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Ogre Basic Tutorial (2010/06/18)

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History: 2010/06/18: The first release (by teraapi)

Basic Tutorial 1 : An introduction to the most basic Ogre constructs: SceneManager, SceneNode, and Entity objects. Basic Tutorial 2 : Cameras, Lights, and Shadows Basic Tutorial 3 : Terrain, Sky, and Fog Basic Tutorial 4 : Frame Listeners and Unbuffered Input Basic Tutorial 5 : Buffered Input Basic Tutorial 6 : The Ogre Startup Sequence Basic Tutorial 7 : CEGUI and Ogre Basic Tutorial 8 : Multiple and Dual SceneManagers

Basic Tutorial 1 : An introduction to the most basic Ogre constructs: SceneManager, SceneNode, and Entity objects.
Tutorial Introduction In this tutorial we will be introducing you to the most basic Ogre constructs: SceneManager, SceneNode, and Entity objects. We will not cover a large amount of code; instead we will be focusing on the general concepts for you to begin learning Ogre. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it. There is no substitute for actual programming to get familiar with these concepts! Resist the urge to simply read along.

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to setup and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see this guide for specific compiler setups). NO knowledge of Ogre is assumed for this tutorial outside of what is contained in the setup guide.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Getting Started Initial Code Troubleshooting Message Box Trouble Missing a Configuration File or DLLs Resources or Plugin Problems Cannot Launch the Application in Visual Studio How Ogre Works SceneManager Basics Entity Basics SceneNode Basics Your first Ogre application

Coordinates and Vectors Adding another Object Entities more in Depth SceneNodes more in Depth Things to Try Scale Rotations The Ogre Environment DLLs and Plugins Configuration Files A Better Way to Test Your Application Conclusion

Getting Started
Initial Code
We will be using a pre-constructed code base for this tutorial. You should ignore all of the code except for what we will be adding to the createScene method. In a later tutorial we will go in depth explaining how Ogre applications work, but for now we will be starting at the most basic level. Read Setting up an Application to learn how to create the initial project and source files for your particular IDE and environment. Create a project named the project Tutorial. Add the tutorial application framework to it:
BaseApplication.h BaseApplication.cpp TutorialApplication.h TutorialApplication.cpp

Get the files from here: Ogre Wiki Tutorial Framework Or, use the Ogre AppWizard . TutorialApplication.cpp is the only file that we will be using for this tutorial and we will only be working with createScene() member function. TutorialApplication.cpp should contain the following code. I have removed the only header comments to keep the clutter down.
#include "TutorialApplication.h" TutorialApplication::TutorialApplication(void) { }

TutorialApplication::~TutorialApplication(void) { } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------void TutorialApplication::createScene(void) { Ogre::Entity* ogreHead = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh"); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode(); headNode->attachObject(ogreHead); // Set ambient light mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); // Create a light Ogre::Light* l = mSceneMgr->createLight("MainLight"); l->setPosition(20,80,50); }

#if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT ) #else int main(int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { // Create application object TutorialApplication app; try {

app.go(); } catch( Ogre::Exception& e ) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox( NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occured!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR| MB_TASKMODAL); #else std::cerr << "An exception has occured: " << e.getFullDescription().c_str() << std::endl; #endif } return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif

Go ahead and compile and run this program to make sure that your environment is set up correctly. Once the program is working, use the WASD keys to move, and the mouse to look around. The Escape key exits the program.

If you have problems, check Setting Up An Application to setup your compiler properly, or look in the Ogre.log file for more detailed information. If you need further help, search the forums. It is likely your problem has happened to others many times. If this is a new issue, read the forum rules then ask away. Make sure to provide relevant details from your Ogre.log, exceptions, error messages, and/or debugger back traces. Note that later tutorials will not contain this troubleshooting information, so please pay special attention to the following sections if you are having problems. Message Box Trouble If you are using Visual Studios with Unicode support turned on for the project you may encounter this error:
error C2664: 'MessageBoxW' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char *' to 'LPCWSTR' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, Cstyle cast or function-style cast

The problem is that the MessageBox function is (in this case) expecting Unicode, and we are giving it an ANSI string. To fix this, change the following line:
MessageBox( NULL, e.what(), "An exception has occured!", MB_OK | | MB_TASKMODAL); MB_IConerror

to this:
MessageBox'''A'''( NULL, e.what(), "An exception has occured!", MB_OK | MB_IConerror | MB_TASKMODAL);

Or you can change your text format in the compiler from Unicode to ANSI. However, you will lose support for international languages. The reason for this is that "MessageBox" is automatically resolved to either MessageBoxA (ANSI) or MessageBoxW (Wide/Unicode), depending on the project configuration. We fix the error by being explicit about it using ANSI. Missing a Configuration File or DLLs If you try to launch your freshly built application but the program complains of missing DLLs or configuration files (*.cfg), then you probably did not copy them over from the OgreSDK folder. In Visual Studios, when you build your application in release mode, it puts the release executable in the [ProjectFolder]\bin\release folder, and the debug executable in the [ProjectFolder]\bin\debug folder. You must copy all the ".dll" and ".cfg" files over from the OgreSDK into the appropriate folders. That is, copy the files from [OgreSDK]\bin\release to [ProjectFolder]\bin\release and [OgreSDK]\bin\debug to [ProjectFolder]\bin\debug. You will also need to edit the resources.cfg file to point at the correct paths. See the next section for more information on this. Resources or Plugin Problems Make sure you have a plugins.cfg and a resources.cfg in the same directory as the executable. Plugins.cfg tells OGRE which rendering libraries are available (Direct3D9, OpenGL, etc). Resources.cfg is used by the ExampleApplication and specifies paths to textures, meshes and scripts. Both are text files, so edit them and make sure the paths are correct. Otherwise your OGRE setup dialog box may not have any rendering libraries in it, or you may receive an error on your screen or in Ogre.log that looks something like this:
Description: ../../Media/packs/ - error whilst opening archive: Unable to read zip file

If this is the case, open up the resources.cfg file and change the paths it contains to point to locations in the Media folder that came with Ogre. Note you cannot use environment variables such as $ (SomeVariable) in these paths. Cannot Launch the Application in Visual Studio If you are using Visual Studio or Visual C++ to create the application and are having trouble launching it from the environment, the problem is most likely due to the debugger settings. If you press the play button (or go to the Start Debugging menu item) and you get an exception saying that a configuration file (*.cfg) cannot be found, then the Working Directory has probably not been set. The exact instructions for fixing this will vary based on which version of Visual C++ you are using, so I cannot give you a direct walk through, but the basic steps should be the same. Right click on your project in the solution explorer (not the solution itself) and go to properties. Somewhere in the configuration properties should be options for "Debugging". In the debugging options there should be a field for

"Working Directory". This should be set to the location that the executable file for your project is being placed. If you are having trouble figuring out what to put there, try to mimic the "Command" field which should also be in the debugging options. For example, in Visual C++ 2003, the "Command" field should be something similar to "..\..\bin\$(ConfigurationName)\$(TargetFileName)". For the Working Directory, we need to remove the portion of the command which is the target file name (the executable). In this case, the working directory would be "..\..\bin\$(ConfigurationName)". The exact string you have to put there may vary based on your version of Visual C++ and on your build environment, so be sure to check what the Command field is before doing this. Be sure to change the Working Directory for both the Release and Debug configuration. In Visual C++ 2005 it will probably be something different entirely. I've found the "..\..\bin\$ (ConfigurationName)" directory a good thing to try first, if it still does not work you may have to play with it some, or consult some help from the Ogre forums. The reason we have to do this is that Ogre expects certain files to be in the same directory as the executable, and without setting the working directory to be a directory with these files in it. Once you have successfully run the program, go ahead and remove the code from inside the createScene() function but do not remove the function itself. We will be place code back into this function and examining it line by line.

How Ogre Works

A broad topic. We will start with SceneManagers and work our way to Entities and SceneNodes. These three classes are the fundamental building blocks of Ogre applications.

SceneManager Basics
Everything that appears on the screen is managed by the SceneManager (fancy that). When you place objects in the scene, the SceneManager is the class which keeps track of their locations. When you create Cameras to view the scene (which we will cover in a later tutorial) the SceneManager keeps track of them. When you create planes, billboards, lights...and so on, the SceneManager keeps track of them. There are multiple types of SceneManagers. There are SceneManagers that render terrain, there is a SceneManager for rendering BSP maps, and so on. You can see the various types of SceneManagers listed here. We will cover more about other SceneManagers as we progress through the tutorials.

Entity Basics
An Entity is one of the types of object that you can render on a scene. You can think of an Entity as being anything that's represented by a 3D mesh. A robot would be an entity, a fish would be an entity, the terrain your characters walk on would be a very large entity. Things such as Lights, Billboards, Particles, Cameras, etc would not be entities. One thing to note about Ogre is that it separates renderable objects from their location and orientation. This means that you cannot directly place an Entity in a scene. Instead you must attach the Entity to a SceneNode object, and this SceneNode contains the information about location and orientation.

SceneNode Basics
As already mentioned, SceneNodes keep track of location and orientation for all of the objects attached to it. When you create an Entity, it is not rendered in the scene until you attach it to a SceneNode. In addition a SceneNode is not an object that is displayed on the screen. Only when you create a SceneNode and attach an Entity (or other object) to it is something actually displayed on the screen. SceneNodes can have any number of objects attached to them. Let's say you have a character walking around on the screen and you want to have him generate a light around him. The way you do this would be to first create a SceneNode, then create an Entity for the character and attach it to the SceneNode. Then you would create a Light object and attach it to the SceneNode. SceneNodes may also be attached to other SceneNodes which allows you to create entire hierarchies of nodes. We will cover more advanced uses of SceneNode attachment in a later tutorial. One major concept to note about SceneNodes is that a SceneNode's position is always relative to its parent SceneNode, and each SceneManager contains a root node to which all other SceneNodes are attached.

Your first Ogre application

Now go back to the code we created earlier. Find the TutorialApplication::createScene member function. We will only be manipulating the contents of this function in this tutorial. The first thing we want to do is set the ambient light for the scene so that we can see what we are doing. We do this by calling the setAmbientLight function and specifying what color we want. Note that the ColourValue constructor expects values for red, green, and blue in the range between 0 and 1. Add this line to createScene:
mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));

The next thing we need to do is create an Entity. We do this by calling the SceneManager's createEntity member function:
Ogre::Entity* ogreHead = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh");

Okay, several questions should pop up. First of all, where did mSceneMgr come from, and what are the parameters we are calling the function with? The mSceneMgr variable contains the current SceneManager object (this is done for us by the BaseApplication class). The first parameter to createEntity is the name of the Entity we are creating. All entities must have a unique name. You will get an error if you try to create two entities with the same name. The "ogrehead.mesh" parameter specifies the mesh we want to use for the Entity. "ogrehead.mesh" is a resource which comes with the Ogre SDK. Resource loading will be covered in a later tutorial as will meshes. For now we are using the resource loading capabilities of the BaseApplication class. Now that we have created the Entity, we need to create a SceneNode to attach it to. Since every SceneManager has a root SceneNode, we will be creating a child of that node:
Ogre::SceneNode* headNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode("HeadNode");

This long statement first calls the getRootSceneNode of the current SceneManager. Then it calls the createChildSceneNode method of the root SceneNode. The parameter to createChildSceneNode is the name of the SceneNode we are creating. Like the Entity class, no two SceneNodes can have the same

name. Finally, we need to attach the Entity to the SceneNode to give the Robot a render location:

And that's it! Compile and run your application. You should see an Ogre's head on your screen.

Coordinates and Vectors

Before we go any further, we need to talk about screen coordinates and Ogre Vector objects. Ogre (like many graphics engines) uses the x and z axis as the horizontal plane, and the y axis as your vertical axis. As you are looking at your monitor now, the x axis would run from the left side to the right side of your monitor, with the right side being the positive x direction. The y axis would run from the bottom of your monitor to the top of your monitor, with the top being the positive y direction. The z axis would run into and out of your screen, with out of the screen being the positive z direction. Notice how our Ogre Head is facing towards us along the -x direction? This is a property of the mesh and the camera position and facing. Cameras are covered in a later tutorial but for now just recognize the the Ogre's head is located at the position (0,0,0) and the our view of it is from in front a ways. The direction that the head is facing is a result of how the mesh was oriented when it was created and saved by the artist. Ogre makes no assumptions about how you orient your models. Each mesh that you load may have a different "starting direction" which it is facing. Ogre uses the Vector class to represent both position and direction (there is no Point class). There are vectors defined for 2 (Vector2), 3 (Vector3), and 4 (Vector4) dimensions, with Vector3 being the most commonly used. If you are not familiar with Vectors, I suggest you brush up on it before doing anything serious with Ogre. The math behind Vectors will become very useful when you start working on complex programs.

Adding another Object

Now that you understand how the coordinate systems work, we can go back to our code. In the three lines we wrote, nowhere did we specify the exact location where we wanted our Ogre head to appear. A large majority of the functions in Ogre have default parameters for them. For example, the SceneNode::createChildSceneNode member function in Ogre has three parameters: the name of the SceneNode, the position of the SceneNode, and the initial rotation (orientation) the SceneNode is facing. The position, as you can see, has been set for us to the coordinates (0, 0, 0). Let's create another SceneNode, but this time we'll specify the starting location to be something other than the origin:
Ogre::Entity* ogreHead2 = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Head2", "ogrehead.mesh" ); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode2 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode2", Ogre::Vector3( 100, 0, 0 ) ); headNode2->attachObject( ogreHead2 );

This should look familiar. We have done the exact same thing as before, with two exceptions. First of all, we have named the Entity and SceneNode something slightly different. The second thing we have done is specified that the starting position will be 100 units in the x direction away from the root SceneNode (remember that all SceneNode positions are relative to their parents). Compile and run the demo. Now there are two Ogre heads side-by-side. You may have to move back using the 's' key or the down arrow to

see both heads.

Entities more in Depth

The Entity class is very extensive, and I will not be covering how to use every portion of the object here...just enough to get you started. There are a few immediately useful member functions in Entity that I'd like to point out. The first is Entity::setVisible and Entity::isVisible. You can set any Entity to be visible or not by simply calling this function. If you need to hide an Entity, but later display it, then call this function instead of destroying the Entity and later recreating it. Note that you don't need to "pool" Entities up. Only one copy of any object's mesh and texture are ever loaded into memory, so you are not saving yourself much by trying to save them. The only thing you really save is the creation and destruction costs for the Entity object itself, which is relatively low. The getName function returns the name of Entity, and the getParentSceneNode function returns the SceneNode that the Entity is attached to.

SceneNodes more in Depth

The SceneNode class is very complex. There are a lot of things that can be done with a SceneNode, so we'll only cover some of the most useful. You can get and set the position of a SceneNode with getPosition and setPosition (always relative to the parent SceneNode). You can move the object relative to its current position by using the translate method. SceneNodes not only set position, but they also manage the scale and rotation of the object. You can set the scale of an object with the scale function. You can use the pitch, yaw, and roll functions to rotate objects. You can use resetOrientation to reset all rotations done to the object. You can also use the setOrientation, getOrientation, and rotate functions for more advanced rotations. We will not be covering Quaternions until a much later tutorial though. You have already seen the attachObject function. These related functions are also useful if you are looking to manipulate the objects that are attached to a SceneNode: numAttachedObjects, getAttachedObject (there are multiple versions of this function), detachObject (also multiple versions), detachAllObjects. There are also a whole set of functions for dealing with parent and child SceneNodes as well. Since all positioning and translating is done relative to the parent SceneNode, we can make two SceneNodes move together very easily. We currently have this code in the application:
mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh"); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode("HeadNode"); headNode->attachObject(ogreHead); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead2 = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Head2", "ogrehead.mesh" ); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode2 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode2", Ogre::Vector3( 100, 0, 0 ) );

headNode2->attachObject( ogreHead2 );

If we change the 6th line from this:

Ogre::SceneNode* headNode2 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode2", Ogre::Vector3( 100, 0, 0 ) );

To this:
Ogre::SceneNode* headNode2 = headNode->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode2", Ogre::Vector3( 100, 0, 0 ) );

Then we have made headNode2 a child of headNode. Moving headNode will move headNode2 along with it, but moving headNode2 will not affect headNode. For example this code would move only headNode2:
headNode2->translate( Vector3( 10, 0, 10 ) );

The following code would move headNode, and since headNode2 is a child of headNode, headNode2 would be moved as well:
headNode->translate( Vector3( 25, 0, 0 ) );

If you are having trouble with this, the easiest thing to do is to start at the root SceneNode and go downwards. Let's say (as in this case), we started headNode and (0, 0, 0) and translated it by (25, 0, 0), thus headNode's position is (25, 0, 0) relative to its parent. headNode2 started at (100, 0, 0) and we translated it by (10, 0, 10), so its new position is (110, 0, 10) relative to its parent. Now let's figure out where these things really are. Start at the root SceneNode. Its position is always (0, 0, 0). Now, node1's position is (root + headNode): (0, 0, 0) + (25, 0, 0) = (25, 0, 0). Not surprising. Now, headNode2 is a child of node1, so its position is (root + headNode + headNode2): (0, 0, 0) + (25, 0, 0) + (110, 0, 10) = (135, 0, 10). This is just an example to explain how to think about SceneNode position inheritance. You will rarely ever need to calculate the absolute position of your nodes. Lastly, note that you can get both SceneNodes and Entities by their name by calling getSceneNode and getEntity methods of the SceneManager, so you don't have to keep a pointer to every SceneNode you create. You should hang on to the ones you use often though.

Things to Try
By now you should have a basic grasp of Entities, SceneNodes, and the SceneManager. I suggest starting with the code above and adding and removing Robots from the scene. Once you have done that, clear all the contents out of the createScene method, and play with each of the following code segments:

You can scale the mesh by calling the scale method in SceneNode. Try changing the values in scale and see what you get:
mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh"); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode("HeadNode"); headNode->attachObject(ogreHead); headNode->scale( .5, 1, 2 ); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead2 = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Head2", "ogrehead.mesh" ); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode2 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode2", Ogre::Vector3( 100, 0, 0 ) ); headNode2->attachObject( ogreHead2 ); headNode2->scale( 1, 2, 1 );

You can rotate the object by using the yaw, pitch, and roll methods using either Degree or Radian objects. Pitch is rotation around the x axis, yaw is around the y axis, and roll is around the z axis. Using your right hand as a guide: point your thumb in the direction of an axis, curl your remaining fingers. The direction of the curl matches the positive rotation around that axis:

Try changing the Degree amount and combining multiple transforms:

mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh"); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode("HeadNode"); headNode->attachObject(ogreHead); headNode->yaw( Degree( -90 ) ); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead2 = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Head2", "ogrehead.mesh" ); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode2 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode2", Ogre::Vector3( 100, 0, 0 ) ); headNode2->attachObject( ogreHead2 ); headNode2->pitch( Degree( -90 ) ); Ogre::Entity* ogreHead3 = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Head3", "ogrehead.mesh" ); Ogre::SceneNode* headNode3 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "HeadNode3", Ogre::Vector3( 200, 0, 0 ) ); headNode3->attachObject( ogreHead3 ); headNode3->roll( Degree( -90 ) );

The Ogre Environment

Most of the files (.DLL and .CFG) referred to in this section (and throughout the tutorials) can be found in the OgreSDK "bin" folder under either debug or release. Debug programs which you create should use the files in the debug OgreSDK folder, and release programs should use the files in the release folder. Note that a lot of this section discusses Windows specific monikers. Under a Linux the same information basically applies, but the shared libraries end in .so and reside in another location, and some things may be slightly different. If you have problems, be sure to post your question to the Ogre help forums.

DLLs and Plugins

Now that we have played with the Ogre environment a bit, I'd like to explain how the Ogre library works in general to make your life easier when working with it. Ogre is divided into 3 large shared library groups: The main library, the plugins, and the third-party libraries.

Main library. The first group consists of the library itself and the shared libraries it relies on. The Ogre library is contained, in its entirety in OgreMain.dll. This dll requires a few other libraries such as cg.dll. These DLLs must be included with every Ogre application without exception. Plugins. The second group of shared libraries are the plugins. Ogre pushes a good portion of functionality out into shared libraries so that they may be turned on or off depending on the needs of your application. The basic plugins included with Ogre have filenames which start with the "Plugin_" prefix. You can create new plugins yourself if your application needs them, but we will not be covering this in any tutorial. Ogre also uses plugins for the render systems (such as OpenGL, DirectX, etc). These plugins start with the "RenderSystem_" prefix. These plugins exist so that you can add or remove render systems from your application. This can be especially useful if you write shaders or something which is specific to (for example) OpenGL and you need turn off the ability to run the program in DirectX, you can simply remove the appropriate RenderSystem plugin and it will be unavailable. Additionally if you are targeting a non-standard platform, you can write your own RenderSystem plugin, though this will not be covered in the tutorial. We will cover how to remove plugins in the next section. Third party libraries and helper libraries . The third group of shared libraries are the third party libraries and helper libraries. Ogre itself is just a graphics rendering library. It does not include things such as GUI systems, input control, physics engines, and so on. You will have to use other libraries to do these things. The Ogre demos and SDK includes a few of these third party helper libraries. The CEGUI library is a GUI system that integrates easily into Ogre, and the DLLs that begin with "CEGUI*" and the "OgreGUIRenderer.dll" are part of this. Using CEGUI will be covered in a later tutorial. Keyboard and mouse input is accomplished through OIS (an input system). This is contained in OIS.dll. There are also other libraries (not included with the SDK) which give more functionality (such as sound and physics) which you can find more information about in other places such as on the Wiki and in the forums. The moral of the story is that when you are testing your application locally, you can leave everything "turned on" (that is, don't remove anything) to test with. When you are ready to distribute your application, you will need to build it in Release mode, and include all of the release DLLs that your application uses, and you should remove the DLLs that you do not use. If your program doesn't use CEGUI but does use OIS, then you shouldn't bother including the CEGUI DLLs, but you must include the OIS dll or your application will not run.

Configuration Files
Ogre runs off of several configuration files. They control which plugins are loaded, where the application's resources are located, and so on. We will briefly look at each of the configuration files and what they do. If you have more specific questions, you should direct them to the Ogre help forums. plugins.cfg This file contains which plugins your application uses. If you want to add or remove a plugin in application, you will need to modify this file. To remove a plugin, simply remove the appropriate line, or comment it out by putting a # at the beginning of the line. To add a plugin, you will need to add a line like "Plugin=[PluginName]". Note that you do not put .DLL at the end of the plugin name. Your plugin also does not have to start with "RenderSystem_" or "Plugin_". You can also define the location that Ogre looks for plugins by changing the "PluginFolder" variable. You can use both absolute and relative paths, but you cannot use environment variables like $(SomeVariable). resources.cfg This file contains a list of directories which Ogre should scan to look for resources. Resources include scripts, meshes, textures, and so on. You can use both absolute and relative paths, but

you cannot use environment variables like $(SomeVariable). Note that Ogre will not scan subfolders, so you must manually enter them if you have multiple levels. For example, if you have a directory tree like "res\meshes" and "res\meshes\small", you will have to add two entries to the resources file containing both of these paths. media.cfg This file tells Ogre more detailed information about some of the resources. It is unlikely that you will need to modify this file at this time, so I will skip over the details. More information can be found in the Manual and in the Ogre forums. ogre.cfg This file is generated by Ogre's configuration screen. This file will be specific to your individual computer and graphics setup. You should not distribute this file to other people when you share your application, as they are likely to have different settings than you do. Note you should not edit this file directly, instead use the configuration screen. quake3settings.cfg This file is used with the BSPSceneManager. You will not need this file unless you are using this scene manager (which you are not using at this point), so ignore it. You should not distribute this file with your application unless, again, you are using the BSPSceneManager, and even then it will likely be completely different depending on the needs of your program. These are all of the configuration files that Ogre manipulates directly. Ogre must be able to find "plugins.cfg", "resources.cfg", and "media.cfg" to run properly. In a later tutorial we will cover more about these files and how to change their location and manipulate them to do more advanced things.

A Better Way to Test Your Application

Note this section is Windows and Visual C++ specific. As mentioned in many places (including the Troubleshooting section above), Ogre must be able to find the configuration files, DLLs, and media resources that your program uses. Most people solve this by manually copying the bin folder from the OgreSDK into their project's directory to put the correct DLLs in the same folder as the executable file. This is probably the best thing to do if you are creating a game or application which will be distributed to many people because you will undoubtedly change the configuration files and add/remove plugins from the norm. In many other situations though, copying all the DLLs over to each Ogre project you create will waste space and a lot of time. Here are a few things you can do instead. One alternative is to copy the OgreSDK DLL files (minus the plugins) over to the c:\Windows\System folder. This has the advantage that no matter where your executable files are, Windows will always be able to find the appropriate DLL. To make this work, modify the resources.cfg and plugins.cfg to contain absolute paths to the media folder and plugins respectively. Now, whenever you create a project, you simply have to copy the modified configuration files over to your bin\debug and bin\release directories. I personally do not use this approach since it's possible to lose track of which OgreSDK DLLs are in your Windows directory. Ogre releases new versions often, so actually updating your install with this method could become quite a hassle. A better alternative is to leave all OgreSDK files where they are and set the working directory of every Ogre application you create to be OgreSDK's bin\release or bin\debug directory. To do this, go to your project's properties and change the "Working Directory" field (in the Debugging options) to be "C:\OgreSDK\bin\$(ConfigurationName)". You may need to change "C:\OgreSDK" to wherever you installed Ogre; then, no files will need to be copied to make your Ogre programs work. This is the approach I personally use on my Ogre projects. The only drawback is that if you need to make modifications to the configuration files, you will be modifying them for every Ogre project, which is obviously bad. If you use this approach and need to modify the configuration files for your project, copy all of the files into your project as you normally would instead, then change the Working Directory back to what it originally was.

By this point you should have a very basic grasp of the SceneManager, SceneNode, and Entity classes. You do not have to be familiar with all of the functions that I have introduced. Since these are the most basic objects, we will be using them very often. You will get more familiar with them after working through the next few tutorials. You should also be familiar with setting up a working Ogre environment for your projects. Proceed to Basic Tutorial 2 Cameras, Lights, and Shadows

Basic Tutorial 2 : Cameras, Lights, and Shadows

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to setup and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see this guide for specific compiler setups). This tutorial builds on the first tutorial, and it assumes you have already worked through it.

In this tutorial I will be introducing you to a few more Ogre constructs, as well as expanding on what you have already learned. This tutorial will deal mainly with Light objects and how they are used to create shadows in Ogre. We will also cover the absolute basics about Cameras. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it. You can see the source code for the final state of this tutorial here. If you have trouble with the code, you should compare your project's source to the final product.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Introduction Getting Started Cameras Ogre Cameras Creating a Camera Viewports Ogre Viewports Creating the Viewport Lights and Shadows Shadow Types that Ogre Supports Using Shadows in Ogre Troubleshooting Types of Lights Creating the Lights Things to Try Different Shadow Types Light Attenuation SceneManager::setAmbientLight Viewport Background Colour

Camera::setFarClipDistance Planes Full Source

Getting Started
As with the last tutorial, we will be using a pre-constructed code base as our starting point. We will add two more methods to our TutorialApplication class: createViewport and createCamera. These two functions were already defined in the base ExampleApplication, but in this tutorial we will now look at them to see how Cameras and Viewports are actually created and used. Create a project in the compiler of your choice for this project, and add a source file which contains this code:
#include "ExampleApplication.h" class TutorialApplication : public ExampleApplication { protected: public: TutorialApplication() { } ~TutorialApplication() { } protected: virtual void createCamera(void) { } virtual void createViewports(void) { } void createScene(void) { Entity *ent; Light *light; } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h"

INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT ) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object TutorialApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch( Exception& e ) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox( NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str()); #endif } return 0; }

If you are using the OgreSDK under Windows, be sure to add the "OgreSDK_DIRECTORY\samples\include" directory to this project (the ExampleApplication.h file is located there) in addition to the standard include. If you're using the Ogre source distribution, this should be located in the "OgreSource_DIRECTORY\Samples\Common\include" directory. Be sure you can compile this code before continuing to the next section (though do not try to run it as it will crash until we add more to it). We will be adding code later to make this work. If you have problems, check this Wiki page for information about setting up your compiler, and if you still have problems try the Help Forum.

Ogre Cameras
A Camera is what we use to view the scene that we have created. A Camera is a special object which works somewhat like a SceneNode does. The Camera object has setPosition, yaw,roll and pitch functions, and you can attach it to any SceneNode. Just like SceneNodes, a Camera's position is relative to its parents (it's nice to respect one's elders). For all movement and rotation, you can basically consider a Camera a SceneNode. One thing about Ogre Cameras that is different from what you may expect is that you should only be using one Camera at a time (for now). That is, we do not create a Camera for viewing one portion of a scene, a second camera for viewing another portion of the scene and then enabling or disabling cameras based on what portion of the scene we want to display. Instead the way to accomplish this is to create

SceneNodes which act as "camera holders". These SceneNodes simply sit in the scene and point at what the Camera might want to look at. When it is time to display a portion of the Scene, the Camera simply attaches itself to the appropriate SceneNode. We will revisit this technique in the FrameListener tutorial.

Creating a Camera
We will be replacing the default method that ExampleApplication uses to create the Camera. Find the TutorialApplication::createCamera member function. The first thing we are going to do is create the Camera. Since Cameras are tied to the SceneManager which they reside in, we use the SceneManager object to create them. Add this line of code to create the Camera:
// create the camera mCamera = mSceneMgr->createCamera("PlayerCam");

This creates a Camera with the name "PlayerCam". Note that you can use the getCamera function of SceneManager to get Cameras based on their name if you decide not to hold a pointer to it. The next thing we are going to do is set the position of the Camera and the way that it's facing. We will be placing objects around the origin, so we'll put the Camera a good distance in the +z direction and have the Camera face the origin. Add this code after the previous bit:
// set its position, direction mCamera->setPosition(Vector3(0,10,500)); mCamera->lookAt(Vector3(0,0,0));

The lookAt function is pretty nifty. You can have the Camera face any position you want to instead of having to yaw, rotate, and pitch your way there. SceneNodes have this function as well, which can make setting Entities facing the right direction much easier in many cases. Finally we will set a near clipping distance of 5 units. The clipping distance of a Camera specifies how close or far something can be before you no longer see it. Setting the near clipping distance makes it easier to see through Entities on the screen when you are very close to them. The alternative is being so close to an object that it fills the screen and you can't see anything but a tiny portion of it. You can also set the far clipping distance as well. This will stop the engine from rendering anything farther away than the given value. This is primarily used to increase the framerate if you are rendering large amounts of things on the screen for very long distances. To set the near clipping distance, add this line:

Setting the far clipping distance would simply be a similar call to setFarClipDistance (though you should not use a far clip distance with Stencil Shadows, which we will be using in this tutorial).

Ogre Viewports
When you start dealing with multiple Cameras, the concept of a Viewport class will become much more

useful to you. I bring up the topic now because I think it is important for you to understand how Ogre decides which Camera to use when rendering a scene. It is possible in Ogre to have multiple SceneManagers running at the same time. It is also possible to split the screen up into multiple areas, and have separate cameras render to separate areas on the screen (think of a split view for 2 players in a console game, for example). While it is possible to do these things, we will not cover how to do them until the advanced tutorials. To understand how Ogre renders a scene, consider three of Ogre's constructs: the Camera, the SceneManager, and the RenderWindow. The RenderWindow we have not covered, but it is basically the window in which everything is displayed. The SceneManager object creates Cameras to view the scene. You must tell the RenderWindow which Cameras to display on the screen, and what portion of the window to render it in. The area in which you tell the RenderWindow to display the Camera is your Viewport. Under most typical uses of Ogre, you will generally create only one Camera, register the Camera to use the entire RenderWindow, and thus only have one Viewport object. In this tutorial we will go over how to register the Camera to create the Viewport. We can then use this Viewport object to set the background color of the scene we are rendering.

Creating the Viewport

We will be overriding the ExampleApplication's creation of the Viewport, so find the TutorialApplication::createViewports member function. To create the Viewport we simply call the addViewport function of RenderWindow and supply it with the Camera we are using. The ExampleApplication class has already populated the mWindow class with our RenderWindow, so add this line of code:
// Create one viewport, entire window Viewport* vp = mWindow->addViewport(mCamera);

Now that we have our Viewport, what can we do with it? The answer is: not much. The most important thing we can do with it is to call the setBackgroundColour function to set the background to whatever color we choose. Since we are dealing with lighting in this tutorial we will set the color to black:

Note that ColourValue expects a red, green, and blue color value for its parameters between the values of 0 and 1. The last, and most important thing we need to do is to set the aspect ratio of our Camera. If you are using something other than the standard full-window viewport, then failing to set this can result in a very strange looking scene. We will go ahead and set it even though we are using the default aspect ratio:
// Alter the camera aspect ratio to match the viewport mCamera->setAspectRatio(Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Real(vp>getActualHeight()));

That's all that has to be done for our simple use of the Viewport class. At this point you should be able to compile and run the application, though nothing will appear but a blank scene (use the Escape key to exit). Be sure you can run the application without it crashing before continuing.

Lights and Shadows

Shadow Types that Ogre Supports
Ogre currently supports three types of Shadows:

1. Modulative Texture Shadows (SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE) - The least computationally expensive of the three. This creates a black and white render-to-texture of shadow casters, which is then applied to the scene. 2. Modulative Stencil Shadows (SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE) - This technique renders all shadow volumes as a modulation after all non-transparent objects have been rendered to the scene. This is not as intensive as Additive Stencil Shadows, but it is also not as accurate. 3. Additive Stencil Shadows (SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE) - This technique renders each light as a separate additive pass on the scene. This is very hard on the graphics card because each additional light requires an additional pass at rendering the scene. Ogre does not support soft shadows as part of the engine. If you want soft shadows you will need to write your own vertex and fragment programs. Note that this is just a quick introduction here - the Ogre manual fully describes shadows in Ogre and the implications of using them.

Using Shadows in Ogre

Using shadows in Ogre is relatively simple. The SceneManager class has a setShadowTechnique member function that we can use to set the type of Shadows we want. Then whenever you create an Entity, call the setCastShadows function to set whether or not it casts shadows. We will now set the ambient light to complete darkness, and set the shadow type. Find the TutorialApplication::createScene member function and add this code to it:
mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0, 0, 0)); mSceneMgr->setShadowTechnique(SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE);

Now the SceneManager uses additive stencil shadows. Let's create an object on the scene and make it cast shadows.
ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Ninja", "ninja.mesh"); ent->setCastShadows(true); mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject(ent);

Again, the ninja.mesh has been preloaded for us by the ExampleApplication. We also need something for the Ninja to stand on (so that he has something to cast shadows onto). To do this we will create a simple plane. This is not meant to be a tutorial on using MeshManager, but we will go over the very basics since we have to use it to create a plane. First we need to define the Plane object itself, which is done by supplying a normal and the distance from the origin. We could (for example) use planes to make up parts of world geometry, in which case we would need to specify something other than 0 for our origin distance. For now we just want a plane to have the positive y axis as its normal (that means we want it to face up), and no distance from the origin:
Plane plane(Vector3::UNIT_Y, 0);

Now we need to register the plane so that we can use it in our application. The MeshManager class keeps track of all the meshes we have loaded into our application (for example, this keeps track of the robot.mesh and the ninja.mesh that we have been using). The createPlane member function takes in a Plane definition and makes a mesh from the parameters. This registers our plane for use:

MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane("ground", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, plane, 1500,1500,20,20,true,1,5,5,Vector3::UNIT_Z);

Again, I do not wish to go into the specifics of how to use the MeshManager just yet (consult the API reference if you want to see exactly what each parameter is doing). Basically we have registered our plane to be 1500 by 1500 in size and new mesh is called "ground". Now, we can create an Entity from this mesh and place it on the scene:
ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity("GroundEntity", "ground"); mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject(ent);

Neat huh? There are two more things we need to do with our ground before we are finished with it. The first is to tell the SceneManager that we don't want it to cast shadows since it is what's being used for shadows to project on. The second thing is we need to put a texture on it. Our robot and ninja meshes already have material scripts defined for them. When we manually created our ground mesh, we did not specify what texture to use on it. We will use the "Examples/Rockwall" material script that Ogre includes with its samples:
ent->setMaterialName("Examples/Rockwall"); ent->setCastShadows(false);

Now that we have a Ninja and ground in the scene, let's compile and run the program. We see... nothing! What's going on? In the previous tutorial we added Robots and they displayed fine. The reason the Ninja doesn't show up is because the scene's ambient light has been set to total darkness. So let's add a light to see what is going on. Troubleshooting Some people have reported a problem with GCC and Code::Blocks they have had in this section. If you receive an error similar to this:
variable 'vtable for Ogre::MeshPtr' can't be auto-imported. Please read the documentation for ld's --enable-auto-import for details.

You'll need to add the following to your linker options:


If using CodeBlocks::IDE right click on project name->build options->linker options and set this option there. Stencil shadows and query flags When using stencil shadows, Ogre finds the shadow casters by making a scene query. Entity (and static geometry) query flags are used for this, so if you have set query flags for an object to 0 using setQueryFlags(), the object will not work for stencil shadows.

Types of Lights
There are three types of lighting that Ogre provides. 1. Point (LT_POINT) - Point light sources emit light from them in every direction. 2. Spotlight (LT_SPOTLIGHT) - A spotlight works exactly like a flashlight does. You have a position where the light starts, and then light heads out in a direction. You can also tell the light how large of an angle to use for the inner circle of light and the outer circle of light (you know how flashlights are brighter in the center, then lighter after a certain point?). 3. Directional (LT_DIRECTIONAL) - Directional light simulates far-away light that hits everything in the scene from a direction. Let's say you have a night time scene and you want to simulate moonlight. You could do this by setting the ambient light for the scene, but that's not exactly realistic since the moon does not light everything equally (neither does the sun). One way to do this would be to set a directional light and point in the direction the moon would be shining. Lights have a wide range of properties that describes how the light looks. Two of the most important properties of a light are its diffuse and specular color. Each material script defines how much diffuse and specular lighting the material reflects, which we will learn how to control in a later tutorial.

Creating the Lights

To create a Light in Ogre we call SceneManager's createLight member function and supply the light's name, very much like how we create an Entity or Camera. After we create a Light, we can either set the position of it manually or attach it to a SceneNode for movement. Unlike the Camera object, light only has setPosition and setDirection (and not the full suite of movement functions like translate, pitch, yaw, roll, etc). So if you need to create a stationary light, you should call the setPosition member function. If you need the light to move (such as creating a light that follows a character), then you should attach it to a SceneNode instead. So, let's start with a basic point Light. The first thing we will do is create the light, set its type, and set its position:
light = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light1"); light->setType(Light::LT_POINT); light->setPosition(Vector3(0, 150, 250));

Now that we have created the light, we can set its diffuse
light->setDiffuseColour(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); light->setSpecularColour(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

and specular

color. Let's make it red:

Now compile and run the application. Success! We can now see the Ninja and he casts a shadow. Be sure to also look at him from the front, a complete silhouette. One thing to notice is that you do not "see" the light source. You see the light it generates but not the actual light object itself. Many of Ogre's tutorials add a simple entity to show where the light is being emitted from. If you are having trouble with lights in your application you should consider creating something similar to what they do so you can see exactly where your light is. Next, let's try out directional light. Notice how the front of the ninja is pitch black? Let's add a small amount of yellow directional light that is shining towards the front of his body. We create the light and set the color just like we do for a point light:

light = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light3"); light->setType(Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL); light->setDiffuseColour(ColourValue(.25, .25, 0)); light->setSpecularColour(ColourValue(.25, .25, 0));

Since directional light is supposed to come from a far-off distance, we do not have to set its position, only its direction. We'll set the direction of the light to be in the positive z and negative y direction (like it is coming from 45 degrees in front and above the ninja):
light->setDirection(Vector3( 0, -1, 1 ));

Compile and run the application. We now have two shadows on the screen, though since the directional light is so faint, the shadow is also faint. The last type of light we are going to play with is the spotlight. We will now create a blue spotlight:
light = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light2"); light->setType(Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT); light->setDiffuseColour(0, 0, 1.0); light->setSpecularColour(0, 0, 1.0);

We also need to set both the position and the direction that the spotlight shines in. We will create a spotlight that hovers above the Ninja's right shoulder, and shines down directly on him:
light->setDirection(-1, -1, 0); light->setPosition(Vector3(300, 300, 0));

Spotlights also allow us to specify how wide the beam of the light is. Imagine a flashlight beam for a second. There is a core beam in the center that is brighter than the surrounding light. We can set the width of both of these beams by calling the setSpotlightRange member function:
light->setSpotlightRange(Degree(35), Degree(50));

Compile and run the application. Purple Ninja...dangerous!

Things to Try
Different Shadow Types
In this demo we only set the shadow type to be SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE. Try setting it to the other two types of shadows and see what happens. There are also many other shadow-related functions in the SceneManager class. Try playing with some of them and seeing what you come up with.

Light Attenuation
Lights define a setAttenuation function which allows you to control how the light dissipates as you get farther away from it. Add a function call to the Point light that sets the attenuation to different values. How does this affect the light?

Experiment with the setAmbientLight function of mSceneMgr.

Viewport Background Colour

Change the default ColourValue in the createViewports function. While it is not really appropriate to change it to something other than black in this situation, it is a good thing to know how to change.

In createCamera we set the near clip distance. Add a function call to setFarClipDistance and set it to be 500, watch what happens when you move from seeing the Ninja and not seeing the Ninja with stencil shadows turned on. Notice the slowup? Note: You'll need to set mSceneMgr->setShadowUseInfiniteFarPlane(false), for this to work, and you might get some strange shadows. (See this thread)

We did not cover much about Planes in this tutorial (it was not the focus of this article). We will go back and revisit this topic in a later tutorial, but for now you should look up the createPlane function and try playing with some of the inputs to the function.

Full Source
If you are having difficulty building this tutorial, take a look at the source code for it and compare it to your project. Proceed to Basic Tutorial 3 Terrain, Sky, and Fog

Basic Tutorial 3 : Terrain, Sky, and Fog

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to setup and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see this guide for specific compiler setups). This tutorial builds on the previous beginner tutorials, and it assumes you have already worked through them.

In this tutorial we will be exploring how to manipulate terrain, sky, and fog in your Ogre applications. After this tutorial you should understand the differences between Skyboxes, Skyplanes, and Skydomes, and be able to use them. You will also know the difference between the different types of fog, and how to use them. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it. You can see the source code for the final state of this tutorial here. If you have trouble with the code, you should compare your project's source to this.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Introduction Getting Started The Root Object and SceneManager Creation Root SceneManager Creation Terrain Adding Terrain to the Scene The terrain.cfg File Lighting Terrain Sky SkyBoxes SkyDomes SkyPlanes Which to Use? Fog Fog Introduction Types of Fog Fog and Sky

Fog as Darkness

Getting Started
As with the previous tutorials, we will be using a pre-constructed code base as our starting point. Create a project in the compiler of your choice for this project, and add a source file which contains this code:
#include "ExampleApplication.h" class TutorialApplication : public ExampleApplication { protected: public: TutorialApplication() { } ~TutorialApplication() { } protected: void chooseSceneManager(void) { } void createScene(void) { } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object TutorialApplication app; try { app.go();

} catch(Exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox(NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str()); #endif } return 0; }

If you are using the OgreSDK under Windows, be sure to add the "OgreSDK_DIRECTORY\samples\include" directory to this project (the ExampleApplication.h file is located there) in addition to the standard include. If using the Ogre source distribution, this should be located in the "OgreSource_DIRECTORY\Samples\Common\include" directory. Be sure you can compile this code before continuing to the next section, though do not attempt to run the program until we have filled in more of the code. If you have problems compiling, check this Wiki page for information about setting up your compiler, and if you still have problems try the Help Forum. Program controls: Use the WASD keys to move, and the mouse to look around. The Escape key exits the program.

The Root Object and SceneManager Creation

In this demo we will be rendering Terrain in Ogre. To do this we need to set the SceneManager to the TerrainSceneManager instead of the default one that the ExampleApplication sets up for us. Find the chooseSceneManager function, and add the following code:
mSceneMgr = mRoot->createSceneManager(ST_EXTERIOR_CLOSE);

The Root object (mRoot is an instance of Root) is the "core" Ogre object. You can see a UML diagram of the relationships between Ogre objects here. You have now seen almost all of these objects in practice, with the exception of the RenderSystem. In this chunk of code, we are telling the Root node that we want a SceneManager of the ST_EXTERIOR_CLOSE type. The Root object then queries the SceneManagerEnumerator to find the SceneManager of the type you requested and returns it. After your application is set up, you rarely ever have to deal with Ogre's Root object, and you don't ever interact with the SceneManagerEnumerator directly.

SceneManager Creation
I would like to go ahead and talk to you about SceneManager creation and storage to save you the confusion in the future. SceneManagers are not Singletons. You can create as many of them as you want,

and unlike SceneNodes/Lights/etc., you can create them directly with a "new SceneManager()" statement (you do not have to use Root's createSceneManager method, but you really should). You can have multiple SceneManagers populated with multiple separate geometries and entities at the same time. You can swap between any of these at any time by recreating the Viewport (this is covered in Intermediate Tutorial 4) or display multiple SceneManagers at the same time using multiple Viewports. Why do we use the createSceneManager function instead of creating our SceneManager object manually? Well, the plugin system in Ogre gives us a great deal of flexibility when working with single SceneManagers. There are only a few scene types defined in the SceneType enum. Until now, the ExampleApplication has been choosing ST_GENERIC as our SceneManager. You might think that this is the base SceneManager class, but as long as you did not fiddle with the plugins.cfg file, then that's not what you have been using! The OctreeSceneManager registers itself as ST_GENERIC and overrides the base SceneManager class if you are using the OctreeSceneManager plugin. The OctreeSceneManager uses a system of culling objects that are not visible and thus it's generally faster than the regular SceneManager. If you removed the OctreeSceneManager plugin from your plugins.cfg you would probably be using the basic SceneManager when you request ST_GENERIC, or you could possibly be using something better depending on your plugins. That's the beauty of the system. Thus far we have only covered the most basic use of the Root object when creating SceneManagers. In fact, we can request a SceneManager from a string instead of using the SceneType enum. Ogre uses flexible SceneManager factories, which allow you to define any number of SceneManager types and create and destroy them as you need. For example, let's say that we install a plugin which allows you to create SceneManagers called "FooSceneManager". We would create one of these by calling:
// do not add this to the project mSceneMgr = mRoot->createSceneManager("FooSceneManager");

This would create one of these with a default name. Even though I will not do so during these tutorials, you should always name your SceneManagers with the second parameter to createSceneManager. For example, if we wanted to create two SceneManagers with two names we could do the following:
// do not add this to the project mSceneMgr1 = mRoot->createSceneManager("FooSceneManager", "foo"); mSceneMgr2 = mRoot->createSceneManager("FooSceneManager", "bar");

By naming our SceneManagers, we no longer have to keep track of them with pointers. The Root object will do it for us. If you later want to use the "foo" and "bar" SceneManagers, you can do the following:
// do not add this to the project SceneManager *foo = mRoot->getSceneManager("foo"); SceneManager *bar = mRoot->getSceneManager("bar");

When you are completely done with a SceneManager, use Root's destroySceneManager function to get rid of it and save memory. Though we will not cover it in a tutorial, you can also define your own SceneManager factories by subclassing the SceneManagerFactory class. This is useful when you have created your own SceneManager (by subclassing it) or if you want to take a standard SceneManager and perform a few changes to it before passing it off to your application (such as creating Cameras, creating Lights, loading geometry, and so on).

Adding Terrain to the Scene
Now that we have that cleared up, time to actually create Terrain. The base SceneManager defines the setWorldGeometry method, which subclasses use for most scene creation purposes. With the TerrainSceneManager class, it expects a filename from which to load a terrain configuration. Find the TutorialApplication::createScene member function and add this line of code:

Compile and run your program. It's that easy. You might want to set the Camera to start in a place that's over the terrain if it bothers you that its initial position is under the terrain.

The terrain.cfg File

There are many options in the terrain.cfg file, and I am only going to cover the most basic for changing the images used to generate the terrain. A more detailed explanation of the terrain config file can be found here. One major thing to note about the TerrainSceneManager is that it has been designed with paging functionality in mind, but it has not been implemented yet. Paging terrain is a system where the terrain is broken into chunks, and only displayed when the user would be able to see it. This allows you define a huge world and be able to use it without dropping the framerate by a significant amount. There is an Ogre plugin that does this: Paging Scene Manager. The TerrainSceneManager uses Heightmaps to generate terrain. You can specify the heightmap you want to use by setting the "Heightmap.image" property. You can set the texture that is used for the terrain by setting the WorldTexture property. The terrain scene manager also allows you to specify a "DetailTexture" property, which is interlaced with the WorldTexture to make the terrain look more realistic. You should find each of the images currently specified by terrain.cfg and take a look at them (they should be in the Media/materials/textures folder). Details on how to create heightmaps have been discussed ad nauseum on the forums. Search for heightmap and you are sure to find something that you are looking for.

Lighting Terrain
We just spent the entire previous tutorial going over lights and shadows, but the bad news is it's not easy to get this to work in the TerrainSceneManager. For now, just know that it's much easier to take the detail texture and add lighting effects to it than it is to get standard lighting working. We will also go over a way to do "Fake Darkness" in the Fog section. If you are looking to use lighting with the terrain, you should look into using the Paging Scene Manager, since it has better support for these features.

Ogre provides three different types of sky: SkyBoxes, SkyDomes, and SkyPlanes. We will take a look at each of these in detail. You may have to add the following line to the chooseSceneManager method to use the Example/* textures.


A SkyBox is basically a giant cube that surrounds all of the objects in the scene. The best way to describe it is to just show it to you. Add this line of code to createScene:
mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox");

Compile and run the program. Neat huh? (Note the SkyBox is grainy because the actual texture is low resolution; a higher resolution SkyBox would look much better.) There are several useful parameters for SkyBoxes that we can set when calling setSkyBox. The first option is whether or not to enable the SkyBox. If you want to later disable the SkyBox simply call 'mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(false, "");'. The second parameter is the material script to use for the SkyBox. The third parameter and fourth parameters to setSkyBox are fairly important to understand. The third parameter sets the distance that the SkyBox is away from the Camera, and the fourth parameter sets whether or not the SkyBox is drawn before the rest of the scene or afterwards. So, lets see what happens when you change the distance parameter for the SkyBox from the default 5000 units to something very close:
mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox", 10);

Nothing changed! This is because the fourth parameter that controls whether to draw the SkyBox first or not is set to true by default. If the SkyBox is drawn first, then anything rendered afterwards (like our Terrain) will be drawn on top of it, thus making the SkyBox always appear in the background. (Note that you shouldn't set the distance above to be closer than the near clip distance on the Camera or it will not be shown!) It is not actually desirable to draw the SkyBox first, because the full thing is rendered. When you draw it last, only the visible portions are drawn, which will provide a modest speed improvement. So, lets try setting our SkyBox to be drawn last:
mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox", 5000, false);

Again, this looks just like it did before, but now the parts of the SkyBox that are not visible won't be rendered. There is one thing you have to be careful about when using this technique though. If you set the SkyBox to be too close, you could be cutting part of the scene geometry off. For example, try this:
mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox", 100, false);

As you can see now, the terrain "pokes through" the SkyBox. Definitely not what we want. If you use SkyBoxes in your application you will have to decide how you want to use them. The speedup you get from rendering the SkyBox after the terrain is very modest, and you have to be careful not to obscure your geometry (unless that is what you are going for). Generally speaking, leaving everything past the second parameter as default is a very safe choice.

SkyDomes are very similar to SkyBoxes, and you use them by calling setSkyDome. A giant cube is

created around the Camera and rendered onto, but the biggest difference is that the texture is "projected" onto the SkyBox in a spherical manner. You are still looking at a cube, but it looks as if the texture is wrapped around the surface of a sphere. The primary drawback to this method is that the bottom of the cube will be untextured, so you always need to have some type of terrain that hides the base. The example texture that Ogre provides for SkyDomes will let you see this clearly. Clear out the setSkyBox call from createScene and add this code instead:
mSceneMgr->setSkyDome(true, "Examples/CloudySky", 5, 8);

When you run this, move the Camera to the dead center of the terrain and move the Camera so that it's positioned fairly close to the surface of the terrain (this looks the best). After looking at this, hit the R button to switch to the mesh view. As you can see, we are still looking at a cube (without the base), but it looks as if the clouds are wrapped around a sphere at the top. (Also note that the movement of the clouds is a property of the "Examples/CloudySky" material, not of SkyDomes in general.) The first two paramaters of setSkyDome are the same as setSkyBox, and you can turn the SkyDome off by calling 'mSceneMgr->setSkyDome(false, "");'. The third parameter is the curvature used for the SkyDome. The API reference suggests using values between 2 and 65; lower for better distance effect, but higher values for less distortion and a smoother effect. Try setting the third paramater to 2 and 65 and look at the difference. The distance effect that the API reference was referring to can be clearly seen in these screenshots. This is setting the curvature to 2: This is setting the curvature to 64: The fourth parameter is the number of times the texture is tiled, which you will need to tweak depending on the size of your texture. Be sure to note that this parameter is a Real value (floating point) and not an integer. You can tile it 1.234 times, if that's what looks good for your application. The fifth and sixth parameters are distance and drawFirst, respectively, which we have already covered in the SkyBox section.

SkyPlanes are very different from SkyBoxes and SkyDomes. Instead of a cube to render the sky texture on, we use just a single plane. (Note for all of the following SkyPlane configurations you need to be somewhere towards the middle of the terrain and close to the ground.) Clear out all SkyDome code from createScene. The first thing we are going to do is create a plane, and face it downwards. The setSkyPlane method that we will be calling does not have a distance parameter like SkyBox and SkyDome. Instead that parameter is set in the d variable of Plane:
Plane plane; plane.d = 1000; plane.normal = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y;

Now that we have the plane defined, we can create the SkyPlane. Note that the fourth parameter is the size of the SkyPlane (in this case 1500x1500 units) and the fifth parameter is how many times to tile the texture:

mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(true, plane, "Examples/SpaceSkyPlane", 1500, 75);

Compile and run the program. There are two problems with the SkyPlane this creates here. First of all, the texture that is used is too low resolution, and it doesn't tile well. That could be fixed by simply creating a good, high resolution sky texture that tiles well. However, the primary problem with this technique is that if you look towards the horizon, you can see where the SkyPlane ends. Even if you had a good texture, it would not look good at all if you can see to the horizon. This basic use of a SkyPlane is really only useful when you have high walls (or hills) all around the viewpoint. Using a SkyPlane in that situation would be considerably less graphics-intensive than creating a full SkyBox/SkyDome. Fortunately, that is not all we can do with a SkyPlane. The sixth parameter to the skyplane is the familiar "renderFirst" parameter which we have already covered in the SkyBox and SkyDome sections. The seventh parameter allows you to specify the curvature of the SkyPlane, so that we are no longer using a plane, but a curved surface instead. We also have to now set the number of x and y segments used to create the SkyPlane (initially the SkyPlane was one big square, but if we want curvature we need to have the plane made up of smaller squares). The eighth and ninth parameters to the function are the number of x and y segments, respectively:
mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(true, plane, "Examples/SpaceSkyPlane", 1500, 50, true, 1.5f, 150, 150);

Compile and run the application. Now our SkyPlane looks much better, though again the tiling could use some work. You could also use this with the cloud material instead:
mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(true, plane, "Examples/CloudySky", 1500, 40, true, 1.5f, 150, 150);

Compile and run the application. The motion of the clouds and the way it is tiled seems to make it look slightly worse than a SkyDome, especially when you get near the edge of the Terrain and look out onto the horizon. One other note, you can clear the SkyPlane by calling 'mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(false, Plane(), "");'

Which to Use?
Which sky to use depends entirely on your application. If you have to see all around you, even in the negative y direction, then really your only real choice is to use a SkyBox. If you have terrain, or some kind of floor which blocks the view of the negative y direction, then using a SkyDome seems to give more realistic results. For areas where you cannot see to the horizon (such as a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides, or the inner courtyard of a castle), a SkyPlane will give you very good looking results for very little GPU costs. The primary reason to use a SkyPlane, as we will see in the next section, is because it plays nicely with fog effects. These are only suggestions. For your application you should experiment and use whatever looks the best.

Fog Introduction
Fog in Ogre is very easy to use. There is one caveat that you need to know about before you try to use fog in your program. When you use the TerrainSceneManager, you must be careful to call the setFog function before the setWorldGeometry function. (In other SceneManagers it generally doesn't matter). Depending on which is called first, a different vertex program will be chosen to create the fog and terrain. Before we get started, clear out all contents of the createScene function except for the call to setWorldGeometry. The most important thing to know about setting fog is that it doesn't actually create a fog entity in empty space as you might imagine you would. Instead, fog is merely a filter applied to whatever objects you are currently looking at. This has some interesting implications, the most relevant of which is that when you stare off into nothingness (i.e. when you are not looking at an object), you do not see fog. In fact, you only see whatever the viewport background color is. So, in order to have fog look correct, we have to set the background to whatever the fog color currently is. There are two basic types of fog: linear and exponential. Linear fog gets thicker in a linear fashion, while exponential fog gets thicker exponentially (every distance unit the fog thickness increases by more than it did the previous distance unit). It's easier to see the difference than to explain it, so on to the examples.

Types of Fog
The first type of fog we will look at is linear, and it's the easiest fog to understand. The first thing we are going to do after we call setWorldGeometry is set the viewport's background color. We could do this by overriding the createViewport function (like we did in the last tutorial), but sometimes we need to set it without recreating the viewport every time. This is how we do that:
ColourValue fadeColour(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); mWindow->getViewport(0)->setBackgroundColour(fadeColour);

You could use the getNumViewports member function to get the number of viewports and iterate through them if you have more than one viewport, but since this is rarely the case (and since we know we only have one viewport), we can just get the viewport directly. Once we set the background color, we can now create the fog. Remember, this code must appear before the setWorldGeometry call:
mSceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, fadeColour, 0.0, 50, 500);

The first parameter to the setFog function is the type of fog (in this case, linear). The second parameter to setFog is the color of the fog we are using (in this case a very very light grey or "WhiteSmoke" for C#). The third parameter is not used in linear fog. The fourth and fifth parameters specify the range where the fog gets thicker. In this case we have set the fog starting point to be 50 and the stopping point to be 500. This means that from 0 to 50 units in front of the camera, there is no fog. From 50 to 500 units away from the Camera, the fog gets thicker in a linear fashion. At 500 units away from the Camera, you can no longer see anything other than fog. Compile and run the application. Another type of fog that we can use is exponential fog. Instead of setting starting and stopping bounds for fog, we instead set a density for the fog (the fourth and fifth parameters are unused). Replace the previous call to setFog with this:

mSceneMgr->setFog(FOG_EXP, fadeColour, 0.005);

Compile and run the application. If you are using the DirectX Renderer you may find it completely fogged out; calling setFog after setWorldGeometry fixes this. The OpenGL Renderer behaves as documented. This creates a different look to the fog that is generated. There is also another exponential fog function which is more severe than the first one (i.e. fog gets much thicker each unit you move away from the Camera compared to the first fog function). Note that there is more fog-per-density when using FOG_EXP2. Replace the previous call to setFog with this:
mSceneMgr->setFog(FOG_EXP2, fadeColour, 0.003);

Compile and run the application again. Fog is mostly interchangeable between the three functions that Ogre provides. You should experiment with all three fog functions and see which looks best in your application.

Fog and Sky

You can run into some interesting problems when trying to use fog with a SkyBox and SkyDome. Since SkyDomes and SkyBoxes are just cubes, using them with fog is problematic since fog works in a spherical manner. Clear out the contents of the createScene method. If we cleverly choose our SkyDome and fog parameters, we can see the problem directly:
ColourValue fadeColour(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); mSceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, fadeColour, 0.0, 50, 515); mWindow->getViewport(0)->setBackgroundColour(fadeColour); mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry("terrain.cfg"); mSceneMgr->setSkyDome(true, "Examples/CloudySky", 5, 8, 500);

Compile and run the application. If you move the camera around, you will see different portions of the SkyDome poke through the fog depending on what part of the SkyDome you are looking at (notice the blue coming through on the sides, but not in the middle): This is certainly not what we want. Another option is to use a SkyPlane instead. Replace the code in createScene with this:
ColourValue fadeColour(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); mSceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, fadeColour, 0.0, 0, 130); mWindow->getViewport(0)->setBackgroundColour(fadeColour); Plane plane; plane.d = 100; plane.normal = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y; mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry("terrain.cfg");

mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(true, plane, "Examples/CloudySky", 500, 20, true, 0.5, 150, 150);

This looks correct. If we look upwards we can see sky (which is the case in real life if the fog is just right), but it's not poking through in funny ways. No matter if you use curvature or not, this solves our problem of the user being able to see the horizon where the SkyPlane does not look right. There is a way to make fog not affect the sky entirely, but it requires modifying the material script for the sky texture. That is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but for future reference this parameter is what disables fog for a material.

Fog as Darkness
You may not want to use sky at all when you set fog, because if the fog is thick enough you cannot see the sky anyway. The trick with fog that we described above allows us to perform a nifty graphic hack that can be useful in some cases. Instead of setting the fog to a bright color, lets set it to be very dark and see what happens (note we have set the SkyPlane to be only 10 units away from the camera, which is before the fog sets in):
ColourValue fadeColour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); mWindow->getViewport(0)->setBackgroundColour(fadeColour); mSceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, fadeColour, 0.0, 10, 150); mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry("terrain.cfg"); Plane plane; plane.d = 10; plane.normal = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y; mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(true, plane, "Examples/SpaceSkyPlane", 100, 45, true, 0.5, 150, 150);

Compile and run the application. This is what we get: Not too terrible. Of course, once you are able to, you should use proper lighting instead of this hack, but it does show the flexibility of fog, and some of the interesting things you can do with the engine. Using black fog might also be an interesting way to do a "blindness" or "darkness" spell effect if you are writing a game that uses first-person view. Proceed to Basic Tutorial 4 Frame Listeners and Unbuffered Input

Basic Tutorial 4 : Frame Listeners and Unbuffered Input

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to set up and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see this guide for specific compiler setups). This tutorial builds on the previous beginner tutorials, and it assumes you have already worked through them.

In this tutorial we will be introducing one of the most useful Ogre constructs: the FrameListener. By the end of this tutorial you will understand FrameListeners, how to use FrameListeners to do things that require updates every frame, and how to use Ogre's unbuffered input system. You can find the code for this tutorial here. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Introduction Getting Started FrameListeners Introduction Registering a FrameListener Setting up the Scene Introduction The Code TutorialFrameListener Variables Constructor The frameStarted Method

Getting Started
As with the previous tutorials, we will be using a pre-constructed code base as our starting point. Create a project in the compiler of your choice for this project, and add a source file which contains this code:

#include "ExampleApplication.h" class TutorialFrameListener : public ExampleFrameListener { public: TutorialFrameListener(RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam, SceneManager *sceneMgr) : ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, false, false) { } // Overriding the default processUnbufferedKeyInput so the key updates we define // later on work as intended. bool processUnbufferedKeyInput(const FrameEvent& evt) { return true; } // Overriding the default processUnbufferedMouseInput so the Mouse updates we define // later on work as intended. bool processUnbufferedMouseInput(const FrameEvent& evt) { return true; } bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt) { return ExampleFrameListener::frameStarted(evt); } protected: bool mMouseDown; frame Real mToggle; Real mRotate; Real mMove; SceneNode *mCamNode; }; class TutorialApplication : public ExampleApplication { public: TutorialApplication() { // Whether or not the left mouse button was down last // The time left until next toggle // The rotate constant // The movement constant // The current SceneManager // The SceneNode the camera is currently attached to

SceneManager *mSceneMgr;

} ~TutorialApplication() { } protected: void createCamera(void) { } void createScene(void) { } void createFrameListener(void) { } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object TutorialApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch(Exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox(NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str()); #endif } return 0;

If you are using the OgreSDK under Windows, be sure to add the "OgreSDK_DIRECTORY\samples\include" directory to this project (the ExampleApplication.h file is located there) in addition to the standard include. If using the Ogre source distribution, this should be located in the "OgreSource_DIRECTORY\Samples\Common\include" directory. Do NOT try to run this program yet, since we have not defined keyboard behaviour yet. If you have problems, check this Wiki page for information about setting up your compiler, and if you still have problems try the Help Forum. We will be defining the program controls during this tutorial.

In the previous tutorials we only looked at what we could do when we add code to the createScene method. In Ogre, we can register a class to receive notification before and after a frame is rendered to the screen. This FrameListener interface defines two functions:
bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt) bool frameEnded(const FrameEvent& evt)

Ogre's main loop (Root::startRendering) looks like this: 1. The Root object calls the frameStarted method on all registered FrameListeners. 2. The Root object renders one frame. 3. The Root object calls the frameEnded method on all registered FrameListeners. This loops until any of the FrameListeners return false from frameStarted or frameEnded. The return values for these functions basically mean "keep rendering". If you return false from either, the program will exit. The FrameEvent object contains two variables, but only the timeSinceLastFrame is useful in a FrameListener. This variable keeps track of how long it's been since the frameStarted or frameEnded last fired. Note that in the frameStarted method, FrameEvent::timeSinceLastFrame will contain how long it has been since the last frameStarted event was last fired (not the last time a frameEnded method was fired). One important concept to realize about Ogre's FrameListeners is that the order in which they are called is entirely up to Ogre. You cannot determine which FrameListener is called first, second, third...and so on. If you need to ensure that FrameListeners are called in a certain order, then you should register only one FrameListener and have it call all of the objects in the proper order. You might also notice that the main loop really only does three things, and since nothing happens in between the frameEnded and frameStarted methods being called, you can use them almost interchangably. Where you decide to put all of your code is entirely up to you. You can put it all in one big frameStarted or frameEnded method, or you could divide it up between the two.

Registering a FrameListener
Currently the above code will compile, but since we have overridden the createFrameListener method of ExampleApplication and createCamera, if you run the application you will not be able to kill it. We'll first fix this problem before continuing on to the rest of the tutorial. Find the TutorialApplication::createCamera method and add the following code to it:
// create camera, but leave at default position mCamera = mSceneMgr->createCamera("PlayerCam"); mCamera->setNearClipDistance(5);

We have not done anything out of the ordinary with this. The only reason we need to override ExampleApplication's createCamera method is because the createCamera method moves the camera and changes its orientation, which we do not want for this tutorial. Since the Root class is what renders frames, it is also in charge of keeping track of FrameListeners. The first thing we need to do is create an instance of our TutorialFrameListener and register it with the Root object. Find the TutorialApplication::createFrameListener method, and add this code to it:
// Create the FrameListener mFrameListener = new TutorialFrameListener(mWindow, mCamera, mSceneMgr); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener);

The mRoot and mFrameListener variables are defined in the ExampleApplication class. The addFrameListener method adds a FrameListener, and the removeFrameListener method removes a FrameListener (that is, the FrameListener will no longer receive updates). Note that the add| removeFrameListener methods only take in a pointer to a FrameListener (that is, FrameListeners do not have names you can use to remove them). This means that you will need to hold a pointer to each FrameListener you create so that you can later remove them. The ExampleFrameListener (which our TutorialFrameListener is derived from), also provides a showDebugOverlay(bool) function, which tells the ExampleApplication whether or not to show the framerate box in the bottom left corner. We'll turn that on as well:
// Show the frame stats overlay mFrameListener->showDebugOverlay(true);

Be sure you can compile the application before continuing.

Setting up the Scene

Before we dive directly into the code, I would like to briefly outline what we will be doing so that you understand where I am going when we create and add things to the scene. We will be placing one object (a ninja) in the scene, and one point light in the scene. If you left click the

mouse, the light will toggle on and off. Holding down the right mouse button turns on "mouse look" mode (that is, you look around with the Camera). We will also be placing SceneNodes around the scene which we will be attaching the Camera to for different viewpoints. Pressing the 1 and 2 buttons chooses which Camera viewpoint to view the scene from.

The Code
Find the TutorialApplication::createScene method. The first thing we will be doing is setting the ambient light of the scene very low. We want scene objects to still be visible when the light is off, but we also want the light going on/off to be noticable:
mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.25, 0.25, 0.25));

Now, add a Ninja entity to the scene at the origin:

Entity *ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Ninja", "ninja.mesh"); SceneNode *node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode("NinjaNode"); node->attachObject(ent);

Now we will create a white point light and place it in the Scene, a small distance (relatively) away from the Ninja:
Light *light = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light1"); light->setType(Light::LT_POINT); light->setPosition(Vector3(250, 150, 250)); light->setDiffuseColour(ColourValue::White); light->setSpecularColour(ColourValue::White);

Now we need to create the SceneNodes which the Camera will be attached to:
// Create the scene node node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode("CamNode1", Vector3(400, 200, 400)); node->yaw(Degree(-45)); node->attachObject(mCamera); // create the second camera node node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode("CamNode2", Vector3(0, 200, 400));

Now we are done with the TutorialApplication class. Onto the TutorialFrameListener...

We have defined a few variables in the TutorialFrameListener class which I'd like to go over before we get any further:
bool mMouseDown; frame Real mToggle; Real mRotate; Real mMove; SceneNode *mCamNode; // Whether or not the left mouse button was down last // The time left until next toggle // The rotate constant // The movement constant // The current SceneManager // The SceneNode the camera is currently attached to

SceneManager *mSceneMgr;

The mSceneMgr holds a pointer to the current SceneManager and the mCamNode holds the current SceneNode that the Camera is attached to. The mRotate and mMove are our constants of rotation and movement. If you want the movement or rotation to be faster or slower, tweak these variables to be higher or lower. The other two variables (mToggle and mMouseDown) control our input. We will be using "unbuffered" mouse and key input in this tutorial (buffered input will be the subject of our next tutorial). This means that we will be calling methods during our frame listener to query the state of the keyboard and mouse. We run into an interesting problem when we try to use the keyboard to change the state of some object on the screen. If we see that a key is down, we can act on this information, but what happens the next frame? Do we see that the same key is down and do the same thing again? In some cases (like movement with the arrow keys) this is what we want to do. However, let's say we want the "T" key to toggle between a light being on or off. The first frame the T key is down, the light gets toggled, the next frame the T key is still down, so it's toggled again... and again and again until the key is released. We have to keep track of the key's state between frames to avoid this problem. I will present two separate methods for solving this. The mMouseDown keeps track of whether or not the mouse was also down the previous frame (so if mMouse down is true, we do not perform the same action again until the mouse is released). The mToggle button specifies the time until we are allowed to perform an action again. That is, when a button is pressed, mToggle is set to some length of time where no other actions can occur.

The first thing to notice about the constructor is that we make a call to the ExampleFrameListener's constructor:
: ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, false, false)

The important thing to note is that the third and fourth variables are set to false. The third variable specifies if we want to use buffered key input, the fourth is if we want to use buffered mouse input (which we don't in this tutorial). In the TutorialFrameListener constructor, we will set default values for all variables:

// key and mouse state tracking mMouseDown = false; mToggle = 0.0; // Populate the camera and scene manager containers mCamNode = cam->getParentSceneNode(); mSceneMgr = sceneMgr; // set the rotation and move speed mRotate = 0.13; mMove = 250;

That's it. The mCamNode variable is initialized to be whatever the current parent of the camera is.

The frameStarted Method

Now we are going to get into the real meat of the tutorial: performing actions every frame. Currently our frameStarted method has the following code in it:
return ExampleFrameListener::frameStarted(evt);

This chunk of code is what has allowed the tutorial application to run until we could get to this point. The ExampleFrameListener::frameStarted method defines a lot of behavior (such as all of the key bindings, all of the camera movement, etc). Clear out the contents of the TutorialFrameListener::frameStarted method. The Open Input System (OIS) provides three primary classes to retrieve input: Keyboard, Mouse, and Joystick. In these tutorials we will really only be covering how to use the Keyboard and Mouse objects. If you are interested in using a joystick (or gamepad) with Ogre, you should look into the Joystick class. The first thing we will need to do when using unbuffered input is to capture the current state of the keyboard and mouse. We do this by calling the capture method of the Mouse and Keyboard objects. The example framework already creates these objects for us in the mMouse and mKeyboard variables. Add the following code to the now empty TutorialFrameListener::frameStarted member function:
mMouse->capture(); mKeyboard->capture();

Next, we want to be sure that the program exits if the Escape key is pressed. We check to see if a button is pressed by calling the isKeyDown method of InputReader and specifying a KeyCode. If the Escape key is pressed, we'll just return false to end the program:
if(mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_ESCAPE)) return false;

In order to continue rendering the frameStarted method must return a positive boolean value. To do we

will add the following line to the end of the method.

return true;

All of the following code that we will be discussing goes above that final "return true" line. The first thing we are going to do with our FrameListener is make the left mouse button toggle the light on and off. We can find out if a mouse button is down by calling the getMouseButton method of InputReader with the button we want to query for. Usually 0 is the left mouse button, 1 is the right mouse button, and 2 is the center mouse button. On some systems button 1 is the middle and 2 is the right mouse button. Try this configuration if the mouse buttons don't work as expected.
bool currMouse = mMouse->getMouseState().buttonDown(OIS::MB_Left);

The currMouse variable will be true if the mouse button is down. Now we will toggle the light depending on whether or not currMouse is true, and if the mouse was not held down the previous frame (because we only want to toggle the light once every time the mouse is pressed). Also note that the setVisible method of the Light class determines if the object actually emits light or not:
if (currMouse && ! mMouseDown) { Light *light = mSceneMgr->getLight("Light1"); light->setVisible(! light->isVisible()); }

Now we need to set the mMouseDown variable to equal whatever the currMouse variable contains. Next frame this will tell us if the mouse button was up or down previously.
mMouseDown = currMouse;

Compile and run the application. Now left clicking toggles the light on and off! Note that since we no longer call the ExampleFrameListener's frameStarted method, we cannot move the camera around (yet). This method of storing the previous state of the mouse button works well, since we know we already have acted on the mouse state. The drawback is to use this for every key we bind to an action, we'd need a boolean variable for it. One way we can get around this is to keep track of the last time any button was pressed, and only allow actions to happen after a certain amount of time has elapsed. We keep track of this state in the mToggle variable. If mToggle is greater than 0, then we do not perform any actions, if mToggle is less than 0, then we do perform actions. We'll use this method for the following two key bindings. The first thing we want to do is decrement the mToggle variable by the time that has elapsed since the last frame:
mToggle -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame;

Now that we have updated mToggle, we can act on it. Our next key binding is making the 1 key attach the Camera to the first SceneNode. mToggle acts as a 0.5 second delay before any additional changes can

take place. In practice, this delay is longer than necessary, but it illustrates the point.
if ((mToggle < 0.0f ) && mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_1)) { mToggle = 0.5f; mCamera->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject(mCamera); mCamNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode("CamNode1"); mCamNode->attachObject(mCamera); }

The camera is "moved" to CamNode1 by first detaching itself from it's parent SceneNode and then reattaching itself to the CamNode1 SceneNode. We will also do this for CamNode2 when the 2 button is pressed. The code is identical except for changing 1 to 2, and using an else if instead of if (because we wouldn't be doing both at the same time):
else if ((mToggle < 0.0f) && mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_2)) { mToggle = 0.5f; mCamera->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject(mCamera); mCamNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode("CamNode2"); mCamNode->attachObject(mCamera); }

Compile and run the tutorial. We can now swap the Camera's viewpoint by pressing 1 and 2. The next thing we need to do is translate mCamNode whenever the user holds down one of the arrow keys or WASD. Unlike the code above, we do not need to keep track of the last time we moved the camera, since for every frame the key is held down we want to translate it again. This makes our code relatively simple. First we will create a Vector3 to hold where we want to translate to:
Vector3 transVector = Vector3::ZERO;

Now, when the W key or the up arrow is pressed, we want to move straight forward (which is the negative z axis, remember negative z is straight into the computer screen):
if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_UP) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_W)) transVector.z -= mMove;

We do almost the same thing for the S and Down arrow keys, but we move in the positive z axis instead:
if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_DOWN) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_S)) transVector.z += mMove;

For left and right movement, we go in the positive or negative x direction:

if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_LEFT) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_A)) transVector.x -= mMove; if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_RIGHT) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_D)) transVector.x += mMove;

Finally, we also want to give a way to move up and down along the y axis. I personally use E/PageDown for downwards motion and Q/PageUp for upwards motion:
if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_PGUP) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_Q)) transVector.y += mMove; if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_PGDOWN) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_E)) transVector.y -= mMove;

Now, our transVector variable has the translation we wish to apply to the camera's SceneNode. The first pitfall we can encounter when doing this is that if you rotate the SceneNode, then our x, y, and z coordinates will be wrong when translating. To fix this, we need to apply all of the rotations we have done to the SceneNode to our translation node. This is actually simpler than it sounds. To represent rotations, Ogre does not use transformation matrices like some graphics engines. Instead it uses Quaternions for all rotation operations. The math behind Quaternions involves four dimensional linear algebra, which is very difficult to understand. Thankfully, you do not have to understand the math behind them to understand how to use them. Quite simply, to use a Quaternion to rotate a vector, all you have to do is multiply the two together. In this case, we want to apply all of the rotations done to the SceneNode to the translation vector. We can get a Quaternion representing these rotations by calling SceneNode::getOrientation(), then we can apply them to the translation node using multiplication. The second pitfall we have to watch out for is we have to scale the amount we translate by the amount of time since the last frame. Otherwise, how fast you move would be dependent on the framerate of the application. Definitely not what we want. This is the function call we need to make to translate our camera node without encountering these problems:
mCamNode->translate(transVector * evt.timeSinceLastFrame, Node::TS_LOCAL);

Now we have introduced something new. Whenever you translate a node, or rotate it about any axis, you can specify which Transformation Space you want to use to move the object. Normally when you translate an object, you do not have to set this parameter. It defaults to TS_PARENT, meaning that the object is moved in whatever transformation space the parent node is in. In this case, the parent node is the root scene node. When we press the W button (to move forward), we subtracted from the Z direction, meaning we move towards the negative Z axis. If we did not specify TS_LOCAL in this previous line of code, we would move the camera along the global -Z axis. However, since we are trying to make a camera which goes forward when we press W, we need it to go in the direction that the node is actually facing. Hence, we use the "local" transformation space. There is another way we can do this (though it is less direct). We could have gotten the orientation of the node, a quaternion, and multiplied this by the direction vector to get the same result. This would be perfectly valid:
// Do not add this to the program mCamNode->translate(mCamNode->getOrientation() * transVector *

evt.timeSinceLastFrame, Node::TS_WORLD);

This also translates the camera node in the local space. In this case, there is no real reason to do this. Ogre defines three transform spaces: TS_LOCAL, TS_PARENT, and TS_WORLD. There may be a case where you need to make a translation or a rotation in another vector space than these three. If that is the case, you would do it similar to the previous line of code. Take a quaternion representing the vector space (or the orientation of whatever object you are trying to match), multiply it by the translation vector to get the corrected translation vector, and then move it in the TS_WORLD space. This will probably not come up for quite a while though, and we will not refer to it in any of the future tutorials. Now that we have key movement down, we want to have the mouse affect which direction we are looking in, but only if the user is holding down the right mouse button:
if (mMouse->getMouseState().buttonDown(OIS::MB_Right)) { mCamNode->yaw(Degree(-mRotate * mMouse->getMouseState().X.rel), Node::TS_WORLD); mCamNode->pitch(Degree(-mRotate * mMouse->getMouseState().Y.rel), Node::TS_LOCAL); }

We yaw and pitch the camera based on the amount the mouse has moved since the last frame. To do this, we will take the X and Y relative changes and turn these into pitch and yaw function calls. Note that we have used the TS_WORLD vector space for the yaw (rotation functions always use TS_LOCAL as a default, if not specified). We are trying to ensure that the pitch of the object does not affect the yaw in any way. We always want the yaw to rotate us around the same axis. This is the third pitfall: forgetting the interactions between rotations. If we set the yaw to take place in TS_LOCAL, we would get something like this happening: Dead Link - Alternate: Compile the program and try it out. This tutorial is not meant to be a full walkthrough on rotations and Quaternions (that is enough material to fill an entire tutorial by itself). In the next tutorial, we will use buffered mouse input instead of checking for keys being down every frame. Proceed to Basic Tutorial 5 Buffered Input

Basic Tutorial 5 : Buffered Input

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to setup and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see this guide for specific compiler setups). This tutorial builds on the previous beginner tutorials, and it assumes you have already worked through them.

In this short tutorial you will be learning to use OIS's buffered input as opposed to the unbuffered input we used last tutorial. This tutorial differs from the last in that we will be handling keyboard and mouse events immediately, as they happen, instead of once per frame. Note that this is only meant as an introduction to buffered input, and not a complete tutorial on how to use OIS. For more information on that, be sure to look at the Using OIS article. You can find the code for this tutorial here. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Introduction Getting Started Buffered Input in a Nutshell Introduction The KeyListener Interface The MouseListener Interface The Code The TutorialFrameListener Constructor Variables TutorialFrameListener Constructor Key Bindings Mouse Bindings Other Input Systems

Getting Started
This tutorial will be building on the last tutorial, but we are changing the way that we do input. Since the functionality will be basically the same, we will use the same TutorialApplication class from last time, but we will be starting over on the TutorialFrameListener. Create a project in the compiler of your choice for this project, and add a source file which contains this code:
#include "ExampleApplication.h" class TutorialFrameListener : public ExampleFrameListener, public OIS::MouseListener, public OIS::KeyListener { public: TutorialFrameListener(RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam, SceneManager *sceneMgr) : ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, true, true) { } bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt) { if(mMouse) mMouse->capture(); if(mKeyboard) mKeyboard->capture(); return mContinue; } // MouseListener bool mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &e) { return true; } bool mousePressed(const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { return true; } bool mouseReleased(const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { return true; } // KeyListener bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { return true; } bool keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { return true; } protected: Real mRotate; Real mMove; // The rotate constant // The movement constant // The current SceneManager

SceneManager *mSceneMgr; SceneNode *mCamNode; bool mContinue; Vector3 mDirection;

// The SceneNode the camera is currently attached to // Whether to continue rendering or not // Value to move in the correct direction

}; class TutorialApplication : public ExampleApplication { public: void createCamera(void) { // create camera, but leave at default position mCamera = mSceneMgr->createCamera("PlayerCam"); mCamera->setNearClipDistance(5); } void createScene(void) { mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)); // add the ninja Entity *ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Ninja", "ninja.mesh"); SceneNode *node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode("NinjaNode"); node->attachObject(ent); // create the light Light *light = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light1"); light->setType(Light::LT_POINT); light->setPosition(Vector3(250, 150, 250)); light->setDiffuseColour(ColourValue::White); light->setSpecularColour(ColourValue::White); // Create the scene node node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode("CamNode1", Vector3(-400, 200, 400)); // Make it look towards the ninja node->yaw(Degree(-45)); // Create the pitch node node = node->createChildSceneNode("PitchNode1"); node->attachObject(mCamera); // create the second camera node/pitch node node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode("CamNode2", Vector3(0, 200, 400)); node = node->createChildSceneNode("PitchNode2"); }

void createFrameListener(void) { // Create the FrameListener mFrameListener = new TutorialFrameListener(mWindow, mCamera, mSceneMgr); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener); // Show the frame stats overlay mFrameListener->showDebugOverlay(true); } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object TutorialApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch(Exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox(NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str()); #endif } return 0; }

If you are using the OgreSDK under Windows, be sure to add the "OgreSDK_DIRECTORY\samples\include" directory to this project (the ExampleApplication.h file is located there) in addition to the standard include. If using the Ogre source distribution, this should be located in the "OgreSource_DIRECTORY\Samples\Common\include" directory. Do NOT try to run this program yet, since we have not defined keyboard behaviour yet. If you have problems, check this Wiki page for information about setting up your compiler, and if you still have problems try the Help Forum.

Note: If you have not set up your project to use Ansi C++ and receive complaints about MessageBox, you may need to change the reference from MessageBox to MessageBoxA. The program controls will be the same as in the last tutorial.

Buffered Input in a Nutshell

In the previous tutorial we used unbuffered input, that is, every frame we queried the state of OIS::Keyboard and OIS::Mouse instances to see what keys and mouse buttons were being held down. Buffered input uses listener interfaces to inform your program that events have occurred. For example, when a key is pressed, a KeyListener::keyPressed event is fired and when the button is released (no longer being pressed) a KeyListener::keyReleased event is fired to all registered KeyListener classes. This takes care of having to keep track of toggle times or whether the key was unpressed the previous frame. OIS also supports unbuffered Joystick events through the OIS::JoystickListener interface, though we will not cover how to use this in this tutorial. One important thing to note about OIS's listener system is that you can only have one listener per Keyboard, Mouse, or Joystick object. This is done for simplicity (and for speed). Calling the setEventCallback function (which we will cover later) multiple times will result in only the last registered listener getting events. If you need multiple objects to get Key, Mouse, or Joystick events, you will have to write a message dispatch yourself. Also, be sure to note that we still call the Keyboard::capture and Mouse::capture in the frameStarted method. OIS does not use threads (or magic) to determine the keyboard and mouse states, so you will have to specify when it should capture the input.

The KeyListener Interface

OIS's KeyListener interface provides two pure virtual functions. The first is the keyPressed function (which is called every time a key is pressed) and the keyReleased (which is called every time a key is let up). The parameter passed to these functions is a KeyEvent, which contains the key code of what is being pressed/released.

The MouseListener Interface

The MouseListener interface is only slightly more complex than the KeyListener interface. It contains functions to see when a mouse button was pressed or released: MouseListener::mousePressed and MouseListener::mouseReleased. It also contains a mouseMoved function, which is called when the mouse is moved. Each of these functions receive a MouseEvent object, which contains the current state of the mouse in the "state" variable. The most important thing to note about the MouseState object is that it contains not only the relative X and Y coordinates of the mouse move (that is, how far it has moved since the last time the MouseListener::mouseMoved function was called), but also the absolute X and Y coordinates (that is, where exactly on the screen they are).

The Code
The TutorialFrameListener Constructor
Before we start modifying the TutorialFrameListener, note that we have made two major changes to the TutorialFrameListener class. First, we implement more interfaces in it, and second, we modify the ExampleFrameListener parameters.
class TutorialFrameListener : public ExampleFrameListener, public OIS::MouseListener, public OIS::KeyListener : ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, true, true)

We subclass the OIS MouseListener and KeyListener classes so that we can receive events from them. Note that the OIS MouseListener handles both mouse button events and mouse movement events. The third and forth parameters of ExampleFrameListener have been change to true, which specifies that we will be using buffered input for the keyboard and mouse. We will go into more detail on how to manually set up OIS as well as the rest of Ogre in the next tutorial.

A few variables have changed from the last tutorial. I have removed mToggle and mMouseDown (which are no longer needed). I have added a few as well:
Real mRotate; Real mMove; // The rotate constant // The movement constant // The current SceneManager

SceneManager *mSceneMgr; SceneNode *mCamNode; bool mContinue; Vector3 mDirection;

// The SceneNode the camera is currently attached to // Whether to continue rendering or not // Value to move in the correct direction

The mRotate, mMove, mSceneMgr, and mCamNode are the same as the last tutorial (though we will be changing the value of mRotate since we are using it differently). The mContinue variable is returned from the frameStarted method. When we set mContinue to be false the program will exit. The mDirection variable contains information on how we are going to translate camera node every frame.

TutorialFrameListener Constructor
In the constructor, we will initialize some of the variables as we did in the previous tutorial, and we will set the mContinue rendering to be true. Add the following code to TutorialFrameListener's constructor:
// Populate the camera and scene manager containers mCamNode = cam->getParentSceneNode(); mSceneMgr = sceneMgr;

// set the rotation and move speed mRotate = 0.13; mMove = 250; // continue rendering mContinue = true;

The OIS mMouse and mKeyboard objects are already obtained in the ExampleFrameListener constructor. We can register the TutorialFrameListener as the listener by calling the setEventCallback method on these input objects as follows:
mMouse->setEventCallback(this); mKeyboard->setEventCallback(this);

Last, we need to initialise mDirection to be the zero vector (since we are initially not moving):
mDirection = Vector3::ZERO;

Key Bindings
Before we go any further, we should bind the Escape key to exiting the program so we can run it. Find the TutorialFrameListener::keyPressed method. This method is called with a KeyEvent object every time a button on the keyboard goes down. We can obtain the key code (KC_*) of the key that was pressed by checking the "key" variable on the object. We will build a switch for all of the key bindings we use in the application based on this value. Find the keyPressed method and replace it with the following code:
bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { switch (e.key) { case OIS::KC_ESCAPE: mContinue = false; break; default: break; } return mContinue; }

Make sure you can compile and run the application before continuing. We need to add bindings for other keys in that switch statement. The first thing we are going to do is allow the user to switch between the viewpoints by pressing 1 and 2. The code for this (needs to be included in the switch statement) is the same as it was in the previous tutorial, except we no longer have to deal with the mToggle variable:

case OIS::KC_1: mCamera->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject(mCamera); mCamNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode("CamNode1"); mCamNode->attachObject(mCamera); break; case OIS::KC_2: mCamera->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject(mCamera); mCamNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode("CamNode2"); mCamNode->attachObject(mCamera); break;

As you can see, this is much cleaner than dealing with a temporary variable to keep track of toggle times. The next thing we are going to add is keyboard movement. Every time the user presses a key that is bound for movement, we will add or subtract mMove (depending on direction) from the correct direction in the vector:
case OIS::KC_UP: case OIS::KC_W: mDirection.z = -mMove; break; case OIS::KC_DOWN: case OIS::KC_S: mDirection.z = mMove; break; case OIS::KC_LEFT: case OIS::KC_A: mDirection.x = -mMove; break; case OIS::KC_RIGHT: case OIS::KC_D: mDirection.x = mMove; break; case OIS::KC_PGDOWN: case OIS::KC_E: mDirection.y = -mMove; break; case OIS::KC_PGUP:

case OIS::KC_Q: mDirection.y = mMove; break;

Now we need to "undo" the change to the mDirection vector whenever the key is released to stop the movement. Find the keyReleased method and add this code to it:
switch (e.key) { case OIS::KC_UP: case OIS::KC_W: mDirection.z = 0; break; case OIS::KC_DOWN: case OIS::KC_S: mDirection.z = 0; break; case OIS::KC_LEFT: case OIS::KC_A: mDirection.x = 0; break; case OIS::KC_RIGHT: case OIS::KC_D: mDirection.x = 0; break; case OIS::KC_PGDOWN: case OIS::KC_E: mDirection.y = 0; break; case OIS::KC_PGUP: case OIS::KC_Q: mDirection.y = 0; break; default: break; } return true;

Now that we have mDirection updated based on key input, we need to actually make the translation happen. This code is the exact same as the last tutorial, so add this to the frameStarted function:
mCamNode->translate(mDirection * evt.timeSinceLastFrame, Node::TS_LOCAL);

Compile and run the application. We now have key-based movement using buffered input!

Mouse Bindings
Now that we have key bindings completed, we need to work on getting the mouse working. We'll start with toggling the light on and off based on a left mouse click. Find the mousePressed function and take a look at the parameters. With OIS, we have access to both a MouseEvent as well as a MouseButtonID. We can switch on the MouseButtonID to determine the button that was pressed. Replace the code in the mousePressed function with the following:
Light *light = mSceneMgr->getLight("Light1"); switch (id) { case OIS::MB_Left: light->setVisible(! light->isVisible()); break; default: break; } return true;

Compile and run the application. Voil ! Now that this is working, the only thing we have left is to bind the right mouse button to a mouse look mode. Every time the mouse is moved, we will check to see if the right mouse button is down. If it is, we will rotate the camera based on the relative movement. We can access the relative movement of the mouse from the MouseEvent object passed into this function. It contains a variable called "state" which contains the MouseState (which is basically detailed information about the mouse). The MouseState::buttonDown will tell us whether or not a particular mouse button is held down, and the "X" and "Y" variables will tell us the relative mouse movement. Find the mouseMoved function and replace the code in it with the following:
if (e.state.buttonDown(OIS::MB_Right)) { mCamNode->yaw(Degree(-mRotate * e.state.X.rel), Node::TS_WORLD); mCamNode->pitch(Degree(-mRotate * e.state.Y.rel), Node::TS_LOCAL); } return true;

Compile and run the application and the camera will act in free-look mode while the right mouse button is held down.

Other Input Systems

OIS is generally very good, and should suit most purposes for your application. With that said, there are alternatives if you wish to use something different. Some windowing systems may be what you are looking for, such as wxWidgets , which people have successfully integrated with Ogre. You can use the standard Windows message system or one of the many Linux GUI toolkits for input, if you don't mind your application being platform specific. You can also try SDL, which provides not only cross platform windowing/input systems, but also joystick/gamepad input. While I cannot give you guidance on setting up wx/gtk/qt/etc with Ogre (as I've never done it before), I have had a good amount of success getting SDL's joystick/gamepad input to work well with Ogre. To get SDL's joystick system started, wrap your application's intial startup with SDL_Init and SDL_Quit calls (this can be in your application's main function, or possibly in your application object):

To setup the Joystick, call SDL_JoystickOpen with the Joystick number (you can specify multiple joysticks by calling with 0, 1, 2...):
SDL_Joystick* mJoystick; mJoystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(0); if ( mJoystick == NULL ) ; // error handling

If SDL_JoystickOpen returns NULL, then there was a problem opening the joystick. This almost always means that the joystick you requested doesn't exist. Use SDL_NumJoysticks to find out how many joysticks are attached to the system. You also need to close the joystick after you are done with it:

To use the joystick, call the SDL_JoystickGetButton and SDL_JoystickGetAxis buttons. I personally used this with a playstation2 controller , so I had four axes to play with and twelve buttons to play with. This is my movement code:
SDL_JoystickUpdate(); mTrans.z += evt.timeSinceLastFrame * mMoveAmount * SDL_JoystickGetAxis(mJoystick, 1) / 32767; mTrans.x += evt.timeSinceLastFrame * mMoveAmount * SDL_JoystickGetAxis(mJoystick, 0) / 32767;

xRot -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame * mRotAmount * SDL_JoystickGetAxis(mJoystick, 3) / 32767; yRot -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame * mRotAmount * SDL_JoystickGetAxis(mJoystick, 2) / 32767;

mTrans was later fed into the camera's SceneNode::translate method, xRot was fed into SceneNode::yaw, and yRot was fed into SceneNode::pitch. Note that the SDL_JoystickGetAxis returns a value between -32767 and 32767, so I have scaled it to be between -1 and 1. This should get you started using SDL joystick input. If you are looking for more information in this area, the best documentation comes from the SDL joystick header . You should also refer to the standard SDL documentation if you start to seriously use this in your application. Proceed to Basic Tutorial 6 The Ogre Startup Sequence

Basic Tutorial 6 : The Ogre Startup Sequence

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to setup and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see [SettingUpAnApplication|this guide]] for specific compiler setups). This tutorial builds on the previous beginner tutorials, and it assumes you have already worked through them.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Introduction Getting Started The Initial Code The Startup Process in a Nutshell Starting up Ogre Creating the Root Object Resources Creating the RenderSystem Creating a RenderWindow Initializing Resources Creating a Scene Starting up Third Party Libraries OIS Setup and Unbuffered Input Setting Up the Framelistener Troubleshooting Buffered Input CEGUI Finalizing Startup and the Render Loop Frame Listener The Render Loop Optional Handling of Window Events Cleanup Mac OS X

In this tutorial you will learn how to start up Ogre without using the example framework. By the time you are done working through this, you should be able to create your own Ogre applications which do not use the ExampleApplication or the ExampleFrameListener. You can find the code for this tutorial here. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it.

Getting Started
The Initial Code
In this tutorial, we will be using a predefined code base as a starting point. As long as you have worked through the previous tutorials, this should all be familiar to you. Create a project in the compiler of your choice for this project, and add a source file which contains this code:
#include <Ogre.h> #include <OIS/OIS.h> #include <CEGUI/CEGUI.h> #include <CEGUI/RendererModules/Ogre/CEGUIOgreRenderer.h> using namespace Ogre; class ExitListener : public FrameListener { public: ExitListener(OIS::Keyboard *keyboard) : mKeyboard(keyboard) { } bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt) { mKeyboard->capture(); return !mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_ESCAPE); } private: OIS::Keyboard *mKeyboard; }; class Application { public:

void go() { createRoot(); defineResources(); setupRenderSystem(); createRenderWindow(); initializeResourceGroups(); setupScene(); setupInputSystem(); setupCEGUI(); createFrameListener(); startRenderLoop(); } ~Application() { } private: Root *mRoot; OIS::Keyboard *mKeyboard; OIS::InputManager *mInputManager; CEGUI::OgreRenderer *mRenderer; ExitListener *mListener; void createRoot() { } void defineResources() { } void setupRenderSystem() { } void createRenderWindow() { } void initializeResourceGroups() { }

void setupScene() { } void setupInputSystem() { } void setupCEGUI() { } void createFrameListener() { } void startRenderLoop() { } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { try { Application app; app.go(); } catch(Exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBoxA(NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str());

#endif } return 0; }

Be sure you can compile this code before continuing. If you are having errors with missing CEGUI dependencies such as CEGUISingleton.h or linker problems, make sure the following paths are in the include search paths directive: $(OGRE_HOME)\include, $(OGRE_HOME)\include\CEGUI, and $ (OGRE_HOME)\samples\include. You will also need to add CEGUIBase_d.lib and CEGUIOgreRenderer_d.lib to the linker dependencies.

The Startup Process in a Nutshell

Once you understand what's going on under the hood, getting Ogre running is actually very easy to do. The example framework looks daunting at first since it tries to do a lot of things that may or may not be needed for your application. After finishing this tutorial, you will be able to pick and choose what exactly is needed for your application and you can build a class with exactly that. Before we dive into this, we'll first take a quick look at how the startup process works at a high level. The basic Ogre life cycle looks like this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Create the Root object. Define the resources that Ogre will use. Choose and set up the RenderSystem (that is, DirectX, OpenGL, etc). Create the RenderWindow (the window which Ogre resides in). Initialize the resources that you are going to use. Create a scene using those resources. Set up any third party libraries and plugins. Create any number of frame listeners. Start the render loop.

We will be going through each one of these in-depth in this tutorial. I would like to note that while you really should do steps 1-4 in order, steps 5 and 6 (initializing resources and creating the scene) can come much later in your startup process if you like. You could initialize third party plugins and create frame listeners before steps 5 and 6 if you so choose, but you really shouldn't do them before finishing step 4. Also, the frame listeners/third party libraries cannot access any game related resources (such as your cameras, entities, etc) until the resources are initialized and the scene has been created. In short, you can do some of these steps out of order if you feel it will be better for your application, but I do not recommend doing so unless you are sure you understand the consequences of what you are doing.

Starting up Ogre
Creating the Root Object
The first thing we need to do is the simplest. The Root object is the core of the Ogre library, and must be created before you can do almost anything with the engine. Find the Application::createRoot function and add the following code:

mRoot = new Root();

That's all we need to do. The Root's constructor takes 3 parameters. The first is the name and location of the plugins config file. The second is the location of the ogre config file (which tells ogre things like the Video card, visual settings, etc). The last is the location and name of the log file that Ogre will write to. Since we don't really need to change any of these things, we will leave them as their default values.

Note: This section will make a lot more sense if you open up "resources.cfg" and take a look at it before continuing. You can find this in the bin/release folder of your SDK. The next thing we have to do is define the resources that the application uses. This includes the textures, models, scripts, and so on. We will not be going over all there is to know about resources in this tutorial. For now, just keep in mind that you must first define all the resources that you might use during the application, then you must initialize the specific resources you need before Ogre can use them. In this step we are defining all resources that our application will possibly use. To do this, we have to add each folder that resources reside in to the ResourceGroupManager. Find the defineResources function and add the following code:
String secName, typeName, archName; ConfigFile cf; cf.load("resources.cfg");

This uses Ogre's ConfigFile class to parse all of the resources from "resources.cfg", but this does not load them into Ogre (you have to do that manually). Keep in mind that in your own application you are free to use your own parser and config file formats if you like, just replace Ogre's ConfigFile parser with your own. The method for loading resources in doesn't really matter as long as you add the resources to the ResourceGroupManager. Now that we have parsed the config file, we need to add the sections to the ResourceGroupManager. The following code starts looping through the parsed config file:
ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator(); while (seci.hasMoreElements()) {

For each section, we loop again, getting all the contents out of it:
secName = seci.peekNextKey(); ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext(); ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i;

Finally, we add the section name (which is the group of the resources), the type of resource (zip, folder, etc), and finally the filename of the resource itself to the ResourceGroupManager:
for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i)

{ typeName = i->first; archName = i->second; ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(archNam e, typeName, secName); } }

This function we have now filled in adds all of the resources from the config file, but it only tells Ogre where they are. Before you can use any of them you have to either initialize the group that you want to use, or you must initialize them all. We will discuss this further in the "Initializing Resources" function.

Creating the RenderSystem

Next we need to choose the RenderSystem (usually either DirectX or OpenGL on a Windows machine) and then configure it. Most of the demo applications use the Ogre config dialog, which is a perfectly reasonable way to set up your application. Ogre also offers a way to restore the config that a user has already set, meaning you will never have to configure it after the first time. Find the setupRenderSystem function and add the following code:
if (!mRoot->restoreConfig() && !mRoot->showConfigDialog()) throw Exception(52, "User canceled the config dialog!", "Application::setupRenderSystem()");

In the first part of the if statement, we attempt to restore the config file. If that function returns false it means that the file does not exist so we should show the config dialog, which is the second portion of that if statement. If that also returns false it means the user canceled out of config dialog (meaning they want to exit the program). In this example, we have thrown an exception, but in practice I think it would probably be better to simply return false and close out the application that way, the reason being that the restoreConfig and showConfigDialog could possibly throw an exception as well, and it would be better to save exceptions for an actual failure. However, since making this change would needlessly complicate the tutorial, I've used an exception here. If you use this technique in practice I would recommend that if you catch an exception during Ogre's startup that you delete the ogre.cfg file in the catch block. It is possible that the settings they have chosen in the config dialog has caused a problem and they need to change them. Even if you do not use this for your application when you distribute it to others, turning off the config dialog can help cut down on development time by a small amount since you do not have to keep confirming the graphics settings when the program runs. Your application may also manually setup the RenderSystem if you choose to use something other than Ogre's config dialog. A basic example of this would be as follows:
// Do not add this to the application RenderSystem *rs = mRoot->getRenderSystemByName("Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem"); Subsystem" mRoot->setRenderSystem(rs); // or use "OpenGL Rendering

rs->setConfigOption("Full Screen", "No"); rs->setConfigOption("Video Mode", "800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour");

You can use the Root::getAvailableRenderers to find out which RenderSystems are available for your application to use. Once you have retrieved a RenderSystem, you can use the RenderSystem::getConfigOptions to see what options are available for the user. By combining these two function calls, you can create your own config dialog for your application.

Creating a RenderWindow
Now that we have chosen the RenderSystem, we need a window to render Ogre in. There are actually a lot of options for how to do this, but we will really only cover a couple. If you want Ogre to create a render window for you, then this is very easy to do. Find the createRenderWindow function and add the following code:
mRoot->initialise(true, "Tutorial Render Window");

This call initializes the RenderSystem we set in the previous section. The first parameter is whether or not Ogre should create a RenderWindow for you. Alternatively, you can create a render window yourself using the win32 API, wxWidgets, or one of the many other Windows or Linux GUI systems. A quick example of how to do this under Windows would look something like this:
// Do not add this to the application mRoot->initialise(false); HWND hWnd = 0; // Get the hWnd of the application! NameValuePairList misc; misc["externalWindowHandle"] = StringConverter::toString((int)hWnd); RenderWindow *win = mRoot->createRenderWindow("Main RenderWindow", 800, 600, false, &misc);

Note that you still have to call Root::initialise, but the first parameter is set to false. Then, you must get the HWND of the window you want to render Ogre in. How you get this will be determined entirely by the GUI toolkit you use to create the window (and under Linux I would imagine this would be a bit different as well). After you have this, you use the NameValuePairList to assign the handle to "externalWindowHandle". The Root::createRenderWindow function then can be used to create the RenderWindow class from the window you have already created. Consult the API documentation on this function for more information.

Initializing Resources
Now that we have our Root object and our RenderSystem and RenderWindow objects created and ready to go, we are very close to being ready to create our scene. The only thing left to do is to initialize the resources we are about to use. In a very large game or application, we may have hundreds or even thousands of resources that our game uses - everything from meshes to textures to scripts. At any given time though, we probably will only be using a small subset of these resources. To keep down memory requirements, we can load only the resources that our application is using. We do this by dividing the resources into sections and only initializing them as we go. We will not be covering that in this tutorial,

however. See Resources and ResourceManagers for a full tutorial devoted to resources. Before we initialize the resources, we should also set the default number of mipmaps that textures use. We must set that before we initialize the resources for it to have any effect. Find the initializeResourceGroups function and add the following code:
TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(5); ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups();

The application now has all resource groups initialized and ready to be used.

Creating a Scene
Next we will need to create the scene. We have done this many times in other tutorials, so we will not actually add anything to the scene we are about to create. Instead, you need to know that there are three things that must be done before you start adding things to a scene: creating the SceneManager, creating the Camera, and creating the Viewport. Find the setupScene function and add the following code:
SceneManager *mgr = mRoot->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC, "Default SceneManager"); Camera *cam = mgr->createCamera("Camera"); Viewport *vp = mRoot->getAutoCreatedWindow()->addViewport(cam);

If your render window is not in focus on startup you may get an exception on mRoot->startRendering() as described in this thread. If so, add the following line:
// Do not add this to the project vp->update();

You may create as many SceneManagers as you like and as many Cameras as you like, but you have to be careful that when you actually want to render something on the screen using a Camera, you have to add a Viewport for it. You do this by using the RenderWindow class that was created in the "Creating a RenderWindow" section. Since we did not hold onto a pointer to this object, we access it through the Root::getAutoCreatedWindow function. After these three things, you may now add whatever to your scene that you like.

Starting up Third Party Libraries

Though not the only option for input in Ogre, OIS is one of the best. We will briefly cover how to startup OIS in your application. For the actual uses of the library, you should check the various tutorials here (which use it extensively) and the OIS documentation itself.

Setup and Unbuffered Input OIS uses a general InputManager which is a touch difficult to set up, but easy to use once you have created it properly. OIS does not integrate into Ogre; it's a standalone library, which means that you will need to provide it with some information at the beginning for it to work properly. In practice it really only needs the window handle which Ogre is rendering in. Thankfully, since we have used the auto created window, Ogre makes this easy for us. Find the setupInputSystem function and add the following code:
size_t windowHnd = 0; std::ostringstream windowHndStr; OIS::ParamList pl; RenderWindow *win = mRoot->getAutoCreatedWindow(); win->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd); windowHndStr << windowHnd; pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), windowHndStr.str())); mInputManager = OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem(pl);

This sets up the InputManager for use, but to actually use OIS to get input for the Keyboard, Mouse, or Joystick of your choice, you'll need to create those objects:
try { mKeyboard = static_cast<OIS::Keyboard*>(mInputManager>createInputObject(OIS::OISKeyboard, false)); //mMouse = static_cast<OIS::Mouse*>(mInputManager>createInputObject(OIS::OISMouse, false)); //mJoy = static_cast<OIS::JoyStick*>(mInputManager>createInputObject(OIS::OISJoyStick, false)); } catch (const OIS::Exception &e) { throw Exception(42, e.eText, "Application::setupInputSystem"); }

I've commented out the Mouse and Joystick objects since we will not use them in this application, but that is how you create them. The second parameter to InputManager::createInputObject is whether or not to use buffered input (which we discussed in the last two tutorials). Setting the second parameter to false creates an unbuffered input object, which we are using in this tutorial. Note: If you wish to use buffered input (meaning you get event callbacks to mouseMoved, mousePressed, keyReleased, and so on), then you must set the second parameter to createInputObject to be true. Setting Up the Framelistener No matter if you are using buffered or unbuffered input, every frame you must call the capture method on all Keyboard, Mouse, and Joystick objects you use. In this tutorial, the starting code already has done this. For unbuffered input, this is all you need to do. Every frame you can call the various Keyboard and

Mouse functions to query for the state of these objects. For buffered input, we have slightly more work to do. To use buffered input, you need to add a class to handle the input (or you could just add code to the FrameListener you have created). The two things you need to do to set up buffered input (aside from passing true to the createInputObject method) is to implement the appropriate listener interfaces and to register the class you've created as the event callback. You can see examples of doing this in the previous tutorial specifically about buffered input. Here is a class which implements everything:
// Don't add this to the project class BufferedInputHandler : public OIS::KeyListener, public OIS::MouseListener, public OIS::JoyStickListener { public: BufferedInputHandler(OIS::Keyboard *keyboard = 0, OIS::Mouse *mouse = 0, OIS::JoyStick *joystick = 0) { if (keyboard) keyboard->setEventCallback(this); if (mouse) mouse->setEventCallback(this); if (joystick) joystick->setEventCallback(this); } // KeyListener virtual bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &arg) { return true; } virtual bool keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &arg) { return true; } // MouseListener virtual bool mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg) { return true; } virtual bool mousePressed(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { return true; } virtual bool mouseReleased(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { return true; } // JoystickListener virtual bool buttonPressed(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int button) { return true; } virtual bool buttonReleased(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int button) { return true; } virtual bool axisMoved(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int axis) { return true; } };

I recommend that you implement only the listeners that you actually use though.

Troubleshooting Buffered Input If you are not receiving buffered input like you think you should in your application, then there are a few things you should check before doing anything else: 1. Do the calls to InputManager::createInputObject set the buffered input flag (second parameter) to true? 2. Have you called setEventCallback on each buffered input object? 3. Are any other classes calling setEventCallback? (Note that OIS only allows one event callback. You cannot register more than one event callback for it.) If you have checked these three things, post your problem to the help forums.

CEGUI is a very flexible GUI library which integrates into Ogre directly. While we will not be using any of CEGUI's functionality in this application, I will briefly go over how to set it up for future applications. CEGUI requires the RenderWindow and the SceneManager which it will render in. (NOTE: to correctly use CEGUI and compile the project source without error messages, add CEGUIBase_d.lib OgreGUIRenderer_d.lib to Linker>Input>Additional Dependencies) Insert this code into the setupCEGUI function:
mRenderer = &CEGUI::OgreRenderer::bootstrapSystem();

That's it. Now CEGUI is ready for you to use.

Finalizing Startup and the Render Loop

Frame Listener
Before we start the render loop and have our application run, we need to add the frame listeners that the application will use. Please note that I have already created a very simple FrameListener called ExitListener, which waits for the Escape key to be pressed to end the program. In your program you will probably have a lot more frame listeners doing much more complex things. Take a look at the ExitListener and make sure you understand everything that is going on there, then add the following code to the createFrameListener function:
mListener = new ExitListener(mKeyboard); mRoot->addFrameListener(mListener);

The Render Loop

The last thing we need to do to start Ogre is to start the render loop. Ogre makes this very easy for us. Find the startRenderLoop function and add the following code:

This will render the application until a FrameListener returns false. You can also pump a single frame and

work in between each frame if you so choose. The Root::renderOneFrame renders a frame and then returns false if any FrameListener returned false:
// Do not add this to the application while (mRoot->renderOneFrame()) { // Do some things here, like sleep for x milliseconds or perform other actions. // However, make sure you call the display update function: WindowEventUtilities::messagePump(); }

However, in my opinion you should probably just add whatever code you would have put in that while loop to a FrameListener instead. The only use I can think of to use this pattern is to sleep for a certain number of milliseconds to artificially lower the framerate down to a set number. You generally wouldn't want to do that in a FrameListener because it messes with the FrameEvent::timeSinceLastFrame variable.

Optional Handling of Window Events

If you wish to intercept certain Window Events, you can add a WindowEventListener instead of manually checking in a message pump loop as shown above. For example:
// Do not add this to the application class WinListener : public WindowEventListener { public: WinListener() { } bool windowClosing(RenderWindow* rw) { button } }; // Disables standard exit methods such as ALT-F4 and the close return false;

And then do this before calling mRoot->startRendering():

// Do not add this to the application SceneManager *mgr = mRoot->getSceneManager("Default SceneManager"); RenderWindow *win = mRoot->getAutoCreatedWindow(); WindowEventUtilities::addWindowEventListener(win, new WinListener());

The last thing we have to worry about is cleaning up all of the objects we have created when the application terminates. To do this, we will basically delete or destroy all objects in the reverse order of their creation. We will start with OIS, which has specific functions that should be called to destroy its objects. Find the ~Application function and add the following code:
mInputManager->destroyInputObject(mKeyboard); OIS::InputManager::destroyInputSystem(mInputManager);


Finally we need to delete the Root and FrameListener objects. The other objects we have created (the SceneManager, the RenderWindow and so on) will be cleaned up when we delete Root.
delete mListener; delete mRoot;

That's it! You can now compile and run your application, though you will only see a black screen since we never added anything to the scene. If you have linker errors when attempting to compile the application, be sure that CEGUIBase_d.lib and OgreGUIRenderer_d.lib are added to the input of the linker (for debug mode, for release mode, remove the _d on them). You should now be familiar enough with Ogre's startup process to use something other than the example framework in your applications. For the sake of simplicity, however, the tutorials will continue to use the example framework. If you are curious about other parts of the example framework and how it works, see the in-depth tutorial Example Framework Demystified.

Mac OS X
Since Mac OS X uses app bundles, a concept radically different from what is used on Windows and Linux, the code described above is going to crash on Mac OS X. Add the following function:
#if OGRE_PLATFORM OGRE_PLATFORM_APPLE #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> // This function will locate the path to our application on OS X, // unlike windows you cannot rely on the current working directory // for locating your configuration files and resources. std::string macBundlePath() { char path[1024]; CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); assert(mainBundle);

CFURLRef mainBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(mainBundle); assert(mainBundleURL); CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( mainBundleURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); assert(cfStringRef); CFStringGetCString(cfStringRef, path, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII); CFRelease(mainBundleURL); CFRelease(cfStringRef); return std::string(path); } #endif

In createRoot(), change
mRoot = new Root();

#if OGRE_PLATFORM OGRE_PLATFORM_APPLE mRoot = new Root(macBundlePath() + "/Contents/Resources/plugins.cfg"); #else mRoot = new Root(); #endif

In defineResources(), change

#if OGRE_PLATFORM OGRE_PLATFORM_APPLE cf.load(macBundlePath() + "/Contents/Resources/resources.cfg"); #else cf.load("resources.cfg"); #endif

Also in defineResources(), change

ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( archName, typeName, secName);

#if OGRE_PLATFORM OGRE_PLATFORM_APPLE ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( String(macBundlePa th() + "/" + archName), typeName, secName); #else ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( archName, typeName, secName); #endif

Proceed to Basic Tutorial 7 CEGUI and Ogre

Basic Tutorial 7 : CEGUI and Ogre

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

This tutorial assumes you have knowledge of C++ programming and are able to setup and compile an Ogre application (if you have trouble setting up your application, see [SettingUpAnApplication|this guide]] for specific compiler setups). This tutorial builds on the previous beginner tutorials, and it assumes you have already worked through them.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Introduction Getting Started The Initial Code Compile the Code A Brief Introduction Integrating with Ogre Defining CEGUI resource groups Initializing CEGUI Injecting Key Events Converting and Injecting Mouse Events Windows, Sheets, and Widgets Introduction Loading a Sheet Manually creating an Object Events Render to Texture Conclusion Alternatives More Information

In this tutorial we will be exploring how to use CEGUI with Ogre. By the end of this tutorial you should be able to add basic CEGUI functionality to your application. NOTE: This tutorial is not intended to fully teach you how to use CEGUI. This tutorial is intended to get you started. All further CEGUI questions

and help should be directed to their home page . Much deeper and better explained CEGUI tutorials are found in its doxygen documentation with the CEGUI distribution or here on-line You can find the code for this tutorial here. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it.

Getting Started
The Initial Code
In this tutorial, we will be using a predefined code base as a starting point. As long as you have worked through the previous tutorials, this should all be familiar to you. Create a project in the compiler of your choice for this project, and add a source file which contains this code:
#include "ExampleApplication.h" #include <OIS/OIS.h> #include <CEGUI/CEGUI.h> #include <CEGUI/RendererModules/Ogre/CEGUIOgreRenderer.h> class TutorialListener : public ExampleFrameListener, public OIS::MouseListener, public OIS::KeyListener { public: TutorialListener(RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam) : ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, true, true) { mContinue=true; mMouse->setEventCallback(this); mKeyboard->setEventCallback(this); } // CEGUIDemoListener bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt) { mKeyboard->capture(); mMouse->capture(); return mContinue && !mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_ESCAPE); } bool quit(const CEGUI::EventArgs &e) { mContinue = false; return true; }

// MouseListener bool mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg) { return true; } bool mousePressed(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { return true; } bool mouseReleased(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { return true; } // KeyListener bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &arg) { return true; } bool keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &arg) { return true; } private: bool mContinue; };

class CEGUIDemoApplication : public ExampleApplication { public: CEGUIDemoApplication() { } ~CEGUIDemoApplication() { CEGUI::OgreRenderer::destroySystem(); }

protected: CEGUI::OgreRenderer *mRenderer; void createScene(void) { } void createFrameListener(void) { mFrameListener= new TutorialListener(mWindow, mCamera); mFrameListener->showDebugOverlay(true); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener); } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM !!OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h"

INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object CEGUIDemoApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch(Exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM !!OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBoxA(NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str()); #endif }

return 0;

Compile the Code

Be sure you can compile and run this code before continuing. The application should do nothing other than present you with a blank screen (press Escape to exit). If you have linker errors when attempting to compile the application, be sure that CEGUIBase_d.lib and CEGUIOgreRenderer_d.lib are added to the input of the linker (for debug mode; for release mode, remove the _d on them).

A Brief Introduction
CEGUI is a fully featured GUI library that can be embedded in 3D applications such as Ogre (it also supports OpenGL , DirectX , and Irrlicht backends). Much in the same way that Ogre is only a graphics library (and doesn't do other things such as sound, physics, etc), CEGUI is only a GUI library, meaning it does not do its own rendering nor does it hook into any mouse or keyboard events. In fact, in order for CEGUI to render at all, you have to provide a renderer for it (which is the CEGUIOgreRenderer library shipped with CEGUI), and in order for it to even understand mouse and keyboard events you have to manually inject them into the system. This may seem like a pain at first, but in reality very little code is required to make this happen. It also allows you to have full control over the rendering and the input; CEGUI will never get in the way. There are many aspects to CEGUI and many quirks that will be unfamiliar to you (even if you have used GUI systems before). I will try to slowly introduce them to you as we go along.

Integrating with Ogre

Defining CEGUI resource groups
CEGUI like Ogre has several types of resources it needs to function. It has several resource managers (like Ogre) which need to find their respective resource locations. Thus, you need to define the necessary resource groups and their locations within resources.cfg. CEGUI distribution installs its resources to different locations depending on you platform. For usual Linux install they all get installed into /usr/local/share/CEGUI or /usr/share/CEGUI. Add the following to resources.cfg:
[Imagesets] FileSystem=/usr/local/share/CEGUI/imagesets [Fonts] FileSystem=/usr/local/share/CEGUI/fonts [Schemes] FileSystem=/usr/local/share/CEGUI/schemes [LookNFeel] FileSystem=/usr/local/share/CEGUI/looknfeel [Layouts] FileSystem=/usr/local/share/CEGUI/layouts

Initializing CEGUI
Find the createScene function and add the following code:
mRenderer = &CEGUI::OgreRenderer::bootstrapSystem();

Now that CEGUI has been initialized, we need to set the so-called default resource groups for each of CEGUI resource managers. Add the following:
CEGUI::Imageset::setDefaultResourceGroup("Imagesets"); CEGUI::Font::setDefaultResourceGroup("Fonts"); CEGUI::Scheme::setDefaultResourceGroup("Schemes"); CEGUI::WidgetLookManager::setDefaultResourceGroup("LookNFeel"); CEGUI::WindowManager::setDefaultResourceGroup("Layouts");

As you see, we used those resource groups we defined within resources.cfg. CEGUI is highly customizable, and allows you to define the look and feel of your application by changing its skin (scheme, in terms of CEGUI). We will not be covering how to skin the library in any tutorial, so if you wish to learn more about it, consult the CEGUI website. The following line of code selects the skin:

The next thing we need to do is set the default mouse cursor:

CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("TaharezLook", "MouseArrow");

The first parameter specefies the Imageset and the second one specifies the name of the Image to use from that Imageset. Throughout this tutorial series we will be using CEGUI to display the mouse cursor, even when we have no other use for the GUI library. It is possible to use another GUI library to render the mouse, or to simply create your own mouse cursor using Ogre directly (though this latter option can be a bit involved). If you are only using CEGUI for the mouse cursor and are concerned about memory usage or the disk space that your game takes up, you can look into one of these options to replace CEGUI. Lastly note that in that last code snippet we have set the default mouse cursor, but we did not set the mouse cursor directly using the MouseCursor::setImage function as we will in later tutorials. This is because in this tutorial we will always be over some kind of CEGUI window (though it may be invisible), so setting the default cursor will, in effect, make the mouse cursor be the image we selected. If we set the mouse cursor directly and did not set the default, the mouse cursor would be invisible every time it passed over a CEGUI window (which, in this tutorial, will be all the time). On the other hand, setting the default mouse image does nothing if you do not have any CEGUI windows displayed, as will be the case in later tutorials. In that situation, calling MouseCursor::setImage will display the cursor for the application. Example:
CEGUI::MouseCursor::getSingleton().setImage( CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getDef aultMouseCursor());

Injecting Key Events

CEGUI does not handle input in any way. It does not read mouse movements or keyboard input. Instead it relies on the user to inject key and mouse events into the system. The next thing we will need to do is to handle the key events. If you are working with CEGUI, you will need to have the mouse and keyboard in buffered mode so you can receive the events directly and inject them as they happen. Find the keyPressed function and add the following code to it:
CEGUI::System &sys = CEGUI::System::getSingleton(); sys.injectKeyDown(arg.key); sys.injectChar(arg.text);

After getting the system object, we need to do two things. The first is to inject the key down event into CEGUI. The second is to inject the actual character that was pressed. It is very important to inject the character properly since injecting the key down will not always bring about the desired result when using a non-English keyboard. The injectChar was designed with Unicode support in mind. Now we need to inject the key up event into the system. Find the keyReleased function and add the following code:

Note that we do not need to inject a character up event, only the key up event is required.

Converting and Injecting Mouse Events

Now that we have finished dealing with keyboard input, we need to take care of mouse input. We have a small issue that we will need to address, however. When we injected the key up and down events into CEGUI we never had to convert the key. Both OIS and CEGUI use the same key codes for keyboard input. The same is not true for mouse buttons. Before we can inject mouse button presses into CEGUI, we will need to write a function which converts OIS button IDs into CEGUI button IDs. Add the following function near the top of your source code, just before the TutorialListener class:
CEGUI::MouseButton convertButton(OIS::MouseButtonID buttonID) { switch (buttonID) { case OIS::MB_Left: return CEGUI::LeftButton; case OIS::MB_Right: return CEGUI::RightButton; case OIS::MB_Middle: return CEGUI::MiddleButton; default:

return CEGUI::LeftButton; } }

Now we are ready to inject mouse events. Find the mousePressed function and add the following code:

This should be roughly self-explanatory. We convert the button ID which was passed in, and pass the result to CEGUI. Find the mouseReleased function and add this line of code:

Lastly, we need to inject mouse motion into CEGUI. The CEGUI::System object has an injectMouseMove function which expects relative mouse movements. The OIS::mouseMoved handler gives us those relative movements in the state.X.rel variable and the state.Y.rel variables. Find the mouseMoved function and add the following code:
CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseMove(arg.state.X.rel, arg.state.Y.rel); // Scroll wheel. if (arg.state.Z.rel) mSystem->injectMouseWheelChange(arg.state.Z.rel / 120.0f);

120 is a sort of 'magical number' used by Microsoft back in the days and pretty much in nowadays systems. OIS uses the same magical number. GLUT, for example, does not use it. Google to find out more. That's it. Now CEGUI is fully set up and receiving mouse and keyboard events.

Windows, Sheets, and Widgets

CEGUI is very different from most GUI systems. In CEGUI, everything that is displayed is a subclass of the CEGUI::Window class, and a window can have any number of children windows. This means that when you create a frame to contain multiple buttons, that frame is a Window. This also leads to some strange things to happen. You can place a button inside another button, though that would really never happen in practice. The reason that I mention all of this is when you are looking for a particular widget that you have placed in the application, they are all called Windows, and are accessed by functions which call them as such. In most practical uses of CEGUI, you will not create each individual object through code. Instead you create a GUI layout for your application in an editor such as the CEGUI Layout Editor. After placing all of your windows, buttons, and other widgets onto the screen as you like them, the editor saves the layout into a text file. You may later load this layout into what CEGUI calls a GUI sheet (which is also a subclass of CEGUI::Window). Lastly, know that CEGUI contains a large number of widgets that you can use in your application. We

will not cover them in this tutorial, so if you decide to use CEGUI, be sure to take a good look at their website for more information.

Loading a Sheet
In CEGUI loading a sheet is very easy to do. The WindowManager class provides a "loadWindowLayout" function which loads the sheet and puts it into a CEGUI::Window object. Then you call CEGUI::System::setGUISheet to display it. We will not be using this in this tutorial, but I would feel remiss if I did not at least show you an example of its use. Do not add this to the tutorial (or if you do, remove it after you have seen the results):
// Do not add this to the program CEGUI::Window *guiRoot = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().loadWindowLayout("TextDemo.layout"); CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setGUISheet(guiRoot);

This sets the sheet currently being displayed. You can later retrieve this sheet by calling System::getGUISheet. You can also swap the GUI sheet seamlessly by calling setGUISheet with whatever sheet you want to swap to (though be sure to hold onto a pointer to the current sheet if you wish to swap it back).

Manually creating an Object

As I said before, most of the time you use CEGUI, you will be using GUI sheets that you create using an editor. Occasionally, however, you will need to manually create a widget to put on the screen. In this example, we will be adding a Quit button which we will later add functionality to. Since we will be adding more than just the Quit button to the screen by the time the tutorial is over, we need to first create a default CEGUI::Window which will contain all of the widgets we will be creating. Add this to the end of the createScene function:
CEGUI::WindowManager &wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton(); CEGUI::Window *sheet = wmgr.createWindow("DefaultWindow", "CEGUIDemo/Sheet");

This uses the WindowManager to create a "DefaultWindow" called "CEGUIDemo/Sheet". While we could name the window anything we like, it's very common (and encouraged) to name the widget in a hierarchical manner such as "SomeApp/MainMenu/Submenu3/CancelButton". The next thing we need to do is to create the Quit button and set its size:
CEGUI::Window *quit = wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Button", "CEGUIDemo/QuitButton"); quit->setText("Quit"); quit->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0.15, 0), CEGUI::UDim(0.05, 0)));

This is very close to being cryptic. CEGUI uses a "unified dimension" system for its sizes and positions. When setting the size you must create a UDim object to tell it what size it should be. The first parameter is the relative size of the object in relation to its parent. The second parameter is the absolute size of the object (in pixels). The important thing to realize is that you are only supposed to set one of the two parameters to UDim. The other parameter must be 0. So in this case we have made a button which is 15% as wide as its parent and 5% as tall. If we wanted to specify that it should be 20 pixels by 5 pixels, we

would do that by setting the second parameter in both of the UDim calls to be 20 and 5 respectively. The last thing we have to do is attach the Quit button to the sheet we have created, and then set the current GUI sheet for the system to be that sheet:
sheet->addChildWindow(quit); CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setGUISheet(sheet);

Now if you compile and run your application you will see a Quit button in the top left hand corner of the screen, but it does not yet do anything when you click on it.

Events in CEGUI are very flexible. Instead of using an interface that you implement to receive events, it uses a callback mechanism which binds any public function (with the appropriate method signature) to be the event handler. Unfortunately this also means that registering events is a bit more complicated than it is for Ogre. We will now register to handle the Quit button's click event to exit the program when it is pressed. To do that, we will first need a pointer to the Quit button we created in the previous section. Find the TutorialListener's constructor and add the following code:
CEGUI::WindowManager &wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton(); CEGUI::Window *quit = wmgr.getWindow("CEGUIDemo/QuitButton");

Now that we have a pointer to the button, we now will subscribe to the clicked event. Every widget in CEGUI has a set of events that it supports, and they all begin with "Event". Here is the code to subscribe to the event:
quit->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::PushButton::EventClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&TutorialListener::quit, this));

The first parameter to subscribeEvent is the event itself. The second parameter is an Event::Subscriber object. When creating a Subcriber object, the first thing we pass in is a pointer to the function that will handle the event (note the & symbol which gives us the pointer to the function). The second thing we pass to subscriber is the TutorialListener object which will handle the event (which is the "this" object). That's it! Our TutorialListener::quit function (which has already been defined) will handle the mouse click and terminate the program. Compile and run your application to test this out. One thing to note is that we can create any number of functions to handle events for CEGUI. The only restriction on them is that they must return a bool and they must take in a single parameter of type "const CEGUI::EventArgs &". For more information about events (and how to unsubscribe from them), be sure to read more on the CEGUI website.

Render to Texture
One of the more interesting things we can do with CEGUI is to create a render to texture window (full [RTT|RTT Tutorial]]). This allows us to create a second Viewport which can be rendered directly into a CEGUI widget. To do this, we first need to set up a scene for us to look at. Add the following code to the

bottom of the createScene function:

mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(1, 1, 1)); mSceneMgr->setSkyDome(true, "Examples/CloudySky", 5, 8); Entity* ogreHead = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh"); SceneNode* headNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()>createChildSceneNode(Vector3(0, 0, -300)); headNode->attachObject(ogreHead);

Now we must create the RenderTexture. The RenderSystem object provides the functionality to render to a texture. To do this we create a texture with the TextureManager::createManual function. For this program we will create a 512 x 512 texture:
TexturePtr tex = mRoot->getTextureManager()->createManual( "RTT", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, TEX_TYPE_2D, 512, 512, 0, PF_R8G8B8, TU_RENDERTARGET); RenderTexture *rtex = tex->getBuffer()->getRenderTarget();

See the API reference for more information on this function. Next we need to create a Camera and a Viewport to look at the scene we have created. Note that we have changed a couple of Viewport options, including turning off Overlays...which is very important to do or you will get CEGUI and Ogre overlays within our mini-window.
Camera *cam = mSceneMgr->createCamera("RTTCam"); cam->setPosition(100, -100, -400); cam->lookAt(0, 0, -300); Viewport *v = rtex->addViewport(cam); v->setOverlaysEnabled(false); v->setClearEveryFrame(true); v->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue::Black);

Note that we have added the Viewport to the texture itself (as opposed to the RenderWindow, which is where we usually add Viewports). Now that we have created our scene and our texture, we need to embed it within CEGUI. You can create a CEGUI::Texture from any Ogre texture by calling the CEGUI::OgreRenderer::createTexture function:
CEGUI::Texture &guiTex = mRenderer->createTexture(tex);

Unfortunately, this is where things get complicated. In CEGUI you never just deal with a single Texture or a single image. CEGUI works with image sets instead of individual images. It is very useful to work with entire grids of images when you are trying to define the look and feel of a skin you are creating (for

example, take a look at TaharezLook.tga in the datafiles/imagesets folder of the CEGUI SDK to see what an image set looks like). However, even when you are only trying to define a single image, you must create an entire image set for it. This is what we will be doing:
CEGUI::Imageset &imageSet = CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingleton().create("RTTImageset", guiTex); imageSet.defineImage("RTTImage", CEGUI::Point(0.0f, 0.0f), CEGUI::Size(guiTex.getSize().d_width, guiTex.getSize().d_height), CEGUI::Point(0.0f, 0.0f));

The first line creates the image set (called "RTTImageset") from the texture that we have provided it. The next line (which calls defineImage), specifies that the first and only image is called "RTTImage" and it is as large as the entire guiTex texture we have provided. Finally we need to create the StaticImage widget which will house the render texture. The first part is no different from creating any other window:
CEGUI::Window *si = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow("TaharezLook/StaticImage", "RTTWindow"); si->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0.5f, 0), CEGUI::UDim(0.4f, 0))); si->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0.5f, 0), CEGUI::UDim(0.0f, 0)));

Now we need to specify which image this StaticImage widget will display. Once again, since CEGUI always deals with image sets and not individual images, we must now retrieve the exact image name from the image set, and to display it:
si->setProperty("Image", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::imageToString(&imageSet.getImage("RTTImage")));

If it seems like we have packed a texture into an image set only to unpack it again, it's because that's exactly what we have done. Manipulating images in CEGUI is not one of the easiest or most straightforward things in the library. The last thing we need to do is to add the StaticImage widget to the GUI sheet we created earlier:

Now we are finished. Compile and run the application.

Here are a few alternatives to CEGUI:

QuickGUI BetaGUI MyGUI Navi Right Brain Games GUI

More Information
There are also several other places you can get more information about CEGUI?. Practical Application - Something With A Bit More Meat - A more in-depth tutorial than the one here. CEGUI's Official Tutorials The CEGUI Website Proceed to Basic Tutorial 8 Using Multiple SceneManagers

Basic Tutorial 8 : Multiple and Dual SceneManagers

Any problems you encounter while working with this tutorial should be posted to the Help Forum .

In this short tutorial we will be covering how to swap between multiple scene managers. You can find the code for this tutorial here. As you go through the tutorial you should be slowly adding code to your own project and watching the results as we build it.

Table of contents
Prerequisites Setting up the Application Creating the SceneManagers Creating the Cameras Creating the Viewports Creating the Scene Adding Functionality Dual SceneManagers Swapping SceneManagers Conclusion Overlays One Last Note

Create a cpp file in the IDE of your choice and add the following code to it:
#include "ExampleApplication.h" #define CAMERA_NAME "SceneCamera" void setupViewport(RenderWindow *win, SceneManager *curr) { }

void dualViewport(RenderWindow *win, SceneManager *primary, SceneManager *secondary) { } class SMTutorialListener : public ExampleFrameListener, public OIS::KeyListener { public: SMTutorialListener(RenderWindow* win, SceneManager *primary, SceneManager *secondary) : ExampleFrameListener(win, primary->getCamera(CAMERA_NAME), true, false), mPrimary(primary), mSecondary(secondary), mDual(false), mContinue(true) { mKeyboard->setEventCallback(this); } bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt) { mKeyboard->capture(); return mContinue; } bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &arg) { switch (arg.key) { case OIS::KC_ESCAPE: mContinue = false; break; default: break; } return true; } bool keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &) {return true;} private: SceneManager *mPrimary, *mSecondary; bool mDual, mContinue;

static void swap(SceneManager *&first, SceneManager *&second) { SceneManager *tmp = first; first = second; second = tmp; } }; class SMTutorialApplication : public ExampleApplication { public: SMTutorialApplication() { } ~SMTutorialApplication() { } protected: SceneManager *mPrimary, *mSecondary; void chooseSceneManager(void) { } void createCamera() { } void createViewports() { } void createScene(void) { } void createFrameListener(void) { mFrameListener = new SMTutorialListener(mWindow, mPrimary, mSecondary); mFrameListener->showDebugOverlay(true); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener); }

}; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object SMTutorialApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch(Exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBoxA(NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.getFullDescription().c_str()); #endif } return 0; }

Be sure you can compile this code before continuing, but do not attempt to run the program at this point.

Setting up the Application

Creating the SceneManagers
We have previously covered how to select your SceneManager, so I will not go into detail about this function. The only thing we have changed is that we are creating two of them. Find the chooseSceneManager function and add the following code:
mPrimary = mRoot->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC, "primary"); mSecondary = mRoot->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC, "secondary");

Creating the Cameras

The next thing we need to do is create a Camera object for each of the two SceneManagers. The only difference from previous tutorials is that we are creating two of them, with the same name. Find the createCamera function and add the following code:
mPrimary->createCamera(CAMERA_NAME); mSecondary->createCamera(CAMERA_NAME);

Creating the Viewports

In creating the Viewport for this application, we will be taking a small departure from previous tutorials. When you create a Viewport, you must do two things: setup the Viewport itself and then set the aspect ratio of the camera you are using. To begin with, add the following code to the createViewports function:
setupViewport(mWindow, mPrimary);

The actual code for setting up the Viewport resides in this setupViewport function since we will use this code again elsewhere. The first thing we need to do is remove all the previously created Viewports. None have been created yet, but when we call this function again later, we will need to make sure that they are all removed before creating new ones. After that we will setup the Viewports just like we have in previous tutorials. Add the following code to the setupViewport function at the top of the file:
win->removeAllViewports(); Camera *cam = curr->getCamera(CAMERA_NAME); Viewport *vp = win->addViewport(cam); vp->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0,0,0)); cam->setAspectRatio(Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Real(vp->getActualHeight()));

Creating the Scene

Lastly, we need to create a scene for each SceneManager to contain. We won't make anything complex, just something different so that we know when we have swapped between the two. Find the createScene function and add the following code:
// Setup the TerrainSceneManager mPrimary->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox"); // Setup the Generic SceneManager mSecondary->setSkyDome(true, "Examples/CloudySky", 5, 8);

Be sure your code compiles before continuing. You may run the program at this point, but it currently has no functionality other than exiting when you press Escape.

Adding Functionality
Dual SceneManagers
The first piece of functionality we want to add to the program is to allow the user to render both SceneManagers side by side. When the V key is pressed we will toggle dual Viewport mode. The basic plan for this is simple. To turn off dual Viewport mode, we simply call setupViewport (which we created in the previous section) with the primary SceneManager to recreate the Viewport in single mode. When we want to turn it on, we will call a new function called dualViewport. We will keep track of the state of the Viewport with the mDual variable. Add the following code to the switch in the keyPressed function:
case OIS::KC_V: mDual = !mDual; if (mDual) dualViewport(mWindow, mPrimary, mSecondary); else setupViewport(mWindow, mPrimary); break;

Now we have swapped the mDual variable and called the appropriate function based on which mode we are in. Now we will define the dualViewport function which actually contains the code to show two Viewports at once. In order to display two SceneManagers side by side, we basically do the same thing we have already done in the setupViewport function. The only difference is that we will create two Viewports, one for each Camera in our SceneManagers. Add the following code to the dualViewport function:
win->removeAllViewports(); Viewport *vp = 0; Camera *cam = primary->getCamera(CAMERA_NAME); vp = win->addViewport(cam, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 1); vp->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0,0,0)); cam->setAspectRatio(Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Real(vp->getActualHeight())); cam = secondary->getCamera(CAMERA_NAME); vp = win->addViewport(cam, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1); vp->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0,0,0)); cam->setAspectRatio(Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Real(vp->getActualHeight()));

All of this should be familiar except for the extra parameters we have added to the addViewport function call. The first parameter to this function is still the Camera we are using. The second parameter is the z order of the Viewport. A higher z order sits on top of the lower z orders. Note that you cannot have two Viewports with the same z order, even if they do not overlap. The next two parameters are the left and top positions of the Viewport, which must be between 0 and 1. Finally, the last two parameters are the width

and the height of the Viewport as a percentage of the screen (again, they must be between 0 and 1). So in this case, the first Viewport we create will be at the position (0, 0) and will take up half of the screen horizontally and all of the screen vertically. The second Viewport will be at position (0.5, 0) and also take up half the horizontal space and all of the vertical space. Compile and run the application. By pressing V you can now display two SceneManagers at the same time.

Swapping SceneManagers
The last piece of functionality we want to add to our program is to swap the SceneManagers whenever the C key is pressed. To do that, we will first swap the mPrimary and mSecondary variables so that when the setupViewport or dualViewport functions are called, we never need to worry about which SceneManager is in which variable. The primary SceneManager will always be displayed in single mode, and the primary will always be on the left side in dualViewport mode. Add the following code to the switch in the keyPressed function:
case OIS::KC_C: swap(mPrimary, mSecondary); if (mDual) dualViewport(mWindow, mPrimary, mSecondary); else setupViewport(mWindow, mPrimary); break;

After swapping the variables, we perform the change. All we have to do is call the appropriate Viewport setup function depending on whether we are in dual or single mode. That's it! Compile and run the application. We can now swap the SceneManagers with the C key, and swap single and dual mode with the V key.

I'm sure you have noticed in your program that when you run in dual Viewport mode, the Ogre debug Overlay shows up on both sides. You may turn off Overlay rendering on a per-Viewport basis. Use the Viewport::setOverlaysEnabled function to turn them on and off. I have made this relatively simple change to the full source of this tutorial, so if you are confused as to how this is done, see that page for the details.

One Last Note

Always keep in mind that the Viewport class, while not having a lot of functionality itself, is the key to all Ogre rendering. It doesn't matter how many SceneManagers you create or how many Cameras in each SceneManager, none of them will be rendered to the window unless you setup a Viewport for each Camera you are showing. Also don't forget to clear out Viewports you are not using before creating more.

Contirbuters: Tutorial 1: jacmoe , peters , Jubei , JacobM and Emmentaler . .

Tutorial 2: peters Tutorial 3: jacmoe Tutorial 4: peters Tutorial 5: peters

, Tp , JacobM , JacobM , jacmoe , jacmoe

and jacmoe

, peters , JacobM , JacobM

and Harkathmaker . and Harkathmaker . and Harkathmaker .

Tutorial 6: jacmoe Tutorial 7: jacmoe Tutorial 8: peters

, peters , peters

and Harkathmaker . and Harkathmaker . and jacmoe .

, Spacegaier

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