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CREATE TABLE STATEMENT:-QUERY:- Create a table student_record with the following fields:Column name Name Class Roll no Total marks type Varchar2 Varchar2 number number Size 20 15 4 2 description
Name of the student Class of the student Roll no of the student Total marks of the student

SQL> Create table student_record 2( 3 name varchar2 (20), 4 class varchar2 (15), 5 roll no number (4), 6 total marks number (2)); Table created. ================================================= The contents of the table can be viewed as:-SQL> describe student_record; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------NAME VARCHAR2 (20) CLASS VARCHAR2 (15)

ROLL_NO NUMBER (4) TOTAL_MARKS NUMBER (2) =================================================

TABLE CONSTRAINTS:-QUERY:- Add constraint primary key to the roll no field of

student record SQL> alter table student_record 2 add constraint pk_roll_no primary key(roll_no); Table altered.

QUERY:- Add constraint not null to the name field of student

record SQL> alter table student_record 2 modify name varchar2 (20) not null; Table altered.

QUERY:- Add constraint unique to the phone no field of student

record SQL> alter table student_record 2 add phone no number (10) unique; Table altered. QUERY:- Add check constraint with total marks >33 in the table student record SQL> alter table student_record 2 add constraint ch_tm check(total_marks>33); Table altered.

QUERY:- Add default marks 99 with the default constraint in

the table student record SQL> alter table student_record 2 modify total_marks default 99; Table altered. ================================================ The contents of the table can be viewed as:-SQL> describe student_record Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (20) CLASS VARCHAR2 (15) ROLL_NO NOT NULL NUMBER (4) TOTAL_MARKS NUMBER (2) PHONE_NO NUMBER (10) ======================================================

QUERY:- Add foreign key constraint to the dept no field of emp

SQL> describe emp; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------EMPNO NOT NULL NUMBER (4) ENAME VARCHAR2 (10) JOB VARCHAR2 (9) MGR NUMBER (4) HIREDATE DATE SAL NUMBER (7, 2) COMM NUMBER (7, 2) DEPTNO NUMBER (2) SQL> describe dept; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------DEPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER (2) DNAME VARCHAR2 (14) LOC VARCHAR2 (13) SQL> alter table emp 2 add constraint fk_deptno foreign key (deptno) references dept (deptno) on delete cascade; Table altered. ======================================================

Dropping a table:SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------BONUS TABLE DEPT TABLE EMP TABLE SALGRADE TABLE STUDENT TABLE STUDENT_RECORD TABLE SUNNY TABLE 7 rows selected. SQL> drop table student; Table dropped. SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------BONUS TABLE DEPT TABLE EMP TABLE SALGRADE TABLE STUDENT_RECORD TABLE SUNNY TABLE 6 rows selected.

Renaming a table:QUERY:-Rename student_record to student

SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------BONUS TABLE DEPT TABLE EMP TABLE SALGRADE TABLE STUDENT_RECORD TABLE SUNNY TABLE 6 rows selected. SQL> rename student_record to student; Table renamed. SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------BONUS TABLE DEPT TABLE EMP TABLE SALGRADE TABLE STUDENT TABLE SUNNY TABLE 6 rows selected. ======================================================

Inserting records into table:QUERY:-To insert a record into student table

SQL> insert into student 2 values ('ram','bba', 555, 66, 124356); 1 row created.

QUERY:-inserting data into specified columns

SQL> insert into student (name, class, roll_no) values ('shyam','bba', 444); 1 row created.

*the contents of the table can be viewed as:-SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Ram bba 555 66 124356 Shyam bba 444 99

QUERY:-inserting through parameter substitution

SQL> insert into student values ('&1','&2', &3, &4, &5); Enter value for 1: Kate Enter value for 2: bba2 Enter value for 3: 556 Enter value for 4: 98 Enter value for 5: 14356 Old 1: insert into student values ('&1','&2',&3,&4,&5) New 1: insert into student values ('kate','bba2',556,98,14356)

1 row created SQL> / Enter value for 1: duplikate Enter value for 2: bba2 Enter value for 3: 557 Enter value for 4: 89 Enter value for 5: 536475 Old 1: insert into student values ('&1','&2', &3, &4, &5) New 1: insert into student values ('duplikate','bba2',557, 89,536475) 1 row created.

*the contents of the table can be viewed as:-SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Ram bba 555 66 124356 Shyam bba 444 99 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 ======================================================


Updating records into table:SQL> update student set name='pkate' where roll no=444; 1 row updated. SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Ram bba 555 66 124356 Pkate bba 444 99 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 SQL> update student set name='sam', phone_no=653487 where roll no=444; 1 row updated.

*the contents of the table can be viewed as:-SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Ram bba 555 66 124356 Sam bba 444 99 653487 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 ======================================================


Deleting records from a table:QUERY:- delete the record where name =ram..
SQL> delete from student where name='ram'; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 653487 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475

QUERY:- deleting all records from a table.

SQL> select * from salgrade; GRADE LOSAL ---------- ---------- ---------1 700 2 1201 3 1401 4 2001 5 3001 SQL> delete salgrade; 5 rows deleted. SQL> select * from salgrade; No rows selected ====================================================== HISAL 1200 1400 2000 3000 9999


Savepoint and rollback:SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 653487 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 SQL> insert into student values ('peter','bba2', 559, 78, 1272583); 1 row created. SQL> savepoint flag_of_khan; Savepoint created. SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 Kate bba2 556 98 Duplikate bba2 557 89 Peter bba2 559 78 SQL> update student set name='repeater' where roll no=559; 1 row updated. SQL> select * from student; PHONE_NO 653487 14356 536475 1272583


NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 Kate bba2 556 98 Duplikate bba2 557 89 Repeater bba2 559 78 SQL> rollback to savepoint flag_of_khan; Rollback complete. SQL> select * from student;

PHONE_NO 653487 14356 536475 1272583

NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 653487 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 Peter bba2 559 78 1272583 ======================================================


The select statement:Query:-select name from student where roll no=557

SQL> select from student where roll_no=557; NAME -------------------Duplikate

Query:-select name from student.

SQL> select from student; NAME -------------------Sam Kate Duplikate Peter


Elimination of duplicate records with distinct clause:SQL> select distinct roll_no,name from student; ROLL_NO NAME ---------- -------------------444 Sam 556 Kate 557 Duplikate 559 Peter

The Oracle table dual

SQL> select 2*2 from dual; 2*2 ---------4 SQL> select sysdate from dual; SYSDATE --------21-FEB-13


Working with operators:Relational operators..

SQL> select name, class, total_marks 2 from student where roll_no=559; NAME CLASS TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- --------------- ----------Peter bba2 78 SQL> select * from student where total marks>90; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 653487 Kate bba2 556 98 14356

Logical operators.
SQL> select name, total_marks, roll_no from student where class='bba2' AND phone no=14356; NAME TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- ----------- ---------Kate 98 ROLL_NO 556

SQL> select * from student where class='bba2' OR total_marks>90;


NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 653487 Kate bba2 556 98 14356 Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 Peter bba2 559 78 1272583 SQL> select name, class from student where NOT (class='bba'); NAME CLASS -------------------- --------------Kate bba2 Duplikate bba2 Peter bba2

Special operators
SQL> select name, class from student where total_marks 100; NAME CLASS -------------------- --------------Sam bba Kate bba2

between 90 and


SQL> select * from student where roll_no IN (550,557); NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 SQL> select * from student where name not

in ('Kate, Sam');

NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS PHONE_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Duplikate bba2 557 89 536475 Peter bba2 559 78 1272583


Working with null values:-SQL> insert into student (name, roll_no) values ('lavika', 578); 1 row created. SQL> select * from student; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------Sam bba 444 99 Kate bba2 556 98 Duplikate bba2 557 89 Peter bba2 559 78 Diksha bba 558 99 Smita 567 97 Lavika 578 99 7 rows selected. SQL> select name from student where phone_no is null; NAME -------------------Smita Lavika PHONE_NO 653487 14356 536475 1272583 243564


Order by clause:query:SQL> select name, total_marks from student order by total_marks; NAME TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- ----------Peter 78 Duplikate 89 Smita 97 Kate 98 Sam 99 Diksha 99 Lavika 99 7 rows selected

query:SQL> select name, roll_no from student order by roll_no desc; NAME ROLL_NO -------------------- ---------Lavika 578 Smita 567 Peter 559 Diksha 558 Duplikate 557 Kate 556 Sam 444 7 rows selected.


query:SQL> select name, class, roll_no from student order by 3; NAME CLASS ROLL_NO -------------------- --------------- ---------Sam bba 444 Kate bba2 556 Duplikate bba2 557 Diksha bba 558 Peter bba2 559 Smita 567 Lavika 578 7 rows selected.

query:SQL> select name, roll_no, total_marks from student order by roll_no asc, total_marks desc; NAME ROLL_NO TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- ---------- ----------Sam 444 99 Kate 556 98 Duplikate 557 89 Diksha 558 99 Peter 559 78 Smita 567 97 Lavika 578 99 7 rows selected. ======================================================


Pattern matching:query:SQL> select name, total_marks from student where name like '%Kate'; NAME TOTAL_MARKS -------------------- ----------Kate 98 Duplikate 89

query:SQL> select name, class from student where name like '_____'; NAME CLASS -------------------- --------------Peter bba2 Smita

Column Concatenation:-query:SQL> select 'roll number of '||name|| ' is '||roll_no from student; 'ROLLNUMBEROF'||NAME||'IS'||ROLL_NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roll number of Sam is 444 Roll number of Kate is 556 Roll number of duplikate is 557 Roll number of peter is 559 Roll number of diksha is 558 Roll number of smita is 567 Roll number of lavika is 578 7 rows selected.


Set Operators:The union operator. query:SQL> select name, class from student where class='bba' 2 union 3 select name, class from student where class='bba2'; NAME CLASS -------------------- --------------Diksha bba Duplikate bba2 Kate bba2 Peter bba2 Sam bba

The intersect operator. query:SQL> select total_marks from student where class='bba' 2 intersect 3 select total_marks from student where class is null; TOTAL_MARKS ----------99




SQL> select ascii('h') from dual; ASCII('H') ---------104

fs -bd


SQL> select chr(98) "first", chr(100) "second" from dual;


SQL> select concat('henry','ford') as name from dual; NAME --------henryford

instr(string/column name,x)

SQL> select instr('anamika','a') as position from dual; POSITION ---------1


SQL> select length('my name is khan') as length from dual; LENGTH ---------15



SQL> select lpad(name,10,' '),lpad(name,10,'*') from student; LPAD(NAME, LPAD(NAME, ---------- ---------sam *******sam kate ******kate duplikate *duplikate peter *****peter diksha ****diksha smita *****smita lavika ****lavika 7 rows selected.


SQL> select ltrim(name,'s'),ltrim(name) from student; LTRIM(NAME,'S') LTRIM(NAME) -------------------- -------------------am sam kate kate duplikate duplikate peter peter diksha diksha mita smita lavika lavika 7 rows selected.


SQL> select rpad(name,10,' '),rpad(name,10,'*')from student; RPAD(NAME, RPAD(NAME, ---------- ---------sam sam******* kate kate****** duplikate duplikate* peter peter***** diksha diksha**** smita smita***** lavika lavika****

26 7 rows selected.


SQL> select rtrim(name,'a'),rtrim(name) from student; RTRIM(NAME,'A') RTRIM(NAME) -------------------- -------------------sam sam kate kate duplikate duplikate peter peter diksh diksha smit smita lavik lavika 7 rows selected.


SQL> select replace ('uptown','up','down') from dual; REPLACE( -------downtown


SQL> select substr('abcdefgh',2,5) "first" ,substr('abcdefgh',2) "second" from dual; first second ----- ------bcdef bcdefgh SQL> select substr('abcdefgh',-3)from dual; SUB --fgh



SQL> select initcap(name)from student; INITCAP(NAME) -------------------Sam Kate Duplikate Peter Diksha Smita Lavika 7 rows selected.


SQL> select lower(name) from student; LOWER(NAME) -------------------sam kate duplikate peter diksha smita lavika 7 rows selected.


SQL> select upper(name) from student; UPPER(NAME) -------------------SAM KATE DUPLIKATE PETER DIKSHA SMITA LAVIKA


7 rows selected.


SQL> select name,translate(name,'a',2)from student; NAME TRANSLATE(NAME,'A',2 -------------------- -------------------sam s2m kate k2te duplikate duplik2te peter peter diksha diksh2 smita smit2 lavika l2vik2 7 rows selected.


SQL> select abs(-10) "absolute" from dual; absolute ---------10


SQL> select ceil (9.8), ceil(-32.85), ceil(0) from dual; CEIL(9.8) CEIL(-32.85) CEIL(0) ---------- ------------ ---------10 -32 0


SQL> select cos(45) from dual; COS(45) ---------.525321989


SQL> select exp(4) from dual; EXP(4) ---------54.59815


SQL> select floor(9.8), floor(-32.5), floor(137) from dual; FLOOR(9.8) FLOOR(-32.5) FLOOR(137) ---------- ------------ ---------9 -33 137


SQL> select mod(10,3) as first,mod(10,5) as second from dual; FIRST SECOND ---------- ----------

30 1 0


SQL> select power(2,3) "power" from dual; power ---------8


SQL> select round(55.849,1),round(55.849) from dual; ROUND(55.849,1) ROUND(55.849) --------------- ------------55.8 56


SQL> select sign(-2),sign(2) from dual; SIGN(-2) SIGN(2) ---------- ----------1 1


SQL> select sqrt(36) as sqroot from dual; SQROOT ---------6


SQL> select trunc(32.934,2),trunc(32.934),trunc(32.934,-1) from dual; TRUNC(32.934,2) TRUNC(32.934) TRUNC(32.934,-1) --------------- ------------- ---------------32.93 32 30 ===============================================================


SQL> select sysdate from dual; SYSDATE --------22-FEB-13


SQL> select add_months('15-mar-2012',26) from dual; ADD_MONTH --------15-MAY-14


SQL> select last_day('10-feb-13') from dual; LAST_DAY( --------28-FEB-13


SQL> select months_between('15-mar-20','26-jan-12') from dual; MONTHS_BETWEEN('15-MAR-20','26-JAN-12') --------------------------------------97.6451613


SQL> select next_day('01-sep-93','friday')as "date" from dual; date --------03-SEP-93


SQL> select greatest(-2,5,8) from dual; GREATEST(-2,5,8) ---------------8



SQL> select least('ABCD','abcd','xyz') from dual;


SQL> select name, class , total_marks+nvl(phone_no,0) "sum" from student; NAME CLASS sum -------------------- --------------- ---------sam bba 653586 kate bba2 14454 duplikate bba2 536564 peter bba2 1272661 diksha bba 243663 smita 97 lavika 99 7 rows selected.


SQL> select uid from dual; UID ---------66


SQL> select user from dual; USER -----------------------------SCOTT



QUERY:- To display the total no. of total_marks

SQL> select count(total_marks) from student; COUNT(TOTAL_MARKS) -----------------7

QUERY:- To list the number of different total_marks in the student_record table

SQL> select count(distinct total_marks) from student; COUNT(DISTINCTTOTAL_MARKS) -------------------------5


QUERY:- To add the total_marks

SQL> select sum(total_marks) from student; SUM(TOTAL_MARKS) ---------------659


QUERY:- To calculate the average of total_marks in the student_record table

SQL> select avg(total_marks) from student; AVG(TOTAL_MARKS) ---------------94.1428571



QUERY:- To list the minimum total_marks

SQL> select min(total_marks) from student; MIN(TOTAL_MARKS) ---------------78


QUERY:- To list the maximum total_marks

SQL> select max(total_marks) from student; MAX(TOTAL_MARKS) ---------------99

QUERY:- To display the use of avg, sum, min and max together
SQL> select avg(total_marks), sum(total_marks), min(total_marks), max(total_marks) from student; AVG(TOTAL_MARKS) SUM(TOTAL_MARKS) MIN(TOTAL_MARKS) MAX(TOTAL_MARKS) ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------94.1428571 659 78 99

QUERY:- To list the sum of total_marks of each class in student_record table
SQL> select class, sum(total_marks) from student group by class; CLASS SUM(TOTAL_MARKS) --------------- ---------------bba 198 bba2 265 196


QUERY:- To list the sum of salary of each job and deptno in emp table
SQL> select deptno, job, sum(sal) from emp group by deptno, job; DEPTNO JOB SUM(SAL) ---------- --------- ---------10 CLERK 1300 10 MANAGER 2450 10 PRESIDENT 5000 20 ANALYST 6000 20 CLERK 1900 20 MANAGER 2975 30 CLERK 950 30 MANAGER 2850 30 SALESMAN 5600 9 rows selected.

QUERY:- To find the maximum salary of each department, but show only the departments that have a maximum salary of more than Rs.2000
SQL> select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno having max(sal)>2000; DEPTNO MAX(SAL) ---------- ---------10 5000 20 3000 30 2850

QUERY:- To the total salary, max and min salary and the average salary of employee's jobwise, for deptno 20 and display only those rows having average salary greater than 1000
SQL> select job, sum(sal), avg(sal), max(sal), min(sal) from emp 2 where deptno=20 3 group by job 4 having avg(sal)>1000; JOB SUM(SAL) AVG(SAL) MAX(SAL) MIN(SAL) --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------ANALYST 6000 3000 3000 3000 MANAGER 2975 2975 2975 2975



EQUI JOIN:QUERY:- TO list the employee name with their department names


CARTESIAN JOIN:QUERY:- TO list the employee name from emp table and department names from dept table
SQL> select name,dname from student,dept; NAME DNAME -------------------- -------------sam ACCOUNTING kate ACCOUNTING duplikate ACCOUNTING peter ACCOUNTING diksha ACCOUNTING smita ACCOUNTING lavika ACCOUNTING sam RESEARCH kate RESEARCH duplikate RESEARCH peter RESEARCH NAME DNAME -------------------- -------------diksha RESEARCH smita RESEARCH lavika RESEARCH sam SALES kate SALES duplikate SALES peter SALES diksha SALES smita SALES lavika SALES sam OPERATIONS NAME DNAME -------------------- -------------kate OPERATIONS duplikate OPERATIONS peter OPERATIONS diksha OPERATIONS smita OPERATIONS lavika OPERATIONS 28 rows selected.


OUTER JOIN:QUERY:- TO list the employees working in each department. display the department details even if no employee belongs to that department
SQL> select empno,ename,emp.deptno,dname,loc from emp,dept where emp.deptno(+)=dept.deptno; EMPNO ENAME DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------7782 CLARK 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 7839 KING 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 7934 MILLER 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 7369 SMITH 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 7876 ADAMS 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 7902 FORD 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 7788 SCOTT 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 7566 JONES 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 7499 ALLEN 30 SALES CHICAGO 7698 BLAKE 30 SALES CHICAGO 7654 MARTIN 30 SALES CHICAGO EMPNO ENAME DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------7900 JAMES 30 SALES CHICAGO 7844 TURNER 30 SALES CHICAGO 7521 WARD 30 SALES CHICAGO OPERATIONS BOSTON 15 rows selected.


SELF JOIN:QUERY:- TO list the names of the manager with the employee record
SQL> select worker.ename "ename" ,manager.ename "manager" 2 from emp worker,emp manager 3 where worker.mgr=manager.empno; ename manager ---------- ---------SMITH FORD ALLEN BLAKE WARD BLAKE JONES KING MARTIN BLAKE BLAKE KING CLARK KING SCOTT JONES TURNER BLAKE ADAMS SCOTT JAMES BLAKE ename manager ---------- ---------FORD JONES MILLER CLARK 13 rows selected.


QUERY:- TO list the name of the employees who do the same job as that of an employee number 7369
SQL> select ename,job from emp 2 where job=(select job from emp where empno=7369); ENAME JOB ---------- --------SMITH CLERK ADAMS CLERK JAMES CLERK MILLER CLERK

QUERY:- TO list the name and salary of the employee who gets salary greater than the minimum salary in the employee table
SQL> SELECT ENAME,SAL FROM EMP WHERE SAL>(SELECT MIN(SAL) FROM EMP); ENAME SAL ---------- ---------ALLEN 1600 WARD 1250 JONES 2975 MARTIN 1250 BLAKE 2850 CLARK 2450 SCOTT 3000 KING 5000 TURNER 1500 ADAMS 1100 JAMES 950 ENAME SAL ---------- ---------FORD 3000 MILLER 1300 13 rows selected.


QUERY:- TO list the employee name and salary of the employee whose salary is greater than the average salary of employees whose hiredate is before 01-jan-81
SQL> select ename,sal from emp 2 where sal>(select avg(sal)from emp where hiredate < '01-jan-81'); ENAME SAL ---------- ---------ALLEN 1600 WARD 1250 JONES 2975 MARTIN 1250 BLAKE 2850 CLARK 2450 SCOTT 3000 KING 5000 TURNER 1500 ADAMS 1100 JAMES 950 ENAME SAL ---------- ---------FORD 3000 MILLER 1300 13 rows selected.

QUERY:- TO list the job with highest average salary

SQL> select job,avg(sal) 2 from emp group by job 3 having avg(sal)=(select max (avg(sal)) 4 from emp group by job); JOB AVG(SAL) --------- ---------PRESIDENT 5000


QUERY:- TO list the employee name,salary and deptno of the employees who earn the same salary as the minimum salary for different departments
SQL> select ename,sal,deptno from emp 2 where sal IN(select min(sal) from emp group by deptno); ENAME SAL DEPTNO ---------- ---------- ---------SMITH 800 20 JAMES 950 30 MILLER 1300 10

SQL> select ename,sal,deptno from emp 2 where sal IN(800,950,1300); ENAME SAL DEPTNO ---------- ---------- ---------SMITH 800 20 JAMES 950 30 MILLER 1300 10

QUERY:- TO list empno and name whose salary is greater than the average salary of all the departments
SQL> select empno,ename,job from emp where sal>ALL (select avg(sal) from emp group by deptno); EMPNO ENAME JOB ---------- ---------- --------7566 JONES MANAGER 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7839 KING PRESIDENT 7902 FORD ANALYST

QUERY:- TO list name,empno and manager of the employees whose mgr=7902 but not the manager himself.
SQL> select ename,empno,mgr from emp 2 where (job,deptno) IN (select job,deptno from emp where mgr=7902)AND mgr<> 7902; ENAME EMPNO MGR ---------- ---------- ---------ADAMS 7876 7788


QUERY:- TO list the employee details of those employees whose salary is greater than any of the nmanagers
SQL> select empno,ename,sal from emp 2 where sal>ANY(select sal from emp where job='MANAGER'); EMPNO ENAME SAL ---------- ---------- ---------7566 JONES 2975 7698 BLAKE 2850 7788 SCOTT 3000 7839 KING 5000 7902 FORD 3000

QUERY:- To create a view for the clerk
SQL> create view clerk as select * from emp where job='CLERK'; View created.

To describe the view

SQL> SELECT * FROM CLERK; EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------DEPTNO ---------7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20 7876 ADAMS 20 7900 JAMES 30 CLERK CLERK 7788 23-MAY-87 7698 03-DEC-81 1100 950 COMM COMM

EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------DEPTNO ---------7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 23-JAN-82 1300 10


QUERY:- Create a sequence 'empnumber' starting with value 100 and incremented by 2
SQL> create sequence empcode increment by 2 start with 100; Sequence created.

QUERY:- To view the next number in sequence

SQL> select empcode.nextval from dual; NEXTVAL ---------100

QUERY:- To drop the sequence

SQL> drop sequence empcode; Sequence dropped.


QUERY:- To create a user account
SQL> connect system/manager; Connected. SQL> create user tom identified by jerry; User created.


QUERY:- To view whether the user has been created

SQL> select * from all_users; USERNAME USER_ID CREATED ------------------------------ ---------- --------SYS 0 04-SEP-01 SYSTEM 5 04-SEP-01 OUTLN 11 04-SEP-01 DBSNMP 17 04-SEP-01 ORDSYS 29 04-SEP-01 AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ 26 04-SEP-01 OSE$HTTP$ADMIN 27 04-SEP-01 AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED 28 04-SEP-01 OLAPSVR 39 04-SEP-01 OLAPSYS 37 04-SEP-01 ORDPLUGINS 30 04-SEP-01 USERNAME USER_ID CREATED ------------------------------ ---------- --------MDSYS 31 04-SEP-01 CTXSYS 32 04-SEP-01 WKSYS 34 04-SEP-01 OLAPDBA 40 04-SEP-01 QS_CBADM 62 04-SEP-01 QS_ADM 57 04-SEP-01 QS 58 04-SEP-01 QS_WS 59 04-SEP-01 HR 53 04-SEP-01 OE 54 04-SEP-01 PM 55 04-SEP-01 USERNAME USER_ID CREATED ------------------------------ ---------- --------SH 56 04-SEP-01 QS_ES 60 04-SEP-01 QS_OS 61 04-SEP-01 RMAN 65 04-SEP-01 QS_CB 63 04-SEP-01 QS_CS 64 04-SEP-01 SCOTT 66 04-SEP-01 TOM 67 23-FEB-13 30 rows selected.


QUERY:- To alter user account by changing its password

SQL> alter user tom IDENTIFIED BY jerry2; User altered.

QUERY:- To drop user account

SQL> connect system/manager; Connected. SQL> drop user tom cascade; User dropped.

QUERY:- To grant all the permissions to the user 'peter'
SQL> create user peter IDENTIFIED BY repeater; User created. SQL> grant create session to peter; Grant succeeded. OR SQL> grant connect,resource to peter; Grant succeeded.

QUERY:- To describe the privileges granted to the user 'peter'

SQL> connect peter/repeater; Connected. SQL> create table ruchi 2 ( 3 name varchar2(100) 4 ); Table created.


QUERY:- To grant 'peter' select permission on 'emp' table

SQL> connect scott/tiger; Connected. SQL> grant select on emp to peter; Grant succeeded.

QUERY:- To revoke the privilege of select from 'peter'

SQL> connect scott/tiger; Connected. SQL> revoke select on emp from peter; Revoke succeeded.

QUERY:- To create a role
SQL> connect system/manager; Connected. SQL> create role myrole1 identified by myrole; Role created.

QUERY:- To grant connect and resource role to 'myrole1'

SQL> grant connect ,resource to myrole1; Grant succeeded.

QUERY:- To delete the role 'myrole1'

SQL> connect system/manager; Connected. SQL> drop role myrole1; Role dropped.


PL/SQL PROGRAMS:// Program to multiply two numbers.

SQL> connect system/manager; Connected. SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 val1 number; 3 val2 number:=10; 4 result number; 5 begin 6 val1:=20; 7 result:=val1*val2; 8 dbms_output.put_line ('product of '||val1||' and '||val2||' is '||result); 9 end; 10 / OUTPUT: Product of 20 and 10 is 200 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to find area of a circle.

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 r number; 3 pi number:=3.14; 4 a number; 5 begin 6 r:=&r; 7 a:=pi*r*r; 8 dbms_output.put_line ('area of circle with radius '||r||' is '||a); 9 end; 10 / OUTPUT: Enter value for r: 7 Old 6: r:=&r; New 6: r:=7; Area of circle with radius 7 is 153.86 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to find whether a given no. is even or not.

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n numbers; 3 begin 4 n:= &n; 5 if (n mod 2 = 0 ) then 6 dbms_output.put_line (n||' is even'); 7 end if; 8 end; 9 / OUTPUT: Enter value for n: 4 Old 4: n := &n; New 4: n := 4; 4 is even PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to show the use of exit

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n number:=0; 3 begin 4 loop 5 n:=n+1; 6 if (n>4) then 7 exit; 8 end if; 9 end loop; 10 dbms_output.put_line('loop executes '||n||' times '); 11 end; 12 /

loop executes 5 times PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to find grade of student.

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n number; 3 g char; 4 begin 5 n:=&n; 6 if (n>=80) then 7 dbms_output.put_line('grade is a '); 8 elsif((n>60) and (n<80)) then 9 dbms_output.put_line(' grade is b '); 10 elsif((n>45) and (n<60)) then 11 dbms_output.put_line(' grade is c '); 12 else 13 dbms_output.put_line(' fail '); 14 end if; 15 end; 16 /

Enter value for n: 85 Old 5: n:=&n; New 5: n:=85; Grade is a PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to print values from n to 1 using while

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n number; 3 begin 4 n:=&n; 5 while(n>0) loop 6 dbms_output.put_line(n); 7 n:=n-1; 8 end loop; 9 end; 10 /

Enter value for n: 5 Old 4: n:=&n; New 4: n:=5; 5 4 3 2 1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to print values from 1 to n.

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n number; 3 begin 4 n:=&n; 5 for i in 1..n loop 6 dbms_output.put_line(i); 7 end loop; 8 end; 9 /

Enter value for n: 5 Old 4: n:=&n; New 4: n:=5; 1 2 3 4 5 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to print values from n to 1 using for loop

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n number; 3 begin 4 n:=&n; 5 for i in reverse 1..n loop 6 dbms_output.put_line(i); 7 end loop; 8 end; 9 /

Enter value for n: 7 Old 4: n:=&n; New 4: n:=7; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// Program to print a table

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 n number; 3 begin 4 n:=&n; 5 for i in 1..10 loop 6 dbms_output.put_line(n||'* '||i||' = '||n*i); 7 end loop; 8 end; 9 /

Enter value for n: 4 Old 4: n:=&n; New 4: n:=4; 4* 1 = 4 4* 2 = 8 4* 3 = 12 4* 4 = 16 4* 5 = 20 4* 6 = 24 4* 7 = 28 4* 8 = 32 4* 9 = 36 4* 10 = 40 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


EXCEPTION HANDLING:-// PROGRAM THAT HANDLES TOO_MANY_ROWS EXCEPTIONS SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL> declare 2 name dept.dname %type; 3 begin 4 select dname into name from dept 5 where deptno=10; 6 dbms_output.put_line('employee name := '||name); 7 exception 8 when too_many_rows then 9 dbms_output.put_line('more than one row returned'); 10 end; 11 / employee name := ACCOUNTING PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 name dept.dname %type; 3 begin 4 select dname into name from dept 5 where deptno=10; 6 dbms_output.put_line('employee name := '||name); 7 exception 8 when too_many_rows then 9 dbms_output.put_line('more than one row returned'); 10 when zero_divide then 11 dbms_output.put_line('divide by zero'); 12 when others then 13 dbms_output.put_line('no rows exist'); 14 end; 15 / employee name := ACCOUNTING PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


// USER DEFINED EXCEPTION THAT CHECKS WHETHER THE NAME OF EMPLOYEE IS BLANK OR NOT DURING INSERTION..... SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 ecode emp.empno %type; 3 name emp.ename %type; 4 ename_err exception; 5 begin 6 ecode := &ecode; 7 name := '&name'; 8 if name is null then 9 raise ename_err; 10 end if; 11 insert into emp(empno,ename)values 12 (ecode,name); 13 dbms_output.put_line('data entered'); 14 exception 15 when ename_err then 16 dbms_output.put_line('ename should not be blank'); 17 end; 18 / Enter value for ecode: 123 old 6: ecode := &ecode; new 6: ecode := 123; Enter value for name: abc old 7: name := '&name'; new 7: name := 'abc'; data entered PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 child_rec_present exception; 3 pragma exception_init(child_rec_present,-2292); 4 begin 5 delete from department where deptno=10; 6 dbms_output.put_line('data entered'); 7 exception 8 when child_rec_present then 9 dbms_output.put_line('first remove child record'); 10 end; 11 / data entered PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 salary number; 3 ecode emp.empno %type; 4 begin 5 ecode := &ecode; 6 select sal into salary from emp 7 where empno= ecode; 8 dbms_output.put_line(salary); 9 exception 10 when others then 11 dbms_output.put_line 12 ('error code'||sqlcode); 13 dbms_output.put_line('error message'||sqlerrm); 14 end; 15 / Enter value for ecode: 123 old 5: ecode := &ecode; new 5: ecode := 123; error code100 error messageORA-01403: no data found PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 salary number; 3 e number; 4 begin 5 e :=&e; 6 select sal into salary from emp where empno=e; 7 if salary>4000 then 8 raise greater_sal; 9 end if; 10 dbms_output.put_line(salary); 11 exception 12 when no_data_found then 13 dbms_output.put_line('empno doesn't exist'); 14 end; 15 exception 16 when greater_sal then 17 dbms_output.put_line('salary is greater than 4000'); 18 end; 19 / Enter value for e: 123 old 5: e :=&e; new 5: e :=123; ERROR: ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

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