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Founders' Shares Form This worksheet is just a form with no calculations or values in any of the cells, other than


Absolute Scores (1-10)

er 1 Fo un de r2 Fo un de r3 Fo un de r3 Fo un de r4 Fo un de r4 ei gh t

Idea Business Plan Domain Expertise Commitment & Risk Responsibilities

Weighted Scores (1-10)

er 1 Fo un de r2

Idea Business Plan Domain Expertise Commitment & Risk Responsibilities Total Points % of Total 100.0%

Fo un d

Fo un d


Page 1

Founders' Shares Worksheet This worksheet has calculations in the Weighted Scores table. Enter values in the Absolute Scores table and the results will be calculated. You can Use Edit/Move or Copy Sheet/Create a Copy to duplicate this form.

Absolute Scores (1-10)

Fo un de r3 Fo un de r3 Fo un de r4 Fo un de r4 W ei gh t as Ab b

Idea Business Plan Domain Expertise Commitment & Risk Responsibilities

6 10 9 5 10

8 10 7 8 9

Weighted Scores (1-10)


Idea Business Plan Domain Expertise Commitment & Risk Responsibilities Total Points % of Total

Ab b

48 100 63 40 90 341 88.3%

Ej az

Ej az

2 2 1 1

12 0 18 5 10 45 11.7%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 386 100.0%


Page 2

Founders' Shares Example This sheet has values entered to demonstrate the output. You can use this sheet to calculate your own values by replacing the numbers in the Absolute Scores table.

Lets look at a hypothetical example. Assume that we have a high technology start up spinning out of a university with four members of the founding team. 1. The inventor who is recognized as the technology leader in his domain. 2. The business guy who is bringing business and industry knowledge to the company. 3. The technologist who has been the inventors right hand man. 4. The research team member who happened to be at the right place at the right time, but hasnt and wont contribute much to the technology or the company. If these were all first-time entrepreneurs, its likely that they would each get 25% of the companys stock, because its fair. Lets take a look at what the Founders Pie Calculator says.

Absolute Scores (1-10)

Fo un de r1 Fo un de r2 Fo un de r3 Fo un de r4 W ei gh t

Idea Business Plan Domain Expertise Commitment & Risk Responsibilities

7 2 5 7 6

10 3 6 0 0

3 8 4 7 6

3 1 6 0 0

0 0 4 0 0

Weighted Scores (1-10)

Fo un de r1 Fo un de r2 Fo un de r3 Fo un de r4

Idea Business Plan Domain Expertise Commitment & Risk Responsibilities Total Points % of Total

70 6 30 0 0 106 33.0%

21 16 20 49 36 142 44.2%

21 2 30 0 0 53 16.5%

0 0 20 0 0 20 321

6.2% 100.0%

Frank Demmler 2009 All Rights Reserved

Founders' Pie Calculator

Page 3

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