah... European and American scholarship always assume that the practices are of non-African origin; but there are no facts to support such a conclusion... We hold that the rites and ceremonies connected with the institution of divine kingship are mainly if not entirely of African origin." When discussing the roots of Palo Mayombe, "Jew" (Judio) and "Moor" (Moreno) are interchangeable terms. In fact, some Angolan Jews in the early Caribbean may have actually been Moorish demonologists with extensive knowledge of the Kabbalah. Moors from the coastal side of Angola were living in Cuba at a very early date. Their great influence on Black Cuban

folklore can still be heard in rumba, a musical style incorporated into traditional Palo Mayombe ceremonies. According to Cuban historians, rumba has numerous African Congo antecendents. And scholars concur that some very old forms of rumba are distinctly Andalusian or HispanoMoorish. In Cuban Music, Maya Roy states: "Among the columbia singers, we also find the song with a descending structure observed in rituals, ending on the lower register, and closer to the pentatonic scale than to the European tonality. It is also called llanto, that is to say a plaint, a lamentation, perhaps reminiscence of Andalusia." In Rumba, Yvonne Daniel declares: "The repeated display of rumba signifies the desire of the Cuban government to publicize its affinity to the working masses as its African heritage from Spain through Moorish contact..." If rumba was not invented by Angolan Moors, numerous writers would not say that rumba is distinctly Moorish and Congolese. From what I have been able to determine, the Moorish and Congolese origins of rumba are why columbia and guaguanco are important parts of Palo Mayombe ceremonies. Curiously, columbia is a term associated with the Grail lore of the Portuguese Templars, and guaguanco is very similar to the hundreds of Moorish terms that show up in the pre-Columbian Caribbean traditions. One also finds in some very old rumba songs reference to the Congo Guinea. Records indicate that in early South America the Congo Guinea were referred to as the "Moors of Loango." This must be because of how "Guinea" was used by medieval Europeans. Recall that Guinea, West Africa was a very important part of the Moorish Empire, and Columbus ssys that in 1492 Moors from Guinea were still ruling Southern Spain. Columbus also says that Moors from Guinea were well established in the Caribbean upon his arrival. Some pre-Columbian Moors may have come from the Europeanized Angolan tribe called Congo Guinea. This is plausible because African and European Moors crossed the Atlantic Ocean as early as 1310, and there were European Moors and Knights Templars from Guinea stationed in Loango, Angola during the latter part of the medieval era. Angolan Moors and Templars are why the birthplace of Caribbean Palo Mayombe is called Guaninkita. This undefined Palo Congo term derives from Guanin, which in West Africa means "gold" and "Guinea," and Guanin denotes the black tribe of headhunters and cannibals that dominated pre-Columbian Haiti. Apparently, the Congo Guinea founded in Haiti the type of Kimbiza called Siete Tumba Francesa. According to Fernando Ortiz, "tumba" means "drum" and "dance" in several Congo and Islamic West African languages. This is not a concidence. It can be attributed to the Moors that penetrated deep into the Congo Basin in order to trade slaves to the Europeans. Equally as fascinating is the fact that tumba appears in the pre-Columbian Haiti in relation to Black Caribs called the Guanini Indians. One of the experts says Black Caribs, some of whom may have been Congolese Templars in possession of the Holy Grail or Jewel of Lucifer, played a major role in the magical formation of the Red Voodoo Sects, which since the 1700s have had close ties to Freemasonry and the Illuminati. In Divine Horsemen, Maya Deren reveals: "The characteristic appellation of the Petro deities is Ge-Rouge, red eyes: the Caribs are described as painting themselves with strange devices, particularly staining their eyes and eyebrows to give a terrifying appearance. The Carib women were distinguished for wearing leg-bands fastened just below the knee: the Petro deities tie a band or handkerchief in the same place on the leg, as well as on the upper arm. The Caribs, it will be recalled, were cannibalistic; their agrarian rites were extremely violent and bloody." Scholars say that the Black Caribs originated in the same region of West Africa that in the time of Columbus ruled Southern Spain, and established colonies as far north as Scotland and Yorkshire. In "African Presence in Early America," Harold G. Lawerence informs: It has also been duly noted that the Pewto rite survives traditional Palo Mayombe beliefs and practices. In Cuban Festivals, Judith Bettelheim shares: "Palo Monte is very important in eastern Cuba, where it demonstrates strong parallels to Petwo, the aspect of Haitian Vodou that also derives from a Congo base. In

fact, in eastern Cuba it is best to consider many religious practices Palo-Petwo, as the Haitian community is intertwined ith the Cuban one." Also, Cuban scholars maintain it as within Eastern Cuba's Haitian Creole community that the evolution of the modern Kimbiza and Mayombe rites took place, and thus spread across the entire island. In Afro-Cuban Religious Experience, Eugenio Matibag declares: "Records of the Congo religion in Cuba go back before the nineteenth century. In 1796, reporst Carpentier, to give only one illustration, a magus-king named Melchor ruled the Cabildo de Reglas Congas... Reglas Congos have appeared most strongly on the eastern end of Cuba, alongside the Dahomey-Ewe-Fonbased Regals Araras, in Santiago and Guantanamo, but their themes and symbols seem to have spread throughout the island." What Matibag tell us is highly significant because the Haitian Creole community in which Palo Mayombe developed has for as long as anyone came remember had some sort of connection to Freemasonry and the Illuminati. According to Black Cuban elders, the Congo Guinea helped to develop the Haitian-oriented branch of Palo Mayombe called Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje; and the Congo Guinea probably account for some Knights Templar elements found in Palo Mayombe. In Central Africa in the Caribbean, Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis states: "Not only did the forebears of the Congo enclave in La Guinea in Central Cuba keep in their pockets little stones that were attributes of some deity, but also, in the doorway of their temple, there was placed an enormous stone, which is still considered sacred but whose significance is now forgotten. It is only known that the Congo respected it and taught their descendants to do likewise." Illuminati agents of the highest degree believe that the enormous stone in the doorway of the Kimbiza temple of La Guinea in Central Cuba replicates the rock that the Knights Templar Diogo Cao marked in 1485 with the Portuguese Rosicrucian symbols of the Holy Grail or Jewel of Lucifer. This is why the Palo Congo tradition of La Guinea teachings that the enormous stone in the doorway of its temple is in honor of Lucero Mundo. Another name of Lucero Mundo is Nkuyu Malongo, which denotes a Congolese Templar. Malongo is a variation of Malungu. The Malungu (Melungeons) were America's first Knights Templars and Freemasons. And the primary sigil for Lucero Mundo is a variation of one of the Templar crosses used by Diogo Cao. According to the Black Cuban elders of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, Diogo Diogo Cao is one of the Knights Templars who helped to establish Kimbiza. There is even very good reason to believe that Diogo Cao was a Portuguese Criollo from a Jewish royal bloodline connected to Solomonic Black Magick. This can be said because Diogo Cao came from Braganza, the royal house of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. In Nature Knows No Color-Line, J.A. Rogers states: "The Jews also brought in much Negro strain. Some of the noblest of the Sephardic families, aristocrats of Jewry, were Negroes. Isaac Da Costa mentions sons and grandsons of Don Jachia ben Jaisch, who were treasurers, court physicians, astrologers, and royal favorites at the Court of Castile and Portugal, one of whom as Don David Negro... His name 'Negro' is derived, according to the author of the Shalsheth from dos Negros, one of the three seignories which ere given to his progenitor by the King of Portugal. Certain it is that the House of Braganza with all descedants in Europe of King John I of Portugal have Jewish blood in their veins." Perhaps Congo Guinea with some sort of magical/genetic connection to Braganza Templar movement were the first Black Cubans to dance the rumba in Palo Mayombe ceremonies. My line of reasoning may explain why rumba culture was popularized by black sailors and pirates (Buccaneers) in the ports of Havana and Santiago de Cuba. In the early days, these black sailors and pirates were sea-faring Moors and Templars from the port of Loango. Cuban history is full of accounts of these types of criminal-minded black men. The most famous was Diego Lucfier, and he is an Angolan mulattoe venerated by some as one of the founders of Cuban Palo Mayombe. And rumba break dancing techniques, dramatized nowhere better than in the Palo Mayombe possessions of the Black Cubans, is identical to the Angolan form of dance called Kuduru.

Amazingly, Kuduru is an Mbundu word. Hundreds of thousands of westernized men and women from Mbundu tribe migrated to America and the West Indies in the 1600s and 1700s. All over the early Americas, members of the Mbunda tribe referred to themselves as Malungu, the origin of Melungeon. According to numerous writers, the Melungeons were Moors and Jews. Old American legends not only refer to Melungeons as "Cubans" and "Portuguese" (that is, Angolans), but also as the keepers of the Holy Grail. Melungeon history tells us more than anything else that the medieval Templar concept of the Holy Grail survives in the nganga or prenda the mayombero uses to materialize the unbaptized or Jewish spiritual current, which can be defined by 72 Goetia demons. The magical legacy of the Malungu survives in Palo Mayombe as the priestly term Tata Nkisi Malongo. Throughout the West Indies, Malungu and Malongo are interchangable terms. The Mulungu appear in 16th century Angolan and Cuban history as Royal Congos. In other words, the Malungu were Congocrentic Black Nobility leaders that played a part in the development of the Global Criminal Network and the New World Order or NWO. With the Holy Grail of the Congolese Templars, Cuban Melungeons gave birth to an Americanized Regla de Kimbiza (Rule of Kimbiza) mixed with the Mayombe (or Bizango) rite, which involves making blood pacts with Lucancasa (Lucifer). For those who have eyes, what I am revealing is a part of the early history of Palo Mayombe. In Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold relates: "It is popularly accepted that the impulses that were to generate Palo Mayombe arrived in Cuba in the 16th century, brought by Kongolese slaves of royal descent. At least this is the common myth informing the cult's origin. It is quite likely that the cults taking shape into Palo Mayombe consisted of highly secretive and selective groups guarding an nganga." One thing Frisvold says must be corrected so that the roots of Palo Mayombe are fully appreciated. Not every black person in early American history was a slave. Most people tend to think this way because prior to 1960 it was believed that Africans contributed nothing to the advancement of western civilization prior to being the slaves of white Europeans. Unfortunately, this backwards thinking pattern has found it way into the Palo community, and it is the primary reason the Hispano-Moorish origin of Palo Mayombe goes over the heads of fanatical practitioners of Afro-Cuban religion. If the entire truth was known people would realize that without the Royal Congos who were Portuguese Templars and Rosicrucians, early European explorers would have not known how to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. Royal Congos with seafaring Templar degrees may have assisted in the colonization pre-Columbian Brazil and the establishment of a New Atlantis or New World Order. That the seat of the New World Order or NWO was first in Brazil has been suggested by one of the experts. In the introduction to The History of the Knights Templar, David Childress declares: "As far as Portugal is concerned, it should be noted that many Portuguese explorers and royalty were Knights Templar and later Masons. It is said that Portuguese Knights Templar were instrumental in Portugal gaining its transatlantic colony, Brazil. Curiously, Brazil has many Masonic Lodges and Brazil (official name Federative Republic of Brazil) was originally set as an independent state by a wealthy group of Masons who desired to be independent of Portugal in much the same way that Masons and Rosicrucians were instrumental in the creation of the United States. Brazil, like the United States, seemingly has deep connections to the Knights Templar." Perhaps Royal Congos have something to do with the fact that a mysterious Portuguese map drawn thirty some years before the Knights Templar took the Holy Grail to Angola shows the entire outline of pre-Columbian Brazil. The Templars may have colonized the coast side of Angola because of a an ocean current there that takes even very primitive ships straight to Brazil with little to no effort. In Early America Revisited, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima writes: "Portuguese documents of the Moorish period clearly show that Africans had not only penetrated southern Europe, but had advanced west across the sea into another world... The Portuguese weren't guessing about African boats starting out from Guinea and going far to the west with mechandise. A 1448 map,

using the Cape Verde point of the Upper Guinea coast as a reference, actually shows the outlines of Brazil and calculates it as 1500 miles to the west." Dr. Sertima also shows that an ocean current of the Angolan coast takes ships to the Americas with little to no effort. There is evidence indicating that Royal Congos had ships, and grew very wealthy from the Triangle Trade of the Moors and Knights Templar. And to suggest that the Royal Congos who invented Kimbiza to preserve the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar may have colonized the Americas before the "discovery" of Columbus is not as far-fetched as some may be inclined to believe. When all the dark veils have been lifted, people will realize that Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje relate to the real Illuminati conspiracy because the World Order or NWO was first established in pre-Columbian Brazil and the Caribbean, with the help of Royal Congos who possessed the Rosicrucian and Templar degrees of the Portuguese Grail families. Even mainstream history says that before Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Portuguese nobility embraced Christianized West Africans and Angolans. Some native African in Portugal in the shadowy era just before Columbus rose to great power as Knights Templar and slave traders. Prince Henry the Navigator initiated West Africans into the Gnostic Templar Order, and brought them back to Portugal to work as agents of the king. After Diogo Cao visited Angola, Christianized Bantu men (or Kimbiza priests) were taken to Portugal to study the mysticism and magic of Covento de Cristo. The very dominate African presence that existed in Portuguese royal families before the expansion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and white colonization of the Americas is still a fact known to scholars. For example, in African Presence in Early Europe, Fernando Ortiz reminds: "And as Euclides de Acunha said of Brazil, 'The mulatto was not made in America, he came to us already from the Mother Country.' The African Negro slave trade was more abundant during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for the Peninsula than for America. In one city like Evora, Portugal, the Negroes undeniably exceeded the whites. Several thousands of Wolof, Mandingo, Guinea and Congo slaves entered Lisbon and Seville each year and were sold for the cities and fields of the south of Iberia... The Negroes and mulattoes were frequently emancipated and both rose to prominence by virtue of knowledge, art, valor or love." To add, In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers informs: "Negro slavery also flourished in Southern Spain. It was from Seville that the first Negro slaves to the New World were taken in 1502. Only Spanish Negro were exported, that is, those who had come under the influence of Christians. Sevill had a large number of Negroes, who lived in what is now the Barrio Carmona. These blacks had a government of their own under a Negro Count, Juan de Vallodolid." There is even good reason to believe that the Palo Mayombe-like secret societies in 16th century Spain and Portugal included pre-Columbian Moorish-Americans (Yamboaki) captured and sent to Europe to work on sugar cane plantations. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey states: "The desination of American Indian captives was often Catholic Spain. Significantly, such captive persons were customarily legally designated as 'Negroes' before being sent to places like Salamanca and Seville. So great was the number of 'Negros' sent to those two cities that Ferdinand and Isabella issued a mandate in 1494, appointing Juan de Valladolid to act as their mayor. Known as el Conde Negro (the Black Count), Valladolid was judge and mayor of Negros, freedmen and freedwomen." What the Moorish-American scholar Dr. Pimienta-Bey tells us may account for some of the Native American and Black European elements that existed in Palo Mayombe fraternities as early as the 1500s. Numerous scholars suggest in their writings that Cuban fraternities originate in medieval Spain and Portugal, the home of the Holy Grail envisioned as the same cauldron employed in the necromantic rituals of the mayombero who makes blood pacts with the Devil. Since Palo Mayombe developed in Cuban fraternities founded by Moors, no one can say that Palo Mayombe is not the direct continuation of a medieval Moorish Science mystery that can be connected to Templars, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and Illuminati.

The Kimbiza priests, or Congolese Templars, who were in reality Portuguese Moors and Jews from Grail families, could easily account for the pre-Columbian black settlements that existed up and down eastern coast of Brazil. In Early America Revisited, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima informs: "Then Alphonse de Quatrefages, author of "The Human Species" presents us with a map drawn by a French sea-captain, Kerhallet, showing independent black settlements in the area later called Brazil... They were all pre-Columbian Black settlements. Captain Kerhallet presents a map of these settlements and that is the area, that very area, that is the endpoint or terminus of currents flowing in acoss the Atlantci from Africa." The pre-Columbian Brazilian settlements reported by Dr. Sertima may be the reason there were Portuguese Angolan communities in the West Indies long before slavery reached in degree of maturity. In "Central Africa in the Caribbean," Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis reports: "A few early sketches of Maroons are available to us...In Santo Domingo, in the sixteenth century there existed manieles or cumbes (Maroon communities) in mountainous Baracoa district, bearing such names as Angola Janga and Pequena Angola." Records clearly show that the Royal Congos (Malungu) of the 1600s and 1700s did not come to the Americas as trans-Atlantic slaves. Royal Congos were exempt from slave status because they came to the Americas as Christians possessing a Black Portuguese heritage that extended back into the medieval period. American history is full of very colorful accounts of Royal Congos who not only were free Africans, but also sailed on Portuguese, Dutch and French Templar ships, and assisted in the exploration and colonization of the Americas. Also, the Royal Congos who came be known as Malungu and Carabelas are the reason the Skull and Bones of the Knights Templar, Freemasons and Illuminati is the most important Luciferian emblem of Palo Mayombe. In Cuban Festivals David H. Brown states: "Carabela is frequently used by practitioners of the Kongo-Cuban religions to refer to Congo spirits... A carabela in this last sense is symbolized by a skull and crossbones..." According to David Childress, author of "Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet," the Skull and Bones was a Luciferian flag on renegade Templar ships. Childress says that Templars in the early Caribbean are why the Skull and Bones became a flag on the ships of the Buccaneers. According to Childress, the Bucaaneers who were Freemason played an important role in the real Illuminati conspiracy. Some Buccaneers helped to create Black Cuban Palo Mayombe. As was noted earlier, there is even memory in some Palo Judio lines of a Dutchspeaking Angolan named Tata Diego Lucifer. This Black Cuban Mayombero not only flew the Skull and Bones of the Knights Templar, but was connected to the royal dragon families in Europe that were at war with the Vatican. The use of the term Lucifer to describe this mayombero may be connected to the very old Cuban tradition that identifies Lucifer as the master mayombero. Apparently, Tata Diego Lucifer was a high priest of Lucancasa or Lukankazi, an unbaptized or Jewish Palo Mayombe deity that was first correlated to the fallen angel Lucifer in HispanoMoorish communities of Lonago, Angola. Some mayomberos have tried to maintain that nkisi and Malongo have no ties to a medieval Moorish Science transmitted to Angola during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. How could this modern Palo Congo teaching be based on truth? Throughout the entire Caribbean Malongo is another way of saying Malungu. Melungeon historians have proven that the Malungu were Christianized Moors and Jews from Angola with intimate ties to Templarism. That there were indeed Hispano-Moorish communities in Angola in the time when Palo Mayombe came into existence is a fact still known to scholars. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey relates: "In addition to North Africa, historical evidence clearly reveals that Moors occupied... Angola... and Pemba. But today, such places are not generally considered to have ever been Moorish towns and regions. Yet the historical evidence of men such as Duatre Barbosa of Portugal illustrates that many early European explorers considered such areas as distinctly Moorish." Amazingly, there are even accounts of Angolan Moors in promixty to "Knights Portugals" (Knights Templars). In Strange Adventures of Andrew Battel of Leigh, in Angola and the Adjoining Regions, Andrew Battel

recounts: "The Moors of Angola are a black as jet...When this King of Congo cometh to his host, all the soldiers, as he passeth, fall flat on their faces to the ground. He never cometh into his host after any battle, but he dubbeth at least twenty Knights Portugals, and as many Moors, giving them great living according to their callings, and the service they have done." From Loango, the coastal side of Angola, thousands of Spanish and Portuguese-speaking Moors moved to Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba, where some became part of the ruling class. Mora and More are the surnames of two prominent Palo Mayombe families in Eastern Cuba. These two Black Cuban surnames definitely denote Moors who came to the West Indies via Angola and the Cape Verde Islands. Siginificantly, Mora and More are the surnames of Moorish Indians in 18th century Virginia and North Carolina called the "Cubans" and "Portuguese." The Moors of North Carolina, which are commonly referred to as the Lumbee, are related by blood and tradition to the Delaware Moors. According to the oral traditions of the Deleware Moors, their oldest ancestor was a prestigous black man named Anthony (Antonio) who is remembered as having been a Moor from Angola. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey states: "According to Nanticoke/Moor Indian history, these Indian people descend from a man named 'Anthony' who was described as having ben an Angoler or Moor." Perhaps this Anthony who is the progenitor of the Delaware Moors came to America via either Cuba or Angola as a Knights Templar. This theory sheds light on the reason the Deleware Moor history has a lot do do with pirates. In the early Americas, many pirates were Masonic Black Templars working in the interest of the Global Criminal Network and the New World Order or NWO. It is also interesting to note that there are legends about the Deleware Moors that deal with necromancy and Native American shamanism, and this suggests some sort of direct or indirect connection to Palo Mayombe. According to the legends, the Deleware Moors used poisons and necromancy to exterminate Native American tribes that opposed their divine right to rule. Since the Delaware Moors claim descent from a black man from Angola who was a Moor, the likelihood is great that some of the black elders in the Delaware Moor clans were skillfull mayomberos from the ports of Angola and Cuba. There is also a branch of Palo Judio (Jewish Palo) called Siete Briyumba Indiania Guaba. The name of this branch of Palo Judio strongly suggests that it was founded by Moors. In African Presence in Early America, Harold G. Lawrence informs: "To the southwest of Cape Gracias a Dios, at Tegucigalpa, near the Hounduran-Nicaraguan border, other Blacks were sighted who might well have been an extension of those seen by Columbus. They were the Jaras and Guabas. Jara...represents a very ancient clan and territorial designation among the Mandinga Sarakoles...Much the same can be said of the Guaba; it, likewise, is a Mandinga clan/territorial designation." In Palo Congo culture, Guaba is sometimes rendered as Cuaba. According to the old Black Cubans, Cuaba is a magick stick (palo) used to destroy enemies, and to over come very difficult situations. Apparently, this way of viewing the Cuaba stick can be attributed to Cuban Maroons. In Maroon Societies, Francisco Perez de la Riva writes: Brigadier Escudero, in charge of their persecution in the east, said they had the custom of opening false paths (leading to their palenque), which were sown with very sharp stakes of Cuaba wood." There is even evidence suggesting that the way in which Cuban Maroons used the Cuaba wood is traceable to the magical traditions of the West African Moors who were living in the Caribbean before the arrival of Columbus. In African Glory, J.C. de Graft-Johnson states: "The city of Ghana... consisted of two townships, each situated on a hill and spreading down a valley into a vast plain...The pagan town was generally known to the Moslems as El Ghaba (the wood), because it was surrounded by thickets which were held sacred to the spiritual affairs of the States and which further houses the royal tombs. Priests lived among the thickets, and it is recorded that El Ghaba contained a prison from

which it was believed no prisoner ever returned." One can assume that many Cuban Maroons were the direct descendants of the Moors who colonized the Caribbean before the white Europeans. If this was not the case Moors would never have been seen in areas that later in history are described as Maroon settlements founded by socalled runaway slaves. In African Presence in Early Europe, Lawrence relates: "Customarily, observers have attempted to explain the presence of black populations among the Indians by arbitarily assigning them a fugitive slave origin. Often, in these cases, no evidence can be produced to support these conclusions. Yet, where there is such evidence, there are often indications that Blacks existed in these areas before the importation of African slaves... A preColumbian African element existed in both the Antilles and Central America before one learns of fugitive slaves there. The probablity is that the Mandinga, who already occupied various sites in these regions, welcomed in their midst fugitives who were their kith and kin." When Columbus visited Cuba, he discovered to his great surprise that the ruling class of black skin natives were Moors from the same part of Islamic West Africa that as late as 1492 dominiated Southern Spain or Granada. In Africa and the Discovery of America, Dr. Leo Weiner shares: "November 2, Columbus decided to send Rodrigo de Xeres and Luis de Torres who lived with the adelantado of Murcia and was a Jew and knew Hebrew and Chaldaic and some Arabic to see the King of Cuba in order to present the letters and find out all that is necessary. Naturally, a man who knew Arabic and another who knew the language of Guinea [Rodrigo]...were especially adapted to hold converse with the King of the Indies." The way another scholar interprets Columbus' perception of Cuba is also very illuminating. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey asserts: "What is clearly implied here is that the native Cubans spoke a Semitic language closely related to one of the three languages: Arabic, Chaldean or Hebrew. The other reference to 'the language of Guniea,' further implies that the Cuban 'Indian' language was similar to African languages. Let us also remember the 12th century wor of al-Idrisi, which previously mentioned how Arabic was used by earlier Moorish seafarers to spea with certain inhabitants of the Americas." Long after the conquest of the white Spaniards, Cuba remained distinctly Moorish. Some Palo Mayombe elders say that there is an old legend stating that Cuba is the name mayomberos gave to the largest island in the Caribbean. Since Cuba is a pre-Columbian "Indian" word, it can be linked to Moors who colonized the pre-Columbian Caribbean in the name of the Holy Grail of the Portuguese Knights Templar. And if Royal Congos sailed to Cuba before Columbus, this would explain why the Willie Ramos, a Cuban Santeria elder from Miami, says that Royal Congos were on Columbus' ships when he sailed to the West Indies. Even though what I am teaching as an Illuminati agent is not common knowledge in the American Palo community, it is common knowledge to some black elders in the Cuban Palo community. This is obviously because as late as the 1800s there were numerous reports of Black Cuban Moors who were master mayomberos. According to Tata Davi el Siete Rayos, a high-degree Freemason and Cuban-American priest of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, in Havana in the early 1800s there was a group of Black Cuban Mayomberos called the "Moros" who specialized in making "Persian rugs" and casting the most powerful black magic spell in the world, which is based on making a blood pact with Satan. This chapter in sacred black history is why in the 1800s the mayomberos who performed unbaptized or Jewish rites wore Muslim caps and robes. This custom must have come to Cuba from Moorish districts in Angola. Photos of Angolan mayomberos from the late 1800s dressed like the Moors speak of this reality. There also exist the possibility that the Moorish attire of early 20th century mayomberos had something to do with Noble Drew Ali's Moorish Science Temple. According to newspaper clippings in the library of Havana, in the early 1930s Noble Drew Ali's Moorish Science Temple had a chapter in Santiago de Cuba, the headquarters of Masonic Palo Mayombe. If we read between the lines a little, the records also suggest that some of the black men in Santiago de Cuba who joined the Noble Drew

Ali's Moorish Science Temple were Freemasons and family-based mayomberos with a Moorish heritage traceable to Angola and medieval Black Europe. The Palo Congo term Moro directly relates to Moreno, and both of these terms are based on the medieval concept of the Moor who perfected the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy. Moro and Moreno are terms that entered Cuba via the Canary Islands. Scholars convey that the first wave of Black Cubans came from the Canary Islands, which had Hispano-Moorish communities as early as the late 1300s. There is even evidence suggesting that Moors from the Canary Islands were in the West Indies before Columbus. Also, this evidence suggests that Moors from other Portuguese-owned territories such as Cape Verde and Angola were in the West Indies as well. In The Melungeons: An Untold Story in Ethnic Cleansing, N. Brent Kennedy reminds: "First, on the island of Gualeloupe, he [Columbus] discovered an iron pot and an old ship's mast in preserved in an Indian hut. He and his crew determined that these artifacts came from the Canary Islands. The Carnaries, a Portuguese possession, had been a favorite dumping ground for Conversos of Muslim Berber origin." Perhaps the "iron pot" Columbus discovered in an "Indian hut" is an example of the Holy Grail Knights Templar took to the Americas as early as the time of Prince Henry the Navigator in order to establish the New World Order or NWO. Why not? The "Indian hut" that housed the "iron pot" easily could have been Moorish. I say this because it has been noted that West African skulls have been found in the Caribbean in pre-Columbian "Indian" graves. These skulls carbon date to the exact time when West African Moors were in power in Southern Spain. In Early America Revisited, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima reveals: "I went down to the Virgin Islands when I heard the story that they had found two Africans in a pre-Columbian grave at Hull Bay in St. Thomas. The Associated Press report, published in the Washington Post, said that they had been found in a pre-Columbian grave dated A.D. 1250...they say that these skeletons exhibited a dental ritualfiling or incisor teethpeculiar to some Atlantic coast Africans." Moors from Portuguese possessions in West Africa settled up and down the Cuban countryside. This is very significant because rural Cuba is where the experts say Palo Mayombe developed and flourished all the way up until the late 1800s, when thousands of Maroons voluntarily came down from the mountains to work on the plantations. In Afro-Cuban Religions, Miguel Barnet informs: "Even though the Congo religion is today the second most important African-derived religion in Cuba, in the period before the rise of the Yoruba religion the Congo sphere of influence extended across the Island from the most impenetrable regions of Pinar de Rio to the mountains of Sierra Maestra." To add, in "Cuban Music," Maya Roy states: "The experts agree that the two most recognizable influences on these musical forms of the Cuban countryside come from Andalusia and the Canary Islands, two of the most constant source of immigration throughout the colonial period...But the population of the Cuba countryside is not exclusively 'white.' Though black people and mulattoes are minority groups outside of the plantations, they are nonetheless present." Significantly, Moro and Moreno are Palo Congo terms used to describe a Criollo. Contrary to popular belief, the Palo Mayombe term Criollo does not originate in Cuba. In the oldest Palo Mayombe fraternities, Criollos is a term used to describe a certain type of African ancestor. The first Criollos were the medieval Moorish exiles who colonized western coast of Africa to escape the horrors of the Spainish Inquisition, and openly perform all the necromantic rituals of the Practical Kabbalah, which involves a blood pacts with Satan and 72 Goetia demons. To this very day in Angola and Cape Verde, Criollo is the Africanized European dialect of people whose medieval ancestors were Black Portuguese Jews, Moors, and Knights Templar. According to the teaching of the Illuminized Freemason Andres Petit, the Criollos bloodlines are the basis of Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. These bloodlines also belong to leaders Black Nobility, the Moros or Morenos of the early Americas who were Grand Architects of the New World Order or NWO. The record books of history indicate that in the 1500s and 1600s the terms Moro and

Moreno were customarily used in Cuba to distinguish Africans with a medieval Black European heritage from the Africans who were brought to the Americas as slaves. In "The Illusions of Races," Fernando Ortiz informs: "So degrading among Hispanic peoples, not excepting Spain itself, were the words Negro and Mulato, that their uses became limited to slaves, because they implicitly signified slavery or social vileness... Thus the free black person was called Moreno and the slave Negro. To this very day anyone who wishes to insult people of color, will always use the words Negro, in place of Moreno, and Mulato in place of Pardo." The only thing Palo Mayombe has been throughout the ages is Moorish! This is very evident to all those who have eyes, and realize that African people contributed much to the evolution of western culture long before the advent of slavery. There is just no other way of viewing the matter. Palo Mayombe is form of Jewish necromancy that contains Catholic iconography, makes use of the standard greeting of African Moors, and is classified as unbaptized or Jewish. The only other place in the world where we encounter the same blending of spiritual concepts is in Guinea, the region of West Africa that old Black Cuban legends say is the genesis of some Palo Congo practices, and the origin of the Kimbiza-Mayombe tribe called the Congo Guinea. In From Babylon to Timbuktu, Rudolph R. Windsor shares: "In the year 1856 Dr. J.L. Wilson wrote his history of western Africa: He transmits to us the composite religious culture...he said there is a complete medley of paganism, Judaism and northern Guinea there is a conglomeration of Judaism and paganism combined, and in southern Guinea there is a combination of Judaism, paganism, and some traces of Christianity. In northern Guinea, or Portuguese [Knights Templar] Guinea, Judaism is more highly practiced; some of the outstanding rites are purification, the observance of the new moons, a designated period of the weeping for the dead, during which time they wear sack cloths and ashes; bloody animal sacrifices, with the carfeul sprinkling of blood upon the door post and the altars; the division of the tribes into different families, frequently into twelves parts (the Twelve Tribes of Israel); formal processions, circumcision, and various other practices, probably of Hebrew derivation." What Wilson conveys accounts for the great importance Guinea plays in the African Congo rites that are the basis of Palo Mayombe. In Central Africa in the Caribbean, Dr. Maureen Warner-Lewis writes: "Another significant aspect of the baptismal rite was the fact that before the actual baptism took place the adult initiate had to receive five to six lashes from the baptizer for the sins which he had committed in Guinea." It should be observed that a Congocentric Catholic baptismal rite and ceremonial lashes are an integral part of Palo Mayombe initiations. These initiations are is even more proof that the Hispano-Moorish legacy of the Congo Guinea survives, even if it is not fully understood and appreciated by modern practitioners of Afro-Cuban religion.

Amazingly, the High Magic of Illuminati agents contains Jewish, Moorish, Christian and animistic elements just like what is found in the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. Documented history indicates that this is not a coincidence. The connection Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe have to the real Illuminati conspiracy is very apparent. And one can even gain a great deal of insight from reading the books of David Icke, and comparing his conspiracy theories to esoteric concepts found in Voodoo, Obeah, and Palo Mayombe. For instance, David Icke loves to reference the rather cryptic speech in which President George H.W. Bush states that he will revolutionize the entire planet with "a thousand points of light," and pave the way for the rise of the New World Order or NWO. "A thousand points of light" is a direct reference to Masonic Illuminati initiates who view themselves as avatars of the blazing star or inverted pentagram. Adam Weisphaut says: "...the Flaming Star is the Torch of reason." The Star Weisphaut is talking about is the primary symbol of the fallen angel Lucifer, which mayomberos call Lungambe and Lucero Mundo. What I am revealing as an Illuminati agent of the highest degree is the reason many sigils for Lucero Mundo contain inverted pentagrams and the Skull and Bones of the secret

societies of the Elite. Also, the blazing star is the Goetia Flag of the Moors who helped the founding fathers of America establish the New World Order or NWO that structures of the Global Criminal Network. Amazingly, the diabolical leaders of the Bizango secret society refer to themselves as "points of light" or "stars," and are high-degree Freemasons who even claim to have a version of the Necromantic Rose Croix Rite, which they put into practice by using the Grand Grimoire to make blood pacts with Lucifuge Rofocale (Red Dragon). In Passage of Darkness, Wade Davis obtained the following statement from one of the leaders of the Red Voodoo Sects: "The Bizango doesn't reach, it is already there. You see, we are like stars. We work at night but we touch everything... You can do almost annything, and the society may let you off, but if you stick your mouth in government talk, you can for get it... The government cooperates with us." It has also been observed that the shrines of the Bizango contain many of the necromantic elements found in Palo Mayombe. This is not a concidence. In fact, the most powerful form of Palo Ndoki is called Kimbiza con Bizango, and it can be very Masonic in orientation. Kimbiza con Bizango is the main reason why Palo Mayombe is connected to the real Illuminati conspiracy. Davis writes: "On the wall hung paintings of the djabthe Devilgargoyle-like with protruding red tongue pierced by red daggers and and lightening bolts, and with the inscriptions beneath, again in red paint dripping across the whitewash, 'The Danger of the Mouth'... Arched across one of the entrances to the bagi [temple], again in red but this time etched carefully in Gothihc script, was yet another inscpriction that read 'Order and Respect of the Night' (the mottom of the Bizango). Finally at the foot of the poetau mitan [or kabbalistic middle pillar] lay a human skull wearing a wig of metled wax and crowned with a single burning candle." Haitian Bizango initiates use a shrine called a Flying Nganga to shape shift and prey on humans in the form of a cannibal, zombie, vampire, and werewolf. Without the Flying Nganga there is no Necromantic Rose Crois Rite that links mayomberos to the Solomonic Black Magick of the Illuminati agents. From Wade Davis we learn that the Devil of the Red Voodoo Sects is of European origin, and relates to the alchemical mysteries of the vampire and werewolf. Keep in mind that in medieval European folklore Lucifer is the keeper of the Holy Grail of the Rosicrucians and Templars who paved the way for the rise of the Illuminati agents. The Devil is referred to in Kimbiza con Bizango as Lucifer, Lucancasa, Lukankazi, Ta Julian, and Ta Lucien. At least one writer initiated into Regla de Congo acknowledges that the Palo Mayombe concept of the Devil is derived from the type of Haitian Occultism founded by the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. In Palo Mayombe: Garden of Blood and Bones, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold informs: "Lukankazi is an nkisi that has been syncretized with the Devil and in the same vein he is celebrated on Good Friday, the day when Jesus Christ gave up his spirit and left a vacuum of power to be taken by his spiritual adversary... Lukankazi is an nkisi originating from the rama called Tumba Francesa or Haitian Palo." The necromantic pots and cauldrons of Siete Tumba Francesa are often consecrated to both Jesus and Lucifer. The only other place in the entire world where we encounter a magical vessel that mystically holds the blood of both Jesus and Lucifer is in the medieval Grail lore of the Rosicrucians and Templars. Siete Tumba Francesa must preserve the Holy Grail because it is the branch of Palo Mayombe that contains Masonic elements. There is even an ancestral dance in Siete Tumba Francesa called the Mason. This dance probably relates to the Congo Mazone of Haitian Occultism. And Afro-Cuban scholars agree that the Mason dance has something to do with the Masonic lodges of 18th century Illuminati agents who worked with Moorish demonologists to establish a New World Order or NWO. Another popular writer provide an excellent description of the Illuminati-based Red Voodoo Sects that in Eastern Cuba came to be known as Palo Mayombe, Palo Haitiano, Palo Lemba, Kimbiza con Bizango, and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. In Secrets of Voodoo, Milo Riguad asserts: "They are the red sects who shed human blood for sacrificial offerings... the red sects are a type of survival of the secret sects of Africa whose members believe themselves to be animalsmysterious

representations of the totems of clans... The werewolves of Haiti are men and women transformed magically into birds of prey that fly in the air like real birds. During their nocturnal flight their bodies give off a luminous trial as well as an odor of hot iron or, some say sulfur... Their emblem is the destroyng sword of St. Michael, which corresponds in astrology to the sword of Orion in the Zodiac, or the bow of Sagittarius. Grouped into sects devoted to ritual destruction, they make use of the sword and bow in accomplishing their purposes." Preserved in the Red Voodoo Sects is the ultimate secret of Masonic Illuminati initiates. This secret, which is rooted in the Necromantic Rose Croix Rite of the Holy Grail, is what gives Illuminati agents of the highest degree the dark metaphysical power to shine at night and be mistaken for falling stars (daimons). In Vodou Quantum Leap, Dr. Reginald Crosley shares: "We all have heard about heavy sacrifices required to become a zobop, such as agreeing to donate a loved one to the Devil. Many of us have witnessed from afar or close-up the flying of the zobop at night, passing through the skies like shooting stars, or jumping from tree to tree, from hill to hill like circular balls of fire, or bouncing on the ground at close range... Claude Planson... witnessed also that night the singularity of the flying zobops. As they were coming down from the sky, Claude Planson mistook them for shooting stars in the clear night sky... The first one was to be followed by two other streaking, meteorite-like objects... As they approached, their outlines became clearer and revealed something like balls of fire moving at high speed. Those balls of fire had a changing luminescence, an irisation of colors passing from red to close green or yellow. The first one to land on the plateua, at close range, revealed a man inside a luminous orb. The light progressively faded and disappeared leaving in front of them an authentic human being with a hawkish appearnace and a fierce demeanor." The All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati is the Holy Grail envisioned as the Jewel of Lucifer (prenda). The arousal of Luciferian energy to the level of the Third Eye transforms the ceremonial magician into the Blazing Star of the rotating black hole or Kabbalistic Abyss. Occult have commented on this interpretation of Grail lore, but only Illuminati agents of the highest degree understand all the implications. In "The Return of Quetzalcoatl," Daniel Pinchbeck says: "In certain hermetic traditions, the Holy Grail is described as a jewel that fell from Lucifer's crown... The jewel in Lucifer's crown refers to the third eyepineal gland or ajna charkralocated in the middle of the forehead." Other writers show how the witch's cauldron that came to be known as the Holy Grail or Jewel of Lucifer transforms ceremonial magicians from non-human bloodlines into Illuminati agents. In Outer Gateways,, Kenneth Grant states: "In pursuing the line of this descent, or fall, it should be remembered that the function of the Graal is to contain the Holy Blood, the royal blood, the sangreal. The real or true blood is not human; it is depicted in the myths in connection with royalty which, in the ancient world, was identical with divinity. The word divine derives from an Ayryan root, dev, meaning 'shining' or 'radiant.' The Graal has been described as a shallow dish or saucer-shaped vessel, which suggests the shape of the mysterious vessels associated with extraterrestrial visitation, which nobody hitherto has been able to satisfactorily explain." What Grant conveys is a very important part of the magical worldview of the mayombero. In fact, there are legends that speak of master mayombero "climbing" on his prenda in order to turn it into the luminous orb or UFO. This is something the mayombero does on the full moon. When the moon is full, the master mayombero waits till the darkest hour, at which time he takes of all his clothes, rubs a special ointment under his arms, places a black cat bone under his tongue, and recites the incantations that summon Lumucie or Lukankazi (Lucifer). At least one writer on Palo Mayombe Magick has suggested that the prenda can be used to take the quantum leap into the rotating black hole or Kabbalistic Abyss. In Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold states: "The essential parts of the prenda resonate with the faculties of the body and even the abilities latent in humans which we often deny, such as bilocation and astral travel." According to Aleister Crowley, the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati is none other than Baphomet,

the Demonic Head of Moor, the Black Man of Witch's Sabbath venerated by the Knights Templar who took initiation into the Masonic fraternities of the West African Saracens. In The Book of Thoth, Crowley asserts: "This card is attributed to the letter Ayin, which means an Eye, and it refers to Capricornus in the Zodiac. In the Dark Ages of Christianity, it was completely misunderstood. Eliphaz Levi studied it very deeply because of its connection with ceremonial magic, his favorite subject; and he re-drew it, identifying it with Baphomet, the ass-headed idol of the Knights of the Temple... Saturn, the ruler, is Set, the ass-headed god of the Egyptian deserts; he is the god of the south. The name refers to all gods containing these consonants, such as Shaitan, or Satan." The Devil is why the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati is an important Moorish Science symbol. What the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe teaches about the All-Seeing Eye shows that David Icke is very correct when he says Illuminati agents of the highest degree take the quantum leap into the rotating black hole in order to manifest in the world as cannibals, vampires, and werewolves. In Palo Mayome: The Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold states: "This mystery is demonstrated in the one eye vampire firmas [sigils] that belong to Lukankazi. His firmas are different from the others and appear reminiscent of a cat-like fienf with fangs and often one eye." Lukankazi is easily correlated to Baphomet, or the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati, because the Haitian-derived sects of Black Cuban Kimbiza have been Masonic for a very long time. In Cuban Festivals, Judith Bettleheim informs: "There is documented evidence of Masonic lodges in Santiago as early as 1789, when La Perseverance and La Concorde were established under the direction of the Gran Logia de Francia...That rebellious and culturally resilient Haitian Cuban communities were involved with the Masonic orders actually comes as o surprise. As early as 1811 Jose Antonio Aponte, a free black carpenter, organized an important uprising in Havana, and it is reported that Cuban Freemasons were solidly behind his strategies. In fact, the rebellion of 1868, better known as the Ten Years War, was planned in the Masonic lodges of Puerto Principe, Santiago de Cuba, Bayomo, Holguin, Las Tunas, and Manzanillo." Significantly, Scottish Rite Freemasonry is becomes very popular in Haiti at the same time Kimbiza starts to become very popular in Cuba. In Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou, Donald Cosentino states: "Already in 1748, hardly thirty years after the movement's beginnings, Cap Haitien witnessed the foundation of the Loge de la Verite, the first Lodge of the New World... According to sources of the time towards 1770 every important city had its lodge. This meant the omnipresence of the Universal Eye, and of the compass and set square which lead the way towards the 'G' of geometry-discipline and God (Grand Master)." Scottish Rite Freemasons prospered within the Haitian Creole community that was a New World extension of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. According to the records, Scottish Rite Freemasonry was brought to Haiti by a very mysterious man named Stephen Morin. In the old Masonic books Stephen Morin is described as a Jew and mulatto. Stephen Morin was a member of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. Even his surname is that of the most senior family of the Holy Grail and the Plantagenet Dynasty founded by conquering Moors. A conspiracy theorist say that Stephen Morins was an Illuminati agent whose mission was to help to establish the New World Order or NWO. In Illuminati Mystery Babylon, Texe Marr declares: "In the year 1760, Masonic Illuminati initiate Stephen Morin came over from France to the New World. By funnelling bribes to U.S. and West Indies politicians, Morin was able to open up dozens of illuminized Masonic chapters throughout the Americas. In these clandestine lodges, thousands were initiated into the Secret Order." Another occult writer says that Stephen Morin was a French Templar, which suggest an intimate connection to the Priory of Sion, the inner most sanctum of the Illuminati. In Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster conveys: "... according to the documents produced by the Ordre du Temple in the early part of the nineteenth century, the

Templars had never ceased to exist in spite of their official suppression in 1312, and that a line of Grand Masters had succeeded each other in unbroken sucession from Jacques du Molay to the Duc de Cosse-Brissac who was killed in 1792... The group had, however, formed two separate associations, the Knights of the East (1756) and the Council of the Emperors of the East and West (1758). In 1761 a Jew [or Moorish kabbalist] named Stephin Morin was sent to America [Haiti] by the Emperors armed with a warrant from the Duc de Clermont and Grand Lodge of Paris and bearing the sonorous title of Grand Elect Pefect and Sublime Master, with orders to establish a Lodge in that country. In 1766 he was accused in Grand Lodge of propagating strange and monstrous doctrines and his patent of Grand Inspector was withdrawn. Morin, however, had succeeded in establishing the Rite of Perfection. Sixteen Inspectors, nearly all Jews, were now appointed." The records suggest that some the Jews that popularized Morin's version of the Scottish Rite were Black Jews from Loango, Angola who monopolized the slave trade. These Black Jews may be the primary reason Haitian, and Cuban Kimbiza has always been associated with Freemasons and the Illuminati. Anyone who takes the time to thoroughly research the matter is bound to discovery that many of the founders of Black Cuban Kimbiza were Freemasons. Some of these Freemasons even have the surnames of the Christianized Sephardic Jews (Marranos) who in the late 1400s relocated to Loango, Angola in hope of escaping the horrors of the Inquisition. During the time of the Haitian Revolution, almost all the Haitian Creoles who became Freemasons and practiced ceremonial magic belonged to the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. The way the Black Nobility has been described helps us to better understand why the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe are a very important part of the drug cartels of the European O.T.O. and the Global Criminal Network. According to Illuminati News: "These people earned their title Black Nobility from their ruthless lack of scruple. They employed murder, rape, kidnapping, assassination, robbery, and all manner of deceit on a grand scale, brooking no opposition to attain their objectives...the Black Nobility refuse to ever recognize any government other than their own inherited and divine right to rule." Moreover, Black Nobility leaders are the founders of what conspiracy theorists call the 13th Illuminati Bloodline. In Merovingian and the Black Nobility, Fritz Springmeier says: "The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from. This bloodline believes that it has both the blood of Jesus and the blood (or seed) of Satan in its bloodline...Some of the earliest attempts to trace the seed of Satan were some books that had extensive research on the Tribe of Dan and the descendants of Cain." According to many writers, the Tribe of Dan existed in Ancient West Africa origin, and its representatives are said to have founded the shamanic traditions of the Norse and Celts. The Painted Black Moors of from the Tribe of Dan are the very beginning of the Black Nobility of Europe. These Painted Black Moors were Wodaabe men from West Africa. Niger is the country in West Africa that is sacred to the Wodaabe men, who in Celtic folkore of the Scottish Highlands are described as painted "Ethiopians," "Egyptian," and "Moors." My insights as the primary spokeman of the real Illuminati conspiracy explain why in European history "Niger" not only denotes the alchemical darkness of the Red Dragon (Lucifuge Rofocale), but also the Moorish rulers of the Black Nobility. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie states: "The supreme ruler of Alban during one portion of the tenth century was, we have been told Kenneth (or Cinaed) alias 'Niger' or Dubh, 'The Black.' He seems to have reigned for some years over white provinces, as well as those inhabited by people of his own color; but he is particularized as 'The Black' of the three black divisions... We have guessed that one division of the posterity of this powerful black king, of the tenth century, became known to Gaelic speaking people as Maga Dubh (shortened to Mac Duff), or 'the clan of The Black:' which race was for a long time paramount in the kingdom of Fibh

(Fife)itself, in all probablity, one of the three black divisions." Another insightful writer reveals that "Niger" was used all over ancient and medieval Europe to identify the Moorish leaders of the Black Nobility. There is even a concrete record of Black Nobility sitting on the throne of Rome as divine emperors, probably believed to be reincarnations of ancient African deities. In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers informs: "We find proof of the absence of color prejudice in the word, Niger. Like Ethiop, it crept into the Roman language, having been brought there from Africa. The word comes from the River Niger, and Nigritae means the people from the River Niger. 'Ni' probably means 'great' and Ger, or Geier, is African for river... Some of the most illustrious Romans bore the surname 'Niger' or 'Negro' as Pescennius Niger, one of the greatest emperors. Another 'Niger' was counsellor to the royal family and accompanied Octavia, sister of Caesar Augustus to Greece when she went there to try to win back her husband, Mark Anthony, from Cleopatra. A later Niger was Henry III, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1017-56 A.D.), who married the daughter of Canute, King of England... Septimus Severus, another great emperor, was born in Africa. Macrinus and Firmus, other emperors, were Moors." It was the Black Nobility that brought Bantu-Egyptian mysteries into Europe disguised as Roman Catholicism. In the same book just referrenced, J.A. Rogers informs: "As in Egypt and Greece, the blacks also wielded considerable influence in religion. They established the cult of Isis which spread through the Roman Empire as far as Paris, France, and Britain. This cult received additional prestige when Julius Caesar brought Cleopatra and her Rome and set them up in magnificent style." Scholarship indicates that the early Roman Catholic Church was under the rule of the Black Nobility, and this directly relates to Gnosticsim and Rosicrucian, the most important components of the real Illuminati conspiracy. This is why the Virgin Mary and numerous Catholic saints are depicted as black, and the magical shield of the sinister-looking pope, who recently stepped down in order to sacrifice small white children to the fetish or nkisi he obtained from Tata Nganga or mayomberos in Angola, displays the royal black head of the Moor the Heretical Knights Templar called Baphomet. In "The Saints Go Marching In," Robert Fulton Holzclaw relates: "Roman Africa was Roman in name and government, but not in population. The names of the gods and people became Latinied because Latin was the language of the masters of commerce. But the majority of the people were black and the Punic langiage was spoken until the Islamic invasion in the Eigth Century...Africa did its part in the spiritual history of mankind. One of the most zealous churches of early Christianity came into being in Africa. From Africa came Neo-Platonic thought and the first experiments in monasticism. Three of the early popes were blacks: Ss. Gelasius, Miltiades, and Victor I." The African origin of neo-Platonic thought is very significant. Records indicate that neo-Platonic thought is the basis of the hermetic doctrines that evolved into ceremonial magic, the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy. Thoughout European history, it is the Luciferian leaders of the Black Nobility who are credited with expanding the type of neo-Platonic thought that relates to the real Illuminati conspiracy. Neo-Platonic thought was very important to the Moors because its concepts are derived from ancient Bantu-Egyptian mysteries. Black Nobility traces its Moorish origin to dark days of Kemet, the black land of Set or Satan, the black land of alchemy, and some very powerful Goetia demons used in the diabolical rules and rituals of the magical vessel called prenda and Holy Grail. Black Nobility is why the New World Order or NWO engineered by Moors and Illuminati replicates the Masonic design of Bantu-Egyptian civilization. The first Moors to rule the world as Black Nobility were the Pharaohs who, as black gods in the flesh, claimed descent from ancient aliens or extraterrestrials and the dragon Set-Typhon, the prototype of the Judeo-Christian Devil. Something else to note is that during Egypt's pre-dynastic era Moors from the Nile Valley Basin colonized the Pacific Islands, and are the true origin of the Maori tribes of the cannibals. That the Moor originates in ancient Egypt, and relates to the black natives of the Pacific Islands whose vampire and werewolf traditions are almost identical to the Congolese, has been duly noted by one of the experts.

In A Book of the Beginnings, Gerald Massey writes: "The Mauri name is that of the later Moors, of a land under the Tropic of Cancer and north-west of the equator, as well as of Aethiopia, the typical birthplace, and the name of the Moors found on the Egyptian monuments is written Mauri or Maurui. The original Mauri dwelt in the north-west land lying between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and their name is identifiable with that of the Maori, whose traditions derive them from the north-west... According to Diodorus Siculus, the Egyptians declared they had sent forth many expeditions and established colonies in divers parts of the world, in times of the remotest antiquity. These would issue forth at different stadia of the African development and from divers regions of the country with sufficient initial divergence between the varieties to for the difference developed in the Australians, for example, and the Maori or Tasmanian wild man; the black men and the brown men of to-day." The Moorish families connected to Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati are well documented. The Medici family is a very important part of the Black Nobility. In Who Are the Black Nobility, Dee Jay states: "The Black Nobility were/are the oligarchic families of Venice and Genao Italty, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies)... The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete contraol over Venice in 1171... among them [were] the infamous de Medici family." Documented history indicates that the Medici family was Moorish just like Royal Congo families that in Angola and the West Indies invented the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe to preserve the mystery of the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers states: "Negro blood also found its way into the leading Italian families, including the most illustrious royal family of the times: the Medicis. The faces of some of the Medici as given in 'Regiae Familae Mediceorum Etruria,' are undoubtedly Negroid, especially that of Cosimo III and his son Gian Gastone, who bears a striking resemblance to the great Negro novelist, Alexander Dumas. Charles II of England came of this stock... One of the Medicis, Alessandro, 'The Moor,' first reigning Duke of Florence, actually had a Negro mother... Another great Italian, who was most likely of Negro ancestry was Ludovico, 'The Moor,' Duke of Milan, foremost member of the powerful Sforza family. Biographie Universelle says he was called 'The Moor" because of his very swarthy skin." Perphaps wealthy members of the Medici family belonged to the Kemetic Rosicrucian Order that financed the Columbus and other Knights Templar. In Secret Societies, Howard Michael writes: "Columbus was associated with a political group that hewed to the ideas of Dante, one of the alleged grand masters of the Order of the Rosy Cross who is known to have used codes and ciphers in his writings, a practice associated with membership in a secret society. Columbus voyages of discovery were sponsored by Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo de Medici, both initiates of secret societies who found the explorer wealthy patrons among European royalty and aristocracy." Other occult writers say that the Moorish Medici family is responsible for the occult revival that is an indispensible part of the real Illuminati conspiracy. In The Rosicrucians, Christopher McIntosh states: "These, then, are the main esoteric traditions that were rediscovered by the Renaissance scholars. The most important center of this rediscovery was the Florentine court of Cosimo de Medici..." With the help of the Black Nobility, Columbus laid the foundation for the establishement of a New World Order or NWO based on the Moorish Science teachings of the Kemetic Rosicrucian Order. We know this to be true because when Columbus visited Haiti, he left on the island Moors and Jews, some who may have come from the coastal side of Angola. The Moors and Jews who sailed to the West Indies with Columbus with the intent to establish a colony of the New World Order or NWO are examples of the Black Nobility of Portugal and Angola who were called Royal Congos and the Kimbiza. Apparently, in the late 1700s the Luciferian Gnosis perpetuated the Black Nobility who dominated Haiti's Congo secret orders survived in the lodges of the Scottish Rite Freemasons that were connected to the Baravian Illuminati. The Black Nobility is why a black-faced Lucifer and Satan are a very important within the Red Voodoo Sects that in Eastern

Cuba evolved into Palo Mayombe. That a black-faced Lucifer and Satan are part of the Red Voodoo Sects we know were created by the Black Nobility is substantiated by the insights of one of the experts. In Vodou Quantum Leap, Dr. Reginald Crosley states: "These societies of maroons shared some deep secrets of the shadowy alternate realities. In Haiti, they have a nefarious reputation and are known under names of Zobop, Bizango, Sanpwel (Champwel), Vlinbinging, Loupgarous, Makanda, Regiment... The vodouns or guards served in this rite are the most brutal and dangerous ones. Among them are... Nkadi Mpemba, the equivalent to Satan, Loa Krabinay, Lucifer, and Criminel Petro." The first Maroons of the West Indies were Moors, which tells us that they were connected to the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati. There is a concrete record of Moors in the early Caribbean who, like the very first Maroons, were in opposition with the Vatican. In Inquisition in the New World, Clara Steinberg-Spitz informs: "According to Liebman, as early as 1508, bishops in Havana and Puerto Rico informed Madrid that the New World was being filled with hebreo cristianos (Hebrew Christians), nuevo cristianos (New Christians), conversos (converts), Moriscos (Moors), and other heretics, in spite of several decrees barring their entry." To add, in The Columbus Conspiracy, Michael Bradley declares: "If our conspiracy theory is at all valid, we would expect some whispers from these first-generation years (1494-1520) that colonists from Spain were not orthodox Roman Catholics, but heretics [Satanist]. And, in fact, such rumored complaints have down to history from this period. In 1506, the Bishop of Puerto Rico complained to Their Majesty and the Vatican that ships were bringing 'mostly Jews' as colonists. Four years later, in 1510, the Bishop of Cuba made exactly the same complaint to the same authorities, the ships brought mostly Jews and he adds, 'secret heretics'... Complaints of bishops and other comments quoted refer mostly to Jews but also mention heretics and even Muslims. Indeed, it is a minor mystery of history why Columbus, in preparation for this third voyage, in 1498, which was a mixed exploratory and colonization expedition, requested and received three Arabic-speaking [black] interpreters! Did he expect to encounter Arab traders and ships in the vicinity of the Great Cam's realm? Possibly. But if this construct has any claim to validity, he may have needed them in order to ease communications between mixed Spanish and Moorish colonists." Scholars say that the first blacks to settle in the Caribbean in post-Columbian times were Black Europeans, and the way these Black Europeans have been described brings to mind the Black Nobility. In African Presence in Early Europe, the renowned Cuban historian Fernando Ortiz asserts: "Before the discovery of America Negroes already Andalusia, and in Seville there was a municipal council of native Negroes with a fraternal order, kings and overseers." The Negro came first to the Indies from Spain, not from Africa." Also, in "Before the Mayflower," Lerone Bennett states: "Many, perhaps most, of the first generation of African-Americans entered America with Spanish names. For reasons that are not readily apparent, many black males were called Antonio, a name that quickly became Antoney or Anthony. Other popular names of the period included Michaela, Couchaxello, Mingo, Pedro, Francisco, Jabina, Maria, Tomora, Angola, and Tony Kongo." A few names noted by Bennett indicates that some Moors came to the early Americas via Templar-ruled Angola. Angolan Moors who may have been living in Cuba as early as 1508 Palo Mayombe is classified to this very day as a form of Brujeria. In Cuban Festivals, Dr. David H. Brown maintains: "In Antilles, beginning in the sixteenth century, the mysterious rites of the blackswith their strange liturgies, exotic music, and unintelligible chantscame to be described with the term Brujeria that had been applied in Spain to analogous rites that were persecuated beginning in 1484 when Pope Innocent VIII issued his Summis desidernates affectibus, initiating the Holy Inqusition. And In The Sufis, Idries Shah explains: "In Spanish, the word for witch is bruja. And it is in Spain that we find early and relatively complete accounts of the rituals and

beliefs of the people of Western Europe who celebrated similar festivities and were considered by the Church to be votaries of the Black One...The maskhara, revealers, are also called mabrush, marked on the skin, or possibly intoxicated by the thorn apple. In Spanish, maja is the Latinbased word, while bruja (pronounced brusha) is the word which appeared in Saracen Spain to describe these people." To the Moors who conquered Saracen Spain, the maskhara was the Islamic masquerade of the dead. Thus, one could agrue that Brujeria evolved from the West African masquerade called Egungun. Egungun has many things in common with witch cults of medieval Europe. Like the Egungun priest, the legends say that medieval witch flew through the air at night and had the power to shape shift. Both Egungun and medieval European witchcraft both have a magical vessel used to communicate with the spirit world. Like in medieval European withcraft, part of the initiation into Egungun is receiving small cuts on the skin with a conscreted knife. These cuts are also part of all Palo Mayombe initiations, which some Black Cuban elders tell us was once connected to Egungun. Within Egungun one finds a horned god like in the witch cults. Moreover, Egungun is believed by many scholars to originate in the same part of West Africa that conquered medieval Spain. Significantly, Brujeria, which is just another way of saying Practical Kabbalah or necromancy, becomes very popular when Spain was under the rule of West Africans. The Brujeria or witchcraft beliefs and practices that Moors brought to the early Americas account for how Palo Mayombe has been viewed for as long as can be remembered. In Santeria, Gonzalez-Wippler states: "Brujeria or witchcraft is not a common practice of Santeria. This type of magic is known as Palo Monte or Palo Mayombe. Monte and Mayombe are the names of the two different sects that practice Palo or witchcraft." Even one of the terms used to identify Maroons was assigned to medieval Moorish demonologists who in the name of the Holy Grail waged a magical war against the Vatican. Curiously, the Maroons in early Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba were likened to "Wild Pigs" or "Boars." Rebellious Moors in medieval Europe were described the same way because the pig is the totemn of the Devil in the most ancient African rites. And there are many medieval legends that speak of "Boars" and "Dragons" that were very militant black men an affinity for the Devil. In Ancient and Modern Britons, Mac Ritchie writes: "In addition to these particular titles, however, there are numerous traditions, all over the British Islands, of black men of fierce disposition; and certain British sea-boards still retain legends of 'Devils' who attack coasting vessels, and either kill the mariners, or rob them of all they possess... the word 'dragon' has had many meanings attached to it; and there is a Gaelic word (beithir) which not only denotes 'a prodigiously large serpent,' but also a 'thunder-bolt'... It may be only a concidence that Boars... are associated with these 'shots or arrow,' accompanied by 'flashes of lightening.' This pecularity ascribed by the poets to Boars, brings us back again to the word 'dragon.' Because our traditions are full of stories of fiery dragons; who vomitted forth fire and smoke; who protected treasures; who were covered with steel scales; and who carried off maidens." Some white European members of the royal dragon courts may be inclined for whatever reason to believe that the "Boars" and "Dragons" of medieval European folklore belonged to a master race of whites with red hair. However, the record books of history clearly show that "Boars" and "Dragons" were associated with the color black because they were Moorish demonologists wearing the armor of the West African Saracens. Mac Ritchie reveals: "There is, indeed, a distorted record of the attacks of such 'dragons,' in the chronicles of the Abbey of Croyland, in the Isles of Elywherein there is mention of tribes of black-skinned and blubber-lipped devils, with scaly faces and fiery mouths who infested the Ely marshes, and made desultory raids upon the monastery there: the period in question being at or prior to the Normand Conquest." Also, Mac Ritchie is not the only white European historian who says that "Boars" and "Dragons" were Black Nobility leaders from African. In The Grand Initiates, Edourd Schure asserts: "The Blacks invaded Southern Europe in pre-historic times and were finally driven back by the Whites. Remembrance of them has disappeared from popular tradition. The Blacks, however, have left two ineffacable

imprints in Europe: the horror of the Dragon which was the emblem of their kings, and our idea that evil, or the Devil, is black." Haitian Maroons are believed to have venerated the Red Dragon (Lucifuge Rofocale) as a very important African ancestor. The dark ancestral rites of the Haitian Maroons contained numerous Celtic elements. This suggest that the Red Dragon of the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe are identical to the Red Dragon that appears on the flag of Wales and on the royal shields of Yorkshire. A Moorish West African presence in medieval Wales and Yorkshire is something that is not even up for debate. In addition to all the Celtic folk traditions that openly speak of the supernatural supremacy of very diabolical black men or Moors called "Boars" and "Dragons," the recent discoveries of genetic science reflects this reality. In Yorkshireman found to Share DNA with African Tribes, Professor Mark Jobling shares: "We found John was in the A1 group of Y-chromosomes, which is very rare and highly West Africanspecific. The study has shown what it means to be British is complicated and always has been. Human migration history is very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours. This study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or races." The bones of a Black Nobility leader may have been found in England, and these bones are said to carbon date to the time when West Africans were in power in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. In an online publication entitled Researchers say that they may have found skeleton of 13th centur African buried in English Town, Raphael G. Satter states: "A 13th century skeleton unearthed on the grounds of a friary may be the earliest physical evidence that Africans lived in England in medieval times, a time of researchers said... His burial on consecrated ground suggests that not only was he converted to Christianity, he may have gone on to become a respected member of society." Interestingly, this African skull roughly carbon dates to the time when there are reports of Black Freemasons in London and Scotland. Medieval Black Freemasons in England and Scotland had to have been the leaders of the Black Nobility who were in possession of the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. David Mac Ritchie says in several places in Ancient and Modern Britons that even in the time of Columbus sea-faring black men still had large communities in England and Scotland. Apparently, even at this very late date, the militant black natives of the British Isles lived and died like the ancient Wodaabe men, who appear in documented British history as Painted Black Moors and Painted Black Celts professing the sacred traditions of the Egyptians and Ethiopians. Some of these black people could have found their way to the West Indies, where they injected Celtic elements into the Red Voodoo Sects. The Black Nobility who brought Celtic forms of shamanism and withcraft to Haiti as early as the time of Columbus is a very mysterious saga in the history of the New World Order or NWO. No true understanding of the Moorish Science of Masonic Illuminati initiates is possible when the contribution the Black Nobility made to the development of trans-Atlantic culture is not acknowledged. And any serious discussion about the real Illuminati conspiracy and ceremonial magic practiced within the Black Nobility orders of colonial Haiti and the neighboring islands is incomplete without mentioning Martinez de Pasqually. The enigmatic Martinez de Pasqually was, according to many reliabe accounts, a Christianized Sephardic Jew (Marrano), Rose Croix Freemason (Knights Templar), and he appears in occult history in relation to the French Illuminati, and the Haitian Creoles, who engineered the Haitian Revolution and the Palo Mayombe-inspired Maroon Wars that won Cuba her independance from Spain. De Pasqually was a light-skinned member of the Black Noblity, and he probably moved to Haiti because as early as 1700 the Caribbean was a haven for the French occultists who specialized in making pacts with Lucifuge Rofocale and the 72 Goetia demons. The great influence of de Pasqually probably accounts for what has been said about the great importance French ceremonial magic plays in the Haitian forms of Freemasonic Black Magick that in Eastern

Cuba survive within the branches of Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje classified as Palo Haitiano (Haitian Palo) and Kimbiza con Bizango. In Voodoo in Haiti, Alfred Metraux states: "But in talking so much of Africa we incline to forget Francethose contributions to magic and sorcery of Haiti is far from negligible. A great many beliefs and practices in Haitian magic originate from Normandy, Berry, Picardy or ancient Limousin... Those who doubt this should remind themselves of the vogue enjoyed in popular circles, if not among the petit bourgeoisie too, by 'Le grand et Petit Albert' and 'La Poule Noire.' It is from these books, imported from France, that hougan drew some part of their magic skills." Another one of the experts shows that in Haiti ceremonial magic is very demonic or Luciferian. In Drum and the Hoe, Harold Courlander writes: "Magic lurks on the periphery of Vodoun. It has little place in the placating of deities or the dead. It concerns the relationship of the living with each other and with loupgarous [shape shifters] and baka [Goetia demons]. Although cult rituals include various pouin and magic ceremonies, the cult priest draws upon magic as he draws upon other mystic arts and fields of learningleaf doctoring, divination, Catholic ritual, and Masonic symbolism...But the respectable cult priest does not dabble in black magicthe kind that maims or destroys human beings." That ceremonial magic came to Haiti primarily from southern France suggests that it is rooted in the type of Moorish Science that is the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey informs: "Southern France is a very special place with regard to its Huguenot populace and its Moorish past. The Moors had maintained a significant population there at least since their 8th century invasion. According to Joseph McCabe, the Moors were received as saviors by the local Franks. McCabe speaks of southern France as having been the most heretical and most intellectually progressive region of Christian Europe because of its Moorish contacts." Also, over a million Andalusian Moors and Jews settled in southern France in the early 1600s, and some of the descendants of these Andalusian Moors probably ended up in Haiti and Eastern Cuba. De Pasqually was a descendant of these Moors and Jews, and this is why he appears in occult history books as a Sephardic Jew who practiced a very Christianized form of the Jewish Kabbalah. Christianized kabbalistic practices designed to summon angels and demons were invented by Spanish and Portuguese-speaking black people who venerated the master exorcist (or ceremonial magic) Jesus Christ as a deified ancestor, mainly because they came from Grail families that are the basis of the real Illuminati conspiracy. In Sex and Race Vol. 1 J.A. Rogers states: "In 1610, came another invasion of Moors, a peaceful one, when over a million of them, hwo had been expelled from Spain settled in southern France as the invitation of Henry IV. The result is that the French in the region nearest Spain, especially the Auvergnats, are Negroid." The popular belief is that ceremonial magic was brought to colonial Haiti by white occultists. This is not entirely true. To reirterate, Martinez de Pasqually definitely was not a white Frenchman. He was a Sephardic Jew, which means that he had African-Andalusian blood regardless of his skin complexion and facial features. The same thing can be said about Stephen Morin, the first man to bring Scottish Freemasonry to the Americas. Stephen Morin is described in old Masonic books in a way that strongly suggests that he had knowledge of the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy, which is the deepest Rosicrucian mystery within the Solomonic Temple of the Freemasons who hold the degree of Illuminati. Both Stephen Morin and Martinez de Pasqually were Black Nobility, and this is why they are often viewed as aristocratic white men. The point here is that ceremonial magic was not brought to colonial Haiti by white occultists alone. While there were definitely white occultists in colonial Haiti, they were outnumbered by Hispano-Moorish mystics and magicians who were the highest echelon of the Black Nobility. Also, there is a concrete record of Huguenots living in Haiti in the same time when ceremonial magic was greatly popularized amongst the Haitian ruling class created by the Black Nobility. In

Haiti in the 1700s and 1800s, Dubois was a prestigous Huguenot surname associated with the Red Voodoo sects, which in Eastern Cuba developed into Masonic Palo Mayombe. According to the Old Black Cubans, Duli Danli, and Fifi Dubois brought a Masonic version of Kimbiza to Eastern Cuba that was mixed with Luciferian and Satanic elements found in pure Jewish Mayombe. It is also interesting to note that the illustrious W.E.B. Dubois was from the same Huguenot bloodline as Duli, Danli and Fifi Dubois. This is very intriguing because W.E.B. Dubois appears in American history as Freemason, and Knights Templar, and one of the founders of the Boule, secret society of African-American Creoles conspiracy theorists believe is the equivalent of Skull and Bones. Haitian Creoles from the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati perfected in the Masonic Lodge de Pasqually's system of ceremonial magic. If we are to believe the Gnostic Vodoun legend popularized in America and Europe by Tau Michael Bertiaux, de Pasqually's version of ceremonial magic was modified in a very diabolical way by one Lucien Francois Jean-Maine. According to several Haitian Martinists and Gnostic Kabbalists involved in Bertiaux's system of magick, Lucien Francois Jean-Maine was a powerful bokor and mayombero who created a system of kabbalistic black magick that involved having sex with a mambo (Voodoo Queen) possessed by a Goetia demon. The mambo is always an avatar of Ezili Ge Rouge. Sometimes Ezili Ge Rouge is addressed in ceremonies as Mary Lucifer, which is what the Gnostics called Mary Magdalene, the scarlet woman of master exorcist Jesus Christ. Like the mambo used in the Luciferian sex magick of Jean-Maine, Mary Magdalene was possessed with seven demonsthat is, Annunaki spirit actions that relate to Goetia. Another name for Ezili Ge Rouge is Marie Wanga, which in Palo Mayombe is correlated to Centella Ndoki and all the powers of the night. Also, Ezili Ge Rouge's symbol is the triangle that opens the door to the Abyss, and this is what links her infernal essence to Illuminati Magick. If we are to believe legends, Lucien Francois Jean-Maine was a Memphis Rite Freemason of the highest degree, who used de Pasqually's kabbalistic system and Luciferian sex magick to develop new techniques for shape-shifting and walking with the night in the form of an ancient African cannibal, zombie, vampire, and werewolf. According to the Haitian occultists, Jean-Maine claimed to be a neo-Templar (O.T.O.A.) with very advanced knowledge of the Holy Grail used in nineth degree workings. Jean-Maine's Luciferian sex magick may derive from a Haitian Voodoo interpretation of medieval Grail lore. That there is a tantric side to medieval Grail lore has been noted by one of the experts. In The Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker writes: "The Grail was kept in a magnificent temple governed by a queen named Repanse de Joie (Dispenser of Joy), an ancient title of a holy harlot. Bards said her husband was a Moor, and her son John founded the eastern Order of the Knights Templar, a group of warriors dedicated to the Grail temple and the defense of women." Significantly, Lucien Francois Jean-Maine's Luciferian sex magick has much in common with the Moorish Science of P.B. Randolph. Since Jean-Maine was a member of Papus' O.T.O. and Gnostic Catholic Church one can maintain that his Luciferian sex magick was based on P.B. Randolph's Moorish Science combined with those of de Pasqually and Rosicrucian concepts found in the higher degrees of Memphis Rite Freemasonry. It is general knowledge within the occult community that the 19th century German O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) that claimed to continue the agenda of the Bavarian Illuminati was greatly influenced by P.B. Randolph's version of Moorish Science. When Kemetic Rosicrucians speak of Moorish Science, they are always referring to P.B. Randolph, and not the watered-down inner city version perpetuated by the followers of Noble Drew Ali. The Moorish Science (ceremonial magic, sex magick and Spiritualism) taught by P.B. Randolph is the basis of all modern Rosicrucian movements conspiracy theorists link to the New World Order and the hidden agenda of the Obama Administration, financed by wealthy Rosicrucians with ties to Masonic Sufi orders in Africa and the Middle East. It is really not hard to see why P.B. Randolph is part of the real Illuminati conspiracy. P.B.

Randolph was a close friend of President Abraham Lincoln, and he came from one of the Luciferian bloodlines of the Holy Grail founded by Moors. Also, a very gifted scholar says that Randolph belonged to secret societies in France that conspiracy theorists have connected to the Holy Grail and the Priory of Sion. In Nature Knows No Color-Line, J.A. Rogers declares: "An American mutatto, Pascal B. Randolph, had considerable prestige in France also. A graduate in medicine and then foremost authority in occultism, he was a friend of Napolean III and welcomed at his court. Randolph was Supreme Master of the Rosicrucians in the World." Significantly, Napolean III was part of a Royalist Knights Templar movement that had ties to the Bavarian Illuminati and the Priory of Sion. It was Masonic Illuminati initiates who run the New World Order or NWO that made P.B. Randolph the Supreme Master of all the Rosicrucians in the World. These Masonic Illuminati initiates are the reason the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) claims magicial descent from both the Illuminati and Randolph. Occult historians maintain that Moors are the originators of the esoteric side of the Bavarian Illuminati movement that was revived in the 1800s by Memphis Rite Freemasons and the founders of the German O.T.O. In A History of Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul says: "Documents still extant show several point of resemblance between the German and Central Asian Illuminists: points which are hard to account for on the grounds of pure conicidence, and yet which still might, one supposes, be nothing more than that. The prophet Mohammed, for example, is claimed as an initiate by the Western Illuminati." Something that Daraul says need to be elucidated. The Bavarian Illuminati did not in any form or fashion claim the prophet Mohammed as a high initiate of their Luciferian current. For the record, orthodox Islam has absolutely nothing to do with Moorish Science and the real Illuminati conspiracy. The followers of Noble Drew Ali often make the mistake in assuming that Moorish Science is rooted in a belief in Allah. But the historical Moors who played a major role in the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati venerated Set or Satan and 72 Goetia demons, and this is why the Five-Pointed Star or Solomon's Seal was used as a symbol of nationality. The Five-Pointed Star is used by the Illuminati to the type of Moorish Science that in medieval Europe involved making a blood pact with the Devil and achieving the highest illumination. In medieval European occultism "Mohammed" or "Mohamet" was customarily used to denote a Moorish demonologist. To the Knights Templar that are the true foundation of all real Illuminati movements, Mohamet was called Baphomet, the decayed head of the Moorish demonologist, placed in a witch's cauldron or Holy Grail in order to mystically ground the tormented red souls of purgatory and 72 Goetia demons. Records suggest a witch's cauldron was part of the Rosicrucian-inspired Scottish Rite that played a major role in the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati movement. Could the witch's cauldron of the early Scottish Rite Freemasons directly relate to the cauldron employed in the dark ancestral rites of the Moorish demonologists who in Angola and the West Indie invented Palo Mayombe? This is very possible when we take into account what is known regarding the West African origin of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Constitution of the Free-Masons (London, 1734) reads: "We can readily believe, that the African Nations, even to the Atlantick shore, did soon imitate Egypt in such Improvements, though Hiftory fails, and there are no Travellers enourag'd to discover the valuable Remains in Masonry of those once renowned Nations." Occult writers say that Bavarian Illuminati initiates were Scottish Rite Freemasons profoundly influenced by the kabbalistic system of Jewish black magic popularized in medieval Europe by Moorish demonologists. In Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, Webster informs: "From the moment of Weishaupt's admission into Freemasonry his whole conduct was a violation of the Masonic code. Instead of proceeding after the recognized manner by successive stages of initiation, he set himself to find out further secrets by underhand methods and them to turn them to the advantage of his own system. Thus about a year after his initiation he writes to Cato (alias Zwack): 'I have suceeded in obtaining a profound glimpse into the secret of the Freemasons. I known their whole aim and shall impart it all at the right time in one of the higher degrees'... the source of inspiration from which Weishaupt subsequently drew his anarchic philosophy still

remains obscure. It has frequently been suggested that his real inspirers were Jews... the theosophical ideas of the Cabala play no part in the system of Illuminism; the only trace of Cabalism to be found amongst the papers of the Order is a list of recipes for procuring abortion, for making aphrodisiacs, Aqua Toffana, pestilential vapours, etc., headed as 'Cabala Major.' It is possible, then, that the Illuminati may have learnt something of venefic magic [Luciferianism] and the use of certain natural substances from Jewish Cabalists..." Since Bavarian Illuminati initiates were Scottish Rite Freemasons of the highest degree, and had knowledge of the type of medieval Moorish Science that survives in the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe, one is lead to the very strong impression that the Bavarian Illuminati had to have been greatly influenced by the Knights Templar concept of the Mohamet or Baphometthat is, the Illuminated Black Man. The German occult scene Barvarian Illuminati initiates moved through was founded by Moorish demonologists. During the glorious days of al-Andalus, thousands of Moorish demonologists moved to Germany, where they popularized amongst society's elites ceremonial magic. And It is no concidence that the legend of Dr. Faustus came into existence not to long after Moorish demonologists started to migrate to Germany to escape the Inquisition. According to the legend, Dr. Faustus was a very ambitous ceremonial magician who studied grimoires so that he could raise the Devil and acquire from the Prince of Darkness all the riches and material power he desired. Also, Moorish demonologist may be the main reason Germany had Luciferian sects as early as the 1300s. In The Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets, Walker informs:"In the 14th century A.D. there were Gnostic groups called Luciferians, who 'worship Lucifer and believe him to be the brother of God, wrongly cast out of heaven.' Luciferians were first heard of in Austria. Their cult soon spread to Brandenburg, Bohemia, Switzerland, and Savoy." Interestingly, a hundred years after the Luciferian sects, the Antichrist and his servants are depicted in Bavaria as "Moors, "black men," and "Ethiopians." In Saracens, Demons and Jews, Debra Higg Strickland states:"A mid-fifteenth century Bavarian manuscript that pictures and describes the eschatological role of the Antichrist includes prominent images of Libyans, Ethiopians, and black Moors among the disciples of the Devil's unholy son. In an especially interesting image, three red-clad, hooded Ethiopians on horseback accompany three mounted Blemmyai on a bipartisan mission to the Antichrist. The lower image on the same folio shows an armored Ethiopian kneeling before the Antichrist, marked not only by his dark skin, but also by his banner emblazoned with the heraldic emblem of a profile Ethiopian head." The magical worldview of Bavarian Illuminati initiates is very similar to the one espoused by 14th century German Luciferians who may have had extensive contact with Moors. Like Germans Luciferians, Bavarian Illuminati initiates were on a quest after a very pure form of illumination or Gnosis devoid of Christian dogma. Thanks to Black Nobility leaders such as Martinez de Pasqually and Stephen Morin, the kabbalistic black magic of the Bavarian Illuminati survives in the West Indies as basis in the Luciferian practices of Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. The real Illuminati conspiracy is about tmaking a kabbalistic blood pact with the fallen angel Lucifer for the purpose of world domination. This kabbalistic blood pact is no longer a part of the western mystery tradition. During the time of the Inquisition, Pact con Diablo (Pact with the Devil), the most powerful black magic spell in the world, was taken by the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati, where it gave birth to the Red Voodoo Sects. The great importance fallen angel Lucifer plays in the Freemasonic Black Magic of the Haitian Creole community founded by the Black Nobility has been noted by one of the experts. In Voodoo in Haiti, Andre J. Louis informs: "Mr. Emile, whose nickname is Frere Lapaix, after becoming a Christian, went all over Haiti to testify about the power of the Devil he served, and how he had to use magical devices in order to get from Lucifer the greatest power he wanted to have. He told his story: he read from a book called La Poule Noire (The Black Hen) on how to call Lucifer to ask him for more power. The instructed him on how to make a rod that had the virtue to

call upon and send away Lucifer. He went at midnight one day to call the highest evil. He did the things he had to do: prayers, libations, veve, etc. Suddenly a rushing wind blew so strong as to throw him away. With his rod he commanded the wind to stop and said that he wanted to talk to Lucifer and not the wind. The heavy black cloud that appeared in the air that caused the wind then disappeared...finally Lucifer appeared to him in a human form and talked face to face to him. Frere Lapaix made his request and Satan told him what to do to have the power he needed." The way Lucifer is viewed within Haitian Creole community founded by the Black Nobility is identical to the way Lucifer is viewed in Palo Mayombe. A very credible Cuban writer acknowledges that the Devil is a very important part of Palo Mayombe practices Black Cuban inherited from the Maroons. In Afro-Cuban Religions by Miguel Barnet a Black Cuban Mayombero and Maroon named Esteban Montejo asserts: "That was when they swore an oath that meant saying to the prenda, I will do evil and do your bidding. That oath was spoken at twelve o' clock midnight, which is the Devil's hour. In a pact with the Congo Devil, the oath was no joke nor a tall tale. It had to be done right. If not, a person could even die all of sudden." Making a pact with the Devil is a western concept, which is even more proof that Palo Mayombe relates to the Moorish Science of the real Illuminati conspiracy. Also, I am not the first writer to say that the blood pact the mayombero makes with the fallen angel Lucifer, commonly referred to as Lukakanzi, is identical to the one invented by the Moorish demonologists of medieval Europe. In Palo Mayombe: Garden of Blood and Bones, Frisvold states:"An example of a work typically made at the feet of Lukankazi is one that finds a curious Western reference in the dreaded pactum diabolicum which in these cases often involves a pactum mortis, pacts with restless and vile dead upon taking the Devil as your witness." When Andalusian Moors ended up in Angola as a result of the Inquisition, they injected their concept of making a blood pact with the Devil into the darkest form of Congolese witchcraft. In "Nature Worship and Taboo," W.C. Willoughby relates: Claridge came to the conclusion that the common European conception of the Devil is contained in the Bakongo phrase Nkadi a Mpemba, and that the Bakongo cherish the delusion, once common in Europe, that a man becomes a wizard by placing his soul at the disposal of this mythical monster...Nkadi a Mpemba is thought to be the source and font of all evil, and it is said that it lives with witches (ndoki), and that witchcraft really comes from this power." From Angola, the cult of Satan Kadiempembe was transmitted to Haiti and Cuba. In Afro-Cuban Religions," Barnett declares: "In Mayombe, Kadiempembe, the Devil incarnate, the endoqui malo (bad endoqui) is the spirit of the dead and of murders and suicides. He is also the spirit of sorcerers." What I know to be true about the relationship the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe have to the real Illuminati conspiracy is based on experience. In fact, my story is not that much different than the story told by Leo Zagami, an ex-member of the Italian Illuminati Movement (infamous P2 lodges), and the author of the controversial book entited Illuminati Confessions. Like Leo Zagami, my views on the Illuminati are those of an insider. What I know about the real Illuminati conspiracy is based on my initiation into Santo Cristo Buen Viaje (Saint Christ of the Good Voyage). Santo Cristo Buen Viaje is where the Black Nobility preserved the Rosicrucian secrets of the Priory of Sion. As has been noted before, without Santo Cristo Buen Viaje the New World Order or NWO would not have a leg to stand on. Rosicrucian records written in Portuguese indicate that Columbus was guided by Black Nobility stationed in the Cape Verde Islands and Angola. The branch of the Black Nobility I am referring to came be known in Angola as Royal Congos and the Kimbiza. Black Nobility also appear in West African history as the Black Portuguese. The Black Portuguese who invented the Holy Grail rites of Kimbiza and Mayombe are still a part of documented history. In From Babylon to Timbuktu, Rudolph R. Windsor informs: "... Allen Gobdey writes that Windwoode Reade met blacks in Guinea, West Africa, who called themselves Portuguese and claimed descent from Portugal; Reade wrote his book in 1864. In another case Daniel P. Mannix was barbarously murder... with two of his sailors, by a community of Black Portuguese established near the mouth of the Sierra Leone River... The Canary Islands were discovered by the Portuguese in 1341, ceded to Spain by

Papal Bull in 1344; Senegal was discovered by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century, and the first settlements are believed to have been black Portuguese... Black Jews migrated to the Angola coast from Sao Tome between 1484 and 1499; the white Portuguese missionaries reached Angola by 1560, but white settlers did not establish a community until 1575." When talking about the history of Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, one must acknowlege the great vision and contribution of Andres Petit. Popular Cuban legends say that Andres Petit was a Catholic priest who was a very close friend of the pope. According to these Cuban legends, Andres Petit was so powerful within the secret societies of the Masonic Illuminati initiates that the pope had no choice but to sanction his version of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. When the pope sanctioned Petit's version of Santo Cristo Buen, lots of white Freemasons working in the interest of the New World Order or Nwo and the real Illuminati conspiracy were initiated into Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. Andres Petit is one of the primary reasons Kimbiza and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje can be linked to Cuban society's elites and the real Illuminati conspiracy. Andres Petit is believed by some kimbiseros to have been a high-degree Freemason and ceremonial magician from the same Franco-Haitian Martinist lines that evolved into the O.T.O.A. founded by Lucien Francois Jean-Maine. Cuban Kimbiza may have some sort of connection to de Pasqually's system of ceremonial magic. One can make this assumption because the Kimbiza rite of the Royal Congos came to Eastern Cuba from Haiti already mixed with Mayombe (Bizango), the Freemasonic worldview that incorporates Martinism, the black magic of the Grand Grimoire, and the neo-Templar secrets of the Illuminati. According to Tata Davi el Siete Rayos, a Cuban kimbisero and thirty-three degree Freemason, Andres Petit's father was a Haitian mayombero and Freemason. Petit's family backrground accounts for how he has been described by another Cuban kimbisero. In The Book of Palo, Raul Canizares asserts: "One of Don Demetrio's most fabulous teachers was Andres Petit, a ceremonial magician whose powers, in my opinion, were greater than Eliphaz Levi's and possibly equal to Aleister Crowley's. Petit was a lay member of the order of the Friars Minors (Franciscans) of the Roman Catholic Chruch, called a terciary member. He was familar with European grimoires, which he read in Latin. But his area of greatest expertise was in Africanderived religions." My understanding of the real Illuminati conspiracy is based on Gnostic visions I experienced while attending the seances of Espiritismo Cruzao. In the spiritual masses of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, I was able to recall very clearly a recent past life as a ceremonial magician who should be regarded as the father of modern occultism. My experiences with Espiritismo Cruzao have led me to the very strong conviction that during the early part of the 20th century I revived the baka spell or Pact con Diablo within secret societies of Europe that throughout the centuries have played a major role in the real Illuminati conspiracy. To be more specific, I revived Pacto con Diablo in Europe as the infamous Moorish obeah man Rollo Ahmed. What I said in the 1930s as Rollo Ahmed in regards to the Masonic Illuminati initiates who use Moorish Science or the Black Art to "sell their souls to the Devil" is very profound, and substantiates much of what has been said by conspiracy theorists. In The Black Art, the shadowy Rollo Ahmed declares: "There are people walking the earth whose spiritual self is already dead or has detached itself from being sunk in matter. Some souls cast themselves so willingly into the pleasures of the material world, living only for its power, its luxuries and riches, bodily beauty, intellectual brillance and wit, that they lose even the smallest link with the Divine Spark within. Starved and ignored, this gradually detaches itself and returns to the Divine Source, leaving a living and intelligent corpse behind. Others live lives of physical, moral and spiritual evil; until the ego or soul is literally lost can becomes swamped in darkness." When I lived in New York City and Europe as Rollo Ahmed, I referred to myself as the "Egyptian Adept" because I was a ceremonial magician within the Memphis Rite Freemasonry. It is within the lodges of Memphis Rite Freemasonry that de Pasqually's system of ceremonial magic is

practiced. This very mystical form of Freemasonry also has a Luciferian and Satanic side that directly relates to the real Illuminati conspiracy. My way of viewing Memphis Rite Freemasonry has the support of a man who is a Masonic Illuminati initiate related by blood to the British royal family. According to Leo Zagami, "Some people say the Illuminati don't exist... the Illuminati not only exist, but they practice what is known as the Primitiave Rite of Memphis-Misraim, which is the Egyptian Rite...this one is completely diabolic in its own internal belief system and leads many of its members to become involved in Satanism." Satanism is basis of Memphis Rite Freemasonry because it can be linked to Moorish demonologist who are the master minds of the real Illuminati conspiracy. The records indicate that the Memphis Rite was popularized by the Black Nobility. In 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to Z, William R. Denslow states: "Gabriel Mathieu Marconis is more frequently known as Marconis de Negre from his dark complexion. He was the alleged founder of the Rite of Memphis and its first Grand master... His son, Jacques Etienne Marconis, q.v., succeeded him and probably did more to spread than the father." Another insightful writer provides even more details regarding the Black Nobility/Moorish origin of the Memphis Rite. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey shares: "The Oriental Rite of Memphis is said to have been derived in 1779, from the Philadelphians of Narbonne France. Significantly, Narbonne is a southern French city with medieval Moorish educational and cultural ties. The Oriental Rite of Memphis is often recognized as a combination of Dionysian and Egyptian mysteries. Its origins have also been associated with a man named Jacques Etienne Marconis de Negre who established the Grand Lodge Osiris in Brussels in 1838... The primary figure of this order was Ormus, and Egyptian sage of the first century C.E. (46 C.E.), who had amalgamated pagan [Kemetic] and Christian mysteries, and, in so doing, founded the RoseCroix." Cagliostro is said to have been one of the founder of the Memphis Rite. Occult historians concur that Cagliostro was a Jew who perfected de Pasqually's system of ceremonial magic. The fact that Cagliostro appears in history as a Jew tells us that he had African blood. In Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, Webster writes: "According to the "Memoires authentiques pour servir a l'historie du Comte de Cagliostro," Saint-Germain was the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and it was he who initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries of Egyptian masonry. Joseph Balsamo, born in 1743, who assumed the name of Comte de Cagliostro, as a magician far eclipsed his master. Like Saint-Germain, he was generally reputed to be a Jew... he made no secret of his arden admiration for the Jewish race... Cagliostro's travels later took him to Poland and Germany, where he was initiated into Freemasonry, and finally to France; but it was in England that he himself declared that he elaborated his famous Egyptian Rite, which he founded officially in 1782. According to his own account, this rite was derived from a manuscript by a certain George Cofton... Yarker, however, expresses the opinion that the rite of Cagliostro was clearly that of Pasqually, and of he acquired it from a manuscript in London it would indicate that Pasqually had disciples in that city. A far more probable explanation is that Cagliostro derived his Egyptian masonry from the same source as that on which Pasqually had drawn for his Order of Martinistes, namely the Cabala, and that is was not from a single manuscript but from an eminent Jewish Cabalists in London that he took his instructions." Moors are responsible for all Freemasonic rites classified as "Egyptian" because historians say that it Moors who revived the Egyptian mystery schools that are the basis of European occultism. In The Stolen Legacy, George A. James states: "During the Persian, Greek, and Roman invasions, large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions, but also to the adjacent lands in Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor, where they lived, and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mysteru system. In the eighth century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauretania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took with them, the Egyptian culture

which they had preserved." What James tells us is taught within the Masonic lodges of the Illuminati. In Othello's Children in the New World, Dr. Jose V. Pimienta-Bey writes: "In The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (London, 1743), the old English text recounts some significant dates, persons, and events which are relevant to Masonic history. The test refers to Cush, Ham's eldest as well as Phut or Phuts (now called Fez) which it specifically states is in 'West Africa.' That official text connects Freemasonry to Kemet, Islam, and the Moors via the Moroccan Holy city of Fez." Moors are the inspiration behind the Oriental Wisdom and nine degrees of the O.T.O. Many early leaders of the O.T.O. took pictures dressed like Moors. Aleister Crowley, a high-degree Memphis Rite Freemason, dressed like a Moor. Crowley even went so far as to call himself Baphomet when he became the outer head of O.T.O. and an agent of the Illuminati. Crowley's actions as an Illuminati agent strongly suggest that the medieval Knights Templar concept of Baphomet is the ultimate secret of the O.T.O. and Memphis Rite Freemasonry. In theory, the ultimate secret of the O.T.O. relates to the alchemy of Palo Mayombe. If what I am revealing as the primary spokesman of the real Illuminati conspiracy was not based on truth, Baphomet, the Moor's Head of Heraldry, the Head of the Illuminated Black Man, would not be associated with necromancy and the infamous witch's cauldron the Templars called the Holy Grail. Mark Pinkham informs: "After pouring over hundreds of Templar confessions, Paradin concluded that Baphomet was definitely human shaped and possessed carbuncles for the eyes and skin of a human body. The head was human and mummified, a conclusion corroborated by a very old Temple document called The Chronicles of St. Denis, which describes the head as '... an old piece of skin, as though all embalmed and like polished cloth.' If Baphomet was the mummified head of a man, then that man must have been very dear and powerful in the estimation of the Templars since the Knights honored him as the Maker and savior of the Order." Baphomet is what mayomberos call kiyumba. The kiyumba is a decayed human head or skull of a serial killer or suicide victim, packed with the alchemical secrets of the Congo, to materialize the infernal dead and 72 Goetia demons. Another thing to note is that Kiyumba is often associated with the Skull and Bones symbolism. The Skull and Bones symbolism was part of the magical worldview of the Heretical Knights Templar who worshipped the Devil in the form of the Illuminated Black Man and used a witch's cauldron to practice necromancy. Significantly, a kiyumba is used in the higher degrees of Memphis Rite Freemasonry. This is added proof that the medieval Templar concept of Baphomet survives in the Masonic degrees that propel the initiate into the dark realm of the Illuminati. The pre-Crowley O.T.O. claimed to be a direct continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati system of black magick via the Memphis Rite. This is why one can maintain that Baphomet in the form of the kiyumba is the ulitmate secret of the O.T.O. The secret of the Masonic Illuminati initiates is contained in the nineth degree. Nine presents Yesod: the graveyard, kiyumba, withcraft, zombies, vampires, werewolves, and the Flying Nganga, or orgone-generated UFO, of the evil sorcerer who after midnight transforms into Illuminati in the most literal sense of the word. Aleister Crowley intuited the deepest and darkest aspect of the nineth degree. In The Book of Thoth, Aleister Crowley states: "This path is guarded by Tabu. She is uncleanliness and sorcery. Upon the hills are the black towers of nameless mystery, or horror and of fear. All prejudice, all superstition, dead tradition and ancestral loathing, all combine to darken her face before the eyes of men. It needs unconquerable courage to begin to tread this path. Here is a weird, deceptive life. The fiery sense is baulked. The moon has not air. The knight upon this quest has to rely on the three lower senses: touch, taste and smell. Such light as there may be is deadlier than darkness, and the silence is wounded by the howling of wild beast." For Crowley, and other early 20th century white European occultists with a Victorian sensibility, nine was very taboo because it exposes the initiate to the demonic radiation of archetypes of ancient African origin. Nine is the number of West African Egungun, which the true origin of the medieval witch cults, and the Templar concept of Baphomet, as the mummified black head

mayomberos call kiyumba. Moreover, ninth degree O.T.O. relates to the voodoo sex rituals that Lucien Francois Jean-Maine developed from the Moorish Science teachings of Martinez de Pasqually and P.B. Randolph. Lucien Francois Jean-Maine's voodoo sex rituals may have been a direct continution of the orgies reported by French in Haiti and New Orleans. The very curious way the French commentators describe the orgies of the Creole communities of colonial Haiti and New Orleans brings to mind the Grail maidens of Black Nobility and the Sufi/Moorish concept of the Hareem, the inner most sanctum of the Temple of Solomon. In addition to using the sex magick to materialize angels and demons, the real secret of the ninth degree O.T.O., the greatest weapon of the Illuminati, relates to the Luciferian aspect of the Holy Grail unveiled on Good Friday. In The Book of Thoth, Crowley reveals: "In the third act, Parsifal's innocence has matured into sanctification; he is the initiated Priest whose function is to create; it is Good Friday, the day of darkness and death... This is a doctrine only appreciable in its fullness by members of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis of the ninth degree of O.T.O." What Crowley's says as an Illuminati agent and the outer head of the O.T.O. directly relates to the necromantic rituals of the true Baphomet, which survives nowhere else in the modern world but in the Hispano-Moorish religion of Palo Mayombe. In Haitian Palo Mayombe, Good Friday is the day when Luciferian blood pacts are made at the foot of Baphomet envisioned as Lukankazi, the prenda of the mayombero that has all the attributes of the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. With Lukankazi, or the fallen angel Lucifer, the mayombero is able to revive every aspect of the Witch's Sabbath that in the Dark Ages was presided over by the Black Man who was Satan incarnate. Historically speaking, the Witch's Sabbath of the Black Nobility branch of the Illuminati is an alchemical vampire rite, involving orgies, bestiality, human sacrifice, and very satanic interpretation of the Catholic Eucharist in which all the members of the Coven mystically eat small children baptized in the name of Baby Jesus. Like in Palo Mayombe, in order to become a participate in the Witch's Sabbath one first must be initiated by getting cut on various parts of the body and receiving a staff or magick wand used to summon the powers of the night. Palo Mayombe ceremonies take place at night because they are derived from the Witch's Sabbath. This is why Lukankazi, which in Palo Haitiano (Haitian Palo) or Kimbiza con Bizango is also referred to as Lungambe, Lumucie, and Tata Lucien, conforms to the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati, manifesting with the aid of the witch's cauldron or Holy Grail as the mystery of cannibals, zombies, vampires, and werewolves. The way the Witch's Sabbath has been described by a very insightful occult historian with lots of knowledge of Real Moorish Science helps one to appreciate how the ninth degree O.T.O. relates to Palo Mayombe practices classifed as unbaptized or Jewish, and presided over during the darkest hours of the world by a blackfaced Lucifer or Satan (Baphomet). In A History of Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul informs: "According to the records of the Inquisition and the many witch-trials of Europe, the deity of the witches was a devilthat is, a power of evil, represented by a human being who occupied a place of importance in the rituals of the cult... The earliest mentions of the witches' sabbats, which were also known as synagogues, comes in the eleventh century, and seem to show the assimilation of the Diana cult with another: one which involves the worship of a Black Man...After being seduced into joing the cult, the member was made to promise that, when summoned, he would immediately leave for the meeting. He was given ointment and a staff. He (or she) is presented to the Devil at the synagoguea place, rather than a building, according to the context in which this word is usually used in witch-recitals of the period...the newcomer must worship the Devil... and promises a part of his body after his death. He is given a box of ointment and a staff, and instructions how to use them. A feast now takes place, in which children are cooked and eaten. The lights are put out, and all dance; after which there is indiscriminate intercourse between the members... Sacrilegious anti-Christian acts form the next part of the proceedings; and if anyone breaks the rules, or does anything that is not to the taste of the master, he ir she is beaten."

One may be inclined to the impression that much of what the Inquisition records and witch trials say about the Moors is based on nothing but pure propaganda fueled by religious and racial prejudices. While there is a grain of truth in this very popular assessment, it does not appear to tell the entire story because everything the Inquisition records and witch trials say about the Witch's Sabbath is a part of the shadowy side of traditional African religion. To the discerning eye, the Witch's Sabbath, which is the heart and soul of the real Illuminati conspiracy, can be attributed to the West African Dragon Kings (Satanic Saracens) who in the 11th century conquered Spain in the name of a Moorish Islam that revived the Typhonian Gnosis of the Bantu tribe that founded the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations and the purest form of Judaism. The manner in which the Witch's Sabbath functions within the shadowy side of traditional African religion has been described by one writer in particular helps one to appreciate the very curious way the Witch's Sabbath appears in medieval European folklore. In Soul of Africa: Magical Rites and Traditions, Klaus E. Muller writes: "Witches can split themselves into two. At night, when one part, the body, lies fast asleep, the other leaves it as a witch to do wicked deeds in the dark... the witch's souls attacks those who are sleeping and sucks out their vital energies (life soul). This can continue for days, weeks, even months. It becomes apparent in the victim's sudden decline and lasting weakness... According to the Asante, witches gather for a Witches' Sabbath at the edge of the village. Within the organization, however, they keep to the model of ordinary society: they form cooperative links, with the same hierarchies as in political life. At the head of their anti-society stand the kings and queen mother... whenever there is a celebration in the village; witches also give out invitations to their banquet. Each time, a different witch provides the sacrificial 'animal' that is to be eaten by all at the feast. Usually it is the witch's own child or another close relative. The witches such out his or her soul, change it into a sheep, and tie it to a pole or a tree. The body falls sick and feels weak and miserable... like the village community, these witches have a common shrine, usually in the form of a pot blackened by blood. It is regarded as the basis of their existence as a group and is kept hidden in the thick branches of a high tree or buried in its roots. If the shrine is lost or discovered, the witches' community breaks up. The personal powers of withcraft are also contained in objects carried near the body or in black pots. In addition, witches have at their service a variety of helping spirits in the shape of animals, usually snakes, beats of prey, and night birds, on whose backs they rise or fly and who protect them from being discovered." Many things that Muller says about witchcraft in West Africa needs to be elucidated so that people see how it directly relates to the real Illuminati conspiracy. The type of witchcraft or Vampire Magick described by Muller is called Brujeria (Witchcraft) and Palo Mayombe in Black Cuban folklore. Significantly, Palo Mayombe contains the pot that Muller says African witches hide in the roots of a tree. In rural Black Cuban sorcery, an unbaptized or Jewish Palo pot, especially one consecrated to Tata Lucien, Lucifer, or Lukakanzi, is hidden between the roots of the Ceiba tree. This is the Ndoki Malo shrine mayomberos call Tronco Ceiba, the Trunk of the Ceiba. The predatory animals Muller tell us is commonly associated with West African witchcraft are needed to construct a Palo pot or prenda. Without the bones of these animals, the mayombero cannot shape shift, that is, transform into Illuminati, and prey on the life-force of humans. Mayombero carry makouts, which are identical to the West African witchcraft amulets noted by Muller. Also, a makouto, which some mayomberos call sako sako, is a burlap bag with a man-eating demon (Ndoki Malo) inside. This type of makouto hangs from the branches of the Ceiba street, and is very similar to the West African withcraft shrines described by Muller. Something else that Muller points out that witchcraft or Vampire Magick can be found amongst the Ashanti of Ghana. According to Joseph J. Williams' book Hebrewisms of West Africa, the Ashanti of Ghana descend from the ancient Hebrews who migrated westward to avoid persecution. These ancient Hebrews were Ethiopian and Egyptian blacksmiths who worshipped Set or Satan in nocturnal blood rites, which continue to be the basis of all forms of African witchcraft. To this very day blacksmiths in Ethiopia are said to have the power to shape shift, and in the form of the luminous orbs or

Illuminati, prey on the life-force of human being who do not possess Ancient Alien DNA. Equally forthcoming is the fact that Ghana was part of the Almoravid Dynasty. The Almoravid Dynasty is the reason withcraft or Vampire Magick become popular in Spain in the 11th century. The Jewish origin of the Ashanti and many other West African tribes that entered Spain during the reign of the Almoravids accounts for the Practical Kabbalah or necromancy, and all the records stating that witchcraft was practiced in synagouges. The Witch's Sabbath that we know was a very important part of medieval Black European culture survives within the Red Voodoo Sects of Haiti, which in Eastern Cuba evolved into the branch of Palo Mayombe called Kimbiza con Bizango, Palo Haitiano (Haitian Palo), and Santo Cristo Buen Viaje. Significantly, the noctural meetings of the Bizango secret society are often referred to as "witches' sabbaths." Like in medieval Black Europe, these nocturnal meetings are presided over by a horned shaman who, after taking the quantum leap into the rotating black hole or Kabbalistic Abyss, has the power to exist as a cannibal, zombie, vampire, and werewolf. Not only is there a horned shaman who is the Bizango leader of the Witch's Sabbath, but there is also a Mayombe staff (Palo de Muerto), and there is the medieval witch's ointment used by Haitian sorcerers to mystically fly at night in UFOs. In Voodoo in Haiti, Alfred Metraux states: The zobop [Bizango] wear long red or white garments and are crowned with lighted candles. Sometimes they wear tin horns... Like the baka they enjoy the faculty of being able to change their appearance at will: they can elongate their heads, stiffen their features and, whenever they like, turn into giants, dwarfs, cockerels or ferocious dogs [werewolves]... A woman werewolf getting ready for a night outing first raises as many fingers as she expects to be hours absent from her house, or else she lights a cadnle marked with three notches. Unless she is back before the flame reaches the last notch her excursion may go ill. When she has taken these percautions she frees herself of her skin by rubbing her neck, wrists and ankles with a concoction of magic herbs. She hids he skin in a cool placein a jar or near a pitcherso that it will not shrink. Thus, stripped to the quick, the woman werewolf makes movements which have the effect of preparing her for the flight which she will shortly undertake. Flames spurt from her armpits and anus, turkey wings sprout from her back. She takes off through the thatch of her house... Luminous trailswhich nearly every peasant says he has seen at nightmark the werewolf's track through the sky. These have some resemblance to comets and are called werewolf clusters." In Haitian occultism, the Blazing Star of the Freemasons, the Goetia Flag of the Andalusian Moors, symbolizes UFOs operated by the Bizango leaders of the Witch's Sabbath. Contained within the Haitian interpretation of the Blazing Star can be found the essence of Illuminati, the secret of the ninth degree O.T.O., the most advanced Moorish Science teaching. Everything I know about the Witch's Sabbath can be attributed to my initiation into Palo Mayome and my past life as Rollo Ahmed. Without Rollo Ahmed there would be no real Illuminati Magick within secret societies of Europe. Like Martinez de Pasqually and P.B. Randolph, Rollo Ahmed's influence as an "Egyptian adept" or Memphis Rite Freemason is still with us today. His contribution to the real Illuminati conspiracy that climaxes within the Obama Administration is beyond dispute. The legend of the obeah man Rollo Ahmed even became inspiration for Hollywood. Several horror movies are based on this legend. Rollo Ahmed was the leader of a Golden Dawn lodge who attracted members of the British royal family, and was respected in British high society as an honorary member of the Black Nobility. Perhaps the legacy of Rollo Ahmed is the primary reason there are reports of the British royal family participating in satanic rituals. In Secret Societies Michael Howard writes: "Just before the arranged marriage of Princes Diana and Prince Charles, an anarchist magzine in London said that the princess had been intiated into witchcraft in a ceremony held on the queen's Balmoral estate in Scotland. Allegedly, the ritual involved the sacrifice of a stag and was her introduction to the hidden side of the royal family that the public has never seen. Allegedly, it was feared that her unstable mental condition after the breakup of her marriage might cause her to reveal the secrets of the Black Nobility to the media. Whatever the truth, or otherwise, in these fantastic and bizarre claims, it is a matter of public record that Diana's brother, Earl Spencer, made a very unusual speech in the House of Lords in

1994 that mentioned Satanism: He said he had evidence that a satanic cult was secretly holding ceremonies on his family estate that involved animal sacrifice." What can be said about the British royal family can be said about Pope Benedict XVI. As has been noted by many perpective conspiracy theorists, Pope Benedict XVI is a Satanist of the highest dark degree, and he definitely perpetuates the fact that the 13 Illuminati bloodlines of the Holy Grail that begins with the Moors who made blood pacts with 72 Goetia demons so they would gain the power to conquer the entire world in the name of the Dragon. Moreover, the pope's magical shield or crest contains the royal black head (Baphomet) of the Moor who brought Solomonic black magick or Goetia into medieval Europe. Also, Saint Benedict, the spirit guide or ascended master of the former pope, was a Moor with very dark skin and a very African phenotype. In Sex and Race Vol. 1, J.A. Rogers informs: "The Moors also dominated parts of Italy. In 846 A.D., they laid seige to Rome. In 878, they captured Sicily from the Normans; and in 898 defeated Otto II of Germany in South Italy...The parents of St. Benedict the Moor, Catholic saint, who attained great fame during his life, came of this stock." Also, on the Pope's shield there is a boar. The boar or pig is the Bantu-Egyptian totem of Set-Typhon, the prototype of the JudeoChristian Devil. What is even more fascinating is Pope Benedict's preoccuption with Congolese witchcraft. He is publically telling Congolese people to fight against witchcraft, but is compelled to visit places in Central Africa known their very sadistic occult practices, which include sacrificing children to nkisi or fetishes, the drinking of human blood, and a form of ritualistic cannibalism based on a very satanic interpretation of the Catholic Eucharist. Those who believe Pope Benedict was/is not secretly supporting Congolese witches and wizards hungry for spiritual and political power are deluded. According to a Gnostic Catholic priest who wishes to remain anonymous, Pope Benedict owns several nkisi, which he is constantly feeding children's blood so he can prolong is life, and manifest the satanic powers of Illuminati. Pope Benedict resigned so he can continue to practice in secret type of Congolese witchcraft that involves signing a contract in blood with Satan Kadiempembe. Interestingly, the very sinister looking Pope Benedict, the self-proclaimed avatar of a Moorish saint, has been compared to a Sith Lord for very good reason. He has even been known to wear a red satanic robe that has a baka, djab or little devil on it. Similar types of red satanic robes are worn by the Luciferian leaders of the Red Voodoo Sects who ironically are devout Catholics. And Pope Benedict paved the way for the rise of the "Black Pope," a true agent of the Satanic Illuminati. The fact that the "Black Pope" is Hispanic and the most visionary leader of the New World Order is a black man with Moorish roots, is undeniable proof that the New Aeon or New Dark Ages that dawned in the year 2012 A.D. shall eventually witness the total demise of all forms of white patriarchal power. Several American presidents are involved with the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. There is a very popular "rumor" suggesting that Bill Clinton has intimate dealings with the Bizango secret society, which since colonial times has worked with white politicians on a quest after the dark powers of the Devil and the Illuminati. Apparently, Bill Clinton is a Masonic Illuminati initiate who owns the type of evil baka spirit or Ndoki Malo that lives inside the "Jewish" or "unbaptized" witch's cauldron (flying nganga) of the mayomberos. In fact, there is an online painting which depicts Bill Clinton as a Masonic Illuminati initiate standing in front of what cannot be mistaken for anything other than the Holy Grail or witch's cauldron of the mayombero. We know that the Bizango aspect of Palo Mayombe is represented in this painting because it contains the All-Seeing Eye of the fallen angel Lucifer in the form of the blooddrinking alien or Reptilian that is the favorite subject of the world's leading conspiracy theorists. Bill Clinton is not the only person involved in American politics who is believed to have ties to Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. There are "rumors" suggesting that the Obama family has ties to Voodoo, Santeria, and Palo Mayombe. This is not to mention the fact that President Barack Obama traces his Holy Grail bloodline to the Moors who founded the Plantagenet Dynasty. Curiously, there is a speech that President Barack Obama gave in which he expounds upon the Moorish contribution to the birth of the New World Order or NWO. President Barack Obama activates the Medieval Antichirst Archetypethat is, the true spirit of the Black Nobility and the real

Illuminati conspiracy. What I am revealing about the Moorish origin of Satan and the Antichirst is not just magical, it is also cultural and historical. According to Dr. Ivan Van Sertima's Golden Age of the Moor, in medieval Europe the Antichrist was depicted as a crowned and conquering Moor. Not since medieval times has the western world been under the rule of a Christianized Moor (Rosicrucian) believed to be a covert Muslim and the Antichrist. Proof that President Barack Obama has activated the Medieval Antichirst Archetype is all over the media. In fact, millions of people now believe that the History Channel's controversial 10-hour television series called "The Bible" was purposefully made to resemble President Barack Obama. Even Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, the actor who plays Satan, comes from a Moorish bloodline! In addition to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, there are people in the music industry who have made blood pacts with the Devil. All the Satanic Illuminati Symbolism found in hip-hip videos is there for reasons that have never been elucidated by the conspiracy theorists who can only speak as outsiders. What I know about the connection hip-hop has to the Illuminati is based on my involvement in the music industry as a recording artist, producer, and spiritual advisor. All the incessant talk about the Illuminati having something to with hip-hop is based on the truth, but not in the way most conspiracy theorists envision. Time to let the cat out the bag. There are successful rappers who purchased an evil baka spirit to acquire great wealth and temporal power with the Global Criminal Network run by the Illuminati-based secret societies such as the European O.T.O., the Satanic Knights of Malta, and the P2 Lodge. Unlike many conspiracy theorists, none of what I am saying about the connection hip-hop has to the Illuminati is based on speculation and a distortion of the dark hermetic concepts that are the basis of High Magic. My words are based on 15 years of experience as a hip-hop producer and spiritual advisor who is very connected, but has always chosen to remain in the shadows, which is the true way of those walking the true path of the Rosicrucians and Illuminati. People in very high places know that I am the Tata who sold evil baka spirits to rappers now believed by millions of people to be Illuminati possessing special privileges within the Global Criminal Network. My great work as the New York City mayombero who signed a contract in blood with Satan Kadiempembe to be the most powerful, is why Tata is a term that has become part of mainstream hip-hop. Curiously, a "friend" of Jay Z refers to himself as Tata. This nickname is obviously in honor of Illuminati agents who are master mayomberos. Also, Jay Z makes reference to the Devil's Pot. The cauldron of the mayombero is often referred to as the Devil's Pot, and in Palo Mayombe Lucifer is the master mayombero. This is not to mention the fact that Jay Z refers to himself as Jehovah, and is a member of the Masonic Lodge with ties to the Illuminati and the Global Criminal Network. One of the Moorish Science secrets of Masonic Illuminati initiates is that Jehovah and Satan are the same entity. Only those who have made a blood pact with Satan can claim to be God. Another thing that connects Jay Z to Palo Mayombe and the Illuminati is his recent trip to Cuba. And it is no concidence that shortly after coming back from Cuba Jay Z release his album entitled Holy Grail Magna Carter. Significantly, the Magna Carta was a medieval document in which barons limited the power of the King of England. I am the only black person ever to expound upon the connection the Holy Grail has to African culture, and one can assume that since I am an Illuminati agent of the highest degree this is something that is known by Jay Z and his associates. Moreover, Rihanna has openly admited to worshipping the Devil, and is believe by millions of people to be a puppet of the Illuminati. The master minds of the real Illuminati conspiracy realize that Rihanna's one-eye symbolism is in honor of Ghede, a Haitian loa whose necromantic mysteries are traceable to ancient Egyptian. The leader of the Ghede spirits is named Baron Samedi. On Good Friday, the day of the Devil on the Roman Catholic calendar, Baron Samedi is paramount in the Red Voodoo Sects that have preserved the diabolical mystery of the Illuminati. Baron Samedi is an integral part of the baka mystery that gives Illuminati agents the ability to shape shift, and in the form of cannibals, zombies, vampires, and werewolves, prey on the lifeforce of humans that do not come from one of the bloodlines of the Holy Grail. In "Divine Horsemen," Maya Deren writes: "Therefore, if anyone would make magic, would set invisible forces to work in the visible world, it can be only with Ghede's permission. Whether as Baron Samedi, as Baron Piquant, or as Baron Cimitiere, it is he... who governs the indispensable, invisle

forces of magicians. It is through him that zombies are brought up from the grave... Here, in this dark phase of his powers, the trickster becomes transformer. Under his sign the malevolent bocor may take the shape of an animal, and men may be transformed into terrible bakas." According Milo Riguad, a member of a Masonic lodges with ties to the Illuminati, evil baka spirits originate within the Bantu-Egyptian mysteries that are the basis of Freemasonry. In Voodoo Secret, Riguad explains: "In the learned magic of the Egyptian Temples Osiris, as the mystery who guides the souls of the dead, personifies it, playing the same part as Ra Nibbho plays in Voodoo magic, since in Egypt the baka has a double function which, for those who understand its employment, is not one of disagreement or occult discord, but rather of harmony, happy union, practical coalescence, and success in magic...Certain magical operations confer upon it a terrible power." Riguad's insights help power seekers to appreciate why making a blood pact with Satan Kadiempembe and an evil baka spirit is the only way to become a real Illuminati agent and prosper within the Global Criminal Network. Like everybody else who chooses to align themselves with the dark side of the Law of Attraction, and manifest great wealth and power, the evil baka spirit of the rapper periodically requires human sacrifices. If the human sacrifices are not performed, the owner of the baka will die violently, and great damnation comes to his entire blood for at least seven generations. This is the great risk of all power seekers who purchase an evil baka spirit from a master mayombero who is Tata within the real Illuminati conspiracy. In Voodoo in Haiti, Alfred Metraux informs: "The hot point (point chaud) which is sold to them is usually a spirit who is bound to serve them on certain conditions. It can be represented by a talisman...which exercises a direct effect by virtue of an intrinsic property or though the agency of a spirit attached to the object as a 'slave,' as was the genies to Alladin's lamp...The souls most feared and also the most magically effective are those of men who were sorcerers in their life-time. Zombie souls and bought loa are often termed baka. This word also covers a particular class of evil spirit which wanders in the woods in the form of cats, pigs, cows or monsters which defy description... These monsters inspire such terror that some people die at sight of them or after they have been 'seized' by them fall seriously ill." It is said of someone who has acquired a point chaud that he has got a commitment (engagement). This agreementwhich binds him to evil spiritsusually entails an obligation to feed the baka with a human being, preferably some member of his own family: mother, father, husband, child or failing that a neighbour or friend... The life of his family depends on wisdom; though naturally there are always deprived individuals who for personal ends will not hesitate to sacrifced every member of their family." Baka is the magical weapon of Illuminati agents. Without the baka, Illuminati agents have no power. Many rappers purchase bakas so they can become superstars. Their actions are part of the real Illuminati conspiracy. Even though hip hop is definitely controlled by very powerful Illuminati agents, this does not automatically mean that successful rappers in possession of an evil baka spirit are high initiates. The only high initiates are mayomberos who sell evil baka spirits to ambitous businessmen interested in aligning themselves with the dark side of the Law of Attraction. Most criminal-oriented rappers with ties to the Illuminati are merely puppets. After they have made enough money for corporations and elitist organizations, their magical points (pwen) eat them alive. These human sacrifices placates the dark egregor (head baka)that empowers the Satanic Illuminati Order. Making a blood pact with the Devil is the Moorish Science of the high-ranking Illuminati agents who know how to make a makouto (Palo Mayombe talisman) with an evil baka spirit inside of it. This makouto will make any man who purchases it very rich and powerful for an entire life-time; provided that evil baka spirit inside the makouto is periodically placated with the bloody sacrifice. What Aleister Crowley says about the bloody sacrifice of the Illuminati is very insightful. In Magick in Theory and Practice, Crowley declares: "But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is

more efficacious; an nearly for all purposes human sacrifice is the best." The bloody sacrifice is part of the Necromantic Rose Croix Rite preserved in the Red Voodoo Sects that in Eastern Cuba came to be known as Palo Mayombe. It is only performed after one purchases an evil baka spirit and is brought into the secret societies of the Global Criminal Network. And the satanic contract the ceremonial magician signs in his own blood derives from the Rosicrucian doctrines that evolved into Scottish Rite Freemasonry. What is being revealed by an Illuminati agent of the highest degree is the reason the Rose Croix degree of the Freemasons contains hellfire elements. Albert Pike states: "The first apartment, of sufficient size for all the Knights of the Chapter to be seated in it, is entirely hung with black, and the ceiling is black. These hangings are strewed with white tears. The floor ought to be mosaic work, of black and white squares or lozenges. This aparment is styled The Dark Chamber...The Second Apartment represents the infernal regions. The punishments and terrors depicted by Milton and Dante are painted there, on transparencies that cover the walls. These are lighted from behind, and there is no other light. The room is small and square. On each side of the door, on the inside, is a human skeleton, holding an arrow in its right hand." The Rose Croix degree preserves the Moorish Science the Knights Templar inherited from the West African Saracens who brought the Holy Grail into Spain. And the Solomonic Black Magick of the Satanic Illuminati Order works miracles through the Masonic signs and symbols that Massey and Churchward trace to the same region in Inner Africa that is the birthplace of the Red Voodoo Sects and Palo Mayombe. These Masonic signs and symbols are the kabbalistic and alchemical signatures of the demonic spirit actions, which, when energized with animal and human sacrifices, generate the rotating black hole, which makes it possible for Illuminati agents of the highest degree to time travel and shape shift. In other words, Masonic signs and symbols of ancient Bantu origin appear everywhere in society to establish the quantum reality Aleister Crowley called the Magick Link and New Thought calls the Law of Attraction. When the Magick Link or dark side of the Law of Attraction is put into practice with Voodoo and Palo Mayombe, there is nothing Illuminati agents of the highest degree cannot materialize with the dark mental powers they acquire after making a pact with the Satan Kadiempembe.

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