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Chapter 3: Heredity and Variation Stages of mitosis Simple explanation Chromosomes in the nucleus shorten , thicken and are

e more visible.

Replication of chromosomes occur. Each strand of chromosomes is called a chromatid .

Chromosomes align themselves in the centre of the cell. The nucleus membrane dissappears.

Chromatids separate and move to the opposite ends of the cell. At the same time, the cell starts to divide.

The nucleus membrane forms again. Two daughter cells are formed. Each progeny cell has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

MEIOSIS DIF SIMILARITIES FE RE Involves cell division NC Occurs in the nucleus ES Chromosome replication takes place



Number of divisions

Only once


Number of daughter cells produced



Number of chromosomes in daughter cell compared to parent cell Combination of chromosomes in daughter cell compared to parent cell Crossing over





Does not occur

Variation occurs

Genetic variation


TERMS Phenotype

DEFINITIONS Describes the characteristics traits of an organism, including the physical and the physiological. Organism which has two identical genes. Example: TT or tt. Composition of gene in an organism Thread-like structure present in the nucleus of a cell A gene which is weak and its effect can be masked by a dominant gene An organism which has one dominant gene and one recessive gene for a certain characteristic. Example: Bb ( B = dominant gene for black fur , b = recessive gene for white fur ) Unit carrying a characteristic trait existing in pairs in a chromosome. Organism which has two different members of the same gene. Example: Tt. Exchange of genes when two chromatids cross giving rise to genetic variation. Exchange of DNA Information between sister chromatids

Homozygote Genotype Chromosome

Recessive gene Hybrid

Gene Heterozygote

Dominant gene

Crossing over

Father Parent Meiosis Gamete Fertilisation Offspring genotype Bb Bb B b b Bb

Mother bb







Offspring phenotype: 50 % black hair : 50% blonde hair. Sex Determination WOMAN Somatic cell Autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) Sex chromosomes Total 44 XX 44 + XX (46 chromosomes) MAN Ovum 22 X 22 + X (23 chromosomes) Somatic cell 44 XY 44 + XY (46 chromosomes) Sperm 22 X or Y 22 + X or 22 + Y (23 chromosomes)

Father 44 + XY

Mother 44 + XX

Parents : Meiosis Gamete : Fertilisation Offspring : Sex : 44 + XX Female 44 + XX Female 44 + XY Male 44 + XY Male 22 + X 22 + Y 22 + X 22 + X

VARIATION DIS CO CO NTI NTI Definition NU : Natural differences among the same species. NU OU OU S S Definition : Variation that shows a whole range of intermediate between two extremes Example :1 Body weight 2 Height 3 Intelligence Influenced by environmental factors such as food , climate and light. Definition : Variation that shows distinct differences. Example :1 Gender /sex 2 Blood group 3 Type of ear lobe Influenced by genetic factor.

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