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Tantric Journey Through the Chakras

Fourth Chakra - Anahata Chakra Heart Chakra

Sex to Spirit Online Course

This is the energy of unconditional love. This chakra starts to move us beyond a self-centred reality and towards a more universal connection. The element of air is associated with this chakra. In the lower three chakras, our sexual energy remains more of a resonance with the personal self. My survival, my sensations, my power. But as energy builds up high enough to rise into the area of the heart, we can experience that which takes us beyond ourself: love. What is love? We have an entire plethora of pop songs about love, novels, poems...for something culture is so obsessed about, it is interesting that still love is an enigma!

Classical tantra theory makes a distinction between personal love and unconditional love. Many of the popular love songs are still very me-centered. My love, my heart. This romantic love is seen to be a resonance of swadistana chakra rather than anahata. It is more of a strong emotional sensation than a vibration of unconditional love. In fact often when you listen to pop song lyrics, they are extremely conditional! I cant live, if living is without you, I need you, baby! etc. Anahata love is the vibration of unconditional love. So long as we are coming from a personal place, we still impose our conditions. "I love you, but only when you do your share of washing up". To enter anahata is to see the true nature of another person, even when they are not acting in alignment with that. Another way of looking at anahata reality is that in each moment either we are experiencing love, or we are experiencing separation. Separation can manifest into many expressions, from fear to hatred. But all stem from the basic root of separation, from the belief "I am separate from you". Love is a force that shatters the illusion of separation. When we fall in love we feel a oneness, a connection, a recognition. But more often than not, conditions creep in after time and we wonder where love has gone. You cannot think your way into unconditional love. There is an inner transformation that is required to rise above personal love. In tantra it is understood that lifeforce energy, sexual energy, can be built

up and lifted up through the body, and when it enters anahata we can experience this transpersonal love. It takes meditation, awareness and self-purification. Such a love is a recognition if our true nature. It is a recognition of the truth that we are all interconnected. Love is like the glue that bonds us all together and reminds us that we are not as separate as we had thought. Unconditional love is not being holier than thou, loving those whom we feel sorry for out of pity. It is the natural expression of the recognition of our interconnectedness. To make love in anahata vibration can be a light, loving and tender love-making. Two hearts feel as one. There is a great sense of merging, and union. Eye contact is longer and deeper. Love may feel like it is surging through you as you make love. Touching one another with great tenderness, as if you touch The Beloved. Positions which are eye to eye and heart to heart can be anahata positions. The urge to rubs breasts over chests, and even heart-gasms can occur! Also the position in which the man is behind the woman, guiding energy into her heart area as he thrusts. This can open the heart area.

Fourth Chakra Summary

Order Traditional name Common name Element Sexual Energy Love Making style Love Making position(s) Fourth Chakra Anahata Heart chakra Air Light Loving, tender, light Heart-to-heart, breasts and chests, man taking woman from behind and pushing sexual energy into her chest. Feeling of disconnection and separation from others Compassionate, possibly even over-sympathetic Green Simhasana

Weak symptoms

Strong symptoms

Colour Yoga Asanas

Activating the fourth chakra

Dance or listen to light classical music or airy new age music. Find music that seems to come from angelic realms! Try dancing as light as air, as if your feet do not touch the ground at all.

Work with forgiveness: forgive anyone you may still be resenting. This clears the heart. Increase gratitude. Think of all the blessings in your life and feel gratitude for them. Feel your heart opening up as you count your blessings! Bring more tenderness into your love-making. Spend time just eye gazing, feeling into your partners heart. Touch them with great tenderness as if you were touching a precious being (and you are!) Spend time in peaceful surroundings, such as meditation centers and healing centers, or meditation gardens. Feel the air as your breathe. Choose locations with very fresh air such as mountains and

watch the air as it flows in and out. Feel that it is cleansing your heart chakra. You may want to connect to people on this planet who imbibe the vibration of Unconditional Love, such as Amma. Sit in the presence of such as being and feel your own heart, Practice service. Do things that serves others, the community or the planet rather than selfserving. Meditate on the green colour and the symbol of the fourth chakra. You may breathe into the heart area to activate this chakra.

Journal questions to explore your fourth chakra

How do you feel when you are in the presence of love, either with a lover, a friend or in the presence of a guru. What comes up for you? How easily do you surrender to love?

Do you feel your heart is protected? In what ways do you keep yourself safe and yet separated?

How much of your life is self-serving, and how much is for the greater good. Take time to reflect. How light-hearted are you? Do you feel light spirited? Do you laugh with ease? Do you feel graceful? Do you imbibe the air element?

Take time to feel and write each question. After writing and contemplating, sit back in meditation pose (spine as straight as possible, root towards the earth and crown towards the sky) and breathe in and out of the fourth chakra area. After twenty minutes of meditation, sit back and see what thoughts, images, memories or reflections come to mind. You may wish to draw onto a blank page, any image that comes. Take a day or more to integrate before moving onto the next chakra. Watch what life brings you over those dayswho you meet and what you experience. They may well be lessons related to this chakra! Blessings on your journey!

copyright Shashi Solluna 2011. all rights reserved.

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