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How to Enjoy Heavenly Kingdom (2)

The Kingdom of God Is In Your Heart

** Starting Words

** Scripture Reading: Lk 17:20-21; Ex 29:42; 25:22; Jn 1:1-18; 2:5, 11, 16, 18-22; 3:3-6, 11; 4:20-24; 5:8, 17, 23-24, 39, 46-47; 6:27,
35-37, 53-57, 63; 7:37-39

1. The heavenly kingdom is nearer than we imagine, because the heavenly kingdom never leaves us = The heavenly kingdom is in
your heart
1) Man cannot see the heavenly kingdom, because he wants to see [the heavenly kingdom which is not the heavenly kingdom]
<Ex 32:1-14, Jn 1:10, 2:16, 3:4, 4:20>
- The heavenly kingdom that religions talk about / the heavenly kingdom experienced by others / mystical heavenly kingdom /
the heavenly kingdom that is not practical / the heavenly kingdom in thought and theory
- These are all completely the works of the devil Satan (blinds, deceives), beginning from our ancestors, Adam and Eve, in
<Gen 3>, until now…
- Those in the church, the degree to which they are deceived is the greatest
2) Since the creation of the world, the heavenly kingdom never leaves this world <Jn 1:1-5, Ac 17:24-28>
- [He is in the world, the world is also created through him, but the world does not know him]
- God does not change like shifting shadows / the state of the heavenly kingdom, the work of the angels never change…
- Since the creation of the world, God still protects, operates, controls everything in the universe
- His protection, guidance, are in every movement of our lives…<Ac 17:28>
3) So, this world which is filled with darkness, sins and curses, how can we identify it as the heavenly kingdom?  No! [The light
shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it] <Jn 1:5>, but there is a group of holy people who are chosen by
God and who accepted this light <Jn 1:12-13>. This group of sons of light is set apart from darkness, Satan, sons of the world.
The heavenly kingdom is manifested in their lives and fellowship, and the heavenly kingdom continues to be expanded through
the [fellowship of holy people]…
- What God wants to do through Noah, Abraham, Moses, is the descent and expansion of [kingdom of God]; this is also fulfilled
in Jesus Christ
4) The Lord says, the heavenly kingdom is within you! <Lk 17:21> We will know the heavenly kingdom is in the hearts of holy
people who are blessed and born again…
- The heavenly kingdom is in the spirits of those who are blessed, and who understand, love and submit to the perfect will of
- When holy people love and obey the perfect will of God in their living, the heavenly kingdom which descended upon the
spirits of holy people, will be manifested in the living fields of the holy people, and when that saint loves man and blesses
man, the heavenly kingdom which descended upon him will continue to expand unceasingly…
- Therefore, the heavenly kingdom is not brought about by changes to my external conditions (upbringing, family, knowledge,
interpersonal relationships, living fields), but by the transformation of the conditions in my spirit, and also by the change in
the belonging and meaning of my life, the heavenly kingdom descends upon all the conditions that I possess, such that all my
conditions can restore the heavenly sacred meaning…

2. Wherever [the perfect will of God is restored], the heavenly kingdom is manifested there
* So how should the holy people of the Lord [restore the perfect will of God in their hearts, and enjoy the heavenly kingdom
because of this restoration?]
1) The Lord says, the heavenly kingdom is within you  The Lord said to the Israelites who came out of Egypt, you are to build
the [Tent of Meeting] according to what I have instructed, there I will meet you and speak to you <Ex 29:42>; there are 3 layers
of structures in the Tent of Meeting, which are the [courtyard, Holy Place, Most Holy Place], God said you have to enter the
[Most Holy Place], there I will meet you and speak to you => The Lord says, the heavenly kingdom is within you; our physical
bodies represent the [courtyard], our hearts and minds represent the [Holy Place], our pure and clean spirits represent the [Most
Holy Place] = After building the holy temple in our spirits according to the teaching of Jesus Christ, in addition to our
understanding of the perfect will of God in everything, our communion with God has to enter deeply into [the conviction, love,
transformation, submission of our spirits]
2) What are the [perfect will of God] which need to be restored in our hearts today, according to the mysteries of Jesus Christ’s
manifestation, teaching, fulfillment, Immanuel? => In Christ, first must receive the [absolute truth which never change] to build
[basic ideology] = This is [dying and resurrecting together with Christ] (meaning of baptism) <Jn 2:19, 3:3-5>
① God never leaves us, and is forever with us  the manifestation of Immanuel Christ => must see and submit
② I am the [child of God] personally given birth by Him  the identity of Christ is my identity => judge and act in the capacity
of son
③The reason for creating and calling me is because of [love] through Christ, reveals the eternal boundless unconditional love
=> enjoy love and must love God and love man
④God gives me [eternal promises]  God blesses all people through Christ => I must use the perspective of the [4
gospelisations] to make judgment on all things
⑤ God gives me a living method [rely on the Holy Spirit (pray)]  Christ’s example => 24 hours in everything, listen to the
voice of the Lord
3) After building the holy temple, still need to learn more, test and approve more, experience more on [what is the perfect will of
God in all things]
- In all things, test and approve using the perspective of [child of God, being loved as well as love God and love man, the
promises bestowed by the Lord], then can correctly grasp the perfect will of God
- After being called, must use the perspective of [blessed life] to test and approve your own conditions and the perfect will
planned by God in your [past, present, future]
# After Moses was called, discovered the perfect will of God in his birth, growth, time, conditions, all encounters (all for the
sake of the 40 years which would follow)
# Likewise for Paul, Samuel, David, Daniel
- In particular, need to learn more on [how to maintain lively spiritual life, healthy body], [how to become good steward of time,
wealth, gifts], [how to bless family members, brethren, Gentiles more], [how to be involved in the missionary ministries of
regional and world gospelisation]

3. At all times, rely on the Holy Spirit, cast out demons, enjoy the heavenly kingdom <Mt 12:28, Jn 4:24, 7:37-39, 14:16-27, Ep
1) Saints who already received the illumination in their hearts through the [word of God, Christ, Holy Spirit], and thus received
[God’s perfect will in everything], only need to be willing to [rely on the Holy Spirit], and they can hear God’s voice, see the
state of the descent of the heavenly kingdom upon their hearts
- Of course, man is not God, God reveals His perfect will to man according to the timetable determined by God, all for [better
good of saints]; therefore, we cannot anyhow say [the convictions in our hearts are the voice of God], some convictions are
very clearly [the absolute perfect will of God, at that moment], but some convictions have to be tested, approved, confirmed,
and passed through the test of time, before they can be understood…
- With more experiences, more mysteries can be grasped, and the mysteries can be grasped more correctly
=> Brothers and sisters, must test in your spirits using various ways!
(When I rely on Holy Spirit, how does my spirit transform /in particular, how does power increase /what kind of things
continue to happen following that?…)
2) When you truly treat [the already tested, approved, and confirmed perfect will of God] as [the illumination of the Holy Spirit
(conviction, anointing)]…
- In your spirit, you will see that [the scene of God’s guidance of the paths of your life] is like that of [paths being opened in
wilderness, rivers flowing in the desert], you will understand the guidance of God more clearly / you will receive firm and
unshaken fixed perspective and faith /in all things, can test and approve God’s perfect will more and more easily and quickly
/ you can be a living testimony of [what you have seen, heard and touched] before man with more assurance
3) The operating of spirits, living and testimonies is completely in a [virtuous cycle]…
- In the spirits, receive infinite peace, joy, gifts, rewards from above…
- In living, always can see the evidences of the gracious hands of God personally leading, providing and fulfilling
- Be joyful always, give thanks in all circumstances, sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, and thus can testify
[whether in season or out of season]…
4) The people [whom you love in your heart, whom are with you always, whom you met], can also receive [the blessings that
come from the descent of the heavenly kingdom]
- The heavenly kingdom is a matter of [righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit] <Ro 14:17>, the fruit of the Spirit is

[love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control] <Ga 5:22-23>, in all things rely on
the manifestation, power and work of the Lord <Ep 6:10>. Therefore, people who are with you receive the same blessings
that you enjoy, not because of [human-driven compulsion], but because of [the conviction of the Holy Spirit]…
- Whomever you love, intercede for and bless, are in fact the [same beloved life] which God prepared. According to time, one
by one they will be blessed and will receive grace upon grace, to become a group of [blessed fellowship]. Through the blessed
people beside you, the communication network of your life will expand more and more, and expand infinitely and eternally…
# Paul, Timothy, Silas, Titus, and the blessed fellowship of <Ro 16:1-27>…

** Closing Words

Prayer topics for this week:

1) The heavenly kingdom is within you: Can I always see the heavenly kingdom? What is the heavenly kingdom that I see? If I still
cannot always see the heavenly kingdom, have I discovered the reasons behind?
2) Wherever [the perfect will of God is restored], the heavenly kingdom is manifested there: God says that you are to build the holy
temple, there I will meet you and speak to you: Can I explain the essence of [me dying and resurrecting together with Christ]? Can I
explain how to rebuild another holy temple (spiritual palace) in Jesus Christ? Can I use [the ideology (perspective) that is already
established] to receive the perfect will of God in my conditions, time, wealth, talents, interpersonal relationships? (= have I already
restored the meaning and power of heavenly kingdom?)
3) At all times, rely on the Holy Spirit, cast out demons, enjoy the heavenly kingdom: Can I enjoy [the blessings of heavenly kingdom],
if only I am willing? Can I explain: When I rely on Holy Spirit, [how my spirit transforms, how power increases, and the things that
continue to happen following that]? In my life and perspective, how much have I treated [the perfect will of God which has been tested,
approved, and confirmed] truly as [the illumination of the Holy Spirit]? Is my life and living currently operating in a [virtuous cycle]?

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