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Reflection for Third Sunday of Easter READ First Reading: Acts 2:14, 22 - 28 Second Reading: 1 Peter 1: 17-21 Gospel:

Luke 24: 13 - 35 LOOK 1. He was known before the foundation of the world but revealed in the final time for you, who through him believe in God who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. (1 Peter 1: 20 21). We are blessed because we have come to know that Jesus is the Son of God. We can even consider ourselves more for fortunate than the patriarchs and prophets because what they only saw in vision, we have seen in faith fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Our eyes of faith makes us see and encounter Jesus. This personal encounter with Jesus is essential in Christianity because as Benedict said that it is not a set of beliefs or ethical ideals but a personal encounter with Jesus. We are reminded by the experience of Paul on the road to Damascus where he encountered the Risen Lord. The Lord has never left us orphaned, the Risen Lord continue to manifests himself to us and remains with us through the Scriptures and the Eucharist celebrated in community. Being with Jesus is not the exclusive privilege of the early Christians; Jesus Christ is with us, here and now. Whenever we read the Sacred Scriptures and celebrate the Eucharist, we enter into an experience that can make us affirm and share in the testimonies of the early Church that the Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon... and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread (Luke 24: 34- 35). 2. The personal encounters by the two disciples of Jesus on the road to Emmaus moved them to share their experiences to others. Stories are powerful vehicles by which we can share our experiences. It is a unique human faculty to tell stories, not only those that are made up but also about our life experiences. Stories have the power to unite and liberate people because stories can give them a sense of identity and purpose.

Stories regarding our encounters with the Word create community. Just as an encounter with the Lord moves a person to share this wonderful experience with others, those who listen to and obey the Word can blossom into a community. LISTEN The Resurrection appearances of the Lord showed that, indeed, he has risen from the dead. This same Risen Lord is the same Lord that we experience in our time. He is with us just as he was with those who have seen him when he was still here on earth. The Sacred Scriptures tells us that the Lord appeared to individuals and to groups. However, these individuals did not just keep the joy of encountering the Risen Lord for themselves. They proclaimed it to a community. This tells us of the importance of the Church in our life of faith. A person's experience of God is nurtured in a community of believers who share and value the Word of God in their lives. We need to have a community where we can express and share our encounter with the Lord. At the same time, we need a community that will affirm us in our life of faith. Our initial but life transforming encounters with the Lord finds sustenance through our continuous and meaningful encounters with the Word in the community and in the Eucharist. Faith life sharing, Lectio Divina and Bible studies are examples of basic but effective ways of helping our parishes and communities become dynamic venues where the Word becomes alive. PRAY Lord Jesus, stay with us and guide us to move from darkness into life. Amen SHARE/WRITE

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