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It has come to my attention that in these ever-changing times, there are many people who are starting to awaken

and are experiencing new / different / altered states of awareness and consciousness. Many are now seeming to channel information from beyond the physical realms, and there is no shortage of people who are thirsty and eager to follow this guidance. The trick is to use your discernment. Society is in such a state of flux that the guidance from On-High is so desperately craved for anything to help us to make sense of what is happening as our world seems to be being thrown and tossed around, and our sense of reality ripped wide apart. As we are all wanting to experience this Re-connection to feel like we belong again, we must be mindful of who or what we are connecting to / with. Just because someone says they are connecting with the Son of God or Mother Mary or Buddha, or some other credible entity please do discern for yourself. If the being is genuine, they will have absolutely no problem with you Challenging them! Please remember that throughout history there has been much distortion, manipulation and omission of valuable information especially in some major religions. If we have only been given part of the information (a half-truth), and have been told throughout our childhoods and into later life that this is THE-Truth, then we tend to readily accept it blindly, and often do not question the origins, or whether it still resonates or is indeed still relevant in our lives now. Asking these kinds of questions, whilst often challenging or uncomfortable may be most helpful to becoming more wise and liberated from mis-truth and mis-placement of Power / energy. Please do not give your power away to ANY deity / being. This is the time to reclaim your Sovereignty and to remember your True identiy which is a Divine Being yourself. You ARE GOD-SPARK in an embodiment a Soul with a Spirit, having a physical incarnation. You ARE a physical expression of Creator Source, God(dess). In your Source-Spark is connection to all in the multi-verses and Cosmos. You are far bigger than you may perceive yourself to be. But please, this Bigness is nothing to do with the personality or the ego identity. It is beyond that. It is the part of you that transcends earthly limitations. ....Is there not a part of you that knows there is something more?! it cannot be articulated sufficiently, but it is there nonetheless; and the sense of unease at our present Earthly conditions is further sparking a need and desire to reconnect ever more strongly to this. There is indeed a very wise part of you, and when you are connected with it, it allows your life to flow with ease and Grace. You have a Higher-Self an aspect of your Soul energy if you like, that is untainted and unspoiled by Earthly conditions. This part cannot be destroyed and does not die. It is Eternal Light, and is helping to keep you in your incarnation now. Some may call it your conscioence for it is like a still, small voice inside that is ever guiding you . Of course you always have Free-Will to choose what to do in every moment, and so you may often over-ride the subtle guidance only to have thought later....I knew I shouldnt have done that! So whilst on the earth plane there is also your ego / lower-self which is also interested in your survival, and often gives you fearful signals about threat and danger a nd

other such things to try to keep you safe. This aspect however, has become the dominant aspect in the majority of people, and part of our Earthy lessons are to learn to firstly recognize the negative voice of limitation (the one that tells you yo u cant, or youre not good enough etc...), and through inner reflection to inquire where this originated from, and if it is something that you wish to still keep. So in our journey of recognizing and questioning these old programs, there is often a lot of resistance that surfaces. It can feel that our sense of self is being annihilated and that we no longer have an identity to cling onto. All of the structures and constructs that we thought were solid and real often cease to support us or have any kind of foundation for us to grow from. Thoughts like im going out of my mind may surface, as yes, the mind is frantically grasping and doing its best to cling onto the old ways feelings of inertia and terror may take over for a while. ......It is this time that there is a death of the old and yet there may be incredible fear as there does not appear to be any new to take its place. This is a time of deep transformation as you start to move from your head to your heart, and from Earthly, physical / material concerns to a deeper connection to the Universe. Sleep patterns can change, as can eating and other habits too. Old friends may fall away. Family dynamics change, relationships end it may feel like a death and dying process on many, many levels. Be strong and know that all of this is normal and is Okay. This is the time where, as you yearn to connect to Greater Light, that all of the dark shadows and muck comes more sharply into focus. Please try to find people and things to help soothe you and comfort you as you go through this process. This is a time of learning to self-nurture and often periods of rest are needed as you start to change at many levels of your being. You are changing at a cellular level and dormant DNA is also starting to be switched-on and reactivated. During this metamorphosis process so much is happening and it is like a quickening. Our personal energy fields (auric field and beyond) are also being cleared of all-sorts from this lifetime and many other realities, and the planet and the planetary grids are also being restored too. There is much chaos, flux and sometimes instability; and whilst these important changes are taking place it can often leave us all in a more (energetically) vulnerable position than we would care to imagine. So to get back to my initial point During these times of flux it is important that we use our discernment. If you are following someone elses teachings or a re having experiences of channelled information / prophetic dreams / premonitions etc coming through, then it is important that YOU start to question the validity of these experiences and check the information. You are then stepping more fully into your own power. It takes some practise as you are learning to navigate new levels of awareness and are no longer experiencing linear time and physicality in the same way. This requires you to start to learn the Universal Laws. The earthly laws that were put in

place by us humans have often not been in alignment with the Greater-Good of ALL, and as we start to find that things from the past are no longer working / applying in our lives any more, then we need to find a new set of guidelines. The Universal Laws promote harmony for ALL, and are in alignment with nature and ALL THAT IS. The Universal Laws teach us about the REAL Universe and how to navigate it. When people talk about Karma, they are talking about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. There are many Universal Laws Law of One, Law of Reflection, Law of Attraction etc...etc... etc... When you start to live your life with the appreciation of these Laws, you then start to become a Conscious Creator mindful of your thoughts, words and actions at ALL times. This require that you be fully responsible for yourself and the energy you put-out into the Universe, and also the energy you allow into your space too!!!!! So, how do you prevent certain energy from entering your space????? This is where YOU decide who and what you are prepared to allow into you body and your energy fields. You may find that you can no longer tolerate certain people, places etc. It is now time to clear out the old and re-establish some new boundries. Clearing your home and also setting up some daily energetic spring-cleaning will also help with this. Some examples of this are: Salt baths, kind thoughts towards others letting go of judgements of self and others, forgiveness, walks in nature, meditation, visualization, healing / holistic treatments such as Reiki etc, and aligning yourself with the qualities you wish to experience. Part of your energetic spring cleaning may involve releasing lower vibrational energies / beings from your systems. If you have been praying to, and/or invoking angels, Ascended Masters and other beings, then it is wise to have a good clear-out, and start a fresh. Many have been calling upon all kinds of beings without really questioning where these beings may reside in the Universe. Not all is of a higher vibration, and as i have explained, if you are thinking negative thoughts and are going through a massive metamorphosis that creates disturbance and flux in you energy fields, then you are likely to not be able to connect with the higher vibrational frequencies and the Astral planes are the next dimension closest to earth, and many are connecting to all manner of energy from there thinking it is of a higher vibration than it really is. You must check! Just as if someone knocks on you front door and you would ask them for their identification!!! During our metamorphosis process, we are constantly dropping density and becoming more filled with Light, so it is an ongoing process to keep on top of things. What we were connecting with 6 months ago, we may not want to or need to connect with later on as our vibrations and energies rise. Your Higher-Self will ALWAYS have your very best interests at heart and with all that Wisdom is a most wonderful energy and foundation to connect with.

So, to check the validity of any information and being (including your Higher-Self) you can use The Law Of Challenge which should be said 3 times; with the same response after each time of asking and to be said with some gusto: In the Name of The One True, Original Creator Source and Under Cosmic Law, I hereby challenge you. Who are you?! Response: This is ................................................................... (Do this x3.)

If you get any difference in the feeling or wording as the info is coming through then politely command the being leaves and returns to its rightful place in the universe. You may find that as you get part way through this process that the beings just start leaving of their own accord, as they know theyve been rumbled so to speak. Remember, that you are checking not just what you perceive or hear / your thoughts / but also what you see and what you feel too. If something is making you feel uneasy, it is likely that it may not want to leave if it has been with you for some time. YOU HAVE THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO DISMISS ANY ENERGY THAT YOU ARE UNSURE OF! - REMEMBER TO SET THE INTENTION OF RECONNECTING WITH YOUR HIGHER-SELF FORST AND FOREMOST IN YOUR DAILY LIFE.

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