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No) : 10.127.081 Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Penyakit ISPA pada Anak Usia 1 5 Tahun di Desa Patumbak I Dusun VI Kecamatan Patumbak Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2013 viii + 32 pages + 4 tables + 6 appendixes ABSTRACT ARTI (Acute Respiatory Track Infection) is a disease which high number of morbidity and mortality. So to handle this disease, need awareness, both of the public and officers. Factor that influence such as smoking at the home, health care factors such as immunization status, exclusive breastfeeding, and heredity. The purpose of this study is to descirbe mother knowledge of respiratory diseases in Desa Patumbak 1 Dusun VI, the sub-district of Patumbak, the district of Deli Serdang in 2013. This study result 4 respondents (20%) in good knowledge, 7 responden (35%) in adequate knowledge and 9 responden (45%) in less knowledge. The writer of this study suggested mother to improve their knowledge about ARTI through the mass media and health workers. Keywords Bibliography : Mothers Knowledge, ARTI : 11 references (2001-2012)

Abstract Post partum blues/baby blues is a natural feeling of sadness on post partum mother. It is about their baby. This condition go on 3-6 days of post partum. This study is conducted ad Dusun 1 Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Biru-biru Kabupaten Deli Serdang, this study aims to know the description of primipara mother knowledge about baby blues (post partum emotional). This study is descriptive method. The sampels of this study are 23 respondents by total sampling and the collecting data use the questioners which contributed to the respondents. By the 23 respondents, this study result 9 respondents (39%) in less knowledge, 8 respondents (35%) in adequate knowledge and 6 respondents (26%) in good knowledge. This study expected respondents to know more about baby blues (post partum emotional) and to healthworkers give medical treatment counseling and health education and information about baby blues. Keywords : Primipara Mothers Knowledge, Baby Blues

Book Catalogue : 22 References (2007-2012)

MIDWIFERY ACADEMIC OF DELI HUSADA DELITUA SCIENTIFIC PAPER, June 2013 Name : Trisna Wirdani Barus Nim (Reg. No) : 10.127.160 The Description of Pregnant Woman Knowledge to the Sexual Activity on 3 rd Trimester of Pregnancy at Clinic Hj. Hamidah Nst, Sub-district of Medan Tembung in 2013 viii + 35 pages + 4 tables + 6 appendixes ABSTRACT Many of pregnancy women has difficult to have comfortable position in sex activity on third semester, the lower of sex desire for the fear of baby condition, any couple have confusion, hesitancy and fear that the sex activity will hazard the baby and cause the premature born. The sexual activity of couple is forbidden the pregnancy is normal. The objective of this study is to know The Description of Prengant Woman Knowledge to the sexual activity on 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy that conducted on May at Clinic Hj. Hamidah Nst, sub-district Meadn Tembung in 2013. This research is a descriptive study by using primary data, and the sample is an accidental sampling. The sample consist of 25 persons. The result of study that 11 respondents (44%) with the adequate knowledge, 8 respondents (32%) with less knowledge and 6 respondents (24%) with good knowledge. Therefore, this study hope the pregnancy women have to increase their knowledge and they pay attention to information about the health issue especially about the sexual activity in 3rd Semester of pregnancy. : Knowledge of Pregnant Women, Sexual Activity on 3 rd Trimester. Bibliography : 14 references (2005-2013) Keyword

MIDWIFERY ACADEMIC OF DELI HUSADA DELITUA SCIENTIFIC PAPER, June 2013 Name : Farida Anum Siregar Nim (Reg. No) : 10.127.044 Description of Mother Knowledge on the Influence of Formula Milk Advertisement to the Baby on 0 6 weeks at Desa Sidoadi, sub-district of Biru-biru, regency of Deli Serdang in 2013 viii + 35 pages + 4 tables + 6 appendixes ABSTRACT The decrease of exclusive breastfeeding give many reasons that indicated by mothers such as the mother assume the breast milk is not sufficient. This study aims to know the knowledge of mothers on the influence of formula milk advertisement to the baby on 0 6 weeks at sub-rural I, rural village of Sidodadi, sub-district of Biru-biru, regencty of Deli Serdang in 2013. This research wad conducted at Gg. Wargo sub rural I, rural vilage of Sidodadi sub-district of Birubiru, regency of Deli Serdang. The applied instrument in this research is questionnaire that consist of 20 questions items using Guttman scale. This research use total sampling with 20 respondents. The results of study presented in distribution, frequency and percentage. Based on the research indicated that more of respondents has adequate knowledge is 9 persons (45%), 8 persons (40%) with the less knowledge and 3 person (15%) is good knowledge. It is suggested to the mother to increase their knowledge and more information about the weakness or disadvantages of formula milk and the useful of breat milk for baby on 0 6 weeks either from electronic (television, radio), printed media (newspaper, magazines, etc) and health staff. Keywords : Knowledge

Bibliography : 17 references (1997-2012)

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