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Dennis' Tao Update To Friend '10

In addition to my activities as an instructor and doing the Taoist practices, I also assist Master Mantak Chia as an editor and contribute some writing for his books, etc. While doing some research for the DOOR TO ALL WONDERS book in 2002-03, for which I wrote a 36-page introduction, I came across the work of Dr. Fritz A. Popp, Elementary Particle Physicist, instructor at the Radiology Center of Philipps University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany. The book I was studying is The I CHING & The GENETIC CODE (subtitled: The Hidden Key To Life), Second Edition authored by Dr. Martin Schonberger and copywrited by Aurora Press in America in 1992. The first edition was copywrited in Germany in 1973. Schonberger writes in the Second Edition in Germany four years later, 1977: Popp's discovery ... not published until 1975 ... a whole area of new territory has been mapped out in the field of molecular genetics ... is of equal status with the principle of the DNA code itself ... the discovery of the "other half" of the DNA system: the half that is complementary to the material aspect, which has so far been the only one defined. ... is associated in principle with the known chemicophysical structure of DNA, corresponds exactly with its nodes and antinodes, and forms a unity with it. ... has discovered a complex system, still only partially explored, of vibrations ranging in frequency between ultrasound and ultraviolet light and displaying numerous phenomena such as absorption, reflection, polarization, depolarization, resonance and even a laser function (with a minimum of photons) ... ... According to F.A. Popp, the wave character of DNA also implies that between the cells of the body there is a universal system of communication operating at far higher speeds than the humoral and neural systems -- which have alone been known to us hitherto -- namely at velocities ranging between those of sound and light. Ultraviolet biosignals "ride" on the spirals of DNA and activate specific codons. FALSIFICATION OF THESE SIGNALS MEANS CANCER; their extinction "puts out the light" of the whole body. ...Both of F.A. Popp's discoveries of wave systems, which are associated with DNA and its mathematical structure, have far-reaching consequences for molecular biology. But at the same time, they throw an illuminating and explanatory light on the hypothesis of a uniform code system for mind, psyche [soul], and soma [the physical entity of an organism, exclusive of the germ cells]. ...the biogeneticist of today finds the jumble of the DNA code sequences, helixes, and clover-leaf forms an insoluble riddle if he confines himself to the field of [conventional] science and excludes powers, creative formative forces, the polarity of yang-yin, and transcendence. The I CHING, which, by this hypothesis, is coincident with the DNA system, is perhaps the textbook of this cosmic force, static tension and dynamic flux flowing into the matrix of the DNA. Dr. Fritz Popp states his opinion directly in a short essay at the end of the book in the last paragraph of the last page of the book: "... the paradigm introduced here leads to the recognition that spirit can be transformed from matter, and matter only gains in significance through the spirit." I had met Dr. Fritjof Capra once then physics professor at UCal-Berkeley in 1975. He had been invited to talk at a meditation meeting in Berkeley of the Bay Area initiates of my Master, Kirpal Singh (deceased 1974). Capra (nice guy, good mind) had recently published his book, THE TAO OF PHYSICS. So in my research for my writing the 36page Introduction for the DOOR TO ALL WONDERS in 2001, I reviewed the Second

Edition, of that book, published in 1983, to refresh my perspective of atomic/quantum physics. I had referenced Niels Bohr as one of the godfathers of quantum physics and the anecdote that Fritjof relates on page 160 in his book about Bohr's appreciation of the Tao. He had chosen the Taoist yin-yang tai chi symbol and the inscription 'Opposites are complementary' for the motif of his coat-of-arms. For the ending of the section titled 'Concluding Comments' in my Introduction for the DOOR TO ALL WONDERS, I wrote: "Create your own coat-of-arms in your body's consciousness in the core of your cells and manifest your body wisdom. The purpose of our Taoist practices is to enable us to be healthy, happy, conscious, evolving human beings and thereby be able to achieve life beyond life." What a small world. Just now I picked up my copy of Capra's book and flipped it open to check a detail, and by chance (serendipity) it opened to page 52, the first page of Chapter 4, titled THE NEW PHYSICS. The first sentence begins with a reference to Eastern mystics, saying: "...the direct mystical experience of reality is a momentous event which shakes the very foundations of one's world view. D.T. Suzuki has called it 'the most startling event that could ever happen in the realm of human consciousness ... upsetting every form of standardised experience, and he has illustrated the shocking character of this experience with the words of a Zen Master who described it as 'the bottom of a pail breaking through'." And right after that Fritjof quoted famous pioneers of atomic/quantum physics and other famous mystics. Einstein: "All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this (new type of) knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built." As I sit here writing, I can't help but to laugh and chuckle as I now remember my first meditation experience which was granted to me by no other thanguess who, no other thanhimself, D.T. Suzuki at the ZaZen Center. That was about 1965 in San Francisco. Getting back to "Fritz"that might be a nicknameI think I saw somewhere that his initials F.A. stand for Francis Albert. Probably that info came from a book called THE FIELD, The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, by Lynne McTaggart. The title is a reference to the Zero Point Field identified in the realm of atomic/quantum physics. McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author who was commissioned by HarperCollins Publishers to do research and write the book. Thereby, she had arranged to have private instruction in the essentials needed to understand and communicate the state and implications of the science of quantum physics. One of her teacher/interviewees was Dr. F.A. Popp. Great Britain, U.S. and Quill editions of the book were published in 2001-02 and 03 respectively. I have now misplaced my copy of the book, but I was grateful to have an update on Fritz Popp's life and career. First of all, he was fired from his position at the university in Germany because he had practiced what he preached! He had created equipment to implement the technology for "Ultraviolet biosignals that 'ride' on the spirals of DNA and activate specific codons. Falsification of these signals means cancer; their extinction 'puts out the light' of the whole body." He was using his equipment and healing people's cancer energetically by 'turning on the light in the cells' with his light therapy technology. Of course, more progressive institutions sought him out, honored him and offered him prestigious positions.

I was involved in a project in 200405 in writing (and rewriting several more times) an introducton to the Universal Healing Tao Teaching for Master Chia for the Universal Healing Tao website. This prompted me to update my conceptions of this modern era of atomic physics and quantum mechanics. So I did some research including THE FIELD and other sources. The correlation of modern scientific discoveries and concepts fit the Taoist practices very well. Presenting and describing Master Chia's teaching of Taoist concepts and practices involves the realms of 'Dark Matter' (sub-atomic wave/particle entities) and 'Primordial Chi.' We teach people to 'Reprogram their DNA' and re-engineer cell functionality in order to refresh and upgrade their health, quality of life, longevity and to facilitate spiritual development.'

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