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Of all the uncounted thousands of islands making up the area called "Ocestnia" the Hew Testament churches are presently ena-afi-ed in prepchin<r the ^-ospel on only one Oahu. These islands are roughly n-rouped fl-eoi^raphically, and to a far lesser ex

tent lin^iuistically, into three divisions: Polynesia (many islands), Micronesia (little islands), and Melanesia (hlack islands). See map on reverse side.
Here is a vast mission field completely untouched "by the simple New Testament


Amazino-ly, most-of these islands are administered by the English speaking

nations of the United'States, United Kinj^dom, Australia, and New 'Zealand. A fev; are administered "by France and other nations. Moot all of them are accessible to mission aries. Yot, only one' island has had the simple gospel preached to its people.


Last summer a group of ministers on Oahu, composed of Edrrar JTichols, Alan Eoush, and Harold Burnside, "being ap-oalled by the immensify of the tpsk, banded to
gether in p determined effort to establish a Bible College to trpin others to help

with the task we could not possibly do rlone.

trainin/? workers for the Island of Oahu,

At first, the vision wps limited to

and that still is considered as of great

importpjice, but jr^raduplly the Holy ^irit otjened our eyes to larp-er horizons.

' Through much prnyer 'fsnd mpjiy- plnnninj? sessions r. curriculum wps established, p.
catplog WPS drpfted, ajid dozens 'of other details v/ere considered. Mr. Eoush returned to Lincoln Institute for a yepr of further grpdupte v/ork pnd the other two con tinued mpkinri- local prrangements. The cptplor* is no\i off the press nnd the first two

student applicptinns have been received.'

either ps full-or iD'-^rt-tim^ students.
the Lord willing.

Mpny others pre considerinj* enrolling,

It will oT>en pt thpt time,

All T)lpns pre progressing accordinjy to schedule

for the oTjeninp- of the Colle/ye in Sent'ember of this yepr.

The new school, operating ps "East-Vfest Bible College", will use the grounds
aJid facilities of MrkpJip, Church of Christ.
in which they vdll be teaching.

/j11 fpculty members pre members of the

Church of Christ (Christinji Church) pjid pre pdeouptely colleo-e trained in the fields
All v;ill serve without ppy, other than present mis

sion supTjort.

e believe this new colle^j-e v/ill rr^te well with the other Bible col
It is in p. unicue position to fill n void that cannot

leges of our brotherhood in: p,) facilities, b) educp.tional standards, rnd c) cer
tainly in spiritup-l vigor.
bo filled by rxy existing Bible College.

You can; and -the Lord needs you. Here are five ways you can be a missionrry: 1. If rn earnest Christian, you mpy be eligible for enrollment as a student in the Collej^e, and v/ork pjnong the Ocerjiic people while you pursue your college work. 2. Or you mi/ht recommend some prospective student-missionrry.

3. If not these, then you might (pnd surely can) supply some items that..will
be very necesspry in the training? of others who can o-o. One of the mopt impbrtajit items is books for the library." Do you hpve some you would don''^-te? Send us a list

of books (or other items) rnd wetll let you know if they pre usable,

Pleaseiwrite. ^

4. Send money to pjiy of the-three mentioned in this,letter. Please mark your gift for "Epst-V^est Bible, College". People in our- tv^o Leewr^rd churches hpve.. scraped together over {jOOO to help the school a-et stprted.- But they need your help---NOW. 5- Pray vrithout ceasing for E.W.B.C. and the -oeoples: of the whole world.
In the" name of OhriPt,- and for the sake of His gospel.





-"'Mid"wf.y Is. (U.S.) '

' V . '
I 1. ' .

E. W.B.C.


f Shoto Is. 'U.S. Adm.

located here^.

HAWAII - pop. 775,000

Mariana. Is*.

Wake I (U.S.)



'Johnson I.j (U.S.)

Guam (U.S^)'^^\A
Caroline Islands (U/S..);.

. Marshall

.. Islands i




Islan.ds' .


Gilhert Is.





(Few Guinea)

. '^'"/(tJ.S. & U.K.) .


Few / /Britain

* TokelaxL Is.

Marquesas o Islsin^s .

. ^

' \(U.S. &F.Z.)

rr^Tuamotu Is.


ew, Guinea ' y ^ Solomon

(u.K.) ,
. WeyT. .

Q Samoa


^ ,
Loyalty Is,

."(U.S. &iT.z.j)^ Cook 4.

^ (H.Z.)

/.Tonga 10.

wbu^ u.

vKewa!,'; (I^snce







Mr. & Ifrs. Esrold L. 3umside

Box 612
Waisnae, Ifewaii

Mrrch 19 5^

The "biggest nev;s this month is that v/e're Conine home, the Lord willing.
After many long nonths of tr7in|r to set someone to tnke over the vork at Maili v/hile ve retijrn to the states for f-uxlough, we finally lo cated s man right here on the Islandl He is rs-eorge ^''estefeldt, who ha.s "been teaching this term in the Sunset Beach Christian Day School and preaching at our church in Hputila. As Brother 0-eorge's contracted tern of service will l3e finished with the close of school in June, he had plpnned on returning to the states, "but has graciously a^?reed to move to

!fe.ili instead and look after the vrork here in our absence.

He is very

Capable and consecrated, and hcvijig had experience with the peculiox problems of Hrwaii will he just the iTian to cprry on the v;ork. Brother Vestefeldt will need financial help. As he will "be

no longer in the employ of the school he i/ill hrve to derend on friends

in the; states to supply his needs. He tells me thrt he believes $100,00 a month vrill get him by, inpsm^jich rs he will be living in our house and vrill hfive no housing expense. It obviously be impossible for him
to come to the stptes seckin.^ snprort so will be impelled to enlist pid

by the less glnmourous method


So here is the challenge:

will your church, or pom^ ^rrou-^ within the church, or even individuals, Write me ?ind tell me they will assume a definite portion of this vrorthy laborer's hire? Set the funomit ps you feel oble, but make it a monthly fono-unt for six months, sjid let us know of your decision as soon as pos sible so our minds will be relieved of this matter. If you care to write Brother Oeorge personally you may address him at Sunset Seach Christian

Day School, ^leiwa, ^ahu, Hav^aii,

ITow our ovm plans for the summer. 'Te have tentative book
ing on the S.S, Orsova, which sails from Honolulu on June 21 and calls at

Vancouver on June 2^,

VJe hope to speak to a fev; congregations in that

area v/hile Vaiting for the opening of the Forth American Convention in Fortlandi After the convention, ths plan is to go to the midv/eet where we shall spend the most of our furlough.
\'ie are preparing to sell the station wav^ron, the same one we brought from, the states when we came to Hawaii in 195^* It now has over

^0,000 miles, so it would be out of the question to ship it back.

us with the problem of transportation when we reach the states.

V7e had

Sale of the car will provide sufficient funds for our passage, but leaves
thought of renting a car, but it wnuld be far more economical to be in

position to buy a car on the Vvest Coast to use in our travels among the
churches, especially since we shall to have r car to brine back to

Hawaii vrhen we return. U'ough said. V'e leave the matter v;ith you good friends in the states. VJe beli-ve you get the point and we trust you
will not leave us to v;alk from Oregon to Ohio!

Iv'ould you like for us to speak to your church? V'e are now pre-parir,? an itinerary. _l'Je_are-anxiousta-visit as many churches possiblei
so if you are interested, please write us and we'll do our best to reserve
a date for you.

In His Olorious I'^me,

.#;> '.y



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