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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CIV208 Course Category Course Title FLUID MECHANICS Courses with numerical and conceptual focus Course Planner 15853::Ramesh Chand Lectures 4.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 1.0 0.0 5.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 Title Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Author C.S.P OJHA Yunusa.Cengel Brinder Singh Edition 1st 1st 1st Year 2010 2006 2000 Publisher Name Oxford University Press Tata McGraw Hill, India Kaption Publishing House Author R.K Bansal Edition 1st Year 2000 Publisher Name LAKSHMI PUBLICATION

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 RW-6 RW-7 RW-8 RW-9 RW-10 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Fluid properties Density or Mass Density Specific Weight or Weight Density Specific Volume Specific Gravity, Viscosity Newtons law of Viscosity, Variation of viscosity with Temperature Introduction to Surface Tension and Capillarity Introduction to Surface Tension and Capillarity Salient Features +Temperature +and+Capillarity _ob=ArticleListURL&_method=list&_ArticleListID=43962156&_sort=r&_st=13&view=c&_acct=C000228598&_version=1& _urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=af09c5b703c8dce5538b6f86fd17fb03 &searchtype=a

RW-11 RW-12

Manometers Atmospheric, Gauge, Vacuum and Absolute Pressure

RW-13 RW-14 RW-15 RW-16 RW-17 RW-18 RW-19 RW-20 RW-21 RW-22 RW-23 RW-24 RW-25 RW-26 RW-27 RW-28

Piezometer Total pressure and Centre of pressure Buoyancy Metacentre Kinematics of Flow,Types of Fluid Flow Rate of Flow or Discharge, Continuity Equation %29

Relation between Velocity Potential Function and Steam Function, Forced Vortex Flow, Free Vortex Flow, Equation of motion for Vortex Flow %E2%80%93Stokes_equations#Convective_acceleration Eulers Equation of Motion, Bernoullis Equation from Eulers Equation Practical Applications of Bernoullis Equation Venturimeter Pitot-tube Co-efficient of Contraction Flow Through an Orifice Co-efficient of Velocity uation +of+velocity+of+orifice&oq=Co-efficient+of+Velocity %2C&gs_l=serp.1.0.0i10l4.3324.4093.0.7542. %3B..0.0...1c.1.vJ8MjphdSAM&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp =48f8f27d3c3a3e8c&bpcl=38897761&biw=1366&bih=606 flow_from_tanks/square.php flow_from_tanks/hemispherical.php time/circular_horizontal_tank.php +mouthpiece&source=bl&ots=Nker8eWf_&sig=WAHkrVDc2TbPESoPwAcn7QtUhFc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=TTKv UMX7PIWzrAfY2IGIDg&sqi=2&ved=0CDwQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q =flow%20through%20an%20external%20cylindrical %20mouthpiece&f=false

RW-29 RW-30 RW-31 RW-32 RW-33

Co-efficient of Discharge Time of Emptying a Tank through an Orifice at its Bottom, Time of Emptying a Time of Emptying a Hemispherical Tank, Time of Emptying a Circular Horizontal Tank Classification of Mouthpieces


Flow Through an External cylindrical Mouthpiece +cylindrical +Mouthpiece&source=bl&ots=Nker8eXTbU&sig=tkvRM4bx47bQjBolrx vC5dRyemI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=6DKvUMnNOI0rAe934CoDQ&ved=0CDwQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Flow %20Through%20an%20External%20cylindrical%20Mouthpiece&f=false id=nCnifcUdNp4C&pg=PA337&dq=Flow+Through+an+External +cylindrical +Mouthpiece&hl=en&sa=X&ei=WDOvUMvAJYftrQfpg4CQAw&ved=0 CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Flow%20Through%20an%20External %20cylindrical%20Mouthpiece&f=false id=PNc84YzEI7sC&pg=PA380&dq=Flow+Through+a+ConvergentDivergent +Mouthpiece&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OzSvUJnCJoLJrAfIqoH4Dw&ved=0CD cQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Flow%20Through%20a%20ConvergentDivergent%20Mouthpiece&f=false id=yCW_8APjwMkC&pg=PA382&dq=Flow+of+Viscous+Fluid +Through+Circular +Pipe&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YDWvUOWVJ8mrrAeq2oCICg&sqi=2&ved= 0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Flow%20of%20Viscous%20Fluid %20Through%20Circular%20Pipe&f=false id=nCnifcUdNp4C&pg=PA399&dq=Kinetic+Energy+Correction+and +Momentum+Correction +Factors&hl=en&sa=X&ei=lTavUKnOG4TLrQen_YCADw&ved=0CDc Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Kinetic%20Energy%20Correction%20and %20Momentum%20Correction%20Factors&f=false id=nVA53NEAx64C&pg=PR1&dq=Introduction+to+Turbulent +Flow&hl=en&sa=X&ei=6DavUNCvMsxrAevzoCgCA&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Introduction %20to%20Turbulent%20Flow&f=false id=o6fAL6bxLBIC&pg=PA704&dq=Reynolds +Experiment&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XzevULr1NM6qrAeLpYHoCg&ved=0 CEwQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=Reynolds%20Experiment&f=false id=nCnifcUdNp4C&pg=PA429&dq=Frictional+Loss+in+Pipe +Flow&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8DevUNPhNcXyrQeIloGoCA&ved=0CDkQ6 AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Frictional%20Loss%20in%20Pipe %20Flow&f=false


Flow Through an External cylindrical Mouthpiece


Flow Through a Convergent-Divergent Mouthpiece


Flow of Viscous Fluid Through Circular Pipe


Kinetic Energy Correction and Momentum Correction Factors


Introduction to Turbulent Flow


Reynolds Experiment,


Frictional Loss in Pipe Flow,


Expression for Loss of Head due to Friction in Pipes id=nCnifcUdNp4C&pg=PA429&dq=Expression+for+Loss+of+Head+due +to+Friction+in +Pipes&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RjivUMJagvmtB7z7gIgJ&ved=0CDcQ6AEw AA#v=onepage&q=Expression%20for%20Loss%20of%20Head%20due %20to%20Friction%20in%20Pipes&f=false +Stress&hl=en&sa=X&ei=fjivUKDfBYLWrQex8YGIDw&ved=0CEQQ 6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Expression%20for%20Co-efficient%20of %20Friction%20in%20terms%20of%20Shear%20Stress&f=false,+Compressor+and +Turbine&hl=en&sa=X&ei=czmvUOboE4XxrQen_YDgAQ&ved=0CDs Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Difference%20Between%20Pump%2C %20Compressor%20and%20Turbine&f=false id=9xAKk7Zi5RQC&pg=PA49&dq=Classification+of +Pumps&hl=en&sa=X&ei=GTqvUKnQOYm4rAfNkIGADw&ved=0CE oQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=Classification%20of%20Pumps&f=false id=mabDwYWAhUsC&pg=PA529&dq=Axial+Flow +Pumps&hl=en&sa=X&ei=hzqvUPrGFcrSrQeB44DQBw&ved=0CEQQ 6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Axial%20Flow%20Pumps&f=false id=CtT0fzwkMvUC&pg=PA354&dq=Turbines +Classification&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3juvUKKGJsfQrQeOloHIDQ&ved=0 CD0Q6AEwAg id=s8gng2vA_88C&pg=PA271&dq=Impact+of+Water+on+a+Stationary +Flat +Plate&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RTyvUIz6M4jPrQeLm4DIDw&ved=0CDoQ6 AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Impact%20of%20Water%20on%20a %20Stationary%20Flat%20Plate&f=false id=65gxCX2dC84C&pg=PA875&dq=Reaction +Turbines&hl=en&sa=X&ei=TyvUI_eEcTPrQexx4D4Bw&ved=0CD0Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Rea ction%20Turbines&f=false id=QE1RCR4LfyQC&pg=PA304&dq=Francis +Turbine&hl=en&sa=X&ei=fD2vUIHbG82HrAeO8oGwCA&ved=0CD QQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Francis%20Turbine&f=false id=QE1RCR4LfyQC&pg=PA310&dq=Kaplan +Turbine&hl=en&sa=X&ei=sj2vUNiyJIzrAe794GACg&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Kaplan %20Turbine&f=false


Expression for Co-efficient of Friction in terms of Shear Stress

RW-44 RW-45

Rayleighs and Bukinghams Pi Method for Dimensional Analysis Difference Between Pump, Compressor and Turbine


Classification of Pumps


Axial Flow Pumps


Turbines Classification


Impact of Water on a Stationary Flat Plate


Reaction Turbines


Francis Turbine


Kaplan Turbine

RW-53 RW-54 RW-55

Concept and Importance of Boundary layers, Displacement thickness Laminar and Turbulent boundary layers ml s/introvisc/node8.html

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 6 2

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs RW-1 Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Week 1

Lecture 1

Properties of fluids(Introduction)


To make student Introduction to understand,Properties of Properties of fluids fluids To make student Introduction to understand,Properties of Properties of fluids fluids

Properties of fluids(Properties of Fluids) Properties of fluids(Density or Mass Density) Lecture 2 Properties of fluids(Specific Weight or Weight Density)




To make student understand,Density or Mass Density To make student understand,Specific Weight or Weight Density To make student understand,Specific Volume, Specific Gravity To make student understand, Viscosity,Units of Viscosity To make student understand, Kinematic Viscosity

Introduction to Density Class based teaching or Mass Density and power point presentation Introduction to Specific Class based teaching Weight or Weight and power point Density presentation Introduction to Specific Class based teaching Volume, Specific and power point Gravity presentation Introduction to Viscosity,Units of Viscosity Introduction to Kinematic Viscosity Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation



Properties of fluids(Specific Volume, Specific Gravity)



Lecture 3

Properties of fluids(Viscosity,Units of Viscosity)



Properties of fluids(Kinematic Viscosity)


Week 1

Lecture 4

Properties of fluids(Newtons law of Viscosity) Properties of fluids(Variation of viscosity with Temperature)



To make student Introduction to understand,Newtons law Newtons law of of Viscosity Viscosity To make student Introduction to understand, Variation of Variation of viscosity viscosity with with Temperature Temperature To make student understand,Introduction to Surface Tension and Capillarity To make student understand,Fluid Pressure at a point

Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation



Week 2

Lecture 5

Properties of fluids(Introduction to Surface Tension and Capillarity)



Introduction to Class based teaching Introduction to Surface and power point Tension and Capillarity presentation Introduction to Fluid Pressure at a point Class based teaching and power point presentation

Pressure and Its Measurement (Fluid Pressure at a point) Lecture 6 Pressure and Its Measurement (Pascals Law) Pressure and Its Measurement (Pressure Variation in Fluid at Rest) Lecture 7 Pressure and Its Measurement (Atmospheric, Gauge, Vacuum and Absolute Pressure,) Pressure and Its Measurement (Manometers, mechanical gauges) Lecture 8 Pressure and Its Measurement (Piezometer, U-tube, Single Column Manometers) Pressure and Its Measurement(Utube Differential Manometers) Week 3 Lecture 10 Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces (Total pressure and Centre of pressure) Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces (Vertical plane Surface Submerged in Liquid) Lecture 11 Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces (Horizontal plane Surface Submerged in Liquid)



To make student Introduction to Pascals Class based teaching understand, Pascals Law Law and power point presentation To make student Introduction to Pressure Class based teaching understand,Pressure Variation in Fluid at and power point Variation in Fluid at Rest Rest presentation RW-12 To make student understand,Atmospheric, Gauge, Vacuum and Absolute Pressure Introduction to Atmospheric, Gauge, Vacuum and Absolute Pressure Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation





To make student Introduction to understand,Manometers, Manometers, mechanical gauges mechanical gauges To make student understand, Piezometer, Utube, Single Column Manometers Introduction to Piezometer, Utube, Single Column Manometers




To make student Introduction to Utube understand, Utube Differential Differential Manometers Manometers RW-14 To make student understand,Total pressure and Centre of pressure To make student understand,Vertical plane Surface Submerged in Liquid To make student understand,Horizontal plane Surface Submerged in Liquid Introduction to Total pressure and Centre of pressure



Introduction to Vertical Class based teaching plane Surface and power point Submerged in Liquid presentation Introduction to Horizontal plane Surface Submerged in Liquid Class based teaching and power point presentation


Week 3

Lecture 11

Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces (Inclined plane Surface Submerged in Liquid) Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces (Curved Surface Submerged in Liquid, Total Pressure and Centre of Pressure on lock Gates)


To make student understand,Inclined plane Surface Submerged in Liquid To make student understand,Curved Surface Submerged in Liquid, Total Pressure and Centre of Pressure on lock Gate To make student understand,Buoyancy and Floatation To make student understand, Inverted Utube Differential Manometers To make student understand, Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces RW-15 To make student understand,Buoyancy To make student understand,Metacentre To make student understand,Metacentric Height To make student understand,Analytical Method for Metacentric Height To make student understand,Conditions of Equilibrium of a Floating and Submerged Bodies

Introduction to Inclined Class based teaching plane Surface and power point Submerged in Liquid presentation Introduction to Curved Class based teaching Surface Submerged in and power point Liquid, Total Pressure presentation and Centre of Pressure on lock Gate Introduction to Buoyancy and Floatation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 12


Buoyancy and Floatation (Introduction) Lecture 9 Pressure and Its Measurement (Inverted U-tube Differential Manometers) Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces (Introduction) Week 4 Lecture 13 Buoyancy and Floatation (Buoyancy) Buoyancy and Floatation (Metacentre) Lecture 14 Buoyancy and Floatation (Metacentric Height) Buoyancy and Floatation (Analytical Method for Metacentric Height) Lecture 15 Buoyancy and Floatation (Conditions of Equilibrium of a Floating and Submerged Bodies)



Introduction to Inverted Class based teaching Utube Differential and power point Manometers presentation Introduction to Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces Introduction to Buoyancy Introduction to Metacentre Introduction to Metacentric Height Introduction to Analytical Method for Metacentric Height Introduction to Conditions of Equilibrium of a Floating and Submerged Bodies Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation








Buoyancy and Floatation(Stability of a Submerged Bodies,) Lecture 16 Buoyancy and Floatation(Stability of a Floating Bodies) Kinematics of Flow(Introduction to Kinematics of Flow) Week 5 Lecture 17


To make student Introduction to Stability Class based teaching understand,Stability of a of a Submerged Bodies and power point Submerged Bodies presentation To make student Introduction to Stability Class based teaching understand,Stability of a of a Floating Bodies and power point Floating Bodies presentation RW-17 To make student understand,ntroduction to Kinematics of Flow Quiz,Test 1 Introduction to ntroduction to Kinematics of Flow Class based teaching and power point presentation



Week 5

Lecture 18

Kinematics of Flow(Types of Fluid Flow) Kinematics of Flow(Steady and Unsteady Flow)


To make student understand,Types of Fluid Flow To make student understand,Steady and Unsteady Flow

Introduction to Types of Fluid Flow Introduction to Steady and Unsteady Flow

Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation


Lecture 19

Kinematics of Flow(Uniform and non-Uniform Flow) Kinematics of Flow(Laminar and turbulent Flow)


To make student Introduction to understand, Uniform and Uniform and nonUniform Flow nonUniform Flow


To make student Introduction to Laminar Class based teaching understand,Laminar and and turbulent Flow and power point turbulent Flow presentation To make student Introduction to understand,Compressible Compressible and and Incompressible Incompressible Flows Flows To make student understand,Rotational and Irrotational Flow To make student understand,One , Two and ThreeDimensional Flows RW-18 Introduction to Rotational and Irrotational Flow Introduction to One , Two and ThreeDimensional Flows Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 20

Kinematics of Flow(Compressible and Incompressible Flows)


Kinematics of Flow(Rotational and Irrotational Flow) Week 6 Lecture 21 Kinematics of Flow(One , Two and Three-Dimensional Flows)



Kinematics of Flow(Rate of Flow or Discharge) Lecture 22 Kinematics of Flow(Continuity Equation) Kinematics of Flow(Continuity Equation in three dimensions)


To make student Introduction to Rate of Class based teaching understand,Rate of Flow Flow or Discharge and power point or Discharge presentation To make student understand,Continuity Equation To make student understand,Continuity Equation in three dimensions To make student understand,Velocity and Acceleration and Local and Convective Acceleration Introduction to Continuity Equation Class based teaching and power point presentation




Introduction to Class based teaching Continuity Equation in and power point three dimensions presentation Introduction to Velocity Class based teaching and Acceleration and and power point Local and Convective presentation Acceleration Introduction to Velocity Class based teaching Potential Function and power point presentation Introduction to Steam Function Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 23

Kinematics of Flow(Velocity and Acceleration and Local and Convective Acceleration) Kinematics of Flow(Velocity Potential Function)

T-1:5.7 / 5.7.1



To make student understand,Velocity Potential Function To make student understand, Steam Function

Lecture 24

Kinematics of Flow(Steam Function) Kinematics of Flow(Equipotential lines)



To make student Introduction to understand,Equipotential Equipotential lines lines

Week 7

Lecture 25

Kinematics of Flow(Flow net, Relation between Velocity Potential Function and Steam Function)


To make student understand,Flow net, Relation between Velocity Potential Function and Steam Function To make student understand, Forced Vortex Flow To make student understand,Free Vortex Flow To make student understand,Equation of motion for Vortex Flow To make student understand,Equation of Forced Vortex Flow To make student understand,Closed Cylindrical Vessels To make student understand,Equation of Free Vortex Flow

Introduction to Flow net, Relation between Velocity Potential Function and Steam Function Introduction to Forced Vortex Flow Introduction to Free Vortex Flow

Class based teaching and power point presentation

Kinematics of Flow(Forced Vortex Flow) Lecture 26 Kinematics of Flow(Free Vortex Flow) Kinematics of Flow(Equation of motion for Vortex Flow) Lecture 27 Kinematics of Flow(Equation of Forced Vortex Flow) Kinematics of Flow(Closed Cylindrical Vessels) Lecture 28 Kinematics of Flow(Equation of Free Vortex Flow)


Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation



Introduction to Class based teaching Equation of motion for and power point Vortex Flow presentation Introduction to Equation of Forced Vortex Flow Introduction to Closed Cylindrical Vessels Introduction to Equation of Free Vortex Flow Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation




Week 8 Lecture 29 Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Introduction to Fluid Flow) T-1:6.1 To make student understand, about Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces RW-21 To make student understand,Equations of Motion, Eulers Equation of Motion To make student understand,Bernoullis Equation from Eulers Equation, Assumptions, Bernoullis Equation for Real Fluids To make student understand,Practical Applications of Bernoullis Equation, Venturimeter, Orifice Meter or orifice Plate ,Pitottube Introduction to Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces Introduction to Equations of Motion, Eulers Equation of Motion Class based teaching and power point presentation

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Equations of Motion, Eulers Equation of Motion) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Bernoullis Equation from Eulers Equation, Assumptions, Bernoullis Equation for Real Fluids) Lecture 30 Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Practical Applications of Bernoullis Equation, Venturimeter, Orifice Meter or orifice Plate ,Pitot-tube)

T-1:6.2/ 6.3

Class based teaching and power point presentation



Introduction to Class based teaching Bernoullis Equation and power point from Eulers Equation, presentation Assumptions, Bernoullis Equation for Real Fluids Introduction to Practical Class based teaching Applications of and power point Bernoullis Equation, presentation Venturimeter, Orifice Meter or orifice Plate ,Pitottube


RW-23 RW-24 RW-25

Week 8

Lecture 30

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(The Momentum Equation , Moment of The Momentum Equation) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Introduction to Orifices and Mouthpieces)

T-1:6.8 /6.9


To make student understand,The Momentum Equation , Moment of The Momentum Equation To make student understand,Introduction to Orifices and Mouthpieces

Introduction to The Momentum Equation , Moment of The Momentum Equation Introduction toIntroduction to Orifices and Mouthpieces

Class based teaching and power point presentation


Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 31

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Classification of orifices) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Flow Through an Orifice) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Hydraulic Coefficients)


To make student Introduction to understand,Classification Classification of of orifices orifices RW-27 To make student understand,Flow Through an Orifice To make student understand,Hydraulic Coefficients RW-28 RW-29 To make student understand,Coefficient of Velocity, Coefficient of Contraction , Coefficient of Discharge To make student understand,Experimental Determination of Hydraulic Coefficients Introduction to Flow Through an Orifice



Introduction to Class based teaching Hydraulic Coefficients and power point presentation Introduction to Class based teaching Coefficient of Velocity, and power point Coefficient of presentation Contraction , Coefficient of Discharge Introduction to Class based teaching Experimental and power point Determination of presentation Hydraulic Coefficients

Lecture 32

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Co-efficient of Velocity, Co-efficient of Contraction , Co-efficient of Discharge,) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Experimental Determination of Hydraulic Coefficients) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Determination of Co-efficient of Velocity)




To make student Introduction to Class based teaching understand,Determinatio Determination of and power point n of Coefficient of Coefficient of Velocity presentation Velocity RW-26 To make student understand,Determinatio n of Coefficient of Contraction To make student understand,Determinatio n of Coefficient of Discharge To make student understand,Flow Through Large orifice To make student understand,Discharge Through Large Rectangular Orifice Introduction to Determination of Coefficient of Contraction Introduction to Determination of Coefficient of Discharge Introduction to Flow Through Large orifice Introduction to Discharge Through Large Rectangular Orifice Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Week 9

Lecture 33

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Determination of Co-efficient of Contraction) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Determination of Co-efficient of Discharge) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Flow Through Large orifice)




Lecture 34

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Discharge Through Large Rectangular Orifice)


Week 9

Lecture 34

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Discharge Through Fully Submerged Orifice) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Discharge Through Partially Submerged Orifice)


To make student understand,Discharge Through Fully Submerged Orifice To make student understand,Discharge Through Partially Submerged Orifice RW-30 To make student understand,Time of Emptying a Tank through an Orifice at its Bottom To make student understand,Time of Emptying a Hemispherical Tank To make student understand,Time of Emptying a Circular Horizontal Tank Quiz,Test 2

Introduction to Discharge Through Fully Submerged Orifice Introduction to Discharge Through Partially Submerged Orifice

Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation


Lecture 35

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Time of Emptying a Tank through an Orifice at its Bottom) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Time of Emptying a Hemispherical Tank) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Time of Emptying a Circular Horizontal Tank)


Introduction to Time of Class based teaching Emptying a Tank and power point through an Orifice at its presentation Bottom Introduction to Time of Class based teaching Emptying a and power point Hemispherical Tank presentation Introduction to Time of Class based teaching Emptying a Circular and power point Horizontal Tank presentation





Lecture 36 Week 10 Lecture 37 Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Classification of Mouthpieces) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Flow Through an External cylindrical Mouthpiece) Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Flow Through a Convergent-Divergent Mouthpiece) Lecture 38 Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces(Flow Through Internal or Re-entrant Mouthpiece) Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Introduction to Viscous Flow) Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Flow of Viscous Fluid Through Circular Pipe) Lecture 39 Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Flow of Viscous Fluid Between Two Parallel Plates) T-1:7.12 RW-33

To make student Introduction to understand,Classification Classification of of Mouthpieces Mouthpieces To make student understand,Flow Through an External cylindrical Mouthpiece To make student understand,Flow Through a ConvergentDivergent Mouthpiece To make student understand,Flow Through Internal or Reentrant Mouthpiece To make student understand,Introduction to Viscous Flow

Class based teaching and power point presentation



Introduction to Flow Class based teaching Through an External and power point cylindrical Mouthpiece presentation Introduction to Flow Through a ConvergentDivergent Mouthpiece Introduction to Flow Through Internal or Reentrant Mouthpiece Class based teaching and power point presentation




Class based teaching and power point presentation


Introduction to Class based teaching Introduction to Viscous and power point Flow presentation Introduction to Flow of Class based teaching Viscous Fluid Through and power point Circular Pipe presentation Introduction to Flow of Class based teaching Viscous Fluid Between and power point Two Parallel Plates presentation



To make student understand,Flow of Viscous Fluid Through Circular Pipe To make student understand,Flow of Viscous Fluid Between Two Parallel Plates


Week 10

Lecture 39

Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Kinetic Energy Correction and Momentum Correction Factors)



To make student understand,Kinetic Energy Correction and Momentum Correction Factors To make student understand,Introduction to Turbulent Flow To make student understand,Reynolds Experiment To make student understand,Frictional Loss in Pipe Flow To make student understand,Expression for Loss of Head due to Friction in Pipes To make student understand,Expression for Coefficient of Friction in terms of Shear Stress To make student understand,Fundamentals of Derived Units and Dimensions

Introduction to Kinetic Class based teaching Energy Correction and and power point Momentum Correction presentation Factors Introduction to Introduction to Turbulent Flow Introduction to Reynolds Experiment Introduction to Frictional Loss in Pipe Flow Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Introduction to Turbulent Flow) Lecture 40 Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Reynolds Experiment) Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Frictional Loss in Pipe Flow) Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Expression for Loss of Head due to Friction in Pipes) Week 11 Lecture 41 Viscous Flow and Turbulent Flow (Expression for Co-efficient of Friction in terms of Shear Stress)









Introduction to Class based teaching Expression for Loss of and power point Head due to Friction in presentation Pipes Introduction to Class based teaching Expression for and power point Coefficient of Friction presentation in terms of Shear Stress Introduction to Fundamentals of Derived Units and Dimensions Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation



Dimensional Analysis (Fundamentals of Derived Units and Dimensions) Lecture 42 Dimensional Analysis (Dimensional Homogeneity) Dimensional Analysis(Rayleighs and Bukinghams Pi Method for Dimensional Analysis.)



To make student Introduction to understand,Dimensional Dimensional Homogeneity Homogeneity RW-44 To make student understand,Rayleighs and Bukinghams Pi Method for Dimensional Analysis To make student understand,Introduction to Turbomachinery RW-45 To make student understand,Difference Between Pump, Compressor and Turbine To make student understand,Axial and Radial Machines


Introduction to Class based teaching Rayleighs and and power point Bukinghams Pi Method presentation for Dimensional Analysis Introduction to Introduction to Turbomachinery Class based teaching and power point presentation

Hydraulic Machines(Introduction to Turbomachinery) Lecture 43 Hydraulic Machines(Difference Between Pump, Compressor and Turbine) Hydraulic Machines(Axial and Radial Machines) Hydraulic Machines(Head, Power and Discharge Co-efficient)



Introduction to Class based teaching Difference Between and power point Pump, Compressor and presentation Turbine Introduction to Axial and Radial Machines Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

T1:18.6/18.7/18.8/18.9 T-1:19.6

To make student Introduction to Head, understand,Head, Power Power and Discharge and Discharge Coefficient Coefficient

Week 11

Lecture 44

Hydraulic Machines(Head, Power and Discharge Co-efficient)


To make student Introduction to Head, understand,Head, Power Power and Discharge and Discharge Coefficient Coefficient To make student understand,Introduction to Pumps RW-46 Introduction to Introduction to Pumps

Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Hydraulic Machines(Introduction to Pumps) Hydraulic Machines(Classification of Pumps) Hydraulic Machines(Axial and Radial Machines) Week 12 Lecture 45 Hydraulic Machines(Classification of Pumps) Hydraulic Machines(Axial Flow Pumps) Hydraulic Machines(Head and Discharge Co-efficient for Axial Flow Pumps) Hydraulic Machines(Introduction to Turbines) Lecture 46 Lecture 47 Hydraulic Machines(Turbines Classification) Hydraulic Machines(Impact of Water on a Stationary Flat Plate, A Stationary Inclined Plate)



To make student Introduction to Class based teaching understand,Classification Classification of Pumps and power point of Pumps presentation To make student understand,Axial and Radial Machines Introduction to Axial and Radial Machines Class based teaching and power point presentation

T1:18.6/18.7/18.8/18.9 T-1:20.5 RW-46

To make student Introduction to Class based teaching understand,Classification Classification of Pumps and power point of Pumps presentation To make student understand, Axial Flow Pumps To make student understand,Head and Discharge Coefficient for Axial Flow Pumps To make student understand,Introduction to Turbines Quiz,Test 3 Introduction to Axial Flow Pumps Introduction to Head and Discharge Coefficient for Axial Flow Pumps Introduction to Introduction to Turbines Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation







To make student understand,Turbines Classification To make student understand,Impact of Water on a Stationary Flat Plate, A Stationary Inclined Plate To make student understand,Reaction Turbines, Vane Angles

Introduction to Class based teaching Turbines Classification and power point presentation Introduction to Impact Class based teaching of Water on a and power point Stationary Flat Plate, A presentation Stationary Inclined Plate Introduction to Reaction Turbines, Vane Angles Class based teaching and power point presentation



Hydraulic Machines(Reaction Turbines, Vane Angles) Lecture 48 Hydraulic Machines(Francis Turbine) Hydraulic Machines(Kaplan Turbine) Week 13 Lecture 49 Boundary Layer Flow(Concept and Importance of Boundary layers)




To make student understand,Francis Turbine To make student understand,Kaplan Turbine

Introduction to Francis Class based teaching Turbine and power point presentation Introduction to Kaplan Turbine Class based teaching and power point presentation





To make student Introduction to Concept Class based teaching understand,Concept and and Importance of and power point Importance of Boundary Boundary layers presentation layers

Week 13

Lecture 49

Boundary Layer Flow (Displacement, momentum, Energy thickness) Boundary Layer Flow(Boundary layer equations Prandlt boundary equation for flat plates)



To make student understand,Displacement , momentum, Energy thickness To make student understand,Boundary layer equations Prandlt boundary equation for flat plates

Introduction to Displacement, momentum, Energy thickness Introduction to Boundary layer equations Prandlt boundary equation for flat plates

Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 50


Lecture 51

Boundary Layer Flow(Drag force acting on bodies moving through fluids) Boundary Layer Flow(Boundary Layer Seperation Laminar and Turbulent boundary layers)


To make student Introduction to Drag understand,Drag force force acting on bodies acting on bodies moving moving through fluids through fluids RW-55 To make student understand,Boundary Layer Seperation Laminar and Turbulent boundary layers

Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 52


Introduction to Class based teaching Boundary Layer and power point Seperation Laminar presentation and Turbulent boundary layers

Week 14 Lecture 53 Kinematics of Flow Introduction to Kinematics of Flow Class based teaching and power point presentation Class based teaching and power point presentation

Lecture 54

Dynamics of Fluid Flow, Introduction to Orifices and Dynamics of Fluid Mouthpieces Flow, Orifices and Mouthpieces

Scheme for CA:

Component Quiz,Test Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 4/5

Test 1

To evaluate the understanding of viscosity, pressure measurement and pressure forces.

Viscosity, Pressure measurement,manometers, static fluid forces. Individual


Test 2

To evaluate the Bouyancy, Stability of floating bodies and their equilibrium.Flow Individual understanding of visualization.Problems on control volume analysis using stability of floating conservation of mass and momentum. bodies, fluid flow visualization and conservation of mass and momentum To evaluate the understanding of application of the subject whole syllabus from lecture 1 to lecture 52 Individual



Quiz 1


11 / 12

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1

Introduction, Properties of Fluids, Density or Mass Density, Specific Weight or Weight Density, Specific Volume, Specific Gravity, Viscosity,Units of Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity, Newtons law of Viscosity, Variation of viscosity with Temperature, Introduction to Surface Tension and Capillarity

Problem solving

Tutorial 2

Fluid Pressure at a point, Pascals Law, Pressure Problem solving Variation in Fluid at Rest, Atmospheric, Gauge, Vacuum and Absolute Pressure,, Manometers, mechanical gauges, Piezometer, U-tube, Single Column Manometers, Utube Differential Manometers, Inverted U-tube Differential Manometers Introduction, Total pressure and Centre of pressure, Vertical plane Surface Submerged in Liquid, Horizontal plane Surface Submerged in Liquid, Inclined plane Surface Submerged in Liquid, Curved Surface Submerged in Liquid, Total Pressure and Centre of Pressure on lock Gates Introduction, Buoyancy, Metacentre, Metacentric Height, Analytical Method for Metacentric Height, Conditions of Equilibrium of a Floating and Submerged Bodies, Stability of a Submerged Bodies,, Stability of a Floating Bodies Problem solving

Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4

Problem solving

Tutorial 5

Introduction to Kinematics of Flow, Types of Fluid Flow, Problem solving Steady and Unsteady Flow, Uniform and non-Uniform Flow, Laminar and turbulent Flow, Compressible and Incompressible Flows, Rotational and Irrotational Flow, One , Two and Three-Dimensional Flows, Rate of Flow or Discharge, Continuity Equation, Continuity Equation in three dimensions, Velocity and Acceleration and Local and Convective Acceleration, Velocity Potential Function, Steam Function, Equipotential lines, Flow net, Relation between Velocity Potential Function and Steam Function, Forced Vortex Flow, Free Vortex Flow, Equation of motion for Vortex Flow, Equation of Forced Vortex Flow, Closed Cylindrical Vessels, Equation of Free Vortex Flow Problem solving

Tutorial 6

Tutorial 7

Problem solving

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Introduction to Fluid Flow, Problem solving Equations of Motion, Eulers Equation of Motion, Bernoullis Equation from Eulers Equation, Assumptions, Bernoullis Equation for Real Fluids, Practical Applications of Bernoullis Equation, Venturimeter, Orifice Meter or orifice Plate ,Pitot-tube, The Momentum Equation , Moment of The Momentum Equation, Introduction to Orifices and Mouthpieces, Classification of orifices, Flow Through an Orifice, Hydraulic Coefficients, Co-efficient of Velocity, Co-efficient of Contraction , Coefficient of Discharge,, Experimental Determination of Hydraulic Co-efficients, Determination of Co-efficient of Velocity, Determination of Co-efficient of Contraction, Determination of Problem solving Co-efficient of Discharge, Flow Through Large orifice, Discharge Through Large Rectangular Orifice, Discharge Through Fully Submerged Orifice, Discharge Through Partially Submerged Orifice, Time of Emptying a Tank through an Orifice at its Bottom, Time of Emptying a Hemispherical Tank, Time of Emptying a Circular Horizontal Tank,

Tutorial 9

Tutorial 10

Classification of Mouthpieces, Flow Through an External cylindrical Mouthpiece, Flow Through a Convergent-Divergent Mouthpiece, Flow Through Internal or Re-entrant Mouthpiece Introduction to Viscous Flow, Flow of Viscous Fluid Through Circular Pipe, Flow of Viscous Fluid Between Two Parallel Plates, Kinetic Energy Correction and Momentum Correction Factors, Introduction to Turbulent Flow, Reynolds Experiment, Frictional Loss in Pipe Flow, Expression for Loss of Head due to Friction in Pipes, Expression for Co-efficient of Friction in terms of Shear Stress

Problem solving

Tutorial 11

Problem solving

Tutorial 12

Fundamentals of Derived Units and Dimensions, Problem solving Dimensional Homogeneity, Rayleighs and Bukinghams Pi Method for Dimensional Analysis. Concept and Importance of Boundary layers, Displacement, momentum, Energy thickness, Boundary layer equations Prandlt boundary equation for flat plates, Drag force acting on bodies moving through fluids, Boundary Layer Seperation Laminar and Turbulent boundary layers Problem solving

Tutorial 13

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