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200 delicious and easy-to-make salads,

including healthy summer salads, exol,c fruit salads and warm salads for winter

Beautiful photographs instructions make this

for every
01 i(,



book perfect


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colour cookbook

super salads

FirolinGnoo!EIoita"in2OOPbyHarrjyr\ IdMoIon"'PubIio/IingGr<>.4>U

introduction side salads light salads big salads warm salads rice, beans, grains & pasta fruit salads index acknowledgements

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i ntrod uction

A sal3.d can be a slme side dIsh, servad to complement a ma'n course 01 meal or fish, or '\ can be a meal ,n Itself, whether ,t is a light uneh or quickly prepared evening meal, or as an 1mpressJve and tilling main course for a dinner party. Salads are created from a cl)mbination 01 foods that are limited only by the imag.natioJ'), The range and variety of salads that can be made ere as diverse as the cultures from wh,ch they come, whether ,\ is a hearty, mayonnaIse-based potato salad or japanese beet & noodle salad. All salads Bre best made WIth seasonally aVaitabie ingredIents, and the recipes should, the!efore, be adjusted according to the time 01 year, to whal looks best and to what is readily obtainable in the shops and in your garden. lind dandelion leaves, chicory. tatso tarvido, sOfrel and many more. Een edible flowers. such as nasturl,ums and m3Iigolds, make a pretty addition 10 salads. You can also easily grow a r3f1ge 01 cut-arld-<:ome aga,n sa ad leaves 'n even the smal'est g3Iden, and 11"5 possible to buy seeds 01 unusual ca!:>bages and letluces thaI are quick to cultivaie. A basic recipe for vinaigrette is given on page
13, but because Ihere are so many wonderful

palls oil. The ingmd,ents can be emulSified to make a smooth paste or Simply shaken so tflat trey are loosely combined, resuiling


a broken vina.grette, An emulsion is the

blend f19 of two unmixable lf19redrenls, alld the mixture i s stablied by the addition to may()/laise of egg yolks, which contain lec,thin, or one of the many types of mustard \!lat are now available.

vnegars ava'able you can adapt the re<:ipe to suit the ingred,ents in the salad and YOUI own personal preferences. loo OJI tor cabernet salJlli.gnon, chardonnay, balsamic, aceto balsam,co. white ba]samlc, rice wine, cide!", red and blael< Chinese am! sherry vinegars, as well as vinegars Ilavoured with diflerent nerbs and INi:s. the best quality v,negar and oil are extreme'y important when It comes to making a good salad into a great one, and when you are simply drizzling olive oil over salads, pa1 cularly ones thai contain tomatoes, use the finest ext'a virg n olive oil you can find However, when you are making a vinaigrette you might prefel to use a less strong:y flavour&!, light olive oil, because tr.e strong flavour of exira virgin oIM! 0 I can overwhelm the other, less dominant Ingredients. II you make a vinalgrel\e it Will keep for a few days In tr.e refrigerator but remember to sr.ake it vigorousty before using so that the oil and vinegar recombine. It is possible to flavour fe rly neutral vinegars, such as white wine vinegar, by adding herbs and spices, including tarragon (see page incorporate fruit and vegetables. such as olives (see page 13), orange, lime. lemon, pomegranate, tomatoes and demenhnes Fruit ju,ce is a wonderful supplement for vinegar as long as tile sugar in tile fl\lit complements the if19redients of the salad. The acid from bolh the fruit JUICe and the ",negar can be useful for making Ihe raw chilli and rosemary. Many vinaigrette recipes

Salad leaves
There IS such a variety 01 Ingredients readily available Irom countries all over the world that it is possible to expenment with dillerent combinations and to use ingredients that are unusual arid exciting. Even the smallest supermarkei oUers an extraordinary range 0' lettuces and salad mixes, Irom common iceberg and cos letluce5, to baby sponach mix, beetroot mix, baby leat and herbs, radicchio, rockel and watercress 10 lamb's lettuce, and if you look tn mo'e sp6"Cla 1St sr.ops you migr.t

Not only can tre lf19red ents in a salad be adapted accordif19 to what IS available bul the range of dressings used to accompany them is almost endless. Overall a salad dress og not ony lubflcates the salad but also makes rt more I'aoom/ul and pleasant 10 eal Probably the simples: dressing for a salad ,5 vinagretle, wh;ro, al lis most basic, s a simple comblnat,on of one part acid t o three


onion mallS often included dlgelIble. If you



salads more

Pasta and noodles are a'so useful ;or addin g boll<. and a chaoge of lexture to a salad There is a h... ge range 10 choose from, and
you can enhance your saloos with llailan pastas, such as orecchiette,

unusual avours, such as bbck pepper, baSIl, tarragon, rosewaler 81Id balsamic Vinegar. Enhance simple It'IJ,t sa ads by the add,toon at nuts, mascarpollC cheese, creme Iraielle,
yogurt. whipped cream, ice cream. custard,

dressing 15 minut es betDlC adding lhe dressing to the salad the OlllQn will lose Its harshness but retain its flavour,

raw oro.on Irlo the

0'10 and penne,

or As an noodles, Itlcluding l'eiTI1icetli noodles, Although viJlllJ!lrette d'csSlllQS are lI$UaIly quick to make and 19i1l and healthy. there are ma n y other wonderful drcss, lor salads, including rocher ones based on creamy d1eeses and mayonna<se. vinalgette, mayoonwse IS an emulsion, IxJt it cont(lH"lS egg yolks as well as oil and vinegar and. il liked, mustard of some kmd A ba$ioc; ,ec'pe is {jrvefl

rice flOOd es, egg nood es, soba noodles and ce' lophane nood 85. Pasta and noodle salads

ginger bisculls, chocolale, amaretti biSCUits and even alcoOol.

Salads no longer have to be V>ewed as the 'tlea,thy' option when it comes 10 plann,ng meals. The rec.pes thai 100Iow Sl.l9gest some

delicious s8f\led both warm and COld, and


they make !"Iellithy ami sa:.sfying freals.

For ext ra crunc'l you

add croOtons to

salads, These are now avai able ready made, apples and pears. when tile tru,\s cut bol lhe)' are quick and easy to make (see
ttvough Ihe n.cnr.ess 01 Ih e dress ng and

Interesting coml:linatiOIlS or Ingredients, textures and flavours to whet your appelite and show that a sa:ad can be a regular addlbon to your menu.

OIl page

12. Mayonll3lse IS a geat base and

page 44). Yo u can use any type of !:Iread yOlJ

prOVIde II pleasant coun:erbalaoce. Another way 10 add interest ng f avoors to

dress ngs '$ 10 use one 01 tho d f'orflnt

like and fiavour il woth herbs. different oils.

gat'ic and cheese. Vary the 5 ze 0' the

im;lud'ng seeded mustards, capers. lemon, andlovie'i, horse<ad.sll, garlIC (wh&n It becomes Aioh: see page 12), herbs and cheese. MayonJ'\llise-b9sed dress.ngs go

be l!allOUred WIth aU types of IfIQ'ed enls,

ao."iloos according to your own prelerence and lne othar ing'fllients of the sa:ad Fruit Fru t salads are, of course, among the most popular and easy 10 prepa'e of aJl dess.erts, bul lro,t can tie used In S8\loury salads 100, providing a welcome - and sometimes unexpecled - COf'trast of flavours and textures. Pears and Parmesan cheese are a claSSIC comtJination, but olner fruits are deal
accompaniments lor meat and cheese. 01 s thai are now available. Among the flavoured oils lI1at you can choose Iro'l1
ale walnut , haze nut. roil,i, gar'ic, lemon and

particularly well WlII1 seatood,!:out they can be adapted to almost any salad, and many of the

herb. I is also easy 10 !"I8ke )'Our own flavoured ()lIs (see page

dressings used w 111 potato salads are based on mayorJ"lalse, ondwog some of the best ThOlJsand Istand DreSSing and Rand> Dressing. Among the other popular creamy dressings are those based on blue cheese (see pafle
known ready-made veJ$IOIIS, sud! as



pasta & pulses

Grains and pu'ses are a useful add,uon to salads, translorm ng them into fdling and satisfying meals. and among the nteresl1ng pu ses and grains you can try are buckwheat, wi'd flce, kidney beans, canne I 'Ii beans, butlef beans. chickpeas, couscous and

14), but you can adapt lI1e recipe to

A salad of tresh fru l!i IS usuaRy a refreshlllg lind paiate-dl!anslng end to a mea
espeoa!ly il the pteced'""IQ COJ have been

incorporate other soft d1eeses. ndudhg

goats' cheese, acco'ding to lI1e ngred &<'lts In

\he $iliad. Creamy dressings are the peried

qu!>OlI. Canred beans are parbculay'ul, need ng ne li'e lengthy soak,ng nor lI1e
cool(ll)g of the dned types.

nch and boJllru t sa ads can be special

accompar.ment lor classIC combinat.ons such

W1U1 the COI"IbinalIon of exotic fru,t aIId



basic recipes
Se ..... es 6-8
PreparatlOll lima 10 mllutes Serves 4

a screw-top Jar repace the I, d and silake well to comb,ne. Preparation lome 10 monutea
1 teaspoo!1 caster sugar

IQIN-calorie french dressing

Serves e Preparation time

:2 t easpoon. Oiion mustard 250 ml (8 fI

2 egg yolk,

prnch 01 dry mustard

1-2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

en) ol ive oU

4-6 tablespoons olive oil

s a l t and pepper

:2 tablespoons wine vineger

10 minut..

SIIlt and pepper Put the egg yolks, mutard, 1 tablespoon vinegar and a litUe salt and pepper into a l ar ge bo"",, and whisk lig hlly with a ballOQn wh,sl( to combine. 'Mlisking continuously, start add ng the ol ....e 011, II few drops 81. lime, until the sauce starts 10 thicken Gradually add the remaining (iiI i n It very thin,
steady stream

" Ima l onio n 6 tablespoons olive oil

Serves 68

'Mlisk toge:her the sugar and mustard wrth s al t and pepper and m ix together thofoughly. AI:ernal ve'y. pul the 'ngred ents In a screw top Jar. lep lICe the tid and sha.<e well
the Wlegar. Add me oi sea son to taste 'Mth

2 tablespoons wine vinegar

"teaspoon muslard " ta bles poon casler sugar pin c h of ground coriander

Pr epa rat lOl1 time 10 minJlea 2 egg yolks

3 tablespoons chopped parsley

IItt and pepper


1 teaspoon Ollon mustard

the mayonnaJse Is thick

1-:2 tablespoona l emon Julc.

:2 garlie clo...."

and 9 ossy. Doo add the oil 100 quickly Of the mayonnais e rright start to sep81llte.1f thiS

crush e d

olive vinaigrette
5e<ves 4 Preparation tllne 10m nutes 1 gallic cloye

Grate the onion, Wh,sk together all the

good p:nch of cayenne pewer

'Mth sail and pepper . Alt er natively . put the

Ingredients unt.1 tluckened. Season to Iaste in gradi ents, Indudil'l9 the g rate d onion, in II scr ew- top jar. replace the hd and sha ke well.

happens, II}' whiskIng In 1 tab!espoon warm another egg yolk in a separate bowl end gradually whisk II into the curdled sauce. Check tie 5880011109, adding a little more

waler. If the m lXlur e curdles completely, whisk

:2O ml (8 H ozl sunflower 011 or olive 011

sill Put the egg yok s, mustard. 1 tablespoon lemon Juke. the gar"k:. eayeMe pepper and a hlt.e oil ," a large bowl and wh sk logethel I ghtly to combir>e. Follow the lo.4ayonl"lalSe Cover and em I untilleady to serve. recrpe (see above) Irom the second step. Crush Ie garlic and I nely chop the oliveS. Wh sk them 'Mlh the vinegar, lime juice and
mu stard. A!ern.trvety. put the 'I'l9redlenls in

1-2 pitted bl ack oIiy., 2 tabl e s poon s balsamic ...inegar :2 tablespoors lime juice 1 tablespoon Oijon musterd

vinegar if tile sallC8 ta5t05 bland. Ma)'O"f\iI,se c an be kept, covered, in Ihe refngOOllor for up to 2 days.



blue cheese dressing

SeNea 4 Preparallon lime 10 monute$ 1 teaspoon caster sugar
pinc h of dry muslard

basilflavoured oil
Makea400 ml 114 fl
Preparal on tlll'le bunch of basil

MIX the cu cum ber INlth the 001, yogurt aM

chopped mini and season to ta ste with salt



IIed) and


15 mw.ules plum sauce

SeNes 4

400 ml (I 4 II 0:) olive oil

:2 tablespoons wine vinegar

4-6tablespoona olive oil

25 g (1 oz) blue cheese, 6Udl as Roq uefort sail and pepper

Wnlsk to gether te sugar and mloslard With the Vi neg ar. Add the oil and the crumbled

Blanch the basil in bo I ng water for

Preparstion time 15 minutes CoolUn g time 15-18 minutes 250 9 (8 OIl plums 150 ml

30 seconds, then refreSh ,n c o ld water.

Sq.-te oul any eJccess water from the basil and cnop it rough y. Put the bast! '0 a food Combine the lemon rind, vinegar, iarragoo, Muslard and sugar In a sm al l bowl and add grooual'y wthsk in ihe oil A lemallVely, rix a'i thengredll!nls n a screw-to p jar and shake
we I to comtline
processor Of b eoder WI:h the oil and w hiZ

(\I: pont) vegetable stock

until smooth. Pour the 0 I throJgh a f ine sieve

ito a clean,

cI1eese, s ea son 10 taste w th salt and pepper and mIX togetherIhOfoughly, Allemahely. put
the 'n9redlCn in a screw-lOp jar, replace the

sa!! and pepper to las:e. St" to frol(, lhen

dry bottle, seal and leave

overn gh when the sedimet wi I have seWed

and you WI:I be eft With

5 tablespoons port (optiooal) 1 teaspoon allspice 2 teaspoons soy sauce

1 tab!espooo cornflour

br'!lht greeo,

I,d and :;hake wall

bas H avoured Oil

Peel, stooe and r oug hly chop the plums



tarragon & lemon dressing

Makes 50 mI (2 H 01) PreparatIOn IIffi8 5 mlflutes linely grated rind 01 1 lemon 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar (see b&iow)

tarragon vinegar
Makes 500 mI (1711 oz)

mini & yogurt dressing

Makes 100 mI (3\! II oz) Pr ep al'3hoo t me 5 monu'les

pulthem in s saucepan w:th the stock, port

used), allspice and

soy sauce. Sring to the

boil and simmer for


10-15 minutes until the

plu,,"s are soil Transfef 10 a food processor

Prepara:ion time 5 minutes 500 ml (17 II 01) w h i te wine vlneger

b'ender and whiZ until smooth. RetlMn the

small cucumber,

plum rrntufe to the saucepa., and sbr in the peel ed

coml\our wth about 2tatJIespoons wate r to make 8 thidl sauce. Keep warm until eeded.

\I: teaspoon Dijon mustard

tablespoon c hop pe d tarragon

2 spr ig, of tarragon

1 l ab lespool1 olive 011

4 tablespoons natural yogurt

pinch 01 caster ,ugar

Put t ha VI"egar nto a dean gl9.$s boll.e and

5 tablespoons olive oil 'all and pepper

add t he spr'gs of tarragon. Seal and leave

2 tablespoons chopped mint sail and pepper

Cut hecucu mbe r cI10p the flesh.

With time .

f or at least 2 days. The flavour wll: IMpr ove

I halllegthwa)'S and

remove the seeds with a tea spoon. Finely



side salads

chicory & baby cos salad

Serve. 4 Preparatoon t,me 10 mlnvles

:2 chlcofy heaos, ",Me arxl red if posslble. a bout 175 9

Slice the base o f Ihe chicory heads and the ltuces

and carefully remov e tne individual leaves. Put the leaves in a large salad bowl.

Make the dressing by whisking tog ethe r all the

(6 ad in tol_ 3 baby COS lettuce hearts

Dressi n

ingred ie nts. Season to taste W ith salt and pepper.

50 9 (2 oz) Gorgonzola
chee se

Add the dressing to the lettuce and cI1icory leav es , toss b r ie fly to mil( and serve
For Gorgonzola, pecan & pear salad prepruo the salad leaves In the same way as above. Add 50 9 (2 oz) toasted pecan nuts and 1 f inely shead pea r to Ihe ehicOf)' and lettuce lea ves. Toss well. \Nhisk the d ressing ingredients as above, toss through the salad and seNe immediately.

1 tablespoon Worcester,hire

:2 lilblaSpOOnS Mayonnaise :2 labapoon. lou re d cream

1 tablespoon white wine

(8ee page 1 2)

3 tablespoons oliv e oil vinegar

:2 l ablespoorle lemon juic;e

salt and pepper


PreparatIon tomo IS minutes, pI5 standing :; white cabbage ",ed cabbtlge

Finely shred both cabbages snc the carrols snd hnely slice thc onion. M,x the cabbages and carrots in sa'ad bowl with te onion and pars'ey. Make the dressil'"lg by whisking Ihe mayonnaise, vinegar 8rld sugar and season to lasle with salt and pepper. Toss the dressing through Ihe cabbage mixture, then leae to stand lor at least 30 mll'lutes before serv ing. For apple apple and

a large

:2 c.,rQl$

1 red


5 flnely shced radishes to the coleslaw 3 tablespoons olive 011. Add

2 tablespoons

& radish slaw, add 1 fmely sliced rod

0..11$ 1 $11'19

ingredients. Instead of thl;! mayonnaise dressing, whisk together I teaspoon DiJon mustard, white wine vinegar and

300 mI (" pontI Mayonnaise



1 table!lpOOll white

the dressing to the salad, cover and leave in the refrigerator for at least

30 minutes before serving.

teaspoon caster ,uger

sail and pepper


rocket. pear & pecorino salad


PreperallQ(l\,me 10 minutes 2O \I (8 oz) ,edt.! 2 pea., 7!1 9 (3 0.1) JaPP" pecorino d'leese, cut Into eIuovmgs
...lng O, 1 teaspOOn OIion mustard

Make the dressing b y wmsKing the ml;stard, cider V'negar and 0 I. Season 10 taste wilh salt and pepper.
Put Ihe rocket In a large salaa bowl Finely slice the pear and add il to the rocket. Add the dressing to Ihe

salad and toss care1ully to mi,

Layer most of Ihe sfJav:ngs of the pecorino through the rocket and pear salad, garnish with the remaining shavings and serve.
For rocket, a pple & balsamic salad, combine 250 9 (8 02) rockel, 1 finely sliced green apple and 75 9 (3 oz) shaved peconno cheese in a large salad bowl. Whisk together 2 tablespoons aged balsamic vinegar and 3 tablespoons olIVe 011. Add the dressing to Ihe salad, IOS8 corofully 10 mi and serve Immediately.

2 tableapoont elder vinegar salt and pepper

2 tablespoons oll1I oil


green salad
SoM!s4-6 P<eparallOf1lune 5 minulu

Make the dressing by wh sk n9 together the mustard, VInegar and oil. Season to taste w,lh SB I and pepper.
Put the mixed leaves into a large salad bowl. Carefully toss the leaves and herbs With the dressing to combine and serve Immediately.
For green salad with crusted goats' cheese, mix logolher 75 9 (3 oz) br eadcrumbs, 20 9 (. oz) crushed hazelnuts, :2 tablespoons chopped parsley and I Crushed garlic clove. Season to taste With salt and pepper. Cui 100 9 (3'. oz) goats' cheese into 'OUMS, dip them in flour, then in lightly beaten egg, then in the breadcrumb mixture. Heal 2 lablespoons vegetable oil in a large frying pan over a medium heal and fry the choose slices for 3 minutes on each side until golden and cnspy. Drain on kitchen paper and serve with the green salad as above.

400 9 (13 oz.) mled baby

leaves and

herbs, such as

watercress, IriMa (turly

'eaed end"'.), rocket

la1501 or spina';', "hives,

IlIIrs ey and chervil

D eS$in

1 16aspoo<l Oljon muJtard :2 tablespoons chardonnay


4 tablespoonB olive 011 selt and pepper


garden salad
F'repilration tune 10 minutes II cucumlMr 250 9 (8 oz) cherry tomatoes 250 9 (8 ozl babv leel mil, such as mlzurIII, baby chard, 10110 rono, purslane and oakleel lettuce I avocado 50 9 (2 0iI:) pined blKk ollv" Dressing 1 teaspoon Oilon mustard 2. tablespoonl elder vlnega'

in a larg e

Peel a n d slice thc cucumber and have I h e tomatoes. M,x the sa!ad eaves with the c,-currbe- and tomatoes salad bowl. Stone and peel the avocado, cut the flesh into dice and add 10 the bowl with the olives.


the dressing by whisking togethe r Ihe mustard, and 0'1. Season 10 laste w th salt and pepper.

Pour Ihe dressing over Ihe salad, toss carefully to combine and serve. For garden salad with grilled chicken, mix together the grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 crushed garliC clove. 2 tab lespoons olivo

3 tabn' olive oil

5811 and pepper

for 3-4 minutes on oach side until cooked through. Sli ce the chicken bretlSts and arrange neatly on top of the garden salsd.

2 ch,cken breasts. each 125 9 (4 Ol), In the mixture and p lace on a fo,l lined baking sheet. Cook under a preheated hot grill
oil and salt and pepper. Coat


CQurgette, feta & mnt salad

Prepa<atoOn tome 10 minutes
Coc*Jng hme 10

Slice the coufgettes thinly l engthways Into long

ribbons. Drizzle With oil and season with salt and pepper. Heal a gridole pan to very hot and gnll the cOLJrgertes In batches until marked by the grrddle both Sides, then place in a large salad bowl. minutes


3 2

green CO<i.gettes yellow tau.gatta.

olive oll small Wnch 01 mint

Make the dressing by whisking together the 011 and the

grated lemon ri nd and juice. Season to laste witn salt the pepper.

40 II (1" ozl fete eheese

SIIIt and pepper DfflSing

Roughty chop the min reservmg some leaves fOf

gam sh. Carefully mix together the ool!rgettes, ",int and dressil1g. Transfer them to a large salad bowl, then crumble the leta over the top. garnish wnh the remaining mint leaves and seNe.

2 lab!espooos olive oil

grated rind and Juice of


For marinated courgette salad. thinly slice 3 courgelleS lengthways and put them in a non metallic bowl with>'; deseeded and slic ed red chilli, 4 tablespoons lemon Juice, 1 crushed garlic clovo and
4 tablespoons olive oil. Season to taste with salt and

pepper. leave tho salad to marinate, covered, lor at least 1 hour. Roughly chop a small bunch 01 mini, t088 with the salad and serve immediately.


shaved fennel & radish salad

Serves 4-6

P,eparalioo 1_ 10 mlnutll
2 le"nel bulb... about

Slice Ihe fennel and raciishes as thir'Y as possible on a mandolin or With a knle, reservin g ihe fennel fronds for garnish. Toss together in a large sa ad bow wi:h the parsley.

2 tablespoons rought}'

300 9 (10 oz) r.cll"hes chopped Pl'rsley

6 !5 0 g ( l lbi5lI'Ilolal

Make the dress ng by wh s..;ing together It-e lemon juice and oil. Season to laste with sa,l and pepper.
Add the dressing 10 the salad and toss gently to mix. Garnis h wrth the feathery fennel tips and serve.


4 lable$pQOnS lemon juice 2 lablespo<)l'lll olive oil sail and pepper

mix to gether 3 tablespoons cid!'!' vinegar, 1 tablespoon toasted cumin seeds and 400 ml (14 II 02) water in a small saucepan. Bring 10 tho boll and season to taste with sail and popper. Immediately pour tho liquid over 650 9 (lib 5 oz) ttunly sifted fennel and leave to cool. Dram the p>ckled fennel and sorve as a side salad or as an
For pickled fennel salad,

accompaniment to grilled fish.


green beans with almonds

&><ves4 Preparation lome 10 minutes, plus standIng Cookmg time 5 minutes 1 tsaspooo Dilen moslard 2 tablespoon. while wine vinegar 1 shallot. lnely chopp&<!
3 tablespoons oliva oil

Mix together the mustard and vinegar in a bowl.


the finely chopped sha\lol, and leave to stand for

10 minutes, then whisk in the oil.

Trim and b'anch the beans, then toss them in the dressing and serve in a salad bowl topped With the slivered almoods. dressing, put For green beans with anchovy heavy-based 150 ml ('. pOnt) olive oil into a small, ies. Cook over saucepan and add 3 canned anchov es have a low I'l00.1 for 5 minutes until the anchovi e Ihe pan from softened and broken down. Remov cool 10 room the heat and leave Ihe dressin g to white wine tempera ture. 'Nhisk in 2 tablespoons pepper. Toss vinegar and aome cracked black 500 g (lib) 1rimmed and blanched green beans 1ely. in 1he dressing and serve immedia

500 9 (lib) Green beans 2 tablespoons toasted

silvered .Imonds




pickled vegetable salad

Serves 4 Preparatioo time 20 minutes, plus oooling Cooking t"n" 2.0 minutes
B small shallots

Trim the shallots and break the cauliflower mto small

florets. Core and deseed the pepper and cut the flesh into 2 em

(% inch) squares.

Put the waler and vinegar ir'lto a heavy-based

saucepan, bring 10 the bo,1 and add the cauliflower, pepper and shallots. Retu'n the liquid to the bOil and boil for 2 minutes. Take the saucepan off the heat and leave the vegetables to cool in the liquid.

1 small cauliflower
1 li tre (I,. pints) water 150 ml ( pInt) while wine vinegar


Trim the beans and sugar snap peas and blanch in

lighlly salted boJing wale', Refresh them in cold water and drain.

1 5 0 9 (5 01.) green beans 150 9 (5 0:) sugs, snap pess 75 9 (3 o:zl watercress olive all selt and pepper

When the pickling liquid is cool, s\raill the vegetables

and mix them With the beans, peas and watercress in a large salad bowl. Dress With olive all, season to taste with salt and pep::ler and serve

For pickled cucumber & chilli salad. cut

2: cucumbers in half lengthways and remove the

seeds by running a small teaspoon along the centre. Slice the cucumber diagonally and place in a non' metallic bowl. Add 1 tablespoon finely sliced pickled ginger, 1 deseeded and finely sliced red chilli and

5 finely sliced spring onions. Put 100 g (3% ozl sugar, 75 ml (3 II oz) rice wine vinegar and 400 ml (14 II ozl
waler in a heavybased saucepan and bring 10 the boil. Allow to coo\. then pour Ihe liqukl over the cucumbers and leave to stand for al least 1 hour. The pickled cucumbers will keep for up to one week in a covered container in the refrigerator.


potato salad
S-s4-6 Preparll tion lime 10 minute.. Cooking time IS minutes I k g (2 Ib) new potatoes
pillS cooling

Halve t h e potatoes a n d cook i n lightly salted boiling water until tender. Rinse under cold water and leave to cool. Meanwhile, slice the bacon into thm strips. Heal the oil In a frying

pan and cook the bacon until golden; drain

125 9 (4 oz) smoked slruky 1 teaspoon vegetable 011 175 mI (6 n oz) Mayonnaise
(sell "",00

on kitchen paper and allow to cooL Finely slice the spring onions, reserving some for garnish.

6 spring onions

Put the potatoes, finely sliced spring onlOIlS and bacon

in a large salad bow1. Gently stir in the mayonnaise. Season to taste with salt and pepper, garnish WIth the .eseNe<! spring onions and serve. FOf" blue cheese'" walnut potato salad, add 50 9 tablespoon soured cream and

page 12)

salt and pepper

(2 oz) blua cheese, 2.

1 tablespoon ICITIOfl]uice to 175 ml (6 II oz) mayonnaise

and combine well. M the dressing through the c;ooi!;o d potatoes together with 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. Gamish with 40 9

(l\ 01:) toasted walnuts and SONe.


red cabbage slaw

Serves 4-6 Prepatalicn I'me 20 minutes, plus milnnallll9
500 9 (1 Ib) red c..

rim thestalkend 01the red cabbage and finely shred T the cabbage. Cut the redonion in half andslice it thinly. Peel the beetroot andcarrots andc u 1lhemboth into

thin matchsticks or grate coarsely. Halve the fellnel

bulb andshredit flllely. Put all thepreparedvegetables, chopped parsley Of dill l ss l rge saladbowl and o I Sor sultanasin a a f lSIl and a

I red onion 1 raw beetroot

2 c:a'l'()ls

1 fennal bulb
2 tablespoons chopped

them With your handsto combine welL

Makethe dr I the yogurt with the VInegar, ing . MX es s

mustard, honey, crushedgarlic,a pinch of sail and plenty 01 pepper. Pour this dressmg overthe slaw, mix well andleave to marinate for at least r e or sourdough bread. slaw With y e 1 hour, Serve th

parsley or dill
n s or 75 9 (3 (1,1) raisi sultenes

Oreulng 6 tablespoon. natural yogurt 1 tablespoon cider vlnega. or white wine vinegar 2 teaspoons sweet German mustard or OIJon musta,d

For crunchy chilli slew,finely slice white cabbage and 250 g ed (8 oz) r

250g (8oz)
cabbage, Cut

eelerandthinly slice 1 carrot mto thin ribbons with a p

1 red onion and I fennel bulb. Makea dressing by

mixing together sauce,

3 tablespoons

sweet chillisauce, Juice of andallow

1 teaspoon clea' honey

1 garlic clove. crushed
salt and pepper

1 tablespoon soy sauce, , tablespoon barbecue

2tablespoons olive 041and the oss the salad in thedressing 2 li mos. T

to stand for at least 30 mmutes for the flavours to infuse before serving.


rocket & parmesan salad

Sl)fVes 4-6, as a Side dish Preparation time 5 minutes
250 9

Make the dressing by wh'sking the lemon ju'ce, oil and mustard. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Put the rocket in a large salad bowl, sprinkle over the Parmesan and mix lightly. Pour over the dressing and toss to combine. Garnish the salad with the Parmesan shavings and serve.
For rocket salad with chive dressing, blanch a

(8 ozl rocket

20 9 (% oz) finely grated Parmesan cheese

40 9 (tl! oz) Parmesan

cheese shavings
Dressing 4 tablespoons lemon juice

bunch 01 chives in boiling water for 30 seconds until bright green. Refresh immediately in cold water. Squeeze out all the excess water, roughly chop and transfer to a blender Jug. Add

2 tablespoons olive (lil

l! teaspoon Oijon mustard

50 ml (2 II oz)

Mayonnaise (see page 1 2), 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. Blend until smooth, adjusting the consistency with 1 tablespoon wann water if necessary. Mix

salt and pepper

250 9 (8 oz) rocket with

a thinly sliced fennel bulb. pour over the dressing, toss together and serve immediately.


light salads



caesar salad
Serves 4-6

Make the dressing. Put the ma y on naise In II small


Preparation l ime 20
Cooking time

bowl and stir in enough of the water to make a thin, pourable sauce. Pound the garlic to a paste with a little coarse sea salt Add to the mayonnaise with the Parmesarl and stir well. Thin with a little more water if necessary so that the saJce re mains pourable. Add pepper 10 taste and set aSide. pieces and put Tear the lettuce leaves into bile-sized anchOVIes, chop them into a large salad bowl. Drain the the lettuce. them inlo small pieces and scatter over slices. Discard Cut the bread into 3 cm (1 i4 inch) thick slices of bread the crusts. Melt the butter, brush the ) squares. Brush then cut the bread into 2.5 cm (1 i nch and arrange a baking sheet with a little melted butter sides with any the bread in a Single layer, brushing the oven, 200C remaining butte'. Bake in a preheated i nutes or until the (4CXfF), Gas Mark 6, 'or about 12 m Watch the l croUtons are crisp and a deep go den colour. they tend croOlons carefully after 8 minutes, because the cook ing time. to colour quickly towards the end of drizzle Tip the hot croulons into the salad and qUIckly Parmesan the dressmg over the top. Scatter the tely. shavings over the salad and serve Immedia



1 eos lettuce
50 9 (2

ozl can an(:hovy oz) butter

shevings, 10 garnish

fillets in olive oil

1 small white loal 75 9 (3

3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

5 tablespoons Mayonnaise
(see page

1 2)

4-5 tablespoons water 1 -2 garlic cloves

3 tablespoons finl,lly grated

Parmesan cheese salt and pepper

For cajun chicken Caesar salad, mix 2 teaspoons cajun seasoni ng with 4 tabspoons ohve oil. Rub

4 chicken breasts in the midure and allow to marinate for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Heal a griddle pan over a medium heat and cook the chicken for 4-5 minutes
on each s ide until cooked through. Allow to rest for

2 minutes, then slice thinly and seNe with Caesar Salad.


greek salad

Preparahon t,me 1 0-15


( inch) chunks and

Cut the cllClImber and

tomatoes into 1-2 em

put them in a 8rge salad bowl.

Cut the flesh from the peppers and carefu:1y rerT'()'ie the nbs and the seeds. Cui the pepper flesh Into thm strips and put Inem in the bowl with ihe cucumbers and tomatoes. Fi nely sl:ce the red onion and add 10 the bowl with the olives.

)j cucumber 4 plum tomlltoes 1 red pepper

1 green pepper
It fed onion
60 9 (2:': oz) pitted KelINMla olives 50 9 (2 oz) feta cheese,

Make the dreSSing by whlski1g Ine 011 and parsley. Season to taste w th sari and pepper.


Pour the dressing over the sa!ttd and toss carefully. Transfer to serving bow's, scatter some fela evenly oYer each bowl and serve.
For Greek seiad with garlic pitta bread rub 4 pitta breads with a peeled clove of garlic. drizzle w ith olive

4 tablespoons olive 011 1 lableepooo chopped

p8.sley ult and

oil, season with salt and pepper and toast in a


breads into pieces, about 2 cm (J: inch) square, and

sel aSide. Prepare the Greek Salad as aboe, adding

preheated oon, 1 gQe (375F). Gas Mark 5, fo r 4-5 minutes until crisp. Roughly break Ihe pilla

2 tablespoons chopped basil and 2 tablespoons

chopped minI. Toss the salad and serve. garnished with the pllta bread pieces and a dollop of hummus on each plate.


nic,;oise salad
s-, '

F'l'eparatJon I S mlnoAes (;ooIo:lng lime 16-'5 minutes

..00 9 (13 oz) ..,.,..'1 atoes 200 9 (1 oil green beans,


water, leave Cook the potatoes 11'1 lightly sa'ied bOili'lg bring a large them to cool and halve them. Meanwhile, boil, add the saucepan of lightly salted water to the m nutes unb, tnmmed green oeans and blanch for 1-'2 Re'resh in cold bright green aoc! stin firm to the touch. bowl. water, dram and tral'lsfel to a large salad
Core the tomatoes and cut each one into 6 pieces. Add the tomatoes and chopped parsley to the beans with the potatoes, olives, lemen juice and 0.1. Season

large plum tomatoes 2 tablespoons cIIopped pa'$ley, pluS etl,. leavea forgamrsh 60 9 (214 ozl pitied bl&ek
2 tablespoons lemon Juice

to taste With salt and pepper.

Transfer the sa 'ad to serving plaies and top each one with a poached egg clli i n half and a dnzzle of olive ot

Garnish with the reserved p arsley leaves and serve,

2-3 tablespOOns olive all

4 la,ge. solt-polched eggs

salt and pepper

For luna nil;oise salad, preparo Ihe s alad in Iho same way as the ni90ise salad. Drain 1 85 9 (6% oz) canned luna in olive oil. Rake Ihe fish and loss il Ihrough I he ni90lsa salad and serve, lopped wilh a soft-poaclled egg, if liked.


turkey & avocado salad

SelVes 4 l'Iepsr8tion ,i",., 20 minutes 37 9 Thinly slice the turkey. Peel, stone and dice the avocado and m il<. it with Ihe mustard and cress and salad leaves in a large bowl. Add the lurkey aIld toasted seeds and s tir to combine.
Make Ihe dressing by whisking together Ihe apple

[12 oz) cooked turkey

1 18rge avocado pUNle! of mustard and cress

150 9 (5 02) mixed s"lad 50 9 (2 oz) mixed toasted see<ls, such as pumpkin leaves

jui ce, yogurt, honey and mustard. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat Serve the salad with toasted wholegrain rye bread or rolled up in flat breads. For crab, apple & avocado salad, prepare the salad In the S3me way, using 300 9 (10 oz) cooked, fresh white crab meat instead of the turkey_ Cut 1 apple into thin matchsticks and toss With a little lemon juice to stop it from discolouring. Make a dreSSing by whisking
:2 tablespoons apple Juice with

and sUflflowc.
:1 tae8poons apple juice :< tablespoons nal ural yogurt

1 teaspoon clear honey , teaspoon wholegraln mustard salt and pepper

a squeeze of lemon Juice and

3 tablespoons olive oil,

finely diced shallol

Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour the dressing over the salad, stir c arefully to mi and serve.



panzanella salad
Serves4 Prvparatoon 1 5 minutes, plus standing
600 9 (Il' lb) large tom.toes

Roughly chop the tomatoes Into

2 C 'Tl (l

nch) pieces

and put them in a nOll-'T1etalllC bowl. Sprlnlde over the sea sail and leave to stand for 1 hour. Remove the crusis from the c abatta and lear the bread into rou9'1 chunks. Give the tomatoes a good squash with dean hands, then add the bread, on on, basil, vinegar and oil. Season to laste with sail and pepper. Mi together carefully Bnd transfer to seNing plates. Garnish with the dra,ned anchovies and the reserved basil and serve. For tomato

1 tablespoon see $.lit

1 SO 9 (5 oz) o;iabatt. bread

'" red onion, finely chopped

I handful of basll leaves, plus

extra 10< garnish 1 table$pOOn red wine vineg.r 2 tablespoons olive all 12 piekled while anchovlel,

& bean salad, finely slice 1 red onion, 9 (5 all

a roasting

covor With 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar and leave to stand for about 30 minutes. Cut 150 ciaballa bread into chunks and place


salt and pepper


tin. Drizzle with olie oil, season with salt and pepper and add 2 sprigs of thyme. Cook the ciabatta in a preheated oven, 1 90"C (375"F). Gas Mark 5, until golden and crispy. Dice 300

9 (10 oll tomatoes and

put them in a largo bowl. Add 410 9 (13. oz) can borloni beans, rinsed and drained, 4 1 0 9 (1 3',


can cannelhni beans, rinsed and drained, and 1 bunch of chopped basil. Remove the onion from the vinegar, reserving the vinegar, and add to the salad With 12 dralned pickled white anchovies. Add 1 teaspoon Dilon mustard to the

reserved vinegar and whISk in

5 tablespoons olive oa. Season with salt and pepper.

Add the dress,ng to the salad, toss thoroughly and seNe, garnished with the clabaUa croOtons.


spring vegetable salad

Serves4 PrepDration tome 1 0 minutes
Cooking lime 1 0 minutes 200 9 (7

Put the peas, asparagus and sugar snap peas In a saucepan 01 sa led boi'ing water and Simmer for

3 minutes. Dra;n, then refresh under cold running water. Cut the courgettes mlo long, thin ribbons and thinly
slice Ihe ferneL Transfer al\ Ihe vegetables to a large salad bowl

oz) fresh Of frozen

"".. 200 9 (7 az) esper.ius.

200 9 (7 oz) sug., snap

and mix together. In


Make the dressing by whisk;ng logether Ihe lemon

rind and Juice. mllstard, hooey. parsley and oil and seIVe. For beetroot dressing. to serve with spring another bowl. Toss the dressng through the vegetables

"".. '2 eourgettes 1 fennel bulb Dressing g..ted rind and juic:e of
I lemon teaspoon Dllon mustard

1 teaspoon elea. honey 1 tablespoon chopped flBt

vegetable salad. prepare Ihe vegetables as above and set aside, Finely slice " red onion and 1 garlic clove. Heat :2 tablespoons olive oil in a sauf'.epan over a medium heat and gently cook the onion and garlic. Add 4 precooked beetroot and 6 roughly chopped
sun.blushed tomatoes and continue to cook for

I.,f persley
tablespoon olive all

3 minutes. When the onions start to colour deglale

the pan with :2 tablespoons balsamic v inegar. Cook

for 1 minute. then add 100 ml

{31{ II ozl chicken or

vegetable stock. Reduce the stock

leave to cool. Transfer the stock to a tood and the

by a quarter, then processor

or blender and whiz until smooth. Season with saU

pepper and add up to 2 tablespoons cream until dressing over the vegetables and serve.

Ihe dressing reaches a drilliing consistency. Drillie


beetroot & orange salad

Senoes 2-4

Pl'epar8hon tme 15 minutes

CooI<ing lme 30


7 $mall beetroot

1 teaspoon cumin .eeds tablespoon red wine vi!le98r

Scrub and trim the beetroot and put them In a foil lined roasting tin w Ih the cumin seeds and vinegar and bake In a preheated oven, 1 90C (375F), Gas Mark 5, fOf 30 minutes Of until cooked. Check by piercing one WIth a knife. Allow the beetroot to cool slightly and Inen, wearing food-handling gloves, rub off the skin and slice the globes into halves, or quarters if large.
Meanwhile, peel and segment the oranges. Make the dressing by wh'ski ng the honey, mustard, vinegar and o I. Season to taste with sail and pepper.

2 oranges
65 9 (2l1

02) watercress

159 (3 oz) solt ts'

cheese cracked black pepper


\ tablespoon clear honev

Put the watercress in a bowl with the beetroot and add the dressing. Mix gently to combine. Arrange the oranges on a plate. top with the salad and crumble over the cheese. Season with cracked black pepper and serve.
& salami salad, in a small plastic container cover
For marinated goats' cheese, sun-blushed tomato

1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard l J<1 tablespoons while wine vinegar 3 tablespoons olive oil
sail and pepper

125 g (4 ozl soft goats' cheese with about 250 ml (8 fI ozl olivo 011. Add 2 sliced garhc cloves, 1 PlecO lemon rind, a sprig of Ihyme and 1 tablespoon toasted cumin seeds. leave 10 mannate overnight. Drain the choese, discarding Ihe mannade, and leave 10 dry on kitchen papor. Thinly stice 125 g (4 ozl salami and place in a large salad bowl wllh 1 50 9 (5 ozl drained sunblushed tomatoes and 1 5 0 9 (5 oz) rocket. Crumble 60 9 (2 oz) of the goats' cheese into the salad. Mako the dreSSing as above and pour over the salad. Toss carefully to combine, crumble the remainmg goats' cheese ovor the lop and serve.


cajun potato & prawn salad

....... ,

Halve the po:atoes and cook them n a large saucepan of lightly salted ball ng water for until tender. Ora'n well. Heat the oil '0 a wok or large, nonst ick frying pan. Add and cajun seasoning and stir-'ry for 2-3 m,nutes or unt,1 the prawns are hot. 51'1 in the po!aloes for 1 minute. Transier to a serving dish. Peel, stone and dice the avocado and stll .nto the salad. Top with the al'alia spI"outs and serve. For cajun chicken wings with potato & avocado salad, mi together '2 tablespoons vegetable oil and wings in the miKiure lor at least 1 hour. Put the the prawns, CNShed garlIC, finely sliced spnng on OIlS

Cooking tome 15-20 mlmrt..

300 9 (10 or) new potatoes

Preparat'on t,me 1 0 minutes

10-- 1 5 mirlUtes or

250 9 (8 or) K)ked peeled

I tablespoon olive oil kino prawns

and cook

4 spring onions, finely I 2 \eaSjXlOl'l$ cajun seasoning

1 .vdo handlul of aHaU. sprouls

1 garli<; dove, cn.oshed


2 teaspoons cajun seasoning. Marinate 1 2 chicken

chicken wings on a foiHined baking sheet and cook

undor a preheated hoi grill lor 8-1 0 1

minutes until

golden and cooked through. Prepare the potatoes as above and stirfry 10 a wok or nonstick frying pan with crushed garlic clove, 4 sliced spring onions and

2 teaspoons cajun spice. Mix with the avocado and

aerve with a wedge of lettuce and the chicken wings.


pea & broad bean salad

"'"" '
f'roparat;Of\ tIme 15 minutes Coomg bme 10 minutes

150 9 (15 02) hOlon

1tTI3.11 b\lnch 01 mini, .ough/)'

150 9 (5 oz) let. cheese

150 9 (5 02) broad beans 15 9 (3 w) snow pea tendrils


Waler to the Bring a large saucepan of I ghly salted s. Refresh n cold boi' and cook the peas for 2 minute minutes, refresh and water. Cook tile broad beans for 3 MIX the peas and peel 10 reveal Ine bright gleen inside. and roughly broad beans with the snow pea tendrils chopped mint mustard, oil and Make the dressmg by whisking the pepper. VInegar. Season to taste w:!h sail and ly mix In the Crumble the leta into the salad, careful dreSSIng and serve.

leaspoo<1 01101'1 muSUord oil

For pea, broad

2 tablespoon' 011.,

tabkl8poo1'1 chardonnay vinegar

salt and pepper

bean & chorizo salad, prepare the way as above. Pul peas and broad beans In the same tendrils and add them in a bowl wrth Iho snow pea chorizO sausages 1 grated courgette. Thinly slice 3 until golden and diagonally and fry in a hot frying pan add to Ihe salad. crispy. Drain on kitchen paper, then above and lOSS the Whisk Ihe dressing ingredients as immediately. salad with the mint and fela. Serve


orange & avocado salad

Serves 4 Preparalion llr'H1 20 ""n...tes 4 I&lge ;Ur:;y oranges

Cut the skin and the wl1,te membrane off Ihe oranges,
Working over a bowl 10 catch the ju ce, cut between the membranes to remove the segments. Peel and stone Ihe avocados, slice the flesh and loss gently with the orange segments. Pile on to servmg plates.

2 small npoe avocados

2 tellSpOOf'l8 <; POds

3 tablespoons olive ojl 1 tablespoon clea. honey pooch 01 " Ispice

2 teaspoons lemon Juice

Reserve a few whole cardamom pods for garn,shing. Crush the remainder using a mortar and peslle to extract the seeds or place them the pods.


a sma'i bowl and

crush with the end of a rolling p n. Pick out and discard

salt and pepper sprigs 01 watercress. to garnish

juice. Season to l aste with salt and pepper and 511and serve WIth the dress og spooned over the top.

Mill the seeds With the oil, hOrley, allspICe and lemon

,n tne reserved orange JUICe. Garnish the salads wth sprigs of watercress and the resef'led cardamom pods

For orange, avocado & honey duck salad, prepare the salad as above. Score 4 duck breasts with a diamond pattern on the fat s ide of the breast. 'Place the d uck, skin side down, in a large frying pan, season
with salt and pepper and cook for golden. Turn the duck over, dnzzle

5-6 minutee until with h oney and

cook for a funher 6 minutes or until cooked through. duck and serve with the orange and avocado salad.

Set aside and allow to rest lor 1 0 minutes. Slice the


smoked lrout & grape salad

5<>_ ' Flake the smoked Iroul into b'te-slzed pieces, removmg any bones, and place in a large salad bowl. Wash and drain the grapes and watercress and add them to the bowl Finely 51 ce the fenne and add to the mix.

Preparal101l lome 1 5 minutes 200 \I (1 oz) smoked trout 160 \I (!>\{oz) red seedles, grapes
75 II (3 ozl watercress 1 fennel bulb

Make the dressing by mixing the mayonnaise,

cornichons, capers and lemon ju,ce. Season to taste w th salt and pepper, then carefully 'TlIX through the salad and serve, For crispy trout salad, add

Oressing 3 lablospoons Mayonnaise (see page 1 2)

4 eomlchons, finely d;coo

finely chopped hard

boiled egg. '2 finely chopped anchovy 'iliets and

1 tablespoon chopped parsley to Ihe dressing.

1 tablespoonS Clll/*rs, "'-' 2 tablespoont lemon Julu salt and pepper

Prepare the salad as above, adding each about

green apple, Heal

cui into matchsticks. Season 2 pieces of fresh trout,

140 9 (4\ 02), with sail and pepper.

tablespoon vegetable oil in a frying pan over a high

heat and cook the trout, skin aide down, for

4 minutes,

pressing it down wilh a hsh slice to give an evenly

2 minutes or until it is just cooked through.

serve immediately with the crispy trout.

crispy skin. Tum over the fish and cook for a further Remove

from the pan. Toss the salad with the dreSSing and


watermelon & feta saiad

s.. Heat a trying pall and dry-fry the sesame seeds for 2

F\epa<!l11OI'I tme 10 minutes

CookIng lme 2 minutes


until alOmalic, then sel aside.

Peel, deseed and dice the watermelon and dICe the leta Arrange the watermelon and leta on a large plale with the rocket and herbs. Whisk together the oil, orange f'ower water, lemon jUice, pomegranate syrup

1 tablespoon black HSflme


500 9 (1 Ib) wlte,melon

175 II (8 oz) fet. <;he,"

(if used) and sugar. Season

875 9 (l" tb) .ocllet

spnogs 01 mint, paorsley and eonande.

10 taste With salt and pepper, then dnzz.e over the salad. Sprinkle WIth the sesa-ne seeds and serve.
For tomato. feta &0 basil salad, cui 750 9 tomatoes together

6 ttlblespoons olive 011 I tablespoon orangl fwer


into wedges and carefully transfer them 10


(1 Ib)

a large salad bowl. Make the dreSSl1"lQ by whisking

1 tablespoons lemon juice

1 teaspoon pomegranate syrup (ophonaO

In a small

3 tablespoons aged balsamic

vinegar and 6 ta blespoons olive oil. Add 675 g ( 1 'Y. lb) rocket, a small handful of basil leaves and the sprigs

teaspoon caste. sugar

salt and pepper

of m int and parsley to the tomatoes,

(6 oz) feta cheese, driule ovor

Crumble over 1 7 5 g

the dressing and combino lightly. Garnish with

3 tablespoons toasted pine nuts and selVa.


chicken, apricot & almond salad

s."""",. 4

Preparaloon lime 1 0 minutes

200 9 (7 oz) eelerv

759 (3 ozlelmonc!l 3 tablespoons chopped

Thinly slice the celery sticks d agona'ly, reserv1ng the yellow inner leaves. Transfer 10 a large salad bowl together with halt the leaves. Roughly chop the almonds ano add half to the bowl with the parsley and mayonnaise. Season to t aste w h h salt and pepper. Arrange the sa ao on a serv n9 plate. Shred the chicken and hale and stone the apncots. Add the <tucken and apricots to the sa ad and stir g>'ltly to combine. Garnish with the remaining a'monds 8I'd cele'Y leaves and serve. For grilled chicken with apricot & tomato salad, marinato 4 chicken breasts, each about 1 5 0 9 (5 O), with 2 crushed garlic cloves. 50 ml (2 II azl sweet chilli sauce and the juice and rind of 1 lime fOf at leasl 1 hour. Remove Ihe chicken from Ihe mannade and Iransfor 10 a heated griddle pan. Cook until golden and cookod through. Remove Ihe Sl0008 and chop 1 2 8p1"icols inlo 5 mm (. inch) pieces. Mix With 3 ripe tomatoes cuI into 5 mm (" inch) pieces and 2 tlblospoons chopped coriander. Whisk together 3 tablespoons Jed wme vinegar, 3 tablespoons olive oil, I teaspoon brown sugar and 1 teaspoon soy sauce and pour the dress,ng over the salad. Combine well and serve with the chicken.

parslev lal:>IIlHIf>OO<" "'.yonn']" lseepage 12) 3 poad1ed or roast8d dllekln bre.sts, each about 150 9
" '" 1 2 f,esh apricots

s,ll aOO



daikon, carrol & red pepper salad


CooI<ing lime 1-3 mlnutts

I small dalkon 3 urrots

Preparation tIme 1 5 minutes

the red pepper proves d,fficu't to shred, thinly slice i1 into

ju1ieone slnps. Place the vegetables and the sesame seeds in a bowl and mIX together with your hands. Put the sesame oil, mlin and vinegar n a small pan and heat gently for 2-3 mInutes to blend the f avours. Remove the pan from the heal and allow the m dure to cool a little. Arrange the salad in a mound in the centre of eadl of

Grate O f shred Ihe dakoo. carrots 800 red pepper.


1 large. firm red pctppel

I lab!espooo toasted
sesame seeds

1 tesspool1 , 011

1 table$poo<1 mill"
tablespoon r ice win. vinegar

plates and pour Ihe dreSSIng over and around l Top

each salad w Ih finely shredded spring arions, gam;sh with coriander leaes and serve. For dalkon salad with Asian-style ribs, make fI marinade in a small saucepan by combining

.( spring onions, finely

coriander leeves, to garnish

5 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar, 1 cm C inch) fresh
root ginger, peeled and sliced, the rind and juice 01 I orange, 1 cinnamon slick and 1 star anise. Warm the marinado thoroughly, stirring unlil the sugar has dissolved, then allow 10 cool. Cut 600 g (lib

2 0z)

pork spare ribs into pieces, pour the marinade ovor them and leave to mannate overnight. Arrange the spare ribs on a loil-lined baking sheet and grill lor

20 minutes

until sticky, rotating and basting

occasionally. Prepare the salad as above and serve with the cooked ribs.


Serves 4-6 Preparation lone 1 tI minutes

Cooking Ime 5 minutes

5 ,'pe tomatoes

Cut the tomatoes, cucumber, green and red peppers and onion into 1 em ( inch) pieces and put them in a nonmelalUc bowl Cut the Ilat breads mto 1 em (IS inch) squares. Heat the oil In a frymg pan and fry the bread in batches. Drain on kitchen paper and allow to cool. Make the dreSSing by whisking together the garlic, lemon jUice, oil, parsley and minl Pour the dressing over Ihe vegetables, toss carefully and season to taste With sail and pepper. Garnish with the croutons and serve immediately. For whole grilled sardines with fattoush salad, gut and bone a whole sardines and put them on a baking sheel. Put 1 sprig 01 rosenlary in each calty. Mix togother 4 tablespoons olie oil and 1 crushed garlic cloe and bf\lsh the sardines with the garlic-lIavoured oil. Season 10 laste with salt and pepper. Cook the sardinas on a barbecue or under a preheated hot grill lor 3 minutes on each side. Remove the sardines from the grill and selVe with the falloush salad and wedges ol lemen.

1 cucumber 1 green peppe,

I red pepper red onion
4 flat bread,

2 tablespoons 011., oil

ult and pepper


1 ga,llc clove, (",shed

4 tablespoons lemon Juice

2 tablespoons chopPed 2 tablespoons chopPed mini


3 tablespoons olive 011


fig , raspberry & prosciutto salad

?reparatIOn lme 5 minutes HiO 9 (5 o rocket and beetroot ..1-.:1 mi.
6 npe ligl, halved
Serves 4-6

Put the rocket and beetrooi leaves In a large bow add the halved figs, the raspbernes and the prosciutto, toss carefully and trans'er to a large serving p'ate. Meke the dressing by wh sking together the vinegar and 011. Tear each mozza.e la ball into 3 pieces and arrange them on the salad. Drizzle iha dressing over the sa'ad and serve. For grilled fig & raspberry frui t salad, cut 6 ripe figs in half and spllnkle tablesfXlOn caster sugar over each half. Cook under a preheated hot grin /01 3-4 minutes until golden. Put on a plate with 1 5 0 9 (5 ozl raspberries. drizzle with 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and serve as a dessert.

150 9 (15 oz) raspberries

B "hoes of prosciutto

2 latge buffilio ITIOznr,'l. bells, each about ISO 9 (5 on) Dr.sslng tablespoons aged bat.ernle vinegar 2 tablespoons olive 011


walnut & blue cheese salad

...., .
Prep&lahon lome 1 5 minutes
Cooking me S minutes

50 9 (2 oz) welnut 11,,1'1" 2 tablesp)OnS leln; "UVa.

:2 chicory lind.

Put tne wa nuls in a plashc bag with the icing sugar and 1 lablespoo'1 water and shake them unt I coaled. Arrange Ihe n!lls on a baking sheet ard roast In a preheated ewe , 1 80C (350"F), Gas Mark 4, for 5 m nutes or until gold and crusted.


5 0 9 (2 oz) rod<et

1 radicchio, aepa<atod onto

Separate lhe chicory leaves and put them into a large salad bowl with the rocket a'ld rad cchio. Crumble over the cheese and add ttle walnuts. Toss carelu'ly.
Make the dress ng by wh sking together the mustard, vinegar and oil. Drizzle the dressirg over the salad, mix lightly and serve.


125 9 14 al) bh cheese,

such as Roquefort

1 teaspoon Oilon mustard

4 tablespoons olive

2 tablespoons cider vlrler


For griddled radicchio &. chicory salad, cui 2 chicory heads in half and 2 radicchio into quar1ers. Dual well with about 2 tablespoons icing sugar afld place on An oiled griddle over medium heat. Griddlo tho chicory heads and radicchio until golden and caramelizod. Combine 3 tablespoons cider vinegar and 4 tablospoons olive oil with 20 9 (+4 ozl sultonas and heat in a small saucepan. Pour over the salad and combine well. Garnish with 3 tablespoons roughly chopped parsley and 125 g (4 oz) crumbled Gorgonzola cheese.


raspberry salad with toasties

....... PreparatoonlJtntl 15 minutes
Cooking 1In\e 4 minutes 11 red onion, thnly sliced

Put Ihe on,on in a bow with the salad leaves and raspberries. Drizzle over the villegar and toss together. Cut the pomegranate into quarters. flex the skin and pop out the seeds. Sprinkle half the seeds oyer the salad, Ihen transfer Ihe salad to 4 serving plates.
T08st the

1 25 9 (4 oll mlled s.lad leawe$, Including baby red



1 00 9 (3 oz) ffesh raspberries 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 pomegranate

e SIOCe8, about 75 9 (3 o,zl.

bread OIl both siCes and 8111U'1ge 2 slices In Ihe centre of each serving plate. Spoon the cottage cheese on to Ihe toast, sprinkle with the remaln;ng pomegranate seeds and a lithe papnka and serve.

whclemeel French t:>read 250 9 (8 oz) cottage cheese little paprika

For raspberr"1 salad dressing, to serve with the above salad. put 100 9 (3' ozl raspberries. 100 (3', II ozl raspberry vinegar, 150 ml ()< pint) olie oil. I teaspoon caSler sugar. 1 teaspoon Dilon mustard, 2 tablespoons chopped tarragon and 1 chopped garlic cloe in a food processor or blender. Wh until smoolh, then taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. If you would like the dressing really smooth pour it through a fine siee. It will keep. coered, lor up to 7 days in the refrigerator.


chop salad mexican style


Se",es4 Preparahon !.me 1 0 minutes

I iceberg lettuce

Cut the lettuce into

b te-slZed

p'eces and put them

into a large salad bowi. Add the beans, avocado, tomatoes and on on w th tne coriander and chil (if used).

M It a the Ingredients together.

410 9 (13'4 can red kidney beans, draU>ed and nnsed t avocado, peeled, .toned and dICed
)j red onion, finely dioed

Make the dress ng by wh,sklng together the I,me JU ce

and oil. Drizzle the dress ng ever It-e salad and m it lighVy to comb ne. Garnish W1tn lig,tly crushed corn chips and seIVe WIth SO<.lred cream

(If I ked).

2 flpe tomatoes, chopped

1 teapoon chopped 1

coriander leaves jalapei'lo thlili (opl.onaO. finely a1,eed corn chips, to garnIsh soured cream (opt;ooaQ. to serve Dressing
juiea of

2 CO!! lettuces and put the pieces into a large salad 3 poached chicken breasts. each about 1 5 0 g (5 ad, and add to the lettuce with 60 g (2', ad toasted pecan nuls, 50 9 (2 ru:) dried cranberries,
bowl. Shred

For cranberry & chicken chop salad, roughly chop

1 diced red apple and 1 cored, deseeded and

chopped groen pepper. Whisk cider vinegar and

2 tablespoons apple

4 tablespoons olive oil and season

to taste with salt and pepper. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and lightly toss to combine, Garnish with crushed plain com chips and seIVe

1)j limn

3 tablespoons olive oil


tomato & mozzarella salad

Se<_4-6 Pfflparaloon lIme


500 II (1 b) ope tomatoes.

preferably dl'erent \yl)eS, such as heirloom and cherry and plum about 3 tablespoon. oli. 011 2 tablespoons aged balNimle handful 01 basil les 150 II (5 wI mini moua,ella balls salt and pepper

Cut half the tomatoes into thick slices and the o:her half into wedges. Arrange the slices on a a-ge serving p ale, sllghlly over app n9 each other. Put the tomat o wedges into a b owl and drizzle w ttl ol ive Oil and ba samic v negar. Season 10 taste w 11'1 sall and pepper. M,x carefully and arrange on lop of the

tomato slices.


Add the basil eaves and mozzarella baj's to the tomalo wedges.. Dnute the salad Wit h more o'ive oil and balsamic vinegar. season to taste with sa I and pepper and serve.
For lomato & pasta salad, cook 250 9 (8 01) fusil

tender. Refresh In cold water Chop 500 g (1 Ib) tomatoes into chunks and stir through tho still warm pasta, coat with olive oil and season to taste With salt and pepper. Mix through a large ha.ndful of lorn baSil leaves. gamish with Parmesan cheese shavings and serve.

or pen ne until II IS jusl


big salads

lhai -style beef salad

SeNes 4-&
Prepa'8t10fl tune 20

Finely grate or slce the paoaya and mango into long,


CooIung IIlne 10 mlnules 12!S 9 {4 oz} Slteen papaya,

salad bowl with the mango and papaya. Finely slice the shallols and add them \0 the mixture. Make the dress ng. Crush the chilli with the ginger and

thin strips. Combine the mini and basil leaves n a large

125 9 (4 az) green mango,

peeled and stoned handful of mint leave. handful of Thai basil leaves
'2 tmall, elongated .h.ellots 1 tablespoon vegetable 011

peel&d and ooseeded

sugar using a pestle and rrortar. Add the I me Juice and

fish sauce to


Heal a griddle pan OIl a high heat add the oil and iry the steak for steak from the

5 minutes on each s de. Remove the pan arld leave .\ to rest for 5 minutes.

4 lirloln steaks. each about 1 25 g (4 Dfesslng '" enllll, desooded 1


Thinly slice the steak d'agonally and arrange neatly on the serving plates. Add the dressi'lg to the salad, mix well 10 combine and serve with the steak.. For toasted rice khao koor, a special garnish you can add to Ihis salad, put 3 tablespoons faw jasmine rico in a small frying pan over a medium heat and

('" inch) Irash root

!llnller, peeed and finery .Iiced

1" table$poon$ palm luga,

continue stirring until all the rice is golden in colour. Allow the rice to cool, then grind it coarsely in a spice
gnnder or using a pestle and mortar. and spnnkle over the finished salad.

juice of '2


'2 tAhleapoona Th.1 fl.h

sauce (\'lam pia)


spiced chicken & mango salad

SelV'fls 4 Preparation tIlTH:!

CooIung tIme 5 minu\ts

15 mlnutfS

Cut the chicken breasts i'lto long, thin slICes. Put

the lemon juice

4 teaspoons of the curry paste in a p'astic bag With and mix together by squeezing the

bag. Add the chicken at1d loss together. 4 bone..,. . ....nle.... chldt,n

breasts, abou1 1 50 "

Half-fill the base of a steamer With water and bnng te

the 001. for

(5 on each

Steam the

ch'eken in a single layer, covered,

6 teaspoons mild curry paste

4 tablespoons lemon juie.

5 minutes unlil cooked. Test WIth a knife or metal skewer; the juices wil run clear when it is done.
Meanwhile, mix the remaLn ing curry paste irl a bowl

150 mI (" Pint) n,lu,al yogurt 1 rmorogo, peeled. atoned and 50 9 (2 oz) watercress
cut into chunka

wilh the yogurt.

Teaf the watercress into bile-sized pieces. Add it to

the yogurt dressing wilh the cucumber, red onion and mango and t055 gently.

l! c:ueumber, dICed II red onion, finely chopped II Iceberg lettuce

pieces and arrange on 4 pl ates. Spoon the mango mixture over the top, add the warm chicken strips and serve immediately.
Teaf the lettuce into For chilli prawn, mango

& avocado salad, replace

Ihe chicken wl1h 400 g

prawns wh the avocado. Hoat

(13 oz) peeled , raw tiger

tails on. Prepare the salad in the

tablespoons vegetable or grouoonut

same way as above but add the diced flesh of an

oil in a nonstick frying pan over a high heat, and fry

1 finely chopped red chilli for prawns aoo

minute, then acid the

2 finely chopped garlic cloves. Fry tor

:2 minutes until the prawns are pink and just cooked through. Mix through the salad and serve immediately.


japanese beef & noodle salao

Serves 4 PreparabO" I'me 15 mlnule"

Make the dreSSing. MIx the garlic and gmger with Ihe steaks in a non-metallic d'sn and add 2 tab espoons soy sauce, sweet chiili sauce and sesame od. Put the

pbs mannatng

CooIOOg t,me 1 5 minutes '1 sirloin sleeks, each about

of the dressing, reserving the resl Cover and leave to maMa!e for al asl 2 hours, Of preferably overnight cook the noodles for about 5 minutes or unti' done Refresh in cold waler, drain and trans'er to a bowl. Add tne vegetables to the bowl With ihe noodles Heat a gridd le pan on a high heat and cook the steaks for 5 minutes on each s de until medium rare (longer if you prefer your fT'eat we'l dooe). Allow to rest for Bring a saucepan of lightly sa'ted water 10 the ooil a/ld

250 9 (8 oz)
150 9 (5 oz) soba 1l00dles

1 small dalkon, peeled and

r.-.ely tId

2 carrots, peeled and finely

0"cu(:umber, peeled and finely

Dressing 1 garlic dove, fnely chopped 2 em

5 minutes and ther'! finely slice. Drizzle the dressir'!g

over the r'!ood e and vegetable mixture, add the shced steak and combine well. Gam sh with spnng or:ons and toasted sesame seeds and serve imrred ately. For sesame-crusted salmon & soba noodle salad, combme 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds,

('" il'lCh) fresh root

ginger, peeled and <:hopped 5 tablespoons soy sauce 4 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce

tablespoon white sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon

conander seeds. Put 4 small f,liets of salmon, each about 125 9

5 teaspoons sesame oil

To gllmish 5 spring onions, finely aloced 2 tablespoons toasted seseme seeds


(4 ozl, flesh

side down Into the seed

and press the seeds on to the flesh. Heat

1 tablespoon vegelabJe oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and fry the salmon, flesh side down, for 1 minute. T urn over the salmon and fry for about

4 minutes or unlll the salmon is just cooked through.

Serve with the noodle salad as above, garnished with coliander leave!;


italian broccoli & egg salad

..... . .

Preparation time 10 minutes Cooking time 8 minut.s 4 eggs 300 g (tOoz) broccoli
:2 small leeks. about 300 II

Half-nu the base of a steamer w,th waler , add the eggs and bring to the boil. Cover with Ihe steamer top and simmer for 8 minutes or !.lnU hard-boiled. Meanwhile, cut the broccol inlo florets and thickly r m, sl t and wash th e leeks and cui slice Ihe siems. T them Into thick slK:es. Add the broccoli to the top of the steamer and cook for 3 minutes, Ihen add the leek.s and cook for a further 2 minutes. Make Ihe dressing oy ml)(iflg logether the lemon juice, oil, honey, capers and tarragon in a salad bowl. Season to taste with salt and
pepper .

{10oz)in total spngs oI l,..a900, 10 gamiah (opliona1 Dressing 4 tabltospoons lemon llliea
:2 tablespoon. olive 011 :2 leaspooos cleaf honev

Crack Ihe eggs, cool lhem qUlck!y uncer cold running water and remove the shel s. Roughly chop the eggs.
Add the broccoli alld leeks to the dressing, loss toget her alld add the chopped eggs. Garnish with sprigs of larragon (if liked) and serve Vlarm w ih t hickly sl ced wholemeal bread.

1 \ab'espOOll CSperl, dramed 2 tab'espoons chopped tafragOn SIIlt and pepper

bacon & pi ne nut salad, cut 125 9 (4 oz) panceUa illto pieces about 5 mm-3 em (Y.-l \; inches). Heat a pan and dryfry the pallcetta I.mlil golden &Ild crispy, then drain on kitchen paper. Toast 4 tablespoons pine nuts ill a dry pan over a low heat until golden and toasted. Mix the pancetta with the broccoli and teeks, make a dressing as above and
For broccoli,

serve sprinkled with the pine nuts Instead of the eggs.


bang bang chicken salad

SeMll 4

Preparation \;me 15 minutes Cooking ,, 10 minute.

50 9 (2 oz) dried vefmelli

Bring a large saucepan of water to the bol and cooo< the noodles for 2 minutes. Refresh Ir'l cold waler, drs n and transfer to a 'a'ge bowl. Add the cabbage, carrot, cucumber and lime JUice to the noodles. Gently warm the peanut butter In a small saucepan. Add the sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce, v negar and sesame and vegelab,e oils and whisk to a pour n9 conSistency. (If ecessary, add a hllle warm waler to 8ch eve the correct cons stency.) Set the sauce aSide to coo! sl'ghtly. Shred the chicken breasts, add the mea! to ttoe noodle mix and combine well. Arra1ge on serving plates. spoon over the peanut sauce and gam sh witn finely sliced spring onions. For spicy beef skewers with noodle salad. cut 800 g (l ib 10 oz) rump steak into 2 em ( inch) squares. Mix together 1 tablespoon each ground ginger. chopped coriander and crushed cumin seeds with 3 crushed garliC cloves. 1 teaspoon crushed dl)' chilli and about 50 ml (2 II oz) olive oil. Cover the beel 1/1 the mixture and leave to marinate for at least I hour. Thread the beef on to meta! or presoaked wooden skewers and cook on a barbecue or a preheated hot griddle pan for 3 minutes on each SIde unT,1 cooked Ihrough. Serve with Iho noodle salad and "poco over the dressing.

noodles I> Savov cabb&ge, finely

"'''''dod I c.rrol. fir>e\y chopped ,. cucumber, finety cI\opped juice of 1 lime 100 9 (3lO m) pean"," butter 3 tablespoona sweet chilli
n. I la!)lespO(ln IOV $8",ee I teaspoon Chinese vinegar 2. lab!espoont sesame oil

2 tablespoons vegelable all 3 po.ched <;hlck.n lSts, each about 1150 II (5 oz) 3 finely sliced spring onions,
to 9lllnish


mango & smoked chicken salad

So_ _
PreparatIOn bITIe 1 5 minutes '2 ripe avocados, tw>Ived.

Slice o r dice the avocado f'esh and put it in a shallow bowl with the lemon ,uice.

aloned and pe&Ied 2 tablespoon_ temon juice

1 am" mango

Cut the mango in ha'! on either side of lhe central stone, peel away the skin and slice or dice the nesh.
Make the dressing. Whisk together the 0', mLstard honey and vinegar. Season to taste With salt and pepper. Remove the avocado from the lemon JUICe and mix the juice into the dressing. Arrange the watercress and beetroot on 4 plates or in a salad bowl and add the al/ocado and mango. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and stir to CO'l1bine. Thin slice the chicken and top the salad with the meat Serve Immed ate.

handful 01 watercress

509 (2 oz) rooked beetroot.

finely sliced
115 9 (6 oz) smoked chicken Dressing :3 tablespoons olive 011 1 teaspoon wholegrein

1 teaspoon clear honey 'l teaspoons cider vinegar

sail and pepper

For smoked chicken, white bean & thyme salad, rinse and drain 2: x 410 9 (13 oz) cans cannelhni beans and mix with 250 9 {8 oz} halved charlY tomatoes, 100 9 (3 oz) rocket, 60 g (2% oz) pilled green olives and 1 tablespoon chopped thyme. Make the dressing by whisking 1 taaspoon Dijoo mustard, 2: tablespoons cider vinegar, 4 tablespoons olive oil and ' tablespoon chopped thyme. Dress the salad and serve With 175 g (6 oz) thinly sliced smoked chicken.


duck, clementine & tatsoi salad

Serves 4-6
CooIong 1mB 1 5 minutes Preparallon time 20 minute.
Put the duck breasts, skm s de down, In a cold ovenplOof dish and cook over a IT\e{jiurn heat for 6 minutes or unlil lhe ski!"l has turned criso and brown. Turn them over and coo..: for a further 2 minutes. Transfer the dl>ck to a preheated oven, 1 80C (350"F), Gas Mark 4, and CO<lk 'or 5 minutes un!i' coo...ed through. Remove Ihe duck breasts :rom the oven, cover wllh foil and leave to resl

3 duck breasts. each abou1

225 9 (711 Ol)

300 9 (10 ozl ween beans, ,.3 dementlnes. segment

peeled and

200 9 (7 oz) tatsoi or splnlld>


JUice of 2 clementine' vinegar

Meanwhile, blanch the green beans in lightly sa ted boiling water for 2 minutes until cooked but sb, firm and bright green. Drain and refresh in cold water. Transfer Ihe beans to a large salad bowl With the clementine segments. Make the dressing by whisking together the clementine juice, vinegar and oil in a small bowl Season to laste with salt and pepper.

1 tablospoon while wine

" tablespoons olive 011

sail arod pepper

Add the tatsoi or spinach to the beans and clementines, drizzle over the dressing and combine well. Slice the duck meat, comb,ne it w Ih the salad snd serve immediately.
For orange & mustard dressing, an alternative dressing for this salad, cut 2 oranges in half and place them, lIesh side down, on a hoi griddle pan. Cook until they are cnarred and golden. Squeeze the orange juice into a small saucepan and reduce over a heal for 5 minutes until slighl'y thickened. WlISk in I tablespoon wholegrain mustard aoo 4 tablespoons olive OIL Allow 10 cool slightly and serve warm.


pricy pear & prosciutto salad

...... .

Preparaloon tome 15 minutes

4 prickly pears

Wearing plastic gloves. cut each of ttle pnckly pears In half and then Into quarters, Remove the skns If preferred. taking care with the small, hairy SPIkes. Thickly shce the haloumi and put onc quarter in Ihe centre of each serving plate. Arrange Ihe prosciutto and prickly pear on top of the haloumi with the watercress or mlzuna. Sprinkle the chilli over Ihe pmtes with sa and pepper and the lime JUice. Scatter olives around Ihe plale and add ,he chervil. Make the dressing by miXing the oil orange Juice, vnegar ami crushed cOli Ii. Just before seMng. drizzle a little of Ine dressmg over the salad and serve at once. For pear, bresaola & dolcelatte salad, arrange about 400 g (13 oz) thinly sliced bresaola on a largo s8Nlng plato so that the slices are slightly overlapping. Fil'lely sl ice 2 pears and toss with 150 9 (5 oz) rockat. Arrange tho pears and rocket on the bresaola and drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Crumble over 100 9 (3: oz) of dolcelalte cheese and serve.

4 allC<ll of prosciutto
mlzuna leaves

125 II (4 oz) halouml cheese

50 9 ( oz) wltercress or
I wge red chilli, deseeded

and linely chopped

2 tablespoons lima jul :2 tableaOOOOs plttltd bIaek

handflll 01 che...U sp!>Q'

salt ar.d p.eppe. DrtlSslng

:2 tablespoona olive 011

1 tabpoon orange Juice 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar ponc/'l of cru,hed cn11

1 00

prawn , mango & avocado salad

SoN. ' F'nIparatoon lOTIO 10 mino.rtH Cui the mango and avocado flesh into 2 em (l1OCh) pieces. Discard the outer layer of leaves and cut the siems all the lettuces, leav ng the hearts. Separate the leaves and add them 10 the mango and avocado With the prawns. Make the dressing by sugar and oil salad. los$ carefully to For

1 large mango, aboul 475 9 (15 OZ), peeled aod stoned

1 npe ....ocado, IIbouI 400 9 (13 , peaIed lind stoned
2 large cos lettuces
16 large t;OOked kine

whisking together the lime juice, mil[ and serve immediately.

With the chd. Add the dressing to the

prawns, peeled bul1&11. ""

creamy mayonnaise dressing, a more luxlIfious

accompaniment IOf lhis salad, mix 3 tablespoons Mayonnaise (see page cream, 2 teaspoons tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce.

12), 2 tablespoons double

teaspoons drops Tabasco sauce,

Dressing juice 01 2 limes 1 teaspoon palm sugar

2 tabla3pc>OO vegetable all l! chilli, deseeded and hnely ""'''''"''


1 tablespoon lemon Juico and ' toblcspoon brandy. Season 10 taste with salt and of each

pepper. Spoon tho

dreSSing over the salod or put a spoonful on the side

plate as a dip for the prawns.

1 02

sesame-crusted salmon salad

_. Cut the spring O/1I01lS into Ih,n strips and cold water. lightlv beal sesame

put them in

Preparation !line 25 minute,

Coomg time 4-10 mlnut.,

4 spring onl_
2 g whites 1 tablespoon white Hum"

, tablespoon bled! Hyrne


lne egg whites. Mix the white and black seeds wJth salt arld pepper on a large pal(!. Dip the salmon Ii el in the egg whites then roll it In the sesame seeds. Pat the saITlQfl on the seeds all over 10 give a good, even coat ing. Heat a gndd'e pan, add the salmon and cook for 2 minutes each side for rare Of 5 minutes for well done.

500g{l lb) ulmon fillet

1 1.lsN (curly-leaved

2 bunclle!l 01 watere,",
salt and pepper Dressing

endive), dMded ;n10 leavol

Make the dress ng by mixlllg together the vinegar, oils, soy sauce, caster sugar and chves. T oss the !risee leaves and watercress In the dreSSing. Arrange the
leaves on a large serving dish.

3 tablespoon, white wine vinegar 5 tablespoons vegetable 011

Finely slice Ihe salmon fillet and place on top of the salad. Dra,n the s prirlg onioo curls. dry them on kitchen paper and sprirlkle over lhe salmon. Serve immediately.

1 tabrHpoon IJOV sauc:e 1 bu1ch of ehivn, finely


tablespoon .."me 011

g rate 1 raw beetroot and 2 carrots and mix With 100 9 (3' oz) rocket. Make the dressrng 8S above. MIX together 1 tablespoon each
For sashimi salmon salad, white and black sesame seeds. Slice as thinly aa !X)ssible

1 1&4$900<1 cnte. sugar

2 skrnless fillets of fresh salmon, each 150 g (5 0:). and arrange on indWidual plates. Drizzle

the dressing OV81' the salad. garnish WIIh the seeds and serve with the salmon.


1 04

pork larb 4 Pl'eparabOn lime I 5 mlnutes CookIng IlmII 1 5 minutes
Heal the oil In a large, nonstick fry "9 pan or wok over

a high heal add the ginger,

leaves and fry for 1 rlLrlUte. Add the pork and lome

d1ill lernon grass and lime

1 labIe$poon groundnul oil

2 em f" inch) Ifni! root 9ing.., peeled IItld 'i!l8ly

stirfry !Of 4-5 minutes until sightly

fish sauce and
then remove the pan from the heal

browned and cooked throogh. Add tne

juice to taste

2 lemon grll., wil". II.... 3 !<atlir Um. Ive., r",eIy

600 II (I

on serv,ng plates next 10 a lettuce leaf. Serve the on the lettuce, gamished with the chopped peanuts, herbs and

Cut the cucumbef- ,nlo very fine strands and arrange


red chilli.

Ib) minced pork 2 tabkt5pXW11 Th,'llsh

Slue. (1'\81'11 pia) juice of 1 limes

ICeberg lottuce into wedges break the leaves into cup shapes. Cook the pork In the same way as above and spoon
the mIxture into the leltuce leaf cups Garnish with leaves and serve immedialely.

For sang choy bow, instead 01 culling the

11 cucumo.r
1 Iceberg leHucc

30 g {I oz) chopped peanuts and minI and COriander

To garnish 30 g (no 0 roastod II/TIBlI bo.Inch 01 mint. fino.,.

....1 .. txJnch of cori.,.dltf,

peanuts, chopped

I red dtltll, and


1 06

peanut, squid & noodle salad

...... .
Prep.allOn _ 2S minutes, p.... -,and og Cookng tmfI 1 S mlnules 175 II (6 az) Ihln rio;e noodles 500 II (1 Ib) propa.od baby "", 3 .1'd <;himel, deaeeded .nd
Soak the nood es In boiling water for 5-8 m mutes or unlil lhey are soft. OrSln well and rinse in cold water. Cut the squid bodies in half lengthways and make a SeI'les of slashes in a d agonal Cflss-cross patter" on the underside of each piece of squ d. MilL: the ch,lles WIth the garlIC and corIander. -oss with the squid pieces, then leave

to stand for 20

Heat the oil In a wok and toast the peanuts for '2-3

3 garli<: dos, crushed 2 ,abI&epoone chopped

co.itonder, pille eXIra Iea_
,o_ S tablespoon. g,oundnul 011

linely chopped

m inutes unlll golden brown. Remove from the oil and

'2-3 minutes or until they h ave begun to curl and tum

white. Set aSide wih t the peanuts.
Stir-fry the beans for :2 minutes. Mix the for a iurther peanuts,


Add the squid to the oil and quICkly stir-fry for

fish sauce,

17 9 (6 ocl peanuts 125 g (. ozl g.reen be.n.,

HUC. (nam pltJ

sugar, lemon juice and 3 tablespoons water and cook

add the drained noodles and toss together. Add the

1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat,

nroddod 3 lablespoor>a Thal lish

SelVe warm or coo with thick lime wedges (if used). For sweet chilli '" lime chicken, prepare the noodle

squid and COfoander leaves and toss again.

lI"ck lime wedges, to_ ,-

1 laMpoon elIW' .ug 3 labloapoofla lemon julc:.

salad as above but omit the squid and add the chHh,

garlic and coriander to the salad at the end, when tossing. MIX 3 tablespoons sweet dldli sauce and the rlfld and Juice of 1 lime. Brush about 150 g

(5 OZ), WIth some of the mlture. Put the

4 chicken breasts, each and

dlicken, skin side up, on a foil-lined baking sheet

cook under a preheated hot grill for 8 - 1 0 minutes. Brush the chicken again w ith mom of the mlllure and cook for 5 mlf'1utes until crispy

and cooked through

Shce the chicken and serve on lop of the salad.

1 08

marinated tofu & mushroom salad

$one" PreparallOn tme 1 5 minutes.

plUII ....hng ..

SfY'/ S8UCe, minr'l, sweet en I sauce arid oil Add the star anise. Put the tofu Jl a non-metan,c dish, pOlIf over the mannade, cover and fe"rigerale for at least 2 hours overnight if poSSible.

Make the marinade.

M,x the garlic and ginger w ill tne


Cooking lime IS mlnu.. t

250 g (8 ozI firm lofu 500 II (1 Ib) ml,lshrooms,

Cut the mushrooms ioto bile-Sized pieces aIld saute in

into 2

ncluding ,nokL shiitake,

wood ..r and oyster

em '" inch) squares, mIX wim the mUShrooms and pour over the rell'a n.rlQ mannade. Garnish With
finely sliced spring onionS and sesame seeds and serve immediately.

a hoi saucepan lor 1 minute. Cui the marinated tofu

1 1I,,1ic: ckMI, finely chopped 2 em (lC inch) fresh root

For tolu & rice salad, cook 200 9 (7 oz) sushi rice
acco,ding to the !flstructions on the packet. While the rice is still warm season il With


glnge', peeled and finel,

1 tablespoon mlrln 2 tablespoons .weet chilli

N. 1 tablespoon. "S8me Oil

IS lablespoone soy U"'::8

100-150 ml (3',,-5 II oz) sushi pickle, Cut 500 g (l ib) miwd

mushrooms into bite-Sized pieces and cook briefly, then mix though the rice With

1 carrot cut into

lulienne stripS and a small bunch o f finely shced spring onions. Mi the salad well, garnish with finely shced dee p-fried bean curd and toasted sesame seeds and serve immediately.

2 star anise
T o gemish

IS .pring onion. meIy lIIiced

2 table8pOQ<l8 loII.t,d sesame seeds


duck, hazelnut & peach salad

P-eplWlltoon tome , 5

CooIuog lime 20 minutes

200 II (1 oz) .. peaches 60 II (Z\(; oz} 101111.-1


3 dlldt .sts. each about

Heat a griddle pan until II is very hot and fry the duck, skin side down, for 4 minutes Of untl golden brown. Tum Ihe duck 0'Ief and cook for 2 minutes, then transfer it 10 a preheated 0Yefl, 190C (37S-F), Gas Mark 5, and cook for 6-8 minutes until cooked throug h. Remove from the oven, cover with !oi and leave to rest halve the peaches and remove the stones. Heat a griddle pan to a mediL.m heal, add the peach halves, cut side dOWl\ and cook unt il they are golden yellow. Cui the peaches Inlo wedges and mb: them In a bowl with the hazelnuts and rockeL

hazelnuts, roughly chopped

1 25 II (.- oz) rocket


teaspoon Dijof1 mustard

2 tablespoon balsamic

4 tablespoooa huelnut oil salt and pepp

Make the dressing by whIsking together Ihe mustard, vinegar and Oli. Season to taste with sat! and pepper. Thinly slice the duck meat and add it to the salad. Drizzle over the dressillQ, combine gently and serve. For duck, asparagus & hazelnut salad, put 4 duck
5 on a baking shool and season wllh salt and

pepper. Roast the duck legs in a preheated oven, 1 60C (325GF), Gas Mark 3, for 45-60 minutes or until cooked through but not dry. Remoe the w(X)dy ends from a larga bunch of asparagus and transfer the spears to a baking shoot Cook under a preheated hot grill for 3-4 minutes, turning occaslOO5lly. Remove tho asparagus trom the grill and place in II bowl with 60 9 (2'4 02) roughly chopped roasted haletnuts and 125 9 (4 02) rocket Pour over tho dressong as above and slir to combine. Serve With the duck.


quail, plum & cashew nut salad

..... ,

Cooking lime 12 minutes

" que,ls, bvl1erf1 eel

Pfepa<ahon hmll 20 mlnut ..

Put the quails ,n a foHned baking tl" and brush each With some plum sauce. Cook under a preheated hot grit for 5-6 minutes on each s'ce until golden arid jlls! cooked through. CI,lI each qJai into 4 eqllaJ sections and place them ,n a arge salad bow. Meanwhile, make the dressing by miX n9 together the chilli, plum sauce, ,me jJice and oil. Put the plums, lamb's let !uce and cashew nuts in the bowl wlth lhe quail pieces. Add lile dressing, loss lightly \0 combine and serve imrredialely. For crispy soy quail & pear salad, deseed and finely chop 1 red chilli and mix II in a bowl wilh 100 ml (3' II o.d soy sauce, 2 tablespoons brown sugar And thfl jtli,:u And rind of 1 orange. Peel and roughly chop t em C, inch) fresh rool ginger and add to the bowl with 1 star anise. Marinllto 4 butterlhed qu ails in tho midum overnight. ShGtJ 2 pears and place them in a large Bfllad bowl with 100 g (3'; 02) lamba loHuce Ind 1 finely sliced red pepper. Remove the quail from the marinade, arrange them on a foil-lmed baking hool and cook under a preheated hot grill for 4 m lnut(lS on each side until cooked and crispy Season With salt and pepper. Toss Ihe salad with Ihe ama dreSSing as above and serve garmshed wilh 50 9 (2 oz) loa. ed castmw nuts

2 tab'"spoons PI",m Sauc.

(see page 15) 4 ums, quartered and ,,-

100 9 (3" wI lamb's lett 50 9 (2 oz) loa$ted cnhew


1 red chilli

m "vee 1 ;; tablespoons ph

juice oll" limn 2 tablespoons sunflowe. 011


chicken & asparagus salad


Prepara\lOll lome 1 0 minutes CooIung \line 5 minutes

Cook lhe asparag us In a large saucepan of lightly salted boiling water lor about 4 mlnules or until just

150 g (5 oz) asparegus, Cui

11"1:0 5 em (2 neh) length, 200 g 17 oz) smoked chicken ""'.

tender. Drain and plunge into cold waler 10 prevenl furlher cooking. Pat dl)' wilh kitchen paper .
Cut the chicken Into b Ie-sized pieces and transfer them 10 a large sa ad bowl. Add the t omatoes, beans, asparagus and chopped chives and IT' x we. Make the dressing

125 g (4 oz) cherry tomatoes. halved

300 9 ( 1 0 oz) c.-. clnnelllni beens, dr.ned and ""sed handl1 01 chives. chopped

by whisklng the oi honey, vinegar 10 coat

and mustard With the cruslled garlic in a small bowl.

Pour the dress ng over the salad and 1055 well

Dressing 2 tab'eapoOns oIlvI aU 2 teaapoOn8 clear honlY 2 teaapoOns balSBm vinegar 2 tsaspoons wholegraln mustard

1 garll<: cloye

For chicken, asparagus & haloumi salad prepare , 5 0 9 (5 oz) asparagus as above and set aside. Heat a griddle pan and cook 4 chICken breasts, each about , 5 0 g (5 oz), for 5-6 minutes on each side or until cooked. Set aside, cover with foil and keep warm. Cut 250 g (8 oz) haloumi cheese into 5 mm (';' inch) slices and II)' lor 2 minutes on each side until golden and crispy. Mix I teaspoon DIJOn mustard, 3 tablespoons lemon Juice, 4 tables poons olive oil and 2 tablespoons roughly chopped tarragon in a small bowl. Shce the chicken and arrange on serving plates with Ihe haloumi and asparagus. Drizzle over the dreSSing
and selVe


duck & soya bean salad


PteparilltJon lune 1 0 mlnult.

!!IOO 9

Shred the duck and ml)( It with the soya beans, cucumber and spring onions in a large salad bowl. Make the dressing by whisking the hoisin and soy sauces with the lime Juice in a sma!! bowl. Orizzle the mlture over the duck salad and toss genHy to combine. Garnish with some spring ooioo and a sprinkling of Sichuan pepper and serve at ooee. For poaened salmon & soya bean salad, blanch 300 9 ( 1 0 ozl green beans, 200 9 (7 ozl green peas alld 200 9 (7 (2) soya beans in lightly salted borllng walor. Refresh in cold waler and sel asKlc. Bllng a saucepan of lighlly salted water to Ihe boil. Put 3 boneless, skinless salmon fillets, each about 175 9 (6 Ol), 11'110 Ihe water. Reduce the heal to a roll1l19 simmer and cook fO( 3-4 mmutes until the salmon is st1 pink in the m ddle. Remove them from the water and luave to cool. Cut , ' cucumber into small dico and mix With the blam;hed egetables and 75 9 {3 oz) rocket. Aake the salmon into the egetables. Whisk 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce, 2 tablespoons soya sauce pnd the juice of 1 lime. Driule the dressing o'o'Or too salad and sorve immediately.

(1 fb) Peklng duck

200 9 (7 oz) cooIo.ed 501_

be.ns 1 c:ucumber, Iin.eIy lIIoced 5 spring OI'IiOl'ls, v8r)' ronely sheed. plus exira to garnish Sld n pepper, 10 gamlh ll Dressing :2 tablespoons hoi.ln sauce 4 tablespoon. lOy Huell juO;e of 1 lime


peanut , pomelo & prawn salad

""'"' . PreparahOO I,me 15 mlnlltet CooIung I,,,,,, 1-2 minute. l largt1 pOmeiO

Cut the pomco In hall and scoop out the segments and JU ceo D,scard Ihe pith and thick skin surrounding each segment and breao{ the flesh into smal! pieces. Stir Ihc peanuts into me pomeJo flesh. Set aside to allow the flavours to blend. Bring a saucepan of waler to Ihe boi, and simmer the prawns lor 1-2 m,nUies or until they rurn pink and are cooked through. Remove them with a s'otted spoon and drairl well. Finely shred the spring omons and mini leaves. Add the prawns to the pomelo flesh with the grapefruit juice, fish sauce, spring Oflions and mint Sprinkle the red chilli, crushed chilli or pepper and nutmeg over the salad and toss together. Line the inside of a bowl with salad leaves a'1d spoon in the prawn and pomelo mixture. Serve immed iately, For pomelo & prawn salad with vermicelli noodles, put 150 g (5 ozl vermicelli noodles into a large bowl and cover with boiling hot water. Leave to stand for 5 minutes or until the noodles are cooked through 'oNhisk the juice of 1 me. 1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce and I teaspoon fish sauce. Dram the noodles and pour the dressing over them. Toss well to combine. Prepare the rest of tile salad as above, but omitting the salad leaves. Toss all thi:! ingredients together, garnish With peanuts and roughly chopped herbs and serve immediately.

1 2 5 9 (4 oz) p.eanuls, 100001ed

"" - 175 9 (6 oz) faw lig.r

pwnl. peeled 4 spring onions 6 minl lflllves

2 tablespoone lI,apefruit

tablespoon Thai risk .....ell
. "., 1 la,g.EI red chilli, deaeeded and ' ,nely sliced pinch of crushed chilli 0< blKk pepper pinch 01 gratltd nulm 4-5 frisM! (curlyleaved endive) or 10110 rosso leaves

1 20

spicy lamb & couscous salad

s.- . Cut the lamb Into 2.5 em (1 In) dice. Whisk together Ihe lamb lor at least 1 hour Of overnight If possIble.

Prepa<,"""" lime 30 minules, pllI8n'IW,natong Cool""g lime HI minutes 400 g (13 ...-) lamb :2 res e' hanout
3 tablespoons f!getabl. 011

las el hanoui and vegetable oil and m!l1lflale the

wooden skewers, putt I ng about 6 pieces 01 lamb 00 each one.

Thread the meat on to metal or p'esoaked Meanwhile, put Ihe couscous in a bow add the hot chlCkef1 stock. cover and

200 9 (1 od couscous

al'ow to s tand. Chop the

coriander, reserving some leaves for garnish. Remove and finely chop the peel from the preserved lemons and chop the apricots. Add the preserved lemon to Ihe cool<cd couscous With the conander, apncots and currants. season with salt and pepper a nd mi lig htly.

200 rnI (7 fl oz) hot chlckeo .....

snaI bunch 01 corialWMr :2 preserved lemons

50 II (2 Ol) l'V&dy,'Qeat dried apriools. d\oppod 25 9 (1 Ol) I;u.,enls salt and pepper Cressing

Make the dressing by miing all the Ingredtents i n a small bowl. Set aSide.

4 tablespoons yog...rt \Ii teaspoon 'IS al hanoul

1 tblespoon cI>opped <;:oriande. 2 TablespoonS Jemon juice

3-4 m.nutes each Side until cooked through. Spoon the couscous on to serving plates and top each With 2-3 skewers and some yogurt dressing.
pan for couscous as above, but using drizzle With ol,ve oil and sweet poIalo

Cook the lamb skewers on a preheated hot griddle

For vegetarian couscous salad, prepare th e 200 ml (7 fI oz) hot

3SIde. Cui :2 courgel!es InlO long ribbons and

vegclabio stock.. Halve 5 Thai auberglnes Jenglhways.

cook on a hoi griddle. Sci 1 smaJl 1010 alnps and grrddlc Pul ali lhe

pcpptll and cook ,n a preheated oven, 19O"C (375-F),

'o'6ge1.ables In a baking liIl, dmle with o!Ne OIl, salt and

Gas Mark 5, tor 1 5 minutes unt tender. 5efve the

yegelabies on the couscous the yogurt dresu-og.

1 22

celery, artichoke & chicken salad

Serves <1-6 F'teparaloon bme , 5 minutes

CooIung time 5 minutes

2 teblespo<.>n$ 01;0,. 011 1 leafy uler, head

6 Ihn aIices of rye b...d

Arrange the rye bread slices on a baking sheet Drizzle with olive oi season with salt and pepper and bake in a preheated oven, 1 9O"C (375"F), Gas Mark 5, for 5 minutes until crispy like croUtons. RemoYe from the oven and set aSide.

100 9 (3" oz) c.rned Of

boIlled artichoke ....Ib.

drllined and grilled 2 tablespoons roughly chopped parsley
:3 !I.I\"iOl<.ed

Remolle the leaves from the celery, reserving all the inside leaves. Finely slice 3 sticks and put them in a large salad bowl with the leaves, add the artichokes and parsley.


slice the smoked chicken breasts and add 10 bowl with Ihe celery and artichokes.

o;hltken b,.asl.,

each about 1 00 II (3'4 0:) sail and pepper Dressing 1 teaspoon Dljon mustard vinegar
4 tablespoooe oliYe 011

Make the dressing by whisking together Ihe mustard, vmegar and oil. Drinle over the salad and lightly mix.

Place a piece of rye toast on each serving plate and lop with some salad.
For smoked chicken & cannellini bean salad, rinse and drain 410 g (13% oz) can 01 cannelhni beans and put them in a large salad bowl. Add 75 g (3 0z) sunblushed tomatoes, 100 9 (3': oz) blanched green beans, 100 g (3' oz) grilled artichokes and 3 roughly chopped smoked chicken breasts, each about 100 9 (3' Ol). ln a small bowl whisk 1 tablespooo chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon chopped baSil, I teaspoon chopped tarragon. 1 crushed garlic clove, 2 tablespoons chardonnay vinegar and 4 tablespoons oIivs Oil Season Wllh salt and pepper. Toss the dreSSIng Ihrough the salad and 88fVC.

2 tablespoons while wine

1 24

beef & cucumber salad

..... . Pl-eparaloon I'me I 5 minutes,

plus sland:ng CooIung time 12 minutes

2 lrirrmed lean n.omp or sirloin 111Mb. each about IOg (5 02) 150 iii (5 or) baby .....eetl;Om

Put the steaks on a preheated hot griddle pan and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side. A'iow to rest for 1 0 - 1 5 minutes then slice thinly. Put the sweetcorn in a saucepan of boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes or until lender. Refresh under cold water and drain well Stice the cucumber in half lengthways, then scoop out and discard the seeds using a small spoon. Cut the cucumber into 5 mm 0 ,nch) slices.
Put the onion ,n a ,arge salad bowl with the beef, sweetcorn, cucumber and chopped coriander. Stir in the nce wine vinegar and ch11I sauce and mill well. Garnish the salad with lightly toasted sesame seeds and serve.

1 large cucumber

1 "",d red onion, hnely -pod

corinder le.yes

3 tablespoons chopped
<I tBblespooMS rice wine

4 tablespoons sweet chilli

dipping ulXe
:2 tablespoons


seeds, to garrush

For beef salad with roasted shallots, peel about 20 shallots and put them on a baking sheet. Oriule With olie oil and season with salt and pepper. Rosst in a preheated oen, 190C (375A, Gas Mark 5, for 20 minutes until golden and soft. In a small bowl mix 1 teaspoon Dilon mustard, 2 tablespoons caoornct 8auignon vinegar, 1 tablespoon chopped thyme and 4 tablespoons olivo oil. Cook the steaks as above and leave to rest, then finely slice and mix the meat With the roast shallots and 150 g (5 oz) watercress. Dnulc 0'fCf the dreSSIng and serve immediately.

1 26

pomelo, prawn & pork salad

Preparation Ime 20 minutn
CooIuog \me 10-15 millute'

Cut the pork belly into pieces about 2 cm-5 mm (-J{ inch). Heal a frying oan over a high heat and coolo; the pork 'or 4 minutes until golden and crispy. then dram on kitchen paper.
Make the dreSSing_ Put the sugar In a small, heavy based saucepan and a deep caramel medium heal until the sugar is

'2 pomelos, peeled .net


250 'iii (8 ozI pork belly

200 {I (1 ozI peeled. cooked

king prawns
small bunch of mint,

cook for 4 minutes over a bubbl"9 and has turned colour. Carefully, because ,I might spit,

separ,ted into 1,_

small bunch 01 COfIer>der, roughly chopped sma_ bunch 01 Th.1 basil. S tablespo<)nII roughly

from the heat and Combine the

whisk in the lime JUIce, fish sauce and water. Remove sel as de to cool slightly.
and Ihe

roughly choppod

pomelo segments. the prawns, the herbs cooked pork belly in a large salad bowl. Toss lightly and transfer the salad to serving plates. Drizzle the caramel dreSSing over the top, garnish with roasted peanuts and serve.
For pomelo, prawn, pork & shallot salad, add

chopped roasted peanuts, to garnish Dressing 6 tablespoonil palm sugar

juice of '2 limn '2 tablMpOOI'I' Th.1 fish S81Jce (nam pia)

'2 tableepoons weter

fned shallots to the llbove. You can buy these ready ptopnred in Asian grocers or mako your own. Heat 500 ml (I? II oz) vegetable oil in a heavybased frying pan or wok Heat tho 011 to 1 60C (325F) and add 3 Irnely sliced shallots, stirnng constanlly to make sure they cook evenly. .......non thoy arc goklon, carefully .emove them from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on lulchen paper. Add to the salad above WIH"I the pomeIo, prawns, pork and herbs.

1 28

warm salads

roast tomato & asparagus salad

..".. .
PreparatlOO tome 20 minutes Cookiog tome 2 ho\ws
2: large beefsteak tom.lQ8I
6 tablespoons olive 011

up, on a baking sl'leel Dnzzie teaspoon olive oil over each, season with salt and pepper, half a cf\lshed garhe
clove and a sprig of thyme. Cook In a

Halve each tomato hOflzontaJly and put them, cui side

preheated ovel'\

tomatoes snoold be s ightty dehydrated but stili JUiCy.


1 1 0C (2'25F), Gas Mark '4, lor at least '2 hours. The

2: \IoII.1Ie clove.

4 'P"9" 01 thyme bunch of wild glllli(:, roughly

.." bo.nch 01 basil, roughly ""'I tablespoon while wirle


the wild garlic, bas and 5 tablespoons olrve 011 In a food processor. The garhc s hould shU be slightly Place m a bowl ar'ld whisk in Ihe Vlnega'. Season With salt and pepper.


20 Isparagus spear.,


30 9 (1 QZ) rocket
grated Parmesan cheese, to 8CI'o'e sell aod pepper

Arrange the asparagus on a dish and drizzle over '6 tablespoon oil. Season WIth a hrt e sail and pepper. Heat a goodie pan Ovef a high heat and cook the asparagus for abOut 5 minutes, turn'flg the s pears every 1-2 minutes. They will be just tender In the middle. Return the asparagus to the dish, cover with cllngfilm and leave 10 steam sl ghtly,
Remove the tomatoes from the oven and arrange on serving plaies. Top each tomato With 5 asparagus

spears and a drizzle of the wild garlic dressing. Serve wlIh the rocket and a spr inkhng of Parmesa'1 cheese.
For tomato " mozzarella pasta salad cc) 250 g drIZzle With oINe o and reserve. Chop 2 beef.teak

(8 Ol) PI'nne un! jusl tender. refresh In cold W lit

tomatoes 11110 chunks al'ld sllr through the pasla. Onu!e oYer olive 001 al'ld 2 tablespoons balsam VInegar and Alt and pepper. Mix through bunch 10m basIl Ifl'II"HS and 2 mozzarella balls. each .lboul 150 9 (5 Ol), torn ,nto 2-3 pioces. and seNe.

1 32

chickpea & pepper salad

Pleparal>On '''"'' 25 minutes S- .

Rinse the chickpeas Ifl cold water and leave to drain.

each half Into quarte'5, leaving the rool on so the wedges stay together Core and desee<l t!'le peppers and cut the flesh into '2 em <' inch) strips. Cui the onion in and then cut

CooIung ,...... 35 miIIutes 2 . 41 0 g (13"o.) canl c;tMc;:kpees 2 fed peppeB, cored. deseeded and t..Ned , yellow pepper. oored,

and sail and pepper. Heal a griddle pan over a h gh heat and cook the peppers for :2 minutes Of! each side. Slice the peppers and place in an ovenproof dish and cook the onion in the same way. Place the 00100

Drizzle the peppers, onions and tomatoes with olive Oil

and No

\ red onion. quarlO'OO but

hold logethe< by the rOOl
4 plum tomltoeS, ClJI onto


olive 011 2 \ablespoc>ns lennel seeds srrI.IIH bunch of p.ley.

tomatoes with the peppers. sprinkle WIth fennel seeds and cook in a preheated oven, 18O"C (350F), Gas Mark 4, for '20 mmules unll done.
Meanwhile, make Ihe d reSSing. Whisk together Ihe vinegar and oH With the crushed garlic and cumm Transfer the drained chickpeas to a l arge salad bowl and ml in the hot vegetables and chopped parsley.

s,lt and pepper lzelziki (11M below), to_ o<essl"liJ " la.blespoona st>erry vin&gJl'
:3 tablespoon. olive oil

Season to taste with salt and pepper, drizzle over Ihe dressing and stir to combine. $el"Ye with a dollop 01
tzalzlki, If liked (see below). For tzalziki to serve with the above salad, cut a cucumber In half lengthways and remove the seeds With a spoon. FInely dice the flesh and mIX It With

1 garlic dove, crushed " teaspoon ound ....mln

250 ml (8 fl oz) Greek yogurt. 1 crushed garlic dov,,"

t tablespooo olive 001. 2 tablespoon5 chopped mint

and I tabk.n lemon JUice. Season to ta5to With salt and pepper, CoYEIf and leave in the refogerator lor

at least I hour before servong.

1 34

scallop, parsnip & carrot salad

s..., .
Pl'eparallon t_

1 5 mlnut.s

Cooklng lime 30 minutes

4 carrots, quarterad

Put the carrots and parsmps on a foiHined baking sheet Drizzle w th 1 tab'espoon of the OI scatter over Ie cumm seeds, seaSOn w,th salt and pepper and cook in a preheated oven, 180e (35(fF), Gas M ark 4, lor 20-25 minutes.
Meanwhile, make tne dreSSing. MIX the yogurt, lemon Juice, oil and ground cumin in a sma I bowL Season to taste with sail and pepper.

3 parsnips, quartered
I&nglhwayfl :2 I!iblespOOnS olive oil

1 tablespoon almln seeds

12 'resh king scallops 2 lab1e$p<)OrI& lemon juice

selt and pepper

chopped parsley, 10 garnish Dressing 4 tablespoon. natural yogurt

2 table1lpoo<1s lemon juice :2 tablespooN olive 011

remove the iough musde on the white fleshy part. Heat the rema,nll'lg oil in a large frymg pan and fry the scallops for 2 minutes on each side until they are Just cooked throlJgh. Pour over the lemon JU ice and transler the scallops and cooking jUices 10 a large salad bowl.
outSide 01 the

Trim the scallops 10

Add the carrots and parsn,ps to the bowl and mix, then
transfer them to a sel"'.ling dish, spoon over the yogurt dressing,

garnish with parsley and sel"'.le.

1 teaspoon ground cumin

For curried scallops & cerrot salad, roast 4 carrots and 3 parsnips as above but omit the cumIn. Combine 1 tablespoon cuny powder with 500 ml (17 fI oz) milk and 60 g (2\ oz) bulter. Soften 2 tablespoons cornflour with a littlo 01 the milk and whisk to combine. Transfer the mixture to a small. heavybased saucepan and bong 10 100 boit, wh,sking aJl the time so that lumps do not form. Whon you have a smooth, thk:kened sauce drop In the scallops and cook them for 3 minutes. Transfer the carrots and parsnips 10 a 8eMng plate, allange the scallops on lop and servo WIth the sauce.


asian salmon salad

.... .

Pmpa,aloon !me 2(1 minutes CocU>g tome 8-10 minutes 150 II (5 long-grain rice

Add the nee and simmer for 8 minutes.

Half-fill a saucepan With water and bring to the boiL

Meanwhile , put the salmon on a fOll-lined grill rack and drIZZle over I lab espooo of the !amari sauce. Cook until the fish is browned and flakes easily. under a preheated griil for 8-10 minutes, turn ng onee,

4 salmon Illlets, each abouI 125 II (4 ozI l 0 0 g (3ozI .\.Og" _p

pella, h3/ed IeogIhwaya

31 temari satJC.

Add the sugar snap peas to the nce and cook lor
I minute. Drain, rinse with cold waler and drain again. Tip into a salad bowl. Add the carrot, Spring onions and bean sprouts to the salad bowl Heal Add

1 large earrot, cut 1Il10 4 spring oolonl, Ihonly IIIiced 100 9 (3" oz) bean $Proots matchstICks

1 teaspoon of the all III a nonstick flying pan, add

tablespoon tafT\ari sauce and quickly cover the

the sesame seeds and fry until Just begOllMlQ to brown

6 teaspoons sunflower oil

:3 IOOklSPOO05 sesame leeds

pan so that the seeds do not ping oul Remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand for 1-2 minutes, then

2 teaspoOn' Thel fish sauce (oam pial (optlOllal)

2 teaspoons rke vinegar or

mix 10 the

remaining lamari sauce, 011, fish sauce (if

used) and vinegar.

white wille vinegar small bunch of ,orlanda. or basil, Ie'VilS roughly 10<n

Add Ihe sesame mixture to the salad and toss

together. Take the skin off the salmon and fiake inlo pieces, discarding any bones. Add to the salad with Ihe torn herb leaves and serve immedia tely.

For Asian tofu salad cui 250 9 (8 oz) firm tofu Inlo 5 mm (' ,ncll) sl.ces. Mill 2 tablespoons soy sauce. I lablespoon sweet chilli sauce and 1 leaspoon
&efi.llme ()II and marinate the lofu lor al I hour.

Prepare lho t;alad as above bul omit Ihe salmon.

Vllhcn lhe salad 18 ready, hoal a nonshck frying pan and Iry Ihe Io/u for 2-3 minutes on each aide. Serve on lOP ol lhe alOO w,lh any rema,nmg manoado

1 38

chorizo, pepper & oregano salad

Serve. 2-' PreparahOn tllTlll 1!1 minutes

CooIung lome 15 min,,!"

1 red onion 2 red pepper. 2 yellow pepper,

peppers and cut the f'esh into '2 em (lI. inch) squares. Sloee Ihe chorizo. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a l1ig., heal and cook the peppers for 2-3 minutes un!!> they start to colour. Add the chortzo and fry for another 3 mlooles, Ihen reduce Ihe heat to low and add the on_on. Cook. for a further 3 minutes. Deglaze Ihe pan with the sherry vinegar and reduce for 1 m,nute.
Transfer Ihe contents of Ihe pan to a large salad bowl and leave to cool sightly, then toss wIth the oregano and rocket Season with sail and pepper and SefYe with romesco sauce. For romeSCQ sauce, 10 serve with the above salad, soak 1 dried anchoro chilli in water for 1 hour, then drain. Put 4 readymarinated red peppers, the anchero chilli, 2 pooled and doseeded tomatoes. 20 9 ( oz)

Finely dice the red onion. COle and deseed the

200 g (1 0.1) chorio $&Usage

1 1 oIMoil 2 tablespoons shelTY flneg.r

" buroch 01 oregano, roughly

ult and pepp.,..

75 9 (3 0.) rodIet

rOmesco sauce (see below), '0_

blanched toasted almonds and 20 9 (; oz) roastod hazelnuts. t garlic clove, 1 tablespoon red wine Inegar and 1 teaspoon smoked papnka Into a lood prOCOSSOf or blender and whtz briefly to multo a smooth sauce. Season to taste With salt and peppel and 8efVe with the salad.

1 40

chicken couscous salad


Preparel"'" bmII 20 minutes, plus _,,,,,,tong CookIng 20 minutes

4 bc:InoIeM. ....Iess .. chld<an
breasts. each *'ut 125 II ,. "" 300 II (IOoz) ,'''''' pOrnegtamote

Make a marinade by m'ing the curry paste, yogllft and oil Pul lhe chicken in a non-metalliC d sh, cover with half the malinade and ,eave lor at least 1 hour. Put Ihc couscous ill a bow add the hot stock, cover and leave for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the pomegranate in naif and remove lhe seeds. Add them to the couscous wIh the orange nnd and Juice. Remove the chicken from the marinade, reserving the
marinade, and transfer to a foil-I,ned baking sheel Cook in a preheated oven, 190C (375F), Gas Mark 5, for 6-7 m inutes, Ihen transfer 10 a preheated hal grill and cook for :2 minutes until carameliled. Cover with foil and leae 10 resl fOf 5 minutes, Roughly chop the conander and mint, reserving some whole cOriander leaves for garnish, and add 10 the couscous. Thinly slice Ihe chicken, Spoon the couscous on to plates and add Ihe chicken. Thin the reserved marinade with the lemon juice alld drizzle over the couscous. Garnish w,th \he reserved cOriander leaves


300 mI f" pool) hot dlk:ken

rind and Juice of 1 orange

smaI bur>Ch oj corlend<!.

smaI oonch of mint Marinade

1 tablespOOns CUlry pule

(Iikkil masala)

5 tablespooAII natur.1 yogurt

1 teaspoon olive 011

2 tablespoons lemoo Juice

and serve Immediately.

for this salad. whisk together 150 ml (' pint) pomegrarl8te juice, 2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses (avaIlable 'rom Middle Eastern stores and
some supermafkels), 2 tablespoons and 3 tablespoons olive oil.

For pomegranate vinaigrette, an alternative dressing

red wine vinegar

1 42

pumpki n , fe ta & pine nut salad

-PreparatIOn ,,,ne 20 minut"

Skin and deseed the pumpkin, cut lne flesh Into 2 em (\ inch) sq.Jares and put !hem in a roasting In. Oriule
wrih olive

Cookang I,me
abouI !l:S minut" 500 II (1 b) pumplUn

2 sprig, of thyme, rougNy -

Oil, scatter oyer the thyme and season with salt and pepper. Roast the pumpkin in a preheated oYen, 190"C (375-F), Gas Mark 5, fOf 25 minutes or unlil cooked though. Remove the pumpkm from the oven and allow to cOO shgntly. Meanwhile, make the dress 09. Wh;sk together the mustard, vinegar and oil and sel aside.

200 {I (1 ozl mile<! baby

saLad leaves 50 9 \2 oz) lela chell'lI salt and pepper 2 lablospoorls tOflsted pine nuts, 10 garn,$h Dresslnll 1 teaspoon Oijon mustard
2. tabklapoons IHolsamic

Put the mixed leaves ,n a large salad bowl, add the cooked pumpkJn and CfUmbie in the lela Dnzzle over the dressing and toss carefully to comblfle. Transfer Ihc mixture to serving plates, gamish with toasted PIne nuts and serve Immediately.
For roast pumpkin, bacon, sage & pasta salad preparo tho pumpi<ln as above, but USing 2 ';pngs 01 sage Instead of thyme. Cook 250 9 (e oll penil e IInh! it is Just lendor. dlain and refresh in cold water. Finety lice 250 9 (8 oz) bacon and fry until golden, add 10 Mgc loaves 10 the pan and fry unt I crispy. Remove from the pan and drain on kItchen paper. CombIne in tho Ingrednls In a largo salad boWl, add 100 9 (3 , 01) miled baby d leaves, 60 9 12 oll ieta cheoso and season WIth sall and peW" Dnzzle over olive 011 and 8O<'Ie.

vinegar 4 tablespooml 01;"11 011

1 44

balsamic roast vegetable salad

..... . . PreP'I!PI,on lIme 20 minutll Coobng tlmo 30 minutes
1 red

onion, roLi{jhly chopped

Put all the vegetables in a .oastn9 lin and coat well with the oil and balsamiC vinegar and add the herbs. Season to taste with saft and pepper and roast in a preheated oven, 190"C (375"F), Gas Mark 5, for 30 minutes unlil ihey are cooked and slightly criSpy.
Remove the vegelab es from the oven, allow to cool slightly, then loss With Ihe rockel DrizzJe Wllh olrve od. check the seasoning and serve.

4 carrot., roughly chopped , red pepper, cored, large pieces

defIe(tdod and Cut into

, sweet potato, peeled and CUi inlo even-Slloo pieces 400g (13 ozJ


peeltd and CUI ""'0 even

sized p,eces
1 buttemut, about 1

kg (2 Ib),

peeled, dose<Jded and CUI inl o et.on... 2 tabletipoons olive oil. p. exIra to dnzzle
150 mI (IjO pill!) belmic:

, tabloepoon chopped thyme

1 tablespoon chopped
75 9 (3 wi .oc:kel salt and pepper

For herbcrusted rack 01 lamb with vegetable oz) breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoons chopped thym e. 2 tablespoons chopped r06elT18f)', 50 9 (2 oz) chopped parsley, 2 U\Jshocl gark cloyes and 50 9 (2 oI) graled PamlOfIaIl (;heese inlo a 1000 proceSSOf blender. Season to taste wah salt and pepper and whiz to make a smooth paste. Remove the SpICed butter Irom the lood processor, place It between 2 plCCeS 01 greasP.proo1 paper and roll II 001 10 5 mm ('. inch) thIck. Put the bulter in the refrigerator to ctlilL Heat 1 tablespoon yegelable oil in Il IS/ge Irying pM over a hl9h heat and seal 2 4'po,nt racks of lamb unlil golden. Cook the lamb In a preheated oven, 1 90C (375C), Gas Mark 5, lor about 12 minutes or until Just cooked through. Remove Ihe lamb Irom the oYon and cut a pIece of butler 10 fll over 6.1ch rack. Cook both racks undor a preheated hot grill until golden. Leave to fest lor 5 minutes. then slice and selve With the vegetable salad as above.
salad, put 100 9 (3' az) bullor, 100 9 {3

1 46

smoked salmon & potato salad

_. Prepara:.on time t 5 minutes

CooIung IlmfI 20 min".,.,

Put the potatoes In a saucepan of I ghtly salted cok! water, bring 10 the bo I and coo< for 15-20 minutes or until just cooked through. Oram the potatoes and let them cool s Ignlty.
Meanwhile, chop the capers and comb ne them w,tn the mayonnaise, emon jJice and horseradish. Season 10 taste wllh salt and pepper. Put the warm potatoes in a large salad bowl, add the mayoonaise dressing and stir to combine thoroughly. Arrange the salmon on 4 plates, top wth the potatoes arld garnish with rrustard and cress. For roast beef & wholegrain mustard potato salad, seal a 450 9 (14' ozl piece of eye fillet until golden, then cook in a pmheated oven. 180C (350F). Gas Mark 4, lor 1 5 minutes until cooked to medium rare. Remove, cover with foil and allow to rest. Mix 50 ml (2 II oz) mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons wholcgrain mustard, 1 teaspoon Dilon mustard and 5 finoly sli.:ed spring onions. Mi through 600 g ( 1 ' Ib) cooked new potatoes and combine well. Thinly slice the beef and serve with the mustard potato salad.

6()() 9 (Ui Ib) new poUItoes

2 tablespoons am.n caper.
:3 labktspoona M.\'Onnllse

2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tMs.poofl g.ted horseradish 100 9 (5 oz) smoked salmon punnet of mU$ta.d and <;len,
salt and pepper

(-P"9" 1'2)


1 48

asparagus & rocket salad

Soon ' Prepanllion "...... 1 5 mlnutu CookIng lme ilbooI 5 minutes
3 tablespoo:xw olive oil
,...500 II (1 Ib) .,paragus

125 mI {. II oz) TalTlIgOn & lemon Dressing <

page U) 125 II (4 ozl ,ocket or other

Heal the oil (,f used) in a large, nonstick iryirlg pan and add the asparagus In a single layer Cook lor about 5 mnules, turning occasionally. Tne asparagus snoukl be tender when pIerced With the bp of a sharp kn,fe and lightly patched with brown. Remove from the pan to a shallow dish and spnnkle with sail and pepper. Cover with the tarragon and lemon dressing, loss gently and leave to stand lor 5 minutes.
Arrange the rocket on a serving plate. SpmkJe the spnng omons and radishes over the rocket Arrange the asparagus in a pile in the centre of the rocket. Garnish with herbs and lemon rind. Serve the salad on Its own with bread or as an accompan ment to a mam d,sh.

2 ,prin g onions. fneiy l!iced

4 radiShes, 1,rl9!y aIiced

salad leaves

SIIII and ,.ePge.

To garnish herbs, luch as tarragon.

parsley, cherYll and dill, roughly c:nopp&d

th,n strip. of IenIQn rind

For grilled asparagus with streaky bacon, remove the woody ends from a large bunch 01 asparagus, about 500 9 (1 !b). Individually wrap the asparagus spears in pieces 01 streaky bacon, making Sl.lre that the bacon covo.s the base 01 each spear. Arrango the asparagus In a single layer on a baking sheot and place under a prehoated hot grill for 5-7 minutes. turnmg occasionally unlil golden and cooked through. Serve tho asparagus with the rocket salad as above and drizzle oyer the tarragon and lemon dressmg.

1 50

grilled vegetable & haloumi salad

..... .

Prep.llln llo tllTlfl 1 5 minutes Cooking time 25 minute.

Put the tomatoes and mushrooms in a roasting 111\ drizzle wlih about '2 tablespoons oi season to taste with satl and pepper and cook in a preheated oven, 180-C (350-F), Gas Mark 4, for 1 0 m nutes. Meanwhile, cui the courgettes Into batons about 4 )( '2 em (1 Y., x 'II: inch) and put them in a large bowl with the trimmed asparagus- DrizZle with 0 \Ie 0 I and a pinch of sail and pepper. Heal a griddle pan over a high heal and gnll the asparagus and oollfgetles. Transfer the asparagus and courgettes to the oven with the other vegetables and cook lor a further
6-8 minutes. Cut the haloumi into 5 mm ( inch) skes. Heat 1 teaspoon ,,(we Oll m a large frying pan over a me(j,um heat and cook the cheese s l ices until golden .
Make the dressmg by whisking the oil and vinega r. Stack the vegetables on serving plates, top wilh sikes of cheese, spoon over the dressmg and serve.

1 2 cherry tomatoes on the

4 portobeno mushrooms

olive oil
'2 courgettes

500 II (I b) asparlgus

250 9 (8 oz) h.loumi d'leese

salt and pepper
'2 tablespoons ollYe 011 '2 tal>leSPOOM balsamic


For watermelon & haloumi cheese, cut 250 g (8 ozJ haloumi into thin slices. Heat 1 tablespooo olive oil in a large, nonstick frymg pan and cook the cheese untol goldon and cnspy. Drain and pat dry with kItchen paptlf. Peel and dseed half a small watermelon and cut it into !>fllall inangles. Toss the melon with a small bunch of chopped mInt aoo the diced llesh of t npo avocado. Serve with the gnlled ha\oumi.


roast mushroom salad

Preparatoon ttme 10 mirlutes
Coc*ing Ilmot 20 minutes ""'" ,

2 portobeIlo mu$hroomt..
-*,.bouI , 50 II ( oz)

Put the mushrooms In a roasting till and dnute over 1 tablespoon of the oll\le oil and the balsamiC vinegar. Cook in a preheated ovel\ 18O"C (3WOF), Gas Mark 4, fOf 20 mtnutes. Meanwhile, spread the breadcrumbs on a ba,(j1l9 sheet with the thyme ieaves. Pour over the reman ng 0;1 and season w,th salt and pepper. Place in the oyen and cook for 6-8 mlnuleS until golden and CflSpy. Make the dressing. Put the cheese, 011 and mi k ,n a small saucepan and \Nhisk over a gentle heat untillhe mi)(\ore reaches a pounng consistency, adding a little more milk if it is too thick. Transfer the mushrooms to serving plates and top With the breadcrumbs. Arrange a handful of the miKed leaves to the Side and drizzle with the warm dreSSing, Serve Immediately. For roast mushroom & prosci utto salad place 4 slir:es of proscillilo on a baking sheet and cook m a preheatod oven, 180C (350"f), Gas Mark 4. for 4-5 minutes until crillpy. Pl6pare the mushrooms and brcadcrumbs 8!1 above and serve 1he crispy pro ulto With the mushroom>! and salad leaves..

3 tablespoon. 011... oil , tablespoon balumlc: vinegar

60 9 (2K oz) large

3 $pOQ8 of thyme. chopped
20 II


f'i oz) mhed rocllet,

wlercress and spinach leaves sail and pepper Ores,;ng 100 II (3:4 oz) soli goat,' cheese 2 tablespoooa olive oW 2 tablespoons milk

1 54

squid , fennel & potato salad

t>r.pir8lion 'Hroe 1 5 minute..

plus cooling

CooIung bme 30 minute.

Put Ihe potatoes in a saucepan of lightly salted cold water, bring to the boil and cook for 1 5-20 m,nutes or untJI just cooked through. Dra.n Ihe potatoes and leave them to cooL Reserving the froods for garnish, clrl the fe'lnel into thm we<iges.leaving the root end intact to hold the pieces together. Put ttle fennel in a tm, drizzle With 1 tablespoon of Ihe oi season With salt and pepper and 0001( in a preheated oven, 190"C (37S"F), Gas Mark 5, for 1 5 mInutes unt" roasted and golden. Meanwhile, cui the potatoes In half. Heal 1 tablespoon of Ihe oil in a fryi ng pan alld fry the potatoes until they are crisp and golden. Draln on kitchen paper and transfer to a large salad bowl. Make the Mix all the ingred ents in a bowl Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan until it is smoking and carefully fry the squid for 2-3 minutes. Add the squid to the bowl. Remove the 'en nel from the oven. leave to cool s l ightly and add to the bowl with the dreSSing and combine gently. Stir through the watercress and serve at once.
For chilli squid salad, mix together 5 tablespoons pla,n floor, 1 tabl espoon chilli powder and 1 teaspoon sail. Ous1500 9 (l ib) prepared squid pieces in the seasoned flour and deep-fry in oot oil tor 2 minutes until golden and crurdJy. Serve with sliced chilli, frash coriander and mint leaves, sliced Spring onions and lime wedges.

250 9 (8 oz) new potatoes

7. fennel bulb,

3 tablespooN oI;y' 011

500 9 (1 Ib)

p-epared squid

100 9 (3)1 oz) wetelC'US,

$8p81ated Into lea_ salt and pepper Dressing

1 1

shaLlot, tinely chopped red chilli, deeeedod and


rind and juice 01 1 lemon

1 tablellpoon chopped UPII" t laeapoon chopped mint
2 tablespoont ollYI! 011

1 56

warm tea-smoked salmon salad

F\eparallon \lme 15


pl.ol riSIng Coob>g tom(! 10

" Almon Iillets, minute.

Mix together all the mgredenls for the smoke mi)(. Line a wok with a large sheet of foi allowing it to ovemang the edges, and pour In the smoke mix. Place a trivet over the top. Cover WIth a light-fitting lid and heat for 5 mInutes or until the mIXture is smoking.
tweezers. Put the tomatoes


125 9 (4 oz) 125 II (" ozl cherry

Meanwhile, remove any bones from the salmon with and rocket IfI a bowl.

tomatoes, M.aMtd
125 II (4 ozI rodIet

cook Smoke mill

6 tablespoons j.smlne ta.

Quickly remove Ihe lid from Ihe wok 800 p'ace Ihe salmon fillels, skl1\ side down, on the trivel COYer and /}'Jer a high heat for 5 m nutes. Remove from Ihe tes. heat and set aside, covered, for another 3 minu

8 tablespoons soft brown sugar 8 tablespoona long,gln riel
Dressing 1 shallot. finely chopped 1 garl ic clov. finely chopped
thyme le.ves

Meanwhile, make the d'essmg. Mix the shallot and garlic in a bowl with the thyme leaves, mustard, vinegar, oil and salt and pepper. WNsk thoroughly to combine. Flake Ihe salmon into the tomalo and rocket salad, add Ihe dressing and loss well. Serve immediately.

For tea-s moked salmon with buckwheat noodle salad, prepare the salmon as aboe and set aside. Bo,! 150 g (5 ozl buckwheat noodles for 3 minutes or until

1 teaspoon Oijon mustard

:2 teaspoons white wine vlnegill< 4-5 tablespoon. olive 011 SIIIt and peppo.

Just tender. Stram and refresh in coid weter, then stir in 1 tablespoon sesame oil and the rind and ju>ee of t lime. Add a hWe more oil if the noodles are SIlCKllg e vinegar, 25 mI 0 II m:) whit togethor. Mill 100 ml (3' (1 fl oz) water and 3 tablespooos caster sugar and stir oer a gentle heal unt the sugar has diSSOlved Allow to cool completely. Finely slice cucumbef, add to the cooI tiquid and inluse for 1 hour. Remove the cucumber from the ptekie, mix With the noodles and 1 2 5 g (4 oz) rocket and serve with the salmon

1 58

chorizo & quails' egg salad

..... . PreparatIOn I,me 1 IS minutes
CooIung lome 15-20


Heat 1 tablespoon of the 0,1 in a large frying pan ovet a moderately high heal ThICkly 5 ice the chorilO and fry for about 3 minutes until crisp and golden. Add the onion and gan;c to the frying pan and continue cooking for '2 minutes unbl the onion
and coloured but not

3 TablespooN ol;ye oil

200 9 {7 wj rnediufn.hoI

IS wIlted

chorIzo sausa
1 sma I fed onion, CUI onto

ccmp'etely soil SI r in the papnka and oregano and remove from the heal

1 garlic <;. ct.owod 1 t6l.SflOO'l dried oreglno


teaspoon prikl

Bring 8 small pan 01 water to a genUe simmenng poinL Crack a quail's egg mto a small saucer, then drop t carefully into the simmerong water. Leave for 1 minute, then femove with a slotted spoon and place on k.itchen paper. Keep the egg warm wh! e you poadl the

8-12 quails' eggs


300 9 (\0 ozl b>lby splMCh

1 lablospooll aged sherry

remaining eggs. Wash and dry the spinach leaves and sti r them qUickly into the chorizo mixture With the rema ining olive oil and Ihe sherry vinegar. Arrange on serving plates, scalier With rinsed and drained capers and top each one with -3 quail s' eggs. Sprinkle the eggs with the chIVes and serve immediately. (7 02) Puy lentils according 10 the instructions on the packet. lIavouring tho water With 1 red ctulli sliced
lengthways. 2 clushed garlic cloves and 1 teaspoon For spinach, chorb:o & lentil salad cook 200 g

1 tabk!spooo saIled capers or

cape" in brine

2 tablespoons chopped


cumin. Drain the IetIhts and keep them warm. Prepare the salad as above, mix the lentils through tM olh"r Ingredients, dress WIth 1 tablespoon each sherry vinegar and olive 011 and serve topped WIth poached
qua,1 eggs.

1 60

rice beans g rai ns & pasta


sushi rice salad

SMvo. 2-3

Cook the nee according to instruchons on the packel

Meanwhile, pullhe Y'rlegar and sugar in a smal

F'repanIIIOn lme 20 minute..

Cooking lime 30 minutn pluswo!ing

250 9 (8 Ol) sushi r ice

61ab1ea ric:e wine ";.r 2" tabloapoon. uste. 111\1"

saucepan and heal gently, sbmng. unlM the sugsr has Turn off the heat al'ld add the chopped pickled ginger and wasabl Leave to cooL Cut the cucumber In half lengthways and scoop oul the seeds with a teaspoon. Slice the f esh f.nely and add to the cooled vinegar miK.

5 g ill: oz) pidded ginger, teaspoon wesabl "'eucumber 1 IVoo;lIdQ, aboot

is cooked transfer it 10 a dish, strain the Vinegar mixture over it, reserving the cucumber, sll' and ave 10 cooi.
When the rice

175 9

16 OZ), pe&Ied 8I1d CUI into $IT1aH cubes 250 9 (8 0 sklnl,.. .almoo. cui into blte-tlzed pie<;es 8 spring onions, liroely sliced To garnish

Transfer the cooled rice to a large salad bowl and combine gently with the cucumber, salmon, avocado and spnng onions. Top with toasted sesame seeds
and serve.

3 tablespoon' IoIIsted
$l!!I.Ime seeds

For seared tuna & rice salad. rni 2 tablespoons soy sauce with :4 teaspoon wasabi and brush 300 9 (10 02:) luna lOin with the mixture. Roll the tuna in sesame seeds until coated all over. Heal 1 tablespoon vegetable oil !n II large fl)'lng pan over a hIgh heat aocl fry the tuna lor 1-2 minutes on each Side. Remove the tuna from the heat and allow to rest. Prepare the salad as above but omi! tho salmon. Thmly slice the tuna and serve WIth tho sushi rice salad.

1 64

warm orzo salad

...... .
PrepilratlOO ,......, 1 5 minutes, plus resting Cooking time 12 minutes 250 II (8 oz) ono 01

Cook the pasta in a saucepan of I ghlty salted bod,ng water for about 6 minutes or according to the inslrucilons on the et Add the thawed peas and cook for a further 2-3 m in utes unlit the peas and pasta are cooked. Dran we I.
Meanwhile, heat '2 lab espooos oil ln a 'rylflQ pan and stir-fry the spnng onions and garlic for 1-2 mmutes until softened.

250 9 (8 ad woren peal,


lIoreddus lIastl

2 garlic cloves, crushed 6 marinated artichoke

6 sPiiog onions, roughly heerts. thinly Moo<!

6 \abIe$p(>On$ olive all

Stir the spring onions and garlic m:o lne pasta w th the artichokes, mini and the remaining oil Toss well, season with salt and pepper, then leave to rcst for 10 minutes. SI r in the lemon juice and serve the salad warm, garnished w th lemon nnd,

4 tablespoons cl10pped mint rind and juice of )li lemon sa and pepper grated lemon rind, to gamish

For warm pasta salad with lemony chicken, either

ask your butcher to butterfly a chicken, about 1 .25 kg

(2 Ib), for you or do it yourself by culling down the backbone without cutling through the breast and prossm9 down on the chicken to flalten it. MIx 3 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons chopped mint, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, the rind and Juice of 1 lemon and salt and pepper. Rub the mture over the chicken and allow to marinate for at least I hour. Place the chicken, slim side up, in a foillined baking lin and cook in a preheated oven, 180"C (350"F), Gas Mark 4, fOf about 40 miflutes until cooked though. Allow the chicken to rest for 5 minutes, then cut it Into bite-sized pieces, arrange them on top of the pasta salad as above and serve with lemon wedges.

1 66

crab & orzo salad

'"" .

;ttoon '_ 15 minutes

Coob'lg t me 20 minutes

Cook the orzo in a large pan 01 bollirg waler accordlllg to the instructions on the packet Refresh and reserve. Make the ch I mayonna ise. Pullhe mayonnaise. red peppel and red chilli in a food processor or blender and whiz unlll smooth. Season to taste wrth salt and pepper and lemon juice. Combine the crab and OrlO in a large salad bowl. Halve the tomatoes and add them to the bowl with the rocket, lemon nOO, parsley and capers and mix carefully. Add :2 tablespooos lemon JUice and the 0'1. Season With salt and pepper and serve with a dollop of the d1l11! mayonnaise. For herby mayonnaise, to serve as an altOfnative with tho above salad, chop a mIxture of herbs, including chives. chervil. dill, parsley and mint, 10 make 4 tablespoons. Mix the chopped herbs With 200 ml (7 II 02) mayonnaise, [he rind of 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon lemon Juice. Adjusl the seasoning WIth salt and pepper and servo on top of the salad.

100 9 (3 ozl <no pasl. 400 9 (13 ozl whtta cooked

crab meat

200 9 (7 .m c:herry tomatoes 125 9 (<II ozl roellet rind 3I1d juke of 1 lemon
2 tablespoon. dlopped

1 teaspoon $/MH capers, mood :2 tablespoons olive 011

Chm; mayonnaise

200 mI (7 II oz) Msvonnalsa (see pilQ8 12) 1 marinated red pepper 1 long red chilli, roughly

1 teaspoon lemon Juice salt and pepper

1 68

lentil & feta salad

Serves 2-4
PrepW1lloon ,1'le t 15 minutes CooIcng lime 30 minutes 250 g (8 oz) P\.ty IenUJ$
:2 c.rrol$, neIy diced

Put the lent Is in a saucepan, cover WIth cold water and add a pmch of sail Bring to the boil and cook 'or 20-25 minutes unl;1 Jl.lsi cooked but flO! rnl.l5hy. Dram and relresh in cold water, then dre n again and transfer to a large salad bow\.
Add the

:2 celery sticks, neIy dooed 100 9 (3" oz) feta ch.." :2 labIospoon. chopped parsley Dressing 3 tablespoooa while wine
inegBr :2 tea!.pOOll l Oilon mustard

carrots and ce!ery to the bowl WIth the len\ils. Crumble In the feta and add the chopped parsley.
Make the dressing by whisking the vinegar, mustard and oil. Add the dressing to Ihe salad and stir 10

combine well. Season to laste with salt and pepper and serve Immed ately. For lentil salad with poached egg & asparagus, prepare the lentils as above. Blanch about 500 9 (l ib) asparagus, woody e!'\CIs removed, refresh and reserve. Cook 250 g {S ozl slK::ed pancelta under a preheated hot grill unlll crispy. Slice lhe pancella and asparagus mto 3 cm (1 '. mell) occs, add them to the lenliis WIth 2 tablespoons chopped parsley and 5 tablospoons olive oil and season with salt and pepper. T08S careluDy to combine and transfer to serving plates. Put a softpoached egg on each salad and top With 1 lablespoon of hollandaise sauce 00 top of the egg.

5 tablespoons oliva 011

Nit and pepper

1 70

curried couscous salad

s..- .

Put the orange Juice and curry paste into a bowl and
sill together. Add the couscous, sultanas and a little pepper, then pour in the

Prep8lanon lime 15 minutes

Juice 01 1

bOil ng water and fork

!Of 5 minutes.


together. Leave to stand Meanwhile,

2 leaspoonlo mild cu'ry paste 200 9 (7 oz) couscous 50 9 (2 ozl sultanas

peel the skin off the mackerel fillets and

break the flesh Into large f'akes, discarding any bones.

300 mI ( pontl booing waler

250 9 (B ozl smoked mackerel fillets

Add the mackerel, onion, red pepper and tomatoes to the COUSC01JS and mue together lightly . SpnnkJe roughly
chopped coriander OVe.- the top, spoon on to plates and serve Immediately. For curried

1 small red onion, ronety

)t red pepper. OOfed,

couscous salad

with lamb cutlets,

deS&eded and diced 2 tomatoes, chopped

mix 4 tablospoons natural yogurt with



curry paste. Marinate

1 2 lamb

cutlets In tho

small blmch 01 corilmder,

roughly chopped pepper

mixture. Prepare the couscous salad as above. omitting the ma(;kereL Heat lamb for

2 tablespoons yegelab
side until cooked through.

oil In a large gnddle pan oyor a high heat and grill the

3 minutes on each

Serve the lamb on the couscous salad. garnished with chopped coriandCf.

1 72

bean , kabanos & pepper salad


Prepwation ,,,... plus eooIlng

10 minutes,

Cookong time 20 mlnutn 3 red peppers, haloed, eo<ed

and deseeded

Put Ihe peppers and chilli, skin Side up, on a baking sheet under a hot grill and cook for 10-12 minutes Of until the skins are blackened. Transfer them to a plastic bag, fold over the top to seal and leave to cool. Peel off the skins and slice the lIesh.

1 red chill!, de.-Ied 1 tablespoon olive oil I onion, Ihdy sliced

ni 9 (3 0>:) kabaf10s

Meanwhile, heat lhe oil in a large, nonstick frying pan, add the onion and fry for 5-6 minutes until soil Add the sausage and fry for 1-2 minutes until crisp.
Put the Deans in a large salad bowl. Add all the remaining ingredients and mi well Serve Ihe salad with walnut bread.

SiIIusage, thinly 8Iiced

:2 400 9 (13 wI CIIna butte.

beans Or 11ageolet beans.

drainod and msed 1 labiesJX>Qn bIolsamic


2 tablesp<)Ofla chopped

For beef kebabs with bean salad, mix together 1 teaspoon dried chilli, 2 tablespoons sweet red pepper paste, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1 finely sliced onion, I teaspoon ground cumin and 1 teaspoon ground coriander. Marinate 400 g ( 1 3 oz) dicod beef in the nliKture for at least 1 hour, then thread the meat on to metal or presoaked wooden skewers, alternating tho meat with pieces of onion and green pepper. Cook undor a preheated hot grill for 4 minutes on oach Side until cooked through. Prepare the salad as above, OffiIUing the kabanos sausage, and serve with the beef kebabs

1 74

orecchiette, bacon & broccoli salad

...... . allon tme 15 minutes CookIng tIme 20 minutes 250 9 (8 oz) broo::oIi 300 9 (10 oz) orecc:hlette pnta

Sepaftl!e the broccoli f'orets and slice the stems. Meanwhile. bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil and cook the pasta fOf 1 0 minutes or according to the Instructions on the packel Add the brocco'i stems to the saucepan and cook for 2 minutes. Add the florets and cook for a further minute. Dram and relres!' in cold water. Transfer \0 a large salad bowl. Cut the pancetla into matchsticks and dry-fry IOf 4 mmutes until crispy and golden. Ora n on kitchen paper and leave to cool before adding to the pasta Halve the cherry tomatoes and add them to the pasta Make the dressiJ'19 by combining aJl the ingredients. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir the dressing into the pasta and broccoli and serve immediately.

t 50 g (5 oz) pIIncetta
1 50 Q (5 oz) cherry 10000t 00 oes
Oressi"lil " tablospoons Mayonnaln

(_ 1 2) 2 tablespoon. single cream

2" tablespoons tomato seuce

2 'easpoons WOr<:estershlre
sauce 3 dmps Tebasco sauce 1 teaspoon lemon lul(:l

nit and pepper

For warm broccoli & chicken salad, cook the pasta and broccoli 8S above but do not refresh In cold wator, Shred 2 poached chicken breasts and stir the meat into tho pasta with 150 9 (5 ozl halved cherry tomatoes, 3 tablespoons olive oil, I sliced red chilli al'l(\ 60 g (:2 oz) grated Parmesan cheese. Garnish with extra grated Parmesan and :2 tablespoons each chopped parsley and chopped basil.

1 76

sardine & lentil salad

-. .

Prep8ratlOn lme 1 5 minutes Cooking lOme 3 minutes l00g (3oz.) frozeo pen 2 . 120g (3X oz) CII'" boneless, sI<tnIeq sardines in tomato !UOuce 410 9 (13 01) n gre.n lentils
5 em (2 ond1es) cucumber

Cook the peas In a saucepan of boMlg water fOf 3 minutes. Alternatively, cook mem in the microwave

for 1 Y.. minutes on full power.

Flake the sardmes Inlo chunks and put them HI a large salad bowl with the,r sauce. Riflse and drain the lentrls, dice the cucumber and chop the onion Add the lentils, peas, cucumber and on,on to the sardInes. Add the mInt 10 the saJad wit h the lemon rind and ju ce and a little pepper and toss together. Separate the letruce into leaves and arrange them on scrving plates. Spoon the sardine salad on top and serve (7 el) boiled baby potatoes in their skins and put them in a baking tin with 200 9 (7 oz) cherry tomatoes. Drizzle with olille oil, salt and pepper and 3 sprigs 01 thyme. Roast in a pl"eheatcd ovon, 1 90C (375F). Gas Mafk 5, until golden and crispy, then allow to cool !til Just warm. Meanwhile, mix together 3 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 crushed garlic clove, the nnd and IUK.;e 01 1 lemon and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Fry 4 fresh sardine fillets in a hot frying pan lor 2-3 minutes each side or until done. M the tomatoes and potatoes With 75 g (3 Ol) focke!. then $eIVe With the sardne filieis on lop with the hmb drossing dtlzzlcd oer.
For potato, sardine & lentil salad crush 200 9

1 small fed onion


&1"1811 bunch of mint. rotJghly

grated rind and Juice of 1 lemon 1 cos lettuce pepper

1 78

buckvvheat & salmon salad

..... .
Preparalion!me '5 minutes
Cooking ,_ 20 minutes 300 9 ('0 oz} budlwhe.t 250 g [8 oz} broccoIl lforets

Put the buckwheat In a saucepan, cover WIth cold

waler and add a pireh of salt Bnng 10 the boil and cook for



until 51: hrm and not m ushy.

Drain under running cold waler and remove the 'oam that accumu:ates. Dram

again wI-en cooL

2-3 minutes.

250 g (8 oz) cherry

Bring a large saucepan of lig'ltly sai:ed water to tile boil and blanch the broccoli florets for Refresh in cold waler and drain. Mix the cherry tomatoes with t he buckwheat and broccoli in a large salad bow.

lomatoes, IIuIved
250 II (8 oz) smoked salmon small bunei'I 01 pa,slev.
4 tablespQOnft chopped dill

Slice the smoked salmon


and add t to the bowl with the parsley and ha f

ult and pepper Dressing

the din.
Make the d ressing by whisking the lemon juice arld oil. com bine

jUice of

lemon 3 lab1espoona olive 011

Pour the dressing over the sa'ad. mix l ig'ltly to and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately, garnished with the remaining di ll & spring green salad, blanch refresh 400 9 (13 ozl assorted green vegetablea.

For smoked salmon and

i ncludmg sugar snap peas, mangetout. asparagus,

250 9 (e oz) finely sliced smoked 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 60 9 (2', oz) watercress and
salad bowl and add salmon, 1 finely diced red onion,

green beans and peas. Put the vegetables in a large

2 tablespoons olive oil. Season to taste With salt

and pepper and mix hghtly. In a small bowl make a IemOfl creme fraiche dressmg by wIlisking together

4 tablespoons creme fraiche. the rind and Juice of


2 tablespoons chopped din, 2 tablespoons

olive 011 and salt and pepper. Drinle the dressing over the salad and serve.

1 80

white bean , feta & pepper salad

So_ ' Ptepcora\lon "me 1 5 minut.s.

CooIung tme 10-15 minules

:2 red peppers, , cored

plus cooling

peppers. skin side up, on a fOil-lined grill rack. cook I.meler a preheated gnll lor 10-12 m,nutes or until they are softened and the skins charred. Put the oeppers in a plastic bag, fold over the top 10 seal and leave to cool.
Brush them witn a I,ttle of the 0 1 and Put t he Meanwhile, mMe the dress ng by mixing the remaining oil w th the vinegar, lomato pas:e and chopped capers. Season to taste with sail and pepper. Rinse and drain the beans or chickpeas. 51 r them nlo Ihe dressing with the orion and eelef)', Peel the skms olf the peppers and eut tre 'tesh nto strips. Add to the bears and gently toss together. Crumble the leta cheese over the top and serve the salad on a bed of lettuce leaves.

""do...... 4 tablespoons olive 011

:2 tableapoona balsamic

rineglr or red win. vinega. 3 teaspoons Slin-dried

tomato peste

4 teaspoons per.
:2 . 410 9 (13" oz) cans eannellinl buns or haricot beans or cnldlpeas
\I red onion, firll:!ly chopped

4 celery sticks, sliced


9 (4 w) lele cheese

I cos leHu<:e

salt and peppe.

For while bean, feta & chorizo salad, prepare the 3 chorizo sausages into slices and fry thom in a large, nonstick frying pan over a high heat until crispy and golden. Remove them from the pan and drain on kitchen paper, reserving the oil in the pan. Add 1 fmely diced red onion to the pan and cook for 2 minutes over a low heat. Oeg1ua the pan with 3 tablospoons vinegar. Pour over the salad and toss to combine. Garnish with 125 9 (4 Ol) crumbled lela
snlnd as above. Cut

and serve immediately.

1 82

puy lentil salad & salsa verde

SelVes 4

f'repar"tlOl'l tome 1 5 minute, Cooklllg tome 45 minutes 1 teaspoon oll. oil

Heat the 011 In a saucepan, add the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes un! \ it is beginning to soften.
Add and simmer for

the lenti 5 and stock, bMg to the boi then cover 30-40 mi'luies un! I the lentIls (lie

300 9 (10 oz) Puy lentils

1 $:nall onion, finely chopped

tender and the stock has been absorbed. Add tl'\e tomatoes arid spring oniors to the lentils. Stir well to mil(.

450 mI (l: pont} vegetable OO 9 (7 oz) cherry

tomatoes, chopped


Meanwhile, mao<e Ire salsa by putt n9 the herbs,

capers, anchov,es

bunch of sprlll'il onions, finely ...., Seisil verde

until combined but still reta nmg

(II used), oil arld lirre rind and juice In a food processor and whiu n9 for a few seconds
a little texture.

Drizzle the salsa over the warm lentils and toss together. Serve with toasted chapallis or flat breads.

4 tablespoons chopped
mixed he,bl, aveh u parsley, corlender and chives
1 tablespoon ceper'. d.aLfl&d 2 anchovy 'illel' (opt<onal) 1 tablespoon olive oil

For lentil salad with lamb kottas, prepare tho lent,l

salad as above, but using a mixture 01 3 tablespoons

dreSSing. Mix 400 9 (13 oz) lamb mince with

1 leaspoon chilli flakes and

oliva oil and

tablespoons chopped mint for the

finely diced red onion.

Chop a small bunch of mint and add it to the mixture


1 teaspoons

ground cumin. Season to tasle

grated rind and Juice 01 1 11m.

w,th sail and pepper. Take a small handful of the

mixture and push it on to a melal or presoaked wooden skewer. Repeat until ali lhe miture is used

Cook the skewers on a barbecue

Of under a

6 mmutes or unt,l cooked through. Serve the

preheated medium grill, turning occasionally, for koftas

With the lent,l salad and a dollop of Greek yogurt.

1 84

farfalle, tomato & pesta salad

Serves 4-6 Preparation t 1 0 Cookng Ilme 20 minutes 400 9 (13 wi 'arlell. pula
5 tablespoons basil pesto

Cook the pasta ,n a large saucepan of boiling water for about 1 0 minutes or accord ng to the instructions on the paci<el until it is Just lender. Refresh under cold water, d'am and place n a large salad bow', 51 r In the pesta so thal lhe pasta is ....ell coated and add the rocket Drain the tomatoes and add them to the pasta with the and 40 9 (1 oz) of the grated Parmesan. Season with salt and pePPel", a'1d serve the salad scattere<l wiih the rema nil'9 Parmesan.
basil leaves

(see be.ow) 100 9 (3"4 od roeket 120 9 sun-blushed tomltoeS small handful of blSll I..ves 60 g Ill{ oz) Parmesan meese. grated
$lilt and pepper

basil pesta, to serve with the above salad, put the leaves in a food processor or blender with 3 tablespoons toasted pine nuts, 1 small chopped garlic clove and 40 g (1 '; Ol) grated Parmesan cheese. WhIZ until Just combined then drizzle in 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil to make a smooth paste. Cover the pesto with a layor of olive oil and keep in the refrigerator for up

separate a large blJnch of basil and

to 7 days.

1 86

wild rice & turkey salad

Serves 4
PreparatlOfllme 10 mlnut... plus coollf'lg CookIng lime 3D minutes 300 9

Cook the r ice acC()(ding to the instructions on the

packel and allow to cool to room temperature.

Mht the apples (,\10 the rice WIth the pecans, the orange lind and JUIce and the cranberries. Season to taste wIth salt and pepper.
Mi together t'le Oil and parsley. Cullhe lurkey fillels into halves or Ihirds engtilways and cover wliM this midure. Heal a frying pan until il IS 001 but 00\ smoking and cook the \ur'J<.ey lor 2 rr,'nutes on eac"! side. Slice the turkey, arrange the p'eces next to the nce salad and serve immediately.

:1 green apples, f_ne/y .heed

(10 oz) wild ric.

75 9 (3 oz) peun nuls

60 9 (:1 oz) Wlnberrie.

3 tablespoon. olive all

rind and juice of 2 orllnges

:1 tablespoons chopped

4 turkey fillets, eae/l llbout

125 9 (4 0:)

51111 and pepper

For sticky citrus pork chops with wild rice salad, whisk the find and JUIce of 1 orange, 2 tablespoons orange marmalada, 1 tablespoon soy sauce and I tablespoon sweet chilli sauce. Heat a large frymg pan over a hIgh heat and seal 4 pork chops, each about 175 9 (6 oz), for 2 minutes on each side, Put tho chops on a foillined baking sheet and cover with the marinade. Cook in a preheated oven, 1 80C (3500F), Gas Mark 4, for 10-15 minutes unlil cooked through. Prepare Ihe salad as above and serve lopped with Ihe por1t. chops

1 88

pasta, crab & rocket salad

Pl-eparaloon 11!1'rtI 5 minutes, Serves 1

Cook the pasta according to the Instruct10ns on Ine packet and leave to cool. Mix together Ihe lime nnd and Juice. creme Iraidle and crab meal 'n a arge bowl Add the cooled pasta 8'ld mix agan.
Add the

plus eooI'ng Coob>g lime 1 0 minutes

50 g (2 oA

dried st., such

as _igatonl grBl00 rind and juke at ll ilme 2 t.t>lesp0008 cI6me l.alehe B5 9 (3 0') can c:r. m..l, ."'" 8 cherry tomatoes, halved

tomatoes to tile bowl with the rocl<e toss e'Jerythlng together and serve.

handful of rocket

For pasta salad with tuna & chilli cook the pasta as abovo_ Drain 140 9 (4' oz) can tuna and mix through the cooked pasta. Desood and finely coop 1 red chilli and add to the pasta with the rind and juico of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. a handful of rocket leaves and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Season 10 taste with salt and pepper and servo.

1 90

puy lentils, salmon & dill salad

P\'eparallOl> bm8 30 minutes, plus eooIi I ll'il and chilling
Co<:IIoog lome 35-40 minutes 50_'

500 g (1 Ib) ,.Iman rille!

2 tablespoons dry wllite wine
4 red pepper., halved and

Put the salmon on a sheet of foil and spoon over the wine. Gather up the foi and 'old over at the top to seaL Place on a baking sheet ano bake in a preheated oven, '2WC (4000f), Gas Mark 6, for 1 5-20 minutes unt cooked, Allow 10 coo then flake, cover and Chil. Grili lhe peppers and pee away the so( flS following the Instructions on page 174. Reserve the pepper juices.
Make the dressing 'Nhiz the chi'lies, parsley, dill, garl c, mustard and lemon juice In a fcod processor untl smooth. With Ihe motor runn'ng, dnzzle in the oil until the m ucture is thIck.

(6 oz) Puy lentils large haodIuI of dill, chopped , bJoch at spring onloo
115 II

fnely sliced lemon iuice, lor aqu&ellrlQ pepper Oresslng

2 green ehlllles, d&lIEIeded

and cnopped large h.andf1 of flet leal parsley, chopped large handful of dill, chopped
2 garlic cloves

Put the lentils and in a large saucepan with plenty of water, bring to the boil, then simmer gently 'or 15-20 minutes unbl cocked but stililirm to t he bite. Dra'1 them and place in a bowl with the red peppers and their juice. Add ali lhe dill and most of the spnng onions. Season with pepper to taste
T o

Stir Ihe dressing into the hol lenilis and allow to infuse. serve, :op the lentils wilh the flaked salmon and genlly mix through the lentils and dressing. Add a hllie lemon juice and Ine remaining spnng onions.

1 teaspoon Dilon mustard

8 tablespoon8 1emon juice I tab espoon olive 011

For salmon salad & crushed potatoes boil 400 g (13 ozl new potatoes for 15-20 minutes. Drain and cool Slightly, then lightly crush. Mix in 4 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons small capers. 1 bunch slICed spnng onions and salt and pepper. Prepare the salmon as above and flake it through the potatoes. Add a handful 01 chopped dIll and 100 g (3 ozl watercress. Serve WIth lemon and olive 011.

1 92

bulgar wheat salad

Serves 4-6

PJeparlihon t,me 1 5 mlnl.ltes.

water. Leave to stand for at least

Put the bulgar wheat In a bowl and cover with cold 1 hour.
Meanwhile, make Ille dressing by whisktng together the allspice, cinnamon, emon Juice and 0.1.

". .......
1 M> 9 (5 oz) bulge, wht

400 9 (13 oz) cherTY 6 ,pring onions. fineI)'

1 bunch of persley. chopped

tomatoes. d>eed

Strain lhe bulgar wneai tnrough a fine sieve and leave 10 stand for 5 m,nutes, squeez n9 out as much waler as possible. Add the tomatoes, spring onions, parsley bunch 01 mint. d>oppe<i

and mini 10 the bulgar wheal Add the dressing and mil( well. $eason wIth salt and pepper to taste. Leaving the salad in the refrigerator for a few hours Will inlens fy the flavours. For bulgar wheal salad with whole grilled snapper, score the snapper

utI and pepper


teaspoon allspice teaspoon clnnllmon

juice of 1 lemon

MIX together 1

3 times diagonally on each side.

teaspoon ground cumin, . teaspoon

1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 teaspoon

4 tablespoons olive 011

ground chilli. the ri nd and juice of fish and rub

1 lemon and 2 tablespoons olie oil. Put lemon slices inskJe the
under a low grill and cook for

them with the spice mixture. Put the fish 20-25 minutes, turning

half way through cooking, until opaque but still Juicy. Put the bulgar wheat salad on a large serving plate, arrange tl'll;! grilled snapper 0fI top and serve.

1 94

mushroom & ricotta pasta salad

5affl!s .-6 Preparllt!Ot'llrne 20 minutes CookIng ,"'" 1 2 mlnutn 250 9 (e ozl ,ieotta cheese 2 tablespoon. chopped parsley 2 tab'ilspoona chopped rosemary
:2 tabJecpoona chopped

Mil( thc neoUa win the herbs and Parmesan in a sma bowl and season to taste wltn salt and pepper.
Cook the pasta ,n a large saucepan of bOI ing water for 1 0 mInutes Of accord n9 to Ihe instructions on the packet until II is Just tender.

Meanwhile, sl ee ttle mushrooms. Heal ttle orl in a large frying pan over a hign heat and 'ry the mushrooms 'or 1 minute. Add the crushed garlfC, season with salt ihe pepper ana cook for 2 m nutes.
Drain the cooked pasta. add the Mushrooms and stir through. Add Ihe ncotta mlKture and mix well. Serve with more chopped herbs and Parmesan, If ,ked. For pancetia '" creamy mushroom pasta, cut 200 g

:2 tablespoon_ chopped ba,11

15 9 (3 ozl Parmesan 400 9 (13 oz) penne pnla

:2 tbblespoonl olin 011

cheese, finely grated

(7 02:) pancctta into small batons and fry until criapy.

500 9 (t Ib) m..ed mushrooms. including chestnut and portobello garlic eloye, crushed

Add to tho cooked pasta tog ether with the mushrooms. Slir through j 00 9 (3' oz) baby spinach and seNe.

51111 and pepper

1 96

corn , tomato & black bean salad

-. .

PreparatlOf1 time 10 min",!" g ti/fle 1 0 minutes

.. corn cobs, lea _ ar.d fibrel

Cool bnefly under funning cold water then

Cook the

corn cobs in boiling water for 7-10 minutes. scrape off

the kemels with a knife. Put the kernels in a large bowl With the tomatoes, black beans, onion ar'Id allOCado and mix w Ih the cOI"iander.

<om,,,,, 250 II (8 oz) chelTY lotoe$, Mtved 400 9 (13 oz) can black beans, d.amed and rinsed 1 ,ed onion, fiJ'l(lIy diced 8I1d dICed
&mall bunch

and Tabasco.

Make the dress n9 by miXing together the lime jL'ce, 011

Drizzle the dressing over the, stu carefully 10

combine and serve immediately.


1 avocado, peeled. stoned

finely chop

of coriander,

roughly choppod

chilli prawns with corn & black bean salad, 2 garlic cloves and deseed and finely chop 2 long red chillies. Heal 1 ' tablespoons vegotable oil in a wok or large frying pan over a high heat and cook

24 peeled and bu\lerflied prawns with tho tails

Fry for a further

juice 01 1

Drening lime :2 tablespoons rapeseed oil

Stir-fry for 1 minute, then add the garlic and ch, lies Tum off the heat and stir

2 minutes until jUst cooked through through 3 tablespoons

2-3 d.ops TllbaKO .auce

chopped conander. Serve the prawns over the com and black bean salad garnished with etra conander leaves and lime wedges.


chickpea & herb salad

s.._ .

Preparal!01l time 1 0 mlnl.lles. plus c;oolin CookIng lime 10 minutes

100 9 (3 ozl bulger whe.t <I tablespoons olive oil 1 lab'espoon lemon Julc. :2 labIespoor\8 chopped fll\

Put the bulgar wheat in a heatproof bowl and pour over 5uflic,e"t 00 1119 water Just 10 cover. Set as de unlil lhe water has been absorbed. ,I you want io gIVe a fluffier finish to the bulgar wheat, transfer it to a steamer a.,d steam lor 5 millules. Spread on a p,ate to cool. Mix together tile 0 rve oi lemon JU ce, pars ey and m '11 in a large salad bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add the Ihe chickpeas, tomatoes, onion and bulgar wheat. Dice the cucumber and add to Ihe bowl. Mi well and add the diced tela, stiffing lightly to avoid breaking up the cheese. Serve mmediately. For beetroot & chickpea salad, combine 150 g (5 0:) baby chard with 400 g (13 ozl rinsed and drained chickpeas, 200 9 (7 0:) precooked and diced beetroots In a large mixing bowl. Cut an orange in half and put the halves on a hot griddle pan until golden and not black. Squeeze the Juice into a small bowl and add 1 teaspoon clear honey and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Whisk together. then dress the salad lightly and crumble over 150 9 (5 oz) leta

leal parsley
1 tablespoon chopped mini 400 II (13 02) can chlckp."

drained and nn&ed

125 II (4 oz) cherry

tomatoes, ha:vect
1 tablespoon chopped mild

100 9 (3)j (2) cucumber 150 9 (5 oz) lei. cheese

salt and pepper


chickpea & cherry tomato salad

s..w Soak the chickpeas overnight ,n cold water. Drain the chickpeas, r inse wei and drain aga in. Put then into a large saucepan, cover w Ih plenty of cold waler ard bring to the boil. Simmer for 1-1 hours or according

Preparaloon lime 1 5 minutes, plus _king and cooIr.g Cooking lome 1-1 i4 hours 250 9 (9 ad dried chickpeet 400 9 (13 ozI ch<Irry lomatoes, h.a'ved " celery sticks. slICed 4 spring onions, aIiced

to the Instructions on the packet until cooked and sofl Add extra water if necessary. Drn ana allow to cooL

Put the tomatoes, celery, spring onions, olives and

dlickpeas In:o a large serving cowl and mix welL Sur in the dressing, season with black pepper, garnish w Ih mint leaves and serve. For chickpea salad with harissa lamb, marinato

O 9 (2 0.1:) Kllamal. olives

Mint and Yogurt D.uSllng

(Il00 page 1 5)

1 2 lamb chops


3 tablespoons harissa paste

black pepper mint Ives. 10 gIImish

mixed with :2 tablespoons olive (lji. Leave the lamb to marinate lor at least 1 hour, preferably overnight. Prepare the ct1lckpea salad

as above. Heat a

large griddle pan and fry the lamb in batches for

2-3 minutes on each side until just cooked through

and stili pink in the middle. Remove and allow to rest for

5 minutes.

Serve with the salad, drizzled with the Mil'll

& Yogurt Dressir.g and some roughly et10pped mint.


nsoni, sweel potato & bacon salad

5_&4-6 Preparation tan. 20 minutes

Put the sweet potatoes 011 a large b3'l,119 sheet

and drizzle with olIVe oil and salt and pepper, Bake in a preheated oven,

Coob'og time 30 minutes

2 large sweet potatoes. peeled and e<.! into IIOTI8lI
d 2 lah!6spoonll olive oil, plus

190C (375F), Gas Mark 5, for

20-25 mmutes until just coo..;ed through.

Finely shce the bacon. Heal a arge frying pan over a high heal and fry the bacon for

4 minu:es ""ntd golden

and cr,spy. Drain on kitchen paper and reserve.

extra fo< dnulnog

200 9 (7 oz) smo!ted slreakv 250 9 (8 ol) risonl or or.o

Meanwhile, cook the pasta In a arge saucepan 0'

bOiling water for 1 0 minutes or according to the instructions on the packet Add the peas and cook for

2 more minutes 8rld dran. Remove the sweet potatoes from the overl arld miK
with the pasta arld peas. Add the bacOfl arld crumble over the leta, rcscrvirlg some 01 both for gamish, Add :2 tablespoors olive oil arld the chopped mirl\ and combirle well. Gamish w th and serve.

200 9 (7 0.) frozen peas
100 '3

(3l! oz) fela chees'

small bunch of mini, chopped salt and pepper

the reserved bacon and feta

For cajun chicken & risoni salad. drizzle 2 boneless,

skinless chicken breasts with olive oil and sprinkle over

2 tablespoons cajun seasoning. Heat a frying pan

5 minutes on either side until

and fry the chicken for

cooked through. Thinly slice the chicken and serve With the risoni salad as above.


fruit salads

mixed berry salad

Serves 4-6
PrttOn t"Tle 1 0 minutes

Hull and halve the strawbernes. Wash all the berries and drain well Add the chopped mini to the berries w \h the elderllower syrup. ml carefully and serve, decoraied with the reserved mini spngs. For warm berry salad, dilute 100 (3' Il o;.:) eldcrflower syrup in 600 ml (1 pint) water, add 50 9 (2 o;.:) casler sugar and bring to the boil In a heavy based saucepan. Add 400 9 (13 Ol) strawberries, 250 9 (8 oz) raspberries, 150 9 (5 oz) blueberries and 150 9 (5 02) blacl<berries, prepared as above, to the pan and turn off the heat. Lellhe berries cool slightly, then serve with vanilla ice cream. The berries will keep lor up to 5 days in the syrup in the refrigerator.

400 9 (13 0.<) strawberries 250 9 (8 oz) raspberries 1!10 9 (5 oz) blueberries

150 9 (!S (2) blackberries

&miI11 bunch of mint, linel)'

choppecl. II fow sprigs

reserved 10< d&eo<ation

3 table8pOO!'lS elderllowe.



exotic fruil salad

Series 6-6 Peel and core the pineapple and cut the flesh into small wedges. Do the sa'lle with the papaya, careful')' removing tile seeds v. th a spoon. Put lhe pineapple and papaya in a serwtg bowl. Cut the passion frUit

Preparatoon to'r1e 10 minutes

1 large npo piMllpp\e, abou1 1.5 kg (3 1b) 1 papllya, about 400 9 (13 oz) 3 Pl'ssion IJuil
juice of 1 lime

,n half and scrape the pulp


the bowL Add Ihe lilre juice, IT'ix carefully and serve decorated with mint spngs. For

grilled pineapple with lime sugar pe

ppl aId cut it mto quartE ICh quarter Into

1.5 9

mint SPrigs, to decorate

(3 Ib) pln
coro. Cut

remOYlng the

long p!ces and thread

them on to metal or presoaked wooden skewers. Put the rind of 3 limes 1010 a food processor and add

150 9 (5 Ol) granulated sugar. Whiz briefly then

sproad the sugoJr on a baking sheet and leave to dl)l

tnr al loast 1

hour. Heat a griddle pan 10 a

heat and cook the pineapple for

2 minutos on each

side until golden and caramelized. Spnnkle with the lime gugar lind serve. Stole unuood lime sugar in a dry, airtight container.

21 0

citrus salad
Se<ve -6 Remove Ihe rind Irom Ihe

2 oranges and Ihe 2 I mes

P,eparatoon tone 15-20 minutes, plus mamatong Cooking tme 5 mlnule5 2 Oflnges 2 Satsum.1 2 limes
4 blood oranges

uSing a zester. Peel all the frUit with a knife, carefuily removing all the pdh. Ske the oranges and satsumas and segment tne imes, blood oranges aod grape'fUll

Reserve some of the orange and lime rind or

decoration and pul Ine rest into a saucepan w,th the sugar and .....ater and cook over a gent'e heat, stirring until the sugar t>as dlsso....ed. Fbur t h e syrup oyer the frulI and leave to stand in the refrigerator for at east 1 hour before serving. Serve decorated With the reserved orange and me nnd

1 ruby grapelluil 1509 (5 ozl teste. ....g 1 50 mI (lI: pint! walM

For Grand Marnier citrus sauce, to serve with citru8

salad, mix 100 9 rind of


oz) caster sugar, the Juice


2 oranges and 50 ml (2 fI oz) waler in a small,

heavy-based saucepan. 8ring to the boil, then turn the heat 10 low and reduce the liquid by two-thirds until syrupy. Once the correct consistency is reachod. add 50 ml

(2 II oz) Grand

Marmer, pour over the cilrus

salad and serve.

21 2


rhubarb & strawberry salad

SeIV9S. PrElpanl\1On t,me 2'0 minute'S
Coolung 10I'I'Ie 20 minutes Cut the rhubarb mto

4 em (1 h mch) lengths and put

them in a shallow, non-l1'ela;( c ovenproof dish. Put tne sugar and water 'n a small saucepan over a low heat and stir unt I the sugar has dissolved. Add Ihe vanilla pod and losewater, Pour the syrup over the rhubarb, cover with foil and bake in a preheated oven, t aoc

oo Q (l
150 mI

ib) rhub'lb

125 II (4 (11) cuter sug..

(l' p<nl) weter

1 enl. pod 2 teaspOOn' fO$ew.t.,

(350"F), Gas Mali<. 4, for 12-15

'l1i"lules until

Just soft.

400 9 (13 ozj .Iwbemes

To Ole"" mnc:' <:he.", 0<
40 \I (I ll 0.-) roughly choppad O.nk yogurt

Meanwhile, hull ana ha've the strawberries. When

Ihe rhubarb is cooked. discard ttle vanilla pod and add the strawberries, covel and leave to s :and for

5 minutes. Transfer (he flui! to serving plates, spoon

some of the cook'ng liouid over each one and add a

plstaehlo nuts

dollop of mascarpone or yogurt and a sprinkling of chopped pistachios.


rhubarb, apple " scallop salad, preparo 500 9

(1 Ibl rhubarb as abo'lo but add only 75 9 (3 ozl

sugar. Gut an apple into matchsticks and combine in a bowl with the rhubarb,

100 9 (3', ozl wateJcreS8 and

sliced avocado. Hoat 1 tablespoon vegetable oil in

a large frying scallops for

pan Q'ler a high heat and fry t 2 large 2 minutes on each side until Just cooked
2 tablespoons

through. Remoe

and keep warm. Toss the salad wllh

lablespoon wMe balsamic vinegar,

oli'le oil and sail and pepper. Arrange the scallops Of! top of the salad and seNe,


spiced fruit salad


F'rep;Irahon llme 1 5 minutes, plus cooIong and clllling CooIcng 2 minutes 1 vanilla pod, pilat eJllra for decofa\lng liked 21 cnle' suga, 175 mI (6 ft oz) water 1 hot ,.d d'liNI
4 clementlM'$ :2 peahes 11 canu.IQuptI melon

Use the tip 0 1 a small, sharp kmfe to score the van Ita pod lengthways through 10 the centre. Put the sugar and waler In a saucepan and heal gently unul lhe sugar dissolves. Halve and deseed the chilli and add It to the saucepan With the vanilla pod. Heal genlly for 2 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and leave the syrup to cool. Cut away the rind from the clementines and 5 Ice the flesh. Remove the stones from the peaches and slice the flesh. Deseed the melon and C\lt Ihe flesh mlo small chunks. discarding the skm. the frUits in a serving dish and pour over the warm discarding the chilli and vanilla pod. Leave the syrup to cool completely, then cover the fruit salad and chili unlil you are leady to selVe. Decoraie With a vanilla pod if liked.
Mil syrup,

175 9 (6 ozI bIL.eberrie.

For spiced fruit salad syrup, to serve wilh the above frUit salad, add 10 the sYl1.lp 1 lemon grass stalk cui in half and bnJised wllh a meat tenderiler, 3 kaffir lime leaves and 2 em (l. Inch) fresh fool ginger peeled and roughly sliced. Add these wllh the chiUi aod prepare In the same way.


poached fruit with ginger biscuits

Serve, 6-8 Ioon IlrTMo 1 5 m,nlllu CookIll9 tIne 20 minutes
Put the sugar, water and vanilla pod in a large, heavy based saucepan and heat gently, st-rring. unti! the sugar has dISsolved

Bring to a low Simmer, add the

frUit and cover with a Circle of greaseproof or baking

250 9 (8 or) enler $\I9a.

2.S itree (4 ponte) water
t vanille POd, plus extra lor
dooor",og if k8d

palchmenl to hold the fruit m the syrup. Simmer for 2 minutes then turn off the heat and leave to cool Remove the fruit fro'l"l the liquid with a slotted spoon, reservlllg the poach f'I9 liquid Peel the skins from the fruit, then cut them In half and remove the slones. Put

4 peaches 4 neeuorines

1 0 apncols



(8 II oz) of the poaching liquid in a small,

heavy-based saucepan and heal 10 reduce it for

To serve mescarpone ch&ese 3 gingCf bis<:uits. crushed

6-8 minutes unt I it has a syrupy consistency. Put

the fruit in a large bowl, pour over the syrup and toss genUy. Arrange the fruit on serMg plates, add a spoonful of mascarpone to each one and sprinkle With crushed ginger biscUits. Decorate wllh a vanilla pod if liked. For poached stone fruit with raspberry coulis put

150 9 (5 oz) frozcn raspbernbs and 40 9 (1


caster Rugar in a heaVY'bll,;"d saucHpan. Slowly bring

IOf 2-3 minutes unt,1 the COUh8 has a syrupy

up to the boil, stlrr'ng, to dIS aloe thc sugar. Simmer

consi8tency. Remove from the heal and strain through a fine sieve. Poach the stone fru,t as abovc and lItJrvc with the raspberry coulis and a dlizzte )f custard.


mixed fruit salad

SeMIs 6-8 f'repanIt'on lime 1 5 minutes " wlltefmelon
II gaWa melon into 2-3 em

Peel and deseed both the melons and cut the flesh (1 inch) chunks. Put them In a large bowL Peel and dice the mango. dice the apples and slice the bananas. Add 10 the bowl wth the melon.

, mango
:2 green apples

2 bananas

Peel the kiWifruit and cut the flesh into founds, add to the bowl along With the berries and mix the fruil together carefully.

3 kiwifruit
200 9 (7 strawberries 150 9 (5 0..) blueberries

For exotic fruit salad with passion fruit cream, whisk together 4 tablespoons mascarpone cheese. 200 ml (7 II azl double cream and :2 tablespoons silted icing sugar In a bowl until soft peaks form. Gently fold in the pulp of 2 passion fruil Serve a spoonful WIth the exollc frUlI salad.


cherries with cinnamon crumble

s.- .-6 Pleparanon tome 15 minutu. pls cooling Cooling Ilnlft 20 minutes 1 5 kg (3 1b) eII...ies, pilled 250 9 (8 oz.) usle, Sligar 400 mI (14 II water 1 ul'lilia POd
strips of oran941 peel, to

Put the chelT,es , n a large bowl. Place the sugar i n a heavy-based saucepan and add the waler, vanilla pod, cloves and orange peel. Bring to the ooil, sti rring
occasionally, then pour the syrup over the cherries. Leave to coot
dice. Melt the butter alld drizzle

2 cloves

Make the crumble. Cul lhe I.uil Ioal 1/'110 1 em ( Inch) II over the fruil loaf. M,x logether the cInnamon and sugar and sprin kle over the fruit loaf. MIX well, transfer to a baking sheet and cook

in a preheated oven, 4-5


190-C (375F), Gas Mark 5, lor mi nutes until golden and crunchy. Remove the

crumble from the oven and allow to cool.

Crumble 60 9 (2)1 od fruit loaf

HI II ex wJ unsalled butter iii teaspoon clnnemon

Meanwhile, make the cinnamon cream. Sift the Icing

sugar over the cream, add the cinnamon and whisk I,Intil llrm peaks form.

1 labluspoon caster sugar Cinrnomon m 1 tablespoon Icing sugar 1 5 0 mI (" pont) whipping cream " teaspoon cinnamon

a small amount of syrup. a spoonful of the cinnamon cream and a sprink.ling of the fruit loaf crumble. Dccorate With stnps of orange peel.
Serve the chemes Wllh

For chocolate & cinnamon sauce to rve WIIh th cherr;es. combine 100 g (3 oz) chopped dark chocolato (use chocolate With 70 pel coni cocoa sohdsl. 15 9 ( oz) buUC'r, 125 ml (4 II 01j cream and
lam;:epan ()Vf)r a low heal. St,r tho S<lUCC unt,1 all t chocol816 hfl melled t1nd it IS smooth and glossy. Turn ot! the heat and rO.lHve. Prepare the cherri(ls aa above and serve wllh a drizzle of 1M chocolate

ground cmnamon in a 1SIl18"


cmr"\amon 0;



winter fruit salad

....... <-<
Pfepa'allon 5 minutes Cooking lme 30 minutes

tOO 9 (3 oz) pnlne., tloned

100 9 (3:4 oz) ready-ICHlal
dried poches 100 9 (3\1; oz) ready'IO-UI dried pear.

Put tile prunes and the ready-io-eat dried Il'\Ilts, the cinnamon slick. cloves, lerron rind and sugar in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Set over a medium heat and Simmer for 15 minutes until the Iru I plumps up. Remove the pan from the heat and strain tne frUIts, reserving the liqu d and discarding the cinnamon stICk. Return the !Iquid to the heat for 1 0 minutes unbl reduced. Return the fruits to the syrup. warm them through and SCNe with some yogurt and a driule of honey.

100 9 (3101 oz) ,eady-Io-eal 100 9 (3101 oz) ready-to-eat

dried apricots d,1ed apples

50 9 (2 oz) ready-I01lu dri&d

figs I dnnamon sllcll

3 pears and 3 apples and put them in an ovenproof

dish. Halve and stone 3 plums and add them to the dish with 50 9 (2 oz) dried figs, 50 9 (2 oz) frozon cranberries, a Cinnamon stick and 4 clovos. DOl the frull with 50 9 (2 oz) unsalted butler, then sprinkle with 50 9 (2 oz) soft brown sugm. Bake In a preheated oven, 1 80C (3500j=), Gas Mark 4, for 20 minutes until soft. Serve with Greek yogurt and honey.

For roast winter fruit salad, core and quarter

4 cloves

50 9 (2 azl e.sler ,ugar

T o seNe

lind of 1 lemon

Greek yogurt
dear honey


fruit salad with lemon grass syrup

Propa.allOl> 1,me 10 minutes, plus cooI"l9 Cooking t.n18 10 minutes 1 em (inch) fruh root ginger, peeled and IIbced 1 lemon grass slalk. lightly
bro ""

Put the gmger, lemon grass, sugar and water into a small, heavy-based saucepan and simmer lor 5 minutes. Remove from Ihe heat and a'iow to cool. Cut the papaya flesh nto long wedges and put them

in a bowl Cut Ihe mangoes and guavas inlo smal wedges and add to the papaya with !he ychees. Add 3 tablespoons of :he syrup and combin carefully.

100 9 (3" 0:) uler auga, 150 mI ( ptn1) waler

2 Pl'PlIY'. peeled and

Transfer the salad to serving dishes, dnzzle over some of Ihe rema 'ling syrup 8'ld sprino<le with Ihe

toasted coconut
For toasted coconut, to decorate lhe fruil salad broak open a coconut, drain away Ihe Jui ce and peel aff lhe outer tough husk. Run a vegetable peeler along the broken edge of the coconut Once you have enough shavings, lay them Ilat o n a baking sheet and toast in a preheat d even, ::WOC (400F), Gee Mark 6, for 3-4 minutos until golden brown,


2 mangoes. peeled and stooed 2 guavas. poolod and stoned

1 0 Iyeh"!, peeled

2 t9blespoor1s toasted


chargrilled fruit with chilli salt

Serws6-8 Preparatoon lima 15 mlnut M>e 1 0 minutes 1 IIotge, po:t&Iftd and
..... II pineapple, peeled :2 tIfInenas )! 18a CI\Ished dried

Cui the mango into :2 em (.,. ,nch) pieces and cut the
pineapple into small wedges. CJllhe ba.,anas into wooden skewers, the fruits.
Milt together the

thick slices. 51<ewer the !nut on to metal Of presoaked

ch ,; and saH and set as de

Preheat a gnddle pan to medium heat and gnll lhe

sllewers on each sioe for 3 minutes unt,l golden 8rod caramelized. Remove the skewers from the heat, sprink with te sail chilli mix and serve.

cnilll 1 tablespoon sn It or vanilla sea selt

For vanilla sea salt. to accompany chargrilled fflut

small bowl Wllh 4 tablespoons sea salt. Slir to comblfle well and leave to Infuse for at least 2 hours. skewern, scrape the seeds of

1 vanilla pod 11110 a


------ ---

papaya, lime & almond salad

... Proparaloon lome 15 mllMlt

Cut the papayas ,nto diCe.

plus cooW>g
Cookong bme 3-5 minutes

3 r,m, ripe IH'P"Yu, peeled

""' ........,

Finely grate the rind of botrl limes, then squeeze 1 of the limes and reserve the juice. Cut the pith off the second lime and segment the flesh oyer It-e bowl of diced papaya to catch the Jlo ceo Add Ine lime segments and grated rind to the papaya

'2 limes 2 teaspoons light brown 50 9 (2 oz) toestl'd blandled

the lime JUice nto a small saucepan With the

sugar and !'leal genlly until the sugar has CISSOIYeo'.

Remove from the heat and leave 10 coot.

Pour Ihe

almonds lime w, to docoml<l

thoroughly. Add the toasted almonds and lime wedges.

cooled lime Juice over tne fruit and toss serve with

For papaya & time salad with ginger granite, pour 1 litre (1 Yo pints) ginger beer Into a rectangular plastic container. MIX In 3 tablespoons chopped minI. pul the container in the freezer <Irld leaye for at least 4 hours. When the liqu id is frozen scrape it with a fork until a fluffy ice has formed. Spoon the ice oyer the papaya
and lime salad and serve immediately.


marsala poached pears

'-' . PreparatIOn tome 10 minutes Coob'>!l t;n>(l 40 minutes 300 mI I" p;nl) ""'.ul. Put Ihe Marsala, red wine, sugar, lemon juice, the c,nnamon stfCk and star anise ,n a heavy-based saucepan and brmg to a low 5 mmer. Peel the pears, eaving l.-.e stalks in p'ace, put them in Ihe saucepan and coo,", for 20-25 m occas.ona1Iy, until they are soil Remove tl"e pears to cooL and be I to reduce arid Meanwhile, le:urn the poaching liquor

500 nI (17 fl oz) red win. 200 'iI (7 0:) taste. suglr
t clnnllmon slick :2 slll nise :2 tablespoons lemon lulc.

n u;es, h .. rn n9

from the saucepan With a S oted spoon and set as ce

10 the heat

6 pears
clotted cream, to_

syrupy. Serve Ihe pears, dnuled

for aoout 1 0 m nu:es unl I is thick witn h I e syrup and

accompan.ed by a spoon!u' of clottec cream. For roasted pears with toffee sauce, halve 6 pears and remove tho stones. Pul lhe pea rs in an ovenproof dish ands p ri nkle With 5 tablespoon s brown sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Dot w ith 20 g (; ozl unsalted butter. Roast the pears in a preheated oven, leOoe {350Fl. Gas Mark 4, for 20 min utes until golden and soft. Meanwh,le, combine 150 g (5 oz) brown sugar. 125 ml (4 II oz) Cleam and 20 g (, oz) unsalted butter in a heavybased saucepan, stirring unt,1 the sugar has dissolved. Simmer for 2 minutes then pour the sauce over the roasted pears and serve with IId o llop of clotted cream.

- 232

-- -

melon & pineapple salad

..... .
ProparalOOll lome 10 minute..

DIce Ihe melon and pineapple, Add the melon and pineapple to a bowl or plastic container. Mix together the lime nnd and fructose until well combmed. Spr nkle Ihls over the fruit and stir n well; In an hOLlf or so tne fructose will have diSsolved. Decorate wIth Ine lime slices 8'ld se-ve.
For lime & ginger syrup. to serve with the above salad, in a small, heavy-based saucepan combine 150 9 (5 ozl casler sugar, 150 ml ('. pint) water, the rind and Juice 1 lime and 1 em ( inch) fresh root glflger, peeled and roughly sliced. Bring the mi.lure 10 the boil, stirring occasionally 10 dissolva the sugar When the sugar has competely dissolved, remove lhe syrup from Ihe heal, cover and chill. Driv.:1e Ihe syrup over Ihe salad about 30 minutes before serving to allow the flavours to combine.

pt.I8 .tandoog
II cantaloupe melon, peeled

"smal pi....ppI peeled grated rind of 1 lime 2 teaspoons IructoH lime sllcn, to decofate

"" .......,


Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook: 200 Super Salads Index

Front Cover US, 1 Back Cover US, 2 Back And Front Cover UK, 3 Title Page, 4 Copyright US, 5 Copyright UK, 6 Contents, 6 Introduction, 7 Basic Recipes, 10 Side Salads, 12 Apple & Radish Slaw, 14 Blue Cheese & Walnut Potato Salad, 22 Chicory & Baby Cos Salad, 13 Coleslaw, 14 Courgette, Feta & Mnt Salad, 18 Crunchy Chilli Slew, 23 Garden Salad With Grilled Chicken, 17 Garden Salad, 17 Gorgonzola, Pecan & Pear Salad, 13 Green Beans With Almonds, 20 Green Beans With Anchovy Dressing, 20 Green Salad With Crusted Goats' Cheese, 16 Green Salad, 16 Marinated Courgette Salad., 18 Pickled Cucumber & Chilli Salad, 21 Pickled Fennel Salad, 19

Pickled Vegetable Salad, 21 Potato Salad, 22 Red Cabbage Slaw, 23 Rocket & Parmesan Salad, 24 Rocket Salad With Chive Dressing, 24 Rocket, Pear & Pecorino Salad, 15 Rocket, Apple & Balsamic Salad, 15 Shaved Fennel & Radish Salad, 19

Light Salads, 25 Bang Bang Chicken Salad, 51 Beef & Cucumber Salad, 67 Beef Salad With Roasted Shallots, 67 Beetroot & Orange Salad, 32 Beetroot Dressing, 31 Broccoli, Bacon & Pine Nut Salad, 50 Caesar Salad, 26 Cajun Chicken Caesar Salad, 26 Cajun Chicken Wings With Potato & Avocado Salad, 33 Cajun Potato & Prawn Salad, 33 Celery, Artichoke & Chicken Salad, 66 Chicken & Asparagus Salad, 62 Chicken, Apricot & Almond Salad, 38 Chicken, Asparagus & Haloumi Salad, 62 Chilli Prawn, Mango & Avocado Salad, 48 Chop Salad Mexican Style, 44 Crab, Apple & Avocado Salad, 29

Cranberry & Chicken Chop Salad, 44 Creamy Mayonnaise Dressing, 55 Crispy Soy Quail & Pear Salad, 61 Crispy Trout Salad, 36 Daikon, Carrol & Red Pepper Salad, 39 Dalkon Salad With Asian-style Ribs, 39 Duck & Soya Bean Salad, 63 Duck, Asparagus & Hazelnut Salad, 60 Duck, Clementine & Tatsoi Salad, 53 Duck, Hazelnut & Peach Salad, 60 Fattoush, 40 Fig, Raspberry & Prosciutto Salad, 41 Greek Salad, 27 Greek Seiad With Garlic Pitta Bread, 27 Griddled Radicchio &. Chicory Salad, 42 Grilled Chicken With Apricot & Tomato Salad, 38 Grilled Fig & Raspberry Fruit Salad, 41 Italian Broccoli & Egg Salad, 50 Japanese Beef & Noodle Salao, 49 Lhai Style Beef Salad, 47 Lomato & Pasta Salad, 45 Mango & Smoked Chicken Salad, 52 Marinated Goats' Cheese, Sun-blushed Tomato & Salami Salad, 32 Marinated Tofu & Mushroom Salad, 59 Nicoise Salad, 28 Orange & Avocado Salad, 35 Orange & Mustard Dressing, 53

Orange, Avocado & Honey Duck Salad, 35 Panzanella Salad, 30 Pea & Broad Bean Salad, 34 Pea, Broad Bean & Chorizo Salad, 34 Peanut, Pomelo & Prawn Salad, 64 Peanut, Squid & Noodle Salad, 58 Pear, Bresaola & Dolcelatte Salad, 54 Poaened Salmon & Soya Bean Salad, 63 Pomelo & Prawn Salad With Vermicelli Noodles, 64 Pomelo, Prawn & Pork Salad, 68 Pomelo, Prawn, Pork & Shallot Salad, 68 Pork Larb, 57 Prawn, Mango & Avocado Salad, 55 Prickly Pear & Prosciutto Salad, 54 Quail, Plum & Cashew Nut Salad, 61 Raspberry Salad Dressing, 43 Raspberry Salad With Toasties, 43 Sang Choy Bow, 57 Sashimi Salmon Salad, 56 Sesame-crusted Salmon & Soba Noodle Salad, 49 Sesame-crusted Salmon Salad, 56 Smoked Chicken & Cannellini Bean Salad, 66 Smoked Chicken, White Bean & Thyme Salad, 52 Smoked Lrout & Grape Salad, 36 Spiced Chicken & Mango Salad, 48 Spicy Beef Skewers With Noodle Salad, 51 Spicy Lamb & Couscous Salad, 65

Spring Vegetable Salad, 31 Sweet Chilli & Lime Chicken, 58 Toasted Rice Khao Koor, 47 Tolu & Rice Salad, 59 Tomato & Bean Salad, 30 Tomato & Mozzarella Salad, 45 Tomato. Feta & Basil Salad, 37 Tuna Nicoise Salad, 28 Turkey & Avocado Salad, 29 Vegetarian Couscous Salad, 65 Walnut & Blue Cheese Salad, 42 Watermelon & Feta Saiad, 37 Whole Grilled Sardines With Fattoush Salad, 40

Warm Salads, 69 Asian Salmon Salad, 73 Asian Tofu Salad, 73 Asparagus & Rocket Salad, 79 Balsamic Roast Vegetable Salad, 77 Chicken Couscous Salad, 75 Chickpea & Pepper Salad, 71 Chilli Squid Salad, 82 Chorizo & Quails' Egg Salad, 84 Chorizo, Pepper & Oregano Salad, 74 Curried Scallops & Cerrot Salad, 72 Grilled Asparagus With Streaky Ba, 79 Grilled Vegetable & Haloumi Salad, 80

Herbcrusted Rack 01 Lamb With Vegetablesalad, 77 Pomegranate Vinaigrette, 75 Pumpkin, Feta & Pine Nut Salad, 76 Roast Beef & Wholegrain Mustard Potato Salad, 78 Roast Mushroom & Prosciutto Salad, 81 Roast Mushroom Salad, 81 Roast Pumpkin, Bacon, Sage & Pasta Salad, 76 Roast Tomato & Asparagus Salad, 70 Romescq Sauce, 74 Scallop, Parsnip & Carrot Salad, 72 Smoked Salmon & Potato Salad, 78 Spinach, Chorbzo & Lentil Salad, 84 Squid, Fennel & Potato Salad, 82 Tea-smoked Salmon With Buckwheat Noodle Salad, 83 Tomato & Mozzarella Pasta Salad, 70 Tzalziki, 71 Warm Tea-smoked Salmon Salad, 83 Watermelon & Haloumi Cheese, 80

Rice, Beans, Grains, And Pasta, 85 Basil Pesta, 97 Bean , Kabanos & Pepper Salad, 91 Beef Kebabs With Bean Salad, 91 Beetroot & Chickpea Salad, 104 Buckvvheat & Salmon Salad, 94 Bulgar Wheal Salad With Whole Grilled Snapper, 101 Bulgar Wheat Salad, 101

Cajun Chicken & Risoni Salad, 106 Chickpea & Cherry Tomato Salad, 105 Chickpea & Herb Salad, 104 Chickpea Salad With Harissa Lamb, 105 Chilli Prawns With Corn & Black Bean Salad, 103 Corn, Tomato & Black Bean Salad, 103 Crab & Orzo Salad, 88 Curried Couscous Salad With Lamb Cutlets, 90 Curried Couscous Salad, 90 Farfalle, Tomato & Pesta Salad, 97 Herby Mayonnaise, 88 Lentil & Feta Salad, 89 Lentil Salad With Lamb Kottas, 96 Mushroom & Ricotta Pasta Salad, 102 Orecchiette , Bacon & Broccoli Salad, 92 Pancetia Creamy Mushroom Pasta, 102 Pasta Salad With Tuna & Chilli, 99 Pasta, Crab & Rocket Salad, 99 Potato, Sardine & Lentil Salad, 93 Puy Lentil Salad & Salsa Verde, 96 Puy Lentils, Salmon & Dill Salad, 100 Risoni, Sweel Potato & Bacon Salad, 106 Salmon Salad & Crushed Potatoes, 100 Sardine & Lentil Salad, 93 Seared Tuna & Rice Salad, 86 Smoked Salmon & Spring Green Salad, 94 Sticky Citrus Pork Chops With Wild Rice Salad, 98

Sushi Rice Salad, 86 Warm Broccoli & Chicken Salad, 92 Warm Orzo Salad, 87 Warm Pasta Salad With Lemony Chicken, 87 While Bean, Feta & Chorizo Salad, , 95 White Bean , Feta & Pepper Salad, 95 Wild Rice & Turkey Salad, 98

Fruit Salads, 107 Chargrilled Fruit With Chilli Salt, 118 Cherries With Cinnamon Crumble, 115 Chocolate & Cinnamon Sauce, 115 Citrus Salad, 110 Exotic Fruil Salad, 109 Exotic Fruit Salad With Passion Fruit Cream, 114 Fruit Salad With Lemon Grass Syrup, 117 Grand Marnier Citrus Sauce, 110 Grilled Pineapple With Lime Sugar, 109 Lime & Ginger Syrup, 121 Marsala Poached Pears, 120 Melon & Pineapple Salad, 121 Mixed Berry Salad, 108 Mixed Fruit Salad, 114 Papaya & Time Salad With Ginger Granite, 119 Papaya, Lime & Almond Salad, 119 Poached Fruit With Ginger Biscuits, 113 Poached Stone Fruit With Raspberry Coulis, 113

Rhubarb & Strawberry Salad, 111 Rhubarb, Apple " Scallop Salad, 111 Roast Winter Fruit Salad, 116 Roasted Pears With Toffee Sauce, 120 Spiced Fruit Salad Syrup, 112 Spiced Fruit Salad, 112 Toasted Coconut, 117 Vanilla Sea Salt, 118 Warm Berry Salad, 108 Winter Fruit Salad, 116

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