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SOLUTION: My homework says "Show that the number is a ration...

SOLUTION: My homework says "Show that the number is a rationsl by righting it in a/b form. Then give the multiplication inverse and the additive inverse of the number" how would you do that?
Algebra -> Algebra -> Inverses -> SOLUTION: My homework says "Show that the number is a rationsl by righting it in a/b form. Then give the multiplication inverse and the additive inverse of the number" how would you do that? Log On

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Click here to see ALL problems on Inverses Question 260829: My homework says "Show that the number is a rationsl by righting it in a/b form. Then give the multiplication inverse and the additive inverse of the number" how would you do that? 1. -4/7 2. 8 2/5 3. -1 1/2 (Scroll Down for Answer!)

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Found 2 solutions by Theo, richwmiller:

Answer by Theo(3513) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! the product of a number and it's multiplicative inverse is equal to 1. see the sum of a number and it's additive inverse is equal to 0. see to find the multiplicative inverse of a number, you take it's reciprocal. you take it's reciprocal by dividing the number into 1. to find the additive inverse of a number, you take it's opposite.

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2013-07-01 8:54 PM


SOLUTION: My homework says "Show that the number is a ration...

to find it's opposite, you reverse the sign.

RELATED QUESTIONS Jane is thinking of a number such that 3 less than twice that number is the additive... (answered by richwmiller) What is the additive and multiplicative inverse for the following: a)8 b)3 1/2 c)... (answered by palanisamy) Find the additive inverse of each number 1. -2 - 3i 2. 1 + 4i 3. 5 - 3i 4. -7 + (answered by drk) Find the additive inverse of each number 1.) 3-7i 2.) -2 + i (answered by Mathtut,solver91311) hi, i'm having trouble with one specific problem which you use "substitution" in order to (answered by stanbon) What is the additive inverse of a... (answered by nilan) The additive inverse of a number divided by 16 is the same as 1 less than -5 times its... (answered by The additive inverse of the number 1 + 4i is: a. -1 + 4i b. 1/17 - 4/17 i (answered by venugopalramana)

example: multiplicative inverse of 5 is 1/5 because 1/5 * 5 = 1 additive inverse of 5 is -5 because 5 + (-5) = 0 problem number 1: number is -4/7 multiplicative inverse is -7/4 because -(4/7) * (-7/4) = 1 we got that by taking (-4/7) and dividing it into 1 to get: 1/(-4/7) if we multiply numerator and denominator of that expression by 7/7, we get:

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7/-4 = (-7/4)

The properties of addition are: [1] Commutative additive inverse is 4/7 Property [2] Associative Property (answered by because -(4/7) + (4/7) = stanbon) 1 problem number 2: number is 8 + 2/5

convert this number to an improper fraction to get: 40/5 + 2/5 = 42/5 multiplicative inverse is 5/42 because 5/42 * 42/5 = 1 additive inverse is -42/5 because 42/5 + (-42/5) = 0 problem number 3: -1 1/2 is the same as -1 - 1/2. convert to improper fraction to get: -2/2 - 1/2 = -3/2 multiplicative inverse is -2/3 because -(3/2) * (-(2/3) = 1 additive inverse is 2/3 because -2/3 + 2/3 = 0 note: improper fraction is a fraction in a/b form where the numerator is greater than the denominator.

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2013-07-01 8:54 PM


SOLUTION: My homework says "Show that the number is a ration...

Answer by richwmiller(9144) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! If this is true then you should throw out your book. My homework says "Show that the number is a rational by righting it in a/b form. Righting means to fix something that is wrong. Writing is to put down on paper.

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2013-07-01 8:54 PM


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