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Block 5, Dadiangas Heights General Santos City, Philippines

GEOMETRY Year Level: HS 3 Lesson Topic: Length of Lesson:

George L. Lim Similarity 18 Sessions

Stage 1 - Desired Results 1. Express ratios in simplest for. 2. Solve problems using similar triangles and setting up proportions.

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Understanding(s)/goals: Essential Question(s): Students will understand: * What is a model? * that concept of similarity are used in making * What would happen if the model were not down-sized models of cars, planes, houses and built exactly to scale? various other items.

Student will know * Ratio and Proportions * Properties of Proportions * Similar Triangles and Proportions * Proportional Segments.

Performance Task(s):

Student will be able to * identify, write, and solve proportions. * find the geometric mean between two numbers. * prove similar triangles using the properties of similar triangles and proportional segments. * identifies and apply properties of similar polygons. * solve real world problems using the concept of similarity. Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Other Evidence: Oral report in class of the results of the performance task. Seatwork/Homework

Group Activity 1 Have students work in groups to measure the rooms located on the third floor high school building. Then have them plan and draw an accurate floor plan of the rooms Finally have them explain which concepts in this lesson they used.

Quizzes/ Mastery test

Group Activity 2 Page 292. Investigation


4 - Excellent, 3 - Good,

2 - Competent,

1 - Needs Improvement 0 - Needs Help

Level 4: Shows full understanding in writing formal proof with correct justification. Shows proficiency in knowledge of similarity Solutions are correct. Logic terms are used correctly. Level 3: Shows understanding in writing formal proof but with few mistakes. Shows proficiency in knowledge of similarity. Solutions contain minor flaws. Logic terms are used correctly with a few exceptions. Level 2: Shows partial understanding in writing formal proof with lots of mistakes. Lacks proficiency in knowledge of similarity. Solutions contain some errors. Logic terms are not always used appropriately. Level 1: Lacks understanding in writing formal proof and lacks proficiency in knowledge of similarity. Solutions contain major errors. Logic terms are used incorrectly. Level 0: Confused. Does not know how to start writing a formal proof. Poor knowledge of similarity. Major elements are incomplete or missing. Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: 7.1 Ratio and Proportion Ask what the following have in common. 8/12, 20/30, 36/54, 40/60, 60/90, 100/150, 2x/3x Pose the following problems. The ratio of the measures of two supplementary angles is 2:3. What is the measure of each angle? The ratio of the measures of a complement of an angle and a supplement of the same angle is 1:6. What are the measures of the three angles? Remind students that one cannot divide by 0.There is always an implicit understanding that the second number in a ratio is nonzero. Seatwork/Quiz 7.2 Properties of Proportions Students should call the first property the meansextremes property. Help them described the other properties in words, such as the following. The means of a proportion be interchanged. Ratios of reciprocals are equal. Adding denominators to numerators produces equivalent ratios. To simplify radical, it is helpful to know the square roots of all perfect squares less than 300. Students should build a table of these perfect squares and their roots. Seatwork/Quiz 7.3 Similar Polygons Explain what a scale factor is. Point out that the scale factor of a similarity is dependent upon the order of similarity. If DABC ~ DDEF with scale factor 3:4, then DABC ~ DDEF with a scale factor 4:3 Seatwork/Quiz

Session 1

Session 2 Session 3

Session 4 Session 5

Session 6

7.4 Similar Triangles

Session 7

Have students examine triangles with two angles whose measures are given and draw conclusions. Make sure that students don't assume other polygons to be similar if corresponding angles are congruent. Some student might asses similarity based upon insufficient information. Have these students fill in all angle measures before making a determination. Ask students if all equilateral triangles are similar. (Yes). Are all isosceles triangles similar. (No) Seatwork/Quiz 7.5 More on Similar Triangles Discuss the Plans for the proofs of SAS and SSS Theorems. Point out the resemblance for the proofs. Ask students to analyze the use of auxiliary lines in the proofs of the SAS and SSS Theorems. Seatwork/Quiz 7.6 Find Inaccessible Distances Have student generate problems in which an inaccessible distance is to be determined, to see what information is needed to solve such problems. Remind students that triangles must be shown to to similar before proportions are written. Point out that sometimes the inaccessible distance is represented by part of a side of a triangle rather than as a side. Insist that students write proportions with names of segments before substituting numerical equivalent. Seatwork/Quiz 7.7 Proportional Segments Model the Triangle Angle-Bisector Theorem by having students work in small groups, with each student drawing a DABC such that AB = 2AC. Each student in the group should use a different measure for A. Have them bisect A and measure the segments formed. Repeat for a triangle in which AB = 3/4 AC. Go over the plan for the proof of the Triangle AngleBisector Theorem. Students may question reasons for using an auxiliary line such as line BY. Point out how this Auxiliary line sets up a situation where the Triangle Proportionality Theorem can be applied. Seatwork/Quiz Session 8 Session 9

Session 10 Session 11/Session 12

Session 13 Session 14./Session 15

Session 16

Mastery Test

Session 17/Session 18

George L. Lim

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