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Molses ^aucQcLo


Dear Brethren:

"This letter comes to you Tf/ith the purpose of greeting you in the Lord, knowing that when you receive this into your hands, you will be
found enjoying the blessing of the Most High.

helping in the work here. I also \jant to thank those who sent personal offerings at Christmas time ... they were very helpful ... especially
after my marriage.

"I am always glad to hear from you, and from the churches ^^rho are

ture. These things would be very helpful in our work, but we can get along without them. As long as we have food and clothing, let us be

"y of you getting well our along finances, the kind offerinr^ that all sent along us. We are with getting withwith our food and clothin-". Our needs at the present are for a typewriter, and a desk and some furni^-

"VJith regard to the work, I have both good and bad news :

lady found out about the meeting, she asked us to leave the house and fxnd another one. She gave us 15 days to find another house. V7e are hoping that one of the families we have been teaching will open their home for the meetings until we get another place to meet.
01 town.

"The good news is that we had our first meeting, and had one family and several children. The following day (the bad news), when the land

"I thi^ the best thing to do will be to buy a lot in the west part There are lots for sale near downtown, that are already urban ized (water and sewer in, lights available), for about ^^0.00. Then you

could build a little at a time.

Brick is quite reasonalie (about $16

per 1,000), so the cost of building is not high.

no churches of any kind in the area*

The particular area

of town that I have in mind needs the gospel very much, as there are

"I have been vorking with a lawyer named Fernando Cantacho, and I do want you to pray for him. We have had several talkE> and he seems to be open to the truth. He knows of all the injustices and persecu tions that the Catholic Church has been guilty of, because of his
position as a lawyer.

school teacher I told you about). And, Mr Domingo Saiicedo is very prone
to accept the Lord, but his v;ife is the one who is not very receptive to the word of God. I also have been working with the neighbors.
"I bought Gospels of John to pass out, and some New Testaments.

"Also, Inofi Sisneros is still receptive to the gospel (he's the

They are sold in Mexico City for 25 cents (American money), but I do not give these gospels and New Testaments to everybody ,.. only to the ones that I see are interested in the Word. First I visit them, and
see that they are interested in the Lord, and then I give them one.

would be a good way to witness through a silent messenger,

If someone would like to send a gift for this particular purpose, it

"We are making plans to go and hold a two day meeting in Camp, so

we can plan for this coming year, and also plan some improvements for
the camp grounds.

San Luis Potosi, and spend the day in calling. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are used for calling in the city (and for preparing sermons, classes, etc.) On Thursday, I go i;here ray wife works, and hold services there,
Friday we return to San Luis Potosi together, and Saturday is spent together, and in getting ready for the Lord's Day. "We need your prayers that we might find a permanent place to
meet, and also, please pray personally for the ones I have mentioned: Fernando Camacho, Ines Sisneros, and Doningo Saucedo and his wife. Pray that the Lord may work through the Word to convince and convict
them for Jesus.

schedule for the week is about like this: On Sunday I hold services in San Luis potosi. On Monday, I take my wife to work (she teaches in a small town about 70 miles from here), and I return to

"Now I close my letter in Christian love.

Sincerely yours, in Christ,

/s/Moises Saucedo .

JrJJij b

J JJJ One picture is said to be worth ty.-i


thousand words so we are making this a long letter, by including a

picture of Moises.

Jfeny of you know him personally, and remember him as a happy, enthusiastic young man, with Christ on his heart.

We remember him that way, too, and

are very happy that we have the oppor
tunity to labor with him in the wcr:-: of the Lord in Mexico. We know that

great things will be done for the Lo.rc',

because His word is sure, and tellr, un
that the Word of God "will not return
. . . void."

We ask you to join with us in seeing this work for Christ go forward. Why not take this work as a special challenge for your class, or throufh
Lord willing. Will you be a part of its beginning? Please write to us, and send your contributions, c/o Christian Church
Fowler, Kansas 67844.. '

lishment of a new congregation in San Luis Potosi before long ... the

dollar do the work of four or five? We are looking forward to the estal--

your missionary giving in the congregation? V/here else can one American

our tirst newsletter, we quote from a Government tourist publication).

^^pOr^siiiiOn - (Continuing the article mentioned in

} Our IMx of Guadalupe - On December 12, people from all over the couvilr' lupe stands, to pay homage to Our lady of Guadalupe, It is a sacred plico, for didn^t the Virgin appear to Juan Diego, and in token that she was real
journey to the Hill of Tepeyac, at the foot of irfiich the fesiiica do Gv.c.dD."-

were awed by the picture of the Virgin they saw on it. This same picturo
of the Virgin is seen at Villa De Guadalupe ^ the church the Virgin dir

spot where nothing grewl And when he opened his robe the church authoriti-

ly the Virgin, didn't he follow her directions and pluck roses in a fcarron

^ should ^ built, that ste might watch over her people. (Emphasis minVj

Fiesta for ^ Dead - November 1st &2nd, This celebration, reminisr.o^ '
cious foods, of which the 'substance' is eaten by the spirits,
of preconquest days, is in honor of dead souls that come back to earth ach year. Altars may be seen in many homes, laden with dTi;.-

are without hope in a superstitious 'h^ll on,earth.)

(No wonder Ivfexican people often 'eat, drink, and are merry'


aaaiNVHvno aovisod nhoxsh




8^ q-TOijaj yV8A9 SBSUB}! 'jtaXHO^





agB-i^sod 'S'll ueSao Q-TJo-^d-^oN

CP c o J am investmg my life in human souls, I am sharing my Saviour with others, I ni helping solve the basic problem
of the worldSIN.

I am giving people an opportunity to have the advantages and privileges f

enjoy as a Christian, I am making an investment which will bring eternal dividends, I am becoming a fellow-worker with

God in saving the world.



^auc eJo

Dear Brethren:


I hope this letter finds you well, still working in the service of the Lord; and praying that the Lord has been with you and your whole family, as He has been with all of us unto this day.
I received your letters, and am very glad to know that you all are standing with me in prayer, and that you know all of my problems. I

have contacted several people for the Lord, but do not have a place to
invite them. Don Domingo Saucedo continues to be interested in the

Gospel. I return thanks to all of you who have been praying for Fernan do the lavjyer. He is shox/ing definite interest, and I have given him a

New Testiment, which he is reading.

I pray that the Lord v/ill open a

You have to be invited into

house where I can start freely holding meetings. If you knev; some of the circumstances that I am facing, you would pray harder. The work
here in Mexico continues to be difficult.

a home before you can teach anyone, and we must teach them. We want conversions; not just baptisms people who are convicted; not just
following convenience. This is the kind of soil into which we wish to

plant the Word.


We are hoping that we shall reap not very far in the

Wayne Hayes has purchased a house, which he rents to us for ^pl6.00

per month (I understand he pays $4-0.00 per month for the house). We have moved in, and are still arranging things and putting them away. My books are still on the floor, but we are getting some lumber, and building some bookshelves soon. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to hold worship meetings in this house at the present time. There isn't room for it anyway, but it would be better than nothing. I wish th^t some church or group would furnish $40..00 per month' in ordor that we could purchase the. house ourselves, and then we would be i-ble" to hold our meetings in our home. Even an additional $25.00 per rvonth, cbuplod vath our rent, v;ould make it possible for'us, to purchase e home. If you know of anyone who might be,".helping us:in
the Lord's work, plqase tell them of this needl

; I lave been meeting with a sir.all group that I previously told you about. They meet in a sinall coimiunity outside of Ssfn Luis Potosi. i
am hoping that I can lead them into simple New Testament Christianity

from the confusion of the Pentecostal beliefs that they h^ve previously

We have received a gift of $7.00 to use tov/ard purchasing Christian

literature, and we appreciate it very much. A Bible purchased from the

Bible Society costs about $1.25 in American money, and a New Testament
similar to the American Bible Society translation (Today's English Ver

sion - Good News for Modern Man)., .costs about 24^.

Also, I. use Scrip

ture portions, which are quite inexpensive. I never give, them,out "wholesale", but only give to those who show an interest. If anyone wishes to give money for the purchase of additional literature, : it would be appreciated as well.

Teresa is still te^iching, and makes about $100.00 per month. Most . of her inceme goes to support her parents. (She only keeps back enough
to pay-for our transportation from here to the little town where she

teaches. ) .


Moises wrote a detailed description of the Mexican obser

vance., of Lent, which seems about the same as the way it is celebrated

here by Roman Catholics, beginning with a l^rdi. Gras-style orgy,-etc.

Although we did not copy all of his comments, we thought his observa tion concluding his comment, was quite appropriate) ^ Jt s.eems that

they.(the Catholics) have th^ir religion only forty days per yearI
rNow I.close my letter in Christian love, knowing that you are .praying for,us. . '

Sincerely yours in the J-feister's service,


/s/ Moises Saucedo


There are 3 bees that make no honey ... Used-to-be; Ought.-te-be;


The peacock of today is tomorrow's feather duster. Solomon said,

"A man's pride shall bring him low."-

Pessimism is a frame of mind. Discouraging events are only com-paratively so.

Let the highest achievement of today be tomorrow's starting pointI

Tv/o tramps were walking along a street when one reached

do^n and picked up a wine bottle.

"Half empty."

He surveyed its contents and grumbled,

The other tramp exclaimed happily, "Half full'.".



We are prone to think of the Catho" lie church as simply another of

the denominational divisions of Christendom ... but in reality, it
is a sect.

There is some of the superstition

and fear found even here in the

U. S., but nothing similar to that which Moises, and other Bible be lieving Christians and missionaries
have found in other lands.

The picture at the left, though not clear, represents a statue of Christ
that is found in front of an unfin
ished Catholic church building.

Although the Catholic church would claim that its followers do not vjorship idols, this statue is a denial
of that statement, l^hile the remainder of the statue is covered with

dust from the construction in progress around it, the feet of the statue are white and dust-free, because countless superstitious pea sants (and some well-to-do neople) have kissed the feet of the statue,

while imploring for the answers to their prayers.

Oh, how dark is

the darkness among those who are kept from the Bible, and from a siinple' faith in Jesus as Saviour. (I borrowed the picture and the facts concerning the statue from one of the old missionary newsletters in my files, and cannot recall who first used it ... nevertheless, our thanks to them.)

^-/hile you are thinking about this, let me ask you ... Are YOU doing
your part to help our Christian missionaries to spread the Good News
in Mexico?




(SEP 24-27)
It's only 922 miles

Our Mexican missionaries are inviting Christians from all over the U.
S. to come visit them in Mexico before or after the 21st National

Missionary Convention in San Antonio, Texas.

from San Antonio to San Luis Potosi.

V/hy not drop in for a visit?



4^ fnn JitMU CUMSi ^Urrtf enamv K &UU


the principal supporter of Moises

us to this service. IJhen Moises

^'owl-r Christian church has been

since his return to Mexico, and we

are pleased that God has permitted
returned to Mexico after the Mission ary Convention, the church voted to

gi^rantee additional support to Moises, and has been doing so regularly since t)iat time. The Buruell Christian churchy Burwell, Nebraska, and
the West Side Christian church of Denver, Colo., have made contribuBut so much more needs to be doneL tions_ toward this work $ well.

Isn't there a class in your congregation that would be able to provide

regular committment to some real New Testament evangelism in Mexico?
Here- is-a native son, with a- solid Bible education at Colegio Biblico and Ozark.Bible College able to move about among all the people of Mexico with the Good News I We know that you see the opportunity. Be one of those ,v;ho help provide additional rent, or Bible literature, or

some support for Moises? Isn't there room in your church budget for

daily living expenses, or a typewriter,

Distributed for MOISES SAUGEDO, by the

of the work in Mexico. . Put wings on his feet.

or some of the other necessities

Let God use youl

Non-Profit Organ. U.S. Postage Pd

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Fowler, Kansas 678U

. Permit

Jim Stacy, minister

ari. San

^ Antonio




,Visit A '< Forei^

'Mission .Meocico.

in I a]. Vic.
Pield^ Si^i up today]

" C 'r^fo!

mnHMjNii iHui

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