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Scriptural Truth vs.

Pulpit Lie$
By Patricia Backora
Put Christ on your credit card
Go out on a limb for the Lord
Be thou a faithful steward
Give much more than thou canst afford.
The Scriptures are elastic
Just stretch Gods truth a bit
hip out that handy plastic
!aith always runs a ris".
#$nore uneasy feelin$s within
%ont $o a$ainst the flow
#f youve $ot money throw it in
#ts time for suc"ers to sow.
Those bi$ bandwa$on slo$ans
That ma"e rich preachers richer
&re they spun out of emotions
'r do they stac" up with Scripture(
# &)T *+ P#, -#G.T )'/ #T. #C, C-,&* P#L,% ') T'P0
.ow hardly shall they that have riches enter the "in$dom of God 1*ar"
But woe unto you that are rich/ for ye have received your consolation
1Lu"e 84597.
#! T., *&!#& C&) .&:, & C&%#LL&C/ .+ C&)T #(
hy cant you have your own protection rac"et too( ho are your
role models anyway(
.avin$ food and raiment 1clothes7 let us be therewith content 1#
#! +'< &)T T' G#T BL,SS,%/ %')T ,&T +'<- S,,%/ S' #T T'
*,,T '<- *#)#ST-+S ),,%0
#saiah 8=4554 They shall not build/ and another 1someone else7
inhabit> they shall not plant/ and another 1someone else7 eat4 for as
the days of a tree are the days of my people> and mine elect 1chosen
ones7 shall lon$ en?oy the wor" of their hands.
G'% .&S )&T<-&L L&S '! S'#)G &)% -,&P#)G. #! +'< &)T
C'-)/ PL&)T C'-) S,,%. #! +'< &)T T' -,&P *'),+/ PL&)T
S'*, *'),+ S,,%.
#f you want corn to pop up on your property/ wouldnt you sow corn
seed on your ') land( So whose yard do you thin" your lettuce will
sprout up in(
#! +'< %')T P&+ +'<- T#T.,/ G'% ')T -,B<@, T., %,:'<-,-.
#saiah 8=4564 They shall not labour in vain/ nor brin$ forth for
trouble> for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord/ and their
offsprin$ with them 1)o mention of tithin$ here7.
T#T., T' T., SP#-#T<&L L,:#T,S .' !,,% +'<0
)ew Covenant tithin$ is a $rave dispensational error. Laws meant for
the )ation of #srael have been transplanted into the Church/ and
$reedy churchmen have rewritten the tithin$ law to profiteer from it.
#ll $o into detail to show what a tan$led mess modern tithin$ is.

2. Jesus called tithin$ Aa matter of the LawB 1*att.564567. Tithin$ was
part of the Law of *oses/ as youll discover at the end of Leviticus
5C463D69. )owhere in that passa$e is money listed as a tithable
commodity. e Christians are )'T under the Law of *oses anyway
1-om.8429> Gal.6459D5=>=42;>7. Galatians =49 teaches that when you
$o bac" under the Law/ you fall from $race 1ris" losin$ your salvation7.
5. B<T &B-&.&* T#T.,% B,!'-, T., L&/ S' T.&T *,&)S +'<
.&:, T' T''0
This desperate plea "eeps the cash flowin$. #n Genesis Chapter 29/
youll discover several thin$s about &brahams tithe that no dishonest
preacher ,:,- brin$s up4
a. &brahams tithe was ta"en from the spoils of a war fou$ht to rescue
his nephew Lot from the @in$s of the Plain/ who had raided Sodom and
stolen its $oods and citiEens. &brahams tithe Aof allB 1Gen. 294537 did
)'T include a tithe of his personal estate or income. .ebrews C49
confirms that "ey point4 )ow consider how $reat this man was/ unto
whom even the patriarch &braham $ave a tenth of the spoils 1Gr.
akrothinion, best of the booty7.
b. :erse 29 tells us the S'<-C, '! &brahams tithe/ the very !#-ST
mention of tithin$ in Scripture4 de$enerate Sodom and Gomorrah. #f
the preacher wants you to imitate &brahams tithe/ why not rescue
$oods stolen from a cathouse and present them to the preacher(
c. )owhere does it state that &braham ever tithes a$ain/ or instructs
his descendants to tithe on their income.
d. &braham also practiced circumcision/ animal sacrifice/ and/
poly$amy 1see Gen.5249>55426>5=487. Should we also follow
&brahams eFample in these thin$s(
6. G'% ')T BL,SS +'< <)L,SS +'< T#T.,0 .,LL S#C@ T.,
C<-S, '! *&L&C.# ') +'<0
hoa/ there0 ho was the Boo" of *alachi addressed to in the first
*alachi 646 1Just five verses before the famous tithin$ passa$e7 &nd
he 1God7 shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver> and he shall purify
T., S')S '! L,:#/ and pur$e them as $old and silver/ that they may
offer unto the Lord an offerin$ in ri$hteousness. hy should God all of
a sudden shift .is focus to ordinary pewDwarmers(
LowerDran"in$ Levites were responsible to brin$ in the best ten per
cent of the tithes they themselves received from the people/ and $ive
them to the priestly family of &aron 1)um.2;45=D5;7. The sons of Levi
had failed to "eep meat 1food/ not money7 in Gods .ouse 1*al.64;D
237. #t was ?ob of the L,:#T,S to transport the tithe of the tithe into
the provision storehouses of the Temple after farmers and herdsmen
of #srael had delivered to them ten per cent of #sraels a$ricultural
output. 'rdinary #sraelites were not permitted to come anywhere near
the Tabernacle or its furnishin$s/ on pain of death 1)umbers 2;4557. ##
Samuel 848D; relates how <EEah/ a Levite/ touched the &r" and died
instantly. Today/ preachers ST#LL play with fire when they tamper
with Gods ord to profit from it0
#f ordinary #sraelites werent even allowed to come near the 'ld
Testament dwellin$ place of Gods Presence/ how on earth could they
be the ones responsible for Abrin$in$ all the tithes into the .ouse of
the LordB/ or $et cursed for failure to do somethin$ which wasnt even
their ?ob(
Tithin$ enforces an unscriptural cler$yDlaity distinction in the Body of
Christ/ and robs the )ew Testament believer of his position in Christ.
There &S a cler$yDlaity division under the 'ld Covenant/ but that
was caused by sin. God had ori$inally planned that all #srael should be
priests unto .im 1,Fodus 2G4=D87. But a few chapters later they threw
a wild party around a $olden calf/ committin$ fornication and $ross
idolatry 1,Fodus Chapter 657. &s punishment/ the #sraelites lost their
national priesthood/ and after that God chose Levi eFclusively to serve
as #sraels priests and Tabernacle careta"ers. God even separated this
tribe unto .imself from the rest of the children of #srael 1)umbers

henever some reli$ious person decided to improve on Gods way of
doin$ thin$s/ what was the result(
Leviticus 2342 &nd )adab and &bihu/ the sons of &aron/ too" either of
them his censer/ and put fire therein/ and put incense thereon/ and
offered stran$e fire before the L'-%/ .#C. ., C'**&)%,% T.,*
:,-S, 5 &nd there went out fire from the L'-%/ and devoured them/
and they died before the L'-%.
#n )umbers chapter 28 God destroys a $roup of lowerDran"in$ Levites
who dare to challen$e &aron for the top ?ob of .i$h Priest. They end
up $ettin$ swallowed up alive into hell 1verses 63D667. #n verse 6= the
Lord rains fire on imposters who dared to offer up unauthoriEed
incense. #n verse 93 God clearly says that nobody who is not
descended from &aron is permitted to draw near to offer incense unto
.im. The ordinary people C'<L% )'T have ta"en tithes into the
Temple storehouses either0 The real miracle is not that most people
dont become millionaires from tithin$/ but that modern preachers
arent immediately ?ud$ed by God for twistin$ .is ord for sordid
*odern preachers boast of bein$ spiritual Levites/ but they could set
their si$hts hi$her. )ot all members of the Tribe of Levi belon$ed to
the priesthood.
#n )umbers Chapter 2C God confirms that .e has chosen the line of
&aron out of all the Tribe of Levi to perform the office of the
priesthood. &ll other families of Levi must share their tithes with them.
But &arons family did )'T tithe.
)ehemiah 2346;4 &nd the priest the son of &aron shall be with the
Levites/ .,) T., L,:#T,S T&@, T#T.,S4 &)% T., L,:#T,S S.&LL
B-#)G <P T., T#T., '! T., T#T.,S #)T' T., .'<S, '! '<- G'%/
T' T., C.&*B,-S/ <)T' T., T-,&S<-, .'<S, 1.eb. owtsar,
storehouse/ or $arner7.HHHH)otice/ it was the L,:#T,S/ not the other
tribes of #srael/ who brou$ht in that particular tithe that went into the
Temple storehouse.
#f preachers are so anFious to claim the office of Aspiritual LevitesB/
which Levites do they mean( The priestly line of &aron/ or the lowerD
ran"in$ Levites held $uilty by God of failin$ to brin$ food into the
storehouse of God/ to supply the needs of officiatin$ priests wor"in$
their assi$ned shifts in the Temple(

hat is the -,&L curse of *alachi/ and who eFactly is it aimed at( The
fisherman( The potter( The sandalma"er( The widow with barely two
mites to scrape to$ether(
*alachi 542 &nd now/ ' +, P-#,STS/ this commandment is for +'<.
:,-S, 5 #f ye will not hear/ and ye will not lay it to heart/ to $ive
$lory unto my name/ saith the L'-% of .osts/ # will even send a curse
upon you/ and # will curse your blessin$s> yea/ # have cursed them
already/ because ye do not lay it to heart.
Continue readin$ to the end of verse G in this passa$e/ and you will
see that God is rebu"in$ the Levites/ not the people. God is here
concerned with the $ross sins of Levi 1verse 97 with whom he had a
special covenant. #t is the priests who have caused all #srael to
stumble/ not the ordinary #sraelite0
<nder the )ew Covenant/ the entire Body of Christ is part of Gods
priesthood of all believers 1# Pet.54=/G> -ev.=4237. The 'ld Covenant
priesthood did not pay any tithes. )o one would have dared threaten
those priests with the loss of Gods favor for failure to pay unscriptural
money tithes/ either0
Tithin$ is a denial of your personal priesthood in Christ. !ar from
bein$ an act of faith/ it is a shameful to"en of surrender to men who
dare to place themselves in the position of Christ Jesus/ the only .i$h
Priest of the )ew Covenant. Tithin$ places you bac" under the curse
of the law/ because if you pled$e to "eep one part of the Law/ you
must "eep it &LL0 1Gal.64237. Besides/ if you had lived under the 'ld
Covenant and tried to pay your tithe with a fiftyDdollar bill/ it would
have been counted as sin because tithes on salaries and wa$es were
never commanded. &nd what about the thirdDyear tithes for widows
and orphans 1%eut.2945;D5G7( )ot to mention re$ular animal
sacrifices/ drin" offerin$s/ and periodic pi$eon offerin$s for women.
hy havent these laws also been transferred over to our dispensation
of $race by $reedy preachers( *aybe they fi$ure a pi$eon could be
cau$ht free of char$e. So they wouldnt ma"e money off pi$eon
offerin$s anyway/ ha0
SeminaryDtrained preachers @)' theyre pullin$ your le$ with lies
and resortin$ to emotional bullyin$ to enforce an ille$itimate tithe
under false pretences. The Body of Christ is bein$ violated both
financially and spiritually by these charlatans0
#! +'< %')T G#:, T#LL #T .<-TS/ G'% ')T .,&- '- &)S,-
+'<- P-&+,-S.
#saiah 8=4594 &nd it shall come to pass/ that before they call/ # will
answer> and while they are yet spea"in$/ # will hear.
)o mention in those verses about havin$ to pay the preacher first0
G#:, T#LL #T .<-TS.
.urts who( # $uarantee/ if it was the preacher who felt the pain/ hed
sin$ a different tune. #ts easy to be $enerous with other peoples pain.
T., G-,&T,- T., S&C-#!#C, T., G-,&T,- T., BL,SS#)G.
But if ye had "nown what this meaneth/ # will have mercy/ and not
sacrifice/ ye would not have condemned the $uiltless 1*att.254C7.
G'%S %'), &LL .,S G'#)G T' %' &B'<T T., %,:#L T#LL J,S<S
C'*,S B&C@/ S' #TS <P T' +'<. S&T&) #S &!-&#% '! .&T
+'<-, &B'<T T' %'0 G,T T.'S, C.,C@B''@S '<T )' &)%
*&@, & SP,C#&L %,!,&T T., %,:#L %')&T#')0
-omans 284534 &nd the God of peace shall bruise satan under your
feet shortly 1no mention of money7.
#f Jesus victory on Calvary isnt enou$h to scare the devil/ # doubt a
few dollars will do the tric".
#TS T#*, T' P<T G'% T' T., T,ST.
Thou shalt not tempt 1put to the test7 the Lord thy God 1*att.94C7.
*&@, & :' '! !&#T. -#G.T )'0
Better it is that thou shouldst not vow/ than that thou shouldst vow
and not pay 1,ccl.=4=7.
*atthew =466 &$ain/ ye have heard that it hath been said by them of
old time/ Thou shalt not forswear 1per?ure7 thyself> but shall perform
unto the Lord thine oaths 1vows7.
:,-S, 69 But # say unto you/ Swear 1vow7 not at all> neither by
heaven> for it is Gods throne4
:,-S, 6= )or by the earth> for it is his footstool4 neither by
Jerusalem> for it is the city of the $reat @in$.
:,-S, 68 )either shalt thou swear by thy head> for thou canst not
ma"e one hair white or blac".
:,-S, 6C But let your communication be +ea/ yea> )ay/ nay> for
.&TS',:,- #S *'-, T.&) T.,S, C'*,T. '! ,:#L.
hen thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God/ thou shalt not
slac" to pay it4 for the Lord thy God will surely reIuire it of thee/ and it
would be a sin in thee 1%eut.564527.
)otice/ God places responsibility for fulfillin$ the vow on +'</ not on
the preacher who conned you into ma"in$ it0 &nd if you dont pay it/
God will count that bro"en vow as a S#)0 #f youve fallen into this
trap/ theres still hope. #n *atthew 8425 Jesus tau$ht .is disciples to
pray4 !or$ive us our debts as we for$ive our debtors. God is able and
willin$ to wipe your slate clean and $ive you the $race not to fall into
the same trap a$ain0
#n %euteronomy 56455 God clearly states it is )'T a sin to forbear
1refrain from7 ma"in$ a vow. God does )'T say forbearin$ to ma"e a
vow is a si$n of wea" faith0
%')T *#SS T., ST#--#)G '! T., &T,-S0 T.#S &)'#)T#)G #LL
S'') P&SS/ S' S' & S,,% !'- T.&T *#-&CL, +'< ),,% !-'*
T., L'-%0 %')T L,T T.#S SP,C#&L S,&S') '! &)'#)T#)G ,JP#-,
B,!'-, +'< G,T %,L#:,-,% '<T '! +'<- P-'BL,*0 .#P '<T
T.&T C.,C@B''@ -#G.T )'0
Psalms 9842 God is our refu$e and stren$th/ a very present help in
trouble 1no eFpiration date on this ancient coupon07.
&nd as for missin$ the stirrin$ of the .5'/ who did Jesus heal( The
one who plun$ed into the Pool of Siloam first/ or the man who never
reached the water( 1see John =45DG7.
B'--' T., -,)T *'),+ #! +'< *<ST0 G'% #LL G#:, #T B&C@ #)
PL,)T+ '! T#*,/ &)% +'< #LL .&:, ,JT-& T' *,,T 'T.,-
That pushy preacher ?ust mi$ht persuade you to i$nore Gods inner
caution that this $uy mi$ht be a con artist. But hey/ loo" at it this
way4 ,ven if you send the preacher money for yet another mansion
and God decides not to meet the preachers deadline/ theres always a
par" bench to crash on.
The &postle Paul was a renter 1&cts 5;4637. #f you really believe Paul
tau$ht the saints to live responsibly/ do you thin" Paul would have
played -ussian -oulette with .#S rent money to help televan$elists
purchase more Porsches and pin" wi$s(
Besides/ what if that old Scroo$e landlord wont $ive your seed eFtra
time to sprout up/ even when you plead with him that you mailed off
his rent money for Athe LordsB wor"( hat if you dont "now how
pitch a tent/ and the only showers of blessin$ you $et soa" your
sleepin$ ba$(
%o you thin" Brother Bi$wi$ on T: would let you borrow one of his
twelve mansions if you didnt $et your bi$ windfall in time( %ont ban"
on it0
B'--' ') +'<- C-,%#T C&-% #! +'< *<ST/ B<T %')T *#SS '<T
') +'<- *#-&CL,0
The borrower is servant 1slave7 to the lender 1Prov.554Cb7.
Gods people have been set free by the Cross of Christ. hat does a
vow do to your soul(
)umbers 63494 &nd her father hear her vow/ and her bond wherewith
she hath B'<)% .,- S'<LK.1you can read the entire passa$e
here will that rich preacher be when the wolf comes bayin$ at your
door/ or some collection a$ency pesters you on the phone which is
about to be cut off( hy/ the preacher wont worry about your bills.
.es out spendin$ your money0

Tal" about lettin$ others use you0 Brother Judas Jet Chariot doesnt
mind sellin$ you into slavery 1to a debt collection a$ency7 and chainin$
you to a vow to finance his fli$hts to !antasy Land0 )o sweat off his
bac" if you ris" the ?ud$ment of God by puttin$ yourself bac" under
the curse of bro"en law0 But hey/ isnt an eFtra horse ranch or
pleasure ?et worth sellin$ Gods children bac" into bonda$e to satan(
P'<- ') *'-, G<#LT B+ &B<S#)G G'%S !-,, G#!T !'- S,L!#S.
G&#)0000 This abomination has no eIual0 The lowest of the low resort
to this0 Judas would roll over in his $rave0
G'% G&:, .#S :,-+ B,ST &T C&L:&-+/ S' #! +'< %')T G#:, +'<-
B,ST 1*'),+/ .&T ,LS,(7 +'< %')T L':, J,S<S :,-+ *<C.. S'
#! +'< &-,)T APL&)T#)G S,,%B/ %')T G' C-+#)G T' G'% .,)
+'< G,T S#C@ '- G,T !#-,%. +'<:, G'T )' -#G.T T' G-#P, #!
T.#)GS %')T G' +'<- &+0 S,-:,S +'< -#G.T/ +'< G-,,%+
G'%D-'BB,-0 #! +'< T-<L+ ,-, T.&)@!<L !'- J,S<S %,&T.
') T., C-'SS/ +'<% G#:, T#LL #T .<-TS.
# Pet.242; !orasmuch as ye "now that ye were not redeemed with
corruptible thin$s/ as silver and $old/ from your vain 1worthless7
conversation 1way of life7 received by tradition from your fathers>
:,-S, 2G But with the precious blood of Christ/ as of a lamb without
blemish and without spot.
)o mention of havin$ to shell out cash to $et redemption/ or to "eep
Paul said4 # have coveted no mans silver/ or $old/ or apparel 1&cts
%')T *#SS G'%S T#*#)G0 .&T T.'< %',ST/ %' L<#C@L+0
ho did Jesus tell to act Iuic"ly( Judas/ the crumb who betrayed
Jesus and sold .im for 63 pieces of silver 1John 2645C7. Todays
televan$elists sell Jesus for a whole lot more. ,ven Christs blood
&tonement is bein$ used to shame people into emptyin$ their wallets/
ma"in$ craEy vows and $ettin$ into debt0
Which has you chant endless aith conessions! li"e a #$o"en $eco$d %o&#ie
Lu"e 2542= Ta"e heed/ and beware of covetousness4 for a mans life
consisteth not in the abundance of the thin$s which he possesseth.
But when ye pray/ :&#) use not vain retitions/ as the heathen do4 for
they thin" that they shall be heard for their much spea"in$.
J<ST B,L#,:, &)% +'<LL -,C,#:,
The devils also believe/ and tremble 1James 542Gb7.
+e as"/ and receive not/ because ye as" amiss/ that ye may consume
it upon your lusts 1James 9467.
# actually saw some rich preacher do this4
.&T +'< C')!,SS #) T., SP#-#T<&L -,&L* T&@,S T#*, T' B,
*&)#!,ST,% '<T&-%L+. T.,-, #S &L&+S T-&:&#L B,!'-,
B#-T.. S' &CT '<T +'<- !&#T.0 G-&B +'<- ST'*&C. &)% G-'&)
#) T., ,JP,CT&T#') '! C.#L%B#-T.. C'**&)% T.&T *'),+ +'<
:#S<&L#M, B+ !&#T. T' B, B#-T.,% #)T' T., :#S#BL, -,&L*.
Sounds li"e the preacher is scrapin$ the bottom of his ba$ of tric"s. #f
his private ?et crashDlanded out in the middle of nowhere and he $ot
hun$ry/ what would he do( ould he count his contractions and shout4
.ambur$ers/ come out into the visible realm and feed me0 .ow would
your Travailin$ Salvation Showman brin$ forth his newborn bur$ers(
ould he need an obstetrician to deliver his sac" of Bi$ *acs( ould
he need a C section/ li"e &rnold SchwarEene$$er had in *r. *om(
.eres one for all those worldly windba$s scarin$ tithes out of Gods
people4 #saiah 5842;4 e have been with child/ we have been in pain/
we have as it were brou$ht forth wind> we have not wrou$ht 1done7
any deliverance in the earth> neither have the inhabitants of the world
%')T +'< %&-, ,)T,- G'%S .'L+ P-,S,)C, #T.'<T &)
'!!,-#)G B,C&<S, ., C.&-G,S &%*#SS#') T' '<- B&-)<* N
B&#L,+ S.'0
Saints/ were &L-,&%+ in Gods Presence0 Believers are ?oined to
Christ as '), SP#-#T 1# Cor.842C7. .ow much closer to God do you
thin" you can $et than that( %oes God move out if we fail to pay our
Atithe rentB to some flashy preacher on T:/ an imposter whose denim
Levis can claim more "inship to Levi than he can0 Christ dwells in our
hearts B+ !&#T. 1,ph.642C7/ and our body #S the Temple of the Livin$
God 1## Cor.84287. .ow do you tithe to Gods )ew Covenant Temple(
Swallow a fiftyDdollar bill(
.ebrews =429 Seein$ then that we have a $reat hi$h priest/ that is
passed into the heavens/ Jesus the Son of God/ let us hold fast our
profession 1no mention of payin$ admission to the deacon7.
:,-S, 28 Let us therefore come B'L%L+ unto the throne of $race/
that we may obtain mercy/ and find $race to help in time of need.
Greedy preachers dare to ma"e the 'ne ay into Gods Presence a toll
road0 Shame on them0 hat $reater spiritual sin a$ainst the Body of
Christ can they commit0
&S '<- L':, G#!T T' +'< !'- +'<- C')T-#B<T#') '! O5333 '-
*'-,/ ,LL S,)% +'< & P-,C#'<S .,#-L''* +'< C&) @,,P !'-
+'<- C.#L%-,) T' C.,-#S. &S & P,-P,T<&L T,ST#*')+ T' +'<-
!&#T.. SP,C#&LL+ *#)T,% '! 59@ G'L%/ T.#S :#CT'-S *,%&LL#')
'! !&#T. #S ,*B'SS,% #T. P<-, S#L:,-/ & P,-P,T<&L -,*#)%,-
'! +'<- T-#,% &)% T-<, !&#T.. ')L+ & L#*#T,% )<*B,- '!
T.,S, :#CT'-S *,%&LL#')S #LL B, *#)T,% 1Than" heavens07.
-,*,*B,- T., #%' .' S&C-#!#C,% .,- &LL T' *,,T G'%S
!unny how the minimum acceptable contribution/ the widows mite/
"eeps on $ettin$ bi$$er and bi$$er. Thats ?ust inflation/ # $uess. #
wonder where these Aprecious heirloomsB of Apurest $oldB are churned
out/ and how much the thirdDworld slaves who ma"e them $et paid(
&re they Aheroes of faithB too(

&nd what about boastin$ in our own $ood wor"s( #snt showin$ off a
Aprecious heirloomB you $ot for pamperin$ the preacher a form of
boastin$( # dont thin" God approves of us boastin$ of wor"s
performed to earn .is favor 1,ph.54G7. &nd arent we supposed to
have our eye on a .,&:,)L+ reward/ instead of a corruptible one 1#
&s for God needin$ our cash/ that sounds a bit fishy. # was under the
impression that the streets of Glory were solid $old 1-ev.524527.
hat about Gods bi$ cattle spreads( 1Psalms =34237. The poorest
Afaith partnersB cant even afford to feed a cat. &nd in verse 25/ didnt
God plainly say that if .e were hun$ry/ .e wouldnt even tell us/
because everythin$ &L-,&%+ belon$s to .im( God can rustle up a TD
bone stea" anytime .e feels li"e it0
%')T L<,ST#') AT., L'-%B/ J<ST L'S, +'<-S,L! #) T.,
BL,SS#)G ST-,&*.
# doubt the Lord of heaven is behind all the craEiness happenin$ in
meetin$s where victory videos replace the written ord of God . *ore
li"ely/ its the poodleDpermed lord of the loot who is rainin$ down the
$old dust and an$el feathers.
Prove 1test7 all thin$s. .old fast to that which is $ood 1# Thes.=4527.
The spirit of the prophet is sub?ect to the prophets 1# Cor.294657.
:,-S, 66 !or God is not the author of confusion/ but of peace/ as in
all churches of the saints.
J<ST @,,P ') S#)G#)G/ S&#)TS/ T#LL G'%S P',- C'*,S %')0
#s God so tone deaf .e didnt $et the messa$e the !#-ST time you
san$ that silly son$ that insults your intelli$ence and ma"es you ?ump
li"e a ?ac" rabbit( ,ven the *oonies chant over and over to $et in the
swin$ of thin$s.
Sin$in$ to soften hearts is ?ust another form of fleshly selfDeffort/
thou$h it seems oh/ so spiritual. #ve been in services where the crowd
psychs itself up into happyDclappy hysteria/ sin$in$ the same
overemotional/ spiritually anemic chorus over and over/ swayin$ and
?umpin$. But there would be no lastin$ fruit from their eFertions. &fter
the service/ everyone would ya" about sports or the weather. ,ven
praise can be ST&G,% to earn Gods blessin$s. There are times people
should be silent in Gods .oly Presence 1.aba""u" 5453> Mech.54267.
Pac"in$ the service with eFcitin$ music and prosperity formulas draws
payin$ crowds/ but it doesnt necessarily brin$ conviction to sinful
hearts in need of a Savior. #n &cts 5429D68 Peter preached a simple/
short sermon and he didnt even $ive an altar call. +et people were
Apric"ed in their heartsB by the .oly Ghost and they as"ed what they
needed to do to be saved 1&cts 546CD927. There is no record of Peter
Awarmin$ up the crowdB with special music/ no offerin$ ta"en/ no
invitational hymn/ not even an altar call. #t was entirely by the
soverei$n $race and mercy of God that souls came to Christ.
S,,T S<S#, #LL @,,P ') S#)G#) T#LL T.&T T'T, B'&-% .#TS
'), *#LL#')0
&mos =456 Ta"e away from me the noise of thy son$s> for # will not
hear the melody of thy viols.
:,-S, 59 But let ?ud$ment run down as waters/ and ri$hteousness as
a mi$hty stream.
# suspect God is far more interested in purity of motive than fine
Preachers @)' they are poor/ blind/ miserable/ and na"ed spiritually
1-ev.642C7. They @)' they serve money instead of God/ and they
could never in a thousand years $et the lon$Dlastin$ results humble
Simon Peter $ot in his own ministry. The apostle Peter fished for
men. Peter had no $old or silver/ but he was able to $et people healed
1&cts 642D227. !ishers for funds have to resort to talent shows and
sensational new doctrines to "eep the crowd fired up with enthusiasm
to $ive.
Brother Loveloot mi$ht $et an awestruc" AreverentB loo" on his face
and say/ softly and tenderly4
G'% SP'@, T' *, T.&T T.,-, &-, T,) P,'PL, #) T.#S
&<%#T'-#<* .' C&) G#:, T,) T.'<S&)% %'LL&-S &P#,C,.
C'<L% +'< B, '), '! T.,*(
This is an appeal to peoples pride4 ho will be amon$ Gods chosen
few of faith/ more spiritual than all the selfish schmuc"s who han$
onto their rent money(
ith a rich/ resoundin$ voice the preacher mi$ht say4
T., SP#-#T '! G'% SP'@, T' *, &)% S&#% .,% BL,SS +'<- S,,%/
S' G,T <P '!! +'<- !&T %<!!S &)% *,,T GODS ),,% -#G.T
)'0 G#:, +'<- B#GG,ST B#LL T' G'%0 '- B,TT,- +,T/ *&@, &
ST&)%#)G %')&T#') B+ C-,%#T C&-%0
hos $oin$ to -<S. my bi$$est bill up to God( Gabriel( %oes God
need filthy lucre to renovate .is rainbows in heaven( .ow did God
ever mana$e to create the earth before reli$ion discovered %iscover
Card( !unny/ God hasnt spo"en to *, about donatin$ *+ bus fare to
buy more pin" wi$s and $oldDplated fiFtures0
#ts bad enou$h the preacher will pressure people with $uilt/ fear/ pride
or $reed to empty their poc"ets. #ts bad enou$h hell $et them to
deny their own priesthood in Christ by revivin$ 1and reinventin$ to suit
themselves7 the 'ld Testament practice of tithin$ to men. But usin$
the Blessed .oly Spirit to fill their coffers is playin$ with the devils
*%/ ?ust li"e a bird brea"Ddancin$ on a live wire0
&nanias and Sapphira paid a terrible price for playin$ $ames with the
Spirit of God 1see &cts =42D227. .ow easily people for$et0
!#LL '<T T.&T PL,%G, C&-% -#G.T )'0
Jesus wasnt too "een on ma"in$ vows. %id Jesus really commission
.is disciples to $o into all the world and $et people to si$n pled$e
S,)% T.&T *'),+ #)/ !'L@S/ &)% T., L'-%LL BL,SS +& -,&L
)'T '), sermon have # ever heard preached on this little $em4
.e that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches/ and he that $iveth
to the rich shall surely come to want 1eFtreme poverty7.
&ll # can say is that verse never fails to wor"/ and if you want to avoid
unnecessary heartache you wont buy Brother Bi$wi$ any more
antiIues or mansions.
%')T L<,ST#') T., ), T.#)G AG'%B #S %'#)G. T-<ST +'<-
*atthew 2=429 Let them alone4 they be blind leaders of the blind.
&nd if the blind lead the blind/ both shall fall into the ditch.
Lu"e 2C42 #t is impossible but that offences will come4 but woe unto
him/ throu$h whom they come0
:,-S, 5 #t were better for him that a millstone were tied about his
nec"/ and he cast into the sea/ than that he should offend 1cause to
stumble7 one of these little ones.
#! +'<:, B,,) ,&T#)G '<- SP#-#T<&L !''% #T.'<T
S<PP'-T#)G T.#S !&#T. *#)#ST-+/ +'<-, S#))#)G &G&#)ST T.,
#saiah ==42 .o/ every one that thirsteth/ come ye to the waters/ &)%
., T.&T .&T. )' *'),+> come ye buy and eat> yea/ come buy wine
and mil" #T.'<T *'),+ &)% #T.'<T P-#C,.
:,-S, 5 as"s4 herefore do ye spend money for that which is not
.ow many horse ranches/ wine cabinets/ sun beds/ diamonds and
!erraris does that T: preacher really need before he proves to the
world hes a child of the @in$(
S&#)TS/ #TS T#*, T' #):,ST #) G'L% B,!'-, T., T-#B<L&T#')
.#TS. G'% &)TS .#S C.#L%-,) T' %-#:, T., B,ST C&- &)%
,&- T., !#),ST CL'T.,S.
# counsel thee to buy of me $old tried in the fire/ that thou mayest be
rich> and white raiment/ that thou mayest be clothed/ and that the
shame of thy na"edness do not appear> and anoint thine eyes with
eyesalve/ that thou mayest see 1-ev.642;7.
#! +'< %')T &)T T' B, P&-T '! T.#S *':, '! AG'%B/ T.&T
%''- S#)GS B'T. &+S. G''% -#%%&)C,0 G'% %')T ),,%
+'< &)+&+0
-evelation 54= -emember therefore from whence thou art fallen/ and
repent/ and do the first wor"s> or else # will come unto thee Iuic"ly/
and will remove thy candlestic" out of his place/ eFcept thou repent.
-evelation 2;49 &nd # heard another voice from heaven/ sayin$/
Come out of her/ my people/ that ye be not parta"ers of her sins/ and
that ye receive not of her pla$ues.
*oneyDhun$ry fat cat preacher/ why are so many leavin$ your floc"(
Because with lies ye have made the heart of the ri$hteous sad/ whom
# have not made sad 1,Ee".26455a7.
.ow lon$ will God have to put up with $reedy do$s 1and fat cats7 that
can never $et enou$h of the $reen stuff 1#sa.=84227(

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