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Totally done in the spur of the moment, I got to do a cool tai chi style move and Biljara establishes

herself as a new crazy villain! All she needs now is a fleet LMAO! BljarEgleHak sits in the terrace she has two guards with her... BljarEgleHak her watchers .. or protectors .. its not easy to tell which .. Jedi_Master_Sage rises from the lake, his robe of naturally water resistant silk-fibres drying as it touches the air. with his dark robe worn loosely around him, he heads towards the palace terrace 8You are no longer marked as being away. Eternity_Shattai comes to the terrance...with her homework in one hand... Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Biljara and Eternity BljarEgleHak the guards move to a stance of alert as eturnity shattai comes.. but they do not worry she will be an assassasitation risk BljarEgleHak : oh... Sage... BljarEgleHak looks at eternaty .. almost with jelousy seeing sage come up the stairs withher ... her face similar to leon because of the family linage... they share a father... Eternity_Shattai isnt aware of exactly what is going on...she goes to her favorite chair and settles down for a long history homework...she has no idea why its vital to Alderaan that she understand the Hapen Alliance BljarEgleHak the trackers take a move of defence becomming alert to the presance of the jedi Master Jedi_Master_Sage Hello Biljara" he says disinterested as he orders a herbal tea, still amazed that such an insane woman could be the ruler of a world BljarEgleHak : I hear you went to Enos reciently ... Jedi_Master_Sage : You hear many things. BljarEgleHak : why did you go there so .... clandestantly

BljarEgleHak : you hiding from me Jedi_Master_Sage : I haven't been to Enos since before its name was changed. BljarEgleHak : Its Hakaru now.. Jedi_Master_Sage : yes, I haven't been there since it was changed to that BljarEgleHak : yes well some one saw you bring a body of a woman from the mother tree... . Jedi_Master_Sage : Are you sure? That could have been anyone BljarEgleHak : i figure it was you... no other jedi would come to hakaru now days... .. did you kill her? Eternity_Shattai gets up to order a drink, walking past Biljara and Sage... Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Eternity not knowing her Jedi_Master_Sage : I told you, I have never been to Hakaru as I have not been to Enos since before the name change Jedi_Master_Sage : And I do not kill unless it is needed, which has only been once BljarEgleHak : you still anti sith? Eternity_Shattai catches enough of the words to hear the name of enos...a planet she has learned to fear since Nikki started to raise her after her mohter's death Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm not pro-sith BljarEgleHak : I dont see anything wrong with them... in fact they have more life in them than you do .. BljarEgleHak she is ultra confident due to the fact that she has the two trackers with her Jedi_Master_Sage : Yes well.. thats a much different tone to when you were hiding from Shade. BljarEgleHak : Shade is ok.. in fact I love him.. BljarEgleHak : he is wonderful BljarEgleHak she gets that dreamy look in her eyes Eternity_Shattai glances back at Biljara...then at Sage...she has had her own exeriances with the Sith...considering she was concived as a Sithspawn before Epsilon implanted her into her young mother...she had been lucky to be raised by her Aunt Nikki, Jedi_Master_Sage : And.. you happen to know where he is now?

BljarEgleHak : he will make me a Mother.. BljarEgleHak : unlike you he likes me BljarEgleHak : if I did I wouldnt tell you.. BljarEgleHak na nanny na naa sound to her voice Jedi_Master_Sage : I don't think you do. If you did, you'd tell me so I would like you. BljarEgleHak : you could .. be my beau and take me away from all these bad guys.. you could save me as you saved epsilon.. BljarEgleHak she grins.. Eternity_Shattai stiffens...hearing Epsi's name... Jedi_Master_Sage : I could.. if I knew where to find Shade or what he's been up to. You see, if I could arrest him, I wouldn't have someone to be jealous of. BljarEgleHak : are you jelious of shade... ... really jelious of shade? Jedi_Master_Sage : Find out. BljarEgleHak : so.. if I dropped shade you would .. love me? Eternity_Shattai slowly walks back past them...tring to catch more of the conversation...without be obvious... BljarEgleHak : would you be my Master... Jedi_Master_Sage : If I could arrest Shade, I could come to like you very much. 8Talera has joined the conversation. BljarEgleHak : so if I told you where he is ... you would like me alot 8Talera is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : Yes I would be very appreciative if I had information that actually lead to his release. Jedi_Master_Sage : tal] Eternity_Shattai (dont you mean arrest?...or are we catching him and just letting him go) BljarEgleHak : release from what Master Talera : sage) Eternity_Shattai (is 13 and nosy) Jedi_Master_Sage : *arrest Jedi_Master_Sage : meh]]

BljarEgleHak : you would not hurt him would you .. he really is very nice he has watched over for me for years Jedi_Master_Sage : As long as he comes peacefully and serves his sentence. BljarEgleHak : what if he fights will you kill him? Jedi_Master_Sage : I would render him unconcious. Jedi_Master_Sage : I can do so with just a touch. 8Elie has joined the conversation. 8Elie is away. BljarEgleHak : can you do it to me with a touch BljarEgleHak : ... Touch me sage you fish man you ..... Jedi_Master_Sage : elianne]] Elie : sage)) Jedi_Master_Sage : After Shade has been arrested and sent to prison. BljarEgleHak : you only want shade .. you dont really want me.. BljarEgleHak she pouts Jedi_Master_Sage has absolutely no intention of going through with this, except for maybe rendering Biljara unconcious so he doesn't have to hear her speak anymore! the rest is nothing more than a ruse to get information.. his mind is guarded of course Jedi_Master_Sage : Are you going to risk missing an opportunity because of a suspicion? BljarEgleHak : Touch me .. kiss me sage and Ill do anything for you ... Ill be your slave .. ill get your webfootted slippers.. Elie I thought sage had goofy slippers?)) Talera : no elianne those are lendos , Sage has pink fuzzy bunnies) Jedi_Master_Sage : I have a better idea, you tell me all you know about Shade or I inform the NSF that you have withheld information of a known criminal from a JII officer. Eternity_Shattai (has Yoshi slippers) Elie : ooohhh ic...I have grinch slippers myself)) BljarEgleHak : you cant touch me .. I have dyplomatic immunity ...

Jedi_Master_Sage : Naboo does not recognise your immunity. BljarEgleHak : I am a soverine queen Eternity_Shattai is straining to hear what is going on...."diplomatic immunity...isnt she still wanted for attempted murder on Alderaan...or was that kidnapping?" Jedi_Master_Sage : We care, now please tell me all you know of Shade and I won't tell the NSF you were in league with him. BljarEgleHak : who .. Me ... I kidnapped noone ... its leongatha you want BljarEgleHak : sage protects her from you BljarEgleHak sticks her tounge out at sage Jedi_Master_Sage : Tathra protects herself, BljarEgleHak : I dont think I will tell you about shade.. he is nice you are nasty Jedi_Master_Sage : You know Biljara, I remember when you were in a psychiatric ward. They said you were insane, crazy and mad. But thats not true is it? BljarEgleHak she stands .. to leave her trackers forms ranks ... Eternity_Shattai watches... Elie later all...I'm not feeling up to rp right now)) BljarEgleHak : k) 8Elie has left the conversation. BljarEgleHak : Im not insane.. BljarEgleHak : im just diffrent .. I am a queen Jedi_Master_Sage : Prove it, only insane people refuse to aid in capturing criminals Jedi_Master_Sage has doubts that Biljara's lack of sanity would allow her to provide useful information BljarEgleHak : im going to marry him.. .. he loves me... when he comes for me we will be happy forever BljarEgleHak : imgoing to give him hakaru.. BljarEgleHak : he and I will rule together Eternity_Shattai rolls her eyes...just what Alderaan and Hapes need...insane enemies Jedi_Master_Sage : You might rule, but you'll always be a slave as long as you let him tell you what to do, as long as you defend him, he'll own you.

BljarEgleHak : and what is wrong about being owned.. at least you have someone looking after you all the time .. Jedi_Master_Sage : If you need to ask that question, you make it clear that you have chosen to be property and not a person. You're not a true queen and Leongatha will always be superior to you, you'll never be equal to her until you accept yourself as a person and not a sl Jedi_Master_Sage : slave. Eternity_Shattai listens... BljarEgleHak : leongatha gave me the throne .. she must think I am some one.. 8Talera has left the conversation. BljarEgleHak : leongatha is a mass murderer Jedi_Master_Sage : You don't have a throne, all you have is a collar in the shape of a chair. BljarEgleHak : I dont care what you say .. Jedi_Master_Sage : Leongatha is dead, killed in self defence by Tathra. BljarEgleHak she pouts back to him Jedi_Master_Sage : Keep telling yourself that. BljarEgleHak : and you think I am crazy .. to believe that .. leongatha is Tathra .. tathra is leongatha. Jedi_Master_Sage : They are two names of two different beings, only the body remains the same and even that has changed. BljarEgleHak she wispers something to one of the trackers who brings up his weapon and points it at sage Jedi_Master_Sage : I really would not do that. Eternity_Shattai stands...seeing the weapon BljarEgleHak : Im going .. and your not stopping me .. and if you follow my body guard will shoot Jedi_Master_Sage : Of course, you win this round. Jedi_Master_Sage places his hands by his sides near his belt.. Eternity_Shattai swallows...watching... BljarEgleHak : I always win .. BljarEgleHak she starts to walk out her trackers covering her back .. Eternity_Shattai as her trackers start to leave...Eternity

walks toward Sage... BljarEgleHak she grabs out at eternity ... BljarEgleHak : you can come with me Eternity_Shattai : Let go of me Eternity_Shattai snarls... Jedi_Master_Sage moves to stand between Eternity and Biljara, subtly grabbing a small tracking beacon from his belt BljarEgleHak the tracker moves to stop sage by moving towards him.. as biljara grabs hold of the arm... Eternity_Shattai tries to wrench her arm free... Jedi_Master_Sage snakes his arm toward the back incoming tracker's neck, attempting to press down on a pressure point that when touched, causes unconciousness - tai chi style, while he does this, he goes to surreptiously place the tiny beacon on Jara's outfit, where if su Jedi_Master_Sage successful, would likely be covered by the foldings of her outfit BljarEgleHak tracker goes down for the count the other tracker pulls biljara away biljara letting go of eternity .. keeping biljara safe taking predecence over the tracker falling... BljarEgleHak : ( the tracker gets on her clothes ) Eternity_Shattai once free...Eternity quickly moves out of reach...she is not foolish enough to give Jara a second chance to grab her and use her as a human pawn... Jedi_Master_Sage moves back from the Trackers and Jara as the beacon is placed Jedi_Master_Sage : Go Biljara, don't come back. BljarEgleHak leaves and returns to her place.. under her breath she says Im going to get you sage .. you are nasty 8BljarEgleHak is away. Eternity_Shattai : are you alright Eternity_Shattai asks Sage Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm fine, are you? Eternity_Shattai : yeah...i'm tougher than she thinks Jedi_Master_Sage takes out his commlink and looks at the

holo display "Good, I know where she is. She must be crazier than I thought, attacking you like that in public" BljarEgleHak the other tracker leaves after a warning look at sage... Eternity_Shattai : her ancestors havent done that already? Jedi_Master_Sage : Biljara is a slave, not a conspirer, anything she does of her own accord is done in passion, without thought Eternity_Shattai gives him a disbelving look...her entire life has been spent fearing the people of Enos and the family of her great grandmother Ywang...she was not about to change her opinion... BljarEgleHak the trackers remove her clothes and prepare her for her night .. a report is sent to seer .. the young queen is becoming a probem.. maybe it is time for him to come.. and do something Jedi_Master_Sage : Someone else, probably Shade is behind her actions otherwise, this was not a planned kidnapping. Eternity_Shattai : its never planned... Eternity_Shattai : I better Uncle will probably be looking for me... Eternity_Shattai : be careful, Master Jedi Jedi_Master_Sage : Wait, who are you? Eternity_Shattai : Eternity Shattai of Alderaan Eternity_Shattai : you knew my Aunt...Nicole Misico Mercans Jedi_Master_Sage : I believe so. Jedi_Master_Sage : What is the connection between Alderaan, Hapes and Enos, or Hakaru as its now called? Eternity_Shattai : there is no Alliance now...not since Leon controled the planet...Alderaan broke it off...there were too many attackes on the Misico family for the Alliance to survive Jedi_Master_Sage : Alright. Eternity_Shattai : I am staying with my uncle Lucias... Jedi_Master_Sage : If you need my help again, you can contact me through the council, I am Sage. Eternity_Shattai turns around and heads back toward her uncles...her bodyguards as always...keep their distance...but follow their young charge...

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