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English Grammar

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

VERB TO BE EXPRESSIONS AND USES (verbo to be ser o estar, expresiones y usos)








AM / IS / ARE: FORMS OF THE PRESENT TENSE OF THE VERB TO BE. (formas del tiempo presente del verbo to be) Im short but Im not fat. Maria isnt at work at this minute. Shes at home. Youre Chilean. You arent Spanish. Felipe and I are cousins. We arent siblings. My shoes are very dirty. I must clean them.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

Is it important? Those glasses are nice. Are they new? Is your sister at home? Are computers expensive in China? How old is Osvaldo? Hes 14. What colour is your house.? Where are you from? How much are these oranges? USEFUL EXPRESSIONS (expresiones utiles) TO BE able
afraid of

amazed amused angry

ashamed bad at blue bored cold

early good at hot hungry

in a hurry

in charge of in love interested in late on time

puzzled responsible for right scared thirsty

tired upset worried wrong years old

SOME EXPRESSIONS WITH AM / IS / ARE MEAN HAVE IN SPANISH. (alguans expresiones con to be con las que en Castellano se usa tener) Im hungry / thirsty Tengo hambre / sed. Im in a hurry. Tengo prisa /estoy apurado Im hot / cold Tengo calor / fro. Im afraid. Tengo miedo. Im but thirsty Im not hot. Reinaldo is afraid of spiders. The children are hungry. Were not late. Youre wrong. YOU USE AM /ARE /IS TO TALK ABOUT SOMEBODYS AGE (se usa am/are/is para hablar de la edad) Im 12 / Im 12 years old. Tengo 12 aos My grandfather is 82. Mi abuelo tiene 82 aos. LOOK AT THESE OTHER EXPRESSIONS (mira estas expresiones) Its hot. / Its cold. / Its sunny. Est caluroso. / Est helado. / Est soleado. Its 1 oclock. / Its 8.15 (etc.) Es la una en punto. / Son las 8.15 (etc.) Mario isnt interested in football. A Mario no le interesa el ftbol. THATS : THAT IS THERES : THERE IS HERES : HERE IS

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

Thank you. Thats very kind of you. Gracias. Es muy amable de tu parte. Look! Theres Francisca. Mira! Ah est Francisca. QUESTIONS: THE SUBJECT GOES AFTER AM / IS / ARE IN QUESTIONS.(PREGUNTAS: el sujeto va despues de am/is/are)







Wheres Alvaro? Dnde est Alvaro? Whats the time? Qu hora es? Hows your Mother?

Cmo est tu mam?

Whos that man? Quin es ese hombre? SHORT ANSWERS (respuestas cortas) NO, IM NOT NO, HES SHES ITS NO, HE SHE IT












Are you tired? Are you thirsty? Is he American? Is Claudia at work today? Is this seat free? Are these your sandals?

Yes, I am. No, Im not but Im hungry. Yes, he is. No, she isnt. Yes, it is. Yes, they are.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

Am I late? No, you arent.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

EXERCISES (ejercicios) A. THE SENTENCES USING AM / IS / ARE. The weather_________________ very cold today. I ______________ not bored. This box _____________ very heavy. These boxes ______________ very heavy. Look! There ________________ Marcelo. I ____________ cold. Can you close the window, please? This house ______________ one thousand years old. My brother and I _________________ good football players. Patricia ______________ at work but her children _____________ at home. I _____________ a teacher. My mother ______________ a lawyer. MAKE SENTENCES USING AM / IS / ARE.(has oraciones usando am/is/are) (my glasses / very dirty) _______________________________________________ (my chair / very comfortable) ___________________________________________ (your pencils / in your backpack) _________________________________________ (I /not / very happy today) ____________________________________________ (that restaurant / very cheap) ______________________________________ (the shops/ not / open today) __________________________________________ (Mr Alvarezs son / six years old) ____________________________________ (the houses in Valparaiso / very old) ____________________________________ (the exam / difficult) ________________________________________ (those children / very beautiful) ________________________________________ MAKE AFFIRMATIVE OR NEGATIVE SENTENCES SO THEY ARE TRUE.(has oraciones afirmativas y negativas de forma que sean verdad) (Rome / the capital of France) ___________________________________________ (I / interested in Karate)______________________________________________ (I / thirsty)________________________________________________________ (It / cold today)_____________________________________________________ (Rome / in Italy)_____________________________________________________ (I / afraid of spiders)____________________________________________________ (My hands / hot)_____________________________________________________ (Canada / a very small country)_____________________________________________ (the Amazon / in Asia)_______________________________________________ (diamonds / expensive)___________________________________________________ (Football / a dangerous sport)________________________________________

D. 1.-

MAKE QUESTIONS.(has preguntas) (Your brother at home?)______________________________________________________

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7 (Your parents at work?)_____________________________________________________ (This hotel cheap?)________________________________________________ (You interested in painting?)__________________________________________________ (The shops open today?)_______________________________________________ (The supermarket open today?)________________________________________________ MAKE QUESTIONS USING INTERROGATIVE WORDS ( WHAT / WHO / HOW / WHERE / WHY) + AM / IS / ARE. (has preguntas usando las palabras de pregunta what/who/how/where/why + am/is are) (What colour / your house?)______________________________________________ (Where / my hat?)____________________________________________________ (Where / my shoes?)_________________________________________________ (How old / your brother?)_______________________________________________ (What colour / his hair?)_______________________________________________ (Why / Reinaldo angry with me?)___________________________________________ (How much / these flowers?)_____________________________________________ (Who / your favourite actor?)____________________________________________ (Why / you always late?)_______________________________________________ MAKE PROPER QUESTIONS.(has las preguntas apropiadas) (your name) ______________________________________________________? (married or single) _________________________________________________? (Chilean) _________________________________________________________? (where / from) ____________________________________________________? (how old )________________________________________________________? (a student) _______________________________________________________? (your mother teacher) ________________________________________________? (where from) _____________________________________________________? (her name) _______________________________________________________? (how old) ________________________________________________________?

G) ANSWER QUESTIONS WITH SHORT ANSWER (Yes, I am / No, he isnt).(responde) 1. 2. 3. 4. Are you single? ___________________________________________________ Are you short? ______________________________________________________ Is it hot today? ___________________________________________________ Are you a student? __________________________________________________ Are you tired? _____________________________________________________ Is it dark now? ____________________________________________________ Are your feet hot? ________________________________________________ TRANSALATE INTO ENGLISH.(traduce al Ingles) Mi hermano est en Via del Mar._____________________________________________ Mi madre es argentina. ______________________________________________________ Esta sopa est muy caliente___________________________________________________ Carolina tiene 69 aos. _____________________________________________________

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Hace frio. ________________________________________________________________ Son las 2. _________________________________________________________________ Es temprano. ______________________________________________________________ Estas equibocado. __________________________________________________________ No est nublado hoy. ______________________________________________________ Estamos apurados. ________________________________________________________ No tengo calor. ____________________________________________________________ Ricardo es alto y gordo. _____________________________________________________ Mis padres no son chilenos. _________________________________________________ Este vaso no est sucio. Est muy limpio.________________________________________ Mira! Ah est tu abuela. ____________________________________________________ No me interesa el ajedrez. ____________________________________________________ Mi padre est en el patio.___________________________________________________ Jos est cansado y tiene frio.________________________________________________ No tengo miedo de los perros._________________________________________________ Es difcil este ejercicio?_____________________________________________________ Est tu hermano en Boston?. No. Est en New York______________________________ Dnde estn tus padres?___________________________________________________ Qu hora es?_____________________________________________________________ Dnde estn Priscilla y Brian?. Estn en Quilpue.________________________________ Cuntos aos tienes?______________________________________________________ De qu color son tus calcetines?_____________________________________________ De dnde es Susana?_______________________________________________________ Tienes fro?_______________________________________________________________ Tienes sed? No, pero tengo hambre.__________________________________________

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

9 UNIT 2 PRESENT CONTINUOUS(present progressive or ing present)

We form the Present Continuous tense with the verb to be in the present and the main verb with an ing ending. (formamos el presente continuo con el verbo to be en presente y el verbo principal terminado en ing) AM BE + Verb (ing) IS + Verb (ing) ARE

NEGATIVE I He She it We You They am - ing - ing - ing Im reading. Tom is cooking She isnt eating. The bell is ringing. Were having lunch. Youre not looking at me The children are doing their beds.



- ing - ing - ing

POSITIVE I He She It am - ing


- ing

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

We You are They A. Questions

- ing

Short answer I Yes, No, Yes, working? No, Yes, No, I he she it you we they am m not. is. isnt. are. arent


He she It you We they



am/is/ are Is Is Where Where are are

Subject he Mr Smith + they those people working today? working today? (Is working Mr Smith today) going? going? (Where are going those people).-

Language note (nota acerca del uso del idioma) The Present Continuous tense is used to talk about (el presente continuo para hablar sobre: ) 1.- Present Projects (proyectos actuales) 2.- Actions happening now, at this moment (acciones que estn pasando en este momento) 3.- Temporary situations or actions (Acciones o situaciones temporales ) 4.- Something which is happening at the moment or a situation which changes (algo qu esta pasando en este momento o una situacion que esta cambiando) 5.- Something you have arranged to do in the future, we usually say : (algo que esta tu haz arreglado que pase en el futuro) : Im learning English. : Im reading this book. : Im working from home this year. : Shes really enjoying New York.

He is going to Japan in January.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

It is different from the Present Simple tense, which we use to talk about (es diferente al Presente Simple, el cual usamos para hablar de): 1.2.regular - habitual actions : I have lunch between one oclock and two oclock. permanent - fixed situations : I work for Mark & Spencer.

Some verbs are almost never in the continuous form. These are mostly verbs expressing feelings, mental activity and perception. (Algunos verbos nunca aparecen en la forma continua. En su mayoria son verbos que expresan sentimientos, actividad mental y percepcin.) For example like/ love/ hate/ know/ understand/ want/see/ hear/ seem.

Spelling A dictionary tells you when the final consonant doubles (travel, travelling), and when we leave out the final vowel (example: make, making). come smoke write lie coming smoking writing lying run sit swim die running sitting swimming dying

READ THESE EXAMPLES: Please be quiet. Im working. The children are playing in the garden. Dont go out now. Its raining. You can turn the TV off. Im not watching it. The sun is shining today. Im feeling better now. Shes wearing a new shirt. Is it raining? Yes, take an umbrella. Why are you wearing a coat? Its not cold today. Whats Roy doing? Hes cooking the dinner. Theyre playing in the garden. Whats she doing?. Yes, Im fine.

What are the children doing? - Look, theres Jan. - Are you feeling OK?

La creacin se defiende compartiendola


No Yes, I am

Im Hes Shes Its Were Youre Theyre

not He She It We You They






He She It







We You They


- Are you listening to the radio? - Is Tom working today? - Is it raining? - Are your friends staying at a hotel?

Yes, I am. Yes, he is. No, it isnt No, they arent.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

EXERCISES 1.- Complete the sentences using am / is / are + one of the following verbs. building coming having playing cooking standing swimming

1) Listen! Pat _______________ the piano. 2) They _________________ a new hotel in the city centre at the moment. 3) Look! Somebody __________________ in the river. 4) You ___________________ on my foot: Oh, Im sorry. 5) Hurry up! The bus ____________________ . 6) Where are you, George? In the kitchen. I _________________________ a meal. 7) (on the phone) Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please? She ______________________ a shower at the moment. Can you phone later?. 2.- What is happening now? Write true sentences. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) (I / wash / my hair) ________________________________________________ (It / snow) _______________________________________________________ (I / sit / on a chair) ________________________________________________ (I/ eat) _________________________________________________________ (It/ rain) ________________________________________________________ (I/ learn / English) _________________________________________________ (I / listen / to the radio) _____________________________________________ (The sun / shine) ___________________________________________________ (I / wear / shoes) __________________________________________________ (I / smoke / a cigarette) _____________________________________________ (I / read / a newspaper) _____________________________________________

3.- Make questions. crying 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) eating going laughing looking at reading

What __________________________________________________________? Where _________________________________________________________? Why ___________________________________________________________? What __________________________________________________________? What __________________________________________________________? Why ___________________________________________________________?

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4.- Make questions using What doing. 1) 2) 3) 4) (he) ____________________________________________________________? (they) __________________________________________________________? (I) _____________________________________________________________? (Your wife) ______________________________________________________?

5.-Now use Where going with these subjects: 5) 6) 7) 8) (we) ___________________________________________________________? (Those children) ___________________________________________________? (The girl with long hair) _____________________________________________? (The man on the bicycle) _____________________________________________?

6.- Make questions according to the answers. 1. (You /watch / TV?) ________________________________________________? No, you can turn it off. 2. (The children / play?)______________________________________________? No, theyre asleep. 3. (What / you / do?) ________________________________________________? Im cooking my dinner.

4. (What / Rod / do?) _______________________________________________? Hes having a bath. 5. (It / rain?)______________________________________________________? No, not at the moment. 6. (That clock / work?) ______________________________________________? No, its broken. 7. (You /write / a letter?) ____________________________________________? Yes, to my sister. 8. (Why / you / run?) ________________________________________________? Because Im late. 7.- Write affirmative or negative short answers. 1) Are you watching TV? _______________________________________________

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2) Are you wearing shoes? ______________________________________________ 3) Are you wearing a hat? _______________________________________________ 4) Is it raining? ______________________________________________________ 5) Are you eating something? ____________________________________________ 6) Are you feeling well? ________________________________________________ 7) Is the sun shining? __________________________________________________ 8) Is your mother watching you? __________________________________________

La creacin se defiende compartiendola


PAST CONTINUOUS (Past Progressive)

Study this example situation: Yesterday Tom and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 oclock and finished at 11 oclock. What were they doing at 10.30? They were playing tennis (at 10.30). They were playing means that they were in the middle of playing tennis. They had started playing but they hadnt finished.

This is the past continuous tense: I/he/she We/they/you was were playing

We use the past continuous to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but hadnt finished: b) This time last year I was living in Brazil. What were you doing at 10 oclock last night?

The past continuous does not tell us whether an action was finished or not. Perhaps it was finished, perhaps not. Compare: Tom was cooking the dinner. (past continuous)= He was in the middle of cooking the dinner and we dont know whether he finished cooking it. Tom cooked the dinner. (past simple)= He began and finished it.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

c) We often use the past continuous (I was doing) and the past simple (I something happened in the middle of something else: I started doing I was doing I finished doing now did) together to say that

_______________________________________________________________ past past

This time last year I was living in Brazil. What were you doing at 10 oclock last night? I waved to her but she wasnt looking.

Compare the past continuous (I was doing) and past simple (I did): Past continuous (in the middle of an action)

I was walking home when I met Dave. (= in the middle of walking home) Maria was watching television when the phone rang.

Past simple (complete action)

I walked home after the party last night. (= all the way, completely) Maria watched television a lot when she was ill last year. Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner. I saw Jim in the park. He was sitting on the grass and reading a book. It was raining when I got up. While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.

But to say that one thing happened after another, use the past simple: - Yesterday evening Tom was having a bath when the phone rang. He got out of the answered the phone. Compare: - When Tom arrived, we were having dinner. (past continuous) = We had already started dinner before Tom arrived. - When Tom arrived, we had dinner. (past simple) = Tom arrived and then we had dinner. There are some verbs (for example, know / want / believe) that are not normally used in the continuous.

bath and

We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not we were knowing) I was enjoying the party but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting)

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

EXERCISES 1.What were you doing at the following times? Write one sentence as in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (see the second example). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (at 8 oclock yesterday evening) I was having dinner with some friends (at 5 oclock last Saturday) I was on a train on my way to London (at 10.15 yesterday morning) _________________________________________ (at 4.30 this morning) _____________________________________________ (at 7.45 yesterday morning) _________________________________________ (half an hour ago) ________________________________________________

2.- Here is a list of some things that Maria did yesterday (and the times at which she did them): 1) 8.45 - 9.15 had breakfast 2) 9.15 - 10.00 read newspaper 3) 10.00 - 12.00 cleaned flat 4) 12.45 - 1.30 had lunch 5) 2.30 - 3.30 washed some clothes 6) 4.00 - 6.00 watched television

Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these times: 1. At 9 oclock she was having breakfast 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. At 9.30 she _____________________________________________________ At 11 oclock ____________________________________________________ At 1 oclock _____________________________________________________ At 3 oclock _____________________________________________________ At 5 oclock ____________________________________________________

3.A group of people were staying in a hotel. One evening the fire alarm rang. Use the words in brackets to make sentences saying what each person was doing at the time. Example: (Don / have / a bath) Don was having a bath 1 2. 3. (Maria /write / a letter in her room) Maria ________________________________ (Marcelo / get / ready to go out) Marcelo _______________________________ (Carol and Dennis / have / dinner) Carol and Dennis ________________________

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4. (Tom / make / a phone call) Tom _____________________________________

4.- Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verbs into the correct form, past simple (I did) or past continuous (I was doing). 1. (the phone / ring / when I / have / a shower) The phone ________________________________________________________ 2. (it / begin / to rain when I / walk / home) ________________________________________________________________ 3. (we / see / an accident when we / wait / for the bus) ________________________________________________________________

5.- Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use the past continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner The doorbell rang while I ___________________________________________ We saw an accident while we _________________________________________ Rossana fell asleep while she __________________________________________ The television was on but nobody _____________________________________

6.- Put the verbs into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. I saw (see) Sue in town yesterday but she________________ (not/see) me. She _____________ (look) the other way. I ______ (meet) Tom and Maria at the airport a few weeks ago. They _______ (go) to Berlin and I _________ to Madrid. We ________ (have) a chat while we ____________ (wait) for our flights. I ________ (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man ____ (run) out into the road in front me. I ___________(go) quite fast but luckily I ________ (manage) to stop in time and_________ (not/hit) him.

7.- Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. Example: While Tom was cooking (cook) the dinner, the phone rang. (ring). 1. -Marcelo _____________ (fall) off the ladder while he ___________ (paint) the ceiling. 2.- Last night I ________ (read) in bed when suddenly I ________(hear) a scream.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

3.- ________________ (you/I watch) television when I _________(phone) you? 4.- Maria _____________ (wait) for me when I __________________(arrive). 5.- I __________ (not/drive) very fast when the accident ________ (happen). 6.- I ______________ (break) a plate last night. I ____________ (do) the washing-up when it _______________ (slip) out of my hand. 7.- Tom _____________ (take) a photograph of me while I _______ (not/look). 8.- We ______________ (not/go) out because it _______________ rain. 9.- What ______________ (you/do) at this time yesterday? 10.- I _____________ (see) Carol at the party. She __________(wear) a really beautiful dress. 11.- Priscilla ______________ (wait) for me when I _____________ (arrive). 12.- What _______________ (you/do) this time yesterday? I was asleep. 13.- ________________ (you/go) out last night? No, I was too tired. 14.- Was Carol at the party last night? Yes, she _______________ (wear) a really nice dress. 15.- How fast ____________ (you/drive) when the accident ____________(happen)? 16.- We were in a very difficult position. We __________ (not/know) what to do. 17.- I havent seen Alan for ages. When I last ______________ (see) him, he ___________ (try) to find a job in London. 18.- I ____________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I __________(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody __________ (follow) me. I was frightened and I ______________ (start) to run. 19.- When I was young I ____________ (want) to be a bus driver.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola



Look at this example:

The two sentences Express the same idea but the first sentences uses verb to be and the second sentence uses simple present and other verbs.
1.-Alexis is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep. 2.-Alesis drives a bus, but now he sleeps AFFIRMATIVE I We You They work play do like works plays does likes

He She It


Nosotros usamos el presente simple para hablae de cosas en general. No estamos pensando en solo sobre las cosas ahora. Nosotros lo usamos para hablar de cosas que pasan todo el tiempo, o repetidamente. No importa si la accion no pasa en el momento en que se habla.: Nurses look after patients in hospitals. (las enfermeras cuidan a los pacientes en los hospitals) I usually go away at weekends.(Por lo general salgo todos los fines de semana) The earth circles the sun. (La tierra gira alrededor del sol)

Usamos el presente simple para decir con que frecuencia pasan las cosas: I get up at 8 oclock every morning. (not Im getting). How often do you go to the dentist? (not How often are you going?) Maria doesnt drink tea very often. In summer Reinaldo usually plays tennis once or twice a week. The shops open at 9 oclock and close at 5:30. He works very hard. He starts at 7:30 and finishes at 8 in the evening. The Earth goes round the sun. We do a lot of different things in our free time.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

Shes very clever. She speaks four languages. It costs a lot of money to stay at luxury hotels. I read the newspaper every day.

Remember that we say: he/she/it s. Dont forget the s: - I work but He works They teachbut My sister teaches Sometimes we do things by saying something. For example, when you promise to do something. You can say I promise..; when you suggest something, you can say I suggest. We use the present simple (promise/suggest etc.) in sentences like this: I promise I wont be late. (not Im promising) What do you suggest I do? I suggest that you

In the same way we say: I apologise / I advise / I insist / I agree / I refuse etc. SPELLING Pass Do does Go goes passes finish carry watch finishes carries NEGATIVE watches study studies

I/we/you/they he/she/it

dont doesnt

work come do

I drink coffee but I dont drink tea. Sue drinks tea but she doesnt drink coffee. You dont speak English very well. Rice doesnt grow in cold countries. We dont know many people in the town. They like coffee but they dont like tea. Bruce doesnt live in Cambridge. My parents dont go out very much. I dont do any homework on Saturdays. Hes very lazy. He doesnt do anything.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

QUESTIONS The word order in questions is. I We You They He She it


does A.-

Work? Play? Do? Like?


do/does Do do Do do do Does does does

subject +

infinitive work live? like wash do play cost mean? on Saturdays? music? your hair? at weekends? tennis? to fly to Rome?

How often What How much What -

you your parents they you you Chris it this word

usually often

Would you like a cigarette? No, thanks. I dont smoke. What does this word mean? (not What means this word?) Rice doesnt grow in cold climates.

In the following examples do is also the main verb: What do you do? (=Whats your job?) I work in a shop. Hes so lazy. He doesnt do anything to help me. (not He doesnt anything)


La creacin se defiende compartiendola


I / we / you /they do he / she / it does.


I / we / you / they dont he/she/it doesnt

Do you smoke? No, I dont. Do they speak English? Yes, they do Does he work hard? Yes, he does. Does your sister live in London? No, she doesnt.

FREQUENCY WORDS always/never/often/sometimes/usually: He always gets up at 7 oclock. I usually go to work by car but I sometimes walk. Jack never has breakfast. It often rains here in spring. EXERCISES

1. Complete the sentences using one of the following: cause(s) close(s) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) drink(s) live(s) open(s) take(s) place.

Maria speaks German very well. I never _______________ coffee. The swimming pool ________________ 9 oclock and __________________at 18:30 every day. Bad driving ______________ many accidents. My parents _______________ in a very small flat. The Olympic Games _____________ every four years.

2. Put the verb into the correct form. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Priscilla doesnt drink (not/I drink) tea very often. What time ______________________ (the banks/close) in Britain? Where ________________ (Martin/come) from? Hes Scottish. What _________________ (you/do) ? Im an electrical engineer. It _________ (take) me an hour to get to work. How long __________ (it /take) you? I ________________ (play) the piano but I _______________ (not play) very well. I dont understand this sentence. What ______________ (this word/mean)?

3. Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need the negative.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola

believe eat 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) flow make rise tell translate

The earth goes round the sun. Rice doesnt grow in Britain. The sun _________________ in the east. Bees _________________ honey. Vegetarians ________________ meat. An atheist ____________________ in God. An interpreter __________________ from one language into another. A liar is someone who _________________ the truth. The River Amazon __________________ into the Atlantic Ocean.

4. You are asking somebody questions. Write questions with Do/Does? work hard. And you? Do you work hard? I play tennis. And you? ________ you ______________? I play tennis. And Ann? __________ Maria _____________? I know the answer. And you? ________________ the answer? I like hot weather. And you? ___________________ ? I smoke. And your father? ____________________ ? I do exercises every morning. And you?_______________________? I speak English. And your friends? __________________________ ? I want to be famous. And you? _____________________________ ?

5. These questions begin with Where / What / How? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I wash my hair twice a week. (how/often/you?) How often do you wash your hair? I live in London. (where/you?) Where ______________________ ? I watch TV every day (how often/you?) _____________________ ? I have lunch at home. (where/you?) ________________________ ? I get up at 7:30 (what time/you?) __________________________ ? I go to the cinema a lot. (how often/you?) ______________________ ? I go to work by bus. (how/you?) ___________________________ ? You know that Liz plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her. How often _____________________ 9. Perhaps Lizs sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Liz.______________ your sister ___________________ 10. You know that Liz reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her. ______________________________________ 11. You know that Lizs brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask her. _______________________________________

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12. You know that Liz goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her. ___________________________ 13. You dont know where Lizs mother lives. Ask Liz _______________

6. Use the verbs in the list to make questions. Use the word(s) in bracket(s). cost do do go have like play rain smoke speak

1. (he) Does he often play volleyball? 2. (you) Excuse me, _____________ English? 3. (you) What ________________ ? 4. (your sister) What _______________ ? 5. (she) _____________________? 6. (it) How often _____________ in summer? 7. (you) ________________ dancing? 8. (they) What time __________ usually _____ to bed? 9. (you) What ________ usually ________ for breakfast? 10. (it) How much ___________ to stay at this hotel?

7. Write positive or negative short answers (Yes, he does/No, I dont, etc.). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Do you smoke? ____________________________ Do you live in a big city? ____________________________ Do you drink a lot of coffee? ____________________________ Does your mother speak English? ____________________________ Do you play a musical instrument? ____________________________ Does it rain a lot where you live? ____________________________

8. Complete using one of the following: I apologise 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) I insist I promise I recommend

Its a nice day I suggest we go out for a walk. I wont tell anybody what you said ______________________________ (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal __________________ ____________ for what I said about you. It wasnt true and I shouldnt have said it. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. ________________ it.

La creacin se defiende compartiendola


The Past Simple is used to express the idea of a completed action. Study this example: I I watch watched television every evening. (present simple) television yesterday evening. (past simple)

watched is the past simple: I/we/you//they he/she/it The past simple is often ed, For example: work worked clean stay stayed live lived These verbs are regular verbs. I clean my teeth every morning. This morning I cleaned my teeth. Terry worked in a bank from 1981 to 1986. Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime. We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people. The party finished at midnight. I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a shop. We invited them to our party but they decided not to come. The police stopped me on my way home last night. She passed her examination because she studied very hard. watched

cleaned dance


started danced

Spelling stop

study __ studied stopped plan __ planned

marry __ married

Some verbs are irregular (not regular). The past simple does not end in ed.

Here are some important irregular verbs.

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Begin began Break broke Bring brought

Buy Catch Come Do Drink Eat

bought caught came did drank ate

Fall Find Fly Forget Get Give Go Have Hear Know

fell found flew forgot got gave went had heard knew

Leave Lose Make Meet Pay Put Read Ring Say See

left lost made met paid put read rang said saw

Sell Sit Sleep Speak Stand Take Tell Think Win Write

sold sat slept spoke stood took told thought won wrote



I usually get up early but this morning I got up at 9:30. We did a lot of housework yesterday. Caroline went to the cinema three times last week. Mr. Tod came into the room, took off his coat and sat down. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. We saw Rose in town a few days ago. I went to the cinema three times last week. It was cold, so I shut the window. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES Infinitive Watch Clean Play Do Go Have Begin I we you they he she it Positive watched cleaned played did went had began

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B.NEGATIVE SENTENCES We use didnt + infinitive (watch/clean/do etc.): Negative I watch We clean You play They did not do He (didnt) go She have It begin He went but did he go? I watched but I didnt watch (not I didnt watched)

(not did he went?)

I played tennis yesterday but I didnt win. Don didnt have breakfast this morning (not hadnt breakfast) They went to the cinema but they didnt enjoy the film. We didnt do much work yesterday.



Note the word order in questions with did: Did + subject Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did did did did + infinitive give watch? clean? play? do? go? have? begin? do happen? go you a birthday present?

What How Where

Sue I we you they he she it you the accident your parents

yesterday evening? for their holidays?

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EXERCISES 1.Write the past of these verbs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2.get . eat .. pay make .. give leave .. see .. go .. hear .. find .. buy know stand .. take .. 15. do .. 16. put .. 17. tell .. 18. lose ... 19. think 20. speak 11. 12. 13. 14.

Complete these sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple:

clean die enjoy finish happen live open play rain throw smoke start stay want watch buy catch cost drink fall hurt sell spend teach win write

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Yesterday evening I .watched TV. I . my teeth three times yesterday. Bernard .. 20 cigarettes yesterday evening. The concert last night .. 7.30 and at 10 oclock. The accident .. last Sunday afternoon. When I was a child I . to be a doctor. Mozart from 1756 to 1791. We our holiday last year. We at a lot of good hotels. Today the weather is nice but yesterday it .

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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. It was hot in the room, so I the window. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we..played tennis. William Shakespeare .in 1616. Mozart more than 600 pieces of music. How did you learn to drive? My father .. me. We couldnt afford to keep our car, so we .. it. I was very thirsty. I the water very quickly. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. Hes much better than me, so he . easily. Don down the stairs this morning and ..his leg. Jim .. the ball to Sue, who . it. Maria . a lot of money yesterday. She .a dress which . US$100.


Read what Sharon says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 o clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 o clock. Im always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I dont usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o clock. I always sleep well.


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Yesterday was a typical working day for Sharon. Write what she did or didnt do yesterday. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. She got up at 7 oclock She _________________________ a big breakfast. She ____________________________________ It _________________________ to get to work. I________________________________ at 8.45 She_______________________________ lunch. We______________________________ at 5 oclock. They_____________ tired when ____________ home. B_________________ a meal yesterday evening. _________________ out yesterday evening. _________________________ at 11 oclock. _________________________ well last night.


Write sentences about the past (yesterday/last week etc) 1.- He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he went to work by car 2.- They always get up early. This morning they _____________________ 3.- Bill often loses his keys. He _____________________ last Saturday. 4.- I write a letter to Priscilla every week. Last week _____________________ 5.- She meets her friends every evening. She ________ yesterday evening. 6.- I usually read two newspapers every day. _________________ yesterday. 7.- They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday __________________ 8.- We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. _________________ last Sunday. 9.- Tom always has a shower in the morning. _______________ this morning 10.- They buy a new car every year. Last year ________________________ 11.- I eat an orange every day. Yesterday ____________________________

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12.- We usually do our shopping on Monday. ________________ last Monday. 13.- Maria often takes photographs. Last weekend ______________________ 14.- We leave home at 8.30 every morning. _________________ this morning. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions. (where/go?) Where did you go? (go alone?) ________________________________ (food/good?) _______________________________ (how long/stay there) _________________________ (stay /at a hotel?) ___________________________ (how/travel?) _______________________________ (the weather/fine?) __________________________ (what/do in the evenings?) _____________________ (meet anybody interesting?) ____________________

6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take) The film wasnt very good. I didnt enjoy it very much. (enjoy) I knew Sarah was very busy, so I _________________ her. (disturb) I was very tired, so I ________________ to bed early. (go) The bed was very uncomfortable. I ______________ very well. (sleep) Sue wasnt hungry, so she __________________ anything. (eat) We went to Kates house but she _________________ at home. (be) It was a funny situation but nobody _________________ .(laugh)

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9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The window was open and a bird ______________ into the room. (fly) The hotel wasnt very expensive. It ____________ very much. (cost) I was in a hurry, so I _______________ time to phone you. (have) It was hard work carrying the bags. They ____________ very heavy.(be) I ____________ (play) tennis yesterday but I ____________. (not/win) We _____________ (wait) a long time for the bus but it. (not/come) Thats a nice shirt. Where ______________ (you/buy)it? She ______________ (see) me but she _______________ (not/speak) to me. ________________ (it/rain) yesterday? No, it was a nice day. That was a stupid thing to do. Why ____________ (you/do) it?


You are asking somebody questions. Write questions with Did? 1. I watched TV last night. And you ? Did you watch TV last night? 2. I enjoyed the party. And you? ____________ you _____________? 3. I had a good holiday. And you? _____________________________? 4. I got up early this morning. And you? ________________________? 5. I slept well last night. And you? _____________________________?


What did you do yesterday? (Your sentence can be positive or negative) 1. (watch TV) I watched TV yesterday or I didnt watch TV yesterday

2. (get up before 7.30) I___________________________________________ 3. (have a shower) 4. (buy a magazine) 5. (speak English) I________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

6. (do an examination) ____________________________________________ 7. (eat meat) ____________________________________________

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8. (go to bed before 10.30) 9. ____________________________________________

Write questions with Who/What/How/Why? 1. I met somebody. 2 Harry arrived. 3. I saw somebody. Who did you meet? What time __________ Harry ___________________? Who ________________ you ___________________?

4. They wanted something. What ______________________________________? 5. The meeting finished. What time __________________________________?

6. Pat went home early. Why _______________________________________? 7. We had dinner. 8. It cost a lot of money. What ______________________________ for dinner? How much _______________________________?

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36 UNIT 6

The idea of a future action may be expressed in different ways. A.SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Study the difference between will and going to: will (ll): We use will when you decide to do something at the time of speaking. The speaker has not decided before. The party is a new idea. Sue is talking to Helen: Lets have party. SUE HELEN FORM Affirmative/Negative I/we/you/they he/she/it will (ll) will not (wont) win come eat will Interrogative I/we you/they he/she/it Thats a great idea. Well invite lots of people.

win? come? eat?

She travels a lot. Today she is in London. Tomorrow shell be in Rome. Next week shell be in Tokyo. Telephone me this evening. Ill be at home. Hes 24 years old. Next year hell be 25. Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds will eat it. Well probably go out this evening. Will you be at home this evening? I wont be here tomorrow. Dont drink coffee before you go to bed. You wont sleep.

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You often say : I think will: I think Diana will pass the exam. Do you think the examination will be difficult? I dont think it will rain this afternoon. (I think it will not rain)



going to: We use (be) going to when we have already decided to do something. Helen had already decided to invite lots of people before she spoke to Dave. Later that day, Helen meets Dave: Sue and I have decided to have a party Were going to invite lots of people.


I He We/you/they am is (not) are going to buy drink watch

Am is are I he/she/it we/you/they going to buy? eat? wear?

Im going to buy some books tomorrow. Sarah is going to sell her car. Im not going to have breakfast this morning. What are you going to wear to the party on Saturday?

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Are you going to invite Reinaldo to your party? My hair is dirty. Im going to wash it. Look at the sky! Its going to rain. Its 9 oclock and Im not ready. Im going to be late. Sue is going to have a baby.

Compare: o o o o Marcelo phoned while you were out. Ok. Ill phone him back. Marcelo phoned while you were out. Yes, I know. Im going to phone him back. Maria is in the hospital. Oh really? I didnt know. Ill go to visit her. Maria is in the hospital. Yes, I know. Im going to visit her tomorrow.

Future happenings and situations (predicting the future) Sometimes there is not much difference between will and going to. For example, you can say: o I think the weather will be nice later. o I think the weather is going to be nice later.

When we say something is going to happen, we know (or think) this because of the situation now. For example: o o Look at those black clouds. Its going to rain. (not it will rain-we can see the clouds now) I feel terrible. I think Im going to be sick. ( not I think Ill be sick- I feel terrible now)

Do not use will in situations like these. In other situations, it is safer to use will: o o Tom will probably arrive at about 8 oclock. I think Maria will like the present we bought for her.

C.- PRESENT CONTINUOUS: What are you doing tomorrow?

I am doing and I am going to do. We normally use I am doing (present continuous) when we say what we have arranged to do. For example, arranged to meet somebody, arranged to go somewhere: o o What time are you meeting Maria this evening? Im leaving tomorrow. Ive got my plane ticket.

I am going to do something = Ive decided to do it (but perhaps not arranged to do it):

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o o The windows are dirty. Yes, I know. Im going to clean them later.= Ive decided to clean them but I havent arranged to clean them). Ive decided not to stay here any longer. Tomorrow Im going to look for somewhere else to stay.

Often the difference is very small, and either form is possible. You can also say that something is going to happen in the future. For example: Ruperto cant see where hes walking. There is a hole in front of him. He is going to fall into the hole. When we say that something is going to happen, the situation now makes us believe this. Ruperto is walking towards the hole now, so he is going to fall into it. Situation now o o going to Future happening

Look at those black clouds! Its going to rain. (the clouds are there now). I feel terrible. I think Im going to be sick. (I feel terrible now).

READ THESE EXAMPLES: Please be quiet. Im working. They are playing tennis now. Im not working next week. Carlo is playing tennis tomorrow. I am doing something tomorrow. Alice is going to the dentist on Friday. They are going to a concert tomorrow evening. Are you meeting Bill this evening? What are you doing at the weekend? Im not going out tonight. Im staying at home.

Note: You use Simple Present Tense when you refer to schedules, shows, programmes, trains, etc. The concert starts at 7.30. What time does the train leave? When does the next English course begin? What time do you leave tomorrow? The plane arrives at 6.30 p.m.

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1.- Where will you be? Answer using Ill be/Ill probably be/I dont know where Ill be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Tomorrow at 10 oclock) I ____________________________________________ (One hour from now) I _______________________________________________ (At midnight) _____________________________________________________ (At 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon) ______________________________________ (Two years from now) _______________________________________________

2.- Write sentences using I think / I dont think. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Diana/pass the exam) _______________________________________________ (Jack/win the game) I think __________________________________________ (Sue /like her present) ______________________________________________ (The weather/be nice tomorrow) _______________________________________ (They/get married) I dont ___________________________________________ (I/be at home this evening) ___________________________________________

3.- Answer: What are these people doing next Friday? 1. Carol play/tennis 1. 2. Dick go/to a party 3. Tom and Sue go/to a party 4. Barbara meet/Dave 5. George go/on holiday


2. Dick ____________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________ 4. Complete the sentences using will (ll) or going to.

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1 A: Why are you turning on the television? B: Im going to watch the news. (I/watch) 2 A: Oh, Ive just realised. I havent got any money. B: Havent you? Well, dont worry. ________________________ you some. (I/lend) 3 A: Ive got headache. B: Havent you? Wait __________________________ an aspirin for you. (I/get) 4 A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: __________________________________ the car. (I/wash) 5 A: Ive decided to repaint this room. B: Oh, have you? What colour ________________________ it? (you paint) 6 A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping? B: Yes, __________________________ something for dinner. (I/buy) 7 A: B: 8 A: B: 9 A: B: I dont know how to use this camera. Its quite easy. ______________________ you. (I/show) What would you like to eat? ___________________________ a sandwich, please. (I/have) Did you post that letter for me? Oh, Im sorry. I completely forgot. ___________________ it now. (I/do)

10 A: The ceiling in this room doesnt look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if ____________________________ down. (it fall) 11 A: Has Marcelo decided what to do when he leaves school? B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. __________________ few weeks and then _________________ a computer programming course. (he/have, he/do) 5. Read the situations and complete the sentences using will (ll) or going to. a holiday for a

1 The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim. Caller: Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please? You: Just a moment. ______________________ him. (I/get) 2 Its a nice day. Youve decided to sit in the garden. Before going outside, you tell your friend. You: The weathers too nice to stay indoors. __________________ in the garden. (I/sit) Friend: Thats a good idea. I think ___________________ you (I/join) 3 Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter. You: Dont worry about the letter. Im sure ______________________ Friend: I hope so.

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4 There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but then you decided not to apply. Friend: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised? You: Yes, __________________ for it. (I/not/apply) 5 You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisy. You: Shhh! Dont make so much noise. ________________ everybody up. (you/wake) 6. Answer the questions. You are going to do all these things but you havent done them yet. Use going to and the word(s) in brackets. 1 2 3 4 7. Have you cleaned the car? Have you phoned Sally? Have you done the shopping? Have you had dinner? (tomorrow) Not yet. Im going to clean it tomorrow. (later) Not yet.________________________ (this afternoon) Not yet _________________ (just) _______________________________

Write a question with going to for each situation.

1 Your friend has won some money. You ask: (what/do with it?) What are you going to do with it? 2 Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask: (what/wear?) _________________________________ 3 4 Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask: (where/put it?) _______________________________ Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask: (who/invite?) ________________________________ Read the situations and complete the dialogues. Use going to.


1 You have decided to write some letters this evening. Friend: Are you going out this evening? You: No, Im going to write some letters. 2 You are a smoker but you have decided to give it up soon. Friend: Smoking is very bad for you. You: I know. ________________________________________ 3 You have been offered a job but you have decided not to take it. Friend: I heard youve been offered a job. You: Thats right, but _________________________________

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4 You are in a restaurant. The food is awful and youve decided to complain. Friend: This food is awful, isnt? You: Yes, its disgusting _______________________________ 9. What is going to happen in these situations? Use the words in brackets. 1 There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (rain) Its going to rain.

2 It is 8.30 Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8.45 but the journey takes 30 minutes. (late) He _________________________________ 3 There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole. (sink) The boat ______________________________________ 4 Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away. (run out) She _________________________

10. Write sentences. Use Present Progressive or Simple Present where it corresponds. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (I/not/go out/tonight) ______________________________________________ (The concert/start/at 8.15) __________________________________________ (I/meet/my friends this evening) I _____________________________________ (Tom /not/come/to the party on Thursday) Tom ___________________________ (The English course/finish/on 10 May) My ________________________________ (my sister/get/married next December) My _______________________________ (My train/leave/at 8.45) _____________________________________________ (I/not/go/to London tomorrow) ________________________________________

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In English Questions can be made in two ways:

Using the auxiliary (see Verb Tenses section), modal auxiliary (see Modal Verbs section) or the verb To Be. In this case, the subject is inverted with the verb in the sentence: (These can be answered with yes or no)

Is he your friend? Will you call me? Can I help you? Could you tell me the time? Are the children playing? Has she been to the U.S.A.? Does she speak English? Do you come here every day? Did they go to the cinema last night?

Using Questions Words at the beginning of the question, then the order of the words follow the same pattern described above: (You answer this questions by giving information)

What Where Which How Who When Why Whose

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These types of questions dont admit a Simple yes, no answer, they require an explanation: What is your name? Where do you come from? Which question did you answer? How does he go to work? Who is your friend? When were you born? Why are you laughing? Whose car are you driving? NOTE 1. What, which y whose may go followed by a noun: What colour is your car? Which coat is yours? Whose book is this? 2. Which is generally used when the election is limited or is determined: Which is your husband? The blond one or the dark one? Which or what newspaper do you read? 3. How can go followed by an adjective or an adverb: How big is his new car? How fast does it go? In the expressions used to make a question, there are Orders, asking for something and Invitations .

In the case of Orders, the subject normally doesnt exist:

Open the door

Come in

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Dont (do not) be late. In the case of Asking, the same as in orders, the subject generally doesnt exist:

Please, lend me your pencil? Pass the sugar, please. Open the window, please.

In the case of Asking or Invitations, normally a construction in the from of a question is used, this result is more polite. This construction includes the future auxiliary will, the auxiliary would [would (do) you mind). Usually it used with the subject you.

The order of the sentence is: Will (would, etc.) + subject + infinitive without to: Will you lend me your book, please? Would you come this way, please? Would you mind passing the sugar, please? Do you mind not smoking, please? Wont (will not) you come in? Will you come to dinner tomorrow?

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EXERCISES Make Questions for the following statements. 1. Rossana lives in Rockaway. _____________________________________________________________ 2. James left his book at home. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith took a trip to Chicago. ________________________________________________ 4. Our firm buys much merchandise from them. ______________________________________________ 5. This book costs one dollar. ___________________________________________________________ 6. He drives to work every day. __________________________________________________________ 7. She said she was busy. ______________________________________________________________ 8. Henry is standing outside the door. _____________________________________________________ 9. Mr. Smith is out of town. ______________________________________________________________ 10. He will be in class tomorrow. _________________________________________________________ 11. There are twelve months in a year. _____________________________________________________ 12. It took us five hours to drive to Copiapo. _________________________________________________ 13. They went for a walk in the park. _______________________________________________________ 14. Reinaldo speaks English well. ____________________________________________________________ 15. It is half past three. ______________________________________________________________

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48 UNIT 8



Form When we can count things, animals or people one by one, we call them Countable Nouns. Countable nouns HAVE a plural form. Dog two dogs Some plural forms a. b. c. d. To make the plural we generally add -S- to the singular noun. e.g. book - books dog - dogs boy - boys After nouns ending in S-CH-SH-X-O (some) + ES. e.g. bus - buses watch - watches brush - brushes After nouns ending in F FE, we usually change the F to V and add ES. e.g. wife - wives life - lives thief - thieves shelf - shelves Nouns ending in Y. If : play plays But : study studies Nouns ending in MAN, they change the letter A by E. e.g. woman - women businessman - businessmen policeman - policemen Some Irregular plural nouns. e.g. foot feet tooth teeth child children fish fish umbrella lots of umbrellas job suggestion six jobs many suggestions. girl some girls

e. f.

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Form There are some things we see or think of as a whole. We call these Uncountable Nouns. Uncountable nouns do not usually have a plural form. - e.g. a. money bread milk water hair furniture

Uncountable nouns are, for example: gold music blood excitement

Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. They have no plural. You cannot say musics, bloods or excitements. b. Before uncountable nouns you can say the / some / any / much / this / his etc. the music some gold much excitement his blood

But you cannot use a/an before an uncountable noun. So you cannot say a music, an excitement or a blood. You can also use uncountable nouns alone: - This ring is made of gold. c. - Blood is red. difference in

Many nouns can be used as countable or as uncountable nouns. Usually there is a meaning. For example: Paper Hair I bought a paper (= a newspaper countable) I bought some paper (= material for writing on uncountable) Theres a hair in my soup! (= one single hair countable) She has beautiful hair (=hair on her head uncountable) We had many interesting experiences during our holiday (= things that happened to us countable) You need experience for this job (= knowledge of something because you have done it before uncountable)


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d. Some nouns are usually uncountable in English but often countable in other languages. Here are the most important of these:

accommodation behaviour advice bread information baggage chaos

furniture news scenery trouble permission traffic weather luggage progress travel work

These nouns are uncountable, so. 1) you cannot use a/an before them 2) they cannot be plural Im looking for accommodation. (not an accommodation) Im going to buy some bread. (or a loaf of bread; but not a bread) Tom gave me some good advice. (not some good advices) Where are you going to put all your furniture? (not furnitures) Remember that news is not plural: - The news is very depressing today. (not The news are) Do not use travel to mean journey /trip: - We had a good journey. (not a good travel) Note these pairs of countable (C) and uncountable (UNC) nouns: - Im looking for a job (C) but Im looking for work. (UNC) - What a lovely view! (C ) but What lovely scenery! (UNC)

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Some, any, a lot of, much, many

some With uncountable nouns in positive sentences. In offers and request. any With uncountable and countable nouns in negative sentences. In questions. a lot of With uncountable and countable nouns in positive sentences. Lots of much With uncountable nouns in negative sentences. In questions. many With countable nouns in negative sentences In questions. In positive sentences.

I bought some tea. She made some appointments. Would you like some coffee? Could I have some information? I didnt buy any apples. He didnt spend any money. Did they give you any help? Do you have any questions? Theres a lot of traffic today. There are a lot of cars in the city centre. Lots of people go jogging in the park. We havent got much luggage. I dont have much time. How much paper do you need? We havent got many suitcases. She didnt have many meetings. How many people did you invite? Many people are on holiday this week.

In positive sentences, a lot of / lots of is more common than many. We can use a lot of / lots of in negative sentences and in questions. Lots of is mostly used in informal spoken English.

When we express quantity, the words we use are sometimes different for countable and uncountable nouns. Countable Are there any faxes from Tokyo? How many weeks do we have? I dont have many suitcases. He gave me a few ideas. We have very few rainy days. He has fewer qualifications than me. Uncountable Is there any news from Tokyo? How much time do we have? I dont have much luggage. He gave me a little advice. We have very little rain. He has less experience than me.

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Other expressions: a cup of/a glass of/a bottle of/a slice of/ a kilo of/a dozen/a bowl of/ a packet of/a piece of/a box of/a bag of/etc.

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EXERCISES 1. Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is right? Example: Sue was very helpful. She gave me some good advice / advices. (advices is wrong) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Margaret has got very long black hair / hairs. We had a very good weather / very good weather when we were on holiday. Sorry Im late. I had trouble / troubles with the car this morning. I want something to read. Im going to buy a / some paper. I want to write some letters. I need a / some writing paper. Its very difficult to find a work / job at the moment. Bad news dont / doesnt make people happy. Our travel /journey from London to Istanbul by train was very interesting. The flat is empty. We havent got any furnitures / furniture yet.

10) When the fire alarm rang, there was a complete chaos / complete chaos. 11) I had to buy a / some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches. 12) After spending most of his life travelling round the world, he is now writing a book about his experience / experiences.

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2. Now you have to complete these sentences using these words: progress advice permission. accommodation hair work experience information paper

Example: We havent got anywhere to live. Were looking for (some) accommodation 1) I dont think Maria will get the job. She hasnt got _____________________

2) Theyll tell you all you want to know. Theyll give you plenty of ____________ 3) Youll easily recognise Alan. Hes got green __________________________ 4) Carlas English has improved. She has made _________________________ 5) I want to write down your address. Have you got _____________________ 6) If you want to leave early, you have to ask for ________________________ 7) Marcelo is unemployed at the moment. He is looking for _________________ 8) I didnt know what to do. So I asked Jack for ________________________ 3. In this exercise you have to write what you would say in these situations. Each time begin in the way shown and use one of the words in section d of this unit.

Example: Your friends have just arrived at the station. You cant see any suitcases or bags. You say: Have you got any luggage? 1.- You go into the tourist office. You want to know about places to see in the town. You say: Id like ___________________________________________________ 2.- The weather is beautiful. You say: What ____________________________________________________! 3.- You are a pupil at school. You want our teacher to advise you about which to take. You say: Can you give me ___________________________________________________? 4.- You want to watch news on television but you dont know what time it is on. You ask your friend: What time ______________________________________? 4. Now you have to put in a / an or some or leave a space (without a word). examinations

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Examples: Ive seen some good films recently. Are most of your fiends _________ students? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. Have you got ____________ camera? Would you like to be ____________ actor? Bills got ____________ big feet. Do you collect____________ stamps? Tom always gives Maria ____________ flowers on her birthday. Those are ____________ really nice trousers. Where did you get them? What ____________lovely children! ____________ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. Jack has got ____________ very long legs, so hes ____________ fast runner. You need _________ visa to visit ________ foreign countries, but not all of them. Im going shopping. Im going to get ____________ new clothes. Priscilla is ____________ teacher. Her parents were ____________ teachers too. When we reached the city centre, ____________ shops were still open but most of them were already closed. Do you enjoy going to ____________ concerts? Have you got a headache?


When I was ____________ child, I used to be very shy.

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CARDINALS AND ORDINALS Cardinal 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen Ordinal 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth Cardinal 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred Ordinal 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth 70th seventieth 80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th hundredth

LARGE NUMBERS 1,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 FRACTIONS a thousand a million a billion (American English) a billion (British English)

1/4 a quarter MONEY

1/3 a third

1/2 a half

4/5 four fifths

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57 Write money signs in front of the numbers. But pronounce currencies after the numbers. 56 fifty-six dollars 200 two hundred pounds 5,000 five thousand yen DECIMALS Write the decimal point sign as a dot, not a comma. 0.5 nought point five 0.25 nought point two five Pronounce numbers individually after a decimal point. 10.06 ten point oh six 27.27 twenty-seven point two seven 0 is pronounced nought before a decimal point and oh after a point in British English. 0.05 nought point oh five It can be pronounced zero in American English. 0.05 point zero five

DAYS Monday Friday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Sunday Thursday

MONTHS January February March April May June July August September October November December

SEASONS Spring Summer *Fall Winter *(British English: Autumn)


Written English Spoken English

1066 ten sixty-six

1999 nineteen ninety-nine

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58 DATES British English 16(th.) September 16/9/98 The sixteenth of September September the sixteenth American English 16(th.) September 9/16/98 The sixteenth of September September sixteenth

Written English Spoken English

TELLING THE TIME A simple way to tell the time is to say the numbers. 10.20 ten twenty 11.15 eleven fifteen 4.45 four forty-five You can say the hours in two ways: Nine or nine oclock But dont make this common mistake: nine thirty oclock You can also tell the time this way: 1.00 one oclock 3.10 ten past three 5.30 half past five 5.35 twenty-five to six 4.15 a quarter past four 6.45 a quarter to seven

In American English you can use different prepositions. 3.10 ten past three or ten after three 6.45 quarter to seven or quarter of seven British and America speakers do not usually use the twenty-four-hour clock. 11.00 eleven oclock 23.00 eleven oclock (not twenty three oclock) To be more exact they say: eleven a.m. or eleven in the morning and eleven p.m. or eleven at night But they do use the twenty-four-hour clock to talk about train and plane timetables. 19.30 The train leaves at nineteen thirty.

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59 1.- Describing a point in time ON IN Sunday, Monday ... Sunday morning, Tuesday afternoon, Monday evening ... the morning/the afternoon/the evening January, February ... 1970, 1985... 3 oclock, half past five... Easter/Christmas night next Tuesday, next year... last month, last week ... every day, every year ...


2.- Describing duration AGO 7 a.m. (train left) FROM 3 p.m. FOR 10 a.m. (now) TO/UNTIL 5 p.m. We spoke from 3 to/until 5 p.m. We spoke for two hours. The train left three hours ago.




TUESDAY (today)

Ive been here since* Sunday for two days.

* Since is only used with the Present Perfect when the action started in the past and is continuing now.

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60 3.- The date relative to today -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 three days ago the day before yesterday yesterday TODAY tomorrow the day after tomorrow in three days (in three days time)

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VERB TENSES (review)
Verb To Be (ser o estar) can be used:

As an Auxiliary Verb which helps to construct the Continuous Tenses.

He is singing a song. He was playing football. It has been raining for days. They had been working hard. As an auxiliary Verb which help to construct the Passive Voice:

The book was found under the table. The room looks nice. It has been cleaned. As the Principal Verb:

Paul is an architect. My shoes are very dirty.

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Which the meaning:

Im (I am) cold. Hes (he is) hungry. Youre (you are) right. They are afraid of spiders. Were not (we are not) in a hurry.

For telling ages:

Im (I am) 20 o Im 20 years old. How old is your sister? She is 16.

For the hour:

Its (It is) 9 oclock. What time is it? Its 10:00.

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EXERCISES Complete the following sentences: Which the correct tense of To Be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I _____________ writing a book. She ________________ playing the piano. The thief _______________ caught by the police. The movie ______________ seen by over 10.000 people. The book has _______________ taken to the librabry. Those shoes ______________ very nice. Rossana _______________ a teacher at the Institute. The kettle ______________ very hot. The baby is craying. It _______________ hungry. You _______________ wrong. That young man _______________ 25 years old. How old ________________ your aunt? What time ________________ the show? It ______________ at 8:15 in the evening. It ________________ three oclock in the morning.

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The form of the verb To Be is the following: I am You are He is She is It is We are They are

Affirmative Form:

The affirmative of the verb To Be is situated after the personal pronoun: The weather is very nice today. You are thirsty. She is a very good tennis player. The children are at home.

Negative Form:

In the negative form the verb To Be is situated after the personal pronoun plus the negative not. My mother isnt (is not) at home. Rome isnt (is not) the capital of France. Those houses arent (are not) very old. Im (I am) not a doctor.

Interrogative Form:

In the interrogative form you invert the order of the sentence, the verb To Be is situated before the personal pronoun. Are you tired? Is Alice at work today? Is this seat free? Are these your books?

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EXERCISES Put the sentences in the correct order: 1. I / today / happy/ am / very. ___________________________________________. 2. university / best / of / She / at / is / the / city / the. ___________________________________________. 3. not / French / in / We / a / class / are. ___________________________________________. 4. hungry / are / very / They. ___________________________________________. 5. cat / roof / The / is / sun / on / the / in / the. ___________________________________________. 6. at / boy / school / the / Is? ___________________________________________. 7. football / good / arent / They / at. ___________________________________________. 8. sale / Are / books / for / those? ___________________________________________. 9. she / 25 / years / 30 / or / Is / old? ___________________________________________. 10. class / I / now / not / am / in. ___________________________________________.

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USE The Simple Present is used to express:

Permanent Truths:

The earth goes round the sun. Rice doesnt grow in cold climates. Usual Actions and Facts:

She often rests after lunch. I get up at 8 oclock every morning. In this tense adverbs may be used, such as: Always Often Frequently Rarely Generally Sometimes Usually Seldom = Rarely Adverbial Phrases can also be used, for example: Every day (week, month) Once (twice, several times) a week (month)

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FORM As all verbal tenses, there are three forms:

Affirmative Form:

To build affirmative sentences use the verb in the infinitive without to, but for third person (he / she / it) add s or es. He lives near here. They go to the theatre every week.

Negative Form: Do/Does + NOT + V + C

For the negative form uses the auxiliar do / does, plus the negative not and verb in infinitive without to. Do is used with I / you / we / they, does is used with he / she / it. You dont (do not) work every day. She doesnt (does not) drink coffee very often. Interrogative Form:

For Questions also use do / does and the verb in the infinitive without to. Here the auxiliary goes before the pronoun. Do you wash your hands before every meal? Does she play the piano?

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EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackets ( ). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. The moon ___________ at night. (shine) The Panama Canal __________ the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. (join) It ____________ in the Sahara Desert. (not rain) Schools ___________ classes at 8 oclock in the morning. (start) He always ____________ to work. (walk) They usually ___________ 8 hours every night. (sleep) They ____________ to the cinema every week. (go) She ____________ a lovely, big house. (have) He ____________ T.V. very often. (not watch) I _____________ the city very well. (not know) You ____________ your shoes on. (not have) _______________ to go to a baseball game? (you, want) ______________ a hard cover or is it a paperback? (it have) _______________________ the newspaper? (they, read, always)

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PRESENT CONTINUOUS USE The Present Continuous is used to express:

An action which is happening now:

They are playing football in the garden. She is washing her hair at this moment. An action which is happening for a moment, not necessarily at this precise moment:

She is studing at the University. Im reading an interesting book at the moment. In this case we can use the following adverbs: Now at present at this moment still Express a planned action for the future:

Im meeting some friends tomorrow evening. Hes starting English lessons next week.

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Affirmative Form:

To express an affirmative sentence use the Verb To Be in the present plus a verb ending in ing. I am doing my homework. She is writing a letter. Negative Form:

To express a negative sentence use the present of the verb To Be, plus the negative not and a verb ending in ing. Im not playing the piano. He is not painting his room. Interrogative Form:

To make a question, the verb To Be is situated before the pronoun and after a verb ending in ing. Are you enjoying your English class today? Why is she wearing a coat this morning?

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EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. ( ) 1. The children of the band ____________ lovely music. (play) 2. My grand father ______________ out of the window. (look) 3. I ___________ piano lessons every day. (take) 4. She _____________ for a mining company. (work) 5. They ______________ to the beach tomorrow. (go) 6. We _____________ friends to dinner on Friday. (have) 7. He _____________ to class. (not, come) 8. You ______________ your lessons. (not, study) 9. I ______________ to Santiago next week. (not, go) 10. _______________ to my house tomorrow? (you, come) 11. _______________ at the computer now? (I, work) 12. Why _____________ the baby _____________? (cry)

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SIMPLE PLAST USE The Simple Past is used to express:

Usual actions and states in the past. In this case, you normally use the same adverbs as in the Simple Present.

Last year I walked to the office every day. Last year she wore the same dress at every party. An action finished in the past. In this case, use the adverbs of time, such as:

yesterday last night last week last year Adverbs of time with: A few minutes ago. Three days ago. A long time ago. Adverbial clauses which start with: When While Until Before As soon as After Once We played tennis last Saturday. Reinaldo left two minutes ago. An action which follows another in a story:

Stevens came into the room. He took off his coat and sat down on a chair. Suddenly, he heard a noise and went out FORM The Simple Past is the same for all personal pronouns.

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To express an affirmative sentence use the verb. He came to my office yesterday. My sister played tennis last Saturday. Negative Form:

To express a negative sentence use the auxiliary Did plus the negative NOT and the verb in the infinitive without to. This auxiliary is applicable to all the personal pronouns: You didnt(did not) work yesterday. She didnt (did not) come last night. Interrogative Form:

To express questions we also use the auxiliary Did and the verb in the infinitive without to. Here the auxiliary is situated before the pronoun: When did you last see your father? Did you remember to turn out the lights before leaving the room? Did she go to the party last week?

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EXERCISES Put the following sentences in the correct order: 1. tour / last / went / a / Europe / year / They / on / of. ____________________________________________________. 2. wonderful / party / I / a / last / time / had / at / night / the. ____________________________________________________. 3. She / wedding / played / at / ago / violin / two / the / a / weeks. ____________________________________________________. 4. money / You / person / gave / the / wrong / to / the. ____________________________________________________. 5. didnt / I / receive / the / He / letter /him / sent. ____________________________________________________. 6. circus / week / We / the / last / didnt / to / go. ____________________________________________________. 7. didnt / night / at / I / all / sleep / last. ____________________________________________________. 8. Reinaldo / cat / her / didnt / The / food / eat / the / gave. ____________________________________________________. 9. garbage / did / the / in / Why / apple / you / the / throw? ____________________________________________________. 10. homework / do / he / Did / his? ___________________________________________________. 11. night / they / last / phone / Did / him? ___________________________________________________. 12. she / that / What / her / see / did / scared? ___________________________________________________.

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PAST CONTINUOUS USE The Past Continuous is used to express:

A past activity which takes place during a determined period of time.

What were you doing at 10:00 last night? I was watching TV. (I started watching before 10:00, and continued after 10:00)

An action or situation which continues in the past, the beginning and ending are not defined. Normally , a situation which is in progress is described, in which another takes place and interrups it, in this case an action in Simple Past.

I was reading a book when you came in. While the man was looking at the picture, the thief stole his watch. In this case we frequently find clauses which start with when and while and other adverbs which indicate the duration of the action: All last week All yesterday All last night FORM

Affirmative Form:

To express an affirmative sentence use the verb to Be in the Past (was / were) plus the negative and the verb ending in ing. The students were talking when the teacher arrived. I was having dinner with some friends.

Negative Form:

To make a negative sentence use the verb to Be in the Past (was /were) plus the negative and the verb ending in ing. I wasnt working in the garden. You were not swimming in that pool.

Interrogative Form:

To form Questions the verb to Be in the Past (was / were) goes before the pronoun followed by the verb ending in ing. What were you looking at? Who was she talking to?

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EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackets. ( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. She __________________ the clothes when they cut the water. (wash) We __________________ the sunset last night. (watch) They _________________ to Santiago yesterday. (drive) I ____________________ my house when the earthquake came. (clean) I ____________________ a video last Friday. (not / watch) You __________________ attention. (not / pay) He ___________________ yesterday. (not / work) You __________________ your homework last Monday. (do) What ___________ he _________ at? (look) Why _____________ you ___________ your coat. (wear) Where _____________ she __________ in such a hurry. (do) How ____________ you ___________ if your food got burnt. (cook)

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FUTURE In English there are three ways to express the Future:

Future with Will. Future with Going To. Present Continuous with the idea of Future.

FUTURE WITH WILL USE The Simple Future, or with Will, is used to express:

A future decision or intention which arises at the moment of speaking.

Goodbye. Ill (I will) see you tomorrow. Which do you want? The blue or the red? Ill (I will) take the red. Thank you. An offer:

Ill (I will) carry your suitcase. Well (We will) cook the dinner. Circunstances that cannot be controlled:

She will be twenty one on Thursday. I think it will rain tomorrow.

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FORM The Simple Future uses the auxiliary will, the verb in the Infinitive without to, and the same for all the personal pronouns:

Affirmative Form:

Ill (I will) give you your book back tomorrow. Hell (He will) buy her some flowers. Negative Form: The auxiliary will plus the negative not is wont: They wont invite Peter. She wont arrive next week. Interrogative Form:

Here the auxiliary will goes before the pronoun: Will you help me? When will he be in London again?

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EXERCISES Put these sentences in the correct order: 1. will / exam / She / oral / give / her / tomorrow. ________________________________________________. 2. soon / go / They / you / will / see / to. ________________________________________________. 3. phone / I / the / answer / will. ________________________________________________. 4. the / room / He / take / chair / the / will / to. ________________________________________________. 5. 30 / tomorrow / We / married / be / will / years. ________________________________________________. 6. She / week / leave / next / wont / until. ________________________________________________. 7. his / license / get / He / drivers / wont / yet. ________________________________________________. 8. some / wont / for / They / time / move. ________________________________________________. 9. opera / week / We / go / the / this / wont / to. ________________________________________________. 10. wear / the / you / wedding / will / to / What? ________________________________________________. 11. Reinaldo / back / from / will / come / when / Italy? ________________________________________________. 12. please / Will / door, / the / open / you. ________________________________________________.

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FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO USE The structure To Be is used to express:

An Intention:

We are going to buy a new car next month. Im going to give you some good advice. Situations and actions which are forseen and are evident:

It looks as if it is going to be very hot today. Watch out! That box is going to fall. FORM This construction uses all the ways of the verb To Be, plus going to and the action verb in the Infinitive without to:

Affirmative Form:

He is going to visit Europe this summer. They are going to get married. Negative Form:

Im not going to finish this book this year. She isnt (is not) going to have a birthday party. Interrogative Form:

Is he going to visit Europe this summer? How long are they going to stay in London?

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EXERCISES Complete these sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackes. ( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The ______________ to China next week. (go) The clouds are black, it _____________ ! (rain) She ______________ yoga classes tomorrow. (start) Look! The dog ____________ over the wall. (jump) We ______________ that big house. (not) / buy) You ______________ her until next year. (not / see) He _______________ his car today. (not / drive) Charles and Linda _____________their car. (not / sell) _______________ up all night? (stay / you) _______________ fish tomorrow? (the cat / eat) How long _________________ away? (be / James) When _________________ the doctor? (you / see)

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PRESENT CONTINUOUS LOOKING TO THE FUTURE USE This Tense is also frequently used to express the idea of the Future. In this case we use the future adverbs: Soon This evening Tomorrow Next week Tonight In a few minutes Next summer We are going to Paris on Friday; we are leaving from London Airport. Reinaldo is coming here next week and is staying here until August. What are you doing next Saturday? FORM The grammatical structure of this tense appears in the Present Continuous Tense.

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EXERCISES Choose the correct tense. Cross out the incorrect. Example: They are putting / were putting the new roof on the house tomorrow.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

She went / is going to an Art exhibit tomorrow. Cristian is visiting / visits his aunt for a week next month. Im going to have / having friends over for dinner tonight They eating / are eating at a Mexican restaurant this evening. Sheila not working / isnt working tonight? The horse isnt standing / stands in the pasture. Harry wont come / isnt coming to Chile this year. We arent buying / buying lottery tickets tomorrow. Where is Praxedes sleep / sleeping tonight? What is Gladys writing / written for the magazine tomorrow? What are you watched / watching on TV this evening? Is he going to play / playing volleyball next week?

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SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT Simple Present Perfect relates past actions or situations with the present. To a certain extent, it is a present tense, but, although it indicates an action which occurs in the past, it is relative to the idea of the present. USE Simple Present Perfect is used to express:

An action of the past due to an experience. In this case, normally we use the frequency adverbs ever (alguna vez) and never (nunca):

Have you ever been to the United States? He has never flown in a plane. An action that started in the past and continues in the present.

In this case, we usually use adverbial clauses or phrase that begIn with for (por) and since (desde): I have not visited him for ten years. They have lived here since January. A finished action producing a result in the present:

In this case, normally use the adverbs just (hace poco), already (todava) and yet (an): He has just put his coat on (=he is wearing it now) They have already passed the first examination (=they are now to do the second) I havent read the newspaper yet.

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FORM The Simple Present is made with the verb have / has (he, she, it) plus a participle of the verb:

Affirmative Form:

He has worked as a musician all his life. I have seen this film before.

Negative Form:

I havent (have not) posted the letter yet. She hasnt (has not) gone to Spain. Interrogative Form:

Has she ever written poetry? Have you eaten all the sweets?

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EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the correct Tense of the verb in brackets: 1. I ______________ to England about 10 times in my life. (travel) 2. She ______________ a jet plane several times. (fly) 3. They _______________ English since March. (study) 4. We __________ already ___________ to that beach, its not very clean. (go) 5. He __________________ the movie Harry Potter yet. (see / not) 6. You ________________ your face this morning (not / wash) 7. I ________________ for my oral exam. (study / not) 8. They _________________ to Antofagasta for 5 years. (not / be) 9. ________ they ever __________ the sea? (see) 10. _________ she __________ to see her grandmother? (go) 11. Where ___________ you _________ all these hours. (be) 12. What ___________ she __________ in her vegetable garden? (grow)

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PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS USE The Present Perfect Continuous is used to express:

An activity which continues in the present:

The boys have been watching television since seven oclock ( and are still watching now) He has been waiting for you all morning. A past activity which produce an effect in the present.

Were (we are) tired because weve (we have) been playing tennis. Hes (he is) wet because hes (he has) been washing the dishes. FORM The Present Perfect Continuous is made up of have / has, plus the participle of To Be (been) and the action verb which ends in ing.

Affirmative Form:

He has been studying English for six months. I have been playing tennis since I was a boy. Negative Form:

He hasnt (has not) been working hard. Interrogative:

Has he been shopping? How long have you been working?

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EXERCISES Some sentences are correct. Others are not. Put a c next to the correct. Write the wrong ones correctly. 1. That man has been walking around the block for an hour. 2. They played golf at 8 oclock this morning. 3. I tired because I have cleaned windows. 4. Lukas is dirty because he plays in the park all morning. 5. Carla havent been earning money because she is ill. 6. Geoff hasnt be walk the dog lately. 7. We not been go out very much. 8. You havent been reading the newspapers 9. Where has you be driving? 10. Has she been playing volleyball? 11. How long he has building his house? 12. What has done this last year?

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PAST PERFECT USE Past Perfect is used to express an action in the past which took place before another action in the past. When I got home, Reinaldo had already cleaned the house and cooked a meal . Alice didnt (did not) want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film. FORM Past Perfect is made of the verb have in the past (had), plus a participle of a verb.

Affirmative Form:

When Alice arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home. We werent (were not) hungry. Wed (we had) just had lunch . Negative Form:

The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadnt (had not) flown before. The house was very dirty. They hadnt cleaned it for weeks. Interrogative Form:

Had the play already started when you arrived? Had she worked in that company?

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EXERCISES Complete the sentences with correct tense of verb in brackets.

1. The film _____________ when Christian arrived. (already, start) 2. We _____________ the New Year celebration when Anthony walked in. (start) 3. Rossana ____________ her exercises when James came to get her (start 4. Harry _____________ the egg when he realized there was no bacon. (break) 5. She ___________ to school when I arrived. (not / go) 6. We _______________ to Arica because the car wasnt working (not / drive) 7. You _______________ such a bad cold since 3 years ago. (not / have) 8. Some opened the door but luckily the ______________ anything. (not / steal) 9. _______________ his new license when he had the crash? (get) 10.When ______________ worked at that company? (she / work)

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II.- TO BE uses
Whats your name? Where do you live? How old are you? Are you married or single? Where do you work? What do you do for a living? What are you doing right now? How is your brother like? Personal information Im Chilean /American/ Spanish Age Its hot, Its cold, Its mild Name. Im short/ Im tall, Im fat/ Im average Marital status.... Im nuts/ Jonny Depp is hot. Religion. Im happy/ Race.. Im a writer/poet/painter Nationality . Im a teacher /secretary/ engineer Weather.. Im working at ENAMI Physical description... Im still working at ENAMI Psychological description.. Im talking to you Current mood. I m going to travel to Europe Hobby/ occupation. Im traveling tomorrow morning Profession .. I was sleeping at the time of the earthquake last night Current job. Current action Future Action. Past action.. Im 30 years old Im Lupita Ferrera Im single/ married/ divorced/widowed Im Lutheran/ Catholic/ Bah Im black/Latin/white/

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