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Batizado Performance Script

Act 1: O fim da escravidao
Slave Boys & Girls: 1. Morena 2. Daniel 3. Falador 4. Tord 5. Alex Foremen: (not yet casted) Paper boy: (not yet casted)

6. Menino 7. Maja 8. Lucia 9. Grazia 10. Greta 11. Victoria

Music begins. Slaves and foreman enter the stage. Foremen push the slaves to work harder by slashing their wips. Background Voice(s): A Muito tempo por aqui chegava uma terrivel maudicao Slaves (take over): Ela vinha pelo mar, e trazia de la, saudade dor destruicao .. Foremen: Lash out whips. Background Voice(s): Mancha de Sanque marcou aquela Terra, lagrimas no porto ficou Slaves (take over): Adeus meu pai minha mae adeus meu filho meu amor adeu adeu nao sei pra onde vou. (Maculele breaks free and runs away). Paper boy: Comes in and announces the end of slavery, slave boats will not be coming Its written on a pamphlet that he waves around. Everyone stays still, incredulous. Music starts again. Background Voice(s): Trafico de negro se acabou, tumbeiro nao vai mais chegar. Women enter the stage dancing. Women: (walk up to the slaves and remove the chain and carry them to the dance floor): Trafico de negro se acabou, tumbeiro nao vai mais chegar. Slaves & Women dance together. Theres a break in the music where they form a roda, and the slave boys do capoeira movements. Background voice(s): hoje quando o berimbau toca, alegria invade o meu curacao, vejo o povo contente, sem feitor e sem corrente, Adeus tumbeiro adeus escravidao Everybody: Adeus tumbeiro adeus escravidao x3!!!!!!! End of Act 1.

Act 2: Candomble & Maracatu

Members of the Court 1. Greta 2. Sophie 3. Victoria 4. Chloe 5. Nora 6. Lucia 7. Grazia Gods (afoxe, candomble) 1. Maja 2. Aaron 3. Morena 4. (boy not yet casted)

8. Daniel 9. Tord 10. Pascal 11. Menino 12. Chris 13. Leo 14. Falador 15. Morena

Maculele (enters the stage running & panting, sits down and drinks some water and sings a louvacao. (Musical arrangement pending) Senhor, o meu senhor Escutai o lamento de um sofredor(coro) Me fazei bom capoeira, espero ser atendido Que inimigo no me veja onde tiver que passar Tenham bocas, no me falem para para nunca me entregar Tenham olhos, no me vejam para nunca me enxegar Tenham mos, mas no me peguem para nunca me agarrar Tenham pernas, mas no me sigam para nunca me alcanar O, meu senhor Maculele goes to sleep. Maracatu beat starts playing. The girls enter the stage and do a dance. Then the boys enter with the girls and everyone does a dance together. The beat of the music changes to afoxe. The Gods enter (Maja and Aaron) and do a very short choreography, then dance solos separately around Maculele. The beat picks up to Afro. The gods and two other members of the court do a short 1 min choreography, super intense. The beat returns to maracatu. Everyone gets up and dances together. The choreography ends. Everyone leaves the stage save for Maculele who is lying where he went to sleep, and the gods who dance around him for a short while and leave two maculele sticks by his side. They leave the stage. End of Act 2.

Act 3: Maculele
Dancers 1. Victoria 2. Sophie 3. Maja 4. Chloe 5. Nastia 6. Daniel 7. Falador 8. Alex / Aaron 9. Leo 10. Morena Maculele is still on stage. He wakes up and finds the maculele sticks. He examines the sticks and starts playing with them. Drums start playing. Then voice enters Background voice (enters): Certo dia na cabana um guerreiro Certo dia na cabana um guerreiro Foi atacado por uma tribo pra val Pegou dois paus, saiu de salto mortal E gritou pula menino, que eu sou Maculel Chorus (same as above) Background voice: pula l que eu pulo c Chorus: Que eu sou Maculel Background voice: pula l que eu quero v Chorus: Que eu sou Maculel Background voice: pula eu pula voc Indians: Que eu sou Maculel Background voice: pula l que eu quero v Indians: Que eu sou Maculel Soon after the voice enters all warriors charge at Maculele with a loud scream. Maculele shows fear, moves back, but grabs on to his sticks really tight and gets ready to fight. The leader of the warriors sends one person at a time (3 in total) to fight maculele. Maculele does well and earns the respect of the warriors. The leader shakes his hand and they dance together. At this point they hear some sounds in the bushes, as if people were coming. The warriors turn in that direction and charge, meanwhile Maculele runs away again. End of Act 3

Act 4: Capoeira
Scene opens with the music from Act 1. The lights come on and theres a busy square with some vendors on the side and four to six people dancing on stage (in the background). Maculele enters the stage and walks around. Mestres comes in with the instruments, followed by students. Everyone on stage moves back to give them room. The berimbau starts playing and the roda starts, with Santo Amaro. Maculele joins in the roda and capoeira show continues. End of show.

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