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^ARK bible COLLIi.^^^

Joplin, 1^



65 Cantonments

JHAITSI, Up P., nroiA April 10, 1950

Dear Friends in Christj

Time certainly passes by swiftly here on the mission field* It seems but a few days'ago that we bid good^bye to friends and loved ones and started our


In the letter sent out under date of the 34th of December we infoisoed

you of our trip and of events here in India through the first of the year. V/e will begin where we left off and" try to continue giving you a *bird*s-eye-view"
of our experiences here in India# (Digging In)

Hew Year's Day falling on the.Lord's Day this year found a good attendance
in both Bible School and Church services. We wore sorry to learn from tihe

military folk that they could be with us for only ono more'Sunday and then would be out of Uhansi for approximately tr/o months on maneuvers. Monday, tho second of January, we began setting things in ordor to got down to the work for which
wo had come to India* Y/e v^orkcd out the achodulo of classes and gave assignments

to tho boys for class work to begin on Tuesday, the 5rd.

Ruth toachcs tho children from 8:30 until 10:00 each day# Sho began by

teaching them to sing tho Biblical ohoruscs loved by all people.

although they understood not a word.

It was sur~

prising to note how quickly they could learn to sing those choruses in Engli^,




Then camo toaching the A-B^C*s,^cl several loamod very rapidly, Hcxt camo the simple uords of 1j7o letters, finally they began to read, ITou, at the

end of just a little over tuo and one-half months, tlioy arc almost thiou^ tho English primer used in the ICansas school systems \7hich \7g brought'to India v;ith
us, From lOsOO to'11:00 each day Ruth toachQS English to Dershon, He under

stands Urdu, Hindi,' and nov; he is mastering English at at almost unbelievable


S^cdy and Samuel are preparing for thoir'goveroiiiDnt exams "nhich TJill be completed by the time you recoivc this letter, Thus, lObnt began tutoring tliem in preparation for those examinations, Theso arc tho Intcrmodiato oxoins uhioh Sorro as tfacir jiBJloiC oollego, but --Jould bo more comparable to our bonior h^h
school oovoragc.

The subjocte which Kent taught them included English prose,

English pootry, Introduction to psychology, and modem educational psychology. This \;it3a the responsibility of running the mission loft little time for leaf
Adina teaches Dcrshon liiixdi each clay from 9:0010:00 and then teachos 12io chilclrcn Hindi from 10:00-11:00, The school has grom in a fine \Jay, ami po believe this T7ill have a far-reaching cffcct upon tho church in India ibr

This T7as our daily schedulo xintil the ninth of Jcaiual^y \ t7o bogan otir

study of tho Hindi language. Wo acquired Mr. Hoti Lai, a CJhriartlan'mon horo in
Jliansi as our teacher end he has proved to be most patient and Icind,
(To Bombay on Business)

On the .JtT7olfth of January v.c rcceivod Tjoird our baggage had arrived in

Bombay, end tho Amoricon Express Company roquosted Kent to bo present on tho
I6th to assist in checking the baggage through customs. Ho vjorkod almost ni^t and day for tho next U/o days trying to got tMngs ready for his absence of a Tsoofc, Outlines for tho boys to folloT? In thoir class -nork had to bo prepared, etc. On Saturday, tho 14th, the big airiual *ftipping festival" of the Hindus "Has observed thrDUghout India, This is 1ie timo vAion tliey make a gilgriraago to tho
sacred rivers in India and bathe themselves and thoir clcliiing, belxsving that in so doing thoy uash aTiay all their sins, \To -HGnt. to Orchha about seven milos from Jhansi T;hGro this area gathers. Hero tho "boys proacbod and sold a goodly number of our tracts and gospol portions, Th this manner vc had an opportunity
to roach somo \7o could never reach at any other time,

Sunday, tho 15th, T;as ICont*s Sunday to preach at the Cliurch servicos.
attendance i7as do\7n some an the military had loft on maneuvers.


Ho began his

journey touard Bombay on tho 5:10 p,m, Punjab Mail

are a little bettor thaa our boxcars in America,


Tho trains in India Becausc the engino

In spite of the rouglmoss of

tho rido and tho dirt, 6no could got Q good night's rest, BcOTbay,

broke C.nvn. in tho ni^t, tho train T;aa an hour and a half arriving in

Going imniediatoly to iho American Express offico, Kent \7as infbimcd'

to return at 10:00 a,m, on tho 17th to bogin tho ^i-^tmaro" that T:3as to como.

Lodging nas'provided at the Intc3>Mission Guost House in Bombay operated by

and i&ro, Spcncer Hi^nnick# Brothron missionarios from Elgin, Illinois,


You TTho have soon tho movijig picturos Brother Pat brought Back from ladia
have seen the beautiful scone uhich linos Marino Drive i:i Bbmbay. It TTr.s'vory

refreshing qnd restful to stroll for several blocks along tho uater front.
Thus, again, more of the pictures ue had scon have bocomo alive and real.
Wednesday roostljtg found Kent appearing before tbo Chief Controller of Customs in Bombay to plead portnisGion to check our baggage 13irough on a "baggago" fom instead of the nou "un-accompanied baggage" form. IJio reason for trying

tMs shot in tho dark \7as that under a new ruling becoming effective on January 1, 1950, all un-accoinpanied baggage la .handled as common sea freight v;hich means it Tjould have taken not less than 10 days to'complote tho process of chccldng it through customs, and possibly three "wooks. Wo did not have this imich timo to


After a 40-iiiinito T7ord duel \7ith the CSiief Controller, ho signed the

permit,and Kent's first battlo on forei^ soil uas uon

lb mice "a'long story

short, everything \7as finally checkcd through customs by 4:00 pn. on the 18th,
accomplishijig in two days what it could have uell taken three uoeks to do

K&nt arrived homo in Jhansi at 10 p.m., tho 19th, tired, but both'of us thisnking God for tho providential care that had been v.'ith hin on this trip.
(India Celebrates)

On Thursday, January 26, 1950, Republic


Day was observed in Didia


only ladiaiis can celebrate an occasion of such iit5>ortance banners for this gala affair.

3br days in advance

public buildings and "Kio bazaar wore decorated in bright colored streamers and

There were p.iradcs, sx>ccches and ciitort'^lnKents

of all kinds. The celobration conttnuod "tihrDugh the 27th when the school child ren in Jhcmsi put on a parade that was over two miles in length and took better than 45 minutes to pass a given point.

In the midst of all this oxcitemont, our baggage arrived from Bombay# It Tias battered as only the railroad system of IBidia can batter things. At long

last WG wcrc at homo in India, baggage and all.

(Company Comes)

Thus tho month of January drew

to a close, having produced a multiplicity of now experiences,

Indian girl they hope to briiig to America with then rfehis spring, airivod for a visit with us, from Kulpahar. Looh and Sosio had to return the next day, but

On tho first of Bbbruary," Dolly Chitwood," Loah Moshior cnd the little

Dolly continued her stay with us.

The and,"" Kent was invited to speak to a

union meeting of'thc ChristicQ Endeavor groups of tho city in observance of the anniversary of C. S, The program was held in the Canadian Presbyterian Church

and Mr. Moti'Lal interpreted tho nessago,

never forget.

Ihis was on experience one will

Miss CSiitwood loft on tho Saturday morning train and Miss Edna Hunt and

ing on Monday eyening. After the company left, things were just a'littlo lone some, but getting back into the swing of activities, this soon left.

Ruth Lincoln arrived on the evoniqg train to s:^nd the wook-t^d with us,' depart



(Sick List)

A'siogc of sickness sot in tlio.t mq have not conplotoly 0vcr80i*3c yot


Cliaran,'our oldest and nost faitliful uorkGr, ucis tcikon to tho hospital uith
nala"7la.j Aftor his recovery, our ni-^it v/atchnoa coix dovm i7ith itn About this timo ou"? g'arjdcncr had an accidcnt on his cyclc and yos confincd to hiB hone for
almost a v;eckw Tlien tbo uator carrier roceivcd "nord of the ser:^.oui illness of his notlior in Lalii^pua' and uas off four days. At present tho snail son of our

cook is ^n tho hospital i^ith nalaxia. Wo otg over gratofdl for tho Cliri-sticm Hospital in jhansi and tho kind ass.lstonco tj6 got fron Dr Marcarot Bobson in
tho cure of oui'selvcs and tho native "norkors#

(EolpghaT Holiday)

"OSic folk at Kulpahar had boon insistini^ no cono out for another visit vdth

thcrij so on tlic evening of tho 16th nc'bid good-byo to J^Eonsi CEnd vjont out to
visit our country brethren in Kulpahar# on Rash not us at ti.ic station and again noTO royally ontortoinod by those faithful ambassadors of ihe Clirist# Eriday v.c visited the Bible Colloge classcs and tliat evening \7ont \7ith thon for village prcaching in the snail village of Bolata noorby# This vjaa indeed a glorious experience and mg look fo:mard to our being able to begin this typo of
service in tho fall vjhon vq return fron Languogo School,

As alTJays^ our stay in Kulpahar v;a8 all too shorti but \io vqto Ibrcod to
return horxj Saturday noming knouing the xjork ahoad'^that nuaf^bo conplotod.

rest at Kulj^har coupled \7ith the victory on Sunday, the 12th, truly atrongthenod and challengod us to enter again yith roneuod vigor tho task bcfoio us* On the

12th of February tjo had^ our first convert sincc coning to Ihdia# B^bula Anondl,
Q young railroad vjorkoiq nado his oonfession and v.'as burled xiith his Lord in
lixiorsion the sQno day* Dershon and 5^dy arc to receive nost of the credit for teaching this young'rian tho vny of the Lord noro perfectly. Ho liad fomorly been
Q dononinationalist#

(proporty Tronsactions Conplotod) Tho activitlos of tho month of Sbbruary drou to a close uith tho'transfer

of tfi.0 property to us becoming a reality on tho last day of tho rjDnth#

appeared before tlio Sub-registrax and conplotod the transaction.
oonplotod TJas another burden lifted,
(March Agenda)


R. T Korr of the Methodist Church in Delhi cons and he and Kent fjith TJitnossos

To have this

Tho first of March a Bible class -nas begun for Dershon,

Wo began studying

the gospel of John and It is bci:ig enjoyed greatly, I'/hat tlio Hindus coll Holi v?as observed by then fron tho 3rd to tho 4th, About all it noant to us was to stay off the streets as they shot colored Mater fron guns that certainly aminod
any clothing it got upon^

On tho 8th of Iiarch-ne had a nou boy, John Gurusuamio, join our ranks, John had boon In tho Christian Hospital for a fou Tieoks and through sono of thD aoninory boys fron Kulpahar vjho TOrc in the hospital we mdo Ms acquaintance^ John is frfe lladras. He is an orphan boy, but is diligent in his study of the

Scripturcs,' and uo have reason to beliovo he uill prove to be a real nan of Qod
Tilth pationo and toacMng,


Sunclay iiornm;":^,tlio 12tli of Haipch, whon Han Charon brou^^ht hot wator for Sbn^b to sh?.vc, ho uC.s so oxcitcd ho could hardly talk* Upon invcstigcition "nc found
tho Bun^c-loT? had boon broken into in the ni.'^ht# The only thing nissing v;as four oronGos# It has puzzlod us greatly as thorc viorc nany things of vqIuo the thief
could have taken if ho so desired, There is never a dull nonent in India. as she VJas On the 22ad of tho nonth Leota Rash cone in to spend tho

in to visit the Doctor nnd to purdip^e supplies* Tho next day Ton arrived and they departed in the ovenin^^ It is alnays'a aelcono sit^ht to see tho people
fron Kulpahcr dropping in for a brief visit# (I;Iore Ctonvorts)

A youiis Indian couple by none of Wcgchauro have cone to us for instruction. They have had a Pentecostal "backcrround, but have lapsed back into Hinduisn. T7o
invited tlien to corc to tlxj Bun^alou each evein^ at 7;30*to be taui^ht t!ho ^7ay of the Lord. This they learned bo^inninj^ tho 12th of March. On the 24th of March at our ^iday eVGning 5bllo\7ship service they confessed Christ ?.nd vjcre inacrscd on tho Loxd*s Day ofMarch 26th. 17o rejoice at this victory for thGy*T7oro nore

Hindu than Christian, but feel sure they kno\j the teachings of Christ,
(Gonvention .Tino)

On tlio 29th, Wc with our cook ond his litrtlo boy and girl left on tho nomins train for Kiilpahar to attend the Convention \7hich was held i^on the 30th to tho 2nd of April The rcnalnder of tjio Gi'oup cans the next day. Ub had 29 fron . .Tbensi, and there were about 150 in all at tho Convention# The theme of the ConVLr-.tion T?as "The V/ay of Salvation," Ralph Harter from Hamirpur Tsas the'only

nissionary speaker, the remainder being the

Indian ^)^ethren themselves.


Tsas a great help to our folk and to all vjho attended, Tiiere were ei^t T7ho con fessed Christ and were immersed n Sunday afternoon in a lake near the mission,

One of these was one of our boys from Jhaiisi, George Samuels, a brother-in-law of
our cook. One of the young men was a Hindu and it meant he was leaving every thing behind. He is now an outcaste from his people.

At the Convention Suth drew one of her chalk pictures which was greatly
enjoj^od by the children. One evening they asked Ruth and our coek*s little girl

to sing a motion chums for them, Thoy sang "Tho Wise Man Built His House Upon Tho Rock,** and whon tb^y had finished, the people forgot they Y;ore in church and

Boonuflo of earams, wo' permitted Sjamucl and iSody to bring tbcs car out to

Kulpahar on ipriday, TIius, they did not miss so much of the convention as if thoy had come by train. On Tuesday, the 4th of April, Dershon and we drove back to
Jhonsi, It was on interesting' trip and the scenery was beautiful indeed. TOad is dirt for tho most part, but was well kept up,


3ja.'addition to the spiritual feasts of the Convention there'were moments of anxiety. On the 29th evening a little boy was bitten by a snake. We worked with

him until tho wee hours of tho morning and then Miss Ruth Lincoln brough'^him to

"hho boTspital in ^Jhansi* Tho little follow is running about playing again.


On Ryndayg the Snd." John G^misnamtc had d rQcurrcneo of malariaj and yo thoust.r fou* a \;hi:..G v.o v;oru go:i?:s '-> After a "battle of .-bou- o3^t
houTT n't! -CGVo-.f.' htfc'ko'on^. vjo -vc;,tx ao'o "bring him to Jhansi ar/l I'-x. h-lm

a;-7'ia 0.-:; tho iiQ:.pilai.t, At tMr; vai-(::'r;g Ito la imioh improvedj. bu-n voiy T,;o:iIc

a-n'T', ar:civing "bank hcix; in. jTianri "oo ^iiimcdiatoly bcgcoi >' plar. for tho East?:!- acvs-vv^OiV r:ic'ay oa- G--ca :~rrda7 T.i.hli in
i:i Sfutla--Tn'iia>^ a nith -

on Y '?

bu-'""\7o fool iv ua-.. '^-sj i

r-Juu lay and 21 in feru- ^i-.rr/tvo.,

v/jailOj ISaoi'.'o

oo 3n t-'amlay

(Au'.l K-.5-f'I>: i Hills)

7^0 Lo:rd has T^iphly blessed -jja Aoro ti India for hi oh no are gmtefo].. On the L9ia of ':h:'.s non-fiii T7e, \7ith tb? >>;Gup3,ay of Rath Lincr.'ln. -v/jll foT Xur Kac-'T- 'iX'.e'-T; vo T7-.Cll bo met by Hr- ar.d ^iL'E Ralph Hir'ioj.v ^tion aM p;ecocd
to vvni'^xiorio^: "nhore \io nill enter language scfiool<, -Is-n of Xaiiguago


a.ul .'rv ToXky the fellorrs and Adina, out to Kulpahar TJhero ^:acy uill ontor 'i*! brila OoHoge' for tbs'semestor bogging in July. Our adtoss for'tho

tac ^-irh c:i j'oao'^to tho 3rd of July,

t'o:^ i;bo 28th of April to* the 25th of Jtagusta

^ring this time Kont x.iX-.

A mlu-vtirn bvx^ak la from

to Jhansi

s>r..:.iio:? vj'jJ. "bo; mand'Hrs, IC. L, Bates,' c/o Holly Mount Hotel, Landour,
\Jc P.j India*

'.i/brs gives you a brief picture of actiritios here in Iiidia# liy tho liOrd ricMj' b:i.oss you ono cjad all for your prayers and finoncps you have so graciously g.-.V'"CiD. "i-iitit those long benighted people mi^t have ttK) opjiortunity to TJalk in tho
lif^ht of His etemal day

Your anbasaadora in India^ "

Kent and Ruth Bates

Dosigaated offerings to tho uork of the Bates are ^elcomc and should bo sent to:
THE CHRTSTLai MISSiaiAHy EELLaTailP ^35 Virginia Street

Kansas City 3, TAissouri-

Mrs. ^tes is still available for living link support# Other link relationships to tho Bates arc still unpledged, liitorostod parties may Trrito thm or our Home
Office fbr details#


Hissicm Bujagalavr
65 Cantonments

Jlsonsiy U* P| Xidia
November 27$ 1950

CbToetings in Christ Jesus:

The month of IToveniber has bden one packed full of activity and spiritual

uplift fbr all of our Christians Qa the sixth of November to mm. bid our wives good-bye and headed for Bi ja Wagor Talab$ located about four miles fron Mahoba
to attend cau^)# This is similar to our Christian Service Geo:^ at honei perhaps more closely oMn to Adult Y/eokf* or "Camp Leaderst Week** *Hftj^-three neoi and boys from about six different places gathered at Bi ja Nagar# SSonk Rsmpel of Kulpohor Tjas the director this year, ojsd he and his assistants had done a fine
job of preparing for the week.

Bija Nagar Talab (talab moons lake) is a very beautiltal spot. It has many
natural features for an ideal cantp si^e tlj^t I have not seen in any other place*

Wo had throe clEiss periods during tho morning with a group discussion ^riod and
rocroation in tho aftomoon. le "^ing "nijs takm up with a fun fbst," evongolistic service ond closing canp firoo I had tho privilege of toachlng courses The first was ^^Propagating the Christian aith in lndia" a!be other was Survey of Old Testament Evangelisitta" We had a wonderftil tBB9 to^

gether# Every Christian'^mission of the Ttoited Provinces was represented Mr

Willi^ Itoland of Ragaul,! Mr. Balph Blarter of Bamirpur, IfflPo Eraak Ben^l and'

Utri T ( Rash of Kulpahar and ^ours Truly" were the missionaries attendlngi Mr Roland'was chosen to be next year's director and Barter is to be the pub
licity man*

Vie left the camp site on the 13th and the women's group oame in* rs T* G Rash was their leader# There were about 40 different wcmen from Ragaul, EiJlpahaq[r and Jhansi attending. Ruth taught a course In evangelistic song leadlngn Erdm

all reports the wcnifiai hi;id a wonderful week and feel that this, their first camp for womsn in the U P was a success^ Camp is here to stay in the life of the
Indian church*

(IJnlaria) It is our intention to try to keep contact with you folk each month giving you the happenings while they are still fcesh In our mind# This way we hope to

make otar news more interesting^ and to make it news, not history. On top of our busy schedule, I had to take a week off, while *I^th was in camp, and have ray 0rd
attack cof malaria since returning from Landour.
itself soon.

After three days of rest and tak

ing paladrine, Im feeling as good as ever and trust that this shall not repeat
(Bible College) The new samoster for our Bible school boys started a week late due to the attack of malaria# We enrolled on the 20th and clossos begem the 21st# We have four men studying full time ond one in part time work The cbursos being taught

are Bible geography, church man:':^cmDnt, personal ovangelism Now Tostamont epistles, comparative religions, heiansneutlos, and tho life of Christ#' Hve hours of teaching plus four hours of'Hindi language study is a :^1 time Job. Riith spends, comting private study, five houM a day on Hindi, one hour teaching the

childr^ ond two hours each evening In the dispeaioarythus sho has little time to


Property oi



(Hindu amoral)

jopUn, Mo

On the 14th of this mmthi I had tho opportunity of vjitncssing my first

Hindu funeral. Coming in on tho train from Itahoba in tho vjgo houra of tho morning of tho 14th, I \7as aroused from my sleep by someone calling, "Bates sahib." It vjas a young tailor from Kulpahar, vho is a Hindu, but shoeing conoidorablo interest in Christianity. He was coming to Jhansi to visit his sister Mho \7as in tho hospital. Hearing I "was on the train, he come to ride in \Jith me He asked on the nay if I yould come and visit his sister. I made arrangements to meet him at 4:00 p.m at the hospital. About 3:15 someone knocked on tho door. As I opened tho door he burst out crying, *MDLre bhin mir guye.-^ljy sister is dead." I oallcd for one of tho boys as i7ith my poor Hindi I could not offer much comfort, and ho understood no English.

Our young Hindu friend then requested that Darshcn and I accompany him for the burning of his sistor*s body that vjas to tolce place at six p.m. Bodies are not embalmed hero in India as a general rule, thus the law requires that they be token care of either by burial or cremation V7ithin S4 hours folloxjing death.
Arriving at the "burning ghat" other Hindu men moto already preparing tho nood for tho burning. A bed-like arrangement is made of chunks of wood, then tho body is laid on the uood, ra^ro \/ood placed over and around the body xintil it is completely covered. Then tho vjood is lifted. Iblloying the lighting, the bodj'' cannot bo seen until following the burning whon occasionally a few piocos of bone can be found in the ashes. The young man requested that wo

place a stick of wood on the fire, as it is considered on honor to allow each

person present to place wood on the fire. Others of tho Hindus objected, but he replied, "They are my friends," We wore then dismissed and asked to retum homo. We were somc\jhat disappointed as we would like to have witnessed the ceremony they perfoim. Wc wore thankM that friendship had allowed us to

witness as much as we had, and perhaps gain further cnterance into tho heart and life of this young man. It is a pitablo thing to witness men without hope,
in the face of death.

(Congregation Organized In Jhansl)

Keeping the beet until last, wo hardly kno\; how to begin, as wo are over flowing with joy. Prayer has been answered, is tho simplest way to put it. The Church of Christ or Christian Church is a reality in Ihansi, Uaited Provinces, India. Elders and deacons \:ere ordained on Sunday, ITovember 26, 1950, and one deaconess was installed. The Christians worshipping together in Jhansi by taking part in such service have therefore established themselves as a Church of Christ worshipping in Jhansi.

About three years ago, Brother O.D. ^at" Johnson with Samuel Nath, camo into Jhansi to see if they considered it a suitable place to begin q work. The Lord sooiTiod to lead the way, and work was begun. A little later ITrody Joseph joined the work. Samuel had married a Christian school teachcr. Then Darshan, Pat's cook, discontinued cooking and began training for a life of scrvice to Christ, following our arrival in Jhansi, John Guruswamie cfioc into the work. When wo arrived hero on tho 17th of December, we found four Ho^; Testament Christians. Not until in February did i?c have our first convert, 5^m then until now, seventeen others have been obedient to the Lord in baptism. Thus on November 26, 1950, The Church ^;as established "i;ith t\;onty-one Indian brethren worshipping together iTogularly. We feel this is a real victory and can be at tributed to the graciousness of our God.




Wc aro very grateful for the help given to us by the Kulpahar Church to make this day one to bo long romombcrodp Soventocn mombcrs of the Church camo to T7orship yith us caid Brother Tom Rash brought the mossago of tho daye Brother Frank Rcmpol assisted uith the laying on of hands yith Bitothcr Bish giving the prayer of consecration. I had given tho challongc to tho ciders and
deacons. The elders ordained '.;oro Soimicl Hath and W. Joseph. Tho doacons
T?cro John Gurusr-amic and Babulal Anandu. Ilrs. Adina S. Nath i7as installed as


Wo bcliove these people to bo scripturally qualified for their

tasks, and nxo confident thoy T?iil bring glory to tho Christ they lovo and
Let uG in closing request you to continue to romorabor us in Prr.ycr as vo
continue to minister unto these our brethren in Christ.
to the future.

liay this season of

Thaniisgiving bo a time v;hon t;c count our blpscings, r-jid rcconsocrato ourselves
It ic our sincero "wish that oach of you shall havo a merry

Christmas and a happy Tic:: Year.

Ifciy the lTc^: Year brin^ oven more of tho

The Lord bless you all.

blessings of God to you, thrji the past one.

Our Jhansi brethren send their /^rcotin^s.

Your servants for Him in India,

The Batos



j:- v

Bates Prayor-IIoTJs Letter


Sec. 846g, P. L. & R.

U. S. Po^taee

3735 Virginia Street

Kansas City 3, Missouri

Penrit No. 2816

Kansas City, Mo.

Ozark B ible College
516 N. Wall St.

Joplin, I5isso\iri

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