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Adapting Instruction. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Buck Institute for Education. "Project-based Learning." A Web-based System for the Professional Development of Teachers in Contextual Teaching and Learning Project. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University, 2001. Cain, S. E. (2002). Sciencing. 4th Edition, New Jersey: Merill Prentice Hall. (Chapter 7) Diversity, Learning Style and Culture. Accesed on 1 October 2009. Esler, W. K. & Esler, M. K. (2001). Teaching Elementary Science (8th ed.). Washington: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Fleer, M., & Hardy. T. (2001). Science for Children: Developing a Personal Approach to Teaching. (2nd Edition). Sydney: Prentice Hall. Frazee, B. "Questioning." A Web-based System for the Professional Development of Teachers in Contextual Teaching and Learning Project. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University, 2001. Free Kids Song MP3, It's a Dog, Animal song, cat, bird, fish! Accessed on 6 October 2009. Holubec, E. "Cooperative Learning." A Web-based System for the Professional Development of Teachers in Contextual Teaching and Learning Project. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University, 2001. Learning Styles in the Classroom: Learn How to Teach to Each Different Learning. room. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Martin, D. J. (2006). Elementary Science Methods: A Constructivist Approach. (4th Edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Martin, R.; Sexton, C.; Gerlovich, J. (2002). Teaching Science for All ChildrenMethods for Constructing Understanding. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. New Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching Elementary Science to Limited English. Accessed on 1 October 2009.

Skamp, K. (2004). Teaching Primary Science Constructively. Southbank, Victoria: Harcourt Brace. Strategies For Teaching African American Students. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Teach to Students' Learning Styles. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Teach to Students' Styles. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Teaching Statistics to Students from a Non-English Speaking Background. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Theories. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Using Differentiated Teaching Strategies: Lesson Planning Tips for Working with. Accessed on 1 October 2009. Yap, K. C.; Toh, K. A.; Goh, N. K.; Bak, H. K. (eds) (2004). Teaching Primary Science. Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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