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openSAP Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA

This document contains a transcript of an openSAP video lecture. It is provided without claim of reliability. If in doubt, refer to the original recording on

WEEK 2, UNIT 1 0:00:13 Hello, and welcome back to week two of this openSAP platform presentation of introduction to software development for SAP HANA. In the first week, we saw a lot of architectural information, getting started, installing the SAP HANA studio and configuring it, and setting up a very simple Hello World. Now, in week two, we'll begin our journey of building a sizable application. We'll build this one layer at a time, just as you would build a real application. We're going to start at the lowest layers of the application foundationbuilding out from the database schema, database tables, simple views and other database artifacts in the catalogand eventually applying HANA-specific views and other data-intensive logic on top of our core data model. 0:01:05 So for week two, unit one, we're going to start with our empty HANA database and begin by creating both schemas and a base database table. 0:01:19 Of course HANA is an SQL-compliant database, and you can create artifacts using SQL. You can go to the SQL command prompt and type Create Table, for instance. But when you create objects directly via SQL, you don't have all the benefits of creating them in the SAP HANA Repository. Creating them via SQL means that the SQL itself needs to be saved and reexecuted on each target system where you want that content to be created. 0:01:51 That's why in the SAP HANA world, we introduce the concept of the repository. The repository allows us not only to store source code and other development artifacts, as we saw in week one, but it can also store the definition of catalog artifacts. And when we store things like schema definitions and table definitions in the repository, and we activate them, the activation process will generate the necessary SQL statements to either create or update the existing object in the catalog. This allows us to have a little bit of a separation between what is possible with SQL and what we could define in HANA specifically. It also begins to provide almost a little bit of a data dictionary that provides additional services over and above what you can define with SQL. As you'll see in some of the examples that we'll do throughout this week, we'll create objects, but we'll also create relationships between objects using semantics that SQL simply doesn't have. But at the same time, we won't break compatibility with SQL. Everything that we'll generate in the repository will still have a SQL catalog representation. And of course, if you're porting an existing application from another database, you're still welcome to use SQL to create those artifacts. 0:03:19 Some of the additional benefits that we have if we create the objects in the SAP HANA Repository: The repository gives us our object management, our versioning, and our transport mechanisms. So we can have multiple versions of objects, where if you created them directly with SQL, you wouldn't have any versioning except maybe on the SQL CREATE statements themselves. We have transport capabilities. We have the ability to package everything upall parts of an application, from the schema, the tables, the logic, the services, and the user

interfaceinto a single file that we call a delivery unit. This file can then be given to customers or partners, and is very easy to install in the target system. Much later in this material, we'll talk more extensively about lifecycle management and transport management and you'll see how that comes together. But for now, know that that's part of the power and the reason that we would want to use the SAP HANA Repository. 0:04:20 With the SAP HANA Repository, we also have patching mechanisms built in. So maybe you only want to deliver the objects that have changed during a certain time period. Well, the repository tracks all the changes and allows you to create these delivery units with just the objects that have been changed. 0:04:38 The SAP HANA Repository also has built-in capabilities for supporting translation, more specifically, supporting multiple language versions of text strings. So, for instance, in a regular SQL catalog, you have the possibility to have column headers, but nowhere to do languagedependent descriptions of those column headers. The SAP HANA Repository adds that additional feature. 0:05:03 Finally, the SAP HANA Repository really supports server-side development using standard Eclipse tools and check in and check out, as we saw in the earlier week. This allows better control over your artifacts, better team coordination, than what you would have if you were just writing SQL directly. 0:05:23 Just to help you visualize, once again, what the SAP HANA Repository contains: It contains all of our data artifacts, meaning the definitions of all of our catalog objects, our tables, our views, and so forth; as well as the data-intensive logic in the form of SQL script; all of our control flow logic, being our REST-based services, our server-side JavaScript; and our presentation logic. So the raw HTML and JavaScript libraries which HANA will serve out acting as a static Web server are also stored in the HANA Repository. 0:06:01 Now that we've established that we want to use the HANA Repository for creating all of our artifacts, let's look at some of them that we will create in this unit. Of course, we have a variety of catalog artifacts that can be created, either via SQL or via the repository. This includes the schemas, which is a grouping of all of the catalog artifacts, so it is the parent object. As you see here in this screenshot, we have a schema named SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO. Inside that schema, grouped inside there, we have a variety of other development artifacts, such as tables, SQL views, sequences, and procedures, just to name a few. 0:06:49 The schema is a mandatory database object; all database objects have to belong to a schema. So before we can begin to really develop anything, we have to establish our schema. The schema then contains all the other catalog artifacts. It will help control access to these artifacts. We can create our roles later. You'll see where we grant access to a particular schema, and then objects within that schema inherit those authorizations. So not only is it a grouping mechanism, but it's an authorization control mechanism as well. 0:07:27 To create the schema, we need only create another file in our project. This time, we'll use the suffix .hdbschema. So let's go ahead into the system and create this now. I'll continue using the project that we started in week one, with our simple Hello World example, and I'm going to create a subfolder inside this package named Data. I do this because I want some way to organize and separate out the different layers of my application. So I'm going to put all of my database catalog object definitions in this Data folder. Later, I'll create a Services folder to hold the REST-based services. I'll separate out the user interface content. You'll see, once I commit this, that if I go back to the Systems view, and I now look into my content folder, you'll see that

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this Data folder has been created as a package on the server side. Earlier, we saw how packages become folders on the client side, but the reverse is true as well. If we create a folder inside our project, it will become a package on the server side once it's committed. 0:08:59 This data is now ready for our schema file. So I'll just say New > File and I will name the file the same as what I want to name the schema itself: WORKSHOPA_00.hdbschema. Once again, because you don't want to watch me type, I will cut and paste the content. Now what we have created here as part of the learning workshop is many templates. Often we are going to cut and paste from existing templates, or maybe we have some code fragment that we want to insert into our project. We actually have a Web site built in SAP HANA, running out of our HANA database, that has all of our exercises grouped together and all of the code templates and code snippets that we need already here, ready for us to cut and paste. For instance, my syntax for my schema is all ready to insert. Just need to make one little change there. Schema name = WORKSHOP. Then I just correct the notation: WORKSHOPA, group number 00. 0:10:34 I'll save that. I will commit, and then I will activate. 0:10:46 At this point, the activation has created the schema inside the catalog on the server side. You see it already here, WORKSHOPA_00. It has nothing in it yet, but we are now able to create additional database artifacts that will live inside this schema. 0:11:12 Here we simply see a slide, if you need it for your reference: the syntax that you saw that I just inserted into my .hdbschema file to create the schema. 0:11:24 The schema is really a very straightforward artifact. It's just a name that gives a grouping to other database artifacts. Now let's move on to something that's a little more interesting, as well as a little more complex, which is the creation of database tables. 0:11:41 When we create tables in the repository, we'll still create them inside of a schema. But you'll notice, in this screenshot, the listing of the names of the tables. I don't just have a table named Address and a table named Business Partner and so forth. It has a string on the front of it,, and then two colons. That first part is the package hierarchy of where the .hdbtable file was placed. Here we're applying the semantics of the repository, and the name of the package hierarchy really becomes a namespace as well. Remember, I said there were several different uses for the packages. We've really only seen them used as a folder structure. They also become a namespace. This way, we could have multiple tables named Address, even in the same schema, and as long as they were coming from different packages they would remain unique. 0:12:44 The repository representation of the table is also very powerful, because once I've activated it and generated a table, maybe I come along and I add a new column to that table. I don't have to write the DROP TABLE or the MODIFY TABLE statements. The system, when I activate the .hdbtable file, will analyze the new state of the table and the current state in the catalog and generate the necessary commands to adjust the table. The system will always try to maintain the data that's in that table as well. As long as you don't change the core data types of a column, you won't lose any of the data during those modification operations. 0:13:29 Now let's create a table, as well. It's a very similar concept. We'll create another file. This time, we'll use the file extension .hdbtable. 0:13:45 I return to my project explorer. I go to my Data folder and say New > File. I want to create a header table. I just need to make sure that file extension is .hdbtable. Once again, I'm going to

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cut and paste because this one has a little more syntax to it and I will explain some of this to you. Just a moment...let's get it cut and pasted in here. Add our target schema that we just created. 0:14:29 What we're defining here is we're telling it the schema that we want to create the table within, giving it the same target schema that we just created in the previous step. Then we need to tell it what type of table this is. Remember that HANA can support both row- and column-based data, although column should really be your default approach. It's going to give you the best performance for large amounts of data. Row-based tables would really only be applicable if you have a small number of rows (a small number of records) but a large number of columns and you have the tendency to select them all (or need to select them all) at once. This is generally only used in, say, configuration tables. Almost all of your transactional data, your master data, should all be organized in the column store. 0:15:24 Then you notice that we can add a table description. This is one of the text strings that can be made language-dependent. Then we list our columns. We list the column names, their data types, their links, and a comment on the columns as well. Not that drastically different than the same syntax that you would type in a CREATE TABLE statement. In fact, if you already have an existing CREATE TABLE statement, you can often just cut and paste it into the .hdbtable file and do some simple formatting to turn it into this JSAN-based syntax. 0:16:02 Finally, we list the primary key of the table. I save, and now I will activate. Notice this does a commit, then it does an activation, and that table would now be created within my schema. 0:16:25 And there we have it. And notice it's not just header as the name of the table. It's, as part of the package name added to the beginning of the table itself. One thing that you might notice if I try to actually access this table and view any of the data in it or view the structure of it: It's telling me that my user has no privileges tothis table. You might think that that's odd, because I just created this table, but in fact, everything that's created in the repository is not owned by the developer who created it. It's all owned by the system user sysrepo. This is actually a good thing because it removes the fact that particular developers own objects just because you created them. Everything is centrally created and centrally owned, and that makes it much easier to manage over time. It does mean that before I could go forward working with any of the database objects that I generated, we'll have to create a role and grant that role to my user. But that's something that will come in a little bit later unit in this week. 0:17:37 Just to close out, we have the slide here that shows you the syntax of the .hdbtable format, identical to the example that I just showed you in the system. With that, you've seen how simple it is to create both schemas and database tables within the schemas. In subsequent units in this week, we will look at additional database objects, as well as building up views and other dataintensive logic on top of the table and the schema that we've created in today's unit.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 2 0:00:13 Hello, this is week two, unit two: Sequences and SQL views. 0:00:18 In this section well continue our discussion of creating catalog objects in the HANA Repository and well look at two additional objects which we can create in the repository, and that would be sequences and SQL views. Well discuss a little bit about what each of these objects are and how they can be created in the HANA Repository. 0:00:40 First lets take a look at database sequences. A database sequence is basically a incrementing list of numeric values. 0:00:49 Its very similar to a number range, if youre familiar with that concept, perhaps from other development environments. 0:00:59 It allows you to basically have a unique key or even a non-key field that you will auto-increment as you insert new records into the database. 0:01:12 And this can be both ascending and descending. It has a lot of uses both for the generation of keys, but also for the coordination of data between JOINs in two different tables. 0:01:29 Therefore its pretty commonly used when youre creating applications that use transactional data. It can be very useful in the generation of keys in that transactional data. 0:01:41 So lets have a look at how we can create this sequence now inside the HANA Repository. 0:01:48 So, well switch over to the system. The process is very similar to what we saw in the previous unit when we created our tables and our schemas. 0:01:58 Well continue to work in the data package and Ill create a new file: OrderID. 0:02:12 And the file extension Ill use will be .hdbsequence. So hopefully youre starting to see a pattern in that most of the file extensions begin .hdb, for HANA database, and then its the name of the object, such as schema, table, sequence. 0:02:33 And inside this OrderID.hdb sequence file, Ill need to insert a little code snippet here. Again you dont want to watch me type, so Ive prepared a template. 0:02:45 The template, theres not a whole lot to it, you have to give it the schema name that you want the catalog object to be created within, just like we had to do with our table 0:02:59 So, put that into the workshopa.00.schema. 0:03:06 You give it a starting number. We dont have to specify a starting number, we would start with one if we didnt specify a number, but we want to begin our number range at a certain point and allow it to increment up from there. 0:03:21 And then the last property we have in the HDB sequence file is this depends_on_table. This is where we start to see some additional functionality of creating the objects in the repository, as opposed to creating them directly in the catalog. 0:03:36 If I were to create a sequence with SQL statements directly in the catalog, there would be no way to specify which table utilizes the sequence.

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0:03:46 But because were creating it in the repository, were creating this cross-reference in the repository with this depends_on_table entry. The system will know that if I drop the table it can prompt me to say that there was a sequence connected to this table, and do you want to drop this as well, or any other kinds of adjustments when we have these dependencies between objects the system can correlate that relationship and warn us or alert us when we may need to act on the related object as well. 0:04:18 So here Ill simply supply the name of our table. So well put this in and then it was header. 0:04:32 Now notice that I dont have to specify the .hdb table, Im actually specifying the name of the table as it exists in the catalog, therefore it just ends with the header. 0:04:46 So Ill go ahead and save this and Ill activate and its now successfully created my sequence. 0:05:11 Now going back to our slides for just a moment, once the sequence has been created you can see here a little code sample of how it might be used inside of an insert statement. 0:05:24 So if I was inserting a new record into the header, in my header table that we created in the previous unit there is a Purchase Order ID field that I need to put a value in. 0:05:38 Well, if Im inserting a new record, I just want to increment the sequence; therefore I use the reference to the sequence .nextvalue directly in the source code in the INSERT statement itself, and that will cause the sequence to generate the next number and insert that into the record. 0:05:56 So you see a little about how easy it is to use the sequence inside of our SQL statements. 0:06:02 A couple of the other key words that are available with the sequence in addition to the start_with that we used to begin the sequence at a certain level, you can have the nomaxvalue, nominvalue, which means that the sequence can run to the end of the number range. 0:06:24 We can also have cycles, true or false. This would mean that when you fill the sequence you get to the end of the definition, you know, 9 million, 900 thousand, 999 perhaps, if cycles=true then the sequence will automatically start back over at 1. 0:06:46 But maybe you dont want it to start back over because those records have already been inserted into the database, so quite often youll say cycles=false. 0:06:56 And then we have the depends_on_table, which I showed you in this exercise, but you can also have a depends_on_view as well. 0:07:07 Now, moving on, weve seen how to do the sequence. Now lets talk about another database catalog object ,and that would be the SQL view. 0:07:18 A SQL view is a basic join between two or more tables, and sometimes you want to define that join in the catalog and have it as a reusable object. 0:07:31 A little bit later in this week, we will talk about the HANA-specific view types that are much more powerful and have the capability to have calculated fields and measurements and aggregates and all these sorts of things. 0:07:45 What were talking about here is really the basic SQL view, just what you could define with

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regular ANSI SQL, or of course anything you can put in a SQL statement with the GROUP BY, summation, those sorts of things can be built into the view and not the more powerful HANAspecific features. 0:08:02 So sometimes this type of view is good enough that you want to create it without using the modeling tools and therefore we have the ability to create SQL views directly in the catalog. 0:08:16 So the process for creating these via the repository is nearly identical to the process weve seen for the other artifacts so far. 0:08:26 So lets go back into the system and go to our project and the data package and well create another new file. 0:08:40 Ordersext is the name of my view and then the file extension: .hdbview, following the pattern that weve seen all along. 0:08:52 So I have another text file ready to be edited,. Ill bring my template in for the view, and then well talk about what this code template is doing. 0:09:07 So theres a little bit more to this code template but its really not all that complex. We have to supply the schema, very similar to our other artifacts. 0:09:19 And then we have the query and this is literally the SQL statement that defines the JOIN condition, so we have to supply the tables so were saying which fields we want to select, we have to supply the tables for the FROM condition 0:09:41 So from my schema and then sessiona.00 and I want to join the header table that we created in the unit yesterday and join that together with the item table, which I created offline because the process was the same as creating the header table. There was no reason for you to watch me do the same process again 0:10:12 But now that I have a header and an item table Im able to join those on my order ID and Ill order the results by order ID. 0:10:21 So a pretty typical SELECT statement with a JOIN condition, I could have written the select statement over in the SQL console and simply cut and pasted it into this file. In fact that's how I originally built this, as I wanted to test it and make sure that the join worked correctly. 0:10:39 And only once my select statement for the join worked, then I cut and pasted it into this editor. 0:10:46 Now one thing that youll note is the use of quotes so anywhere that youll use a quote inside the select statement it has to be escaped because this actually is going to be an JSON notation, the file itself, even though it looks like just a fragment here, the headers for the rest of the JSON are inserted when you activate the file. 0:11:10 Therefore the query is a comment in and of itself and there isnt any real parsing of the inner processing of this query, the SELECT statement. 0:11:20 And because its all one big string constant from the beginning of the select all the way down to here, we have to take any quote marks that appear inside the SELECT statement and escape them, meaning we had to put this back slash in front of the quote, thats why you see that used all throughout here.

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0:11:43 Now the last thing that we have is we have a depends_on_table in here as well, very similar to the same concept from the sequence. 0:11:53 Ill just adjust my group number and youll see that were now defining that this view now depends upon the Header table and the Item table. 0:12:03 And once again, that has value over and above what we would have if we had generated the view directly in the catalog. Now we have a relationship between the base tables and the view that sits on top of those tables and we can check that during activation and other operations that we might perform under this table to see if weve invalidated our view or need to make some adjustments to it. 0:12:28 So we go ahead and save my view and well activate it. 0:12:38 And it has now successfully been created. And if I go back over into my catalog display, I now see this view here. Now of course, once again, I cant test any of these objects yet. 0:12:58 Remember, we spoke in unit one about how these objects are all generated by the user ID sys_repo and therefore that is the user who owns these objects. Its not until the next unit where well create roles and then grant those roles to our user so that they can insert some data into these tables and be able to test the views and sequences. 0:13:18 So hopefully youve seen a continuation of our concept of creating catalog objects in the HANA Repository and seen how similar all these objects are, that its only a little difference in the syntax of the individual files in order to create the various types of database objects.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 3 0:00:13 This is week 2, unit 3: Authorizations. In this unit, we will look at how we can create roles and then grant those roles to our user ID. 0:00:23 As weve seen in the previous units, weve been creating a lot of catalog objects via the SAP HANA Repository. 0:00:32 And as weve created all these objects, youll remember that we didnt immediately have authorization to those objects. 0:00:39 Whenever we create something in the content repository, the user that does the activation is actually the sys_repo user; therefore, that is the user who has ownership of those objects and initially the only user who has access to those objects. 0:00:55 And no one can log on as sys_repo, as its a built-in system user. Therefore pretty quickly in the development process, you need to start creating your roles and granting those roles to your user ID before you can move much further. 0:01:08 We really cant even really see the details of the objects weve created so far in the catalog nor could we insert any data into them or do any initial testing before we have access to them 0:01:22 So lets have a look at how we can create roles inside SAP HANA. 0:01:27 So everything around roles and the granting of roles to the users is all done within the security folder in the Modeler view. 0:01:39 Up until HANA 1.0 SP5 we created roles only via this Security Roles folder. 0:01:49 And there was this form-based editor that popped up to let you maintain the roles. Ill show you that in the system in just a minute. But one of the limitations of these roles was that it wasnt a great tool to use to move roles from one system to another. 0:02:05 And this older form of role , theyre the ones you still see in the system, generally all upper case, and they dont have a package path on the front of the role name. 0:02:15 So thats what we would call default roles or built-in roles or sometimes referred to as modelercreated roles. 0:02:26 And this is some of the roles you see that are delivered by SAP, the default roles or the built-in roles, such as CONTENT_ADMIN, the MODELING, and the PUBLIC, and often youre using one of these base roles to build your users, they would have one or more of these base default roles but then you need to create roles for your particular content that you would create. 0:02:47 You create addition views and tables as were doing in this learning exercise and we need to grant authorization to be able to work with those objects. Therefore well create those roles in the repository. 0:03:01 Now this is new as of HANA 1.0 SP5, the ability to create roles in the repository. And this gives us a way to transport the role along with all the other development content because when we create them in the repository, it has all the benefits we talked about with objects created in the content repository.

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0:03:22 Now the roles created in the content repository always have the package path on the front of their name. Very similar to what weve seen with all the catalog objects, the tables and the views weve created so far, how they get their package path added to the beginning of their name as well. 0:03:39 So lets go into the system and Im here in the SAP HANA Systems view and from the security folder I have the ability to view users. And well use this a little bit later once weve created the role to see it granted to our user ID. 0:03:59 But we can also see roles, some of the built-in roles like MODELING, the MONITORING, and PUBLIC like we talked about. And you see some other roles here that have been created in the content repository. You know that because we have the package path on the front of the name. 0:04:18 Now if we look at one of these roles, we see the options that were possible in the older formbased editor. Inside a role we can add subroles, so basically we have an inheritance model so I can have other roles that are part of a composite role and inherit all the capabilities of the roles that have been granted to this role. 0:04:44 We have a tab that will show us if this role were editing has been granted a part of any other role. 0:04:51 We have the ability to add SQL privileges. So here we can list any catalog object, such as a schema, a table, or a procedure, and then control its various options and abilities to execute SELECT INSERTs and get rather granular on the options that you have or that youre granting via the role. 0:05:12 Analytic privileges is something that well talk about later in this week. 0:05:17 Then we have system privileges. These are core system privileges such as the ability to do backup and recovery, export, import, that you can also grant to a role 0:05:27 Then finally we have to have the ability to control the authorizations on packages, at the package level, so in the content repository not every user ID needs visibility to all packages. 0:05:41 Nor would they necessarily need edit or activate capabilities. So you can grant the ability to control what people can do inside a package as well. 0:05:56 So weve seen a little bit about the basics of a role in SAP HANA. Now lets begin to create our role for the workshop content that weve created so far. 0:06:07 And were going to do this and the process is going to be very similar to what weve done so far with all the catalog objects weve created in the HANA Repository. Well create a file and have an extension .hdbrole. Theres actually a little wizard for the role that will help us generate the file so we wont have to specify the file extension for this one. 0:06:29 So lets go ahead into the system and start the process of creating our role. 0:06:34 So Ill go to the Project Explorer and inside our Data tab I will say New> Other and I will use the role wizard, I could have still used New>File and given it the file extension myself, and I would have had a blank editor. 0:06:52 But as you see here if I use the wizard and say New>Role, I dont have to specify the file

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extension, I just put in the file name of the role: workshopUser, and say Finish. It actually inserts a little bit of a template for me. 0:07:08 I do have to go in and complete this template, I have to add the full package name, And you notice that syntax error, that I hadnt completed that to do, went away from red to grey ,so I know that Ive corrected that problem. 0:07:30 And now you dont want to watch me type any more than you have to, so Im going to cut and paste in the two things that were going to grant inside this role. 0:07:45 So here we want to grant SELECT on our schema, so we just correct this and put in the full name of our schema, workshopa.00. 0:08:05 So thats our schema so we can grant objects at both the catalog level, in this case were referencing the schema as its catalog name, were saying grant the SELECT option on that schema. 0:08:18 We can also reference objects by their repository ID, and this works for all kinds of objects. We could grant authorization to a table or a view and give it its repository representation name, meaning the full package path. 0:08:36 Or we could reference the catalog object directly. Now the second part of this is one where were going to reference a repository object and this is actually an application privilege. 0:08:48 This is a new type of object that was introduced in HANA 1.0 SP5, and you can actually not maintain the application privileges in the old form-based editor. The only way to maintain application privileges is in the .hdbrole editor that you see here. 0:09:06 And an application privilege is something that well talk about a little bit more later on, because it has to do with how we control authorization inside XSJS services, the server-side JavaScript services, and our own database REST services. 0:09:23 So something that has to do with the programming model that well get to later, for now, all you have to know is that I defined these privileges in advance, I actually created another file here named .XSprivileges and Ive said that were going to have two levels of privileges: Basic and Admin. 0:09:41 Now, we havent connected that up to anything so it doesnt really control anything yet, but youll see that later when we start creating our services how we can assign these application privileges to particular services. 0:09:55 For now we just want to go ahead and grant the Basic privilege to our User role, my User role is good. 0:10:02 Now in a typical application, youre probably going to want a couple of different levels of authorization, in this case in our exercise we want a basic User role. 0:10:16 And theyll have SELECT against all of our tables, but then we want to create an Admin role, and that Admin role would have also have CREATE, DELETE, DROP, all these additional authorizations and thats actually what well give to ourselves as developers. because we need more ability going against these tables as we develop against them.

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0:10:36 So let me create another role and that Im naming it right. 0:10:47 So workshopAdmin is the name of the role we want to create. 0:10:55 So once again Ill correct the package path. 0:11:05 And what youll see here is that well use the inheritance concept because Ill say that the Admin role extends the User role. 0:11:22 And this way we wont have to redefine everything that was in the User role, so well automatically get the select on our schema and well need to only add the additional capabilities. 0:11:36 And this is nice, this is a fairly simple role so we probably wouldnt have to do the inheritance, this was really simple enough, Im re-supplying the SELECT on the schema anyway. 0:11:49 But if you had very complex roles and maybe you just want to add one or two minor additional capabilities with an Admin role over a Basic role, thats where the inheritance becomes really nice and really useful. 0:12:06 And you notice that the application privilege that this role will get is the Admin one. 0:12:11 So let's go ahead and save and then well activate both these objects at once. 0:12:22 And Ive done everything correctly, so there we are, we have active roles. And if I return to the HANA Systems view and refresh my role list, now youll notice that I have an Admin role and a User role and I can see the details of these roles. 0:12:39 So you can see that the User role is part of the Admin role. Uou can see the SQL privileges that weve granted here, that the User has SELECT on the schema, whereas the Admin user will have more authorizations to that schema. 0:13:02 So we see a little bit about what we can do here inside our role in addition to granting privileges at the schema level, as weve done here. At the application level theres a variety of other things that we could grant. This is really just scratching the surface. 0:13:17 You can refer to the full syntax of the .hdbrole inside the developer's guide that is available inside HANA studio or available at and you can see how you can grant additional privilege types on all kinds of catalog objects or repository objects. 0:13:38 Now the role itself is owned by sys_repo as well, so we dont have authorizations directly to this role, nor could we initially have authorizations to grant this role to ourselves. 0:13:51 Right now, only sys_repo has the authorization to grant this role and since nobody can log on as sys_repo, well then the role wouldnt have been very useful if we didnt have a workaround. 0:14:04 Luckily what SAP provides is a SQLScript stored procedure. and when you define a SQLScript stored procedure, as well see later, a stored procedure can run as the user who created it. Therefore we can run this grant activated role procedure and when you run this role it will run as sys_repo therefore it will have the authorization to grant any role that sys_repo has created to our user ID. 0:14:37 Now a little comment about this, this ability to run the GRANT_ACTIVATED procedure, its a

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very powerful procedure. Most developers in most systems will not have the authorization to run the GRANT activated role. Only a powerful system user would have this role. 0:14:56 So obviously if a developer had the ability to create roles and the ability to grant any of those created roles, they could give themselves any authorization 0:15:04 Therefore this is normally a process that at this point the developer would have to go to the system administrator, security administrator, and ask them to grant their new role to their user ID. 0:15:17 So lets just look real quickly at the process for running this GRANT. If I open the SQL console and then I can type in the statement to grant the role. 0:15:33 Im not going to type, Im going to cut and paste. This is the SQL command: this call. 0:15:40 And then we list the name of the SQLScript procedure that we want to run, GRANT_ACTIVATED_ROLE, and then were going to pass two parameters in. 0:15:49 One is the name of the role: admin. And then Im going to grant this to my user ID, my user ID being OpenSAP. And I can execute this and now this role has been granted to my user. I can go back to the User folder and verify this. If I look at my user ID, I can now see that this workshop::admin role has been added to my user ID. 0:16:30 This also means I can also go back to the catalog and I can go to my tables, for instance. If you remember earlier in the previous unit when I tried to display the details of the table, I actually got an error message that I wasnt authorized. Now Im authorized to see the details. Id be able to insert data, I can run the data previewalthough we dont have any data in our table yet so its not going to return any databut it doesnt give me any authorization errors. 0:17:02 So, in this unit youve seen how we can create a role. Not just create it, but also create it in the content repository. And once we have that role created, call a special SQLScript stored procedure to be able to grant that role to our user ID. So now we have the authorization to move forward building more objects on top of the schema and the tables and views weve created already.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 4 0:00:13 Hello this is week two, unit four: EPM Demo Schema. So far we have been building on all of our artifacts as part of our project, but in order to save time, we want to have more a complex number of objects, but we dont want you to have to build all of them yourself. 0:00:33 Therefore SAP has built and delivered a demo scenario, which can be used for learning and other purposes. Well actually, for the remainder of this workshop, be building on top of this EPM demo schema. 0:00:48 EPM stands for Enterprise Procurement Management, and the idea is that SAP wanted to build a demo and training learning data model that could be used across many different platforms and be pretty reasonable as far as its design, meaning something that everyone can relate to. It wouldnt have too many tables or too many fields and it would be a business scenario that made sense to most everyone. 0:01:18 So we decided to focus on enterprise procurement, which basically means sales orders, purchase orders, business partners, products, and addresses. 0:01:30 Its something that almost everyone understands; weve all bought or sold something at some point in our lives, so the idea of a sales order or a purchase order is pretty familiar even if you havent worked in an ERP type scenario. 0:01:44 Now this demo schema and scenario originated in the NetWeaver world. The SAP NetWeaver world and has been implemented in NetWeaver Java and NetWeaver ABAP, and now weve reimplemented it specifically for HANA 0:02:00 And in this unit what we want to do is just show you a little bit about the demo scenario, what content is available, because as I said the remaining weeks and units that are available in this workshop will build on top of this content. And we're going to use these tables and these views as we build additional content. 0:02:21 So the EPM demo content basically includes a variety of objects. It has its own schema named SAP HANA EPM demo. Inside that schema there is a variety of tables, views, sequences, synonyms, and other content that we havent necessary covered yet. 0:02:41 We want to look at some of the things that we have discussed and then show you things in the EPM model, because we are going to be building more content on top of this. There are several base tables already mentioned that we have. There is purchase orders and sales orders, those are the main transactional tables. 0:02:59 And then we have products, because to buy and sell something you have to have product and product information, as far as its size, and its description, and so forth. 0:03:08 And we have address. We also have employees, so the person who creates the purchase order, we have to have record of who they are. We have an address table. The address table is actually shared by our business partners and our employees. 0:03:25 And then we have a couple of behind-the-scenes tables and thats are constants and our messages. And these we'll used much later when we get into creating our user interface and our services. Because what we did is we created tables to allow us to store in the database some reusable values that are language-dependant.

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0:03:50 So for instance some of the things that will appear in the user interface. We didnt want to hardcode field labels. We didnt want to hard-code error messages. We wanted them to be translatable, so we can support multiple languages in our user interface. Therefore we built some additional tables to store that content and then we can key it by the language key. 0:04:13 And then theres a series of other tables, Ill show you when I get into the system, that stores some base information about currencies and about unit of measures, because we are going to use multiply currencies for our dollar amounts, for our net value, gross value, in both our purchase orders and our sales orders. 0:04:34 But we will also have multiple units of measure, so different types of units of measure and later we will be able to use the fact that we have this complex set of data with multiply currencies and unit of measures to be able to perform currency conversions and unit-of-measure conversions inside the database, so you see how our data model is well-structured to take advantage of some of the capabilities of HANA. 0:04:58 Now we also have some views so we have already learned in this week that we can create sequel views, we have a similar sequel view to what we created in our demonstration earlier that combined header and item except here it combines purchase order header and purchase order item. 0:05:17 We also have a set of sequences, because to insert data into most of these tables we need some unique numeric key therefore the address ID, the employee ID, the partner ID, even the purchase order and sales order IDs are all built as sequences and they auto-increment as we insert data into those tables. 0:05:43 And then finally for the currency conversion and unit of measures tables, we needed synonyms created. A synonyms is basically an alternative name for a database table. And what we needed for the currency conversion to work correctly is we had to remove the package, the package path, on the front of the table name. 0:06:09 We have already learned how that when you create a table in the content repository, when it generates the catalog object it puts the package path on the front of the table. That creates a very long table name. That would not be compatible with the currency conversion, where it expects a short table name. Therefore were able to create a synonym for the long tables and give them a short table name basically removing the package path. So that is one option, although it is not possible to create synonyms inside the content repository. That is something that can only be done currently via SQL statement and I'll actually show you the tool that we had to introduce to generate the a synonyms after we install the EPM content into your system. 0:06:55 So lets go over to the system now and Ill show you some of this content we have. So here is the SAP HANA EPM demo schema, and inside here we have our variety of tables. 0:07:15 For instance I might just do a little data preview and show you some of the purchase order data that we have in here We have a lot of linked data between the relationships, so purchase order, purchase order ID or, for instance, the product table. 0:07:33 If we look at a preview of the product table. It has Created By, it just stores a number, so this then connects back to the employee record for the details of who created it. 0:07:48 Even the name and the description are really just IDs, and then they connect back to a generic text table, which contains all the text descriptions, language-keyed for all the different possible

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fields. This contains our product text, our address textall the text objects that we might need across our tables. 0:08:12 Now we also have a variety of other content that is delivered with this demo package. Its all in your system under SAP HANA Demo Content EPM, and it contains some artifacts which we havent really talked about how we create yet, such as attributes, analytic views, calculation views. These are all things that we will be creating throughout the rest of this e-learning series but there are examples and additional content out here for all of these things. 0:08:43 Now what we eventually want to build up to is actually what you will see a preview of at the end of this workshop, which is a full transactional interface which allows you to create and edit purchase orders. 0:09:00 So its a purchase order work list. We have a built-in search capability so as you search we get a search service that reduces the numbers of records displayed. We have linked activities here, so I can click on a purchase order and see how the purchase order item details. We have the ability to edit purchase orders, so for instance I might come here and this purchase order approval is initial. Maybe Ill go ahead and accept that, and now were updating the data. So HANA is not just for analytics; its also for transactional activities. I can update the data. I can export it to Excel. I can run reports. So this is a very powerful analytical type report embedded inside our transactional application where Ive just scanned and all my purchase orders and done SELECT SOME on the purchase order values. 0:09:57 But of course, because I have different currencies, I had to also convert them all to a common currency, So I converted them all to US dollars then I can do my summarization and then I have my dynamic GROUP BY criteria and this is all done in real time inside of HANA and then visualized here. 0:10:14 So this just shows you what we will build up to throughout this workshop. We're going to show you how to build all these pieces throughout the subsequent weeks, how to build the views and the data-intensive logic to fulfil all the activities that you see here. 0:10:29 Well also show you how to build the services and the user interface. You will see this completely end to end, and well use this base enterprise procurement model so that you don't have to recreate all the tables and all the development artifacts. You can focus on learning one part and then see how it fits in with the larger whole. 0:10:48 Now in your system, you may have already had the EPM content in your system. If you are using the developer addition it may already have it installed for you, or you may have had to manually install the EPM content according to the instructions available in the e-earning platform. 0:11:09 But regardless, there is a data generator, so you can control how much data that you want in this tool. It's delivered with a very small amount of data and the data generator also has a little tool that lets you visualize how many records there are in each table and how much memory it is taking up. But once you come in here, you can use this tool to create the synonyms. Remember I said that the synonyms arent delivered in the repository, so they do have to be created by executing some SQL logic from the database. Weve made it nicer so its just a click and then an Execute and then a nice Web user interface, and then we do all the scripting work for you behind the scenes. And you just have to do that once right after you import the EPM content. 0:11:55 But then you can also come in here at any time and say Generate Data and choose how

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records you want to generate. Maybe Ill generate 2000 purchase orders and 2000 sales orders and I'll execute this, and then you will see the data generation runs quite quickly and nicely in parallel and now I have a larger amount of records. So if you want to scale this up and you want a million purchase orders, its perfectly possible to run that number up. Maybe you want to increase your number of records, run a test, and then you can come here at any time and say Reload Seed or Reload Master Data and then reset everything back to the very small set of data that you started with. 0:12:38 So I hope this unit has given you an overview of the enterprise procurement demo model and given you some idea of the types of development artifacts that we we'll be building in subsequent weeks that sit on top of this existing demo content.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 5 0:00:13 This is week 2, unit 5: Single File Data Load of Comma-Separated Values. In this unit we will look at how we can set up an initial data load into a table so that every time that the table is activated in a new system, some base set of data will automatically be loaded into that table. 0:00:34 Now we do this by storing some additional files, including a Comma-Separated Values file into the content repository. And then that content is linked to a particular table, and then every time that table is activated, whatever data is in the CSV file will automatically be loaded into the corresponding database table. 0:00:56 Now this approach is not what you would use to load massive amounts of data, so this is not meant to replace other tools such as BusinessObjects Data Services or SLT, the System Landscape and Transformation tool. These are the things that you would use to move massive amounts of data from one system to another or preload a HANA system. 0:01:20 The concept that we're going to talk about here is more for your own development and when you have, say, configuration tables where you want to load some initial configuration into a base table and you deliver it into the next system. 0:01:33 It could also be used to load a little bit of seed data that you then used to generate additional data. In the previous unit, we saw the enterprise procurement demo model, and we used this exact technique to deliver the base set of data in that model so that only a small amount of data is loaded into your system initially. And then we wrote the data generator that would take the base data loaded via the CSV files and then multiply that out and generate additional random sets of data so that you can grow the data set as large as you want. So that gives you some examples of when you might use this technique. 0:02:13 Now to do this single file load of Comma-Separated Values, we actually need three files that will be created in the content repository. 0:02:24 First we need the CSV file itself. Most often, you will usually use Microsoft Excel to create the data or to cleanse the data. Perhaps youve extracted this data from some other system. Although more likely, if this is configuration data your probably just going to be typing it directly into Excel and then saving it as a coma separated value or as a CSV file. 0:02:49 Next we need the Table Import Model. This is the file that really defines the destination for the data. It defines the database schema and table we want to insert it into every time that table gets activated. 0:03:09 And then finally there is a third file that we need to create and thats the table import data. This is what connects the CSV file and the model so it connects the target and the base data, the CSV data that we want to load into that target table. Then you might be wondering why did we create two configuration files in addition to the CSV file when it seems like you could just combine this altogether into one configuration file. 0:03:37 And thats because we actually allow you to have for the same database table, multiply CSV files that could be loaded. 0:03:48 And in the scenario we could have SAP-delivered files that would be in one package hierarchy, and then a customer could add their own data that they want loaded into another key space and have their own TIM and TID file without having to change the SAP-delivered files. So it allows you to have multiple imports all of which get activated every time that a table is activated

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because the repository will go back and look up all the .tim files, all the table import models correspond to a particular repository object, and automatically load all the CSVs associated with that. 0:04:26 Now if we look at the syntax of each of these, we have a CSV file. This is typical CSV format, Comma-Separated Values properly escaped. 0:04:39 Now the one thing that you have to keep in mind is that the number of columns in the CSV file must match exactly the target table, so you cant have extra columns and expect them just to be ignored, nor can you leave out a column. It must match exactly. That may mean even if you dont have data for a column, you still have to have an empty column in your source CSV file . 0:05:06 And then finally, all the data types must match. Theres not going to be any data type conversions taking place. It will use the target data type of the table and expect that the source data will match that target data type. 0:05:22 Next we have the import model, or the TIM file, so as you'll see in a second when I go into the system, all these will be created as files in the content repository, very similar to all the other development artifacts we created so far but the suffix is what controls their function, and the suffix for the import model is .hdbtim. Here we simply have to say Import CSV Files and then we list the schema and the table that we want it to be the target of our import. 0:05:59 And then finally, we have the import data file itself, and its suffix is .hdbtid for import data. In this file we give it the name of the CSV file or files we want to import to the corresponding TIM target. So we only reference the name of the .hdbtim file, and then the process will look up the actual target at runtime as it processes this file. 0:06:34 So lets switch over to the system and let's create these artifacts so you can see what this process looks like. 0:06:40 So we begin here by...we want to create a data load for our header table. Now, our header table is transactional data. Normally you wouldnt really be using this technique to load transactional data, but for the purposes for this demonstration it fits our needs, so dont get confused by the usage that I have here. 0:07:04 So well start by creating a new file. Well name this header.csv, and it actually opens initially in Excel. 0:07:18 And from here I could just be sure to save in Excel as a Comma-Separated Values file, but I actually think I tell it to open with a text editor because I already have my data prepared. 0:07:32 So Im just going to switch over to my templates and I already have a text tab delimited set, just two records, just enough to demonstrate the process, and I'll cut and paste that into my CSV file and Ill save it so the csv is all ready to go. 0:07:50 In fact I can activate it at this point. The CSV file itself doesnt really do anything on the server side. It just needs to be active in the repository its the .hdbtid and the .hdbtim file that control the rest of the processing. 0:08:05 So now I will create a new file and I will create the header.hdbtim file. With the .hdbtim file, we list the import table that we want to target and I just need to change the schema here.

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0:08:40 So there it now targets our schema, workshopa.00, and now lets specify our table name. And we want to load this into our workshop table, and save that. 0:08:59 Now lets create the .hdbtid file. I'll pull this from my template and here we give it the reference to the .tim file that this one implements, 0:09:34 And then we give it the name of the CSV file that we want to load in there, file. Save this, and now we can activate both of these files. Both are active. At this point, I should be able to go over to the header table and now do a data preview. 0:10:19 And notice I have two records in here. These two records came from the CSV file and they are now in the table. Now one thing to note, if I would change the CSV file and reactivate it, it would not reload these two records. If it sees that the same keys already exist in the table, it will skip those records and move on. 0:10:48 Now if I would add an additional record to this CSV file, it would insert that record at that time when I activate the CSV file. So you can trigger the insert of the data even from the CSV file. If I were to force reactivation on the CSV file, that would reload into the table checking for the keys as well. 0:11:11 This is part of the power of the HANA content repository that follows these relationships, these linked relationships, so even whether I activate the table, whether I activate the CSV, or whether I activate the .hdbtib or .tim files, all those would trigger the reload of the data. 0:11:30 So in this unit you've seen how you can create simple Comma-Separated Values files that will be automatically loaded into a database table, and how you can assemble all this content in the content repository so it will be delivered along with the table.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 6 0:00:13 This is week two, unit six: Attribute Views. 0:00:18 In the previous units weve seen how we can create various catalog objects in the database via the repository representation. 0:00:27 And one of these objects that we created was a simple SQL view. Now, SQL views let you do basic joins, but we also have more powerful HANA-specific view types. That would be Attribute views, Analytic views, and Calculation views. In the next several units well look at each of those. 0:00:47 These HANA-specific view types are more powerful than the SQL view types because they have additional capabilities such as hierarchies, calculated columns, and some of them are optimized for specific processing scenarios. The Analytic view that well see in the next unit is highly optimized for doing aggregates. 0:01:07 Lets start with the most simple of the HANA-specific view types which is the Attribute view. 0:01:16 In the Attribute view, we basically do a join so the core part of the Attribute view is to model an entity thats based on the relationship that exists between multiple source tables. So youll have at least one table or, most likely, multiple tables. And the Attribute view is really heavily optimized for processing of joins between multiple tables. 0:01:43 The Attribute view can contain a couple of different things. We can, of course have columns. Those would be columns directly from underlying base tables. But then we can also have calculated columns, where we write formulas or perform conversions on data from other columns to calculate and create whole new columns. 0:02:04 So for instance, certain calculations. You may want to build in a sales upcharge on a certain value. We can got ahead and calculate that right into the view, whereas in the past this would have been something we would have had to apply as business logic at an application server layer. This is part of how we can do code push-down into HANA itself by putting that kind of logic as calculated columns inside our views. 0:02:33 We can also have hierarchies. Hierarchies are drill-in capabilities. Say you want to drill-in and see all the data for a particular company code, and maybe all the business areas within that company code. You can define those drill-in hierarchies within your views as well. 0:02:52 Now, the basic process of building an Attribute view is that we have to add one or more tables as the sources, and then these tables will show up in the details editor and we have to define the relationships between these tables. You do this via a simple drag and drop operation from the fields they have in common. 0:03:17 As you see here in the product table we have a supplier ID column and that is actually related to the business partner: partner ID. 0:03:29 We just did a drag and drop to connect them, and after youve connected them you can click on the join line that you see there and in the properties you can set the join type right join, left outer join, text-based joinso we can have the proper join condition for the relationship between the tables. 0:03:52 Then once weve created all the relationships, we can go into the individual tables inside those

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relationships, and we often have many more fields than we want in our view. 0:04:06 So not all the fields of the underlying based tables are automatically added to the output structure of the view. 0:04:13 We have to go in and manually right mouse click on each column that we want to be in the output and say Add to Output. 0:04:22 And thats what you see here. If theres a little orange ball next to the column name in the table view, then we know that field has been added to the output structure. Those with the grey balls next to them we know are not exposed in this view. 0:04:40 We can also go over to the output column and see all the columns that have been set up for output. We can also do other things as we add fields to the output. We can change the name or the description of the field, so sometimes when youre combining data together you might have an ID column, for instance, and an ID column in several tables, but once you put them both in the output you need to be more descriptive: Is that the product ID or the partner ID? So you can of course, overwrite the names and make them more descriptive when you add them to the output structure. 0:05:15 There are several properties that can be set at the output structure level. As I said, we can change the name and the label. We see the mapping of which is the source table and field that this comes from. 0:05:27 We can define a column as a key attribute. This is very similar to defining it as a key field in the underlying base table, but obviously once you start creating relationships between tables, even the key fields of the source table may not be your key attribute in your particular table. 0:05:46 We can say whether this field is drill-down enabled. That would lend it to being used in a hierarchy if we did set that. We can hide fields even if they are part of the output. And theres various other things we can do here as part of the hierarchies. Theres several other properties that can be set. 0:06:08 Now we can also define a calculated field, so we can do this by saying New>Calculated Columns, and inside the editor that comes up, we have the ability to either reference other fields, so we can pull in one or more of the base fields in the view to be part of a formula. 0:06:29 The formulas can be simple in the form of math, theres basic math operationsplus, minus, percent, multiplyand then theres more complex mathematical functions and theres even some character processing, string length, concatenate, and things like that 0:06:49 Its almost a little mini programming language, but with very basic syntax. But you can build this formula, you can check the formula from inside the editor, and theres also the ability to embed some of the SAP-delivered business functionality which would mainly be conversions. And right now, we support unit-of-measure conversions and currency conversions. 0:07:13 And these are also two things in the past that you would not have done in the database. You would have had to bring all the data back to the application server and done a currency conversion at that level, particularly a very intelligent currency conversion like we can set up here. 0:07:26 We can have different currency rates used based upon different dates. For instance you might

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want to convert the currency based on the created-on date of a purchase order, or maybe the approved or release date of the purchase order. 0:07:38 We can configure all that into the currency conversion thats built into the view processing and move that logic down into the database. So now we can do aggregates on amount fields that in the past we would have had to bring back into the application server because everything has to be converted to a common currency before you can summarize it. This is all part of our effort to move more processing down into the database. 0:08:07 So this is the edit screen for defining a calculated column, you see that we have to set the data type and the field width of the output column, and also the scale if its a decimal type. 0:08:20 And then we can build the rule definition itself as an expression, and you see here that were just taking product price x 5%. So thats an example of a simple formula, but you can see that there are other operations. All the available syntaxall the functions, all the operators and all the source fields you can useare all available in this editor. We can just drag them and drop them into the expression editor to build up the full expression. 0:08:49 Once weve built our view, we can save and activate it and then we can preview the data. And even in addition to viewing the data as raw data in a table view, theres even some real nice analytic capabilities built into HANA studio. 0:09:04 Now this isnt necessarily what you would give your end users to log in and be able to view the data of the analytics, but it lets the people who are building the data models and the developers like yourself to drill into the data and be able to see it graphically and get some idea of the data, make sure your view is correct, and it will represent what you want your application to contain. 0:09:29 Lets go into the system and I can show you how we can create an Attribute view. So the Attribute views are always created from the SAP HANA Systems tab. 0:09:41 And here we would go to the Content folder. So they are not catalog objects; they are created in the HANA content repository. 0:09:50 And I would go to my Models folder just because thats where Im separating out all the modeled objects, all the view types. 0:10:00 And I will say New>Attribute View. 0:10:04 Oh, Im logged on a wrong user ID so let me just switch quickly. There you got to see the package authorizations at work because my openSAP user does not have authorization to create objects in that particular package, so Ill switch over to my system user for this particular demo. 0:10:24 And now Ill say New>Attribute View and a dialog comes up asking me to name my Attribute view. 0:10:35 Ill just call this Demo 1 and we can give it a short description. 0:10:44 And actually, from this wizard we can choose whether we want an Attribute, Analytic, or Calculation view. Its not too late to change your mind if you started the wizard with the wrong type. 0:10:54 Well go ahead and leave it with an Attribute view. Say Finish. And here we have some basic

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information about the Attribute view. Fairly quickly you go into the data foundation. This is where were going to define which tables we want as part of our view and what the relationship between those tables are. 0:11:14 So from this point I can actually go here to my schema and drag and drop tables in. So maybe I want the product table. 0:11:31 And then maybe I want the business partner table. And my screen size is a little small for the purposes of recording. 0:11:42 Now that Ive dragged and dropped those in I can make that a little bit bigger and maybe I want to resize things a little bit so I can get both tables on the screen. 0:11:51 And now, to define the relationship between these two tables, I would take my supplier ID and drag and drop it to my partner ID and by default this is just a referential one-to-many join. 0:12:05 Now I happen to know that my data relationship is such that there would not be multiple matches between a supplier ID and a partner ID. I dont need a one-to-many; I really just need a one-to-one join. 0:12:18 Now at this point I could add additional fields to the output. So I want the product ID to be in my output and I actually want the product ID to be the attribute. 0:12:31 Then I could add additional fields to the output. You dont necessarily want to see me sit here and add them all so I have another view already prepared for us. So here is my product view. 0:12:53 And Ive actually added some additional tables. That one was a simple one with just two tables. This one Im just going to take the products...Im going to join it to the business partners but then Im going to take the business partners and Im going to link them over to the business partner address as well. 0:13:06 And I have some text joins in here. So I have some descriptions, so the product name and product description are both coming from the text table. And this is a special type of join condition. This is a text join. And I have to tell it which field is the language field and then it will automatically look up, use my logon language and use that, to look up the correct record for my particular language, because in the text table I have currently both German and English descriptions for all the products. When I run the report youll see that Ill just get English descriptions because thats what Im logged on as. 0:13:44 Now I could have additional calculated columns. As we bring up the editor you saw in the slide, well do some calculated columns in the next unit with Analytic views because the process is the same regardless of the view type. 0:13:58 At this point, if I were editing this, I would save it and I would activate it and then I would be able to test it. So then I could come in here and say Data Preview. 0:14:11 And it comes up with the basic data preview. I can go right to the raw data and see well, my descriptions are pulling in correctly. I can see that I have my basic product data. I have my supplier name so Im getting a connection to the business partner data as well, and Im getting my supplier address. 0:14:29 So I know that I have all my join conditions working correctly, I have the fields that I expect to see in here, and then I can go into the analysis as well.

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0:14:39 So, for instance, I might want to see product price and I want to see my product price by category. And then let's change this to a nice pie chart to really help me visualize where most of my price-by-product category is coming in. 0:15:12 So youve got a lot of drill-in capabilities. I could also drill-in to distinct values and say, Well how many distinct values do we have for each product category? And then I could get an idea of how many records or how many products I have per product category. 0:15:32 So theres many different criteria that I could use to analyze and make sure my view is correct and look at the data that exists inside this view with this nice built-in data preview tool. 0:15:46 So in this unit weve introduced the first of the HANA-specific view types, the simplest, which is the Attribute view. In the subsequent units, well look at two additional view types: the Analytic view and the Calculation view.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 7 0:00:13 This is week two, unit seven: Analytic Views. 0:00:18 So building on what we learning in the last unit about Attribute views, we know that there are several types of HANA-specific views, and the Attribute view was the first that we saw. Its the simplest and its primarily for join operations, joining multiple tables, but it does have the ability to have calculated columns and a few other capabilities. Now were going to move on to Analytic views. And Analytic views are not all that dissimilar from Attribute views, and I think that youll see that much of the functionality when you create an Analytic view is the same as the Attribute view, but it has a couple of distinct properties. 0:00:58 First of all, the Analytic view is designed to take advantage of the computational power of SAP HANA and, specifically, to help you with calculating aggregates. So an Analytic view is actually processed by a different engine than the Attribute view. The Analytic view is processed by the OLAP, or analytic engine, inside of HANA, as opposed to the join and primarily transactionalbased engine that processes the Attribute view. 0:01:32 Therefore, Analytic views always need at least one of what well call a measure. A measure is basically anything that can be aggregated; therefore it must be a numeric-based column. And then all the other columns are considered attributes of the Analytic view. 0:01:52 I know thats maybe some unusual terminology. Youll see things like fact tables and star schemas thrown about and all these things are sort of general terms that come from the analytic world, the business warehousing world. But although HANA is a general purpose database, it also has a lot of analytic capabilities baked into it as well. 0:02:17 And many of those analytic capabilities are exposed via the specific view types. Therefore its fairly simple to think of attributes as all your normal columns, and measures as your numeric columns and any numeric column that you might want to perform some form of aggregation on. 0:02:35 So we start the process of creating an Analytic view. The wizard does not look all that different than the Attribute view. In fact, once again, we have the ability to if we start the wizard and then change our mind as to the view type, we can then change it at this point in the first dialog screen. 0:02:55 Then we have two parts to the Analytic view: we have the data foundation and the logical join. So the data foundation is where you start. The data foundation represents all the tables that come together to form the fact table of the view. 0:03:13 It just primarily means all the joins were going to put together to form the basis of the processing in the Analytic view. And then the logical join represents the relationship between the fact table of all the selected fields of the underlying tables and any Attribute views. 0:03:36 So we had the ability to re-use Attribute views inside of our Analytic views as well. Now inside the data foundation, we see all the fields that can be part of our particular model here. And just like the Attribute view well probably select some of them to be part of the output. We probably have many more columns in our base tables than we really want in our output structure. 0:04:08 We create the relationships between any of the views in the data foundation, or the data foundation itself in other Attribute views, in the same way that we did the joins in the Attribute view. We simply drag and drop between the key fields that we want to be the source of our join condition.

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0:04:29 Then in the semantics view, this is where we have to do an additional step that we didnt have in the Attribute view. Analytic views have to classify all their output columns as either attributes or measures. And once again, simply think of measures as any numeric fields that you want to perform aggregations on. 0:04:50 Theres even a little button that you can press that will analyze the data types of all your fields and set all of your attributes and measures for you and maybe you want to overwrite one or two of them, but you dont have to go through and set each column individually. 0:05:05 Now Analytic views also have some additional functionality that attributes did not have. They have the ability to find variables and input parameters. So for instance, an input parameterin this case we want to perform a currency conversionso we can do a summarization on an amount field that contains different values from different currencies. 0:05:29 So we need to pass in from the outside what we want our target currency to be. Its not something that we can simply choose via a WHERE condition. Therefore we have these input parameters, and later youll see how we can use these input parameters when we perform SQL against the views, so theres extended syntax in the SQL statement to be able to pass input parameters into a call for a view. And well also see how we how these input parameters can be built into OData services that we can eventually wrap around our views. 0:06:10 Similar to the Attribute view, we have the ability to build a calculated column. In this case, in this demo, in the Analytic view. Ill actually go in and show you how we build a calculated column, specifically one that takes advantage of the built-in currency conversion. 0:06:29 But as we said before, theres all kinds of capabilities in here: theres various mathematical operators, string operators in the form of the form of functions, complex math functions. So you can build up a fairly complex expression in the expression editor and still perform summarizations or other forms of aggregations as well as currency conversions and unit of measure conversions as well. 0:06:58 The last, unique part of an Analytic view when we compare it to the Attribute view is we can also have the concept of a restricted column. A restricted column basically will only give me the data for a particular value in one of my columns in my view. 0:07:17 For instance, what weve done is weve built a restricted column for the product category so that the data that comes out will be filtered so it only shows us aggregates of records where the product category is equal to notebooks. 0:07:33 So this would allow us to either create a restriction thats fixedin this case with one of the values, notebooksor tie a restriction value to an input parameter so that we can pass that in as well. So this allows us to do grouped aggregates, but filtered down to a particular restricted value column. And we can pre-build this into our view so it doesnt have to be built via complex WHERE conditions on the SELECT statement that we read from this view. 0:08:05 One last thing. Just like with the Attributes views, the Analytic views, we also had the same data preview capabilities to either look at the raw data tabular or to use drill-in graphical capabilities to look at the view as well. 0:08:22 So with this, lets go back to the system. Similar to the process that I used to create the Attribute views, Ill go to the Content folder of the SAP HANA Systems tab and Ill say New>Analytic

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View and Ill give it a name, description, and Finish. 0:08:56 And once again I can go to my data foundation. I could drag and drop in tables, very similar to what I did in the Attribute view. And the process of joining them (Ill just make this a little larger) is exactly the same. 0:09:17 So I can go ahead here to my supplier ID and I can drop it to my address ID, change the cardinality, one-to-one in this case. I can add output columns at the data foundation level. I can add various output columns if I could click in the right place! There we are. And I can define input parameters at this point as well, for instance, the currency conversion that I talked to you about. 0:10:07 Rather than me sit here in this demo and define all the columns that I need for this view, I think what it would make most sense to do is go back and I have one already prepared. 0:10:21 Lets look at this purchase order with common currency conversion and youll notice that in this case (Ill make this a little bit larger) we have a data foundation that combines multiple tables. So I have purchase orders being connected to purchase order items, business partner data being looked up, product data, address data. And then in my data foundation, I dont have any additional Attribute views to join in here so Ill simply expose the selected fields from the base table. 0:10:56 And then if I go into the semantics, here Ive defined an input parameter. This input parameter for the target currency. Ive said that it is mandatory. I can set default values, so that if someone doesnt supply a value it automatically uses euro as the currency. 0:11:15 And Ive listed the data type, the length, and so forth. Now at the logical join level, Ive also added a calculated column. I want to take the gross amount and I want to do a currencyconverted version of that gross amount. 0:11:33 So we have a look at this column. Ive created this converted gross amount and I had to define the data type, the length, and the scale. Basically I set it the same as the source file, the source column of gross amount. 0:11:50 Here Ive said its a measure and that we want the aggregate type sum. I could also use max, min, or count for my aggregate types. Basically Ive just said, use the base column of gross amount. I havent done anything to it in the expression editor; Im just bringing it over straight away. 0:12:10 Its really in the Advanced tab, this is where we can set both currency conversion and unit-ofmeasure conversions. So in this case Ive said amount with currency and then Ive said. Well, what is the source currency? 0:12:27 Ive gone in, I havent used Fixed. Ive said, Use a column from the table. So Im going to pull the currency, because each record could have a different source currency. Ive got to read the currencies from the corresponding record and then Ive said the target currency. for that and Ive said Use the input parameter and used whatever value comes from the input parameter. 0:12:48 For the exchange rate type, theres various exchange rate types available in the system. Ive chosen 1001, which is the current exchange rate. And then Ive set the conversion date. We dont want just a fixed date to perform all the currency conversions on; that wouldnt be very accurate. Instead, we want to perform the currency conversion on the date the purchase order

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was created. 0:14:44 We had to tell it a schema for the currency conversion because you can have multiple sets of currency conversion tables in your system, one set per schema. So Ive simply told it to use our schema that our tables come from, they also have the currency conversion tables in it. And then to use a dynamic client. The currency conversions use a concept that we call client, and this comes over from SAP Business Suite. All Business Suite-based systems have this concept of client where you can have multiple instances of the system and they run in different clients. The client really becomes part of the key in every database table. 0:13:57 And the currency data, because it is often replicated from a Business Suite system, could have different versions of the currency data in different clients and therefore wed have to supply the client. Ive said dynamic client. Therefore the view will look up the client that Ive either associated in my user ID or is passed through in the SQL connection and look up the correct data for that client. 0:14:22 And then finally, Ive said for conversion errors you can either fail and throw a SQL error, you can set the field value to null, or I basically said ignore and then what will happen is if I say ignore, the same value wont perform conversion but just put the source gross amount in the Converted Gross Amount field. 0:14:44 So now that I have my calculated column that uses my input parameters, the last thing I would have to do is that I would have to come here to the semantics layer and I would have to click this button to auto-assign. Now it says There are no unassigned elements, because Ive already done the auto-assign. But all that will do here is look at the data types of each of the columns and set them to either attributes or measures. 0:15:16 And then you can set the aggregation type for anything thats a measure. So you could have the same column represented multiple times so that a measure is a different form of measure. Maybe I want the sum or the max or the count in here as well. And this is what the Analytic view excels at doing. It does these aggregations really well. It does them in real time even across many millions rows of data. And even though we have the currency conversion, the system, this is what HANA does so well, it can perform the currency conversion across millions of rows of data, then summarize the data, even grouping it into different summarizations, and bring it back to you in real time. 0:15:59 So at this point I would save and activate my view. Now I made a little change to it but I really dont want to save my change, but I could then, just as we did before, use the data preview. Now, notice the data preview, when we did it in the Attribute view, it didnt pop up and ask us for any input parameters. We have no input parameters that we can pass in. We could only do drillin and filtering inside the data preview tool. But here we have this mandatory input parameter to say convert to a common currency. 0:16:34 Im going to leave it at euro and that will convert everything to euro. If we look at our raw data just as we did before, well see all the data but we also see our gross amount and our converted gross amount. And youll notice some of these are not changed. We actually only maintain exchange rates in this particular demo system for euro to US dollar and US dollar to euro. So thats the only ones youll see a difference on. You will notice here for this first record that has US dollars that it was $397 in the gross amount and when we convert it to euros its $422. 0:17:11 So now we could do a proper summarization on this gross amount column because if we just did a sum, an aggregate, on the gross amount, these are all different currencies so the resulting

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data would just be garbage. But now that everythings converted to a common currency, we can do analysis on it. We can do summarization. 0:17:31 So for instance, here we could look at whats the gross amount. Its doing a sum of all the gross amounts. Instead, lets see whats all the gross amounts broken down by various product IDs. Or even better, lets see it broken down by different product categories. And thats one that lends itself really well to say, a pie chart or maybe a tree map, so we can really see the relationship between the amount were purchasing by the different product categories. 0:18:01 So once again this gives you a nice analysis tool to be able to check the validity of your view before you continue using it in the rest of your application development or turn it over to your end users to access via one of our reporting tools. 0:18:16 So with this unit weve seen how we can go beyond the basics of the Attribute view and have the more powerful Analytic view with its ability to do aggregates and input parameters and restricted columns. In the next unit, well look at the last view type, which is the Calculation view. It allows us to have even more flexibility but more responsibility by combining SQLScript programming logic directly into our modeled views.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 8 0:00:13 This is week two, unit eight: Calculation Views. In this unit we will continue our discussions on the various SAP HANA types. And unlike the previous two views, the attribute and the Analytic view, the Calculation view is a little bit unique in that it has two modes. And we will look at both those modes and why we might choose to use a Calculation view as opposed to one of the two previous view types that weve already seen. 0:00:42 So as Ive mentioned, in Calculation views, there are two types of Calculation views and it really impacts the way that you work with the editors and the designer. The end results are largely the same. Well end up with some generated SQLScript code or we'll have to write the code ourselves. When we go into the Calculation view we immediately have a choice of choosing weather we want to do the design of the view graphically or using SQLScript. 0:01:14 If we choose the graphical approach, youll see that we basically get what you see on the left hand side of the screen, which allows us to diagram the flow of the logic in the graphical view. 0:01:29 And here youll see that we have some existing Analytic views. We're going to do some field projection on those Analytic views. And then we're going to union the two projections together. So we have the ability to group, to union, to join, maybe then to project again, so we can have many different nodes processing of a graphical SQL script. 0:01:52 Then we have the purely SQLScript coding version of the Calculation views. And in this case we basically have the Script node and it opens up a text editor where you can write SQLScript. Now well talk more extensively about SQLScript as a language and how you can write SQLScript in the next week, but for now well talk at a high level about how you can use SQLScript within a Calculation view. 0:02:23 So first lets look at the graphical approach. So we start the creation process using the View Creation wizard. Its not that dissimilar from the previous creation wizard for Analytic or Attribute views. In this case we do have the choice of choosing between graphical and SQLScript as the mode for the view type that will follow. 0:02:48 Once we choose our mode or our view type, then well be brought to a screen where we can bring in a list of tables or existing views into the processing. In this case weve pulled in some existing Analytic views that well use as the source in our Calculation view. So this is a good example of how you often dont just build a single view. You might use a combination of the view types. You might have created some Attribute views to do the join condition between multiple tables. And then you might have an Analytic view that allows you to do the aggregation really well, but the Analytic view, in turn, might have some Attribute views embedded inside of it as part of its data foundation. And then, as this example shows, we might take two existing Analytic views and union them together. 0:03:47 Once our views are in the designer, then we can choose from the tool palette what kind of actions we want to perform. So we can have projections add extra fields so you might have some calculation fields. So very similar to what we had in the Analytic view and the Attribute view, the ability to create calculation fields. 0:04:10 So if we want to add an additional calculation field that didnt already exist in the underlying base table or our other view, Analytic view in this case, we would add a projection node on top of it and then add calculations at that level. We can also use the projection node to reduce the number of fields that are coming from the base table or view.

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0:04:34 In this case you see that we also have the ability to either add joins or unions or aggregations at this point as well. And the example that we're going to show we're going to union the results of two different Analytic views together. 0:04:47 So next, at the projection level, you see in this screenshot we see a list of all the fields that are coming from the underlined Analytic view in this case. And then weve done the add to output to add to output columns, very similar to what we did with the other view types. And we see that here we have the ability to define filters, to define input parameters, and to define additional calculated columns. 0:05:18 If you do decide to build calculated columns, the editor that comes up is exactly the same as what weve seen in the Attribute view and the Analytic view. It has similar capabilities to create expressions, just as weve seen before, so I wont go through that again in additional detail. Weve already see the use of the calculated column in detail in the Analytic view in the previous unit. 0:05:46 Now if you do choose a union, you have to go into the details of that union and it brings up the editor that you see here in this screenshot. This is a graphical editor that allow us to take the fields from either of the projections that we have, from the two Analytic views that we started withthe purchase order and a sales order Analytic viewand we're bringing them together into the target. So at this point you can decide which fields will come together in the final output coming out of the union. 0:06:20 So that is the graphical approach. Now, when we talk about scripted views, whether the code is generated by the graphical tool or you write the code yourself, theres several advantages to using a Calculation view as opposed to using an application server and another programming language to do the flow between your views. 0:06:46 So traditionally, what we would do is we would bring the data back to the application server, so we would bring the data to the code and execute the code on the application server layer. That would mean if we wanted to union the results between two views, we would have to read the data from the first viewin this case the purchase order viewbring that back to the application server, then we would have to read the data from the sales view and bring that back to the application server, and then we would merge the two together on the application server. So then theres no way to do intermediate variables or data flow at the SQL level in the database. We always had to bring that intermediate results back to some other layer and process them there. And that generally means that there is a large amount of data that needs to be copied up to the application server. 0:07:37 So even if you have a very fast database like HANA, and you have your data in memory and you can do kinds of processing, if you basically hamper it and using the traditional coding patterns and having to bring intermediate results back to the application server level, that is still going to be a bottleneck in the overall execution of your application. 0:07:58 Instead, if we create our views but then we can put a Calculation view on top of it, so that all the intermediate variables stay down inside the database, and then only the final results set is returned to the application server layer, that not only means that not only means that more of the processing can be done in the database layer, but we dont have all this data being transferred back and forth. We only have the final result set, which is hopefully already scaled down. It has all of its aggregates applied, all of its sorting, all of its filtering, and its a smaller data set than what we would have if we had to move all of the intermediate results to the applications server as well.

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0:08:39 So if we look at a Scripted view version of a Calculation view, its very similar in concept, except now you have full programmatic control over what you do. 0:08:52 We have CE functions, calculation engine functions, that allow you to do the same thing as the graphical tool. So theres a CE projection, theres a CE join, theres a CE union. 0:09:05 So what we have here is the coding ability to do the same thing that the graphical tool does, but in addition to the CE functions or the calculations functions, there is other logic that we can insert inside of calculations views using this tool. We can have some imperative logic, so IF statements, CASE statements. We could have looping logic. So theres more that we can do once we have full programmatic control. 0:09:35 In this simple example what were seeing here is that we're performing some projections on some tables and then we will join the tables together. And the output results, basically the field lists that you see from the join, goes into the output parameters. And unlike with the projection in the graphical toolwhere you're choosing fields from the underlying view you have your fields lists and youre saying add outputhere you have to build the table structure of the output parameter. So theres an editor that comes up, a form-based editor, where you type in the column name and the data type and all the associated information. So it does let us sort of manually build our input and our output parameters as well. 0:10:25 And then finally, the fields that are exposed by the Calculation viewsso whatever came out of that output parameteris then shown in a similar tool. And at this level, we can now add the fields and we can define then as either attributes or measures. We can define hierarchies or define additional variables or input parameters at this level. So we still have to classify the output fields as either attributes or measures, similar to what we did in the Analytic view. 0:10:58 So now at this point lets go to the system and Ill show you some examples of these types of Calculations views. So first of all the process is for creating a Calculation view is very similar to the attribute and the Analytic view. I would come here to my models package and I would say New> Calculation view. 0:11:20 The screen that comes up is very similar. Here I would say Calculation view demo one and I could give it a description. And that in this case I have to choose either graphical or SQLScript. Once you choose that, then thats the tool that your locked into for the lifetime of this particular view. 0:11:47 You can also choose the schema for any conversions, so this would go back to similar to what we saw in the Analytic view, where when we were performing currency conversions or unit measure conversions, we had to know which schema to go read the currency tables or unit measures tables from. 0:12:04 So I would say Next. Now at this point it asked me for what tables views I want to insert in for processing. So maybe Ill just come here into my models and grab a couple of Analytic views and add those for processing. And they come up in the graphical flow editor here. At this point I can add additional information, add another node here for projection. I would drag and drop to add that, add the flow line, and maybe from the projection, just like we saw in the screenshots, add another projection here for the my sales view, and then I'll union them together. 0:13:00 Drag that...Im running a little out of space here. I probably want to move these down, and if I was taking time I could make all the lines a little neater, but at this point I can now bring these

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two projections together. 0:13:21 Thats going to create a union, and then from the union I go the output. At this point I would still need to go into the projections and add my output, add my columns, the individual columns, to the output as you see there. Im not going to spend time adding each of the columns, but once Ive added at least some columns from each, then Im able to go to the union. I have the graphical union tool where I can add fields to the output. Just going to go ahead and add both of those to the output. But there are other tools here, Create Target, or to sort them, but basically creating the union of all of the fields from either projection. 0:14:13 Maybe at this point I'll switch over to the finished version, and this one already has the completed union and the output defined in here. Its the same thing at the output level. We had to choose between the attributes and measures. So we have a quantity field that becomes our measure, similar to the separation between the two types at the Analytic view level. 0:14:40 Now lets switch to the scripted version. In the scripted version, I have less nodes because basically and I have a script node and then I have the output. And its in the script node where I write my script. So here Im doing something very similar, Im reading from a table, so CE column table is how we basically perform a SELECT on a table. Let me make this a little bit larger, thats a little easier to read. So CE Column table is how we select data from a table. 0:15:17 So here Im reading from the business partner table. I list the fields that I want returned, and Im putting them into this intermediate variable, this LTBP. I don't have to define LTBP; it will take on its definition from whatever fields are brought back from this request. 0:15:35 Now Im going to do a projection of LTBP and list the fields that I want in there. As I perform the projection, Im actually telling it that Im adding a WHERE condition, basically. Im saying partner equals IP partner role. IP partner role is an input parameter, so that something thats going to come into the processing of the procedure, so the thing about SQLScriptand well learn more in the next weekis that you might write two blocks here. Ive got a column table and then Ive got a projection, You might go, well this would seem if I executed it exactly as I wrote it, this would read all the records from the table and then only here would I apply my WHERE condition. That doesn't seem very efficient. The thing about SQLScript is that you might write something as two separate blocks, but that isnt how its going to execute. The system will analyze what you wrote and, in addition to analyzing it for parallel processing, it will also collapse operations down. So in this case the column table and the projection will come together to form one dynamic SQL statement with this WHERE condition and this field list. 0:16:47 And next we have a column table for the addresses. So we'll read the address data. And then we're doing a JOIN condition. And what will probably actually end up coming out here is all four lines of code here will generate down to one complex SQL statement with an inner join. 0:17:10 And that is also part of the benefit of SQLScript, is that we dont have to write these complex SQL statements with subqueries and inner joins. That we can write them as separate objects. Thats easier for us as programmers, as human beings, to think about things to break it down into smaller chunks. And that doesnt process as efficiently in the system if it would generate one to one. The SQLScript compiler is smart enough to know how to chunk that down and create one complex SQL inner join statement out of these four statements. 0:17:46 At the end here we move this into variable out. The variable out I have definedIll just show you the editor that you have here to define the output parametersIve had to add the fields that I want to add to my output, their data type and lengths. I defined my input parameter. Its

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just the partner role that comes in. Now, Ive left this pretty open but you can even add in additional types. So I could say that this comes from a static list and I could come here and add all the possible values. For instance, one value would be like 01. I cant remember if thats supplier or customer, but that doesnt really matter at this point. And then I would add 02 is customer. 0:18:47 Now that we have a static list, well get some value help when I run this view. So even though that this is source code here, I have just reactivated it, even though this is source code, we can still test it with the data preview tool just like all the other views. Now you notice that it pops up and asks me for a value for my input parameter. Ill tell it to give me 01 and then it executes and you can see here our raw data, our partner ID, and our e-mail address. 0:19:27 Relatively simple. And then the partner role is displayed here. If you want you can even seeif we do the Show Logyou can see the SQL statement that was generated. This is part of the value of using Calculation views as well as opposed to just coding SQLScript procedures. Well see how to code SQLScript procedures in the next week. It is a valuable tool as well, but Calculation views are nice in that we have SQLScript code inside of them and it basically has generated a SQLScript procedure. But we can still select from it as though its a normal view. In this case you see the generated SELECT statement that was created by the data preview tool, as just to select these fields from the view, so you wouldnt really know that it was actually SQLScript that was executing behind the scenes. 0:20:18 So in this unit we've seen how we can create the Calculation view in both the graphical and the SQLScript editor modes.

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WEEK 2, UNIT 9 0:00:12 This is week two, unit nine: Analytic Privileges. In this unit well take a look at a special type of privilege that is created for controlling data access at a row or column level. 0:00:29 So there are several different types of privileges inside of SAP HANA: We have regular SQL privileges, and this would be compatible with any other database. So these are the privileges that we create really at the SQL statement level and they control whether you can execute, select, update or call a database procedure, the commands you can issue from a SQL level itself. These SQL privileges are usually set at the schema level or at the table level. 0:01:02 Next we have system privileges. These are primarily for administrative tasks or development tasks. These are set directly to the user and/or their role. An example of a system privilege might be that in order to perform a backup or system recovery on a system, theres a special system privilege. In order to import or export a delivery unit theres a special system privilege. But generally these are things that a system administrator or application developer would primarily be the ones to have. 0:01:34 Next we have package privileges. Weve already seen a little bit of what a package privilege will control, when I tried to edit one of the views the other day as the wrong user ID. I got a message that user wasnt allowed to edit objects in that particular package. So the package privileges are all about controlling editing and activation rights at a package level within the SAP HANA content repository. So theyre good for controlling who can develop in a certain package, but not really have a lot to do with execution. 0:02:12 And finally we come to the authorization concept that we want to talk about in this unit, and that is the analytic privilege. So the analytic privilege allows us to really set authorizations at a row level as well. You can imagine with SQL privileges, if we grant a user SELECT on a particular table, say, or purchase order table, well thats fine, but inside enterprise organizations, often you want to be more granular in your level of control. So a user may be able to read purchase orders for North America but not read the ones for Europe or Asia. 0:02:49 And that means we have to go down to the row level and look at certain pieces of data in certain columns and really set the authorizations at those levels. Thats what the analytic privileges allow us to do. So analytic privileges are really important for controlling the access to your data models, your views, that wed been building throughout this week. 0:03:13 And really you shouldnt have a view without a corresponding analytic privilege, particularly if youre accessing your views from some of the reporting tools, like BusinessObjects tool framework, which absolutely require that you have an analytic privilege. If you are reading the views directly via SQL either via JDBC or ODBC or in native SAP HANA development as well see later with OData services and server side JavaScript, the analytic privilege is not absolutely required, but it still would be recommended to have more granular control over your access levels. 0:03:57 Now inside the analytic privilege, we have different things that we can set the privileges based upon. So we can use any field from an Attribute view. We can use any field from an Attribute view that is, in turn, used as an Analytic view. We can use any of the private dimensions of an Analytic view, any of the attribute fields of a Calculation view. 0:04:21 So, or the most part, we stick to the attribute fields. So the measures of an Analytic view or

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Calculation view we cannot use inside an analytic privilege, but that really makes a lot of sense. I mean, measures are often aggregated, theyre numeric fields. Those are not the kind of things youd want to control access on. You want to control access using organizational data, geographic data, some piece of business key data. 0:04:49 And of course, you arent restricted to just one of these, as youll see when we get into the editor for the Analytic view. You can use a combination of fields, you can use single values, you can use ranges, or you can use the IN operator, which allows for a complex combination of both ranges and single values as well as positive and negative values as well. 0:05:15 So the process of creating an analytic privilege is very similar to the same process we saw with creating all the previous view types. Well go to the content repository, the content folder node underneath the SAP HANA Systems view, and in our case well go down to our models package where wed been creating all of our other information models and we say New>Analytic Privilege. 0:05:42 The editor comes up and asks us to name the privilege, give it a description, choose the package that its within, but then we really get into the editing in the next screen. In this screen we will choose which information models or tables that we want to use as a source inside our Analytic view. 0:06:02 Really, anything we pull in at this level or in the next editor, theres an option to add additional information models in the next screen as well. Theres two purposes. We might add a view because we want to grant access to that view, we want to use this analytic privilege to control access to that particular view, or you might want to use one of the fields from that view as the restriction for the entire analytic privilege. 0:06:34 So that does mean that you might have one field from one Analytic view that controls the privileges across many other views as well. Once were in the editor we have the ability to add additional views at any time. So from the reference models it will show all the objects weve added. We can just hit the Add or Remove button to add more or take any away. 0:07:03 Theres also an option in here, theres a little checkbox in the general section called Applicable to all Information Models. We really recommend that you dont use this unless you absolutely know what youre doing. This checkbox can have some very interesting and surprising side effects and can cause you to give much more access than you intended. 0:07:27 Its pretty rare that you would want an analytic privilege to really apply to all of your models across your entire system. Now where this really gets powerful is the ability to have attribute restrictions. So we have to choose one or more of the attributes from one of our source information models. In this case were going to take our PURCHASE_ORDER Analytic view and were going to use the product category. 0:07:57 So weve added the ProductCategory to the attribute restrictions and then we have to assign a restriction to this. If we dont assign a restriction, then its like a wildcard and it basically says, all values from this attribute are allowed. Once we assign the restriction, we choose an operator and then we choose the value, and you see that theres a nice little value help that will actually go out and read the underlying view or table and show you all the values, so you dont have to remember the proper values or the descriptions for the values. You can bring them right in through that value help.

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0:08:36 Thats the static assignment, and that can be useful if you really want to create an Analytic view thats tied to a particular value. Maybe you want an Analytic view for North America and another Analytic view for Europe. Well thats very straightforward. Then you can assign Analytic views to roles that are specific to the regions. 0:08:57 More likely, you want something more flexible. You want to set up a single Analytic view that can be used by multiple users and we want to go look up some user data at runtime and fill that value in to be the restriction. We have that ability with Analytic views as well. You can set a dynamic filter condition and at runtime it will call a stored procedure. Its inside that stored procedure that you can code the rules you want to be executed. 0:09:27 So for instance, inside that stored procedure, we might look up that particular user in some sort of organizational table to see whether that user is a manager or employee and use that to control what access they have. Or maybe well look up what sales area theyre assigned to, or any number of flexible options. 0:09:49 This allows us to keep from having a large number of Analytic views. We can have a single Analytic view for a particular attribute. We dont have to have multiple analytic privileges for the same attribute because we can apply the filter dynamically. 0:10:12 And then finally, the Analytic privilege doesnt do us any good until we start granting it to some roles. So, we would go back into our role editor and you see here, we add the analytic privilege, we give it the repository name for the analytic privilege, and then once we've reactivated that role, then we can go to our user ID and we would see that inside the larger role, that the analytic privilege has been added to that role. 0:10:43 Now lets go into the system and Ill show you the process for creating analytic privileges. So the process to create them, very straightforward. Id go to my package and Id say Models>New>Analytic Privilege. Give it a name and a description. We already know what package its being created in since I started the process from the package. 0:11:13 At this point we would choose the source objects that we want to be part of this analytic privilege. Maybe I would choose an Attribute view and maybe my Analytic view and then it brings up the Editor screen. At this point I could add additional models but I could also have the ability to come in here (this is where things get really interesting) and add restrictions. 0:11:52 So maybe I want to use the product category as a restriction and then I assign restrictions for product categories so this is where I come up with values. Im going to say fixed values= and then I use the value help (it actually ran a query in the database) to show me all the values for this field. And lets say I want to restrict so you can only see (if you have this particular analytic privilege) laser printers. 0:12:22 Likewise, I could come here and instead of fixed I could do a dynamic, and then call to a SQLScript procedure for that execution. I already have one thats been created, so I have an analytic privilege thats already set up. This one also uses a product category, but it will restrict you to only be able to see data for notebooks, thats the product category type. 0:12:53 Once this is activated, then we have the analytic privilege existing in the system. I would go back over to my role, so remember earlier we showed you how we can create roles using the team provider, the project explorer. So Ill go into my project thats still open

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here and Ill go to my workshop user role and I want to add the analytic privilege in. 0:13:18 So Ive actually typed this in advance and commented it out. Ill just uncomment at this point. So youll see in addition to our catalog authorizations, our SQL authorizations, heres our application privilege that we talked about earlier. Now well add an analytic privilege. Well just give it the package path, the analytic privilege name .analytic privilege for the file extension, that being its repository representation. And then we save the role. 0:13:49 And I will reactivate it. Now that its active I could go back over to my user. Lets look at users. So my user has the workshop user role. It has the Admin role, but inside the Admin role is the User role. Remember how we did the inheritance? That means that this analytic privilege is now part of both of those roles. 0:14:29 So in this unit weve seen how we can build an analytic privilege, and hopefully you see the value in having analytic privileges in order to control data access at the row level.

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